evf::FUShmBuffer Class Reference

#include <EventFilter/ShmBuffer/interface/FUShmBuffer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

pid_t clientPrcId (unsigned int index)
void discardDqmCell (unsigned int iCell)
void discardRawCell (FUShmRawCell *cell)
void discardRecoCell (unsigned int iCell)
FUShmDqmCelldqmCellToRead ()
dqm::State_t dqmState (unsigned int index)
unsigned int evtNumber (unsigned int index)
pid_t evtPrcId (unsigned int index)
evt::State_t evtState (unsigned int index)
time_t evtTimeStamp (unsigned int index)
void finishReadingDqmCell (FUShmDqmCell *cell)
void finishReadingRawCell (FUShmRawCell *cell)
void finishReadingRecoCell (FUShmRecoCell *cell)
void finishWritingRawCell (FUShmRawCell *cell)
void initialize (unsigned int shmid, unsigned int semid)
void lock ()
int nbRawCellsToRead () const
int nbRawCellsToWrite () const
unsigned int nClients () const
unsigned int nDqmCells () const
unsigned int nRawCells () const
unsigned int nRecoCells () const
void printDqmState (unsigned int index)
void printEvtState (unsigned int index)
FUShmRawCellrawCellToDiscard ()
FUShmRawCellrawCellToRead ()
FUShmRawCellrawCellToWrite ()
FUShmRecoCellrecoCellToRead ()
void releaseRawCell (FUShmRawCell *cell)
bool removeClientPrcId (pid_t prcId)
void reset ()
void scheduleRawCellForDiscard (unsigned int iCell)
void scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard (FUShmRawCell *cell)
void scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard ()
void sem_print ()
int semid () const
bool setEvtState (unsigned int index, evt::State_t state)
int shmid () const
void unlock ()
void writeDqmEmptyEvent ()
bool writeDqmEventData (unsigned int runNumber, unsigned int evtAtUpdate, unsigned int folderId, unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int fuGuid, unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataSize)
bool writeErrorEventData (unsigned int runNumber, unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int iRawCell)
void writeRawEmptyEvent ()
void writeRecoEmptyEvent ()
bool writeRecoEventData (unsigned int runNumber, unsigned int evtNumber, unsigned int outModId, unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int fuGuid, unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataSize)
bool writeRecoInitMsg (unsigned int outModId, unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int fuGuid, unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataSize)
 ~FUShmBuffer ()

Static Public Member Functions

static FUShmBuffercreateShmBuffer (bool semgmentationMode, unsigned int nRawCells, unsigned int nRecoCells, unsigned int nDqmCells, unsigned int rawCellSize=0x400000, unsigned int recoCellSize=0x400000, unsigned int dqmCellSize=0x400000)
static key_t getSemKey ()
static FUShmBuffergetShmBuffer ()
static key_t getShmDescriptorKey ()
static key_t getShmKey ()
static bool releaseSharedMemory ()
static int sem_create (key_t key, int nsem)
static int sem_destroy (int semid)
static int sem_get (key_t key, int nsem)
static voidshm_attach (int shmid)
static int shm_create (key_t key, int size)
static int shm_destroy (int shmid)
static int shm_get (key_t key, int size)
static int shm_nattch (int shmid)
static unsigned int size (bool segmentationMode, unsigned int nRawCells, unsigned int nRecoCells, unsigned int nDqmCells, unsigned int rawCellSize, unsigned int recoCellSize, unsigned int dqmCellSize)

Private Member Functions

FUShmDqmCelldqmCell (unsigned int iCell)
key_t dqmCellShmKey (unsigned int iCell)
 FUShmBuffer (bool segmentationMode, unsigned int nRawCells, unsigned int nRecoCells, unsigned int nDqmCells, unsigned int rawCellSize, unsigned int recoCellSize, unsigned int dqmCellSize)
int incEvtDiscard (unsigned int index)
unsigned int indexForEvtNumber (unsigned int evtNumber)
unsigned int nextDqmReadIndex ()
unsigned int nextDqmWriteIndex ()
unsigned int nextIndex (unsigned int offset, unsigned int nCells, unsigned int &iNext)
unsigned int nextRawReadIndex ()
unsigned int nextRawWriteIndex ()
unsigned int nextRecoReadIndex ()
unsigned int nextRecoWriteIndex ()
void postDqmIndexToRead (unsigned int index)
void postDqmIndexToWrite (unsigned int index)
void postDqmRead ()
void postDqmWrite ()
void postIndex (unsigned int index, unsigned int offset, unsigned int nCells, unsigned int &iLast)
void postRawDiscard ()
void postRawDiscarded ()
void postRawIndexToRead (unsigned int index)
void postRawIndexToWrite (unsigned int index)
void postRawRead ()
void postRawWrite ()
void postRecoIndexToRead (unsigned int index)
void postRecoIndexToWrite (unsigned int index)
void postRecoRead ()
void postRecoWrite ()
FUShmRawCellrawCell (unsigned int iCell)
bool rawCellReadyForDiscard (unsigned int index)
key_t rawCellShmKey (unsigned int iCell)
FUShmRecoCellrecoCell (unsigned int iCell)
key_t recoCellShmKey (unsigned int iCell)
void sem_init (int isem, int value)
void sem_post (int isem)
void sem_wait (int isem)
bool setClientPrcId (pid_t prcId)
bool setDqmState (unsigned int index, dqm::State_t state)
bool setEvtDiscard (unsigned int index, unsigned int discard)
bool setEvtNumber (unsigned int index, unsigned int evtNumber)
bool setEvtPrcId (unsigned int index, pid_t prcId)
bool setEvtTimeStamp (unsigned int index, time_t timeStamp)
key_t shmKey (unsigned int iCell, unsigned int offset)
void waitDqmRead ()
void waitDqmWrite ()
void waitRawDiscard ()
void waitRawDiscarded ()
void waitRawRead ()
void waitRawWrite ()
void waitRecoRead ()
void waitRecoWrite ()

Private Attributes

unsigned int clientPrcIdOffset_
unsigned int dqmCellOffset_
unsigned int dqmCellPayloadSize_
unsigned int dqmCellTotalSize_
unsigned int dqmReadIndex_
unsigned int dqmReadLast_
unsigned int dqmReadNext_
unsigned int dqmReadOffset_
unsigned int dqmStateOffset_
unsigned int dqmWriteIndex_
unsigned int dqmWriteLast_
unsigned int dqmWriteNext_
unsigned int dqmWriteOffset_
unsigned int evtDiscardOffset_
unsigned int evtNumberOffset_
unsigned int evtPrcIdOffset_
unsigned int evtStateOffset_
unsigned int evtTimeStampOffset_
unsigned int nClients_
unsigned int nClientsMax_
unsigned int nDqmCells_
unsigned int nRawCells_
unsigned int nRecoCells_
unsigned int rawCellOffset_
unsigned int rawCellPayloadSize_
unsigned int rawCellTotalSize_
unsigned int rawDiscardIndex_
unsigned int rawReadLast_
unsigned int rawReadNext_
unsigned int rawReadOffset_
unsigned int rawWriteLast_
unsigned int rawWriteNext_
unsigned int rawWriteOffset_
unsigned int recoCellOffset_
unsigned int recoCellPayloadSize_
unsigned int recoCellTotalSize_
unsigned int recoReadIndex_
unsigned int recoReadLast_
unsigned int recoReadNext_
unsigned int recoReadOffset_
unsigned int recoWriteIndex_
unsigned int recoWriteLast_
unsigned int recoWriteNext_
unsigned int recoWriteOffset_
bool segmentationMode_
int semid_
int shmid_

Static Private Attributes

static const char * semKeyPath_
static const char * shmKeyPath_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 39 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FUShmBuffer::FUShmBuffer ( bool  segmentationMode,
unsigned int  nRawCells,
unsigned int  nRecoCells,
unsigned int  nDqmCells,
unsigned int  rawCellSize,
unsigned int  recoCellSize,
unsigned int  dqmCellSize 
) [private]

Definition at line 44 of file

References addr, clientPrcIdOffset_, dqmCellOffset_, dqmCellPayloadSize_, dqmCellTotalSize_, dqmReadOffset_, dqmStateOffset_, dqmWriteOffset_, evtDiscardOffset_, evtNumberOffset_, evtPrcIdOffset_, evtStateOffset_, evtTimeStampOffset_, i, nClientsMax_, nDqmCells_, nRawCells_, nRecoCells_, rawCellOffset_, rawCellPayloadSize_, rawCellTotalSize_, rawReadOffset_, rawWriteOffset_, recoCellOffset_, recoCellPayloadSize_, recoCellTotalSize_, recoReadOffset_, recoWriteOffset_, segmentationMode_, and size.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

00051   : segmentationMode_(segmentationMode)
00052   , nClientsMax_(16)
00053   , nRawCells_(nRawCells)
00054   , rawCellPayloadSize_(rawCellSize)
00055   , nRecoCells_(nRecoCells)
00056   , recoCellPayloadSize_(recoCellSize)
00057   , nDqmCells_(nDqmCells)
00058   , dqmCellPayloadSize_(dqmCellSize)
00059 {
00060   rawCellTotalSize_ =FUShmRawCell::size(rawCellPayloadSize_);
00061   recoCellTotalSize_=FUShmRecoCell::size(recoCellPayloadSize_);
00062   dqmCellTotalSize_ =FUShmDqmCell::size(dqmCellPayloadSize_);
00064   void* addr;
00066   rawWriteOffset_=sizeof(FUShmBuffer);
00067   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+rawWriteOffset_);
00068   new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00070   rawReadOffset_=rawWriteOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00071   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+rawReadOffset_);
00072   new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00074   recoWriteOffset_=rawReadOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00075   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+recoWriteOffset_);
00076   new (addr) unsigned int[nRecoCells_];
00078   recoReadOffset_=recoWriteOffset_+nRecoCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00079   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+recoReadOffset_);
00080   new (addr) unsigned int[nRecoCells_];
00082   dqmWriteOffset_=recoReadOffset_+nRecoCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00083   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+dqmWriteOffset_);
00084   new (addr) unsigned int[nDqmCells_];
00086   dqmReadOffset_=dqmWriteOffset_+nDqmCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00087   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+dqmReadOffset_);
00088   new (addr) unsigned int[nDqmCells_];
00090   evtStateOffset_=dqmReadOffset_+nDqmCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00091   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+evtStateOffset_);
00092   new (addr) evt::State_t[nRawCells_];
00094   evtDiscardOffset_=evtStateOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(evt::State_t);
00095   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+evtDiscardOffset_);
00096   new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00098   evtNumberOffset_=evtDiscardOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00099   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+evtNumberOffset_);
00100   new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00102   evtPrcIdOffset_=evtNumberOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(unsigned int);
00103   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+evtPrcIdOffset_);
00104   new (addr) pid_t[nRawCells_];
00106   evtTimeStampOffset_=evtPrcIdOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(pid_t);
00107   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+evtTimeStampOffset_);
00108   new (addr) time_t[nRawCells_];
00110   dqmStateOffset_=evtTimeStampOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(time_t);
00111   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+dqmStateOffset_);
00112   new (addr) dqm::State_t[nDqmCells_];
00114   clientPrcIdOffset_=dqmStateOffset_+nDqmCells_*sizeof(dqm::State_t);
00115   addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+clientPrcIdOffset_);
00116   new (addr) pid_t[nClientsMax_];
00118   rawCellOffset_=dqmStateOffset_+nClientsMax_*sizeof(pid_t);
00120   if (segmentationMode_) {
00121     recoCellOffset_=rawCellOffset_+nRawCells_*sizeof(key_t);
00122     dqmCellOffset_ =recoCellOffset_+nRecoCells_*sizeof(key_t);
00123     addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+rawCellOffset_);
00124     new (addr) key_t[nRawCells_];
00125     addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+recoCellOffset_);
00126     new (addr) key_t[nRecoCells_];
00127     addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+dqmCellOffset_);
00128     new (addr) key_t[nDqmCells_];
00129   }
00130   else {
00131     recoCellOffset_=rawCellOffset_+nRawCells_*rawCellTotalSize_;
00132     dqmCellOffset_ =recoCellOffset_+nRecoCells_*recoCellTotalSize_;
00133     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRawCells_;i++) {
00134       addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+rawCellOffset_+i*rawCellTotalSize_);
00135       new (addr) FUShmRawCell(rawCellSize);
00136     }
00137     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRecoCells_;i++) {
00138       addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+recoCellOffset_+i*recoCellTotalSize_);
00139       new (addr) FUShmRecoCell(recoCellSize);
00140     }
00141     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nDqmCells_;i++) {
00142       addr=(void*)((unsigned int)this+dqmCellOffset_+i*dqmCellTotalSize_);
00143       new (addr) FUShmDqmCell(dqmCellSize);
00144     }
00145   }
00146 }

FUShmBuffer::~FUShmBuffer (  ) 

Definition at line 150 of file

00151 {
00153 }

Member Function Documentation

pid_t FUShmBuffer::clientPrcId ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 1268 of file

References clientPrcIdOffset_, and nClientsMax_.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::clientPrcIds(), and evf::FUResourceTable::clientPrcIdsAsString().

01269 {
01270   assert(index<nClientsMax_);
01271   pid_t *prcid=(pid_t*)((unsigned int)this+clientPrcIdOffset_);
01272   prcid+=index;
01273   return *prcid;
01274 }

FUShmBuffer * FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer ( bool  semgmentationMode,
unsigned int  nRawCells,
unsigned int  nRecoCells,
unsigned int  nDqmCells,
unsigned int  rawCellSize = 0x400000,
unsigned int  recoCellSize = 0x400000,
unsigned int  dqmCellSize = 0x400000 
) [static]

Definition at line 744 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), FUShmBuffer(), getSemKey(), getShmDescriptorKey(), getShmKey(), initialize(), int, p, releaseSharedMemory(), sem_create(), semid(), shm_attach(), shm_create(), shm_nattch(), shmid(), size(), and size.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::initialize().

00751 {
00752   // if necessary, release shared memory first!
00753   if (FUShmBuffer::releaseSharedMemory())
00754     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer: "
00756         <<endl;
00758   // create bookkeeping shared memory segment
00759   int  size =sizeof(unsigned int)*7;
00760   int  shmid=shm_create(FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey(),size);if(shmid<0)return 0;
00761   void*shmAddr=shm_attach(shmid); if(0==shmAddr)return 0;
00763   if(1!=shm_nattch(shmid)) {
00764     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer() FAILED: nattch="<<shm_nattch(shmid)<<endl;
00765     shmdt(shmAddr);
00766     return 0;
00767   }
00769   unsigned int* p=(unsigned int*)shmAddr;
00770   *p++=segmentationMode;
00771   *p++=nRawCells;
00772   *p++=nRecoCells;
00773   *p++=nDqmCells;
00774   *p++=rawCellSize;
00775   *p++=recoCellSize;
00776   *p++=dqmCellSize;
00777   shmdt(shmAddr);
00779   // create the 'real' shared memory buffer
00780   size     =FUShmBuffer::size(segmentationMode,
00781                               nRawCells,nRecoCells,nDqmCells,
00782                               rawCellSize,recoCellSize,dqmCellSize);
00783   shmid    =shm_create(FUShmBuffer::getShmKey(),size); if (shmid<0)    return 0;
00784   int semid=sem_create(FUShmBuffer::getSemKey(),9);    if (semid<0)    return 0;
00785   shmAddr  =shm_attach(shmid);                         if (0==shmAddr) return 0;
00787   if (1!=shm_nattch(shmid)) {
00788     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer FAILED: nattch="<<shm_nattch(shmid)<<endl;
00789     shmdt(shmAddr);
00790     return 0;
00791   }
00792   FUShmBuffer* buffer=new(shmAddr) FUShmBuffer(segmentationMode,
00793                                                nRawCells,nRecoCells,nDqmCells,
00794                                                rawCellSize,recoCellSize,dqmCellSize);
00796   cout<<"FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer(): CREATED shared memory buffer."<<endl;
00797   cout<<"                                segmentationMode="<<segmentationMode<<endl;
00799   buffer->initialize(shmid,semid);
00801   return buffer;
00802 }

void FUShmBuffer::discardDqmCell ( unsigned int  iCell  ) 

Definition at line 440 of file

References evf::FUShmDqmCell::clear(), evf::dqm::DISCARDING, dqmCell(), dqmState(), evf::dqm::EMPTY, postDqmIndexToWrite(), postDqmWrite(), segmentationMode_, evf::dqm::SENT, setDqmState(), and state.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::discardDqmEvent(), and evf::FUResourceTable::sendDqm().

00441 {
00442   dqm::State_t state=dqmState(iCell);
00443   assert(state==dqm::EMPTY||state==dqm::SENT);
00444   setDqmState(iCell,dqm::DISCARDING);
00445   FUShmDqmCell* cell=dqmCell(iCell);
00446   cell->clear();
00447   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00448   setDqmState(iCell,dqm::EMPTY);
00449   postDqmIndexToWrite(iCell);
00450   postDqmWrite();
00451 }

void FUShmBuffer::discardRawCell ( FUShmRawCell cell  ) 

Definition at line 415 of file

References postRawDiscard(), and releaseRawCell().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::discard().

00416 {
00417   releaseRawCell(cell);
00418   postRawDiscard();
00419 }

void FUShmBuffer::discardRecoCell ( unsigned int  iCell  ) 

Definition at line 423 of file

References evf::FUShmRecoCell::clear(), nRawCells_, postRecoIndexToWrite(), postRecoWrite(), evf::FUShmRecoCell::rawCellIndex(), recoCell(), scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), and segmentationMode_.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::discardDataEvent(), and evf::FUResourceTable::sendData().

00424 {
00425   FUShmRecoCell* cell=recoCell(iCell);
00426   unsigned int iRawCell=cell->rawCellIndex();
00427   if (iRawCell<nRawCells_) {
00428     //evt::State_t state=evtState(iRawCell);
00429     //assert(state==evt::SENT);
00430     scheduleRawCellForDiscard(iRawCell);
00431   }
00432   cell->clear();
00433   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00434   postRecoIndexToWrite(iCell);
00435   postRecoWrite();
00436 }

FUShmDqmCell * FUShmBuffer::dqmCell ( unsigned int  iCell  )  [private]

Definition at line 1456 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dqmCellOffset_, dqmCellPayloadSize_, dqmCellShmKey(), dqmCellTotalSize_, lat::endl(), nDqmCells_, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, segmentationMode_, shm_attach(), shm_get(), and shmid().

Referenced by discardDqmCell(), dqmCellToRead(), initialize(), writeDqmEmptyEvent(), and writeDqmEventData().

01457 {
01458   FUShmDqmCell* result(0);
01460   if (iCell>=nDqmCells_) {
01461     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::dqmCell("<<iCell<<") ERROR: "
01462         <<"iCell="<<iCell<<" >= nDqmCells="<<nDqmCells_<<endl;
01463     return result;
01464   }
01466   if (segmentationMode_) {
01467     key_t         shmkey  =dqmCellShmKey(iCell);
01468     int           shmid   =shm_get(shmkey,dqmCellTotalSize_);
01469     void*         cellAddr=shm_attach(shmid);
01470     result=new (cellAddr) FUShmDqmCell(dqmCellPayloadSize_);
01471   }
01472   else {
01473     result=
01474       (FUShmDqmCell*)((unsigned int)this+dqmCellOffset_+iCell*dqmCellTotalSize_);
01475   }
01477   return result;
01478 }

key_t FUShmBuffer::dqmCellShmKey ( unsigned int  iCell  )  [private]

Definition at line 1534 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dqmCellOffset_, lat::endl(), nDqmCells_, and shmKey().

Referenced by dqmCell(), and releaseSharedMemory().

01535 {
01536   if (iCell>=nDqmCells_) {
01537     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::dqmCellShmKey() ERROR: "
01538         <<"iCell>=nDqmCells: "<<iCell<<">="<<nDqmCells_<<endl;
01539     return -1;
01540   }
01541   return shmKey(iCell,dqmCellOffset_);
01542 }

FUShmDqmCell * FUShmBuffer::dqmCellToRead (  ) 

Definition at line 327 of file

References dqmCell(), dqmState(), evf::dqm::EMPTY, nextDqmReadIndex(), evf::dqm::SENDING, setDqmState(), state, waitDqmRead(), and evf::dqm::WRITTEN.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::sendDqm().

00328 {
00329   waitDqmRead();
00330   unsigned int  iCell=nextDqmReadIndex();
00331   FUShmDqmCell* cell=dqmCell(iCell);
00332   dqm::State_t  state=dqmState(iCell);
00333   assert(state==dqm::WRITTEN||state==dqm::EMPTY);
00334   if (state==dqm::WRITTEN) setDqmState(iCell,dqm::SENDING);
00335   return cell;
00336 }

dqm::State_t FUShmBuffer::dqmState ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 1228 of file

References dqmStateOffset_, and nDqmCells_.

Referenced by discardDqmCell(), dqmCellToRead(), finishReadingDqmCell(), printDqmState(), evf::FUResourceTable::sendDqm(), and writeDqmEventData().

01229 {
01230   assert(index<nDqmCells_);
01231   dqm::State_t *pstate=(dqm::State_t*)((unsigned int)this+dqmStateOffset_);
01232   pstate+=index;
01233   return *pstate;
01234 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::evtNumber ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 1238 of file

References evtNumberOffset_, and nRawCells_.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::cellEvtNumbers().

01239 {
01240   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01241   unsigned int *pevt=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+evtNumberOffset_);
01242   pevt+=index;
01243   return *pevt;
01244 }

pid_t FUShmBuffer::evtPrcId ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 1248 of file

References evtPrcIdOffset_, and nRawCells_.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::cellPrcIds().

01249 {
01250   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01251   pid_t *prcid=(pid_t*)((unsigned int)this+evtPrcIdOffset_);
01252   prcid+=index;
01253   return *prcid;
01254 }

evt::State_t FUShmBuffer::evtState ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 1218 of file

References evtStateOffset_, and nRawCells_.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::cellStates(), evf::FUResourceTable::discard(), FUShmReader::fillRawData(), finishReadingRawCell(), finishWritingRawCell(), printEvtState(), rawCellToDiscard(), rawCellToRead(), rawCellToWrite(), releaseRawCell(), scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), and writeRawEmptyEvent().

01219 {
01220   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01221   evt::State_t *pstate=(evt::State_t*)((unsigned int)this+evtStateOffset_);
01222   pstate+=index;
01223   return *pstate;
01224 }

time_t FUShmBuffer::evtTimeStamp ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 1258 of file

References evtTimeStampOffset_, and nRawCells_.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::cellTimeStamps().

01259 {
01260   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01261   time_t *ptstmp=(time_t*)((unsigned int)this+evtTimeStampOffset_);
01262   ptstmp+=index;
01263   return *ptstmp;
01264 }

void FUShmBuffer::finishReadingDqmCell ( FUShmDqmCell cell  ) 

Definition at line 390 of file

References dqmState(), evf::dqm::EMPTY, evf::FUShmDqmCell::index(), segmentationMode_, evf::dqm::SENDING, evf::dqm::SENT, setDqmState(), and state.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::sendDqm().

00391 {
00392   dqm::State_t state=dqmState(cell->index());
00393   assert(state==dqm::SENDING||state==dqm::EMPTY);
00394   if (state==dqm::SENDING) setDqmState(cell->index(),dqm::SENT);
00395   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00396 }

void FUShmBuffer::finishReadingRawCell ( FUShmRawCell cell  ) 

Definition at line 365 of file

References evtState(), evf::FUShmRawCell::index(), evf::evt::PROCESSING, evf::evt::RAWREAD, evf::evt::RAWREADING, segmentationMode_, setEvtState(), setEvtTimeStamp(), and state.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::dropEvent(), and FUShmReader::fillRawData().

00366 {
00367   evt::State_t state=evtState(cell->index());
00368   assert(state==evt::RAWREADING);
00369   setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::RAWREAD);
00370   setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::PROCESSING);
00371   setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(),time(0));
00372   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00373 }

void FUShmBuffer::finishReadingRecoCell ( FUShmRecoCell cell  ) 

Definition at line 377 of file

References nRawCells_, evf::FUShmRecoCell::rawCellIndex(), segmentationMode_, evf::evt::SENT, and setEvtState().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::sendData().

00378 {
00379   unsigned int iRawCell=cell->rawCellIndex();
00380   if (iRawCell<nRawCells_) {
00381     //evt::State_t state=evtState(cell->rawCellIndex());
00382     //assert(state==evt::SENDING);
00383     setEvtState(cell->rawCellIndex(),evt::SENT);
00384   }
00385   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00386 }

void FUShmBuffer::finishWritingRawCell ( FUShmRawCell cell  ) 

Definition at line 352 of file

References evf::FUShmRawCell::evtNumber(), evtState(), evf::FUShmRawCell::index(), postRawIndexToRead(), postRawRead(), evf::evt::RAWWRITING, evf::evt::RAWWRITTEN, segmentationMode_, setEvtNumber(), setEvtState(), and state.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::buildResource(), and evf::FUShmServer::writeNext().

00353 {
00354   evt::State_t state=evtState(cell->index());
00355   assert(state==evt::RAWWRITING);
00356   setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::RAWWRITTEN);
00357   setEvtNumber(cell->index(),cell->evtNumber());
00358   postRawIndexToRead(cell->index());
00359   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00360   postRawRead();
00361 }

key_t FUShmBuffer::getSemKey (  )  [static]

Definition at line 984 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), HLT_VtxMuL3::result, SEM_KEYID, and semKeyPath_.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

00985 {
00986   key_t result=ftok(semKeyPath_,SEM_KEYID);
00987   if (result==(key_t)-1) cout<<"FUShmBuffer::getSemKey: ftok() failed "
00988                              <<"for file "<<semKeyPath_<<"!"<<endl;
00989   return result;
00990 }

FUShmBuffer * FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer (  )  [static]

Definition at line 806 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), FUShmBuffer(), getSemKey(), getShmDescriptorKey(), getShmKey(), int, nDqmCells(), nRawCells(), nRecoCells(), p, sem_get(), semid(), setClientPrcId(), shm_attach(), shm_get(), shm_nattch(), shmid(), size(), and size.

Referenced by FUShmDQMOutputService::attachToShm(), and SM_SharedMemoryHandle::getShmBuffer().

00807 {
00808   // get bookkeeping shared memory segment
00809   int   size   =sizeof(unsigned int)*7;
00810   int   shmid  =shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey(),size);if(shmid<0)return 0;
00811   void* shmAddr=shm_attach(shmid); if (0==shmAddr) return 0;
00813   unsigned int *p=(unsigned int*)shmAddr;
00814   bool          segmentationMode=*p++;
00815   unsigned int  nRawCells       =*p++;
00816   unsigned int  nRecoCells      =*p++;
00817   unsigned int  nDqmCells       =*p++;
00818   unsigned int  rawCellSize     =*p++;
00819   unsigned int  recoCellSize    =*p++;
00820   unsigned int  dqmCellSize     =*p++;
00821   shmdt(shmAddr);
00823   cout<<"FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer():"
00824       <<" segmentationMode="<<segmentationMode
00825       <<" nRawCells="<<nRawCells
00826       <<" nRecoCells="<<nRecoCells
00827       <<" nDqmCells="<<nDqmCells
00828       <<" rawCellSize="<<rawCellSize
00829       <<" recoCellSize="<<recoCellSize
00830       <<" dqmCellSize="<<dqmCellSize
00831       <<endl;
00833   // get the 'real' shared memory buffer
00834   size     =FUShmBuffer::size(segmentationMode,
00835                               nRawCells,nRecoCells,nDqmCells,
00836                               rawCellSize,recoCellSize,dqmCellSize);
00837   shmid    =shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmKey(),size); if (shmid<0)    return 0;
00838   int semid=sem_get(FUShmBuffer::getSemKey(),9);    if (semid<0)    return 0;
00839   shmAddr  =shm_attach(shmid);                      if (0==shmAddr) return 0;
00841   if (0==shm_nattch(shmid)) {
00842     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer() FAILED: nattch="<<shm_nattch(shmid)<<endl;
00843     return 0;
00844   }
00846   FUShmBuffer* buffer=new(shmAddr) FUShmBuffer(segmentationMode,
00847                                                nRawCells,nRecoCells,nDqmCells,
00848                                                rawCellSize,recoCellSize,dqmCellSize);
00850   cout<<"FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer(): shared memory buffer RETRIEVED."<<endl;
00851   cout<<"                             segmentationMode="<<segmentationMode<<endl;
00853   buffer->setClientPrcId(getpid());
00855   return buffer;
00856 }

key_t FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey (  )  [static]

Definition at line 964 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), HLT_VtxMuL3::result, SHM_DESCRIPTOR_KEYID, and shmKeyPath_.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

00965 {
00966   key_t result=ftok(shmKeyPath_,SHM_DESCRIPTOR_KEYID);
00967   if (result==(key_t)-1) cout<<"FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey: ftok() failed "
00968                              <<"for file "<<shmKeyPath_<<"!"<<endl;
00969   return result;
00970 }

key_t FUShmBuffer::getShmKey (  )  [static]

Definition at line 974 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), HLT_VtxMuL3::result, SHM_KEYID, and shmKeyPath_.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

00975 {
00976   key_t result=ftok(shmKeyPath_,SHM_KEYID);
00977   if (result==(key_t)-1) cout<<"FUShmBuffer::getShmKey: ftok() failed "
00978                              <<"for file "<<shmKeyPath_<<"!"<<endl;
00979   return result;
00980 }

int FUShmBuffer::incEvtDiscard ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1317 of file

References evtDiscardOffset_, lock(), nRawCells_, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, and unlock().

Referenced by writeRecoEventData().

01318 {
01319   int result = 0;
01320   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01321   unsigned int *pcount=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+evtDiscardOffset_);
01322   pcount+=index;
01323   lock();
01324   (*pcount)++;
01325   result = *pcount;
01326   unlock();
01327   return result;
01328 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::indexForEvtNumber ( unsigned int  evtNumber  )  [private]

Definition at line 1206 of file

References evtNumberOffset_, i, and nRawCells_.

Referenced by writeRecoEventData().

01207 {
01208   unsigned int *pevt=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+evtNumberOffset_);
01209   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRawCells_;i++) {
01210     if ((*pevt++)==evtNumber) return i;
01211   }
01212   assert(false);
01213   return 0xffffffff;
01214 }

void FUShmBuffer::initialize ( unsigned int  shmid,
unsigned int  semid 

Definition at line 161 of file

References dqmCell(), dqmCellOffset_, dqmCellPayloadSize_, dqmCellTotalSize_, i, evf::FUShmDqmCell::initialize(), evf::FUShmRawCell::initialize(), evf::FUShmRecoCell::initialize(), nDqmCells_, nRawCells_, nRecoCells_, rawCell(), rawCellOffset_, rawCellPayloadSize_, rawCellTotalSize_, recoCell(), recoCellOffset_, recoCellPayloadSize_, recoCellTotalSize_, reset(), segmentationMode_, semid_, shm_attach(), shm_create(), shmid_, and shmKeyPath_.

Referenced by createShmBuffer().

00162 {
00163   shmid_=shmid;
00164   semid_=semid;
00166   if (segmentationMode_) {
00167     int    shmKeyId=666;
00168     key_t* keyAddr =(key_t*)((unsigned int)this+rawCellOffset_);
00169     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRawCells_;i++) {
00170       *keyAddr     =ftok(shmKeyPath_,shmKeyId++);
00171       int   shmid  =shm_create(*keyAddr,rawCellTotalSize_);
00172       void* shmAddr=shm_attach(shmid);
00173       new (shmAddr) FUShmRawCell(rawCellPayloadSize_);
00174       shmdt(shmAddr);
00175       ++keyAddr;
00176     }
00177     keyAddr =(key_t*)((unsigned int)this+recoCellOffset_);
00178     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRecoCells_;i++) {
00179       *keyAddr     =ftok(shmKeyPath_,shmKeyId++);
00180       int   shmid  =shm_create(*keyAddr,recoCellTotalSize_);
00181       void* shmAddr=shm_attach(shmid);
00182       new (shmAddr) FUShmRecoCell(recoCellPayloadSize_);
00183       shmdt(shmAddr);
00184       ++keyAddr;
00185     }
00186     keyAddr =(key_t*)((unsigned int)this+dqmCellOffset_);
00187     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nDqmCells_;i++) {
00188       *keyAddr     =ftok(shmKeyPath_,shmKeyId++);
00189       int   shmid  =shm_create(*keyAddr,dqmCellTotalSize_);
00190       void* shmAddr=shm_attach(shmid);
00191       new (shmAddr) FUShmDqmCell(dqmCellPayloadSize_);
00192       shmdt(shmAddr);
00193       ++keyAddr;
00194     }
00195   }
00197   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRawCells_;i++) {
00198     FUShmRawCell* cell=rawCell(i);
00199     cell->initialize(i);
00200     if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00201   }
00203   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRecoCells_;i++) {
00204     FUShmRecoCell* cell=recoCell(i);
00205     cell->initialize(i);
00206     if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00207   }
00209   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nDqmCells_;i++) {
00210     FUShmDqmCell* cell=dqmCell(i);
00211     cell->initialize(i);
00212     if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00213   }
00215   reset();
00216 }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::lock ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 238 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::cellEvtNumbers(), evf::FUResourceTable::cellPrcIds(), evf::FUResourceTable::cellStates(), evf::FUResourceTable::cellTimeStamps(), incEvtDiscard(), nextIndex(), postIndex(), rawCellReadyForDiscard(), removeClientPrcId(), setClientPrcId(), setDqmState(), setEvtDiscard(), setEvtNumber(), setEvtPrcId(), setEvtState(), and setEvtTimeStamp().

00238 { sem_wait(0); }

int FUShmBuffer::nbRawCellsToRead (  )  const

Definition at line 274 of file

References semid().

00275 {
00276   return semctl(semid(),2,GETVAL);
00277 }

int FUShmBuffer::nbRawCellsToWrite (  )  const

Definition at line 267 of file

References semid().

00268 {
00269   return semctl(semid(),1,GETVAL);
00270 }

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nClients (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 69 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References nClients_.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::discard(), and evf::FUResourceTable::nbClients().

00069 { return nClients_; }

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nDqmCells (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References nDqmCells_.

Referenced by getShmBuffer(), releaseSharedMemory(), and evf::FUResourceTable::resetCounters().

00065 { return nDqmCells_;  }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextDqmReadIndex (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1185 of file

References dqmReadNext_, dqmReadOffset_, nDqmCells_, and nextIndex().

Referenced by dqmCellToRead().

01186 {
01187   return nextIndex(dqmReadOffset_,nDqmCells_,dqmReadNext_);
01188 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextDqmWriteIndex (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1178 of file

References dqmWriteNext_, dqmWriteOffset_, nDqmCells_, and nextIndex().

Referenced by writeDqmEmptyEvent(), and writeDqmEventData().

01179 {
01180   return nextIndex(dqmWriteOffset_,nDqmCells_,dqmWriteNext_);
01181 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextIndex ( unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  nCells,
unsigned int iNext 
) [private]

Definition at line 1092 of file

References lock(), HLT_VtxMuL3::result, and unlock().

Referenced by nextDqmReadIndex(), nextDqmWriteIndex(), nextRawReadIndex(), nextRawWriteIndex(), nextRecoReadIndex(), and nextRecoWriteIndex().

01095 {
01096   lock();
01097   unsigned int* pindex=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+offset);
01098   pindex+=iNext;
01099   iNext=(iNext+1)%nCells;
01100   unsigned int result=*pindex;
01101   unlock();
01102   return result;
01103 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRawReadIndex (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1129 of file

References nextIndex(), nRawCells_, rawReadNext_, and rawReadOffset_.

Referenced by rawCellToRead().

01130 {
01131   return nextIndex(rawReadOffset_,nRawCells_,rawReadNext_);
01132 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRawWriteIndex (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1122 of file

References nextIndex(), nRawCells_, rawWriteNext_, and rawWriteOffset_.

Referenced by rawCellToWrite().

01123 {
01124   return nextIndex(rawWriteOffset_,nRawCells_,rawWriteNext_);
01125 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRecoReadIndex (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1157 of file

References nextIndex(), nRecoCells_, recoReadNext_, and recoReadOffset_.

Referenced by recoCellToRead().

01158 {
01159   return nextIndex(recoReadOffset_,nRecoCells_,recoReadNext_);
01160 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRecoWriteIndex (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1150 of file

References nextIndex(), nRecoCells_, recoWriteNext_, and recoWriteOffset_.

Referenced by writeErrorEventData(), writeRecoEmptyEvent(), writeRecoEventData(), and writeRecoInitMsg().

01151 {
01152   return nextIndex(recoWriteOffset_,nRecoCells_,recoWriteNext_);
01153 }

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nRawCells (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 63 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References nRawCells_.

Referenced by getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

00063 { return nRawCells_;  }

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nRecoCells (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 64 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References nRecoCells_.

Referenced by getShmBuffer(), releaseSharedMemory(), and evf::FUResourceTable::resetCounters().

00064 { return nRecoCells_; }

void FUShmBuffer::postDqmIndexToRead ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1199 of file

References dqmReadLast_, dqmReadOffset_, nDqmCells_, and postIndex().

Referenced by writeDqmEmptyEvent(), and writeDqmEventData().

void FUShmBuffer::postDqmIndexToWrite ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1192 of file

References dqmWriteLast_, dqmWriteOffset_, nDqmCells_, and postIndex().

Referenced by discardDqmCell().

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postDqmRead (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 256 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by writeDqmEmptyEvent(), and writeDqmEventData().

00256 { sem_post(8); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postDqmWrite (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 254 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by discardDqmCell().

00254 { sem_post(7); }

void FUShmBuffer::postIndex ( unsigned int  index,
unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  nCells,
unsigned int iLast 
) [private]

Definition at line 1107 of file

References lock(), and unlock().

Referenced by postDqmIndexToRead(), postDqmIndexToWrite(), postRawIndexToRead(), postRawIndexToWrite(), postRecoIndexToRead(), and postRecoIndexToWrite().

01111 {
01112   lock();
01113   unsigned int* pindex=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+offset);
01114   pindex+=iLast;
01115   *pindex=index;
01116   iLast=(iLast+1)%nCells;
01117   unlock();
01118 }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postRawDiscard (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 246 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by discardRawCell(), scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

00246 { sem_post(3); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postRawDiscarded (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 248 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

00248 { sem_post(4); }

void FUShmBuffer::postRawIndexToRead ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1143 of file

References nRawCells_, postIndex(), rawReadLast_, and rawReadOffset_.

Referenced by finishWritingRawCell(), and writeRawEmptyEvent().

void FUShmBuffer::postRawIndexToWrite ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1136 of file

References nRawCells_, postIndex(), rawWriteLast_, and rawWriteOffset_.

Referenced by releaseRawCell().

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postRawRead (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 244 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by finishWritingRawCell(), and writeRawEmptyEvent().

00244 { sem_post(2); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postRawWrite (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 242 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by releaseRawCell().

00242 { sem_post(1); }

void FUShmBuffer::postRecoIndexToRead ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1171 of file

References nRecoCells_, postIndex(), recoReadLast_, and recoReadOffset_.

Referenced by writeErrorEventData(), writeRecoEmptyEvent(), writeRecoEventData(), and writeRecoInitMsg().

void FUShmBuffer::postRecoIndexToWrite ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1164 of file

References nRecoCells_, postIndex(), recoWriteLast_, and recoWriteOffset_.

Referenced by discardRecoCell().

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postRecoRead (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 252 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by writeErrorEventData(), writeRecoEmptyEvent(), writeRecoEventData(), and writeRecoInitMsg().

00252 { sem_post(6); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::postRecoWrite (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 250 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by discardRecoCell().

00250 { sem_post(5); }

void FUShmBuffer::printDqmState ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 736 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dqmState(), lat::endl(), and state.

00737 {
00738   dqm::State_t state=dqmState(index);
00739   cout<<"dqm evt "<<index<<" in state '"<<state<<"'."<<endl;
00740 }

void FUShmBuffer::printEvtState ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 715 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, evf::evt::DISCARDING, evf::evt::EMPTY, lat::endl(), evtState(), evf::evt::PROCESSED, evf::evt::PROCESSING, evf::evt::RAWREAD, evf::evt::RAWREADING, evf::evt::RAWWRITING, evf::evt::RAWWRITTEN, evf::evt::RECOWRITING, evf::evt::RECOWRITTEN, evf::evt::SENDING, evf::evt::SENT, and state.

Referenced by evf::FUShmServer::writeNext().

00716 {
00717   evt::State_t state=evtState(index);
00718   std::string stateName;
00719   if      (state==evt::EMPTY)      stateName="EMPTY";
00720   else if (state==evt::RAWWRITING) stateName="RAWWRITING";
00721   else if (state==evt::RAWWRITTEN) stateName="RAWRITTEN";
00722   else if (state==evt::RAWREADING) stateName="RAWREADING";
00723   else if (state==evt::RAWREAD)    stateName="RAWREAD";
00724   else if (state==evt::PROCESSING) stateName="PROCESSING";
00725   else if (state==evt::PROCESSED)  stateName="PROCESSED";
00726   else if (state==evt::RECOWRITING)stateName="RECOWRITING";
00727   else if (state==evt::RECOWRITTEN)stateName="RECOWRITTEN";
00728   else if (state==evt::SENDING)    stateName="SENDING";
00729   else if (state==evt::SENT)       stateName="SENT";
00730   else if (state==evt::DISCARDING) stateName="DISCARDING";
00731   cout<<"evt "<<index<<" in state '"<<stateName<<"'."<<endl;
00732 }

FUShmRawCell * FUShmBuffer::rawCell ( unsigned int  iCell  )  [private]

Definition at line 1404 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), nRawCells_, rawCellOffset_, rawCellPayloadSize_, rawCellShmKey(), rawCellTotalSize_, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, segmentationMode_, shm_attach(), shm_get(), and shmid().

Referenced by initialize(), rawCellToDiscard(), rawCellToRead(), rawCellToWrite(), and writeErrorEventData().

01405 {
01406   FUShmRawCell* result(0);
01408   if (iCell>=nRawCells_) {
01409     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::rawCell("<<iCell<<") ERROR: "
01410         <<"iCell="<<iCell<<" >= nRawCells()="<<nRawCells_<<endl;
01411     return result;
01412   }
01414   if (segmentationMode_) {
01415     key_t         shmkey  =rawCellShmKey(iCell);
01416     int           shmid   =shm_get(shmkey,rawCellTotalSize_);
01417     void*         cellAddr=shm_attach(shmid);
01418     result=new (cellAddr) FUShmRawCell(rawCellPayloadSize_);
01419   }
01420   else {
01421     result=
01422       (FUShmRawCell*)((unsigned int)this+rawCellOffset_+iCell*rawCellTotalSize_);
01423   }
01425   return result;
01426 }

bool FUShmBuffer::rawCellReadyForDiscard ( unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Definition at line 1482 of file

References evtDiscardOffset_, lock(), nRawCells_, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, and unlock().

Referenced by scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

01483 {
01484   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01485   unsigned int *pcount=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+evtDiscardOffset_);
01486   pcount+=index;
01487   lock();
01488   assert(*pcount>0);
01489   --(*pcount);
01490   bool result=(*pcount==0);
01491   unlock();
01492   return result;
01493 }

key_t FUShmBuffer::rawCellShmKey ( unsigned int  iCell  )  [private]

Definition at line 1510 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), nRawCells_, rawCellOffset_, and shmKey().

Referenced by rawCell(), and releaseSharedMemory().

01511 {
01512   if (iCell>=nRawCells_) {
01513     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::rawCellShmKey() ERROR: "
01514         <<"iCell>=nRawCells: "<<iCell<<">="<<nRawCells_<<endl;
01515     return -1;
01516   }
01517   return shmKey(iCell,rawCellOffset_);
01518 }

FUShmRawCell * FUShmBuffer::rawCellToDiscard (  ) 

Definition at line 340 of file

References evf::evt::DISCARDING, evf::evt::EMPTY, evtState(), evf::FUShmRawCell::index(), evf::evt::PROCESSED, rawCell(), rawDiscardIndex_, evf::evt::SENT, setEvtState(), state, and waitRawDiscarded().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::discard().

00341 {
00342   waitRawDiscarded();
00343   FUShmRawCell* cell=rawCell(rawDiscardIndex_);
00344   evt::State_t  state=evtState(cell->index());
00345   assert(state==evt::PROCESSED||state==evt::SENT||state==evt::EMPTY);
00346   if (state!=evt::EMPTY) setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::DISCARDING);
00347   return cell;
00348 }

FUShmRawCell * FUShmBuffer::rawCellToRead (  ) 

Definition at line 295 of file

References evf::evt::EMPTY, evtState(), nextRawReadIndex(), rawCell(), evf::evt::RAWREADING, evf::evt::RAWWRITTEN, setEvtPrcId(), setEvtState(), state, and waitRawRead().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::dropEvent(), and FUShmReader::fillRawData().

00296 {
00297   waitRawRead();
00298   unsigned int iCell=nextRawReadIndex();
00299   FUShmRawCell* cell=rawCell(iCell);
00300   evt::State_t  state=evtState(iCell);
00301   assert(state==evt::RAWWRITTEN||state==evt::EMPTY);
00302   if (state==evt::RAWWRITTEN) {
00303     setEvtPrcId(iCell,getpid());
00304     setEvtState(iCell,evt::RAWREADING);
00305   }
00306   return cell;
00307 }

FUShmRawCell * FUShmBuffer::rawCellToWrite (  ) 

Definition at line 281 of file

References evf::evt::EMPTY, evtState(), nextRawWriteIndex(), rawCell(), evf::evt::RAWWRITING, setEvtDiscard(), setEvtState(), state, and waitRawWrite().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::buildResource(), scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard(), evf::FUShmServer::writeNext(), and writeRawEmptyEvent().

00282 {
00283   waitRawWrite();
00284   unsigned int  iCell=nextRawWriteIndex();
00285   FUShmRawCell* cell =rawCell(iCell);
00286   evt::State_t  state=evtState(iCell);
00287   assert(state==evt::EMPTY);
00288   setEvtState(iCell,evt::RAWWRITING);
00289   setEvtDiscard(iCell,1);
00290   return cell;
00291 }

FUShmRecoCell * FUShmBuffer::recoCell ( unsigned int  iCell  )  [private]

Definition at line 1430 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), nRecoCells_, recoCellOffset_, recoCellPayloadSize_, recoCellShmKey(), recoCellTotalSize_, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, segmentationMode_, shm_attach(), shm_get(), and shmid().

Referenced by discardRecoCell(), initialize(), recoCellToRead(), writeErrorEventData(), writeRecoEmptyEvent(), writeRecoEventData(), and writeRecoInitMsg().

01431 {
01432   FUShmRecoCell* result(0);
01434   if (iCell>=nRecoCells_) {
01435     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::recoCell("<<iCell<<") ERROR: "
01436         <<"iCell="<<iCell<<" >= nRecoCells="<<nRecoCells_<<endl;
01437     return result;
01438   }
01440   if (segmentationMode_) {
01441     key_t         shmkey  =recoCellShmKey(iCell);
01442     int           shmid   =shm_get(shmkey,recoCellTotalSize_);
01443     void*         cellAddr=shm_attach(shmid);
01444     result=new (cellAddr) FUShmRecoCell(recoCellPayloadSize_);
01445   }
01446   else {
01447     result=
01448       (FUShmRecoCell*)((unsigned int)this+recoCellOffset_+iCell*recoCellTotalSize_);
01449   }
01451   return result;
01452 }

key_t FUShmBuffer::recoCellShmKey ( unsigned int  iCell  )  [private]

Definition at line 1522 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), nRecoCells_, recoCellOffset_, and shmKey().

Referenced by recoCell(), and releaseSharedMemory().

01523 {
01524   if (iCell>=nRecoCells_) {
01525     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::recoCellShmKey() ERROR: "
01526         <<"iCell>=nRecoCells: "<<iCell<<">="<<nRecoCells_<<endl;
01527     return -1;
01528   }
01529   return shmKey(iCell,recoCellOffset_);
01530 }

FUShmRecoCell * FUShmBuffer::recoCellToRead (  ) 

Definition at line 311 of file

References nextRecoReadIndex(), nRawCells_, evf::FUShmRecoCell::rawCellIndex(), recoCell(), evf::evt::SENDING, setEvtState(), and waitRecoRead().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::sendData().

00312 {
00313   waitRecoRead();
00314   unsigned int   iCell   =nextRecoReadIndex();
00315   FUShmRecoCell* cell    =recoCell(iCell);
00316   unsigned int   iRawCell=cell->rawCellIndex();
00317   if (iRawCell<nRawCells_) {
00318     //evt::State_t   state=evtState(iRawCell);
00319     //assert(state==evt::RECOWRITTEN);
00320     setEvtState(iRawCell,evt::SENDING);
00321   }
00322   return cell;
00323 }

void FUShmBuffer::releaseRawCell ( FUShmRawCell cell  ) 

Definition at line 455 of file

References evf::FUShmRawCell::clear(), evf::evt::DISCARDING, evf::evt::EMPTY, evtState(), evf::FUShmRawCell::index(), postRawIndexToWrite(), postRawWrite(), evf::evt::RAWWRITING, segmentationMode_, setEvtDiscard(), setEvtNumber(), setEvtPrcId(), setEvtState(), setEvtTimeStamp(), and state.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::buildResource(), and discardRawCell().

00456 {
00457   evt::State_t state=evtState(cell->index());
00458   assert(state==evt::DISCARDING||state==evt::RAWWRITING||state==evt::EMPTY);
00459   setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::EMPTY);
00460   setEvtDiscard(cell->index(),0);
00461   setEvtNumber(cell->index(),0xffffffff);
00462   setEvtPrcId(cell->index(),0);
00463   setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(),0);
00464   cell->clear();
00465   postRawIndexToWrite(cell->index());
00466   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00467   postRawWrite();
00468 }

bool FUShmBuffer::releaseSharedMemory (  )  [static]

Definition at line 860 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dqmCellShmKey(), lat::endl(), FUShmBuffer(), getSemKey(), getShmDescriptorKey(), getShmKey(), i, int, nDqmCells(), nRawCells(), nRecoCells(), p, rawCellShmKey(), recoCellShmKey(), sem_destroy(), sem_get(), semid(), shm_attach(), shm_destroy(), shm_get(), shm_nattch(), shmid(), size(), and size.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), and evf::FUResourceTable::~FUResourceTable().

00861 {
00862   // get bookkeeping shared memory segment
00863   int   size   =sizeof(unsigned int)*7;
00864   int   shmidd =shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey(),size); if(shmidd<0) return false;
00865   void* shmAddr=shm_attach(shmidd); if (0==shmAddr) return false;
00867   unsigned int*p=(unsigned int*)shmAddr;
00868   bool         segmentationMode=*p++;
00869   unsigned int nRawCells       =*p++;
00870   unsigned int nRecoCells      =*p++;
00871   unsigned int nDqmCells       =*p++;
00872   unsigned int rawCellSize     =*p++;
00873   unsigned int recoCellSize    =*p++;
00874   unsigned int dqmCellSize     =*p++;
00875   shmdt(shmAddr);
00878   // get the 'real' shared memory segment
00879   size     =FUShmBuffer::size(segmentationMode,
00880                               nRawCells,nRecoCells,nDqmCells,
00881                               rawCellSize,recoCellSize,dqmCellSize);
00882   int shmid=shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmKey(),size);if (shmid<0)    return false;
00883   int semid=sem_get(FUShmBuffer::getSemKey(),9);   if (semid<0)    return false;
00884   shmAddr  =shm_attach(shmid);                     if (0==shmAddr) return false; 
00886   int att = 0;
00887   for(; att <10; att++)
00888     {
00889       if(shm_nattch(shmid)>1) {
00890         cout << att << " FUShmBuffer::releaseSharedMemory(): nattch="<<shm_nattch(shmid)
00891              <<", failed attempt to release shared memory."<<endl;
00892         ::sleep(1);
00893       }
00894       else
00895         break;
00896     }
00898   if(att>=10) return false;
00900   if (segmentationMode) {
00901     FUShmBuffer* buffer=
00902       new (shmAddr) FUShmBuffer(segmentationMode,
00903                                 nRawCells,nRecoCells,nDqmCells,
00904                                 rawCellSize,recoCellSize,dqmCellSize);
00905     int cellid;
00906     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRawCells;i++) {
00907       cellid=shm_get(buffer->rawCellShmKey(i),FUShmRawCell::size(rawCellSize));
00908       if ((shm_destroy(cellid)==-1)) return false;
00909     }
00910     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRecoCells;i++) {
00911       cellid=shm_get(buffer->recoCellShmKey(i),FUShmRecoCell::size(recoCellSize));
00912       if ((shm_destroy(cellid)==-1)) return false;
00913     }
00914     for (unsigned int i=0;i<nDqmCells;i++) {
00915       cellid=shm_get(buffer->dqmCellShmKey(i),FUShmDqmCell::size(dqmCellSize));
00916       if ((shm_destroy(cellid)==-1)) return false;
00917     }
00918   }
00919   shmdt(shmAddr);
00920   if (sem_destroy(semid)==-1)  return false;
00921   if (shm_destroy(shmid)==-1)  return false;
00922   if (shm_destroy(shmidd)==-1) return false;
00924   return true;
00925 }

bool FUShmBuffer::removeClientPrcId ( pid_t  prcId  ) 

Definition at line 1388 of file

References clientPrcIdOffset_, lock(), nClients_, and unlock().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::handleCrashedEP(), scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard(), and FUShmReader::~FUShmReader().

01389 {
01390   lock();
01391   pid_t *prcid=(pid_t*)((unsigned int)this+clientPrcIdOffset_);
01392   unsigned int iClient(0);
01393   while (iClient<=nClients_&&(*prcid)!=prcId) { prcid++; iClient++; }
01394   assert(iClient!=nClients_);
01395   pid_t* next=prcid; next++;
01396   while (iClient<nClients_-1) { *prcid=*next; prcid++; next++; iClient++; }
01397   nClients_--;
01398   unlock();
01399   return true;
01400 }

void FUShmBuffer::reset ( void   ) 

Definition at line 220 of file

References dqmReadLast_, dqmReadNext_, dqmReadOffset_, dqmWriteLast_, dqmWriteNext_, dqmWriteOffset_, evf::dqm::EMPTY, evf::evt::EMPTY, i, nClients_, nDqmCells_, nRawCells_, nRecoCells_, rawReadLast_, rawReadNext_, rawReadOffset_, rawWriteLast_, rawWriteNext_, rawWriteOffset_, recoReadLast_, recoReadNext_, recoReadOffset_, recoWriteLast_, recoWriteNext_, recoWriteOffset_, sem_init(), sem_print(), setDqmState(), setEvtDiscard(), setEvtNumber(), setEvtPrcId(), setEvtState(), and setEvtTimeStamp().

Referenced by initialize().

00221 {
00222   nClients_=0;
00224   // setup ipc semaphores
00225   sem_init(0,1);          // lock (binary)
00226   sem_init(1,nRawCells_); // raw  write semaphore
00227   sem_init(2,0);          // raw  read  semaphore
00228   sem_init(3,1);          // binary semaphore to schedule raw event for discard
00229   sem_init(4,0);          // binary semaphore to discard raw event
00230   sem_init(5,nRecoCells_);// reco write semaphore
00231   sem_init(6,0);          // reco send (read) semaphore
00232   sem_init(7,nDqmCells_); // dqm  write semaphore
00233   sem_init(8,0);          // dqm  send (read) semaphore
00235   sem_print();
00237   unsigned int *iWrite,*iRead;
00239   rawWriteNext_=0; rawWriteLast_=0; rawReadNext_ =0; rawReadLast_ =0;
00240   iWrite=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+rawWriteOffset_);
00241   iRead =(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+rawReadOffset_);
00242   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRawCells_;i++) { *iWrite++=i; *iRead++ =0xffffffff; }
00244   recoWriteNext_=0; recoWriteLast_=0; recoReadNext_ =0; recoReadLast_ =0;
00245   iWrite=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+recoWriteOffset_);
00246   iRead =(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+recoReadOffset_);
00247   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRecoCells_;i++) { *iWrite++=i; *iRead++ =0xffffffff; }
00249   dqmWriteNext_=0; dqmWriteLast_=0; dqmReadNext_ =0; dqmReadLast_ =0;
00250   iWrite=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+dqmWriteOffset_);
00251   iRead =(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+dqmReadOffset_);
00252   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nDqmCells_;i++) { *iWrite++=i; *iRead++ =0xffffffff; }
00254   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nRawCells_;i++) {
00255     setEvtState(i,evt::EMPTY);
00256     setEvtDiscard(i,0);
00257     setEvtNumber(i,0xffffffff);
00258     setEvtPrcId(i,0);
00259     setEvtTimeStamp(i,0);
00260   }
00262   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nDqmCells_;i++) setDqmState(i,dqm::EMPTY);
00263 }

void FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawCellForDiscard ( unsigned int  iCell  ) 

Definition at line 400 of file

References evf::evt::EMPTY, evtState(), postRawDiscard(), postRawDiscarded(), evf::evt::PROCESSED, evf::evt::PROCESSING, rawCellReadyForDiscard(), rawDiscardIndex_, evf::evt::SENT, setEvtState(), state, and waitRawDiscard().

Referenced by discardRecoCell(), evf::FUResourceTable::dropEvent(), and FUShmReader::fillRawData().

00401 {
00402   waitRawDiscard();
00403   if (rawCellReadyForDiscard(iCell)) {
00404     rawDiscardIndex_=iCell;
00405     evt::State_t  state=evtState(iCell);
00406     assert(state==evt::PROCESSING||state==evt::SENT||state==evt::EMPTY);
00407     if (state==evt::PROCESSING) setEvtState(iCell,evt::PROCESSED);
00408     postRawDiscarded();
00409   }
00410   else postRawDiscard();
00411 }

void FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard ( FUShmRawCell cell  ) 

Definition at line 519 of file

References evf::evt::EMPTY, evf::FUShmRawCell::index(), postRawDiscard(), postRawDiscarded(), rawCellReadyForDiscard(), rawDiscardIndex_, removeClientPrcId(), segmentationMode_, setEvtNumber(), setEvtPrcId(), setEvtState(), setEvtTimeStamp(), and waitRawDiscard().

00520 {
00521   waitRawDiscard();
00522   if (rawCellReadyForDiscard(cell->index())) {
00523     rawDiscardIndex_=cell->index();
00524     setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::EMPTY);
00525     setEvtNumber(cell->index(),0xffffffff);
00526     setEvtPrcId(cell->index(),0);
00527     setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(),0);
00528     removeClientPrcId(getpid());
00529     if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00530     postRawDiscarded();
00531   }
00532   else postRawDiscard();
00533 }

void FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard (  ) 

Definition at line 511 of file

References rawCellToWrite().

Referenced by FUShmReader::fillRawData(), and evf::FUResourceTable::shutDownClients().

00512 {
00513   FUShmRawCell* cell=rawCellToWrite();
00514   scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard(cell);
00515 }

int FUShmBuffer::sem_create ( key_t  key,
int  nsem 
) [static]

Definition at line 1052 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), err, and semid().

Referenced by createShmBuffer().

01053 {
01054   int semid=semget(key,nsem,IPC_CREAT|0666);
01055   if (semid<0) {
01056     int err=errno;
01057     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::sem_create(key="<<key<<",nsem="<<nsem<<") failed: "
01058         <<strerror(err)<<endl;
01059   }
01060   return semid;
01061 }

int FUShmBuffer::sem_destroy ( int  semid  )  [static]

Definition at line 1078 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), and HLT_VtxMuL3::result.

Referenced by releaseSharedMemory().

01079 {
01080   int result=semctl(semid,0,IPC_RMID);
01081   if (result==-1) cout<<"FUShmBuffer::sem_destroy(semid="<<semid<<") failed."<<endl;
01082   return result;
01083 }

int FUShmBuffer::sem_get ( key_t  key,
int  nsem 
) [static]

Definition at line 1065 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), err, and semid().

Referenced by getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

01066 {
01067   int semid=semget(key,nsem,0666);
01068   if (semid<0) {
01069     int err=errno;
01070     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::sem_get(key="<<key<<",nsem="<<nsem<<") failed: "
01071         <<strerror(err)<<endl;
01072   }
01073   return semid;
01074 }

void FUShmBuffer::sem_init ( int  isem,
int  value 
) [private]

Definition at line 1546 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), and semid().

Referenced by reset().

01547 {
01548   if (semctl(semid(),isem,SETVAL,value)<0) {
01549     cout<<"FUShmBuffer: FATAL ERROR in semaphore initialization."<<endl;
01550   }
01551 }

void FUShmBuffer::sem_post ( int  isem  )  [private]

Definition at line 1568 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), and semid().

Referenced by postDqmRead(), postDqmWrite(), postRawDiscard(), postRawDiscarded(), postRawRead(), postRawWrite(), postRecoRead(), postRecoWrite(), and unlock().

01569 {
01570   struct sembuf sops[1];
01571   sops[0].sem_num=isem;
01572   sops[0].sem_op =   1;
01573   sops[0].sem_flg=   0;
01574   if (semop(semid(),sops,1)==-1) {
01575     cout<<"FUShmBuffer: ERROR in semaphore operation sem_post."<<endl;
01576   }
01577 }

void FUShmBuffer::sem_print (  ) 

Definition at line 693 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), and semid().

Referenced by reset().

00694 {
00695   cout<<"--> current sem values:"
00696       <<endl
00697       <<" lock="<<semctl(semid(),0,GETVAL)
00698       <<endl
00699       <<" wraw="<<semctl(semid(),1,GETVAL)
00700       <<" rraw="<<semctl(semid(),2,GETVAL)
00701       <<endl
00702       <<" wdsc="<<semctl(semid(),3,GETVAL)
00703       <<" rdsc="<<semctl(semid(),4,GETVAL)
00704       <<endl
00705       <<" wrec="<<semctl(semid(),5,GETVAL)
00706       <<" rrec="<<semctl(semid(),6,GETVAL)
00707       <<endl
00708       <<" wdqm="<<semctl(semid(),7,GETVAL)
00709       <<" rdqm="<<semctl(semid(),8,GETVAL)
00710       <<endl;
00711 }

void FUShmBuffer::sem_wait ( int  isem  )  [private]

Definition at line 1555 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), and semid().

Referenced by lock(), waitDqmRead(), waitDqmWrite(), waitRawDiscard(), waitRawDiscarded(), waitRawRead(), waitRawWrite(), waitRecoRead(), and waitRecoWrite().

01556 {
01557   struct sembuf sops[1];
01558   sops[0].sem_num=isem;
01559   sops[0].sem_op =  -1;
01560   sops[0].sem_flg=   0;
01561   if (semop(semid(),sops,1)==-1) {
01562     cout<<"FUShmBuffer: ERROR in semaphore operation sem_wait."<<endl;
01563   }
01564 }

int evf::FUShmBuffer::semid (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References semid_.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), getShmBuffer(), nbRawCellsToRead(), nbRawCellsToWrite(), releaseSharedMemory(), sem_create(), sem_get(), sem_init(), sem_post(), sem_print(), and sem_wait().

00068 { return semid_; }

bool FUShmBuffer::setClientPrcId ( pid_t  prcId  )  [private]

Definition at line 1371 of file

References clientPrcIdOffset_, i, lock(), nClients_, nClientsMax_, and unlock().

Referenced by getShmBuffer().

01372 {
01373   lock();
01374   assert(nClients_<nClientsMax_);
01375   pid_t *prcid=(pid_t*)((unsigned int)this+clientPrcIdOffset_);
01376   for (unsigned int i=0;i<nClients_;i++) {
01377     if ((*prcid)==prcId) { unlock();  return false; }
01378     prcid++;
01379   }
01380   nClients_++;
01381   *prcid=prcId;
01382   unlock();
01383   return true;
01384 }

bool FUShmBuffer::setDqmState ( unsigned int  index,
dqm::State_t  state 
) [private]

Definition at line 1291 of file

References dqmStateOffset_, lock(), nDqmCells_, and unlock().

Referenced by discardDqmCell(), dqmCellToRead(), finishReadingDqmCell(), reset(), and writeDqmEventData().

01292 {
01293   assert(index<nDqmCells_);
01294   dqm::State_t *pstate=(dqm::State_t*)((unsigned int)this+dqmStateOffset_);
01295   pstate+=index;
01296   lock();
01297   *pstate=state;
01298   unlock();
01299   return true;
01300 }

bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtDiscard ( unsigned int  index,
unsigned int  discard 
) [private]

Definition at line 1304 of file

References evtDiscardOffset_, lock(), nRawCells_, and unlock().

Referenced by rawCellToWrite(), releaseRawCell(), reset(), and writeErrorEventData().

01305 {
01306   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01307   unsigned int *pcount=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+evtDiscardOffset_);
01308   pcount+=index;
01309   lock();
01310   *pcount=discard;
01311   unlock();
01312   return true;
01313 }

bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtNumber ( unsigned int  index,
unsigned int  evtNumber 
) [private]

Definition at line 1332 of file

References evtNumberOffset_, lock(), nRawCells_, and unlock().

Referenced by finishWritingRawCell(), releaseRawCell(), reset(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

01333 {
01334   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01335   unsigned int *pevt=(unsigned int*)((unsigned int)this+evtNumberOffset_);
01336   pevt+=index;
01337   lock();
01338   *pevt=evtNumber;
01339   unlock();
01340   return true;
01341 }

bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtPrcId ( unsigned int  index,
pid_t  prcId 
) [private]

Definition at line 1345 of file

References evtPrcIdOffset_, lock(), nRawCells_, and unlock().

Referenced by rawCellToRead(), releaseRawCell(), reset(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

01346 {
01347   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01348   pid_t* prcid=(pid_t*)((unsigned int)this+evtPrcIdOffset_);
01349   prcid+=index;
01350   lock();
01351   *prcid=prcId;
01352   unlock();
01353   return true;
01354 }

bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtState ( unsigned int  index,
evt::State_t  state 

Definition at line 1278 of file

References evtStateOffset_, lock(), nRawCells_, and unlock().

Referenced by finishReadingRawCell(), finishReadingRecoCell(), finishWritingRawCell(), rawCellToDiscard(), rawCellToRead(), rawCellToWrite(), recoCellToRead(), releaseRawCell(), reset(), scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard(), writeErrorEventData(), writeRawEmptyEvent(), and writeRecoEventData().

01279 {
01280   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01281   evt::State_t *pstate=(evt::State_t*)((unsigned int)this+evtStateOffset_);
01282   pstate+=index;
01283   lock();
01284   *pstate=state;
01285   unlock();
01286   return true;
01287 }

bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtTimeStamp ( unsigned int  index,
time_t  timeStamp 
) [private]

Definition at line 1358 of file

References evtTimeStampOffset_, lock(), nRawCells_, and unlock().

Referenced by finishReadingRawCell(), releaseRawCell(), reset(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

01359 {
01360   assert(index<nRawCells_);
01361   time_t *ptstmp=(time_t*)((unsigned int)this+evtTimeStampOffset_);
01362   ptstmp+=index;
01363   lock();
01364   *ptstmp=timeStamp;
01365   unlock();
01366   return true;
01367 }

void * FUShmBuffer::shm_attach ( int  shmid  )  [static]

Definition at line 1020 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), err, NULL, and HLT_VtxMuL3::result.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), dqmCell(), getShmBuffer(), initialize(), rawCell(), recoCell(), and releaseSharedMemory().

01021 {
01022   void* result=shmat(shmid,NULL,0);
01023   if (0==result) {
01024     int err=errno;
01025     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::shm_attach("<<shmid<<") failed: "
01026         <<strerror(err)<<endl;
01027   }
01028   return result;
01029 }

int FUShmBuffer::shm_create ( key_t  key,
int  size 
) [static]

Definition at line 994 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), err, and shmid().

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), and initialize().

00995 {
00996   int shmid=shmget(key,size,IPC_CREAT|0644);
00997   if (shmid==-1) {
00998     int err=errno;
00999     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::shm_create("<<key<<","<<size<<") failed: "
01000         <<strerror(err)<<endl;
01001   }
01002   return shmid;
01003 }

int FUShmBuffer::shm_destroy ( int  shmid  )  [static]

Definition at line 1042 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), and HLT_VtxMuL3::result.

Referenced by releaseSharedMemory().

01043 {
01044   shmid_ds shmstat;
01045   int result=shmctl(shmid,IPC_RMID,&shmstat);
01046   if (result==-1) cout<<"FUShmBuffer::shm_destroy(shmid="<<shmid<<") failed."<<endl;
01047   return result;
01048 }

int FUShmBuffer::shm_get ( key_t  key,
int  size 
) [static]

Definition at line 1007 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), err, and shmid().

Referenced by dqmCell(), getShmBuffer(), rawCell(), recoCell(), and releaseSharedMemory().

01008 {
01009   int shmid=shmget(key,size,0644);
01010   if (shmid==-1) {
01011     int err=errno;
01012     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::shm_get("<<key<<","<<size<<") failed: "
01013         <<strerror(err)<<endl;
01014   }
01015   return shmid;
01016 }

int FUShmBuffer::shm_nattch ( int  shmid  )  [static]

Definition at line 1033 of file

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), evf::FUResourceTable::discard(), getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

01034 {
01035   shmid_ds shmstat;
01036   shmctl(shmid,IPC_STAT,&shmstat);
01037   return shmstat.shm_nattch;
01038 }

int evf::FUShmBuffer::shmid (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References shmid_.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), evf::FUResourceTable::discard(), dqmCell(), getShmBuffer(), rawCell(), recoCell(), releaseSharedMemory(), shm_create(), and shm_get().

00067 { return shmid_; }

key_t FUShmBuffer::shmKey ( unsigned int  iCell,
unsigned int  offset 
) [private]

Definition at line 1497 of file

References addr, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), i, and segmentationMode_.

Referenced by dqmCellShmKey(), rawCellShmKey(), and recoCellShmKey().

01498 {
01499   if (!segmentationMode_) {
01500     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::shmKey() ERROR: only valid in segmentationMode!"<<endl;
01501     return -1;
01502   }
01503   key_t* addr=(key_t*)((unsigned int)this+offset);
01504   for (unsigned int i=0;i<iCell;i++) ++addr;
01505   return *addr;
01506 }

unsigned int FUShmBuffer::size ( bool  segmentationMode,
unsigned int  nRawCells,
unsigned int  nRecoCells,
unsigned int  nDqmCells,
unsigned int  rawCellSize,
unsigned int  recoCellSize,
unsigned int  dqmCellSize 
) [static]

Definition at line 929 of file

References offset, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, and size.

Referenced by createShmBuffer(), getShmBuffer(), and releaseSharedMemory().

00936 {
00937   unsigned int offset=
00938     sizeof(FUShmBuffer)+
00939     sizeof(unsigned int)*4*nRawCells+
00940     sizeof(evt::State_t)*nRawCells+
00941     sizeof(dqm::State_t)*nDqmCells;
00943   unsigned int rawCellTotalSize=FUShmRawCell::size(rawCellSize);
00944   unsigned int recoCellTotalSize=FUShmRecoCell::size(recoCellSize);
00945   unsigned int dqmCellTotalSize=FUShmDqmCell::size(dqmCellSize);
00947   unsigned int realSize =
00948     (segmentationMode) ?
00949     offset
00950     +sizeof(key_t)*(nRawCells+nRecoCells+nDqmCells)
00951     :
00952     offset
00953     +rawCellTotalSize*nRawCells
00954     +recoCellTotalSize*nRecoCells
00955     +dqmCellTotalSize*nDqmCells;
00957   unsigned int result=realSize/0x10*0x10 + (realSize%0x10>0)*0x10;
00959   return result;
00960 }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::unlock ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 239 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_post().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::cellEvtNumbers(), evf::FUResourceTable::cellPrcIds(), evf::FUResourceTable::cellStates(), evf::FUResourceTable::cellTimeStamps(), incEvtDiscard(), nextIndex(), postIndex(), rawCellReadyForDiscard(), removeClientPrcId(), setClientPrcId(), setDqmState(), setEvtDiscard(), setEvtNumber(), setEvtPrcId(), setEvtState(), and setEvtTimeStamp().

00239 { sem_post(0); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitDqmRead (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 255 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by dqmCellToRead().

00255 { sem_wait(8); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitDqmWrite (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 253 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by writeDqmEmptyEvent(), and writeDqmEventData().

00253 { sem_wait(7); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitRawDiscard (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 245 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

00245 { sem_wait(3); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitRawDiscarded (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 247 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by rawCellToDiscard().

00247 { sem_wait(4); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitRawRead (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 243 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by rawCellToRead().

00243 { sem_wait(2); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitRawWrite (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 241 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by rawCellToWrite().

00241 { sem_wait(1); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitRecoRead (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 251 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by recoCellToRead().

00251 { sem_wait(6); }

void evf::FUShmBuffer::waitRecoWrite (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 249 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

References sem_wait().

Referenced by writeErrorEventData(), writeRecoEmptyEvent(), writeRecoEventData(), and writeRecoInitMsg().

00249 { sem_wait(5); }

void FUShmBuffer::writeDqmEmptyEvent (  ) 

Definition at line 498 of file

References evf::FUShmDqmCell::clear(), dqmCell(), nextDqmWriteIndex(), postDqmIndexToRead(), postDqmRead(), segmentationMode_, and waitDqmWrite().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::discard().

00499 {
00500   waitDqmWrite();
00501   unsigned int  iCell=nextDqmWriteIndex();
00502   FUShmDqmCell* cell=dqmCell(iCell);
00503   cell->clear();
00504   postDqmIndexToRead(iCell);
00505   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00506   postDqmRead();
00507 }

bool FUShmBuffer::writeDqmEventData ( unsigned int  runNumber,
unsigned int  evtAtUpdate,
unsigned int  folderId,
unsigned int  fuProcessId,
unsigned int  fuGuid,
unsigned char *  data,
unsigned int  dataSize 

Definition at line 664 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dqmCell(), dqmCellPayloadSize_, dqmState(), evf::dqm::EMPTY, lat::endl(), nextDqmWriteIndex(), postDqmIndexToRead(), postDqmRead(), segmentationMode_, setDqmState(), state, waitDqmWrite(), evf::FUShmDqmCell::writeData(), evf::dqm::WRITING, and evf::dqm::WRITTEN.

Referenced by FUShmDQMOutputService::writeShmDQMData().

00671 {
00672   if (dataSize>dqmCellPayloadSize_) {
00673     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::writeDqmEventData() ERROR: buffer overflow."<<endl;
00674     return false;
00675   }
00677   waitDqmWrite();
00678   unsigned int  iCell=nextDqmWriteIndex();
00679   FUShmDqmCell* cell=dqmCell(iCell);
00680   dqm::State_t state=dqmState(iCell);
00681   assert(state==dqm::EMPTY);
00682   setDqmState(iCell,dqm::WRITING);
00683   cell->writeData(runNumber,evtAtUpdate,folderId,fuProcessId,fuGuid,data,dataSize);
00684   setDqmState(iCell,dqm::WRITTEN);
00685   postDqmIndexToRead(iCell);
00686   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00687   postDqmRead();
00688   return true;
00689 }

bool FUShmBuffer::writeErrorEventData ( unsigned int  runNumber,
unsigned int  fuProcessId,
unsigned int  iRawCell 

Definition at line 592 of file

References data, evf::FUShmRawCell::eventSize(), evf::FUShmRawCell::evtNumber(), evf::FUShmRawCell::fedSize(), i, nextRecoWriteIndex(), evf::FUShmRawCell::payloadAddr(), postRecoIndexToRead(), postRecoRead(), rawCell(), HcalSimpleRecAlgoImpl::reco(), recoCell(), evf::evt::RECOWRITING, evf::evt::RECOWRITTEN, segmentationMode_, setEvtDiscard(), setEvtState(), waitRecoWrite(), and evf::FUShmRecoCell::writeErrorEvent().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::handleCrashedEP(), and FUShmReader::~FUShmReader().

00595 {
00596   FUShmRawCell *raw=rawCell(iRawCell);
00598   unsigned int   dataSize=sizeof(uint32_t)*(4+1024)+raw->eventSize();
00599   unsigned char *data    =new unsigned char[dataSize];
00600   uint32_t      *pos     =(uint32_t*)data;
00601   // 06-Oct-2008, KAB - added a version number for the error event format.
00602   //
00603   // Version 1 had no version number, so the run number appeared in the
00604   // first value.  So, a reasonable test for version 1 is whether the
00605   // first value is larger than some relatively small cutoff (say 32).
00606   // Version 2 added the lumi block number.
00607   //
00608   *pos++=(uint32_t)2;  // protocol version number
00609   *pos++=(uint32_t)runNumber;
00610   // 06-Oct-2008, KAB - added space for lumi block number, but I don't know
00611   // exactly how to get its value just yet...
00612   *pos++=(uint32_t)1;   //evf::evtn::getlbn(fedAddr(/* which FED ID? */));
00613   *pos++=(uint32_t)raw->evtNumber();
00614   for (unsigned int i=0;i<1024;i++) *pos++ = (uint32_t)raw->fedSize(i);
00615   memcpy(pos,raw->payloadAddr(),raw->eventSize());
00617   // DEBUG
00618   /*
00619     if (1) {
00620     stringstream ss;
00621     ss<<"/tmp/run"<<runNumber<<"_evt"<<raw->evtNumber()<<".err";
00622     ofstream fout;
00624     if (!fout.write((char*)data,dataSize))
00625     cout<<"Failed to write error event to "<<ss.str()<<endl;
00626     fout.close();
00628     stringstream ss2;
00629     ss2<<"/tmp/run"<<runNumber<<"_evt"<<raw->evtNumber()<<".info";
00630     ofstream fout2;
00632     fout2<<"dataSize = "<<dataSize<<endl;
00633     fout2<<"runNumber = "<<runNumber<<endl;
00634     fout2<<"evtNumber = "<<raw->evtNumber()<<endl;
00635     fout2<<"eventSize = "<<raw->eventSize()<<endl;
00636     unsigned int totalSize(0);
00637     for (unsigned int i=0;i<1024;i++) {
00638     unsigned int fedSize = raw->fedSize(i);
00639     totalSize += fedSize;
00640     if (fedSize>0) fout2<<i<<": "<<fedSize<<endl;
00641     }
00642     fout2<<"totalSize = "<<totalSize<<endl;
00643     fout2.close();
00644     }
00645   */// END DEBUG
00647   waitRecoWrite();
00648   unsigned int   iRecoCell=nextRecoWriteIndex();
00649   FUShmRecoCell* reco     =recoCell(iRecoCell);
00650   setEvtState(iRawCell,evt::RECOWRITING);
00651   setEvtDiscard(iRawCell,1);
00652   reco->writeErrorEvent(iRawCell,runNumber,raw->evtNumber(),fuProcessId,
00653                         data,dataSize);
00654   delete [] data;
00655   setEvtState(iRawCell,evt::RECOWRITTEN);
00656   postRecoIndexToRead(iRecoCell);
00657   if (segmentationMode_) { shmdt(raw); shmdt(reco); }
00658   postRecoRead();
00659   return true;
00660 }

void FUShmBuffer::writeRawEmptyEvent (  ) 

Definition at line 472 of file

References evf::evt::EMPTY, evtState(), evf::FUShmRawCell::index(), postRawIndexToRead(), postRawRead(), rawCellToWrite(), evf::evt::RAWWRITING, segmentationMode_, setEvtState(), and state.

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::shutDownClients().

00473 {
00474   FUShmRawCell* cell=rawCellToWrite();
00475   evt::State_t state=evtState(cell->index());
00476   assert(state==evt::RAWWRITING);
00477   setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::EMPTY);
00478   postRawIndexToRead(cell->index());
00479   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00480   postRawRead();
00481 }

void FUShmBuffer::writeRecoEmptyEvent (  ) 

Definition at line 485 of file

References evf::FUShmRecoCell::clear(), nextRecoWriteIndex(), postRecoIndexToRead(), postRecoRead(), recoCell(), segmentationMode_, and waitRecoWrite().

Referenced by evf::FUResourceTable::discard().

00486 {
00487   waitRecoWrite();
00488   unsigned int   iCell=nextRecoWriteIndex();
00489   FUShmRecoCell* cell =recoCell(iCell);
00490   cell->clear();
00491   postRecoIndexToRead(iCell);
00492   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00493   postRecoRead();
00494 }

bool FUShmBuffer::writeRecoEventData ( unsigned int  runNumber,
unsigned int  evtNumber,
unsigned int  outModId,
unsigned int  fuProcessId,
unsigned int  fuGuid,
unsigned char *  data,
unsigned int  dataSize 

Definition at line 560 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), incEvtDiscard(), indexForEvtNumber(), nextRecoWriteIndex(), postRecoIndexToRead(), postRecoRead(), recoCell(), recoCellPayloadSize_, evf::evt::RECOWRITING, evf::evt::RECOWRITTEN, segmentationMode_, setEvtState(), waitRecoWrite(), and evf::FUShmRecoCell::writeEventData().

Referenced by edm::FUShmOutputModule::doOutputEvent().

00567 {
00568   if (dataSize>recoCellPayloadSize_) {
00569     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::writeRecoEventData() ERROR: buffer overflow."<<endl;
00570     return false;
00571   }
00573   waitRecoWrite();
00574   unsigned int   iCell=nextRecoWriteIndex();
00575   FUShmRecoCell* cell =recoCell(iCell);
00576   unsigned int rawCellIndex=indexForEvtNumber(evtNumber);
00577   //evt::State_t state=evtState(rawCellIndex);
00578   //assert(state==evt::PROCESSING||state==evt::RECOWRITING||state==evt::SENT);
00579   setEvtState(rawCellIndex,evt::RECOWRITING);
00580   incEvtDiscard(rawCellIndex);
00581   cell->writeEventData(rawCellIndex,runNumber,evtNumber,outModId,
00582                        fuProcessId,fuGuid,data,dataSize);
00583   setEvtState(rawCellIndex,evt::RECOWRITTEN);
00584   postRecoIndexToRead(iCell);
00585   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00586   postRecoRead();
00587   return true;
00588 }

bool FUShmBuffer::writeRecoInitMsg ( unsigned int  outModId,
unsigned int  fuProcessId,
unsigned int  fuGuid,
unsigned char *  data,
unsigned int  dataSize 

Definition at line 537 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), nextRecoWriteIndex(), postRecoIndexToRead(), postRecoRead(), recoCell(), recoCellPayloadSize_, segmentationMode_, waitRecoWrite(), and evf::FUShmRecoCell::writeInitMsg().

Referenced by edm::FUShmOutputModule::doOutputHeader().

00542 {
00543   if (dataSize>recoCellPayloadSize_) {
00544     cout<<"FUShmBuffer::writeRecoInitMsg() ERROR: buffer overflow."<<endl;
00545     return false;
00546   }
00548   waitRecoWrite();
00549   unsigned int   iCell=nextRecoWriteIndex();
00550   FUShmRecoCell* cell =recoCell(iCell);
00551   cell->writeInitMsg(outModId,fuProcessId,fuGuid,data,dataSize);
00552   postRecoIndexToRead(iCell);
00553   if (segmentationMode_) shmdt(cell);
00554   postRecoRead();
00555   return true;
00556 }

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::clientPrcIdOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 298 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by clientPrcId(), FUShmBuffer(), removeClientPrcId(), and setClientPrcId().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmCellOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 317 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by dqmCell(), dqmCellShmKey(), FUShmBuffer(), and initialize().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmCellPayloadSize_ [private]

Definition at line 315 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by dqmCell(), FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), and writeDqmEventData().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmCellTotalSize_ [private]

Definition at line 316 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by dqmCell(), FUShmBuffer(), and initialize().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmReadIndex_ [private]

Definition at line 313 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmReadLast_ [private]

Definition at line 286 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by postDqmIndexToRead(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmReadNext_ [private]

Definition at line 285 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by nextDqmReadIndex(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmReadOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 287 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), nextDqmReadIndex(), postDqmIndexToRead(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmStateOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 294 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by dqmState(), FUShmBuffer(), and setDqmState().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmWriteIndex_ [private]

Definition at line 312 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmWriteLast_ [private]

Definition at line 283 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by postDqmIndexToWrite(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmWriteNext_ [private]

Definition at line 282 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by nextDqmWriteIndex(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::dqmWriteOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 284 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), nextDqmWriteIndex(), postDqmIndexToWrite(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::evtDiscardOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 290 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), incEvtDiscard(), rawCellReadyForDiscard(), and setEvtDiscard().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::evtNumberOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 291 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by evtNumber(), FUShmBuffer(), indexForEvtNumber(), and setEvtNumber().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::evtPrcIdOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 292 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by evtPrcId(), FUShmBuffer(), and setEvtPrcId().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::evtStateOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 289 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by evtState(), FUShmBuffer(), and setEvtState().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::evtTimeStampOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 293 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by evtTimeStamp(), FUShmBuffer(), and setEvtTimeStamp().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nClients_ [private]

Definition at line 296 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by nClients(), removeClientPrcId(), reset(), and setClientPrcId().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nClientsMax_ [private]

Definition at line 297 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by clientPrcId(), FUShmBuffer(), and setClientPrcId().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nDqmCells_ [private]

Definition at line 314 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by dqmCell(), dqmCellShmKey(), dqmState(), FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), nDqmCells(), nextDqmReadIndex(), nextDqmWriteIndex(), postDqmIndexToRead(), postDqmIndexToWrite(), reset(), and setDqmState().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nRawCells_ [private]

Definition at line 300 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by discardRecoCell(), evtNumber(), evtPrcId(), evtState(), evtTimeStamp(), finishReadingRecoCell(), FUShmBuffer(), incEvtDiscard(), indexForEvtNumber(), initialize(), nextRawReadIndex(), nextRawWriteIndex(), nRawCells(), postRawIndexToRead(), postRawIndexToWrite(), rawCell(), rawCellReadyForDiscard(), rawCellShmKey(), recoCellToRead(), reset(), setEvtDiscard(), setEvtNumber(), setEvtPrcId(), setEvtState(), and setEvtTimeStamp().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::nRecoCells_ [private]

Definition at line 307 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), nextRecoReadIndex(), nextRecoWriteIndex(), nRecoCells(), postRecoIndexToRead(), postRecoIndexToWrite(), recoCell(), recoCellShmKey(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawCellOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 303 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), rawCell(), and rawCellShmKey().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawCellPayloadSize_ [private]

Definition at line 301 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), and rawCell().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawCellTotalSize_ [private]

Definition at line 302 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), and rawCell().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawDiscardIndex_ [private]

Definition at line 273 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by rawCellToDiscard(), scheduleRawCellForDiscard(), and scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawReadLast_ [private]

Definition at line 271 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by postRawIndexToRead(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawReadNext_ [private]

Definition at line 270 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by nextRawReadIndex(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawReadOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 272 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), nextRawReadIndex(), postRawIndexToRead(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawWriteLast_ [private]

Definition at line 268 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by postRawIndexToWrite(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawWriteNext_ [private]

Definition at line 267 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by nextRawWriteIndex(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::rawWriteOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 269 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), nextRawWriteIndex(), postRawIndexToWrite(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoCellOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 310 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), recoCell(), and recoCellShmKey().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoCellPayloadSize_ [private]

Definition at line 308 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), recoCell(), writeRecoEventData(), and writeRecoInitMsg().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoCellTotalSize_ [private]

Definition at line 309 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), and recoCell().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoReadIndex_ [private]

Definition at line 306 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoReadLast_ [private]

Definition at line 279 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by postRecoIndexToRead(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoReadNext_ [private]

Definition at line 278 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by nextRecoReadIndex(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoReadOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 280 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), nextRecoReadIndex(), postRecoIndexToRead(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoWriteIndex_ [private]

Definition at line 305 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoWriteLast_ [private]

Definition at line 276 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by postRecoIndexToWrite(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoWriteNext_ [private]

Definition at line 275 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by nextRecoWriteIndex(), and reset().

unsigned int evf::FUShmBuffer::recoWriteOffset_ [private]

Definition at line 277 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by FUShmBuffer(), nextRecoWriteIndex(), postRecoIndexToWrite(), and reset().

bool evf::FUShmBuffer::segmentationMode_ [private]

Definition at line 263 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by discardDqmCell(), discardRecoCell(), dqmCell(), finishReadingDqmCell(), finishReadingRawCell(), finishReadingRecoCell(), finishWritingRawCell(), FUShmBuffer(), initialize(), rawCell(), recoCell(), releaseRawCell(), scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard(), shmKey(), writeDqmEmptyEvent(), writeDqmEventData(), writeErrorEventData(), writeRawEmptyEvent(), writeRecoEmptyEvent(), writeRecoEventData(), and writeRecoInitMsg().

int evf::FUShmBuffer::semid_ [private]

Definition at line 265 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and semid().

const char * FUShmBuffer::semKeyPath_ [static, private]

Initial value:

  (getenv("FUSEM_KEYFILE") == NULL ? "/dev/null" : getenv("FUSEM_KEYFILE"))

Definition at line 320 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by getSemKey().

int evf::FUShmBuffer::shmid_ [private]

Definition at line 264 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and shmid().

const char * FUShmBuffer::shmKeyPath_ [static, private]

Initial value:

  (getenv("FUSHM_KEYFILE") == NULL ? "/dev/null" : getenv("FUSHM_KEYFILE"))

Definition at line 319 of file FUShmBuffer.h.

Referenced by getShmDescriptorKey(), getShmKey(), and initialize().

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Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:46:48 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4