HLTMuonRate Class Reference

Get L1/HLT efficiency/rate plots. More...

#include <HLTriggerOffline/Tau/interface/HLTMuonRate.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &event)
void BookHistograms ()
MonitorElementBookIt (char name[], char title[], int bins, float min, float max)
 HLTMuonRate (const edm::ParameterSet &pset, int Index)
void WriteHistograms ()
virtual ~HLTMuonRate ()

Private Member Functions

std::pair< double, double > getAngle (double eta, double phi, Handle< vector< XYZTLorentzVectorD > > &refVector)

Private Attributes

std::vector< MonitorElement * > hHLTeff
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hHLTeta
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hHLTphi
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hHLTpt
std::vector< MonitorElement * > hHLTrate
edm::InputTag InputLabel
double theCrossSection
std::vector< edm::InputTagtheHLTCollectionLabels
double theHLTReferenceThreshold
edm::InputTag theL1CollectionLabel
double theL1ReferenceThreshold
double theLuminosity
unsigned int theNbins
std::vector< double > theNSigmas
int theNumberOfEvents
int theNumberOfL1Events
unsigned int theNumberOfObjects
double thePtMax
double thePtMin
std::string theRootFileName
int this_event_weight

Detailed Description

Get L1/HLT efficiency/rate plots.

Sho Maruyama (copied from J. Alcaraz

Sho Maruyama (copied from J. Alcaraz)

Definition at line 30 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTMuonRate::HLTMuonRate ( const edm::ParameterSet pset,
int  Index 

Definition at line 33 of file

References DQMStore::cd(), dbe_, e, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, InputLabel, NULL, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), theCrossSection, theHLTCollectionLabels, theHLTReferenceThreshold, theL1CollectionLabel, theL1ReferenceThreshold, theLuminosity, theNbins, theNSigmas, theNumberOfEvents, theNumberOfL1Events, theNumberOfObjects, thePtMax, thePtMin, and theRootFileName.

00034 {
00035   InputLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("InputLabel");
00036   Parameters TriggerLists=pset.getParameter<Parameters>("TriggerCollection");
00037   int i=0;
00038   for(Parameters::iterator itTrigger = TriggerLists.begin(); itTrigger != TriggerLists.end(); ++itTrigger) {
00039     if ( i == Index ) { 
00040       theL1CollectionLabel = itTrigger->getParameter<InputTag>("L1CollectionLabel");
00041       theHLTCollectionLabels = itTrigger->getParameter<std::vector<InputTag> >("HLTCollectionLabels");
00042       theL1ReferenceThreshold = itTrigger->getParameter<double>("L1ReferenceThreshold");    
00043       theHLTReferenceThreshold = itTrigger->getParameter<double>("HLTReferenceThreshold");    
00044       theNumberOfObjects = itTrigger->getParameter<unsigned int>("NumberOfObjects");
00045       break;
00046     }
00047     ++i;
00048   }
00049   theNSigmas = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<double> >("NSigmas90");
00050   theCrossSection = pset.getParameter<double>("CrossSection");
00051   // Convert it already into /nb/s)
00052   theLuminosity = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("Luminosity",1.e+32)*1.e-33;
00053   thePtMin = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtMin",0.);
00054   thePtMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtMax",40.);
00055   theNbins = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("Nbins",40);
00056   theNumberOfEvents = 0;
00057   theNumberOfL1Events = 0;
00058   dbe_ = 0 ;
00059   if (pset.getUntrackedParameter < bool > ("DQMStore", false)) {
00060     dbe_ = Service < DQMStore > ().operator->();
00061     dbe_->setVerbose(0);
00062   }
00063   bool disable =pset.getUntrackedParameter < bool > ("disableROOToutput", false);
00064   if (disable) theRootFileName="";
00065   else theRootFileName = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("RootFileName");
00066   if (dbe_ != NULL) {
00067     dbe_->cd();
00068     dbe_->setCurrentFolder("HLT/Muon");
00069     dbe_->setCurrentFolder("HLT/Muon/RateEfficiencies");
00070     dbe_->setCurrentFolder("HLT/Muon/Distributions");
00071   }
00072 }

HLTMuonRate::~HLTMuonRate (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 73 of file

00073 {}

Member Function Documentation

void HLTMuonRate::analyze ( const edm::Event event  ) 

Definition at line 75 of file

References d, geometryDiff::epsilon, err0, MonitorElement::Fill(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::get(), getAngle(), hEtaNor, hHLTeff, hHLTpt, hL1DR, hL1eff, hL1Eta, hL1Phi, hL1pt, hL2DR, hL3DR, hPhiNor, hPtNor, hSteps, i, InputLabel, j, k, LogTrace, NumberOfEvents, funct::sqrt(), theHLTCollectionLabels, theHLTReferenceThreshold, theL1CollectionLabel, theL1ReferenceThreshold, theNbins, theNSigmas, theNumberOfEvents, theNumberOfObjects, thePtMax, thePtMin, and this_event_weight.

00075                                              {
00076   this_event_weight=1;
00077   NumberOfEvents->Fill(++theNumberOfEvents);
00078   LogTrace("HLTMuonVal")<<"In analyze for L1 trigger "<<theL1CollectionLabel<<" Event:"<<theNumberOfEvents;  
00079   bool refmuon_found = false;
00080   double ptuse = -1;
00081     Handle<vector<XYZTLorentzVectorD> > refVector;
00082     event.getByLabel(InputLabel,refVector);
00083 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < refVector->size(); i++){
00084       double pt1 = refVector->at(i).pt();
00085       hEtaNor->Fill(refVector->at(i).eta());
00086       hPhiNor->Fill(refVector->at(i).phi());
00087       if (pt1>ptuse) {
00088         refmuon_found = true;
00089         ptuse = pt1;
00090       }
00091     } 
00092   if (ptuse > 0 ) hPtNor->Fill(ptuse,this_event_weight);
00093   // Get the L1 collection
00094   Handle<TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs> l1candsHandle;
00095   event.getByLabel(theL1CollectionLabel, l1candsHandle);
00096   // Get the HLT collections
00097   std::vector<Handle<TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs> > hltcandsHandle(theHLTCollectionLabels.size());
00098   for (unsigned int i=0; i<theHLTCollectionLabels.size(); i++) {
00099       event.getByLabel(theHLTCollectionLabels[i], hltcandsHandle[i]);
00100       if (hltcandsHandle[i].failedToGet()) break;
00101   }
00102   vector<L1MuonParticleRef> l1cands;
00103   l1candsHandle->getObjects(81,l1cands);
00104   unsigned hltsize=theHLTCollectionLabels.size();
00105   vector<vector<RecoChargedCandidateRef> > hltcands(hltsize);
00106   unsigned int modules_in_this_event = 0;
00107   for (unsigned int i=0; i<theHLTCollectionLabels.size(); i++) {
00108     hltcandsHandle[i]->getObjects(93, hltcands[i]);
00109     modules_in_this_event++;
00110   }
00111   // Fix L1 thresholds to obtain HLT plots
00112   unsigned int nL1FoundRef = 0;
00113   double epsilon = 0.001;
00114   for (unsigned int k=0; k<l1cands.size(); k++) {
00115     double ptLUT =>pt();
00116     // Add "epsilon" to avoid rounding errors when ptLUT==L1Threshold
00117     if (ptLUT+epsilon>theL1ReferenceThreshold) {
00118       nL1FoundRef++;
00119       hL1pt->Fill(ptLUT);
00120     pair<double,double> angularInfo=getAngle(>eta(),>phi(), refVector );
00121     LogTrace("HLTMuonVal")<<"Filling L1 histos....";
00122     if ( angularInfo.first < 999.){
00123       hL1Eta->Fill(angularInfo.first);
00124       hL1Phi->Fill(angularInfo.second);
00125           float>phi();
00126           float>eta();
00127           hL1DR->Fill(sqrt(dphi*dphi+deta*deta));
00128       LogTrace("HLTMuonVal")<<"Filling done";
00129     }
00130     }
00131   }
00132   if (nL1FoundRef>=theNumberOfObjects){
00133     hSteps->Fill(1.);  
00134   }
00135   if (ptuse>0){
00136     int last_module = modules_in_this_event - 1;
00137     for ( int i=0; i<=last_module; i++) {
00138       double ptcut = theHLTReferenceThreshold;
00139       unsigned nFound = 0;
00140       for (unsigned int k=0; k<hltcands[i].size(); k++) {
00141     RecoChargedCandidateRef candref = RecoChargedCandidateRef(hltcands[i][k]);
00142     reco::TrackRef tk = candref->get<reco::TrackRef>();
00143     double pt = tk->pt();
00144     if (pt>ptcut) nFound++;
00145       }
00146       if (nFound>=theNumberOfObjects){
00147     hSteps->Fill(2+i); 
00148       }
00149     }
00150   }
00151   for (unsigned int j=0; j<theNbins; j++) {
00152     double ptcut = thePtMin + j*(thePtMax-thePtMin)/theNbins;
00153     // L1 filling
00154     unsigned int nFound = 0;
00155     for (unsigned int k=0; k<l1cands.size(); k++) {
00156       L1MuonParticleRef candref = L1MuonParticleRef(l1cands[k]);
00157       double pt = candref->pt();
00158       if (pt>ptcut) nFound++;
00159     }
00160     if (nFound>=theNumberOfObjects) hL1eff->Fill(ptcut,this_event_weight);
00161     // Stop here if L1 reference cuts were not satisfied
00162     if (nL1FoundRef<theNumberOfObjects) continue;
00163     // HLT filling
00164     for (unsigned int i=0; i<modules_in_this_event; i++) {
00165       unsigned nFound = 0;
00166       for (unsigned int k=0; k<hltcands[i].size(); k++) {
00167     RecoChargedCandidateRef candref = RecoChargedCandidateRef(hltcands[i][k]);
00168     reco::TrackRef tk = candref->get<reco::TrackRef>();
00169     double pt = tk->pt();
00170     if ( ptcut == thePtMin ) {
00171       hHLTpt[i]->Fill(pt);
00172         pair<double,double> angularInfo=getAngle(candref->eta(),candref->phi(), refVector );
00173         if ( angularInfo.first < 999.){
00174           float dphi=angularInfo.second-candref->phi();
00175           float deta=angularInfo.first-candref->eta();
00176           float d=sqrt(dphi*dphi+deta*deta);
00177           if (i==0)hL2DR->Fill(d);
00178           if ((modules_in_this_event==2 && i==1)||i==2 )hL3DR->Fill(d);
00179           LogTrace("HLTMuonVal")<<"Filling done";
00180         }
00181     }
00182     double err0 = tk->error(0);
00183     double abspar0 = fabs(tk->parameter(0));
00184     // convert to 90% efficiency threshold
00185     if (abspar0>0) pt += theNSigmas[i]*err0/abspar0*pt;
00186     if (pt>ptcut) nFound++;
00187       }
00188       if (nFound>=theNumberOfObjects) {
00189     hHLTeff[i]->Fill(ptcut,this_event_weight);
00190       } else {
00191     break;
00192       }
00193     }
00194   }
00195 }

void HLTMuonRate::BookHistograms (  ) 

Definition at line 217 of file

References DQMStore::bookInt(), BookIt(), DQMStore::cd(), dbe_, edm::InputTag::encode(), encode(), h, hEtaNor, hHLTeff, hHLTpt, hHLTrate, hL1DR, hL1eff, hL1Eta, hL1Phi, hL1pt, hL1rate, hL2DR, hL3DR, hPhiNor, hPtNor, hSteps, i, NumberOfEvents, NumberOfL1Events, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), theHLTCollectionLabels, theL1CollectionLabel, theLuminosity, theNbins, thePtMax, and thePtMin.

00217                                 {
00218   char chname[256];
00219   char chtitle[256];
00220   char * mylabel ;
00221   char * mydirlabel ;
00222   char str[100],str2[100],str3[100];
00223   vector<TH1F*> h;
00224   if (dbe_) {
00225     dbe_->cd();
00226     dbe_->setCurrentFolder("HLT/Muon");
00227     snprintf(str2, 99, "%s",theL1CollectionLabel.encode().c_str() );
00228     mydirlabel = strtok(str2,"L1");
00229     snprintf(str3,99, "HLT/Muon/RateEfficiencies/%s",mydirlabel);
00230     dbe_->setCurrentFolder(str3);
00231     NumberOfEvents=dbe_->bookInt("NumberOfEvents");
00232     NumberOfL1Events=dbe_->bookInt("NumberOfL1Events");
00233     snprintf(str, 99, "%s",theL1CollectionLabel.encode().c_str() );
00234     mylabel = strtok(str,":");
00235     snprintf(chname, 255, "L1DR_%s", mylabel);
00236     snprintf(chtitle, 255, "L1 association #DR, label=%s", mylabel);
00237     hL1DR= BookIt(chname, chtitle,theNbins, 0., 0.5);
00238     snprintf(chname, 255, "L2DR_%s", mylabel);
00239     snprintf(chtitle, 255, "L2 association #DR, label=%s", mylabel);
00240     hL2DR= BookIt(chname, chtitle,theNbins, 0., 0.5);
00241     snprintf(chname, 255, "L3DR_%s", mylabel);
00242     snprintf(chtitle, 255, "L3 association #DR, label=%s", mylabel);
00243     hL3DR= BookIt(chname, chtitle,theNbins, 0., 0.5);
00244     snprintf(chname, 255, "HLTSteps_%s", mylabel);
00245     snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Events passing the HLT filters, label=%s", mylabel);
00246     hSteps= BookIt(chname, chtitle,5, 0.5, 5.5);
00247     snprintf(chname, 255, "eff_%s", mylabel);
00248     snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Efficiency (%%) vs L1 Pt threshold (GeV/c), label=%s", mylabel);
00249     hL1eff = BookIt(chname, chtitle, theNbins, thePtMin, thePtMax);
00250     snprintf(chname, 255, "rate_%s", mylabel);
00251     snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Rate (Hz) vs L1 Pt threshold (GeV/c), label=%s, L=%.2E (cm^{-2} s^{-1})", mylabel, theLuminosity*1.e33);
00252     hL1rate =   BookIt(chname, chtitle, theNbins, thePtMin, thePtMax);
00253     dbe_->cd();
00254     snprintf(str3,99, "HLT/Muon/Distributions/%s",mydirlabel);
00255     dbe_->setCurrentFolder(str3);
00256     snprintf(chname, 255, "pt_%s", mylabel);
00257     snprintf(chtitle, 255, "L1 Pt distribution label=%s", mylabel);
00258     hL1pt = BookIt(chname, chtitle, theNbins, thePtMin, thePtMax);
00259       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "L1 max ref pt distribution label=%s", mylabel);
00260       snprintf(chname, 255, "ptNorm_%s", mylabel);
00261       hPtNor = BookIt(chname, chtitle, theNbins, thePtMin, thePtMax);
00262       snprintf(chname, 255, "etaNorm_%s",mylabel);
00263       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Norm  #eta ");
00264       hEtaNor = BookIt(chname, chtitle, 50, -2.5, 2.5);
00265       snprintf(chname, 255, "phiNorm_%s",mylabel);
00266       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Norm  #phi");
00267       hPhiNor = BookIt(chname, chtitle, 50, -3.3, 3.3);
00268       snprintf(chname, 255, "eta_%s", mylabel);
00269       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "L1 Eta distribution label=%s", mylabel);
00270       hL1Eta = BookIt(chname, chtitle, 50, -2.5, 2.5);
00271       snprintf(chname, 255, "phi_%s", mylabel);
00272       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "L1 Phi distribution label=%s", mylabel);
00273       hL1Phi = BookIt(chname, chtitle, 50, -3.3, 3.3);
00274     for (unsigned int i=0; i<theHLTCollectionLabels.size(); i++) {
00275       dbe_->cd();
00276       snprintf(str3,99, "HLT/Muon/RateEfficiencies/%s",mydirlabel);
00277       dbe_->setCurrentFolder(str3);      
00278       snprintf(str, 99, "%s",theHLTCollectionLabels[i].encode().c_str() );
00279       mylabel = strtok(str,":");
00280       snprintf(chname, 255, "eff_%s",mylabel );
00281       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Efficiency (%%) vs HLT Pt threshold (GeV/c), label=%s", mylabel);
00282       hHLTeff.push_back(BookIt(chname, chtitle, theNbins, thePtMin, thePtMax));
00283       snprintf(chname, 255, "rate_%s", mylabel);
00284       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Rate (Hz) vs HLT Pt threshold (GeV/c), label=%s, L=%.2E (cm^{-2} s^{-1})", mylabel, theLuminosity*1.e33);
00285       hHLTrate.push_back(BookIt(chname, chtitle, theNbins, thePtMin, thePtMax));
00286       dbe_->cd();
00287       snprintf(str3,99, "HLT/Muon/Distributions/%s",mydirlabel);
00288       dbe_->setCurrentFolder(str3);
00289       snprintf(chname, 255, "pt_%s",mylabel );
00290       snprintf(chtitle, 255, "Pt distribution label=%s", mylabel); 
00291       hHLTpt.push_back(BookIt(chname, chtitle, theNbins, thePtMin, thePtMax));
00292     }
00293     hSteps->setAxisTitle("Trigger Filtering Step");
00294     hSteps->setAxisTitle("Events passing Trigger Step",2);
00295     hL1eff->setAxisTitle("90% Muon Pt threshold (GeV/c)");
00296     hL1rate->setAxisTitle("90% Muon Pt threshold (GeV/c)");
00297     hL1rate->setAxisTitle("Rate (Hz)",2);
00298     hL1pt->setAxisTitle("Muon Pt (GeV/c)");
00299     for (unsigned int i=0; i<theHLTCollectionLabels.size(); i++) {
00300       hHLTeff[i]->setAxisTitle("90% Muon Pt threshold (GeV/c)");
00301       hHLTrate[i]->setAxisTitle("Rate (Hz)",2);
00302       hHLTrate[i]->setAxisTitle("90% Muon Pt threshold (GeV/c)",1);
00303       hHLTpt[i]->setAxisTitle("HLT Muon Pt (GeV/c)",1);
00304     }
00305   }
00306 }

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::BookIt ( char  name[],
char  title[],
int  bins,
float  min,
float  max 

Referenced by BookHistograms().

pair< double, double > HLTMuonRate::getAngle ( double  eta,
double  phi,
Handle< vector< XYZTLorentzVectorD > > &  refVector 
) [private]

Definition at line 197 of file

References angle(), deltaR(), i, LogTrace, and funct::sqrt().

Referenced by analyze().

00198 {
00199   LogTrace("HLTMuonVal")<< "in getAngle";
00200   double candDeltaR = 0.4;
00201   pair<double,double> angle(999.,999.);
00202   LogTrace("HLTMuonVal")<< " candidate eta="<<eta<<" and phi="<<phi;
00203   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refVector->size(); i++ ) {
00204       double Deta=eta - refVector->at(i).eta();
00205       double Dphi=phi - refVector->at(i).phi();
00206       double deltaR = sqrt(Deta*Deta+Dphi*Dphi);
00207       if ( deltaR < candDeltaR ) {
00208     candDeltaR=deltaR;
00209         angle.first  = refVector->at(i).eta();
00210         angle.second = refVector->at(i).phi();
00211     }
00212   }
00213   LogTrace("HLTMuonVal")<< "Best deltaR="<<candDeltaR;
00214   return angle;
00215 }

void HLTMuonRate::WriteHistograms (  ) 

Definition at line 316 of file

References dbe_, DQMStore::save(), and theRootFileName.

00316                                   {
00317   if (theRootFileName.size() != 0 && dbe_) dbe_->save(theRootFileName);
00318    return;
00319 }

Member Data Documentation

DQMStore* HLTMuonRate::dbe_ [private]

Definition at line 50 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by BookHistograms(), HLTMuonRate(), and WriteHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hEtaNor [private]

Definition at line 55 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

std::vector<MonitorElement*> HLTMuonRate::hHLTeff [private]

Definition at line 61 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

std::vector<MonitorElement*> HLTMuonRate::hHLTeta [private]

Definition at line 64 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

std::vector<MonitorElement*> HLTMuonRate::hHLTphi [private]

Definition at line 65 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

std::vector<MonitorElement*> HLTMuonRate::hHLTpt [private]

Definition at line 63 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

std::vector<MonitorElement*> HLTMuonRate::hHLTrate [private]

Definition at line 62 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hL1DR [private]

Definition at line 51 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hL1eff [private]

Definition at line 52 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hL1Eta [private]

Definition at line 58 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hL1Phi [private]

Definition at line 59 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hL1pt [private]

Definition at line 57 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hL1rate [private]

Definition at line 56 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by BookHistograms().

MonitorElement * HLTMuonRate::hL2DR [private]

Definition at line 51 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement * HLTMuonRate::hL3DR [private]

Definition at line 51 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hPhiNor [private]

Definition at line 54 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hPtNor [private]

Definition at line 53 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::hSteps [private]

Definition at line 60 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

edm::InputTag HLTMuonRate::InputLabel [private]

Definition at line 39 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HLTMuonRate().

MonitorElement* HLTMuonRate::NumberOfEvents [private]

Definition at line 67 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and BookHistograms().

MonitorElement * HLTMuonRate::NumberOfL1Events [private]

Definition at line 67 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by BookHistograms().

double HLTMuonRate::theCrossSection [private]

Definition at line 44 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by HLTMuonRate().

std::vector<edm::InputTag> HLTMuonRate::theHLTCollectionLabels [private]

Definition at line 40 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BookHistograms(), and HLTMuonRate().

double HLTMuonRate::theHLTReferenceThreshold [private]

Definition at line 41 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HLTMuonRate().

edm::InputTag HLTMuonRate::theL1CollectionLabel [private]

Definition at line 39 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BookHistograms(), and HLTMuonRate().

double HLTMuonRate::theL1ReferenceThreshold [private]

Definition at line 41 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HLTMuonRate().

double HLTMuonRate::theLuminosity [private]

Definition at line 45 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by BookHistograms(), and HLTMuonRate().

unsigned int HLTMuonRate::theNbins [private]

Definition at line 48 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BookHistograms(), and HLTMuonRate().

std::vector<double> HLTMuonRate::theNSigmas [private]

Definition at line 42 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HLTMuonRate().

int HLTMuonRate::theNumberOfEvents [private]

Definition at line 68 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HLTMuonRate().

int HLTMuonRate::theNumberOfL1Events [private]

Definition at line 68 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by HLTMuonRate().

unsigned int HLTMuonRate::theNumberOfObjects [private]

Definition at line 43 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HLTMuonRate().

double HLTMuonRate::thePtMax [private]

Definition at line 47 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BookHistograms(), and HLTMuonRate().

double HLTMuonRate::thePtMin [private]

Definition at line 46 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze(), BookHistograms(), and HLTMuonRate().

std::string HLTMuonRate::theRootFileName [private]

Definition at line 69 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by HLTMuonRate(), and WriteHistograms().

int HLTMuonRate::this_event_weight [private]

Definition at line 49 of file HLTMuonRate.h.

Referenced by analyze().

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Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:24:38 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4