HRes4DHit Class Reference

#include <Validation/DTRecHits/plugins/Histograms.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Fill (float simDirectionAlpha, float recDirectionAlpha, float simDirectionBeta, float recDirectionBeta, float simX, float recX, float simY, float recY, float simEta, float simPhi, float recYRZ, float simYRZ, float recBetaRZ, float simBetaRZ, float sigmaAlpha, float sigmaBeta, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaBetaRZ, float sigmaYRZ)
 HRes4DHit (TString name_, TFile *file)
 HRes4DHit (std::string name_)
void Write ()
 ~HRes4DHit ()

Public Attributes

TH1F * hPullAlpha
TH2F * hPullAlphaVsEta
TH2F * hPullAlphaVsPhi
TH1F * hPullBeta
TH1F * hPullBetaRZ
TH2F * hPullBetaVsEta
TH2F * hPullBetaVsEtaRZ
TH2F * hPullBetaVsPhi
TH2F * hPullBetaVsPhiRZ
TH1F * hPullX
TH2F * hPullXVsEta
TH2F * hPullXVsPhi
TH1F * hPullY
TH1F * hPullYRZ
TH2F * hPullYVsEta
TH2F * hPullYVsEtaRZ
TH2F * hPullYVsPhi
TH2F * hPullYVsPhiRZ
TH1F * hRecAlpha
TH1F * hRecBeta
TH1F * hRecBetaRZ
TH2F * hRecVsSimAlpha
TH2F * hRecVsSimBeta
TH2F * hRecVsSimBetaRZ
TH1F * hResAlpha
TH2F * hResAlphaVsEta
TH2F * hResAlphaVsPhi
TH2F * hResAlphaVsResBeta
TH2F * hResAlphaVsResX
TH2F * hResAlphaVsResY
TH1F * hResBeta
TH1F * hResBetaRZ
TH2F * hResBetaVsEta
TH2F * hResBetaVsEtaRZ
TH2F * hResBetaVsPhi
TH2F * hResBetaVsPhiRZ
TH1F * hResX
TH2F * hResXVsEta
TH2F * hResXVsPhi
TH2F * hResXVsResY
TH1F * hResY
TH1F * hResYRZ
TH2F * hResYVsEta
TH2F * hResYVsEtaRZ
TH2F * hResYVsPhi
TH2F * hResYVsPhiRZ
TH1F * hSimAlpha
TH1F * hSimBeta
TH1F * hSimBetaRZ
TString name

Detailed Description

Definition at line 631 of file Histograms.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HRes4DHit::HRes4DHit ( std::string  name_  )  [inline]

Definition at line 633 of file Histograms.h.

References hPullAlpha, hPullAlphaVsEta, hPullAlphaVsPhi, hPullBeta, hPullBetaRZ, hPullBetaVsEta, hPullBetaVsEtaRZ, hPullBetaVsPhi, hPullBetaVsPhiRZ, hPullX, hPullXVsEta, hPullXVsPhi, hPullY, hPullYRZ, hPullYVsEta, hPullYVsEtaRZ, hPullYVsPhi, hPullYVsPhiRZ, hRecAlpha, hRecBeta, hRecBetaRZ, hRecVsSimAlpha, hRecVsSimBeta, hRecVsSimBetaRZ, hResAlpha, hResAlphaVsEta, hResAlphaVsPhi, hResAlphaVsResBeta, hResAlphaVsResX, hResAlphaVsResY, hResBeta, hResBetaRZ, hResBetaVsEta, hResBetaVsEtaRZ, hResBetaVsPhi, hResBetaVsPhiRZ, hResX, hResXVsEta, hResXVsPhi, hResXVsResY, hResY, hResYRZ, hResYVsEta, hResYVsEtaRZ, hResYVsPhi, hResYVsPhiRZ, hSimAlpha, hSimBeta, hSimBetaRZ, N, and name.

00633                             {
00634     TString N = name_.c_str();
00635     name=N;
00637     hRecAlpha       = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hRecAlpha", "4D RecHit alpha (RPhi) distribution;#alpha^{x} (rad)", 100, -3.5, 3.5);
00638     hRecBeta        = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hRecBeta", "4D RecHit beta distribution:#alpha^{y} (rad)", 100, -3.5, 3.5);
00640     hSimAlpha       = new TH1F("4D_"+N+"_hSimAlpha", "4D segment from SimHit alpha (RPhi) distribution;i#alpha^{x} (rad)",
00641                                100, -3.5, 3.5);
00642     hSimBeta        = new TH1F("4D_"+N+"_hSimBeta", "4D segment from SimHit beta distribution;#alpha^{y} (rad)",
00643                                100, -3.5, 3.5);
00644     hRecVsSimAlpha  = new TH2F("4D_"+N+"_hRecVsSimAlpha", "4D segment rec alpha {v}s sim alpha (RPhi);#alpha^{x} (rad)",
00645                                100, -3.5, 3.5, 100, -3.5, 3.5);
00646     hRecVsSimBeta   = new TH2F("4D_"+N+"_hRecVsSimBeta", "4D segment rec beta vs sim beta (RZ);#alpha^{y} (rad)",
00647                                100, -3.5, 3.5, 100, -3.5, 3.5);
00649     hResAlpha       = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hResAlpha", 
00650                                 "4D RecHit residual on #alpha_x direction;#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim} (rad)",
00651                                 200, -0.015, 0.015);
00652     hResAlphaVsEta  = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResAlphaVsEta",
00653                                 "4D RecHit residual on #alpha_x direction vs eta;#eta;#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim} (rad)",
00654                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, -0.025, 0.025);
00655     hResAlphaVsPhi  = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResAlphaVsPhi",
00656                                 "4D RecHit residual on #alpha_x direction vs phi (rad);#phi (rad);#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim} (rad)",
00657                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 100, -0.025, 0.025);
00659     hResBeta        = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hResBeta",
00660                                 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
00661                                 200, -0.1, 0.1);
00662     hResBetaVsEta   = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResBetaVsEta",
00663                                 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs eta;#eta;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
00664                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 200, -0.2, 0.2);
00665     hResBetaVsPhi   = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResBetaVsPhi",
00666                                 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs phi;#phi (rad);#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
00667                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 200, -0.2, 0.2);
00669     hResX           = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hResX", "4D RecHit residual on position (x) in chamber;x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm)",
00670                                 150, -0.15, 0.15);
00671     hResXVsEta      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResXVsEta", "4D RecHit residual on position (x) in chamber vs eta;#eta;x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm)",
00672                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 150, -0.3, 0.3);
00673     hResXVsPhi      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResXVsPhi", "4D RecHit residual on position (x) in chamber vs phi;#phi (rad);x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm)",
00674                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 150, -0.3, 0.3);
00676     hResY           = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hResY", "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)", 150, -0.6, 0.6);
00677     hResYVsEta      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResYVsEta", "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber vs eta;#eta;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
00678                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 150, -0.6, 0.6);
00679     hResYVsPhi      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResYVsPhi", "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber vs phi;#phi (rad);y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
00680                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 150, -0.6, 0.6);
00682     hResAlphaVsResBeta = new TH2F("4D_"+N+"_hResAlphaVsResBeta", "4D RecHit residual on alpha vs residual on beta",
00683                                   200, -0.3, 0.3, 500, -0.15, 0.15);
00684     hResXVsResY = new TH2F("4D_"+N+"_hResXVsResY", "4D RecHit residual on X vs residual on Y",
00685                            150, -0.6, 0.6, 50, -0.3, 0.3);
00686     hResAlphaVsResX = new TH2F("4D_"+N+"_hResAlphaVsResX", "4D RecHit residual on alpha vs residual on x",
00687                                150, -0.3, 0.3, 500, -0.15, 0.15);
00689     hResAlphaVsResY = new TH2F("4D_"+N+"_hResAlphaVsResY", "4D RecHit residual on alpha vs residual on y",
00690                                150, -0.6, 0.6, 500, -0.15, 0.15);
00692     // Pulls
00694     hPullAlpha       = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullAlpha", 
00695                                 "4D RecHit pull on #alpha_x direction;(#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim})/#sigma",
00696                                 200, -5, 5);
00697     hPullAlphaVsEta  = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullAlphaVsEta",
00698                                 "4D RecHit pull on #alpha_x direction vs eta;#eta;(#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim})/#sigma",
00699                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, -5, 5);
00700     hPullAlphaVsPhi  = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullAlphaVsPhi",
00701                                 "4D RecHit pull on #alpha_x direction vs phi (rad);#phi (rad);(#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim})/#sigma",
00702                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 100, -5, 5);
00704     hPullBeta        = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullBeta",
00705                                 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
00706                                 200, -5, 5);
00707     hPullBetaVsEta   = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullBetaVsEta",
00708                                 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs eta;#eta;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
00709                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 200, -5, 5);
00710     hPullBetaVsPhi   = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullBetaVsPhi",
00711                                 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs phi;#phi (rad);(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
00712                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 200, -5, 5);
00714     hPullX           = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullX",
00715                                  "4D RecHit pull on position (x) in chamber;(x_{rec}-x_{sim})#sigma",
00716                                 150, -5, 5);
00717     hPullXVsEta      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullXVsEta",
00718                                  "4D RecHit pull on position (x) in chamber vs eta;#eta;(x_{rec}-x_{sim})#sigma",
00719                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 150, -5, 5);
00720     hPullXVsPhi      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullXVsPhi", 
00721                                  "4D RecHit pull on position (x) in chamber vs phi;#phi (rad);(x_{rec}-x_{sim})/#sigma",
00722                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 150, -5, 5);
00724     hPullY           = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullY", 
00725                                  "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma", 150, -5, 5);
00726     hPullYVsEta      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullYVsEta", 
00727                                  "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber vs eta;#eta;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
00728                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 150, -5, 5);
00729     hPullYVsPhi      = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullYVsPhi", 
00730                                  "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber vs phi;#phi (rad);(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
00731                                  100, -3.2, 3.2, 150, -5, 5);
00733     // histo in rz SL reference frame.
00735     hRecBetaRZ        = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hRecBetaRZ", "4D RecHit beta distribution:#alpha^{y} (rad)", 100, -3.5, 3.5);
00737     hSimBetaRZ      = new TH1F("4D_"+N+"_hSimBetaRZ", "4D segment from SimHit beta distribution in RZ SL;#alpha^{y} (rad)",
00738                                100, -3.5, 3.5);
00739     hRecVsSimBetaRZ = new TH2F("4D_"+N+"_hRecVsSimBetaRZ", "4D segment rec beta vs sim beta (RZ) in RZ SL;#alpha^{y} (rad)",
00740                                100, -3.5, 3.5, 100, -3.5, 3.5);
00742     hResBetaRZ      = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hResBetaRZ",
00743                                 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction in RZ SL;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
00744                                 200, -0.1, 0.1);
00745     hResBetaVsEtaRZ = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResBetaVsEtaRZ",
00746                                 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs eta;#eta in RZ SL;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
00747                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 200, -0.2, 0.2);
00748     hResBetaVsPhiRZ = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResBetaVsPhiRZ",
00749                                 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs phi in RZ SL;#phi (rad);#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
00750                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 200, -0.2, 0.2);
00752     hResYRZ         = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hResYRZ",
00753                                 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber in RZ SL;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
00754                                 150, -0.15, 0.15);
00755     hResYVsEtaRZ    = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResYVsEtaRZ",
00756                                 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber vs eta in RZ SL;#eta;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
00757                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 150, -0.6, 0.6);
00758     hResYVsPhiRZ    = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hResYVsPhiRZ",
00759                                 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber vs phi in RZ SL;#phi (rad);y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
00760                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 150, -0.6, 0.6);
00762     // Pulls
00763     hPullBetaRZ      = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullBetaRZ",
00764                                 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction in RZ SL;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
00765                                 200, -5, 5);
00766     hPullBetaVsEtaRZ = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullBetaVsEtaRZ",
00767                                 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs eta;#eta in RZ SL;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
00768                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 200, -5, 5);
00769     hPullBetaVsPhiRZ = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullBetaVsPhiRZ",
00770                                 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs phi in RZ SL;#phi (rad);(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
00771                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 200, -5, 5);
00773     hPullYRZ         = new TH1F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullYRZ",
00774                                 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber in RZ SL;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
00775                                 150, -5, 5);
00776     hPullYVsEtaRZ    = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullYVsEtaRZ",
00777                                 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber vs eta in RZ SL;#eta;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
00778                                 100, -2.5, 2.5, 150, -5, 5);
00779     hPullYVsPhiRZ    = new TH2F ("4D_"+N+"_hPullYVsPhiRZ",
00780                                 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber vs phi in RZ SL;#phi (rad);(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
00781                                 100, -3.2, 3.2, 150, -5, 5);
00782   }

HRes4DHit::HRes4DHit ( TString  name_,
TFile *  file 
) [inline]

Definition at line 784 of file Histograms.h.

References hPullAlpha, hPullAlphaVsEta, hPullAlphaVsPhi, hPullBeta, hPullBetaRZ, hPullBetaVsEta, hPullBetaVsEtaRZ, hPullBetaVsPhi, hPullBetaVsPhiRZ, hPullX, hPullXVsEta, hPullXVsPhi, hPullY, hPullYRZ, hPullYVsEta, hPullYVsEtaRZ, hPullYVsPhi, hPullYVsPhiRZ, hRecAlpha, hRecBeta, hRecBetaRZ, hRecVsSimAlpha, hRecVsSimBeta, hRecVsSimBetaRZ, hResAlpha, hResAlphaVsEta, hResAlphaVsPhi, hResAlphaVsResBeta, hResAlphaVsResX, hResAlphaVsResY, hResBeta, hResBetaRZ, hResBetaVsEta, hResBetaVsEtaRZ, hResBetaVsPhi, hResBetaVsPhiRZ, hResX, hResXVsEta, hResXVsPhi, hResXVsResY, hResY, hResYRZ, hResYVsEta, hResYVsEtaRZ, hResYVsPhi, hResYVsPhiRZ, hSimAlpha, hSimBeta, hSimBetaRZ, and name.

00784                                         {
00785     name=name_;
00787     hRecAlpha = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hRecAlpha");
00788     hRecBeta = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hRecBeta");
00790     hSimAlpha = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hSimAlpha");
00791     hSimBeta = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hSimBeta");
00793     hRecVsSimAlpha = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hRecVsSimAlpha");
00794     hRecVsSimBeta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hRecVsSimBeta");
00796     hResAlpha = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResAlpha");
00797     hResAlphaVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResAlphaVsEta");
00798     hResAlphaVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResAlphaVsPhi");
00800     hResBeta = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResBeta");
00801     hResBetaVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResBetaVsEta");
00802     hResBetaVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResBetaVsPhi");
00804     hResX = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResX");
00805     hResXVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResXVsEta");
00806     hResXVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResXVsPhi");
00808     hResY = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResY");
00809     hResYVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResYVsEta");
00810     hResYVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResYVsPhi");
00812     hResAlphaVsResBeta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResAlphaVsResBeta");
00813     hResXVsResY = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResXVsResY");
00814     hResAlphaVsResX = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResAlphaVsResX");
00815     hResAlphaVsResY = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResAlphaVsResY"); 
00817     hPullAlpha = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullAlpha");
00818     hPullAlphaVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullAlphaVsEta");
00819     hPullAlphaVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullAlphaVsPhi");
00821     hPullBeta = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullBeta");
00822     hPullBetaVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullBetaVsEta");
00823     hPullBetaVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullBetaVsPhi");
00825     hPullX = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullX");
00826     hPullXVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullXVsEta");
00827     hPullXVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullXVsPhi");
00829     hPullY = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullY");
00830     hPullYVsEta = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullYVsEta");
00831     hPullYVsPhi = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullYVsPhi");
00833     // RX SL frame
00834     hRecBetaRZ = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hRecBetaRZ");
00836     hSimBetaRZ = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hSimBetaRZ");
00838     hRecVsSimBetaRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hRecVsSimBetaRZ");
00840     hResBetaRZ = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResBetaRZ");
00841     hResBetaVsEtaRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResBetaVsEtaRZ");
00842     hResBetaVsPhiRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResBetaVsPhiRZ");
00844     hResYRZ = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResYRZ");
00845     hResYVsEtaRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResYVsEtaRZ");
00846     hResYVsPhiRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hResYVsPhiRZ");
00848     hPullBetaRZ = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullBetaRZ");
00849     hPullBetaVsEtaRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullBetaVsEtaRZ");
00850     hPullBetaVsPhiRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullBetaVsPhiRZ");
00852     hPullYRZ = (TH1F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullYRZ");
00853     hPullYVsEtaRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullYVsEtaRZ");
00854     hPullYVsPhiRZ = (TH2F *) file->Get("4D_"+name+"_hPullYVsPhiRZ");
00855   }

HRes4DHit::~HRes4DHit (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 857 of file Histograms.h.

00857               {
00858   }

Member Function Documentation

void HRes4DHit::Fill ( float  simDirectionAlpha,
float  recDirectionAlpha,
float  simDirectionBeta,
float  recDirectionBeta,
float  simX,
float  recX,
float  simY,
float  recY,
float  simEta,
float  simPhi,
float  recYRZ,
float  simYRZ,
float  recBetaRZ,
float  simBetaRZ,
float  sigmaAlpha,
float  sigmaBeta,
float  sigmaX,
float  sigmaY,
float  sigmaBetaRZ,
float  sigmaYRZ 
) [inline]

Definition at line 860 of file Histograms.h.

References hPullAlpha, hPullAlphaVsEta, hPullAlphaVsPhi, hPullBeta, hPullBetaRZ, hPullBetaVsEta, hPullBetaVsEtaRZ, hPullBetaVsPhi, hPullBetaVsPhiRZ, hPullX, hPullXVsEta, hPullXVsPhi, hPullY, hPullYRZ, hPullYVsEta, hPullYVsEtaRZ, hPullYVsPhi, hPullYVsPhiRZ, hRecAlpha, hRecBeta, hRecBetaRZ, hRecVsSimAlpha, hRecVsSimBeta, hRecVsSimBetaRZ, hResAlpha, hResAlphaVsEta, hResAlphaVsPhi, hResAlphaVsResBeta, hResAlphaVsResX, hResAlphaVsResY, hResBeta, hResBetaRZ, hResBetaVsEta, hResBetaVsEtaRZ, hResBetaVsPhi, hResBetaVsPhiRZ, hResX, hResXVsEta, hResXVsPhi, hResXVsResY, hResY, hResYRZ, hResYVsEta, hResYVsEtaRZ, hResYVsPhi, hResYVsPhiRZ, hSimAlpha, hSimBeta, and hSimBetaRZ.

Referenced by DTSegment4DQuality::analyze().

00880           {
00882     hRecAlpha->Fill(recDirectionAlpha);
00883     hRecBeta->Fill(recDirectionBeta);
00884     hSimAlpha->Fill(simDirectionAlpha);
00885     hSimBeta->Fill(simDirectionBeta);
00887     hRecVsSimAlpha->Fill(simDirectionAlpha, recDirectionAlpha);
00888     hRecVsSimBeta->Fill(simDirectionBeta, recDirectionBeta);
00890     float resAlpha = recDirectionAlpha - simDirectionAlpha;
00891     hResAlpha->Fill(resAlpha);
00892     hResAlphaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resAlpha);
00893     hResAlphaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resAlpha);
00894     hPullAlpha->Fill(resAlpha/sigmaAlpha);
00895     hPullAlphaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resAlpha/sigmaAlpha);
00896     hPullAlphaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resAlpha/sigmaAlpha);
00897     float resBeta = recDirectionBeta - simDirectionBeta;
00898     hResBeta->Fill(resBeta);
00899     hResBetaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resBeta);
00900     hResBetaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resBeta);
00901     hPullBeta->Fill(resBeta/sigmaBeta);
00902     hPullBetaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resBeta/sigmaBeta);
00903     hPullBetaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resBeta/sigmaBeta);
00904     float resX = recX - simX;
00905     hResX->Fill(resX);
00906     hResXVsEta->Fill(simEta, resX);
00907     hResXVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resX);
00908     hPullX->Fill(resX/sigmaX);
00909     hPullXVsEta->Fill(simEta, resX/sigmaX);
00910     hPullXVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resX/sigmaX);
00911     float resY = recY - simY;
00912     hResY->Fill(resY);
00913     hResYVsEta->Fill(simEta, resY);
00914     hResYVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resY);
00915     hPullY->Fill(resY/sigmaY);
00916     hPullYVsEta->Fill(simEta, resY/sigmaY);
00917     hPullYVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resY/sigmaY);
00919     hResAlphaVsResBeta->Fill(resBeta, resAlpha);   
00920     hResXVsResY->Fill(resY, resX);          
00921     hResAlphaVsResX->Fill(resX, resAlpha);      
00922     hResAlphaVsResY->Fill(resY, resAlpha);      
00924     // RZ SuperLayer
00925     hRecBetaRZ->Fill(recBetaRZ);
00926     hSimBetaRZ->Fill(simBetaRZ);
00928     hRecVsSimBetaRZ->Fill(simBetaRZ, recBetaRZ);
00930     float resBetaRZ = recBetaRZ - simBetaRZ;
00931     hResBetaRZ->Fill(resBetaRZ);
00932     hResBetaVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resBetaRZ);
00933     hResBetaVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resBetaRZ);
00934     hPullBetaRZ->Fill(resBetaRZ/sigmaBetaRZ);
00935     hPullBetaVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resBetaRZ/sigmaBetaRZ);
00936     hPullBetaVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resBetaRZ/sigmaBetaRZ);
00937     float resYRZ = recYRZ - simYRZ;
00938     hResYRZ->Fill(resYRZ);
00939     hResYVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resYRZ);
00940     hResYVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resYRZ);
00941     hPullYRZ->Fill(resYRZ/sigmaYRZ);
00942     hPullYVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resYRZ/sigmaYRZ);
00943     hPullYVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resYRZ/sigmaYRZ);
00944   }

void HRes4DHit::Write (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 946 of file Histograms.h.

References hPullAlpha, hPullAlphaVsEta, hPullAlphaVsPhi, hPullBeta, hPullBetaRZ, hPullBetaVsEta, hPullBetaVsEtaRZ, hPullBetaVsPhi, hPullBetaVsPhiRZ, hPullX, hPullXVsEta, hPullXVsPhi, hPullY, hPullYRZ, hPullYVsEta, hPullYVsEtaRZ, hPullYVsPhi, hPullYVsPhiRZ, hRecAlpha, hRecBeta, hRecBetaRZ, hRecVsSimAlpha, hRecVsSimBeta, hRecVsSimBetaRZ, hResAlpha, hResAlphaVsEta, hResAlphaVsPhi, hResAlphaVsResBeta, hResAlphaVsResX, hResAlphaVsResY, hResBeta, hResBetaRZ, hResBetaVsEta, hResBetaVsEtaRZ, hResBetaVsPhi, hResBetaVsPhiRZ, hResX, hResXVsEta, hResXVsPhi, hResXVsResY, hResY, hResYRZ, hResYVsEta, hResYVsEtaRZ, hResYVsPhi, hResYVsPhiRZ, hSimAlpha, hSimBeta, and hSimBetaRZ.

Referenced by DTSegment4DQuality::endJob().

00946                {
00947     hRecAlpha->Write();
00948     hRecBeta->Write();
00949     hSimAlpha->Write();
00950     hSimBeta->Write();
00951     hRecVsSimAlpha->Write();
00952     hRecVsSimBeta->Write();
00953     hResAlpha->Write();
00954     hResAlphaVsEta->Write();
00955     hResAlphaVsPhi->Write();
00956     hResBeta->Write();
00957     hResBetaVsEta->Write();
00958     hResBetaVsPhi->Write();
00959     hResX->Write();
00960     hResXVsEta->Write();
00961     hResXVsPhi->Write();
00962     hResY->Write();
00963     hResYVsEta->Write();
00964     hResYVsPhi->Write();
00965     hResAlphaVsResBeta->Write();   
00966     hResXVsResY->Write();
00967     hResAlphaVsResX->Write();
00968     hResAlphaVsResY->Write();
00969     hPullAlpha->Write();
00970     hPullAlphaVsEta->Write();
00971     hPullAlphaVsPhi->Write();
00972     hPullBeta->Write();
00973     hPullBetaVsEta->Write();
00974     hPullBetaVsPhi->Write();
00975     hPullX->Write();
00976     hPullXVsEta->Write();
00977     hPullXVsPhi->Write();
00978     hPullY->Write();
00979     hPullYVsEta->Write();
00980     hPullYVsPhi->Write();
00983     hRecBetaRZ->Write();
00984     hSimBetaRZ->Write();
00985     hRecVsSimBetaRZ->Write();
00986     hResBetaRZ->Write();
00987     hResBetaVsEtaRZ->Write();
00988     hResBetaVsPhiRZ->Write();
00989     hResYRZ->Write();
00990     hResYVsEtaRZ->Write();
00991     hResYVsPhiRZ->Write();
00992     hPullBetaRZ->Write();
00993     hPullBetaVsEtaRZ->Write();
00994     hPullBetaVsPhiRZ->Write();
00995     hPullYRZ->Write();
00996     hPullYVsEtaRZ->Write();
00997     hPullYVsPhiRZ->Write();
00998 }

Member Data Documentation

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hPullAlpha

Definition at line 1032 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullAlphaVsEta

Definition at line 1033 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullAlphaVsPhi

Definition at line 1034 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hPullBeta

Definition at line 1036 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hPullBetaRZ

Definition at line 1063 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullBetaVsEta

Definition at line 1037 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullBetaVsEtaRZ

Definition at line 1064 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullBetaVsPhi

Definition at line 1038 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullBetaVsPhiRZ

Definition at line 1065 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hPullX

Definition at line 1040 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullXVsEta

Definition at line 1041 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullXVsPhi

Definition at line 1042 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hPullY

Definition at line 1044 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hPullYRZ

Definition at line 1067 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullYVsEta

Definition at line 1045 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullYVsEtaRZ

Definition at line 1068 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullYVsPhi

Definition at line 1046 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hPullYVsPhiRZ

Definition at line 1069 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hRecAlpha

Definition at line 1002 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hRecBeta

Definition at line 1003 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hRecBetaRZ

Definition at line 1049 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hRecVsSimAlpha

Definition at line 1008 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hRecVsSimBeta

Definition at line 1009 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hRecVsSimBetaRZ

Definition at line 1053 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hResAlpha

Definition at line 1011 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResAlphaVsEta

Definition at line 1012 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResAlphaVsPhi

Definition at line 1013 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResAlphaVsResBeta

Definition at line 1027 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResAlphaVsResX

Definition at line 1029 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResAlphaVsResY

Definition at line 1030 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hResBeta

Definition at line 1015 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hResBetaRZ

Definition at line 1055 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResBetaVsEta

Definition at line 1016 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResBetaVsEtaRZ

Definition at line 1056 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResBetaVsPhi

Definition at line 1017 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResBetaVsPhiRZ

Definition at line 1057 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hResX

Definition at line 1019 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResXVsEta

Definition at line 1020 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResXVsPhi

Definition at line 1021 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResXVsResY

Definition at line 1028 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hResY

Definition at line 1023 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hResYRZ

Definition at line 1059 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResYVsEta

Definition at line 1024 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResYVsEtaRZ

Definition at line 1060 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResYVsPhi

Definition at line 1025 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH2F* HRes4DHit::hResYVsPhiRZ

Definition at line 1061 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hSimAlpha

Definition at line 1005 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hSimBeta

Definition at line 1006 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TH1F* HRes4DHit::hSimBetaRZ

Definition at line 1051 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HRes4DHit(), and Write().

TString HRes4DHit::name

Definition at line 1071 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by HRes4DHit().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:24:48 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4