TFWLiteSelectorBasic Class Reference

Description: A ROOT TSelector which accesses data using an edm::Event. More...

#include <FWCore/FWLite/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h>

Inheritance diagram for TFWLiteSelectorBasic:

TFWLiteSelector< TWorker > TFWLiteSelector< examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm > TFWLiteSelector< tfwliteselectortest::ThingsWorker > TFWLiteSelector< tselnameWorker > tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector examples::TrackTSelector tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2 tselname

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void begin (TList *&in)=0
 Called each time the 'client' begins processing (remote 'slaves' do not see this message).
virtual void postProcessing (TList &out)=0
 Called each time the 'slave' has seen all the events.
virtual void preProcessing (const TList *in, TList &out)=0
 Called each time the 'slave' is about to start processing.
virtual void process (const edm::Event &event)=0
 Call each time the 'slave' gets a new Event.
virtual void terminate (TList &out)=0
 Called each time the 'client' has finished processing.
 TFWLiteSelectorBasic ()
virtual ~TFWLiteSelectorBasic ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void Begin (TTree *)
virtual void Init (TTree *)
virtual Bool_t Notify ()
const TFWLiteSelectorBasicoperator= (const TFWLiteSelectorBasic &)
virtual Bool_t Process (Long64_t)
void setupNewFile (TFile &)
virtual void SlaveBegin (TTree *)
virtual void SlaveTerminate ()
virtual void Terminate ()
 TFWLiteSelectorBasic (const TFWLiteSelectorBasic &)
virtual Int_t Version () const

Private Attributes

bool everythingOK_

Detailed Description

Description: A ROOT TSelector which accesses data using an edm::Event.

Usage: By inheriting from this class one can make a TSelector for ROOT which works with PROOF and which allows you to access data using an edm::Event.

Definition at line 41 of file TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TFWLiteSelectorBasic::TFWLiteSelectorBasic (  ) 

Definition at line 176 of file

00176                                            : m_(new edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers),
00177                                      everythingOK_(false)
00178 {
00179 }

TFWLiteSelectorBasic::~TFWLiteSelectorBasic (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 186 of file

References m_.

00187 {
00188   delete m_;
00189 }

TFWLiteSelectorBasic::TFWLiteSelectorBasic ( const TFWLiteSelectorBasic  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Begin ( TTree *  iTree  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 207 of file

References begin(), and Init().

00207                                          { 
00208   Init(iTree);
00209   begin(fInput);
00210 }

virtual void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::begin ( TList *&  in  )  [pure virtual]

Called each time the 'client' begins processing (remote 'slaves' do not see this message).

in an assignable pointer to a list of objects you want passed to 'preProcessing'. This list is used to communicate with remote slaves. NOTE: you are responsible for deleting this TList and its content once you are done with it.

Implemented in tselname, tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector, tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2, and examples::TrackTSelector.

Referenced by Begin().

void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Init ( TTree *  iTree  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 219 of file

References m_, and edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::setTree().

Referenced by Begin(), and SlaveBegin().

00219                                        { 
00220   if(iTree==0) return;
00221   m_->setTree(iTree);
00222 }

Bool_t TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Notify (  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 226 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), everythingOK_, file, m_, setupNewFile(), and edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::tree_.

00226                              { 
00227    //std::cout <<"Notify start"<<std::endl;
00228   //we have switched to a new file  
00229   //get new file from Tree
00230   if(0==m_->tree_) {
00231     std::cout <<"No tree"<<std::endl;
00232     return kFALSE;
00233   }
00234   TFile* file = m_->tree_->GetCurrentFile();
00235   if(0 == file) {
00236      //When in Rome, do as the Romans
00237      TChain* chain = dynamic_cast<TChain*>(m_->tree_);
00238      if(0 == chain) {
00239         std::cout <<"No file"<<std::endl;
00240         return kFALSE;
00241      }
00242      file = chain->GetFile();
00243      if(0==file) {
00244         std::cout <<"No file"<<std::endl;
00245         return kFALSE;
00246      }
00247   }
00248   setupNewFile(*file);
00249   return everythingOK_ ? kTRUE: kFALSE; 
00250 }

const TFWLiteSelectorBasic& TFWLiteSelectorBasic::operator= ( const TFWLiteSelectorBasic  )  [private]

virtual void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::postProcessing ( TList &  out  )  [pure virtual]

Called each time the 'slave' has seen all the events.

out the list of objects that will be sent to 'terminate'. You can Add() additional objects to 'out' at this point as well.

Implemented in TFWLiteSelector< TWorker >, tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector, TFWLiteSelector< tselnameWorker >, TFWLiteSelector< tfwliteselectortest::ThingsWorker >, and TFWLiteSelector< examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm >.

Referenced by SlaveTerminate().

virtual void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::preProcessing ( const TList *  in,
TList &  out 
) [pure virtual]

Called each time the 'slave' is about to start processing.

in a pointer to the list of objects created in 'begin()'. The pointer can be 0
out a list of objects that are the result of processing (e.g. histograms). You should call 'Add()' for each object you want sent to the 'terminate' method.

Implemented in TFWLiteSelector< TWorker >, tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector, TFWLiteSelector< tselnameWorker >, TFWLiteSelector< tfwliteselectortest::ThingsWorker >, and TFWLiteSelector< examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm >.

Referenced by SlaveBegin().

Bool_t TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Process ( Long64_t  iEntry  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 253 of file

References edm::aux, edm::BranchTypeToAuxiliaryBranchName(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), event(), edm::poolNames::eventHistoryBranchName(), edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::eventHistoryTree_, everythingOK_, exception, edm::errors::FatalRootError, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::fileFormatVersion_, edm::InEvent, edm::lumiAux, m_, process(), edm::EventAuxiliary::processHistoryID(), edm::History::processHistoryID(), edm::EventAuxiliary::processHistoryID_, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::processNames_, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::productMap_, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::reader_, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::reg_, edm::EventAuxiliary::run(), edm::runAux, edm::EventAuxiliary::time(), edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::tree_, and edm::FileFormatVersion::value_.

00253                                              { 
00254    //std::cout <<"Process start"<<std::endl;
00255    if(everythingOK_) {
00256       edm::EventAuxiliary aux;
00257       edm::EventAuxiliary* pAux= &aux;
00258       TBranch* branch = m_->tree_->GetBranch(edm::BranchTypeToAuxiliaryBranchName(edm::InEvent).c_str());
00260       branch->SetAddress(&pAux);
00261       //provBranch->SetAddress(&pProv);
00262       branch->GetEntry(iEntry);
00263       //provBranch->GetEntry(iEntry);
00264       //CDJ turn off reading meta tree until we fix handling of provenance
00265       //m_->metaTree_->GetEntry(iEntry);
00267 //NEW      m_->processNames_ = aux.processHistory();
00269 //      std::cout <<"ProcessNames\n";
00270 //      for(edm::ProcessNameList::const_iterator itName = m_->processNames_.begin(),
00271 //        itNameEnd = m_->processNames_.end();
00272 //        itName != itNameEnd;
00273 //        ++itName) {
00274 //       std::cout <<"  "<<*itName<< std::endl;
00275       //     }
00277       edm::History history;
00278       if (m_->fileFormatVersion_.value_ >= 7) {
00279          edm::History* pHistory = &history;
00280          TBranch* eventHistoryBranch = m_->eventHistoryTree_->GetBranch(edm::poolNames::eventHistoryBranchName().c_str());
00281          if (!eventHistoryBranch)
00282             throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::FatalRootError)
00283             << "Failed to find history branch in event history tree";
00284          eventHistoryBranch->SetAddress(&pHistory);
00285          m_->eventHistoryTree_->GetEntry(iEntry);
00286          aux.processHistoryID_ = history.processHistoryID();
00287       }
00288       try {
00289          m_->reader_->setEntry(iEntry);
00290          edm::ProcessConfiguration pc;
00291          boost::shared_ptr<edm::ProductRegistry const> reg(m_->reg_);
00292          edm::RunAuxiliary runAux(, aux.time(), aux.time());
00293          boost::shared_ptr<edm::RunPrincipal> rp(new edm::RunPrincipal(runAux, reg, pc));
00294          edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary lumiAux(rp->run(), 1, aux.time(), aux.time());
00295          boost::shared_ptr<edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal>lbp(
00296             new edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal(lumiAux, reg, pc));
00297          lbp->setRunPrincipal(rp);
00298          boost::shared_ptr<edm::BranchMapper> mapper(new edm::BranchMapper);
00299          edm::EventPrincipal ep(aux, reg, pc, aux.processHistoryID(), mapper, m_->reader_);
00300          ep.setLuminosityBlockPrincipal(lbp);
00301          ep.setHistory(history);
00302          m_->processNames_ = ep.processHistory();
00304          using namespace edm;
00305          std::map<ProductID, BranchDescription>::iterator pit = m_->productMap_.begin();
00306          std::map<ProductID, BranchDescription>::iterator pitEnd = m_->productMap_.end();
00307          for (; pit != pitEnd; ++pit) {
00308             BranchDescription &product = pit->second;
00309             if (not product.oldProductID().isValid()) continue;
00310             ep.addGroup(edm::ConstBranchDescription(product));
00311          }
00313          edm::ModuleDescription md;
00314          edm::Event event(ep,md);
00316          //Make the event principal accessible to edm::Ref's
00317          edm::EDProductGetter::Operate sentry(ep.prodGetter());
00318          process(event);
00319       } catch( const std::exception& iEx ) {
00320          std::cout <<"While processing entry "<<iEntry<<" the following exception was caught \n"
00321                    <<iEx.what()<<std::endl;
00322       } catch(...) {
00323          std::cout <<"While processing entry "<<iEntry<<" an unknown exception was caught" << std::endl;
00324       }
00325    }
00326    //std::cout <<"Process end"<<std::endl;
00327   return kFALSE; 
00328 }

virtual void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::process ( const edm::Event event  )  [pure virtual]

Call each time the 'slave' gets a new Event.

event a standard edm::Event which works just like it does in cmsRun

Implemented in TFWLiteSelector< TWorker >, tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector, TFWLiteSelector< tselnameWorker >, TFWLiteSelector< tfwliteselectortest::ThingsWorker >, and TFWLiteSelector< examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm >.

Referenced by Process().

void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::setupNewFile ( TFile &  iFile  )  [private]

Definition at line 341 of file

References edm::BranchDescription::branchType(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::eventHistoryTree_, edm::poolNames::eventHistoryTreeName(), edm::poolNames::eventMetaDataTreeName(), everythingOK_, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::fileFormatVersion_, edm::poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName(), i, edm::InEvent, edm::BranchDescription::init(), edm::detail::ThreadSafeRegistry< KEY, T, E >::insertMapped(), edm::detail::ThreadSafeRegistry< KEY, T, E >::instance(), it, j, k, m_, edm::metaDataTree, edm::poolNames::metaDataTreeName(), edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::metaTree_, edm::poolNames::moduleDescriptionMapBranchName(), edm::poolNames::parameterSetMapBranchName(), edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::pointerToBranchBuffer_, edm::poolNames::processHistoryMapBranchName(), edm::poolNames::productDescriptionBranchName(), edm::ProductRegistry::productList(), edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::productMap_, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::prov_, edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers::reg_, pyDBSRunClass::temp, tmp, and edm::FileFormatVersion::value_.

Referenced by Notify().

00341                                                { 
00342   //look up meta-data
00343   //get product registry
00344   edm::ProductRegistry* pReg = &(*m_->reg_);
00345   typedef std::map<edm::ParameterSetID, edm::ParameterSetBlob> PsetMap;
00346   PsetMap psetMap;
00347   edm::ProcessHistoryMap pHistMap;
00348   edm::ModuleDescriptionMap mdMap;
00349   PsetMap *psetMapPtr = &psetMap;
00350   edm::ProcessHistoryMap *pHistMapPtr = &pHistMap;
00351   edm::ModuleDescriptionMap *mdMapPtr = &mdMap;
00352   edm::FileFormatVersion* fftPtr = &(m_->fileFormatVersion_);
00354   TTree* metaDataTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(iFile.Get(edm::poolNames::metaDataTreeName().c_str()) );
00355   if ( 0 != metaDataTree) {
00356     metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::productDescriptionBranchName().c_str(), &(pReg) );
00357     metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::parameterSetMapBranchName().c_str(), &psetMapPtr);
00358     metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::processHistoryMapBranchName().c_str(), &pHistMapPtr);
00359     metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::moduleDescriptionMapBranchName().c_str(), &mdMapPtr);
00360      metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName().c_str(), &fftPtr);
00361     metaDataTree->GetEntry(0);
00362     m_->reg_->setFrozen();
00363   } else {
00364     std::cout <<"could not find TTree "<<edm::poolNames::metaDataTreeName() <<std::endl;
00365     everythingOK_ = false;
00366     return;
00367   }
00368   m_->metaTree_ = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(iFile.Get(edm::poolNames::eventMetaDataTreeName().c_str()));
00369   if( 0 == m_->metaTree_) {
00370     std::cout <<"could not find TTree "<<edm::poolNames::eventMetaDataTreeName() <<std::endl;
00371     everythingOK_ = false;
00372     return;
00373   }
00375   // Merge into the registries. For now, we do NOT merge the product registry.
00376   edm::pset::Registry& psetRegistry = *edm::pset::Registry::instance();
00377   for (PsetMap::const_iterator i = psetMap.begin(), iEnd = psetMap.end();
00378       i != iEnd; ++i) {
00379     psetRegistry.insertMapped(edm::ParameterSet(i->second.pset_));
00380   } 
00381   edm::ProcessHistoryRegistry & processNameListRegistry = *edm::ProcessHistoryRegistry::instance();
00382   for (edm::ProcessHistoryMap::const_iterator j = pHistMap.begin(), jEnd = pHistMap.end();
00383       j != jEnd; ++j) {
00384     processNameListRegistry.insertMapped(j->second);
00385   } 
00386   edm::ModuleDescriptionRegistry & moduleDescriptionRegistry = *edm::ModuleDescriptionRegistry::instance();
00387   for (edm::ModuleDescriptionMap::const_iterator k = mdMap.begin(), kEnd = mdMap.end();
00388       k != kEnd; ++k) {
00389     moduleDescriptionRegistry.insertMapped(k->second);
00390   } 
00392   m_->productMap_.erase(m_->productMap_.begin(),m_->productMap_.end());
00393   m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.erase(m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.begin(),
00394                                    m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.end());
00395   edm::ProductRegistry::ProductList const& prodList = pReg->productList();
00396   std::vector<edm::EventEntryDescription> temp( prodList.size(), edm::EventEntryDescription() );
00397   m_->prov_.swap( temp);
00398   std::vector<edm::EventEntryDescription>::iterator itB = m_->prov_.begin();
00399   m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.reserve(prodList.size());
00400   for (edm::ProductRegistry::ProductList::const_iterator it = prodList.begin(), itEnd = prodList.end();
00401        it != itEnd; ++it, ++itB) {
00402     edm::BranchDescription const& prod = it->second;
00403     if( prod.branchType() == edm::InEvent) {
00404       prod.init();
00405       //NEED to do this and check to see if branch exists
00406       //prod.present_ = (branch != 0);
00407       m_->productMap_.insert(std::make_pair(it->second.oldProductID(), it->second));
00408       //std::cout <<"id "<<it->second.oldProductID()<<" branch "<<it->second.branchName()<<std::endl;
00409       m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.push_back( & (*itB));
00410       void* tmp = &(m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.back());
00411       //edm::EventEntryDescription* tmp = & (*itB);
00412       //CDJ need to fix provenance and be backwards compatible, for now just don't read the branch
00413       //m_->metaTree_->SetBranchAddress( prod.branchName().c_str(), tmp);
00414     }
00415   }  
00416   //std::cout <<"Notify end"<<std::endl;
00418    if (m_->fileFormatVersion_.value_ >= 7) {
00419       m_->eventHistoryTree_ = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(iFile.Get(edm::poolNames::eventHistoryTreeName().c_str()));
00420       if(0==m_->eventHistoryTree_) {
00421          std::cout <<"could not find TTree "<<edm::poolNames::eventHistoryTreeName() <<std::endl;
00422          everythingOK_ = false;
00423          return;
00424       }
00425    }
00426   everythingOK_ = true;
00427 }

void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::SlaveBegin ( TTree *  iTree  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 213 of file

References Init(), and preProcessing().

00213                                              { 
00214   Init(iTree);
00215   preProcessing(fInput,*fOutput);
00216 }

void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::SlaveTerminate (  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 331 of file

References postProcessing().

00331                                      { 
00332   postProcessing(*fOutput);
00333 }

void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Terminate (  )  [private, virtual]

Definition at line 336 of file

References terminate().

00336                                 {
00337   terminate(*fOutput);
00338 }

virtual void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::terminate ( TList &  out  )  [pure virtual]

Called each time the 'client' has finished processing.

out contains the accumulated output of all slaves.

Implemented in tselname, tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector, tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2, and examples::TrackTSelector.

Referenced by Terminate().

virtual Int_t TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Version (  )  const [inline, private, virtual]

Definition at line 95 of file TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h.

00095 { return 1; }

Member Data Documentation

bool TFWLiteSelectorBasic::everythingOK_ [private]

Definition at line 100 of file TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h.

Referenced by Notify(), Process(), and setupNewFile().

edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers* TFWLiteSelectorBasic::m_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h.

Referenced by Init(), Notify(), Process(), setupNewFile(), and ~TFWLiteSelectorBasic().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:33:24 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4