PFBlockAlgo Class Reference

Particle Flow Algorithm. More...

#include <RecoParticleFlow/PFBlockAlgo/interface/PFBlockAlgo.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::list
< reco::PFBlockElement * >
 define these in *Fwd files in DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco?
typedef std::list
< reco::PFBlockElement * >
typedef std::vector< boolMask

Public Member Functions

const std::auto_ptr
< reco::PFBlockCollection > & 
blocks () const
collection of blocks

void findBlocks ()
 build blocks
 PFBlockAlgo ()
void setDebug (bool debug)
 sets debug printout flag
template<template< typename > class T>
void setInput (const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &trackh, const T< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > &gsftrackh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &ecalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hcalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &psh, const Mask &trackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &gsftrackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &ecalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hcalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &psMask=dummyMask_)
template<template< typename > class T>
void setInput (const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &trackh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &ecalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hcalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &psh, const Mask &trackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &ecalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hcalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &psMask=dummyMask_)
template<template< typename > class T>
void setInput (const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &trackh, const T< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > &gsftrackh, const T< reco::MuonCollection > &muonh, const T< reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection > &nuclh, const T< reco::PFConversionCollection > &conv, const T< reco::PFV0Collection > &v0, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &ecalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &hcalh, const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &psh, const Mask &trackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &gsftrackMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &ecalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &hcalMask=dummyMask_, const Mask &psMask=dummyMask_)
 set input collections of tracks and clusters
void setParameters (const char *resMapEtaECAL, const char *resMapPhiECAL, const char *resMapEtaHCAL, const char *resMapPhiHCAL, double DPtovPtCut, double chi2TrackECAL, double chi2GSFECAL, double chi2TrackHCAL, double chi2ECALHCAL, double chi2PSECAL, double chi2PSTrack, double chi2PSHV, bool multiLink)
< reco::PFBlockCollection
transferBlocks ()
auto_ptr to collection of blocks

 ~PFBlockAlgo ()

Private Member Functions

IE associate (IE next, IE last, std::vector< PFBlockLink > &links)
 recursive procedure which adds elements from elements_ to the current block, ie blocks_->back().
void buildGraph ()
void checkMaskSize (const reco::PFRecTrackCollection &tracks, const reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection &gsftracks, const reco::PFClusterCollection &ecals, const reco::PFClusterCollection &hcals, const reco::PFClusterCollection &pss, const Mask &trackMask, const Mask &gsftrackMask, const Mask &ecalMask, const Mask &hcalMask, const Mask &psMask) const
 checks size of the masks with respect to the vectors they refer to.
void checkNuclearLinks (reco::PFBlock &block) const
 remove extra links between primary track and clusters
std::pair< double, double > computeChi2 (double eta1, double reta1, double phi1, double rphi1, double eta2, double reta2, double phi2, double rphi2) const
 computes a chisquare
void fillSecondaries (const reco::PFNuclearInteractionRef &nuclref)
bool goodPtResolution (const reco::TrackRef &trackref)
 open a resolution map
void link (const reco::PFBlockElement *el1, const reco::PFBlockElement *el2, PFBlockLink::Type &linktype, reco::PFBlock::LinkTest &linktest, double &chi2, double &dist) const
 check whether 2 elements are linked. Returns chi2 and linktype
int muAssocToTrack (const reco::TrackRef &trackref, const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::MuonCollection > &muonh) const
int muAssocToTrack (const reco::TrackRef &trackref, const edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollection > &muonh) const
 find index of the muon associated to trackref.
int niAssocToTrack (const reco::TrackRef &primTkRef, const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection > &good_ni) const
int niAssocToTrack (const reco::TrackRef &primTkRef, const edm::Handle< reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection > &good_ni) const
 find index of the nuclear interaction associated to primTkRef.
void packLinks (reco::PFBlock &block, const std::vector< PFBlockLink > &links) const
 compute missing links in the blocks (the recursive procedure does not build all links)
std::pair< double, double > testECALAndHCAL (const reco::PFCluster &ecal, const reco::PFCluster &hcal) const
 tests association between an ECAL and an HCAL cluster
std::pair< double, double > testLinkByRecHit (const reco::PFRecTrack &track, const reco::PFCluster &cluster) const
std::pair< double, double > testLinkByVertex (const reco::PFBlockElement *elt1, const reco::PFBlockElement *elt2) const
std::pair< double, double > testPS1AndPS2 (const reco::PFCluster &ps1, const reco::PFCluster &ps2) const
 tests association between a PS1 v cluster and a PS2 h cluster returns chi2
std::pair< double, double > testPSAndECAL (const reco::PFCluster &ps, const reco::PFCluster &ecal) const
 tests association between an PS and an ECAL cluster returns chi2
std::pair< double, double > testTrackAndECAL (const reco::PFRecTrack &track, const reco::PFCluster &ecal, double SignBremDp=10.) const
 tests association between a track and an ECAL cluster
std::pair< double, double > testTrackAndHCAL (const reco::PFRecTrack &track, const reco::PFCluster &hcal) const
 tests association between a track and an HCAL cluster
std::pair< double, double > testTrackAndPS (const reco::PFRecTrack &track, const reco::PFCluster &ps) const
 tests association between a track and a PS cluster returns chi2
int v0AssocToTrack (const reco::TrackRef &trackref, const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFV0Collection > &v0) const
int v0AssocToTrack (const reco::TrackRef &trackref, const edm::Handle< reco::PFV0Collection > &v0) const
 find index of the V0 track associated to trackref.

Private Attributes

< reco::PFBlockCollection
double chi2ECALHCAL_
 max chi2 for ECAL/HCAL association
double chi2GSFECAL_
 max chi2 for GSF/ECAL association
double chi2PSECAL_
 max chi2 for PS/ECAL association
double chi2PSHV_
 max chi2 for PSH/PSV association
double chi2PSTrack_
 max chi2 for PS/Track association
double chi2TrackECAL_
 max chi2 for track/ECAL association
double chi2TrackHCAL_
 max chi2 for track/HCAL association
bool debug_
 if true, debug printouts activated
double DPtovPtCut_
 DPt/Pt cut for creating atrack element.
std::list< reco::PFBlockElement * > elements_
 actually, particles will be created by a separate producer
bool multipleLink_
 if true, using special algorithm to process multiple track associations to the same hcal cluster
 resolution map Eta ECAL
 resolution map Eta HCAL
 resolution map Phi ECAL
 resolution map Phi HCAL
double resPSlength_
 PS resolution along strip.
double resPSpitch_
 PS strip resolution.

Static Private Attributes

static const Mask dummyMask_


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const PFBlockAlgo &)

Detailed Description

Particle Flow Algorithm.

Colin Bernet
January 2006

Definition at line 49 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef reco::PFBlockCollection::const_iterator PFBlockAlgo::IBC

Definition at line 147 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

typedef std::list< reco::PFBlockElement* >::iterator PFBlockAlgo::IE

define these in *Fwd files in DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco?

Definition at line 145 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

typedef std::list< reco::PFBlockElement* >::const_iterator PFBlockAlgo::IEC

Definition at line 146 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

typedef std::vector<bool> PFBlockAlgo::Mask

Definition at line 72 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PFBlockAlgo::PFBlockAlgo (  ) 

Definition at line 20 of file

00020                          : 
00021   blocks_( new reco::PFBlockCollection ),
00022   //   tracks_(tracks),
00023   //   clustersECAL_(clustersECAL),
00024   //   clustersHCAL_(clustersHCAL),
00025   resMapEtaECAL_(0),
00026   resMapPhiECAL_(0),
00027   resMapEtaHCAL_(0),
00028   resMapPhiHCAL_(0), 
00029   DPtovPtCut_(999),
00030   chi2TrackECAL_(-1),
00031   chi2GSFECAL_(-1),
00032   chi2TrackHCAL_(-1), 
00033   chi2ECALHCAL_ (-1),
00034   chi2PSECAL_ (-1), 
00035   chi2PSTrack_ (-1), 
00036   chi2PSHV_ (-1), 
00037   resPSpitch_ (0),
00038   resPSlength_ (0),
00039   debug_(false) {}

PFBlockAlgo::~PFBlockAlgo (  ) 

Definition at line 84 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, elements_, lat::endl(), resMapEtaECAL_, resMapEtaHCAL_, resMapPhiECAL_, and resMapPhiHCAL_.

00084                           {
00086 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
00087   if(debug_)
00088     cout<<"~PFBlockAlgo - number of remaining elements: "
00089         <<elements_.size()<<endl;
00090 #endif
00092   if(resMapEtaECAL_) delete resMapEtaECAL_;
00094   if(resMapPhiECAL_) delete resMapPhiECAL_;
00096   if(resMapEtaHCAL_) delete resMapEtaHCAL_;
00098   if(resMapPhiHCAL_) delete resMapPhiHCAL_;
00100 }

Member Function Documentation

IE PFBlockAlgo::associate ( IE  next,
IE  last,
std::vector< PFBlockLink > &  links 
) [private]

recursive procedure which adds elements from elements_ to the current block, ie blocks_->back().

the resulting links between elements are stored in links, not in the block. afterwards, packLinks( reco::PFBlock& block, const vector<PFBlockLink>& links) has to be called in order to pack the link information in the block.

Referenced by findBlocks().

const std::auto_ptr< reco::PFBlockCollection >& PFBlockAlgo::blocks (  )  const [inline]

collection of blocks

Definition at line 138 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

References blocks_.

Referenced by operator<<().

00139     {return blocks_;}

void PFBlockAlgo::buildGraph (  )  [private]

Definition at line 439 of file

00439                              {
00440   // loop on all blocks and create a big graph
00441 }

void PFBlockAlgo::checkMaskSize ( const reco::PFRecTrackCollection tracks,
const reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection gsftracks,
const reco::PFClusterCollection ecals,
const reco::PFClusterCollection hcals,
const reco::PFClusterCollection pss,
const Mask trackMask,
const Mask gsftrackMask,
const Mask ecalMask,
const Mask hcalMask,
const Mask psMask 
) const [private]

checks size of the masks with respect to the vectors they refer to.

throws std::length_error if one of the masks has the wrong size

Definition at line 1496 of file

References err.

Referenced by setInput().

01505                                                             {
01507   if( !trackMask.empty() && 
01508       trackMask.size() != tracks.size() ) {
01509     string err = "PFBlockAlgo::setInput: ";
01510     err += "The size of the track mask is different ";
01511     err += "from the size of the track vector.";
01512     throw std::length_error( err.c_str() );
01513   }
01515   if( !gsftrackMask.empty() && 
01516       gsftrackMask.size() != gsftracks.size() ) {
01517     string err = "PFBlockAlgo::setInput: ";
01518     err += "The size of the gsf track mask is different ";
01519     err += "from the size of the gsftrack vector.";
01520     throw std::length_error( err.c_str() );
01521   }
01523   if( !ecalMask.empty() && 
01524       ecalMask.size() != ecals.size() ) {
01525     string err = "PFBlockAlgo::setInput: ";
01526     err += "The size of the ecal mask is different ";
01527     err += "from the size of the ecal clusters vector.";
01528     throw std::length_error( err.c_str() );
01529   }
01531   if( !hcalMask.empty() && 
01532       hcalMask.size() != hcals.size() ) {
01533     string err = "PFBlockAlgo::setInput: ";
01534     err += "The size of the hcal mask is different ";
01535     err += "from the size of the hcal clusters vector.";
01536     throw std::length_error( err.c_str() );
01537   }
01538   if( !psMask.empty() && 
01539       psMask.size() != pss.size() ) {
01540     string err = "PFBlockAlgo::setInput: ";
01541     err += "The size of the ps mask is different ";
01542     err += "from the size of the ps clusters vector.";
01543     throw std::length_error( err.c_str() );
01544   }
01546 }

void PFBlockAlgo::checkNuclearLinks ( reco::PFBlock block  )  const [private]

remove extra links between primary track and clusters

Definition at line 1707 of file

References reco::PFBlock::associatedElements(), reco::PFBlock::chi2(), reco::PFBlock::elements(), i1, reco::PFBlock::linkData(), reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL, reco::PFBlock::setLink(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::size(), and reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK.

01707                                                               {
01708   // method which removes link between primary tracks and clusters
01709   // if at least one of the associated secondary tracks is closer 
01710   // to these same clusters
01712   typedef std::multimap<double, unsigned>::iterator IE;
01714   const edm::OwnVector< reco::PFBlockElement >& els = block.elements();
01715   // loop on all elements != TRACK
01716   for( unsigned i1=0; i1 != els.size(); ++i1 ) {
01717     if( els[i1].type() == PFBlockElement::TRACK ) continue;
01718     std::multimap<double, unsigned> assocTracks;
01719     // get associated tracks
01720     block.associatedElements( i1,  block.linkData(),
01721                               assocTracks,
01722                               reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK,
01723                               reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
01724     for( IE ie = assocTracks.begin(); ie != assocTracks.end(); ++ie) {
01725       double   chi2prim  = ie->first;
01726       unsigned iprim     = ie->second;
01727       // if this track a primary track (T_To_NUCL)
01728       if( els[iprim].trackType(PFBlockElement::T_TO_NUCL) )  {
01729         std::multimap<double, unsigned> secTracks; 
01730         // get associated secondary tracks
01731         block.associatedElements( iprim,  block.linkData(),
01732                                   secTracks,
01733                                   reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK,
01734                                   reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
01735         for( IE ie2 = secTracks.begin(); ie2 != secTracks.end(); ++ie2) { 
01736           unsigned isec = ie2->second;
01737           double chi2sec_rechit = block.chi2( i1, isec, block.linkData(),
01738                                               PFBlock::LINKTEST_RECHIT );
01739           double chi2sec_chi2 = block.chi2( i1, isec, block.linkData(),
01740                                             PFBlock::LINKTEST_CHI2 );
01741           double chi2sec;
01743           // at present associatedElement return first the chi2 by chi2
01744           // maybe in the futur return the min between chi2 and rechit! 
01745           if( chi2sec_chi2 > 0) chi2sec = chi2sec_chi2;
01746           else chi2sec=chi2sec_rechit;
01748           // if one secondary tracks has a chi2 < chi2prim 
01749           // remove the link between the element and the primary
01750           if( chi2sec < 0 ) continue;
01751           else if( chi2sec < chi2prim ) { 
01752             block.setLink( i1, iprim, -1, -1, block.linkData(),
01753                            PFBlock::LINKTEST_CHI2 );
01754             block.setLink( i1, iprim, -1, -1, block.linkData(),
01755                            PFBlock::LINKTEST_RECHIT );
01756             continue;
01757           }
01758         } // loop on all associated secondary tracks
01759       } // test if track is T_TO_NUCL
01761     } // loop on all associated tracks
01762   } // loop on all elements
01763 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::computeChi2 ( double  eta1,
double  reta1,
double  phi1,
double  rphi1,
double  eta2,
double  reta2,
double  phi2,
double  rphi2 
) const [private]

computes a chisquare

Definition at line 1478 of file

References Utils::mpi_pi(), and funct::sqrt().

Referenced by testECALAndHCAL(), testLinkByRecHit(), testTrackAndECAL(), and testTrackAndHCAL().

01481                                                             {
01483   double phicor = Utils::mpi_pi(phi1 - phi2);
01485   double chi2 =  
01486     (eta1 - eta2)*(eta1 - eta2) / ( reta1*reta1+ reta2*reta2 ) +
01487     phicor*phicor / ( rphi1*rphi1+ rphi2*rphi2 );
01489   double dist = std::sqrt( (eta1 - eta2)*(eta1 - eta2) 
01490                           + phicor*phicor);
01492   return std::pair<double,double>(chi2,dist);
01494 }

void PFBlockAlgo::fillSecondaries ( const reco::PFNuclearInteractionRef nuclref  )  [private]

Definition at line 1609 of file

References elements_, goodPtResolution(), reco::PFBlockElement::setNuclearRef(), and reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_NUCL.

Referenced by setInput().

01609                                                                               {
01610   // loop on secondaries
01611   for( reco::PFNuclearInteraction::pfTrackref_iterator
01612          pftkref = nuclref->secPFRecTracks_begin();
01613        pftkref != nuclref->secPFRecTracks_end(); ++pftkref) {
01614     if( !goodPtResolution( (*pftkref)->trackRef() ) ) continue;
01615     reco::PFBlockElement *secondaryTrack 
01616       = new reco::PFBlockElementTrack( *pftkref );
01617     secondaryTrack->setNuclearRef( nuclref->nuclInterRef(), 
01618                                    reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_NUCL );
01620     elements_.push_back( secondaryTrack ); 
01621   }
01622 }

void PFBlockAlgo::findBlocks (  ) 

build blocks

Definition at line 102 of file

References associate(), blocks_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, elements_, lat::endl(), and packLinks().

Referenced by PFRootEventManager::particleFlow(), and PFBlockProducer::produce().

00102                              {
00104   //  cout<<"findBlocks : "<<blocks_.get()<<endl;
00106   // the blocks have not been passed to the event, and need to be cleared
00107   if(blocks_.get() )blocks_->clear();
00108   else 
00109     blocks_.reset( new reco::PFBlockCollection );
00111   blocks_->reserve(elements_.size());
00112   for(IE ie = elements_.begin(); 
00113       ie != elements_.end();) {
00115 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
00116     if(debug_) {
00117       cout<<" PFBlockAlgo::findBlocks() ----------------------"<<endl;
00118       cout<<" element "<<**ie<<endl;
00119       cout<<" creating new block"<<endl;
00120     }
00121 #endif
00123     blocks_->push_back( PFBlock() );
00125     vector< PFBlockLink > links;
00127     //    list< IE > used;
00128     ie = associate( elements_.end() , ie, links );
00130     // build remaining links in current block
00131     packLinks( blocks_->back(), links );
00132   }       
00133 }

bool PFBlockAlgo::goodPtResolution ( const reco::TrackRef trackref  )  [private]

open a resolution map

check the Pt resolution

Definition at line 1595 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, and DPtovPtCut_.

Referenced by fillSecondaries(), and setInput().

01595                                                                 {
01596   double Pt = trackref->pt();
01597   double DPt = trackref->ptError();
01598   if (debug_) cout << " PFBlockAlgo: PFrecTrack->Track Pt= "
01599                    << Pt << " DPt = " << DPt << endl;
01600   if (DPt/Pt > DPtovPtCut_ ) {
01601     if (debug_) cout << " PFBlockAlgo: skip badly measured track Pt= "
01602                      << Pt << " DPt = " << DPt << endl;
01603     if (debug_) cout << " cut is DPt/Pt < " << DPtovPtCut_<< endl;
01604     return false;
01605   }
01606   return true;
01607 }

void PFBlockAlgo::link ( const reco::PFBlockElement el1,
const reco::PFBlockElement el2,
PFBlockLink::Type linktype,
reco::PFBlock::LinkTest linktest,
double &  chi2,
double &  dist 
) const [private]

check whether 2 elements are linked. Returns chi2 and linktype

Definition at line 445 of file

References chi2TrackECAL_, chi2TrackHCAL_, reco::PFBlockElement::clusterRef(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, PFBlockLink::ECALandBREM, PFBlockLink::ECALandGSF, PFBlockLink::ECALandHCAL, lat::endl(), PFBlockLink::GSFandBREM, reco::PFBlockElementBrem::GsftrackRefPF(), reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::GsftrackRefPF(), PFBlockLink::HCALandBREM, PFBlockLink::HCALandGSF, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), reco::PFBlockElement::isSecondary(), multipleLink_, PFBlockLink::PS1andBREM, PFBlockLink::PS1andECAL, PFBlockLink::PS1andGSF, PFBlockLink::PS1andPS2, PFBlockLink::PS2andBREM, PFBlockLink::PS2andECAL, PFBlockLink::PS2andGSF, reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0, testECALAndHCAL(), testLinkByRecHit(), testLinkByVertex(), testPS1AndPS2(), testPSAndECAL(), testTrackAndECAL(), testTrackAndHCAL(), testTrackAndPS(), PFBlockLink::TRACKandECAL, PFBlockLink::TRACKandGSF, PFBlockLink::TRACKandHCAL, PFBlockLink::TRACKandPS1, PFBlockLink::TRACKandPS2, PFBlockLink::TRACKandTRACK, reco::PFBlockElement::trackRefPF(), reco::PFBlockElement::trackType(), and reco::PFBlockElement::type().

00449                                                           {
00453   chi2=-1;
00454   dist=-1.;
00455   std::pair<double,double> lnk(chi2,dist);
00456   linktest = PFBlock::LINKTEST_CHI2; //chi2 by default 
00458   PFBlockElement::Type type1 = el1->type();
00459   PFBlockElement::Type type2 = el2->type();
00461   if( type1==type2 ) {
00462     // cannot link 2 elements of the same type. 
00463     // except if the elements are 2 tracks
00464     if( type1!=PFBlockElement::TRACK ) return;
00465     // cannot link two primary tracks  (except if they come from a V0)
00466     else if ( 
00467              ((!el1->isSecondary()) && (!el2->isSecondary())) && 
00468              ((!el1->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0)) || 
00469               (!el2->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0)))
00470              ) return;
00471   }
00473   linktype = static_cast<PFBlockLink::Type>
00474     ((1<< (type1-1) ) | (1<< (type2-1) ));
00476   if(debug_ ) std::cout << " PFBlockAlgo links type1 " << type1 << " type2 " << type2 << std::endl;
00478   PFBlockElement::Type lowType = type1;
00479   PFBlockElement::Type highType = type2;
00480   const PFBlockElement* lowEl = el1;
00481   const PFBlockElement* highEl = el2;
00483   if(type1>type2) {
00484     lowType = type2;
00485     highType = type1;
00486     lowEl = el2;
00487     highEl = el1;
00488   }
00490   switch(linktype) {
00491   case PFBlockLink::TRACKandPS1:
00492   case PFBlockLink::TRACKandPS2:
00493     {
00494       //       cout<<"TRACKandPS"<<endl;
00495       PFRecTrackRef trackref = lowEl->trackRefPF();
00496       PFClusterRef  clusterref = highEl->clusterRef();
00497       assert( !trackref.isNull() );
00498       assert( !clusterref.isNull() );
00499       lnk = testTrackAndPS( *trackref, *clusterref );
00500       chi2 = lnk.first;
00501       dist = lnk.second;
00502       break;
00503     }
00505   case PFBlockLink::TRACKandECAL:
00506     {
00507       if(debug_ ) cout<<"TRACKandECAL"<<endl;
00508       PFRecTrackRef trackref = lowEl->trackRefPF();
00510       if(debug_ ) std::cout << " Track pt " << trackref->trackRef()->pt() << std::endl;
00512       PFClusterRef  clusterref = highEl->clusterRef();
00513       assert( !trackref.isNull() );
00514       assert( !clusterref.isNull() );
00515       lnk = testTrackAndECAL( *trackref, *clusterref );
00516       chi2 = lnk.first;
00517       dist = lnk.second;
00518       if(debug_ )  std::cout << " chi2 from testTrackAndECAL " << chi2 << std::endl;
00519       //Link by rechit for ECAL
00520       if( ( chi2 > chi2TrackECAL_ || chi2 < 0 )
00521           && multipleLink_ ){   
00522         //If Chi2 failed checking if Track can be linked by rechit
00523         //to a ECAL cluster. Definition:
00524         // A cluster can be linked to a track by rechit if the 
00525         // extrapolated position of the track to the ECALShowerMax 
00526         // falls within the boundaries of any cell that belongs 
00527         // to this cluster.
00528         if(debug_ ) std::cout << " try  testLinkByRecHit " << std::endl;
00529         lnk = testLinkByRecHit( *trackref, *clusterref );
00530         chi2 = lnk.first;
00531         dist = lnk.second;
00532         if(debug_ ) std::cout << " chi2 testLinkByRecHit " << chi2 << std::endl;
00533         linktest = PFBlock::LINKTEST_RECHIT;
00534       }//link by rechit  
00536       if ( chi2>0) {
00537         if(debug_ ) std::cout << " Here a link has been established between a track an Ecal with chi2  " << chi2 <<  std::endl;
00538       } else {
00539         if(debug_ ) std::cout << " No link found " << std::endl;
00540       }
00544       break;
00545     }
00546   case PFBlockLink::TRACKandHCAL:
00547     {
00548       //       cout<<"TRACKandHCAL"<<endl;
00549       PFRecTrackRef trackref = lowEl->trackRefPF();
00550       PFClusterRef  clusterref = highEl->clusterRef();
00551       assert( !trackref.isNull() );
00552       assert( !clusterref.isNull() );
00553       lnk = testTrackAndHCAL( *trackref, *clusterref );
00554       chi2 = lnk.first;
00555       dist = lnk.second;
00557       if( ( chi2 > chi2TrackHCAL_ || chi2 < 0 )
00558           && multipleLink_ ){   
00559         //If Chi2 failed checking if Track can be linked by rechit
00560         //to a HCAL cluster. Definition:
00561         // A cluster can be linked to a track by rechit if the 
00562         // extrapolated position of the track to the HCAL entrance 
00563         // falls within the boundaries of any cell that belongs 
00564         // to this cluster.
00566         lnk = testLinkByRecHit( *trackref, *clusterref );
00567         chi2 = lnk.first;
00568         dist = lnk.second;
00569         linktest = PFBlock::LINKTEST_RECHIT;
00570       }//link by rechit  
00572       break;
00573     }
00574   case PFBlockLink::ECALandHCAL:
00575     {
00576       //       cout<<"ECALandHCAL"<<endl;
00577       PFClusterRef  ecalref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00578       PFClusterRef  hcalref = highEl->clusterRef();
00579       assert( !ecalref.isNull() );
00580       assert( !hcalref.isNull() );
00581       lnk = testECALAndHCAL( *ecalref, *hcalref );
00582       chi2 = lnk.first;
00583       dist = lnk.second;
00584       break;
00585     }
00586   case PFBlockLink::PS1andECAL:
00587   case PFBlockLink::PS2andECAL:
00588     {
00589       //       cout<<"PSandECAL"<<endl;
00590       PFClusterRef  psref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00591       PFClusterRef  ecalref = highEl->clusterRef();
00592       assert( !psref.isNull() );
00593       assert( !ecalref.isNull() );
00594       lnk = testPSAndECAL( *psref, *ecalref );
00595       chi2 = lnk.first;
00596       dist = lnk.second;
00597       break;
00598     }
00599   case PFBlockLink::PS1andPS2:
00600     {
00601       PFClusterRef  ps1ref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00602       PFClusterRef  ps2ref = highEl->clusterRef();
00603       assert( !ps1ref.isNull() );
00604       assert( !ps2ref.isNull() );
00605       lnk = testPS1AndPS2( *ps1ref, *ps2ref );
00606       chi2 = lnk.first;
00607       dist = lnk.second;
00608       break;
00609     }
00610   case PFBlockLink::TRACKandTRACK:
00611     {
00612       if(debug_ ) cout<<"TRACKandTRACK"<<endl;
00613       lnk = testLinkByVertex(lowEl, highEl);
00614       chi2 = lnk.first;
00615       dist = lnk.second;
00616       if(debug_ ) std::cout << " PFBlockLink::TRACKandTRACK chi2 " << chi2 << std::endl;
00617       break;
00618     }
00619   case PFBlockLink::ECALandGSF:
00620     {
00621       PFClusterRef  clusterref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00622       assert( !clusterref.isNull() );
00623       const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack *  GsfEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>(highEl);
00624       const PFRecTrack * myTrack =  &(GsfEl->GsftrackPF());
00625       lnk = testTrackAndECAL( *myTrack, *clusterref);
00626       chi2 = lnk.first;
00627       dist = lnk.second;
00628       break;
00629     }
00630   case PFBlockLink::TRACKandGSF:
00631     {
00632       PFRecTrackRef trackref = lowEl->trackRefPF();
00633       assert( !trackref.isNull() );
00634       const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack *  GsfEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>(highEl);
00635       GsfPFRecTrackRef gsfref = GsfEl->GsftrackRefPF();
00636       reco::TrackRef kftrackref= (*trackref).trackRef();
00637       assert( !gsfref.isNull() );
00638       PFRecTrackRef refkf = (*gsfref).kfPFRecTrackRef();
00639       if(refkf.isNonnull())
00640         {
00641           reco::TrackRef gsftrackref = (*refkf).trackRef();
00642           if (gsftrackref.isNonnull()&&kftrackref.isNonnull()) {
00643             if (kftrackref == gsftrackref) { 
00644               chi2 = 1;
00645               dist = 0.001;
00646               //              std::cout <<  " Linked " << std::endl;
00647             } else { 
00648               chi2 = -1;
00649               dist = -1.;
00650               //              std::cout <<  " Not Linked " << std::endl;
00651             }
00652           }
00653           else { 
00654             chi2 = -1;
00655             dist = -1.;
00656             //      std::cout <<  " Not Linked " << std::endl;
00657           }
00658         }
00659       else
00660         {
00661           chi2 = -1;
00662           dist = -1.;
00663           //      std::cout <<  " Not Linked " << std::endl;
00664         }
00665       break;      
00666     }
00668   case PFBlockLink::GSFandBREM:
00669     {
00670       const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * GsfEl  =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>(lowEl);
00671       const reco::PFBlockElementBrem * BremEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementBrem*>(highEl);
00672       GsfPFRecTrackRef gsfref = GsfEl->GsftrackRefPF();
00673       GsfPFRecTrackRef bremref = BremEl->GsftrackRefPF();
00674       assert( !gsfref.isNull() );
00675       assert( !bremref.isNull() );
00676       if (gsfref == bremref)  { 
00677         chi2 = 1;
00678         dist = 0.001;
00679       } else { 
00680         chi2 = -1;
00681         dist = -1.;
00682       }
00683       break;
00684     }
00685   case PFBlockLink::ECALandBREM:
00686     {
00687       PFClusterRef  clusterref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00688       assert( !clusterref.isNull() );
00689       const reco::PFBlockElementBrem * BremEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementBrem*>(highEl);
00690       const PFRecTrack * myTrack = &(BremEl->trackPF());
00691       double DP = (BremEl->DeltaP())*(-1.);
00692       double SigmaDP = BremEl->SigmaDeltaP();
00693       double SignBremDp = DP/SigmaDP;
00694       lnk = testTrackAndECAL( *myTrack, *clusterref, SignBremDp);
00695       chi2 = lnk.first;
00696       dist = lnk.second;
00697       break;
00698     }
00699   case PFBlockLink::PS1andGSF:
00700   case PFBlockLink::PS2andGSF:
00701     {
00702       PFClusterRef  psref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00703       assert( !psref.isNull() );
00704       const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack *  GsfEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>(highEl);
00705       const PFRecTrack * myTrack =  &(GsfEl->GsftrackPF());
00706       lnk = testTrackAndPS( *myTrack, *psref );
00707       chi2 = lnk.first;
00708       dist = lnk.second;
00709       break;
00710     }
00711   case PFBlockLink::PS1andBREM:
00712   case PFBlockLink::PS2andBREM:
00713     {
00714       PFClusterRef  psref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00715       assert( !psref.isNull() );
00716       const reco::PFBlockElementBrem * BremEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementBrem*>(highEl);
00717       const PFRecTrack * myTrack = &(BremEl->trackPF());
00718       lnk = testTrackAndPS( *myTrack, *psref );
00719       chi2 = lnk.first;
00720       dist = lnk.second;
00721       break;
00722     }
00723   case PFBlockLink::HCALandGSF:
00724     {
00725       PFClusterRef  clusterref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00726       assert( !clusterref.isNull() );
00727       const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack *  GsfEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>(highEl);
00728       const PFRecTrack * myTrack =  &(GsfEl->GsftrackPF());
00729       lnk = testTrackAndHCAL( *myTrack, *clusterref);
00730       chi2 = lnk.first;
00731       dist = lnk.second;
00732       break;
00733     }
00734   case PFBlockLink::HCALandBREM:
00735     {
00736       PFClusterRef  clusterref = lowEl->clusterRef();
00737       assert( !clusterref.isNull() );
00738       const reco::PFBlockElementBrem * BremEl =  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementBrem*>(highEl);
00739       const PFRecTrack * myTrack = &(BremEl->trackPF());
00740       lnk = testTrackAndHCAL( *myTrack, *clusterref);
00741       chi2 = lnk.first;
00742       dist = lnk.second;
00743       break;
00744     }
00747   default:
00748     chi2 = -1.;
00749     dist = -1.;
00750     //   cout<<"link type not implemented yet"<< linktype << endl;
00751     //   assert(0);
00752     return;
00753   }
00754 }

int PFBlockAlgo::muAssocToTrack ( const reco::TrackRef trackref,
const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::MuonCollection > &  muonh 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1694 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), edm::OrphanHandle< T >::isValid(), and j.

01695                                                                                          {
01696   if(muonh.isValid() ) {
01697     for(unsigned j=0;j<muonh->size(); j++) {
01698       reco::MuonRef muonref( muonh, j );
01699       if (muonref->track().isNonnull())
01700         if( muonref->track() == trackref ) return j;
01701     }
01702   }
01703   return -1; // not found
01704 }

int PFBlockAlgo::muAssocToTrack ( const reco::TrackRef trackref,
const edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollection > &  muonh 
) const [private]

find index of the muon associated to trackref.

if no muon have been found then return -1.

Definition at line 1651 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), and j.

Referenced by setInput().

01652                                                                                    {
01653   if(muonh.isValid() ) {
01654     for(unsigned j=0;j<muonh->size(); j++) {
01655       reco::MuonRef muonref( muonh, j );
01656       if (muonref->track().isNonnull()) 
01657         if( muonref->track() == trackref ) return j;
01658     }
01659   }
01660   return -1; // not found
01661 }

int PFBlockAlgo::niAssocToTrack ( const reco::TrackRef primTkRef,
const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection > &  good_ni 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1638 of file

References edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo(), edm::OrphanHandle< T >::isValid(), and k.

01639                                                                                                          {
01640   if( nuclh.isValid() ) {
01641     // look for nuclear interaction associated to primTkRef
01642     for( unsigned int k=0; k<nuclh->size(); ++k) {
01643       const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track >& trk = nuclh->at(k).primaryTrack();
01644       if( trk.castTo<reco::TrackRef>() == primTkRef) return k;
01645     }
01646     return -1; // not found
01647   }
01648   else return -1;
01649 }

int PFBlockAlgo::niAssocToTrack ( const reco::TrackRef primTkRef,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection > &  good_ni 
) const [private]

find index of the nuclear interaction associated to primTkRef.

if no nuclear interaction have been found then return -1.

Definition at line 1624 of file

References edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo(), edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), and k.

Referenced by setInput().

01625                                                                                                    {
01626   if( nuclh.isValid() ) {
01627     // look for nuclear interaction associated to primTkRef
01628     for( unsigned int k=0; k<nuclh->size(); ++k) {
01629       const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track >& trk = nuclh->at(k).primaryTrack();
01630       if( trk.castTo<reco::TrackRef>() == primTkRef) return k;
01631     }
01632     return -1; // not found
01633   }
01634   else return -1;
01635 }

void PFBlockAlgo::packLinks ( reco::PFBlock block,
const std::vector< PFBlockLink > &  links 
) const [private]

compute missing links in the blocks (the recursive procedure does not build all links)

Referenced by findBlocks().

void PFBlockAlgo::setDebug ( bool  debug  )  [inline]

sets debug printout flag

Definition at line 130 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

References debug_.

Referenced by PFBlockProducer::PFBlockProducer(), and PFRootEventManager::readOptions().

00130 {debug_ = debug;}

template<template< typename > class T>
void PFBlockAlgo::setInput ( const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &  trackh,
const T< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > &  gsftrackh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  ecalh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  hcalh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  psh,
const Mask trackMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask gsftrackMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask ecalMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask hcalMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask psMask = dummyMask_ 
) [inline]

Definition at line 110 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

00119                                                     {
00120     T<reco::MuonCollection> muonh;
00121     T<reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection> nuclh;
00122     T<reco::PFConversionCollection> convh;
00123     T<reco::PFV0Collection> v0;
00124     setInput<T>( trackh, gsftrackh, muonh, nuclh, convh, v0, ecalh, hcalh, psh, 
00125                  trackMask, gsftrackMask,ecalMask, hcalMask, psMask); 
00126   }

template<template< typename > class T>
void PFBlockAlgo::setInput ( const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &  trackh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  ecalh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  hcalh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  psh,
const Mask trackMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask ecalMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask hcalMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask psMask = dummyMask_ 
) [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

00099                                                     {
00100     T<reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection> gsftrackh;
00101     T<reco::MuonCollection> muonh;
00102     T<reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection> nuclh;
00103     T<reco::PFConversionCollection> convh;
00104     T<reco::PFV0Collection> v0;
00105     setInput<T>( trackh, gsftrackh, muonh, nuclh, convh,v0, ecalh, hcalh, psh, 
00106                  trackMask, ecalMask, hcalMask, psMask); 
00107   }

template<template< typename > class T>
void PFBlockAlgo::setInput ( const T< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > &  trackh,
const T< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > &  gsftrackh,
const T< reco::MuonCollection > &  muonh,
const T< reco::PFNuclearInteractionCollection > &  nuclh,
const T< reco::PFConversionCollection > &  conv,
const T< reco::PFV0Collection > &  v0,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  ecalh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  hcalh,
const T< reco::PFClusterCollection > &  psh,
const Mask trackMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask gsftrackMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask ecalMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask hcalMask = dummyMask_,
const Mask psMask = dummyMask_ 
) [inline]

set input collections of tracks and clusters

Definition at line 351 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

References checkMaskSize(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL, elements_, lat::endl(), fillSecondaries(), goodPtResolution(), reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL, i, i2, muAssocToTrack(), niAssocToTrack(), reco::PFBlockElement::NONE, PFLayer::PS1, reco::PFBlockElement::PS1, PFLayer::PS2, reco::PFBlockElement::PS2, reco::PFBlockElement::setConversionRef(), size, reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV, reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0, reco::PFBlockElement::T_TO_NUCL, te, tp, and v0AssocToTrack().

Referenced by PFRootEventManager::particleFlow(), and PFBlockProducer::produce().

00364                                             {
00367   checkMaskSize( *trackh,
00368                  *gsftrackh,
00369                  *ecalh,
00370                  *hcalh,
00371                  *psh,
00372                  trackMask,
00373                  gsftrackMask,
00374                  ecalMask,
00375                  hcalMask,
00376                  psMask  );
00379   // conversions 
00380   if(convh.isValid() ) {
00381     reco::PFBlockElement* trkFromConversionElement;
00382     for(unsigned i=0;i<convh->size(); i++) {
00383       reco::PFConversionRef convRef(convh,i);
00384       //  std::cout << " PFBlockAlgo setInput conversion track size " << convRef->pfTracks().size() 
00385       //<< " " << (convRef->originalConversion())->tracks().size() << std::endl;
00386       unsigned int trackSize=(convRef->pfTracks()).size();
00387       if ( convRef->pfTracks().size() < 2) continue;
00388       for(unsigned iTk=0;iTk<trackSize; iTk++) {
00389        if (debug_) std::cout << " PFBlockAlgo setInput  building element for track charge " << convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]->charge() 
00390             << " pt " <<  convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]->trackRef()->pt() << std::endl;
00391         if (debug_) std::cout << " # of traj points " << convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]->nTrajectoryPoints() 
00392             <<  " # of traj measurements " << convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]->nTrajectoryMeasurements() << std::endl;
00394         for ( unsigned int iP=0; iP<convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]->nTrajectoryPoints(); iP++) {
00395           if (debug_) std::cout << " Trajectory point " << iP << " x,y,z " << convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]->trajectoryPoint(iP).position() 
00396              << " r, eta, phi " <<convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]->trajectoryPoint(iP).positionREP() <<  std::endl;
00398         }
00400         trkFromConversionElement = new reco::PFBlockElementTrack(convRef->pfTracks()[iTk]);
00401         trkFromConversionElement->setConversionRef( convRef->originalConversion(), reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV);
00402         elements_.push_back( trkFromConversionElement );
00404       }    
00406     }
00408   }
00414   // tracks
00415   if(trackh.isValid() ) {
00416     for(unsigned i=0;i<trackh->size(); i++) {
00418       // this track has been disabled
00419       if( !trackMask.empty() &&
00420           !trackMask[i] ) continue;
00421       reco::PFRecTrackRef ref( trackh,i );
00422       if( !goodPtResolution( ref->trackRef() ) ) continue;
00424       // get the eventual nuclear interaction associated to this track 
00425       int niId_ = niAssocToTrack( ref->trackRef(), nuclh );
00427       // get the eventual muon associated to this track
00428       int muId_ = muAssocToTrack( ref->trackRef(), muonh );
00430       // get the eventual v0Track associated to this track
00431       int v0Id_ = v0AssocToTrack( ref->trackRef(), v0 );
00433       reco::PFBlockElement* primaryElement = new reco::PFBlockElementTrack( ref );
00435       if( niId_ != -1 ) {
00436           // if a nuclear interaction has been found 
00437           reco::PFNuclearInteractionRef ni_(nuclh, niId_);
00438           primaryElement->setNuclearRef( ni_->nuclInterRef(), reco::PFBlockElement::T_TO_NUCL );
00439           fillSecondaries( ni_ );
00440       }
00441       if( muId_ != -1 ) {
00442           // if a muon has been found
00443           reco::MuonRef muonref( muonh, muId_ );
00444           primaryElement->setMuonRef( muonref );
00445       }
00446       if( v0Id_ != -1 ) {
00447         // if a V0 has been found
00448         reco::PFV0Ref v0ref( v0, v0Id_ );
00449         primaryElement->setV0Ref( v0ref->originalV0(),reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0 );
00450       }
00452       elements_.push_back( primaryElement );
00453     }
00454   }
00456   // GSF Tracks And Brems
00457   if(gsftrackh.isValid() ) {
00458     const  reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection PFGsfProd = *(gsftrackh.product());
00459     for(unsigned i=0;i<gsftrackh->size(); i++) {
00460       if( !gsftrackMask.empty() &&
00461           !gsftrackMask[i] ) continue;
00462       reco::GsfPFRecTrackRef refgsf(gsftrackh,i );   
00464       if((refgsf).isNull()) continue;
00466       reco::PFBlockElement* gsfEl;
00468       const  std::vector<reco::PFTrajectoryPoint> PfGsfPoint =  PFGsfProd[i].trajectoryPoints();
00470       uint c_gsf=0;
00471       bool PassTracker = false;
00472       bool GetPout = false;
00473       uint IndexPout = -1;
00474       for(std::vector<reco::PFTrajectoryPoint>::const_iterator itPfGsfPoint =  PfGsfPoint.begin();  itPfGsfPoint!= PfGsfPoint.end();itPfGsfPoint++) {
00475         if (itPfGsfPoint->isValid()){
00476           int layGsfP = itPfGsfPoint->layer();
00477           if (layGsfP == -1) PassTracker = true;
00478           if (PassTracker && layGsfP > 0 && GetPout == false) {
00479             IndexPout = c_gsf-1;
00480             GetPout = true;
00481           }
00482           //      const math::XYZTLorentzVector GsfMoment = itPfGsfPoint->momentum();
00483           c_gsf++;
00484         }
00485       }
00486       math::XYZTLorentzVector pin = PfGsfPoint[0].momentum();      
00487       math::XYZTLorentzVector pout = PfGsfPoint[IndexPout].momentum();
00490       gsfEl = new reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack(refgsf, pin, pout);
00492       elements_.push_back( gsfEl);
00495       std::vector<reco::PFBrem> pfbrem = refgsf->PFRecBrem();
00497       for (unsigned i2=0;i2<pfbrem.size(); i2++) {
00499         const double DP = pfbrem[i2].DeltaP();
00500         const double SigmaDP =  pfbrem[i2].SigmaDeltaP(); 
00501         const uint TrajP = pfbrem[i2].indTrajPoint();
00503         reco::PFBlockElement* bremEl;
00504         bremEl = new reco::PFBlockElementBrem(refgsf,DP,SigmaDP,TrajP);     
00505         elements_.push_back(bremEl);
00507       }
00508     }
00509   }
00513   if(ecalh.isValid() ) {
00514     for(unsigned i=0;i<ecalh->size(); i++)  {
00516       // this ecal cluster has been disabled
00517       if( !ecalMask.empty() &&
00518           !ecalMask[i] ) continue;
00520       reco::PFClusterRef ref( ecalh,i );
00521       reco::PFBlockElement* te
00522         = new reco::PFBlockElementCluster( ref,
00523                                            reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL);
00524       elements_.push_back( te );
00525     }
00526   }
00528   if(hcalh.isValid() ) {
00530     for(unsigned i=0;i<hcalh->size(); i++)  {
00532       // this hcal cluster has been disabled
00533       if( !hcalMask.empty() &&
00534           !hcalMask[i] ) continue;
00536       reco::PFClusterRef ref( hcalh,i );
00537       reco::PFBlockElement* th
00538         = new reco::PFBlockElementCluster( ref,
00539                                            reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL );
00540       elements_.push_back( th );
00541     }
00542   }
00543   if(psh.isValid() ) {
00544     for(unsigned i=0;i<psh->size(); i++)  {
00546       // this ps cluster has been disabled
00547       if( !psMask.empty() &&
00548           !psMask[i] ) continue;
00549       reco::PFBlockElement::Type type = reco::PFBlockElement::NONE;
00550       reco::PFClusterRef ref( psh,i );
00551       // two types of elements:  PS1 (V) and PS2 (H) 
00552       // depending on layer:  PS1 or PS2
00553       switch(ref->layer()){
00554       case PFLayer::PS1:
00555         type = reco::PFBlockElement::PS1;
00556         break;
00557       case PFLayer::PS2:
00558         type = reco::PFBlockElement::PS2;
00559         break;
00560       default:
00561         break;
00562       }
00563       reco::PFBlockElement* tp
00564         = new reco::PFBlockElementCluster( ref,
00565                                      type );
00566       elements_.push_back( tp );
00568     }
00569   }
00570 }

void PFBlockAlgo::setParameters ( const char *  resMapEtaECAL,
const char *  resMapPhiECAL,
const char *  resMapEtaHCAL,
const char *  resMapPhiHCAL,
double  DPtovPtCut,
double  chi2TrackECAL,
double  chi2GSFECAL,
double  chi2TrackHCAL,
double  chi2ECALHCAL,
double  chi2PSECAL,
double  chi2PSTrack,
double  chi2PSHV,
bool  multiLink 

Definition at line 43 of file

References chi2ECALHCAL_, chi2GSFECAL_, chi2PSECAL_, chi2PSHV_, chi2PSTrack_, chi2TrackECAL_, chi2TrackHCAL_, DPtovPtCut_, err, exception, multipleLink_, resMapEtaECAL_, resMapEtaHCAL_, resMapPhiECAL_, resMapPhiHCAL_, resPSlength_, resPSpitch_, and funct::sqrt().

Referenced by PFBlockProducer::PFBlockProducer(), and PFRootEventManager::readOptions().

00055                                                     {
00057   try {
00058     resMapEtaECAL_ = new PFResolutionMap("resmapEtaECAL",resMapEtaECAL);
00059     resMapPhiECAL_ = new PFResolutionMap("resmapPhiECAL",resMapPhiECAL);
00060     resMapEtaHCAL_ = new PFResolutionMap("resmapEtaHCAL",resMapEtaHCAL);
00061     resMapPhiHCAL_ = new PFResolutionMap("resmapPhiHCAL",resMapPhiHCAL);
00062   }
00063   catch(std::exception& err ) {
00064     // cout<<err.what()<<endl;
00065     throw;
00066   }
00068   DPtovPtCut_    = DPtovPtCut;
00069   chi2TrackECAL_ = chi2TrackECAL;
00070   chi2GSFECAL_   = chi2GSFECAL;
00071   chi2TrackHCAL_ = chi2TrackHCAL; 
00072   chi2ECALHCAL_  = chi2ECALHCAL;
00073   chi2PSECAL_    = chi2PSECAL;
00074   chi2PSTrack_   = chi2PSTrack;
00075   chi2PSHV_      = chi2PSHV;
00076   double strip_pitch = 0.19;
00077   double strip_length = 6.1;
00078   resPSpitch_    = strip_pitch/sqrt(12.);
00079   resPSlength_   = strip_length/sqrt(12.);
00081   multipleLink_  = multiLink;
00082 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testECALAndHCAL ( const reco::PFCluster ecal,
const reco::PFCluster hcal 
) const [private]

tests association between an ECAL and an HCAL cluster

this function is non const because it uses PFResolutionMap, which reimplements TH1::FindBin, which is non const.

Definition at line 989 of file

References chi2ECALHCAL_, computeChi2(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, reco::PFCluster::energy(), PFResolutionMap::FindBin(), reco::PFCluster::positionREP(), resMapEtaECAL_, resMapEtaHCAL_, resMapPhiECAL_, and resMapPhiHCAL_.

Referenced by link().

00990                                                            {
00992   //   cout<<"entering testECALAndHCAL"<<endl;
00995   PFResolutionMap* mapetaECAL = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapEtaECAL_);
00996   PFResolutionMap* mapphiECAL = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapPhiECAL_);
00998   PFResolutionMap* mapetaHCAL = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapEtaHCAL_);
00999   PFResolutionMap* mapphiHCAL = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapPhiHCAL_);
01001   // retrieve resolutions from resolution maps
01002   double ecaletares 
01003     = mapetaECAL->GetBinContent(mapetaECAL->FindBin(ecal.positionREP().Eta(), 
01004                                            ) );
01005   double ecalphires 
01006     = mapphiECAL->GetBinContent(mapphiECAL->FindBin(ecal.positionREP().Eta(), 
01007                                            ) );
01009   double hcaletares 
01010     = mapetaHCAL->GetBinContent(mapetaHCAL->FindBin(hcal.positionREP().Eta(), 
01011                                            ) );
01012   double hcalphires 
01013     = mapphiHCAL->GetBinContent(mapphiHCAL->FindBin(hcal.positionREP().Eta(), 
01014                                            ) );
01016   // compute chi2
01017   std::pair<double,double> lnk = 
01018     computeChi2( ecal.positionREP().Eta(), ecaletares, 
01019                  ecal.positionREP().Phi(), ecalphires, 
01020                  hcal.positionREP().Eta(), hcaletares, 
01021                  hcal.positionREP().Phi(), hcalphires );
01022   double chi2 = lnk.first;
01024 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01025   if(debug_) cout<<"testECALAndHCAL "<<chi2<<" "<<endl;
01026   if(debug_){
01027     cout<<" ecaleta " << ecal.positionREP().Eta()<< "  ecaletares "<<ecaletares
01028         <<" ecalphi " << ecal.positionREP().Phi()<< "  ecalphires "<<ecalphires
01029         <<" hcaleta " << hcal.positionREP().Eta()<< "  hcaletares "<<hcaletares
01030         <<" hcalphi " << hcal.positionREP().Phi()<< "  hcalphires "<<hcalphires<< endl;
01031   }
01032 #endif
01035   if(chi2<chi2ECALHCAL_ || chi2ECALHCAL_<0 )
01036     return lnk;
01037   else 
01038     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
01039 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testLinkByRecHit ( const reco::PFRecTrack track,
const reco::PFCluster cluster 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1225 of file

References GeomDetEnumerators::barrel, computeChi2(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, PFLayer::ECAL_BARREL, PFLayer::ECAL_ENDCAP, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALShowerMax, reco::PFCluster::energy(), reco::PFRecHit::energy(), reco::PFTrack::extrapolatedPoint(), PFResolutionMap::FindBin(), reco::PFRecHit::getCornersREP(), reco::PFRecHit::getCornersXYZ(), PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1, PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::HCALEntrance, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::isValid(), reco::PFCluster::layer(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::position(), reco::PFRecHit::position(), reco::PFCluster::positionREP(), reco::PFRecHit::positionREP(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::positionREP(), PFLayer::PS1, PFLayer::PS2, reco::PFCluster::recHitFractions(), resMapEtaECAL_, resMapEtaHCAL_, resMapPhiECAL_, resMapPhiHCAL_, x, and y.

Referenced by link().

01226                                                                  {
01228 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01229   if( debug_ ) 
01230     cout<<"entering test link by rechit function"<<endl;
01231 #endif
01233   //cluster position
01234   double clustereta  = cluster.positionREP().Eta();
01235   double clusterphi  = cluster.positionREP().Phi();
01237   bool barrel = false;
01239   //track extrapolation
01240   const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& atECAL 
01241     = track.extrapolatedPoint( reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALShowerMax );
01242   const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& atHCAL 
01243     = track.extrapolatedPoint( reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::HCALEntrance );
01245   //track
01246   double tracketa = 999999.9;
01247   double trackphi = 999999.9;
01248   double track_X  = 999999.9;
01249   double track_Y  = 999999.9;
01251   //retrieving resolution maps
01252   PFResolutionMap* mapeta;
01253   PFResolutionMap* mapphi;
01254   switch (cluster.layer()) {
01255   case PFLayer::ECAL_BARREL: barrel = true;
01256   case PFLayer::ECAL_ENDCAP:
01257 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01258     if( debug_ )
01259       cout << "Fetching Ecal Resolution Maps"
01260            << endl;
01261 #endif
01262     mapeta = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapEtaECAL_);
01263     mapphi = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapPhiECAL_);
01265     // did not reach ecal, cannot be associated with a cluster.
01266     if( ! atECAL.isValid() ) return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);   
01268     tracketa = atECAL.positionREP().Eta();
01269     trackphi = atECAL.positionREP().Phi();
01270     track_X  = atECAL.position().X();
01271     track_Y  = atECAL.position().Y();
01273     break;
01274   case PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1: barrel = true;
01275   case PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP:
01276 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01277     if( debug_ )
01278       cout << "Fetching Hcal Resolution Maps"
01279            << endl;
01280 #endif
01281     mapeta = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapEtaHCAL_);
01282     mapphi = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapPhiHCAL_);
01284     // did not reach hcal, cannot be associated with a cluster.
01285     if( ! atHCAL.isValid() ) return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);   
01287     tracketa = atHCAL.positionREP().Eta();
01288     trackphi = atHCAL.positionREP().Phi();
01289     track_X  = atHCAL.position().X();
01290     track_Y  = atHCAL.position().Y();
01292     break;
01293   case PFLayer::PS1:
01294   case PFLayer::PS2:
01295     //Note Alex: Nothing implemented for the
01296     //PreShower (No resolution maps yet)
01297 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01298     if( debug_ )
01299       cout << "No link by rechit possible for pre-shower yet!"
01300            << endl;
01301 #endif
01302     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
01303   default:
01304     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
01305   }
01307   double clusteretares 
01308     = mapeta->GetBinContent(mapeta->FindBin(clustereta, 
01309                                    ) );
01310   double clusterphires 
01311     = mapphi->GetBinContent(mapphi->FindBin(clustereta, 
01312                                    ) );
01315   // rec track resolution should be negligible compared 
01316   // calo resolution
01317   double trackres = 0;
01319   std::pair<double,double> lnk = computeChi2( clustereta, clusteretares, 
01320                                               clusterphi, clusterphires, 
01321                                               tracketa, trackres, 
01322                                               trackphi, trackres);
01324 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01325   double chi2 = lnk.first;
01326   if(debug_) cout<<"test link by rechit "<<chi2<<" "<<endl;
01327   if(debug_){
01328     cout<<" clustereta "  << clustereta << "  clusteretares "<<clusteretares
01329         <<" clusterphi "  << clusterphi << "  clusterphires "<<clusterphires
01330         <<" tracketa " << tracketa<< "  trackres "  <<trackres
01331         <<" trackphi " << trackphi<< "  trackres "  <<trackres << endl;
01332   }
01333 #endif
01335   //Testing if Track can be linked by rechit to a cluster.
01336   //A cluster can be linked to a track if the extrapolated position 
01337   //of the track to the ECAL ShowerMax/HCAL entrance falls within 
01338   //the boundaries of any cell that belongs to this cluster.
01340   const std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >& 
01341     fracs = cluster.recHitFractions();
01343   bool linkedbyrechit = false;
01344   //loop rechits
01345   for(unsigned int rhit = 0; rhit < fracs.size(); ++rhit){
01347     const reco::PFRecHitRef& rh = fracs[rhit].recHitRef();
01348     if(rh.isNull()) continue;
01350     //getting rechit center position
01351     const reco::PFRecHit& rechit_cluster = *rh;
01352     // const math::XYZPoint& posxyz 
01353     //   = rechit_cluster.position();
01354     const reco::PFRecHit::REPPoint& posrep 
01355       = rechit_cluster.positionREP();
01357     //getting rechit corners
01358     const std::vector< math::XYZPoint >& 
01359       cornersxyz = rechit_cluster.getCornersXYZ();
01360     const std::vector<reco::PFRecHit::REPPoint>& corners = 
01361       rechit_cluster.getCornersREP();
01362     assert(corners.size() == 4);
01365     if( barrel ){ //barrel case matching in eta/phi
01367       //rechit size determination
01368       double rhsizeEta 
01369         = fabs(corners[0].Eta() - corners[2].Eta());
01370       double rhsizePhi 
01371         = fabs(corners[0].Phi() - corners[2].Phi());
01372       if ( rhsizePhi > M_PI ) rhsizePhi = 2.*M_PI - rhsizePhi;
01374 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01375       if( debug_ ) {
01376         cout << rhit         << " Hcal RecHit=" 
01377              << posrep.Eta() << " " 
01378              << posrep.Phi() << " "
01379              << 
01380              << endl; 
01381         for ( unsigned jc=0; jc<4; ++jc ) 
01382           cout<<"corners "<<jc<<" "<<corners[jc].Eta()
01383               <<" "<<corners[jc].Phi()<<endl;
01385         cout << "RecHit SizeEta=" << rhsizeEta
01386              << " SizePhi=" << rhsizePhi << endl;
01387       }
01388 #endif
01390       //distance track-rechit center
01391       // const math::XYZPoint& posxyz 
01392       // = rechit_cluster.position();
01393       double deta = fabs(posrep.Eta() - tracketa);
01394       double dphi = fabs(posrep.Phi() - trackphi);
01395       if ( dphi > M_PI ) dphi = 2.*M_PI - dphi;
01397 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01398       if( debug_ ){
01399         cout << "distance=" 
01400              << deta << " " 
01401              << dphi << " ";
01402         if(deta < (rhsizeEta/2.) && dphi < (rhsizePhi/2.))
01403           cout << " link here !" << endl;
01404         else cout << endl;
01405       }
01406 #endif
01408       if(deta < (rhsizeEta/2.) && dphi < (rhsizePhi/2.)){ 
01409         linkedbyrechit = true;
01410         break;
01411       }
01412     }
01413     else { //endcap case, matching in X,Y
01415 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01416       if( debug_ ){
01417         const math::XYZPoint& posxyz 
01418           = rechit_cluster.position();
01420         cout << "RH " << posxyz.X()
01421              << " "   << posxyz.Y()
01422              << endl;
01424         cout << "TRACK " << track_X
01425              << " "      << track_Y
01426              << endl;
01427       }
01428 #endif
01430       double x[5];
01431       double y[5];
01432       for ( unsigned jc=0; jc<4; ++jc ) {
01433         math::XYZPoint cornerposxyz = cornersxyz[jc];
01434         x[jc] = cornerposxyz.X();
01435         y[jc] = cornerposxyz.Y();
01437 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01438         if( debug_ ){
01439           cout<<"corners "<<jc
01440               << " " << cornerposxyz.X()
01441               << " " << cornerposxyz.Y()
01442               << endl;
01443         }
01444 #endif
01445       }//loop corners
01447       //need to close the polygon in order to
01448       //use the TMath::IsInside fonction from root lib
01449       x[4] = x[0];
01450       y[4] = y[0];
01452       //Check if the extrapolation point of the track falls 
01453       //within the rechit boundaries
01454       bool isinside = TMath::IsInside(track_X,
01455                                       track_Y,
01456                                       5,x,y);
01458       if( isinside ){
01459         linkedbyrechit = true;
01460         break;
01461       }
01462     }//
01464   }//loop rechits
01466   if( linkedbyrechit ) {
01467 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01468     if( debug_ ) 
01469       cout << "Track and Cluster LINKED BY RECHIT" << endl;
01470 #endif
01471     return lnk;
01472   }
01473   else
01474     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
01475 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testLinkByVertex ( const reco::PFBlockElement elt1,
const reco::PFBlockElement elt2 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1178 of file

References reco::PFBlockElement::convRef(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, lat::endl(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), reco::PFBlockElement::nuclearRef(), HLT_VtxMuL3::result, reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV, reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_NUCL, reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0, reco::PFBlockElement::T_TO_NUCL, reco::PFBlockElement::trackType(), and reco::PFBlockElement::V0Ref().

Referenced by link().

01179                                                                      {
01181   double result=-1.;
01182   if( (elt1->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_TO_NUCL) &&
01183        elt2->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_NUCL)) ||
01184       (elt1->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_NUCL) &&
01185        elt2->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_TO_NUCL)) ||
01186       (elt1->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_NUCL) &&
01187        elt2->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_NUCL))) {
01189     NuclearInteractionRef ni1_ = elt1->nuclearRef(); 
01190     NuclearInteractionRef ni2_ = elt2->nuclearRef(); 
01191     if( ni1_.isNonnull() && ni2_.isNonnull() ) {
01192       if( ni1_ == ni2_ ) result= 1.0;
01193     }
01194   }
01195   else if (  elt1->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV)  &&
01196              elt2->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV)  ) {
01198     if(debug_ ) std::cout << " testLinkByVertex On Conversions " << std::endl;
01200     if ( elt1->convRef().isNonnull() && elt2->convRef().isNonnull() ) {
01201       if(debug_ ) std::cout << " testLinkByVertex  Cconversion Refs are non null  " << std::endl;      
01202       if ( elt1->convRef() ==  elt2->convRef() ) {
01203         result=1.0;
01204         if(debug_ ) std::cout << " testLinkByVertex  Cconversion Refs are equal  " << std::endl;           
01205       }
01206     } 
01208   }
01209   else if (  elt1->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0)  &&
01210              elt2->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_V0)  ) {
01211     if(debug_ ) std::cout << " testLinkByVertex On V0 " << std::endl;
01212     if ( elt1->V0Ref().isNonnull() && elt2->V0Ref().isNonnull() ) {
01213       if(debug_ ) std::cout << " testLinkByVertex  V0 Refs are non null  " << std::endl;
01214       if ( elt1->V0Ref() ==  elt2->V0Ref() ) {
01215         result=1.0;
01216         if(debug_ ) std::cout << " testLinkByVertex  V0 Refs are equal  " << std::endl;
01217       }
01218     }
01219   }
01221   return std::pair<double,double>(result,0.);
01222 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testPS1AndPS2 ( const reco::PFCluster ps1,
const reco::PFCluster ps2 
) const [private]

tests association between a PS1 v cluster and a PS2 h cluster returns chi2

Definition at line 1129 of file

References chi2PSHV_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, reco::CaloCluster::position(), resPSlength_, resPSpitch_, scale, and funct::sqrt().

Referenced by link().

01130                                                         {
01132   //   cout<<"entering testPS1AndPS2"<<endl;
01134   // compute chi2 in y, z using swimming formulae
01135   // y2 = y1 * z2/z1   and x2 = x1 *z2/z1
01137   // ps position1  x, y, z
01138   double x1 = ps1.position().X();
01139   double y1 = ps1.position().Y();
01140   double z1 = ps1.position().Z();
01141   double x2 = ps2.position().X();
01142   double y2 = ps2.position().Y();
01143   double z2 = ps2.position().Z();
01144   // swim to PS2
01145   double scale = z2/z1;
01146   double x1atPS2 = x1*scale;
01147   double y1atPS2 = y1*scale;
01148   // resolution of PS cluster dxdx and dydy from strip pitch and length
01149   // vertical strips in PS1, measure x with pitch precision
01150   double dx1dx1 = resPSpitch_*resPSpitch_*scale*scale;
01151   double dy1dy1 = resPSlength_*resPSlength_*scale*scale;
01152   // horizontal strips in PS2 , measure y with pitch precision
01153   double dy2dy2 = resPSpitch_*resPSpitch_;
01154   double dx2dx2 = resPSlength_*resPSlength_;
01156   double chi2 = (x2-x1atPS2)*(x2-x1atPS2)/(dx1dx1 + dx2dx2) 
01157     + (y2-y1atPS2)*(y2-y1atPS2)/(dy1dy1 + dy2dy2);
01159   double dist = std::sqrt( (x2-x1atPS2)*(x2-x1atPS2)
01160                          + (y2-y1atPS2)*(y2-y1atPS2));
01162 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01163   if(debug_) cout<<"testPS1AndPS2 "<<chi2<<" "<<endl;
01164   if(debug_){
01165     cout<<" x1atPS2 "<< x1atPS2 << " dx1 "<<resPSpitch_*scale
01166         <<" y1atPS2 "<< y1atPS2 << " dy1 "<<resPSlength_*scale<< endl
01167         <<" x2 " <<x2  << " dx2 "<<resPSlength_
01168         <<" y2 " << y2 << " dy2 "<<resPSpitch_<< endl;
01169   }
01170 #endif
01171   if(chi2<chi2PSHV_ || chi2PSHV_<0 )
01172     return std::pair<double,double>(chi2,dist);
01173   else 
01174     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
01175 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testPSAndECAL ( const reco::PFCluster ps,
const reco::PFCluster ecal 
) const [private]

tests association between an PS and an ECAL cluster returns chi2

Definition at line 1041 of file

References chi2PSECAL_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, reco::PFCluster::energy(), PFResolutionMap::FindBin(), reco::PFCluster::layer(), Utils::mpi_pi(), reco::CaloCluster::position(), reco::PFCluster::positionREP(), PFLayer::PS1, PFLayer::PS2, resMapEtaECAL_, resMapPhiECAL_, resPSlength_, resPSpitch_, and funct::sqrt().

Referenced by link().

01042                                                          {
01044   //   cout<<"entering testPSAndECAL"<<endl;
01046   PFResolutionMap* mapetaECAL = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapEtaECAL_);
01047   PFResolutionMap* mapphiECAL = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapPhiECAL_);
01049   // retrieve resolutions from resolution maps
01050   double ecaletares 
01051     = mapetaECAL->GetBinContent(mapetaECAL->FindBin(ecal.positionREP().Eta(), 
01052                                            ) );
01053   double ecalphires 
01054     = mapphiECAL->GetBinContent(mapphiECAL->FindBin(ecal.positionREP().Eta(), 
01055                                            ) );
01056   // ecal position in eta and phi
01057   double ecaleta = ecal.positionREP().Eta();
01058   double ecalphi = ecal.positionREP().Phi();
01061   // ps position x, y, z, R and  rho, eta, phi
01062   double pseta = ps.positionREP().Eta();
01063   double psphi = ps.positionREP().Phi();
01064   double psrho = ps.positionREP().Rho();
01065   double psrho2 = psrho*psrho;
01066   double psx = ps.position().X();
01067   double psy = ps.position().Y();
01068   double psz = ps.position().Z();
01069   double psR = ps.position().R();
01070   // resolution of PS cluster dxdx and dydy from strip pitch and length
01071   double dxdx =0.;
01072   double dydy =0.;
01073   switch (ps.layer()) {
01074   case PFLayer::PS1:
01075     // vertical strips, measure x with pitch precision
01076     dxdx = resPSpitch_*resPSpitch_;
01077     dydy = resPSlength_*resPSlength_;
01078     break;
01079   case PFLayer::PS2:
01080     // horizontal strips, measure y with pitch precision
01081     dydy = resPSpitch_*resPSpitch_;
01082     dxdx = resPSlength_*resPSlength_;
01083     break;
01084   default:
01085     break;
01086   }
01087   // derivatives deta/dx, deta/dy, dphi/dx, dphi/deta
01088   double detadx = psx*psz/(psrho2*psR);
01089   double detady = psy*psz/(psrho2*psR);
01090   double dphidx = -psy/psrho2;
01091   double dphidy = psx/psrho2;
01092   // propagate error matrix  x. y (diagonal) to eta, phi (non diagonal)
01093   double detadeta = detadx*detadx*dxdx + detady*detady*dydy;
01094   double dphidphi = dphidx*dphidx*dxdx + dphidy*dphidy*dydy;
01095   double detadphi = detadx*dphidx*dxdx + detady*dphidy*dydy;
01096   // add ecal resol in quadrature
01097   double detadetas = detadeta + ecaletares*ecaletares;
01098   double dphidphis = dphidphi + ecalphires*ecalphires;
01099   // compute chi2 in eta, phi with non diagonal error matrix (detadphi non zero)
01100   double deta = pseta - ecaleta;
01101   double dphi = Utils::mpi_pi(psphi - ecalphi);
01102   double det  = detadetas*dphidphis - detadphi*detadphi;
01103   double chi2 
01104     = (dphidphis*deta*deta + detadetas*dphi*dphi - 2.*detadphi*deta*dphi)/det;
01105   double dist = std::sqrt(deta*deta+dphi*dphi);
01108 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
01109   if(debug_) cout<<"testPSAndECAL "<<chi2<<" "<<endl;
01110   if(debug_){
01111     double psetares = sqrt(detadeta);
01112     double psphires = sqrt (dphidphi);
01113     cout<< " pseta "  <<pseta   << " psetares "   << psetares
01114         << " psphi "  <<psphi   << " psphires "   << psphires << endl
01115         << " ecaleta "<<ecaleta << " ecaletares " << ecaletares
01116         << " ecalphi "<<ecalphi << " ecalphires " << ecalphires<< endl;
01117   }
01118 #endif
01121   if(chi2<chi2PSECAL_ || chi2PSECAL_<0 )
01122     return std::pair<double,double>(chi2,dist);
01123   else 
01124     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
01125 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testTrackAndECAL ( const reco::PFRecTrack track,
const reco::PFCluster ecal,
double  SignBremDp = 10. 
) const [private]

tests association between a track and an ECAL cluster

this function is non const because it uses PFResolutionMap, which reimplements TH1::FindBin, which is non const.

Definition at line 828 of file

References reco::PFRecTrack::algoType(), chi2GSFECAL_, chi2TrackECAL_, computeChi2(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, direction, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALEntrance, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALShowerMax, reco::PFCluster::energy(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), reco::PFTrack::extrapolatedPoint(), PFResolutionMap::FindBin(), reco::PFCluster::getDepthCorrection(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::isValid(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::momentum(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::position(), reco::PFCluster::positionREP(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::positionREP(), resMapEtaECAL_, resMapPhiECAL_, and Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::unit().

Referenced by link().

00830                                                         {
00832   //   cout<<"entering testTrackAndECAL"<<endl;
00835   double tracketa;
00836   double trackphi;
00838   // special chi2 for GSF-ECAL matching
00839   double chi2cut = (track.algoType()!=PFRecTrack::GSF) ? chi2TrackECAL_ : chi2GSFECAL_;
00841   //  cout << " SignBremDp " << SignBremDp << endl;
00842   // The SignBremDp cut has to be optimized 
00843   if (SignBremDp > 3) {
00844     const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& atECAL 
00845       = track.extrapolatedPoint( reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALShowerMax );
00846     if( ! atECAL.isValid() ) return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);   
00847     tracketa = atECAL.positionREP().Eta();
00848     trackphi = atECAL.positionREP().Phi();
00849     //   cout<<"atECAL "<<atECAL.layer()<<" "
00850     //       <<atECAL.position().Eta()<<" "
00851     //       <<atECAL.position().Phi()<<endl;
00852   }
00853   else {
00854     // needed only for the brem when the momentum is bad estimated. 
00855     // The ECAL cluster energy is taken in these cases
00857     const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& atECAL 
00858       = track.extrapolatedPoint( reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALEntrance );
00859     if( ! atECAL.isValid() ) return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);   
00860     math::XYZVector posatecal( atECAL.position().x(),
00861                                atECAL.position().y(),
00862                                atECAL.position().z());
00864     bool isBelowPS=(fabs(ecal.positionREP().Eta())>1.65) ? true :false;
00865     double clusenergy =;
00866     double ecalShowerDepth 
00867       = reco::PFCluster::getDepthCorrection(clusenergy, isBelowPS,false);
00869     math::XYZVector direction(atECAL.momentum().x(),
00870                               atECAL.momentum().y(),
00871                               atECAL.momentum().z() );
00873     direction=direction.unit();
00874     posatecal += ecalShowerDepth*direction;
00875     tracketa = posatecal.eta();
00876     trackphi = posatecal.phi();
00877   }
00880   double ecaleta  = ecal.positionREP().Eta();
00881   double ecalphi  = ecal.positionREP().Phi();
00884   PFResolutionMap* mapeta = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapEtaECAL_);
00885   PFResolutionMap* mapphi = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapPhiECAL_);
00888   double ecaletares 
00889     = mapeta->GetBinContent(mapeta->FindBin(ecaleta, 
00890                                    ) );
00891   double ecalphires 
00892     = mapphi->GetBinContent(mapphi->FindBin(ecaleta, 
00893                                    ) );
00896   // rec track resolution should be negligible compared to ecal resolution
00897   double trackres = 0;
00899   std::pair<double,double> lnk = computeChi2( ecaleta, ecaletares, 
00900                                               ecalphi, ecalphires, 
00901                                               tracketa, trackres, 
00902                                               trackphi, trackres);
00903   double chi2 = lnk.first;
00905 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
00906   if(debug_) cout<<"testTrackAndECAL "<<chi2<<" "<<endl;
00907   if(debug_){
00908     cout<<" ecaleta "  << ecaleta  << "  ecaletares " <<ecaletares
00909         <<" ecalphi "  << ecalphi  << "  ecalphires " <<ecalphires
00910         <<" tracketa " << tracketa << "  trackres "   <<trackres
00911         <<" trackphi " << trackphi << "  trackres "   <<trackres << endl;
00912   }
00913 #endif
00916   if(chi2<chi2cut || chi2TrackECAL_<0 )
00917     return lnk;
00918   else 
00919     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
00920 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testTrackAndHCAL ( const reco::PFRecTrack track,
const reco::PFCluster hcal 
) const [private]

tests association between a track and an HCAL cluster

this function is non const because it uses PFResolutionMap, which reimplements TH1::FindBin, which is non const.

Definition at line 925 of file

References chi2TrackHCAL_, computeChi2(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, reco::PFCluster::energy(), reco::PFTrack::extrapolatedPoint(), PFResolutionMap::FindBin(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::HCALEntrance, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::isValid(), reco::PFCluster::positionREP(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::positionREP(), resMapEtaHCAL_, and resMapPhiHCAL_.

Referenced by link().

00926                                                             {
00929   //   cout<<"entering testTrackAndHCAL"<<endl;
00931   // this is the fake cluster for ps cells
00932   //   if( ! hcal.type() ) return -1;
00935   const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& atHCAL 
00936     = track.extrapolatedPoint( reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::HCALEntrance );
00938   //   cout<<"atHCAL "<<atHCAL.layer()<<" "
00939   //       <<atHCAL.position().Eta()<<" "
00940   //       <<atHCAL.position().Phi()<<endl;
00942   // did not reach hcal, cannot be associated with a cluster.
00943   if( ! atHCAL.isValid() ) return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);   
00945   double tracketa = atHCAL.positionREP().Eta();
00946   double trackphi = atHCAL.positionREP().Phi();
00947   double hcaleta  = hcal.positionREP().Eta();
00948   double hcalphi  = hcal.positionREP().Phi();
00951   PFResolutionMap* mapeta = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapEtaHCAL_);
00952   PFResolutionMap* mapphi = const_cast<PFResolutionMap*>(resMapPhiHCAL_);
00954   double hcaletares 
00955     = mapeta->GetBinContent(mapeta->FindBin(hcaleta, 
00956                                    ) );
00957   double hcalphires 
00958     = mapphi->GetBinContent(mapphi->FindBin(hcaleta, 
00959                                    ) );
00962   // rec track resolution should be negligible compared to hcal resolution
00963   double trackres = 0;
00965   std::pair<double,double> lnk = computeChi2( hcaleta, hcaletares, 
00966                                               hcalphi, hcalphires, 
00967                                               tracketa, trackres, 
00968                                               trackphi, trackres);
00969   double chi2 = lnk.first;
00971 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
00972   if(debug_) cout<<"testTrackAndHCAL "<<chi2<<" "<<endl;
00973   if(debug_){
00974     cout<<" hcaleta "  << hcaleta << "  hcaletares "<<hcaletares
00975         <<" hcalphi "  << hcalphi << "  hcalphires "<<hcalphires
00976         <<" tracketa " << tracketa<< "  trackres "  <<trackres
00977         <<" trackphi " << trackphi<< "  trackres "  <<trackres << endl;
00978   }
00979 #endif
00981   if(chi2<chi2TrackHCAL_ || chi2TrackHCAL_<0 )
00982     return lnk;
00983   else 
00984     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
00985 }

std::pair< double, double > PFBlockAlgo::testTrackAndPS ( const reco::PFRecTrack track,
const reco::PFCluster ps 
) const [private]

tests association between a track and a PS cluster returns chi2

Definition at line 757 of file

References chi2PSTrack_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, reco::PFTrack::extrapolatedPoint(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::isValid(), reco::PFCluster::layer(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::position(), reco::CaloCluster::position(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::PS1, PFLayer::PS1, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::PS2, PFLayer::PS2, resPSlength_, resPSpitch_, and funct::sqrt().

Referenced by link().

00758                                                         {
00760   //   cout<<"entering testTrackAndPS"<<endl;
00761   // resolution of PS cluster dxdx and dydy from strip pitch and length
00762   double dx=0.;
00763   double dy=0.;
00765   unsigned layerid =0;
00766   // PS1: vertical strips  PS2: horizontal strips
00767   switch (ps.layer()) {
00768   case PFLayer::PS1:
00769     layerid = reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::PS1;
00771     // vertical strips in PS1, measure x with pitch precision
00772     dx = resPSpitch_;
00773     dy = resPSlength_; 
00774     break;
00775   case PFLayer::PS2:
00776     layerid = reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::PS2;
00777     // horizontal strips in PS2, measure y with pitch precision
00778     dy = resPSpitch_;
00779     dx = resPSlength_;
00780     break;
00781   default:
00782     break;
00783   }
00784   const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& atPS
00785     = track.extrapolatedPoint( layerid );  
00786   // did not reach PS, cannot be associated with a cluster.
00787   if( ! atPS.isValid() ) return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);   
00789   double trackx = atPS.position().X();
00790   double tracky = atPS.position().Y();
00792   // ps position  x, y
00793   double psx = ps.position().X();
00794   double psy = ps.position().Y();
00796   // rec track resolution negligible compared to ps resolution?
00797   // compute chi2 PS_TRACK in x, y
00798   double trackresolx = 0.;
00799   double trackresoly = 0.;
00801   double chi2 = (psx-trackx)*(psx-trackx)/(dx*dx + trackresolx*trackresolx)
00802     + (psy-tracky)*(psy-tracky)/(dy*dy + trackresoly*trackresoly);
00804   double dist = std::sqrt( (psx-trackx)*(psx-trackx)
00805                          + (psy-tracky)*(psy-tracky));
00808 #ifdef PFLOW_DEBUG
00809   if(debug_) cout<<"testTrackAndPS "<<chi2<<" "<<endl;
00810   if(debug_){
00811     cout<<" trackx " << trackx << " trackresolx " << trackresolx
00812         <<" tracky " << tracky << " trackresoly " << trackresoly << endl
00813         <<" psx "    <<  psx   << "  dx "         << dx
00814         <<" psy "    << psy    << "  dy "         << dy << endl;
00815   }
00816 #endif
00819   if(chi2<chi2PSTrack_ || chi2PSTrack_<0 )
00820     return std::pair<double,double>(chi2,dist);
00821   else 
00822     return std::pair<double,double>(-1,-1);
00823 }

std::auto_ptr< reco::PFBlockCollection > PFBlockAlgo::transferBlocks (  )  [inline]

auto_ptr to collection of blocks

Definition at line 142 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

References blocks_.

Referenced by PFRootEventManager::particleFlow(), and PFBlockProducer::produce().

00142 {return blocks_;}

int PFBlockAlgo::v0AssocToTrack ( const reco::TrackRef trackref,
const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFV0Collection > &  v0 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1678 of file

References edm::OrphanHandle< T >::isValid(), and k.

01679                                                                                       {
01680   if( v0.isValid() ) {
01681     // look for v0 associated to primTkRef
01682     for( unsigned int k=0; k<v0->size(); ++k) {
01683       for (uint itk=0;itk<(*v0)[k].Tracks().size();itk++){
01684         if( (*v0)[k].Tracks()[itk] == primTkRef) return k;
01685       }
01687     }
01688     return -1; // not found
01689   }
01690   else return -1;
01691 }

int PFBlockAlgo::v0AssocToTrack ( const reco::TrackRef trackref,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFV0Collection > &  v0 
) const [private]

find index of the V0 track associated to trackref.

if no V0 tracks have been found then return -1.

Definition at line 1663 of file

References edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), and k.

Referenced by setInput().

01664                                                                                 {
01665   if( v0.isValid() ) {
01666     // look for v0 associated to primTkRef
01667     for( unsigned int k=0; k<v0->size(); ++k) {
01668       for (uint itk=0;itk<(*v0)[k].Tracks().size();itk++){ 
01669         if( (*v0)[k].Tracks()[itk] == primTkRef) return k;
01670       }
01671     }
01672     return -1; // not found
01673   }
01674   else return -1;
01675 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PFBlockAlgo a 
) [friend]

Definition at line 1549 of file

01549                                                               {
01550   if(! out) return out;
01552   out<<"====== Particle Flow Block Algorithm ======= ";
01553   out<<endl;
01554   out<<"resMapEtaECAL "<<a.resMapEtaECAL_->GetMapFile()<<endl;
01555   out<<"resMapPhiECAL "<<a.resMapPhiECAL_->GetMapFile()<<endl;
01556   out<<"resMapEtaHCAL "<<a.resMapEtaHCAL_->GetMapFile()<<endl;
01557   out<<"resMapPhiHCAL "<<a.resMapPhiHCAL_->GetMapFile()<<endl;
01558   out<<"chi2TrackECAL "<<a.chi2TrackECAL_<<endl;
01559   out<<"chi2TrackHCAL "<<a.chi2TrackHCAL_<<endl;
01560   out<<"chi2ECALHCAL  "<<a.chi2ECALHCAL_<<endl;
01561   out<<"chi2PSECAL    "<<a.chi2PSECAL_  <<endl;
01562   out<<"chi2PSTRACK   "<<a.chi2PSTrack_ <<endl;
01563   out<<"chi2PSHV      "<<a.chi2PSHV_    <<endl;
01564   out<<endl;
01565   out<<"number of unassociated elements : "<<a.elements_.size()<<endl;
01566   out<<endl;
01568   for(PFBlockAlgo::IEC ie = a.elements_.begin(); 
01569       ie != a.elements_.end(); ie++) {
01570     out<<"\t"<<**ie <<endl;
01571   }
01574   //   const PFBlockCollection& blocks = a.blocks();
01576   const std::auto_ptr< reco::PFBlockCollection >& blocks
01577     = a.blocks(); 
01579   if(!blocks.get() ) {
01580     out<<"blocks already transfered"<<endl;
01581   }
01582   else {
01583     out<<"number of blocks : "<<blocks->size()<<endl;
01584     out<<endl;
01586     for(PFBlockAlgo::IBC ib=blocks->begin(); 
01587         ib != blocks->end(); ib++) {
01588       out<<(*ib)<<endl;
01589     }
01590   }
01592   return out;
01593 }

Member Data Documentation

std::auto_ptr< reco::PFBlockCollection > PFBlockAlgo::blocks_ [private]

Definition at line 280 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by blocks(), findBlocks(), and transferBlocks().

double PFBlockAlgo::chi2ECALHCAL_ [private]

max chi2 for ECAL/HCAL association

Definition at line 315 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), and testECALAndHCAL().

double PFBlockAlgo::chi2GSFECAL_ [private]

max chi2 for GSF/ECAL association

Definition at line 309 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by setParameters(), and testTrackAndECAL().

double PFBlockAlgo::chi2PSECAL_ [private]

max chi2 for PS/ECAL association

Definition at line 318 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), and testPSAndECAL().

double PFBlockAlgo::chi2PSHV_ [private]

max chi2 for PSH/PSV association

Definition at line 324 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), and testPS1AndPS2().

double PFBlockAlgo::chi2PSTrack_ [private]

max chi2 for PS/Track association

Definition at line 321 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), and testTrackAndPS().

double PFBlockAlgo::chi2TrackECAL_ [private]

max chi2 for track/ECAL association

Definition at line 306 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by link(), operator<<(), setParameters(), and testTrackAndECAL().

double PFBlockAlgo::chi2TrackHCAL_ [private]

max chi2 for track/HCAL association

Definition at line 312 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by link(), operator<<(), setParameters(), and testTrackAndHCAL().

bool PFBlockAlgo::debug_ [private]

if true, debug printouts activated

Definition at line 337 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by findBlocks(), goodPtResolution(), link(), setDebug(), setInput(), testECALAndHCAL(), testLinkByRecHit(), testLinkByVertex(), testPS1AndPS2(), testPSAndECAL(), testTrackAndECAL(), testTrackAndHCAL(), testTrackAndPS(), and ~PFBlockAlgo().

double PFBlockAlgo::DPtovPtCut_ [private]

DPt/Pt cut for creating atrack element.

Definition at line 303 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by goodPtResolution(), and setParameters().

const PFBlockAlgo::Mask PFBlockAlgo::dummyMask_ [static, private]

Definition at line 288 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

std::list< reco::PFBlockElement* > PFBlockAlgo::elements_ [private]

actually, particles will be created by a separate producer

Definition at line 286 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by fillSecondaries(), findBlocks(), operator<<(), setInput(), and ~PFBlockAlgo().

bool PFBlockAlgo::multipleLink_ [private]

if true, using special algorithm to process multiple track associations to the same hcal cluster

Definition at line 334 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by link(), and setParameters().

PFResolutionMap* PFBlockAlgo::resMapEtaECAL_ [private]

resolution map Eta ECAL

Definition at line 291 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), testECALAndHCAL(), testLinkByRecHit(), testPSAndECAL(), testTrackAndECAL(), and ~PFBlockAlgo().

PFResolutionMap* PFBlockAlgo::resMapEtaHCAL_ [private]

resolution map Eta HCAL

Definition at line 297 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), testECALAndHCAL(), testLinkByRecHit(), testTrackAndHCAL(), and ~PFBlockAlgo().

PFResolutionMap* PFBlockAlgo::resMapPhiECAL_ [private]

resolution map Phi ECAL

Definition at line 294 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), testECALAndHCAL(), testLinkByRecHit(), testPSAndECAL(), testTrackAndECAL(), and ~PFBlockAlgo().

PFResolutionMap* PFBlockAlgo::resMapPhiHCAL_ [private]

resolution map Phi HCAL

Definition at line 300 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), setParameters(), testECALAndHCAL(), testLinkByRecHit(), testTrackAndHCAL(), and ~PFBlockAlgo().

double PFBlockAlgo::resPSlength_ [private]

PS resolution along strip.

Definition at line 330 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by setParameters(), testPS1AndPS2(), testPSAndECAL(), and testTrackAndPS().

double PFBlockAlgo::resPSpitch_ [private]

PS strip resolution.

Definition at line 327 of file PFBlockAlgo.h.

Referenced by setParameters(), testPS1AndPS2(), testPSAndECAL(), and testTrackAndPS().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:29:40 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4