parseConfig::_IncludeFile Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__

Detailed Description

Definition at line 84 of file

Member Function Documentation

def parseConfig::_IncludeFile::__init__ (   self,

Searches for the 'filename' using the appropriate paths

Definition at line 85 of file

00085                                :
00086         """Searches for the 'filename' using the appropriate paths"""
00087         import os.path
00088         from os import environ
00089         try:
00090             paths = environ['CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH']
00091         except KeyError:
00092             raise RuntimeError("The environment variable 'CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH' must be set for include to work")
00093         lpaths = paths.split(':')
00094         lpaths.append('/afs/')
00095         lpaths.append('.')
00096         f = None
00097         for path in lpaths:
00098             path +='/'+filename
00099             if os.path.exists(path):
00100                 f=path
00101                 break
00102         if f is None:
00103             raise RuntimeError("Unable to find file '"+filename+"' using the search path ${'CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH'} \n"
00104                                +paths)
00105         super(_IncludeFile,self).__init__(path,'r')
_fileFactory = _IncludeFile

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