parseConfig::_AidsOp | |
cmsutils::_bqueue_item< T > | |
cmsutils::_bqueue_itr< T > | |
parseConfig::_ConfigReturn | |
Mixins::_ConfigureComponent | |
parseConfig::_DictAdapter | |
parseConfig::_DictCopyAdapter | |
parseConfig::_EndPath | |
parseConfig::_FollowsOp | |
parsecf::pyparsing::_ForwardNoRecurse | |
SequenceTypes::_HardDependency | |
_HcalPart | |
_I2O_FU_DATA_DISCARD_MESSAGE_FRAME | Storage Manager Data Discard Message |
_I2O_FU_DQM_DISCARD_MESSAGE_FRAME | FUResourceBroker DQM Discard Messages |
_I2O_SM_DATA_MESSAGE_FRAME | Storage Manager Data Message |
_I2O_SM_DQM_MESSAGE_FRAME | Storage Manager DQM Messages |
_I2O_SM_MULTIPART_MESSAGE_FRAME | Storage Manager Multi-part Message Base Struct (class) all multi-part messages build on this one |
_I2O_SM_OTHER_MESSAGE_FRAME | Storage Manager OTHER Messages |
_I2O_SM_PREAMBLE_MESSAGE_FRAME | Storage Manager Preample Message we want the run number if we knew it in this message |
parseConfig::_IncludeFile | |
parseConfig::_IncludeFromNode | |
parseConfig::_IncludeNode | |
parseConfig::_IncrementFromVariableSetter | |
Mixins::_Labelable | |
parseConfig::_LeafNode | |
parseConfig::_MakeFrom | |
parseConfig::_MakePlugin | |
parseConfig::_MakeSeries | |
parseConfig::_MakeSetter | |
Modules::_Module | |
SequenceTypes::_ModuleSequenceType | |
parseConfig::_ModuleSeries | |
parsecf::pyparsing::_NullToken | |
parseConfig::_ObjectHolder | |
Mixins::_Parameterizable | |
parseConfig::_ParameterReplaceSetter | |
Mixins::_ParameterTypeBase | |
parseConfig::_Path | |
parseConfig::_ProcessAdapter | |
parseConfig::_PSetReplaceSetter | |
parseConfig::_ReplaceNode | |
parseConfig::_ReplaceSetter | |
parseConfig::_Schedule | |
parseConfig::_Sequence | |
SequenceTypes::_Sequenceable | |
SequenceTypes::_SequenceIgnore | |
SequenceTypes::_SequenceLeaf | |
SequenceTypes::_SequenceNegation | |
SequenceTypes::_SequenceOpAids | |
SequenceTypes::_SequenceOperator | |
SequenceTypes::_SequenceOpFollows | |
parseConfig::_SimpleListTypeAppendSetter | |
parseConfig::_SimpleListTypeExtendSetter | |
Mixins::_SimpleParameterTypeBase | |
Mixins::_TypedParameterizable | |
SequenceTypes::_UnarySequenceOperator | |
Mixins::_Unlabelable | |
Types::_Untracked | |
Mixins::_ValidatingListBase | |
Mixins::_ValidatingParameterListBase | |
parseConfig::_VPSetAppendSetter | |
parseConfig::_VPSetExtendSetter | |
parseConfig::_VPSetReplaceSetter | |
reco::parser::Abort | |
AboveSeed | |
funct::Abs< T > | |
funct::tmpl::abs< n, positive > | |
funct::tmpl::abs< n, false > | |
reco::parser::abs_f | |
funct::AbsExpression | |
funct::AbsFunctExpression | |
funct::AbsStruct< T > | |
reco::isodeposit::AbsThresholdVeto | |
reco::isodeposit::AbsThresholdVetoFromTransverse | |
AbstractConfFitter | An abstract configurable reconstructor |
AbstractConfReconstructor | An abstract configurable reconstructor |
AbstractLTSFactory< N > | Abstract class that defines an LinearzedTrackStateFactory |
reco::isodeposit::AbsVeto | |
pat::eventhypothesis::AcceptAllFilter | |
AcceptanceTableHelper | Access to acceptance tables stored in ROOT file |
AcceptJet | Decide if jet and associated parton satisfy desired kinematic cuts |
Accumulator | For validation purposes |
reco::parser::acos_f | |
edm::ActionTable | |
edm::ActivityRegistry | |
ActivityRegistry | Description: Registry holding the signals that Services can subscribe to |
AdaptiveGsfVertexFitter | Sequential vertex fitter, to be used with the Gaussian Sum Vertex Filter After the vertes fit, the tracks can be refit with the additional constraint of the vertex position |
AdaptiveVertexFitter | An iterative reweighted fitter |
AdaptiveVertexReconstructor | |
ADC | |
reco::fitHelper::Adder< C > | |
reco::fitHelper::Adder< edm::OwnVector< T > > | |
AddFourMomenta | Set up a composite reco::Candidate adding its daughters four-momenta and electric charge |
cscdqm::Address | Structure to store detector addresses of any granularity: from whole detector to the single HV element |
cscdqm::AddressBox | Area covered by Address in eta/phy space |
cscdqm::AddressBoxStationPartition | Structure to store eta/phy atomic element for Physics efficiency |
cscdqm::AddressMask | Mask of the address which is used to switch on and off appropriate Address fields |
AddTvTrack | |
AddTvTrack::TrackInfo | |
pat::helper::AddUserFloat | |
pat::helper::AddUserInt | |
pat::helper::AddUserPtr | |
lat::Adler32 | Compute an Adler-32 checksum of a data stream |
AdvListView | AdvListView provides extra flexibility to QListView |
AdvListViewItem | Implements advanced list view item to be used with AdvListView |
cms::AlCaDiJetsProducer | |
AlCaEcalHcalReadoutsProducer | |
AlCaElectronsProducer | Class declaration |
AlCaElectronsTest | |
AlCaGammaJetProducer | |
AlCaHOCalibProducer | Change magnetic field inside |
AlCaIsoTracksProducer | |
AlCaPhiSymRecHitsProducer | Description: Producer for EcalRecHits to be used for phi-symmetry ECAL calibration |
AlCaPi0BasicClusterRecHitsProducer | Description: Producer for EcalRecHits to be used for pi0 ECAL calibration |
AlCaPi0RecHitsProducer | |
AlgebraicROOTObject< D1, D2 > | ============= When we need templated root objects |
Algo | |
Algob | |
AlgoCheck | Base class for generated checking code for algorithm parameters |
AlgoCheck::ConstraintE | Constraints as defined for algorithm-parameters in the XML schema Algorithm.xsd, expressions |
AlgoCheck::ConstraintS | Constraints as defined for algorithm-parameters in the XML schema Algorithm.xsd, strings |
AlgoImpl | Implementation of an algorithm, non generated checking code |
AlgoMap | |
AlgoPos | Class for algorithmic positioning, represents an algorithm |
AlgorithmCalibration< T, CO > | The AlgorithmCalibration class is the interface between user code and calibration framework developed for BReco subsytem |
ALIBestUnit | |
AliDaqDistance | |
AliDaqEventHeader | |
AliDaqPosition2D | |
AliDaqPositionCOPS | |
AliDaqTemperature | |
AliDaqTilt | |
ALIFileIn | |
ALIFileOut | |
geometryXMLparser::Alignable | |
Alignable | Abstract base class for alignable entities |
AlignableBuilder | A class to build alignable composites |
AlignableBuilder::LevelInfo | |
AlignableComposite | |
AlignableCSCCEndcap | The alignable muon CSC endcap |
AlignableCSCChamber | A muon CSC Chamber( an AlignableDet ) |
AlignableCSCEndcap | Concrete class for muon CSC Endcap alignable |
AlignableCSCRing | Concrete class for muon CSC Ring alignable |
AlignableCSCStation | Concrete class for muon CSC Station alignable |
AlignableData< T > | Helper class to store position data of an alignable; Contents: position vector, rotation matrix, DetId and TypeId; can be used for both absolute and relative positions/rotations |
AlignableDataIO | Abstract base class for IO of alignable positions/shifts |
AlignableDataIORoot | Concrete class for ROOT based IO of Alignable positions |
AlignableDet | An AlignableComposite corresponding to a composite GeomDet direct components are AlignableDetUnits or AlignableDets |
AlignableDetOrUnitPtr | Class to hold either a pointer to an AlignableDet or to an AlignableDetUnit |
AlignableDetUnit | A concrete class that allows to (mis)align a DetUnit |
AlignableDTBarrel | Concrete class for muon DT Barrel alignable |
AlignableDTChamber | A muon DT Chamber( an AlignableDet ) |
AlignableDTStation | Concrete class for muon DT Station alignable |
AlignableDTSuperLayer | A muon DT SuperLayer ( an AlignableDet ) |
AlignableDTWheel | Concrete class for muon DT Wheel alignable |
AlignableModifier | |
AlignableMuon | Constructor of the full muon geometry |
AlignableNavigator | A class to navigate from a DetId to the corresponding AlignableDetOrUnitPtr |
AlignableObjectId | Allows conversion between type and name, and vice-versa |
AlignableObjectId::reverse_pair | |
AlignableSiStripDet | An alignable for GluedDets in Strip tracker, taking care of consistency with AlignableDet components |
AlignableSurface | A class to hold a surface with width and length for alignment purposes |
AlignableTracker | |
AlignmentAlgorithmBase | |
AlignmentAlgorithmBW | Alignment Algorithm for the Laser Alignment System developed by Bruno Wittmer |
AlignmentAlgorithmPluginFactory | Plugin factory for alignment algorithm |
AlignmentCorrelationsIO | Abstract base class for IO of Correlations |
AlignmentCorrelationsIORoot | Concrete class for ROOT based IO of Correlations |
AlignmentCorrelationsStore | |
AlignmentCSCBeamHaloSelector | |
AlignmentCSCOverlapSelector | |
AlignmentDetector | - Date
- 2006/11/03 16:25:34
- Revision
- 1.1
AlignmentDetectorCollection | A collection of AlignmentDetector |
AlignmentErrors | |
AlignmentEstimator | Analyzer of the StandAlone muon tracks for alignment with tracks |
AlignmentExtendedCorrelationsEntry | Data container for a correlations matrix (represented by a vector of floats), with basic access functions |
AlignmentExtendedCorrelationsStore | |
AlignmentGlobalTrackSelector | |
AlignmentIO | Abstract base class for input/output of Alignment parameters, Correlations, as well as absolute and relative coordinates of Alignables |
AlignmentIORoot | Concrete class for ROOT-based I/O of Alignment parameters, correlations and Alignable positions |
AlignmentIORootBase | Base class for ROOT-based I/O of Alignment parameters etc |
AlignmentMonitorAsAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
AlignmentMonitorBase | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
AlignmentMonitorGeneric | |
AlignmentMonitorMuonHIP | |
AlignmentMonitorMuonPositions | |
AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals | |
AlignmentMonitorPluginFactory | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
AlignmentMonitorSurvey | |
AlignmentMonitorTemplate | |
AlignmentMonitorTracksFromTrajectories | |
AlignmentMuonHIPTrajectorySelector | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
AlignmentMuonSelector | |
ALignmentMuonSelector | Selects a subset of a muon collection and clones Track, TrackExtra parts and RecHits collection for SA, GB and Tracker Only options |
AlignmentMuonSelector::ComparePt | Compare two muons in pt (used by theNHighestPtMuons) |
AlignmentMuonSelectorModule | Selects a subset of a muon collection and clones Track, TrackExtra parts and RecHits collection for SA, GB and Tracker Only options |
AlignmentParameterBuilder | Build Alignment Parameter Structure |
AlignmentParameters | Base class for alignment parameters |
AlignmentParametersData | |
AlignmentParameterSelector | - Author:
- Gero Flucke (selection by strings taken from AlignableParameterBuilder)
AlignmentParametersIO | Abstract base class for I/O of AlignmentParameters |
AlignmentParametersIORoot | Concrete class for ROOT-based I/O of AlignmentParameters |
AlignmentParameterStore | Basic class for management of alignment parameters and correlations |
AlignmentPositionError | The position error of a Det due to alignment |
AlignmentProducer | Package : Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer Description : calls alignment algorithms |
Alignments | |
AlignmentSeedSelector | |
AlignmentTrackSelector | |
AlignmentTrackSelector::ComparePt | Compare two tracks in pt (used by theNHighestPtTracks) |
AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector | |
AlignmentUserVariables | (Abstract) Base class for alignment algorithm user variables |
AlignmentUserVariablesIO | Abstract base class for I/O of AlignmentUserVariables |
AlignSetup< Type > | A helper class to hold objects used by modules in alignment |
AlignTransform | Class holding data for an Alignment transformation It contains the raw detector id, its global position and global orientation |
AlignTransformError | Class holding error due to an Alignment transformation It contains the raw detector id and the symmetrical error matrix |
ALILine | |
ALIPlane | |
ALIRmDataFromFile | |
ALIUnitDefinition | |
ALIUnitsCategory | |
ALIUtils | |
edm::serviceregistry::AllArgsMaker< T, TConcrete > | |
AllContentWithinFixedRange | Base for all MostProbables Children classes |
AllContentWithinFloatingRange | |
AlpgenEmptyEventFilter | |
AlpgenExtractor | |
edm::AlpgenInfoProduct | |
AlpgenInfoProduct | - Author:
edm::AlpgenProducer | |
AlpgenProducer | Generates Pythia HepMC events |
edm::AlpgenSource | |
AlpgenSource | Generates Pythia HepMC events |
edm::AlpWgtFileInfoProduct | |
AlpWgtFileInfoProduct | - Author:
- Maurizio Pierini
AmplitudeSegmentFP420 | |
AnalysisRootpleProducer | |
AnalysisRootpleProducerOnlyMC | |
AnalyticalCurvilinearJacobian | Creating Jacobian of transformation within the curvilinear frame |
AnalyticalErrorPropagation | |
AnalyticalImpactPointExtrapolator | Extrapolate to impact point with respect to vtx, i.e |
AnalyticalPropagator | (Mostly) analytical helix propagation to cylindrical or planar surfaces |
AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer | |
reco::modules::AnalyticalTrackSelector | |
AnalyticalTrackSelector | Selects a subset of a track collection, copying extra information on demand |
AnalyticalTrajectoryExtrapolatorToLine | Extrapolate to the closest approach w.r.t |
cms::Analyzer_minbias | |
parsecf::pyparsing::And | |
reco::parser::AndCombiner | |
pat::eventhypothesis::AndFilter | Does the AND of some filters |
edm::AndHelper< A, B > | |
AndPairSelector< S1, S2 > | |
AndSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 > | |
AndSelector< S1, S2, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand > | |
AndSelector< S1, S2, S3, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand > | |
AndSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, helpers::NullAndOperand > | |
Angle< T1, T2 > | |
reco::isodeposit::AngleCone | |
reco::isodeposit::AngleConeVeto | |
anlzrname | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
AnnealingSchedule | |
AnotherDummy | |
AnotherDummy2 | |
statemachine::AnotherLumi | |
anotherPedestalsRcd | |
reco::parser::AnyMethodArgument2VoidPtr | |
reco::parser::AnyMethodArgumentFixup | |
AnyMutex< M > | |
reco::parser::AnyObjSelector | |
AnyPairSelector | |
AnySelector | |
ApplyEnergyCorrection | Apply correction factor to candidate energy and momenta, presenrving direction |
ApvAnalysis | ApvAnalysis is the base class for the simulation of APV/FED |
ApvAnalysisFactory | |
ApvFactoryService | An interface class to set the parameter in ApvAnalysisFactory |
ApvLatencyAlgorithm | - Author:
- M
ApvLatencyAnalysis | - Author:
- M
ApvTimingAlgorithm | - Author:
- M
ApvTimingAnalysis | - Author:
- M
ApvTimingHistograms | |
ApvTimingHistosUsingDb | |
ApvTimingSummaryFactory | |
ApvTimingTask | |
edm::ArbitraryType | |
Args | |
lat::Argz | |
AsciiNeutronReader | This reads patterns of neutron hits in muon chambers from an ASCII database, so they can be superimposed onto signal events |
AsciiNeutronWriter | This writes the fields of a SimHit into an ASCII file, which can be read out later to add neutron hits to a muon chamber |
edm::AsciiOutputModule | |
reco::parser::asin_f | |
edm::AssertHandler | |
AssociatedVariableCollectionSelector< InputCollection, VarCollection, Selector, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, RefAdder > | |
reco::modules::AssociatedVariableCollectionSelectorEventSetupInit< S > | |
edm::Association< C > | |
edm::Association< C >::Filler | |
edm::helper::AssociationIdenticalKeyReference | |
edm::helper::AssociationKeyReferenceTrait< T > | |
edm::helper::AssociationKeyReferenceTrait< reco::CandidateCollection > | |
edm::AssociationMap< Tag > | One-to-many or one-to-one associative map using EDM references |
edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::const_iterator | Const iterator |
edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::Find | Find helper |
AssociationMapOneToOne2Association< CKey, CVal > | |
edm::AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > | |
AssociationVector2ValueMap< KeyRefProd, CVal > | |
AssociationVectorSelector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeySelector, ValSelector > | |
edm::helper::AssociativeCollectionValueType< AC > | |
edm::helper::AssociativeCollectionValueType< Association< C > > | |
AssociativeIterator | - Author:
- Giovanni Petrucciani, SNS Pisa
edm::AssociativeIterator< KeyRefType, AssociativeCollection, ItemGetter > | |
reco::parser::atan2_f | |
reco::parser::atan_f | |
ato< T > | |
ato< bool > | |
ato< char * > | |
ato< double > | |
ato< float > | |
ato< int > | |
ato< std::string > | |
ato< std::vector< T > > | |
ato< unsigned int > | |
PhysicsTools::AtomicId | Cheap generic unique keyword identifier class |
AttachSD | |
AuthenticationService | A simple implementation of the IAuthenticationService interface based on reading an XMl file |
AutocorrelationAnalyzer | This class accepts objects which support the [] operator, such as a digi or a vector, and calculates the correlation matrix between the components Rick Wilkinson, Fedor Ratnikov |
AutoCorrMat | |
AutoLibraryLoader | ROOT helper class which can automatically load the proper shared library when ROOT needs a new class dictionary |
lat::AutoLoad< Type > | Function or variable loaded on first dereference at run-time |
lat::AutoLoadError | A run-time error in using an AutoLoad |
lat::AutoLoadLib | A library used to resolve AutoLoad entries |
AutoMagneticFieldESProducer | Produce a magnetic field map corresponding to the current recorded in the condidtion DB |
magneticfield::AutoMagneticFieldESProducer | |
funct::AuxProduct< Prod, simplify > | |
funct::AuxProduct< Prod, false > | |
funct::AuxProductRatio< Prod, simplify > | |
funct::AuxProductRatio2< Prod, simplify > | |
funct::AuxProductRatio2< Prod, false > | |
funct::AuxProductRatio< Prod, false > | |
funct::AuxSum< Prod, simplify > | |
funct::AuxSum< Prod, false > | |
funct::AuxSumRatio<, simplify > | |
Averages | |
Averages::Params | |
AxesNames | |
BackToBackKinematicConstraint | Class implementing the back-to-back geometry constraints for 2 KinematicParticles |
BackTrace | |
BareRootProductGetter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
BareRootProductGetter::Buffer | |
BarrelDetLayer | A specialization of the DetLayer interface for barrel layers |
BarrelMeasurementEstimator | |
BaseBinFinder< T > | Abstract interface for a bin finder |
BaseBTagPlotter | |
BaseCkfTrajectoryBuilder | The component of track reconstruction that, strating from a seed, reconstructs all possible trajectories |
ThePEG::BaseClassTrait< LesHouchesInterface, 1 > | |
stor::BaseCounter | |
BaseCrystal | |
BaseDecoratedSB | Decorated sreambuf |
BaseDeDxEstimator | |
BaseEvent< T > | |
BaseEvtVtxGenerator | |
edm::BaseFlatGunSource | |
BaseGenexception | Base generic exception |
BaseGeomException | |
edm::reftobase::BaseHolder< T > | |
pat::helper::BaseIsolator | |
cms::BaseJetProducer | |
BaseJetProducer | BaseJetProducer is a base class for JetProducers |
BaseMET | The BaseMET EDProduct type |
BaseMETv0 | |
BaseNumericalRandomGenerator | |
BaseParticlePropagator | This class is aimed at propagating charged and neutral particles (yet under the form of a RawParticle) from a given vertex to a cylinder, defined by a radius rCyl and a length 2*zCyl, centered in (0,0,0) and whose axis is parallel to the B field (B is oriented along z, by definition of the z axis) |
cms::BasePilupSubtractionJetProducer | |
BasePilupSubtractionJetProducer | BasePilupSubtractionJetProducer is a base class for JetProducers |
BaseRawParticleFilter | Abstract base class for filtering of RawParticle s |
BaseSiTrackerRecHit2DLocalPos | |
reco::BaseTagInfo | |
BaseTagInfoPlotter | |
reco::BaseTau | |
reco::BaseTauTagInfo | |
cond::BaseValueExtractor< T > | |
edm::reftobase::BaseVectorHolder< T > | |
edm::reftobase::BaseVectorHolder< T >::const_iterator | |
edm::reftobase::BaseVectorHolder< T >::const_iterator_imp | |
Basic2DVector< T > | |
Basic3DVector< T > | |
ext::basic_imemstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
ext::basic_izstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
ext::basic_izstreambase< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
ext::basic_izstreambuf< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
ext::basic_omemstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
ext::basic_ozstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
ext::basic_ozstreambase< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
ext::basic_ozstreambuf< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
reco::BasicCluster | A BasicCluster reconstructed in the Electromagnetic Calorimeter contains references to constituent RecHits |
edm::BasicHandle | |
reco::BasicJet | Jets made from CaloTowers |
BasicJetSort | |
BasicMultiTrajectoryState | |
BasicMultiVertexState | Multi state measurement of a vertex |
pat::helper::BasicOverlapTest | |
BasicSingleTrajectoryState | Concrete implementation for the state of one trajectory on a surface |
BasicSingleVertexState | Single state measurement of a vertex |
BasicTrajectoryState | Abstract base class for TrajectoryState |
reco::BasicTransientTrack | |
BasicVertexState | Class containing a measurement of a vertex |
pftools::BayesianNNCalibrator | |
BCToEFilter | BCToEFilter |
BCToEFilterAlgo | BCToEFilterAlgo returns true for events that have an electron, above configurable eT threshold and within |eta|<2.5, that has an ancestor of a b or c quark |
BdecayFilter | |
BdecayFilter::CutStruct | |
BeamHaloNavigationSchool | Concrete navigation school for the Tracker, connecting disks only for traversing tracks : moslty beam halo muon |
BeamHaloPairGenerator | |
BeamHaloPropagator | A propagator which use different algorithm to propagate within an endcap or to cross over to the other endcap |
BeamHaloPropagatorESProducer | ES producer needed to put the BeamHaloPropagator inside the EventSetup |
edm::BeamHaloSource | |
BeamProfileFitter | Fitting laser profiles from the beams in the Laser Alignment System |
BeamProfileVtxGenerator | |
reco::BeamSpot | Reconstructed beam spot object which provides position, error, and width of the beam position |
BeamSpotAnalyzer | _________________________________________________________________ class: BeamSpotAnalyzer.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer |
BeamSpotFakeConditions | |
BeamSpotFromDB | _________________________________________________________________ class: BeamSpotFromDB.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer |
BeamSpotObjects | Reconstructed beam spot object |
BeamSpotObjectsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
BeamSpotProducer | _________________________________________________________________ class: BeamSpotProducer.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer |
BeamSpotWrite2DB | _________________________________________________________________ class: BeamSpotWrite2DB.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer |
BeginOfEvent | |
BeginOfJob | |
BeginOfRun | |
BeginOfTrack | |
simwatcher::BeginOfTrackCounter | |
BeginOfTrackCounter | Description: Counts the number of BeginOfTrack signals and puts that value into the Event |
BetafuncEvtVtxGenerator | |
BetaFuncPrimaryVertexGenerator | |
helper::BFieldIsolationAlgorithmSetup< Alg > | |
magfieldparam::BFit | 2D parametrization of MTCC data |
cms::BHFilter | |
big | |
big::bigEntry | Inline class bigEntry |
big::bigHeader | |
big::bigStore | |
binary_ifstream | |
binary_ifstream_error | |
binary_ofstream | |
binary_ofstream_error | |
reco::parser::BinaryCutSetter< Op > | |
reco::parser::BinarySelector | |
reco::parser::BinarySelectorSetter | |
BinCounters | |
BinomialProbability | A simple class for accumulating binomial "events", i.e |
bistream_iterator< T > | |
BitArray< N > | |
BitArray< N >::refToBit | |
bitObj | |
lat::BitOps< T > | Miscellanous bit operations on unsigned integral type T |
lat::BitOpsCeil2< B > | Helper to compute the next power of two of n |
lat::BitOpsCeil2< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsCeil2< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsCeil2< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsCount< B > | Helper to count the number of bits set in n |
lat::BitOpsCount< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsCount< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsCount< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsLog2< B > | Helper to compute the log2 base of n; c is the result accumulator |
lat::BitOpsLog2< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsLog2< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsLog2< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsMagic< B > | Bit operation helpers using Binary Magic Numbers |
lat::BitOpsMagic< B >::Type< T > | |
lat::BitOpsMagic< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsMagic< 1 >::Type< T > | |
lat::BitOpsMortonExtract< B > | Merge even bits of n to the right end of the result value |
lat::BitOpsMortonExtract< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsMortonExtract< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsMortonExtract< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsMortonInterleave< B > | Spread bits of n to be one bit apart from their neighbour to the even bit positions in T; the odd bits will be left zero |
lat::BitOpsMortonInterleave< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsMortonInterleave< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsMortonInterleave< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsParity< B > | Bit operation helper for the parity function |
lat::BitOpsParity< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsParity< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsParity< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsReverse< B > | Helper to reverse bits in n |
lat::BitOpsReverse< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsReverse< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsReverse< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsRZero< B > | Helper to compute the number of zero bits on the right side of n; c is a result accumulator |
lat::BitOpsRZero< B >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitOpsRZero< 1 > | |
lat::BitOpsRZero< 1 >::Op< T > | |
lat::BitPattern< T, Pat, Width, N > | Construct a repetitive bit pattern |
lat::BitPatternHelp< N > | |
lat::BitPatternHelp< N >::PatWrapper< T, Pat, Width > | |
lat::BitPatternHelp< 0 > | Trivial specialisation for null-width pattern |
lat::BitPatternHelp< 0 >::PatWrapper< T, Pat, Width > | |
lat::BitPatternHelp< 1 > | Trivial specialisation for single-width pattern |
lat::BitPatternHelp< 1 >::PatWrapper< T, Pat, Width > | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::BitSet | |
PhysicsTools::BitSet | A compact container for storing single bits |
PhysicsTools::BitSet::Iterator | Iterates over all set bits of a BitSet |
PhysicsTools::BitSet::Manipulator | Opaque structure for transparent write access to individual bits |
lat::BitTraits< T > | Describe the bit features of an integral type T |
bJetFilterSelector | |
pat::bJetSelector | The bJetSelector is used to clean and sort a collection of jets |
bJetSelector | |
BladeShapeBuilderFromDet | The trapezoid has the minimal size fully containing all Dets |
BlobComplex | |
BlobComplexContent | |
BlobComplexData | |
BlobComplexObjects | |
BlobNoises | |
BlobNoises::DetRegistry | |
BlobPedestals | |
cond::BlobReader | |
cond::BlobStreamingService< Writer_t, Reader_t, DictPrereq_t > | Implementation builder template for the IBlobStreamingService interface |
cond::BlobWriter | |
BlockFormatter | |
edm::serviceregistry::BlockingWrapper< Func, T1, T2, T3 > | |
BlockSolver | Solves at best the matrix invertion for calibration |
BMixingModule | BMixingModule is the EDProducer subclass which fills the CrossingFrame object It is the baseclass for all modules mnixing events |
edm::BMixingModule | |
Types::bool | |
BoolCache | Description: ROOT safe cache flag |
edm::BoolCache | |
edm::BoolCacheStreamer | |
DDI::BooleanSolid | |
Booster | Boost a reco::Candidate by a specified boost vector |
boostFuture | |
boostTypeObj | |
bostream_iterator< T > | |
BoundaryPlane | |
BoundarySurface | |
BoundCylinder | A Cylinder with Bounds |
BoundDisk | A BoundDisk is a special BoundPlane that is additionally limited by an inner and outer radius |
BoundDiskSector | |
BoundingBox | A helper class that returns the corners of a rectangle that fully contains a bound plane |
BoundPlane | A plane in 3D space, with bounds |
Bounds | Abstract base class for Bounds |
BoundSurface | Adds Bounds to Surface |
BoundVolume | |
DDI::Box | |
cmsutils::bqueue< T > | |
edm::BranchChildren | |
edm::BranchDescription | |
edm::BranchDescription::Transients | |
edm::BranchEntryDescription | |
edm::BranchID | |
edm::input::BranchInfo | |
lhef::BranchingRatios | |
edm::BranchKey | |
edm::BranchMapper | |
edm::BranchMapperWithReader< T > | |
fwlite::BranchMapReader | |
BranchMapReader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
fwlite::BranchMapReader::Strategy | |
fwlite::internal::BranchMapReaderStrategyV1 | |
fwlite::internal::BranchMapReaderStrategyV7 | |
fwlite::internal::BranchMapReaderStrategyV8 | |
BranchToClass | Description: Given a TBranch it will return the TClass of the class type stored in the branch |
funct::BreitWigner | |
BremRecoveryClusterAlgo | |
BremRecoveryPhiRoadAlgo | Calculates the optimal phi road length for the ecal barrel or endcap |
BremsstrahlungSimulator | |
BscAnalysisHistManager | |
BscG4Hit | |
BscNumberingScheme | |
BscSD | |
BscTest | |
BSCTrigger | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
BSFitter | |
BsJpsiPhiFilter | |
BsJpsiPhiFilter::CutStruct | |
BSpdfsFcn | |
BSTrkParameters | _________________________________________________________________ class: BSTrkParameters.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer |
BTagDifferentialPlot | |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzer | Top level steering routine for b tag performance analysis |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzer::JetRefCompare | |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerMC | Top level steering routine for b tag performance analysis |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerMC::JetRefCompare | |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerOnData | Top level steering routine for b tag performance analysis |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerOnData::JetRefCompare | |
BTagSkimLeptonJet | |
BtagSkimLeptonJet | - Date
- 2007/08/13 15:33:02
- Revision
- 1.2
BTagSkimLeptonJet::PtSorter | |
BTagSkimMC | |
BTagTrackProbability2DRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
BTagTrackProbability3DRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
BTagValidator | _________________________________________________________________ class: BTagValidator.h package: Validation/RecoB |
BTaSkimLeptonJet | - Date
- 2008/06/29 18:13:20
- Revision
- 1.7
BTauGenericMVAJetTagComputerRcd | |
BTrackingParticleSelector | Selector to select only tracking particles originating from a B-hadron decay |
evf::BU | |
evf::BUEvent | |
lat::BufferInputStream | |
lat::BufferOutputStream | |
evf::BUProxy | |
Button | This is the class that should be instantiated in case the user wants to have a button on the web page, which is connected to a function defined in your web client |
BxNumberFilter | |
BxTiming | |
pat::eventhypothesis::ByPdgId | |
pat::eventhypothesis::ByString | |
lat::BZCompressor | Compress data using the BZLIB algorithm |
lat::BZConstants | Constants related to BZLIB compression and BZIP archives |
lat::BZDecompressor | Decompress data using the BZLIB algorithm |
BzeroReferenceTrajectory | Class implementing the reference trajectory of a single particle in the absence of a magnetic field (B=0, hence the name), i.e |
BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory | A factory that produces instances of class BzeroReferenceTrajectory from a given TrajTrackPairCollection |
lat::BZError | BZLIB error indication |
lat::BZIPInputStream | A stream filter to read BZLIB-compressed data |
lat::BZIPOutputStream | A stream filter to write BZLIB-compressed data |
cscdqm::Cache | MonitorObject cache - lists and routines to manage cache |
edm::detail::CachedProducts | |
CachedTrajectory | |
edmplugin::CacheParser | |
CacheParser | Description: Parses the cache information about which plugins are in which libraries |
CachingSeedCleanerByHitPosition | |
CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput | Merge of SeedCleanerBySharedInput and CachingSeedCleanerByHitPosition |
CachingVariable | |
CachingVariable::CachingVariableFactoryArg | |
CachingVertex< N > | Class for vertices fitted with Kalman and linear fit algorithms |
CalCell | |
CalCluster | |
CalibCoeff | Intercalibration coefficient |
calib::CalibElectron | |
CalibHistogram | |
CalibHistograms | |
pftools::Calibratable | Wraps essential single particle calibration data ready for export to a Root file |
pftools::CalibratableElement | Small wrapper class for storing individual rechit and cluster information |
CalibratedHistogramXML | This class implements some methods of the CalibratedObject |
CalibratedObject | CalibratedObject class |
pftools::Calibration | |
CalibrationAlgorithm | - Author:
- C
CalibrationAnalysis | - Author:
- C
CalibrationCategory< CI > | This class defines a category |
CalibrationCluster | |
CalibrationHistograms | |
CalibrationHistosUsingDb | |
CalibrationInterface< CategoryT, CalibDataT > | |
pftools::CalibrationResultWrapper | A small class designed to hold the result of a calibration of a SingleParticleWrapper |
CalibrationScanTask | |
CalibrationSummaryFactory | |
CalibrationTask | |
CalibrationTrackSelector | |
CalibrationTrackSelector::ComparePt | Compare two tracks in pt (used by theNHighestPtTracks) |
CalibrationXML | |
pftools::Calibrator | Abstract base class for Particle Flow calibration algorithms |
calibXMLwriter | |
CaliCrystalIntercalDat | |
CaliGainRatioDat | |
CaliGeneralDat | |
CaliHVScanRatioDat | |
CaliIOV | |
CalIsolationAlgo< T1, C2 > | |
CalIsolationAlgoNoExp< T1, C2 > | |
CaliTag | Tag for Run information |
CaliTempDat | |
edm::eventsetup::Callback< T, TReturn, TRecord, TDecorator > | |
Callback | Description: Functional object used as the 'callback' for the CallbackProxy |
lat::Callback | |
lat::Callback1< T1 > | |
lat::Callback1Rep< T1 > | |
lat::Callback2< T1, T2 > | |
lat::Callback2Rep< T1, T2 > | |
edm::eventsetup::CallbackBase | |
cond::XMLAuthenticationService::CallbackForInputFileName | |
lat::CallbackImpC00< C > | |
lat::CallbackImpC01< C, T1 > | |
lat::CallbackImpC02< C, T1, T2 > | |
lat::CallbackImpC10< C, T1 > | |
lat::CallbackImpC11< C, T1, T2 > | |
lat::CallbackImpC12< C, T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::CallbackImpC20< C, T1, T2 > | |
lat::CallbackImpC21< C, T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::CallbackImpC22< C, T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF00 | |
lat::CallbackImpF01< T1 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF02< T1, T2 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF10< T1 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF11< T1, T2 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF12< T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF20< T1, T2 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF21< T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::CallbackImpF22< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
edm::eventsetup::CallbackProxy< CallbackT, RecordT, DataT > | |
CallbackProxy | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
lat::CallbackRep | |
edm::eventsetup::CallbackSimpleDecorator< TRecord > | |
CaloCellGeometry | Abstract base class for an individual cell's geometry |
reco::CaloCluster | Base class for all types calorimeter clusters |
CaloConeSelector | - Date
- 2006/08/29 12:49:10
- Revision
- 1.1
CaloDetIdAssociator | |
CaloDigiCollectionSorter | For test purposes, users might want to sort a collection of digis to find the highest energies |
CaloDigiCollectionSorter::CaloDigiSortByMaxBin< T > | Embedded class to be used as a sort predicate |
CaloDirectionOperations | |
CaloDualConeSelector | - Date
- 2006/08/29 12:49:10
- Revision
- 1.1
muonisolation::CaloExtractor | |
muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator | |
CaloExtractorByAssociator | Extracts deposits in each calorimeter section (ECAL, HCAL, HO) vetoes are set based on expected crossed DetIds (xtals, towers) these can later be subtracted from deposits in a cone |
CaloG4Hit | |
CaloG4HitEqual | |
CaloG4HitLess | |
CaloGeometry | Interface class to the geometry information for all calorimetry subdetectors |
CaloGeometryBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CaloGeometryEP< T > | |
CaloGeometryHelper | |
CaloGeometryLoader< T > | |
CaloGeometryRecord | |
CaloHit | |
CaloHitAnalyzer | |
CaloHitELess | |
CaloHitEtLess | |
CaloHitID | |
CaloHitIdMore | |
CaloHitMaker | |
CaloHitMore | |
CaloHitResponse | Creates electronics signals from hits |
reco::CaloID | ID information for all calorimeters |
pat::CaloIsolationEnergy | Calculates a lepton's calorimetric isolation energy |
reco::CaloJet | Jets made from CaloTowers |
reco::CaloJet::Specific | |
pat::CaloJetSelector | Selects good Jets |
CaloJetSort | |
CaloJetTester | |
CaloJetTrackTowerAssociator | Associates tracks in eta-phi cone around jet direction |
reco::CaloMET | |
CaloMET | MET made from CaloTowers |
CaloMETAnalyzer | DQM monitoring source for CaloMET |
CaloMETAnalyzerBase | Base class for all DQM monitor sources |
CaloMETCollection | Collection of Calo MET |
CaloMiscalibMap | |
CaloMiscalibMapEcal | |
CaloMiscalibMapHcal | |
CaloMiscalibTools | Description: Definition of CaloMiscalibTools |
reco::CaloMuon | A lightweight reconstructed Muon to store low momentum muons without matches in the muon detectors |
CaloMuonProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CaloNavigator< T > | |
CaloNumberingScheme | Generic base class for converters between DDD numbering and DetId numbering |
CaloPoint | |
CaloPoint::DistanceToVertex | |
CaloRecHit | - Date
- 2005/10/04 14:09:13
- Revision
- 1.4
reco::CaloRecHitCandidate | Reco Candidates with a CaloRecHit component |
CaloRecHitCandidateProducer | |
reco::modules::CaloRecHitCandidateProducer< HitCollection > | |
CaloRecHitCopy | |
CaloRecHitMetaCollection | - Date
- 2006/01/17 19:51:48
- Revision
- 1.2
CaloRecHitMetaCollectionFast | Implementation of CaloRecHitMetaCollectionV which internally stores a vector of const CaloRecHit pointers |
CaloRecHitMetaCollectionItem | |
CaloRecHitMetaCollectionItemT< T > | |
CaloRecHitMetaCollectionV | Virtual base class for a "meta collection" which references CaloRecHit-derived objects in their base collections |
CaloRecHitMetaCollectionV::Iterator | |
CaloRecHitsProducer | |
CaloRecoTauAlgorithm | |
CaloRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectron | |
CaloRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolation | |
CaloRecoTauDiscriminationByLeadingTrackFinding | |
CaloRecoTauDiscriminationByLeadingTrackPtCut | |
CaloRecoTauProducer | |
CaloRecoTauTagInfoAlgorithm | |
CaloRecoTauTagInfoProducer | |
Calorimeter | |
CalorimeterProperties | Base class for calorimeter properties |
CalorimetryManager | |
CaloSamples | Class which represents the charge/voltage measurements of an event/channel with the ADC decoding performed |
CaloSD | |
CaloSegment | |
CaloSegment::inL0Segment | |
CaloSegment::inSegment | |
CaloSegment::inX0Segment | This class is used to determine if a point lies in the segment |
CaloShapeIntegrator | This class takes an existing Shape, and integrates it, summing up all the values, each nanosecond, up to the bunch spacing |
CaloSimParameters | Main class for Parameters in different subdetectors |
CaloSlaveSD | |
pat::tau::CaloSpecific | Structure to hold information specific to a CaloTau inside a pat::Tau |
CaloSpecificAlgo | Adds Calorimeter specific information to MET base class Author: R |
CaloSubdetectorGeometry | Base class for a geometry container for a specific calorimetry subdetector |
CaloSubdetectorTopology | - Date
- 2006/09/07 09:43:39
- Revision
- 1.2
CaloSubdetectorTopology::CellInfo | |
reco::CaloTau | |
reco::CaloTauDiscriminator | |
reco::CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron | |
reco::CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation | |
CaloTauElementsOperators | |
reco::CaloTauTagInfo | |
CaloTauTagVal | Description: EDAnalyzer to validate the Collections from the ConeIsolation Producer It is supposed to be used for Offline Tau Reconstrction, so PrimaryVertex should be used |
CaloTDigitizer< Traits > | Turns hits into digis |
CaloTopology | - Date
- 2006/09/07 09:43:12
- Revision
- 1.3
CaloTopologyBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CaloTopologyRecord | |
CaloTower | - Date
- 2008/07/10 16:29:01
- Revision
- 1.9
CaloTowerAnalyzer | |
CaloTowerCandidateCreator | Framework module that produces a collection of candidates with a CaloTowerCandidate compoment |
CaloTowerConstituentsMap | - Date
- 2006/09/06 21:00:11
- Revision
- 1.3
CaloTowerConstituentsMap::MapItem | |
CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CaloTowerCreatorForTauHLT | Framework module that produces a collection of calo towers in the region of interest for Tau HLT reconnstruction, depending on tau type trigger: Tau1 - take location of 1st L1 Tau Tau2 - take location of 2nd L1 Tau; if does not exists, take location of 1st Calo Tower ETau - take L1 Tau candidate which is not collinear to HLT (or L1) electron candidate |
CaloTowerDetId | CaloTowerDetId uses DetId::Det of Calo and subdetId() of 1 |
CaloTowerGeometry | Only DetId::Calo, subdet=1 DetIds are handled by this class |
CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryEP | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader | - Date
- 2007/09/07 22:05:51
- Revision
- 1.2
CaloTowerNavigator | |
CaloTowersCreationAlgo | - Date
- 2008/04/22 13:47:40
- Revision
- 1.11
CaloTowersCreationAlgo::MetaTower | |
CaloTowersCreator | - Date
- 2007/09/25 16:19:05
- Revision
- 1.3
CaloTowersExample | |
CaloTowersReCreator | - Date
- 2007/03/31 18:38:51
- Revision
- 1.1
CaloTowersValidation | |
CaloTowerTopology | - Date
- 2006/08/29 12:33:05
- Revision
- 1.4
CaloTPGRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CaloTPGTranscoder | Abstract interface for the mutual transcoder required for compressing and uncompressing the ET stored in HCAL and ECAL Trigger Primitives |
CaloTPGTranscoderULUT | - Date
- 2008/05/01 20:50:23
- Revision
- 1.10
CaloTPGTranscoderULUTs | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CaloTrkProcessing | |
CaloTrkProcessing::Detector | |
CaloValidationStatistics | For validation purposes |
CaloVGeometryLoader | Abstract base class for a subdetector geometry loader |
CaloVHitCorrection | |
CaloVHitFilter | |
CaloVNoiseHitGenerator | |
CaloVNoiseSignalGenerator | |
CaloVNoisifier | Adds noise to the given frame |
CaloVShape | Electronic response of the preamp |
CaloVSimParameterMap | |
CamacTBDataFormatter | - Id
- CamacTBDataFormatter.h,v 1.6 2007/04/12 08:36:46 franzoni Exp
CambridgeAlgorithmWrapper | CambridgeAlgorithmWrapper is the Wrapper subclass which runs the CambridgeAlgorithm of FastJet for jetfinding |
reco::modules::CandCombiner< Selector, PairSelector, Cloner, OutputCollection, Setup, Init > | |
CandCombiner< Selector, PairSelector, Cloner, OutputCollection, Setup > | Performs all possible and selected combinations of particle pairs using the CandCombiner utility |
reco::modules::CandCombinerBase | |
CandCombinerBase< OutputCollection, CandPtr > | - Author:
- Luca Lista, INFN
CandCommonVertexFitter< Fitter > | |
CandCommonVertexFitterBase | |
converter::helper::CandConverter< T > | |
converter::helper::CandConverter< reco::SuperCluster > | |
converter::helper::CandConverter< reco::Track > | |
converter::helper::CandCreator< CColl > | |
converter::helper::CandCreator< reco::CandidateCollection > | |
helper::CandDecayStoreManager | |
reco::Candidate | Generic reconstructed particle candidate |
reco::Candidate::daughter_iterator< S > | |
CandidateProducer< TColl, CColl, Selector, Conv, Creator, Init > | Framework module that produces a collection of candidates from generic compoment |
pat::CandidateSummaryTable | Produce a summary table of some candidate collections |
pat::CandidateSummaryTable::Record | |
reco::CandidateWithRef< Ref > | Reco Candidates with a generic reference as component |
pftools::CandidateWrapper | |
CandIsoDepositProducer | |
CandIsolatorFromDeposits | |
CandIsolatorFromDeposits::SingleDeposit | |
CandKinematicVertexFitter | |
reco::modules::CandKinematicVertexFitterEventSetupInit | |
pat::CandKinResolution | |
cmsRelvalreport::Candles_file | |
reco::helper::CandMapTrait< C1, C2 > | |
reco::helper::CandMapTrait< C1, CandidateView > | |
reco::helper::CandMapTrait< CandidateView, C2 > | |
reco::helper::CandMapTrait< CandidateView, CandidateView > | |
CandMassKinFitter | |
edm::helper::CandMasterKeyReference | |
reco::modules::CandMatcher< S, Collection, D > | |
reco::modulesNew::CandMatcher< S, C1, C2, D > | |
CandMatcher< C1, C2 > | |
reco::utilsNew::CandMatcher< C > | |
CandMatcherBase< C1, C2 > | |
CandOneToManyDeltaRMatcher | |
CandOneToOneDeltaRMatcher | |
CandReducer | |
reco::helper::CandRefTrait< C > | |
reco::helper::CandRefTrait< edm::View< T > > | |
CandSelector | Base class for all candidate selector |
reco::modules::CandVertexFitterEventSetupInit< Fitter > | |
muonisolation::CandViewExtractor | |
CandViewRefMerger | |
Geom::Cartesian2Cartesian3D< T > | Cartesian coordinate set, for uniformity with other coordinate systems |
CartesianError3D< T > | Obsolete |
CartesianLorentzForce | Derivative calculation for the 6D cartesian case |
CartesianState | |
CartesianStateAdaptor | |
CartesianTrajectoryError | Class containing (6x6) error matrix of a track in the global, Cartesian frame |
parsecf::pyparsing::CaselessKeyword | |
parsecf::pyparsing::CaselessLiteral | |
CastoGain | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store Gain values 4xCapId
CastorAmplifier | |
CastorCalibrationQIECoder | |
CastorCalibrationQIEData | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store calibration mode QIE parameters $Id
CastorCalibrations | Container for retrieved calibration constants for Castor |
CastorCalibrationsSet | |
CastorCalibrationsSet::CalibSetObject | |
CastorCalibrationWidths | Container for retrieving uncertainties of calibration constants for Castor |
CastorChannelCoder | Container for ADC<->fQ conversion constants for HCAL/Castor QIE |
CastorChannelQuality | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store channel quality information
CastorChannelQuality::Item | |
CastorChannelQualityRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CastorCoder | Abstract interface of a coder/decoder which converts ADC values to and from femtocoulombs of collected charge |
CastorCoderDB | Coder which uses DB services to convert to fC |
CastorCoderDb | Coder which uses DB services to convert to fC |
CastorCoderFactory | |
CastorDataFrame | Precision readout digi for Castor |
CastorDataFrameFilter | Utility algorithm for filtering out digis from testbeam, etc where no zero-suppression was applied |
CastorDbASCIIIO | IO for ASCII instances of Castor/HCAL Calibrations |
CastorDbProducer | |
CastorDbRecord | Description: based on the HCAL Db record class |
CastorDbService | |
CastorDigiAnalyzer | Castor digis Author: Panos Katsas |
CastorDigiProducer | |
CastorDigiStatistics | |
CastorDigitizerTraits | |
CastorDigiToRaw | CastorDigiToRaw is the EDProducer subclass which runs the Castor Unpack algorithm |
CastorElectronicsId | Readout chain identification for Castor Bits for the readout chain : some names need change! [31:26] not used [25] [24:20] [19] [18:14] [13:9] [8:5] [4:2] [1:0] |
CastorElectronicsMap | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA)
CastorElectronicsMap::PrecisionItem | |
CastorElectronicsMap::TriggerItem | |
CastorElectronicsMapRcd | |
CastorElectronicsSim | |
CastorGain | |
CastorGains | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL container to store Gain values 4xCapId
CastorGainsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CastorGainWidth | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store GainWidth values 4xCapId
CastorGainWidths | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL container to store GainWidth values 4xCapId
CastorGainWidthsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CastorGeometry | |
CastorHardcodeCalibrations | |
CastorHardcodeGeometryEP | |
CastorHardcodeGeometryLoader | |
CastorHitAnalyzer | Compares RecHits to SimHit |
CastorHitCorrection | Applies a correction for time slewing Makes bigger signals come at a delayed time |
CastorHitFilter | |
CastorLedAnalysis | |
CastorLedAnalysis::CALIBBUNCH | |
CastorNominalCoder | Simple coder which uses the QIESample to convert to fC |
CastorNumberingScheme | Description: This class manages the UnitID that labels Castor sensitive volumes |
CastorPacker | |
CastorPacker::Collections | |
CastorPedestal | - Author:
- Panos Katsas POOL object to store Pedestal values 4xCapId $Author: katsas
CastorPedestalAnalysis | |
CastorPedestals | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL container to store Pedestal values 4xCapId $Author: katsas
CastorPedestalsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CastorPedestalWidth | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store PedestalWidth values 4xCapId $Author: katsas
CastorPedestalWidths | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL container to store PedestalWidth values 4xCapId $Author: katsas
CastorPedestalWidthsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CastorPulseContainmentCorrection | Amplitude correction for pulse containment in time |
CastorPulseShapes | - Author:
- P
CastorPulseShapes::Shape | |
CastorQIECoder | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store calibration mode QIE coder parameters for one channel $Id
CastorQIEData | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store QIE parameters
CastorQIEDataRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CastorQIEShape | |
CastorRawGain | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL object to store raw Gain values
CastorRawGains | - Author:
- Panos Katsas (UoA) POOL container to store Gain values 4xCapId
CastorRawToDigi | CastorRawToDigi is the EDProducer subclass which runs the Hcal Unpack algorithm |
CastorRecHit | |
CastorSD | Description: Stores hits of Castor in appropriate container |
CastorShape | Shaper for Castor |
CastorSimParameterMap | |
CastorSimParameters | |
CastorSimpleRecAlgo | This class reconstructs RecHits from Digis for CASTOR by addition of selected time samples, pedestal subtraction, and gain application |
CastorSimpleReconstructor | |
CastorTestAnalysis | |
CastorText2DetIdConverter | Converts any flavour of HcalDetId to/from ascii strings |
CastorTextCalibrations | |
CastorTimeSlew | Copy from HCAL (author: J |
CastorTopology | - Author:
- P
CastorTPGCoder | Converts ADC to linear E or ET for use in the TPG path Also compresses linear scale for transmission to RCT |
CastorTPGRecord | Description: copy from HCAL |
CastorUnpacker | |
CastorUnpacker::Collections | |
reco::CATopJetProperties | |
reco::CATopJetTagInfo | |
lhef::CBInputStream | |
lhef::CBInputStream::Reader | |
CDFChunk | |
CDFEventInfo | Global information about an event such as event number and run number |
CDFMidpointAlgorithmWrapper | |
cms::CDFMidpointJetProducer | |
CDFMidpointJetProducer | CDFMidpointJetProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the CMSmidpointAlgorithm jet-finding algorithm |
CDFRunInfo | Per-run or per-file information |
CDividerFP420 | |
CDrifterFP420 | |
CellEtGreater | |
CellGreater | |
BadCellDisplay::CellStat | |
CenterOfMassBooster | Boost a reco::Candidate to its center-of-mass reference frame |
reco::Centrality | |
CentralityProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CgiReader | |
CgiWriter | |
ChainedJetCorrector | |
fwlite::ChainEvent | |
ChainEvent | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
muonGeometry::Chamber | |
Chamber_AutoCorrMat | |
ChamberLocationSpec | |
ChamberRecHits | |
ChamberSimHits | |
ChamberStripSpec | RPC strip specification for readout decoding |
ChannelPattern | |
ChargeCut< T > | |
ChargeDividerFP420 | |
PFTauDiscriminants::ChargedOutlierAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::ChargedOutlierPt | |
ChargeDrifterFP420 | |
ChargeSelector | |
ChargeSignificanceTrajectoryFilter | A TrajectoryFilter that stops reconstruction if P_t drops below some value at some confidence level |
parsecf::pyparsing::CharsNotIn | |
lat::CheckedInputStream | |
lat::CheckedOutputStream | |
CheckOverlap | |
CheckSecondary | |
lat::Checksum | Calculate a checksum of a data stream |
Chi2 | Chi2 calculation in survey data for drift tube chambers |
Chi2MeasurementEstimator | A Chi2 Measurement Estimator |
Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase | A base class for Chi2 -- type of Measurement Estimators |
Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer | ESProducer for Chi2MeasurementEstimator |
Chi2MeasurementEstimatorForTrackerHits | A Chi2 Measurement Estimator |
reco::parser::chi2prob_f | |
Chi2Strip1DEstimator | A Chi2 MeasurementEstimator that only uses the X coordinate in the measurement frame (the one perpendicular to the strip) |
Chi2StripEstimator | A Chi2 MeasurementEstimator that works in the measurement (strip) frame and uses both coordinates of a hit |
Chi2Switching1DEstimator | A measurement estimator that uses Chi2MeasurementEstimator for pixel and matched strip hits, and Chi2Strip1DEstimator for simple strip hits |
Chi2SwitchingEstimator | A measurement estimator that uses Chi2MeasurementEstimator for pixel and matched strip hits, and Chi2StripEstimator for simple strip hits |
child | |
ChildUpdator | Abstract Base Class to update the daughter particles after the parent particle was refitted |
ChiSquared | Constructed with total chi-squared value `value` and number of degrees of freedom `ndf` |
CircleFromThreePoints | Computes the curvature (1/radius) and, if possible, the center of the circle passing through three points |
CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter | |
CkfComponentsRecord | |
CkfDebugger | |
CkfDebugger::SimHit | |
cms::CkfDebugTrackCandidateMaker | |
CkfDebugTrajectoryBuilder | |
CkfDebugTrajectoryBuilderESProducer | |
cms::CkfTrackCandidateMaker | |
cms::CkfTrackCandidateMakerBase | |
CkfTrajectoryBuilder | |
CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer | |
cms::CkfTrajectoryMaker | |
hcaltb::ClassicQADCDataFormat | |
hcaltb::ClassicTDCDataFormat | |
ClassID< T > | Manager that issues ID to any class [registration] |
cond::ClassID< T > | |
ClassIDBase | Every ClassID has "static" base that holds ID of last registered class |
cond::ClassIDRegistry | |
cond::ClassInfo | |
classLock< T, M > | |
ClassName< T > | |
ThePEG::ClassTraits< LesHouchesInterface > | |
ClhepEvaluator | |
Clonable | Interface for all clonable flags |
OwnerPolicy::Clone | |
edm::ClonePolicy< T > | |
CloneProducer< C > | Clones a concrete Candidate collection to a CandidateCollection (i.e |
edm::clonehelper::CloneTrait< edm::OwnVector< T > > | |
edm::clonehelper::CloneTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
edm::clonehelper::CloneTrait< edm::View< T > > | |
edm::clonehelper::CloneTrait< std::vector< T > > | |
CloningPtr | Description: A smart pointer that owns its pointer and clones it when necessary |
edm::CloningPtr< T, P > | |
CloseComponentsMerger< N > | Merging of a Gaussian mixture by clustering components which are close to one another |
CloseComponentsMergerESProducer< N > | Provides the "CloseComponents" algorithm ("Merger") for reducing the number of components in a multi- |
ClosestApproachInRPhi | Given two trajectory states, computes the two points of closest approach in the transverse plane for the helices extrapolated from these states |
ClosestApproachOnHelices | Abstract interface for classes which compute the points of closest approach of 2 helices |
Cluster1D< T > | A generic templated cluster that lives in 1d |
pixeltemp::Cluster1DCleaner< T > | |
Cluster1DCleaner< T > | |
pixeltemp::Cluster1DMerger< T > | |
Cluster1DMerger< T > | The class that should always be used to merge two Cluster1D into a single Cluster1D |
cms::ClusterAnalysis | |
cms::ClusterAnalysisFilter | |
ClusterChecker | |
ClusterCollectionFP420 | |
ClusterCount | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ClusterData | |
ClusterEtGreater | |
ClusterEtLess | |
ClusterFP420 | |
ClusterGreater | |
Clustering1DException | A class that wraps cms::Exception by deriving from it |
Clusterizer1D< T > | Purely abstract interface to clustering algorithms that operate on Cluster1D<T> |
cms::ClusterizerFP420 | |
ClusterizingHistogram | A very simple 1D equidistant bin histogram that has the ability to clusterize it's contents |
cscdqm::ClusterLocalMax | Local Maximum of the Cluster |
cms::ClusterMTCCFilter | |
ClusterMultiplicityFilter | |
ClusterNoiseFP420 | |
ClusterNoiseFP420::ElectrodData | |
ClusterParameterEstimator< T > | |
ClusterProducerFP420 | |
ClusterPtGreater | |
reco::ClusterRemovalInfo | |
ClusterRemovalRefSetter | |
reco::ClusterShape | Shape vars dataholder for an Ecal cluster |
ClusterShape | |
ClusterShapeAlgo | Calculates and creates a ClusterShape object |
ClusterShapeTrackFilter | |
ClusterShapeTrajectoryFilter | |
ClusterShapeTrajectoryFilterESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CMSCGENnorm | |
python::cmscompleter::CMSCompleter | |
CmsDetConstruction | Adds GeometricDets representing final modules to the previous level |
CMSEmStandardPhysics | |
CMSEmStandardPhysics71 | |
python::cmstools::cmserror | |
CMSexception | Base CMSexception |
CMSIterativeConeAlgorithm | CMSIterativeConeAlgorithm - iterative cone algorithm without jet merging/splitting |
CMSMidpointAlgorithm | CMSMidpointAlgorithm is an algorithm for CMS jet reconstruction baded on the CDF midpoint algorithm |
Types::CmsRange | |
CmsTrackerAbstractConstruction | Abstract Class to construct a Tracker SubDet |
CmsTrackerBuilder | Abstract Class to construct a Level in the hierarchy |
CmsTrackerDebugNavigator | This class travel recursively a GeometricDet and dumps the information about type |
CmsTrackerDetIdBuilder | Class to build a geographicalId |
CmsTrackerDiskBuilder | Class which contructs PixelForward/Disk |
CmsTrackerLadderBuilder | Class which builds Pixel Ladders |
CmsTrackerLayerBuilder | Class which contructs TIB/TOB layers |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::ExtractPhi | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::ExtractPhiGluedModule | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::ExtractPhiGluedModuleMirror | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::ExtractPhiMirror | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::ExtractPhiModule | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::ExtractPhiModuleMirror | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::LessModZ | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::LessR | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::LessR_module | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::LessZ | |
CmsTrackerLevelBuilder::subDetByType | |
CmsTrackerPanelBuilder | Class which contructs PixelForward Panels |
CmsTrackerPetalBuilder | Class which constructs TEC petals |
CmsTrackerRingBuilder | Class which constructs TID/TEC rings |
CmsTrackerRodBuilder | Class which constructs TOB rods |
CmsTrackerStringBuilder | Class which constructs TIB strings |
CmsTrackerStringToEnum | Builds map between Det type and an enum |
CmsTrackerStringToEnum::Impl | |
CmsTrackerSubStrctBuilder | Classes which abuilds all the tracker substructures |
CmsTrackerWheelBuilder | Class which builds TEC wheels |
CnBAnalyzer | |
CocoaAnalyzer | |
CocoaBestUnit | |
CocoaDaqReader | |
CocoaDaqReaderRoot | |
CocoaDaqReaderText | |
CocoaDaqRootEvent | |
CocoaMaterialElementary | |
CocoaSolidShape | |
CocoaSolidShapeBox | |
CocoaSolidShapeTubs | |
CocoaToDDLMgr | |
CocoaUnitDefinition | |
CocoaUnitsCategory | |
edm::CodedException< Code > | |
coeffStruc | |
EdgesToViz::Col | |
cscdqm::Collection | Manage collection of histograms, load histogram definitions from XML file and book histograms by calling MonitorObjectProvider routines |
CollectionAdder< C > | |
CollectionCombiner< Collection > | Description: this templated EDProducer can merge (no duplicate removal) any number of collection of the same type |
helper::CollectionFilter< C, S, N > | |
helper::CollectionFilter< C, S, MinNumberSelector > | |
helper::CollectionFilterTrait< C, S, N > | |
helper::CollectionFilterTrait< C, AnySelector, N > | |
helper::CollectionSizeFilter< C, N > | |
helper::CollectionStoreManager< OutputCollection, ClonePolicy > | |
CollHandle< T > | Utilitity class for handling an EDM data collection |
CollinearFitAtTM | Constrained fit at a TrajectoryMeasurement assuming collinearity of incoming / outgoing momenta |
TreeCrawler::Color | |
ColumnTypeHelper< T > | |
ColumnTypeHelper< double > | |
ColumnTypeHelper< IgV2d > | |
ColumnTypeHelper< IgV3d > | |
ColumnTypeHelper< IgV4d > | |
ColumnTypeHelper< int > | |
ColumnTypeHelper< std::string > | |
CombinationGenerator< T > | Class to compute all distinct Combinations of a collection 'data' of objects of type 'T' |
CombinatorialSeedGeneratorForCOsmics | A concrete seed generator providing seeds constructed from combinations of hits in pairs of strip layers |
CombinatorialSeedGeneratorFromPixel | A concrete regional seed generator providing seeds constructed from combinations of hits in pairs of pixel layers |
Combinatorics | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Combine | |
reco::modules::CombinedEventSetupInit< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
reco::modules::CombinedEventSetupInit< T1, T2, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand > | |
reco::modules::CombinedEventSetupInit< T1, T2, T3, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand > | |
reco::modules::CombinedEventSetupInit< T1, T2, T3, T4, helpers::NullAndOperand > | |
CombinedHitPairGenerator | Hides set of HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair generators |
CombinedHitTripletGenerator | |
CombinedJetCorrector | |
CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator | Combines EnergyLossUpdator and MultipleScatteringUpdator |
reco::CombinedMuonTag | Conbined muon component tag |
CombinedMVAJetTagComputer | |
CombinedMVAJetTagComputer::Computer | |
CombinedSVCalibration | |
CombinedSVCalibration::Entry | |
CombinedSVCategoryData | |
CombinedSVComputer | |
CombinedSVComputer::IterationRange | |
CombinedTauTagCalibration | |
CombinedTauTagCalibration::Entry | |
CombinedTauTagCategoryData | |
reco::CombinedTauTagInfo | |
CombinedTauTagRcd | |
CombinedTDCQDCDataFormat | |
hcaltb::CombinedTDCQDCDataFormat | |
CombinedTrajectoryFactory | A factory that can combine the functionality of several 'trajectory factories' |
CombinedTSG | Description: CompositeTSG (TrackerSeedGenerator) which combines (with configurable duplicate removal) the output of different TSG |
reco::parser::CombinerSetter | |
ComCodes | |
comments::Comment | |
CommissioningAlgorithm | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
CommissioningAnalysis | - Author:
- M.Wingham, R.Bainbridge
CommissioningHistograms | |
CommissioningHistograms::Histo | |
CommissioningHistosUsingDb | |
CommissioningHistosUsingDb::DetInfo | |
CommissioningTask | |
CommissioningTask::HistoSet | Simple container class holding pointer to root histogram, and vectors in which data are cached and used to update histo |
lhef::CommonBlocks | |
CommonMETData | Structure containing data common to all types of MET |
CommonMETv0Data | |
cond::CommonOptions | |
reco::modules::CommonSelectorEventSetupInit | Implement common interface defined in: httpss:// |
Comp2RefChi2 | |
Comp2RefEqualH | |
Comp2RefKolmogorov | Comparison to reference using the Kolmogorov algorithm |
edm::Compare_Run_Lumi_EventEntry | |
CompareDetY_minus | |
CompareDetY_plus | |
CompareHFCompleteHitET | |
CompareHFCore | |
CompareHitPairsY | |
CompareHitPairsZ | Compare hit pairs in z direction |
CompareHitY | |
CompareHitY_plus | |
ComparePairs | |
Clusterizer1DCommons::ComparePairs< T > | |
edm::CompareRefDetSet< T, C > | |
cms::CompareTrajChi | |
cms::CompareTrajLay | |
reco::parser::Comparison< CompT > | |
reco::parser::ComparisonBase | |
comparisonPlots | |
reco::parser::ComparisonSetter< CompT > | |
CompatibleDetToGroupAdder | |
edm::ComphepProducer | |
ComphepProducer | Generates Pythia HepMC events |
edm::ComphepSource | |
ComphepSource | Generates Pythia HepMC events |
reco::component< T, M, Tag > | Generic accessor to components of a Candidate |
ComponentBuilder< C, T > | |
edm::eventsetup::ComponentDescription | |
ComponentDescription | Description: minimal set of information to describe an EventSetup component (ESSource or ESProducer) |
edm::eventsetup::ComponentFactory< T > | |
ComponentFactory | Description: Factory for building the Factories for the various 'plug-in' components needed for the EventSetup |
ComponentFactoryByName< B > | |
edm::eventsetup::ComponentMaker< T, TComponent > | |
ComponentMaker | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::ComponentMakerBase< T > | |
edm::ComposedSelectorWrapper< T > | |
CompositeAlignmentDerivativesExtractor | A helper class to extract derivatives from composite alignable objects |
CompositeAlignmentParameters | Concrete class for 'concatenated' alignment parameters and associated Quantities for a set of Alignables |
pat::CompositeCandidate | Analysis-level particle class |
reco::CompositeCandidate | A Candidate composed of daughters |
helpers::CompositeCandidateMaker | |
CompositeCandSelector< Selector, T1, T2, nDau > | |
CompositeKit | CompositeKit is a plotting kit to plot a collection of CompositeCandidates |
CompositeLogicalTrajectoryFilter | |
edm::pset::CompositeNode | CompositeNode is meant as a base class |
reco::CompositePtrCandidate | Reco::Candidate composed of daughters |
reco::CompositeRefBaseCandidate | Reco::Candidate composed of daughters |
reco::CompositeRefCandidate | Reco::Candidate composed of daughters |
reco::CompositeRefCandidateT< D > | Reco::Candidate composed of daughters |
Composites | |
CompositeTECPetal | A concrete implementation for TEC petals |
CompositeTECWedge | A concrete implementation for TEC layer built out of TECPetals |
CompositeTrajectoryFilter | A TrajectoryFilter that stops reconstruction if P_t drops below some value at some confidence level |
CompositeTrajectoryFilterESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
CompositeTSG | Description: TrackerSeedGenerator generic class to allow more than one TSG to be used |
funct::Composition< A, B > | |
funct::CompositionStruct< A, B > | |
lat::Compressor | |
lat::CompressOutputStream | A stream filter to compress the output data |
ComputedVariable | |
ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer | Framework module that produces a collection of candidates with a Track compoment |
converter::helper::ConcreteCreator | |
ConcreteEcalCandidateProducer | Framework module that produces a collection of candidates with a Ecal compoment |
ConcreteStandAloneMuonCandidateProducer | Framework module that produces a collection of candidates with a Track compoment |
CondBasicIter | |
condbon | |
CondCachedIter< T > | |
cond::CondDB | |
CondDBCmsTrackerConstruction | High level class to build a tracker |
CondIter< T > | |
ConditionDBWriter< T > | |
Cone | A Cone |
ConeAreaFunction | Description: low level class to compute area of signal cone corresponding to three-dimensional opening angle alpha given as function argument |
ConeAreaRootFunction | Description: low level class to compute three-dimensional opening angle of isolation cone corresponding to area given as function argument |
ConeIsolation | EDProducer of the tagged TauJet with the ConeIsolationAlgorithm |
ConeIsolationAlgorithm | |
reco::isodeposit::ConeThresholdVeto | |
reco::isodeposit::ConeVeto | |
ConfFitterBuilder< O > | |
ConfigBox | This is the class that should be instantiated in case the user wants to have a box that resets the configuration of the DQM client |
ConfigBuilder::ConfigBuilder | |
ExceptionHandling::ConfigError | |
cond::ConfigSessionFromParameterSet | |
ConfigurableAdaptiveFitter | Wrap any VertexFitter into the VertexReconstructor interface |
ConfigurableAdaptiveReconstructor | Wrap any VertexFitter into the VertexReconstructor interface |
ConfigurableAnalysis | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ConfigurableAnnealing | |
ConfigurableAxis | |
ConfigurableHisto | |
edm::ConfigurableInputSource | |
ConfigurableKalmanFitter | Kalman filter, configurable version |
ConfigurableMultiVertexFitter | Wrap any VertexFitter into the VertexReconstructor interface |
ConfigurableTertiaryTracksVertexFinder | |
ConfigurableTrimmedKalmanFinder | Wrap any VertexFitter into the VertexReconstructor interface |
ConfigurableTrimmedVertexFinder | Algorithm to find a series of distinct vertices among the given set of tracks |
ConfigurableVertexFitter | A VertexFitter whose concrete implementation (kalman filter, adaptive method, etc |
ConfigurableVertexReconstructor | Wrap any VertexFitter into the VertexReconstructor interface |
cscdqm::Configuration | Framework configuration |
ConfigurationDBHandler | |
ConfigurationDictionary | |
edm::ConfigurationHandshake | |
ConfigurationRecord | Forward referece |
ConfigurationRecord::Keys | |
stor::Configurator | |
ConformalMappingFit | |
ConformalMappingFit::MappedPoint< T > | |
ConfRecoBuilder< O > | |
cand::parser::ConjInfo | |
Connection | Description: logical connection interface |
cond::Connection | |
ConnectionConfiguration | Description: interface to query and set the connection configuration parameters |
cond::ConnectionConfiguration | |
ConnectionHandler | Top level handler for reigsitration/handling multiple connections in the same session Meyers singleton |
cond::ConnectionHandler | |
DDI::Cons | |
ConsistentWithKey | |
ConsRegRequestBuilder | These classes are used to build and view the registration requests and replies that are exchanged between individual event consumers and the event server |
ConsRegRequestView | |
ConsRegResponseBuilder | |
ConsRegResponseView | |
reco::candidate::const_iterator | |
reco::candidate::const_iterator_imp | |
reco::candidate::const_iterator_imp_specific< C > | |
reco::candidate::const_iterator_imp_specific_dummy< C > | |
edm::ConstBranchDescription | |
edm::python::ConstEventWrapper | |
twikiExport::Constituent | |
funct::ConstPrimitive< X, F, independent > | |
funct::ConstPrimitive< X, F, true > | |
edm::ConstProductRegistry | |
ConstProductRegistry | Description: Provides a 'service' interface to the ProductRegistry |
ConstPtrCache | Description: ROOT safe cache of a pointer |
edm::ConstPtrCache | |
edm::ConstPtrCacheStreamer | |
ConstrainedFitCandProducer< Fitter, InputCollection, OutputCollection, Init > | |
ConstrainedTreeBuilder | Class constructing te final output tree for the constrained vertex fitter |
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< T > | |
stor::ConsumerPipe | |
cond::ContainerIterator< DataT > | |
geometryXMLtoCSV::ContentHandler | |
ContentReader | |
edm::pset::ContentsNode | |
ContentsWithinExpected | |
ContentsXRange | |
ContentsYRange | |
ContentViewer | This is the class that should be instantiated in case the user wants to have a select menu, the elements of which, submit a request when clicked on |
statemachine::ContinueLumi | |
statemachine::ContinueRun1 | |
statemachine::ContinueRun2 | |
Conv | |
reco::ConvBremSeed | ConvBremSeed is a seed object constructed from a supercluster and 2 PixelRecHits |
ConvBremSeedProducer | |
muonHIP::Convergence | |
reco::Conversion | - Author:
- N.Marinelli University of Notre Dame, US
ConversionBarrelEstimator | Defines the search area in the barrel |
ConversionFastHelix | Generation of track parameters at a vertex using two hits and a vertex |
ConversionForwardEstimator | Defines the search area in the forward |
ConversionLikelihoodCalculator | |
ConversionSeedFinder | - Id
- ConversionSeedFinder.h,v 1.9 2008/05/08 20:38:48 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/05/08 20:38:48
- Revision
- 1.9
ConversionTrackCandidateProducer | - Id
- ConversionTrackCandidateProducer.h,v 1.12 2008/08/20 10:19:55 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/08/20 10:19:55
- Revision
- 1.12
ConversionTrackEcalImpactPoint | - Author:
- N
ConversionTrackFinder | - Id
- ConversionTrackFinder.h,v 1.8 2008/05/08 20:40:44 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/05/08 20:40:44
- Revision
- 1.8
ConversionTrackFinder::ExtractChi2 | |
ConversionTrackFinder::ExtractNumOfHits | |
ConversionTrackPairFinder | - Author:
- N
ConversionTrackPairFinder::ByNumOfHits | |
ConversionVertexFinder | - Author:
- N
ConvertedPhotonProducer | - Id
- ConvertedPhotonProducer.h,v 1.26 2009/04/02 09:32:10 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2009/04/02 09:32:10
- Revision
- 1.26
ConverterTester | Class to fill dqm monitor elements from existing EDM file |
funct::Convolution< A, B, Integrator > | |
funct::ConvolutionStruct< A, B, Integrator > | |
funct::ConvolutionStruct< A, B, Integrator >::function | |
CopsMeas | |
OwnerPolicy::Copy | |
edm::pset::CopyNode | |
CopyPerformanceSummary | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> Implementation: <Data Quality Monitoring client for long-term detector performance of the Silicon Strip Tracker> |
edm::CopyPolicy< T > | |
CopyUsingClone< T > | A policy definition class for ProxyBase |
CopyUsingNew< T > | A policy definition class for ProxyBase |
CoralConnectionProxy | Description: this class handles coral connection |
cond::CoralConnectionProxy | |
CoralTransaction | Description: coral transaction |
cond::CoralTransaction | |
CoreSimTrack | Generic Simulated Track |
CoreSimVertex | Generic Simulated Vertex |
CorJetsExample | |
CorrelatedNoisifier< M > | Adds noise to the given frame |
CorrMETData | Structure containing data common to all types of MET |
funct::Cos< T > | |
reco::parser::cos_f | |
CosDphiCalculator | |
reco::parser::cosh_f | |
CosmicClusterAlgo | |
CosmicClusterProducer | |
CosmicGenFilterHelix | -*- C++ -*- |
CosmicGenFilterLowE | |
CosmicHitPairGenerator | Hides set of HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair generators |
CosmicHitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair | |
CosmicHitTripletGenerator | Hides set of HitTripletGeneratorFromLayerTriplet generators |
CosmicHitTripletGeneratorFromLayerTriplet | |
CosmicLayerPairs | Find all (resonable) pairs of pixel layers |
CosmicLayerTriplets | Find all (resonable) pairs of pixel layers |
CosmicMuonGenerator | |
CosmicMuonLinksProducer | - Date
- 2009/01/05 21:58:19
- Revision
- 1.2
Original Author: Chang Liu - Purdue University <> |
CosmicMuonProducer | Description: CosmicMuonProducer for muons from cosmic rays |
CosmicMuonSeedGenerator | SeedGenerator for Cosmic Muon |
CosmicMuonSeedGenerator::DecreasingGlobalY | |
CosmicMuonSeedGenerator::MuonRecHitPair | |
CosmicMuonSmoother | |
CosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder | |
CosmicMuonUtilities | |
CosmicNavigationSchool | Concrete navigation school for cosmics in the Tracker |
CosmicNavigationSchool::CosmicNavigationSchoolConfiguration | |
CosmicSeedGenerator | |
cms::CosmicTIFTrigFilter | |
cms::CosmicTrackFinder | |
reco::modules::CosmicTrackSplitter | |
CosmicTrajectoryBuilder | |
edm::CosMuoGenSource | |
funct::CosStruct< T > | |
edm::CountAndLimit | |
Counters | Class to store a list of counters |
CountProcessesAction | |
edm::detail::CPCSentry | |
CPEFromDetPosition | |
lat::CPIOConstants | Constants related to CPIO archives |
lat::CPIOError | Error indicator for CPIO archives |
lat::CPIOInputStream | Read a CPIO archive straight off an input stream |
lat::CPIOMember | A CPIO archive member |
lat::CPIOOutputStream | Write a CPIO archive straight into an output stream |
edm::CPUTimer | |
CPUTimer | Description: Timer which measures the CPU and wallclock time |
edm::CPUTimer::Times | |
CRackSeedGenerator | |
CRackTrajectoryBuilder | |
CRackTrajectoryBuilder::CompareDetByTraj | |
CrateData | |
lat::CRC32 | Compute a CRC-32 checksum of a data stream |
cms::CRC32Calculator | |
CRHMCVComp | |
CrossingFrame< T > | CrossingFrame is the result of the Sim Mixing Module |
CrossingFramePlaybackInfo | CrossingFramePlaybackInfo is written by the Sim Mixing Module it contains information to allow a 'playback' of the MixingModule i.e to find again, on an event/event basis, exactly the same events to superpose |
CrossingPtBasedLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder |
CrossingPtBasedLinearizationPointFinder::CompareTwoTracks | Private struct to order tracks by momentum |
Exhume::CrossSection | |
Crystal | |
Crystal::crystalEqual | |
CrystalNeighbour | Stores basic information on the neighbour |
CrystalPad | |
CrystalPad::padEqual | Equality operator |
CrystalWindowMap | |
CSA07EventWeightProducer | - Author:
- Filip Moortgat & Paolo Bartalini
CSC01 | |
CSCAFEBAnalyzer | |
CSCAFEBConnectAnalysis | - Date
- 2006/08/02 20:17:49
- Revision
- 1.1
CSCAFEBThrAnalysis | - Date
- 2006/08/02 20:19:51
- Revision
- 1.2
CSCALCTDigi | Digi for ALCT trigger primitives |
CSCALCTDigiCollection | For ALCT trigger primitives |
CSCALCTHeader | |
CSCALCTHeader2006 | ALCT Header consists of several modular units that are defined as structs below |
CSCALCTHeader2007 | |
CSCALCTs2006 | |
CSCALCTStatusDigi | Digi for CSC ALCT info available in DDU |
CSCALCTStatusDigiCollection | - Date
- 2007/05/21 20:06:55
- Revision
- 1.1
CSCALCTTrailer | |
CSCALCTTrailer2006 | Documented in flags |
CSCALCTTrailer2007 | |
geometryXMLparser::CSCAlignable | |
CSCAlignmentErrorRcd | |
CSCAlignmentRcd | |
CSCAnalogSignal | Simple histogram meant to represent the analog signal on a detector element |
CSCAnodeData | |
CSCAnodeData2006 | |
CSCAnodeData2007 | |
CSCAnodeDataFormat | |
CSCAnodeDataFrame2006 | |
CSCAnodeDataFrame2007 | |
CSCAnodeLCTProcessor | This class simulates the functionality of the anode LCT card |
CSCBadCFEBTimeSlice | When a time slice is bad, it only has four words, and they all start with "B" |
CSCBadCFEBWord | When a time slice is bad, it only has four words, and they all start with "B" |
CSCBadChambers | |
CSCBadChambersConditions | |
CSCBadChambersRcd | |
CSCBadStrips | |
CSCBadStrips::BadChamber | |
CSCBadStrips::BadChannel | |
CSCBadStripsConditions | |
CSCBadStripsRcd | |
CSCBadWires | |
CSCBadWires::BadChamber | |
CSCBadWires::BadChannel | |
CSCBadWiresConditions | |
CSCBadWiresRcd | |
CSCBaseElectronicsSim | Commonalities between CSCStripElectronicsSim and CSCWireElectronicsSim |
CSCBaseValidation | |
CSCBeamHaloConfigSelector | |
CSCBitWidths |
CSCCathodeLCTProcessor | This class simulates the functionality of the cathode LCT card |
CSCCFEBConnectivityAnalyzer | |
CSCCFEBDataWord | CFEB Data Stream The ordering of the words in the data stream from a single CFEB is described by the following nested loops: |
CSCCFEBSCAControllerWord | |
CSCCFEBStatusDigi | Digi for CSC CFEB status |
CSCCFEBStatusDigiCollection | - Date
- 2006/09/06 14:04:19
- Revision
- 1.1
CSCCFEBTimeSlice | |
CSCChamber | Describes the geometry of the second-level detector unit modelled by a C++ object in the endcap muon CSC system |
CSCChamberDataItr | |
CSCChamberIndex | |
CSCChamberIndexRcd | |
CSCChamberIndexValues | |
CSCChamberMap | |
CSCChamberMapRcd | |
CSCChamberMapValues | |
CSCChamberSpecs | Each endcap muon CSCChamberSpecs object is a set of parameters for one of several types of chamber |
CSCChannelTranslator | Maps between raw/online channel numbers (for strips/cathodes and wires/anodes) and offline geometry-oriented channel numbers, in which increasing number corresponds to increasing local x (strips) or y (wire groups) as defined in CMS Note CMS IN-2007/024 |
CSCCLCTDataWord | |
CSCCLCTDigi | Digi for CLCT trigger primitives |
CSCCLCTDigiCollection | For CLCT trigger primitives |
CSCCollisionMask | |
CSCComparatorDigi | Digi for CSC Comparators |
CSCComparatorDigiCollection | ED |
CSCComparatorDigiValidation | |
CSCCompThreshAnalyzer | |
CSCConditions | Encapsulates a user interface into the CSC conditions |
CSCConfigurableStripConditions | |
CSCConfigurationRegister | |
CSCConstants |
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi | Digi for Correlated LCT trigger primitives |
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection | Based on DTDigiCollection.h |
CSCCrateMap | |
CSCCrateMapRcd | |
CSCCrateMapValues | |
CSCCrossGap | Class used to represent one CSC gas gap crossing by a charged track |
CSCcrosstalk | |
CSCcrosstalk::Item | |
CSCCrossTalkAnalyzer | |
CSCCrosstalkConditions | |
CSCCrosstalkDBConditions | |
CSCCrosstalkGenerator | Cross-talk generator for digitization simulation of Endcap Muon CSCs |
CSCcrosstalkRcd | |
CSCDaqInfo | |
CSCDBCrosstalk | |
CSCDBCrosstalk::Item | |
CSCDBCrosstalkRcd | |
CSCDBGains | |
CSCDBGains::Item | |
CSCDBGainsRcd | |
CSCDBNoiseMatrix | |
CSCDBNoiseMatrix::Item | |
CSCDBNoiseMatrixRcd | |
CSCDBPedestals | |
CSCDBPedestals::Item | |
CSCDBPedestalsRcd | |
CSCDbStripConditions | |
CSCDCCEventData | 01/20/05 A.Tumanov |
CSCDCCExaminer | |
CSCDCCExaminer::OStream | |
CSCDCCExaminer::OStream::buffer | |
CSCDCCFormatStatusDigi | Digi for CSC DCC/DDU Format status |
CSCDCCFormatStatusDigiCollection | - Date
- 2006/09/08 15:39:41
- Revision
- 1.1
CSCDCCHeader | |
CSCDCCStatusDigi | Digi for CSC DCC info available in DDU |
CSCDCCStatusDigiCollection | - Date
- 2007/05/21 20:06:55
- Revision
- 1.1
CSCDCCTrailer | Documented at |
CSCDCCUnpacker | - Date
- 2008/06/24 15:51:49
- Revision
- 1.17
CSCDDUDataItr | |
CSCDDUEventData | - Author:
- Rick Wilkinson
CSCDDUHeader | |
CSCDDUMapRcd | |
CSCDDUMapValues | |
CSCDDUStatusDigi | Digi for CSC DDU info available in DDU |
CSCDDUStatusDigiCollection | - Date
- 2007/05/21 20:06:55
- Revision
- 1.1
CSCDDUTrailer | Documented at |
CSCDetectorHit | A CSCDetectorHit can represent a hit either on a wire or a strip in the early stages of the Endcap Muon CSC digitization |
CSCDetId | Identifier class for hierarchy of Endcap Muon detector components |
CSCDetIdSameChamberComparator | |
CSCDetIdSameChamberCompare | |
CSCDetIdSameDetLayerComparator | |
CSCDetIdSameDetLayerCompare | |
CSCDigiDump | |
CSCDigiProducer | |
CSCDigiSuppressor | |
CSCDigitizer | Digitizer class for endcap muon CSCs |
CSCDigiToPattern | |
CSCDigiToRaw | - Date
- 2008/06/27 02:56:35
- Revision
- 1.9
CSCDigiToRawModule | - Date
- 2008/06/26 18:43:21
- Revision
- 1.7
CSCDigiValidation | |
CSCDMBHeader | |
CSCDMBStatusDigi | Digi for CSC DMB info available in DDU |
CSCDMBStatusDigiCollection | Alex Tumanov 5/16/07 |
CSCDMBTrailer | |
CSCDriftSim | Simulate drift of electrons through CSC gas |
CSCEfficiency | Efficiency calculations Stoyan Stoynev, Northwestern University |
CSCEfficiency::ChamberHistos | |
CSCEventData | |
CSCFakeCrosstalkConditions | |
CSCFakeCrosstalkMap | |
CSCFakeDBCrosstalk | |
CSCFakeDBCrosstalkPopCon | |
CSCFakeDBGains | |
CSCFakeDBGainsPopCon | |
CSCFakeDBNoiseMatrix | |
CSCFakeDBPedestals | |
CSCFakeGainsConditions | |
CSCFakeNoiseMatrixConditions | |
CSCFakePedestalsConditions | |
CSCFileDumper | |
CSCFileReader | |
CSCFindPeakTime | This is CSCFindPeakTime |
CSCFitAFEBThr | Concrete algorithmic class used to identify threshold and noise in AFEB channel threshold scan in the endcap muon CSCs |
CSCFrontRearLUT | - Author:
- L.Gray
CSCGainAnalyzer | |
CSCGains | |
CSCGains::Item | |
CSCGainsConditions | |
CSCGainsDBConditions | |
CSCGainsRcd | |
CSCGangedStripTopology | A concrete CSCStripTopology in which strips are ganged, as in ME1A chambers |
CSCGangedWireGrouping | A concrete CSCWireGrouping in which wires are ganged |
CSCGasCollisions | Class to handle CSC gas ionization simulation during digitization |
CSCGattiFunction | Represent functional form of charge distribution over strips in Endcap Muon CSC's |
CSCGeometry | The model of the geometry of the endcap muon CSC detectors |
CSCGeometryBuilderFromDDD | Build the CSCGeometry from the DDD description |
CSCGeometryESModule | ESProducer for CSCGeometry in MuonGeometryRecord |
cscdqm::CSCHistoDef | CSC Level Histogram Type |
cscdqm::CSCHistoKeyType | |
CSCHitFromStripOnly | Search for strip with ADC output exceeding theThresholdForAPeak |
CSCHitFromWireOnly | Search for hits within the wire groups |
CSCHLTMonitorModule | HLT Level CSC DQM module |
CSCHotChannelMask | |
CSCIdentifier | |
CSCIdentifier::Item | |
CSCIdentifierRcd | |
CSCIndexer | Creates a linear index for various sublevels of the endcap muon CSC system |
cscdqm::CSCKeyType | |
CSCL1TPParameters | - Author:
- Slava Valuev
CSCL1TPParametersConditions | |
CSCL1TPParametersRcd | Description: Record for configuration parameters needed for the Level-1 CSC |
CSCLayer | Describes the geometry of the lowest-level detector unit modelled by a C++ object in the endcap muon CSC system |
CSCLayerGeometry | Encapsulates the geometrical details of a CSCLayer in a WireTopology for the wires and in a StripTopology for the strips |
CSCMake2DRecHit | The overlap between strip hits and wire hits is used to determined 2D RecHit |
cscmap | |
cscmap1 | |
CSCMap1Read | |
CSCMapItem | |
CSCMapItem::MapItem | |
CSCMonitorInterface | Interface to the Data Quality Monitoring Module |
CSCMonitorModule | Online CSC DQM module |
CSCMonitorModuleCmn | Common CSC DQM Module that uses CSCDQM Framework |
CSCMonitorObject | Cscdqm::MonitorObject implementation used in CSCMonitorModuleCmn |
CSCMotherboard | Correlates anode and cathode LCTs from the same chamber |
CSCMuonPortCard | Simulates the functionality of the Muon Port Card (MPC) |
CSCNeutronReader | |
CSCNeutronWriter | Writes out the database of neutron patterns for the CSCs |
CSCNoiseMatrix | |
CSCNoiseMatrix::Item | |
CSCNoiseMatrixAnalyzer | |
CSCNoiseMatrixConditions | |
CSCNoiseMatrixDBConditions | |
CSCNoiseMatrixRcd | |
CSCNonslantedWireGeometry | A concrete CSCWireGeometry in which the wires are not slanted, i.e |
CSCNumberingScheme | Implementation of MuonNumberingScheme for muon endcaps, converts the MuonBaseNumber to a unit id |
CSCobject | |
CSCOfflineMonitor | Simple package for offline CSC DQM based on RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation: DIGIS recHits segments |
CSCOldCrossTalkAnalyzer | |
CSCOldGainAnalyzer | |
CSCOverlapConfigSelector | |
CSCPatternLUT | - Author:
- L
CSCPeakBinOfStripPulse | Class used to identify ADC peak pulse height and T_max on strips in the endcap muon CSCs |
CSCPedestals | |
CSCPedestals::Item | |
CSCPedestalsDBConditions | |
CSCPedestalsRcd | |
CSCRangeMapAccessor | Comparator to retrieve CSCrechits by chamber |
CSCRangeMapForRecHit | Comparator to retrieve CSCrechits by chamber or by layer |
CSCReadoutElectronicsMapping | - Author:
- Lindsey Gray A CSCTriggerMapping that encodes the eletronics labels into a unique label, appropriate for most situations including slicetest
CSCReadoutMapping | - Author:
- Tim Cox Abstract class to define mapping between CSC readout hardware ids and other labels
CSCReadoutMapping::CSCLabel | Instead of a set of vectors of int use one vector of a set of ints |
CSCReadoutMappingForSliceTest | - Author:
- Tim Cox A CSCReadoutMapping using encoding of hardware labels appropriate for CSC Slice Test from Winter 2005 to Summer 2006 (at least)
CSCReadoutMappingFromFile | - Author:
- Tim Cox A concrete CSCReadoutMappingForSliceTest to read mapping from Ascii file
CSCReadoutMappingRcd | |
CSCReadoutSimpleMapping | - Author:
- Lindsey Gray A CSCTriggerMapping that encodes the hardware labels into a CSCDetId, appropriate for most situations including slicetest
CSCRecHit2D | Describes a 2-dim reconstructed hit in one layer of an Endcap Muon CSC |
CSCRecHit2DCollection | The collection of CSCRecHit2D's |
CSCRecHit2DValidation | |
CSCRecHitDBuilder | Algorithm to build 2-D RecHit from wire and strip digis in endcap muon CSCs by implementing a 'build' function required by CSCRecHitDProducer |
CSCRecHitDProducer | Produces a collection of CSCRecHit2D's (2-dim space-point RecHits) in endcap muon CSCs |
CSCRecHitValidation | |
CSCRecoConditions | Wrap CSCConditions class for use in CSC local reconstruction, in analogy with wrapper classes Rick uses in CSCDigitizer |
CSCRPCData | |
CSCRPCDigi | Digi for RPC data coming thru RAT-ALCT-DDU |
CSCRPCDigiCollection | For RPC data coming thru RAT-ALCT_DDU |
CSCRSensorData | |
CSCRSensors | Description: Class for CSCRSensors for use as calibration |
CSCRSensorsRcd | |
CSCSaturationAnalyzer | |
CSCscaAnalyzer | |
CSCSectorReceiverLUT | - Author:
- Lindsey Gray, Slava Valuev, Jason Mumford
CSCSectorReceiverMiniLUT | - Author:
- Brett Jackson
CSCSegAlgoDF | This is a modified version of the SK algorithm for building endcap muon track segments out of the rechit's in a CSCChamber |
CSCSegAlgoHitPruning | |
CSCSegAlgoPreClustering | |
CSCSegAlgoShowering | Class CSCSegAlgoShowering |
CSCSegAlgoSK | This is the original algorithm for building endcap muon track segments out of the rechit's in a CSCChamber |
CSCSegAlgoST | This algorithm is based on the Minimum Spanning Tree (ST) approach for building endcap muon track segments out of the rechit's in a CSCChamber |
CSCSegAlgoTC | This is an alternative algorithm for building endcap muon track segments out of the rechit's in a CSCChamber |
CSCSegment | Describes a reconstructed track segment in the 6 layers of a CSC chamber |
CSCSegmentAlgo | An abstract base class for algorithmic classes used to build segments in one chamber of an Endcap Muon CSC |
CSCSegmentAlgorithm | |
CSCSegmentBuilder | Algorithm to build CSCSegment's from CSCRecHit2D collection by implementing a 'build' function required by CSCSegmentProducer |
CSCSegmentBuilderPluginFactory | Plugin factory for concrete CSCSegmentBuilder algorithms |
CSCSegmentCollection | The collection of CSCSegment's |
CSCSegmentProducer | Produces a collection of CSCSegment's in endcap muon CSCs |
CSCSegmentValidation | |
CSCSkim | This simple program selects minimal CSC events for output |
CSCSlantedWireGeometry | A concrete CSCWireGeometry in which wires are slanted, i.e |
CSCSP_MBblock | |
CSCSP_MEblock | |
CSCSP_SPblock | |
CSCSPCounters | |
CSCSPEvent | |
CSCSPHeader | |
CSCSPRecord | |
CSCSPTrailer | |
CSCStationIndex | |
CSCStripAmpResponse | |
CSCStripConditions | |
CSCStripData | Hold strip data while building strip hits |
CSCStripDigi | Digi for CSC Cathode Strips |
CSCStripDigiCollection | ED |
CSCStripDigiValidation | |
CSCStripElectronicsSim | Model the readout electronics chain for EMU CSC strips |
CSCStripHit | Yields the position in terms of 1/2 strip # of a 1-D reconstructed strip hit in one layer of an Endcap Muon CSC |
CSCStripHitCollection | The collection of CSCStripHit's |
CSCStripHitData | Hold strip hit data while building strip hit clusters |
CSCStripHitSim | Class which builds simulated strip hits from wire hits during digitization of Endcap Muon CSCs |
CSCStripTopology | ABC interface for all endcap muon CSC radial strip topologies |
CSCSurveyErrorRcd | DB record to hold errors of alignment parameters from survey |
CSCSurveyRcd | DB record to hold values of alignment parameters from survey |
CSCSWireHit | Yields the position in terms wire group # of a 1-D reconstructed wire hit in one layer of an Endcap Muon CSC |
CSCTFanalyzer | |
CSCTFAnalyzer | |
CSCTFCandidateBuilder | - Author:
- L
CSCTFCandidateProducer | |
CSCTFConfigProducer | |
CSCTFConstants |
CSCTFDTReceiver | |
CSCTFEvent | |
CSCTFFileReader | |
CSCTFMonitorInterface | Interface to the Data Quality Monitoring Module |
CSCTFMuonSorter | |
CSCTFPacker | |
CSCTFPtMethods | |
CSCTFSectorProcessor | KK |
CSCTFSPCoreLogic | |
CSCTFSPCoreLogic::SPio | Change input and output to Signal |
CSCTFTBEventData | |
CSCTFTBEventHeader | |
CSCTFTBFrontBlock | |
CSCTFTBFrontData | |
CSCTFTBFrontHeader | |
CSCTFTrackBuilder | |
CSCTFTrackProducer | |
CSCTFUnpacker | |
CSCTFValidator | |
CSCThrTurnOnFcn | Model functional form for fitting AFEB turn-on threshold information from Muon Endcap CSC's |
CSCTMBData | - Date
- 2009/03/10 19:29:54
- Revision
- 1.29
CSCTMBHeader | |
CSCTMBHeader2006 | |
CSCTMBHeader2007 | |
CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3 | |
CSCTMBScope | |
CSCTMBStatusDigi | Digi for CSC TMB info available in DDU |
CSCTMBStatusDigiCollection | - Date
- 2007/03/29 16:04:42
- Revision
- 1.1
CSCTMBTrailer | Defined to begin at the 6E0C word 2006 format 6E0C 2AAA (optional) 5555 (optional) D8+CRC22(10) D8+CRC22(10) DE0F D8+WordCount |
CSCToAFEB | CSC layer, wire vs AFEB channel map |
CSCTriggerContainer< T > | - Author:
- L
CSCTriggerElectronicsMapping | |
CSCTriggerElectronicsMappingFromFile | - Author:
- Lindsey Gray A concrete CSCTriggerElectronicsMapping to read mapping from Ascii file
CSCTriggerGeometry | Static wrapper for CSCTriggerGeomManager Makes changing geometry per event easy |
CSCTriggerGeomManager | Container for CSC geometry-related code |
CSCTriggerMapping | - Author:
- Lindsey Gray (taken from T
CSCTriggerMapping::CSCTriggerConnection | Instead of a set of vectors of int use one vector of a set of ints Defines a connection between a chamber on a disc and a readout label |
CSCTriggerMappingFromFile | - Author:
- Lindsey Gray A concrete CSCTriggerSimpleMapping to read mapping from Ascii file
CSCTriggerNumbering | Converts standard trigger labels to geometry labels |
CSCTriggerPrimitivesBuilder | Algorithm to build anode, cathode, and correlated LCTs from wire and comparator digis in endcap muon CSCs by implementing a 'build' function required by CSCTriggerPrimitivesProducer |
CSCTriggerPrimitivesProducer | Implementation of the local Level-1 Cathode Strip Chamber trigger |
CSCTriggerSimpleMapping | |
CSCTruthTest | |
CSCUngangedStripTopology | A concrete CSCStripTopology with unganged strips (normal CSC case |
CSCUngangedWireGrouping | A concrete CSCWireGrouping in which wires are not ganged |
CSCUtility | CSCMonitorModule and CSCHLTMonitorModule utility routines |
CSCValHists | Manages Histograms for CSCValidation |
CSCValHists::posRecord | |
CSCValidation | Simple package to validate local CSC reconstruction: DIGIS recHits segments |
CSCValidation::ltrh | |
CSCVirtexID | |
CSCVTMBHeaderFormat | |
CSCWireDigi | Digi for CSC anode wires |
CSCWireDigiCollection | Based on DTDigiCollection.h |
CSCWireDigiValidation | |
CSCWireElectronicsSim | Model the readout electronics chain for EMU CSC wires |
CSCWireGeometry | An ABC defining interface for geometry related to angle which wires of a detector modelled by a WireTopology make with the local x axis |
CSCWireGrouping | An ABC defining interface for wire-grouping related functionality for detectors modelled by a WireTopology |
CSCWireGroupPackage | Bundle wire group info from DDD into one package to simplify passing it around |
CSCWireHit | |
CSCWireHitCollection | The collection of CSCWireHit's |
CSCWireHitSim | Class used to simulate hit on wire in Endcap Muon CSC |
CSCWireTopology | A concrete class derived from WireTopology, to handle wire (group) geometry functionality for endcap muon CSCs |
CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti | When having both strip and wire hit in a layer, use Gatti "matching" to calculate position ond error of strip hit |
CSCZSensorData | Easy output |
CSCZSensors | Description: Class for CSCZSensors for use as calibration |
CSCZSensorsRcd | |
evf::Css | |
CSVBlankLineParser | |
CSVDataLineParser | |
CSVFieldMap | |
CSVHeaderLineParser | |
ctEScales | |
CtfSpecialSeedGenerator | |
CurrentAlignmentKFUpdator | |
CurrentG4Track | This class is NOT intended for general use |
edm::CurrentProcessingContext | |
CurvilinearJacobian | Base class for calculations of Jacobians of transformations within the curvilinear frame |
CurvilinearLorentzForce< T, N > | |
CurvilinearState | State for solving the equation of motion with Z as free variable |
CurvilinearTrajectoryError | Parametrization of the error matrix in the curvilinear frame |
CurvilinearTrajectoryParameters | Class providing access to a set of relevant parameters of a trajectory in a Curvilinear frame |
CustomParticle | |
CustomParticleFactory | |
CustomPDGParser | |
CustomPhysics | |
CustomPhysicsList | |
lat::CustomStreamBuf | |
edm::CustomStreamer< T > | |
CustomUIsession | |
CutBasedElectronID | |
CutBasedPhotonIDAlgo | |
reco::parser::CutBinaryOperator< Op > | |
reco::parser::CutBinaryOperatorSetter< Op > | |
CutCodes | |
muonisolation::Cuts | |
muonisolation::Cuts::CutSpec | |
muonisolation::CutsConeSizeFunction | |
reco::parser::CutSetter | |
CutValues | |
Cylinder | A Cylinder |
CylinderBuilderFromDet | Given a container of GeomDets, constructs a cylinder of minimal dimensions that contains all of the Dets completely (all corners etc |
CylinderFromSectorMFGrid | |
Geom::Cylindrical2Cartesian< T > | Converts cylindtical coordinates to cartesian coordinates |
CylindricalError3D< T > | Obsolete |
CylindricalLorentzForce< T, N > | |
CylindricalState | State for solving the equation of motion with radius (in cylindrical coordinates) as free variable |
DAFTrackProducer | |
DAFTrackProducerAlgorithm | |
PFTauDiscriminants::Dalitz | |
DaqBaseReader | Base class for a "data reader" for the DaqSource |
DaqData< Format > | This is the basic class accomplishing raw data formatting/unformatting |
DAQEcalTBInputService | |
DAQFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
DAQFlagXML | XML format flag |
DaqReaderPluginFactory | Plugin factory for actual data sources for DaqSource |
DaqScopeModeAlgorithm | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
DaqScopeModeAnalysis | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
DaqScopeModeHistograms | |
DaqScopeModeTask | |
DaqSource | An input service for raw data |
edm::DaqSource | |
fwlite::internal::Data | |
Data | |
edm::eventsetup::data_default_record_trait< DataT > | |
data_default_record_trait | Description: trait class that assigns a default EventSetup Record to a particular data type |
l1t::DataAlreadyPresentException | |
DataCertificationJetMET | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::DataFrame | |
edm::DataFrameContainer | Optitimized container that linearized a "vector of vector" |
edm::DataFrameContainer::IterHelp | |
edm::eventsetup::DataKey | |
fwlite::internal::DataKey | |
DataKey | Description: Key used to identify data within a EventSetupRecord |
DataKeyTags | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
l1t::DataManager | |
edm::DataMixingEMWorker | |
DataMixingEMWorker | DataMixingModule is the EDProducer subclass that overlays rawdata events on top of MC, using real data for pileup simulation This class takes care of the EM information |
edm::DataMixingHcalWorker | |
DataMixingHcalWorker | DataMixingModule is the EDProducer subclass that overlays rawdata events on top of MC, using real data for pileup simulation This class takes care of the Hcal information |
edm::DataMixingModule | |
DataMixingModule | DataMixingModule is the EDProducer subclass that overlays rawdata events on top of MC, using real data for pileup simulation |
edm::DataMixingMuonWorker | |
DataMixingMuonWorker | DataMixingModule is the EDProducer subclass that overlays rawdata events on top of MC, using real data for pileup simulation This class takes care of the Muon information |
edm::DataMixingSiPixelWorker | |
DataMixingSiPixelWorker | DataMixingModule is the EDProducer subclass that overlays rawdata events on top of MC, using real data for pileup simulation This class takes care of the Si Pixel information |
edm::DataMixingSiStripWorker | |
DataMixingSiStripWorker | DataMixingModule is the EDProducer subclass that overlays rawdata events on top of MC, using real data for pileup simulation This class takes care of the SiStrip information |
edm::DataMixingSiStripWorker::StrictWeakOrdering | |
stor::DataProcessManager | |
DataProxy< RecordT, DataT > | Description: Base class for data Proxies held by a EventSetupRecord |
edm::eventsetup::DataProxy | |
DataProxy< IdealGeometryRecord, DDCompactView > | This specialization of DataProxy is requred so that we are able to retrieve PIdealGeometry and yet return DDCompactView via the ESSource |
DataProxyProvider | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::DataProxyProvider | |
edm::eventsetup::DataProxyTemplate< RecordT, DataT > | |
DataProxyTemplate | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
l1t::DataReader | |
rpcrawtodigi::DataRecord | |
cond::XMLAuthenticationService::DataSourceEntry | A simple class holding the roles and the credentials corresponding to a database service |
edm::DataViewImpl | |
DataViewImpl | Description: This is the implementation for accessing EDProducts and inserting new EDproducts |
l1t::DataWriter | |
DateHandler | |
DB_ME | |
python::DBCopy::DBCopy | |
python::DBImpl::DBImpl | |
DBInterface | Gather data from DB |
DBlmapReader | |
DbQuery | |
dbread | |
pydbsAccessor::dbsAccessor | |
pyDBSguiBaseClass::dbsBaseGui | |
DBSession | Description: Class to prepare database connection setup |
cond::DBSession | |
DBSpecToDetUnit | |
pyDBSRunClass::DBSRun | |
DCacheFile | |
DCacheStorageMaker | |
DCCDataBlockPrototype | |
DCCDataUnpacker | |
DCCEBEventBlock | |
DCCEEEventBlock | |
DCCEventBlock | |
DCCFEBlock | |
DCCMemBlock | |
DCCSCBlock | |
DccSpec | |
DCCSRPBlock | |
DCCTBBlockPrototype | |
DCCTBDataField | |
DCCTBDataFieldComparator | |
DCCTBDataMapper | |
DCCTBDataParser | |
DCCTBEventBlock | |
DCCTBTowerBlock | |
DCCTBTrailerBlock | |
DCCTBXtalBlock | |
DCCTCCBlock | |
DCCTowerBlock | |
DConverterFP420 | |
DCSFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
DCSFlagXML | XML format flag |
DCSPTMTemp | |
DCSPTMTempList | |
DCUCapsuleTempDat | |
DCUCapsuleTempRawDat | |
DCUIDarkDat | |
DCUIDarkPedDat | |
DCULVRBTempsDat | |
DCULVRTempsDat | |
DCULVRVoltagesDat | |
DCUTag | Tag for Run information |
DCUVFETempDat | |
DDAlgo | |
DDAlgorithmHandler | Wrapper around a DDAlgorithm |
DDAxesNames | |
DDBase< N, C > | Your comment here |
DDBase< N, C >::iterator< D > | |
DDBooleanSolid | |
DDBox | |
DDCompactView | Compact representation of the geometrical detector hierarchy |
DDCompactViewImpl | |
DDCompareEqual | Compares a given geometrical-history whether it corresponds to the given part-selector |
DDCons | |
DDConstant | Named constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector> |
DDCopyNoFtor | |
DDCurrentNamespace | |
DDDCmsTrackerContruction | High level class to build a tracker |
DDDefaultNumberingScheme | Default numbering scheme |
DDDividedBoxX | |
DDDividedBoxY | |
DDDividedBoxZ | |
DDDividedConsPhi | |
DDDividedConsRho | |
DDDividedConsZ | |
DDDividedGeometryObject | |
DDDividedPolyconePhi | |
DDDividedPolyconeRho | |
DDDividedPolyconeZ | |
DDDividedPolyhedraPhi | |
DDDividedPolyhedraRho | |
DDDividedPolyhedraZ | |
DDDividedTrdX | |
DDDividedTrdY | |
DDDividedTrdZ | |
DDDividedTubsPhi | |
DDDividedTubsRho | |
DDDividedTubsZ | |
DDDivision | |
DDDToPersFactory | - Author:
- : Michael Case Initial Version
DDDWorld | |
DDDWorldObserver< Event > | |
DDEcalBarrelAlgo | |
DDEcalEndcapAlgo | |
DDEcalEndcapTrap | |
DDEcalPreshowerAlgo | |
DDEcalPreshowerAlgoTB | |
DDEnums | Enumaration of a possible categorization of the DDLogicalPart, defaults to unspecified |
DDErrorDetection | |
DDException | An exception for DDD errors |
DDExpandedNode | One node in the DDExpandedView |
DDExpandedNodeLess | Function object to compare to ExpandedNodes |
DDExpandedView | DDExpandedView provides a tree-walker (iterator) for the expanded view of the detector description |
DDFilter | A Filter accepts or rejects a DDExpandedNode based on a user-coded decision rule |
DDFilteredView | |
DDFrameGenerator | |
DDG4Builder | |
DDG4Dispatchable | |
DDG4ProductionCuts | |
DDG4SensitiveConverter | |
DDG4SolidConverter | |
DDGeometryReturnType | |
DDHCalAngular | |
DDHCalBarrelAlgo | |
DDHCalEndcapAlgo | |
DDHCalForwardAlgo | |
DDHCalLinearXY | |
DDHCalTBCableAlgo | |
DDHCalTBZposAlgo | |
DDHCalTestBeamAlgo | |
DDHCalXtalAlgo | |
DDHtmlDetails | |
DDHtmlFormatter | |
DDHtmlLpDetails | |
DDHtmlMaDetails | |
DDHtmlRoDetails | |
DDHtmlSoDetails | |
DDHtmlSpDetails | |
DDIntersection | |
DDINumberingScheme | Abstract interface for a numbering scheme |
DDIsChildFtor | |
DDLAlgoPosPart | DDLAlgoPosPart handles AlgoPosPart elements |
DDLAlgorithm | DDLAlgorithm processes Algorithm elements |
DDLBooleanSolid | This class takes care of processing all BooleanSolid type elements |
DDLBox | DDLBox processes Box elements |
DDLCompositeMaterial | DDLCompositeMaterial processes all CompositeMaterial elements |
DDLCone | DDLCone processes all Cone elements |
DDLConfiguration | DDLConfiguration reads in the configuration file for the DDParser |
DDLDivision | DDLDivision processes Division elements |
DDLDocumentProvider | DDLDocumentProvider provides a set of URLs and filenames |
DDLElementaryMaterial | DDLElementaryMaterial processes ElementaryMaterial elements |
DDLElementRegistry | The main class for processing parsed elements |
DDLLogicalPart | DDLLogicalPart processes LogicalPart elements |
DDLMap | DDLMap handles Map container |
DDLMaterial | DDLMaterial processes Box elements |
DDLNumeric | DDLNumeric handles Numeric Elements |
DDLogicalPart | A DDLogicalPart aggregates information concerning material, solid and sensitveness .. |
DDLParser | DDLParser is the main class of Detector Description Language Parser |
DDLPolyGenerator | DDLPolyGenerator processes DDL XML Polycone and DDL XML Polyhedra elements |
DDLPosPart | DDLPosPart handles PosPart elements |
DDLPseudoTrap | - Author:
- Michael Case
DDLReflectionSolid | DDLReflectionSolid processes ReflectionSolid elements |
DDLRotationAndReflection | DDLRotationAndReflection handles RotationCMSIM and ReflectionRotation elements |
DDLRotationByAxis | DDLRotationByAxis handles RotationByAxis elements |
DDLRotationSequence | DDLRotationSequence handles a set of Rotations |
DDLSAX2ConfigHandler | DDLSAX2ConfigHandler is the handler for the configuration file |
DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler | DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler is the first pass SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file |
DDLSAX2FileHandler | DDLSAX2FileHandler is the SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file |
DDLSAX2Handler | DDLSAX2Handler inherits from Xerces C++ DefaultHandler |
DDLShapelessSolid | DDLShapelessSolid processes ShapelessSolid elements |
DDLSolid | DDLSolid processes Box elements |
DDLSpecPar | DDLSpecPar processes SpecPar elements |
DDLString | DDLString handles String Elements |
DDLTorus | - Author:
- Michael Case
DDLTrapezoid | - Author:
- Michael Case
DDLTubs | DDLTubs processes Tubs elements |
DDLVector | DDLVector handles Rotation and ReflectionRotation elements |
DDMap | Named constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector> |
DDMapper< KeyType, ValueType > | |
DDMaterial | DDMaterial is used to define and access material information |
DDName | DDName is used to identify DDD entities uniquely |
DDNameFtor | |
DDNameInterface | DDNameInterface provides a common interface to DDD entities |
DDNameSpaceFtor | |
DDNodes | |
DDNodeSelector | Given a part selection std::string, a node selector calculates all expanded nodes in the geometry tree |
DDNsGenerator | Generates HTML for DD-namespaces |
DDNumberingScheme | Base for user specfic numbering schemes |
DDObject< T > | |
python_dbs::DDOptionParser | |
DDPartSelection | |
DDPartSelectionExpander | |
DDPartSelectionLevel | |
DDPartSelRegExpLevel | |
DDPathLevel | |
DDPersToDDDFactory | - Author:
- : Michael Case Initial Version
DDPixBarLayerAlgo | |
DDPixFwdBlades | |
DDPolycone | |
DDPolyhedra | |
DDPolySolid | Abstract class for DDPolycone and DDPolyhedra. Basically a common member function |
DDPosData | Relative position of a child-volume inside a parent-volume |
DDPseudoTrap | |
DDQuery | Base class for querying for nodes in the DDExpandedView |
DDReflectionSolid | |
DDRegistry< T > | |
DDRoot | Defines the root of the CompactView |
DDRotation | Represents a uniquely identifyable rotation matrix |
DDRotOutput | |
DDScope | Defines subtrees in the expanded-view |
DDScopeClassification | Classification of scope describe by A towards B |
DDSelLevelCollector | |
DDSelLevelFtor | |
DDShapelessSolid | This is simply a handle on the solid |
DDSolid | A DDSolid represents the shape of a part |
DDSolidFactory | Creates a box with side length 2*xHalf, 2*yHalf, 2*zHalf |
DDSolidShapesName | |
DDSpecifics | Used to attach specific (user defined) data to nodes in the expanded view |
DDSpecificsFilter | The DDGenericFilter is a runtime-parametrized Filter looking on DDSpecifcs |
DDSpecificsFilter::SpecificCriterion | |
DDStreamer | Streaming the DDD transient store from/into a std::istream/stdostream */ |
DDString | Named constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector> |
DDStrVector | Named constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsStrVector> |
DDSubtraction | |
DDTBH4Algo | |
DDTECAxialCableAlgo | |
DDTECCoolAlgo | |
DDTECModuleAlgo | |
DDTECOptoHybAlgo | |
DDTECPhiAlgo | |
DDTECPhiAltAlgo | |
DDTIBLayerAlgo | |
DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC | |
DDTIBRadCableAlgo_MTCC | |
DDTIDAxialCableAlgo | |
DDTIDModuleAlgo | |
DDTIDModulePosAlgo | |
DDTIDRingAlgo | |
DDTOBAxCableAlgo | |
DDTOBRadCableAlgo | |
DDTOBRodAlgo | |
DDTorus | |
DDTrackerAngular | |
DDTrackerLinear | |
DDTrackerLinearXY | |
DDTrackerPhiAlgo | |
DDTrackerPhiAltAlgo | |
DDTrackerXYZPosAlgo | |
DDTrackerZPosAlgo | |
DDTrap | Interface to a Trapezoid |
DDTruncTubs | A truncated tube section |
DDTubs | |
cscdqm::DDUHistoDef | DDU Level Histogram Definition |
DDUnion | |
DDValue | A DDValue std::maps a std::vector of DDValuePair (std::string,double) to a name |
DDValuePair | |
DDVector | Named constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector> |
DDXMLElement | This is a base class for processing XML elements in the DDD |
DDXMLElementRegistry | This is a base class for Registering DDXMLElements |
de_rank< T > | --- order candidates --- |
DeadChannel | Test that histogram contents are above Ymin |
lat::DebugAids | Utilities for debugging support |
rpcrawtodigi::DebugDigisPrintout | |
rpcrawtodigi::DebugDigisPrintout::MyDigi | |
lat::Debuggable | Utility base class to translate debugging events into object-specific virtual function calls |
edm::debugging_allocator< T > | |
edm::debugging_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
edm::debugvalue | |
DebugZMCTruth | |
Decay3Body | |
PFTauDiscriminants::DecayMode | |
decayParser | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cond::DecodingKey | |
DEcompare< T > | |
funct::DecomposePower< A, B > | |
funct::DecomposePower< A, Numerical< 1 > > | |
funct::DecomposeProduct< A, B > | |
funct::DecomposeProduct< A, A > | |
funct::DecomposeProduct< ProductStruct< A, B >, A > | |
funct::DecomposeProduct< ProductStruct< A, B >, B > | |
lat::DecompressInputStream | A stream filter to decompress the input data |
lat::Decompressor | |
SequenceTypes::DecoratedNodeNameVisitor | |
DecoratedSB< PRE, POST > | |
edm::eventsetup::DecoratorFromArg< T, TRecord, TArg > | |
edm::eventsetup::DecoratorFromArg< T, TRecord, depends_on::OneHolder< T, TDependsOnRecord > > | |
edm::eventsetup::DecoratorFromArg< T, TRecord, depends_on::TwoHolder< T1, T2 > > | |
reco::DeDxData | |
DeDxDiscriminatorProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
DeDxDiscriminatorProducer::isEqual | |
DeDxDiscriminatorProducer::stModInfo | |
DeDxEstimatorProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
reco::DeDxHit | Class defining the dedx hits, i.e |
DeepCopyPointer< T > | A "smart" pointer that implements deep copy and ownership |
DeepCopyPointerByClone< T > | Same as DeepCopyPointer, except that it copies the object pointed to wsing the clone() virtual copy constructor |
cond::DefaultBlobStreamingService | |
reco::DefaultComponentTag | |
DefaultLinearizationPointFinder | The default linearization point finder |
DefaultMVFAnnealing | |
funct::DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, Integrator, X > | |
funct::DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, Integrator, no_var > | |
funct::DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, no_var, no_var > | |
funct::DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, no_var, X > | |
edm::DelayedReader | |
edm::deleter | |
deltaEtSorter< T, U > | |
DeltaPhi< T1, T2 > | |
DeltaPhiMinPairSelector | |
DeltaR< T1, T2 > | |
DeltaRMinPairSelector | |
deltaRSorter< T, U > | |
Demangle | |
edm::eventsetup::DependentEventSetupRecordProvider | |
DependentEventSetupRecordProvider | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::DependentEventSetupRecordProviderTemplate< T > | |
DependentEventSetupRecordProviderTemplate | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::DependentRecordImplementation< RecordT, ListT > | |
DependentRecordImplementation | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::DependentRecordIntervalFinder | |
DependentRecordIntervalFinder | Description: Finds the intersection of the ValidityInterval for several Providers |
edm::eventsetup::DependentRecordTag | |
edm::eventsetup::DependsOnCaller< T, TRecord, TDependsOnRecord, TCallerChain > | |
edm::eventsetup::DependsOnDoNothingCaller< TRecord > | |
pftools::Deposition | This class holds an arbitrary energy deposition, specified in terms of angular position, energy, depth (optional) and detector element type |
DEPRECATED_INCLUDE__DDAlgoPar_moved_to_DDBase_interface | |
DEPRECATED_INCLUDE__DDdebug_moved_to_DDBase_interface | |
funct::Derivative< X, A > | |
Description | |
cms::detail::Desired< T, true > | |
DetBelowR | |
DetBelowZ | |
cscdqm::Detector | Detector geometry and addressing related imformation and routines |
pftools::DetectorElement | Represents an energy-measuring region of our detector |
DetectorElementType | Enumerates possible DetectorElement objects |
sipixelobjects::DetectorIndex | |
DeterministicAnnealing | A very simple class that returns the association probabilty of a (any) chi2 value, given a cutoff |
DetGroup | |
DetGroupElement | |
DetGroupMerger | |
DetHitAccess | |
DetId | Parent class for all detector ids in CMS |
DetIdAssociator | \ |
DetIdAssociator::MapRange | |
DetIdAssociatorESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
DetIdAssociatorRecord | |
DetIdComparator | |
DetIdInfo | Description: Helper class to get human readable informationa about given DetId |
DetIdLess | |
DetIdPXBSameLayerComparator | |
DetIdPXFSameDiskComparator | |
DetIdTECSameDiskComparator | |
DetIdTIBSameLayerComparator | |
DetIdTIDSameDiskComparator | |
DetIdTOBSameLayerComparator | |
DetLayer | The DetLayer is the detector abstraction used for track reconstruction |
DetLayerException | Common base class |
DetLessZ | |
DetPhiLess | |
DetPositioner | |
DEtrait< T > | |
DEtrait< CSCALCTDigiCollection_ > | |
DEtrait< CSCCLCTDigiCollection_ > | |
DEtrait< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_ > | |
DEtrait< DecisionWord > | |
DEtrait< EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection > | |
DEtrait< HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1CaloEmCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1CaloRegionCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_ > | |
DEtrait< L1GctEmCandCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1GctJetCandCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1MuGMTCandCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1MuGMTReadoutRecordCollection > | |
DEtrait< L1MuRegionalCandCollection > | |
DEtrait< LTCDigiCollection > | |
DetRod | Abstract interface for a rod of detectors sitting on a BoundPlane |
DetRodOneR | A rod of detectors, all having the same BoundPlane |
edm::DetSet< T > | |
edmNew::DetSet< T > | |
edm::DetSetLazyVector< T > | |
edm::DetSetRefVector< T, C > | |
edm::DetSetVector< T > | |
edmNew::DetSetVector< T > | Optitimized container that linearized a "map of vector" |
edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::FastFiller | |
edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::FindForDetSetVector | |
edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::IterHelp | |
edmNew::dstvdetails::DetSetVectorTrans | |
edmNew::dstvdetails::DetSetVectorTrans::Item | |
DetZLess | |
DEutils< T > | |
DeviationSensor2D | |
DeviationsFromFileSensor2D | |
DialogFrame | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Dict | |
funct::Difference< A, B > | |
funct::Difference< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > > | |
funct::Difference< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > > | |
funct::Difference< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > > | |
cms::Digest | |
lat::Digest | Calculate a checksum of a data stream |
DigiAnalyzer | Demo analyzer for reading digis author A.Tumanov 2/22/06 |
DigiClientHists | |
DigiCollectionFP420 | |
DigiContainerIterator< IndexType, DigiType > | |
DigiContainerIteratorAdaptor | An iterator adaptor for a map<Index, vector<Digi> > that when dereferenced returns a pair<Index, pair<vector<Digi>::const_iterator, vector<Digi>::const_iterator > > where the two iterators point to begin and and of the vector |
DigiConverterFP420 | |
DigiHists | |
cms::DigitizerFP420 | |
cms::DiJetAnalyzer | |
DijetMass | |
DijetRatio | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cms::DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC | |
cms::DiMuonTrajectorySeed | |
pat::DiObjectProxy | |
Exhume::DiPhoton | |
reco::isodeposit::Direction | |
muonisolation::Direction | Simple eta-phi direction |
reco::isodeposit::Direction::Distance | |
directive | -doxygen-like member function documentation
-Few setters and getters |
DirectMuonNavigation | |
DirectTrackerNavigation | |
lat::DirIteratorData | |
PFTauDiscriminants::Discriminant | |
PFTauDiscriminants::DiscriminantBase< T > | |
PFTauDiscriminants::DiscriminantList | |
muonGeometry::Disk | |
DiskLessInnerRadius | Less predicate for disks based on the inner radius |
DiskSectorBounds | |
cscdqm::Dispatcher | Framework frontend and Histogram Cache controller |
DisplayManager | |
DistanceBetweenComponents< N > | Base class (abstract) of calculation of distance between two Gaussian components |
DistanceBetweenComponentsESProducer< N > | Provides algorithms to measure the distance between components (currently either using a Kullback-Leibler or a Mahalanobis distance) |
Distancemeter1DimMeas | |
DistancemeterMeas | |
DistanceOfVertices | |
DistanceOfVertices2D | |
DistanceToCell | |
DDI::Division | |
pixeltemp::DivisiveClusterizer1D< T > | |
DivisiveClusterizer1D< T > | Find the modes with a simple divisive method |
DivisiveVertexFinder | Description: Fits a primary vertex in 1D (z) using the "divisive method" |
edm::DoAssign< T > | |
edm::DoFillView< T > | |
edm::DoHasIsProductEqual< T > | |
edm::DoIsProductEqual< T > | |
edm::DoMergeProduct< T > | |
edm::helpers::DoNoPostReadFixup | |
edm::DoNotFillView< T > | |
edm::DoNotHasIsProductEqual< T > | |
edm::DoNotIsProductEqual< T > | |
edm::DoNotMergeProduct< T > | |
edm::DoNotPostInsert< T > | |
edm::DoNotRecordParents | |
edm::DoNotSetPtr< T > | |
edm::DoNotSortUponInsertion | |
edm::DoPostInsert< T > | |
edm::DoSetPtr< T > | |
edm::DoSwap< T > | |
Types::double | |
double_binary | |
DoubleProducer | |
DQMBaseClient | |
DQMBasicNet | |
DQMChannel | |
DQMClientExample | * DQM Test Client |
stor::DQMConsumerPipe | |
DQMDaqInfo | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
DQMEventHeader | |
DQMEventInfo | |
DQMEventMsgBuilder | This class is used to build and view the DQM Event data that is exchanged between the filter units and the storage manager |
DQMEventMsgView | |
stor::DQMEventServer | |
DQMFEDIntegrityClient | |
DQMFileSaver | |
DQMFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
DQMFlagXML | XML format flag |
stor::DQMFolder | |
DQMfromDBSgui::DQMfromDBSgui | |
stor::DQMGroup | |
stor::DQMGroupDescriptor | |
DQMHLTSourcePi0 | |
edm::DQMHttpSource | |
DQMImplNet< ObjType > | |
DQMImplNet< ObjType >::ImplPeer | |
stor::DQMInstance | |
DQMNet | |
DQMNet::AutoPeer | |
DQMNet::Bucket | |
DQMNet::CoreObject | |
DQMNet::Object | |
DQMNet::Peer | |
DQMNet::QValue | |
DQMNet::WaitObject | |
DQMOldReceiver | |
DQMParserBase | * Base class for Parsers used by DQM |
DQMScope | Gateway to accessing DQM core in threads other than the CMSSW thread |
DQMService | A bridge to udpate the DQM network layer at the end of every event |
stor::DQMServiceManager | |
DQMSourceExample | * DQM Test Client |
DQMSourcePhiSym | * DQM Source for phi symmetry stream |
DQMSourcePi0 | |
DQMStore | |
DreamSD | |
DTAlbertoBenvenutiTask | |
geometryXMLparser::DTAlignable | |
DTAlignmentErrorRcd | |
DTAlignmentRcd | |
DTBtiCard | Contains active DTBtiChips |
DTBtiChip | Implementation of DTBtiChip trigger algorithm Internally uses DTBtiHit to store muon digis |
DTBtiHit | A class for hits in a drift cell |
DTBtiId | BTI Identifier |
DTBtiTrig | BTI Trigger Data Has pointers to parent BTI and DTDigis which allow algorithm debugging |
DTBtiTrigData | DTBtiChip Trigger Data |
DTBufferInit | |
DTBufferTree< Key, Content > | Description: |
DTCache< T, Coll > | Trigger Cache Used to store various trigger data |
DTCalibDBUtils | Simple interface to PoolDBOutputService to write objects to DB |
DTCalibrationMap | Allow saving and retrieving of calibration constants to/from txt file |
DTCalibValidation | Analysis on DT residuals to validate the kFactor |
DTCCBConfig | Description: Class to hold configuration identifier for chambers |
DTCCBConfigHandler | Description: |
DTCCBConfigRcd | |
DTChamber | Model of a Muon Drift Tube chamber |
DTChamberEfficiency | Description: |
DTChamberEfficiencyClient | * DQM Test Client |
DTChamberEfficiencyTask | DQM Analysis of 4D DT segments, it produces plots about:
- single chamber efficiency All histos are produced per Chamber
DTChamberEfficiencyTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTChamberId | DetUnit identifier for DT chambers |
DTChamberIdComparator | Comparator to retrieve by chamber objects written into a RangeMap by layer or by SL |
DTChamberIdDetLayerComparator | Comparator to retrieve by chamber objects written into a RangeMap by DetLayer |
DTChamberRecSegment2D | A 2D segment for the DT system for Phi projection |
DTChambPhSegm | Muon Chamber Trigger Phi candidate |
DTChambThSegm | Muon Chamber Trigger Theta candidate |
DTCombinatorialPatternReco | Algo for reconstructing 2d segment in DT using a combinatorial approach |
DTCombinatorialPatternReco4D | Algo for reconstructing 4d segment in DT using a combinatorial approach |
DTConfig | Configurable common parameters for Level-1 Muon DT Trigger |
DTConfigBti | Configurable parameters and constants for Level-1 Muon DT Trigger - Bti chip |
DTConfigData | Description: |
DTConfigDBCopy | Description: |
DTConfigDBDump | Description: |
DTConfigDBInit | Description: |
DTConfigHandler | Description: Class to hold configuration identifier for chambers |
DTConfigList | Description: Class to hold configuration identifier for chambers |
DTConfigManager | DTTPG Configuration manager Includes config classes for every single chip |
DTConfigManagerRcd | |
DTConfigRcd | Description: Record for storing TPG chip configurations in Event Setup |
DTConfigSectColl | Configurable parameters and constants for Level-1 Muon DT Trigger - SectorCollector |
DTConfigTester | Description: tester for DTConfig |
DTConfigToken | |
DTConfigTraco | Configurable parameters and constants for Level-1 Muon DT Trigger - Traco chip |
DTConfigTrigUnit | Configurable parameters and constants for Level-1 Muon DT Trigger - Trigger Unit |
DTConfigTrivialProducer | Description: A Producer for the DT config available via EventSetup |
DTConfigTSPhi | Configurable parameters and constants for Level-1 Muon DT Trigger - TS Phi |
DTConfigTSTheta | Configurable parameters and constants for Level-1 Muon DT Trigger - TS Theta |
DTCreateSummaryHistos | * DQM Test Client |
DTCtcp | |
DTDAQInfo | No description available |
DTDataBuffer< Key, Content > | Description: Class to hold drift tubes T0s |
DTDataErrorFilter | No description available |
DTDataIntegrityTask | Class for DT Data Integrity |
DTDataIntegrityTest | * DQM Client to check the data integrity |
DTDataMonitorInterface | Interface to the Data Quality Monitoring Module |
DTDBDataHandle | Description: Class to convert data types from/to DB types |
DTDBSession | Description: |
DTDDUData | |
DTDDUFileReader | Read DT ROS8 raw data files |
DTDDUFirstStatusWord | DT DDU status 1 interpreter (8 bits word) |
DTDDUSecondStatusWord | DT DDU status 2 interpreter |
DTDDUUnpacker | The unpacker for DTs' FED |
DTDeadChannelTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTDeadFlag | Description: Class to hold drift tubes life and HV status |
DTDeadFlagData | |
DTDeadFlagHandler | Description: |
DTDeadFlagId | |
DTDeadFlagRcd | |
DTDigi | Digi for Drift Tubes |
DTDigi::ChannelPacking | |
DTDigiCollection | The collection containing DT Digis in the event |
DTDigiForNoiseTask | |
DTDigiReader | Analyse the the muon-drift-tubes digitizer |
DTDigiSimLink | |
DTDigiSimLink::ChannelPacking | |
DTDigiSyncBase | Base class to define the offsets for digis |
DTDigiSyncFactory | Factory of digi syncronizers for digi building |
DTDigiSyncFromTable | Digi offsets taken from a synchronization table |
DTDigiSyncTOFCorr | Digi offset computed as:
t0 = Tcommon - aTOF
DTDigiTask | |
DTDigitizer | Digitize the muon drift tubes |
DTDigitizer::hitLessT | |
DTDigiToRaw | |
DTDigiToRawModule | |
DTDriftTimeParametrization | Version 2.1 - November 18, 2003 |
DTDriftTimeParametrization::drift_time | Structure used to return output values |
DTEfficiencyTask | DQM Analysis of 4D DT segments, it produces plots about:
- single cell efficiency All histos are produced per Layer
DTEfficiencyTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTEnums | Define some useful enums for DTs |
DTFakeT0ESProducer | |
DTFakeTTrigESProducer | ESProducer to store in the EventSetup fake ttrig value read from cfg |
DTFakeVDriftESProducer | ESProducer to store in the EventSetup fake vDrift value read from cfg |
DTGeometry | The model of the geometry of Muon Drift Tube detectors |
DTGeometryBuilderFromDDD | Build the DTGeometry from the DDD description |
DTGeometryESModule | ESProducer for DTGeometry in MuonGeometryRecord |
DTGeometryParserFromDDD | Class which read the geometry from DDD to provide a map between layerId and pairs with first wire number, total number of wires |
DTGeomSupplier | Defines the ability to calculate coordinates of L1DT Trigger objects |
DTGlobalRecoTask | |
DTHitAssociator | |
DTHitPairForFit | Hit pair used for the segments fit |
DTHitQualityUtils | Define some basic tools and utilities for 1D DT Rec Hit and 2D, 4D DT Segment analysis |
DTLayer | Model of a layer (row of cells) in Muon Drift Tube chambers |
DTLayerId | DetUnit identifier for DT layers |
DTLayerType | DetType for a Drift Tube GeomDetUnit (the DTLayer) |
DTLinearDriftAlgo | Concrete implementation of DTRecHitBaseAlgo |
DTLinearDriftFromDBAlgo | Concrete implementation of DTRecHitBaseAlgo |
DTLinearFit | Description: |
DTLocalTrigger | Trigger from DT chamber |
DTLocalTriggerBaseTest | * DQM Base for TriggerTests |
DTLocalTriggerCollection | The collection containing DT Local Triggers in the event |
DTLocalTriggerDataWord | DT Sector Collector data interpreter |
DTLocalTriggerEfficiencyTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTLocalTriggerHeaderWord | DT Sector Collector header interpreter |
DTLocalTriggerLutTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTLocalTriggerSectorCollectorHeaderWord | DT Sector Collector private header interpreter |
DTLocalTriggerSectorCollectorSubHeaderWord | DT Sector Collector private SUB-header interpreter |
DTLocalTriggerTask | |
DTLocalTriggerTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTLocalTriggerTPTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTLocalTriggerTrailerWord | DT Sector Collector trailer interpreter |
DTMapGenerator | Class which creates a textual map of the hardware channels in the software detIds - Date
- 2007/07/11 12:21:00
- Revision
- 1.1
DTMeanTimerFitter | Fit the Tmax histograms with a gaussian returning the mean values and the sigmas |
DTMeantimerPatternReco | Algo for reconstructing 2d segment in DT using a combinatorial approach with a T0 estimation produced along the way |
DTMeantimerPatternReco4D | Algo for reconstructing 4d segment in DT using a Meantimer approach |
DTMtime | Description: Class to hold drift tubes mean-times ( SL by SL mean-time calculation ) |
DTMtimeData | |
DTMtimeHandler | Description: |
DTMtimeId | |
DTMtimeRcd | |
DTNoDriftAlgo | Concrete implementation of DTRecHitBaseAlgo |
DTNoiseAnalysisTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTNoiseCalibration | |
DTNoiseComputation | |
DTNoiseTask | No description available |
DTNoiseTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTNumberingScheme | Implementation of MuonNumberingScheme for muon barrel, converts the MuonBaseNumber to a unit id |
DTOccupancyCluster | Cluster of DTOccupancyPoint used bt DTOccupancyTest to spot problematic layers |
DTOccupancyClusterBuilder | Build clusters of layer occupancies (DTOccupancyCluster) to spot problematic layers |
DTOccupancyPoint | This class is used for evaluation of layer occupancy in DTOccupancyTest |
DTOccupancyTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTOfflineSummaryClients | * DQM Client for global summary |
DTParametrizedDriftAlgo | Concrete implementation of DTRecHitBaseAlgo |
DTPerformance | Description: Class to hold drift tubes performances ( SL by SL ) |
DTPerformanceData | |
DTPerformanceHandler | Description: |
DTPerformanceId | |
DTPerformanceRcd | |
DTRangeMapAccessor | Utility class for access to objects in a RangeMap with needed granularity |
DTRangeT0 | Description: Class to hold drift tubes T0 range ( SL by SL min - max T0 ) |
DTRangeT0Data | |
DTRangeT0Handler | Description: |
DTRangeT0Id | |
DTRangeT0Rcd | |
DTReadOutGeometryLink | |
DTReadOutMapping | Description: Class to map read-out channels to physical drift tubes |
DTReadOutMappingHandler | Description: |
DTReadOutMappingRcd | |
DTRecHit1D | 1D RecHit for Muon Barrel DT The main feature of muon Barrel RecHits is that they are created in pair, due to left/right ambiguity (the pair is described by |
DTRecHit1DPair | Composed recHit representing a pair of reconstructed hits |
DTRecHitAlgoFactory | Factory of seal plugins for DT 1D RecHit reconstruction algorithms |
DTRecHitBaseAlgo | Abstract algorithmic class to compute drift distance and error form a DT digi |
DTRecHitCollection | Collection of 1DDTRecHitPair for storage in the event |
DTRecHitProducer | Module for 1D DTRecHitPairs production |
DTRecHitQuality | Basic analyzer class which accesses 1D DTRecHits and plot resolution comparing reconstructed and simulated quantities |
DTRecSegment2D | Base class for 2-parameters segments measuring position and direction in X projection |
DTRecSegment2DAlgoFactory | Factory of seal plugins for DT 2D segments reconstruction algorithms |
DTRecSegment2DBaseAlgo | Abstract aglo class to reconstruct segments in SL given a set of hits |
DTRecSegment2DCollection | Collection of DTRecSegment2D |
DTRecSegment2DProducer | Producer for DT segment in one projection |
DTRecSegment4D | 4-parameter RecHits for MuonBarrel DT (x,y, dx/dz, dy/dz) |
DTRecSegment4DAlgoFactory | Factory of seal plugins for DT 4D segments reconstruction algorithms |
DTRecSegment4DBaseAlgo | Abstract algo class to reconstruct 4D-segments in chamber given a set of 2D-segment |
DTRecSegment4DCollection | Collection of DTRecSegment4D |
DTRecSegment4DProducer | Builds the segments in the DT chambers |
DTRefitAndCombineReco4D | Algo for reconstructing 4d segment in DT refitting the 2D phi SL hits and combining the results with the theta view |
DTResolutionAnalysis | DQM Analysis of 4D DT segments, it produces plots about:
- number of segments per event
- position of the segments in chamber RF
- direction of the segments (theta and phi projections)
- reduced chi-square
All histos are produce per Chamber
DTResolutionAnalysisTask | |
DTResolutionAnalysisTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTResolutionTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTROBHeaderWord | DT ROB Header interpreter |
DTROBTrailerWord | DT ROB Trailer interpreter |
DTROChainCoding | FIXEME: |
DTROS25Data | The collection containing DT ROS25 status data |
DTROS25FileReader | Read DT ROS8 raw data files |
DTROS25Unpacker | The unpacker for DTs' ROS25: final version of Read Out Sector board with 25 channels |
DTROS8FileReader | Read DT ROS8 raw data files |
DTROS8Unpacker | The unpacker for DTs' ROS8: final version of Read Out Sector board with 25 channels |
DTROSDebugWord | DT ROS Debug interpreter |
DTROSErrorNotifier | - Date
- 2007/05/07 16:16:39
- Revision
- 1.3
DTROSErrorWord | DT ROS Error interpreter |
DTROSHeaderWord | DT ROS Header interpreter |
DTROSTrailerWord | DT ROS Trailer interpreter |
DTROSWordType | Enumeration of DT Read Out Sector (ROS) word types |
DTSC | - Date
- 2008/09/05 16:03:44
DTSCTrigUnit | Muon Barrel Sector Collector Trigger Unit (Chamber trigger) |
DTSectColl | Implementation of Sector Collector trigger algorithm |
DTSectCollId | Definition of a Sector Coollector |
DTSectCollPhCand | DTSectCollPhCand.h A Trigger Server Phi Candidate |
DTSectCollPhSegm | Muon Sector Collector Trigger Phi candidate |
DTSectCollThCand | DTSectCollThCand.h A Trigger Server Theta Candidate |
DTSectCollThSegm | Muon Sector Collector Trigger Theta candidate |
DTSegment2DQuality | Basic analyzer class which accesses 2D DTSegments and plot resolution comparing reconstructed and simulated quantities |
DTSegment2DSLPhiQuality | Basic analyzer class which accesses 2D DTSegments reconstructed with both SL Phi and plot resolution comparing reconstructed and simulated quantities |
DTSegment4DQuality | Basic analyzer class which accesses 4D DTSegments and plot resolution comparing reconstructed and simulated quantities |
DTSegmentAnalysisTask | DQM Analysis of 4D DT segments, it produces plots about:
- number of segments per event
- number of hits per segment
- position of the segments in chamber RF
- direction of the segments (theta and phi projections)
- reduced chi-square
All histos are produce per Chamber
DTSegmentAnalysisTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTSegmentCand | A Candidate for a DT segment |
DTSegmentCand::AssPointLessZ | |
DTSegmentCleaner | |
DTSegmentsTask | DQM Analysis of 4D DT segments |
DTSegmentUpdator | Perform linear fit and hits update for DT segments |
DTSLRecSegment2D | 2D (x, dx/dz) segment in a DT superlayer |
DTSpy | |
DTSpyReader | Read DT ROS8 raw data files |
DTStationIndex | Log messages |
DTStatusFlag | Description: Class to hold drift tubes status ( cell by cell noise and masks ) |
DTStatusFlagCompare | |
DTStatusFlagData | |
DTStatusFlagHandler | Description: |
DTStatusFlagId | |
DTStatusFlagRcd | |
DTSummaryClients | * DQM Client for global summary |
DTSuperLayer | Model of a superlayer in Muon Drift Tube chambers |
DTSuperLayerId | DetUnit identifier for DT SuperLayers (SL) |
DTSuperLayerIdComparator | Comparator to retrieve by SL objects written into a RangeMap by layer |
DTSurvey | Implements a set of measurements given by survey, tipically a wheel |
DTSurveyChamber | Implements a chamber in the context of Drift Tube Survey Measurements and calculates displacements and rotations for it |
DTSurveyConvert | Description: Reads survey information, process it and outputs a text file with results |
DTSurveyErrorRcd | DB record to hold errors of alignment parameters from survey |
DTSurveyRcd | DB record to hold values of alignment parameters from survey |
DTT0 | Description: Class to hold drift tubes T0s ( cell by cell time offsets ) |
DTT0Calibration | Analyzer class computes the mean and RMS of t0 from pulses |
DTT0CalibrationNew | Analyzer class computes the mean and RMS of t0 from pulses |
DTT0Data | |
DTt0DBValidation | Plot the t0 from the DB |
DTT0Handler | Description: |
DTT0Id | |
DTT0RangeRcd | |
DTT0Rcd | |
DTT0RefRcd | |
DTtcpExcp | |
DTTDCErrorNotifier | - Date
- 2007/05/07 16:16:40
- Revision
- 1.3
DTTDCErrorWord | DT TDC Error interpreter |
DTTDCHeaderWord | DT TDC Header interpreter |
DTTDCMeasurementWord | DT TDC Measurement interpreter |
DTTDCTrailerWord | DT TDC Trailer interpreter |
DTTestPulsesTask | |
DTTFFEDReader | L1 DT Track Finder Raw-to-Digi |
DTTFFEDSim | L1 DT Track Finder Digi-to-Raw |
DTTime2DriftParametrization | This class access the cell parametrization by Pablo Garcia-Abia and Jesus Puerta (CIEMAT) |
DTTime2DriftParametrization::drift_distance | Structure used to return output values |
DTTimeBoxFitter | Fit the rising edge of the time box with the integral of a gaussian returning the mean value and the sigma |
DTTimeEvolutionHisto | No description available |
DTTimeUnits | Description: Class to contain time units identifier |
DTTMax | Class to calculate the different TMax values according to the track path |
DTTMax::InfoLayer | |
DTTMax::TMax | Information on each of the four TMax values in a SL |
DTTopology | Conversion between the local frame of the DT DetUnits (i.e |
DTTPDeadWriter | |
DTTPGLutFile | Auxiliary class to handle Look-up table files |
DTTrackFinder | L1 DT Track Finder EDProducer |
DTTrackFinderConfig | L1 DT Track Finder ESProducer |
DTTracoCand | Implementation of DTTracoChip candidate |
DTTracoCard | Contains active DTTracoChips |
DTTracoChip | Implementation of TRACO trigger algorithm |
DTTracoId | TRACO Identifier |
DTTracoLUTs | Look-up tables for traco angle and position |
DTTracoTrig | TRACO Trigger Data |
DTTracoTrigData | DTTracoChip Trigger Data |
DTTrig | Steering routine for L1 trigger simulation in a muon barrel station |
DTTrigData | Defines the ability to calculate coordinates of Level1 MuDT Trigger objects |
DTTrigGeom | Muon Barrel Trigger Geometry |
DTTriggerCheck | - Author:
- S.Bolognesi - INFN Torino
DTTrigProd | Main EDProducer for the DTTPG |
DTTrigTest | EDAnalyzer that generates a rootfile useful for L1-DTTrigger debugging and performance studies |
DTTSCand | A Trigger Server Candidate |
DTTSM | Implementation of TSM trigger algorithm |
DTTSPhi | Implementation of TS Phi trigger algorithm |
DTTSS | Implementation of TSS trigger algorithm |
DTTSTheta | Implementation of TS Theta L1Trigger algorithm |
DTTtrig | Description: Class to hold drift tubes TTrigs ( SL by SL time offsets ) |
DTTTrigBaseSync | Base class to define the offsets for 1D DT RecHit building |
DTTTrigCalibration | Analyzer class which fills time box plots with SL granularity for t_trig computation, fits the rising edge and write results to DB |
DTtTrigCalibrationTest | * DQM Test Client |
DTTTrigCorrection | Class which read a ttrig DB and correct it with the near SL (or the global average) |
DTTtrigData | |
DTTtrigHandler | Description: |
DTTtrigId | |
DTTtrigRcd | |
DTTTrigSyncFactory | Factory of seal plugins for TTrig syncronization during RecHit reconstruction |
DTTTrigSyncFromDB | Concrete implementation of a DTTTrigBaseSync |
DTTTrigSyncT0Only | Concrete implementation of a DTTTrigBaseSync |
DTTTrigSyncTOFCorr | Concrete implementation of a DTTTrigBaseSync |
DTTTrigWriter | |
DTUnpacker | Base class for DT data unpackers |
DTUnpackingModule | The unpacking module for DTs |
DTVDriftCalibration | No description available |
DTVDriftCalibration::cellInfo | |
DTVDriftWriter | |
DTWireId | DetUnit identifier for DT wires |
DualByEtaTSG | Description: SeparatingTSG (TrackerSeedGenerator) which make a simple, dual selection based on the momentum pseudo rapidity of the input track |
DualBzeroReferenceTrajectory | |
DualBzeroTrajectoryFactory | A factory that produces instances of class ReferenceTrajectory from a given TrajTrackPairCollection |
DualBzeroTrajectoryFactory::DualBzeroTrajectoryInput | |
DualReferenceTrajectory | |
DualTrajectoryFactory | A factory that produces instances of class ReferenceTrajectory from a given TrajTrackPairCollection |
DualTrajectoryFactory::DualTrajectoryInput | |
Exhume::Dummy | |
EgammaValidation_cff::dummy | |
DummyChargeFlipProcess | |
DummyEMPhysics | |
reco::DummyMatchSelector< T1, T2 > | |
DummyMetricsUpdator | A dummy metrics updator |
DummyModule | |
SequenceTypes::DummyModule | |
DummyMutex | |
DummyPrimaryVertexProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
DummySelector | |
DummyTime | |
DummyTime::OneTick | |
DummyTrackToTrackCovCalculator< N > | Dummy TrackToTrackCovCalculator |
DummyUpdator | A dummy alignment-updator for the KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm - it does nothing |
DummyVertexSmoother< N > | A dummy vertex smoother |
DummyVertexTrackUpdator< N > | Returns RefCountedVertexTrack unchanged |
DumpEvent | |
DumpGctDigis | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
DumpPSetRegistry | |
edm::DuplicateChecker | |
pat::DuplicatedElectronCleaner | Remove duplicates from the list of electrons |
pat::DuplicatedElectronRemover | |
pat::DuplicatedElectronRemover::BestEoverP | |
pat::DuplicatedElectronRemover::SameSuperclusterOrTrack | |
pat::DuplicatedPhotonRemover | |
pat::DuplicatedPhotonRemover::EqualBySuperCluster | |
pat::DuplicatedPhotonRemover::EqualBySuperClusterSeed | |
pat::eventhypothesis::DynCastCandPtr< T > | |
pat::eventhypothesis::DynCastCandPtr< reco::Candidate > | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Each | |
EBAlignmentErrorRcd | |
EBAlignmentRcd | |
EBBeamCaloClient | |
EBBeamCaloTask | |
EBBeamHodoClient | |
EBBeamHodoTask | |
EBClient | |
EBClusterClient | |
EBClusterTask | |
EBCosmicClient | |
EBCosmicTask | |
EBDataFrame | - Id
- EBDataFrame.h,v 1.6 2007/07/24 10:57:51 innocent Exp
EBDetId | Crystal identifier class for the ECAL barrel |
EBDigiCollection | |
EBDigitizerTraits | |
EBHltTask | |
EBIntegrityClient | |
EBIntegrityTask | |
EBLaserClient | |
EBLaserTask | |
EBOccupancyClient | |
EBOccupancyTask | |
EBPedestalClient | |
EBPedestalOnlineClient | |
EBPedestalOnlineTask | |
EBPedestalTask | |
EBRawDataTask | |
EBSelectiveReadoutTask | |
EBSrFlag | This class holds a Selective Readout Flag (SRF) associated to an ECAL barrel trigger tower |
EBStatusFlagsClient | |
EBStatusFlagsTask | |
EBSummaryClient | |
EBTestPulseClient | |
EBTestPulseTask | |
EBTimingClient | |
EBTimingTask | |
EBTriggerTowerClient | |
EBTriggerTowerTask | |
Ecal2004TBSource | |
EcalADCToGeVConstant | Author: Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN Created: 22 Feb 2006 - Id
- EcalADCToGeVConstant.h,v 1.4 2006/05/15 12:43:56 meridian Exp
EcalADCToGeVConstantRcd | |
EcalAnalFitUncalibRecHitProducer | Produce ECAL uncalibrated rechits from dataframes with the analytical fit method |
EcalBarrelDigisValidation | |
EcalBarrelGeometry | |
EcalBarrelGeometryRecord | |
EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology | |
EcalBarrelMonitorClient | |
EcalBarrelMonitorDbModule | |
EcalBarrelMonitorModule | |
EcalBarrelNavigator | |
EcalBarrelNumberingScheme | |
ECALBarrelProperties | |
EcalBarrelRecHitsMaker | |
EcalBarrelRecHitsValidation | |
EcalBarrelSimHitsValidation | |
EcalBarrelTopology | |
EcalBaseNumber | - Author:
- Paolo Meridiani, INFN Roma1
- Id
- EcalBaseNumber.h,v 1.5 2007/12/20 13:30:27 fabiocos Exp
ECALBounds | |
EcalCalibBlock | Element for the single ECAL block intercalibration |
EcalChannelKiller | - Date
- 2007/05/03 12:33:39
- Revision
- 1.1
EcalChannelStatusCode | Author: Paolo Meridiani Created: 14 Nov 2006 - Id
- EcalChannelStatusCode.h,v 1.2 2008/02/18 10:49:28 ferriff Exp
EcalChannelStatusRcd | |
EcalClusterEnergyDeposition | |
EcalClusterLazyTools | Various cluster tools (e.g |
EcalClusterTools | Various cluster tools (e.g |
EcalClusterTools::EcalClusterEnergyDeposition | |
EcalCoder | |
EcalCommon | General-purpose detector related functions |
EcalCondDBInterface | |
EcalCondObjectContainer< T > | |
EcalContainer< DetId, T > | |
EcalCorrelatedNoiseMatrix | |
EcalCorrelatedNoisePedestalRunAnalyzer | CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/src/ |
EcalDataFrame | - Id
- EcalDataFrame.h,v 1.7 2007/08/10 06:42:10 innocent Exp
EcalDBConnection | A wrapper class for the oracle Connection and Environment classes along with any OCCI-dependent methods that are useful for any database |
EcalDBCopy | |
EcalDCCHeaderBlock | Container for ECAL specific DCC Header information |
EcalDCCHeaderBlock::EcalDCCEventSettings | |
EcalDCCHeaderDisplay | Module for displaying unpacked DCCHeader information |
EcalDCCHeaderRuntypeDecoder | |
EcalDCCTB07UnpackingModule | |
EcalDCCTBHeaderRuntypeDecoder | |
EcalDCCTBUnpackingModule | |
EcalDCUTemperatures | Author: Paolo Meridiani Created: 14 November 2006 - Id
- EcalDCUTemperatures.h,v 1.1 2006/11/16 18:19:44 meridian Exp
EcalDeadChannelRecoveryAlgos | - Date
- 2007/05/09 14:58:40
- Revision
- 1.3
EcalDeadChannelRecoveryProducers | - Date
- 2007/05/03 12:41:31
- Revision
- 1.1
EcalDetIdAssociator | |
EcalDigiCollection | |
EcalDigiDisplay | |
EcalDigiProducer | |
EcalDigisValidation | |
EcalDigiToRaw | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalEleCalibLooper | ECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique - Date
- 2008/02/26 08:12:22
- Revision
- 1.2
EcalElectronicsId | Ecal readout channel identification [32:20] Unused (so far) [19:13] DCC id [12:6] tower [5:3] strip [2:0] xtal Index starts from 1 |
EcalElectronicsMapper | |
EcalElectronicsMapping | - Id
- EcalElectronicsMapping.h,v 1.6 2007/12/07 19:08:12 eperez Exp
EcalElectronicsMapping::MapItem | Maybe these are needed Wrap a generic EEDetId to the equivalent one in z+ Quadrant 1 (from 0 < phi < pi/2) |
EcalElectronicsMappingBuilder | |
EcalElectronicsSim | |
EcalEndcapDigisValidation | |
EcalEndcapGeometry | |
EcalEndcapGeometryRecord | |
EcalEndcapMonitorClient | |
EcalEndcapMonitorDbModule | |
EcalEndcapMonitorModule | |
EcalEndcapNavigator | |
EcalEndcapNumberingScheme | |
ECALEndcapProperties | |
EcalEndcapRecHitsMaker | |
EcalEndcapRecHitsValidation | |
EcalEndcapSimHitsValidation | |
EcalEndcapTopology | |
EcalErrorDictionary | A dictionary of bitmasks for ECAL channel errors and their meaning This object is not meant to be stored in the offline DB, but the bits defined here are stored in EcalChannelStatus |
EcalErrorDictionary::errorDef_t | |
EcalErrorMask | |
EcalEtaPhiRegion | |
EcalEventFilter | |
EcalFedMap | |
EcalFEMSample | Simple container packer/unpacker for a single sample from the FEM electronics |
EcalFenixAmplitudeFilter | \ class EcalFenixAmplitudeFilter |
EcalFenixBypassLin | Linearisation for Tcp input: 16 bits output: 12 bits +1 going to fgvb (???) |
EcalFenixEtStrip | Class for calculation of Et for Fenix strip input: 5x18 bits output: 18 bits representing sum |
EcalFenixEtTot | Class for calculation of Et for Fenix tcp calculates the sum |
EcalFenixFgvbEB | Calculation of Fgvb for Fenix Tcp, format barrel calculates fgvb for the barrel |
EcalFenixLinearizer | Linearisation for Fenix strip input: 16 bits corresponding to input EBDataFrame output: 18 bits |
EcalFenixMaxof2 | Finds max sum of two adjacent samples |
EcalFenixPeakFinder | \ class EcalFenixPeakFinder |
EcalFenixStrip | Class representing the Fenix chip, format strip |
EcalFenixStripFgvbEE | Calculation of Fgvb for the endcap in Fenix Strip calculates fgvb for the endcap in Fenix Strip |
EcalFenixStripFormat | Formatting for Fenix Tcp input 10 bits from Ettot 1 bit from fgvb 3 bits TriggerTowerFlag output: 16 bits simple formatting |
EcalFenixStripFormatEB | Formatting for Fenix strip input: 18 bits + 3x 1bit (fgvb, gapflagbit, output from peakfinder) output:16 bits The output corresponds to 1 calodataframe per strip --- not really a calodataframe no? |
EcalFenixStripFormatEE | Formatting for Fenix strip input: 18 bits + 3x 1bit (fgvb, gapflagbit, output from peakfinder) output:16 bits The output corresponds to 1 calodataframe per strip --- not really a calodataframe no? |
EcalFenixTcp | Class representing the Fenix chip, format strip |
EcalFenixTcpFgvbEE | Calculation of Fgvb for Fenix Tcp, format endcap calculates fgvb for the endcap |
EcalFenixTcpFormat | |
EcalFEtoDigi | |
EcalFixedAlphaBetaFitUncalibRecHitProducer | |
EcalGainRatiosRcd | |
EcalGeometryLoader | Base class for endcap and barrel loaders so code sharing can occur |
EcalGetLaserData | |
EcalGlobalShowerContainmentCorrectionsVsEta | Description: Holds the coefficients of a polynomial that describes variation of the global containment effect as afunction of eta |
EcalGlobalShowerContainmentCorrectionsVsEta::Coefficients | Structure defining the container for correction coefficients |
EcalGlobalShowerContainmentCorrectionsVsEtaESProducer | Description: Trivial ESProducer to provide EventSetup with (hard coded) global shower containment corrections as a function of eta |
EcalGlobalShowerContainmentCorrectionsVsEtaRcd | |
EcalHexDisplay | - Author:
- G
EcalHitMaker | |
EcalHodoscopeNumberingScheme | |
EcalHVScanAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalIndexingTools | |
EcalIntercalibConstantsRcd | |
EcalIntercalibErrorsRcd | |
reco::EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate | |
EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalIsolation | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalLaserAlphasRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalLaserAPDPNRatios | Author: Vladlen Timciuc, Caltech Created: 10 July 2007 - Id
- EcalLaserAPDPNRatios.h,v 1.5 2007/09/27 09:42:55 ferriff Exp
EcalLaserAPDPNRatios::EcalLaserAPDPNpair | |
EcalLaserAPDPNRatios::EcalLaserTimeStamp | |
EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRefRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalLaserCorrectionService | |
EcalLaserDbRecord | |
EcalLaserDbService | |
popcon::EcalLaserHandler | |
EcalListOfFEDS | |
EcalListOfFEDSProducer | |
EcalLogicID | |
EcalMappingElectronicsRcd | |
EcalMappingRcd | |
EcalMatacqDigi | |
EcalMaxSampleUncalibRecHitProducer | Produce ECAL uncalibrated rechits from dataframes |
EcalMGPAGainRatio | Author: Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN Created: 22 Feb 2006 - Id
- EcalMGPAGainRatio.h,v 1.3 2006/02/23 16:56:34 rahatlou Exp
EcalMGPASample | Simple container packer/unpacker for a single sample from teh MGPA electronics |
EcalMipGraphs | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalMIPRecHitFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalMixingModuleValidation | |
EcalMonitorPrescaler | |
EcalNumberingScheme | |
EcalPedestal | |
EcalPedestal::Zero | |
popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler | |
EcalPedestalsRcd | |
EcalPedHists | |
EcalPedOffset | Calculate the best DAC value to obtain a pedestal = 200 - Date
- 2008/03/02 13:52:22
- Revision
- 1.3
EcalPnDiodeDetId | DetId for an Calo Trigger tower Packing: |
EcalPnDiodeDigi | - Id
- EcalPnDiodeDigi.h,v 1.3 2007/04/16 12:58:56 meridian Exp
EcalPnGraphs | |
ECALPositionCalculator | |
EcalPreshowerDigisValidation | |
EcalPreshowerGeometry | |
EcalPreshowerGeometryRecord | |
EcalPreshowerNavigator | |
EcalPreshowerNoiseDistrib | |
EcalPreshowerNumberingScheme | |
EcalPreshowerRecHitsMaker | |
EcalPreshowerRecHitsValidation | |
EcalPreshowerSimHitsValidation | |
EcalPreshowerTopology | |
ECALProperties | Functions to return atomic properties of the material A_eff and Z_eff are computed as the A-weighted sums of the A's and the Z's of Pb, W and O |
EcalPseudoStripInputDigi | $Id : $ |
EcalPseudoStripInputSample | $Id : $ |
EcalPTMTemperatures | Author: Paolo Meridiani Created: 14 November 2006 - Id
- EcalPTMTemperatures.h,v 1.1 2006/11/16 18:19:44 meridian Exp
EcalRawToDigiDev | |
EcalRawToRecHitByproductProducer | |
EcalRawToRecHitFacility | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalRawToRecHitLazyUnpacker | |
EcalRawToRecHitProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalRawToRecHitRoI | |
EcalRawToRecHitRoI::CalUnpackJobPSet | Generic class to drive the job |
EcalRawToRecHitRoI::CandJobPSet | Class to drive the job on Candidate-inheriting object |
EcalRawToRecHitRoI::EmJobPSet | Class to drive the job on L1Em |
EcalRawToRecHitRoI::JetJobPSet | Class to drive the job on L1Jet |
EcalRawToRecHitRoI::MuJobPSet | Class to drive the job on L1Muon |
EcalRecalibRecHitProducer | Produce ECAL rechits from uncalibrated rechits |
EcalRecHit | - id
EcalRecHitAbsAlgo | Template algorithm to make rechits from uncalibrated rechits |
ECALRecHitAnalyzer | |
EcalRecHitLess | |
ecalRecHitLess | |
EcalRecHitProducer | Produce ECAL rechits from uncalibrated rechits |
EcalRecHitRecalib | Description: Producer to miscalibrate (calibrated) Ecal RecHit |
EcalRecHitSimpleAlgo | Simple algoritm to make rechits from uncalibrated rechits |
EcalRecHitsMerger | |
EcalRecHitsValidation | |
ECALRegFEDSelector | |
EcalRegionCabling | |
EcalRegionCablingESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalRegionCablingRecord | |
EcalRingCalibrationTools | |
EcalScDetId | Supercrystal identifier class for the ECAL endcap |
ECalSD | |
EcalSelectiveReadout | This class is used to run the selective readout processing on the electromagnetic calorimeter |
EcalSelectiveReadoutProducer | |
EcalSelectiveReadoutSuppressor | |
EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation | |
EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEb_t | Used to store barrel crystal channel information |
EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::energiesEe_t | Used to store endcap crystal channel information |
EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation::Sorter | Used to sort crystal by decrasing simulated energy |
EcalShape | Shaper for Ecal |
EcalShowerContainmentCorrections | Description: Holds the coefficients of a polynomial that describes the shower containment |
EcalShowerContainmentCorrections::Coefficients | Structure defining the container for correction coefficients |
EcalShowerContainmentCorrectionsESProducer | Description: Trivial ESProducer to provide EventSetup with (hard coded) shower containment corrections |
EcalShowerContainmentCorrectionsLogE2E1Rcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalShowerContainmentCorrectionsRcd | |
EcalSimHitsValidation | |
EcalSimHitsValidProducer | |
EcalSimParameterMap | |
EcalSimpleSource | This edm source module generates Ecal Digis (data frames and TPGs) according to a given pattern |
EcalSimpleTBAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalSimpleUncalibRecHitFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalSimRawData | The EcalSimRawData CMSSW module produces raw data from digis |
EcalSkim | |
EcalSrFlag | Base class for Selective Readout Flag (SR flag or SRF) |
EcalSupervisorTBDataFormatter | - Id
- EcalSupervisorDataFormatter.h,v 1.4 2007/10/20 10:58:01 franzoni Exp
EcalTangentFilter | |
EcalTB07DaqFormatter | - Date
- 2007/10/23 16:04:07
- Revision
- 1.6
EcalTBCrystalMap | |
EcalTBDaqFile | |
EcalTBDaqFileReader | |
EcalTBDaqFormatter | - Date
- 2007/10/23 15:30:05
- Revision
- 1.17
EcalTBDaqRFIOFile | |
EcalTBDaqSimpleFile | |
EcalTBDigiProducer | |
EcalTBEventHeader | Container for event ancilllary informations defined in TB raw data formats |
EcalTBEventHeader::magnetsMeasurement | |
EcalTBGeometryBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalTBH2TDCRecInfoAlgo | |
EcalTBH2TDCRecInfoAlgo::EcalTBH2TDCRanges | |
EcalTBH2TDCRecInfoProducer | |
EcalTBH4BeamSD | |
EcalTBH4Trigger | Description: Simulates ECALTBH4 trigger an throw exception in case of non triggering event |
EcalTBHodoscopeGeometry | |
EcalTBHodoscopeGeometry::fibre_pos | |
EcalTBHodoscopeGeometryEP | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalTBHodoscopeGeometryLoaderFromDDD | - Id
- EcalTBHodoscopeGeometryLoaderFromDDD.h,v 1.1 2007/04/15 23:16:29 wmtan Exp
EcalTBHodoscopePlaneRawHits | Simple container for rawHits |
EcalTBHodoscopeRawInfo | Simple container for plane RawHits |
EcalTBHodoscopeRawInfoDumper | |
EcalTBHodoscopeRecInfo | Simple container for Hodoscope reconstructed informations |
EcalTBHodoscopeRecInfoAlgo | |
EcalTBHodoscopeRecInfoAlgo::BeamTrack | Class to hold track information |
EcalTBHodoscopeRecInfoProducer | |
EcalTBInputService | An input service for ASCII data files |
EcalTBMCInfoProducer | |
ECALTBParserBlockException | |
ECALTBParserException | |
EcalTBReadout | |
EcalTBTDCRawInfo | - Id
- EcalTBTDCRawInfo.h,v 1.3 2006/06/06 15:37:00 meridian Exp
EcalTBTDCRawInfoDumper | |
EcalTBTDCRecInfo | Simple container for TDC reconstructed informations |
EcalTBTDCRecInfoAlgo | |
EcalTBTDCRecInfoAlgo::EcalTBTDCRanges | |
EcalTBTDCRecInfoProducer | |
EcalTBTDCSample | Simple container packer/unpacker for a single sample from the TB TDC raw data |
EcalTBValidation | |
EcalTBWeights | Author: Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN Created: 22 Feb 2006 - Id
- EcalTBWeights.h,v 1.2 2006/02/23 16:56:34 rahatlou Exp
EcalTBWeightsRcd | |
EcalTBWeightUncalibRecHitProducer | Produce ECAL uncalibrated rechits from dataframes |
EcalTDigitizer< Traits > | Turns hits into digis |
EcalTestDevDB | |
EcalTPCondAnalyzer | Description: prints the TPG conditions coming from the conditions DB Prints in exactly the same format as TPG.txt, such that a "diff" is possible |
EcalTPDBAnalyzer | Description: test of the output of EcalTPDBProducer |
EcalTPGCompressor | - Date
- 2006/09/14 16:24:10
- Revision
- 1.1
EcalTPGDBApp | |
EcalTPGFineGrainConstEB | |
EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroup | |
EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroupRcd | |
EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMap | |
EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMapRcd | |
EcalTPGFineGrainStripEE | |
EcalTPGFineGrainStripEE::Item | |
EcalTPGFineGrainStripEERcd | |
EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEE | |
EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEERcd | |
EcalTPGGroups | |
EcalTPGGroupsRcd | |
EcalTPGLinearizationConstant | |
EcalTPGLinearizationConstRcd | |
EcalTPGLut | |
EcalTPGLutGroup | |
EcalTPGLutGroupRcd | |
EcalTPGLutIdMap | |
EcalTPGLutIdMapRcd | |
EcalTPGParamBuilder | |
EcalTPGParamReaderFromDB | |
EcalTPGPedestal | |
EcalTPGPedestalsRcd | |
EcalTPGPhysicsConst | |
EcalTPGPhysicsConst::Item | |
EcalTPGPhysicsConstRcd | |
EcalTPGScale | To be stored in the CaloTPGRecord |
EcalTPGSlidingWindow | |
EcalTPGSlidingWindowRcd | |
EcalTPGWeightGroup | |
EcalTPGWeightGroupRcd | |
EcalTPGWeightIdMap | |
EcalTPGWeightIdMapRcd | |
EcalTPGWeights | |
EcalTPInputAnalyzer | Description: test of the input of EcalTrigPrimProducer |
EcalTPInutAnalyzer | Description: rereads the result of the EcalTrigPrimProducer |
EcalTPParameters | Author: P.Paganini, Ursula Berthon Created: 20 March 2007 - Id
- EcalTPParameters.h,v 1.5 2007/06/14 17:14:33 uberthon Exp
EcalTPParametersRcd | |
EcalTrapezoidParameters | |
EcalTriggerElectronicsId | Ecal trigger electronics identification [32:20] Unused (so far) [19:13] TCC id [12:6] TT id [5:3] pseudo strip (in EB == strip) [2:0] channel in pseudostrip Index starts from 1 |
EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi | $Id : $ |
EcalTriggerPrimitiveSample | $Id : $ |
EcalTrigPrimAnalyzer | Description: test of the output of EcalTrigPrimProducer |
EcalTrigPrimAnalyzerMIPs | |
EcalTrigPrimESProducer | |
EcalTrigPrimFunctionalAlgo | EcalTrigPrimFunctionalAlgo is the main algorithm class for TPG It coordinates all the aother algorithms Structure is as close as possible to electronics |
EcalTrigPrimProducer | EcalTrigPrimProducer produces a EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection The barrel code does a detailed simulation The code for the endcap is simulated in a rough way, due to missing strip geometry |
EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap | - Id
- EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap.h,v 1.1 2006/05/25 15:44:47 meridian Exp
EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap::MapItem | |
EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMapBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalTrigTowerDetId | DetId for an Ecal Trigger tower |
EcalTrivialConditionRetriever | |
EcalTrivialObjectAnalyzer | |
EcalUncalibratedRecHit | |
EcalUncalibRecHitFixedAlphaBetaAlgo< C > | Template used to compute amplitude, pedestal, time jitter, chi2 of a pulse using an analytical function fit, with the pulse parameters alpha and beta fixed |
EcalUncalibRecHitMaxSampleAlgo< C > | Amplitude reconstucted by the difference MAX_adc - min_adc jitter is sample number of MAX_adc, pedestal is min_adc |
EcalUncalibRecHitRecAbsAlgo< C > | Template used to compute amplitude, pedestal, time jitter, chi2 of a pulse using a weights method |
EcalUncalibRecHitRecAnalFitAlgo< C > | Template used to compute amplitude, pedestal, time jitter, chi2 of a pulse using an analytical fit |
EcalUncalibRecHitRecWeightsAlgo< C > | Template used to compute amplitude, pedestal, time jitter, chi2 of a pulse using a weights method |
ECALUnpackerException | |
EcalUnpackerWorker | |
EcalUnpackerWorkerESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalUnpackerWorkerRecord | |
EcalUnpackingModule | - Date
- 2007/10/20 10:58:00
- Revision
- 1.4
EcalURecHitHists | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EcalWeight | Author: Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN This is workaround in order to be able to use vector<double> for ECAL weights |
EcalWeightSet | Author: Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN Container persistent object all weight objects needed to compute the pulse shape with the weight method should go in this container |
EcalWeightUncalibRecHitProducer | Produce ECAL uncalibrated rechits from dataframes |
EcalWeightXtalGroupsRcd | |
EcalXtalGroupId | Author: Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN Created: 22 Feb 2006 - Id
- EcalXtalGroupId.h,v 1.4 2007/06/29 12:27:00 innocent Exp
EcalZeroSuppressionProducer | |
EcalZeroSuppressor< C > | |
edm::extensioncord::ECGetterBase< T > | |
ECGetterBase | Description: Helper class for the implementation of edm::ExtensionCord |
edm::EDAnalyzer | |
Modules::EDAnalyzer | |
edm::EDCollection< T > | |
edm::EDFilter | |
Modules::EDFilter | |
prof2calltree::EdgeCount | |
edm::EDInputSource | |
edm::EDLooper | |
EDLooper | Description: Base class for all looping components |
edm::EdmEventItemGetter< RefType > | Helper class that fetches some type of Ref given ProductID and index, using the edm::Event |
perftools::EdmEventSize | Measure the size of each product in an edm::event Provides the output as an ascii table or root histograms |
perftools::EdmEventSize::BranchRecord | Information for each branch |
perftools::EdmEventSize::Error | Generic exception |
cmsPerfRegress::EdmSizeErr | |
EDMtoMEConverter | Class to take dqm monitor elements and convert into a ROOT dataformat stored in Run tree of edm file |
edm::EDProducer | |
Modules::EDProducer | |
edm::EDProduct | |
edm::EDProductGetter | |
EDProductGetter | Description: Abstract base class used internally by the RefBase to obtain the EDProduct from the Event |
edm::EDProductGetter::Operate | Helper class to make the EDProductGetter accessible on at the proper times |
EEAlignmentErrorRcd | |
EEAlignmentRcd | |
EEBeamCaloClient | |
EEBeamCaloTask | |
EEBeamHodoClient | |
EEBeamHodoTask | |
EEClient | |
EEClusterClient | |
EEClusterTask | |
EECosmicClient | |
EECosmicTask | |
EEDataFrame | - Id
- EEDataFrame.h,v 1.6 2007/07/24 10:57:51 innocent Exp
EEDetId | Crystal/cell identifier class for the ECAL endcap |
EEDigiCollection | |
EEDigitizerTraits | |
EEHltTask | |
EEIntegrityClient | |
EEIntegrityTask | |
EELaserClient | |
EELaserTask | |
EELedClient | |
EELedTask | |
EEOccupancyClient | |
EEOccupancyTask | |
EEPedestalClient | |
EEPedestalOnlineClient | |
EEPedestalOnlineTask | |
EEPedestalTask | |
EERawDataTask | |
EESelectiveReadoutTask | |
EESrFlag | This class holds a Selective Readout Flag (SRF) associated to an ECAL endcap supercrystal |
EEStatusFlagsClient | |
EEStatusFlagsTask | |
EESummaryClient | |
EETestPulseClient | |
EETestPulseTask | |
EETimingClient | |
EETimingTask | |
EETriggerTowerClient | |
EETriggerTowerTask | |
condex::Efficiency | |
EfficiencyHistograms | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
pat::helper::EfficiencyLoader | |
EffPurFromHistos | |
EFilter | Description: filters single particle events according to the energy of the mother particle |
EgammaBasicClusters | Description: SVSuite Basic Cluster Validation |
egammaisolation::EgammaEcalExtractor | |
EgammaEcalIsolation | |
EgammaEcalIsolationProducer | |
EgammaEcalRecHitIsolationProducer | |
EgammaElectronTkIsolationProducer | |
EgammaElectronTkNumIsolationProducer | |
egammaisolation::EgammaHcalExtractor | |
EgammaHcalIsolation | |
EgammaHcalIsolationProducer | |
EgammaHLTCaloIsolFilterPairs | - Id
-,v 1.1 2008/10/14 14:52:57 ghezzi Exp
EgammaHLTClusterShapeProducer | - Author:
- Roberto Covarelli (CERN)
EgammaHLTEcalIsolation | Description: sum Et of all island basic clusters in cone around candidate |
EgammaHLTEcalIsolationProducersRegional | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EgammaHLTEcalIsolFilter | - Id
-,v 1.8 2008/04/24 12:53:42 ghezzi Exp
EgammaHLTEcalRecIsolationProducer | |
EgammaHLTEffSrc< T, varType > | |
EgammaHLTEffSrcBase< T > | |
EgammaHLTElectronDetaDphiProducer | - Author:
- Roberto Covarelli (CERN)
EgammaHLTElectronTrackIsolationProducers | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
EgammaHLTEtSortCriterium | |
EgammaHLTHcalIsolation | Description: sum pt hcal hits in cone around egamma candidate |
EgammaHLTHcalIsolationDoubleCone | Description: sum pt hcal hits in cone around egamma candidate but exlude central cone mostly identical to EgammaHLTHcalIsolation, but with an inner exclusion cone |
EgammaHLTHcalIsolationDoubleConeProducers | |
EgammaHLTHcalIsolationProducers | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
EgammaHLTHcalIsolationProducersRegional | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
EgammaHLTHybridClusterProducer | |
EgammaHLTIslandClusterProducer | |
EgammaHLTMulti5x5ClusterProducer | |
EgammaHLTOffline | |
EgammaHLTPhotonTrackIsolationProducersRegional | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
EgammaHLTPixelMatchElectronAlgo | Class to reconstruct electron tracks from electron pixel seeds keep track of information about the initiating supercluster |
EgammaHLTPixelMatchElectronProducers | Description: EDProducer of HLT Electron objects |
EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers | RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers/interface/EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers.h.h |
EgammaHLTRegionalPixelSeedGeneratorProducers | |
EgammaHLTRemoveDuplicatedSC | |
EgammaHLTTrackIsolation | Description: Number of tracks inside an isolation cone, with con geometry defined by ptMin, conesize, rspan and zspan |
EgammaObjects | |
EgammaPhotonTkIsolationProducer | |
EgammaPhotonTkNumIsolationProducer | |
EgammaProbeSelector | Filter to select events passing offline jets and superclusters |
egammaisolation::EgammaRange< T > | Define a range [aMin,aMax] |
egammaisolation::EgammaRecHitExtractor | |
EgammaRecHitIsolation | |
EgammaSCCorrectionMaker | Description: Producer of corrected SuperClusters |
EgammaSCEnergyCorrectionAlgo | |
EgammaSimpleAnalyzer | Description: Analyzer to fetch collection of objects from event and make simple plots |
EgammaSuperClusters | Description: SVSuite Super Cluster Validation |
egammaisolation::EgammaTowerExtractor | |
EgammaTowerIsolation | |
EgammaTowerIsolationProducer | |
egammaisolation::EgammaTrackExtractor | |
egammaisolation::EgammaTrackSelector | |
egammaisolation::EgammaTrackSelector::Parameters | Config parameters |
reco::EgammaTrigger | Egamma trigger bit set |
EgEleTrigCut< T > | |
EgEvtTrigCut< T > | |
EgGreaterCut< T, varType > | |
EgHLTDQMCut< T > | |
EgHLTDQMVarCut< T > | |
EgHLTOffData | |
EgHLTOffEle | |
EgHLTOffEle::ClusShapeData | |
EgHLTOffEle::IsolData | |
EgHLTOffEleSel | |
EgHLTOffHelper | |
EgHLTOfflineClient | |
EgJetTagProbeCut< T > | |
EgMultiCut< T > | |
EgNotCut< T > | |
EgTagProbeCut< T > | |
EgTrigTagProbeCut | |
edm::service::ELadminDestroyer | |
edm::service::ELadministrator | |
edm::service::ELcollected | |
edm::service::ELcontextSupplier | |
edm::service::ELdestControl | |
edm::service::ELdestination | |
reco::Electron | Reco Candidates with an Electron component |
pat::Electron | Analysis-level electron class |
ElectronAnalyzer | Description: GsfElectrons analyzer using reco data |
ElectronCalibration | Description: Perform single electron calibration (tested on TB data only) |
ElectronCalibrationUniv | Description: Perform single electron calibration (tested on TB data only) |
ElectronClassification | |
ElectronEnergyCorrector | |
ElectronGSPixelSeedGenerator | Class to generate the trajectory seed from two hits in the pixel detector which have been found compatible with an ECAL cluster |
ElectronGSPixelSeedProducer | |
sipixelobjects::ElectronicIndex | |
reco::ElectronID | |
ElectronIDAlgo | |
ElectronIDAnalyzer | |
ElectronIDExternalProducer< algo > | |
ElectronIdMLP | |
ElectronIDSelector< algo > | |
ElectronIDSelectorCutBased | |
ElectronIDSelectorLikelihood | |
ElectronIDSelectorNeuralNet | |
ElectronLikelihood | |
ElectronLikelihoodCalibration | |
ElectronLikelihoodCalibration::Entry | |
ElectronLikelihoodCategoryData | |
ElectronLikelihoodESSource | |
ElectronLikelihoodPdfsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ElectronLikelihoodRcd | Description: Record for Pid Electron Likelihood |
ElectronMCTruth | This class stores all the MC truth information needed about the electrons |
ElectronMCTruthFinder | |
ElectronMomentumCorrector | |
ElectronNeuralNet | |
reco::ElectronPixelSeed | ElectronPixelSeed is a seed object constructed from a supercluster and 2 PixelRecHits |
ElectronPixelSeedAnalyzer | Description: rereading of electron seeds for verification |
ElectronPixelSeedGenerator | Class to generate the trajectory seed from two hits in the pixel detector which have been found compatible with an ECAL cluster |
ElectronPixelSeedProducer | Description: MeasurementEstimator for Pixel Barrel, ported from ORCA Class defining the search area in the barrel in the pixel match Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>=""> |
ElectronRecalibSuperClusterAssociator | |
pat::ElectronSelection | Structure defining the electron selection |
pat::ElectronSelector | Selects good electrons |
ElectronSiStripSeedGenerator | Class to generate the trajectory seed from two Si Strip hits |
ElectronSiStripSeedProducer | |
ElectronTagger | - Id
- ElectronTagger.h,v 1.5 2008/10/01 12:35:34 fwyzard Exp
- Date
- 2008/10/01 12:35:34
- Revision
- 1.5
ElectronTaggerMLP | |
ElectronTkIsolation | |
EleHLTFilterMon | |
EleHLTFilterMon::ptrCompStr | |
EleHLTFilterMon::ptrLess< T > | |
EleHLTPathMon | |
ElementsInAnnulus< T, M, N, C > | |
ElementsInAnnulus< T, M, N, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > > | |
ElementsInCone< T, M, C > | |
ElementsInCone< T, M, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > > | |
edm::service::ELemptyContextSupplier | |
edm::service::ELerrorList | |
EleTypeCodes | |
edm::ELextendedID | |
edm::service::ELfwkJobReport | |
edm::service::ELlimitsTable | |
edm::ELlog4cplus | |
edm::service::ELoutput | |
edm::service::ELsender | |
edm::service::ELservConSup | |
edm::service::ELsetS | |
edm::ELseverityLevel | |
edm::ELslProxy< ELgen > | |
edm::service::ELstatistics | |
edm::service::ELtsErrorLog | |
EmDQM | |
EmDQMPostProcessor | |
EMECALShowerParametrization | Electromagnetic Shower parametrization utilities according to G |
EMEnrichingFilter | EMEnrichingFilter |
EMEnrichingFilterAlgo | |
EMIsolatedTauJetsSelector | |
reco::EMIsolatedTauTagInfo | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Empty | |
edm::detail::empty | |
edm::EmptyESSource | |
EmptyESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cond::EmptyIOVSource | |
EmptyIOVSource | Description: Fake event source to produce user designed run or time conditions |
edm::EmptySource | |
rpcrawtodigi::EmptyWord | |
EMShower | |
cscdqm::EMUHistoDef | EMU Level Histogram Definition |
edm::service::EnableFloatingPointExceptions | |
EnableFloatingPointExceptions | Description: This service gives cmsRun users the ability to configure the behavior of the Floating Point (FP) Processor on a per-module basis |
EncodedEventId | |
EncodedTruthId | |
EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo | |
statemachine::EndingLoop | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::EndList< T > | |
EndOfEvent | |
EndOfRun | |
EndOfTrack | |
SequenceTypes::EndPath | |
SequenceVisitors::EndPathValidator | |
EnergyDepositUnit | Class which allows to "follow" an elementary charge in the silicon |
EnergyLossSimulator | |
EnergyLossUpdator | Energy loss according to Bethe-Bloch + special treatment for electrons |
EnergyScaleAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_ | |
EnergyScaleAnalyzerx | Description: Analyzer to fetch collection of objects from event and make simple plots |
EnergySegmentFP420 | |
enroller_helper::EnrollerHelper< T, TVector > | |
enroller_helper::Enrollment< T > | |
edm::Entry | |
Entry | |
EntryAngle | |
EntryAngleAffAngles | |
EntryData | |
edm::EntryDescription | |
EntryLength | |
EntryLengthAffCentre | |
EntryMgr | |
edm::pset::EntryNode | |
EntryNoDim | |
Enumerate::Enumerate | |
lat::Environment | Utilities for handling environments |
envSwitch | Bool controlled by envvar |
envUtil | Class to handle enviromental variables |
EnvVerbosity< Tag > | Trivial verbosity switch |
EOFRecordBuilder | |
EOFRecordHeader | EndOfFileRecord Message Represented here |
EOFRecordView | |
stor::EPRunner | |
evf::EPStateMachine | |
statemachine::Error | |
math::Error< N > | Fixed size error matrix |
Capri::Error | |
cmsPerfRegress::Error | |
lat::Error | An exception base class |
ErrorChecker | |
ErrorCorrelation | |
ErrorCorrelationMgr | |
math::ErrorD< N > | Fixed size error matrix with double components |
math::ErrorF< N > | Fixed size error matrix with double components |
ErrorFrameTransformer | |
edm::service::ErrorLog | |
ErrorMatrixTag | Tag to apply to class GlobalErrorBase to give it the meaning of a covariance matrix |
edm::ErrorObj | |
rpcrawtodigi::ErrorRCDM | |
rpcrawtodigi::ErrorRDDM | |
rpcrawtodigi::ErrorRDM | |
rpcrawtodigi::ErrorSDDM | |
ErrorStreamSource | |
edm::ErrorSummaryEntry | |
fwlite::ErrorThrower | |
ErrorThrower | Description: Allows delaying a throw of a specific exception |
es_Label | Description: Used to assign labels to data items produced by an ESProducer |
ESAlignmentErrorRcd | |
ESAlignmentRcd | |
EScales | |
ESCrcKchipFast | |
ESDataFormatter | |
ESDataFrame | |
ESDCCHeaderBlock | |
ESDetId | Det id for a preshower (endcap) strip |
ESDigitizerTraits | |
ESDigiToRaw | |
ESDigiToRawTB | |
ESElectronicsSim | |
ESElectronicsSimFast | |
ESFastTDigitizer | |
edm::ESHandle< T > | |
ESHandle | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ESKCHIPBlock | |
ESListOfFEDS | |
edm::ESOutlet< T, TRec > | |
ESOutlet | Description: An outlet which gets its data from the EventSetup and passes it to an edm::ExtensionCord |
edm::ESOutlet< T, TRec >::Getter | |
Modules::ESPrefer | |
edm::eventsetup::ESPreFunctorDecorator< TRecord, TFunctor > | |
ESPreFunctorDecorator | Description: A Decorator that works as a adapter to call a Functor before each call to the decorated method |
edm::ESProducer | |
Modules::ESProducer | |
ESProducer | Description: An EventSetup algorithmic Provider that encapsulates the algorithm as a member method |
edm::ESProducerLooper | |
ESProducerLooper | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::ESProducts< T1, T2, T3 > | |
ESProducts | Description: Container for multiple products created by an ESProducer |
edm::ESProxyFactoryProducer | |
ESProxyFactoryProducer | Description: An EventSetup algorithmic Provider that manages Factories of Proxies |
ESRawToDigi | |
ESRecHitProducer | |
ESRecHitSimAlgo | |
stor::ESRingBuffer | |
ESSample | |
ESShape | |
Modules::ESSource | |
ESTBNumberingScheme | |
ESUnpacker | |
edm::ESWatcher< T > | |
ESWatcher | Description: Watches an EventSetup Record and reports when it changes |
edm::ESWatcher< T >::NullFunction | |
ESZeroSuppressionProducer | |
PFTauDiscriminants::Eta | |
EtaCorrection | |
EtaPtBin | Decide if jet/parton lie within desired rapidity/pt range |
EtaRangeSelector | |
EtComparator | Compare by Et |
EtGreater | |
EtMinSelector | |
edm::Event | |
statemachine::Event | |
fwlite::Event | |
Exhume::Event | |
Event | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
python::cmstools::Event | |
EventAction | |
edm::EventAux | |
edm::EventAuxiliary | |
edm::EventAuxiliaryHistoryProducer | |
python::cmstools::EventBranch | |
edm::EventBuffer | |
edm::EventBuffer::Buffer | |
edm::EventBuffer::ConsumerType | |
edm::EventBuffer::OperateBuffer< T > | |
edm::EventBuffer::ProducerType | |
EventColin | |
EventColin::Block | |
EventColin::CaloTower | |
EventColin::Cluster | |
EventColin::Jet | |
EventColin::Particle | |
EventContentAnalyzer | Description: prints out what data is contained within an Event at that point in the path |
reco::isodeposit::EventDependentAbsVeto | |
edm::EventEntryDescription | |
edm::EventEntryDescription::Transients | |
edm::EventEntryInfo | |
edm::EventEntryInfo::Transients | |
edm::EventExtractor | |
EventHeader | Event Message Represented here |
pat::EventHypothesis | |
pat::EventHypothesis::ByRole | |
Types::EventID | |
edm::EventID | |
EventID | Description: Holds run and event number |
EventIndexRecord | Struct represents a Event filed in Streamer file |
edm::EventMsg | |
edm::EventMsg::Header | |
EventMsgBuilder | |
EventMsgView | |
edm::EventOutputService | |
edm::EventPrincipal | |
edm::EventProcessHistoryID | |
edm::EventProcessor | |
cscdqm::EventProcessor | Object used to process Events and compute statistics |
edm::EventProcessor::CommonParams | |
cscdqm::EventProcessorMutex | |
rpcrawtodigi::EventRecords | |
EventSelector | Base class for event selection modules for SUSY analysis |
edm::EventSelector | |
edm::EventSelector::BitInfo | |
stor::EventServer | |
edm::EventSetup | |
EventSetup | Description: Container for all Records dealing with non-RunState info |
eventsetup_dependsOn | Description: function used to set what methods to call when a dependent Record changes |
eventsetupdata_registration_macro | Description: CPP macro used to register a data item to be placed within a EventSetup Record |
eventSetupGetImplementation | Description: decleration of the template function that implements the EventSetup::get method |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< T > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< AndSelector< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< AssociatedVariableCollectionSelector< I, V, S, O, C, R > > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< CandCommonVertexFitter< Fitter > > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< CandKinematicVertexFitter > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< GenJetParticleSelectorEventSetupInit > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< OrSelector< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< SingleElementCollectionRefSelector< I, S, O, C, R > > | |
reco::modules::EventSetupInit< SingleElementCollectionSelector< I, S, O, C, R > > | |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupProvider | |
EventSetupProvider | Description: Factory for a EventSetup |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord | |
EventSetupRecord | Description: Base class for all Records in a EventSetup |
eventsetuprecord_registration_macro | Description: CPP macro used to register a new EventSetupRecord into the system |
edm::EventSetupRecordDataGetter | |
EventSetupRecordDataGetter | Description: Can be configured to 'get' any Data in any EventSetup Record |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordImplementation< T > | |
EventSetupRecordImplementation | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::EventSetupRecordIntervalFinder | |
EventSetupRecordIntervalFinder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey | |
EventSetupRecordKey | Description: Key used to lookup a EventSetupRecord within the EventSetup |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProvider | |
EventSetupRecordProvider | Description: Coordinates all EventSetupDataProviders with the same 'interval of validity' |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProviderFactory | |
EventSetupRecordProviderFactory | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProviderFactoryManager | |
EventSetupRecordProviderFactoryManager | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProviderFactoryTemplate< T > | |
EventSetupRecordProviderFactoryTemplate | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProviderTemplate< T > | |
EventSetupRecordProviderTemplate | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EventShapeVariables | |
edm::EventStreamHttpReader | |
edm::EventStreamService | |
edm::EventSummary | |
edm::EventTime | |
python::cmstools::EventTree | |
EventWrapper | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
EvtGenProducer | Description: EvtGen interface - decays B mesons (left stable by Pythia) by EvtGen |
stor::EvtMsgRingBuffer | |
reco::EvtPlane | |
EvtPlaneProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ExampleClass | An example of doxygen-documented class conforming to the CMS style rules |
ExampleClusterAlgo | |
ExampleClusterProducer | Example of producer for BasicCluster from recHits |
popcon::Exception | |
reco::parser::Exception | |
evf::Exception | |
cms::Exception | |
Exception | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cscdqm::Exception | Application level Exception that is used to cut-off application execution in various cases |
xmas2dqm::wse::exception::Exception | |
cond::Exception | |
edm::ExceptionCollector | |
evf::ExceptionGenerator | |
ExceptionHandler | |
ExEfficiencyRcd | |
Exercises | Simple test harness for the PFClusterTools package |
pftools::Exercises2 | |
pftools::Exercises3 | |
edm::ExhumeSource | |
ExhumeSource | Generates ExHuME (Pythia for hadronization) HepMC events |
funct::Exp< T > | |
reco::parser::exp_f | |
ExponCorrector | |
funct::Exponential | |
ExpoRandomPtGunSource | Generates single particle gun in HepMC format Jean-Roch Vlimant |
edm::ExpoRandomPtGunSource | |
python::exporter::exporter | |
funct::Expression | |
reco::parser::ExpressionBase | |
reco::parser::ExpressionBinaryOperator< Op > | |
reco::parser::ExpressionBinaryOperatorSetter< Op > | |
reco::parser::ExpressionFunctionSetter | |
ExpressionHisto< T > | Description: Histogram tool using expressions |
reco::parser::ExpressionNumber | |
reco::parser::ExpressionNumberSetter | |
reco::parser::ExpressionSelectorSetter | |
reco::parser::ExpressionSetter | |
funct::ExpressionT< F > | |
reco::parser::ExpressionUnaryOperator< Op > | |
reco::parser::ExpressionUnaryOperatorSetter< Op > | |
reco::parser::ExpressionVar | |
ExpressionVariable< Object, label > | |
reco::parser::ExpressionVarSetter | |
ExprEvalInterface | Interface of an Expression Evaluator |
funct::ExpStruct< T > | |
ExtendedPerigeeTrajectoryError | |
ExtendedPerigeeTrajectoryParameters | This class represents simple extention of perigee trajectory parametrization: (rho, theta, phi,tr_im, z_im, mass) |
edm::ExtensionCord< T > | |
ExtensionCord | Description: Allows passing data from an edm::OutletBase to the holder of the ExtensionCord |
edm::ExtensionCord< T >::Holder | |
edm::ExternalInputSource | |
ExtKtJetAlgorithmWrapper | |
cms::ExtKtJetProducer | |
ExtKtJetProducer | ExtKtJetProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the KtJet algorithm for jetfinding |
cms::ExtKtPilupSubtractionJetProducer | |
geomsort::ExtractAbsZ< T, Scalar > | Functor to sort in |Z| using precomputed_value_sort |
ExtractBarrelDetLayerR | |
rpcdetlayergeomsort::ExtractInnerRadius< T, Scalar > | |
muonisolation::ExtractorFromDeposits | |
geomsort::ExtractPhi< T, Scalar > | Functor to sort in phi (from -pi to pi) using precomputed_value_sort |
geomsort::ExtractR< T, Scalar > | Functor to sort in R using precomputed_value_sort |
ExtractStringFromDDD | Helper function to extract a string from a SpecPar; only returns the first one and complains if more than 1 is found |
ExtractTObject< T > | |
cond::ExtractWhat< T > | |
cond::ExtractWhat< Pedestals > | |
cond::ExtractWhat< Pedestals >::DescrQuantity | |
geomsort::ExtractZ< T, Scalar > | Functor to sort in Z using precomputed_value_sort |
EZArrayFL< T > | |
EZArrayVL< T > | |
EZMgrFL< T > | |
EZMgrVL< T > | |
funct::FactorizeSum<, factor > | |
edm::Factory | |
edm::eventsetup::FactoryInfo | |
FakeAlignmentProducer | Description: Producer of fake alignment data for all geometries (currently: Tracker, DT and CSC) (but will not provide IOV as the FakeAlignmentSource) |
FakeAlignmentSource | Description: Producer of fake alignment data for all geometries (currently: Tracker, DT and CSC) (including IOV, in contrast to FakeAlignmentProducer) |
FakeCaloAlignmentEP | Description: Producer of fake alignment data for calo geometries |
FakeFrameRotation | To be used for test beam etc |
magneticfield::FakeInterpolator | Fake field interpolator, that always return B=0 |
fakeMenu | |
FakeTBEventHeaderProducer | |
FakeTBHodoscopeRawInfoProducer | |
FallbackLinearizationPointFinder | A fallback linearization point finder that is used if the 'actual' CrossingPtBasedLinPtFinder fails |
FamosManager | |
FamosProducer | |
FastCandMatcher< C > | |
FastCircle | Calculate circle parameters (x0, y0, rho) for a circle: (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 = rho^2 in Global Cartesian Coordinates in the (x,y) plane for a given set of GlobalPoints |
Fastexception | Fast exception |
FastFedCablingAlgorithm | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
FastFedCablingAnalysis | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
FastFedCablingHistograms | |
FastFedCablingHistosUsingDb | |
FastFedCablingSummaryFactory | |
FastFedCablingTask | |
FastHelix | Generation of track parameters at a vertex using two hits and a vertex |
FastJetBaseWrapper | |
FastJetFWLiteWrapper | FastJetFWLiteWrapper is the Wrapper subclass which runs the FastJetAlgorithm for jetfinding |
FastJetProducer | FastJetProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the FastJetAlgorithm for jetfinding |
FastL1BitInfo | |
FastL1CaloSim | Description: Fast Simulation of the L1 Calo Trigger |
FastL1Config | |
FastL1GlobalAlgo | Description: Global algorithm |
FastL1MuonProducer | Description: Fast simulation producer for L1 muons |
FastL1Region | Description: Container class for L1 regions |
FastL1RegionMap | Description: Mapping between DetIds, CaloTower IDs and Region IDs |
FastL3MuonProducer | FAst L3 muon reconstructor: reconstructs muons using DT, CSC, RPC and tracker information,
starting from a L2 reonstructed muon and a tracker track |
FastL3MuonTrajectoryBuilder | Class to build muon trajectory from STA L2 muons and tracker tracks |
FastLine | Calculate the Line parameters (n1, n2, c) of a Line in Rho*Phi-Z |
cms::FastMuPropagator | |
FastTrackerCluster | |
FastTrackMerger | |
FastTSGFromL2Muon | |
Capri::Fatal | |
FBaseSimEvent | |
FebConnectorSpec | Specifies the input for LinkBoard |
FebLocationSpec | RPC FEB specification for readout decoding |
FEConfigFgrDat | |
FEConfigFgrGroupDat | |
FEConfigFgrInfo | |
FEConfigLinDat | |
FEConfigLinInfo | |
FEConfigLUTDat | |
FEConfigLUTGroupDat | |
FEConfigLUTInfo | |
FEConfigParamDat | |
FEConfigPedDat | |
FEConfigPedInfo | |
FEConfigSlidingDat | |
FEConfigSlidingInfo | |
FEConfigWeightDat | |
FEConfigWeightGroupDat | |
FEConfigWeightInfo | |
sistrip::FEDAPVErrorHeader | |
sistrip::FEDBackendStatusRegister | |
sistrip::FEDBuffer | |
sistrip::FEDBufferBase | |
FedCablingAlgorithm | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
FedCablingAnalysis | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
FedCablingHistograms | |
FedCablingTask | This object is stored in the TaskMap using FecKey as the key, rather than FedKey as for the other commissioning tasks |
sistrip::FEDChannel | |
FedChannelConnection | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
sistrip::FEDDAQHeader | |
sistrip::FEDDAQTrailer | |
FedDataPair | |
sistrip::FEDFEHeader | |
sistrip::FEDFullDebugHeader | |
fedh_struct | |
FEDHeader | TEMPORARY helper class to interpret/create FED header words |
dqm::daq::FEDMonitor | |
dqm::daq::FEDMonitorClient | |
FEDNumbering | This class holds the fed numbering scheme for the CMS geometry |
sistrip::FEDRawChannelUnpacker | |
FEDRawData | Class representing the raw data for one FED |
FEDRawDataAnalyzer | Analyzes contents of FEDRawData collection |
FEDRawDataAnalyzer::Temp | |
FEDRawDataCollection | An EDCollection storing the raw data for all FEDs in a Event |
sistrip::FEDStatusRegister | |
fedt_struct | |
FedTimingAlgorithm | - Author:
- M
FedTimingAnalysis | - Author:
- M
FedTimingHistograms | |
FedTimingTask | |
FEDTrailer | TEMPORARY helper class to interpret/create FED trailer words |
sistrip::FEDZSChannelUnpacker | |
FiducialVolume | The detector active volume is determined estimated as a non-zero thickness cylinder with outter dimensions maxZ and maxR |
sim::Field | |
sim::FieldBuilder | |
sim::FieldStepper | |
statemachine::File | |
lat::File | Basic file-related functions |
File | Basic file-related functions |
lat::FileAcl | |
edm::FileBlock | |
edm::FileCatalog | |
edm::FileCatalogItem | |
lat::FileError | File-system related exception class |
edm::FileFormatVersion | |
edm::FileID | |
edm::FileIndex | |
edm::FileIndex::Element | |
edm::FileIndex::Transients | |
pyDBSRunClass::FileInfo | |
edm::FileInPath | |
Types::FileInPath | |
FileInPath | Open the first file found in a ":"-separated list of files (path) |
lat::FileLock | |
lat::FileMapping | Memory-mapped files |
lat::FileMapping::View | |
lat::FileMappingError | File-system related exception class |
lat::Filename | File name object that hides the gory operating system details |
lat::FilenameError | Filename expansion error class |
lat::FileNameLock | |
lat::FileNameLock::Info | |
cond::FileReader | |
FileReaderDCC | |
FileReaderDDU | |
FileReaderSP | |
FileReaderSPNewFormat | |
edm::FileRecord | |
lat::FileSystemError | File-system related exception class |
FileToolKit | |
edm::errors::FilledMap | |
edm::helper::Filler< Map > | |
fillPtrVector | Description: Helper function used to implement the edm::Ptr class |
edm::detail::FillViewRefTypeTrait< C, T, F > | |
edm::detail::FillViewRefTypeTrait< RefVector< C, T, F >, T1, F1 > | |
Filter | |
evf::filter | |
TauTagTools::filterChargedAndNeutralsByPt | |
Config::FilteredStream | |
lat::FilterInputStream | |
FilterOR | |
lat::FilterOutputStream | |
FinalTreeBuilder | Class building a resulting output tree out of the information provided by KinematicParticleVertexFitter |
edm::eventsetup::produce::find_index< T, FindT > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::find_index_impl< ContainerT, EntryT, FindT > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::find_index_impl< ContainerT, T, T > | |
findDataMember | Description: finds a DataMember with a specific name for a Reflex Type |
edm::refhelper::FindDetSetForDetSetLazyVector< T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindDetSetForDetSetVector< T, C > | |
edm::refhelper::FindForDetSetLazyVector< T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindForDetSetRefVector< T, C > | |
edm::refhelper::FindForDetSetVector< T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindRefVectorUsingAdvance< REFV > | |
edm::FindRegion< T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindSetForNewDetSetVector< T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< C, T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< AssociationMap< Tag >, typename AssociationMap< Tag >::value_type > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< DetSetLazyVector< T >, T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< DetSetRefVector< T, C >, T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< DetSetVector< T >, T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< edm::HepMCProduct, HepMC::GenParticle > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< edm::HepMCProduct, HepMC::GenParticle >::Find | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< edm::HepMCProduct, HepMC::GenVertex > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< edm::HepMCProduct, HepMC::GenVertex >::Find | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< edmNew::DetSetVector< T >, edmNew::DetSet< T > > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< RefToBaseVector< T >, T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< RefVector< C, T, F >, T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindTrait< typename edmNew::DetSetVector< T >, T > | |
edm::refhelper::FindUsingAdvance< C, T > | |
edm::FindValue< T > | |
FineDelayHistosUsingDb | |
FineDelayTask | |
FIPConfiguration | FIPConfiguration reads in the configuration file for the DDParser |
cond::FipProtocolParser | |
statemachine::FirstFile | |
statemachine::FirstLumi | |
Fit | |
FitParam | |
reco::FitQuality | Structure containg fit quality |
FitSlicesYTool | Class to fill Monitor Elements using the ROOT FitSlicesY tool |
FittedEntriesManager | |
FittedEntriesReader | |
FittedEntriesSet | |
FittedEntry | |
FixedAreaIsolationCone | Description: highest level class to compute size of isolation cone such that area weighted by particle density (proportional to dEta/dTheta = 1/sin(theta)) is constant |
fixedArray< T, S > | |
FixedFlatOccupancy1d | |
DictTypes::FixedKeysDict | |
edm::FixedPUGenerator | |
Flag | Flag Base container that holds such values as: 1 |
pat::Flags | Flags used in PAT, and static translator from flags to strings |
pat::Flags::Core | |
pat::Flags::Isolation | |
pat::Flags::Overlap | |
pat::Flags::Selection | |
FlagTxt | Flags base that: 1 |
FlagXML | Flags base that: 1 |
xmas2dqm::wse::FlashlistElements | |
edm::FlatEGunASCIIWriter | |
FlatEvtVtxGenerator | |
FlatPrimaryVertexGenerator | |
FlatRandomEGunSource | Generates single particle gun in HepMC format Julia Yarba 10/2005 |
edm::FlatRandomEGunSource | |
FlatRandomPtGunSource | Generates single particle gun in HepMC format Julia Yarba 12/2005 |
edm::FlatRandomPtGunSource | |
reco::FlavorHistory | Stores information about the flavor history of a parton |
FlavorHistoryFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
FlavorHistoryProducer | |
FlavorJetCorrectionExample | |
FlavouredJetPlots | |
FlavourHistograms< T > | |
Flight2DSvFilter | |
fltrname | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
FMGLfromL3EfficiencyHandler | |
FMGLfromL3TKEfficiencyHandler | |
FMGLfromTKEfficiencyHandler | |
FML1EfficiencyHandler | Class to deal with L1 muon efficiency as a function of eta, phi and pt |
FML1PtSmearer | Class to deal with the 'smearing' of the L1 muon transverse momentum |
FML3EfficiencyHandler | |
FML3PtSmearer | Class to deal with the 'smearing' of the L3 muon transverse momentum |
cms::FmpConst | |
parsecf::pyparsing::FollowedBy | |
stor::ForeverAverageCounter | |
stor::ForeverCounter | |
FormatBarrelHits | |
FormatEndcapHits | |
FormatRpcHits | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Forward | |
ForwardDetLayer | A specialization of the DetLayer interface for forward layers |
ForwardDetRing | Abstract interface for a ring of detectors sitting on a BoundDisk |
ForwardDetRingOneZ | A ring of detectors, all having the same BoundDisk |
ForwardDiskSectorBuilderFromDet | As it's name indicates, it's a builder of a BoundDiskSector from a collection of Dets |
ForwardDiskSectorBuilderFromWedges | As it's name indicates, it's a builder of a BoundDiskSector from a collection of Wedges (of one petal) |
ForwardLayerMirrorImage | |
ForwardMeasurementEstimator | Description: Class defining the search area in the forward disks in the pixel match, ported from ORCA |
ForwardRingDiskBuilderFromDet | As it's name indicates, it's a builder of BoundDisk from a collection of Dets |
FourMomentumKinematicConstraint | 4-Momentum track constraint class provides a way to compute the matrix of derivatives and the vector of values for 4-Momentum constraint on for given KinematicParticle |
FourPointPlaneBounds | |
FourVectorHLT | Description: This is a DQM source meant to plot high-level HLT trigger quantities as stored in the HLT results object TriggerResults |
FourVectorHLT::PathInfo | |
FourVectorHLT::PathInfoCollection | |
FourVectorHLTClient | |
FourVectorHLTOffline | Description: This is a DQM source meant to plot high-level HLT trigger quantities as stored in the HLT results object TriggerResults |
FourVectorHLTOffline::PathInfo | |
FourVectorHLTOffline::PathInfoCollection | |
FourVectorHLTOnline | Description: This is a DQM source meant to plot high-level HLT trigger quantities as stored in the HLT results object TriggerResults |
FourVectorHLTOnline::PathInfo | |
FourVectorHLTOnline::PathInfoCollection | |
Fp420AnalysisHistManager | |
FP420ClusterMain | |
FP420DigiMain | |
FP420G4Hit | |
FP420HitsObject | |
FP420NumberingScheme | |
FP420RecoMain | |
FP420SD | |
FP420Test | |
FP420TrackMain | |
funct::Fraction< n, m, pn, pm > | |
funct::Fraction< n, m, false, false > | |
funct::Fraction< n, m, false, true > | |
funct::Fraction< n, m, true, false > | |
funct::FractionStruct< n, m > | |
stor::FragEntry | |
stor::FragKey | |
stor::FragmentCollector | |
stor::FragmentContainer | |
FrameChanger | |
sipixelobjects::FrameConversion | |
FrameRotation | |
FrameToFrameDerivative | Class for calculating derivatives between different frames |
FRDEventFileWriter | |
FRDEventHeader_V1 | |
FRDEventHeader_V2 | This class is used to view the contents of "FED Raw Data" (FRD) events |
FRDEventMsgView | |
FRDEventOutputModule< Consumer > | |
edm::FRDOutputService | |
edm::FRDStreamService | |
FreeFunctionSelector< T, f > | |
FreeTrajectoryState | A 6-dimensional state vector of a helix given at some point in space along the helix, and the associated error matrix |
cond::FrontierProxy | |
FSimEvent | |
FSimTrack | A class that mimics SimTrack, with enhanced features |
FSimVertex | A class that mimics SimVertex, with enhanced features |
evf::FsmFailedEvent | |
FsmwClusterizer1D< T > | Fraction-of sample mode with weights clustering |
FsmwLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder |
FsmwModeFinder3d | This is a half sample mode finder that works coordinate wise, in 3d |
FTSFromSimHitFactory | Produces a FreeTrajectoryState from a SimHit |
FTSFromVertexToPointFactory | Description: Utility class to create FTS from supercluster |
evf::FUEventProcessor | |
FullConvolutionWithMaterial | Convolute a set of trajectory states with material effects |
funct::FunctExpression | |
funct::FunctExpressionT< F > | |
funct::Function< X1, X2, X3 > | |
function | |
funct::Function< X1, null_var, null_var > | |
funct::Function< X1, X2, null_var > | |
profilereader::FunctionInfo | |
FunctionMinSelector< F > | |
FunctionMinSelectorHeepSkim< F > | |
reco::parser::FunctionSetter | |
stor::FUProxy | |
evf::FUResource | |
evf::FUResourceBroker | |
evf::FUResourceTable | |
evf::FUShmBuffer | |
evf::FUShmClient | |
evf::FUShmDqmCell | |
FUShmDQMOutputService | This class is responsible for collecting data quality monitoring (DQM) information, packaging it in DQMEvent objects, and writing out the data to shared memory for the Resource Broker to send to the Storage Manager |
edm::FUShmOutputModule | |
evf::FUShmRawCell | |
FUShmReader | |
evf::FUShmRecoCell | |
evf::FUShmServer | |
cond::FWIncantation | |
edm::root::FWLiteDelayedReader | |
FWLiteJetProducer | |
cond::impl::FWMagic | |
G4PiKBuilder_WP | |
G4ProcessTypeEnumerator | This is the Mantis level of ProcessTypeEnumerator |
G4SimEvent | |
G4SimTrack | |
G4SimVertex | |
G4TrackToParticleID | Converts G4Track to particle ID |
G__cpp_setup_initTCellDict | |
G__Sizep2memfuncTCellDict | |
GammaFunctionGenerator | |
cms::GammaJetAnalysis | |
GammaNumericalGenerator | |
funct::GammaPropagator | |
funct::GammaZInterference | |
helpers::GatherAllModulesVisitor | |
GaussEvtVtxGenerator | |
funct::Gaussian | |
GaussianPrimaryVertexGenerator | |
GaussianStateLessWeight< N > | Compare two SingleGaussianState acc |
GaussianSumUtilities< N > | Utility class for the analysis of multi-dimensional Gaussian mixtures |
GaussianSumUtilities1D | Utility class for the analysis of one-dimensional Gaussian mixtures |
GaussianTail | |
GaussianTailNoiseGenerator | Generation of random noise on "numberOfChannels" channels with a given threshold |
funct::GaussIntegrator | |
funct::GaussLegendreIntegrator | |
GaussNoiseFP420 | |
GaussNoiseProducerFP420 | |
GctBlockHeader | Simple class for holding the basic attributes of an 32-bit block header. * |
GctDigiToPsbText | |
GctDigiToRaw | Description: Produce fake GCT raw data from digis |
GctFibreAnalyzer | Description: Analyzer individual fibre channels from the source card |
GctFormatTranslateBase | Abstract interface for RawToDigi/DigiToRaw conversions of GCT data |
GctFormatTranslateMCLegacy | Unpacks/packs the MC Legacy data originally produced by the GctBlockPacker class |
GctFormatTranslateMCLegacy::EmuToSfpData | Struct of all data needed for running the emulator to SFP (sourcecard optical output) conversion |
GctFormatTranslateV35 | Unpacks/packs the V35 raw format |
GctFormatTranslateV38 | Unpacks/packs the V38 raw format |
GctRawToDigi | Description: Produce GCT digis from raw data |
GctUnpackCollections | RAII and useful methods for the many dataformat collections required by the GCT unpacker |
GeneralBinFinderInPhi< T > | A phi bin finder for a non-periodic group of detectors |
GeneralBinFinderInR< T > | A R binfinder for a non-periodic group of detectors |
MagBinFinders::GeneralBinFinderInR< T > | |
GeneralBinFinderInZ | A Z bin finder for a non-periodic group of detectors |
MagBinFinders::GeneralBinFinderInZ< T > | |
GeneralBinFinderInZforGeometricSearchDet< T > | |
GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds | Bounds for a surface of any type, delimited by N other surfaces of any type |
GeneralTrapezoidalPlaneBounds | GeneralTrapezoidal detector bounds |
edm::GeneratedInputSource | |
Generator | |
GeneratorTau | |
generic_actor | |
GenericAverageDeDxEstimator | |
GenericBenchmark | |
GenericBenchmarkAnalyzer | |
GenericBinFinderInZ< T, G > | A Z bin finder for a non-periodic group of detectors |
pat::GenericDuplicateRemover< Comparator, Arbitrator > | |
GenericHandle | Description: Allows interaction with data in the Event without actually using the C++ class |
GenericHouseholder | Generic implementation of the QR decomposition of a matrix using Householder transformation |
reco::GenericJet | |
GenericLinearizationPointFinder | A generic linearization point finder, that uses the result of a Fitter to be used as a lin.point |
GenericMinL3Algorithm | Implementation of the L3 Collaboration algorithm to solve a system Ax = B by minimization of |Ax-B| using an iterative linear approach |
GenericMVAComputer | |
GenericMVAComputer::TaggingVariableIterator< Iter_t > | |
GenericMVAComputer::TaggingVariableIterator< Iter_t >::Value | |
GenericMVAComputer::TaggingVariableMapping | |
GenericMVAComputerCache | |
GenericMVAComputerCache::IndividualComputer | |
GenericMVAJetTagComputer | |
GenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, ti1, TI2, ti2, TI3, ti3, TI4, ti4 > | |
GenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none > | |
GenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, ti1, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none > | |
GenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, ti1, TI2, ti2, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none > | |
GenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, ti1, TI2, ti2, TI3, ti3, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none > | |
edm::GenericObject | This class is just a 'tag' used to allow a specialization of edm::Handle |
edm::GenericObjectOwner | |
GenericObjectOwner | Description: Helper classed used for doing a 'generic' put into the edm::Event |
pat::GenericOverlapFinder< Distance > | |
GenericPairGenerator | |
pat::GenericParticle | Analysis-level Generic Particle class (e.g |
GenericProjectedRecHit2D | |
cond::GenericRef | |
GenericTransientTrackingRecHit | |
GenericTripletGenerator | |
GenEventKTValueProducer | - Author:
- Christophe Saout, CERN
GenEventPdfInfoProducer | - Author:
- C.Hof, H.Pieta
GenEventProcIDProducer | - Author:
- Luca Lista, INFN
GenEventRunInfoProducer | - Author:
- Liz,Oliver,Filip
GenEventScaleProducer | - Author:
- Luca Lista, INFN
GenEventWeightProducer | - Author:
- Luca Lista, INFN
Genexception | Cms generic exception |
edm::GenHIEvent | |
edm::GenInfoProduct | |
GenInfoProduct | - Author:
- Filip Moortgat
reco::GenJet | Jets made from MC generator particles |
reco::GenJet::Specific | |
GenJetBCEnergyRatio | |
GenJetParticleSelector | |
reco::modules::GenJetParticleSelectorEventSetupInit | |
GenJetSort | |
reco::GenMET | |
GenMET | MET made from Generator level HEPMC particles |
GenMETCollection | Collection of Gen MET |
GenObject::GenObject | |
reco::GenParticle | Particle candidate with information from HepMC::GenParticle |
GenParticleDecaySelector | |
GenParticleInfo | |
GenParticleInfoExtractor | |
GenParticleProducer | |
GenParticlePruner | |
GenSpecificAlgo | Adds generator level HEPMC specific information to MET base class Author: R |
GenTerminate | Terminate processing |
GenTimeInterval< Time > | Generic Time interval |
GenTimer< Time > | Templated generic timer |
GenTimer< Time >::Bias | |
GenTrackMatcher | - Author:
- Luca Lista, INFN
GeomDet | Base class for GeomDetUnit and for composite GeomDet s |
GeomDetCompatibilityChecker | Helper class which checks if a GeomDet is geometrically compatible with a TrajectoryState |
GeomDetLess | Defines order of layers in the Tracker as seen by straight tracks coming from the interaction region |
GeomDetType | |
GeomDetTypeIdToEnum | Builds map between DetId and an enum |
GeomDetUnit | |
GeometricAnnealing | A very simple class that returns the association probabilty of a (any) chi2 value, given a cutoff (as a "sigma"), a temperature, and (optionally used) an annealing ratio ( geometric annealing ) |
GeometricDet | Composite class GeometricDet |
GeometricSearchDet | |
GeometricSearchDetMeasurements | Concrete implementation of the Det::measurements method for GeometricSearchDets |
GeometricSearchDetWithGroups | |
GeometricSearchTracker | GeometricSearchTracker implementation |
GeometricSearchTrackerBuilder | GeometricSearchTrackerBuilder implementation |
GeometryAligner | Class to update a given geometry with a set of alignments |
GeometryConfiguration | May 23, 2006: Michael Case: This class provides the filenames to the DDLParser from the parameter-set passed by XMLIdealGeometryESSource |
GeometryError | |
GeometryInfoDump | |
GeometryProducer | |
GeomTopologyBuilder | |
GetJetsFromHLTobject | Description: HLT algorithms produced trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs containing the jets etc |
GetLaserData | Description: Gets Ecal Laser values from DB |
GetLineCovMatrix | |
GetParameters | |
edm::detail::GetProduct< COLLECTION > | |
GetProduct | Description: Controls how edm::View and edm::Ptr interact with containers |
edm::detail::GetProduct< RefVector< C, T, F > > | |
GetPtGreater | |
edm::refitem::GetPtrImpl< C, T, F, KEY > | |
fwlite::GetterOperate | |
GetterPolicy< STORAGE, T, N > | |
GetterPolicy< STORAGE, T, 2 > | |
GetterPolicy< STORAGE, T, 3 > | |
GetterPolicy< STORAGE, T, 4 > | |
cond::service::GetToken | Transaction and data consistency for create new tag, start write metadata transaction only if the first pool commit successful; for append,start readonly metadata transaction |
cond::service::GetTokenFromPointer< T > | |
cond::service::GetTrivialToken | |
GFlash | |
GflashEMShowerModel | |
GflashEMShowerModelMessenger | |
GflashEMShowerProfile | |
GflashEnergySpot | |
GflashG4Watcher | |
GflashHadronShowerModel | |
GflashHadronShowerProfile | |
GflashHadronWrapperProcess | |
GflashHistogram | |
GflashHit | |
GflashObject | |
GflashTrajectory | |
GflashTrajectoryPoint | |
Exhume::GG | |
GifDisplay | This is the class that should be instantiated and added to the web page in order to present a display for the histograms on the browser screen |
global_angular_0 | Theta, phi, angle |
global_angular_Check | |
global_eta_address | |
global_eta_data | |
global_linear_0 | Linear positioning according to the formula: c = {s, s+i, s+2*i, |
global_linear_1 | |
global_linear_Check | |
global_phi_address | |
global_phi_data | |
global_simpleAngular_0 | ( |
global_simpleAngular_1 | |
global_simpleAngular_2 | |
global_simpleAngular_Check | |
GlobalCosmicMuonProducer | Reconstruct muons using dt,csc,rpc and tracker starting from cosmic muon tracks |
GlobalCosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder | |
GlobalDetRangeRPhi | Keep R and Phi range for detunit |
GlobalDetRangeZPhi | Implementation class for PhiZMeasurementEstimator etc |
GlobalDetRodRangeZPhi | Implementation class for PhiZMeasurementEstimator etc |
GlobalDigiAnalyzer | Class to fill PGlobalDigi object to be inserted into data stream containing information about various sub-systems in global coordinates with full geometry |
GlobalDigiProducer | Class to fill PGlobalDigi object to be inserted into data stream containing information about various sub-systems in global coordinates with full geometry |
GlobalDigisAnalyzer | |
GlobalDigisHistogrammer | |
GlobalDigisProducer | |
GlobalErrorBase< T, ErrorWeightType > | Templated class representing a symmetric 3*3 matrix describing, according to the ErrorWeightType tag, a (cartesian) covariance matrix or the weight matrix (the inverse of the covariance matrix) |
GlobalErrorBase< T, ErrorWeightType >::NullMatrix | Tag to request a null error matrix |
GlobalFitCorrector | |
GlobalFitJetCorrector | |
GlobalFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
GlobalFlagXML | XML format flag |
GlobalGridWrapper | Generic interpolator that is a wrapper of MagneticFieldGrid, i.e |
GlobalGsfElectronAlgo | Class to reconstruct electron tracks from electron pixel seeds keep track of information about the initiating supercluster |
GlobalGsfElectronProducer | Description: EDProducer of GsfElectron objects |
GlobalHitsAnalyzer | Class to fill dqm monitor elements from existing EDM file |
GlobalHitsHistogrammer | Class to fill dqm monitor elements from existing EDM file |
GlobalHitsProdHist | Class to fill dqm monitor elements from existing EDM file |
GlobalHitsProdHistStripper | Class to fill dqm monitor elements from existing EDM file |
GlobalHitsProducer | Class to fill PGlobalDigis object to be inserted into data stream containing information about various sub-systems in global coordinates with full geometry |
GlobalHitsTester | |
GloballyPositioned< T > | Base class for surfaces and volumes positioned in global 3D space |
GlobalMuonMatchAnalyzer | - Date
- 2008/03/02 20:26:22
- Revision
- 1.2
GlobalMuonProducer | Global muon reconstructor: reconstructs muons using DT, CSC, RPC and tracker information,
starting from a standalone reonstructed muon |
GlobalMuonRefitter | Class to build muon trajectory |
GlobalMuonTrackMatcher | Match a standalone muon track with the most compatible tracker tracks in a TrackCollection |
GlobalMuonTrajectoryBuilder | Class to build muon trajectory |
test::GlobalNumbersAnalysis | |
GlobalOptionMgr | |
GlobalParametersWithPath | |
sipixelobjects::GlobalPixel | Global coordinates (row and column in DetUnit, as in PixelDigi) |
GlobalPositionRcd | |
GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer | |
GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer | |
GlobalRecHitsProducer | |
GlobalSeedProducer | Description: EDProducer of ElectronPixelSeed objects |
GlobalTag | |
GlobalTest | Description: test suite for Mixing Module |
GlobalTrackingGeometry | Single entry point to the tracker and muon geometries |
GlobalTrackingGeometryBuilder | Build the GlobalTrackingGeometry |
GlobalTrackingGeometryESProducer | |
GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord | |
GlobalTrackingRegion | An implementation of the TrackingRegion where the region of interest is global, ie there are no constraints on the allowed direction of particles of interest |
GlobalTrackingRegionProducer | |
GlobalTrackingRegionProducerFromBeamSpot | |
GlobalTrackingRegionWithVerticesProducer | |
GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase | Base class for GlobalMuonTrajectoryBuilder and L3MuonTrajectoryBuilder Provide common tools and interface to reconstruct muons starting from a muon track reconstructed in the standalone muon system (with DT, CSC and RPC information) |
GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::ComparatorInOut | Ordering DT then CSC (for overlap regions) |
GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::RadiusComparatorInOut | Ordering along increasing radius (for DT rechits) |
GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::ZedComparatorInOut | Ordering along increasing zed (for CSC rechits) |
GlobalTrajectoryParameters | Class providing access to a set of relevant parameters of a trajectory in the global, Cartesian frame |
globcontrol | |
GltDEDigi | |
GluedGeomDet | |
GNoiseFP420 | |
pyRunSummaryBaseClass::goodHCALList | |
pyRunSummaryBaseClass::goodHCALRun | |
GoodSeedProducer | |
parsecf::pyparsing::GoToColumn | |
GPFBase | |
GPFCluster | |
GPFGenParticle | |
GPFRecHit | |
GPFSimParticle | |
GPFTrack | |
reco::parser::Grammar | |
reco::parser::Grammar::definition< ScannerT > | |
graph< N, E > | |
graph< N, E >::const_iterator | |
graph< N, E >::const_iterator::value_type | |
graph< N, E >::value_type | |
GraphPath< N, E > | |
graphwalker< N, E > | Walker for an acyclic directed multigraph |
GreaterByEt< T > | |
GreaterByEtRef< T > | |
GreaterByPt< T > | |
GreaterByPtPtr< T > | |
GreaterByPtRef< T > | |
GreaterPt | |
Grid1D< T > | |
Grid3D< Value, T > | Implementation of a 3D regular grid |
GridInterpolator3DException | |
edm::Group | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Group | |
GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilder | A highly configurable trajectory builder that allows full exploration of the combinatorial tree of possible continuations, and provides efficient ways of trimming the combinatorial tree |
GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer | |
GroupedDAFHitCollector | |
GroupedTrajCandLess | Defines an ordering of Trajectories in terms of "goodness" The comparison is done in terms of total chi**2 / ndf plus a penalty for "lost" hits |
edm::GroupSelector | |
edm::GroupSelectorRules | |
edm::GroupSelectorRules::BranchSelectState | |
edm::GroupSelectorRules::Rule | |
GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator | Description of electron energy loss according to Bethe-Heitler as a sum of Gaussian components |
GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator::Polynomial | Helper class for construction & evaluation of a polynomial |
GsfChi2MeasurementEstimator | Class which calculates the chisquare of a predicted Gaussian mixture trajectory state with respect to a reconstructed hit according to the Gaussian-sum filter (GSF) strategy |
GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator | Combines two GsfMaterialEffectsUpdators (for multiple scattering and energy loss) |
reco::GsfComponent5D | |
reco::GsfElectron | |
GsfElectron | |
GsfElectronAlgo | Class to reconstruct electron tracks from electron pixel seeds keep track of information about the initiating supercluster |
helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager | |
GsfElectronDataAnalyzer | Description: GsfElectrons analyzer using reco data |
GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer | Description: GsfElectrons fake electrons analyzer using reco data |
GsfElectronMCAnalyzer | Description: GsfElectrons analyzer using MC truth |
GsfElectronProducer | Description: EDProducer of GsfElectron objects |
GsfElectronSelector | Selects a subset of an electron collection |
helper::GsfElectronSelectorBase | |
GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter | Make standard (single state) MaterialEffectsUpdator usable in the context of GSF |
GsfMaterialEffectsESProducer | Provides algorithms for estimating material effects (GSF compatible) |
GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator | Interface for adding material effects during propagation as a Gaussian mixture |
GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator | Description of multiple scattering with two Gaussian components as described in HEPHY-PUB 724-99 |
GsfMultiStateUpdator | Class which updates a Gaussian mixture trajectory state with the information from a reconstructed hit according to the Gaussian-sum filter (GSF) strategy |
reco::GsfPFRecTrack | |
GsfPropagatorAdapter | Propagation of multiple trajectory state by propagation of components, using an specified single-state propagator |
GsfPropagatorWithMaterial | Propagation including material effects on destination surface for multiple trajectory states |
GsfSeedCleaner | |
reco::GsfTrack | |
reco::GsfTrackExtra | |
GsfTrackProducer | |
GsfTrackProducerAlgorithm | |
GsfTrackProducerBase | Produce Tracks from TrackCandidates |
GsfTrackRefitter | Refit GSF Tracks |
GsfTrajectoryFitter | A GSF fitter, similar to KFTrajectoryFitter |
GsfTrajectoryFitterESProducer | Provides a GSF fitter algorithm |
GsfTrajectorySmoother | A GSF smoother, similar to KFTrajectorySmoother, but (for testing purposes) without combination with the forward fit |
GsfTrajectorySmootherESProducer | Provides a GSF smoother algorithm |
reco::GsfTransientTrack | |
GsfVertexFitter | Sequential vertex fitter, to be used with the Gaussian Sum Vertex Filter After the vertes fit, the tracks can be refit with the additional constraint of the vertex position |
GsfVertexMerger | |
GsfVertexSmoother | The class which handles the track-refit and smoothed chi**2 calculations for the Gaussian Sum vertex fit |
GsfVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator | Calculates the compatiblity of a track with respect to a vertex using the Kalman filter algorithms |
GsfVertexUpdator | Vertex updator for the Gaussian Sum vertex filter |
GsfVertexWeightCalculator | Calulates the (non-normalised) weight of a component the new mixture of vertices for the Gaussian Sum vertex filter |
GsiFTPStorageMaker | |
GSPixelHitMatcher | Description: Class to match an ECAL cluster to the pixel hits |
GSRecHitMatcher | |
GSSiTrackerRecHit2DLocalPos | |
GSUtilities | Some utilities for analysing 1D Gaussian mixtures |
GtPsbTextToDigi | |
edm::Guid | Description: |
GzInputStream | |
lat::GZIPInputStream | A stream filter to read GZIP-compressed data |
lat::GZIPOutputStream | A stream filter to write GZIP-compressed data |
h2DSegm | |
edm::H2RootNtplSource | |
H2RootNtplSource | Reads in HepMC events Joanna Weng & Filip Moortgat 1/2006 |
h4DSegm | |
H4Geom | A helper class with geometry information of the super module |
lhef::Hadronisation | |
HadronPhysicsCMS | |
HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_WP | |
HadronPhysicsQGSP_WP | |
HadSUSYdiElecSkim | All hadronic SUSY Skim >= 2 barrel electrons 30 GeV, Pt(2e)>150 Z-Candle, dielec/Z trigger path |
HadSUSYdiMuonSkim | All hadronic SUSY Skim >= 2 barrel muons 30 GeV, Pt(2muons)>150 Z-Candle, dimuon/Z trigger path |
HadSUSYQCDControlMETSkim | All hadronic SUSY Skim >= 2 barrel jets 100 GeV, (no MET) QCD control MET trigger turn on, MET tails (QCD trigger path) |
HadSUSYQCDSkim | All hadronic SUSY Skim >= 2 barrel jets 100 GeV, dphi, R1, R2 cuts QCD control, test L1 acoplanar path (QCD trigger path) |
HadSUSYSMBackgrSkim | All hadronic SUSY Skim >= 2 jets, 1st jet 110 GeV + MET 100 GeV Total SM background (JetMet trigger path) |
HadSUSYTopSkim | All hadronic SUSY Skim >= 3 jets + 1 lepton (muon, elect), top candle calibration/monitoring (lepton + jets trigger path) |
HalfHtrData | |
edm::Handle< T > | |
fwlite::Handle< T > | |
Handle | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::Handle< GenericObject > | |
statemachine::HandleEvent | |
statemachine::HandleFiles | |
statemachine::HandleLumis | |
statemachine::HandleNewInputFile1 | |
statemachine::HandleNewInputFile2 | |
statemachine::HandleNewInputFile3 | |
statemachine::HandleRuns | |
pat::HardEventHypothesis | HardEventHypothesis is a pure virtual base class to implement a "hard" event hypothesis class |
HardTauAlgorithm | |
HardTauCorrector | Tau energy corrections from tracks and calo info |
HarvestingAnalyzer | Class to perform operations on MEs after EDMtoMEConverter |
HarvestingDataCertification | Class to fill dqm monitor elements from existing EDM file |
edm::detail::has_donotrecordparents< T > | |
edm::has_fillView< T > | |
edm::has_fillView< edm::AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > > | |
edm::has_fillView< edm::DetSetVector< T > > | |
edm::has_fillView< edm::OwnVector< T, P > > | |
edm::has_fillView< edm::RefVector< C, T, F > > | |
edm::has_fillView< edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT > > | |
edm::has_fillView< edm::Vector< T > > | |
edm::has_fillView< RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
edm::has_fillView< std::deque< T, A > > | |
edm::has_fillView< std::list< T, A > > | |
edm::has_fillView< std::set< T, A > > | |
edm::has_fillView< std::vector< bool, A > > | |
edm::has_fillView< std::vector< T, A > > | |
edm::detail::has_isProductEqual_function< T > | |
edm::has_match< T > | Struct template has_match |
edm::has_match< AndHelper< A, B > > | |
edm::has_match< NotHelper< A > > | |
edm::has_match< OrHelper< A, B > > | |
edm::has_match< SelectorBase > | |
edm::detail::has_mergeProduct_function< T > | |
edm::detail::has_postinsert< T > | |
edm::has_setPtr< T > | |
edm::has_setPtr< edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT > > | |
edm::has_setPtr< std::deque< T, A > > | |
edm::has_setPtr< std::list< T, A > > | |
edm::has_setPtr< std::set< T, A > > | |
edm::has_setPtr< std::vector< bool, A > > | |
edm::has_setPtr< std::vector< T, A > > | |
edm::detail::has_swap_function< T > | |
edm::Hash< I > | |
__gnu_cxx::hash< std::string > | Explicit template specialization of hash of a string class, which just uses the internal char* representation as a wrapper |
HBAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HBAlignmentRcd | |
HBGeometryRecord | |
HBHEDataFrame | Precision readout digi for HB and HE |
HBHEDigitizerTraits | |
HBHEHitFilter | |
HBHERecHit | - Date
- 2005/10/04 20:33:53
- Revision
- 1.4
HcalAmplifier | |
HCALBarrelProperties | |
HcalBaseClient | |
HcalBaseMonitor | - Date
- 2008/12/03 13:44:38
- Revision
- 1.19
HcalBeamClient | |
HcalBeamMonitor | - Date
- 2008/11/29 12:15:16
- Revision
- 1.4
HcalCableMapper | |
HcalCalibDataFrame | Precision readout digi for HcalCalib |
HcalCalibDetId | Contents of the HcalCalibDetId : [19:17] Calibration Category (1 = CalibUnit, 2 = HX) |
HcalCalibrationQIECoder | |
HcalCalibrationQIEData | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd), with changes by Radek Ofierzynski (preserve backwards compatibility of methods for this release) POOL object to store calibration mode QIE parameters $Id
HcalCalibrationQIEDataRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalCalibrations | Container for retrieved calibration constants for HCAL $Author: ratnikov - Date
- 2008/03/07 10:17:09
- Revision
- 1.7
HcalCalibrationsSet | - Date
- 2007/12/20 01:39:52
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalCalibrationsSet::CalibSetObject | |
HcalCalibrationWidths | Container for retrieving uncertainties of calibration constants for HCAL $Author: ratnikov - Date
- 2006/04/13 22:40:40
- Revision
- 1.5
HcalCalibRecHit | - Date
- 2006/06/27 15:49:21
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalCaloTowerClient | |
HcalCaloTowerMonitor | - Date
- 2008/08/14 18:40:28
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalCastorDetId | Contents of the HcalCastorDetId : [9] Z position (true for positive) [8:7] Section (EM/HAD) [6:4] sector (depth) [3:0] module |
HcalCellType | |
HcalCellType::HcalCell | |
HcalChannelCoder | Container for ADC<->fQ conversion constants for HCAL QIE $Author: ratnikov - Date
- 2006/04/13 22:40:40
- Revision
- 1.3
HcalChannelId | |
HcalChannelQuality | - Author:
- Radek Ofierzynski POOL object to store HcalChannelStatus
HcalChannelQualityHandler | |
HcalChannelQualityPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalChannelQualityRcd | |
HcalChannelStatus | |
HcalCoder | Abstract interface of a coder/decoder which converts ADC values to and from femtocolumbs of collected charge |
HcalCoderDB | Coder which uses DB services to convert to fC $Author: ratnikov - Date
- 2008/01/22 18:58:53
- Revision
- 1.6
HcalCoderDb | Coder which uses DB services to convert to fC $Author: ratnikov - Date
- 2006/09/25 21:59:23
- Revision
- 1.5
HcalCoderFactory | |
HcalCondObjectContainer< Item > | |
HCALConfigDB | Gather config data from online DB |
cms::HcalConstantsASCIIWriter | |
HcalConstantsXMLWriter | |
HcalDataCertification | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalDataFormatClient | |
Hcaldataformatmonitor | - Date
- 2008/12/08 15:19:55
- Revision
- 1.39
HcalDataFormatMonitor | |
HcalDataFrameFilter | Utility algorithm for filtering out digis from testbeam, etc where no zero-suppression was applied |
HcalDataIntegrityTask | - Date
- 2008/11/04 18:57:37
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalDbASCIIIO | IO for ASCII instances of Hcal Calibrations |
HcalDbHardcode | Hardcode implementation of some conditions data |
HcalDbOnline | Gather conditions data from online DB |
HcalDbPoolOCCI | Gather conditions data from online DB |
HcalDbProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalDbRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalDbService | |
HcalDCCHeader | Interpretive class for an HcalDCCHeader |
HcalDDDGeometry | |
HcalDDDGeometryEP | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalDDDGeometryLoader | - Note:
- The Geometry as loaded from DDD
HcalDeadCellClient | |
HcalDeadCellMonitor | - Date
- 2009/01/08 19:34:07
- Revision
- 1.24
HcalDetId | Cell identifier class for the HCAL subdetectors, precision readout cells only |
HcalDetIdAssociator | |
HcalDigiAnalyzer | Studies Hcal digis |
HcalDigiClient | |
HcalDigiMonitor | - Date
- 2009/01/08 19:31:00
- Revision
- 1.35
HcalDigiProducer | |
HcalDigiStatistics | |
HcalDigiTester | |
HcalDigiToRaw | HcalDigiToRaw is the EDProducer subclass which runs the Hcal Unpack algorithm |
HcalDQMChannelQuality | |
HcalDQMChannelQuality::Item | |
HcalDQMDbInterface | |
HcalDummyHitProducer | |
edmtest::HcalDumpConditions | |
HcalEEUSMonitor | - Date
- 2009/02/11 18:37:11
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalElectronicsId | Readout chain identification for Hcal [31:26] Unused (so far) [25] Trigger-chain id flag [24:20] Readout Crate Id [19] HTR FPGA selector [t/b] [18:14] HTR Slot [13:9] DCC id [8:5] Spigot [4:2] FiberIndex or SLB site [1:0] FiberChanId or SLB channel |
HcalElectronicsMap | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL object to store map between detector ID, electronics ID and trigger ID $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2007/12/14 13:31:21
- Revision
- 1.17
HcalElectronicsMap::PrecisionItem | |
HcalElectronicsMap::TriggerItem | |
HcalElectronicsMapHandler | |
HcalElectronicsMapPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalElectronicsMapRcd | |
HcalElectronicsSelector | |
HcalElectronicsSelector::Callbacks | |
HcalElectronicsSim | |
HCALEndcapProperties | Functions to return atomic properties of the material A_eff and Z_eff are computed as the A-weighted sums of the A's and the Z's of Pb, W and O |
HcalExpertMonitor | - Date
- 2008/09/24 14:29:01
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalFiberPattern | - Date
- 2006/09/29 17:57:39
- Revision
- 1.1
HCALForwardProperties | Functions to return atomic properties of the material A_eff and Z_eff are computed as the A-weighted sums of the A's and the Z's of Pb, W and O |
HcalGain | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL object to store Gain values 4xCapId $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2007/12/14 13:31:28
- Revision
- 1.6
HcalGains | - Author:
- Radek Ofierzynski POOL container to store Gain values 4xCapId
HcalGainsCheck | |
HcalGainsHandler | |
HcalGainsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalGainsRcd | |
HcalGainWidth | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL object to store GainWidth values 4xCapId $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2007/12/14 13:31:40
- Revision
- 1.6
HcalGainWidths | - Author:
- Radek Ofierzynski POOL container to store GainWidth values 4xCapId
HcalGainWidthsHandler | |
HcalGainWidthsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalGainWidthsRcd | |
HcalGenericDetId | - Author:
- F.Ratnikov, UMd Generic HCAL detector ID suitable for all Hcal subdetectors
- Id
- HcalGenericDetId.h,v 1.7 2008/07/15 20:14:11 rofierzy Exp
HcalGeometry | |
HcalGeometryRecord | |
HcalHardcodeCalibrations | |
HcalHardcodeGeometryEP | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader | - Note:
- The HE geometry is not currently correct
HcalHardwareXml | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HCALHighEnergyFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalHistogramDigi | - Date
- 2005/11/14 22:46:50
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalHistogramRawToDigi | HcalHistogramRawToDigi is the EDProducer subclass which runs the Hcal Unpack algorithm for calibration-mode histograms |
HcalHitAnalyzer | Compares HCAL RecHits to SimHit |
HcalHitCorrection | Applies a correction for time slewing Makes bigger signals come at a delayed time |
HcalHitMaker | |
HcalHLXMask | |
HcalHLXMaskDbInterface | |
HcalHotCellClient | |
HcalHotCellDbInterface | |
HcalHotCellMonitor | - Date
- 2009/02/13 14:23:33
- Revision
- 1.24
HcalHPDFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalHTRData | Interpretive class for HcalHTRData Since this class requires external specification of the length of the data, it is implemented as an interpreter, rather than a cast-able header class |
HcalIsoTrkAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalLaserClient | |
HcalLaserDigi | |
HcalLaserMonitor | - Date
- 2009/01/08 19:34:07
- Revision
- 1.3
HcalLaserReco | |
HcalLaserUnpacker | |
HcalLedAnalysis | |
HcalLedAnalysis::CALIBBUNCH | |
HcalLedAnalyzer | |
HcalLEDClient | |
HcalLEDMonitor | - Date
- 2009/01/08 19:34:07
- Revision
- 1.15
HcalLutManager | Various manipulations with trigger Lookup Tables |
HcalLutManager_test | |
HcalLutSet | |
HcalLuttoDB | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> R Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>=""> |
HcalMaterial | |
HcalMaterials | |
HcalMonitorClient | |
HcalMonitorModule | |
HcalMonitorSelector | |
HcalMTCCMonitor | |
HcalMtccmonitor2 | - Date
- 2008/03/01 00:39:58
- Revision
- 1.10
HcalNominalCoder | Simple coder which uses the QIESample to convert to fC |
HcalNumberingFromDDD | |
HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID | |
HcalNumberingScheme | |
HCaloDetIdAssociator | |
HcalOtherDetId | Detector id class which serves as base class for other HCAL-related det ids (cascaded from top bit) |
HcalPacker | - Date
- 2008/06/19 09:03:17
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalPacker::Collections | |
HcalPatternSource | - Date
- 2006/09/29 17:57:40
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalPatternXMLParser | |
HcalPatternXMLParserImpl | |
HcalPedestal | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL object to store Pedestal values 4xCapId $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2007/12/14 13:19:53
- Revision
- 1.7
HcalPedestalAnalysis | |
HcalPedestalAnalyzer | |
HcalPedestalClient | |
HcalPedestalMonitor | - Date
- 2009/02/12 19:52:45
- Revision
- 1.21
HcalPedestals | - Author:
- Radek Ofierzynski POOL container to store Pedestal values 4xCapId, using template
HcalPedestalsAnalysis | |
HcalPedestalsCheck | |
HcalPedestalsHandler | |
HcalPedestalsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalPedestalsRcd | |
HcalPedestalWidth | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL object to store PedestalWidth values 4xCapId $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2007/12/14 13:31:50
- Revision
- 1.8
HcalPedestalWidths | - Author:
- Radek Ofierzynski POOL container to store PedestalWidth values 4xCapId, using template
HcalPedestalWidthsCheck | |
HcalPedestalWidthsHandler | |
HcalPedestalWidthsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalPedestalWidthsRcd | |
HCALProperties | |
HcalPulseContainmentCorrection | Amplitude correction for pulse containment in time |
HcalPulseShapes | - Date
- 2006/10/27 19:46:53
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalPulseShapes::Shape | |
HcalQie | |
HcalQIECaps | |
HcalQIECoder | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL object to store calibration mode QIE coder parameters for one channel $Id
HcalQIEData | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd), with changes by Radek Ofierzynski (preserve backwards compatibility of methods for this release) POOL object to store QIE parameters $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2008/03/08 15:22:28
- Revision
- 1.8
HcalQIEDataCheck | |
HcalQIEDataHandler | |
HcalQIEDataPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalQIEDataRcd | |
HcalQIEManager | Various manipulations with QIE and QIE ADC |
HcalQIESample | Simple container packer/unpacker for a single QIE data word |
HcalQIEShape | |
HcalQLPlotAnal | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalQLPlotAnalAlgos | |
HcalQLPlotHistoMgr | |
HcalRawGain | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL object to store raw Gain values $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2007/12/14 13:32:31
- Revision
- 1.5
HcalRawGains | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd) POOL container to store Gain values 4xCapId $Author: ratnikov
- Date
- 2006/11/21 03:35:33
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalRawToDigi | HcalRawToDigi is the EDProducer subclass which runs the Hcal Unpack algorithm |
HcalRawToDigi::Statistics | |
HcalRealisticZS | |
HCALRecHitAnalyzer | |
HcalRecHitClient | |
HcalRecHitMonitor | - Date
- 2008/11/27 16:52:29
- Revision
- 1.20
HcalRecHitRecalib | Description: Producer to miscalibrate (calibrated) Hcal RecHit |
HcalRecHitsMaker | |
HcalRecHitsValidation | |
HcalRespCorr | |
HcalRespCorrsHandler | |
HcalRespCorrsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalRespCorrsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HCALResponse | |
HCalSD | |
HcalShape | Shaper for Hcal (not for HF) |
HcalSimHitStudy | |
HcalSimParameterMap | |
HcalSimParameters | |
HcalSimpleAmplitudeZS | - Date
- 2007/09/13 15:02:50
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalSimpleRealisticZS | - Date
- 2008/10/07 17:13:38
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalSimpleRecAlgo | This class reconstructs RecHits from Digis for HBHE, HF, and HO by addition of selected time samples, pedestal subtraction, and gain application |
HcalSimpleReconstructor | - Date
- 2007/07/25 20:28:42
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalSourcePositionData | |
HcalSubdetDigiMonitor | |
HcalSubdetDigiMonitor::HistLim | |
HcalSummaryClient | |
HcalTB02Analysis | Description: Analysis of 2004 Hcal Test beam simulation |
HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme | Description: Numbering scheme for hadron calorimeter in 2002 test beam |
HcalTB02Histo | Description: Histogram handling for Hcal Test Beam 2002 studies |
HcalTB02HistoClass | Description: Content of the Root tree for Hcal Test Beam 2002 studies |
HcalTB02NumberingScheme | Description: Numbering scheme for hadron calorimeter in 2002 test beam |
HcalTB02SD | Description: Stores hits of Test Beam 2002 calorimeters |
HcalTB02XtalNumberingScheme | Description: Numbering scheme for the crystal calorimeter in 2002 test beam |
HcalTB04Analysis | Description: Analysis of 2004 Hcal Test beam simulation |
HcalTB04Histo | Description: Histogram handling for Hcal Test Beam 2004 studies |
HcalTB04XtalNumberingScheme | Description: Numbering scheme for crystal calorimeter in 2004 test beam |
HcalTB06Analysis | Description: Analysis of 2004 Hcal Test beam simulation |
HcalTB06BeamSD | |
HcalTB06Histo | Description: Histogram handling for Hcal Test Beam 2006 studies |
HcalTBBeamCounters | |
HcalTBDigiProducer | |
HcalTBEventPosition | This class contains event position information, including the table position as well as hits from the delay wire chambers |
HcalTBNumberingScheme | Description: Numbering scheme for hadron calorimeter in test beam |
HcalTBObjectUnpacker | HcalTBObjectUnpacker is the EDProducer subclass which runs the Hcal Test Beam Object Unpack algorithm |
HcalTBParticleId | |
hcaltb::HcalTBQADCUnpacker | |
HcalTBRunData | This class contains data associated with a run, such as character strings describing the run type, beam mode, and also the beam energy |
HcalTBSimParameterMap | |
hcaltb::HcalTBSlowDataUnpacker | |
HcalTBSource | - Note:
- Notice that there is a hack to renumber events from runs where the first event number was zero
hcaltb::HcalTBSourcePositionDataUnpacker | |
hcaltb::HcalTBTDCUnpacker | - Date
- 2006/08/28 16:39:16
- Revision
- 1.6
hcaltb::HcalTBTDCUnpacker::Hit | |
hcaltb::HcalTBTDCUnpacker::WireChamberRecoData | |
HcalTBTiming | This class contains timing information unpacked from the Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) |
HcalTBTriggerData | This class contains trigger information (mainly trigger type and time), and run information such as run, event, spill, bunch and orbit numbers |
hcaltb::HcalTBTriggerDataUnpacker | |
HcalTBTriggerFilter | - Date
- 2007/03/08 23:09:15
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalTBWriter | Writes HCAL-style ROOT files from the RawData block |
HcalTemplateAnalysis | - Date
- 2007/10/04 21:03:13
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalTestAnalysis | |
HcalTestHistoClass | |
HcalTestHistoClass::Hit | |
HcalTestHistoClass::Layer | |
HcalTestHistoClass::QIE | |
HcalTestHistoManager | |
HcalTestHitGenerator | |
HcalTestNumbering | |
HcalTestNumberingScheme | |
HcalText2DetIdConverter | - Author:
- F.Ratnikov, UMd Converts any flavour of HcalDetId to/from ascii strings
HcalTextCalibrations | |
HcalTimeSlew | Provides pulse delay as a function of amplitude for three choices of QIE bias setting |
HcalTopology | Set of hardcoded constants which represent the topology (tower relationship) of the CMS HCAL as built |
HcalTopologyIdealEP | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalTopologyRestrictionParser | This utility class is intended to provide a standard way to set restrictions on the HcalTopology to exclude cells for testbeam and other purposes |
HcalTPGCoder | Converts ADC to linear E or ET for use in the TPG path Also compresses linear scale for transmission to RCT |
HcalTPGCoderULUT | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalTPGCompressor | - Date
- 2006/09/14 16:24:10
- Revision
- 1.1
HcalTPGRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HcalTPGScale | To be stored in the CaloTPGRecord |
HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo | |
HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi | - Date
- 2006/07/17 16:51:59
- Revision
- 1.8
HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample | - Date
- 2007/12/14 08:50:43
- Revision
- 1.7
HcalTrigPrimClient | |
HcalTrigPrimDigiProducer | |
HcalTrigPrimMonitor | - Date
- 2009/01/21 14:59:54
- Revision
- 1.17
HcalTrigTowerDetId | Cell id for an Calo Trigger tower |
HcalTrigTowerGeometry | |
HcalTTPData | Interpretive class for HcalTTPData Since this class requires external specification of the length of the data, it is implemented as an interpreter, rather than a cast-able header class |
HcaluLUTTPGCoder | The nominal coder uses a user-supplied table to linearize the ADC values |
HcalUnpacker | |
HcalUnpacker::Collections | |
HcalUnpackerReport | - Date
- 2008/02/12 19:22:50
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalVisualSelector | |
HcalVisualSelector::Callbacks | |
HcalZDCDetId | Contents of the HcalZDCDetId : [6] Z position (true for positive) [5:4] Section (EM/HAD/Lumi) [3:0] Channel (depth) |
HcalZeroSuppessionAlgo | - Date
- 2007/09/24 15:28:01
- Revision
- 1.2
HcalZeroSuppressionAlgo | |
HcalZSAlgoEnergy | Simple amplitude-based zero suppression algorithm |
HcalZSAlgoRealistic | Simple amplitude-based zero suppression algorithm |
HcalZSThreshold | |
HcalZSThresholdsHandler | |
HcalZSThresholdsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalZSThresholdsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::heterocontainer::HCTypeTag< Group > | |
edm::eventsetup::heterocontainer::HCTypeTagTemplate< T, Group > | |
HDetIdAssociator | |
HDigiFP420 | |
HDRShower | |
HDShower | |
HDShowerParametrization | Hadronic Shower parametrization utilities according to G |
Header | |
HeaderView | |
HEAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HEAlignmentRcd | |
HeavyChHiggsToTauNuSkim | Filter to select events passing L1 single tau HLT tau+MET 3 offline jets |
HeavyIonRcd | |
HEcalDetIdAssociator | |
Hector | |
HectorProducer | |
HEff1DHit | A set of histograms for efficiency 1D DT RecHits |
HEff2DHit | |
HEff4DHit | A set of histograms for efficiency 4D RecHits |
HEGeometryRecord | |
HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing | Calculates intersections of a helix with planes of any orientation |
HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order | Calculates intersections of a helix with planes of any orientation using a parabolic approximation |
HelixBarrelCylinderCrossing | Calculates the crossing of a helix with a barrel cylinder |
HelixBarrelPlaneCrossing2OrderLocal | Calculates an approximate crossing of a helix and a barrel plane |
HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle | Computes the crossing of a helix with a barrel plane |
HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order | Calculates intersections of a helix with planes of any orientation using a parabolic approximation |
HelixForwardPlaneCrossing | Calculates intersections of a helix with planes perpendicular to the z-axis |
HelixLineExtrapolation | Abstract interface for the extrapolation of a helix to the closest approach to a line |
HelixPlaneCrossing | Abstract interface for the crossing of a helix with a plane |
res::HelperElectron | |
res::HelperJet | |
res::HelperMET | |
res::HelperMuon | |
HelpertRecHit2DLocalPos | |
pat::Hemisphere | |
HemisphereAlgo | |
lhef::HEPEUP | The HEPEUP class is a simple container corresponding to the Les Houches accord (hep-ph/0109068) common block with the same name |
lhef::HEPEUP::FiveVector | |
ThePEG::HepMCConverter< HepMCEventT, Traits > | The HepMCConverter defines only one public static function which converts a ThePEG::Event object to a HepMC::GenEvent |
ThePEG::HepMCConverter< HepMCEventT, Traits >::Vertex | Help class to represent a temporary vertex which can be converted to a GenVertex |
HepMCFileReader | This class is used by the implementation of DaqEventFactory present in this package to read in the full event raw data from a flat binary file |
HepMCParticle | |
HepMCParticleTree | |
edm::HepMCProduct | |
HepMCProduct | - Author:
- Joanna Weng, Filip Moortgat
HepMCProductAnalyzer | Description: allows to print content of HepMCProducts |
ThePEG::HepMCTraits< HepMC::GenEvent > | |
HepMGProductAnalyzer | A modified version of the HepMCProducts, which is used to print out the content of HepMC products |
HepPDTESSource | Description: HepPDT particle data table ESSource |
HepRotOutput | C++ functors for output and conversion of CLHEP and ROOT::Math |
lhef::HEPRUP | The HEPRUP class is a simple container corresponding to the Les Houches accord (hep-ph/0109068) common block with the same name |
Herwig6Filter | |
lhef::Herwig6Hadronisation | |
lhef::Herwig6Hadronisation::FortranCallback | |
edm::Herwig6Producer | |
Herwig6Producer | Generates Herwig HepMC events |
edm::Herwig6Source | |
Herwig6Source | Generates Herwig HepMC events |
HFAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HFAlignmentRcd | |
HFCherenkov | |
HFClusterAlgo | - Author:
- K
HFClusterAlgo::HFCompleteHit | |
HFDataFrame | Precision readout digi for HF |
HFDigitizerTraits | |
HFEMClusterProducer | |
reco::HFEMClusterShape | |
HFFibre | |
HFFilter | Description: Filter to see if there are heavy flavor GenJets in this event |
HFGeometryRecord | |
HFHitFilter | |
HFLightCal | |
HFLightCalRand | |
HFPreLightCal | |
HFRecHit | - Date
- 2005/10/04 20:33:53
- Revision
- 1.4
HFRecoEcalCandidateAlgo | - Author:
- K
HFRecoEcalCandidateProducer | |
HFRecoEcalCandidateProducers | - Author:
- Kevin Klapoetke (Minnesota)
HFShape | Shaper for HF |
HFShower | |
HFShowerLibrary | |
HFShowerLibrary::Hit | |
HFShowerLibraryEventInfo | |
HFShowerParam | |
HFShowerParam::Hit | |
HFShowerPhoton | |
HFShowerPMT | |
HFSimParameters | |
HHcalDetIdAssociator | |
cms::HICConst | |
cms::HICFTSfromL1orL2 | |
HICMeasurementEstimator | A Chi2 Measurement Estimator |
cms::HICMuonPropagator | |
HICMuonUpdator | |
cms::HICSeedMeasurementEstimator | |
HICSimpleNavigationSchool | Concrete navigation school for the Tracker |
cms::HICTkOuterStartingLayerFinder | |
HICTrajectoryBuilder | |
HICTrajectoryCorrector | |
Exhume::Higgs | |
HiggsTo2GammaSkim | |
HiggsToWW2LeptonsSkim | This class is an EDFilter for HWW events |
HiggsToZZ4LeptonsPreFilter | |
HiggsToZZ4LeptonsSkim | |
HiggsToZZ4LeptonsSkimEff | |
HigherInnerHit | |
HighETPhotonsFilter | HighETPhotonsFilter |
HighETPhotonsFilterAlgo | HighETPhotonsFilterAlgo a gen-level filter that selects events that will reconstruct an _isolated_ photon only tested with high ET thresholds (aiming for 100 GeV photons) |
HIPAlignmentAlgorithm | |
HIPUserVariables | |
HIPUserVariablesIORoot | Concrete class for ROOT based IO of AlignmentUserVariables |
perftools::detail::Hist | |
HistLim | |
HistoAnalyzer< C > | Creates histograms defined in config file |
cscdqm::HistoBookRequest | |
fit::HistoChiSquare< T > | |
HistoCompare | _________________________________________________________________ class: HistoCompare.h package: Validation/RecoB |
pat::HistoComposite | |
HistoData | |
HistoDef | |
cscdqm::HistoDef | Abstract Base Histogram Definition |
HistoDimensions | |
pat::HistoElectron | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Histogram< Value_t, Axis_t > | |
HistogramGenerator | |
HistogramProbabilityEstimator | Track probability to come from the primary vertex for a given track |
Histograms | Collection of histograms for DT RecHit and Segment test |
pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT > | PHYS_OBJECT template argument must inherit from a reco::Particle |
pat::HistoJet | |
HistoManager | |
pat::HistoMap< T > | |
pat::HistoMET | |
pat::HistoMuon | |
pat::HistoParticle | |
funct::HistoPdf | |
pat::HistoPhoton | |
HistoProviderDQM | |
HistoricOfflineClient | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> Implementation: <Data Quality Monitoring client for long-term detector performance of the Silicon Strip Tracker> |
edm::History | |
Histos | This class provides an interface to root histograms |
pat::HistoTau | |
pat::HistoTrack | |
HitComparator | |
HitDigitizerFP420 | |
HitEtaCheck | Fast Implementation of HitRZCompatibility |
ctfseeding::HitExtractor | |
ctfseeding::HitExtractorPIX | |
ctfseeding::HitExtractorSTRP | |
HitInfo | |
HitPairGenerator | |
HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair | |
reco::HitPattern | |
HITrackingRegionProducer | |
cms::HITrackVertexMaker | |
HitRCheck | Allowed range of radius R from HitRZConstraint at a given Z coordinate |
cms::HitReCalibrator | |
HITRegionalPixelSeedGenerator | |
HitRZCompatibility | Abstract class to check if r-z coordinates or comptible with the region |
HitRZConstraint | R-z constraint is formed by two PixelRecoLineRZ lines |
HITSiStripRawToClustersRoI | |
HitTripletGenerator | |
HitTripletGeneratorFromPairAndLayers | A HitTripletGenerator from HitPairGenerator and vector of Layers |
HitZCheck | Allowed range of Z coordinate from HitRZConstraint at a given radius R |
HLT1CaloJetEnergy | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a single jet requirement with an Energy threshold (not Et!) Based on HLTSinglet |
HLT1GlobalSums | See header file for documentation |
HLT2jetGapFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTAcoFilter | - Author:
- Dominique J
HLTAnalFilt | This class is an EDAnalyzer implementing a very basic HLT filter product analysis |
HLTAnalyzer | $Date: November 2006 $Revision: |
HLTBJet | |
HLTBJetDQMSource | DQM source for BJet HLT paths |
HLTBool | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) returning always the same configurable Boolean value (good for tests) |
HLTBtagLifetimeAnalyzer | |
HLTBtagLifetimeAnalyzer::InputData | |
HLTConfigProvider | This class provides access routines to get hold of the HLT Configuration |
HLTCountNumberOfObject< OColl > | Description: templated EDFilter to count the number of object in a given collection, using View |
HLTCSCOverlapFilter | |
HLTCSCRing2or3Filter | |
HLTDiJetAveFilter | - Author:
- Dominique J
HLTDisplacedmumuFilter | HLT Filter for b to (mumu) + X |
HLTDoublet< T1, Tid1, T2, Tid2 > | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a basic HLT trigger for pairs of object, evaluating all pairs with the first object from collection 1, and the second object from collection 2, cutting on variables relating to their 4-momentum representations |
HLTDummyCollections | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HLTEcalIsolationFilter | |
HLTEcalPhiSymFilter | Description: Producer for EcalRecHits to be used for phi-symmetry ECAL calibration |
HLTEgamma | $Date: November 2006 $Revision: |
HLTEgamma::myHLTElectron | |
HLTEgamma::myHLTPhoton | |
HLTEgammaCaloIsolFilterPairs | - Author:
- Alessio Ghezzi
HLTEgammaClusterShapeFilter | - Author:
- Alessio Ghezzi (CERN)
HLTEgammaDoubleEtFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTEgammaDoubleEtPhiFilter | - Author:
- Jonathan Hollar (LLNL)
HLTEgammaEcalIsolFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTEgammaEtFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTEgammaEtFilterPairs | - Author:
- Alessio Ghezzi
HLTEgammaGenericFilter | - Author:
- Roberto Covarelli (CERN)
HLTEgammaHcalDBCFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN) Hcal double cone isolation filter
HLTEgammaHcalIsolFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTEgammaHOEFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN) identical to old HLTEgammaHcalIsolFilter but -the Hcal et is devided by the supercluster et -the eta-range is not restricted to |eta|<2.5
HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterPairs | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTEgammaTriggerFilterObjectWrapper | - Author:
- Alessio Ghezzi
HLTElectronDetaDphiFilter | - Id
- HLTElectronDetaDphiFilter.h,v 1.3 2009/01/15 14:31:48 covarell Exp
HLTElectronEoverpFilterRegional | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
- Id
- HLTElectronEoverpFilterRegional.h,v 1.2 2007/04/02 17:14:13 mpieri Exp
HLTElectronGenericFilter | - Author:
- Roberto Covarelli (CERN)
HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
- Id
- HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional.h,v 1.1 2007/08/28 15:21:51 ghezzi Exp
HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTElectronTrackIsolFilterRegional | - Id
- HLTElectronTrackIsolFilterRegional.h,v 1.5 2008/11/03 14:43:26 ghezzi Exp
HLTEventAnalyzerAOD | This class is an EDAnalyzer analyzing the combined HLT information for AOD |
HLTEventAnalyzerRAW | This class is an EDAnalyzer analyzing the combined HLT information for RAW |
HLTEventInfoClient | |
HLTFEDSizeFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HLTFiltCand | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a very basic HLT trigger acting on candidates, requiring a g/e/m/j tuple above pt cuts |
HLTFilter | This class derives from EDFilter and adds a few HLT specific items |
HLTGetDigi | This class is an EDAnalyzer implementing a "get data into RAM" functionality for DIGIs, to simulate online FF running/timimg |
HLTGetRaw | This class is an EDAnalyzer implementing a "get data into RAM" functionality for RAW, to simulate online FF running/timimg |
edm::HLTGlobalStatus | The HLT global status, summarising the status of the individual HLT triggers, is implemented as a vector of HLTPathStatus objects |
HLTGlobalSums< T, Tid > | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing cuts on global sums such as the scalar sum of Et (a.k.a |
HLTHcalNoiseFilter | |
HLTHcalPhiSymFilter | Description: Producer for HcalRecHits to be used for phi-symmetry HCAL calibration |
HLTHcalSimpleRecHitFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HLTHighLevel | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing filtering on HLT bits |
HLTHPDFilter | - Author:
- Fedor Ratnikov (UMd)
stor::HLTInfo | |
HLTInfo | $Date: November 2006 $Revision: |
HLTJetMETDQMSource | Description: This is a DQM source meant to plot high-level HLT trigger quantities as stored in the HLT results object TriggerResults |
HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo | |
HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfoCollection | |
HLTJets | $Date: November 2006 $Revision: |
HLTJetTag | This class is an HLTFilter (a spcialized EDFilter) implementing tagged multi-jet trigger for b and tau |
HLTJetVBFFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTLevel1GTSeed | Description: filter L1 bits and extract seed objects from L1 GT for HLT algorithms |
HLTMCtruth | $Date: November 2006 $Revision: |
HLTMhtHtFilter | - Author:
- Gheorghe Lungu
HLTmmkFilter | HLT Filter for b to (mumu) + X |
HLTMon | Description: This is a DQM source meant to be an example for general development of HLT DQM code |
HLTMonElectron | Description: This is a DQM source meant to be an example for general development of HLT DQM code |
HLTMonElectronConsumer | Description: This is a DQM source meant to be an example for general development of HLT DQM code |
HLTMonMuonClient | |
HLTMuon | $Date: November 2006 $Revision: |
HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a muon pair filter for HLT muons |
HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a muon pair filter for HLT muons |
HLTMuonDQMSource | * DQM Test Client |
HLTMuonGenericRate | Get L1/HLT efficiency/rate plots Documentation available on the CMS TWiki: httpss:// |
HLTMuonGenericRate::MatchStruct | |
HLTMuonIsoDQMSource | * DQM Test Client |
HLTMuonIsoFilter | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing the isolation filtering for HLT muons |
HLTMuonL1DQMSource | * DQM Test Client |
HLTMuonL1Filter | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a filter on L1 GMT input |
HLTMuonL1toL3TkPreFilter | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a first filtering for HLT muons |
HLTMuonL2PreFilter | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a first filtering for HLT muons |
HLTMuonL3PreFilter | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a first filtering for HLT muons |
HLTMuonOverlap | - Author:
- M
HLTMuonPointingFilter | HLTFilter to select muons that points to a cylinder of configurable radius and lenght |
HLTMuonPtFilter | HLTFilter to select muons above certain Pt |
HLTMuonRate | Get L1/HLT efficiency/rate plots |
HLTMuonRecoDQMSource | * DQM Test Client |
HLTMuonTauAnalyzer | |
HLTNVFilter | - Author:
- Dominique J
edm::HLTPathStatus | The status of a single HLT trigger (single trigger path consisting of modules on the path) |
HLTPerformanceInfo | |
HLTPerformanceInfo::Module | |
HLTPerformanceInfo::Path | |
HLTPhi2METFilter | - Author:
- Dominique J
HLTPhotonTrackIsolFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
HLTPi0RecHitsFilter | |
HLTPixelIsolTrackFilter | |
HLTPixlMBFilt | See header file for documentation |
HLTPixlMBForAlignmentFilter | See header file for documentation |
HLTPMDocaFilter | Original Author: Jeremy Werner Institution: Princeton University, USA Contact: Date: February 21, 2007 |
HLTPMMassFilter | Original Author: Jeremy Werner Institution: Princeton University, USA Contact: Date: February 21, 2007 |
HLTPrescaler | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing an HLT Prescaler module with associated book keeping |
HLTProdCand | This class is a EDProducer producing some collections of reconstructed objetcs based on the Candidate model |
HLTRapGapFilter | - Author:
- Monica Vazquez Acosta (CERN)
reco::HLTResult< numberOfBits, word > | |
HLTrigReport | This class is an EDAnalyzer implementing TrigReport (statistics printed to log file) for HL triggers |
HLTScalers | |
HLTScalersClient | |
HLTSinglet< T, Tid > | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a basic HLT trigger for single objects of the same physics type, cutting on variables relating to their 4-momentum representation |
HLTSmartSinglet< T, Tid > | This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a smart HLT trigger cut, specified as a string such as "pt>15 && -3<eta<3", for single objects of the same physics type, allowing to cut on variables relating to their 4-momentum representation |
reco::HLTTau | |
HLTTauCaloDQMOfflineSource | |
HLTTauDQMOfflineSource | |
HLTTauDQMSource | |
HLTTauElDQMOfflineSource | |
HLTTauL1DQMOfflineSource | |
HLTTauMCProducer | |
HLTTauPostProcessor | |
HLTTauProducer | |
HLTTauRefCombiner | |
HLTTauRefProducer | |
HLTTauTrkDQMOfflineSource | |
HLTTauValidation | |
HLTTrackWithHits | Description: templated EDFilter to count the number of tracks with a given hit requirement |
HLTTriggerTypeFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HLXMonitor | Description: DQM Source for HLX histograms |
HOAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HOAlignmentRcd | |
HOCalibAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
HOCalibVariables | |
HODataFrame | Precision readout digi for HO |
HODetIdAssociator | |
HODigitizerTraits | |
hodo_fibre_index | |
HodoscopeDetId | Hodoscope fiber identifier class for the ECAL TBH4 setup |
HoECalculator | |
HOGeometryRecord | |
HOHitFilter | |
edm::reftobase::Holder< T, REF > | |
edm::eventsetup::depends_on::HolderToCaller< TRecord, THolder > | |
edm::eventsetup::depends_on::HolderToCaller< TRecord, OneHolder< T, TDependsOnRecord > > | |
edm::eventsetup::depends_on::HolderToCaller< TRecord, TwoHolder< T1, void(T::*)(const T2 &) > > | |
edm::reftobase::HolderToVectorTrait< T, REF > | |
edm::reftobase::HolderToVectorTrait< T, RefProd< C > > | |
edm::reftobase::HolderToVectorTrait< T1, Ref< C, T, F > > | |
lat::Hook< R > | |
lat::Hook1< R, T1 > | |
lat::Hook1Rep< R, T1 > | |
lat::Hook2< R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::Hook2Rep< R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::HookImpC00< C, R > | |
lat::HookImpC01< C, R, T1 > | |
lat::HookImpC02< C, R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::HookImpC10< C, R, T1 > | |
lat::HookImpC11< C, R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::HookImpC12< C, R, T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::HookImpC20< C, R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::HookImpC21< C, R, T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::HookImpC22< C, R, T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
lat::HookImpF00< R > | |
lat::HookImpF01< R, T1 > | |
lat::HookImpF02< R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::HookImpF10< R, T1 > | |
lat::HookImpF11< R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::HookImpF12< R, T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::HookImpF20< R, T1, T2 > | |
lat::HookImpF21< R, T1, T2, T3 > | |
lat::HookImpF22< R, T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
lat::HookList | |
lat::HookList1< T1 > | |
lat::HookRep< R > | |
HORecHit | - Date
- 2005/10/04 20:33:53
- Revision
- 1.4
lat::HostInfo | Describe a host, and by default the current host |
hotNeighborParams | |
HOTriggerPrimitiveDigi | |
HOTriggerprimitiveDigi | Simple container packer/unpacker for a single Trigger Primitive from an HO HTR |
HOUnrolledTP | |
HouseholderDecomposition | Implementation of the QR decomposition of a matrix using Householder transformation |
HPDNoiseData | |
HPDNoiseDataCatalog | |
HPDNoiseDataFrame | |
HPDNoiseGenerator | |
HPDNoiseLibraryReader | |
HPDNoiseMaker | |
HPDNoiseReader | |
HRes1DHit | A set of histograms of residuals and pulls for 1D RecHits |
HRes2DHit | |
HRes4DHit | |
HResolution | |
HResolution1DRecHit | |
HSMLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder |
HsmModeFinder3d | This is a half sample mode finder that works coordinate wise, in 3d |
HSParameters | |
HTimerStack | |
hTMaxCell | |
HCAL_HLX::HTMLGenerator | |
HTMLLink | |
HTrack | |
HTrackAssociator | |
HTrackAssociator::HAssociatorParameters | |
HTrackDetMatchInfo | |
HTrackVariables | |
HTRPatternID | |
HtrXmlPattern | |
HtrXmlPatternSet | |
HtrXmlPatternTool | |
HtrXmlPatternToolParameters | |
HtrXmlPatternWriter | |
HttpStorageMaker | |
HWWFilter | This class is an EDFilter choosing reconstructed di-tracks |
HybridClusterAlgo | |
HybridClusterProducer | |
HydjetProducer | Generates HYDJET ==> HepMC events |
edm::HydjetProducer | |
edm::HydjetSource | |
HydjetSource | Generates HYDJET ==> HepMC events |
HypothesisAnalyzer | |
HZZ4lFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
IBlobStreamingService | |
IChargeFP420 | |
IConfig | Abstract base class for a definition object |
IConnectionProxy | Description: developer interface for connection |
cond::IConnectionProxy | |
IDataItem | Abstract interface for data in the conditions DB |
IDBObject | Abstract base class for objects storable in the database |
calogeom::IdealCastorTrapezoid | Trapezoid class used for CASTOR volumes |
IdealGeometryRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
IdealMagneticFieldRecord | |
calogeom::IdealObliquePrism | Oblique prism class used for HCAL (HB, HE, HO) volumes |
calogeom::IdealZDCTrapezoid | Trapezoid class used for ZDC volumes |
calogeom::IdealZPrism | Prism class used for HF volumes |
IDef | Abstract base class for a definition object |
Identifiable | Interface for all objects that should be identifiable, aka have a function that returns it's ID |
funct::Identity | |
python::IdGenerator::IdGenerator | |
IdSort | |
edm::IDVectorMap< ID, C, P > | |
edm::IDVectorMap< ID, C, P >::const_iterator | |
edm::IDVectorMap< ID, C, P >::id_iterator | |
edm::IDVectorMap< ID, C, P >::match_iterator< M > | |
edm::IDVectorMap< ID, C, P >::range | |
edm::math_private::ieee_double_shape_type | |
edm::math_private::ieee_float_shape_type | |
edm::math_private::ieee_long_double_shape_type | |
edm::IEventProcessor | |
Ig2DBrowser | |
Ig2DModel | |
Ig2DRep | |
Ig2DViewPropertiesCategory | |
Ig2DWindow | |
Ig3DAngleControl | |
Ig3DAnimsCategory | |
Ig3DAxisRotationControl | |
Ig3DBaseBrowser | |
Ig3DBaseModel | |
Ig3DBaseModelEvent | |
Ig3DBaseRep | |
Ig3DBaseWindow | |
Ig3DBoolControl | |
Ig3DBrowser | |
Ig3DCameraPosControl | |
Ig3DCameraRotControl | |
Ig3DCameraUtils | |
Ig3DClipsCategory | |
Ig3DColorControl | |
Ig3DEnumControl | |
Ig3DFieldControl | |
Ig3DFieldPlanesCategory | |
Ig3DFloatControl | |
Ig3DGridCategory | |
Ig3DInitialiser | |
Ig3DInt32Control | |
Ig3DLightsCategory | |
Ig3DMBoolControl | |
Ig3DMColorControl | |
Ig3DMFloatControl | |
Ig3DMInt32Control | |
Ig3DModel | |
Ig3DMShortControl | |
Ig3DMStringControl | |
Ig3DMUInt32Control | |
Ig3DMUShortControl | |
Ig3DNodeCategory | |
Ig3DObjectCategory< T > | |
Ig3DPlaneControl | |
Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 > | |
Ig3DRangeMControl< C1, C2, C3 > | |
Ig3DRep | |
Ig3DRotationControl | |
Ig3DRotationFControl | |
Ig3DShapeManager | |
Ig3DShortControl | |
Ig3DSlicersCategory | |
Ig3DStringControl | |
Ig3DSystem | |
Ig3DUInt32Control | |
Ig3DUnitVec3fControl | |
Ig3DUShortControl | |
Ig3DVec2fControl | |
Ig3DVec3fControl | |
Ig3DVec4fControl | |
Ig3DVectorBaseControl | |
Ig3DVectorControl | |
Ig3DViewpointsCategory | |
Ig3DWindow | |
Ig3DZoomControl | |
IgAjaxTreeModel | |
IgApplication | |
IgArgsElement | |
IgAssociatedSet | |
IgAssociatedSet::Iterator | |
IgAssociation | |
IgAssociationSet | |
IgBrowser | Abstract object browser base class |
IgBrowserConfigItem | Incomplete, work in progress |
IgBrowserConfigSet | Incomplete, work in progress |
IgBrowserDB | |
IgBrowserManager | |
IgBrowserMethods | Global service for the collection of object browsing multi-methods |
IgBrowserPropertySetManager | Incomplete, work in progress |
IgBSPNode | |
IgBSPTree | |
IgBSPTriangle | |
IgBSPTriangle::LessArea | |
IgBSPTriangle::MoreArea | |
IgCapabilityDB | |
IgCollection | |
IgCollectionItem | |
IgCollectionItem::ContainerTraits< C, T, A > | |
IgCollectionIterator | |
IgColumnHandle | |
IgCommonViewCategory | |
IgCommonViewPropertiesCategory | |
IgCompoundTwig | |
IgConfigElement | |
IgConfigElementNode | |
IgControlBase | |
IgControlCategory | |
IgControlCentre | |
IgControlItem | |
IgDataStorage | |
IgDatum | |
IgDirectoryByName | Locate a IgModuleCache by it's file name |
IgDispatcher< Message > | |
IgDocument | |
IgDocumentData | |
IgDocumentDataManager | |
IgDocumentDataRoot | |
IgDocumentDataset | |
IgDriver | Base class for application drivers |
IgDriverDB | |
IgEnvsElement | |
IgExaminerViewerCategory | |
IgExtension | Base class for application extensions |
IgExtensionDB | |
IgFileFetcher | |
IgFileLocalProxy | |
IgFileManager | |
IgFileProxy | |
IgFileProxyDB | |
IgFreeServerSocket | |
IgG4ToSoMaterialMap | |
IgG4ToSoMaterialMapSingleton | |
IgGL2PSPrintCategory | |
IgGLRenderCategory | |
IgHook | |
IgHook::Data | |
IgHook::SafeData< Func > | |
IgHook::TypedData< Func > | |
IgHookAlloc< T > | |
IgHookAlloc< T >::rebind< O > | |
IgHookLiveMap | |
IgHookTrace | |
IgHookTrace::Counter | Nearly dummy object type to identify a counter |
IgHookTrace::CounterValue | Value for a counter chained from a trace |
IgHookTraceAlloc | |
IgImageIDs | |
IgIVView | |
IgLegoBrowser | |
IgLegoModel | |
IgLegoRep | |
IgLegoViewPropertiesCategory | |
IgLegoWindow | |
IgLibraryPreloader | |
IgMatEdColorBox | |
IgMatEdMainMenu | |
IgMatEdMainWidget | |
IgMatEdModificationAction | |
IgMatEdSlider | |
IgMatEdViewer | |
IgMDIView | |
IgModel | Interface for IgBrowser data models |
IgModelManager | |
IgModule | Module proxy |
IgModuleCache | Automatically cached directory of module registrations |
IgModuleCache::CacheContext | Flags that describe the current cache status |
IgModuleCache::FileByName | |
IgModuleCache::ParseContext | Structure used as temporary storage and result by parse() and reconstruct() |
IgModuleDef | A base class for modules |
IgModuleDescriptor | Cache data representation: a tree of vectors of strings |
IgNet | |
IgNet::AutoPeer | |
IgNet::Bucket | |
IgNet::Object | |
IgNet::Peer | |
IgNet::WaitObject | |
IgNetError | |
IgNetscapeRunner | |
IgNTupleAppExtension | |
IgNTupleAppMain | |
IgNTupleAppSetup | |
IgNTupleModel | |
IgNTupleModelEvent | |
IgNTupleRep | |
IgOIVBrowser | |
IgOIVBrowser::Pointer | |
IgOIVExtension | |
IgOnCrashService | |
IgOnLowMemoryService | |
IgPage | |
IgParser | |
IgParticleChar | Provides a mini-database for particle characteristics |
IgPlaneDirection | |
IgPluginCapabilities | |
IgPluginDef< Factory, Type > | Helper to simplify registration in IgModuleDef implementations |
IgPluginError | Error object for the plug-in manager |
IgPluginFactory< I > | |
IgPluginFactory< R *(T1)> | |
IgPluginFactory< R *(T1, T2)> | |
IgPluginFactory< R *(T1, T2, T3)> | |
IgPluginFactory< R *(T1, T2, T3, T4)> | |
IgPluginFactory< R *(void)> | |
IgPluginFactory< void > | |
IgPluginFactoryBase | Abstract base class to bridge IgManager and IgPluginFactory |
IgPluginFactoryImpl< Proto > | |
IgPluginFactoryImpl< void > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplBase< Types > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1)> | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1)>::AutoFactory< T > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1)>::Factory | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1)>::Info | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2)> | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2)>::AutoFactory< T > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2)>::Factory | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2)>::Info | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3)> | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3)>::AutoFactory< T > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3)>::Factory | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3)>::Info | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3, T4)> | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3, T4)>::AutoFactory< T > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3, T4)>::Factory | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(T1, T2, T3, T4)>::Info | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(void)> | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(void)>::AutoFactory< T > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(void)>::Factory | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< R *(void)>::Info | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< void > | |
IgPluginFactoryImplTypes< void >::Info | |
IgPluginInfo | Abstract base class for information on features provided by a module |
IgPluginLoader | |
IgPluginManager | Catalog of dynamically available components in the system |
IgPluginManager::FeedbackData | Simple tuple of data passed to feedback clients |
IgPluginManagerDestructor | Simple class to configure optional destruction of plug-in manager on exit |
IgPluginParserError | |
IgProf | Core profiling implementation |
IgProfBuffer | Utility class for implementing private heap and hashed data structures |
IgProfDumpInfo | |
IgProfExitDump | |
IgProfSymCache | A symbol lookup cache |
IgProfSymCache::Binary | Description of a binary module associated with a symbol |
IgProfSymCache::Symbol | Description of a symbol behind a call address, linked in hash table |
IgProfSymCache::SymCache | Hash table cache entry for call address to symbol address mappings |
IgProfTrace | A resizeable profiler trace buffer |
IgProfTrace::Counter | Counter value |
IgProfTrace::CounterDef | Counter definition |
IgProfTrace::Record | Structure used by callers to record values |
IgProfTrace::Resource | Data for a resource |
IgProfTrace::Stack | Stack trace node |
IgProfTrace::StackCache | Structure for call stack cache at the end |
IgProfTraceAlloc | |
IgProfWrappedArg | |
IgProperty | |
IgQDockAreaSite | |
IgQDockWindowSite | |
IgQHSplitterSite | |
IgQMainWindowSite | |
IgQSplitterSite | |
IgQtAppActiveMessage | |
IgQtAppActiveService | |
IgQtAppContextService | |
IgQtAppCrashAlertService | |
IgQtAppDebug | |
IgQtAppDebugInfo | |
IgQtAppDebugLibrariesInfo | |
IgQtAppDebugPluginsInfo | |
IgQtAppDebugResourceInfo | |
IgQtAppDebugService | |
IgQtAppDumpStateInfo | |
IgQtAppExtensions | |
IgQtAppHelp | |
IgQtAppHelpService | |
IgQtAppImageService | |
IgQtApplicationCategory | |
IgQtAppLoopService | |
IgQtAppMenuService | |
IgQtAppStatusBarService | |
IgQtAppToolBarService | |
IgQtAppWindowService | |
IgQtAxisAlignment | |
IgQtBadSiteError | |
IgQtConnection | |
IgQtFocusManager | |
IgQtLineEdit | |
IgQtLock | |
IgQtObjectMenu | Popup menu for object-specific actions |
IgQtObjectMenu::ItemDef | |
IgQtObjectMenuMessage | A message notifying that a context-sensitive menu for an object is about to be popped up or needs to be updated |
IgQtObjectMenuService | A manager for an object-specific QPopupMenu |
IgQToolBoxSite | |
IgQtPixButton | |
IgQtRangeControl | |
IgQtRangeControlCommon | |
IgQtRangeControlFloat | |
IgQtRangeControlImp< T > | |
IgQtRangeControlInt | |
IgQtRangeControlLong | |
IgQtRangeControlShort | |
IgQtRangeControlUInt | |
IgQtRangeControlULong | |
IgQtRangeControlUShort | |
IgQtRangeMControl | |
IgQtRangeMControlFloat | |
IgQtRangeMControlImp< T > | |
IgQtRangeMControlInt | |
IgQtRangeMControlLong | |
IgQtRangeMControlShort | |
IgQtRangeMControlUInt | |
IgQtRangeMControlULong | |
IgQtRangeMControlUShort | |
IgQtRangeMValue< T > | |
IgQtRangeMValueFloat | |
IgQtRangeMValueInt | |
IgQtRangeMValueLong | |
IgQtRangeMValueShort | |
IgQtRangeMValueUInt | |
IgQtRangeMValueULong | |
IgQtRangeMValueUShort | |
IgQtRangeSetting | |
IgQtRangeValue< T > | |
IgQtRangeValueFloat | |
IgQtRangeValueInt | |
IgQtRangeValueLong | |
IgQtRangeValuePrecision | |
IgQtRangeValueShort | |
IgQtRangeValueUInt | |
IgQtRangeValueULong | |
IgQtRangeValueUShort | |
IgQtScheduledEvent | |
IgQtScheduledEventExecutor | |
IgQtScrollView | |
IgQtSite | |
IgQtSiteStack | |
IgQtTabConnection | |
IgQtTextBrowser | |
IgQtTreeBrowser | |
IgQtTreeRep | |
IgQtTwigBrowser | |
IgQtTwigRep | |
IgQtWorkspace | |
IgQVSplitterSite | |
IgQWidgetSite | |
IgQWidgetStackSite | |
IgQWorkspaceSite | |
IgRef | |
IgRep | Base class for all object representations |
IgRepContext | A multi-way association to link a representable object and a rep in a particular model |
IgRepresentable | Base class for all representable application objects |
IgRepSet | The set of known representations of an object |
IgRPhiBrowser | |
IgRPhiModel | |
IgRPhiRep | |
IgRPhiViewPropertiesCategory | |
IgRPhiWindow | |
IgRZBrowser | |
IgRZModel | |
IgRZRep | |
IgRZViewPropertiesCategory | |
IgRZWindow | |
IgSbAutumnColorMap | |
IgSbBoneColorMap | |
IgSbColorMap | Colour map abstraction and some default colour maps from matlab/octave |
IgSbCoolColorMap | |
IgSbCopperColorMap | |
IgSbField | Abstraction of a vector field |
IgSbFlagColorMap | |
IgSbGrayColorMap | |
IgSbHotColorMap | |
IgSbHSVColorMap | |
IgSbJetColorMap | |
IgSbLegoBin | An (almost private) helper class for constructing a legoHist stores the x/y indices |
IgSbLegoBinCompare | |
IgSbLegoValue | An (almost private) helper class for IgSoLegoPlot |
IgSbPinkColorMap | |
IgSbPrismColorMap | |
IgSbSpringColorMap | |
IgSbSummerColorMap | |
IgSbTableColorMap | |
IgSbVGAColorMap | |
IgSbWinterColorMap | |
IgSceneManagerCategory | |
IgSchemaError | Throw this error whenever the schema differs from what you were expecting |
IgSelectionMessage | A message notifying that an object has been selected in a browser |
IgSelectionService | A manager for the current object selection in a session group |
IgServerPool | |
IgServerSocket | |
IgSession | |
IgSessionManager | |
IgSimpleDatum< T > | |
IgSimpleModuleDef | IgModuleDef used by DEFINE_IGUANA_MODULE() |
IgSimpleTextModel | |
IgSimpleTextRep | |
IgSimpleTwig | |
IgSite | A place in which browsers or other sites can be hosted |
IgSiteDB | |
IgSo2DArrow | An arrow in the (x,y) plane along the x axis, with total length length. The arrowhead heigth is headHeight and its length lengthRatio*length |
IgSo3DErrorBar | |
IgSoAnimator | |
IgSoAnyThumbWheel | An exposed version of the Thumbwheel widget from Coin's SoQt classes. Used to produce IgSoQtThumbWheel |
IgSoArrow | An arrow has a cylindar and also a conical tip |
IgSoAxis | Provides a co-ordinate axis shape with label and adjustable length markers |
IgSoCalHit | Represents an energy deposition by an extruded shape proportional to the energy. This is a cheap copy of IgSoCrystalHits. All parts are currently drawn despite the settings of the flags |
IgSoCircleArc | |
IgSoCircularHist | Creates an OpenInventor representation for a circular histogram, histogram values are supposed to be positiv |
IgSocket | |
IgSocketDriver | |
IgSocketDriverInfo | |
IgSoClipPlane | |
IgSoCoordinateAxis | Provides an x/y/z co-ordinate axis shape with labels and adjustable length markers |
IgSoCrystalHit | Draws a hit in an individual crystal specified by: |
IgSoCube | Creates an OpenInventor representation for an outlined cube |
IgSoEllipsoid | |
IgSoFieldPlane | An Inventor representing an arbitrary planar slice of a field |
IgSoFieldPlane::RegionInfo | |
IgSoFieldPlane::WindowInfo | |
IgSoFieldPlaneMap | A planar slice (e.g |
IgSoG4Box | Represents the G4Box Geant Geometry entity |
IgSoG4Torus | |
IgSoG4Trap | : The documentation from Geant says: A G4Trap is a general trapezoid: The faces perpendicular to the z planes are tapezia, and their centres are not necessarily on a line parallel to the z axis |
IgSoG4Trd | The documentation from Geant says: A Trd is a trapezoid with the x and y dimensions varying along z functions: |
IgSoGL2PSAction | |
IgSoGrid | |
IgSoGridPlane | |
IgSoGridPlaneMap | A planar slice (e.g |
IgSoHits | Provides a minimal object to represent a series of points in space |
IgSoIdealTrack | Represents an ideal track (i.e., a perfect helix) as a NURB |
IgSoJet | Draw a Jet object using energy, theta, phi, thrust |
IgSoLegoPlot | Provides a basic lego plot in eta-phi for calorimetry |
IgSoLegoTowers | |
IgSoMaterialMap | |
IgSoMaterialMapSingleton | |
IgSoPcon | IgSoPcon produces an OIV version of the GEANT3 PCON shape |
IgSoPlaneManip | |
IgSoPolyVol | Provides an OpenInventor shape which matches the description of a D0-type extrusion of a polygonal face |
IgSoQtThumbWheel | |
IgSoQuad | Quadrilateral in the (x,y) plane defined by the 2D vectors pointing to the corners |
IgSoRectColHist | |
IgSoRectHist | |
IgSoRotSolid | This class creates an OpenInventor shape for a rotational solid defined by a rotation of a cross section which is specified by a generic polygon |
IgSoRZHist | |
IgSoShapeKit | |
IgSoSimpleTrajectory | |
IgSoSiStrips | Represents a single-sided silicon strip detector |
IgSoSlicer | |
IgSoSlicerEngine | |
IgSoSphereHit | Draws SoSphere at arbitrary location with arbitrary scale |
IgSoSplineTrack | Provides a spline-based track class which requires the knowledge of the trajectory and its slope at two separate points |
IgSoTower | |
IgSoTowerRadii | |
IgSoTwig | |
IgSoViewpoint | |
IgSoXYZGrid | Draws a grid/grids in x, y, z planes |
IgSpareBrowser | Implements a generic 3DBaseBrowser modeled after IgRPhiBrowser |
IgSpareModel | |
IgSpareRep | |
IgSpareViewPropertiesCategory | Implements a generic IgSpareViewProperties Category modeled after IgRPhiViewPropertiesCategory |
IgSpareWindow | Implements a generic 3DBaseWindow modeled after IgRPhiWindow |
IgState | A shared application object state |
IgStateElement | Base interface for all element objects stored in IgState |
IgStateKey | |
IgStateKeyDef | |
IgStorageGetterTrait< T > | |
IgStorageGetterTrait< char * > | |
IgStorageGetterTrait< const char * > | |
IgStudioCentre | |
IgStudioDriver | |
IgStudioSetup | |
IgStudioSetupExtension | |
IgStudioWebService | |
IgSurfaceOperation | |
IgTextModel | |
IgTextModelEvent | |
IgTextRep | |
IgTrace | Core tracing implementation |
IgTraceFilter | Structure for tracking filters |
IgTraceMem | |
IgTraceMMap | |
IgTraceThrow | |
IgTwig | |
IgTwigConfigElement | |
IgTwigOps | General twig operations for the object-specific context menus |
IguanaNetProducer | |
edm::service::IguanaService | |
IgUIDModel | |
IgUIDRep | |
IgView | |
IgViewCreator | |
IgViewDB | |
IgWeb2DService | |
IgWeb3DService | |
IgWebLegoService | |
IgWebRPhiService | |
IgWebRZService | |
IgWebService | |
IgWebService::Arguments | |
IgWebServiceDB | |
IgWebServiceProxy | |
IgWebServiceRegistry | |
IgWebTreeService | |
IgWizard | |
IgWizardBase | |
IgWizardPage | |
IgXMLModel | |
IgXMLModel::IgXMLModelChanged | |
IgXMLReader | |
IgXMLRep | |
IIOV | Abstract base class for an IOV object |
IMACalibBlock | |
IMASelector | |
ImpactParameter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ImpactParameterAlgorithm | |
ImpactParameterCalibration | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::pset::ImplicitIncludeNode | |
Inclinometers | |
Inclinometers::Item | |
InclinometersRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::pset::IncludeFileFinder | |
edm::pset::IncludeNode | |
IncompleteGammaComplement | Computes the complement Q(a,x)=1-P(a,x) of the incomplete gamma function |
JetReco::IndexedCandidate | |
edm::helper::IndexRangeAssociation | Base class to map to items one a range within a target collection |
edm::helper::IndexRangeAssociation::FastFiller | FastFiller for the IndexRangeAssociation: It requires to fill items in strict key order |
edm::helper::IndexRangeAssociation::IDComparator | |
edm::reftobase::IndirectHolder< T > | |
edm::reftobase::IndirectVectorHolder< T > | |
edm::reftobase::IndirectVectorHolder< T >::const_iterator_imp_specific | |
InduceChargeFP420 | |
lat::InetAddress | |
lat::InetServerSocket | Internet domain socket set up to listen as a server |
lat::InetSocket | Internet domain stream socket |
InfoByType< T > | |
InitHeader | |
edm::InitMsg | |
edm::InitMsg::Header | |
InitMsgBuilder | |
stor::InitMsgCollection | |
InitMsgView | |
edm::service::InitRootHandlers | |
InnerDeltaPhi | |
InOutConversionSeedFinder | - Id
- InOutConversionSeedFinder.h,v 1.11 2008/05/08 20:41:06 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/05/08 20:41:06
- Revision
- 1.11
InOutConversionTrackFinder | - Id
- InOutConversionTrackFinder.h,v 1.9 2008/05/08 20:41:19 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/05/08 20:41:19
- Revision
- 1.9
edm::InputFileCatalog | |
InputGenJetsParticleSelector | |
InputSort | Helper class checking the input of Kinematic Vertex Fitters If some of particles provided have trees after them, makes sure that only top tree particles are used in the fit |
edm::InputSource | |
edm::InputSource::EventSourceSentry | |
edm::InputSource::FileCloseSentry | |
edm::InputSource::FileOpenSentry | |
edm::InputSource::LumiSourceSentry | |
edm::InputSource::RunSourceSentry | |
edm::InputSource::SourceSentry | |
edm::InputSourceDescription | |
edm::InputSourceFactory | |
lat::InputStream | An input data source |
lat::InputStreamBuf | |
Types::InputTag | |
edm::InputTag | |
InputTagDistributor | |
InputTagDistributorService | |
edm::InputTagSelector | |
InsideBoundsMeasurementEstimator | |
NodeCut::Int | |
TreeToEdges::Int | |
Types::int32 | |
Types::int64 | |
lat::IntBits< N > | Define types by the number of bits in them |
IntegerCaloSamples | Class which represents the linear charge/voltage measurements of an event/channel, but with defined resolution |
funct::Integral< F, X > | |
IntegralOverPhiFunction | Description: auxialiary class for fixed area isolation cone computation (this class performs the integration over the azimuthal angle) |
funct::IntegralStruct< F, X > | |
funct::IntegralStruct< F > | |
IntegrandThetaFunction | Description: auxialiary class for fixed area isolation cone computation (this class performs the integration over the polar angle) |
lat::InteractiveCompressor | Non-blocking, incremental and interactive compressor front-end |
lat::InteractiveDecompressor | Non-blocking, incremental and interactive decompressor front-end |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Interceptor | |
PhysicsTools::Interceptor | |
InterestingDetIdCollectionProducer | Original author: Paolo Meridiani PH/CMG |
IntermediateTrajectoryCleaner | |
InterpolationDebug | No description available |
Interprets | Record (16 bit) and fills the RPCDigiCollection |
edm::eventsetup::IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder | |
IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder | Description: A RecordIntervalFinder which determines IOVs by taking the intersection of IOVs of other RecordIntervalFinders |
DDI::Intersection | |
l1t::Interval< TimeType, PayloadType > | |
l1t::IntervalManager< TimeType, PayloadType > | |
validateAlignments::intoNTuplesTemplate | |
intrusive_ptr | |
reco::parser::IntSetter | |
lat::IntTraits< char > | |
lat::IntTraits< signed char > | |
lat::IntTraits< signed int > | |
lat::IntTraits< signed long > | |
lat::IntTraits< signed short > | |
lat::IntTraits< unsigned char > | |
lat::IntTraits< unsigned int > | |
lat::IntTraits< unsigned long > | |
lat::IntTraits< unsigned short > | |
edm::reftobase::InvaidHolderToVector< T, REF > | |
edm::reftobase::InvalidRefHolderToRefVector< REF > | |
InvalidTrackingRecHit | |
InvalidTransientRecHit | |
InvariantMass< T1, T2 > | EDProducer of the tagged TauJet with the InvariantMassAlgorithm |
PFTauDiscriminants::InvariantMass | |
InvariantMassAlgorithm | |
PFTauDiscriminants::InvariantMassOfSignal | |
InvMatrixCommonDefs | Common definitions that have to hold across different programs |
InvMatrixUtils | Various utilities |
InvRingCalib | ECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique - Date
- 2008/02/26 08:12:27
- Revision
- 1.2
pftools::IO | |
IO | General option file parser |
IOBuffer | Buffer for I/O operations |
lat::IOBuffer | Buffer for I/O operations |
IOChannel | Base class for stream-oriented I/O sources and targets, based on the operating system file descriptor |
lat::IOChannel | Base class for stream-oriented I/O sources and targets, based on the operating system file descriptor |
lat::IOChannelInputStream | |
lat::IOChannelOutputStream | |
lat::IOChannelPair | Base class for paired I/O channels such as pipes, socket pairs, terminals etc |
lat::IOChannelStreamBuf | |
IODConfig | Abstract interface for data in the conditions DB |
lat::IOError | I/O-operation related exception class |
lat::IOException | An I/O-related error condition |
IOInput | Abstract base class for stream-oriented input sources |
lat::IOInput | Abstract base class for stream-oriented input sources |
lat::IOOutput | Abstract base class for stream-oriented output targets |
IOOutput | Abstract base class for stream-oriented output targets |
lat::IOPlatformData | |
IOPosBuffer | Buffer for I/O operations |
lat::IOSelectEvent | Event to be sent to IOSelector clients when a channel becomes ready for I/O activity |
lat::IOSelectFdMap | IOSelectMethod that provides mapping from file descriptors to client request index |
lat::IOSelectMethod | Abstract base class for IOSelector implementation |
lat::IOSelector | Multi-strategy I/O channel listener |
lat::IOSelectRequest | Structure for recording information about the client requests |
lat::IOSelectSelect | Implementation of IOSelectMethod using select() |
lat::IOStatus | Collection of file status information |
cond::IOV | |
python::iovInspector::Iov | |
iovec64 | |
cond::IOVEditor | |
IOVEditor | Description: Abstract interface for iov sequence manipulation |
cond::IOVEditorImpl | |
cond::IOVElement | |
cond::impl::IOVImpl | |
cond::IOVInfo | |
cond::IOVIterator | |
cond::IOVIteratorImpl | |
cond::IOVNames | |
cond::IOVProxy | |
cond::IOVProxy::IterHelp | |
cond::IOVRevIteratorImpl | |
cond::IOVSchemaUtility | |
cond::IOVService | |
cond::IOVServiceImpl | |
edm::IOVSyncValue | |
IOVSyncValue | Description: Provides the information needed to synchronize the EventSetup IOV with an Event |
IPTCorrector | |
IRunIOV | |
cms::detail::is_derived_or_same< BASE, DERIVED > | |
IslandClusterAlgo | |
IslandClusterProducer | |
edm::IsMergeable< T > | |
edm::IsNotMergeable< T > | |
reco::IsoDeposit | |
IsoDeposit | Class representing the dR profile of deposits around a muon, i.e |
reco::IsoDeposit::const_iterator | |
reco::IsoDeposit::CountAlgo | |
reco::IsoDeposit::MaxAlgo | |
reco::IsoDeposit::Sum2Algo | |
reco::IsoDeposit::SumAlgo | |
reco::IsoDeposit::Veto | |
reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor | |
pat::helper::IsoDepositIsolator | |
IsoDepositVetoFactory | |
reco::IsolatedPFCandidate | Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm |
IsolatedPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | |
reco::IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate | |
IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateProducer | |
IsolatedSelector | |
IsolatedTauJetsSelector | |
reco::IsolatedTauTagInfo | |
isolation::Direction | Simple eta-phi direction |
helper::IsolationAlgorithmSetup< Alg > | |
helper::IsolationAlgorithmSetup< CalIsolationAlgo< T1, C2 > > | |
reco::modulesNew::IsolationProducer< C1, C2, Alg, OutputCollection, Setup > | |
IsolationProducer< C1, C2, Alg, OutputCollection, Setup > | |
IsolationProducerForTracks | |
IsolationRegionAroundL3Muon | |
muonisolation::IsolatorByDeposit | |
IsolatorByDeposit | Define the isolation variable simply as the deposit within the cone |
muonisolation::IsolatorByDeposit::ConeSizeFunction | |
muonisolation::IsolatorByDepositCount | |
IsolatorByDepositCount | Define the isolation variable simply as the deposit within the cone |
muonisolation::IsolatorByDepositCount::ConeSizeFunction | |
muonisolation::IsolatorByNominalEfficiency | |
IsolatorByNominalEfficiency | Computes the isolation variable as "nominal efficiency", defined so that a cut at a value X will give X efficiency on the reference signal (W->munu) |
muonisolation::IsolatorByNominalEfficiency::ConeSizes | |
IsTBH4Type | Description: tag a given type of run |
ITag | Abstract base class for a tag object |
Item | |
IterateNTimesLooper | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cms::IterativeConeJetProducer | |
IterativeConeJetProducer | IterativeConeJetProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the CMSIterativeConeAlgorithm jet-finding algorithm |
cms::IterativeConePilupSubtractionJetProducer | |
IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine | Calculates closest approach of a helix to a line or a point by iterative use of a 2nd order expansion of the helix |
reco::candidate::iterator | |
reco::candidate::iterator_deref< C > | |
reco::candidate::iterator_deref< edm::OwnVector< T > > | |
reco::candidate::iterator_deref< edm::RefVector< C > > | |
reco::candidate::iterator_deref< std::vector< edm::Ptr< T > > > | |
reco::candidate::iterator_deref< std::vector< edm::RefToBase< T > > > | |
reco::candidate::iterator_deref< std::vector< T > > | |
reco::candidate::iterator_imp | |
reco::candidate::iterator_imp_specific< C > | |
reco::candidate::iterator_imp_specific_dummy< C > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< Collection > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::OwnVector< T > > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::PtrVector< T > > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::RefVector< C > > | |
ITimeIOV | |
ITimingDat | |
ITransaction | Description: abstract transaction interface |
cond::ITransaction | |
cond::ITransactionObserver | |
IUniqueDBObject | Abstract base class for an object with a single unique ID |
JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear | Class which calculates the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the Cartesian to the curvilinear frame |
JacobianCartesianToLocal | Class which calculates the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the Cartesian to the local frame |
JacobianCurvilinearToCartesian | Class which calculates the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the curvilinear to the Cartesian frame |
JacobianCurvilinearToLocal | Class which calculates the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the curvilinear to the local frame |
JacobianLocalToCartesian | Class which calculates the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the local to the Caresian frame |
JacobianLocalToCurvilinear | Class which calculates the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the local to the curvilinear frame |
reco::Jet | Base class for all types of Jets |
pat::Jet | Analysis-level calorimeter jet class |
reco::Jet::EtaPhiMoments | Record to store eta-phi first and second moments |
JetAnalyzer | DQM monitoring source for Calo Jets |
JetAnalyzerBase | Base class for all DQM monitor sources |
JetBProbabilityComputer | |
JetCharge | |
JetChargeProducer | |
lhef::JetClustering | |
lhef::JetClustering::Algorithm | |
lhef::JetClustering::Jet | |
cms::JetCorrectionProducer< T > | |
JetCorrectionServiceChain | |
JetCorrectionsRecord | |
JetCorrector | |
pat::JetCorrFactors | Class for storage of jet correction factors |
pat::JetCorrFactors::FlavourCorrections | Define a simple struct for flavour dependent corrections |
pat::JetCorrFactorsProducer | Produces JetCorrFactors and a ValueMap to the originating reco jets |
reco::JetCrystalsAssociation | |
JetCrystalsAssociator | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
JetExtendedAssociation | Association between jets and extended Jet information |
reco::JetExtendedAssociation::JetExtendedData | |
JetExtender | |
muonisolation::JetExtractor | |
JetExtractor | Extracts deposits in each calorimeter section (ECAL, HCAL, HO) vetoes are set based on expected crossed DetIds (xtals, towers) these can later be subtracted from deposits in a cone |
BTagMCTools::JetFlavour | |
reco::JetFlavour | JetFlavour class is meant to be used when the genEvent is dropped |
JetFlavourCutFilter | |
JetFlavourFilter | |
JetFlavourIdentifier | |
reco::modules::JetFlavourIdentifier | |
reco::JetFlavourMatchingCollection | |
JetFloatAssociation | Association between jets and float value |
lhef::JetInput | |
reco::JetMatchedPartonsCollection | |
lhef::JetMatching | |
lhef::JetMatching::JetPartonMatch | |
lhef::JetMatchingMadgraph | |
lhef::JetMatchingMLM | |
JetMatchingTools | |
JetMETAnalyzer | DQM jetMET analysis monitoring |
JetMETParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
JetParameters | |
JetPartonCorrector | |
JetPartonMatcher | |
JetPartonMatching | |
JetPlots | |
JetPlotsExample | |
cms::JetPlusTrackAnalysis | |
JetPlusTrackCorrector | Jet energy corrections from MCjet calibration |
JetProbabilityComputer | |
pat::JetSelection | Structure defining the jet selection |
pat::JetSelector< JetType > | Selects good Jets |
JetTagComputer | |
JetTagComputer::TagInfoHelper | |
JetTagComputerESProducer< ConcreteJetTagComputer > | |
JetTagComputerRecord | |
JetTagCountFilter | |
reco::JetTagInfo | |
JetTagMVATrainer | |
JetTagPlotter | |
JetTagProducer | Description: Uses a JetTagComputer to produce JetTags from TagInfos |
JetToDigiDump | |
JetTrackAssociator< JetC > | Abstract interface to fill JetTrack association |
JetTrackConeAssociator< JetC > | Associates tracks in eta-phi cone around jet direction |
reco::JetTrackMatch< JetC > | Association between Jets from jet collection and tracks from track collection |
JetTracksAssociation | Association between jets and float value |
JetTracksAssociationDRCalo | |
JetTracksAssociationDRVertex | |
JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace | |
JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex | |
JetUtil | |
JetValidation | |
JetVertexAssociation | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cms::JetVertexAssociation | |
JetVertexMain | |
JetVetoedTracksAssociationDRVertex | |
JetVetoedTracksAssociatorAtVertex | |
stor::JobController | |
edm::JobHeaderDecoder | |
edm::JobHeaderExtractor | |
edm::JobHeaderInserter | |
edm::JobReport | |
JobReport | Description: A service that collections job handling information |
edm::JobReport::InputFile | Description: Holds information about an InputFile |
edm::JobReport::JobReportImpl | |
edm::JobReport::LumiSectionReport | Description: Holds information about a Lumi section associated to a file |
edm::JobReport::OutputFile | Description: Holds information about an OutputFile |
edm::JobReport::RunReport | |
JobReportService | Description: A service that collections job handling information |
edm::service::JobReportService | |
JPTAnalyzer | |
reco::JTATagInfo | |
KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm | |
KalmanAlignmentDataCollector | A simple class that allows fast and easy histograming and the production of graphs |
KalmanAlignmentMetricsCalculator | Calculates the metrical distances (stored as short int) for a set of Alignables |
KalmanAlignmentMetricsUpdator | |
KalmanAlignmentSetup | |
KalmanAlignmentTracklet | Smart container for purely transient trajectory/track-pairs and, if available, an external measurement (stored as TrajectoryStateOnSurface) |
KalmanAlignmentTrackRefitter | This class serves the very specific needs of the KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm |
KalmanAlignmentUpdator | Abstract base class for updators for the KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm |
KalmanAlignmentUserVariables | User variables used by the KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm |
KalmanChiSquare | |
KalmanSmoothedVertexChi2Estimator< N > | Class to calculate the smoothed chi**2 of the vertex using the Kalman filter algorithms after the vertex has been fit and the tracks refit |
KalmanTrackToTrackCovCalculator< N > | Calculates all the track-to-track covariance matrices using the Kalman filter algorithms after the vertex has been fit and the tracks refit |
KalmanTrimmedVertexFinder | User-friendly wrapper around ConfigurableTrimmedVertexFinder |
KalmanVertexFitter | Least-squares vertex fitter implemented in the Kalman Filter formalism Fits vertex position and, if smoothing is requested at construction, constrains track parameters at the vertex |
KalmanVertexSmoother | |
KalmanVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator< N > | Calculates the compatiblity of a track with respect to a vertex using the Kalman filter algorithms |
KalmanVertexTrackUpdator< N > | Performs the refit of the tracks with the vertex constraint, using the Kalman filter algorithms |
KalmanVertexUpdator< N > | Vertex updator for the Kalman vertex filter |
KarimakiAlignmentDerivatives | Calculates derivatives à la Karimaki (cf |
KeepingNonZeroWeightsMerger | Merging of a Gaussian mixture by keeping the components with weights larger than a cut value |
edm::helpers::Key< K > | |
edm::key_traits< K > | |
edm::key_traits< std::pair< U, V > > | |
edm::key_traits< std::string > | |
edm::helpers::KeyVal< K, V > | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Keyword | |
KfComponentsHolder | |
KFFittingSmoother | A TrajectorySmoother that rpeats the forward fit before smoothing |
KFFittingSmootherESProducer | ESProducer for the KFFittingSmoother |
KFSplittingFitter | |
KFStrip1DUpdator | A Kalman Updator that works in the measurement frame and uses only the X coordinate (the one perpendicular to the strip) |
KFStripUpdator | A Kalman Updator that works in the measurement frame and uses both hit coordinates |
KFSwitching1DUpdator | A Kalman Updator that uses a KFUpdator for pixel and matched hits, and a KFStrip1DUpdator for simple strip hits |
KFSwitchingUpdator | A Kalman Updator that uses a KFUpdator for pixel and matched hits, and a KFStripUpdator for simple strip hits |
KfTrackProducerBase | Produce Tracks from TrackCandidates |
KFTrajectoryFitter | A Kalman track fit that splits matched RecHits into individual components before fitting them |
KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer | ESProducer for the KFTrajectoryFitter |
KFTrajectorySmoother | A Standard Kalman smoother |
KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer | ESProducer for the KFTrajectorySmoother |
KFUpdator | Update trajectory state by combining predicted state and measurement as prescribed in the Kalman Filter algorithm (see R |
KFUpdatorESProducer | KFUpdatorESProducer ESProducer for KFUpdator class |
KillSecondariesRunAction | |
KillSecondariesStackingAction | |
KillSecondariesTrackAction | |
KineExample | This is a very simple test analyzer mean to test the KalmanVertexFitter |
KinematicConstrainedVertexFitter | Class fitting the veretx out of set of tracks via usual LMS with Lagrange multipliers |
KinematicConstrainedVertexUpdator | Class caching the math part for KinematicConstrainedVertexFitter |
KinematicConstraint | Pure abstract base class to implement different types of constraints for single tracks |
KinematicParameters | Class to store the 7-vector of particle parameters: (x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z,m) |
KinematicParametersError | Class to store the error matrix for (x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z,m) particle parametrization |
KinematicParticle | |
KinematicParticleFactoryFromTransientTrack | .Factory for KinematicParticle RefCountedPointers |
KinematicParticleFitter | Class making kinematic fit of the particle inside the KinematicTree |
KinematicParticleVertexFitter | Class creating a kinematic particle out of set of daughter particles |
KinematicPerigeeConversions | Helper class to simplify parameters conversions between kinematic and extended perigee parametrization |
KinematicRefittedTrackState | Refitted state for kinematic parameters To be used in KinematicParticleVertxFitter only |
KinematicState | Class providing a state of particle needed for Kinematic Fit |
KinematicStatePropagator | Pure abstract base class to create KinematicStatePropagators |
KinematicTree | Class describing the decay chain inside the kinematic fit |
KinematicVertex | Class representing a Decay Vertex Caches a vertex position, covariance matrix, chi squared and number of degrees of freedom |
KinematicVertexAssociator | |
KinematicVertexDistance | |
KinematicVertexFactory | Factory to create Reference counting pointers to KinematicVertex objects |
KineParticleFilter | |
KtJetAlgorithmWrapper | KtJetAlgorithmWrapper is the Wrapper subclass which runs the FastJetAlgorithm for jetfinding |
cms::KtJetProducer | |
KtJetProducer | KtJetProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the KtJetAlgorithm for jetfinding |
KtParam | |
cms::KtPilupSubtractionJetProducer | |
KullbackLeiblerDistance< N > | Calculation of Kullback-Leibler distance between two Gaussian components |
KVFHelper< N > | Helper class to calculate chi2 increments for the Kalman Filter |
KVFTest | This is a very simple test analyzer mean to test the KalmanVertexFitter |
KVFTrackUpdate | This is a very simple test analyzer to test the update of a track with a vertex constraint with the Kalman filter |
edm::es::L< T, ILabel > | |
L1AbstractProcessor | Abstract Base Class for L1 Trigger Devices with EventSetup |
L1AcceptBunchCrossing | |
L1AcceptBunchCrossings | Persistable copy of Scalers L1Accept bunch crossing info |
L1Analyzer | Description: Analyze the output of the GCT |
L1CaloEcalScale | Description: Class to handle conversion between Et scales in L1 hardware |
L1CaloEcalScaleRcd | |
L1CaloEmCand | Level-1 Region Calorimeter Trigger EM candidate |
L1CaloEtScale | Description: Class to handle conversion between Et scales in L1 hardware |
L1CaloGeometry | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CaloGeometryProd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CaloGeometryRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CaloHcalScale | Description: Class to handle conversion between Et scales in L1 hardware |
L1CaloHcalScaleRcd | |
L1CaloInputScalesGenerator | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CaloInputScalesProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CaloInputScaleTester | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CaloMipQuietRegion | Miniumum Ionising Particle (MIP) and Quiet bits for a calorimeter trigger region |
L1CaloRegion | A calorimeter trigger region (sum of 4x4 trigger towers) |
L1CaloRegionDetId | Stores eta value in bits 4-0, phi value in bits 9-5 |
L1Comparator | |
L1CondDBIOVWriter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CondDBPayloadWriter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1CSCSPStatusDigi | |
L1CSCTriggerPrimitivesConfigProducer | Description: Produce configuration parameters for the Level-1 CSC Trigger Primitives emulator |
L1DataEmulDigi | |
L1DataEmulRecord | |
L1DEFilter | |
L1DummyProducer | |
L1EmEtScaleRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
l1extra::L1EmParticle | |
L1EmParticle | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EmParticle.h |
L1EmParticleCollection | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EmParticleFwd.h |
L1EmulBias | |
l1extra::L1EtMissParticle | |
L1EtMissParticle | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EtMissParticle.h |
L1EtMissParticleRef | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EtMissParticleFwd.h |
L1ExtraFromMCTruthProd | L1TriggerOffline/L1ExtraFromMCTruthProd/src/ |
L1ExtraParticleMapProd | L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromDigis/interface/L1ExtraParticleMapProd.h |
L1ExtraParticlesProd | L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromDigis/interface/L1ExtraParticlesProd.h |
L1ExtraTestAnalyzer | L1TriggerOffline/L1ExtraTestAnalyzer/src/ |
L1Filter | |
L1GctCalibFunConfigurer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctCand | ABC for GCT EM and jet candidates |
L1GctChannelMask | |
L1GctChannelMaskRcd | |
L1GctConfigProducers | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctElectronFinalSort | |
L1GctElectronSorter | Class that sorts electron candidates |
L1GctElectronSorter::prioritisedEmCand | Data type to associate each electron candidate with a priority based on its position in the sorting tree |
L1GctElectronSorter::rank_gt | Comparison operator for sort, used here and in the ElectronFinalSort Candidates of equal rank are sorted by priority, with the lower value given precedence |
L1GctEmCand | Level-1 Trigger EM candidate at output of GCT |
L1GctEmLeafCard | Emulates a leaf card programmed for electron sorting |
L1GctEmulator | Description: Framework module that runs the GCT bit-level emulator |
L1GctEtHad | Persistable copy of total Ht measured at Level-1 |
L1GctEtMiss | Persistable copy of missing Et measured at Level-1 |
L1GctEtTotal | Persistable copy of total Et measured at Level-1 |
L1GctFibreWord | Global Calorimeter Trigger SC -> CC fibre data word |
L1GctGlobalEnergyAlgos | Emulates the GCT global energy algorithms |
L1GctGlobalHfSumAlgos | Emulates the GCT summing and packing of Hf Et sums and tower-over-threshold counts |
L1GctHardwareJetFinder | Emulation of the hardware jet finder |
L1GctHFBitCounts | L1 GCT HF ring Et sums |
L1GctHfBitCountsLut | LUT for compression of HF feature bit counts to output format |
L1GctHfEtSumsLut | LUT for compression of HF Et sum to output format |
L1GctHfLutSetup | Hf Lut setup (all the Luts in one class) |
L1GctHfLutSetupConfigurer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctHfLutSetupRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctHFRingEtSums | L1 GCT HF ring Et sums |
L1GctInternEmCand | |
L1GctInternEtSum | L1 GCT internal energy sum |
L1GctInternHFData | L1 GCT internal ring sums and/or bit counts |
L1GctInternJetData | L1 GCT internal jet candidate |
L1GctJctSetupConfigurer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctJet | A Level-1 jet candidate, used within GCT emulation |
L1GctJetCalibFunRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctJetCand | Level-1 Trigger jet candidate |
L1GctJetCount< nBits > | Definition of unsigned integer types with increment and overflow |
L1GctJetCounter | Counts jets in one Wheel that pass criteria encoded in a JetCounterLut |
L1GctJetCounterLut | Jet Counter LUT |
L1GctJetCounterNegativeEtaRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctJetCounterPositiveEtaRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctJetCounterSetup | Jet counter setup |
L1GctJetCounterSetup::cutDescription | |
L1GctJetCounts | - Author:
- : Jim Brooke
L1GctJetEtCalibrationFunction | Jet Et calibration Function |
L1GctJetEtCalibrationLut | Jet Et calibration LUT |
L1GctJetFinalStage | Represents the final stage of L1 jet processing |
L1GctJetFinderBase | Base class to allow implementation of jetFinder algorithms |
L1GctJetFinderBase::hfTowerSumsType | |
L1GctJetFinderParams | |
L1GctJetFinderParamsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctJetLeafCard | |
L1GctJetSorter | |
L1GctJfParamsConfigurer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1GctLut< NAddressBits, NDataBits > | Base class for LookUp Tables |
L1GctMet | Stores Level-1 missing Et in (Ex, Ey) form, allowing it to be retrieved as (magnitude, angle) |
L1GctMet::etmiss_internal | |
L1GctMet::etmiss_vec | |
L1GctPrintLuts | Description: print Gct lookup table contents to a file |
L1GctProcessor | ABC for a GCT trigger data processing unit |
L1GctProcessor::Pipeline< T > | |
L1GctRegion | Gct version of a calorimeter region, used within GCT emulation |
L1GctSimpleJetFinder | Simple jet finder for test purposes |
L1GctTdrJetFinder | 3*3 sliding window algorithm jet finder |
L1GctTwosComplement< nBits > | Definition of signed integer types with overflow |
L1GctUnsignedInt< nBits > | Definition of unsigned integer types with overflow |
L1GctValidation | Description: produces standard plots of Gct output quantities to enable validation of global event quantities in particular |
L1GctWheelEnergyFpga | Emulates the energy summing on a GCT Wheel card |
L1GctWheelJetFpga | Represents a GCT Wheel Jet FPGA |
L1GlobalCaloTrigger | Bit-level emulation of the Global Calorimeter Trigger |
L1GlobalCaloTrigger::CompareBx< T > | To process multiple bunch crossings, we need to select and order input candidates and regions by beam crossing number |
L1GlobalTrigger | Description: L1 Global Trigger producer |
L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi | Description: unpack EVM raw data into digitized data |
L1GlobalTriggerEvmReadoutRecord | Description: EVM readout record for L1 Global Trigger |
L1GlobalTriggerFDL | Description: Final Decision Logic board |
L1GlobalTriggerGTL | Description: Global Trigger Logic board |
L1GlobalTriggerObjectMap | Description: map trigger objects to an algorithm and the conditions therein |
L1GlobalTriggerObjectMapRecord | Description: map trigger objects to algorithms and conditions |
L1GlobalTriggerPSB | Description: Pipelined Synchronising Buffer |
L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi | Description: unpack raw data into digitized data |
L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord | Description: readout record for L1 Global Trigger |
L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup | Description: group static constants for GT readout record |
L1GlobalTriggerRecord | Description: stripped-down record for L1 Global Trigger |
L1GlobalTriggerRecordProducer | Description: L1GlobalTriggerRecord producer |
L1GtAlgorithm | Description: L1 GT algorithm |
L1GtAlgorithmEvaluation | Description: Evaluation of a L1 Global Trigger algorithm |
L1GtBoard | Description: class for L1 GT board |
L1GtBoardMaps | Description: map of the L1 GT boards |
L1GtBoardMapsRcd | Description: record for various mappings of the L1 GT boards |
L1GtBoardMapsTester | Description: test analyzer for various mappings of the L1 GT boards |
L1GtBoardMapsTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for mappings of the L1 GT boards |
L1GtCaloCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondCalo condition |
L1GtCaloTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger calo template |
L1GtCaloTemplate::CorrelationParameter | Typedef for correlation parameters |
L1GtCaloTemplate::ObjectParameter | Typedef for a single object template |
L1GtCastorCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondCastor condition |
L1GtCastorTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger CASTOR template |
L1GtCondition | Description: base class for L1 Global Trigger object templates (condition) |
L1GtConditionEvaluation | Description: Base class for evaluation of the L1 Global Trigger object templates |
L1GtCorrelationCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondCorrelation condition |
L1GtCorrelationTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger correlation template |
L1GtCorrelationTemplate::CorrelationParameter | Typedef for correlation parameters |
L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer | Description: compare hardware records with emulator records for L1 GT record |
L1GTDigiToRaw | Description: generate raw data from digis |
L1GtEnergySumCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondEnergySum condition |
L1GtEnergySumTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger energy-sum template |
L1GtEnergySumTemplate::ObjectParameter | Typedef for a single object template |
L1GtEtaPhiConversions | Description: convert eta and phi between various L1 trigger objects |
L1GTEvmDigiToRaw | Description: generate raw data from digis |
L1GtFdlWord | Description: L1 Global Trigger - FDL block in the readout record |
L1GtfeExtWord | Description: L1 Global Trigger - extended GTFE block in the readout record |
L1GtfeWord | Description: L1 Global Trigger - GTFE words in the readout record |
L1GtHfBitCountsCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondHfBitCounts condition |
L1GtHfBitCountsTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger "HF bit counts" template |
L1GtHfBitCountsTemplate::ObjectParameter | Typedef for a single object template |
L1GtHfRingEtSumsCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondHfRingEtSums condition |
L1GtHfRingEtSumsTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger "HF Ring ET sums" template |
L1GtHfRingEtSumsTemplate::ObjectParameter | Typedef for a single object template |
L1GtJetCountsCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondJetCounts condition |
L1GtJetCountsTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger "jet counts" template |
L1GtJetCountsTemplate::ObjectParameter | Typedef for a single object template |
L1GtLogicParser | Description: parses a logical expression, with predefined operators |
L1GtLogicParser::OperandToken | |
L1GtLogicParser::OperationRule | |
L1GtLogicParser::TokenRPN | |
L1GtMuonCondition | Description: evaluation of a CondMuon condition |
L1GtMuonTemplate | Description: L1 Global Trigger muon template |
L1GtMuonTemplate::CorrelationParameter | |
L1GtMuonTemplate::ObjectParameter | |
L1GtPackUnpackAnalyzer | Description: pack - unpack validation for L1 GT DAQ record |
L1GtParameters | Description: L1 GT parameters |
L1GtParametersRcd | Description: record for L1 GT parameters |
L1GtParametersTester | Description: test analyzer for L1 GT parameters |
L1GtParametersTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT parameters |
L1GtPrescaleFactors | Description: L1 GT prescale factors |
L1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrigRcd | Description: record for L1 GT prescale factors for algorithm triggers |
L1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrigTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT prescale factors for algorithm triggers |
L1GtPrescaleFactorsAndMasksTester | Description: test analyzer for L1 GT prescale factors and masks |
L1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrigRcd | Description: record for L1 GT prescale factors for technical triggers |
L1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrigTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT prescale factors for technical triggers |
L1GtPsbWord | Description: PSB block in the L1 GT readout record |
L1GtStableParameters | Description: L1 GT stable parameters |
L1GtStableParametersRcd | Description: record for L1 GT stable parameters |
L1GtStableParametersTester | Description: test analyzer for L1 GT parameters |
L1GtStableParametersTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT parameters |
L1GtTechnicalTrigger | Description: technical trigger input for L1 Global Trigger |
L1GtTechnicalTriggerRecord | Description: technical trigger input record for L1 Global Trigger |
L1GtTextToRaw | Description: generate raw data from dumped text file |
L1GtTriggerMask | Description: L1 GT mask |
L1GtTriggerMaskAlgoTrigRcd | Description: record for L1 GT mask for algorithm triggers |
L1GtTriggerMaskAlgoTrigTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT trigger mask for algorithm triggers |
L1GtTriggerMaskTechTrigRcd | Description: record for L1 GT mask for technical triggers |
L1GtTriggerMaskTechTrigTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT trigger mask for technical triggers |
L1GtTriggerMaskVetoAlgoTrigRcd | Description: record for L1 GT veto mask for algorithm triggers |
L1GtTriggerMaskVetoAlgoTrigTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT trigger veto mask for algorithm triggers |
L1GtTriggerMaskVetoTechTrigRcd | Description: record for L1 GT veto mask for technical triggers |
L1GtTriggerMaskVetoTechTrigTrivialProducer | Description: ESProducer for L1 GT trigger veto mask for technical triggers |
L1GtTriggerMenu | Description: L1 trigger menu |
L1GtTriggerMenuRcd | Description: record for L1 trigger menu |
L1GtTriggerMenuTester | Description: test analyzer for L1 GT trigger menu |
L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser | Description: Xerces-C XML parser for the L1 Trigger menu |
L1GtTriggerMenuXmlProducer | Description: ESProducer for the L1 Trigger Menu from an XML file |
L1GtTrigReport | Description: L1 Trigger report |
L1GtTrigReportEntry | Description: an individual L1 GT report entry |
L1GtUtils | Description: various methods for L1 GT, to be called in an EDM analyzer or filter |
L1GtVhdlBitManager | This class builds the LUTS for the GT firmware |
L1GtVhdlDefinitions | Description: Contains conversion maps for conversion of trigger objects to strings etc |
L1GtVhdlTemplateFile | The routines of this class provide all necessary features to deal with the VHDL templates for the firmware code of the GT |
L1GtVhdlWriter | Description: write VHDL templates for the L1 GT |
L1GtVhdlWriterBitManager | This class builds the LUTS for the GT firmware |
L1GtVhdlWriterCore | writes the actual VHDL code and stores global information like the common header |
L1GtVmeWriterCore | Description: core class to write the VME xml file |
L1GtXmlParserTags | Description: Tags for the Xerces-C XML parser for the L1 Trigger menu |
L1HLTJetsMatching | |
L1JetEtScaleRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
l1extra::L1JetParticle | |
L1JetParticle | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1JetParticle.h |
L1JetParticleCollection | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1JetParticleFwd.h |
L1MonitorDigi | |
L1MuBinnedScale | Implements a continuous scale of NBins bins |
L1MuCSCPtLut | |
L1MuCSCPtLutRcd | |
L1MuCSCTFAlignment | |
L1MuCSCTFAlignmentRcd | |
L1MuCSCTFConfiguration | |
L1MuCSCTFConfigurationRcd | |
L1MuDTAddressArray | Array of relative addresses |
L1MuDTAssignmentUnit | Assignment Unit: |
L1MuDTChambPhContainer | |
L1MuDTChambPhDigi | |
L1MuDTChambThContainer | |
L1MuDTChambThDigi | |
L1MuDTDataBuffer | Data Buffer: |
L1MuDTERS | Extrapolation Result Selector (Quality Sorter Unit): |
L1MuDTEtaPattern | Pattern for Eta Track Finder: |
L1MuDTEtaPatternLut | Look-up table for eta track finder |
L1MuDTEtaPatternLutRcd | |
L1MuDTEtaProcessor | Eta Processor: |
L1MuDTEUX | Extrapolator: |
L1MuDTEUX::EUX_Comp | Helper class for finding the best and second best extrapolation |
L1MuDTExtLut | Look-up tables for extrapolation |
L1MuDTExtLut::LUT | Helper class for look-up tables |
L1MuDTExtLutRcd | |
L1MuDTExtrapolationUnit | Extrapolation Unit: |
L1MuDTMuonSorter | DT Muon Sorter: |
L1MuDTPhiLut | Look-up tables for phi-assignment |
L1MuDTPhiLutRcd | |
L1MuDTPtaLut | Look-up tables for pt-assignment |
L1MuDTPtaLutRcd | |
L1MuDTQualPatternLut | Look-up tables for eta matching unit (EMU) stores lists of qualified patterns and coarse eta values |
L1MuDTQualPatternLutRcd | |
L1MuDTSecProcId | Sector Processor identifier: |
L1MuDTSecProcMap | Sector Processor container map which contains all sector processors |
L1MuDTSectorProcessor | Sector Processor: |
L1MuDTSectorReceiver | Sector Receiver: |
L1MuDTSEU | Single Extrapolation Unit: |
L1MuDTTFConfig | Configuration parameters for L1MuDTTrackFinder |
L1MuDTTFParameters | DTTF Parameters from OMDS |
L1MuDTTFParametersRcd | |
L1MuDTTFSetup | Setup the L1 barrel Muon Trigger Track Finder |
L1MuDTTrack | L1 Muon Track Candidate |
L1MuDTTrack::Rank | Define a rank for muon candidates |
L1MuDTTrackAssembler | Track Assembler: |
L1MuDTTrackCand | |
L1MuDTTrackContainer | |
L1MuDTTrackFinder | L1 barrel Muon Trigger Track Finder (MTTF) |
L1MuDTTrackSegEta | ETA Track Segment |
L1MuDTTrackSegLoc | Logical location of a Track Segment: |
L1MuDTTrackSegPhi | PHI Track Segment |
L1MuDTWedgeSorter | Wedge Sorter: |
L1MuGlobalMuonTrigger | |
L1MuGMTCancelOutUnit | L1 Global Muon Trigger Cancel-Out Unit |
L1MuGMTCand | L1 Global Muon Trigger Candidate |
L1MuGMTConfig | Configuration parameters for L1GlobalMuonTrigger |
L1MuGMTDebugBlock | Description: debug block for GMT it is filled during GMT processing and allows to retrieve intermediate results, later (e.g |
L1MuGMTEtaLUT | Description: Look-up table for GMT Eta projection unit |
L1MuGMTEtaProjectionUnit | L1 Global Muon Trigger Eta projection unit |
L1MuGMTExtendedCand | L1 Global Muon Trigger Extended Candidate |
L1MuGMTExtendedCand::Rank | Define a rank for muon candidates |
L1MuGMTExtendedCand::RankRef | Define a rank for muon candidates |
L1MuGMTHWFileReader | |
L1MuGMTInputEvent | |
L1MuGMTLFCOUDeltaEtaLUT | LFCOUDeltaEta look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFDeltaEtaLUT | LFDeltaEta look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFDisableHotLUT | LFDisableHot look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFEtaConvLUT | LFEtaConv look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFMatchQualLUT | LFMatchQual look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFMergeRankCombineLUT | LFMergeRankCombine look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFMergeRankEtaPhiLUT | LFMergeRankEtaPhi look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFMergeRankEtaQLUT | LFMergeRankEtaQ look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFMergeRankPtQLUT | LFMergeRankPtQ look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFOvlEtaConvLUT | OvlEtaConv look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFPhiProEtaConvLUT | LFPhiProEtaConv look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFPhiProLUT | LFPhiPro look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFPtMixLUT | LFPtMix look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFSortRankCombineLUT | LFSortRankCombine look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFSortRankEtaPhiLUT | LFSortRankEtaPhi look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFSortRankEtaQLUT | LFSortRankEtaQ look-up table |
L1MuGMTLFSortRankPtQLUT | LFSortRankPtQ look-up table |
L1MuGMTLUT | Description: A general-purpose Look-Up-Table Class |
L1MuGMTLUT::PortDecoder | |
L1MuGMTLUTHelpers | Description: Helper Functions for std::string handling in L1MuGMTLUT (could be found in Cobra but classes should be independet of COBRA/ORCA) |
L1MuGMTLUTHelpers::Tokenizer | Lookup Functions |
L1MuGMTMatcher | Matching Unit in the L1 Global Muon Trigger |
L1MuGMTMatrix< T > | Matrix |
L1MuGMTMerger | L1 Global Muon Trigger Merger |
L1MuGMTMIAUEtaConvLUT | MIAUEtaConv look-up table |
L1MuGMTMIAUEtaProLUT | MIAUEtaPro look-up table |
L1MuGMTMIAUPhiPro1LUT | MIAUPhiPro1 look-up table |
L1MuGMTMIAUPhiPro2LUT | MIAUPhiPro2 look-up table |
L1MuGMTMipIsoAU | L1 Global Muon Trigger MIP and ISO bit Assignment Unit |
L1MuGMTParameters | Description: Parameters of the GMT |
L1MuGMTParametersProducer | |
L1MuGMTParametersRcd | |
L1MuGMTPhiLUT | Description: Look-up table for GMT Phi projection unit |
L1MuGMTPhiProjectionUnit | L1 Global Muon Trigger Phi projection unit |
L1MuGMTPSB | L1 Global Muon Trigger Pipelined Synchronising Buffer module |
L1MuGMTReadoutCollection | |
L1MuGMTReadoutRecord | L1 Global Muon Trigger Readout Buffer |
L1MuGMTReg | Description: A 16bit VME register |
L1MuGMTRegCDLConfig | GMT Register that implements Configuration of Cancel Decisison Logic |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfig | GMT Register that implements enum of merge methods |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigCharge | GMT Merge Method Config Register Charge |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigEta | GMT Merge Method Config Register Eta |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigISO | GMT Merge Method Config Register ISO |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigMIP | GMT Merge Method Config Register MIP |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigMIPISO | GMT Register that implements additional AND/OR flag |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigPhi | GMT Merge Method Config Register Phi |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigPt | GMT Merge Method Config Register Pt |
L1MuGMTRegMMConfigSRK | GMT Register that implements additional Halo Overwrites Matched bit |
L1MuGMTRegSortRankOffset | GMT Register that implements Rank offset for merged cands |
L1MuGMTScales | Description: Class that creates all scales used inside the GMT |
L1MuGMTScalesProducer | |
L1MuGMTScalesRcd | |
L1MuGMTSorter | L1 Global Muon Trigger Sorter |
L1MuGMTSortRankUnit | L1 Global Muon Trigger Sort Rank Unit |
l1extra::L1MuonParticle | |
L1MuonParticle | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1MuonParticle.h |
L1MuonParticleCollection | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1MuonParticleFwd.h |
L1MuonPixelTrackFitter | |
L1MuonPixelTrackFitter::Circle | |
L1MuonRegionProducer | |
L1MuonSeedsMerger | |
L1MuonSeedsMerger::Less | |
L1MuPacking | Abstract Packing of an int in a bit-field |
L1MuPseudoSignedPacking | Packing of a signed int in a bit field (pseudo-sign) |
L1MuRegionalCand | A regional muon trigger candidate as received by the GMT |
L1MuScale | Define the abstract interface to all scales |
L1MuScalesTester | |
L1MuSignedPacking< Bits > | Packing of a signed int in a bit field (2's complement) |
L1MuSignedPackingGeneric | |
L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale | In the GMT the concept of a symmetric scale exists The internal representation of scale values is "pseudo-signed", i.e |
L1MuTriggerPtScale | Description: Class that creates all scales used to pass data from the regional muon triggers to the Global Muon Trigger and from the latter to the Global Trigger |
L1MuTriggerPtScaleProducer | |
L1MuTriggerPtScaleRcd | |
L1MuTriggerScales | Description: Class that creates all scales used to pass data from the regional muon triggers to the Global Muon Trigger and from the latter to the Global Trigger |
L1MuTriggerScalesProducer | |
L1MuTriggerScalesRcd | |
L1MuUnsignedPacking< Bits > | Packing of an unsigned int in a bit field |
L1MuUnsignedPackingGeneric | |
L1ParticleMap | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1ParticleMap.h |
l1extra::L1ParticleMap | |
L1ParticleMapCollection | DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1ParticleMapFwd.h |
L1RCT | |
L1RCTChannelMask | |
L1RCTChannelMaskRcd | |
L1RCTCrate | |
L1RCTElectronIsolationCard | |
L1RCTInputProducer | |
L1RCTJetSummaryCard | |
L1RCTLookupTables | |
L1RCTLutWriter | L1Trigger/L1RCTLutWriter/src/ |
L1RCTNeighborMap | |
L1RCTParameters | Description: Class to contain parameters which define RCT Lookup Tables |
L1RCTParametersRcd | |
L1RCTProducer | |
L1RCTReceiverCard | |
L1RCTRegion | |
L1RCTRelValAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1RCTSaveInput | Description: Saves the input event from TPGs for loading simulated events in hardware |
L1RCTTestAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1RPCConeBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1RPCConeBuilder::TStripCon | |
L1RPCConeBuilderRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1RPCConfig | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1RPCConfigDBWriter | |
L1RPCConfigRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
popcon::L1RPCConfigSourceHandler | |
L1RPCDevCoords | |
L1RPCHwConfig | Description: Contains multiple BX triggering info |
L1RPCHwConfigDBWriter | |
L1RPCHwConfigRcd | |
popcon::L1RPCHwConfigSourceHandler | |
L1Scalers | |
L1ScalersClient | |
L1ScalesTester | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1ScalesTrivialProducer | Description: A Producer for the L1 scales available via EventSetup |
L1TauAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TCompare | |
L1TCompare::RctObject | |
L1TCompare::RctObjectComp | |
L1TCSCTFClient | |
L1TcsWord | Description: L1 Global Trigger - TCS words in the readout record |
L1TdeECAL | |
L1TdeECALClient | |
L1TdeGCT | |
L1TdeRCT | |
L1TDTTPGClient | |
L1TEMUEventInfoClient | |
L1TEventInfoClient | |
L1TFED | |
L1TGCT | |
L1TGCTClient | |
L1TGMT | |
L1TGMTClient | |
L1TGT | |
L1THcalClient | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TLTC | |
csc::L1Track | |
L1Track | TrackFinder) |
csc::L1TrackId | |
L1TrackId | - Author:
- D
L1TRCT | |
L1TriggerConfigOnlineProd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerKey | |
L1TriggerKeyDummyProd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerKeyList | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerKeyListDummyProd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerKeyListRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerKeyOnlineProd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerKeyRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerLutFile | Auxiliary class to handle Look-up table files |
L1TriggerRates | Persistable copy of L1 Trigger Rates |
L1TriggerScaler | |
L1TriggerScaler::Lumi | |
edmtest::L1TriggerScalerESAnalyzer | |
L1TriggerScalerHandler | |
L1TriggerScalerRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L1TriggerScalerRead | |
L1TriggerScalers | Persistable copy of L1 Trigger Scalers |
L1TRPCTFClient | |
L1TRPCTPG | Data Format |
L25TauAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
L2MuonCandidateProducer | Intermediate step in the L2 muons selection |
L2MuonIsolationProducer | - Author:
- J
L2MuonProducer | Level-2 muon reconstructor: reconstructs muons using DT, CSC and RPC information,
starting from Level-1 trigger seeds |
L2MuonSeedGenerator | L2 muon seed generator: Transform the L1 informations in seeds for the L2 muon reconstruction |
L2MuonTrajectorySeed | Concrete class for the seed used by the second level of the muon HLT |
L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection | No description available |
L2RelativeCorrector | |
L2TauAnalyzer | |
L2TauECALCluster | |
L2TauECALClustering | |
L2TauECALIsolation | |
reco::L2TauIsolationInfo | |
L2TauIsolationProducer | |
L2TauIsolationSelector | |
L2TauJetsMerger | |
L2TauJetsProvider | |
L2TauModularIsolationProducer | |
L2TauModularIsolationProducer::RecHitPtComparator | |
L2TauModularIsolationSelector | |
L2TauNarrowConeIsolationProducer | |
L2TauNarrowConeIsolationProducer::CrystalPtComparator | |
L2TauRelaxingIsolationSelector | |
L2TauTowerIsolation | |
L3AbsoluteCorrector | |
L3CalibBlock | Interface to the L3Univ class for testing |
L3MumuTrackingRegion | |
L3MuonCandidateProducer | Intermediate step in the L3 muons selection |
L3MuonIsolationProducer | |
L3MuonProducer | L3 muon reconstructor: reconstructs muons using DT, CSC, RPC and tracker information,
starting from a L2 reonstructed muon |
L3MuonTrajectoryBuilder | Class to build muon trajectory |
L3MuonTrajectorySeed | Concrete class for the seed used by the second level of the muon HLT |
L3MuonTrajectorySeedCollection | No description available |
L3NominalEfficiencyConfigurator | |
L3PFAbsoluteCorrector | |
L4EMFCorrector | |
L5FlavorCorrector | |
L7PartonCorrector | |
edm::es::Label | |
LagrangeChildUpdator | This is the space for daughter particle update after the lagrange multipliers refit |
LagrangeParentParticleFitter | KinematicParticle refit via LMS minimization with Lagrange multipliers method |
LandauFluctuationGenerator | |
LandauFP420 | |
LargestWeightsStateMerger | Merging of a Gaussian mixture by keeping the number Nmax components with the largest weights |
LASAlignmentParameter | Store the calculated alignment parameters for the laser alignment system |
LASAlignmentParameterCollection | Collection of LASAlignmentParameter sets |
LASBarrelAlgorithm | Implementation of the alignment tube algorithm |
LASBarrelAlignmentParameterSet | Container for storing the alignment parameters calculated by class LASBarrelAlgorithm |
LASBeamProfileFit | The results of the fit of the Laser Beam Profiles in the Tracker |
LASBeamProfileFitCollection | Collection of LASBeamProfileFits |
LASCoordinateSet | Container for phi, x, y coordinates and their errors |
LASEndcapAlgorithm | Calculate parameters for both endcaps from measurement |
LASEndcapAlignmentParameterSet | Container for storing the alignment parameters calculated by class LASEndcapAlgorithm |
LaserAlignment | Main reconstruction module for the Laser Alignment System |
LaserAlignmentAlgorithmNegTEC | Class to align the tracker (TEC-) with Millepede |
LaserAlignmentAlgorithmPosTEC | Class to align the tracker (TEC+) with Millepede |
LaserAlignmentAlgorithmTEC2TEC | Class to align the tracker (TEC-TIB-TOB-TEC) with Millepede |
LaserAlignmentNegTEC | Alignment of TEC- |
LaserAlignmentPosTEC | Alignment of TEC+ |
LaserAlignmentSimulation | SimWatcher for the simulation of the Laser Alignment System of the CMS Tracker |
LaserAlignmentSource | Source to be used for the Simulation of the Laser Alignment System an empty MCHepEvent will be generated (needed by OscarProducer) |
LaserAlignmentT0Producer | Description: AlCaRECO producer (TkLAS data filter) running on T0 |
LaserAlignmentTEC2TEC | Alignment of TEC-TIB-TOB-TEC |
LaserBeamClusterizer | Uses the results of the BeamProfileFit to create SiStripClusters from the StripDigis of the Laser beams |
LaserBeamsBarrel | Define the LaserBeams which connect both TECs and TIB and TOB with eachother |
LaserBeamsTEC1 | Laser Beams in the right Endcap |
LaserBeamsTEC2 | Laser Beams in the left Endcap |
LaserClusterizer | Clusterizer for the Laser beams |
LaserClusterizerAlgorithm | Clusterizer Algorithm for the laser beams |
LaserDQM | DQM Monitor Elements for the Laser Alignment System |
LaserHitPairGenerator | Generate hit pairs from hits on consecutive discs in the endcaps used by the LaserSeedGenerator |
LaserHitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair | Generate hit pairs from hits on consecutive discs in the endcaps used by the LaserSeedGenerator |
LaserLayerPairs | Find all (resonable) pairs of endcap layers |
LaserOpticalPhysics | Custom physics to activate optical processes for the simulation of the Laser Alignment System |
LaserOpticalPhysicsList | Define the Optical processes for the Simulation of the Laser Alignment System |
LaserPrimaryGeneratorAction | Primary Generator Action for the Laser Events |
LaserSeedGenerator | Seeds for Tracking of Laser Beams |
LaserSteppingAction | Class for the Stepping action |
LaserSteppingVerbose | Class to manage verbose stepping |
LaserTrackingAction | Laser Tracking Action |
LASGeometryUpdater | |
LASGlobalData< T > | Container class for storing and easy access to global LAS data |
LASGlobalLoop | Helper class for looping over LASGlobalData objects (si-strip module loops) |
LASModuleProfile | |
LASPeakFinder | Class for fitting laser peaks in a LASModuleProfile; (will replace BeamProfileFitter) |
LASProfileJudge | Check if a LASModuleProfile is usable for being stored and fitted |
enroller_helper::LastEnrollerHelper< T > | |
LASvector< Element > | Helper class contains vector algebra used by Bruno's alignment algorithm |
LASvector2D< Element > | Helper class contains vector algebra used by Bruno's alignment algorithm |
LatencyHistosUsingDb | |
LatencyTask | |
muonGeometry::Layer | |
LayerCollector | Class collecting all layers of the tracker |
LayerCrossingSide | Helper class to determine if a TrajectoryStateOnSurface would cross a layer from the inside, or from the outside, if propagated with a propagator with a defined direction |
LayerHitMap | |
LayerHitMapCache | A cache adressable by DetLayer* and TrackingRegion* |
LayerHitMapCache::SimpleCache< KeyType, ValueType > | |
LayerHitMapLoop | |
LayerMeasurements | |
LayerTriplets | A class grouping pixel layers in pairs and associating a vector of layers to each layer pair |
LayerWithHits | |
edm::LazyAdapter< T > | |
edm::dslv::LazyAdapter< T > | |
edmNew::dslv::LazyGetter< T > | |
edm::LazyGetter< T > | |
edm::dslv::LazyGetter< T > | |
edm::LazyUnpacker< T > | |
LCPUTime | |
LCPUTime::OneTick | |
reco::LeafCandidate | Particle candidate with no constituent nor daughters |
python::Node::LeafNode | |
PhysicsTools::LeastSquares | |
LepSUSYDFOS | Di-lepton final states SUSY Skim Trigger to be implemented >= n muon, pt>3 GeV >= n electron, pt>5 GeV >= n jets, Pt_jet1>80 GeV, Pt_jet2>30 GeV MET>50 GeV Cuts values in the cfi files in the data directory |
LepSUSYSkim | Di-lepton final states SUSY Skim Trigger to be implemented >= n muon, pt>3 GeV >= n electron, pt>5 GeV >= n jets, Pt_jet1>80 GeV, Pt_jet2>30 GeV MET>50 GeV Cuts values in the cfi files in the data directory |
pat::Lepton< LeptonType > | Analysis-level lepton class |
pat::LeptonJetIsolationAngle | Calculates a lepton's jet isolation angle |
LeptonTaggerByIP | Implementation of muon b-tagging cutting on the lepton's transverse momentum relative to the jet axis |
LeptonTaggerByPt | Implementation of muon b-tagging cutting on the lepton's transverse momentum relative to the jet axis |
LeptonTaggerDistance | Implementation of muon b-tagging returning 1 if a lepton is present in the jet, 0 otherwise |
LeptonType | |
pat::LeptonVertexSignificance | Calculates a lepton's vertex association significance |
ThePEG::LesHouchesInterface | |
less_mag | |
lessAlignmentDetId< T > | A struct to sort Alignments and AlignmentErrors by increasing DetId |
LessByEt< T > | |
castor_impl::LessById | |
hcal_impl::LessById | |
reco::helper::LessByMatchDistance< D, C1, C2 > | Default class for ranking matches: sorting by smaller distance |
LessByPt< T > | |
castor_impl::LessByTrigId | |
hcal_impl::LessByTrigId | |
lessPixel | |
LessThan | |
lessVectSum | |
LevelBaseNumber | Class for extended copy numbers for muon numbering; |
LHEAnalyzer | |
lhef::LHEEvent | |
LHEEventProduct | |
LHEEventProduct::const_iterator | |
LHEEventProduct::PDF | |
LHEFilter | |
LHEProducer | |
lhef::LHEProxy | |
lhef::LHEReader | |
lhef::LHEReader::FileSource | |
lhef::LHEReader::Source | |
lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler | |
lhef::LHERunInfo | |
lhef::LHERunInfo::Counter | |
lhef::LHERunInfo::Header | |
lhef::LHERunInfo::Process | |
lhef::LHERunInfo::XSec | |
LHERunInfoProduct | |
LHERunInfoProduct::const_iterator | |
LHERunInfoProduct::Header | |
LHESource | |
LHEWriter | |
LightPFTrackProducer | |
LightRay | |
LikelihoodPdf | |
LikelihoodPdfProduct | |
LikelihoodSpecies | |
LikelihoodSwitches | |
edm::LimitAndTimespan | |
Line | A line in 3D space |
pftools::LinearCalibration | |
pftools::LinearCalibrator | |
LinearCalibrator | This class implements the simple "linear" calibration for the "a,b,c" coefficients |
sipixelobjects::LinearConversion | |
LinearEquation3< T > | |
LinearEquation3< T >::Array3< U > | |
sistrip::LinearFit | |
LinearFit | Straight line fit for data with errors on one coordinate |
sistrip::LinearFit::Params | |
LinearFitErrorsIn2Coord | Straight line fit for data with errors on both coordinates source: Numerical Recipes |
LinearGridInterpolator3D< Value, T > | Linear interpolation in a regular 3D grid |
LinearizationPointFinder | Generic class to make an Initial Linearization point |
LinearizedTrackState< N > | Abstract base class for all kind of linearizedtrack like objects |
LinearizedTrackStateFactory | Concrete class to encapsulate the creation of a RefCountedLinearizedTrack, which is a reference-counting pointer |
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl | |
parsecf::pyparsing::LineEnd | |
LineRZ | |
parsecf::pyparsing::LineStart | |
LineXY | |
LinkBoardElectronicIndex | |
LinkBoardPackedStrip | |
LinkBoardSpec | RPC LinkBoard Specification for readout decoding |
LinkConnSpec | RPC LinkConnection Specification for readout decoding |
LinkDataXMLReader | |
LinkDataXMLWriter | |
LinPtException | A class that wraps cms::Exception by deriving from it |
LinPtFinderFromAdaptiveFitter | |
LinTrackCache | Caches LinearizedTrackStates |
LinTrackCache::Comparer | |
LinTrackCache::Vicinity | |
edm::service::linux_proc | |
LinuxCPUTime | |
LinuxElapsedTime | |
ListGroups | |
ListIds | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Literal | |
LMap | Description: interface to the HCAL logical map |
LMap::impl | |
LMap_test | |
LMapDetId | |
LMapLoader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
LMapLoader::_LMapRowHBEF | |
LMapLoader::_LMapRowHO | |
LMapRow | |
LMFCalibPrimDat | |
LMFLaserBlueCoeffDat | |
LMFLaserBlueCorDat | |
LMFLaserBlueNormDat | |
LMFLaserBluePrimDat | |
LMFLaserBluePulseDat | |
LMFLaserBlueRawDat | |
LMFLaserBlueShapeDat | |
LMFLaserBlueTimeDat | |
LMFLaserConfigDat | |
LMFLaserIRedCoeffDat | |
LMFLaserIRedCorDat | |
LMFLaserIRedNormDat | |
LMFLaserIRedRawDat | |
LMFLaserIRedShapeDat | |
LMFLaserIRedTimeDat | |
LMFLaserPNPrimDat | |
LMFLaserPrimDat | |
LMFLaserPulseDat | |
LMFMatacqBlueDat | |
LMFMatacqGreenDat | |
LMFMatacqIRedDat | |
LMFMatacqRedDat | |
LMFPNBlueDat | |
LMFPNBluePrimDat | |
LMFPNConfigDat | |
LMFPNIRedDat | |
LMFPNTestPulseDat | |
LMFRunDat | |
LMFRunList | |
LMFRunTag | Tag for Monitoring Sub-Run information |
LMFTestPulseConfigDat | |
Lms3d | This is a "Least Median of Squares" mode finder that works coordinate-wise on GlobalPoints |
LMSLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder |
LmsModeFinder3d | Least Median sum of squares mode finder |
LoadAllDictionaries | Description: Loads all Capability dictionaries |
edm::service::LoadAllDictionaries | |
local_phi_address | |
local_phi_data | Data Types |
lat::LocalAddress | |
LocalCacheFile | Proxy class to copy a file locally in large chunks |
LocalError | A very simple class for 2D error matrix components, used for the local frame |
sim::LocalFieldManager | |
LocalMagneticField | A MagneticField engine that returns a constant programmable field value |
sipixelobjects::LocalPixel | Identify pixel inside single ROC |
sipixelobjects::LocalPixel::DcolPxid | Double collumn and pixel ID in double collumn representation |
sipixelobjects::LocalPixel::RocRowCol | Row and collumn in ROC representation |
lat::LocalServerSocket | Unix domain socket set up to listen as a server |
lat::LocalSocket | Unix domain stream sockets bound to file system paths |
LocalStorageMaker | |
LocalTag | |
LocalTrajectoryError | Class providing access to the covariance matrix of a set of relevant parameters of a trajectory in a local, Cartesian frame |
LocalTrajectoryParameters | Class providing access to a set of relevant parameters of a trajectory in a local, Cartesian frame |
LocationDef | Def for Location information |
cscdqm::Lock | Lockable interface that blocks thread |
lockSentry< M > | |
edm::rootfix::LockService | |
funct::Log< T > | |
reco::parser::log10_f | |
reco::parser::log_f | |
edm::LogAbsolute | |
cscdqm::LogCout | Simple logger that prints stuff to std::cout |
cond::LogDBEntry | |
cond::LogDBNames | |
edm::LogDebug_ | |
cscdqm::LogError | Error level logger |
edm::LogError | |
lat::logflag | A log mode flag |
cscdqm::Logger | Base Logger Object (empty) |
cond::Logger | |
reco::parser::LogicalBinaryOperator< Op > | |
DDI::LogicalPart | |
reco::parser::LogicalUnaryOperator< Op > | |
LogicID | |
edm::LogImportant | |
cscdqm::LogInfo | Information level logger |
edm::LogInfo | |
edm::LogPrint | |
edm::LogProblem | |
lat::logstream | A logging stream |
funct::LogStruct< T > | |
edm::LogSystem | |
edm::LogTrace_ | |
edm::LogVerbatim | |
cscdqm::LogWarn | Warning level logger |
edm::LogWarning | |
pixelrecoutilities::LongitudinalBendingCorrection | |
pat::LookupTableRecord | Class to store the result of a lookup table fetch, e.g |
Modules::Looper | |
pat::eventhypothesis::Looper< T > | |
pat::eventhypothesis::Looper< T >::null_deleter | |
LooperFactory | Description: PluginManager factory for creating EDLoopers |
edm::eventsetup::LooperMaker< TType > | |
edm::eventsetup::LooperMakerTraits | |
loopername | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
Looses | |
lat::LowMemoryPool | Low memory pool management |
LRHelpFunctions | Help functionalities to implement and evaluate LR ratio method |
LTCDigi | Data from the Local Trigger Controller (LTC) |
LTCRawToDigi | Description: Unpack FED data to LTC bank |
cms::LTCTriggerBitsFilter | |
statemachine::Lumi | |
LumiblockFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
LumiDetails | LumiDetails holds Details information the lumi value, the error on this value and its quality for each bunch crossing (BX) in a given luminosity section (LS) |
edm::LumiKey | |
LuminosityBlock | Description: This is the primary interface for accessing per luminosity block EDProducts and inserting new derived per luminosity block EDProducts |
edm::LuminosityBlock | |
edm::LuminosityBlockAux | |
edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary | |
Types::LuminosityBlockID | |
LuminosityBlockID | Description: Holds run and luminosityBlock number |
edm::LuminosityBlockID | |
edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal | |
LumiProducer | Description: This class would load the luminosity object into a Luminosity Block |
LumiScalers | Persistable copy of HF Lumi Scalers |
LumiScalersRaw_v1 | |
LumiSummary | LumiSummary holds Summary information averaged over all bunch crossings for the given luminosity section LS |
Lut | |
LutXml | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
LutXml::_Config | |
statemachine::Machine | |
edm::MadGraphProducer | |
MadGraphProducer | A modified version of the PythiaProducer that generates events by reading in a file produced with MadGraph/MadEvent and shower them with Pythia |
MadGraphSource | A modified version of the PythiaSource that generates events by reading in a file produced with MadGraph/MadEvent and shower them with Pythia |
edm::MadGraphSource | |
MagBLayer | A barrel layer (MagBLayer) groups volumes at the same distance to the origin |
MagBRod | A container of volumes in the barrel |
MagBSector | A container of volumes in the barrel |
MagBSlab | A container of volumes in the barrel |
MagCylinder | |
MagELayer | A layer of volumes in an endcap sector |
MagESector | A sector of volumes in the endcap |
MagException | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD | Parse the XML magnetic geometry, build individual volumes and match their shared surfaces |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bLayer | A layer of barrel volumes |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bRod | A rod of volumes in a barrel sector |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector | A sector of volumes in a barrel layer (i.e |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSlab | One or more slabs constitute a barrel rod |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::eLayer | A layer of volumes in an endcap sector |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::eSector | A sector of volumes in the endcap |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::ExtractAbsZ | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::ExtractPhi | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::ExtractPhiMax | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::ExtractR | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::ExtractRN | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::ExtractZ | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::LessDPhi | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::LessZ | |
MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::volumeHandle | A temporary container to cache info on a six-surface volume during the processing |
MagGeometry | Entry point to the geometry of magnetic volumes |
MagGeometryError | |
MagLogicError | |
MagneticField | Base class for the different implementation of magnetic field engines |
MagneticFieldGrid | Load magnetic field grid from binary file remark: units are either (cm,cm,cm) or (cm,rad,cm) and Tesla for the magnetic field |
MagneticFieldGrid::BVector | |
MagneticFieldGrid::HeaderType3 | |
MagneticFieldMap | |
MagneticFieldMapESProducer | |
MagneticFieldMapRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MagneticFieldProvider< T > | Virtual interface for the field provider for an individual field volume |
MagneticFieldVolume | |
MagVolume | |
MagVolume6Faces | A MagVolume defined by a number of sides (surfaces) NOTE that despite the name the sides can be less (or more) than 6!!!
MagVolumeOutsideValidity | |
MahalanobisDistance | Calculation of Mahalanobis distance between two Gaussian components |
PFTauDiscriminants::MainTrackAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::MainTrackPt | |
edm::eventsetup::MakeDataException< RecordT, DataT > | |
MakeDataException | Description: An exception that is thrown whenever a Proxy had a problem with its algorithm |
edm::Maker | |
edm::serviceregistry::MakerBase< T, TConcrete > | |
edm::MallocOptionSetter | |
edm::MallocOpts | |
map | |
lat::MapKeyIterator< M > | An iterator adaptor to extract the value part from the (key, value) pairs returned by the std::map iterators |
MapMakeDouble | |
MapMakeName | |
edm::MapOfVectors< K, T > | |
edm::MapOfVectors< K, T >::Iter | |
MapPair | |
Mapper | |
Mapper::definition< ScannerT > | |
edm::helper::MapRefViewTrait< C > | |
edm::helper::MapRefViewTrait< View< T > > | |
lat::MapValueIterator< M > | An iterator adaptor to extract the value part from the (key, value) pairs returned by the std::map iterators |
reco::hlt::mask< i, W > | |
reco::egamma::mask< L1 > | |
reco::egamma::mask< 0 > | |
reco::hlt::mask< 0, W > | |
MaskedRctInputDigiProducer | Description: Takes collections of ECAL and HCAL digis, masks some towers according to a mask in a text file, and creates new collections for use by the RCT |
converter::MassiveCandidateConverter | |
MassKinematicConstraint | Mass track constraint class |
MassKinFitterCandProducer | |
MasslessInvariantMass | |
MassMinSelector | |
MassRangeSelector | |
helpers::MassSearchParamVisitor | |
helpers::MassSearchReplaceAnyInputTagVisitor | |
helpers::MassSearchReplaceParamVisitor | |
funct::Master< F > | |
helper::MasterCollection< C1 > | |
helper::MasterCollection< edm::View< T > > | |
MatacqDataFormatter | - Id
- MatacqDataFormatter.h,v 1.5 2007/10/20 10:58:01 franzoni Exp
MatacqTBDataFormatter | |
MatacqTBRawEvent | Wrapper for matacq raw event fragments |
MatacqTBRawEvent::ChannelData | |
MatacqTBRawEvent::field32spec_t | Specification of DAQ header field |
MatacqTBRawEvent::int16le_t | |
MatacqTBRawEvent::matacqHeader_t | Matacq header data structure |
MatacqTBRawEvent::uint16le_t | |
MatacqTBRawEvent::uint32le_t | |
NodeCut::Match | |
edm::MatchAllSelector | Class MatchAllSelector |
reco::MatchByDR< T1, T2 > | |
reco::MatchByDRDPt< T1, T2 > | |
reco::MatchedPartons | |
MatchElementL2 | |
MatchElementL25 | |
reco::modules::Matcher< C1, C2, S, D, M > | |
reco::modulesNew::Matcher< C1, C2, S, D > | |
reco::modules::MatcherBase< C1, C2, M > | |
edm::helper::MatcherGetRef< C > | |
edm::helper::MatcherGetRef< View< T > > | |
parsecf::pyparsing::MatchFirst | |
NodeCut::MatchId | |
NodeCut::MatchIdSet | |
lhef::Matching< Delta > | |
lhef::Matching< Delta >::AlwaysTrue | |
lhef::Matching< Delta >::Comparator< SortComparator > | |
lhef::Matching< Delta >::Match | |
reco::MatchLessByDPt< C1, C2 > | |
NodeCut::MatchLessHit | |
NodeCut::MatchLessSeen | |
MatchParam | |
twikiExport::Material | |
DDI::Material | |
MaterialAccountingDetector | |
MaterialAccountingGroup | |
MaterialAccountingGroup::BoundingBox | |
MaterialAccountingStep | |
MaterialAccountingTrack | |
MaterialBudgetAction | |
MaterialBudgetCategorizer | |
MaterialBudgetData | |
MaterialBudgetEcalHistos | |
MaterialBudgetFormat | |
MaterialBudgetHcal | |
MaterialBudgetHcalHistos | |
MaterialBudgetHistos | |
MaterialBudgetTrackerHistos | |
MaterialBudgetTree | |
MaterialBudgetTxt | |
MaterialEffects | |
MaterialEffectsSimulator | This is the generic class for Material Effects in the tracker material, from which FamosPairProductionSimulator, FamosBremsstrahlungSimulator, FamosEnergyLossSimulator and FamosMultipleScatteringSimulator inherit |
MaterialEffectsUpdator | Interface for adding material effects during propagation |
MaterialForOnline | |
MaterialProperties | Class to define custom material properties |
math::Matrix< N, M > | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Matrix | |
MatrixMeschach | |
matrixSaver | Save (read) HepMatrix to (from) text files |
reco::parser::max_f | |
MaxConsecLostHitsTrajectoryFilter | |
MaxFunctionSelector< T, fun > | |
MaxHitsTrajectoryFilter | |
MaxLostHitsTrajectoryFilter | |
MaxNumberSelector | |
MaxObjectPairSelector< F > | |
MaxSelector< T > | |
MBAChBenchCalPlate | Description: Class for MBAChBenchCalPlate for use as calibration |
MBAChBenchCalPlateData | Easy output |
MBAChBenchCalPlateRcd | |
MBAChBenchSurveyPlate | Description: Class for MBAChBenchSurveyPlate for use as calibration |
MBAChBenchSurveyPlateData | Easy output |
MBAChBenchSurveyPlateRcd | |
MCatNLOFilter | |
MCatNLOProducer | Generates MCatNLO HepMC events |
edm::MCatNLOProducer | |
MCatNLOSource | Generates MCatNLO HepMC events |
edm::MCatNLOSource | |
MCBaseParticle | |
MCDBSource | |
MCDecayingPionKaonFilter | |
MCDijetResonance | |
MCEfficiencyAnalyzer | |
MCElectronAnalyzer | |
MCFileSource | Reads in HepMC events Joanna Weng & Filip Moortgat 08/2005 |
edm::MCFileSource | |
MCJetCorrector | |
MCJetCorrector3D | |
MCLongLivedParticles | |
reco::modules::MCMatchCandRefSelector | |
reco::MCMatchSelector< T1, T2 > | |
MCParticleInfo | Class to retrieve particle info from Lund Code |
MCParticlePairFilter | |
MCParton | |
MCPhotonAnalyzer | |
MCPizeroAnalyzer | |
MCProcessFilter | |
MCProcessFilter07 | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MCProcessRangeFilter | |
MCSingleParticleFilter | |
MCSmartSingleParticleFilter | |
MCTrackMatcher | - Author:
- Luca Lista, INFN
MCTruthCompositeMatcher< C1, C2 > | |
reco::modulesNew::MCTruthCompositeMatcher | |
helpers::MCTruthPairSelector< T > | |
validateAlignments::mcValidateTemplate | |
MCZll | |
MD5_CTX | |
md5_state_s | |
lat::MD5Digest | Calculate a checksum of a data stream using the MD5 algorithm |
cms::MD5Result | |
ME_MAP | |
details::Mean | |
sistrip::MeanAndStdDev | |
sistrip::MeanAndStdDev::Params | |
MeanWithinExpected | Algorithm for testing if histogram's mean value is near expected value |
Measurement | |
Measurement1D | A class that combines a value and it's associated uncertainty, or error, together |
Measurement1DFloat | A class that combines a value and it's associated uncertainty, or error, together |
MeasurementByLayerGrouper | |
MeasurementCOPS | |
MeasurementDet | |
MeasurementDetException | Exceptions thrown from TrajectoryParametrization and dependent subsystems |
MeasurementDetSystem | |
MeasurementDiffEntry | |
MeasurementDistancemeter | |
MeasurementDistancemeter3dim | |
MeasurementError | A very simple class for 2D error matrix components, used for the measurement frame |
MeasurementEstimator | The MeasurementEstimator defines the compatibility of a TrajectoryStateOnSurface and a RecHit, and of a TrajectoryStateOnSurface and a BoundPlane |
MeasurementExtractor | Extracts the subset of TrajectoryState parameters and errors that correspond to the parameters measured by a RecHit |
MeasurementSensor2D | |
MeasurementTag | |
MeasurementTiltmeter | |
MeasurementTracker | |
MeasurementTrackerESProducer | |
MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer | Module to allow for unpack on demand retrieves a SiStripLazyGetter from the event retrieves a MeasurementTrackerOD from the event produces a SiStripRefGetter, defined by MeasurementTrackerOD::define( |
MedianCommonModeCalculator | Concrete implementation of TkCommonModeCalculator for Median |
MedianDeDxEstimator | |
MediumProperties | Constants describing material effects for a surface (for an angle of incidence = pi/2) |
lhef::MEMAEV | |
lhef::MEMAIN | |
memory | |
lat::MemoryStorage | |
xmas2dqm::wse::MemoryStruct | |
MenuConnection | |
MergedTruthProducer | |
Merger< InputCollection, OutputCollection, P > | Merges an arbitrary number of collections into a single collection |
Message | |
MessageDispatcher | |
MessageDrop | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::MessageDrop | |
edm::service::MessageLogger | |
MessageLogger | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MessageLoggerDefaults | Description: Structure holding defaults for MessageLogger service configuration |
edm::service::MessageLoggerDefaults | |
edm::service::MessageLoggerDefaults::Category | |
edm::service::MessageLoggerDefaults::Destination | |
edm::MessageLoggerQ | |
edm::service::MessageLoggerScribe | |
edm::MessageSender | |
edm::service::MessageServicePresence | |
MET | The MET EDProduct type |
reco::MET | |
pat::MET | Analysis-level MET class |
pat::MET::UncorInfo | |
cond::MetaData | |
MetaData | Description: class for handling IOV metadata |
cond::MetaDataDuplicateEntryException | |
cond::MetaDataEntry | |
cond::MetaDataNames | |
cond::MetaDataSchemaUtility | |
METAlgo | Calculates MET for given input CaloTower collection |
METCollection | Collection of MET |
METFileSaver | |
reco::parser::MethodArgumentSetter | |
reco::parser::MethodInvoker | |
reco::parser::MethodSetter | |
MEtoEDM< T > | DataFormat class to hold the information from a ME tranformed into ROOT objects as appropriate |
MEtoEDM< T >::MEtoEDMObject | |
MEtoEDMConverter | Class to take dqm monitor elements and convert into a ROOT dataformat stored in Run tree of edm file |
MEtoEDMConverter::mestorage< T > | |
cms::METProducer | |
METProducer | METProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the METAlgo MET finding algorithm |
METSignificance | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
METTester | |
METv0 | |
MEzCalculator | _________________________________________________________________ class: MEzCalculator.h |
MFGrid | Virtual interface for a field provider that is based on interpolation on a regular grid |
MFGrid3D | Generic virtual implementation of a MFGrid for a 3D underlying regular grid |
MFGridFactory | Factory for field interpolators using binary files |
pat::MHT | |
evf::MicroStateService | |
cms::MidpointJetProducer | |
MidpointJetProducer | MidpointJetProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the CMSmidpointAlgorithm jet-finding algorithm |
cms::MidpointPilupSubtractionJetProducer | |
Mille | Class to write a C binary (cf |
MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm | CMSSW interface to pede: produces pede's binary input and steering file(s) |
MillePedeMonitor | Monitoring of MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm and its input tracks |
MillePedeVariables | Container for millepede specific variables attached to AlignmentParameters |
MillePedeVariablesIORoot | ROOT based IO of MillePedeVariables |
reco::parser::min_f | |
cms::MinBias | |
MinFunctionSelector< T, fun > | |
MinHitsTrajectoryFilter | A TrajectoryFilter that stops reconstruction if P_t drops below some value at some confidence level |
MinimumBiasFilter | |
MinL3Algorithm | Implementation of the L3 Collaboration algorithm to solve a system Ax = B by minimization of |Ax-B| using an iterative linear approach This class is specific for the ECAL calibration |
MinL3AlgoUniv< IDdet > | Implementation of the L3 Collaboration algorithm to solve a system Ax = B by minimization of |Ax-B| using an iterative linear approach This class should be universal, i.e |
MinNumberSelector | |
MinObjectPairSelector< F > | |
MinPtTrajectoryFilter | A TrajectoryFilter that stops reconstruction if P_t drops below some value at some confidence level |
MinSelector< T > | |
funct::Minus< A > | |
funct::Minus< Numerical< n > > | |
funct::MinusStruct< A > | |
MisalignedMuonESProducer | An ESProducer that fills the MuonDigiGeometryRcd with a misaligned Muon |
MisalignedTrackerESProducer | An ESProducer that fills the TrackerDigiGeometryRcd with a misaligned tracker |
MisalignmentScenarioBuilder | Base class to build a scenario from configuration and apply to either tracker or muon |
miscalibExample | Description: Analyzer to fetch collection of objects from event and make simple plots |
MiscalibReaderFromXML | * Parses the xml file to get miscalibration constants |
MiscalibReaderFromXMLDomUtils | Collection of some XML reading utilities |
MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalBarrel | |
MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap | |
MiscalibReaderFromXMLHcal | |
MixCollection< T > | |
MixCollection< T >::MixItr | |
MixedLayerPairsESProducer | |
MixedLayerTripletsESProducer | |
edm::MixingModule | |
MixingModule | MixingModule is the EDProducer subclass which fills the CrossingFrame object to allow to add pileup events in digitisations |
edm::MixingWorker< T > | |
MixingWorker | MixingWorker is an auxiliary class for the MixingModule |
edm::MixingWorkerBase | |
MixingWorkerBase | MixingWorkerBase is an auxiliary class for the MixingModule |
ML::MLlog4cplus | |
ModeFinder3d | A ModeFinder returns a GlobalPoint, given a vector of ( GlobalPoint plus weight ) |
Model | |
cand::parser::ModeSetter | |
ModifiedSurfaceGenerator< T > | |
module | |
ExceptionHandling::ModuleCloneError | |
ModuleDef | Description: Provided to easy migration from Seal PluginManager |
edm::ModuleDescription | |
ModuleFactory | Description: Factory which is dynamically loadable and used to create an eventstore module |
edm::ModuleInPathSummary | |
edm::ModuleLabelSelector | Class ModuleLabelSelector |
edm::eventsetup::ModuleMaker< TType > | |
edm::eventsetup::ModuleMakerTraits | |
edm::pset::ModuleNode | |
SequenceTypes::ModuleNodeVisitor | |
ModuleRegistry | The Registry of all workers that where requested Holds all instances of workers |
dqm::Modules | Manage Module count where Errors/Warnings appeared |
cand::modules::CandReducer | Given a collectin of candidates, produced a collection of LeafCandidas identical to the source collection, but removing all daughters and all components |
edm::ModuleTime | |
evf::ModuleWeb | |
evf::ModuleWebRegistry | |
cscdqm::MOFilterItem | |
MomentumKinematicConstraint | Class constraining total 3-momentum of the particle (p_x,p_y,p_z) This constraint can not be implemented on multiple particles, without fitting the vertex |
MonCrystalConsistencyDat | |
MonDelaysTTDat | |
MonElemContainer< T > | |
MonElemManager< T, varType > | |
MonElemManager2D< T, varTypeX, varTypeY > | |
MonElemManagerBase< T > | |
MonElemManagerHist< T > | |
MonElemMgr2DEBEE< T, varTypeX, varTypeY > | |
MonElemMgrEBEE< T, varType > | |
MonElemWithCut< T, varTypeX, varTypeY > | |
MonElemWithCutBase< T > | |
MonElemWithCutEBEE< T, varType > | |
MonH4TablePositionDat | |
MonitorElement | The base class for all MonitorElements (ME) |
MonitorElement::Value | |
MonitorElementMgr | |
MonitorElementsDb | |
MonitorLTC | |
cscdqm::MonitorObject | Monitoring Object interface used to cover Root object and provide common interface to EventProcessor and Collection objects |
cscdqm::MonitorObjectProvider | Interface for Histogram providing objects |
MonitorTrackResiduals | Monitoring source for track residuals on each detector module |
MonitorXMLParser | |
MonLaserBlueDat | |
MonLaserGreenDat | |
MonLaserIRedDat | |
MonLaserPulseDat | |
MonLaserRedDat | |
MonLaserStatusDat | |
MonLed1Dat | |
MonLed2Dat | |
MonMemChConsistencyDat | |
MonMemTTConsistencyDat | |
MonOccupancyDat | |
MonPedestalOffsetsDat | |
MonPedestalsDat | |
MonPedestalsOnlineDat | |
MonPNBlueDat | |
MonPNGreenDat | |
MonPNIRedDat | |
MonPNLed1Dat | |
MonPNLed2Dat | |
MonPNMGPADat | |
MonPNPedDat | |
MonPNRedDat | |
MonPulseShapeDat | |
MonRunDat | |
MonRunIOV | |
MonRunList | |
MonRunOutcomeDef | Def for monitoring run outcomes |
MonRunTag | Tag for Monitoring Sub-Run information |
MonShapeQualityDat | |
MonteCarloLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder that can be fed with the result |
MonTestPulseDat | |
MonTimingCrystalDat | |
MonTimingLaserBlueCrystalDat | |
MonTimingLaserBlueTTDat | |
MonTimingLaserGreenCrystalDat | |
MonTimingLaserGreenTTDat | |
MonTimingLaserIRedCrystalDat | |
MonTimingLaserIRedTTDat | |
MonTimingLaserRedCrystalDat | |
MonTimingLaserRedTTDat | |
MonTimingLed1CrystalDat | |
MonTimingLed1TTDat | |
MonTimingLed2CrystalDat | |
MonTimingLed2TTDat | |
MonTimingTTDat | |
MonTTConsistencyDat | |
MonVersionDef | Def for Location information |
type | |
MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator | |
MRHChi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer | |
python::multivaluedict::mseqdict | |
edm::MsgCode | |
edm::service::MsgContext | |
MSLayer | |
MSLayer::DataX0 | |
MSLayersAtAngle | |
MSLayersKeeper | |
MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta | |
MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged | |
MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer | |
cms::MTCCHLTrigger | |
MTmap< K, T > | Thread-safe "map" |
MtvClusterizer1D< T > | Hsm clusterizer in one dimension, originally designed for ApexPoint Finding |
MuDetRing | A ring of periodic, possibly overlapping vertical detectors |
MuDetRod | A rod of aligned equal-sized non-overlapping detectors |
MuEnergyDepositAnalyzer | DQM monitoring source for muon energy deposits |
MuIsoBaseAlgorithm | |
muonisolation::MuIsoBaseIsolator | |
muonisolation::MuIsoBaseIsolator::DepositAndVetos | |
muonisolation::MuIsoBaseIsolator::Result | |
MuIsoByTrackPt | |
MuIsoDeposit | Class representing the dR profile of deposits around a muon, i.e |
MuIsoDepositProducer | |
MuIsolatorResultProducer< BT > | BT == base type |
MuIsolatorResultProducer< BT >::DepositConf | |
MuIsolatorResultProducer< BT >::VetoCuts | |
muisorhelper | |
muisorhelper::CandMap< BT > | |
MuIsoValidation | |
Multi5x5BremRecoveryClusterAlgo | |
Multi5x5ClusterAlgo | |
Multi5x5ClusterProducer | |
Multi5x5SuperClusterProducer | |
edm::MultiAssociation< C > | |
edm::MultiAssociation< C >::FastFiller | FastFiller for the MultiAssociation |
edm::MultiAssociation< C >::LazyFiller | LazyFiller for the MultiAssociation |
MultiClusterizer1D< T > | A clusterizer that uses a "single" clusterizer iteratively |
MultiGaussianState< N > | Mixture of multi-variate gaussian states |
MultiGaussianState1D | One-dimensional multi-Gaussian mixture: weighted sum of single Gaussian components |
MultiGaussianStateAssembler< N > | Collects gaussian states and returns a MultiGaussianState |
MultiGaussianStateCombiner< N > | Class to collapse (combine) a Gaussian mixture of states into one |
MultiGaussianStateCombiner1D | Class to collapse (combine) a Gaussian mixture of states into one |
MultiGaussianStateMerger< N > | Abstract base class for trimming or merging a MultiGaussianState into one with a smaller number of components |
fit::MultiHistoChiSquare< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | |
fit::MultiHistoChiSquare< T1, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg > | |
fit::MultiHistoChiSquare< T1, T2, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg > | |
fit::MultiHistoChiSquare< T1, T2, T3, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg > | |
fit::MultiHistoChiSquare< T1, T2, T3, T4, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg > | |
fit::MultiHistoChiSquare< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg > | |
fit::helper::MultiHistoChiSquareNoArg | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::MultiHolder< T, U > | |
pat::helper::MultiIsolator | |
lat::MultiMethod | Base class for multi-methods |
lat::MultiMethod::Definition | Actual data structure defining the multi-method |
lat::MultiMethod::Entry | A record of information chained into extended type information |
lat::MultiMethod::EntryHunk | A hunk of Entry objects |
lat::MultiMethod::Member | Description of a member belonging to the multi-method |
lat::MultiMethod::Score | Method scoring information |
lat::MultiMethod::ScoreHunk | A hunk of Score objects |
lat::MultiMethod_1_0< R, V1 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_1_1< R, V1, T1 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_1_2< R, V1, T1, T2 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_2_0< R, V1, V2 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_2_1< R, V1, V2, T1 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_2_2< R, V1, V2, T1, T2 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_3_0< R, V1, V2, V3 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_3_1< R, V1, V2, V3, T1 > | |
lat::MultiMethod_3_2< R, V1, V2, V3, T1, T2 > | |
lat::MultiMethodCarrier< NV, NNV, M, R, P > | Magic class that carries information in its template arguments through MultiMethodStub into the MultiMethodMemberStub_x_y classes |
lat::MultiMethodMember< M, P, F, D > | Class that manages the registration of a multi-method member |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_1_0< M, V1 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_1_1< M, V1 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_1_2< M, V1 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_2_0< M, V1, V2 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_2_1< M, V1, V2 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_2_2< M, V1, V2 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_3_0< M, V1, V2, V3 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_3_1< M, V1, V2, V3 > | |
lat::MultiMethodMemberStub_3_2< M, V1, V2, V3 > | |
MultiParticleInConeGunSource | Generates single particle gun in HepMC format Jean-Roch Vlimant |
edm::MultiParticleInConeGunSource | |
MultiPerigeeLTSFactory | Concrete class to encapsulate the creation of RefCountedLinearizedTrackState, which is a reference-counting pointer |
reco::componenthelper::MultipleComponents< C, T, F, S > | |
reco::componenthelper::MultipleComponentsTag | |
MultipleKinematicConstraint | Class implementing constraint multiplication for single or multiple track refit |
MultipleScatteringGeometry | |
MultipleScatteringParametrisation | Parametrisation of multiple scattering sigma in tracker |
MultipleScatteringSimulator | |
MultipleScatteringUpdator | Adds effects from multiple scattering (standard Highland formula) to a trajectory state |
MultipleScatteringX0Data | |
MultiRecHitCollector | |
MultiRecHitCollectorESProducer | |
MultiRecHitRecord | |
MultiRefittedTS | |
MultiStatePropagation< T > | Helper class to propagate all components of a state, using a single state propagator and keeping the specialisation into planes / cylinders |
MultiTrackKinematicConstraint | Pure abstract class implementing constraint application on multiple tracks (back to back, collinearity etc |
MultiTrackValidator | Class that prodecs histrograms to validate Track Reconstruction performances |
MultiTrackValidatorBase | Base class for analyzers that produces histrograms to validate Track Reconstruction performances |
MultiTrajectoryStateAssembler | Collects trajectory states and returns a MultiTrajectoryState |
MultiTrajectoryStateCombiner | Class which combines a set of components of a Gaussian mixture into a single component |
MultiTrajectoryStateMerger | Merging of MultiTrajectoryStates - uses MultiGaussianStateMergers for the actual merging |
MultiTrajectoryStateTransform | |
MultiVertexBSeeder | A good seeder for "B-jetty" setups (i.e |
MultiVertexFitter | Fits n vertices in parallel, associating weights for every track-vertex std::pair |
MultiVertexReconstructor | Class that wraps the MultiVertexFitter, together with a user-supplied VertexReconstructor into a VertexReconstructor |
MultiVertexStateCombiner | Class to collapse (combine) a Gaussian mixture of VertexStates into one |
reco::Muon | A reconstructed Muon |
pat::Muon | Analysis-level muon class |
MuonAlignment | The MuonAlignment helper class for alignment jobs |
MuonAlignmentAnalyzer | MuonAlignment offline Monitor Analyzer Makes histograms of high level Muon objects/quantities for Alignment Scenarios/DB comparison |
MuonAlignmentANalyzer | MuonAlignment offline Monitor Analyzer Makes histograms of high level Muon objects/quantities and residuals (base EDAnalyzer for Muon Alignment Offline DQM) for Alignment Scenarios/DB comparison |
MuonAlignmentInputDB | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonAlignmentInputMethod | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonAlignmentInputSurveyDB | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonAlignmentInputXML | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonAlignmentOutputXML | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonAnalyzer | DQM muon analysis monitoring |
MuonAnalyzerBase | Base class for all DQM monitor sources |
MuonAssociatorByHits | |
MuonAssociatorEDProducer | |
MuonBarrelNavigableLayer | Navigable layer for Barrel Muon |
MuonBaseNumber | Muon base number collects all significant copy numbers to uniquely identify a detector unit; the information is kept in a vector of all relevant LevelBaseNumber's needed to identify the detector unit; a packed version of the MuonBaseNumber may replace the current numbering scheme in future |
MuonBestMeasurementFinder | Algorithmic class to get best measurement from a list of TM the chi2 cut for the MeasurementEstimator is huge since should not be used |
MuonCaloCompatibility | |
MuonCandidate | Auxiliary class for muon candidates |
MuonCandProducerMon | |
reco::MuonChamberMatch | |
MuonChi2MeasurementEstimator | Class to handle different chi2 cut parameters for each muon sub-system |
MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder | |
MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer | |
MuonCocktails | Set of functions that select among the different track refits based on the fit quality, in order to achieve optimal resolution |
helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager | |
helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::ClusterHitRecord< RecHitType, ClusterRefType > | |
MuonConfigSelector | |
MuonCSCDetLayerGeometryBuilder | Build the CSC DetLayers |
MuonCSCSeedFromRecHits | |
MuonDDDConstants | This class reads the constant section of the muon-numbering xml-file |
MuonDDDNumbering | Class to handle the conversion to MuonBaseNumber from tree of DDD GeoHistory; |
MuonDeLayerGeometryESProducer | ESProducer for MuonDeLayerGeometry in MuonRecoGeometryRecord |
MuonDetIdAssociator | |
MuonDetLayerComp | Sort the of BarrelDetLayers by radius, ForwardDetLayer by |Z| |
MuonDetLayerGeometry | Provide access to the DetLayers of muon detectors |
MuonDetLayerGeometryESProducer | |
MuonDetLayerMeasurements | The class to access recHits and TrajectoryMeasurements from DetLayer |
MuonDigiCollection< IndexType, DigiType > | A container for a generic type of digis indexed by some index, implemented with a map<IndexType, vector<DigiType> > |
MuonDTDetLayerGeometryBuilder | Build the DT DetLayers |
MuonDTDigis | Analyse the the muon-drift-tubes digitizer |
MuonDTSeedFromRecHits | - Author:
- A
MuonEndcapFrameRotation | Implementation of FrameRotation for the muon endcap |
reco::MuonEnergy | |
MuonEnergyDepositAnalyzer | |
MuonErrorMatrix | This class holds an error matrix paramertization |
MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster | EDProducer which duplicatesa collection of track, adjusting their error matrix |
MuonEtaRange | Class to define eta range used in Muon Navigation |
MuonForwardNavigableLayer | Navigable layer for Forward Muon |
MuonFrameRotation | - Author:
- Arno Straessner, CERN <>
MuonG4Numbering | Class to handle the conversion to MuonBaseNumber from tree of G4 copy numbers extracted from G4VPhysicalVolume; needs DDD compatible format of G4 copy numbers; the format itself may in a later version also be defined by DDD constants |
geometryXMLparser::MuonGeometry | |
MuonGeometryDBConverter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonGeometryIntoNtuples | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonGeometryRecord | The Muon DetUnit geometry |
MuonHIPAlignmentRefitter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonIdDQM | |
MuonIdProducer | |
MuonIdTruthInfo | |
MuonIdVal | |
reco::MuonIsolation | |
MuonLinksProducer | |
cms::MuonMET | |
MuonMET | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonMETAlgo | Correct MET for muons in the events |
MuonMETInfo | |
MuonNavigableLayer | Base class for MuonBarrelNavigableLayer and MuonForwardNavigable |
MuonNavigationPrinter | Description: class to print the MuonNavigationSchool |
MuonNavigationSchool | Description: Navigation school for the muon system This class defines which DetLayers are reacheable from each Muon DetLayer (DT, CSC and RPC) |
MuonNavigationSchool::delete_layer | |
MuonNumberingInitialization | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonNumberingRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonNumberingScheme | Base class of the muon numbering scheme; each implementation should supply a conversion from MuonBaseNumber to a detector unit id |
MuonOverlapSeedFromRecHits | |
MuonPatternRecoDumper | A class to print information used for debugging |
MuonProducer | No description available |
MuonPtFilter | HLTFilter to select muons above certain Pt |
MuonRecoAnalyzer | |
MuonRecoGeometryRecord | Record to hold muon reconstruction geometries |
MuonRecoTest | * DQMOffline Test Client check the recostruction efficiency of Sta/Glb on eta, phi parameters |
MuonRefProducer | |
MuonRoadTrajectoryBuilder | |
MuonRoadTrajectoryBuilder::flippingPair< A > | |
MuonRoadTrajectoryBuilder::trajectory | For the trajectory collection |
MuonRoadTrajectoryBuilderESProducer | |
MuonRPCDetLayerGeometryBuilder | Build the RPC DetLayers |
MuonRpcFrameRotation | Implementation of FrameRotation for the muon rpc |
MuonScenarioBuilder | Builds a scenario from configuration and applies it to the alignable Muon |
MuonSeedBuilder | Algorith to build TrajectorySeed for muon standalone reconstruction |
MuonSeedCreator | Creates seed from vector of segment |
MuonSeedDetLayer | Muon seed detector layer Helper class for seed generation |
MuonSeedDetLayer::HigherR | Sort |
MuonSeedDetLayer::LowerR | Sort |
MuonSeedFinder | Uses SteppingHelixPropagator |
MuonSeedFromRecHits | - Author:
- A
MuonSeedGenerator | No description available |
MuonSeedMerger | Module to merge two or more muon seed collections |
MuonSeedOrcaPatternRecognition | |
MuonSeedProducer | This EDProducer produces a collection of muon seeds |
MuonSeedPtExtractor | |
MuonSeedsAnalyzer | DQM monitoring source for muon track seeds |
MuonSeedSimpleCleaner | |
MuonSeedTrack | Make a (fake) reco::Track from a TrajectorySeed |
MuonSeedVCleaner | |
MuonSeedVFinder | |
MuonSeedVPatternRecognition | |
MuonSegmentEff | Class for RPC Monitoring using RPCDigi and DT and CSCS egments |
reco::MuonSegmentMatch | |
MuonSegmentMatcher | |
pat::MuonSelection | Structure defining the muon selection |
MuonSelector | Selects a subset of a muon collection and clones Track, TrackExtra parts and RecHits collection for SA, GB and Tracker Only options |
pat::MuonSelector | Selects good muons |
helper::MuonSelectorBase | |
MuonSensitiveDetector | Implementation of SensitiveDetector for the muon detector; a MuonSlaveSD handles the interfacing to the database; numbering scheme are booked according to the detector name |
MuonServiceProxy | Class to handle the services needed by the muon reconstruction This class avoid the EventSetup percolation |
MuonSimHitNumberingScheme | Wrapper class to handle numbering schemes for the different MuonSubDetector's |
MuonSimHitProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonSimHitsValidAnalyzer | |
MuonSlaveSD | Copy of the TrackingSlaveSD extended by muon hit formatting; interface to the database |
MuonStandaloneAlgorithm | This class contains all the useful information needed by the Alignment Algorithm |
MuonSubDetector | Class to handle muon sensitive detectors, possible arguments for constructor: "MuonDTHits", "MuonCSCHits", "MuonRPCHits" |
MuonSubdetId | - Date
- 2005/10/24 15:56:19
- Revision
- 1.3
MuonTagger | Implementation of muon b-tagging using a softmax multilayer perceptron neural network |
MuonTaggerMLP | |
MuonTaggerNoIP | |
MuonTaggerNoIPMLP | |
MuonTestSummary | * DQM Client for global summary |
reco::MuonTime | |
MuonTimingExtractor | Extracts timing information associated to a muon track |
MuonTimingExtractor::TimeMeasurement | |
MuonTkNavigationSchool | Navigation School for both the Muon system and the Tracker |
MuonTkNavigationSchool::delete_layer | |
MuonTrackAnalyzer | Analyzer of the Muon tracks |
MuonTrackFinder | Track finder for the Muon Reco |
MuonTrackingRegionBuilder | Build a TrackingRegion around a standalone muon |
reco::MuonTrackLinks | |
MuonTrackLinks | Transient format to keep the links between the three different tracks which are built in the RecoMuon tracking code |
MuonTrackLoader | Class to load the tracks in the event, it provide some common functionalities both for all the RecoMuon producers |
MuonTrackResidualAnalyzer | No description available |
MuonTrackResidualAnalyzer::RadiusComparatorInOut | |
MuonTrackResidualsTest | * DQMOffline Test Client check the residuals of the track parameters comparing STA/tracker only/global muons |
MuonTrajectoryBuilder | Base class for the Muon reco Trajectory Builder |
MuonTrajectoryCleaner | No description available |
MuonTrajectoryUpdator | An updator for the Muon system This class update a trajectory with a muon chamber measurement |
MuonTrajectoryUpdator::RadiusComparatorInOut | Ordering along increasing radius (for DT rechits) |
MuonTrajectoryUpdator::RadiusComparatorOutIn | Ordering along decreasing radius (for DT rechits) |
MuonTrajectoryUpdator::ZedComparatorInOut | Ordering along increasing zed (for CSC rechits) |
MuonTrajectoryUpdator::ZedComparatorOutIn | Ordering along decreasing zed (for CSC rechits) |
MuonTransientTrackingRecHit | A TransientTrackingRecHit for muons |
MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBreaker | No description available |
MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder | |
MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer | ESProducer for the Muon Transient TrackingRecHit Builder |
MuonTriggerRateTimeAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
MuonTruth | |
MuonUpdatorAtVertex | This class do the extrapolation of a TrajectoryStateOnSurface to the PCA and can apply, with a different method, the vertex constraint |
MuRecoAnalyzer | DQM monitoring source for muon reco track |
MuRingForwardDoubleLayer | A plane composed two layers of disks |
MuRingForwardLayer | A plane composed of disks (MuRingForwardDisk) |
MuRodBarrelLayer | A cylinder composed of rods |
MutexI | |
MutexI::scoped_lock | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputer | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer | Main interface class to the generic discriminator computer framework |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer::InputVar | Input variable configuration object |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer::Processor | Variable processor container |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputerCache | Creates and and MVAComputer from calibrations via EventSetup |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputerESSourceBase | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputerESSourceImpl< RecordType > | |
MVAComputerRecord | |
MVAJetTagPlotter | |
PhysicsTools::MVAModuleHelper< Record, Object, Filler > | Template for automated variable collection and MVA computation in EDM modules |
PhysicsTools::MVAModuleHelper< Record, Object, Filler >::Value | |
PhysicsTools::MVAModuleHelperDefaultFiller< Object > | Default template for MVAModuleHelper "Filler" template argument |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainer::CalibratedProcessor | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerLooperImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerLooperImpl< Record_t >::Trainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerSave | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerSaveImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerFileSave | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerFileSaveImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::Trainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::TrainerContainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::UntrainedMVAComputer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::UntrainedMVAComputerContainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooperImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerSave | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerSaveImpl< Record_t > | |
mybase | |
MyElectronicsId | |
myEvtRandomEngine | |
MyHcalDetId | |
TreeCrawler::mymf | |
MyParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
MyPFRootEventManager | |
mypt | |
mySiStripNoises | |
mySiStripNoises::DetRegistry | |
mySiStripNoises::StrictWeakOrdering | |
mySiStripNoisesRcd | |
python::multivaluedict::MyUserList | |
MyWatcher | |
reco::modules::NamedCandCombiner< Selector, PairSelector, Cloner, Setup, Init > | |
NamedCandCombiner< Selector, PairSelector, Cloner, Setup > | Performs all possible and selected combinations of particle pairs using the NamedCandCombiner utility |
reco::modules::NamedCandCombinerBase | |
NamedCandCombinerBase | |
reco::NamedCompositeCandidate | A Candidate composed of daughters |
helpers::NamedCompositeCandidateMaker | |
edm::service::NamedDestination | |
edm::detail::NamedEventSelector | |
lat::NamedPipeServer | A named pipe |
NodeCut::NameLine | |
edm::eventsetup::NameTag | |
NavCone | |
NavConeNotImplementedDistanceAlongLine | |
NavCylinder | |
NavigableLayer | The navigation component of the DetLayer |
NavigationSchool | A base class for NavigationSchools |
NavigationSchoolESProducer | |
NavigationSchoolRecord | |
NavigationSetter | This class sets the navigation state given by the NavigationSchool, and saves the previous state for the affected layers |
Navigator | This is the class that should be instantiated in case the user wants to have a select menu, the elements of which, submit a request when clicked on |
NavPlane | |
NavPropagator | |
NavSurface | |
NavSurfaceBuilder | Helper: builde a NavSurface for a Surface |
NavVolume | |
NavVolume6Faces | |
NavVolumeSide | Class for delimiding surface of a NavVolume |
reco::NbSharedTracks | |
NegativeTrackCountingComputer | |
neighborParams | |
lat::NetworkError | Network-related exception class |
NeutralEvent | |
PFTauDiscriminants::NeutralOutlierAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::NeutralOutlierPt | |
NeutronReader | Interface to methods which return a set of SimHits in a chamber |
NeutronWriter | TheNeutronWriter stores "events" which consist of a list of SimHits, grouped by detector type |
newExtendedTrgMsgBlkStruct | |
statemachine::NewInputAndOutputFiles | |
NewPedBunch | |
edm::NewPolicy< T > | |
statemachine::NewRun | |
newSiStripO2O | |
NewTrackAction | SimG4Core Action for new G4tracks |
edm::serviceregistry::NoArgsMaker< T, TConcrete > | |
edm::eventsetup::NoDataException< T > | |
NoDataException | Description: An exception that is thrown whenever data was not available in the Frame |
cond::noDataForRequiredTimeException | |
python::Node::Node | |
edm::pset::Node | |
prof2calltree::Node | |
edm::NoDelayedReader | |
SequenceTypes::NodeNameVisitor | |
cond::NoDictPrereq | Default dictionary prerequisite template argument, always true |
reco::modules::NoEventSetupInit< T > | Take no action (default) |
NoiseAlgorithm | - Author:
- M
NoiseAnalysis | - Author:
- M
NoiseHistograms | |
NoiseHistosUsingDb | |
NoiseSummaryFactory | |
NoiseTask | |
NoisyChannel | Check if any channels are noisy compared to neighboring ones |
parsecf::pyparsing::NoMatch | |
muonisolation::NominalEfficiencyThresholds | |
muonisolation::NominalEfficiencyThresholds::EfficiencyBin | Compare to efficiencies |
muonisolation::NominalEfficiencyThresholds::EtaBounds | |
muonisolation::NominalEfficiencyThresholds::locless | Compare two locations |
muonisolation::NominalEfficiencyThresholds::ThresholdLocation | Threshold location |
cond::nonExistentGlobalTagException | |
cond::nonExistentGlobalTagInventoryException | |
NonIsolatedSelector | |
NonNullNumberSelector | |
NonPropagatingDetMeasurements | |
NoPrimaryVertexGenerator | A class that generates a primary vertex with a Gaussian profile, in cm |
edm::eventsetup::NoProxyException< T > | |
NoProxyException | Description: An exception that is thrown whenever proxy was not available in the EventSetup, it is subset of NoDataException, see more details in that class |
edm::eventsetup::NoRecordException< T > | |
NoRecordException | Description: An exception that is thrown whenever a EventSetup is asked to retrieve a Record it does not have |
combiner::helpers::NormalClone | |
parsecf::pyparsing::NotAny | |
reco::parser::NotCombiner | |
edm::NotHelper< A > | |
funct::NthDerivative< n, X, F > | |
funct::NthDerivative< 0, X, F > | |
funct::NthDerivative< 1, X, F > | |
NtpProducer< C > | Creates histograms defined in config file |
Ntuple2HepMCFiller | Fills information from a converted cmkin ntpl into an HepMC event; The "h2root" converted ntpl is read by the class NtupleROOTFile Joanna Weng 1/2006 |
NtupleManager | |
NTupler | |
NtupleROOTFile | Reads a "h2root" converted cmkin ntpl; Joanna Weng 1/2006 |
NTuplingDevice | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
reco::NuclearInteraction | |
NuclearInteractionEDProducer | Description: Associate nuclear seeds to primary tracks and associate secondary tracks to primary tracks |
NuclearInteractionFinder | Class used to obtain vector of all compatible TMs associated to a trajectory to be used by the NuclearTester |
NuclearInteractionSimulator | |
NuclearLikelihood | |
NuclearSeedsEDProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
NuclearTester | Class used to test if a track has interacted nuclearly |
NuclearTrackCorrector | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
NuclearVertexBuilder | |
NuclearVertexBuilder::cmpTracks | |
NUEvent | |
NUEvent::NUInteraction | |
NUEvent::NUParticle | |
btau_dummy::Null | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::Null | |
helper::NullIsolationAlgorithmSetup< Alg > | |
helper::NullPostProcessor< OutputCollection > | |
cond::NullUserLogInfo | |
funct::Number | |
NumberOfDevices | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
Numbers | |
reco::isodeposit::NumCrystalEtaPhiVeto | |
reco::isodeposit::NumCrystalVeto | |
funct::Numerical< n > | |
funct::NumericalIntegral< Integrator, F, X > | |
funct::NumericalIntegral< Integrator, F, X >::function | |
funct::NumericalIntegral< Integrator, F, no_var > | |
NumericSafeGreaterByEt< T > | |
NumericSafeGreaterByPt< T > | |
NumericSafeLessByEt< T > | |
NumericSafeLessByPt< T > | |
funct::NumPower< n, m, posM > | |
funct::NumPower< 1, m, posM > | |
funct::NumPower< n, 0, true > | |
funct::NumPower< n, 1, true > | |
funct::NumPower< n, m, false > | |
OAE85lParametrizedMagneticField | Magnetic Field engine wrapper for V |
OAEParametrizedMagneticField | Magnetic Field engine wrapper for V |
OAQualityTranslator | |
ObjectCounter< C > | Counts the number of objects in a collection and prints a summary report at the end of a job |
ObjectCountFilter< C, S, N, CS > | Filters an event if a collection has at least N entries |
pat::ObjectEnergyScale< T > | Energy scale shifting and smearing module |
ObjectPairCollectionSelector< InputCollection, Selector, StoreContainer, RefAdder > | Selects object pairs wose combination satiefies a specific selection for instance, could be based on invariant mass, deltaR , deltaPhi, etc |
ObjectPairFilter< C, S > | Filters an event if one or more pairs of objects passes a given selection |
ObjectRefVectorSelector< Selector, OutputCollection, SizeSelector, PostProcessor > | |
cond::ObjectRelationalMappingUtility | |
pat::ObjectResolutionCalc | Class to calculate MC resolutions for pat objects |
ObjectSelector< Selector, OutputCollection, SizeSelector, PostProcessor, StoreManager, Base, Init > | Selects a subset of a collection |
helper::ObjectSelectorBase< OutputCollection > | |
ObjectShallowCloneSelector< Selector, SizeSelector, PostProcessor > | |
pat::ObjectSpatialResolution< T > | Energy scale shifting and smearing module |
Observer< T > | Description: Adapts the COBRA signal handling for use in the OscarProducer |
edm::OccurrenceTraits< EventPrincipal, BranchActionBegin > | |
edm::OccurrenceTraits< LuminosityBlockPrincipal, BranchActionBegin > | |
edm::OccurrenceTraits< LuminosityBlockPrincipal, BranchActionEnd > | |
edm::OccurrenceTraits< RunPrincipal, BranchActionBegin > | |
edm::OccurrenceTraits< RunPrincipal, BranchActionEnd > | |
ODCCSConfig | |
ODCCSCycle | |
ODCond2ConfInfo | |
ODDCCConfig | |
ODDCCCycle | |
ODDCUConfig | |
ODDCUCycle | |
ODDelaysDat | |
ODEcalCycle | |
ODFEDAQConfig | |
ODFEDelaysInfo | |
ODFEPedestalOffsetInfo | |
ODFEWeightsInfo | |
ODJBH4Config | |
ODJBH4Cycle | |
ODLaserConfig | |
ODLaserCycle | |
ODLTCConfig | |
ODLTCCycle | |
ODLTSConfig | |
ODLTSCycle | |
ODPedestalOffsetsDat | |
ODRunConfigCycleInfo | |
ODRunConfigInfo | |
ODRunConfigSeqInfo | |
ODScanConfig | |
ODScanCycle | |
ODSRPConfig | |
ODSRPCycle | |
ODTCCConfig | |
ODTCCCycle | |
ODTTCciConfig | |
ODTTCciCycle | |
ODTTCFConfig | |
ODTTCFCycle | |
OfflineJetPlots | |
OffsetRadialStripTopology | ABC defining RadialStripTopology with shifted offset so that it is not centred on local y (of parent chamber) |
oldTriggerDataFormat | |
OMDSReader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
l1t::OMDSReader | |
OnDemandMeasurementTracker | |
OnDemandMeasurementTracker::DetODStatus | Class that holds flags, region_range (in RefGetter) for a given MeasurementDet |
edm::eventsetup::produce::OneHolder< T > | |
edm::eventsetup::depends_on::OneHolder< T, TDependsOnRecord > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::OneHolder< std::auto_ptr< T > > | |
parsecf::pyparsing::OneOrMore | |
Geom::OnePiRange< T > | A class for polar angle represantation |
edm::OneToMany< CKey, CVal, index > | |
edm::OneToManyWithQuality< CKey, CVal, Q, index > | |
edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric< CKey, CVal, Q, index, KeyRefProd, ValRefProd, KeyRef, ValRef > | |
edm::OneToOne< CKey, CVal, index > | |
edm::OneToOneGeneric< CKey, CVal, index, KeyRefProd, ValRefProd, KeyRef, ValRef > | |
edm::OneToValue< CKey, Val, index > | |
edm::OnlineHttpReader | |
parsecf::pyparsing::OnlyOnce | |
OpenBounds | Unlimited (trivial) bounds |
edm::pset::OperandNode | |
geometryXMLparser::Operation | |
edm::pset::OperatorNode | |
OptAlignDataConverter | |
OptAlignDBAnalyzer | |
OpticalAlignInfo | Author: Michael Case Date: Dec |
OpticalAlignInfoRcd | |
OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo | Author: Michael Case Date: March 7, 2006 |
OpticalAlignMeasurements | Description: Class for OpticalAlignMeasurements for use by COCOA |
OpticalAlignments | Description: Class for OpticalAlignments for use by COCOA |
OpticalAlignmentsRcd | |
OpticalAlignParam | Class holding data for each parameter, the value, error and whether it is an unknown, calibrated or fixed parameter |
OpticalObject | |
OpticalObjectMgr | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Optional | |
bookConverter::OptionParser | |
Options::Options | |
ConfigBuilder::Options | |
OptObject | |
OptOCameraDetector | |
OptOCOPS | |
OptOCubeSplitter | |
OptODistancemeter | |
OptODistancemeter3dim | |
OptOLaser | |
OptOLens | |
OptOMirror | |
OptOModifiedRhomboidPrism | |
OptOOpticalSquare | |
OptOPinhole | |
OptOPlateSplitter | |
OptORisleyPrism | |
OptoScanAlgorithm | |
OptoScanAnalysis | - Author:
- M
OptoScanHistograms | |
OptoScanHistosUsingDb | |
OptoScanSummaryFactory | |
OptoScanTask | |
OptOScreen | |
OptOSensor2D | |
OptOSource | |
OptOTiltmeter | |
OptOUserDefined | |
OptOXLaser | |
OptTOA | |
OptTOA::histogram_element_t | |
OptTOA::histogram_t | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Or | |
cond::OracleProxy | |
reco::parser::OrCombiner | |
OrderedHitPair | |
OrderedHitPairs | |
OrderedHitsGenerator | |
OrderedHitTriplet | Associate 3 RecHits into hit triplet of InnerHit,MiddleHit,OuterHit |
OrderedHitTriplets | |
OrderedLaserHitPair | Pair of ordered laser hits |
OrderedLaserHitPairs | Ordered pairs of laser hits; used for seedgenerator |
OrderedSeedingHits | |
pat::eventhypothesis::OrFilter | Does the OR of some filters |
edm::OrHelper< A, B > | |
OrPairSelector< S1, S2 > | |
edm::OrphanHandle< T > | |
edm::OrphanHandle< GenericObjectOwner > | |
OrSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 > | |
OrSelector< S1, S2, helpers::NullOrOperand, helpers::NullOrOperand, helpers::NullOrOperand > | |
OrSelector< S1, S2, S3, helpers::NullOrOperand, helpers::NullOrOperand > | |
OrSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, helpers::NullOrOperand > | |
OscarProducer | |
edm::Other | |
reco::isodeposit::OtherCandidatesDeltaRVeto | |
OtherMessageBuilder | Other type of Messages Represented here |
OtherMessageView | |
OuterDetCompatibility | Check det compatibility by comparistion of det BoundPlane ranges with phi,r,z ranges (given at construction) |
OuterEstimator | It is a MeasurementEstimator used by TrackingRegions for finding (OUTER) compatible hits and det units by testing the hit compatibility by OuterHitCompatibility and det compatibility by OuterDetCompatibility |
OuterHitCompatibility | Test compatibility of RecHit |
OuterHitPhiPrediction | Predicts phi range at a given radius r |
OutermostClusterizer1D< T > | Produces two clusters for each end of the 1d data points |
OutInConversionSeedFinder | - Id
- OutInConversionSeedFinder.h,v 1.8 2008/05/08 20:41:27 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/05/08 20:41:27
- Revision
- 1.8
OutInConversionTrackFinder | - Id
- OutInConversionTrackFinder.h,v 1.9 2008/05/08 20:41:27 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/05/08 20:41:27
- Revision
- 1.9
OutletBase | Description: Base class for 'outlets' which can be used to send data through edm::ExtensionCords |
edm::OutletBase< T > | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierNCharged | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierPt | |
OutputFile | This file contains Class definitions for the Class representing Output (Streamer/Index) file |
edm::OutputHandle< T > | |
edm::OutputModule | |
Modules::OutputModule | |
edm::OutputModuleDescription | |
edm::OutputService | |
lat::OutputStream | An output data destination |
lat::OutputStreamBuf | |
edm::OutputWorker | |
pat::OverlapByDeltaR | Distance with deltaR metrics and a fixed maximum for the overlap deltaR dist(x,y) = deltaR2(x,y) / deltaR2cut; |
pat::helper::OverlapBySuperClusterSeed | |
OverlapChecker | Functor that checks the overlap of two Candidate objects |
pat::OverlapDistance< Comparator > | Turn a comparator in a distance for uses of overlap comparator(x,y) = true <-> x and y overlap the associated distance would work as dist(x,y) = 1.0 - comparator(x,y) [0 if overlap, 1 otherwise] if the constructor of your Comparator does not need parameters, then the associated distance will not need parameters too |
OverlapExclusionSelector< C, T, O > | |
pat::helper::OverlapTest | |
own_ptr< X, P > | Pointer which "owns" the pointed object |
OwnIt< T > | Very very simple auto_ptr |
edm::OwnVector< T, P > | |
edm::OwnVector< T, P >::const_iterator | |
edm::OwnVector< T, P >::iterator | |
edm::OwnVector< T, P >::Ordering< O > | |
TreeCrawler::Package | |
pair | |
PairProductionSimulator | |
PairSelector< S1, S2 > | |
ParabolaFit | The parabola fit y = parA + parB * x + parC * x*x see: R.L |
ParabolaFit::Column | |
ParabolaFit::Point | |
ParabolaFit::Result | |
funct::Parameter | |
stor::Parameter | |
parameter | |
fit::parameter_t | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< S > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< AndPairSelector< S1, S2 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< AndSelector< S1, S2 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< AndSelector< S1, S2, S3 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< AndSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< AndSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< AnyPairSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< AnySelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< bJetFilterSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< CalIsolationAlgo< T, C > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< ChargeSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< CompositeCandSelector< Combiner< StringCutObjectSelector< T1 >, StringCutObjectSelector< T2 > >, T1, T2, nDau > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< CompositeCandSelector< Selector, T1, T2, nDau > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< DeltaPhiMinPairSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< DeltaR< T1, T2 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< DeltaRMinPairSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< EtaRangeSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< EtMinSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< EtMinSuperClusterSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< EtMinSuperClusterSelectorHeepSkim > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< FreeFunctionSelector< T, f > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< GsfVertexFitter > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< helpers::MCTruthPairSelector< T > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< IMASelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< KalmanVertexFitter > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MasslessInvariantMass > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MassMinSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MassRangeSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MaxNumberSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MaxSelector< T > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MCMatchCandRefSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MinNumberSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< MinSelector< T > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< NonNullNumberSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< OrPairSelector< S1, S2 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< OrSelector< S1, S2 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< OrSelector< S1, S2, S3 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< OrSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< OrSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< PairSelector< S1, S2 > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< pat::VertexAssociationSelector > | Helper struct to convert from ParameterSet to ElectronSelection |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< PdgIdExcluder > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< PdgIdSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< PhiRangeSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< PtIsolationAlgo< T, C > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< PtMinSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< RangeObjectPairSelector< F > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< RefSelector< S > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< StatusSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< StringCutObjectSelector< T > > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< TrackingParticleSelector > | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< TrkCalIsolationAlgo< T, C > > | |
edm::ParameterDescription | |
ParameterDescription | Description: Base class for a description of one parameter in a ParameterSet |
edm::ParameterDescriptionTemplate< T > | |
ParameterDescriptionTemplate | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ParameterMgr | |
edm::ParameterSet | |
edm::ParameterSetBlob | |
edm::ParameterSetDescription | |
ParameterSetDescription | Description: Used to describe the allowed values in a ParameterSet |
edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< T > | |
ParameterSetDescriptionFiller | Description: A concrete ParameterSetDescription filler which calls a static function of the template argument |
edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerBase | |
ParameterSetDescriptionFillerBase | Description: Base class for a component which can fill a ParameterSetDescription object |
ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory | Description: Provides access to the ParameterSetDescription object of a plugin |
edm::serviceregistry::ParameterSetMaker< T, TConcrete > | |
evf::ParameterSetRetriever | |
edm::ParameterTypeToEnum | |
funct::Parametric< F > | |
funct::Parametric< FractionStruct< n, m > > | |
funct::Parametric< Numerical< n > > | |
funct::ParametricDiv1<, par > | |
funct::ParametricDivN<, par > | |
condex::ParametricEfficiencyInEta | |
condex::ParametricEfficiencyInPt | |
funct::ParametricSimplifiedSum<, parametric > | |
funct::ParametricSimplifiedSum< 1, 1, A, false > | |
funct::ParametricSimplifiedSum< 1, 1, A, true > | |
funct::ParametricSimplifiedSum< n, m, A, false > | |
ParametrisedPhysics | |
Parametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
ParametrizedMagneticFieldProducer | Description: Producer for the Parametrized Magnetic Field |
magneticfield::ParametrizedMagneticFieldProducer | |
ParamL3MuonProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ParentParticleFitter | Abstract Base class for mechanism updating top tree particle with given constraint |
cscdqm::ParHistoDef | Parameter Histogram Definition |
parsecf::pyparsing::ParseBaseException | |
parsecf::pyparsing::ParseElementEnhance | |
ParseError | |
parsecf::pyparsing::ParseException | |
parsecf::pyparsing::ParseExpression | |
parsecf::pyparsing::ParseFatalException | |
parsecf::pyparsing::ParserElement | |
pyRunSummaryBaseClass::parseResult | |
parsecf::pyparsing::ParseResults | |
edm::pset::ParseTree | |
Exhume::Particle | |
pat::Particle | Analysis-level particle class |
reco::Particle | Base class describing a generic reconstructed particle its main subclass is Candidate |
ParticleDecayDrawer | |
python::ParticleDecayDrawer::ParticleDecayDrawer | |
ParticleDecayProducer | Original Author: Nicola De Filippis |
pftools::ParticleDeposit | |
ParticleDeposit | An object that encapsualtes energy depositions (real, MC or otherwise) made by particle in N DetectorElement objects |
pat::eventhypothesis::ParticleFilter | |
ParticleKinematicLinearizedTrackState | |
ParticleKinematicLinearizedTrackStateFactory | |
ParticleListDrawer | |
ParticlePair< T > | |
ParticlePropagator | |
ParticlePtGreater | |
ParticleTable | |
ParticleTreeDrawer | |
ParticleType | |
funct::PartIntegral<, bint, aint > | |
funct::PartIntegral2<, bint, aint > | |
PartitionGenerator | Class to compute the possible partitions of a collection of 'collectionSize' elements |
PartitionGenerator::LessCollections | Private class just defining the () operator |
PartonJetCorrectionExample | |
PartonSelector | |
PatAnalyzerKit | PatAnalyzerKit is a generic ED analyzer with predefined physics histograms |
PatAnalyzerSkeleton | Description: <A very (very) simple CMSSW analyzer for PAT objects> |
pat::PATCleaner< PATObjType > | PAT Cleaner module for PAT Objects |
pat::PATCompositeCandidateProducer | Produces the pat::CompositeCandidate |
pat::PATElectronProducer | Produces pat::Electron's |
pat::PATGenCandsFromSimTracksProducer | Produces reco::GenParticle from SimTracks |
pat::PATGenCandsFromSimTracksProducer::GlobalContext | Global context for all recursive methods |
pat::PATGenCandsFromSimTracksProducer::LessById | |
pat::PATGenericParticleProducer | Produces the pat::GenericParticle |
edm::Path | |
SequenceTypes::Path | |
profilereader::Path | |
PATHemisphereProducer | |
NodeCut::PathLine | |
edm::PathSummary | |
PathTimerInserter | |
edm::service::PathTimerService | |
PathToPlane2Order | |
PathTracker | |
SequenceVisitors::PathValidator | |
pat::PATJetProducer | Produces pat::Jet's |
pat::PatKitHelper | |
pat::PATLeptonCountFilter | |
pat::PATMETProducer | Produces the pat::MET |
PATMHTProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
pat::PATMHTProducer | |
pat::PATMuonProducer | Produces pat::Muon's |
pat::PATObject< ObjectType > | Templated PAT object container |
pat::PATPFParticleProducer | Produces pat::PFParticle's |
pat::PATPhotonProducer | Produces the pat::Photon |
pat::PATPrimaryVertexSelector | The PATPrimaryVertexSelector is used together with an ObjectSelector to clean and sort a collection of primary vertices |
PATPrimaryVertexSelector | |
PatShapeAna | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
pat::PATSingleVertexSelector | Produces a list containing a single vertex selected by some criteria |
PATStringCutObjectSelector | |
PATStringObjectFunction | |
pat::PATTauProducer | Produces pat::Tau's |
pat::PATTriggerEventProducer | Produces the pat::TriggerEvent in PAT layer 1 |
pat::PATTriggerMatchEmbedder< PATObjectType, RecoObjectType > | |
pat::PATTriggerMatchSelector< T1, T2 > | |
pat::PATTriggerProducer | Produces the pat::TriggerPathCollection, pat::TriggerFilterCollection and pat::TriggerObjectCollection in PAT layer 0 |
pat::PATTrigMatchSelector< T1, T2 > | Dummy class as counterpart to PATMatchSelector in order to use PATCandMatcher |
pat::PATTrigProducer | Produces a CandidateCollection of trigger objects |
pat::PATUserDataHelper< ObjectType > | Assists in assimilating all pat::UserData into pat objects |
pat::PATUserDataMerger< ObjectType, Operation > | Assimilates pat::UserData into pat objects |
pat::PATVertexAssociationProducer | Produces VertexAssociation and a ValueMap to the originating reco jets |
python::iovInspector::PayLoad | |
cond::PayLoadInspector< T > | |
PCACmpPairDIFirst | |
PCaloHit | |
PdfAnalyzer | Description: get pdf info for every event Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>=""> |
reco::PdfInfo | - Id
- PdfInfo.h,v 1.2 2008/02/29 08:24:32 llista Exp
PdgEntryReplacer | |
PdgIdExcluder | |
PdgIdPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | |
PdgIdSelector | |
PdtEntry | |
PDTRecord | Description: Record for Particle Data Table entry |
PEcalTBInfo | |
PEcalValidInfo | |
PedeLabeler | Labels for AlignmentParameters for pede |
PedeReader | Read in result from pede text file |
Pedestals | |
Pedestals::Item | |
PedestalsAlgorithm | - Author:
- M
PedestalsAnalysis | - Author:
- M
PedestalsHistograms | |
PedestalsHistosUsingDb | |
PedestalsRcd | |
PedestalsSummaryFactory | |
PedestalsTask | |
PedeSteerer | Steering for pede according to configuration |
PedsOnlyAlgorithm | - Author:
- M
PedsOnlyAnalysis | - Author:
- M
PedsOnlyHistograms | |
PedsOnlyHistosUsingDb | |
PedsOnlySummaryFactory | |
PedsOnlyTask | |
PerformanceAnalyzer | |
cmsPerfRegress::PerfReportErr | |
cmsPerfSuite::PerfSuite | |
cmsPerfSuite::PerfThread | |
PerigeeConversions | Class provides several methods to transform perigee parameters to and from various other parametrisations |
PerigeeKinematicState | Class caching the "extended" perigee parametrization for vertex fitting inside the KinematicFit library |
PerigeeLinearizedTrackState | Calculates and stores the ImpactPointMeasurement of the impact point (point of closest approach in 3D) to the given linearization point |
PerigeeMultiLTS | Multi-state version of PerigeeLinearizedTrackState |
PerigeeRefittedTrackState | |
PerigeeTrajectoryError | Class providing access to the Perigee parameters of a trajectory |
PerigeeTrajectoryParameters | Class providing access to the Perigee parameters of a trajectory |
PeriodicBinFinderInPhi< T > | Periodic Bin Finder around a circle for (almost) equidistant bins |
PeriodicBinFinderInZ< T > | Bin finder along the global Z for (almost) equidistant bins |
PerpendicularBoundPlaneBuilder | Constructs a plane perpendicular to an axis, and oriented in a special way |
PFAlgo | |
PFAlgoTestBenchConversions | Particle Flow Algorithm test bench for the electron team |
PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons | Particle Flow Algorithm test bench for the electron team |
PFBenchmarkAlgo | |
reco::PFBlock | Block of elements |
PFBlockAlgo | Particle Flow Algorithm |
reco::PFBlockElement | Abstract base class for a PFBlock element (track, cluster |
reco::PFBlockElementBrem | Track Element |
reco::PFBlockElementCluster | Cluster Element |
reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack | Track Element |
reco::PFBlockElementTrack | Track Element |
PFBlockLink | Link between 2 elements |
PFBlockProducer | Producer for particle flow blocks |
reco::PFBrem | |
PFCandCommonVertexFitter< Fitter > | |
PFCandCommonVertexFitterBase | |
PFCandConnector | |
reco::PFCandidate | Particle candidate from particle flow |
reco::PFCluster | Particle flow cluster, see clustering algorithm in PFClusterAlgo |
PFClusterAlgo | Algorithm for particle flow clustering |
pftools::PFClusterCalibration | |
PFClusterProducer | Producer for particle flow clusters (PFCluster) |
PFClusterShapeAlgo | |
PFClusterShapeProducer | |
reco::PFCombinedTauTagInfo | |
reco::PFConversion | - Author:
- Nancy Marinelli - Univ
PFConversionAlgo | |
PFConversionsProducer | |
PFElecTkProducer | Abstract |
PFElectronAlgo | |
PFEnergyCalibration | |
PFEnergyResolution | |
PFGeometry | General CMS geometry parameters used during Particle Flow reconstruction or drawing |
PFGsfHelper | |
reco::PFIsolatedTauTagInfo | |
PFIsolation | Produces IsolatedPFCandidates from PFCandidates |
reco::PFJet | Jets made from PFObjects |
reco::PFJet::Specific | |
PFJetAlgorithm | |
PFJetAlgorithm::Jet | |
PFJetAnalyzer | DQM monitoring source for PFlow Jets |
PFJetAnalyzerBase | Base class for all DQM monitor sources |
PFJetBenchmark | |
PFJetBenchmarkAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PFJetTester | |
PFLayer | Layer definition for PFRecHit and PFCluster |
reco::PFMET | |
PFMET | Computes the MET from a collection of PFCandidates |
PFMETCollection | Collection of PF MET |
pool::PFNCatalog | This class is a concrete implementation of the POOL File Catalog |
reco::PFNuclearInteraction | |
PFNuclearProducer | |
pat::PFParticle | Analysis-level class for reconstructed particles |
reco::PFParticleIdTag | Particle ID component tag |
PFPileUp | Identifies pile-up candidates from a collection of PFCandidates, and produces the corresponding collection of PileUpCandidates |
PFProducer | Producer for particle flow reconstructed particles (PFCandidates) |
reco::PFRecHit | Particle flow rechit (rechit + geometry and topology information) |
reco::PFRecHitFraction | Fraction of a PFRecHit (rechits can be shared between several PFCluster's) |
PFRecHitProducer | Base producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) |
PFRecHitProducerECAL | Producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) in ECAL |
PFRecHitProducerHCAL | Producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) in HCAL |
PFRecHitProducerPS | Producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) |
PFRecoTauAlgorithm | |
PFRecoTauDecayModeDeterminator | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectron | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstMuon | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolation | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolationUsingLeadingPion | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByLeadingPionPtCut | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByLeadingTrackFinding | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByLeadingTrackPtCut | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByNeutralHadrons | |
PFRecoTauProducer | |
PFRecoTauTagInfoAlgorithm | |
PFRecoTauTagInfoProducer | |
reco::PFRecTrack | Reconstructed track used as an input to particle flow |
PFResolutionMap | Resolution Map (resolution as a function of eta and E) |
PFResolutionMapManager | |
PFRootEventManager | ROOT interface to particle flow package |
PFRootEventManagerColin | |
reco::PFSimParticle | True particle for particle flow |
PFSimParticleProducer | Producer for PFRecTracks and PFSimParticles |
pat::tau::PFSpecific | Structure to hold information specific to a PFTau inside a pat::Tau |
PFSpecificAlgo | |
reco::PFTau | |
reco::PFTauDecayMode | |
PFTauDiscriminants::PFTauDiscriminantManager | |
reco::PFTauDiscriminator | |
reco::PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation | |
PFTauElementsOperators | |
PFTauExtractor | |
PFTauSelectorDefinition | |
PFTauSelectorDefinition::TDiscCutPair | |
reco::PFTauTagInfo | |
PFTauTagVal | Description: EDAnalyzer to validate the Collections from the ConeIsolation Producer It is supposed to be used for Offline Tau Reconstrction, so PrimaryVertex should be used |
PFTester | |
pftools::PFToolsException | General purpose exception class for use by classes in the pftools namespace |
PFTopProjector | - Author:
- Colin Bernet
reco::PFTrack | Base class for particle flow input reconstructed tracks and simulated particles |
PFTrackTransformer | |
reco::PFTrajectoryPoint | A PFTrack holds several trajectory points, which basically contain the position and momentum of a track at a given position |
reco::PFV0 | |
PFV0Producer | |
PGeometricDet | |
PGeometricDet::Item | |
PGeometricDetRcd | |
PGlobalDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::CSCstripDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::CSCwireDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::DTDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::ECalDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::ESCalDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::HCalDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::SiPixelDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::SiStripDigi | |
PGlobalRecHit | |
PGlobalRecHit::CSCRecHit | |
PGlobalRecHit::DTRecHit | |
PGlobalRecHit::ECalRecHit | |
PGlobalRecHit::HCalRecHit | |
PGlobalRecHit::RPCRecHit | |
PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit | |
PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit | |
PGlobalSimHit | DataFormat class to hold the information for the Global Hit Validation |
PGlobalSimHit::BrlHit | |
PGlobalSimHit::CalHit | |
PGlobalSimHit::FwdHit | |
PGlobalSimHit::Trk | |
PGlobalSimHit::Vtx | |
PHcalTB04Info | Description: Histogram handling class for analysis |
PHcalTB06Info | Description: Histogram handling class for analysis |
PHcalTB06Info::Hit | |
PHcalTB06Info::Vtx | |
PHcalValidInfoJets | |
PHcalValidInfoLayer | |
PHcalValidInfoNxN | |
Geom::Phi< T > | A class for azimuthal angle represantation and algebra |
PhiBorderFinder | Find the phi binning of a list of detector according to several definitions |
PhiLess | Definition of ordering of azimuthal angles |
PhiRangeSelector | |
details::PhiSortElement< Object, Scalar > | |
PhiSymmetryCalibration | |
reco::Photon | Reco Candidates with an Photon component |
pat::Photon | Analysis-level Photon class |
PhotonAnalyzer | $Id: PhotonAnalyzer - Date
- 2008/09/30 19:51:05
authors: Nancy Marinelli, U |
helper::PhotonCollectionStoreManager | |
reco::PhotonID | |
PhotonIDAlgo | Determine and Set quality information on Photon Objects |
PhotonIDProducer | |
PhotonIDSimpleAnalyzer | Description: Generate various histograms for cuts and important photon ID parameters using a data sample of photons in QCD events |
PhotonIDSimpleAnalyzer::struct_recPhoton | |
PhotonMCTruth | This class stores all the MC truth information needed about the conversion |
PhotonMCTruthFinder | - Date
- 2007/06/08 10:49:31
- Revision
- 1.3
PhotonProducer | - Id
- PhotonProducer.h,v 1.25 2008/08/29 08:41:36 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/08/29 08:41:36
- Revision
- 1.25
PhotonSelector | Selects a subset of an photon collection |
helper::PhotonSelectorBase | |
PhotonSimpleAnalyzer | - Date
- 2008/06/24 15:26:55
- Revision
- 1.17
PhotonsWithConversionsAnalyzer | |
PhotonTkIsolation | |
PhotonValidator | $Id: PhotonValidator - Date
- 2008/09/30 18:38:04
- Revision
- 1.11
PhysicalPartsTree | |
PhysicsHistograms | Object to manage and fill various physics histograms |
PhysicsHistograms::KinAxisLimits | |
PhysicsList | |
PhysicsListMaker< T > | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PhysicsListMakerBase | Description: Base class for the 'maker' which creates PhysicsLists |
PhysicsObjectsMonitor | For now: Analyzer of StandAlone muon tracks Later: Add other detectors and more Reco |
reco::PhysObjectMatcher< C1, C2, S, D, Q > | |
pat::PhysVarHisto | |
reco::Pi0 | Reconstructed Pi0 candidates from either PFCandidate or BasicCluster |
Pi0Algo | Description: algorithms to reconstruct Pi0 |
reco::Pi0Algo | |
Pi0CalibXMLwriter | |
Pi0FixedMassWindowCalibration | |
PickEvents | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PIdealGeometry | |
pidInfo | Class to print out process size and resident size clearly not elegent, but it works! you supply a string so you can see in the output where you called it from |
edm::PileUp | |
PileUpFP420 | |
reco::PileUpPFCandidate | Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm |
PileUpProducer | |
PileUpSimulator | |
lat::Pipe | Pair of file descriptors connected to each other |
lat::PipeCmd | A pipe connected to read from or write to a subprocess |
lat::PipedInputStream | |
lat::PipedOutputStream | |
pos::PixelAliasList | |
PixelBarrelLayer | A concrete implementation for PixelBarrel layer built out of BarrelPixelRod |
PixelBarrelLayerBuilder | A concrete builder for PixelBarrelLayer |
PixelBarrelLinkMaker | Assign barrel pixel modules (defined by name and unit) to links |
PixelBarrelLinkMaker::Item | Link item |
PixelBarrelLinkMaker::Order | Define order of items in a link |
PixelBarrelName | Module name (as in PixelDatabase) in barrel |
PixelBlade | A concrete implementation for PixelBlade |
PixelBladeBuilder | A concrete builder for PixelBlade |
pos::PixelCalibBase | |
pos::PixelCalibConfiguration | This class implements the steps that are used in a scan over Threshold and CalDelay |
pos::PixelChannel | |
PixelChannelIdentifier | |
PixelChannelIdentifier::Packing | Pack the pixel information to use less memory |
PixelClusterizerBase | Abstract interface for Pixel Clusterizers |
pos::PixelConfig | This class implements. |
pos::PixelConfigAlias | |
pos::PixelConfigBase | This file contains the base class for "pixel configuration data" management |
pos::PixelConfigFile | |
pos::PixelConfigKey | This class implements. |
pos::PixelConfigList | This class implements. |
pos::PixelConfigurationVerifier | This class performs various tests to make sure that configurations are consistent |
PixelCPEBase | |
PixelCPEBase::Param | |
PixelCPEGeneric | |
PixelCPEGenericESProducer | |
PixelCPEInitial | |
PixelCPEInitialESProducer | |
PixelCPEParmError | |
PixelCPEParmErrorESProducer | |
PixelCPEParmErrorsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PixelCPETemplateReco | |
PixelCPETemplateRecoESProducer | |
pos::PixelDACScanRange | |
pos::PixelDACSettings | This class is responsible for manipulating the DACsettings of a ROC |
PixelDataFormatter | Transforms Pixel raw data of a given FED to orca digi and vice versa |
pos::PixelDelay25Calib | This class manages data and files used in the Delay25 calibration |
pos::PixelDetectorConfig | This is the documentation about PixelDetectorConfig.. |
PixelDigi | Persistent digi for the Pixels |
PixelDigiCollection | |
PixelDigiSimLink | |
PixelEndcapLinkMaker | |
PixelEndcapLinkMaker::Item | Link item |
PixelEndcapLinkMaker::Order | Define order of link components |
PixelEndcapName | Endcap Module name (as in PixelDatabase) for endcaps |
PixelErrorParametrization | |
pos::PixelFECConfig | This class specifies which FEC boards are used and how they are addressed |
pos::PixelFECConfigInterface | This class implements. |
pos::PixelFECParameters | This class implements. |
PixelFEDCabling | Represents Pixel FrontEndDriver |
sipixelobjects::PixelFEDCabling | |
pos::PixelFEDCard | This is the documentation about PixelFEDCard.. |
pos::PixelFEDConfig | This is the documentation about PixelFEDConfig.. |
PixelFEDLink | Represents Link connected to PixelFED |
sipixelobjects::PixelFEDLink | |
pos::PixelFEDParameters | This class implements. |
pos::PixelFEDTestDAC | This class implements. |
PixelFitter | |
PixelFitterByConformalMappingAndLine | |
PixelFitterByHelixProjections | |
PixelForwardLayer | A concrete implementation for PixelForward layer built out of ForwardPixelBlade |
PixelForwardLayer::SubTurbineCrossings | |
PixelForwardLayerBuilder | A concrete builder for PixelForwardLayer |
PixelGeomDetType | Generic DetType for the Pixels |
PixelGeomDetUnit | The base PixelGeomDetUnit |
pos::PixelGlobalDelay25 | This class specifies which delay25 channels are delayed over the entire pixel detector and by how much |
pos::PixelHdwAddress | Store mfec, mfecchannel etc |
PixelHitMatcher | Description: Class to match an ECAL cluster to the pixel hits |
PixelIndices | |
PixelLayerPairsESProducer | |
PixelLayerTripletsESProducer | |
PixelLessLayerPairsESProducer | |
pos::PixelLowVoltageMap | This is the documentation about PixelLowVoltageMap.. |
pos::PixelLTCConfig | This is the documentation about PixelLTCConfig.. |
pos::PixelMaskAllPixels | This is the documentation about PixelMaskAllPixels.. |
pos::PixelMaskBase | This is the documentation about PixelMaskBase.. |
pos::PixelMaskOverride | This is the documentation about PixelMaskOverride.. |
pos::PixelMaskOverrideBase | This is the documentation about PixelMaskOverrideBase.. |
PixelMatchNextLayers | Description: class to find the compatible hits in the next layer |
PixelMatchStartLayers | Class to find the innermost pixel layers |
pos::PixelMaxVsf | This is the documentation about PixelMaxVsf.. |
pos::PixelModuleName | This class implements. |
PixelModuleName | Base class to Pixel modules naming, provides a name as in PixelDatabase |
pos::PixelNameTranslation | This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation.. |
PixelPannelType | |
PixelPopConCalibAnalyzer | Description: The PopCon analyzer class to transfer pixel calibration objects from OMDS to ORCON |
PixelPopConCalibSourcehandler | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PixelPopConCalibSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConDCSCablingSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConDCSInfoSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConDisabledModSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConFEDCablingSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConSourceHandler< T > | Description: The PopCon source handler class to transfer pixel calibration objects from OMDS to ORCON |
pos::PixelPortCardConfig | This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation.. |
pos::PixelPortcardMap | |
PixelRecoLineRZ | Two dimensional line in r-z coordinates |
PixelRecoPointRZ | Utility to group two floats into r-z coordinates |
PixelRecoRange< T > | Define a range [aMin,aMax] |
PixelROC | Represents ReadOut Chip of DetUnit |
sipixelobjects::PixelROC | |
pos::PixelROCDACSettings | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCInfo | |
pos::PixelROCMaskBits | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCName | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCStatus | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCTrimBits | This class implements. |
PixelRod | A concrete implementation for PixelRod |
PixelRodBuilder | A concrete builder for PixelRod |
PixelSLinkDataInputSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PixelSubdetector | Enumeration for Pixel Tracker Subdetectors |
pos::PixelTBMChannel | Simple class to hold either "A" or "B" for the TBM channel |
pos::PixelTBMSettings | This is the documentation about PixelTBMSettings.. |
PixelThresholdClusterizer | An explicit threshold-based clustering algorithm |
pos::PixelTimeFormatter | |
pos::PixelTKFECConfig | This class specifies which TKFEC boards are used and how they are addressed |
pos::PixelTKFECParameters | This class implements. |
PixelToFEDAssociate | Check to which FED pixel module belongs to |
PixelToFEDAssociate::CablingRocId | |
PixelToFEDAssociate::DetectorRocId | |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAscii | Check to which FED pixel module belongs to |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAscii::Bdu | Define allowed (layer,module,ladder) ranges for barrel units, check if module represented by name falls in allowed ranges |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAscii::Edu | Define allowed (endcap,disk,blade) ranges for endcap units, check if module represented by name falls in allowed ranges |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAsciiESProducer | |
PixelToLNKAssociateFromAscii | Check to which FED pixel module belongs to |
PixelToLNKAssociateFromAsciiESProducer | |
PixelTopology | Interface for all pixel topologies |
PixelTopologyBuilder | Called by GeomTopologyBuilder, chooses the right topology for Pixels |
PixelTrackBuilder | |
PixelTrackCleaner | Class PixelTrackCleaner: Discards reconstructed tracks that reflects one real track |
PixelTrackCleanerBySharedHits | |
muonisolation::PixelTrackExtractor | |
PixelTrackFilter | |
PixelTrackFilterByKinematics | |
PixelTrackProducer | |
PixelTrackProducerWithZPos | |
PixelTracksProducer | |
pos::PixelTrimAllPixels | |
pos::PixelTrimBase | This class implements. |
pos::PixelTrimCommon | This class implements. |
pos::PixelTrimOverride | |
pos::PixelTrimOverrideBase | |
PixelTripletHLTGenerator | A HitTripletGenerator from HitPairGenerator and vector of Layers |
pos::PixelTTCciConfig | |
pos::PixelVersionAlias | |
PixelVertexProducer | Description: This produces 1D (z only) primary vertexes using only pixel information |
PixelVertexProducerMedian | |
PFTauDiscriminants::PiZeroAngle | |
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer | |
PizeroMCTruth | This class stores all the MC truth information needed about the pi0 |
PizeroMCTruthFinder | |
PFTauDiscriminants::PiZeroPt | |
PlanarVolumeBoundary | |
Plane | A plane in 3D space |
PlaneBuilder | This class is deprecated |
PlaneBuilderForGluedDet | Builds the minimal rectangular box that contains all input GeomDetUnits fully |
PlaneBuilderFromGeometricDet | Converts DDFilteredView volumes to Bounds |
PlaybackRawDataProvider | |
PLogicalPart | |
PlotAllDisplay | |
PlotAllDisplay::DisplayElecSetup | |
PlotAllDisplay::DisplaySetupStruct | |
PlotCompareUtility | |
PlotJetCorrections | |
root::helper::PlotNoArg | |
Plotter | |
PlottingDevice | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edmplugin::PluginCapabilities | |
PluginCapabilities | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PluginFactory | Description: Public interface for loading a plugin |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(Arg)> | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(Arg)>::PMaker< TPlug > | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(Arg)>::PMakerBase | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(Arg1, Arg2)> | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(Arg1, Arg2)>::PMaker< TPlug > | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(Arg1, Arg2)>::PMakerBase | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(void)> | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(void)>::PMaker< TPlug > | |
edmplugin::PluginFactory< R *(void)>::PMakerBase | |
PluginFactoryBase | Description: Base class for all plugin factories |
edmplugin::PluginFactoryBase | |
PluginFactoryManager | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edmplugin::PluginFactoryManager | |
edmplugin::PluginInfo | |
PluginInfo | Description: Holds information about a particular plugin |
edmplugin::PluginManager | |
PluginManager | Description: Manages the loading of shared objects |
edmplugin::PluginManager::Config | |
PMaterial | |
PMTResponse | Encodes the PMT response function |
PMuonSimHit | Class PMuonSimHit defines structure of simulated hits data in CSC,DT,RPC for validation |
PMuonSimHit::CSC | |
PMuonSimHit::DT | |
PMuonSimHit::RPC | |
PMuonSimHit::Trk | |
PMuonSimHit::Vtx | |
PNfit | |
lat::PODVector< T > | Container like std::vector except that its representation Data is guaranteed to be a structure that can be stored and initialised as a part of another POD structure |
lat::PODVector< T >::Data | |
PoinetComparator | Adapt a comparator to take pointers as arguments |
Point2DBase< T, FrameTag > | |
Point3DBase< T, FrameTag > | |
edmNew::dstvdetails::Pointer | |
PointerComparator< C > | |
PointForAlignment | This class encapsulates the information needed from each alignable structure |
PointingKinematicConstraint | Topological constraint making a momentum vector to point to the given location in space |
PointTag | |
edm::PoissonPUGenerator | |
Geom::Polar2Cartesian< T > | Converts polar 2D coordinates to cartesian coordinates |
magfieldparam::poly_term | |
DDI::Polycone | |
PolyFit2DParametrizedMagneticField | Magnetic Field engine wrapper for V |
DDI::Polyhedra | |
converter::helper::PolymorphicCreator | |
funct::Polynomial< n > | |
funct::Polynomial< 0 > | |
funct::Polynomial< 1 > | |
funct::Polynomial< 2 > | |
PomwigFilter | |
edm::PomwigProducer | |
PomwigProducer | Generates Pomwig (Herwig) HepMC events |
edm::PomwigSource | |
PomwigSource | Generates Pomwig (Herwig) HepMC events |
edm::PoolCatalog | |
cond::PoolConnectionProxy | |
PoolConnectionProxy | Description: this class handles pool connection |
cond::PoolContainerManager | |
PoolData | |
PoolDBESSource | Description: EventSetup source module for serving data from offline database |
PoolDBOutputService | Description: edm service for writing conditions object to DB |
cond::service::PoolDBOutputService | |
edm::PoolOutputModule | |
edm::PoolOutputModule::OutputItem | |
edm::PoolOutputModule::OutputItem::Sorter | |
edm::PoolSource | |
cond::PoolTransaction | |
PoolTransaction | Description: pool transaction |
cond::PoolTransactionSentry | |
cond::PoolTransactionSentry::Elem | |
popcon::PopCon | |
popcon::PopConAnalyzer< S > | |
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< T > | Online DB source handler, aims at returning the vector of data to be transferred to the online database Subdetector developers inherit over this class with template parameter of payload class; need just to implement the getNewObjects method that loads the calibs, the sourceId methods that return a text identifier of the source, and provide a constructor that accept a ParameterSet |
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< T >::Ref | |
PositionCalc | |
PositionClac | Finds the position and covariances for a cluster Formerly LogPositionCalc |
PositionCorrector | |
parsecf::pyparsing::PositionToken | |
funct::PositiveFraction< n, m, gcd, num, den > | |
funct::PositiveFraction< n, m, gcd, num, 1 > | |
PosteriorWeightsCalculator | Helper class which calculates the posterior weights of a Gaussian mixture given a prior (predicted) mixture and a RecHit |
PostProcessor | |
edm::helpers::PostReadFixup | |
edm::helpers::PostReadFixupTrait< T > | |
reco::parser::pow_f | |
funct::Power< A, B > | |
funct::Power< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > > | |
reco::parser::power_of< T > | |
funct::PowerStruct< A, B > | |
PPosPart | |
PreciseFloatType< T, U > | Defines a typeded corresponding to the more precise of the two floating point types |
PreciseFloatType< long double, long double > | |
PreciseFloatType< long double, T > | Long double is more precise by default than other types |
PreciseFloatType< T, long double > | |
PreciseFloatType< T, T > | If the two types are identical that is also the precise type |
edm::Prescaler | |
edm::service::PrescaleService | |
edm::Presence | |
edm::PresenceFactory | |
presh_detectors | Algorithm generating rotation, translation & copy-numbers for the ECal-Preshower detectors |
presh_detectorsChecker | |
PreshowerAnalyzer | Description: Analyzer to fetch collection of objects from event and make simple plots |
reco::PreshowerCluster | |
PreshowerClusterAlgo | |
PreshowerClusterProducer | |
reco::PreshowerClusterShape | |
PreshowerClusterShapeProducer | |
PreshowerHitMaker | |
PreshowerLayer1Properties | |
PreshowerLayer2Properties | |
PreshowerProperties | Functions to return atomic properties of the material A_eff and Z_eff are computed as the A-weighted sums of the A's and the Z's of Pb, W and O |
PreshowerStrip | A base class to handle the shape of preshower strips |
PrimaryTransformer | |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer | Description: simple primary vertex analyzer |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex | |
PrimaryVertexGenerator | A class that generates a primary vertex for the event, in cm |
PrimaryVertexMonitor | |
PrimaryVertexProducer | Description: steers tracker primary vertex reconstruction and storage |
PrimaryVertexProducerAlgorithm | Description: finds primary vertices, compatible with the beam line |
PrimaryVertexSorter | Class to sort VertexCollection in decreasing order of the sum of the squared track pT's |
funct::Primitive< F, X > | |
Primitive | |
funct::Primitive< F > | |
funct::Primitive< Parameter > | |
cond::PrimitiveContainerDictPrereq | |
edm::Principal | |
edm::PrincipalCache | |
PrintEventSetupContent | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PrintGeomInfoAction | |
PrintLoadingPlugins | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PrintMaterialBudgetInfo | |
Mixins::PrintOptions | |
PrintSensitive | |
PrintTrackNumberAction | |
edm::ProblemTracker | |
Capri::Proc | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcCategory | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcClassed | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcCount | |
Config::Process | |
edm::ProcessConfiguration | |
edm::ProcessDesc | |
edm::ProcessHistory | |
edm::ProcessHistory::Transients | |
lat::ProcessInfo | Describe the current process |
edm::ProcessNameSelector | Class ProcessNameSelector |
edm::ProcessOneOccurrence< T > | |
edm::pset::ProcessParameterSetIDCache | |
PhysicsTools::ProcessRegistry< Base_t, CalibBase_t, Parent_t > | Generic registry template for polymorphic processor implementations |
PhysicsTools::ProcessRegistry< Base_t, CalibBase_t, Parent_t >::Factory | Factory helper class to instantiate a processor |
PhysicsTools::ProcessRegistry< Base_t, CalibBase_t, Parent_t >::Registry< Instance_t, Calibration_t > | Template to generate a registry singleton for a type |
ProcessTypeEnumerator | This is the Profound level of ProcessTypeEnumerator |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcForeach | |
edm::service::procInfo | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcLikelihood | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcLikelihood::SigBkg | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcLinear | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcMatrix | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcMLP | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcMultiply | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcNormalize | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcOptional | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcSort | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcSplitter | |
Capri::ProcStat | Dump of /proc/self/stat |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcTMVA | |
prodname | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::produce::Produce | |
produce_helpers | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cms::ProducerAnalyzer | |
edm::ProducerBase | |
funct::Product< A, B > | |
funct::Product< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > > | |
funct::Product< FractionStruct< b, c >, Numerical< a > > | |
funct::Product< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > > | |
funct::Product< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > > | |
funct::Product< PROD_S(F, G), H > | |
funct::Product< PROD_S(F, G), H >::prod0 | |
funct::Product< PROD_S(F, G), H >::prod1 | |
funct::Product< PROD_S(F, G), H >::prod2 | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::product_traits< T > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::product_traits< boost::shared_ptr< T > > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::product_traits< std::auto_ptr< T > > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::product_traits< T * > | |
fwlite::internal::ProductGetter | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::ProductHolder< T1, T2, T3 > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::ProductHolder< Null, Null, Null > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::ProductHolder< T1, Null, Null > | |
edm::ProductID | |
simproducer::ProductInfo< T > | |
simproducer::ProductInfoBase | |
edm::ProductInstanceNameSelector | Class ProductInstanceNameSelector |
funct::ProductPrimitive<, indepf, indepg > | |
edm::ProductRegistry | author Stefano ARGIRO author Bill Tanenbaum |
edm::ProductRegistry::Transients | |
edm::ProductRegistryHelper | |
edm::ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelItem | |
funct::ProductStruct< A, B > | |
cmsRelvalreport::Profile | |
profilereader::ProfileData | |
Profiler | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ProfilerAnalyzer | Description: an Module that either start or stop profiling |
ProfilerService | A Service to start and stop calgrind profiling on demand |
stor::ProgressMarker | |
ProjectedRecHit2D | |
ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D | |
PropagateToCal | |
PropagationDirectionChooser | Determination of propagation direction towards a surface |
PropagationDirectionFromPath | Converts sign of path to propagation direction |
PropagationException | Exceptions thrown from TrajectoryParametrization and dependent subsystems |
Propagator | Basic tool for "propagation" of trajectory states to surfaces |
PropagatorWithMaterial | Propagation including material effects |
PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer | ESProducer for PropagatorWithMaterial |
PRotation | |
ProtoJet | Transient Jet class used by the reconstruction algorithms |
ProtoJetPtGreater | |
ProtonTaggerFilter | Fast simulation of near-beam detector acceptance |
edm::Provenance | |
edm::ProvenanceCheckerOutputModule | |
ProvenanceDumper | |
edm::eventsetup::ProxyArgumentFactoryTemplate< T, ArgT > | |
ProxyArgumentFactoryTemplate | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ProxyBase< T, Cloner > | A base class for reference counting proxies |
ProxyFactory | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::ProxyFactoryBase | |
ProxyFactoryBase | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::ProxyFactoryTemplate< T > | |
ProxyFactoryTemplate | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
Types::PSet | |
edm::pset::PSetNode | |
Types::PSetTester | |
DDI::PseudoTrap | |
PSimHit | Persistent-capable SimHit |
PSimHitMap | |
PSolid | - Author:
- : Michael Case Initial Version
PSpecPar | |
PString | - Author:
- : Michael Case Initial Version
PStrings | A wrapper for a vector<string> that guarantees no repeats |
PFTauDiscriminants::Pt | |
pt_address | |
pt_data | |
PtComparator | Compare by pt |
PTDRElectronID | |
PtGreater | |
PtIsolationAlgo< T, C > | |
PtMinPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | |
PtMinSelector | |
edm::Ptr< T > | Description: Persistent 'pointer' to an item in a collection where the collection is in the edm::Event |
Ptr< T > | |
PTrackerSimHit | |
PTrackerSimHit::Hit | |
PTrackerSimHit::Trk | |
PTrackerSimHit::Vtx | |
PTrajectoryStateOnDet | Persistent version of a TrajectoryStateOnSurface |
edm::PtrHolder< T > | |
edm::helpers::PtrSetter< T > | |
edm::PtrVector< T > | |
PtrVector | Description: A container which returns edm::Ptr<>'s referring to items in one container in the edm::Event |
edm::PtrVectorBase | |
PtrVectorBase | Description: Base class for PtrVector |
edm::PtrVectorItr< T > | |
PtSorter | |
edm::PtYDistributor | |
PUEvent | |
PUEvent::PUMinBiasEvt | |
PUEvent::PUParticle | |
edm::PUGenerator | |
PUJetCorrector | |
lat::PushBackBuffer | |
lat::PushBackInputStream | |
PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType > | |
PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType > | Base class for Point and Vector classes with restricted set of operations and coordinate frame compile time checking |
PValueOffset | |
PValuePair | |
PValueStore | |
PVCluster | A simple collection of tracks that represents a physical clustering of charged particles, ie a vertex, in one dimension |
PVClusterComparer | RecoPixelVertexing/PixelVertexFinding/PVClusterComparer.h This helper class is used to sort the collection of vertexes by sumPt |
PVPositionBuilder | This helper class calculates the average Z position of a collection of tracks |
PvSvFilter | |
PXBDetId | |
PxCPEdbReader | Description: Retrieves Pixel CPE Parametrization Errors from a database |
PxCPEdbUploader | Description: Uploads Pixel CPE Parametrization Errors to a database |
PXFDetId | |
PXsensors | |
PXsensors::Item | |
PXsensorsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
lhef::PYDAT1 | |
lhef::PYDAT2 | |
lhef::PYINT4 | |
lhef::PYPART | |
edm::PyquenProducer | |
PyquenProducer | Generates PYTHIA+PYQUEN ==> HepMC events - Id
- PyquenProducer.h,v 1.1 2008/04/09 19:02:37 marafino Exp
edm::PyquenSource | |
PyquenSource | Generates PYTHIA+PYQUEN ==> HepMC events - Id
- PyquenSource.h,v 1.6 2007/10/05 15:21:52 loizides Exp
Pythia6Decays | |
lhef::Pythia6Hadronisation | |
lhef::Pythia6Hadronisation::Addon | |
lhef::Pythia6Hadronisation::FortranCallback | |
Pythia6jets | |
Pythia6jets::_pythia6jets | |
Pythia6Random | |
Pythia6Random::_pythia6random | |
lhef::Pythia8Hadronisation | |
lhef::Pythia8Hadronisation::LHAupLesHouches | |
Pythia8Source | Generates Pythia8 HepMC events |
edm::Pythia8Source | |
PythiaDauFilter | Description: Filter events using MotherId and ChildrenIds infos |
PythiaFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
PythiaFilterEMJet | PythiaFilterEMJet filter implements generator-level preselections |
PythiaFilterEMJetHeep | PythiaFilterEMJetHeep filter implements generator-level preselections of events with for studying background to high-energetic electrons |
PythiaFilterGammaGamma | |
PythiaFilterGammaJet | PythiaFilterGammaJet filter implements generator-level preselections for photon+jet like events to be used in jet energy calibration |
PythiaFilterGammaJetIsoPi0 | PythiaFilterGammaJetIsoPi0 filter implements generator-level preselections for photon+jet like events to be used in pi0 rejection studies |
PythiaFilterGammaJetWithBg | PythiaFilterGammaJet filter implements generator-level preselections for photon+jet like events to be used in jet energy calibration |
PythiaFilterGammaJetWithOutBg | |
PythiaFilterIsolatedTrack | PythiaFilterGammaJet filter implements generator-level preselections for ChargedHadron+jet like events to be used in jet energy calibration |
PythiaFilterZgamma | PythiaFilterZgamma filter implements generator-level preselections for Z0 + photon like events to be used in TGC |
PythiaFilterZJet | PythiaFilterZJet filter implements generator-level preselections for photon+jet like events to be used in jet energy calibration |
PythiaFilterZJetWithOutBg | PythiaFilterZJetWithOutBg filter implements generator-level preselections for photon+jet like events to be used in jet energy calibration |
PythiaHLTSoupFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::PythiaMuEnrichSource | |
PythiaProducer | Generates Pythia HepMC events |
edm::PythiaProducer | |
PythiaSource | Generates Pythia HepMC events |
edm::PythiaSource | |
PythiaWeightFilter | |
PythonFilter | Description: an EDFilter which uses python code to do the work |
edm::pset::PythonFormWriter | |
PythonParameterSet | |
PythonParseTree | |
PythonProcessDesc | |
PythonService | Description: interface to write EDMService in Python |
QCDSingleJetFilter | |
QCriterion | Base class for quality tests run on Monitoring Elements; |
QieShape | Basic linearization function for HCAL/castor QIE $Author: ratnikov - Date
- 2008/03/04 10:04:16
- Revision
- 1.1
Exhume::QQ | |
QReport | Class for reporting results of quality tests for Monitoring Elements |
QTestConfigurationParser | * Parses the xml file with the configuration of quality tests and the map between quality tests and MonitorElement |
QTestConfigure | * Class that creates and defined quality tests based on the xml configuration file parsed by QTestConfigurationParser |
QTestHandle | * Handles quality tests (configuring, attaching to ME's, |
QTestParameterNames | * Defines name and number of parameters that must be specified in the xml configuration file for each quality test besides error and warning thresholds |
QTestStatusChecker | * Class that checks the staus of Quality tests (takes a pointer to the DQMOldReceiver) and fills string maps containing the alarms |
QualityFilter | |
QualityTester | |
parsecf::pyparsing::QuotedString | |
R2DTimerObserver | Utility to get the real/cpu time betwen last TimingReport::Item start-stop |
R2DTimerObserver::LastMeasurement | |
RadialInterval | |
RadialStripTopology | A StripTopology in which the component strips subtend a constant angular width, and, if projected, intersect at a point |
RadiusComparator | |
Random_struct | |
RandomEngine | |
RandomEngineState | Description: Holds the state of a CLHEP random number engine and the label of the module it is associated with |
RandomEngineStateProducer | Description: Gets the state of the random number engines from the related service and stores it in the event |
edm::RandomFilter | |
RandomFilter | Description: The output of this module is used for test purposes |
RandomMultiGauss | Vector of random numbers according to covariance matrix |
RandomNumberGenerator | Description: Interface for obtaining random number engines and/or seeds |
edm::RandomNumberGenerator | |
edm::service::RandomNumberGeneratorService | |
RandomNumberGeneratorService | Description: Manages random number engines for modules and the source |
RandomServiceHelper::RandomNumberServiceHelper | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Range< Axis_t > | |
lat::Range< T > | |
muonisolation::Range< T > | Define a range [aMin,aMax] |
edm::RangeMap< ID, C, P > | |
edm::RangeMap< ID, C, P >::comp< CMP > | Comparator helper class |
edm::RangeMap< ID, C, P >::id_iterator | Identifier iterator |
RangeObjectPairSelector< F > | |
RangeSelector< T, fun > | |
stor::RateLimiter | |
RatePlots | |
funct::Ratio< A, B > | |
funct::Ratio< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > > | |
funct::Ratio< FractionStruct< b, c >, Numerical< a > > | |
funct::Ratio< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > > | |
funct::Ratio< Numerical< n >, Numerical< 1 > > | |
funct::Ratio< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > > | |
funct::RatioP1< F, G, H > | |
funct::RatioP1< F, G, H >::prod0 | |
funct::RatioP1< F, G, H >::prod1 | |
funct::RatioP1< F, G, H >::prod2 | |
funct::RatioP2< F, G, H > | |
funct::RatioP2< F, G, H >::prod0 | |
funct::RatioP2< F, G, H >::prod1 | |
funct::RatioP2< F, G, H >::prod2 | |
funct::RatioPrimitive<, indepa, indepb > | |
funct::RatioStruct< A, B > | |
RawDataCollectorModule | |
RawDataFEDSelector | - Author:
- M
RawFile | Utility class to open, read and manage local and rfio files in a transparent way |
DeDxTools::RawHits | |
edm::RawInputSource | |
RawParticle | |
RawParticleTypeFilter | A RawParticle filter class |
RawStableParticleFilter | A filter for stable particles |
RawToText | |
RBorderFinder | Find the R binning of a list of detector according to several definitions |
rct_location | |
RCTConfigProducers | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RctDigiToRctText | |
RctDigiToSourceCardText | Description: Input RCT digis and output GCT text file to be loaded into the source cards for pattern tests |
RctInputTextToDigi | Description: Creates an EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection and an HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection from a text file (formatted as read out from saveRCTInput module), for input to the L1Trigger/RegionalCaloTrigger module |
RCTMonitor | Description: DQM monitor for the Regional Calorimeter Trigger |
RctTextToRctDigi | Description: Makes RCT digis from the file format specified by Pam Klabbers |
cond::RDBMS | |
lat::ReadBuffer | Object for buffering reads for input streaming |
stor::ReadData | |
Reader | |
ReadMapType< V > | Std::map<std::string,YourType> that offers a const operator[key]; if key is not stored in the std::map, a DDException is thrown |
lat::ReadWriteBuffer | Buffer for reads and writes to a seekable backing store |
RealQuadEquation | A numericaly stable and as fast as can be quadratic equation solver |
cond::RealTimeType< type > | |
cond::RealTimeType< lumiid > | |
cond::RealTimeType< runnumber > | |
cond::RealTimeType< timestamp > | |
cond::RealTimeType< userid > | |
RecHit1D | Base class for 1-dimensional recHits |
RecHit2DLocalPos | |
RecHitComparatorByPosition | |
RecHitFilter | Simple filter of EcalRecHits |
RecHitIsInvalid | Predicate, returns true if RecHit of TrajectoryMeasurement is invalid |
RecHitLessByDet | A comparison operator for RecHits |
RecHitPropagator | |
RecHitSorter | Sorts the RecHits along the PropagationDirection |
RecHitSplitter | Splits the matcher RecHits from the input container and returns a container that has only unmatched hits |
RecHitsSortedInPhi | A RecHit container sorted in phi |
RecHitsSortedInPhi::Hit | A RecHit extension that caches the phi angle for fast access |
RecHitsSortedInPhi::HitLessPhi | Less Predicate for Hit |
RecHitWithDist | |
RecHitWithFraction | |
reco::RecoCaloTowerCandidate | Reco Candidates with a CaloTower component |
reco::RecoCandidate | Base class for all Reco Candidates |
reco::RecoChargedCandidate | Reco Candidates with a Track component |
RecoCollectionFP420 | |
RecoDiMuon | This class is an EDFilter choosing reconstructed di-muons |
reco::RecoEcalCandidate | Reco Candidates with a Super Cluster component |
RecoFCcorFactorAlgo | |
RecoFP420 | |
RecoMuonValidator | |
RecoMuonValidator::CommonME | |
RecoMuonValidator::MuonME | |
cms::ReconstructerFP420 | |
ReconstructorFromFitter | Wrap any VertexFitter into the VertexReconstructor interface |
ReconstructorFromLinPtFinder | Wrap any LinearizationPointFinder into the VertexReconstructor interface |
RecoProducerFP420 | |
rpcrawtodigi::RecordBX | |
rpcrawtodigi::RecordCD | |
edm::RecordInParentfull< PROD > | |
edm::RecordInParentless< PROD > | |
rpcrawtodigi::RecordSLD | |
reco::RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate | Reco Candidates with a Track component |
RecoTOA | |
RecoTOA::counter_info_t | |
reco::RecoTrackSelector | Filter to select tracks according to pt, rapidity, tip, lip, number of hits, chi2 |
RecoTrackSelector | |
RecoTracktoTP | |
RecSegment | Base class for reconstructed segments |
RectangularCartesianMFGrid | |
RectangularCylindricalMFGrid | |
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion | A concrete implementation of TrackingRegion |
reco::isodeposit::RectangularEtaPhiVeto | |
RectangularPixelTopology | |
RectangularPlaneBounds | Rectangular plane bounds |
RectangularStripTopology | Specialised strip topology for rectangular barrel detectors |
RecTracksDistanceMatrix | Calculates all distances between a given bunch of reco::TransientTracks at once, stores the results |
parsecf::pyparsing::RecursiveGrammarException | |
RedirectedSB< LOG > | Rederect this streambuf to LOG |
ReducedRecHitCollectionProducer | Original author: Paolo Meridiani PH/CMG |
RedundantSeedCleaner | Description: RedundantSeedCleaner (TrackerSeedGenerator) duplicate removal from triplets pairs pixel seeds |
edm::Ref< C, T, F > | |
edm::RefBase< KEY > | |
edm::helper::RefConverter< RefFrom, RefTo > | |
edm::helper::RefConverter< RefToBase< T >, Ptr< T > > | |
edm::helper::RefConverter< RefToBase< T >, Ref< C, V, F > > | |
edm::RefCore | |
edm::RefCoreStreamer | |
ReferenceCounted | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ReferenceCountingPointer< T > | |
ReferenceTrajectory | |
ReferenceTrajectoryBase | Author : Gero Flucke (based on code for ORCA by Edmund Widl) date : 2006/09/17 last update: - Date
- 2008/07/10 15:24:35
by : - Author
- ewidl
ReferenceTrajectoryFactory | A factory that produces instances of class ReferenceTrajectory from a given TrajTrackPairCollection |
cond::RefException | |
edm::helper::RefFromRefProdTrait< REFPROD > | |
edm::helper::RefFromRefProdTrait< RefProd< C > > | |
edm::helper::RefFromRefProdTrait< RefToBaseProd< T > > | |
edm::RefGetter< T > | |
pat::helper::RefHelper< T > | |
edm::reftobase::RefHolder< REF > | |
edm::reftobase::RefHolderBase | |
edm::reftobase::RefHolderToRefVectorTrait< REF > | |
edm::reftobase::RefHolderToRefVectorTrait< Ref< C, T, F > > | |
edm::reftobase::RefHolderToRefVectorTrait< RefProd< C > > | |
edm::reftobase::RefHolderToVector< T, REF > | |
edm::RefItem< KEY > | |
RefittedTrackState< N > | |
edm::reftobase::RefKey | |
edm::reftobase::RefKeyTrait< REF > | |
edm::reftobase::RefKeyTrait< RefProd< C > > | |
DDI::Reflection | |
edm::RefProd< C > | |
edm::reftobase::RefProdHolderToVector< T > | |
edm::reftobase::RefProdKey | |
edm::reftobase::RefProdRefHolderToRefVector | |
edm::reftobase::RefRefHolderToRefVector< REF > | |
RefSelector< S > | |
fwlite::RefStreamer | |
edm::RefToBase< T > | |
RefToBase | Description: Interface to a reference to an item based on the base class of the item |
edm::RefToBaseProd< T > | |
edm::refhelper::RefToBaseProdTrait< C, T, F > | |
edm::refhelper::RefToBaseProdTrait< RefVector< C, T, F >, T1, F1 > | |
edm::RefToBaseVector< T > | |
RefToBaseVector | - Author:
- Luca Lista, INFN
edm::RefVector< C, T, F > | |
edm::RefVectorBase< KEY > | |
edm::reftobase::RefVectorHolder< REFV > | |
edm::reftobase::RefVectorHolder< REFV >::const_iterator_imp_specific | |
edm::reftobase::RefVectorHolderBase | |
edm::reftobase::RefVectorHolderBase::const_iterator | |
edm::reftobase::RefVectorHolderBase::const_iterator_imp | |
edm::reftobase::RefVectorHolderDoFillView< REFV > | |
edm::reftobase::RefVectorHolderNoFillView< REFV > | |
edm::RefVectorIterator< C, T, F > | |
edm::refhelper::RefVectorTrait< C, T, F > | |
edm::refhelper::RefVectorTrait< RefVector< C, T, F >, T1, F1 > | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Regex | |
lat::Regexp | |
lat::RegexpError | File-system related exception class |
lat::RegexpMatch | |
RegionalTrajectoryFilter | TrajectoryFilter checking compatibility with (the pt cut of) a tracking region |
edm::RegionIndex< T > | |
registration_macros | Description: CPP macros used to simplify registration of plugins |
cmsPerfPublish::ReldirExcept | |
RemainingClusterProducer | |
RemoteFile | |
edm::pset::RenamedIncludeNode | |
edm::pset::RenameNode | |
DDI::rep_traits< N, I > | |
DDI::rep_traits< N, I * > | |
DDI::rep_type< N, I > | |
edm::pset::ReplaceNode | ----------------------------------------- Replace : instructions for replacing the value of this node |
OwnerPolicy::Replica | |
RequireModule | |
ResidualFitter | |
ResidualFitter::Point | |
ResolutionCreator | |
ResolutionHistograms | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SequenceTypes::ResolveVisitor | |
lat::ResourceInfo | Access to resource consumption and limits |
lat::ResourceInfo::Details | |
statemachine::Restart | |
RFIODummyFile | |
RFIOFile | RFIO Storage object |
RFIOStorageMaker | |
RigidBodyAlignmentParameters | Concrete class for alignment parameters and associated quantities [derived from AlignmentParameters] |
Ring | |
RingedForwardLayer | Abstract class for a disk composed of rings of detectors |
RingESSource | |
RingMaker | |
RingMakerESProducer | |
RingRecord | |
Rings | |
RK4OneStep | |
RK4OneStepTempl< T, N > | |
RK4PreciseSolver< T, N > | |
RK4PreciseStep | |
RKAdaptiveSolver< T, StepWithPrec, N > | |
RKCartesianDerivative | |
RKCartesianDistance | Estimator of the distance between two state vectors, e.g. for convergence test |
RKCurvilinearDistance< T, N > | |
RKCylindricalDistance< T, N > | |
RKDerivative< T, N > | Base class for derivative calculation |
RKDistance< T, N > | |
RKLocalFieldProvider | |
RKOne4OrderStep< T, N > | |
RKOneCashKarpStep< T, N > | |
RKPropagatorInR | |
RKPropagatorInS | |
RKPropagatorInZ | |
RKSmallVector< T, N > | |
RKSolver< T, N > | ABC for Runge-Kutta solvers |
RKSolverTempl< T,,,, N > | ABC for Runge-Kutta solvers |
RKTestField | |
RKTestFieldProvider | |
RKTestMagVolume | |
RKTestPropagator | |
RoadMaker | |
RoadMapESSource | |
RoadMapMakerESProducer | |
RoadMapRecord | |
RoadMapSorting | |
Roads | |
RoadSearchCircleSeed | |
RoadSearchCloud | |
cms::RoadSearchCloudCleaner | |
RoadSearchCloudCleanerAlgorithm | |
RoadSearchCloudMaker | |
RoadSearchCloudMakerAlgorithm | |
RoadSearchDetIdHelper | |
RoadSearchEventFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cms::RoadSearchHelixMaker | |
RoadSearchHelixMakerAlgorithm | |
RoadSearchSeed | |
RoadSearchSeedFinder | |
RoadSearchSeedFinderAlgorithm | |
RoadSearchTrackCandidateMaker | |
RoadSearchTrackCandidateMakerAlgorithm | |
cms::RoadSearchTrackListCleaner | |
RodBarrelLayer | Abstract class for a cylinder composed of rods of detetors |
RodPlaneBuilderFromDet | Builds the minimal rectangular box that contains all input Dets fully |
reco::modules::RoleNames | |
pat::eventhypothesis::RoleRegexpFilter | |
stor::RollingIntervalCounter | |
stor::RollingSampleCounter | |
root::RooFitFunction< X, Expr > | |
RooGKCounter | |
edm::RootAutoLibraryLoader | |
RootAutoLibraryLoader | ROOT helper class which can automatically load the proper shared library when ROOT needs a new class dictionary |
RootChamberReader | |
RootChamberWriter | |
edm::RootDebug | |
edm::RootDelayedReader | |
edm::RootFile | |
HCAL_HLX::ROOTFileBase | |
HCAL_HLX::ROOTFileMerger | |
HCAL_HLX::ROOTFileReader | |
root::helper::RootFunctionAdapter< F, args > | |
root::helper::RootFunctionHelper< F, args, Tag > | |
edm::RootHandlers | |
funct::RootHistoPdf | |
edm::RootInputFileSequence | |
funct::RootIntegrator | |
fit::RootMinuit< Function > | |
fit::RootMinuitCommand | |
fit::RootMinuitCommands< Function > | |
RootNeutronReader | This reads patterns of neutron hits in muon chambers from an ROOT database, so they can be superimposed onto signal events |
RootNeutronWriter | This writes the fields of a SimHit into an ASCII file, which can be read out later to add neutron hits to a muon chamber |
edm::RootOutputFile | |
edm::RootOutputTree | |
HCAL_HLX::ROOTSchema | |
edm::RootServiceChecker | |
RootSimHit | |
edm::RootTree | |
root::helper::RootVarsAdapter< F, args > | |
root::helper::RootVarsAdapter< F, 1 > | |
root::helper::RootVarsAdapter< F, 2 > | |
RotationForOnline | |
cmsPerfPublish::Row | |
RPCBasicTrigConfig | |
RPCBookFolderStructure | - Date
- 2008/09/28 16:54:20
- Revision
- 1.2
RPCCalibSetUp | |
RPCChamber | Model of a RPC chamber |
RPCClient | |
RPCCluster | |
RPCClusterizer | - Date
- 2006/07/16 07:25:39
- Revision
- 1.5
RPCConeBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCConeBuilderFromES | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCConst | Class contains number of L1RpcTrigger specific constanst, and transforming methods (eg |
RPCConst::l1RpcConeCrdnts | The coordinates of Logic Cone: m_Tower, m_LogSector, m_LogSegment |
popcon::RpcData | |
RPCdbData | |
RPCdbData::Item | |
RPCdbDataRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCDBPerformanceHandler | |
RPCDBSimSetUp | |
RPCDeadChannelTest | * DQM Test Client |
RPCDetId | DetUnit identifier for RPCs |
RPCDetInfo | Class describing connections of RPC chamber to trigger system |
RPCDigi | Digi for Rsisitive Plate Chamber |
RPCDigiCollection | - Author:
- Ilaria Segoni
RPCDigiFilter | |
RPCDigiProducer | |
RPCDigiSimLink | |
RPCDigitizer | Digitizer class for RPC |
RPCDigiValid | |
RPCEfficiency | Class for RPC Monitoring using RPCDigi and DT and CSC Segments |
RPCEfficiencyFromTrack | |
RPCEfficiencySecond | Class for RPC Monitoring using RPCDigi and DT and CSC Segments |
RPCEMap | |
RPCEMap::dccItem | |
RPCEMap::febItem | |
RPCEMap::lbItem | |
RPCEMap::linkItem | |
RPCEMap::stripItem | |
RPCEMap::tbItem | |
RPCEMapDBWriter | |
RPCEMapRcd | |
popcon::RPCEMapSourceHandler | |
popcon::RPCEMapSourceHandler::FEBStruct | |
RPCEventSummary | * DQM Event Summary module for RPCs |
RPCException | |
RPCFakeCalibration | Fake source of RPCStripNoises object |
RPCFEDIntegrity | |
RPCFileReader | Read PAC data from ASCII files convert them and write as FEDRawData |
RPCFileReader::LogCone | |
RPCFileReader::Time | |
RPCFinalSorter | Emulates FinalSorter |
RPCFw | |
RPCGas | |
RPCGas::GasItem | |
RPCGeometry | The model of the geometry of RPC |
RPCGeometryBuilderFromDDD | Build the RPCGeometry ftom the DDD description |
RPCGeometryESModule | ESProducer for RPCGeometry in MuonGeometryRecord |
RPCGeometryServTest | |
RPCGeomServ | |
RPCHalfSorter | Emulates HalfSorter (currently both of them ;-) ) |
RPCHitAssociator | |
RPCLogCone | The input for m_PAC |
RPCLogHit | Class to store logical hit data: m_tower number (0, 16), coneNumber (in phi, 0 ,144), logical plane number (1, 6), strip number in cone (0, to maximum cone width in givel plane see RPCConst) |
RPCMon_SS_Dbx_Global | |
RPCMonitor | Class for RPC Monitoring (strip id, cluster size) |
RPCMonitorDigi | |
RPCMonitorEfficiency | |
RPCMonitorRaw | Analyse errors in raw data stream as RPCRawDataCounts produced by RPCRawToDigi |
RPCMonitorSync | RPC Synchronization Monitoring Class |
RPCMultiplicityTest | |
RPCMuon | Basic L1RPC muon candidate |
RPCNoise | Description: <simple analyis of RPC noise, and event filter> |
RPCNumberingScheme | Implementation of MuonNumberingScheme for muon rpc, converts the MuonBaseNumber to a unit id |
RPCObCondRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCObGasRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCObPVSSmapRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCPac | |
RPCPacBase | Interface for m_PAC classes |
RPCPacData | Muxed PAC data |
RPCPackingModule | Driver class for digi to raw data conversions |
RPCPacManager< TPacType > | The singleton object of thise class stores all PACs of L1RPC trigger |
RPCPacMuon | Muon candidate found by m_PAC for one LogCone |
RPCPacTrigger | Simulations of Pattern Comparator trigger |
RPCPattern | Definition of single pattern of muon track, i.e |
RPCPattern::RPCLogicalStrip | Logical Strip for pattern definition |
RPCPattern::TQuality | |
RPCPatternsParser | |
RPCPerformanceESSource | Pure virtual class for EventSetup sources of RPCStripNoises |
RPCQualityTests | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCRawDataCounts | |
RPCRawSynchro | |
RPCRawSynchro::lessLB | |
RPCReadOutMapping | Description: Class to map read-out channels to physical RPC strips |
RPCReadOutMappingDBWriter | |
RPCReadOutMappingRcd | |
popcon::RPCReadOutMappingSourceHandler | |
popcon::RPCReadOutMappingSourceHandler::FEBStruct | |
RPCReadOutMappingWithFastSearch | |
RPCReadOutMappingWithFastSearch::lessMap | |
RPCRecHit | RecHit for RPC |
RPCRecHitAlgoFactory | Factory of seal plugins for 1D RecHit reconstruction algorithms |
RPCRecHitBaseAlgo | Abstract algorithmic class to compute Rec Hit form a RPC digi |
RPCRecHitCollection | Collection of RPCRecHit for storage in the event |
RPCRecHitProducer | Module for RPCRecHit production |
RPCRecHitStandardAlgo | Concrete implementation of RPCRecHitBaseAlgo |
RPCRecHitValid | |
RPCRecordFormatter | |
RPCRingFromRolls | Class describng 2PI "rings" constructed from RpcDetId's of the same eta (same as L1RpcRoll in ORCA) |
RPCRingFromRolls::phiMapCompare | |
RPCRingFromRolls::RPCConnection | |
RPCRingFromRolls::stripCords | |
RPCRingFromRolls::stripCordsOp | |
RPCRoll | |
RPCRollSpecs | Storage of the parameters of the RPC Chamber using standard topologies |
RPCSeedFinder | - Author:
- D
RPCSeedGenerator | |
RPCSeedHits | - Author:
- D
RPCSim | Base Class for the RPC strip response simulation |
RPCSimAverage | Class for the RPC strip response simulation based on a parametrized model (ORCA-based) |
RPCSimAverageNoise | |
RPCSimAverageNoiseEff | |
RPCSimFactory | Factory of seal plugins for RPCDigitizer |
RPCSimParam | Class for the RPC strip response simulation based on a parametrized model (ORCA-based) |
RPCSimSetUp | |
RPCSimSimple | Class for the RPC strip response simulation based on a very simple model |
RPCSimTriv | Class for the RPC strip response simulation based on a very simple model |
RPCStripNoises | |
RPCStripNoises::NoiseItem | |
RPCStripNoisesRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCStripNoisesRcdRead | |
RPCStripsRing | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCStripsRing::TOtherConnStruct | |
RPCSynchronizer | Class for the RPC strip response simulation based on a parametrized model (ORCA-based) |
RPCTBGhostBuster | Peformes the Trigger Board Ghost Buster and sorter algorithms |
RPCTBMuon | Used in Ghoust Busters and sorters |
RPCTBMuon::FSBOut | |
RPCTBMuon::HSBOut | |
RPCTBMuon::PACOut | |
RPCTBMuon::TBOut | |
RPCTBMuon::TCOut | |
RPCTBMuon::TMuonMore | Used in sorting |
RPCTCGhostBusterSorter | Peformes the Trigger Crate Ghost Buster and sorter algorithm |
RPCTrigger | Implements RPC trigger emulation |
RPCTriggerBoard | Class describing the Trigger Board |
RPCTriggerConfig | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCTriggerConfiguration | Interface for classes storing the configuration of hardware in m_PAC trigger system |
RPCTriggerCrate | Class describing the Trigger Crate |
RPCTriggerFilter | Description: Provides a trigger filter for L1 muon Candidates |
RPCTriggerGeo | Class describing RPC trigger geometry |
RPCTriggerHwConfig | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RPCUnpackingModule | Driver class for unpacking RPC raw data (DCC format) |
RPCVHDLConeMaker | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
Run | Description: This is the primary interface for accessing per run EDProducts and inserting new derived products |
edm::Run | |
statemachine::Run | |
RunAction | |
edm::RunAux | |
edm::RunAuxiliary | |
evf::RunBase | |
RunCommentDat | |
RunConfigDat | |
RunCrystalErrorsDat | |
RunDat | |
RunFEConfigDat | |
RunH4TablePositionDat | |
edm::RunID | |
RunID | Description: Holds run and luminosityBlock number |
RunInfo | |
edmtest::RunInfoESAnalyzer | |
RunInfoHandler | |
RunInfoRcd | |
RunInfoRead | |
RunIOV | |
RunLaserRunDat | |
RunList | |
edm::RunLumiEntryInfo | |
RunManager | |
RunMemChErrorsDat | |
RunMemTTErrorsDat | |
RunModeDef | Def for Location information |
runinfo_test::RunNumber | |
runinfo_test::RunNumber::Item | |
RunNumberRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RunPNErrorsDat | |
edm::RunPrincipal | |
RunPTMTempDat | |
RunSeqDef | Def for Location information |
BadCellDisplay::RunStatusGui | |
edm::RunStopwatch | |
RunSummary | |
edmtest::RunSummaryESAnalyzer | |
RunSummaryHandler | |
RunSummaryRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
RunSummaryRead | |
RunTag | Tag for Run information |
RunTTErrorsDat | |
RunTypeDef | Def for Location information |
magfieldparam::rz_poly | - Date
- 2008/04/23 14:39:16
- Revision
- 1.1
RZLine | |
SABCmpPairDDFirst | |
SABCmpPairDDFirstNumber | |
SABCmpPairDIFirst | |
SABTrainedOwned | |
SAFCmpPairDIFirst | |
SAFCmpPairDIFirstNumber | |
SAFCmpPairFirst | |
dqm::Safe | Simply useful and handly lock class |
SamplingAlgorithm | - Author:
- C
SamplingAnalysis | - Author:
- C
SamplingHistograms | |
SamplingHistosUsingDb | |
SamplingSummaryFactory | |
SaturationFcn | |
SaturationFit | |
lat::SaveErrno | A class to save and restore errno over while the object exists |
SaveSimTrack | |
SaxToDom | |
SaxToDom2 | |
SbGraphicContext | |
SBHCmpPairFirst | |
SbPainterContext | |
SBSCmpPairFirst | |
SBTrainedOwned | |
SbVec3fPtrComparison | |
ScalersEventRecordRaw_v1 | |
ScalersEventRecordRaw_v2 | |
ScalersRaw | Raw Data Level 1 Global Trigger Scalers and Lumi Scalers |
ScalersRawToDigi | Description: Unpack FED data to Trigger and Lumi Scalers "bank" These Scalers are in FED id ScalersRaw::SCALERS_FED_ID |
SequenceTypes::Schedule | |
edm::Schedule | |
edm::ScheduleValidator | Incapsulates the machinery to validate a schedule |
SDTCmpPairFirst | |
SEACmpPairFirst | |
TreeCrawler::SearchHit | |
lat::SearchPath | Directory search path for looking up files |
reco::SecondaryVertex | |
SecondaryVertexProducer | |
reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo | |
reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo::TrackData | |
reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo::VertexData | |
Types::SecSource | |
SeedCleanerByHitPosition | |
SeedCleanerBySharedInput | Copy of SeedCleanerByHitPosition |
SeedCombiner | |
SeedComparitor | Base class for comparing a set of tracking seeds for compatibility |
SeedConfigSelector | |
SeedFilter | Originally Matteo Sani's SubSeedGenerator |
SeedFromConsecutiveHits | Seed constructed from the outer and inner RecHit (order important) and the vertex constraints |
SeedFromGenericPairOrTriplet | |
SeedFromNuclearInteraction | |
SeedFromProtoTrack | |
SeedGenerator | |
SeedGeneratorForCosmics | |
SeedGeneratorForCRack | |
SeedGeneratorForLaserBeams | Seed finding algorithm for the LAS |
SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer | |
SeedGeneratorFromRegionHits | |
SeedGeneratorFromRegionHitsEDProducer | |
ctfseeding::SeedingHit | |
ctfseeding::SeedingHit::SeedingHitImpl | |
SeedingHitSet | |
ctfseeding::SeedingLayer | |
ctfseeding::SeedingLayer::SeedingLayerImpl | |
SeedingLayerSetsBuilder | |
SeedingLayerSetsBuilder::LayerSpec | |
SeedLayerPairs | Interface to access pairs of layers; used for seedgenerator |
SeedProducer | |
SegmentsTrackAssociator | Tool which take as input a muon track and return a vector with the segments used to fit it |
SegmentTrackAnalyzer | DQM monitoring source for segments associated to the muon track |
Select | This is the class that should be instantiated in case the user wants to have a select menu, the elements of which, submit a request when clicked on |
helper::SelectCode | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< InputCollection > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefProd< K >, C > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefToBaseProd< T >, C > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::View< T > > | |
Selection< C, Selector, StoreContainer > | |
muonHIP::Selection | |
Selection< C, Selector, StoreContainer >::const_iterator | |
Selection< C, Selector, StoreContainer >::Count | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< InputCollection, StoreContainer > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefProd< K >, C >, edm::RefVector< K > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefProd< K >, C >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefToBaseProd< T >, C >, edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefToBaseProd< T >, C >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T >, edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefVector< C >, edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefVector< C >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::View< T >, edm::PtrVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::View< T >, edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< InputCollection, edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< InputCollection, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionCopyAdder< StoreContainer > | |
helper::SelectionFirstPointerAdder< StoreContainer > | |
helper::SelectionFirstRefAdder< StoreContainer > | |
helper::SelectionPointerAdder< StoreContainer > | |
helper::SelectionPointerDerefAdder< StoreContainer > | |
helper::SelectionPtrViewAdder< T > | |
helper::SelectionRefAdder< StoreContainer > | |
helper::SelectionRefViewAdder< T > | |
Selections | |
SelectionUserVariables | Ugly class to "missuse" AlignmentParameters::userVariables() to transfer information about other parameter selections then just '1' (keep) or '0' (ignore) to the alignment algorithm |
edm::Selector | |
edm::SelectorBase | |
reco::parser::SelectorBase | |
SelectorBase | Base class for all Reflex object selector |
edm::SendEvent | |
edm::SendJobHeader | |
SensitiveCaloDetector | |
SensitiveDetector | |
SensitiveDetectorCatalog | |
SensitiveDetectorMaker< T > | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SensitiveDetectorMakerBase | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SensitiveTkDetector | |
Sensor2DMeas | |
SeparatingTSG | Description: composite TrackerSeedGenerator, which uses different TSG in different phase space of the track provided concrete class must be implelemented (DualByEta , |
python::seqvaluedict::seqdict | |
SequenceTypes::Sequence | |
lat::Sequence< T > | Sequence generator |
SequenceManager | Description: utility class |
cond::SequenceManager | |
SequenceTypes::SequencePlaceholder | |
SequenceTypes::SequenceVisitor | |
SequentialCombinationGenerator< T > | Class to compute all distinct Combinations of a collection 'data' of objects of type 'T' |
SequentialPartitionGenerator | Class to compute partitions of size k of an integer n |
SequentialVertexFitter< N > | Sequential vertex fitter, where the vertex is updated one track at the time |
SequentialVertexSmoother< N > | The class which handles the track-refit, smoothed chi**2 and track-to-track covariance matrix calculations |
SerializeBase | Generic Base for Manager classes that save/read any child FlagTxt class in/from output/input stream in form of text, binary stream or even XML |
SerializeBin | Generic Manager class that saves/reads any FlagTxt anchestor in/from output/input stream in form of Binary Characters Sequence |
SerializeDataBuffer | |
SerializeTxt | Generic Manager class that saves/reads any FlagTxt anchestor in/from output/input stream in form of Text Characters Sequence |
SerializeXML | Generic Manager class that saves/reads any FlagXML anchestor in/from output/input stream in XML format |
edm::Service< T > | |
Service | |
Service | Description: Smart pointer used to give easy access to Service's |
Modules::Service | |
cond::service::serviceCallbackRecord | |
cond::service::serviceCallbackToken | |
ServiceLegacy | Description: Enumeration of how Services inherit from other Service sets |
ServiceMaker | Description: Used to make an instance of a Service |
edm::serviceregistry::ServiceMaker< T, TMaker > | |
edm::serviceregistry::ServiceMakerBase | |
ServiceMakerBase | Description: Base class for Service Makers |
edm::ServiceManager | |
ServicePluginFactory | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ServiceRegistry | Description: Manages the 'thread specific' instance of Services |
edm::ServiceRegistry | |
edm::ServiceRegistry::Operate | |
edm::serviceregistry::ServicesManager | |
ServicesManager | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::serviceregistry::ServicesManager::MakerHolder | |
edm::ServiceToken | |
ServiceToken | Description: Token used to denote a 'service set' |
evf::ServiceWeb | |
evf::ServiceWebRegistry | |
edm::serviceregistry::ServiceWrapper< T > | |
ServiceWrapper | Description: Wrapper around a Service |
ServiceWrapperBase | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::serviceregistry::ServiceWrapperBase | |
cond::SessionConfiguration | |
SessionConfiguration | Description: set cofiguration parameters of the session |
cond::SessionMonitor | The session related book-keeping of monitored events |
SetOfRecHits | |
SetOfSimHits | |
setPtr | Description: Helper function used to implement the edm::Ptr class |
setRefStreamer | Description: Allows one to set the EDProductGetter used by the Ref's and returns the old getter |
Capri::Severe | |
funct::Sgn< T > | |
funct::SgnStruct< T > | |
SHA1Context | |
lat::SHA1Digest | Calculate a checksum of a data stream using the SHA1 algorithm |
lat::SHA1Error | Error indicator for SHA1 archives |
combiner::helpers::ShallowClone | |
reco::ShallowCloneCandidate | Shallow clone of a particle candidate keepint a reference to the master clone |
ShallowCloneProducer< C > | Clones a concrete Candidate collection to a CandidateCollection (i.e |
combiner::helpers::ShallowClonePtr | |
reco::ShallowClonePtrCandidate | Shallow clone of a particle candidate keepint a reference to the master clone |
DDI::Shapeless | |
edmplugin::SharedLibrary | |
lat::SharedLibrary | Shared library services |
SharedLibrary | Description: Handles the loading of a SharedLibrary |
lat::SharedLibrary::LibraryInfo | Information about a currently loaded shared library |
lat::SharedLibraryError | Error in a shared library operation |
lat::ShellEnvironment | Process shell environment |
SherpaSource | Martin Niegel |
edm::SherpaSource | |
ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider< T > | |
SIACmpPairDDFirst | |
SIAResponse | |
SiChargeCollectionDrifter | Base class for the drifting of charges in the silicon |
SiChargeDivider | Base class for the division of a Geant energy deposit in smaller elementary charges inside the silicon |
SiDigitalConverter | Base class for ADC simulation |
SiG4UniversalFluctuation | |
SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder | |
siginfo_t | |
metsig::SigInputObj | |
lat::Signal | Utilities for handling signals and fatal errors |
Signal | |
Signaler | Description: Manages a particular signal of the SimActivityRegistry |
sim_act::Signaler< T > | |
metsig::SignAlgoResolutions | |
SignallingProductRegistry | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::SignallingProductRegistry | |
SignalPoint | An elementar charge point, with position, sigma from diffusion and tof |
SignCaloSpecificAlgo | |
SignedDecayLength3D | Threedimensional track decay length (minimum distance of the closest approach to a jet from the primary vertex) signed according to the jet direction |
SignedImpactParameter3D | Threedimensional track impact parameter signed according to the jet direction |
SignedTransverseImpactParameter | Transverse track impact parameter signed according to the jet direction |
SiHitDigitizer | Digitizes the response for a single SimHit |
SiInduceChargeOnStrips | Base class for the induction of signal on strips |
SiLinearChargeCollectionDrifter | Concrete implementation of SiChargeCollectionDrifter |
SiLinearChargeDivider | Concrete implementation of SiChargeDivider |
SimActivityRegistry | Description: Holds the various signals emitted in the simulation framework |
SimActivityRegistryEnroller | Description: Based on what classes an object inherts, enrolls that object with the proper signal |
SimG4Exception | Generic mantis exception |
SimG4HcalHitCluster | |
SimG4HcalHitJetFinder | |
SimG4HcalValidation | |
SimHitPrinter | Class to print sim hits for validation and debugging |
SimHitSelectorFromDB | |
SimHitTrackerAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SimJetResponseAnalysis | |
funct::SimpifyS2C2Sum<, parametric > | |
Simple3DMCJetCorrector | |
SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer | A concrete NavigableLayer for the barrel |
SimpleCaloRecHitMetaCollection< C > | |
SimpleConeBounds | Cone bounds |
SimpleConvertedPhotonAnalyzer | |
SimpleCosmicBONSeeder | |
SimpleCylinderBounds | Cylinder bounds |
SimpleDAFHitCollector | |
SimpleDiskBounds | Plane bounds that define a disk with a concentric hole in the middle |
SimpleForwardNavigableLayer | A concrete NavigableLayer for the forward |
SimpleHistograms | Description: Class for simple histograms of ET, eta and phi distributions |
pat::helper::SimpleIsolator | |
SimpleJetCorrector | |
SimpleJetCorrectorParameters | |
SimpleJetCorrectorParameters::Record | |
SimpleJetDump | |
helper::SimpleJetTrackAssociator | |
SimpleL1MuGMTCand | Description: Simple L1 Global Muon Trigger Candidate Inherits the basics from 'L1MuGMTCand' base class |
SimpleL1MuGMTCand::Rank | Define a rank for muon candidates |
SimpleL2RelativeCorrector | |
SimpleL3AbsoluteCorrector | |
SimpleL3PFAbsoluteCorrector | |
SimpleL4EMFCorrector | |
SimpleL5FlavorCorrector | |
SimpleL7PartonCorrector | |
lhef::SimpleMatrix< T > | |
SimpleMCJetCorrector | |
edm::service::SimpleMemoryCheck | |
edm::service::SimpleMemoryCheck::SignificantEvent | |
edm::service::SimpleMemoryCheck::SignificantModule | |
SimpleMetricsUpdator | |
SimpleNavigableLayer | A partial implementation of the NavigableLayer |
SimpleNavigationSchool | Concrete navigation school for the Tracker |
SimpleNoiseCalculator | Concrete implementation of TkNoiseCalculator for Simple |
edm::SimpleOutlet< T > | |
SimpleOutlet | Description: A simple outlet that works with the edm::ExtensionCord |
SimpleParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
SimplePedestalCalculator | Concrete implementation of TkPedestalCalculator for Simple |
SimplePhotonAnalyzer | Description: Get Photon collection from the event and make very basic histos - Date
- 2007/03/25 11:06:31
- Revision
- 1.3
SimplePi0DiscAnalyzer | |
SimplePointingConstraint | Topological constraint making a momentum vector to point to the given location in space |
SimpleProfiler | |
edm::service::SimpleProfiling | |
SimplePUJetCorrector | |
SimpleSecondaryVertexComputer | |
edm::eventsetup::SimpleStringTag | |
SimpleTECWedge | A concrete implementation for TEC wedge built out of only one det |
SimpleTest | |
SimpleTHA | |
cms::SimpleTrackListMerger | |
SimpleTrackRefitter | This class refits a track (from cosmic or standard tracking) |
SimpleValueVariable< TYPE > | |
SimpleValueVectorVariable< TYPE > | |
SimpleVertexTree | |
SimpleZSPJetCorrector | |
funct::SimplifyNegativeRatio< n, A, positive > | |
funct::SimplifyNegativeRatio< n, A, false > | |
funct::SimplifyPowerProduct<, parametric > | |
funct::SimplifyPowerProduct< A, B, C, false > | |
funct::SimplifyPowerRatio<, parametric > | |
funct::SimplifyPowerRatio< A, B, C, false > | |
funct::SimplifyRatioSum<, parametric > | |
funct::SimplifySCRatio<, parametric > | |
funct::SimplifySignedPower<, positive > | |
funct::SimplifySTnProduct<, parametric > | |
funct::SimplifySTProduct<, parametric > | |
funct::SimplifySTRatio<, parametric > | |
funct::SimplSumOrd< F, G, H > | |
funct::SimplSumOrd< F, G, H >::prod0 | |
funct::SimplSumOrd< F, G, H >::prod1 | |
funct::SimplSumOrd< F, G, H >::prod2 | |
cmsPerfRegress::SimpMemParseErr | |
SimProducer | Description: a SimWatcher which puts data into the edm::Event |
SimTracer | Description: Prints a message for each Oscar signal |
SimTrack | |
SimTrackManager | Description: Holds tracking information used by the sensitive detectors |
SimTrackManager::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SimTrackSimVertexAnalyzer | |
SimVertex | |
SimWatcher | Description: Base class for classes that 'watch' what OscarProducer does internally |
SimWatcherMaker< T > | Description: Makes a particular type of SimWatcher |
SimWatcherMakerBase | Description: Base class for the 'maker' which creates Watchers |
funct::Sin< T > | |
reco::parser::sin_f | |
reco::componenthelper::SingleComponent< C, T, F > | |
reco::componenthelper::SingleComponentTag | |
edm::SingleConsumerQ | |
edm::SingleConsumerQ::Buffer | |
edm::SingleConsumerQ::ConsumerType | |
edm::SingleConsumerQ::OperateBuffer< T > | |
edm::SingleConsumerQ::ProducerType | |
SingleEleCalibSelector | |
SingleElementCollectionRefSelector< InputType, Selector, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, RefAdder > | Selects a subset of a collection based on single element selection done via functor |
reco::modules::SingleElementCollectionRefSelectorEventSetupInit< S > | |
SingleElementCollectionSelector< InputCollection, Selector, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, RefAdder > | Selects a subset of a collection based on single element selection done via functor |
reco::modules::SingleElementCollectionSelectorEventSetupInit< S > | |
SingleElementCollectionSelectorPlusEvent< InputCollection, Selector, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, RefAdder > | Selects a subset of a track collection based on single element selection done via functor |
SingleGaussianState< N > | Multi-dimensional (single) Gaussian state |
SingleGaussianState1D | One-dimensional (single) Gaussian state |
SingleObjectRefSelector< InputType, Selector, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, PostProcessor, StoreManager, Base, RefAdder > | |
SingleObjectSelector< InputCollection, Selector, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, PostProcessor, StoreManager, Base, RefAdder > | |
SingleObjectShallowCloneSelector< InputCollection, Selector, StoreContainer, PostProcessor, StoreManager, Base, RefAdder > | |
SingleParticleEvent | |
SingleParticleJetResponse | This class computes the expected response in the calorimeters for a given track, for which it is known if it has interacted, its energy as measured in the tracker and the energy released in the ECAL |
pftools::SingleParticleWrapper | Wraps essential single particle calibration data ready for export to a Root file |
SinglePionEfficiencyNew | |
DDI::Singleton< I > | |
SingleTrackVertexConstraint | Class to re-estimate the parameters of the track at the vertex, with the vertex constraint or a BeamSpot, using the Kalman filter algorithms |
SingleTrajectoryUpdator | |
reco::parser::sinh_f | |
SiNoiseAdder | Base class to add noise to the strips |
funct::SinStruct< T > | |
SiPileUpSignals | Class which takes the responses from each SimHit and piles-up them |
SiPixelActionExecutor | |
SiPixelArrayBuffer | Class to store ADC counts during clustering |
SiPixelCalibConfiguration | |
SiPixelCalibConfigurationRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelCalibDigi | |
SiPixelCalibDigi::datacontainer | |
SiPixelCalibDigiError | |
SiPixelCalibDigiFilter | Description: Filters events that contain no information after the digis are collected into patterns by SiPixelCalibDigiProducer |
SiPixelCalibDigiProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelCluster | Pixel cluster -- collection of neighboring pixels above threshold |
SiPixelCluster::Pixel | |
SiPixelCluster::PixelPos | |
SiPixelCluster::Shift | |
SiPixelClusterModule | |
cms::SiPixelClusterProducer | |
SiPixelClusterProducer | EDProducer to cluster PixelDigis into SiPixelClusters |
SiPixelClusterSource | |
SiPixelConfigParser | * Class that handles the SiPixel Quality Tests |
SiPixelConfigWriter | * Base class for Parsers used by DQM |
SiPixelContinuousPalette | * Class that handles the SiPixel color codes |
SiPixelCPEParmErrors | |
SiPixelCPEParmErrors::DbEntry | A struct to hold information for a given (alpha,beta,size) |
SiPixelCPEParmErrors::DbEntryBinSize | A struct to hold the binning information for (part, size, alpha, beta) |
SiPixelCPEParmErrorsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelDBErrorParametrization | |
SiPixelDbItem | |
SiPixelDbItem::Packing | Pack the pixel information to use less memory |
SiPixelDetInfoFileReader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelDetInfoFileWriter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelDigiModule | |
SiPixelDigiSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelDigitizer | SiPixelDigitizer produces digis from SimHits The real algorithm is in SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm |
cms::SiPixelDigitizer | |
SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm | |
SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm::Amplitude | Internal use only |
SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm::CalParameters | |
SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm::EnergyDepositUnit | Internal use only |
SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm::SignalPoint | Internal use only |
SiPixelDigiToRaw | |
SiPixelDigiToRaw_H | |
SiPixelDigiValid | |
SiPixelDisabledModules | |
SiPixelDisabledModulesRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelEDAClient | |
SiPixelErrorEstimation | |
SiPixelErrorsDigisToCalibDigis | Class SiPixelErrorsDigisToCalibDigis |
SiPixelFakeGainESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelFakeGainForHLTESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelFakeGainOfflineESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelFakeLorentzAngleESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelFedCablingMap | |
SiPixelFedCablingMapBuilder | |
SiPixelFedCablingMapBuilder::FedSpec | |
SiPixelFedCablingMapRcd | |
SiPixelFedFillerWordEventNumber | FedFillerWords/SiPixelFedFillerWordEventNumber /src/SiPixelFedFillerWordEventNumber .cc |
SiPixelFolderOrganizer | Description: <Organizes the folders for the monitoring elements of the Pixel detector |
SiPixelFrameConverter | |
SiPixelGainCalibration | Description: Gain calibration object for the Silicon Pixel detector |
SiPixelGainCalibration::DecodingStructure | |
SiPixelGainCalibration::DetRegistry | |
SiPixelGainCalibration::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationAnalysis | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT | Description: Gain calibration object for the Silicon Pixel detector for use at HLT |
SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT::DecodingStructure | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT::DetRegistry | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTService | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline | Description: Gain calibration object for the Silicon Pixel detector |
SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline::DecodingStructure | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline::DetRegistry | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationOfflineRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelGainCalibrationOfflineService | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelGainCalibrationService | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationServiceBase | |
SiPixelGainCalibrationServicePayloadGetter< thePayloadObject, theDBRecordType > | |
SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm | |
SiPixelHistogramId | Description: Creates and returns DQM Histogram Id's |
SiPixelHistoPlotter | |
SiPixelHistoPlotter::PlotParameter | |
SiPixelHistoricInfoEDAClient | |
cms::SiPixelHistoricInfoReader | |
SiPixelHistoricInfoWebInterface | |
SiPixelHLTSource | Description: Produces histograms for error information generated at the raw2digi stage for the pixel tracker |
SiPixelInformationExtractor | |
SiPixelIsAliveCalibration | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelLayoutParser | * Class that handles the SiPixel Quality Tests |
SiPixelLorentzAngle | Class to determine the lorentz angle in the barrel pixel detector returns a txt file with the fit for every of the 8 rings in the 3 layers |
SiPixelLorentzAngle::Clust | |
SiPixelLorentzAngle::Pixinfo | |
SiPixelLorentzAngle::Rechit | |
SiPixelLorentzAngle::Simhit | |
SiPixelLorentzAngleDB | |
SiPixelLorentzAngleRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelOfflineCalibAnalysisBase | Description: Base class for Pixel calibrations |
SiPixelPedestals | Event Setup object which holds DB information for all pixels |
SiPixelPerformanceSummary | |
SiPixelPerformanceSummary::DetSummary | |
SiPixelPerformanceSummary::MatchDetSummaryDetId | |
SiPixelPerformanceSummary::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiPixelPerformanceSummaryRcd | |
SiPixelQualityRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelRawDataError | Pixel error -- collection of errors and error information |
SiPixelRawDataErrorModule | |
SiPixelRawDataErrorSource | Description: Produces histograms for error information generated at the raw2digi stage for the pixel tracker |
SiPixelRawToDigi | |
SiPixelRawToDigi_H | Plug-in module that performs Raw data to digi conversion for pixel subdetector |
SiPixelRecHit | Our base class |
cms::SiPixelRecHitConverter | |
SiPixelRecHitConverter | EDProducer to covert SiPixelClusters into SiPixelRecHits |
SiPixelRecHitModule | |
SiPixelRecHitQuality | |
SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing | |
SiPixelRecHitSource | Description: header file for Pixel Monitor Rec Hits |
SiPixelRecHitsValid | File: SiPixelRecHitsValid.h |
SiPixelSCurveCalibrationAnalysis | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiPixelTemplate | A template management class |
SiPixelTemplateEntry | |
SiPixelTemplateHeader | |
SiPixelTemplateStore | |
SiPixelTrackerMap | |
SiPixelTrackerMapCreator | |
SiPixelTrackingRecHitsValid | |
SiPixelTrackResidualModule | |
SiPixelTrackResidualSource | |
SiPixelUtility | * Class that handles the SiPixel Quality Tests |
SiPixelWebInterface | |
SISConeAlgorithmWrapper | |
SISConeJetProducer | SISConeJetProducer is the EDProducer subclass which runs the SISCone jet-finding algorithm from fastjet package |
cms::SISConeJetProducer | |
SiStripActionExecutor | |
SiStripActionExecutorQTest | |
SiStripAnalyser | * SiStrip SiStripAnalyser - Date
- 2008/12/12 20:26:48
- Revision
- 1.26
SiStripApvGain | |
SiStripApvGainBuilder | |
SiStripApvGainCalculator | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>=""> |
SiStripApvGainRcd | |
SiStripApvGainReader | |
SiStripApvGainsDQM | |
SiStripBadChannelBuilder | |
SiStripBadChannelFakeESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadChannelRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadFiberBuilder | |
SiStripBadFiberFakeESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadFiberRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadModuleByHandBuilder | |
SiStripBadModuleFakeESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadModuleRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadStrip | |
SiStripBadStrip::data | |
SiStripBadStrip::DetRegistry | |
SiStripBadStrip::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiStripBadStripFakeESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadStripFromASCIIFile | |
SiStripBadStripRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripBadStripReader | |
SiStripBaseCondObjDQM | |
SiStripBaseCondObjDQM::ModMEs | |
SiStripCablingDQM | |
SiStripCablingTrackerMap | |
SiStripCalibLorentzAngle | |
SiStripCalTrackConfigSelector | |
SiStripCcu | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripClassToMonitorCondData | |
SiStripCluster | |
SiStripClusterCollection | |
SiStripClusterInfo | Description: utility class gathering all access methods to SiStripCluster-related information for detector-related studies and DQM |
SiStripClusterizer | SiStripClusterizer is the EDProducer subclass which clusters SiStripDigi/interface/StripDigi.h to SiStripCluster/interface/SiStripCluster.h |
cms::SiStripClusterizer | |
SiStripClusterizerAlgo | - Author:
- M.Wingham, D.Giordano, R.Bainbridge
SiStripClusterizerAlgorithm | SiStripClusterizerAlgorithm invokes specific strip clustering algorithms |
SiStripClusterizerFactory | - Author:
- M.Wingham, D.Giordano, R.Bainbridge
SiStripCommissioningBasicPrescaler | Description: simply filter acording to the run type |
SiStripCommissioningOfflineClient | - Author:
- M.Wingham, R.Bainbridge
SiStripCommissioningOfflineDbClient | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge, M.Wingham
SiStripCommissioningRunTypeFilter | Description: simply filter acording to the run type |
SiStripCommissioningSeedFilter | Description: simply filter acording to the run type |
SiStripCommissioningSource | |
SiStripCommonModeNoiseSubtractor | |
SiStripCondObjBuilderFromDb | |
SiStripConfigDb | An interface class to the DeviceFactory |
SiStripConfigDb::DeviceAddress | Class that holds addresses that uniquely identify a hardware component within the control system |
SiStripConfigDb::Run | |
SiStripConfigParser | * Class that handles the SiStrip Quality Tests |
SiStripConfigWriter | * Base class for Parsers used by DQM |
SiStripConnectivity | |
SiStripDaqInfo | Description: Checks the # of SiStrip FEDs from DAQ Usage: <usage> |
SiStripDbParams | Container class for database connection parameters |
SiStripDetCabling | Description: give detector view of the cabling of the silicon strip tracker |
SiStripDetCablingRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripDetId | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripDetInfoFileReader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripDetInfoFileReader::DetInfo | |
SiStripDetInfoFileWriter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripDetKey | |
SiStripDigi | A Digi for the silicon strip detector, containing both strip and adc information, and suitable for storing zero-suppresed hit information |
SiStripDigitizer | SiStripDigitizer to convert hits to digis |
SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm | SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm converts hits to digis |
SiStripDigiToRaw | Input: edm::DetSetVector<SiStripDigi> |
SiStripDigiToRawModule | A plug-in module that takes StripDigis as input from the Event and creates an EDProduct comprising a FEDRawDataCollection |
SiStripDigiValid | |
SiStripDummyAlgo | - Author:
- M.Wingham, D.Giordano, R.Bainbridge
SiStripElectron | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
reco::SiStripElectron | |
SiStripElectronAlgo | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripElectronAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripElectronAssociator | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripElectronProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripEnumsAndStrings | |
SiStripEventSummary | |
SiStripFastLinearCommonModeNoiseSubtraction | |
SiStripFec | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripFecCabling | |
SiStripFecCablingRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripFecCrate | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripFecKey | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripFedCabling | Contains cabling info at the device level, including DetId, APV pair numbers, hardware addresses, DCU id |
SiStripFedCablingBuilderFromDb | |
SiStripFedCablingESProducer | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripFedCablingESSource | Pure virtual class for EventSetup sources of SiStripFedCabling |
SiStripFedCablingFakeESSource | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripFedCablingFromXml | |
SiStripFedCablingRcd | |
SiStripFedCablingTrivialBuilder | |
SiStripFEDCheckPlugin | Description: DQM source application to produce data integrety histograms for SiStrip data for use in HLT and Prompt reco |
SiStripFedIdListReader | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripFedKey | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripFEDMonitorPlugin | Description: DQM source application to produce data integrety histograms for SiStrip data for use in HLT and Prompt reco |
SiStripFEDRawDataAnalyzer | Analyzes contents of FEDRawData collection |
SiStripFEDRawDataCheck | Analyzes contents of FEDRawData collection |
SiStripFedZeroSuppression | |
SiStripFineDelayHit | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripFineDelayTLA | |
SiStripFineDelayTOF | |
SiStripFolderOrganizer | Description: <Organizes the folders for the monitoring elements of the SiStrip Tracker |
SiStripFrontEndDriverAlgo | - Author:
- M.Wingham, D.Giordano, R.Bainbridge
SiStripGain | Description: give detector view for the cabling classes |
SiStripGainCosmicCalculator | |
SiStripGainESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripGainFakeESSource | Fake source of SiStripApvGain |
SiStripGainFromAsciiFile | |
SiStripGainFromAsciiFile::FibersGain | |
SiStripGainFromData | |
SiStripGainFromData::isEqual | |
SiStripGainRandomCalculator | |
SiStripGainRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm | |
SiStripHashedDetId | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripHashedDetIdESModule | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripHashedDetIdESProducer | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripHashedDetIdFakeESSource | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripHashedDetIdRcd | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripHistoId | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripHistoPlotter | |
SiStripHistoPlotter::PlotParameter | |
SiStripHistoricInfoWebInterface | Description: <Web interface of the SiStripHistoricInfoClient |
cms::SiStripHistoricPlot | |
SiStripHistoricPlot | Analyzer that produces the long-term detector performance (historic plot) for the silicon strip tracker |
SiStripHistoTitle | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::pHisto | |
SiStripInformationExtractor | |
SiStripKey | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripLAFakeESSource | Fake source of SiStripLorentzAngle |
SiStripLAProfileBooker | |
SiStripLAProfileBooker::detparameters | |
SiStripLAProfileBooker::histofit | |
SiStripLayoutParser | * Class that handles the SiStrip Quality Tests |
SiStripLorentzAngle | |
SiStripLorentzAngleDQM | |
SiStripLorentzAngleRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripMatchedRecHit2D | |
SiStripMedianCommonModeNoiseSubtraction | |
SiStripModule | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripModule::FedChannel | Struct containing FED crate/slot/id/channel |
SiStripModuleHV | |
SiStripModuleHV::DetRegistry | |
SiStripModuleHVRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripMonitorCluster | Data Quality Monitoring source of the Silicon Strip Tracker |
SiStripMonitorCluster::ClusterProperties | |
SiStripMonitorCluster::LayerMEs | |
SiStripMonitorCluster::ModMEs | |
SiStripMonitorCondData | |
SiStripMonitorCondDataOnDemandExample | |
SiStripMonitorDigi | Data Quality Monitoring source of the Silicon Strip Tracker |
SiStripMonitorDigi::LayerMEs | |
SiStripMonitorDigi::ModMEs | |
SiStripMonitorFilter | |
SiStripMonitorHLT | |
SiStripMonitorPedestals | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripMonitorPedestals::ModMEs | |
SiStripMonitorQuality | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripMonitorRawData | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripMonitorTrack | |
SiStripMonitorTrack::LayerMEs | |
SiStripMonitorTrack::ModMEs | |
SiStripMonitorTrackEfficiency | |
SiStripMonitorTrackEfficiency::ModMEs | |
SiStripNoiseBuilderFromDb | |
SiStripNoiseDB | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripNoiseDummyCalculator | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripNoiseESSource | Pure virtual class for EventSetup sources of SiStripNoises |
SiStripNoiseFakeESSource | Fake source of SiStripNoises object |
SiStripNoises | |
SiStripNoises::DetRegistry | |
SiStripNoises::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiStripNoisesBuilder | |
SiStripNoisesDQM | |
SiStripNoisesRcd | |
SiStripNoisesReader | |
SiStripNullKey | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripOfflineDQM | Description: DQM class to perform Summary creation Quality Test on a merged Root file after CAF processing Usage: <usage> |
cms::SiStripOfflinePedNoiseToDb | |
SiStripPartition | Container class for database partition parameters |
SiStripPedDB | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripPedestals | |
SiStripPedestals::DetRegistry | |
SiStripPedestals::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiStripPedestalsBuilder | |
SiStripPedestalsBuilderFromDb | |
SiStripPedestalsDQM | |
SiStripPedestalsESSource | Pure virtual class for EventSetup sources of SiStripPedestals |
SiStripPedestalsFakeESSource | Fake source of SiStripPedestals object |
SiStripPedestalsRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripPedestalsReader | |
SiStripPedestalsSubtractor | |
SiStripPerformanceSummary | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> Implementation: <Object for writing to a DB the long-term detector performance of the Silicon Strip Tracker> |
SiStripPerformanceSummary::DetSummary | |
SiStripPerformanceSummary::MatchDetSummaryDetId | |
SiStripPerformanceSummary::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiStripPerformanceSummaryBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>=""> |
SiStripPerformanceSummaryRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> Usage: <usage> |
SiStripPerformanceSummaryReader | |
SiStripPulseShape | Description: analog pulse shape at the ouput of the APV |
SiStripQuality | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripQuality::BadComponent | |
SiStripQuality::BadComponentStrictWeakOrdering | |
SiStripQualityConfigurableFakeESSource | |
SiStripQualityDQM | |
SiStripQualityESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripQualityFakeESSource | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripQualityHotStripIdentifier | |
SiStripQualityHotStripIdentifierRoot | |
SiStripQualityRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripQualityStatistics | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripRandomLorentzAngle | |
SiStripRawDigi | A Digi for the silicon strip detector, containing only adc information, and suitable for storing raw hit information |
SiStripRawToClusters | |
SiStripRawToClustersLazyUnpacker | |
SiStripRawToClustersRoI | - Author:
- M.Wingham
SiStripRawToDigiModule | A plug-in module that takes a FEDRawDataCollection as input from the Event and creates EDProducts containing StripDigis |
SiStripRawToDigiUnpacker | Takes collection of FEDRawData as input and creates digis |
SiStripRawToDigiUnpacker::DetSet_SiStripDig_registry | |
SiStripRecHit2D | |
cms::SiStripRecHitConverter | |
SiStripRecHitConverter | SiStripRecHitConverter is the EDProducer subclass which convets clusters into rechits |
SiStripRecHitConverterAlgorithm | SiStripRecHitConverterAlgorithm convets clusters into rechits |
SiStripRecHitMatcher | |
SiStripRecHitMatcherESProducer | |
SiStripRecHitsValid | |
SiStripRegFEDSelector | |
SiStripRegionCabling | Author: pwing Package: CalibFormats/SiStripObjects Class: SiStripRegionCabling Description: Gives a regional view of the silicon strip tracker cabling |
SiStripRegionCablingRcd | Class : SiStripRegionCablingRcd SiStripRegionCablingRcd.h CalibTracker/SiStripConnectivity/plugins/SiStripRegionCablingRcd.h |
SiStripRegionConnectivity | |
SiStripRing | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge
SiStripRunSummary | |
SiStripRunSummaryRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripRunSummaryRead | |
SiStripRunSummaryWrite | |
SiStripSubStructure | Description: <Assign detector Ids to different substructures of the SiStripTracker: TOB, TIB, etc> |
SiStripSummaryCreator | |
SiStripSummaryRcd | |
SiStripTFile | - Author:
- : M.Wingham
SiStripThreeThresholdAlgo | - Author:
- M.Wingham, D.Giordano, R.Bainbridge
SiStripThreshold | |
SiStripThreshold::Data | |
SiStripThreshold::dataStrictWeakOrdering | |
SiStripThreshold::DetRegistry | |
SiStripThreshold::StrictWeakOrdering | |
SiStripThresholdBuilder | |
SiStripThresholdDQM | |
SiStripThresholdFakeESSource | Fake source of SiStripThreshold |
SiStripThresholdFakeOnDB | |
SiStripThresholdRcd | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
SiStripThresholdReader | |
SiStripTrackerMapCreator | |
SiStripTrackingRecHitsValid | |
SiStripTT6CommonModeNoiseSubtraction | |
SiStripUtility | * Class that handles the SiStrip Quality Tests |
SiStripWebInterface | |
SiStripWebInterface::CondDBPlotParameter | |
cms::SiStripZeroSuppression | |
SiStripZeroSuppression | SiStripZeroSuppression is the EDProducer subclass which makes a Digis collection (SiStripDigi/interface/StripDigi.h) strarting from a RawDigis collection (SiStripDigi/interface/StripRawDigi.h) |
SiStripZeroSuppressionAlgorithm | SiStripZeroSuppressionAlgorithm invokes specific strip Zero Suppression algorithms |
edm::SiteLocalConfig | |
edm::service::SiteLocalConfigService | |
SiTrackerGaussianSmearingRecHitConverter | |
SiTrackerGaussianSmearingRecHits | EDProducer to create RecHits from PSimHits with Gaussian smearing |
SiTrackerGSMatchedRecHit2D | |
SiTrackerGSRecHit2D | |
SiTrackerMultiRecHit | |
SiTrackerMultiRecHitUpdator | |
SiTrackerMultiRecHitUpdatorESProducer | |
SiTrivialDigitalConverter | Concrete implementation of SiDigitalConverter |
SiTrivialInduceChargeOnStrips | Concrete implementation of SiInduceChargeOnStrips |
edm::eventsetup::produce::size< T > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::size< Null > | |
skelname | Nocap nocap Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> nocap nocap Usage: nocap <usage> nocap nocap |
SkipBadEvents | Very simple class that inherits from EDFilter to skip a set of run and events numbers |
SkippingLayerCosmicNavigationSchool | Concrete navigation school for cosmics in the Tracker |
SkippingLayerCosmicNavigationSchoolESProducer | |
parsecf::pyparsing::SkipTo | |
funct::Slave< F > | |
SM_SharedMemoryHandle | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::smart_pointer_traits< T > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::smart_pointer_traits< T * > | |
edm::eventsetup::produce::smart_pointer_traits< T const * > | |
SmartPointingConstraint | Topological constraint making a momentum vector to point to the given location in space |
SmartPropagator | A propagator which use different algorithm to propagate inside or outside tracker |
SmartPropagatorESProducer | ES producer needed to put the SmartPropagator inside the EventSetup |
smartSelector | |
stor::SMFC_thread_data | |
stor::SMFUSenderDatCollection | |
stor::SMFUSenderEntry | |
stor::SMFUSenderList | |
stor::SMFUSenderRegCollection | |
stor::SMFUSenderStats | |
stor::SMOnlyStats | |
function::SmoothStepFunction | |
stor::SMPerformanceMeter | |
stor::SMPerfStats | |
evf::SMProxy | |
stor::SMProxyServer | |
SMS | Class to compute the SMS location estimator The SMS estimator is the mean value of a set of observations with Small Median of Squared distances |
SMSLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder |
SmsModeFinder3d | Least Median sum of squares mode finder |
lat::Socket | Basic socket interface |
lat::SocketAddress | Generic socket address |
lat::SocketPair | Pair of sockets connected to each other |
SoftConversionProducer | - Id
- SoftConversionProducer.h,v 1.6 2008/07/18 01:41:21 dwjang Exp
- Date
- 2008/07/18 01:41:21
- Revision
- 1.6
SoftConversionTrackCandidateProducer | - Id
- SoftConversionTrackCandidateProducer.h,v 1.3 2008/07/14 13:02:20 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/07/14 13:02:20
- Revision
- 1.3
SoftElectronProducer | - Id
- SoftElectronProducer.h,v 1.2 2008/05/29 07:38:08 arizzi Exp
- Date
- 2008/05/29 07:38:08
- Revision
- 1.2
SoftLepton | Description: CMSSW EDProducer for soft lepton b tagging |
SoftLeptonBTagRecord | |
reco::SoftLeptonProperties | |
reco::SoftLeptonTagInfo | |
SoftLeptonTagPlotter | |
DDI::Solid | |
SolidsForOnline | |
SomeAlgorithm | |
TauTagTools::sortByAscendingPt< T > | |
TauTagTools::sortByDescendingPt< T > | |
TauTagTools::sortByOpeningAngleAscending< T > | |
TauTagTools::sortByOpeningAngleDescending< T > | |
SortByRadius | |
reco::modules::helper::SortBySecond | |
reco::helper::SortBySecond | |
reco::modulesNew::helper::SortBySecond | |
sortByStringFunction< Object > | |
SortByTime | |
SortCollectionSelector< InputCollection, Comparator, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, RefAdder > | Selects the first N elements based on a sorting algorithm |
SortCollectionSelector< InputCollection, Comparator, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, RefAdder >::PairComparator | |
DictTypes::SortedAndFixedKeysDict | |
edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT > | |
DictTypes::SortedKeysDict | |
SortHitPointersByGlobalPosition | |
SortHitPointersByY | |
SortHitsByGlobalPosition | |
SortHitsByY | |
SortHitTrajectoryPairsByGlobalPosition | |
SortLayersByZR | |
SortMuonSegmentMatches | Functor predicate for standard library sort algorithm |
TauTagTools::sortRefsByOpeningDistance | |
SortRingsByZR | |
Modules::Source | |
PhysicsTools::Source | |
SourceCardRouting | |
SourceCardTextToRctDigi | Description: Input text file to be loaded into the source cards and output RCT digis for pattern tests |
SourceFactory | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::eventsetup::SourceMaker< TType > | |
edm::eventsetup::SourceMakerTraits | |
PhysicsTools::SourceVariable | |
PhysicsTools::SourceVariableSet | |
PhysicsTools::SourceVariableSet::PosVar | |
pftools::SpaceManager | A tool to associate SpaceVoxels with Calibrator objects |
pftools::SpaceVoxel | A multi-dimensional volume element to subdivide the detector into different calibration regions |
SPCmpPairDDFirst | |
SpecialCylindricalMFGrid | Interpolator for cylindrical grids type 5 or 6 (r,phi,z) 1/sin(phi) or 1/cos(phi) |
DDI::Specific | |
SpecificCaloMETData | MET made from CaloTowers |
SpecificGenMETData | MET made from CaloTowers |
SpecificPFMETData | MET made from Particle Flow Candidates |
SpecParParser | A boost::spirit parser for the <SpecPar path="xxx"> syntax |
SpecParParser::definition< ScannerT > | |
Geom::Spherical2Cartesian< T > | Converts spherical (or polar 3D) coordinates to cartesian coordinates |
PhysicsTools::Spline | A simple class for cubic splines |
PhysicsTools::Spline::Segment | Internal class describing a "segment" (between two x points) |
SplineCorrector | |
Splitter | |
SplittingConfigurableHisto | |
SPReader | |
cond::SQLiteProxy | |
cond::SQLMonitoringService | |
cond::SQLReport | |
funct::Sqrt< T > | |
reco::parser::sqrt_f | |
funct::SqrtStruct< T > | |
funct::Square< F > | |
evf::SquidNet | |
SRBlockFormatter | |
StackingAction | |
StandaloneJetCorrector | |
StandaloneMerger | Analyzer of the StandAlone muon tracks for alignment with Tracks |
StandAloneMuonBackwardFilter | The outward-inward fitter (starts from StandAloneMuonFilter outermost state) |
StandAloneMuonFilter | The inward-outward fitter (starts from seed state) |
StandAloneMuonProducer | StandAlone muon reconstructor: reconstructs muons using DT, CSC and RPC information,
starting from internal seeds (L2 muon track segments) |
StandAloneMuonRefitter | Class ti interface the muon system rechits with the standard KF tools |
StandAloneMuonSmoother | Smooth a trajectory using the standard Kalman Filter smoother |
reco::StandAloneMuonTag | Stand alone muon component tag |
converter::StandAloneMuonTrackToCandidate | |
StandAloneMuonTrajectoryBuilder | |
StandAloneTrajectoryBuilder | Concrete class for the STA Muon reco |
standard | Description: namespace which holds the standard configuration information |
StandardFrameRotation | To be used for test beam etc |
StandardTrgMsgBlkStruct | |
stAPVPairGain | |
StartIndexRecord | |
StartIndexRecordHeader | Contains definitions for calsses representing Records in an Index file, a little different from Init and Event Message Herades |
statemachine::Starting | |
StartingLayerFinder | |
StartProfilerAnalyzer | |
evf::StateMachine | |
dqm::StateMachine | |
StateOnTrackerBound | Propagates to the Tracker bounds, i.e |
edm::event_processor::StateSentry | |
StatisticsException | A class that wraps cms::Exception by deriving from it |
edm::StatsCount | |
StatusSelector | |
StDecaySubset | |
lat::StdError | An I/O-related error condition |
lat::StdInputStream | |
lat::StdioError | An I/O-related error condition |
lat::StdioStorage | |
stdNamespaceAdder | Description: Adds back the 'std::' namespace prefix to standard classes |
lat::StdOutputStream | |
lat::StdStorage | |
StepEfracParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
StepJetParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
StepParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
StepParametrizationEnergy | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
evf::Stepper | |
SteppingAction | |
SteppingHelixPropagator | Propagator implementation using steps along a helix |
SteppingHelixPropagator::Basis | |
SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer | |
SteppingHelixStateInfo | Holder of SteppingHelixState information |
SteppingHelixStateInfo::VolumeBounds | |
StEvtSolution | |
StEvtSolutionMaker | |
STFilter | Description: |
StGenEvent | |
StGenEventReco | |
StKinFitter | |
edm::STLesHouchesMixerSource | |
STLesHouchesMixerSource | Description: Mix two Les Houches Files of 22 and 23 processes for single top production |
lhef::STLInputStream | |
STMCLCmpPairSecond | |
STNCmpPairFirst | |
statemachine::Stop | |
StopAfterNEvents | |
StopProfilerAnalyzer | |
Stopwatch | |
Storage | |
lat::Storage | |
StorageAccount | |
StorageAccount::Counter | |
StorageAccount::Stamp | |
StorageAccountProxy | Proxy class that wraps SEAL's Storage class with one that ticks StorageAccount counters for significant operations |
StorageFactory | |
lat::StorageInputStream | |
lhef::StorageInputStream | |
StorageMaker | |
stor::StorageManager | |
stor::StorageManager::streammon | |
lat::StorageOutputStream | |
StoragePolicy< T, N > | |
StoragePolicy< T, 2 > | |
StoragePolicy< T, 3 > | |
StoragePolicy< T, 4 > | |
lat::StorageStreamBuf | |
lhef::StorageWrap | |
DDI::Store< N, I, K > | A Store provides a place for objects of type I which are uniquely identified by there name of type N |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< OutputCollection > | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::AssociationVector< R, C > > | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::PtrVector< T > > | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::RefVector< C > > | |
StoreEcalCondition | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< OutputCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::CandidateCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::GsfElectronCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::MuonCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::PhotonCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::TrackCollection > | |
StoreSecondary | |
StormLcgGtStorageMaker | |
StormStorageMaker | |
StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing | Calculates the intersection of a straight line with a barrel cylinder |
StraightLineCylinderCrossing | Calculates the intersection of a straight line with a barrel cylinder |
StraightLinePlaneCrossing | Calculates intersections of a line with a plane |
StraightLinePropagator | As the name indicates, propagates track parameters according to a straight line model |
StraightLinePropagatorESProducer | |
edm::StreamDQMDeserializer | |
StreamDQMInputFile | |
StreamDQMOutputFile | StreamDQMOutputFile: Class for doing Streamer Write operations |
edm::StreamDQMSerializer | |
edm::StreamDQMSerializer::Arr | |
edm::StreamedProduct | |
edm::StreamerFileReader | |
edm::StreamerFileWriter | |
StreamerInputFile | |
StreamerInputIndexFile | |
edm::StreamerInputModule< Producer > | |
edm::StreamerInputSource | |
edm::StreamerInputSource::ProductGetter | |
StreamerOutputFile | StreamerOutputFile: Class for doing Streamer Write operations |
StreamerOutputIndexFile | Class for doing Index write operations |
edm::StreamerOutputModule< Consumer > | |
edm::StreamerOutputModuleBase | |
StreamOutFormatTarget | |
edm::StreamSerializer | |
edm::StreamSerializer::Arr | |
edm::StreamService | |
StrictWeakOrdering | |
edm::StrictWeakOrdering< T > | |
Types::string | |
StringCutEventSelector< Object > | |
StringCutObjectSelector< T > | |
StringCutsEventSelector< Object, existenceMatter > | |
parsecf::pyparsing::StringEnd | |
lat::StringFormat | |
StringMap | |
StringMap::MatchByNumber | |
StringMap::MatchByString | |
edm::pset::StringNode | |
StringObjectFunction< T > | |
lat::StringOps | |
parsecf::pyparsing::StringStart | |
stringUpdate | Return the new substring |
Strip1DMeasurementTransformator | Helper class for accessing the RecHit and the TrajectoryState parameters and errors in the measurement frame |
cscdqm::StripCluster | Strip Cluster |
StripClusterAboveU | Function object that selects StripClusters who's first coordinate in the measurement frame is bigger than some value |
cscdqm::StripClusterFinder | Object used to find Strip Clusters |
cscdqm::StripClusterFinder::Sort | |
cscdqm::StripClusterFitData | Strip Cluster Fit Data Object |
StripClusterParameterEstimator | A ClusterParameterEstimator specific for strips also implements direct access to measurement frame, since that is needed during the track refitting |
StripCPE | |
StripCPE::Param | |
StripCPEESProducer | |
StripCPEfromTrackAngle | |
StripCPEfromTrackAngle2 | |
StripCPEfromTrackAngle2ESProducer | |
StripCPEfromTrackAngleESProducer | |
StripDigiSimLink | |
StripGeomDetType | StripGeomDetType is the abstract class for SiStripGeomDetType |
StripGeomDetUnit | StripGeomDetUnit is the abstract class for SiStripGeomDetUnit |
StripMeasurementTransformator | Helper class for accessing the RecHit and the TrajectoryState parameters and errors in the measurement frame |
StripSubdetector | Enumeration for Strip Tracker Subdetectors |
StripTopology | |
StripTopologyBuilder | Called by GeomTopologyBuilder, chooses the right topology for Strips |
strKeyMap | |
StrX | - Author:
- Apache Xerces C++ Example
SubdetFEDSelector | |
edm::SubEvent | |
SubLayerCrossing | |
SubLayerCrossings | |
lat::SubProcess | A subprocess |
lat::SubProcessError | SubProcess-related exception class |
SubSeedGenerator | |
SubsetHSMLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder |
SubsetHsmModeFinder3d | |
lat::SubStorage | A fragment of another Storage object |
SubsystemNeutronReader | |
SubsystemNeutronWriter | TheSubsystemNeutronWriter stores "events" which consist of a list of SimHits, grouped by detector type |
SubTaskSummaryStatus | |
DDI::Subtraction | |
Success | Not a real exception |
funct::Sum< A, B > | |
funct::Sum< A, A > | |
funct::Sum< A, PROD_S(NUM(n), A) > | |
funct::Sum< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > > | |
funct::Sum< FractionStruct< b, c >, Numerical< a > > | |
funct::Sum< MINUS_S(A), MINUS_S(A) > | |
funct::Sum< MINUS_S(PROD_S(A, B)), MINUS_S(PROD_S(A, B)) > | |
funct::Sum< NUM(n), NUM(n) > | |
funct::Sum< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > > | |
funct::Sum< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > > | |
funct::Sum< PROD_S(A, B), PROD_S(A, B) > | |
funct::Sum< PROD_S(NUM(n), A), A > | |
funct::Sum< PROD_S(NUM(n), A), PROD_S(NUM(m), A) > | |
funct::Sum< PROD_S(NUM(n), A), PROD_S(NUM(n), A) > | |
funct::Sum< SUM_S(A, B), C > | |
funct::Sum< SUM_S(A, B), PROD_S(C, D) > | |
cscdqm::Summary | Hardware and Physics Efficiency data structures and routines |
SummaryGenerator | - Author:
- M.Wingham, R.Bainbridge
SummaryGeneratorControlView | - Author:
- M.Wingham, R.Bainbridge
SummaryGeneratorReadoutView | - Author:
- M.Wingham, R.Bainbridge
SummaryHistogramFactory< T > | |
SummaryHistogramFactory< DaqScopeModeAnalysis > | |
SummaryHistogramFactory< FedTimingAnalysis > | |
SummaryPlot | - Author:
- R.Bainbridge, P.Kalavase
SummaryPlotFactory< T > | |
SummaryPlotFactory< CommissioningAnalysis * > | |
SummaryPlotFactory< FedCablingAnalysis * > | |
SummaryPlotFactoryBase | |
SummaryPlotXmlParser | - Author:
- P.Kalavase, R.Bainbridge
funct::SumStruct< A, B > | |
SumX0AtEtaDataProvider | |
reco::SuperCluster | A SuperCluster reconstructed in the Electromagnetic Calorimeter contains references to seed and constituent BasicClusters |
SuperClusterEt | |
SuperClusterEtHeepSkim | |
SuperClusterProducer | |
SuperClusterShapeAlgo | |
converter::SuperClusterToCandidate | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Suppress | |
edm::Suppress_LogDebug_ | |
Surface | Base class for 2D surfaces in 3D space |
SurfaceAndBounds | |
SurveyAlignment | Alignment using only survey info (no tracks) as a proof of principle |
SurveyAlignmentAlgorithm | Alignment of Silicon Pixel Detector with survey constraint |
SurveyAlignmentPoints | Survey alignment using point residuals |
SurveyAlignmentSensor | Survey alignment using sensor residual |
SurveyDataConverter | Description: Reads survey corrections and applies them to the geometry |
SurveyDataReader | |
SurveyDBUploader | Module for uploading survey info to the DB |
SurveyDet | Class to hold survey info |
SurveyError | Class to hold DB object for survey errors |
SurveyErrors | Container of SurveyError to be stored in DB |
SurveyInputBase | Abstract base class to read survey raw measurements |
SurveyInputCSCfromPins | Class to read ideal tracker from DB |
SurveyInputTextReader | |
SurveyInputTrackerFromDB | Class to read ideal tracker from DB |
SurveyMisalignmentInput | Class to misaligned tracker from DB |
SurveyOutput | Write variables to ntuple for survey analysis |
SurveyParameters | Alignment parameters for survey |
SurveyResidual | Class to find the residuals for survey constraint alignment |
SUSYControlHighPtPhotonSkim | High Energy Photon SUSY Skim (control sample) one photon and one electron > xx GeV in barrel + isolation |
SUSYHighPtPhotonSkim | High Energy Photon SUSY Skim one(two) photon(s) > xx GeV in barrel + isolation |
reco::isodeposit::SwitchingEcalVeto | |
Sym | |
SymmetricLayerFinder | A symmetrisation algorithm for layer navigation |
lat::SystemError | Native system error |
lat::SystemInfo | Obtain information about the system |
t_decay | |
t_decayed_hadron | |
cmsPerfPublish::Table | |
TableDataFormatter | - Id
- TableDataFormatter.h,v 1.5 2007/04/12 08:36:47 franzoni Exp
TAbsFitConstraint | |
TAbsFitParticle | |
GenUtil::Tag | |
GeneralUtilities::Tag | |
TagCaloJetProducer | Description: Make collection of tagged jets |
cond::TagCollectionRetriever | |
TagCollectionRetriever | Description: utility class to retrieve tag collection from db with given tag tree and node |
cond::TagDBNames | |
reco::TaggingVariableCompare | |
reco::TaggingVariableList | |
TaggingVariablePlotter | |
TaggingVariablePlotter::VariableConfig | |
TaggingVariablePlotter::VariableConfig::Plot | |
cond::TagInfo | |
TagInfoMVACategorySelector | |
TagInfoPlotterFactory | |
python::tagInventory::tagInventory | |
cond::TagMetadata | |
TagName | |
TagNames | |
python::TagTree::tagTree | |
TAMuonChamberMatch | Description: An auxiliary class to store a muon trajetory matching to chambers |
TAMuonSegmentMatch | |
funct::Tan< T > | |
reco::parser::tan_f | |
TangentCircle | |
TangentHelix | |
TangentPlane | Plane tangent to a more general surface (e.g |
reco::parser::tanh_f | |
funct::TanStruct< T > | |
lat::TarConstants | Constants related to TAR archives |
lat::TarError | ZLIB error indication |
lat::TarInputStream | Read a TAR archive straight off an input stream |
lat::TarMember | A TAR archive member |
lat::TarOutputStream | Write a TAR archive straight into an output stream |
pat::Tau | Analysis-level tau class |
reco::Tau3D | Reconstructed Tau candidates using 3D angle instead of dR cone |
reco::Tau3DAlgo | |
Tau3DAlgo | Description: to calculate tau variables for Tau3D |
Tau3MuReco | |
Tau3MuSkim | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific | |
TauConeIsolationAlgo< T, C, M > | |
TauElementsOperators | |
TauEvent | |
TauGenJetProducer | Builds a GenJet from the visible daughters of each status 2 tau in the event |
TauHadronDecayFilter | Description: filters single tau events with a tau decaying hadronically |
reco::TauImpactParameterInfo | |
reco::TauImpactParameterTrackData | |
TauJetCorrector | Jet energy corrections from Taujet calibration |
TauJetCorrectorExample | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TauJetMCFilter | |
reco::TauMassTagInfo | |
cms::TauMET | |
TauMETAlgo | |
TauMVADiscriminator | Description: Produces a PFTauDiscriminator mapping MVA outputs to PFTau objects Requires an AssociationVector of PFTauDecayModes->PFTau objects See RecoTauTag/RecoTau/src/ |
TauMVATrainer | Description: Generates ROOT trees used to train PhysicsTools::MVAComputers |
TauMVATrainer::tauMatchingInfoHolder | |
TauolaInterface | Interface to TAUOLA tau decay library |
edm::TauolaInterface | |
pat::tau::TauPFSpecific | |
TauRegionalPixelSeedGenerator | |
TauTagVal | Description: EDAnalyzer to validate the Collections from the ConeIsolation Producer It is supposed to be used for Offline Tau Reconstrction, so PrimaryVertex should be used |
TauVariables | Description: to calculate tau variables using Pi0 and tracks |
TB06Reco | Compact reco dataset for ECAL TB 2006 data - Date
- 2006/08/15 10:21:23
- Revision
- 1.2
- Id
- TB06Reco.h,v 1.2 2006/08/15 10:21:23 govoni Exp
TB06RecoH2 | Compact reco dataset for ECAL TB 2006 data - Date
- 2007/02/02 12:16:26
- Revision
- 1.1
- Id
- TB06RecoH2.h,v 1.1 2007/02/02 12:16:26 delre Exp
TB06Tree | |
TB06TreeH2 | |
TBHodoActiveVolumeRawInfoProducer | |
TBPositionCalc | |
TBRU | |
TBRUInputSource | - Author:
- L
cond::TBufferBlobReader | |
cond::TBufferBlobStreamingService | |
cond::TBufferBlobTypeInfo | |
cond::TBufferBlobWriter | |
TCalibCFEBConnectEvt | Analyzer for calculating CFEB ADC counts for connectivity |
TCalibComparatorEvt | Analyzer for reading CFEB comparator information author O.Boeriu |
TCalibCrossTalkEvt | Analyzer for calculating CFEB cross-talk & pedestal |
TCalibGainEvt | Analyzer for reading gains information author S |
TCalibNoiseMatrixEvt | Analyzer for reading bin by bin ADC information author S.Durkin, O.Boeriu |
TCalibOldCrossTalkEvt | Analyzer for calculating CFEB cross-talk & pedestal |
TCalibOldGainEvt | Analyzer for reading gains information author S |
TCalibSaturationEvt | Analyzer for reading gains saturation information author S |
TCalibSCAEvt | Analyzer for calculating CFEB SCA pedestal |
TCCBlockFormatter | |
TCCinput | |
TCell | |
TCnaDialogEB | |
TCnaHeaderEB | |
TCnaParameters | |
TCnaReadEB | |
TCnaResultType | |
TCnaRootFile | |
TCnaRunEB | |
TCnaViewEB | |
HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver | |
TDC | |
TDistrib | |
TEBNumbering | |
TEBParameters | |
cms::TECClusterFilter | |
TECDetId | |
TECFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
TECFlagXML | XML format flag |
cond::TechnologyProxy | |
TechnologyProxy | Description: Abstract interface for technology specific operations |
TECLayer | A concrete implementation for TEC layer built out of TECPetals |
TECLayerBuilder | A concrete builder for TECLayer |
TECPetal | A concrete implementation for TEC petals |
TECPetalBuilder | A concrete builder for TECPetal |
TECWedge | A concrete implementation for TEC layer built out of TECPetals |
TECWedgeBuilder | A concrete builder for TECWedge |
lat::TempFile | Temporary file name handling |
Template | To be documented here |
TempTrajectory | A class for detailed particle trajectory representation |
TensorIndex< d1, d2, d3, d4 > | Credit: Utility class from |
TensorIndex_base1< d1, d2, d3, d4 > | |
TEPatternsGroup | Group of paterns for "improved"("energetic") algorithm |
TertiaryTracksVertexFinder | |
Test_Central_1500 | |
Test_Corner_1500 | |
Test_Side_1500 | |
TestBase | |
testChannel | Calculate the best DAC value to obtain a pedestal = 200 - Date
- 2008/04/23 14:59:08
- Revision
- 1.5
edmtest::TestConsumer | |
DictTypes::TestDictTypes | |
testEcalTPGScale | |
parseConfig::TestFactory | |
edmtestp::TestFileReader | |
edm::TestHandle< T > | |
TestHistoMgr | |
TestHits | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
runall::testit | |
python::iterators::TestIterators | |
Mixins::TestList | |
TestMix | Description: test of Mixing Module |
edm::TestMix | |
Mixins::testMixins | |
SequenceTypes::TestModuleCommand | |
SequenceVisitors::TestModuleCommand | |
Config::TestModuleCommand | |
parseConfig::TestModuleCommand | |
Modules::TestModules | |
cms::TestMuL1L2Filter | |
cms::TestMuL1L2FilterSTA | |
Options::TestOptions | |
TestOutliers | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TestPos_100 | |
printPaths::TestPrintPath | |
usedOutput::TestPrintPath | |
TestSmoothHits | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TestSuite | Description: test suite for Mixing Module |
TestTrackHits | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
Types::testTypes | |
TeVdiMuonSkim | Skim for TeV dimuon analyses requires 2 muon with a selectable Pt cut |
TevMuonProducer | TeV muon reconstructor: |
TextToRaw | Description: Convert ASCII dump of a raw event to FEDRawData format for unpacking |
TFHeaderDescription | |
TFileAdaptor | |
TFileDirectory | |
TFileService | |
TFitConstraintEp | |
TFitConstraintM | |
TFitConstraintMGaus | |
TFitParticleCart | |
TFitParticleECart | |
TFitParticleEMomDev | |
TFitParticleEScaledMomDev | |
TFitParticleESpher | |
TFitParticleEtEtaPhi | |
TFitParticleEtThetaPhi | |
TFitParticleMCCart | |
TFitParticleMCMomDev | |
TFitParticleMCPInvSpher | |
TFitParticleMCSpher | |
TFitParticleMomDev | |
TFitParticleSpher | |
TFWLiteSelector< TWorker > | Description: A 'safe' form of a TSelector which uses a Worker helper class to do the processing |
TFWLiteSelectorBasic | Description: A ROOT TSelector which accesses data using an edm::Event |
edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers | |
TH1AddDirectorySentry | Description: Manages the status of the ROOT directory |
lhef::ThePEGHadronisation | |
ThePEGInterface | - Id
- ThePEGInterface.h,v 1.3 2008/06/27 16:59:51 stober Exp
ThePEGProducer | |
ThePEGSource | |
Geom::Theta< T > | A class for polar angle represantation |
ThingsTSelector | Simple interactive analysis example based on TSelector accessing EDM data |
tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector | |
ThingsTSelector2 | Simple interactive analysis example based on TSelector accessing EDM data |
tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2 | |
tfwliteselectortest::ThingsWorker | |
ThirdHitCorrection | |
ThirdHitPrediction | |
ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola | |
ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola::MappedPoint< T > | |
ThirdHitRZPrediction | |
Thread | Self starting Thread Object |
Thread::Me | |
Thread::Terminate | Thrown to terminate thread |
ThreadMessage< T > | |
ThreadObjects< T > | Return object T for this thread |
edm::service::ThreadSafeErrorLog< Mutex > | |
edm::detail::ThreadSafeRegistry< KEY, T, E > | |
ThreadSingleton< T, F > | |
ThreadTraits< M > | |
ThreePlaneCrossing | |
ThreeThresholdStripClusterizer | |
ThresholdPtTrajectoryFilter | A TrajectoryFilter that stops reconstruction if P_t goes above some value at some confidence level |
reco::isodeposit::ThresholdVeto | |
reco::isodeposit::ThresholdVetoFromTransverse | |
Thrust | Utility to compute thrust value and axis from a collection of candidates |
Thrust::ThetaPhi | |
TIBDetId | |
TIBFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
TIBFlagXML | XML format flag |
TIBLayer | A concrete implementation for TIB layer built out of TIBRings |
TIBLayerBuilder | A concrete builder for TIBLayer |
TIBRing | A concrete implementation for TIB rings |
TIBRing::SubRingCrossings | |
TIBRingBuilder | A concrete builder for TIBRing |
TIDDetId | |
TIDFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
TIDFlagXML | XML format flag |
TIDLayer | A concrete implementation for TID layer built out of TIDRings |
TIDLayerBuilder | A concrete builder for TIDLayer |
TIDRing | A concrete implementation for TID rings |
TIDRingBuilder | A concrete builder for TIDRing |
TIDringLess | |
TiltmeterMeas | |
lat::Time | Calendar time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
lat::TimeInfo | Utilities for monotonically growing high-resolution timers |
TimeMe | Class to time a "scope" to be used as a "Sentry" |
evf::TimeProfilerService | |
evf::TimeProfilerService::times | |
Timer | Description: EDProducer that uses the EventTime structure to store in the Event the names and processing times (per event) for all modules |
TimerService | Description: Class accessing CPUTimer to record processing-time info per module (either CPU-time or wall-clock-time) |
TimerStack | |
TimerStack::Timer | TTimer is a container for a timer name and associated timers (TimeReport::Item's) |
lat::TimeSpan | A difference between two Time values |
Timestamp | Description: Defines an instance in time from the Online system |
edm::Timestamp | |
HCAL_HLX::TimeStamp | |
cond::TimeTypeSpecs | |
cond::TimeTypeTraits< type > | |
edm::service::Timing | |
timing | |
cmsPerfRegress::TimingParseErr | |
TimingReport | |
TimingReport::Item | |
TinyDomTest | Some tests for TinyDom and TinyDomWalker |
TinyDomTest2 | Some tests for TinyDom and TinyDomWalker |
TkAccumulatingSensitiveDetector | |
TkApvMask | The abstract class for dead/noisy/etc strips masking |
magfieldparam::TkBfield | B-field in Tracker volume - based on the TOSCA computation version 1103l (tuned on MTCC measured field (fall 2006)) |
TkCommonMode | A common mode class which can work with any common mode topology, where the topology refers to the number of strips for which a common mode value is calculed (128 or less) |
TkCommonModeCalculator | The abstract class for common mode subtraction |
TkCommonModeTopology | Allows any topology for the Common Mode: 128 strips, 64, 32, 16, 8, |
TkGeomDetCompatibilityChecker | |
TkGluedMeasurementDet | |
TkHitPairsCacheCell | |
TkHitPairsCellManager | |
TKinFitter | |
TkLayerLess | Defines order of layers in the Tracker as seen by straight tracks coming from the interaction region |
TkNavigableSimElectronAssembler | For each generator or Geant electron, finds the list of track segments before first brem, in between brems, and after last brem |
TkNoiseCalculator | The abstract class for noise calculation/subtraction |
TkPedestalCalculator | The abstract class for pedestal calculation/subtraction |
TkPixelCPERecord | |
TkPixelMeasurementDet | |
TkRotation< T > | Rotaion matrix used by Surface |
TkSimHitPrinter | |
TkStateMachine | Implement a state machine |
TkStripCPERecord | |
TkStripMeasurementDet | |
TkStripMeasurementDet::BadStripBlock | |
TkTrackingRegionsMargin< T > | Define two (left and right) margins |
TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder | |
TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer | |
Tm | |
TmApvPair | |
TMeasurement | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
TmModule | |
TmTestWidget | |
TNArrayD | |
toa | Simple class to write ints, floats and doubles in chars |
TOBDetId | |
TOBFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
TOBFlagXML | XML format flag |
TOBLayer | A concrete implementation for TOB layer built out of TOBRods |
TOBLayerBuilder | A concrete builder for TOBLayer |
TOBRod | A concrete implementation for TOB Rod |
TOBRodBuilder | A concrete builder for TOBRod |
TobTecLayerPairsESProducer | |
xmas2dqm::wse::ToDqm | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Token | |
cond::TokenBuilder | |
parsecf::pyparsing::TokenConverter | |
cond::TokenInterpreter | |
TokenInterpreter | Description: Utility class desect token and return original information |
Tokenizer | Tokenize "input" in a vector<string> at each occurence of "sep" |
TopDecayChannelFilter< S > | |
TopDecaySubset | |
TopDiLeptonFilter | |
TopElecAnalyzer | |
TopGenEvent | |
TopGenEventAnalyzer | |
TopInitSubset | |
TopJetAnalyzer | |
TopLeptonTauFilter | Top DiLepton (e,mu,tau) skimming default pt thresholds (lepton and jets) set to 15 GeV default eta thresholds (lepton and jets) set to 3 At least two leptons and two jets present for each channel |
TopMuonAnalyzer | |
Topology | Abstract component defining the conversion between the local frame of a detector and the frame defined by the readout channels , the so called measurement frame |
TopologyWorker | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::ToprexProducer | |
ToprexProducer | Generates TopReX + Pythia ==> HepMC events |
edm::ToprexSource | |
ToprexSource | Generates TopReX + Pythia ==> HepMC events |
TopTauAnalyzer | |
TopValidation | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edmNew::dstvdetails::ToRM< B > | |
DDI::Torus | |
TotemG4Hit | Description: Transient Hit class for Totem taken from those for Calorimeters |
TotemG4HitCollection | Description: Hit collection class for Totem transient hits |
TotemNumberMerger | Description: Takes two integers and merges them together in only an integer! It's also possible the opposite operation |
TotemRPNumberingScheme | Description: This class manages the UnitID that labels TotemRP sensitive volumes |
TotemRPOrganization | Description: This class manages the UnitID that labels TotemRP sensitive volumes |
TotemSD | Description: Stores hits of Totem in appropriate container |
TotemT1NumberingScheme | Description: This class manages the UnitID that labels TotemT1 sensitive volumes |
TotemT1Organization | Description: This class manages the UnitID that labels TotemT1 sensitive volumes |
TotemT2NumberingSchemeGem | Description: This class manages the UnitID that labels TotemT2Gem sensitive volumes |
TotemT2OrganizationGem | Description: This class manages the UnitID that labels TotemT2Gem sensitive volumes |
TotemTestGem | Description: Manages Root file creation for Totem Tests |
TotemTestHistoClass | Description: Content of the Root file for Totem Tests |
TotemTestHistoClass::Hit | |
TotemVDetectorOrganization | |
TouchableToHistory | |
TowerBlockFormatter | |
towerEner | |
TowerMET | The TowerMET EDProduct type |
TowerMETCollection | Collection of TowerMET |
TowerMETv0 | |
ToyJetCorrection | Template algorithm to correct jet |
ToyParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
ToyStepJetParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
ToyStepParametrization | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
TPatternsGroup | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TPedResult | |
TPedValues | |
TPGCheck | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TPGntupler | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TPtoRecoTrack | |
Tracer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::service::Tracer | |
reco::Track | This class describes the reconstructed tracks that are stored in the AOD and RECO |
TrackAlgoCompareUtil | |
TrackAlignment | Analyzer of the StandAlone muon tracks for alignment with Tracks |
examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm | |
TrackAnalyzer | |
TrackAnalyzer::TkParameterMEs | |
PFTauDiscriminants::TrackAngle | |
TrackAssociatorBase | Base class for TrackAssociators |
TrackAssociatorByChi2 | Class that performs the association of reco::Tracks and TrackingParticles evaluating the chi2 of reco tracks parameters and sim tracks parameters |
TrackAssociatorByHits | |
TrackAssociatorByPosition | Class that performs the association of reco::Tracks and TrackingParticles based on position in muon detector |
TrackAssociatorEDProducer | |
TrackAssociatorParameters | |
TrackAssociatorRecord | Record of Tracs Associators |
reco::TrackBase | Common base class to all track types, including Muon fits |
TrackCandidate | A track candidate is
TrackCandidateProducer | |
TrackCandidateTopBottomHitFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TrackCategories | |
TrackCategoriesAnalyzer | |
TrackClassFilter | Filter to define the belonging of a track to a TrackClass |
TrackClassFilter::Input | |
TrackClassifier | Get track history and classify it in function of their |
TrackClassifier::G4 | |
TrackClassifier::GeneratedPrimaryVertex | Auxiliary class holding simulated primary vertices |
TrackClassMatch | Filter to define the belonging of a track to a TrackClass |
TrackClassMatch::Input | |
TrackCleaner | |
TrackClusterizerInZ | Description: separates event tracks into clusters along the beam line |
TrackClusterRemover | |
TrackClusterRemover::ParamBlock | |
TrackCollectionFP420 | |
helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager | Class to manage copying of RecHits and Clusters from Tracks |
helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager::ClusterHitRecord< RecHitType, ClusterRefType > | |
TrackConfigSelector | |
TrackCountingComputer | |
reco::TrackCountingTagInfo | |
TrackCountingTagPlotter | |
TrackDetectorAssociator | |
TrackDetMatchInfo | |
TrackDistanceWeightEstimator< T > | Weight estimator that uses the distance as the weights |
TrackEfficiencyClient | DQM class to compute the tracking efficiency |
TrackEfficiencyMonitor | Monitoring source to measure the track efficiency |
Tracker_OldtoNewConverter | |
TrackerAlignableId | Helper class to provide unique numerical ID's for Alignables |
TrackerAlignment | The TrackerAlignment helper class for alignment jobs
- Rotates and Translates any module for the tracker based on rawId
TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd | |
TrackerAlignmentRcd | |
TrackerBounds | A definition of the envelope that contains the tracker sensitive detectors |
TrackerCounters | Concrete implementation of counters for the tracker |
TrackerCPERecord | |
TrackerDigiGeometryESModule | |
TrackerDigiGeometryRecord | |
TrackerFrameRotation | To be used for test beam etc |
TrackerG4SimHitNumberingScheme | |
TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet | |
TrackerGeometricDetESModule | |
TrackerGeometry | A specific Tracker Builder which builds a Tracker from a list of DetUnits |
TrackerGeometryCompare | Module that reads survey info from DB and prints them out |
TrackerGeometryIntoNtuples | Description: Takes a set of alignment constants and turns them into a ROOT file |
TrackerHitAnalyzer | |
TrackerHitAssociator | |
TrackerHitProducer | |
TrackerHitsObject | |
TrackerInteractionGeometry | |
TrackerInteractionGeometryESProducer | |
TrackerInteractionGeometryRecord | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
pat::TrackerIsolationPt | Calculates a lepton's tracker isolation pt |
cms::TrackerizerFP420 | |
TrackerLayer | A class that gives some properties of the Tracker Layers in FAMOS |
TrackerLayerIdAccessor | |
TrackerMap | |
TrackerMapDDDtoID | |
TrackerOfflineValidation | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TrackerOfflineValidation::ModuleHistos | |
TrackerOnlyConversionProducer | Description: Produces converted photon objects using default track collections |
TrackerPedestalsRcd | |
TrackerRecHit | A class that gives some properties of the Tracker Layers in FAMOS |
TrackerRecoGeometryESProducer | |
TrackerRecoGeometryRecord | |
TrackerScenarioBuilder | Builds a scenario from configuration and applies it to the alignable tracker |
TrackerSeedCleaner | Seeds Cleaner based on direction - Date
- 2008/04/09 05:14:39
- Revision
- 1.3
TrackerSeedGenerator | Generate seed from muon trajectory |
TrackerSeedValidator | Class that prodecs histrograms to validate Track Reconstruction performances |
TrackerShapeToBounds | Converts DDSolid volumes to Bounds |
sistrip::TrackerSpecialHeader | |
TrackerSurveyErrorRcd | DB record to hold errors of alignment parameters from survey |
TrackerSurveyRcd | DB record to hold values of alignment parameters from survey |
TrackerToMuonPropagator | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter | |
reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::Rule | |
TrackerValidationVariables | |
TrackerValidationVariables::AVHitStruct | |
TrackerValidationVariables::AVTrackStruct | |
reco::TrackExtra | Additional information about a reconstructed track |
reco::TrackExtraBase | Basic extension of a reconstructed Track |
muonisolation::TrackExtractor | |
TrackFilterForPVFinding | Description: selects tracks for primary vertex reconstruction |
TrackFitter | |
TrackForAlignment | This class encapsulates the information needed by the Alignment algorithm concerning the kind of alignable structure and the index inside alignment matrizes |
TrackForAlignmentCollection | Collection of TrackForAlignment |
TrackFP420 | |
TrackFullCloneSelectorBase | Selects a subset of a track collection, copying extra information on demand |
reco::modules::TrackFullCloneSelectorBase< Selector > | |
TrackHistory | This class traces the simulated and generated history of a given track |
TrackHitFilter | Description: Selects some track hits for refitting input |
TrackHitsFilter | |
reco::TrackInfo | It contains additional info for tracker studies |
reco::TrackInfoEnum | It contains Enums for TrackInfo |
TrackInfoProducer | |
TrackInfoProducerAlgorithm | |
TrackInformation | |
TrackInformationExtractor | Provides safe access to the TrackInformation part of a G4Track |
TrackingAction | |
TrackingComponentsRecord | |
TrackingElectronProducer | Produces one composite TrackingParticle per electron, for electron tracking studies:
- for each generator or Geant electron, finds the list of track segments before first brem, in between brems, and after last brem
TrackingGeometry | Base class for the geometry of tracking detectors |
TrackingMaterialAnalyser | |
TrackingMaterialPlotter | |
TrackingMaterialProducer | |
TrackingMonitor | Monitoring source for general quantities related to tracks |
TrackingParticle | |
TrackingParticleSelector | |
reco::modules::TrackingParticleSelector | Filter to select TrackingParticles according to pt, rapidity, tip, lip, number of hits, pdgId |
TrackingRecHit | |
reco::TrackingRecHitInfo | It contains additional info for tracker studies |
TrackingRecHitLess | Defines order of layers in the Tracker as seen by straight tracks coming from the interaction region |
TrackingRecHitLessFromGlobalPosition | Defines order of layers in the Tracker as seen by straight tracks coming from the interaction region |
TrackingRecHitProjector< ResultingHit > | |
TrackingRecHitPropagator | |
TrackingRecHitPropagatorESProducer | |
TrackingRecHitTranslator | EDProducer to translate RecHits ordered by SimTrackId to RecHits expected by the full pattern recognition |
TrackingRegion | The ABC class to define the region of interest for regional seeding |
TrackingRegionBase | Kinematic data common to some concreate implementations of TrackingRegion |
TrackingRegionProducer | |
TrackingSeed | |
TrackingSlaveSD | |
reco::TrackingStateInfo | It contains additional info for tracker studies |
TrackingTruthProducer | |
TrackingTruthValid | |
TrackingVerboseAction | |
TrackingVertex | A simulated Vertex with links to TrackingParticles for analysis of track and vertex reconstruction |
reco::TrackIPData | |
TrackIPProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
reco::TrackIPTagInfo | |
reco::TrackIPTagInfo::TrackIPData | |
TrackIPTagPlotter | |
reco::TrackKinematics | |
TrackKinematicStatePropagator | Propagator for TransientTrack based KinematicStates |
TrackListCombiner | |
cms::TrackListMerger | |
TrackLocalAngle | Class to refit track to obtain local position and direction on a pixel module |
TrackLocalAngle::Trackhit | |
cms::TrackMTCCFilter | |
TrackMultiSelector | Selects a subset of a track collection, copying extra information on demand |
reco::modules::TrackMultiSelector | |
reco::modules::TrackMultiSelector::Block | |
TrackParameterAnalyzer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TrackParticleSelector< Collection, Category > | Selector to select only tracking particles originating from a B-hadron decay |
TrackProbabilityCalibration | |
TrackProbabilityCalibration::Entry | |
TrackProbabilityCategoryData | |
reco::TrackProbabilityTagInfo | |
TrackProbabilityTagPlotter | |
TrackProbabilityXMLtoDB | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TrackProducer | Produce Tracks from TrackCandidates |
TrackProducerAlgorithm< T > | This class calls the Final Fit and builds the Tracks then produced by the TrackProducer or by the TrackRefitter |
TrackProducerBase< T > | Base Class To Produce Tracks |
TrackProducerFP420 | |
TrackProducerWithSCAssociation | - Id
- TrackProducerWithSCAssociation.h,v 1.4 2008/08/13 13:23:08 nancy Exp
- Date
- 2008/08/13 13:23:08
- Revision
- 1.4
PFTauDiscriminants::TrackPt | |
TrackQuality | This class analyses the reconstruction quality for a given track |
TrackQuality::Layer | |
TrackQuality::Layer::Hit | |
TrackRefitter | Refit Tracks: Produce Tracks from TrackCollection |
reco::TrackResiduals | - Author:
TrackSelector | Selects a subset of a track collection |
reco::TrackSelector | |
muonisolation::TrackSelector | |
muonisolation::TrackSelector::Parameters | Config parameters |
helper::TrackSelectorBase | |
TracksToTrajectories | This class, which is a EDProducer, takes a reco::TrackCollection from the Event and refits the rechits strored in the reco::Tracks |
TrackStub | - Author:
- L
csctf::TrackStub | |
converter::TrackToCandidate | |
TrackToTrackCovCalculator< N > | Abstract class for algorithms computing the covariance matrices of each pair of tracks belonging to a CachingVertex |
TrackToTrackMap | No description available |
TrackTransformer | This class takes a reco::Track and refits the rechits inside it |
reco::TrackTransientTrack | |
examples::TrackTSelector | |
TrackTSelector | Simple interactive analysis example based on FWLite TSelector accessing EDM data |
TrackViewCandidateProducer | Framework module that produces a collection of candidates with a Track compoment from a View<Track> |
TrackWithHistory | The part of the information about a SimTrack that we need from a G4Track |
TrackWithVertexSelector | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring::Module | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring::Object | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring::RootObject< T > | |
PhysicsTools::TrainMVAComputerCalibration | For internal use by MVATrainer |
PhysicsTools::TrainProcessor | |
PhysicsTools::TrainProcessor::Registry< Instance_t > | |
PhysicsTools::TrainProcessor::SigBkg | |
TrajCandLess< TR > | Defines an ordering of Trajectories in terms of "goodness" The comparison is done in terms of total chi**2 plus a penalty for "lost" hits |
Trajectory | A class for detailed particle trajectory representation |
Trajectory::LessMag | Used to determine closest measurement to given point |
TrajectoryBuilder | The component of track reconstruction that, strating from a seed, reconstructs all possible trajectories |
TrajectoryCleaner | |
TrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits | A concrete TrajectoryCleaner that considers two trajectories to be mutually exclusive if they share more than some fraction of their hits |
TrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds | |
TrajectoryCleanerESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TrajectoryCleanerMerger | |
TrajectoryFactoryBase | Base class for factories producing reference trajectories, i.e |
TrajectoryFilter | |
TrajectoryFilterESProducer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TrajectoryFitter | Interface class for trajectory fitters, i.e |
TrajectoryLessByFoundHits | |
TrajectoryManager | |
TrajectoryMeasurement | The TrajectoryMeasurement contains the full information about the measurement of a trajectory by a Det, namely
TrajectoryMeasurementGroup | A class that facilitates grouping of trajectory measurements according to the group of Dets from which they come |
TrajectorySeed | TrajectorySeed contains
- a TSOS
- a vector of RecHits (with Own_vector to store polimorphic)
- a propagation direction
TrajectorySeedProducer | |
TrajectorySegmentBuilder | |
TrajectorySmoother | Interface class for trajectory smoothers, i.e |
TrajectoryStateAccessor | Helper class to obtain the uncertainty on specific trajectory parameters |
TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine | Trajectory state defined at the point of closest approach (PCA) of the track to the beamline |
TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLineBuilder | This class builds a TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine given an original FreeTrajectoryState |
TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint | Trajectory state defined at a given point on the helix, which is the point of closest approach to the reference point |
TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder | This class builds a TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint given an original TrajectoryStateOnSurface or FreeTrajectoryState |
TrajectoryStateCombiner | Combines the information from two trajectory states via a weighted mean |
TrajectoryStateException | Exceptions thrown from TrajectoryParametrization and dependent subsystems |
TrajectoryStateLessWeight | Compare two TrajectoryStateOnSurface acc |
TrajectoryStateOnSurface | As the class name suggests, this class encapsulates the state of a trajectory on a surface |
TrajectoryStateTransform | |
TrajectoryStateUpdator | The TrajectoryState updator is a basic track fititng component that combines the information from a measurement (a RecHit) and a predicted TrajectoryState, as in the Kalman filter formalism |
TrajectoryStateWithArbitraryError | Creates a TrajectoryState with the same parameters as the inlut one, but with "infinite" errors, i.e |
TrajMeasLessEstim | Function object for ordering TrajectoryMeasurements according to the value of their compatibility estimate (typically Chi^2) |
edm::TRandomAdaptor | |
TRange< T > | Define a range [aMin,aMax] |
cond::TransactionException | |
edm::TransEntry | |
OwnerPolicy::Transfer | |
ROOT::Math::Transform3DPJ | Basic 3D Transformation class describing a rotation and then a translation The internal data are a rotation data and a 3D vector data and they can be represented like a 3x4 matrix The class has a template parameter the coordinate system tag of the reference system to which the transformatioon will be applied |
edm::Transient< T > | |
Transient | Description: ROOT safe bool |
edm::TransientDataFrame< SIZE > | |
TransientInitialStateEstimator | Computes the trajectory state to be used as a starting state for the track fit from the vector of hits |
TransientRecHitRecord | |
edm::TransientStreamer< T > | |
reco::TransientTrack | |
TransientTrackBuilder | Helper class to build TransientTrack from the persistent Track |
TransientTrackBuilderESProducer | |
reco::TransientTrackFromFTS | |
TransientTrackFromFTSFactory | Helper class to build TransientTrack from a FreeTrajectoryState |
TransientTrackingRecHit | |
TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder | |
TransientTrackingRecHitByValue< RecHit > | |
TransientTrackInGroupOfTracks | |
TransientTrackInVertices | |
TransientTrackKinematicParticle | Class representing KinematicParticle created fromTransientTrack |
TransientTrackKinematicStateBuilder | Kinematic State builder for TransientTrack based kinematic states |
TransientTrackRecord | |
TransientVertex | |
TransverseBoundPlaneFactory | Obsolete |
TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator | Extrapolate to impact point with respect to vtx, i.e |
DDI::Trap | |
Trapezoid2RectangleMappingX | Maps a trapezoidal coordinate system into a cartesian one |
TrapezoidalCartesianMFGrid | Grid for a trapezoid in cartesian coordinate |
TrapezoidalCylindricalMFGrid | |
TrapezoidalPlaneBounds | Trapezoidal plane bounds |
TrapezoidalStripTopology | Specialised strip topology for rectangular barrel detectors |
funct::TrapezoidIntegrator | |
TRawAdc2249 | |
TRawCrystal | |
TRawHeader | |
TRawHodo | |
TRawLaserPulse | |
TRawPattern | |
TRawPn | |
TRawScaler | |
TRawTdcInfo | |
TRawTdcTriggers | |
TRawTower | |
TRawTpgChannel | |
TRawTriggerChannel | |
TreatSecondary | |
TRecHit1DMomConstraint | |
TRecHit2DPosConstraint | |
PhysicsTools::TreeReader | |
PhysicsTools::TreeReader::Bool | |
PhysicsTools::TreeReader::Value | |
PhysicsTools::TreeTrainer | |
pftools::TreeUtility | Utility class to create particles and detector elements from a Root file |
edm::Trie< T > | Implement a trie in memory with the smallest structure as possible (use few RAM as possible) |
edm::TrieFactory< T > | The goal of this class is to allocate Trie node by paquet of X element in order to reduce heap-admin size |
edm::TrieNode< T > | This class represent the node of a trie, it contains a link to a sub node and a link to a brother (node which have the same father) |
edm::TrieNodeIter< T > | |
TrigCodes | |
TrigCodes::TrigBitSetMap | |
TriggerBoardSpec | RPC Trigger Board specification for readout decoding |
pat::TriggerEvent | Analysis-level trigger object class |
trigger::TriggerEvent | The single EDProduct to be saved for each event (AOD case) |
trigger::TriggerEvent::TriggerFilterObject | Helper class: recording trigger objects firing a single filter |
trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs | The single EDProduct to be saved in addition for each event
- but only in the "RAW" case: for a fraction of all events
trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs::TriggerFilterObject | Helper class: trigger objects firing a single filter |
pat::TriggerFilter | Analysis-level trigger object class |
trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs | Transient book-keeping EDProduct filled by HLTFilter module to record physics objects firing the filter (never persistet in production; same functionality but different implementation compared to the old HLT data model's HLTFilterObjectWithRefs class) |
TriggerFlagTxt | Txt format flag |
TriggerFlagXML | XML format flag |
pat::helper::TriggerHelper | Helper class to remove unwanted dependencies from DataFormats/PatCandidates related to PAT trigger data formats |
TriggerInputTagComparison | |
pat::helper::TriggerMatchHelper | |
edm::TriggerNames | |
edm::service::TriggerNamesService | |
trigger::TriggerObject | Single trigger physics object (e.g., an isolated muon) |
pat::TriggerObject | Analysis-level trigger object class |
pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone | Analysis-level trigger object class |
pat::TriggerPath | Analysis-level trigger object class |
pat::TriggerPrimitive | Analysis-level trigger primitive class |
trigger::TriggerRefsCollections | Holds the collections of Ref<C>s which describe the physics objects passing trigger cuts |
edm::TriggerReport | |
evf::fuep::TriggerReportHelpers | |
edm::TriggerResultInserter | |
edm::TriggerResults | Original Authors: Jim Kowalkowski 13-01-06 Martin Grunewald - Id
- TriggerResults.h,v 1.12 2008/09/05 20:02:40 wdd Exp
TriggerScalersRaw_v1 | |
TriggerSummaryAnalyzerAOD | This class is an EDAnalyzer analyzing the HLT summary object for AOD |
TriggerSummaryAnalyzerRAW | This class is an EDAnalyzer analyzing the HLT summary object for RAW |
TriggerSummaryProducerAOD | This class is an EDProducer making the HLT summary object for AOD |
TriggerSummaryProducerRAW | This class is an EDProducer making the HLT summary object for RAW |
trigger::TriggerTypeDefs | Misc |
TriggerTypeFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
TrimmedTrackFilter | Select TransientTracks for a vertex search with the ConfigurableTrimmedVertexFinder algorithm by applying a pT cut |
TrimmedVertexFinder | Algorithm to find 0 or 1 cluster of tracks that are compatible with a single vertex, among `remain`, the initial set of tracks |
TrimmedVertexFitter | |
reco::parser::TrinarySelector | |
reco::parser::TrinarySelectorSetter | |
Triplet< T1, T2, T3 > | Triplet is identical to stl::pair exceot that it has three members instead of two (first, second, third) |
TripletFilter | |
TripletGenerator | |
TrivialAmplitudeAlgo< C > | |
pool::TrivialFileCatalog | This class is the concrete implementation of the POOL Trivial File Catalog as requested by Peter Elmer |
pool::TrivialFileCatalog::Rule | |
trivialParser | This parser is really fragile!! |
TrivialWeightEstimator< T > | Trivial WeightEstimator that returns 1 |
TrkCalIsolationAlgo< T1, C2 > | |
trkIDLess | |
TruncatedAverageDeDxEstimator | |
TruncatedPyramid | A base class to handle the particular shape of Ecal Xtals |
DDI::TruncTubs | |
TRunInfo | |
TruthTauDecayModeProducer | Description: Produces reco::PFTauDecayModes corresponding to MonteCarlo objects For signal, it uses decayed MC taus For background, it uses GenJets |
TruthTauDecayModeProducer::tauObjectsHolder | |
TruthTOA | |
TruthTOA::counter_info_t | |
TSCPBuilderNoMaterial | This class builds a TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint given an original TrajectoryStateOnSurface or FreeTrajectoryState |
TSelectorAnalyzer< Algo > | |
tselname | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
tselnameWorker | |
TSGForRoadSearch | Description: this class generates hit-less TrajectorySeed from a given Track |
TSGFromL1Muon | Description: EDPRoducer to generate L3MuonTracjectorySeed from L1MuonParticles |
TSGFromL2Muon | |
TSGFromOrderedHits | |
TSGFromPropagation | - Date
- 2008/05/29 15:44:03
- Revision
- 1.29
TSGFromPropagation::increasingEstimate | |
TSGFromPropagation::isInvalid | |
TSGSmart | |
TSinglePedEntry | |
TSiPixelRecHit | |
TSiStripMatchedRecHit | |
TSiStripRecHit2DLocalPos | |
TSiTrackerMultiRecHit | |
TSLToyGen | |
TSOSFromSimHitFactory | Produces a TrajectoryStateOnSurface from a SimHit |
TSqueue< X > | Internal class |
TSqueue_termination | |
TSqueueConsumer< X, C > | User class |
TStorageFactoryFile | TFile wrapper around StorageFactory and Storage |
TStorageFactorySystem | TSystem wrapper around StorageFactory and CMS Storage |
TStrip | |
TT6ApvMask | Concrete implementation of TkApvMask for TT6 |
TT6CommonModeCalculator | Concrete implementation of TkCommonModeCalculator for TT6 |
TT6NoiseCalculator | Concrete implementation of TkNoiseCalculator for TT6 |
TT6NTPedestalCalculator | |
TT6PedestalCalculator | Concrete implementation of TkPedestalCalculator for TT6 |
TtDecayChannelSelector | |
TtDecaySelection | |
TtDilepEvtSolution | |
TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker | |
TtDilepLRSignalSelObservables | |
TtEvent | |
TtEvtBuilder< C > | |
TtFullHadEventPartons | |
TtFullHadKinFitter | |
TtFullLepEventPartons | |
TtFullLepKinSolver | |
TtFullLeptonicEvent | |
TtGenEvent | |
TtGenEventReco | |
TtHadEvtSolution | |
TtHadEvtSolutionMaker | |
TtHadLRJetCombCalc | |
TtHadLRJetCombObservables | On TtSemiLRJetCombObservables.h |
TtHadLRSignalSelCalc | Class to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions |
TtHadLRSignalSelObservables | |
TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::CompareBdisc | |
TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::CompareDouble | |
TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::CompareET | |
TtHadSimpleBestJetComb | Based on the Jan Heyninck version:,v 1.2 2007/06/09 01:17:40 lowette Exp |
TtJetPartonMatch< C > | |
TTPatternsGroup | Group of paterns, for which the "baseline"("track") algorithm is performed |
TtSemiEvtKit | TtSemiEvtKit is an ED analyzer with histograms appropriate for lepton+jet+MET |
TtSemiEvtSolution | |
TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker | |
TtSemiLepEventPartons | |
TtSemiLepHypGenMatch | |
TtSemiLepHypGeom | |
TtSemiLepHypKinFit | |
TtSemiLepHypMaxSumPtWMass | |
TtSemiLepHypMVADisc | |
TtSemiLepHypothesis | |
TtSemiLepHypWMassMaxSumPt | |
TtSemiLepJetComb | |
TtSemiLepJetCombMVAComputer | |
TtSemiLepJetCombMVATrainer | |
TtSemiLepKinFitProducer< LeptonCollection > | |
TtSemiLepKinFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::KinFitResult | |
TtSemiLepKinFitter | |
TtSemiLepSignalSel | |
TtSemiLepSignalSelMVAComputer | |
TtSemiLepSignalSelMVATrainer | |
TtSemiLepSignalSelMVATrainer::JetwithHigherPt | |
TtSemiLeptonicEvent | |
TtSemiLRJetCombCalc | Class to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions |
TtSemiLRJetCombObservables | Steering class for the overall top-lepton likelihood |
TtSemiLRSignalSelCalc | Class to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions |
TtSemiLRSignalSelObservables | |
TtSemiLRSignalSelObservables::CompareBdisc | |
TtSemiLRSignalSelObservables::CompareDouble | |
TtSemiLRSignalSelObservables::CompareET | |
TtSemiSimpleBestJetComb | Simple method to get the correct jet combination in semileptonic ttbar events |
DDI::Tubs | |
TwoBodyDecay | /class TwoBodyDecay |
TwoBodyDecayDerivatives | /class TwoBodyDecayDerivatives |
TwoBodyDecayEstimator | Class TwoBodyDecayEstimator estimates the decay parameters and the corresponding error matrix (see TwoBodyDecayParameter) from two linearized tracks, and an hypothesis for the primary particle's mass and width as well as the mass of the secondary particles |
TwoBodyDecayFitter | /class TwoBodyDecayFitter |
TwoBodyDecayLinearizationPointFinder | Class TwoBodyDecayLinearizationPointFinder computes a rough estimate of the parameters of a decay |
TwoBodyDecayModel | /class TwoBodyDecayModel |
TwoBodyDecayParameters | /class TwoBodyDecayParameters |
TwoBodyDecayTrajectory | |
TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory | |
TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryState | |
TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement | /class TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement |
edm::eventsetup::depends_on::TwoHolder< T, U > | |
twoNibble | |
twoNibble64 | |
TwoObjectVariable< LHS, lLHS, RHS, lRHS, Calculator > | |
TwoObjectVariable< LHS, lLHS, RHS, lRHS, Calculator >::getObject | |
Exhume::TwoSpace | |
TwoTrackMassKinematicConstraint | Class implementing the total mass of 2 tracks constraint |
TwoTrackMinimumDistance | General interface to calculate the PCA of two tracks |
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixHelix | This is a helper class for TwoTrackMinimumDistance |
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixLine | This is a helper class for TwoTrackMinimumDistance, for the case where one of the tracks is charged and the other not |
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceLineLine | This is a helper class for TwoTrackMinimumDistance |
cms::Type1MET | |
Type1MET | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
Type1METAlgo | Calculates MET for given input CaloTower collection |
edm::eventsetup::heterocontainer::type_from_itemtype< Key, ItemType > | |
cond::TypedRef< T > | Typed Ref smart pointer |
edm::TypeID | |
edm::TypeIDBase | |
TypeIDBase | Description: Base class for classes used to compare C++ types |
edm::TypeIDBase::Def | |
TypeInfoHolder | Description: wrapper to allow std::type_info to be used as a key to a std::map |
edm::serviceregistry::TypeInfoHolder | |
base | |
edm::pset::TypeTrans | |
UEAnalysisCorrCali | |
UEAnalysisJets | |
UEAnalysisMPI | |
UEAnalysisOnRootple | |
UEAnalysisSelectorRootple | |
UEAnalysisUE | |
UEAnalysisWeight | |
Types::uint32 | |
Types::uint64 | |
reco::parser::UnaryCutSetter< Op > | |
UncatchedException | |
funct::UndefinedIntegral | |
UniformMagneticField | A MagneticField engine that returns a constant programmable field value |
magneticfield::UniformMagneticFieldESProducer | |
UniformMagneticFieldESProducer | Producer for the UniformMagneticField |
DDI::Union | |
UnitConverter | |
edm::service::UnixSignalService | |
edm::UnknownModuleException | Exception thrown when trying to instance a module which is not registered to the system |
cond::UnregisteredRecordException | |
edm::UnscheduledCallProducer | |
UnscheduledHandler | Description: Interface to allow handling unscheduled processing |
edm::UnscheduledHandler | |
lat::Unwind< T > | |
parsecf::pyparsing::Upcase | |
UpdatablePSimHit | Extension of PSimHit; the exit point and the energy loss can be modified; maybe not the final solution |
edm::UpdateGetterAdapter< T > | |
dqm::UpdateObserver | |
dqm::Updater | |
UpdaterService | |
UpdateTProfile | |
lhef::UPPRIV | |
pat::UserData | Base class for data that users can add to pat objects |
pat::UserHolder< T > | |
lat::UserInfo | Describe a user, and by default the current user |
cond::UserLogInfo | |
Mixins::UsingBlock | |
edm::pset::UsingNode | |
cscdqm::Utility | General and CSCDQM Framework related utility routines |
pftools::Utils | |
Utils | Utility functions |
rpcdqm::utils | |
UtilsClient | Utilities for Ecal Monitor Client |
utype_b_0_0 | |
utype_b_0_0::fl | |
utype_b_10_0 | |
utype_b_10_0::fl | |
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utype_b_8_4 | |
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utype_b_8_6 | |
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utype_b_8_7 | |
utype_b_8_7::fl | |
utype_b_8_8 | |
utype_b_8_8::fl | |
utype_b_9_0 | |
utype_b_9_0::fl | |
utype_b_9_7 | |
utype_b_9_7::fl | |
utype_b_9_8 | |
utype_b_9_8::fl | |
utype_b_9_9 | |
utype_b_9_9::fl | |
lat::UUID | |
lat::UUIDError | |
muonGeometry::V | |
reco::V0Candidate | |
reco::V0Filter | |
V0Fitter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
V0Producer | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
V0SvFilter | |
cmsPerfSuite::ValgrindThread | |
ValidationMisalignedTracker | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ValidHitPairFilter | |
ValidityInterval | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::ValidityInterval | |
edm::value_ptr< T > | |
edm::value_ptr_traits< T > | |
cond::ValueExtractor< T > | |
cond::ValueExtractor< L1TriggerScaler > | |
cond::ValueExtractor< Pedestals > | |
cond::ValueExtractor< RunInfo > | |
cond::ValueExtractor< RunNumber > | |
cond::ValueExtractor< RunSummary > | |
edm::ValueHolderECGetter< T > | |
edm::ValueMap< T > | |
edm::ValueMap< T >::const_iterator | |
edm::ValueMap< T >::IDComparator | |
edm::refhelper::ValueTrait< C > | |
edm::refhelper::ValueTrait< RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
edm::refhelper::ValueTrait< RefVector< C, T, F > > | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Variable | |
PhysicsTools::Variable | Class describing an input variable |
PhysicsTools::Variable::Value | Helper class that can contain an identifier-value pair |
PhysicsTools::Variable::ValueList | Helper class that can contain an list of identifier-value pairs |
VariableComputer | |
VariableComputerTest | |
VariableEventSelector | |
VariableHelper | |
VariableHelperService | |
VariablePlotter | |
VariablePlotter::Directory | |
VariablePlotter::SubDirectory | |
VariablePower | |
VarParsing::VarParsing | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor | Common base class for variable processors |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::VarProcessor | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::Config | Helper class for discriminator computer set-up procedure |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::ConfigCtx | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::ConfigCtx::Context | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::ConfIterator | Iterator to loop over the input/output variable configuration |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::ValueIterator | |
VarSplitter | |
Types::vbool | |
Types::VCmsRange | |
Types::vdouble | |
VEcalCalibBlock | Element for the single ECAL block intercalibration |
edm::Vector< T > | |
math::Vector< N > | Fixed size vector |
Vector2DBase< T, FrameTag > | |
Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag > | |
math::VectorD< N > | Fixed size vector |
VectorDoublet< V1, V2 > | |
math::VectorF< N > | Fixed size vector |
VectorFieldInterpolation | Linear interpolation of a field (3D) in space (3D) |
edm::reftobase::VectorHolder< T, REFV > | |
edm::reftobase::VectorHolder< T, REFV >::const_iterator_imp_specific | |
edm::VectorInputSource | |
edm::VectorInputSourceFactory | |
VectorLMAP | |
VectorMakeDouble | |
VectorMakeString | |
VectorTag | |
edm::pset::VEntryNode | |
verbose | |
popcon::VerifyState | Verify the consistency between conddb and the log |
Version | Init Message |
reco::Vertex | A reconstructed Vertex providing position, error, chi2, ndof and reconstrudted tracks |
reco::Vertex::TrackEqual | |
pat::VertexAssociation | Analysis-level structure for vertex-related information |
pat::VertexAssociationSelector | |
pat::VertexAssociationSelector::Config | Structure to pack config for the constructor |
VertexAssociatorBase | |
VertexAssociatorByTracks | |
VertexAssociatorRecord | |
VertexCompatibleWithBeam | True if the distance between the beam spot and the vertex, computed by the `dist` algorithm, is smaller than `cut` |
reco::VertexCompositeCandidate | A composite Candidate with error matrix and other vertex fix information |
VertexDistance | Abstact class which defines a distance and compatibility between vertices |
VertexDistance3D | Computes the distance and chi-squared compatibility between two vertices with their 3D positions |
VertexDistanceXY | Computes the distance between two vertices as the chi-squared formed with their positions in the transverse plane |
VertexException | Exceptions thrown from RecoVertex dependent subsystems |
VertexFilter | |
reco::VertexFilter | |
VertexFitter< N > | Pure abstract base class for VertexFitters |
VertexFitterManager | |
VertexFitterResult | Very basic class containing only the positions of the simulated and reconstructed vertices, total chi**2, chi**2 probability and number of degrees of freedom |
VertexHigherPtSquared | Operator for sorting TransientVertex objects in decreasing order of the sum of the squared track pT's |
pat::helper::VertexingHelper | Produces and/or checks pat::VertexAssociation's |
VertexKinematicConstraint | Class implementing the vertexing constraint for extended cartesian parametrization (x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z,m) |
VertexMass | |
VertexPlots | |
VertexRecoManager | |
VertexReconstructor | Abstract class for vertex reconstructors, i.e |
VertexSmoothedChiSquaredEstimator< N > | Pure abstract base class for algorithms computing a better estimation of vertex chi-squared after vertex fitting |
VertexSmoother< N > | Pure abstract base class for vertex smoothers Vertex smoothing includes track refit with vertex constraint, better estimation of vertex chi-squared etc |
reco::VertexSorting | |
VertexState | Class containing a measurement of a vertex |
VertexTHA | |
VertexTrack< N > | Track information relative to a track-to-vertex association |
VertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator< N > | Pure abstract base class for compatibility estimators (distance, chi-squared, etc |
VertexTrackEqual< N > | |
VertexTracker | |
VertexTrackFactory< N > | Concrete class to encapsulate the creation of a RefCountedVertexTrack, which is a reference-counting pointer |
VertexTrackUpdator< N > | Pure abstract base class for VertexTrackUpdators |
VertexUpdator< N > | Pure abstract base class for VertexUpdators |
Types::VEventID | |
edm::View< T > | Class template View<T> |
edm::ViewBase | |
edm::helpers::ViewFiller< T > | |
edm::helpers::ViewFiller< RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
ViewTranslator | - Author:
- P.Kalavase, R.Bainbridge $Date: 11/10/2006 $Revision: 1.0
Types::VInputTag | |
Types::vint32 | |
Types::vint64 | |
VirtualKinematicParticle | Class representing KinematicParticle created as a result of kinematic fit |
VirtualKinematicParticleFactory | |
VisActiveConfigurable< T > | |
VisAnimate | |
VisAnnotateGeometry | |
VisAppearanceService | |
VisApplicationMain | |
VisAppMode | |
VisAutoPrint | |
VisAutoStart | |
VisBasicCluster | |
VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig | |
VisBasicClusterTwig | |
VisBField | |
VisBinningStrategy | |
VisCaloAnnotation | |
VisCaloEnergyScale | |
VisCaloGeometryTwig | |
VisCaloJetEnergyCut | |
VisCaloJetTwig | |
VisCaloMETTwig | |
VisCaloTower | |
VisCaloTowerTwig | |
VisCandidateTwig | |
VisCMSMagField | |
VisCMSMagFieldContent | Data proxy to create the CMS magnetic field twig |
VisCMSMagFieldTwig | |
VisConfigEditor | |
VisConfigurable | |
VisConfiguration | |
VisConfigurationService | |
VisContent | |
VisCoreContent | Content proxy to create framework visualisation core |
VisCounterFrequency | |
VisCounterMax | |
VisCounterMin | |
VisCSCALCTDigiTwig | |
VisCSCChamberDrawer | Draws the outline of a chamber |
VisCSCChamberSelector | |
VisCSCChamberSelectorImpl | Implementation of the (Qt Designer generated) VisCSCChamberSelector class |
VisCSCChamberSelectorImplService | |
VisCSCCLCTDigiTwig | |
VisCSCComparatorDigiTwig | |
VisCSCCorrelatedLCTDigiTwig | |
VisCSCGeometryTwig | |
VisCSCPlotWidget | A Qt widget holding a bar plot |
VisCSCPlotWidgetAxisX | |
VisCSCPlotWidgetAxisY | |
VisCSCRecHit2DTwig | |
VisCSCRPCDigiTwig | |
VisCSCSeg2HETwig | |
VisCSCSegment | |
VisCSCSegmentTwig | |
VisCSCStackPlots | Stacks together a number of bar plots with axes and packages them as a single widget |
VisCSCStackPlotService | |
VisCSCStripDigiTwig | |
VisCSCWireDigiTwig | |
VisCuCmsTracker | |
VisCuTkAccessDbConnection | |
VisCuTkAutoIntegrate | |
VisCuTkBuilder | |
VisCuTkCompositeDetector< T > | |
VisCuTkCrossedModulesOnly | |
VisCuTkGeometryTwig | |
VisCuTkLayer | |
VisCuTkLayerSelection | |
VisCuTkLayerSlWindow | |
VisCuTkMap2D | |
VisCuTkMapWindow | |
VisCuTkModule | |
VisCuTkModuleMap | |
VisCuTkNevToIntegrate | |
VisCuTkPartDetector | |
VisCuTkPixelClusterLabel | |
VisCuTkPixelClusterProducer | |
VisCuTkPixelDigiLabel | |
VisCuTkPixelDigiProducer | |
VisCuTkPixelRechitProducer | |
VisCuTkRecoContent | |
VisCuTkScrollView | |
VisCuTkSelectionBar | |
VisCuTkSignalToIntegrate | |
VisCuTkSimhitProducer | |
VisCuTkSlWindow | |
VisCuTkState | |
VisCuTkStripClusterLabel | |
VisCuTkStripClusterProducer | |
VisCuTkStripDigiLabel | |
VisCuTkStripDigiProducer | |
VisCuTkStripRechitProducer | |
VisCuTkSubDetector | |
VisCuTkSubLayer | |
VisCuTkTrackProducer | |
VisCuTkXSize | |
VisCuTkYSize | |
VisCuTracker | |
VisCuTrackerCluster | |
VisCuTrackerDigi | |
VisCuTrackerRecHit | |
VisCuTrackerSimHit | |
VisDetContent | Data proxy to create the CMS detector twig |
VisDetIvTwig | |
VisDetTextureTwig | |
VisDT2DSegmentTwig | |
VisDT4DSegmentTwig | |
VisDTDigi | |
VisDTDigiTwig | |
VisDTGeometryTwig | |
VisDTRecHit | |
VisDTRecHitsTwig | |
VisDTRecSegment4D | |
VisEBRecHit | |
VisEcalEnergyCut | |
VisEcalRecHit | |
VisEcalRecHitTwig | |
VisEcalRecoContent | |
VisEcalRMax | |
VisEcalSubdetector | |
VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig | |
VisEERecHit | |
VisEnergyCut | |
VisEvent | |
VisEventContentTwig | |
VisEventContentTwigOps | |
VisEventCoreContent | |
VisEventIdTwig | |
VisEventMenu | Menu actions for the current event |
VisEventMessage | Message about a new event |
VisEventNavigationDialog | |
VisEventObserver | |
VisEventProcessorService | |
VisEventSelector | |
VisEventSetup | |
VisEventSetupContent | |
VisEventSetupService | |
VisEventTimer | |
VisExceptionMessage | |
VisExceptionService | |
VisFEDRawDataCollectionTwig | |
VisG4AnnotationsTwig | Placeholder for G4-related annotation objects |
VisG4EventContent | Data proxy to create the event twig |
VisG4EventStatus | |
VisG4EventTwig | |
VisG4ExampleDetector | Sample Geant4 detector, based on Geant4 example N02 |
VisG4ExampleEventAction | |
VisG4ExampleField | |
VisG4ExampleGenerator | |
VisG4ExampleHit | |
VisG4ExampleParametrisation | |
VisG4ExamplePhysics | |
VisG4ExampleRunAction | |
VisG4ExampleSD | |
VisG4ExampleSetup | |
VisG4Filter | |
VisG4FilterCache | |
VisG4FilterCategory | |
VisG4FilterTable | |
VisG4GeomContent | Data proxy to create the event twig |
VisG4GeometryTwig | G4 detector geometry root twig |
VisG4GeomTwig | |
VisG4MagField | Geant4 magnetic field proxy |
VisG4MagFieldContent | Data proxy to create the magnetic field twig |
VisG4MagFieldTwig | Geant4 magnetic field proxy |
VisG4MaterialCacheFilter | |
VisG4MaterialDensityFilter | |
VisG4MaterialDetails | |
VisG4MaterialDetails::less | |
VisG4MaterialFalseColorFilter | |
VisG4MaterialFilter | Abstract class of a filter which performs the conversion between G4Material and SoMaterial |
VisG4MaterialLUTFilter | This class provides a conversion between G4Materials and SoMaterials, based on the name of the G4Material |
VisG4MaterialNameFilter | |
VisG4Navigator | Helper utilties for building twig trees from Geant4 volumes |
VisG4Path | Describe a Geant4 volume path including replica information |
VisG4Path::Node | |
VisG4PathDetails | |
VisG4PathDetails::less | |
VisG4PVDetails | |
VisG4PVDetails::less | |
VisG4RepDetails | |
VisG4RepDetails::less | |
VisG4TrackPtTwig | |
VisG4TracksContent | Data proxy to create the Simulation tracks twig |
VisG4TracksTwig | |
VisG4TrajectoriesTwig | Preliminary Geant4 trajectories twig |
VisG4TransientsTwig | Placeholder for G4-related transient objects (event-related data) |
VisG4TwigOps | Geant4-related twig context menu operations |
VisG4UIManager | Geant4 command-line management service for IGUANA |
VisG4UIShell | IGUANA override for the Geant4 command line shell |
VisG4VisManager | IGUANA custom Geant4 visualisation manager |
VisG4VisSceneHandler | |
VisG4VisTransform3D | Utility to convert Geant4 transformation matrix into an OpenInventor one |
VisG4VolumePicker | Utility to select and compute the transformation matrix, solid and replica status for a particular VisG4Path |
VisG4VolumeTwig | Twig representing a Geant4 detector volume |
VisGenJetCollectionTwig | |
VisGenJetTwig | |
VisGenMETTwig | |
VisGenParticleTwig | |
VisGsfPFRecTrackTwig | Twig class for GsfPFRecTrack visualization |
VisGsfTrackDirection | |
VisGsfTrackShape | |
VisGsfTrackTwig | |
VisHBHERecHitTwig | |
VisHBRecHit | |
VisHcalColorCode | |
VisHcalDetTwig | |
VisHcalEnergyCut | |
VisHcalRecoContent | |
VisHcalRMax | |
VisHcalShowHit | |
VisHcalShowTower | |
VisHcalSubdetector | |
VisHepMCProductTwig | |
VisHERecHit | |
VisHFDataFrameTwig | |
VisHFEnergyCut | |
VisHFRecHit | |
VisHFRecHitTwig | |
VisHiddenLineView | |
VisHORecHit | |
VisHORecHitTwig | |
VisHtmlRootBrowser | |
edm::pset::Visitor | |
VisJet | |
VisJetTagTwig | |
VisL1FilterService | |
VisL1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecordTwig | |
VisL1MuDTChambPhContainerTwig | |
VisL1MuDTChambThContainerTwig | |
VisL1MuDTTrackContainerTwig | |
VisL1TriggerMenu | |
VisLegoScale | |
VisLocalPosition | |
VisMagFieldDemoMain | |
VisMainProgram | Edm::EventProcessor visualisation main program interface |
VisMET | |
VisMETRecoContent | |
VisMETTwig | |
VisMuon | |
VisMuonAnnotation | |
VisMuonContent | |
VisMuonCSCContent | |
VisMuonDt | |
VisMuonDTContent | |
VisMuonEnergyTwig | |
VisMuonFilter | |
VisMuonT0 | |
VisMuonTwig | |
VisNet | |
VisNet::AutoPeer | |
VisNet::Bucket | |
VisNet::Object | |
VisNet::Peer | |
VisNet::WaitObject | |
VisParamEditor | |
VisPCaloHitTwig | |
VisPFCluster | |
VisPFClusterTwig | Twig class for PFCluster visualization |
VisPFClusterTwig::RecHit | |
VisPFContent | |
VisPFRecHit | |
VisPFRecHitTwig | Twig class for PFRecHit visualization |
VisPFRecTrack | |
VisPFRecTrackTwig | Twig class for PFRecTrack visualization |
VisPhiDelta | |
VisPhiStart | |
VisPixelDigi | |
VisPixelDigiTwig | |
VisPrintTimer | |
VisProcessEventDialog | |
VisPropagatorIn | |
VisPropagatorOut | |
VisPropagatorStep | |
VisPSimHitTwig | |
VisPtCut | |
VisQueue | Queue of commands to be executed by visualisation analysis module by VisQueueProcessor |
VisQueuedTwig | Twig base class for twigs that need to have operations on them queued to the event processing thread |
VisQueuedTwig::ExactMatch | |
VisQueueProcessor | Visualisation main loop for the event-consumer thread |
VisRecoCandidateContent | |
VisRecoJetContent | |
VisRecoToolsContent | |
VisRecoToolsTwig | |
VisRefitTrackTwig | |
VisRMax | |
VisRootBrowser | |
VisRootModel | |
VisRootModelEvent | |
VisRootRep | |
VisRPCContent | |
VisRPCDigiTwig | |
VisRPCGeometryTwig | |
VisRPCRecHit | |
VisRPCRecHitTwig | |
VisSelectedTrackNumber | |
VisShowDT4DSegmentChamber | |
VisShowHitDets | |
VisSimContent | Data proxy to initialise Geant4 |
VisSimDataContent | |
VisSimHitConnect | |
VisSimHitPointSize | |
VisSimHitsContent | |
VisSimMain | |
VisSimProcessor | |
VisSimQtActions | |
VisSimTrackAnnotation | |
VisSimTrackTime | |
VisSimTrackTwig | |
VisSimVertexTwig | |
VisSiPixelCluster | |
VisSiPixelRecHit | |
VisSiStripCluster | |
VisSiStripCluster2dRep | |
VisSiStripClusterPointSize | |
VisSiStripClusterRep | |
VisSiStripDigi | |
VisSkipEventDialog | |
VisSoG4Trajectories | A specialised OpenInventor node that renders Geant4 trajectories directly from the current trajectory container |
VisSoMaterialDetails | |
VisSoMaterialDetails::less | |
VisSubdetector | |
VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig | |
VisSuperClusterTwig | |
VisTexture | |
VisTkIdealHelixTracksTwig | |
VisTkRecoContent | |
VisTkRecTrackDetsTwig | |
VisTkRecTracksTwig | |
VisTkSimContent | |
VisTkSimHitTwig | |
VisTkSimTrackTwig | |
VisTrack | |
VisTrackerClusterTwig | |
VisTrackerDigiTwig | |
VisTrackerGeometryTwig | |
VisTrackerMap | |
VisTrackerMapBox | |
VisTrackerPiClusterTwig | |
VisTrackerPiDigiTwig | |
VisTrackerPiRechitTwig | |
VisTrackerRechit2DMatchedTwig | |
VisTrackerRechit2DTwig | |
VisTrackerTrackLineThickness | |
VisTrackingGeometry | |
VisTrackingParticle | Twig class for TrackingParticle visualization |
VisTrackingParticleTwig | |
VisTrackingRecHit | |
VisTrackingRecHitTwig | |
VisTrackShowDets | |
VisTrackShowHits | |
VisTrackShowRefPoint | |
VisTrackTwig | |
VisTrajectorySeedScale | |
VisTrajectorySeedTwig | |
VisTriggerContent | |
VisTriggerResultsTwig | |
VisTwigFactroyService | |
VisVolatileGeometry | |
VisWebFrameworkService | |
VisWebRootService | |
VisZMax | |
Types::VLuminosityBlockID | |
VolumeBasedMagneticField | Field engine providing interpolation within the full CMS region |
VolumeBasedMagneticFieldESProducer | Producer for the VolumeBasedMagneticField |
magneticfield::VolumeBasedMagneticFieldESProducer | |
VolumeBoundary | Base class fro volume boundaries ( == delimiting surfaces) |
VolumeCrossReturnType | |
VolumeEnergyLossEstimator | Estimation of energy loss for a finite step size in a volume |
VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimate | Holds an estimation of the material effects in a volume (finite step size) |
VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator | Base class for the estimation of material effects in a volume (finite step size): produces a VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimate |
VolumeMaterialEffectsUpdator | Computes an updated TrajectoryStateOnSurface after applying estimated material effects |
VolumeMediumProperties | Holds constants for estimating material effects in a volume: x0 = rad |
VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator | Estimation of multiple scattering for a finite step size in a volume |
VolumeSide | Class for delimiding surface of a volume |
vpp_generated | |
Types::VPSet | |
edm::pset::VPSetNode | |
VpspScanAlgorithm | - Author:
- M
VpspScanAnalysis | - Author:
- M
VpspScanHistograms | |
VpspScanHistosUsingDb | |
VpspScanSummaryFactory | |
VpspScanTask | |
Types::vstring | |
Types::vuint32 | |
Types::vuint64 | |
reco::VZero | |
reco::VZeroData | |
VZeroFinder | |
VZeroProducer | |
Capri::Warning | |
WebElement | |
evf::WebGUI | |
WebInterface | |
WebPage | |
Exhume::Weight | |
WeightEstimator< T > | Estimator that returns the weight (="quality") of a cluster |
WeightMatrixTag | Tag to apply to class GlobalErrorBase to give it the meaning of a weight matrix (i.e |
python::iovInspector::WhatDescription | |
parsecf::pyparsing::White | |
WireTopology | An ABC for detectors using wires rather than strips |
parsecf::pyparsing::Word | |
reco::hlt::wordConstants< numberOfBits, word > | |
edm::Worker | |
cmsPerfClient::Worker | |
edmtest::Worker | |
edm::WorkerInPath | |
edm::WorkerMaker< T > | |
edm::WorkerParams | |
edm::WorkerRegistry | |
edm::WorkerSummary | |
edm::WorkerT< T > | |
edm::Wrapper< T > | |
edm::pset::WrapperNode | |
python::payloadInspectorTemplate::wrapperTemplate | |
lat::WriteBuffer | Object for buffering writes for output streaming |
WriteDQMSummeryIntoOMDS | |
WriteEcalMiscalibConstants | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
WriteOneGeometryFromXML | |
l1t::WriterProxy | |
l1t::WriterProxyT< Record, Type > | |
xdaqSlowDataFormat | |
xdaqSourcePositionDataFormat | |
xdaqSourcePositionDriverData | Structure for Source Position Data |
cscdqm::XercesStringTranscoder | This is a simple class that lets us do easy (though not terribly efficient) trancoding of char* data to XMLCh data |
XHistogram | |
XHistogram::position | |
xmas2dqm::wse::XmasToDQM | |
XmasToDQMEventInfo | |
XmasToDQMSource | * DQM Test Client |
cond::XMLAuthenticationService::XMLAuthenticationService | |
lhef::XMLDocument | |
XMLDocument | |
lhef::XMLDocument::Handler | |
lhef::XMLDocument::XercesPlatform | |
XMLDocument::XercesPlatform | |
XMLDOMBlock | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
cscdqm::XMLFileErrorHandler | Takes care of errors and warnings while parsing XML files file in XML format |
XMLHTRPatternLoader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
XMLHTRPatternLoader::_checksumsDBConfig | |
XMLHTRPatternLoader::_datasetDBConfig | |
XMLHTRPatternLoader::_loaderBaseConfig | |
XMLHTRPatterns | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
XMLHTRPatterns::_HTRPatternConfig | |
XMLHTRPatterns::_loaderBaseConfig | |
XMLHTRZeroSuppressionLoader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
XMLHTRZeroSuppressionLoader::_datasetDBConfig | |
XMLHTRZeroSuppressionLoader::_loaderBaseConfig | |
XMLIdealGeometryESSource | |
lhef::XMLInputSourceWrapper< T > | |
XMLLUTLoader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
XMLLUTLoader::_checksumsDBConfig | |
XMLLUTLoader::_loaderBaseConfig | |
XMLLUTLoader::_lutDBConfig | |
XMLOutputModule | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
edm::XMLOutputModule | |
XMLProcessor | Description: Testing Xerces library for processing HCAL DB XML wrappers |
XMLProcessor::_checksumsDBConfig | |
XMLProcessor::_DBConfig | |
XMLProcessor::_LMapRowHBEF | |
XMLProcessor::_LMapRowHO | |
XMLProcessor::_loaderBaseConfig | |
XMLProcessor::_lutDBConfig | |
XMLRBXPedestalsLoader | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
XMLRBXPedestalsLoader::_datasetDBConfig | |
XMLRBXPedestalsLoader::_loaderBaseConfig | |
lhef::XMLSimpleStr | |
XMLSimpleStr | |
dqm::XMLTag | Base for all XMLTags |
dqm::XMLTagClusters | Summary Lite Clusters XML Tag |
dqm::XMLTagDigis | Summary Lite Digis XML Tag |
dqm::XMLTagErrors | Errors XML Tag |
dqm::XMLTagModule | Module XML Tag |
dqm::XMLTagPath | Path XML Tag |
dqm::XMLTagQTest | QTest XML tag |
dqm::XMLTagWarnings | Warnings XML Tag |
XMLUniStr | |
lhef::XMLUniStr | |
XMLZeroSuppression | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
XMLZeroSuppression::_loaderBaseConfig | |
XMLZeroSuppression::_ZeroSuppressionConfig | |
XrdFile | |
XrdStorageMaker | |
XStr | |
lat::XTypeInfo | |
lat::XTypeInfo::BaseDef | |
lat::XTypeInfo::BaseInfo | |
lat::XTypeInfo::ClassDef | |
lat::XTypeInfo::Holder | |
lat::XTypeInfo::Monitor | |
lat::XTypeInfoCast< D, B > | |
lat::XTypeInfoInit< T > | |
xxxEventHypothesis | YOUR COMMENTS GO HERE |
pat::xxxEventHypothesis | |
pat::xxxEventHypothesisProducer | |
xxxEventHypothesisProducer | YOUR COMMENTS GO HERE |
lat::ZCompressor | Compress output data using the ZLIB algorithm |
lat::ZConstants | Constants related to ZLIB compression and ZIP archives |
ZDCAlignmentErrorRcd | |
ZDCAlignmentRcd | |
ZDCDataFrame | Precision readout digi for ZDC |
ZDCDigitizerTraits | |
ZdcGeometry | |
ZDCGeometryRecord | |
ZdcHardcodeGeometryEP | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader | - Date
- 2008/04/21 22:20:16
- Revision
- 1.3
ZDCHitFilter | |
ZDCN | |
ZdcNumberingScheme | |
ZDCP | |
ZDCRecHit | - Date
- 2006/06/26 18:52:00
- Revision
- 1.1
ZdcSD | |
ZDCShape | Shaper for ZDC |
ZdcTBAnalysis | |
ZdcTBAnalyzer | |
ZdcTestAnalysis | |
ZDCTopology | - Date
- 2007/08/28 18:10:10
- Revision
- 1.1
ZdcTopology | |
lat::ZDecompressor | Decompress input data using the ZLIB algorithm |
ZeeCalibration | Description: Perform single electron calibration (tested on TB data only) |
ZeeKinematicTools | |
ZeePlots | |
ZeeRescaleFactorPlots | |
ZeroFieldGlobalMuonBuilder | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ZeroLinearizationPointFinder | A linearization point finder that always returns (0,0,0) |
parsecf::pyparsing::ZeroOrMore | |
ZeroSuppressFP420 | |
ZeroSuppressionID | |
lat::ZError | ZLIB error indication |
ZHistogrammer | |
lat::ZInputStream | Decompress input data using the ZLIB algorithm |
lat::ZipArchive | Read and write members in a ZIP archive |
lat::ZipInputStream | |
lat::ZipMember | A ZIP archive member |
lat::ZipOutputStream | |
lat::ZipUtils | Useful tools in various places, but scoped into our classes |
ZIterativeAlgorithmWithFit | Class that implements an iterative in situ calibration algorithm using Z events |
ZIterativeAlgorithmWithFit::ZIterativeAlgorithmWithFitPlots | |
funct::ZLineShape | |
ZMassHistogrammer | |
ZMuMuAnalyzer | |
ZMuMuAnalyzer_cynematics | |
function::ZMuMuBack | |
function::ZMuMuBackNorm | |
ZMuMuEfficiency | |
function::ZMuMuFunction | |
function::ZMuMuNormalBack | |
ZMuMuOverlap | |
function::ZMuMuScaledFunction | |
function::ZMuStandaloneFunction | |
function::ZMuStandaloneScaledFunction | |
function::ZMuTrackFunction | |
function::ZMuTrackScaledFunction | |
function::ZMuTrackScaledNormalBack | |
lat::ZOutputStream | Compress output data using the ZLIB algorithm |
ZReflectedMFGrid | |
ZSPJetCorrector | |
ZSuppressFP420 | |
Zto2lFilter | Description: <one line="" class="" summary>=""> |
ZToLLEdmNtupleDumper | |
ZToMuMuFilter | |
ZToMuMuHistogrammer | |
ZToMuMuIsolationSelector< Isolator > | |
ZToMuMuSelector | |