HLXMonitor Class Reference

Description: DQM Source for HLX histograms. More...

#include <DQM/HLXMonitor/src/>

Inheritance diagram for HLXMonitor:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 HLXMonitor (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~HLXMonitor ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void endJob ()
void EndRun (bool saveFile=true)
void FillEventInfo (const LUMI_SECTION &)
void FillHistograms (const LUMI_SECTION &)
void FillHistoHFCompare (const LUMI_SECTION &)
void ResetAll ()
void SaveDQMFile ()
void SetupEventInfo ()
void SetupHists ()

Private Attributes

bool Accumulate
unsigned int AquireMode
unsigned int counter
std::string DistribIP1
std::string DistribIP2
MonitorElementETSum [36]
std::string EtXAxisTitle
std::string EtYAxisTitle
std::string eventInfoFolder_
unsigned int expectedNibbles_
unsigned int HLXHFMap [36]
int listenPort
int lsBinOld
unsigned int lumiSectionCount
unsigned int MAX_LS
std::string monitorName_
unsigned int NBINS
unsigned int NUM_BUNCHES
unsigned int NUM_HLX
unsigned int numActiveTowersSet1
unsigned int numActiveTowersSet2
std::string OccXAxisTitle
std::string OccYAxisTitle
std::string OutputDir
std::string OutputFilePrefix
int prescaleEvt_
unsigned char * rData
unsigned int reconnTime
bool ResetAtNewRun
 These MEs are filled with the info from the most recent event by the module.
unsigned int runNumber_
unsigned int runNumLength
bool SaveAtEndJob
int SavePeriod
unsigned int secNumLength
short int SectionComplete
double sectionInstantErrSumEt
double sectionInstantErrSumOcc1
double sectionInstantErrSumOcc2
double sectionInstantNorm
double sectionInstantSumEt
double sectionInstantSumOcc1
double sectionInstantSumOcc2
MonitorElementSet1Above [36]
unsigned int set1AboveIndex
MonitorElementSet1Below [36]
unsigned int set1BelowIndex
MonitorElementSet1Between [36]
unsigned int set1BetweenIndex
MonitorElementSet2Above [36]
unsigned int set2AboveIndex
MonitorElementSet2Below [36]
unsigned int set2BelowIndex
MonitorElementSet2Between [36]
unsigned int set2BetweenIndex
std::string Style
std::string subSystemName_
unsigned int totalNibbles_ [36]
unsigned int TriggerBX
double XMAX
double XMIN

Detailed Description

Description: DQM Source for HLX histograms.

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 55 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLXMonitor::HLXMonitor ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig  )  [explicit]

Definition at line 16 of file

References Accumulate, AquireMode, dbe_, DistribIP1, DistribIP2, eventInfoFolder_, expectedNibbles_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), HLXHFMap, listenPort, lsBinOld, lumiSectionCount, MAX_LS, monitorName_, NBINS, NUM_BUNCHES, NUM_HLX, OutputDir, OutputFilePrefix, prescaleEvt_, reconnTime, ResetAtNewRun, runNumber_, runNumLength, SaveAtEndJob, SavePeriod, secNumLength, sectionInstantErrSumEt, sectionInstantErrSumOcc1, sectionInstantErrSumOcc2, sectionInstantNorm, sectionInstantSumEt, sectionInstantSumOcc1, sectionInstantSumOcc2, set1AboveIndex, set1BelowIndex, set1BetweenIndex, set2AboveIndex, set2BelowIndex, set2BetweenIndex, SetupEventInfo(), SetupHists(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), Style, subSystemName_, totalNibbles_, TriggerBX, XMAX, and XMIN.

00017 {
00019    NUM_HLX          = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("numHlx",     36);
00020    NUM_BUNCHES      = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("numBunches", 3564);
00021    MAX_LS           = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("maximumNumLS", 480);
00022    listenPort       = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("SourcePort", 51001);
00023    OutputFilePrefix = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< std::string  >("outputFile", "lumi");
00024    OutputDir        = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< std::string  >("outputDir","  data");
00025    SavePeriod       = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("SavePeriod",  10);
00026    NBINS            = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("NBINS",       297);  // 12 BX per bin
00027    XMIN             = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< double       >("XMIN",        0);
00028    XMAX             = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< double       >("XMAX",        3564);
00029    Style            = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< std::string  >("Style",       "BX");
00030    AquireMode       = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("AquireMode",  0);
00031    Accumulate       = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< bool         >("Accumulate",  true); // all
00032    TriggerBX        = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("TriggerBX",   50);
00033    reconnTime       = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< unsigned int >("ReconnectionTime",5);
00034    DistribIP1       = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< std::string  >("PrimaryHLXDAQIP", "vmepcs2f17-18");
00035    DistribIP2       = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< std::string  >("SecondaryHLXDAQIP", "vmepcs2f17-19");
00036    ResetAtNewRun    = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< bool         >("NewRun_Reset","true");
00037    SaveAtEndJob     = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< bool         >("SaveAtEndJob","true");
00039    eventInfoFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string   >("eventInfoFolder", "EventInfo") ;
00040    subSystemName_   = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string   >("subSystemName", "HLX") ;
00042    // Set the lumi section counter
00043    lsBinOld = 0;
00044    lumiSectionCount = 0;
00045    sectionInstantSumEt = 0;
00046    sectionInstantErrSumEt = 0;
00047    sectionInstantSumOcc1 = 0;
00048    sectionInstantErrSumOcc1 = 0;
00049    sectionInstantSumOcc2 = 0;
00050    sectionInstantErrSumOcc2 = 0;
00051    sectionInstantNorm = 0;
00053    // HLX Config info
00054    set1BelowIndex   = 0;
00055    set1BetweenIndex = 1;
00056    set1AboveIndex   = 2;
00057    set2BelowIndex   = 3;
00058    set2BetweenIndex = 4;
00059    set2AboveIndex   = 5;
00061    runNumLength     = 9;
00062    secNumLength     = 6;
00064    if(NUM_HLX > 36)       
00065      NUM_HLX = 36;
00067    if(NUM_BUNCHES > 3564) 
00068      NUM_BUNCHES = 3564;
00070    if(XMAX <= XMIN){
00071      XMIN = 0;
00072      if(XMAX <= 0) XMAX = 3564;
00073    }
00075    if(("History")==0) || (NBINS == 0)){
00076      NBINS = (unsigned int)(XMAX-XMIN);
00077    }
00079    dbe_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00081    if ( dbe_ ) {
00082      dbe_->setVerbose(1);
00083    }
00085    monitorName_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("monitorName","HLX");
00086    //cout << "Monitor name = " << monitorName_ << endl;
00087    prescaleEvt_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("prescaleEvt", -1);
00088    //cout << "===>DQM event prescale = " << prescaleEvt_ << " events "<< endl;
00090    unsigned int HLXHFMapTemp[] = {31,32,33,34,35,18,  // s2f07 hf-
00091                                   13,14,15,16,17,0,   // s2f07 hf+
00092                                   25,26,27,28,29,30,  // s2f05 hf-
00093                                   7, 8, 9, 10,11,12,     // s2f05 hf+
00094                                   19,20,21,22,23,24,  // s2f02 hf-
00095                                   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};       // s2f02 hf+
00097    runNumber_       = 0;
00098    expectedNibbles_ = 0;
00100    for( int iHLX = 0; iHLX < 36; ++iHLX ){
00101      HLXHFMap[iHLX] = HLXHFMapTemp[iHLX];
00102      //std::cout << "At " << iHLX << " Wedge " << HLXHFMap[iHLX] << std::endl;
00103      totalNibbles_[iHLX] = 0;
00104    }
00106    SetupHists();
00107    SetupEventInfo();
00108 }

HLXMonitor::~HLXMonitor (  ) 

Definition at line 110 of file

References HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::Disconnect(), and HLXTCP.

00111 {
00112   HLXTCP.Disconnect();
00113 }

Member Function Documentation

void HLXMonitor::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 617 of file

References HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::Connect(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::Disconnect(), DistribIP1, DistribIP2, lat::endl(), EndRun(), false, FillEventInfo(), FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), HLXTCP, HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::IsConnected(), lumiSection, HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::ReceiveLumiSection(), reconnTime, runNumber_, HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::SetIP(), and true.

00618 {
00619    using namespace edm;
00621    while( HLXTCP.IsConnected() == false )
00622    {
00623       HLXTCP.SetIP(DistribIP1);
00624       if( HLXTCP.Connect() != 1 )
00625       {
00626          std::cout << "Failed to connect to " << DistribIP1 << "." << std::endl;
00627          sleep( 1 );
00628          std::cout << "Trying " << DistribIP2 << std::endl;
00629          HLXTCP.SetIP( DistribIP2 );
00630          if( HLXTCP.Connect() == 1) break;
00631          std::cout << "Failed to connect to " << DistribIP2 << "." << std::endl;
00632          std::cout << " Reconnect in " << reconnTime << " seconds." <<  std::endl;
00633          sleep(reconnTime);
00634       }
00635    }
00636    if( HLXTCP.IsConnected() == true )
00637    {
00638       std::cout << "Successfully connected." << std::endl; 
00639    }
00641    if( HLXTCP.ReceiveLumiSection( lumiSection ) == 1 )
00642    {
00643       // If this is the first time through, set the runNumber ...
00644       if( runNumber_ != lumiSection.hdr.runNumber ) runNumber_ = lumiSection.hdr.runNumber;
00645       //std::cout << "Run number is: " << runNumber_ << std::endl;
00647       // Fill the monitoring histograms 
00648       FillHistograms(lumiSection);
00649       FillHistoHFCompare(lumiSection);
00650       FillEventInfo(lumiSection);
00652       cout << "Run: " << lumiSection.hdr.runNumber 
00653            << " Section: " << lumiSection.hdr.sectionNumber 
00654            << " Orbit: " << lumiSection.hdr.startOrbit << endl;
00655       cout << "Et Lumi: " << lumiSection.lumiSummary.InstantETLumi << endl;
00656       cout << "Occ Lumi 1: " << lumiSection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[0] << endl;
00657       cout << "Occ Lumi 2: " << lumiSection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[1] << endl;
00658    }
00659    else
00660    {
00661       HLXTCP.Disconnect();
00662       EndRun();
00663    }
00665 //    do
00666 //    {
00667 //       errorCode = HLXTCP.ReceiveLumiSection(lumiSection);
00669 //       while(errorCode !=1)
00670 //       {
00671 //       HLXTCP.Disconnect();
00672 //       //cout << "Connecting to TCPDistributor" << endl;
00673 //       errorCode = HLXTCP.Connect();
00674 //       if(errorCode != 1) 
00675 //       {
00676 //         if( (attemptCounter%10)==0 ){  
00677 //           cout << "*** Connection Failed: " << errorCode 
00678 //                << " Will attempt to reconnect in " << reconnTime << " seconds." << endl;
00679 //           cout << "This message will be printed once every 10 attempts." << endl;
00680 //         }
00681 //         ++attemptCounter;
00682 //         sleep(reconnTime);
00683 //       }
00684 //       }    
00685 //    } while( errorCode != 1 );
00687 }

void HLXMonitor::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup  )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 703 of file

References AquireMode, HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::Connect(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, DistribIP1, DistribIP2, lat::endl(), false, HLXTCP, HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::IsConnected(), listenPort, reconnTime, HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::SetIP(), HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::SetMode(), HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::SetPort(), and true.

00704 { 
00705    HLXTCP.SetIP(DistribIP1);
00706    int errorCode = HLXTCP.SetPort(listenPort);
00707    cout << "SetPort: " << listenPort << " Success: " << errorCode << endl;
00708    errorCode = HLXTCP.SetMode(AquireMode);
00709    cout << "AquireMode: " << AquireMode << " Success: " << errorCode << endl;
00711    while( HLXTCP.IsConnected() == false )
00712    {
00713       HLXTCP.SetIP(DistribIP1);
00714       if( HLXTCP.Connect() != 1 )
00715       {
00716          std::cout << "Failed to connect to " << DistribIP1 << "." << std::endl;
00717          sleep( 1 );
00718          std::cout << "Trying " << DistribIP2 << std::endl;
00719          HLXTCP.SetIP( DistribIP2 );
00720          if( HLXTCP.Connect() == 1) break;
00721          std::cout << "Failed to connect to " << DistribIP2 << "." << std::endl;
00722          std::cout << " Reconnect in " << reconnTime << " seconds." <<  std::endl;
00723          sleep(reconnTime);
00724       }
00725    }
00726    if( HLXTCP.IsConnected() == true )
00727    {
00728       std::cout << "Successfully connected." << std::endl; 
00729    }
00731 //    do
00732 //    {
00733 //       //cout << "BEGINJOB: Connecting to TCPDistributor" << endl;
00734 //       errorCode = HLXTCP.Connect();
00735 //       //cout << "ErrorCode " << errorCode << endl;
00736 //       if(errorCode != 1)
00737 //       {
00738 //      if( (attemptCounter%10)==0 ){
00739 //        cout << "BeginJob: Attempting to reconnect in " << reconnTime << " seconds." << endl;
00740 //        cout << "This message will be printed once every 10 attempts." << endl;
00741 //      }
00742 //      ++attemptCounter;
00743 //      sleep(reconnTime);
00744 //       }
00745 //    } while(errorCode != 1);
00746 }

void HLXMonitor::endJob ( void   )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 749 of file

References HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::Disconnect(), EndRun(), HLXTCP, and SaveAtEndJob.

00750 {
00751    // Fill the report summaries at end job
00752    // Loop over the HLX's and fill the map, 
00753    // also calculate the overall quality.
00754    HLXTCP.Disconnect();
00755    EndRun( SaveAtEndJob );
00756 }

void HLXMonitor::EndRun ( bool  saveFile = true  )  [private]

Definition at line 758 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), expectedNibbles_, MonitorElement::Fill(), HLXHFMap, NUM_HLX, reportSummary_, reportSummaryMap_, ResetAll(), ResetAtNewRun, runNumber_, SaveDQMFile(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), and totalNibbles_.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

00759 {
00760    // Run summary - Loop over the HLX's and fill the map, 
00761    // also calculate the overall quality.
00762    float overall = 0.0;
00763    for( unsigned int iHLX = 0; iHLX < NUM_HLX; ++iHLX ){
00764       unsigned int iWedge = HLXHFMap[iHLX] + 1;
00765       unsigned int iEta = 2;
00766       if( iWedge >= 19 ){ iEta = 1; iWedge -= 18; }
00767       float frac = (float)totalNibbles_[iWedge-1]/(float)expectedNibbles_; 
00768       reportSummaryMap_->setBinContent(iWedge,iEta,frac);
00769       overall += frac;
00770    }   
00772    overall /= (float)NUM_HLX;
00773    if( overall > 1.0 ) overall = 0.0;
00774    //std::cout << "Filling report summary! Main. " << overall << std::endl;
00775    reportSummary_->Fill(overall);
00777    // Do some things that should be done at the end of the run ...
00778    if( saveFile ) SaveDQMFile();  
00779    expectedNibbles_ = 0;
00780    for( unsigned int iHLX = 0; iHLX < NUM_HLX; ++iHLX ) totalNibbles_[iHLX] = 0;
00782    std::cout << "** Here in end run **" << std::endl;
00783    if(ResetAtNewRun) ResetAll();
00784    runNumber_ = 0;
00785 }

void HLXMonitor::FillEventInfo ( const LUMI_SECTION &  section  )  [private]

Definition at line 1099 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), expectedNibbles_, MonitorElement::Fill(), HLXHFMap, lumisecId_, NUM_HLX, runId_, runNumber_, and totalNibbles_.

Referenced by analyze().

01100 {
01101    // New run .. set the run number and fill run summaries ...
01102    std::cout << "Run number " << runNumber_ << " Section hdr run number " 
01103              << section.hdr.runNumber << std::endl;
01105    runId_->Fill( section.hdr.runNumber );
01106    lumisecId_->Fill( (int)(section.hdr.sectionNumber/64) + 1 );
01108    // Update the total nibbles & the expected number
01109    expectedNibbles_ += 4;
01110    for( unsigned int iHLX = 0; iHLX < NUM_HLX; ++iHLX ){
01111       unsigned int iWedge = HLXHFMap[iHLX] + 1;
01112       totalNibbles_[iWedge-1] += section.occupancy[iHLX].hdr.numNibbles; 
01113    }   
01115 }

void HLXMonitor::FillHistograms ( const LUMI_SECTION &  section  )  [private]

Definition at line 788 of file

References AvgEtSum, AvgOccAboveSet1, AvgOccAboveSet2, AvgOccBelowSet1, AvgOccBelowSet2, AvgOccBetweenSet1, AvgOccBetweenSet2, BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM, BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP, dbe_, ETSum, MonitorElement::Fill(), MonitorElement::getBinContent(), MonitorElement::getBinError(), HistAvgEtSumHFM, HistAvgEtSumHFP, HistAvgLumiEtSum, HistAvgLumiOccSet1, HistAvgLumiOccSet2, HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM, HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP, HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM, HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP, HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM, HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP, HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM, HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP, HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM, HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP, HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM, HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP, HistInstantLumiEtSum, HistInstantLumiOccSet1, HistInstantLumiOccSet2, HistIntegratedLumiEtSum, HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1, HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2, HLXHFMap, int, lsBinOld, LumiAvgEtSum, LumiAvgOccSet1, LumiAvgOccSet2, LumiInstantEtSum, LumiInstantOccSet1, LumiInstantOccSet2, LumiIntegratedEtSum, LumiIntegratedOccSet1, LumiIntegratedOccSet2, lumiSectionCount, norm, NUM_BUNCHES, NUM_HLX, RecentInstantLumiEtSum, RecentInstantLumiOccSet1, RecentInstantLumiOccSet2, RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum, RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1, RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2, sectionInstantErrSumEt, sectionInstantErrSumOcc1, sectionInstantErrSumOcc2, sectionInstantNorm, sectionInstantSumEt, sectionInstantSumOcc1, sectionInstantSumOcc2, Set1Above, set1AboveIndex, Set1Below, set1BelowIndex, Set1Between, set1BetweenIndex, Set2Above, set2AboveIndex, Set2Below, set2BelowIndex, Set2Between, set2BetweenIndex, MonitorElement::setBinContent(), MonitorElement::setBinError(), DQMStore::softReset(), funct::sqrt(), Style, SumAllOccSet1, SumAllOccSet2, XMAX, and XMIN.

Referenced by analyze().

00789 {
00790    int lsBin = int(lumiSectionCount/64);
00791    int lsBinBX = int(lumiSectionCount/64);
00792    HistAvgLumiEtSum->Fill(lsBin, section.lumiSummary.InstantETLumi);
00793    HistAvgLumiOccSet1->Fill(lsBin, section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[0]);
00794    HistAvgLumiOccSet2->Fill(lsBin, section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[1]);
00796    int fillBin = lumiSectionCount+1;
00797    if( fillBin > 128 )
00798    {
00799       for( int iBin = 1; iBin<128; iBin++ )
00800       {
00801          RecentInstantLumiEtSum->setBinContent(iBin,RecentInstantLumiEtSum->getBinContent(iBin));
00802          RecentInstantLumiOccSet1->setBinContent(iBin,RecentInstantLumiOccSet1->getBinContent(iBin));
00803          RecentInstantLumiOccSet2->setBinContent(iBin,RecentInstantLumiOccSet2->getBinContent(iBin));
00804          RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->setBinContent(iBin,RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->getBinContent(iBin));
00805          RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setBinContent(iBin,RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->getBinContent(iBin));
00806          RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setBinContent(iBin,RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->getBinContent(iBin));
00807       }
00808       fillBin = 128;
00809    }
00811    RecentInstantLumiEtSum->setBinContent(fillBin,sectionInstantSumEt);
00812    RecentInstantLumiEtSum->setBinError(fillBin,sqrt(sectionInstantErrSumEt));
00813    RecentInstantLumiOccSet1->setBinContent(fillBin,sectionInstantSumOcc1);
00814    RecentInstantLumiOccSet1->setBinError(fillBin,sqrt(sectionInstantErrSumOcc1));
00815    RecentInstantLumiOccSet2->setBinContent(fillBin,sectionInstantSumOcc2);
00816    RecentInstantLumiOccSet2->setBinError(fillBin,sqrt(sectionInstantErrSumOcc2));
00818    double recentOldBinContent = RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->getBinContent(fillBin-1);
00819    double recentNewBinContent = recentOldBinContent + sectionInstantSumEt; 
00820    RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->setBinContent(fillBin,recentNewBinContent);
00821    recentOldBinContent = RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->getBinContent(fillBin-1);
00822    recentNewBinContent = recentOldBinContent + sectionInstantSumOcc1; 
00823    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setBinContent(fillBin,recentNewBinContent);
00824    recentOldBinContent = RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->getBinContent(fillBin-1-1);
00825    recentNewBinContent = recentOldBinContent + sectionInstantSumOcc2; 
00826    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setBinContent(fillBin,recentNewBinContent);
00828    double recentOldBinError = RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->getBinError(fillBin-1);
00829    double recentNewBinError = sqrt(recentOldBinError*recentOldBinError + sectionInstantErrSumEt); 
00830    RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->setBinError(fillBin,recentNewBinError);
00831    recentOldBinError = RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->getBinError(fillBin-1);
00832    recentNewBinError = sqrt(recentOldBinError*recentOldBinError + sectionInstantErrSumOcc1); 
00833    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setBinError(fillBin,recentNewBinError);
00834    recentOldBinError = RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->getBinError(fillBin-1);
00835    recentNewBinError = sqrt(recentOldBinError*recentOldBinError + sectionInstantErrSumOcc2); 
00836    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setBinError(fillBin,recentNewBinError);
00838    if( lsBinOld != lsBin )
00839    {
00840       HistInstantLumiEtSum->setBinContent(lsBinOld,sectionInstantSumEt);
00841       HistInstantLumiEtSum->setBinError(lsBinOld,sqrt(sectionInstantErrSumEt));
00842       HistInstantLumiOccSet1->setBinContent(lsBinOld,sectionInstantSumOcc1);
00843       HistInstantLumiOccSet1->setBinError(lsBinOld,sqrt(sectionInstantErrSumOcc1));
00844       HistInstantLumiOccSet2->setBinContent(lsBinOld,sectionInstantSumOcc2);
00845       HistInstantLumiOccSet2->setBinError(lsBinOld,sqrt(sectionInstantErrSumOcc2));
00847       double histOldBinContent = HistIntegratedLumiEtSum->getBinContent(lsBinOld-1);
00848       double histNewBinContent = histOldBinContent + sectionInstantSumEt; 
00849       HistIntegratedLumiEtSum->setBinContent(lsBinOld,histNewBinContent);
00850       histOldBinContent = HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1->getBinContent(lsBinOld-1);
00851       histNewBinContent = histOldBinContent + sectionInstantSumOcc1; 
00852       HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setBinContent(lsBinOld,histNewBinContent);
00853       histOldBinContent = HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2->getBinContent(lsBinOld-1);
00854       histNewBinContent = histOldBinContent + sectionInstantSumOcc2; 
00855       HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setBinContent(lsBinOld,histNewBinContent);
00857       double histOldBinError = HistIntegratedLumiEtSum->getBinError(lsBinOld-1);
00858       double histNewBinError = sqrt(histOldBinError*histOldBinError + sectionInstantErrSumEt); 
00859       HistIntegratedLumiEtSum->setBinError(lsBinOld,histNewBinError);
00860       histOldBinError = HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1->getBinError(lsBinOld-1);
00861       histNewBinError = sqrt(histOldBinError*histOldBinError + sectionInstantErrSumOcc1); 
00862       HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setBinError(lsBinOld,histNewBinError);
00863       histOldBinError = HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2->getBinError(lsBinOld-1);
00864       histNewBinError = sqrt(histOldBinError*histOldBinError + sectionInstantErrSumOcc2); 
00865       HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setBinError(lsBinOld,histNewBinError);
00867       sectionInstantSumEt = 0;
00868       sectionInstantErrSumEt = 0;
00869       sectionInstantSumOcc1 = 0;
00870       sectionInstantErrSumOcc1 = 0;
00871       sectionInstantSumOcc2 = 0;
00872       sectionInstantErrSumOcc2 = 0;
00873       sectionInstantNorm = 0;
00874       lsBinOld = lsBin;
00875    }
00877    sectionInstantSumEt += section.lumiSummary.InstantETLumi;
00878    sectionInstantErrSumEt += section.lumiSummary.InstantETLumiErr*section.lumiSummary.InstantETLumiErr;
00879    sectionInstantSumOcc1 += section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[0];
00880    sectionInstantErrSumOcc1 += section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiErr[0]*section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiErr[0];
00881    sectionInstantSumOcc2 += section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[1];
00882    sectionInstantErrSumOcc2 += section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiErr[1]*section.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiErr[1];
00883    ++sectionInstantNorm;
00885    dbe_->softReset(LumiInstantEtSum);
00886    dbe_->softReset(LumiInstantOccSet1);
00887    dbe_->softReset(LumiInstantOccSet2);
00889    for( int iHLX = 0; iHLX < (int)NUM_HLX; ++iHLX )
00890    {
00891       unsigned int utotal1= 0;
00892       unsigned int utotal2 = 0;
00893       unsigned int iWedge = HLXHFMap[iHLX];
00894       if(section.occupancy[iHLX].hdr.numNibbles != 0)
00895       {
00896          for( unsigned int iBX = 0; iBX < NUM_BUNCHES; ++iBX )  // Don't include the last one hundred BX in the average.
00897          {
00898             // Normalize to number of towers
00899             unsigned int norm[2] = {0,0};
00900             norm[0] += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BelowIndex   ][iBX];
00901             norm[0] += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BetweenIndex ][iBX];
00902             norm[0] += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1AboveIndex   ][iBX];
00903             if( norm[0] == 0 ) continue;
00904             norm[1] += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BelowIndex   ][iBX];
00905             norm[1] += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BetweenIndex ][iBX];
00906             norm[1] += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2AboveIndex   ][iBX];
00907             if( norm[1] == 0 ) continue;
00909             double normEt = section.etSum[iHLX].data[iBX]/(double)(norm[0]+norm[1]);
00910             double normOccSet1Below   = (double)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BelowIndex][iBX]/(double)norm[0];
00911             double normOccSet1Between = (double)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BetweenIndex][iBX]/(double)norm[0];
00912             double normOccSet1Above   = (double)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1AboveIndex][iBX]/(double)norm[0];
00913             double normOccSet2Below   = (double)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BelowIndex][iBX]/(double)norm[1];
00914             double normOccSet2Between = (double)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BetweenIndex][iBX]/(double)norm[1];
00915             double normOccSet2Above   = (double)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2AboveIndex][iBX]/(double)norm[1];
00917             // Averages & check sum
00918             if( iBX < NUM_BUNCHES-100 )
00919             {
00920                AvgEtSum->Fill( iWedge,normEt);
00922                AvgOccBelowSet1->  Fill( iWedge, normOccSet1Below   );
00923                AvgOccBetweenSet1->Fill( iWedge, normOccSet1Between );
00924                AvgOccAboveSet1->  Fill( iWedge, normOccSet1Above   );
00926                AvgOccBelowSet2->  Fill( iWedge, normOccSet2Below    );
00927                AvgOccBetweenSet2->Fill( iWedge, normOccSet2Between  );
00928                AvgOccAboveSet2->  Fill( iWedge, normOccSet2Above    );
00930                if( iWedge < 18 )
00931                {
00932                   HistAvgEtSumHFP->Fill( lsBin,normEt);
00933                   HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet1Below    );
00934                   HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP->Fill( lsBin, normOccSet1Between  );
00935                   HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet1Above    );
00936                   HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet2Below    );
00937                   HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP->Fill( lsBin, normOccSet2Between  );
00938                   HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet2Above    );
00940                   if( iBX >= (XMIN-1) && iBX <= (XMAX-1) ) BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP->Fill(lsBinBX,iBX,normEt/(64.0*18.0*12.0));
00941                }
00942                else
00943                {
00944                   HistAvgEtSumHFM->Fill( lsBin,normEt);
00945                   HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet1Below    );
00946                   HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM->Fill( lsBin, normOccSet1Between  );
00947                   HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet1Above    );
00948                   HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet2Below    );
00949                   HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM->Fill( lsBin, normOccSet2Between  );
00950                   HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM->Fill( lsBin,   normOccSet2Above    );
00952                   if( iBX >= (XMIN-1) && iBX <= (XMAX-1) ) BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM->Fill(lsBinBX,iBX,normEt/(64.0*18.0*12.0));
00953                }
00955                utotal1 += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BelowIndex  ][iBX];
00956                utotal1 += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BetweenIndex][iBX];
00957                utotal1 += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1AboveIndex  ][iBX];
00959                utotal2 += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BelowIndex  ][iBX];
00960                utotal2 += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BetweenIndex][iBX];
00961                utotal2 += section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2AboveIndex  ][iBX];
00963             }
00965             if("BX") == 0)
00966             {
00967                Set1Below[iWedge]->  Fill(iBX, normOccSet1Below   );
00968                Set1Between[iWedge]->Fill(iBX, normOccSet1Between );
00969                Set1Above[iWedge]->  Fill(iBX, normOccSet1Above   );
00970                Set2Below[iWedge]->  Fill(iBX, normOccSet2Below   );
00971                Set2Between[iWedge]->Fill(iBX, normOccSet2Between );
00972                Set2Above[iWedge]->  Fill(iBX, normOccSet2Above   );
00973                ETSum[iWedge]->      Fill(iBX, normEt);
00974             }
00975             else if("Dist")==0)
00976             {
00977                Set1Below[iWedge]->  Fill( normOccSet1Below    );
00978                Set1Between[iWedge]->Fill( normOccSet1Between  );
00979                Set1Above[iWedge]->  Fill( normOccSet1Above    );
00980                Set2Below[iWedge]->  Fill( normOccSet2Below    );
00981                Set2Between[iWedge]->Fill( normOccSet2Between  );
00982                Set2Above[iWedge]->  Fill( normOccSet2Above    );
00983                ETSum[iWedge]->      Fill( normEt );
00984             }
00987             LumiAvgEtSum->Fill(iBX, section.lumiDetail.ETLumi[iBX]);
00988             LumiAvgOccSet1->Fill(iBX, section.lumiDetail.OccLumi[0][iBX]);
00989             LumiAvgOccSet2->Fill(iBX, section.lumiDetail.OccLumi[1][iBX]);
00991             int iBin = iBX - (int)XMIN + 1;
00992             if( iBin <= int(XMAX-XMIN) && iBin >= 1 )
00993             {
00994               LumiInstantEtSum->setBinContent(iBin, section.lumiDetail.ETLumi[iBX]);
00995               LumiInstantOccSet1->setBinContent(iBin, section.lumiDetail.OccLumi[0][iBX]);
00996               LumiInstantOccSet2->setBinContent(iBin, section.lumiDetail.OccLumi[1][iBX]);
00997               LumiInstantEtSum->setBinError(iBin, section.lumiDetail.ETLumiErr[iBX]);
00998               LumiInstantOccSet1->setBinError(iBin, section.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[0][iBX]);
00999               LumiInstantOccSet2->setBinError(iBin, section.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[1][iBX]);
01001               double oldBinContent = LumiIntegratedEtSum->getBinContent(iBin);
01002               double newBinContent = oldBinContent + section.lumiDetail.ETLumi[iBX];
01003               LumiIntegratedEtSum->setBinContent(iBin, newBinContent);
01004               oldBinContent = LumiIntegratedOccSet1->getBinContent(iBin);
01005               newBinContent = oldBinContent + section.lumiDetail.OccLumi[0][iBX];
01006               LumiIntegratedOccSet1->setBinContent(iBin, newBinContent);
01007               oldBinContent = LumiIntegratedOccSet2->getBinContent(iBin);
01008               newBinContent = oldBinContent + section.lumiDetail.OccLumi[1][iBX];
01009               LumiIntegratedOccSet2->setBinContent(iBin, newBinContent);
01011               double oldBinError = LumiIntegratedEtSum->getBinError(iBin);
01012               double newBinError = sqrt(oldBinError*oldBinError + section.lumiDetail.ETLumiErr[iBX]*section.lumiDetail.ETLumiErr[iBX]);
01013               LumiIntegratedEtSum->setBinError(iBin, newBinError);
01014               oldBinError = LumiIntegratedOccSet1->getBinError(iBin);
01015               newBinError = sqrt(oldBinError*oldBinError + section.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[0][iBX]*section.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[0][iBX]);
01016               LumiIntegratedOccSet1->setBinError(iBin, newBinError);
01017               oldBinError = LumiIntegratedOccSet2->getBinError(iBin);
01018               newBinError = sqrt(oldBinError*oldBinError + section.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[1][iBX]*section.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[1][iBX]);
01019               LumiIntegratedOccSet2->setBinError(iBin, newBinError);
01020             }
01022          }
01024          // Get the number of towers per wedge per BX (assuming non-zero numbers)
01025          double total1 = 0;
01026          double total2 = 0;
01027          if( (NUM_BUNCHES-100)>0 )
01028          {
01029             total1 = (double)utotal1/(double)(NUM_BUNCHES-100);
01030             total2 = (double)utotal2/(double)(NUM_BUNCHES-100);
01031          }
01032          if( section.hdr.numOrbits > 0 ) 
01033          {
01034             total1 = total1/(double)section.hdr.numOrbits;
01035             total2 = total2/(double)section.hdr.numOrbits;
01036          }
01038          SumAllOccSet1->  Fill( iWedge, total1 );
01039          SumAllOccSet2->  Fill( iWedge, total2 );
01041       }
01042    }
01044    // Add one to the section count (usually short sections)
01045    ++lumiSectionCount;
01047 }

void HLXMonitor::FillHistoHFCompare ( const LUMI_SECTION &  section  )  [private]

Definition at line 1050 of file

References MonitorElement::Fill(), HFCompareEtSum, HFCompareOccAboveSet1, HFCompareOccAboveSet2, HFCompareOccBelowSet1, HFCompareOccBelowSet2, HFCompareOccBetweenSet1, HFCompareOccBetweenSet2, HLXHFMap, NUM_HLX, set1AboveIndex, set1BelowIndex, set1BetweenIndex, set2AboveIndex, set2BelowIndex, set2BetweenIndex, and TriggerBX.

Referenced by analyze().

01051 {
01053   for( unsigned int iHLX = 0; iHLX < NUM_HLX; ++iHLX ){
01055     unsigned int iWedge = HLXHFMap[iHLX];
01057     if(section.occupancy[iHLX].hdr.numNibbles != 0){
01058       float nActvTwrsSet1 = section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1AboveIndex][TriggerBX]
01059         + section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BetweenIndex][TriggerBX]
01060         + section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BelowIndex][TriggerBX];
01062       float nActvTwrsSet2 = section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2AboveIndex][TriggerBX]
01063         + section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BetweenIndex][TriggerBX]
01064         + section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BelowIndex][TriggerBX];
01066       float total = nActvTwrsSet1 + nActvTwrsSet2;
01068       if( total > 0){  
01069         float tempData = section.etSum[iHLX].data[TriggerBX]/total;
01070         //cout << "Filling HFCompare Et sum " << tempData << endl;
01071         HFCompareEtSum->Fill( iWedge, tempData );
01072       }
01074       if(nActvTwrsSet1 > 0){
01075         float tempData = (float)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BelowIndex][TriggerBX]/nActvTwrsSet1;
01076         HFCompareOccBelowSet1->Fill( iWedge, tempData);
01078         tempData = (float)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1BetweenIndex][TriggerBX]/nActvTwrsSet1;
01079         HFCompareOccBetweenSet1->Fill( iWedge, tempData); 
01081         tempData = (float)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set1AboveIndex][TriggerBX]/nActvTwrsSet1;
01082         HFCompareOccAboveSet1->Fill( iWedge, tempData); 
01083       }
01085       if( nActvTwrsSet2 > 0){
01086         float tempData = (float)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BelowIndex][TriggerBX]/nActvTwrsSet2;
01087         HFCompareOccBelowSet2->Fill( iWedge, tempData);
01089         tempData = (float)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2BetweenIndex][TriggerBX]/nActvTwrsSet2;
01090         HFCompareOccBetweenSet2->Fill( iWedge, tempData); 
01092         tempData = (float)section.occupancy[iHLX].data[set2AboveIndex][TriggerBX]/nActvTwrsSet2;
01093         HFCompareOccAboveSet2->Fill( iWedge, tempData); 
01094       }
01095     }
01096   }
01097 }

void HLXMonitor::ResetAll (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1117 of file

References AvgEtSum, AvgOccAboveSet1, AvgOccAboveSet2, AvgOccBelowSet1, AvgOccBelowSet2, AvgOccBetweenSet1, AvgOccBetweenSet2, BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM, BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP, dbe_, ETSum, HFCompareEtSum, HFCompareOccAboveSet1, HFCompareOccAboveSet2, HFCompareOccBelowSet1, HFCompareOccBelowSet2, HFCompareOccBetweenSet1, HFCompareOccBetweenSet2, HistAvgEtSumHFM, HistAvgEtSumHFP, HistAvgLumiEtSum, HistAvgLumiOccSet1, HistAvgLumiOccSet2, HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM, HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP, HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM, HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP, HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM, HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP, HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM, HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP, HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM, HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP, HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM, HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP, HistInstantLumiEtSum, HistInstantLumiOccSet1, HistInstantLumiOccSet2, HistIntegratedLumiEtSum, HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1, HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2, LumiAvgEtSum, LumiAvgOccSet1, LumiAvgOccSet2, LumiInstantEtSum, LumiInstantOccSet1, LumiInstantOccSet2, LumiIntegratedEtSum, LumiIntegratedOccSet1, LumiIntegratedOccSet2, lumiSectionCount, NUM_HLX, RecentInstantLumiEtSum, RecentInstantLumiOccSet1, RecentInstantLumiOccSet2, RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum, RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1, RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2, Set1Above, Set1Below, Set1Between, DQMStore::softReset(), SumAllOccSet1, and SumAllOccSet2.

Referenced by EndRun().

01118 {
01119    for( unsigned int iHLX = 0; iHLX < NUM_HLX; ++iHLX )
01120    {
01121       dbe_->softReset( Set1Below[iHLX] );
01122       dbe_->softReset( Set1Between[iHLX] );
01123       dbe_->softReset( Set1Above[iHLX] );
01124       dbe_->softReset( Set1Below[iHLX] );
01125       dbe_->softReset( Set1Between[iHLX] );
01126       dbe_->softReset( Set1Above[iHLX] );
01128       dbe_->softReset( ETSum[iHLX] );
01130    }
01132    dbe_->softReset(HFCompareEtSum);
01133    dbe_->softReset(HFCompareOccBelowSet1);
01134    dbe_->softReset(HFCompareOccBetweenSet1);
01135    dbe_->softReset(HFCompareOccAboveSet1);
01136    dbe_->softReset(HFCompareOccBelowSet2);
01137    dbe_->softReset(HFCompareOccBetweenSet2);
01138    dbe_->softReset(HFCompareOccAboveSet2);
01140    dbe_->softReset(AvgEtSum);
01141    dbe_->softReset(AvgOccBelowSet1);
01142    dbe_->softReset(AvgOccBetweenSet1);
01143    dbe_->softReset(AvgOccAboveSet1);
01144    dbe_->softReset(AvgOccBelowSet2);
01145    dbe_->softReset(AvgOccBetweenSet2);
01146    dbe_->softReset(AvgOccAboveSet2);
01148    // Luminosity Monitoring
01149    dbe_->softReset(LumiAvgEtSum);
01150    dbe_->softReset(LumiAvgOccSet1);
01151    dbe_->softReset(LumiAvgOccSet2);
01152    dbe_->softReset(LumiInstantEtSum);
01153    dbe_->softReset(LumiInstantOccSet1);
01154    dbe_->softReset(LumiInstantOccSet2);
01155    dbe_->softReset(LumiIntegratedEtSum);
01156    dbe_->softReset(LumiIntegratedOccSet1);
01157    dbe_->softReset(LumiIntegratedOccSet2);
01159    // Sanity Check for Occupancy
01160    dbe_->softReset(SumAllOccSet1);
01161    dbe_->softReset(SumAllOccSet2);
01163    // History 
01164    lumiSectionCount = 0;
01165    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgEtSumHFP);
01166    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgEtSumHFM);
01168    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP);
01169    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM);
01170    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP);
01171    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM);
01172    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP);
01173    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM);
01175    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP);
01176    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM);
01177    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP);
01178    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM);
01179    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP);
01180    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM);
01182    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgLumiEtSum);
01183    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgLumiOccSet1);
01184    dbe_->softReset(HistAvgLumiOccSet2);
01185    dbe_->softReset(HistInstantLumiEtSum);
01186    dbe_->softReset(HistInstantLumiOccSet1);
01187    dbe_->softReset(HistInstantLumiOccSet2);
01188    dbe_->softReset(HistIntegratedLumiEtSum);
01189    dbe_->softReset(HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1);
01190    dbe_->softReset(HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2);
01192    dbe_->softReset(RecentInstantLumiEtSum);
01193    dbe_->softReset(RecentInstantLumiOccSet1);
01194    dbe_->softReset(RecentInstantLumiOccSet2);
01195    dbe_->softReset(RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum);
01196    dbe_->softReset(RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1);
01197    dbe_->softReset(RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2);
01199    dbe_->softReset(BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP);
01200    dbe_->softReset(BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM);
01201 }

void HLXMonitor::SaveDQMFile (  )  [private]

Definition at line 690 of file

References dbe_, OutputDir, OutputFilePrefix, runNumber_, runNumLength, DQMStore::save(), and subSystemName_.

Referenced by EndRun().

00690                             {
00692   std::ostringstream tempStreamer;
00693   tempStreamer << OutputDir << "/" << OutputFilePrefix << "_" << subSystemName_
00694                << "_R" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(runNumLength) 
00695                << runNumber_ 
00696 //             << "_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(secNumLength) 
00697 //             << lumiSection.hdr.sectionNumber
00698                << ".root";
00699   dbe_->save(tempStreamer.str());
00700 }

void HLXMonitor::SetupEventInfo (  )  [private]

Definition at line 585 of file

References DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookFloat(), DQMStore::bookInt(), dbe_, eventInfoFolder_, MonitorElement::Fill(), HLXHFMap, lumisecId_, NUM_HLX, reportSummary_, reportSummaryMap_, runId_, MonitorElement::setBinContent(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), and subSystemName_.

Referenced by HLXMonitor().

00586 {
00588    using std::string;
00590    string currentfolder = subSystemName_ + "/" +  eventInfoFolder_;
00591    //cout << "currentfolder " << currentfolder << endl;
00593    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(currentfolder) ;
00595    //Event specific contents
00596    runId_     = dbe_->bookInt("iRun");
00597    lumisecId_ = dbe_->bookInt("iLumiSection");
00599    reportSummary_ = dbe_->bookFloat("reportSummary");
00600    reportSummaryMap_ = dbe_->book2D("reportSummaryMap", "reportSummaryMap", 18, 0., 18., 2, -1.5, 1.5);
00602    // Fill the report summary objects with default values, since these will only
00603    // be filled at the change of run.
00604    reportSummary_->Fill(1.0);
00606    for( unsigned int iHLX = 0; iHLX < NUM_HLX; ++iHLX ){
00607       unsigned int iWedge = HLXHFMap[iHLX] + 1;
00608       unsigned int iEta = 2;
00609       if( iWedge >= 19 ){ iEta = 1; iWedge -= 18; }
00610       reportSummaryMap_->setBinContent(iWedge,iEta,1.0);
00611    }   
00612 }

void HLXMonitor::SetupHists (  )  [private]

Definition at line 117 of file

References Accumulate, AvgEtSum, AvgOccAboveSet1, AvgOccAboveSet2, AvgOccBelowSet1, AvgOccBelowSet2, AvgOccBetweenSet1, AvgOccBetweenSet2, DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM, BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP, dbe_, ETSum, EtXAxisTitle, EtYAxisTitle, HFCompareEtSum, HFCompareOccAboveSet1, HFCompareOccAboveSet2, HFCompareOccBelowSet1, HFCompareOccBelowSet2, HFCompareOccBetweenSet1, HFCompareOccBetweenSet2, HistAvgEtSumHFM, HistAvgEtSumHFP, HistAvgLumiEtSum, HistAvgLumiOccSet1, HistAvgLumiOccSet2, HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM, HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP, HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM, HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP, HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM, HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP, HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM, HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP, HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM, HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP, HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM, HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP, HistInstantLumiEtSum, HistInstantLumiOccSet1, HistInstantLumiOccSet2, HistIntegratedLumiEtSum, HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1, HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2, LumiAvgEtSum, LumiAvgOccSet1, LumiAvgOccSet2, LumiInstantEtSum, LumiInstantOccSet1, LumiInstantOccSet2, LumiIntegratedEtSum, LumiIntegratedOccSet1, LumiIntegratedOccSet2, MAX_LS, monitorName_, NBINS, NUM_HLX, OccXAxisTitle, OccYAxisTitle, RecentInstantLumiEtSum, RecentInstantLumiOccSet1, RecentInstantLumiOccSet2, RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum, RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1, RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2, Set1Above, Set1Below, Set1Between, Set2Above, Set2Below, Set2Between, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), MonitorElement::setResetMe(), DQMStore::showDirStructure(), Style, SumAllOccSet1, SumAllOccSet2, DQMStore::tagContents(), XMAX, and XMIN.

Referenced by HLXMonitor().

00118 {
00120   dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/HFPlus");
00122   for( unsigned int iWedge = 0; iWedge < 18 && iWedge < NUM_HLX; ++iWedge )
00123     {  
00124       std::ostringstream tempStreamer;
00125       tempStreamer << std::dec << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (iWedge+1);
00127       std::ostringstream wedgeNum;      
00128       wedgeNum << std::dec << (iWedge % 18) + 1;
00130       dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/HFPlus/Wedge"+tempStreamer.str());
00132       Set1Below[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set1_Below",   
00133                                     "HF+ Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Below Threshold 1 - Set 1",  
00134                                     NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
00135       Set1Between[iWedge] = dbe_->book1D("Set1_Between", 
00136                                     "HF+ Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Between Threshold 1 & 2 - Set 1",
00137                                     NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
00138       Set1Above[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set1_Above",   
00139                                     "HF+ Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Above Threshold 2 - Set 1",  
00140                                     NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
00141       Set2Below[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set2_Below",   
00142                                     "HF+ Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Below Threshold 1 - Set 2",  
00143                                     NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
00144       Set2Between[iWedge] = dbe_->book1D("Set2_Between", 
00145                                     "HF+ Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Between Threshold 1 & 2 - Set 2",
00146                                     NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
00147       Set2Above[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set2_Above",   
00148                                     "HF+ Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Above Threshold 2 - Set 2",  
00149                                     NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);    
00150       ETSum[iWedge]       = dbe_->book1D("ETSum",        
00151                                     "HF+ Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" E_{T} Sum",                
00152                                     NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);    
00154       dbe_->tagContents(monitorName_+"/HFPlus/Wedge"+tempStreamer.str(), iWedge+1);
00155    }
00157    if(NUM_HLX > 17)
00158    {
00159       dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/HFMinus");
00161       for( unsigned int iWedge=18; iWedge < NUM_HLX; ++iWedge )
00162       {
00163          std::ostringstream tempStreamer;
00164          tempStreamer << std::dec << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (iWedge+1);
00166          std::ostringstream wedgeNum;      
00167          wedgeNum << std::dec << (iWedge % 18) + 1;
00169          dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/HFMinus/Wedge"+tempStreamer.str());
00170          Set1Below[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set1_Below",
00171                                        "HF- Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Below Threshold 1 - Set 1",  
00172                                        NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
00173          Set1Between[iWedge] = dbe_->book1D("Set1_Between",
00174                                        "HF- Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Between Threshold 1 & 2 - Set 1",
00175                                        NBINS, XMIN, XMAX);
00176          Set1Above[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set1_Above",   
00177                                        "HF- Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Above Threshold 2 - Set 1",  
00178                                        NBINS, XMIN, XMAX); 
00179          Set2Below[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set2_Below",   
00180                                        "HF- Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Below Threshold 1 - Set 2",  
00181                                        NBINS, XMIN, XMAX); 
00182          Set2Between[iWedge] = dbe_->book1D("Set2_Between", 
00183                                        "HF- Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Between Threshold 1 & 2 - Set 2",
00184                                        NBINS, XMIN, XMAX); 
00185          Set2Above[iWedge]   = dbe_->book1D("Set2_Above",   
00186                                        "HF- Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" Above Threshold 2 - Set 2",  
00187                                        NBINS, XMIN, XMAX); 
00188          ETSum[iWedge]       = dbe_->book1D("ETSum",        
00189                                        "HF- Wedge "+wedgeNum.str()+" E_{T} Sum",                
00190                                        NBINS, XMIN, XMAX); 
00192          dbe_->tagContents(monitorName_+"/HFMinus/Wedge"+tempStreamer.str(), iWedge+1);
00193       }
00194    }
00196    if(!Accumulate){
00197      for( unsigned int iWedge = 0; iWedge < NUM_HLX; ++iWedge ){   
00198        Set1Below[iWedge]->  setResetMe(true);
00199        Set1Between[iWedge]->setResetMe(true);
00200        Set1Above[iWedge]->  setResetMe(true);
00201        Set2Below[iWedge]->  setResetMe(true);
00202        Set2Between[iWedge]->setResetMe(true);
00203        Set2Above[iWedge]->  setResetMe(true);
00204        ETSum[iWedge]->      setResetMe(true);    
00205      }
00206    }
00208    if("BX") == 0){
00209      OccXAxisTitle = "Bunch Crossing";
00210      OccYAxisTitle = "Tower Occupancy";
00211      EtXAxisTitle  = "Bunch Crossing";
00212      EtYAxisTitle  = "E_{T} Sum";
00213    }else if("Distribution")==0){
00214       OccXAxisTitle = "Tower Occupancy";
00215       OccYAxisTitle = "Count";
00216       EtXAxisTitle  = "E_{T} Sum";
00217       EtYAxisTitle  = "Count";
00218    }
00220    for( unsigned int iWedge=0; iWedge < NUM_HLX; ++iWedge )
00221    {
00222       Set1Below[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccXAxisTitle, 1);
00223       Set1Below[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccYAxisTitle, 2);
00224       Set1Between[iWedge]->setAxisTitle(OccXAxisTitle, 1);
00225       Set1Between[iWedge]->setAxisTitle(OccYAxisTitle, 2);
00226       Set1Above[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccXAxisTitle, 1);
00227       Set1Above[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccYAxisTitle, 2);      
00228       Set2Below[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccXAxisTitle, 1);
00229       Set2Below[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccYAxisTitle, 2);
00230       Set2Between[iWedge]->setAxisTitle(OccXAxisTitle, 1);
00231       Set2Between[iWedge]->setAxisTitle(OccYAxisTitle, 2);
00232       Set2Above[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccXAxisTitle, 1);
00233       Set2Above[iWedge]->  setAxisTitle(OccYAxisTitle, 2);      
00234       ETSum[iWedge]->      setAxisTitle(EtXAxisTitle,  1);
00235       ETSum[iWedge]->      setAxisTitle(EtYAxisTitle,  2);        
00236    }
00238    // Comparison Histograms
00240    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/HFCompare");
00242    std::string CompXTitle      = "HF Wedge";
00243    std::string CompEtSumYTitle = "E_{T} Sum per active tower";
00244    std::string CompOccYTitle   = "Occupancy per active tower";
00246    HFCompareEtSum = dbe_->book1D("HFCompareEtSum","E_{T} Sum - cyclic trigger ",NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX );
00247    HFCompareEtSum->setAxisTitle( CompXTitle, 1 );
00248    HFCompareEtSum->setAxisTitle( CompEtSumYTitle, 2 );
00250    HFCompareOccBelowSet1 = dbe_->book1D("HFCompareOccBelowSet1",
00251                                         "Occupancy Below Threshold 1 - Set 1", 
00252                                         NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX );
00253    HFCompareOccBelowSet1->setAxisTitle( CompXTitle, 1 );
00254    HFCompareOccBelowSet1->setAxisTitle( CompOccYTitle, 2 );
00256    HFCompareOccBetweenSet1 = dbe_->book1D("HFCompareOccBetweenSet1",
00257                                           "Occupancy Between Threshold 1 & 2 - Set 1", 
00258                                           NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX );
00259    HFCompareOccBetweenSet1->setAxisTitle( CompXTitle, 1 );
00260    HFCompareOccBetweenSet1->setAxisTitle( CompOccYTitle, 2 );
00262    HFCompareOccAboveSet1 = dbe_->book1D("HFCompareOccAboveSet1",
00263                                         "Occupancy Above Threshold 2 - Set 1", 
00264                                         NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX );
00265    HFCompareOccAboveSet1->setAxisTitle( CompXTitle, 1 );
00266    HFCompareOccAboveSet1->setAxisTitle( CompOccYTitle, 2 );
00268    HFCompareOccBelowSet2 = dbe_->book1D("HFCompareOccBelowSet2",
00269                                         "Occupancy Below Threshold 1 - Set 2", 
00270                                         NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX);
00271    HFCompareOccBelowSet2->setAxisTitle(CompXTitle,1);
00272    HFCompareOccBelowSet2->setAxisTitle(CompOccYTitle,2);
00274    HFCompareOccBetweenSet2 = dbe_->book1D("HFCompareOccBetweenSet2",
00275                                           "Occupancy Between Threshold 1 & 2 - Set 2", 
00276                                           NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX);
00277    HFCompareOccBetweenSet2->setAxisTitle(CompXTitle,1);
00278    HFCompareOccBetweenSet2->setAxisTitle(CompOccYTitle,2);
00280    HFCompareOccAboveSet2 = dbe_->book1D( "HFCompareOccAboveSet2",
00281                                          "Occupancy Above Threshold 2 - Set 2", 
00282                                          NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX);
00283    HFCompareOccAboveSet2->setAxisTitle(CompXTitle,1);
00284    HFCompareOccAboveSet2->setAxisTitle(CompOccYTitle,2);
00286    // Average Histograms
00288    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/Average");
00290    int    OccBins = 10000;  // This does absolutely nothing. 
00291    double OccMin  = 0; 
00292    double OccMax  = 0; // If min and max are zero, no bounds on the data are set.
00294    int    EtSumBins = 10000; // This does absolutely nothing.  The Variable is not used in the function.
00295    double EtSumMin  = 0;
00296    double EtSumMax  = 0;  // If min and max are zero, no bounds on the data are set.
00298    std::string errorOpt = "i"; 
00300    std::string AvgXTitle      = "HF Wedge";
00301    std::string AvgEtSumYTitle = "Average E_{T} Sum";
00302    std::string AvgOccYTitle   = "Average Tower Occupancy";
00304    AvgEtSum        = dbe_->bookProfile( "AvgEtSum", 
00305                                         "Average E_{T} Sum",          
00306                                         NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, EtSumBins, EtSumMin, EtSumMax);
00307    AvgEtSum->setAxisTitle( AvgXTitle, 1 );
00308    AvgEtSum->setAxisTitle( AvgEtSumYTitle, 2 );
00310    AvgOccBelowSet1 = dbe_->bookProfile( "AvgOccBelowSet1",     
00311                                         "Average Occupancy Below Threshold 1 - Set1",   
00312                                         NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax, errorOpt.c_str());
00313    AvgOccBelowSet1->setAxisTitle( AvgXTitle, 1 );
00314    AvgOccBelowSet1->setAxisTitle( AvgOccYTitle, 2 );
00316    AvgOccBetweenSet1 = dbe_->bookProfile( "AvgOccBetweenSet1", 
00317                                           "Average Occupancy Between Threhold 1 & 2 - Set1", 
00318                                           NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax, errorOpt.c_str());
00319    AvgOccBetweenSet1->setAxisTitle( AvgXTitle, 1 );
00320    AvgOccBetweenSet1->setAxisTitle( AvgOccYTitle, 2 );
00322    AvgOccAboveSet1 = dbe_->bookProfile( "AvgOccAboveSet1",
00323                                         "Average Occupancy Above Threshold 2 - Set1",
00324                                           NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax, errorOpt.c_str());
00325    AvgOccAboveSet1->setAxisTitle( AvgXTitle, 1 );
00326    AvgOccAboveSet1->setAxisTitle( AvgOccYTitle, 2 );
00328    AvgOccBelowSet2 = dbe_->bookProfile("AvgOccBelowSet2",
00329                                        "Average Occupancy Below Threshold 1 - Set2",
00330                                           NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax, errorOpt.c_str());
00331    AvgOccBelowSet2->setAxisTitle( AvgXTitle, 1 );
00332    AvgOccBelowSet2->setAxisTitle( AvgOccYTitle, 2 );
00334    AvgOccBetweenSet2 = dbe_->bookProfile("AvgOccBetweenSet2",
00335                                          "Average Occupancy Between Threshold 1 & 2 - Set2",
00336                                          NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax, errorOpt.c_str());
00337    AvgOccBetweenSet2->setAxisTitle( AvgXTitle, 1 );
00338    AvgOccBetweenSet2->setAxisTitle( AvgOccYTitle, 2 );
00340    AvgOccAboveSet2 = dbe_->bookProfile("AvgOccAboveSet2",
00341                                        "Average Occupancy Above Threshold 2 - Set2",
00342                                        NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax, errorOpt.c_str());
00343    AvgOccAboveSet2->setAxisTitle( AvgXTitle, 1 );
00344    AvgOccAboveSet2->setAxisTitle( AvgOccYTitle, 2 );
00347    // Luminosity Histograms
00348    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/Luminosity");
00350    std::string LumiXTitle      = "Bunch Crossing";
00351    std::string LumiEtSumYTitle = "Luminosity: E_{T} Sum";
00352    std::string LumiOccYTitle   = "Luminosity: Occupancy";
00354    LumiAvgEtSum = dbe_->bookProfile("LumiAvgEtSum","Average Luminosity ",int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX, EtSumBins, EtSumMin, EtSumMax );
00355    LumiAvgEtSum->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00356    LumiAvgEtSum->setAxisTitle( LumiEtSumYTitle, 2 );
00358    LumiAvgOccSet1 = dbe_->bookProfile("LumiAvgOccSet1","Average Luminosity - Set 1", int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX, OccBins, OccMax, OccMin );
00359    LumiAvgOccSet1->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00360    LumiAvgOccSet1->setAxisTitle( LumiOccYTitle, 2 );
00362    LumiAvgOccSet2 = dbe_->bookProfile("LumiAvgOccSet2","Average Luminosity - Set 2", int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX, OccBins, OccMax, OccMin );
00363    LumiAvgOccSet2->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00364    LumiAvgOccSet2->setAxisTitle( LumiOccYTitle, 2 );
00366    LumiInstantEtSum = dbe_->book1D("LumiInstantEtSum","Instantaneous Luminosity ",int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX );
00367    LumiInstantEtSum->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00368    LumiInstantEtSum->setAxisTitle( LumiEtSumYTitle, 2 );
00370    LumiInstantOccSet1 = dbe_->book1D("LumiInstantOccSet1","Instantaneous Luminosity - Set 1", int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX );
00371    LumiInstantOccSet1->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00372    LumiInstantOccSet1->setAxisTitle( LumiOccYTitle, 2 );
00374    LumiInstantOccSet2 = dbe_->book1D("LumiInstantOccSet2","Instantaneous Luminosity - Set 2", int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX );
00375    LumiInstantOccSet2->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00376    LumiInstantOccSet2->setAxisTitle( LumiOccYTitle, 2 );
00378    LumiIntegratedEtSum = dbe_->book1D("LumiIntegratedEtSum","Integrated Luminosity ",int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX );
00379    LumiIntegratedEtSum->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00380    LumiIntegratedEtSum->setAxisTitle( LumiEtSumYTitle, 2 );
00382    LumiIntegratedOccSet1 = dbe_->book1D("LumiIntegratedOccSet1","Integrated Luminosity - Set 1", int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX );
00383    LumiIntegratedOccSet1->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00384    LumiIntegratedOccSet1->setAxisTitle( LumiOccYTitle, 2 );
00386    LumiIntegratedOccSet2 = dbe_->book1D("LumiIntegratedOccSet2","Integrated Luminosity - Set 2", int(XMAX-XMIN), XMIN, XMAX );
00387    LumiIntegratedOccSet2->setAxisTitle( LumiXTitle, 1 );
00388    LumiIntegratedOccSet2->setAxisTitle( LumiOccYTitle, 2 );
00391    // Sanity check sum histograms
00392    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/CheckSums");
00394    std::string sumXTitle   = "HF Wedge";
00395    std::string sumYTitle   = "Occupancy Sum (Below+Above+Between)";
00397    SumAllOccSet1 = dbe_->bookProfile("SumAllOccSet1","Occupancy Check - Set 1",NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMax, OccMin );
00398    SumAllOccSet1->setAxisTitle( sumXTitle, 1 );
00399    SumAllOccSet1->setAxisTitle( sumYTitle, 2 );
00401    SumAllOccSet2 = dbe_->bookProfile("SumAllOccSet2","Occupancy Check - Set 2",NUM_HLX, 0, NUM_HLX, OccBins, OccMax, OccMin );
00402    SumAllOccSet2->setAxisTitle( sumXTitle, 1 );
00403    SumAllOccSet2->setAxisTitle( sumYTitle, 2 );
00405    // History histograms
00406    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/HistoryRaw");
00408    std::string HistXTitle = "Time (LS)";
00409    std::string RecentHistXTitle = "Time (LS/64)";
00410    std::string HistEtSumYTitle = "Average E_{T} Sum";
00411    std::string HistOccYTitle = "Average Occupancy";
00412    std::string HistLumiYTitle = "Luminosity";
00413    std::string BXvsTimeXTitle = "Time (LS)";
00414    std::string BXvsTimeYTitle = "BX";
00416    // Et Sum histories
00417    HistAvgEtSumHFP        = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgEtSumHFP", "Average Et Sum: HF+",          
00418    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, EtSumBins, EtSumMin, EtSumMax);
00419    HistAvgEtSumHFP->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00420    HistAvgEtSumHFP->setAxisTitle( HistEtSumYTitle, 2 );
00422    HistAvgEtSumHFM        = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgEtSumHFM", "Average Et Sum: HF-",          
00423    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, EtSumBins, EtSumMin, EtSumMax);
00424    HistAvgEtSumHFM->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00425    HistAvgEtSumHFM->setAxisTitle( HistEtSumYTitle, 2 );
00427    // Tower Occupancy Histories
00428    HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP", "Average Occ Set1Below: HF+",
00429    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00430    HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00431    HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00433    HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM", "Average Occ Set1Below: HF-",
00434    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00435    HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00436    HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00438    HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP", "Average Occ Set1Between: HF+",
00439    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00440    HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00441    HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00443    HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM", "Average Occ Set1Between: HF-",
00444    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00445    HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00446    HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00448    HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP", "Average Occ Set1Above: HF+",
00449    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00450    HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00451    HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00453    HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM", "Average Occ Set1Above: HF-",
00454    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00455    HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00456    HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00458    HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP", "Average Occ Set2Below: HF+",
00459    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00460    HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00461    HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00463    HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM", "Average Occ Set2Below: HF-",
00464    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00465    HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00466    HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00468    HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP", "Average Occ Set2Between: HF+",
00469    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00470    HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00471    HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00473    HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM", "Average Occ Set2Between: HF-",
00474    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00475    HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00476    HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00478    HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP", "Average Occ Set2Above: HF+",
00479    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00480    HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00481    HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00483    HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM", "Average Occ Set2Above: HF-",
00484    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax );
00485    HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00486    HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM->setAxisTitle( HistOccYTitle, 2 );
00488    // Et Sum histories
00489    BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP  = dbe_->book2D( "BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP", "Average Et Sum: HF+",          
00490    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, NBINS, (double)XMIN, (double)XMAX);
00491    BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP->setAxisTitle( BXvsTimeXTitle, 1 );
00492    BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP->setAxisTitle( BXvsTimeYTitle, 2 );
00494    BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM  = dbe_->book2D( "BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM", "Average Et Sum: HF+",          
00495    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, NBINS, (double)XMIN, (double)XMAX);
00496    BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM->setAxisTitle( BXvsTimeXTitle, 1 );
00497    BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM->setAxisTitle( BXvsTimeYTitle, 2 );
00499    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/HistoryLumi");
00501    // Lumi Histories
00502    HistAvgLumiEtSum   = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgLumiEtSum", "Average Instant Luminosity: Et Sum",
00503    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, EtSumBins, EtSumMin, EtSumMax);
00504    HistAvgLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00505    HistAvgLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00507    HistAvgLumiOccSet1 = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgLumiOccSet1", "Average Instant Luminosity: Occ Set1",
00508    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax);
00509    HistAvgLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00510    HistAvgLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00512    HistAvgLumiOccSet2 = dbe_->bookProfile( "HistAvgLumiOccSet2", "Average Instant Luminosity: Occ Set2",
00513    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5, OccBins, OccMin, OccMax);
00514    HistAvgLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00515    HistAvgLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00517    HistInstantLumiEtSum   = dbe_->book1D( "HistInstantLumiEtSum", "Instant Luminosity: Et Sum",
00518    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5);
00519    HistInstantLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00520    HistInstantLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00522    HistInstantLumiOccSet1 = dbe_->book1D( "HistInstantLumiOccSet1", "Instant Luminosity: Occ Set1",
00523    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5);
00524    HistInstantLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00525    HistInstantLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00527    HistInstantLumiOccSet2 = dbe_->book1D( "HistInstantLumiOccSet2", "Instant Luminosity: Occ Set2",
00528    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5);
00529    HistInstantLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00530    HistInstantLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00532    HistIntegratedLumiEtSum   = dbe_->book1D( "HistIntegratedLumiEtSum", "Integrated Luminosity: Et Sum",
00533    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5);
00534    HistIntegratedLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00535    HistIntegratedLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00537    HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1 = dbe_->book1D( "HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1", "Integrated Luminosity: Occ Set1",
00538    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5);
00539    HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00540    HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00542    HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2 = dbe_->book1D( "HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2", "Integrated Luminosity: Occ Set2",
00543    MAX_LS, 0.5, (double)MAX_LS+0.5);
00544    HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistXTitle, 1 );
00545    HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00547    dbe_->setCurrentFolder(monitorName_+"/RecentHistoryLumi");
00549    // Lumi Recent Histories (past 128 short sections)
00550    RecentInstantLumiEtSum   = dbe_->book1D( "RecentInstantLumiEtSum", "Instant Luminosity: Et Sum",
00551    128, 0.5, (double)128+0.5);
00552    RecentInstantLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( RecentHistXTitle, 1 );
00553    RecentInstantLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00555    RecentInstantLumiOccSet1 = dbe_->book1D( "RecentInstantLumiOccSet1", "Instant Luminosity: Occ Set1",
00556    128, 0.5, (double)128+0.5);
00557    RecentInstantLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( RecentHistXTitle, 1 );
00558    RecentInstantLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00560    RecentInstantLumiOccSet2 = dbe_->book1D( "RecentInstantLumiOccSet2", "Instant Luminosity: Occ Set2",
00561    128, 0.5, (double)128+0.5);
00562    RecentInstantLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( RecentHistXTitle, 1 );
00563    RecentInstantLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00565    RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum   = dbe_->book1D( "RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum", "Integrated Luminosity: Et Sum",
00566    128, 0.5, (double)128+0.5);
00567    RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( RecentHistXTitle, 1 );
00568    RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00570    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1 = dbe_->book1D( "RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1", "Integrated Luminosity: Occ Set1",
00571    128, 0.5, (double)128+0.5);
00572    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( RecentHistXTitle, 1 );
00573    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00575    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2 = dbe_->book1D( "RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2", "Integrated Luminosity: Occ Set2",
00576    128, 0.5, (double)128+0.5);
00577    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( RecentHistXTitle, 1 );
00578    RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2->setAxisTitle( HistLumiYTitle, 2 );
00581    dbe_->showDirStructure();
00582 }

Member Data Documentation

bool HLXMonitor::Accumulate [private]

Definition at line 187 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::AquireMode [private]

Definition at line 195 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::AvgEtSum [private]

Definition at line 102 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::AvgOccAboveSet1 [private]

Definition at line 105 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::AvgOccAboveSet2 [private]

Definition at line 108 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::AvgOccBelowSet1 [private]

Definition at line 103 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::AvgOccBelowSet2 [private]

Definition at line 106 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::AvgOccBetweenSet1 [private]

Definition at line 104 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::AvgOccBetweenSet2 [private]

Definition at line 107 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFM [private]

Definition at line 141 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::BXvsTimeAvgEtSumHFP [private]

Definition at line 140 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::counter [private]

Definition at line 179 of file HLXMonitor.h.

DQMStore* HLXMonitor::dbe_ [private]

Definition at line 174 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), HLXMonitor(), ResetAll(), SaveDQMFile(), SetupEventInfo(), and SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::DistribIP1 [private]

Definition at line 202 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and HLXMonitor().

std::string HLXMonitor::DistribIP2 [private]

Definition at line 203 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::ETSum[36] [private]

Definition at line 92 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::EtXAxisTitle [private]

Definition at line 223 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::EtYAxisTitle [private]

Definition at line 224 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::eventInfoFolder_ [private]

Definition at line 215 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SetupEventInfo().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::expectedNibbles_ [private]

Definition at line 229 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by EndRun(), FillEventInfo(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HFCompareEtSum [private]

Definition at line 94 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HFCompareOccAboveSet1 [private]

Definition at line 97 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HFCompareOccAboveSet2 [private]

Definition at line 100 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HFCompareOccBelowSet1 [private]

Definition at line 95 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HFCompareOccBelowSet2 [private]

Definition at line 98 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HFCompareOccBetweenSet1 [private]

Definition at line 96 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HFCompareOccBetweenSet2 [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgEtSumHFM [private]

Definition at line 127 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgEtSumHFP [private]

Definition at line 126 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgLumiEtSum [private]

Definition at line 143 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgLumiOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 144 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgLumiOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 145 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFM [private]

Definition at line 133 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccAboveSet1HFP [private]

Definition at line 132 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFM [private]

Definition at line 139 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccAboveSet2HFP [private]

Definition at line 138 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFM [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBelowSet1HFP [private]

Definition at line 128 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFM [private]

Definition at line 135 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBelowSet2HFP [private]

Definition at line 134 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFM [private]

Definition at line 131 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBetweenSet1HFP [private]

Definition at line 130 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFM [private]

Definition at line 137 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistAvgOccBetweenSet2HFP [private]

Definition at line 136 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistInstantLumiEtSum [private]

Definition at line 146 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistInstantLumiOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 147 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistInstantLumiOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 148 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistIntegratedLumiEtSum [private]

Definition at line 149 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistIntegratedLumiOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 150 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::HistIntegratedLumiOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 151 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::HLXHFMap[36] [private]

Definition at line 232 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by EndRun(), FillEventInfo(), FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), HLXMonitor(), and SetupEventInfo().

TCPReceiver HLXMonitor::HLXTCP [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), endJob(), and ~HLXMonitor().

int HLXMonitor::listenPort [private]

Definition at line 184 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and HLXMonitor().

int HLXMonitor::lsBinOld [private]

Definition at line 235 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiAvgEtSum [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiAvgOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 112 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiAvgOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 113 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiInstantEtSum [private]

Definition at line 114 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiInstantOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 115 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiInstantOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 116 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiIntegratedEtSum [private]

Definition at line 117 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiIntegratedOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 118 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::LumiIntegratedOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 119 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::lumisecId_ [private]

Definition at line 167 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillEventInfo(), and SetupEventInfo().

HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION HLXMonitor::lumiSection [private]

Definition at line 226 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::lumiSectionCount [private]

Definition at line 234 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), HLXMonitor(), and ResetAll().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::MAX_LS [private]

Definition at line 194 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::monitorName_ [private]

Definition at line 198 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::NBINS [private]

Definition at line 186 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::NUM_BUNCHES [private]

Definition at line 193 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::NUM_HLX [private]

Definition at line 192 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by EndRun(), FillEventInfo(), FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), HLXMonitor(), ResetAll(), SetupEventInfo(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::numActiveTowersSet1 [private]

Definition at line 176 of file HLXMonitor.h.

unsigned int HLXMonitor::numActiveTowersSet2 [private]

Definition at line 177 of file HLXMonitor.h.

std::string HLXMonitor::OccXAxisTitle [private]

Definition at line 221 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::OccYAxisTitle [private]

Definition at line 222 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::OutputDir [private]

Definition at line 189 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SaveDQMFile().

std::string HLXMonitor::OutputFilePrefix [private]

Definition at line 188 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SaveDQMFile().

int HLXMonitor::prescaleEvt_ [private]

Definition at line 199 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor().

unsigned char* HLXMonitor::rData [private]

Definition at line 180 of file HLXMonitor.h.

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::RecentInstantLumiEtSum [private]

Definition at line 153 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::RecentInstantLumiOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 154 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::RecentInstantLumiOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 155 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::RecentIntegratedLumiEtSum [private]

Definition at line 156 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 157 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::RecentIntegratedLumiOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 158 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::reconnTime [private]

Definition at line 201 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::reportSummary_ [private]

Definition at line 170 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by EndRun(), and SetupEventInfo().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::reportSummaryMap_ [private]

Definition at line 171 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by EndRun(), and SetupEventInfo().

bool HLXMonitor::ResetAtNewRun [private]

Definition at line 212 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by EndRun(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::runId_ [private]

These MEs are filled with the info from the most recent event by the module.

Definition at line 166 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillEventInfo(), and SetupEventInfo().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::runNumber_ [private]

Definition at line 228 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by analyze(), EndRun(), FillEventInfo(), HLXMonitor(), and SaveDQMFile().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::runNumLength [private]

Definition at line 218 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), and SaveDQMFile().

bool HLXMonitor::SaveAtEndJob [private]

Definition at line 213 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by endJob(), and HLXMonitor().

int HLXMonitor::SavePeriod [private]

Definition at line 191 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::secNumLength [private]

Definition at line 219 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor().

short int HLXMonitor::SectionComplete [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLXMonitor.h.

double HLXMonitor::sectionInstantErrSumEt [private]

Definition at line 237 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

double HLXMonitor::sectionInstantErrSumOcc1 [private]

Definition at line 239 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

double HLXMonitor::sectionInstantErrSumOcc2 [private]

Definition at line 241 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

double HLXMonitor::sectionInstantNorm [private]

Definition at line 242 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

double HLXMonitor::sectionInstantSumEt [private]

Definition at line 236 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

double HLXMonitor::sectionInstantSumOcc1 [private]

Definition at line 238 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

double HLXMonitor::sectionInstantSumOcc2 [private]

Definition at line 240 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::Set1Above[36] [private]

Definition at line 88 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::set1AboveIndex [private]

Definition at line 207 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::Set1Below[36] [private]

Definition at line 86 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::set1BelowIndex [private]

Definition at line 205 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::Set1Between[36] [private]

Definition at line 87 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::set1BetweenIndex [private]

Definition at line 206 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::Set2Above[36] [private]

Definition at line 91 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::set2AboveIndex [private]

Definition at line 210 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::Set2Below[36] [private]

Definition at line 89 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::set2BelowIndex [private]

Definition at line 208 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), and HLXMonitor().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::Set2Between[36] [private]

Definition at line 90 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::set2BetweenIndex [private]

Definition at line 209 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), FillHistoHFCompare(), and HLXMonitor().

std::string HLXMonitor::Style [private]

Definition at line 190 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), HLXMonitor(), and SetupHists().

std::string HLXMonitor::subSystemName_ [private]

Definition at line 216 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by HLXMonitor(), SaveDQMFile(), and SetupEventInfo().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::SumAllOccSet1 [private]

Definition at line 122 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

MonitorElement* HLXMonitor::SumAllOccSet2 [private]

Definition at line 123 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), ResetAll(), and SetupHists().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::totalNibbles_[36] [private]

Definition at line 230 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by EndRun(), FillEventInfo(), and HLXMonitor().

unsigned int HLXMonitor::TriggerBX [private]

Definition at line 196 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistoHFCompare(), and HLXMonitor().

double HLXMonitor::XMAX [private]

Definition at line 185 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), HLXMonitor(), and SetupHists().

double HLXMonitor::XMIN [private]

Definition at line 185 of file HLXMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHistograms(), HLXMonitor(), and SetupHists().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:24:44 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4