HFShower Class Reference

#include <FastSimulation/ShowerDevelopment/interface/HFShower.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::pair< XYZPoint,
double > 
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, double > 
typedef Steps::const_iterator step_iterator
typedef std::vector< StepSteps
typedef math::XYZVector XYZPoint

Public Member Functions

bool compute ()
 Compute the shower longitudinal and lateral development.
int getHits (G4Step *aStep)
double getTSlice (int i)
 HFShower (std::string &name, const DDCompactView &cpv, edm::ParameterSet const &p)
 HFShower (const RandomEngine *engine, HDShowerParametrization *myParam, EcalHitMaker *myGrid, HcalHitMaker *myHcalHitMaker, int onECAL, double epart)
virtual ~HFShower ()
virtual ~HFShower ()

Private Member Functions

void clearHits ()
double fibreLength (G4String)
double gam (double x, double a) const
int indexFinder (double x, const std::vector< double > &Fhist)
void makeSteps (int nsteps)
double transProb (double factor, double R, double r)

Private Attributes

double aloge
double alpEM
double alpHD
double balanceEH
double betEM
double betHD
double criticalEnergy
double depthStart
double depthStep
std::vector< intdetector
double e
double eSpotSize
std::vector< double > eStep
std::map< G4String, double > fibreDz2
double hcalDepthFactor
int infinity
double lambdaEM
double lambdaHD
std::vector< double > lamcurr
std::vector< double > lamdepth
std::vector< double > lamstep
std::vector< double > lamtotal
int lossesOpt
double maxTRfactor
int nDepthSteps
int nHit
std::vector< intnspots
int nTRsteps
int onEcal
double part
double probMax
const RandomEnginerandom
std::vector< double > rlamStep
double tgamEM
double tgamHD
const ECALPropertiestheECALproperties
const HCALPropertiestheHCALproperties
double theR1
double theR2
double theR3
std::vector< double > timHit
double transFactor
double transParam
std::vector< double > wlHit
std::vector< double > x0curr
std::vector< double > x0depth
double x0EM
double x0HD

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file HFShower.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<XYZPoint,double> HFShower::Spot

Definition at line 29 of file HFShower.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int, double> HFShower::Step

Definition at line 30 of file HFShower.h.

typedef Steps::const_iterator HFShower::step_iterator

Definition at line 32 of file HFShower.h.

typedef std::vector<Step> HFShower::Steps

Definition at line 31 of file HFShower.h.

typedef math::XYZVector HFShower::XYZPoint

Definition at line 27 of file HFShower.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HFShower::HFShower ( const RandomEngine engine,
HDShowerParametrization myParam,
EcalHitMaker myGrid,
HcalHitMaker myHcalHitMaker,
int  onECAL,
double  epart 

Definition at line 30 of file

References aloge, HDShowerParametrization::alpe1(), HDShowerParametrization::alpe2(), alpEM, HDShowerParametrization::alph1(), HDShowerParametrization::alph2(), alpHD, balanceEH, HDShowerParametrization::bete1(), HDShowerParametrization::bete2(), betEM, HDShowerParametrization::beth1(), HDShowerParametrization::beth2(), betHD, criticalEnergy, debug, depthStart, depthStep, detector, e, HDShowerParametrization::e1(), HDShowerParametrization::e2(), EcalHitMaker::ecalHcalGapTotalL0(), EcalHitMaker::ecalHcalGapTotalX0(), HDShowerParametrization::ecalProperties(), EcalHitMaker::ecalTotalL0(), HDShowerParametrization::emax(), HDShowerParametrization::emid(), HDShowerParametrization::emin(), lat::endl(), eSpotSize, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), HSParameters::getHDbalanceEH(), HSParameters::getHDcriticalEnergy(), HSParameters::getHDdepthStep(), HSParameters::getHDeSpotSize(), HSParameters::getHDhcalDepthFactor(), HSParameters::getHDlossesOpt(), HSParameters::getHDmaxTRfactor(), HSParameters::getHDnDepthSteps(), HSParameters::getHDnTRsteps(), HSParameters::getHDtransParam(), hcalDepthFactor, HDShowerParametrization::hcalProperties(), EcalHitMaker::hcalTotalL0(), HDShowerParametrization::hsParameters(), i, HCALProperties::interactionLength(), ECALProperties::interactionLength(), lambdaEM, lambdaHD, lamcurr, lamdepth, lamstep, lamtotal, funct::log(), LogDebug, lossesOpt, makeSteps(), maxTRfactor, nDepthSteps, nTRsteps, onEcal, HDShowerParametrization::part1(), HDShowerParametrization::part2(), HDShowerParametrization::r1(), HDShowerParametrization::r2(), HDShowerParametrization::r3(), ECALProperties::radLenIncm(), HCALProperties::radLenIncm(), random, HDShowerParametrization::setCase(), tgamEM, tgamHD, theECALproperties, theGrid, theHCALproperties, theParam, theR1, theR2, theR3, transFactor, transParam, x0curr, x0depth, x0EM, and x0HD.

00036   : theParam(myParam), 
00037     theGrid(myGrid),
00038     theHcalHitMaker(myHcalHitMaker),
00039     onEcal(onECAL),
00040     e(epart),
00041     random(engine)
00042 { 
00043   // To get an access to constants read in FASTCalorimeter
00044   //  FASTCalorimeter * myCalorimeter= FASTCalorimeter::instance();
00046   // Values taken from FamosGeneric/FamosCalorimeter/src/
00047   lossesOpt       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDlossesOpt();
00048   nDepthSteps     = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDnDepthSteps();
00049   nTRsteps        = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDnTRsteps();
00050   transParam      = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDtransParam();
00051   eSpotSize       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDeSpotSize();
00052   depthStep       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDdepthStep();
00053   criticalEnergy  = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDcriticalEnergy();
00054   maxTRfactor     = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDmaxTRfactor();
00055   balanceEH       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDbalanceEH();
00056   hcalDepthFactor = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDhcalDepthFactor();
00058   //============================================================================================
00059   // Special treatment for HF
00060   // overwrite some parametrisations
00061   // - eSpotSize is the "average" energy per PE needed to make the
00062   //   longitudinal and transverse profile (makeSteps)
00063   //============================================================================================
00065   double PPEperGeV = 0.25;
00066   eSpotSize = 1./PPEperGeV;
00068   //============================================================================================
00070   // Special tr.size fluctuations 
00071   transParam *= (1. + random->flatShoot()); 
00073   // Special long. fluctuations
00074   hcalDepthFactor +=  0.05 * (2.* random->flatShoot() - 1.);
00076   transFactor = 1.;   // normally 1, in HF - might be smaller 
00077                       // to take into account
00078                       // a narrowness of the HF shower (Cherenkov light) 
00080   // simple protection ...
00081   if(e < 0) e = 0.;
00083   // Get the Famos Histos pointer
00084   //  myHistos = FamosHistos::instance();
00085   //  std::cout << " Hello FamosShower " << std::endl;
00087   theECALproperties = theParam->ecalProperties();
00088   theHCALproperties = theParam->hcalProperties();
00090   double emax = theParam->emax(); 
00091   double emid = theParam->emid(); 
00092   double emin = theParam->emin(); 
00093   double effective = e;
00096   if( e < emid ) {
00097     theParam->setCase(1);
00098     // avoid "underflow" below Emin (for parameters calculation only)
00099     if(e < emin) effective = emin; 
00100   } 
00101   else 
00102     theParam->setCase(2);
00104   // PV: Commented
00105    // Avoid "overflow" beyond Emax (for parameters)
00106    if(effective > 0.5 * emax) {
00107      eSpotSize *= 2.5;
00108      if(effective > emax) {
00109        effective = emax; 
00110        eSpotSize *= 2.; 
00111        depthStep *= 2.;
00112      }
00113    }
00115   if(debug == 2 )
00116     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") <<  " HFShower : " << std::endl 
00117          << "       Energy   "  <<               e << std::endl     
00118          << "      lossesOpt "  <<       lossesOpt << std::endl  
00119          << "    nDepthSteps "  <<     nDepthSteps << std::endl
00120          << "       nTRsteps "  <<        nTRsteps << std::endl
00121          << "     transParam "  <<      transParam << std::endl
00122          << "      eSpotSize "  <<       eSpotSize << std::endl
00123          << " criticalEnergy "  <<  criticalEnergy << std::endl
00124          << "    maxTRfactor "  <<     maxTRfactor << std::endl
00125          << "      balanceEH "  <<       balanceEH << std::endl
00126          << "hcalDepthFactor "  << hcalDepthFactor << std::endl;
00129   double alpEM1 = theParam->alpe1();
00130   double alpEM2 = theParam->alpe2();
00132   double betEM1 = theParam->bete1();
00133   double betEM2 = theParam->bete2();
00135   double alpHD1 = theParam->alph1();
00136   double alpHD2 = theParam->alph2();
00138   double betHD1 = theParam->beth1();
00139   double betHD2 = theParam->beth2();
00141   double part1 = theParam->part1();
00142   double part2 = theParam->part2();
00144   aloge = std::log(effective);
00146   double edpar = (theParam->e1() + aloge * theParam->e2()) * effective;
00147   double aedep = std::log(edpar);
00149   if(debug == 2)
00150     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " HFShower : " << std::endl
00151          << "     edpar " <<   edpar << "   aedep " << aedep << std::endl 
00152          << "    alpEM1 " <<  alpEM1 << std::endl  
00153          << "    alpEM2 " <<  alpEM2 << std::endl  
00154          << "    betEM1 " <<  betEM1 << std::endl  
00155          << "    betEM2 " <<  betEM2 << std::endl  
00156          << "    alpHD1 " <<  alpHD1 << std::endl  
00157          << "    alpHD2 " <<  alpHD2 << std::endl  
00158          << "    betHD1 " <<  betHD1 << std::endl  
00159          << "    betHD2 " <<  betHD2 << std::endl  
00160          << "     part1 " <<   part1 << std::endl  
00161          << "     part2 " <<   part2 << std::endl; 
00163   // private members to set
00164   theR1  = theParam->r1();
00165   theR2  = theParam->r2();
00166   theR3  = theParam->r3();
00168   alpEM  = alpEM1 + alpEM2 * aedep;
00169   tgamEM = tgamma(alpEM);
00170   betEM  = betEM1 - betEM2 * aedep;
00171   alpHD  = alpHD1 + alpHD2 * aedep;
00172   tgamHD = tgamma(alpHD);
00173   betHD  = betHD1 - betHD2 * aedep;
00174   part   = part1  -  part2 * aedep;
00175   if(part > 1.) part = 1.;          // protection - just in case of 
00177   if(debug  == 2 )
00178     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " HFShower : " << std::endl 
00179          << "    alpEM " <<  alpEM << std::endl  
00180          << "   tgamEM " << tgamEM << std::endl
00181          << "    betEM " <<  betEM << std::endl
00182          << "    alpHD " <<  alpHD << std::endl
00183          << "   tgamHD " << tgamHD << std::endl
00184          << "    betHD " <<  betHD << std::endl
00185          << "     part " <<   part << std::endl;
00188   if(onECAL){
00189     lambdaEM = theParam->ecalProperties()->interactionLength();
00190     x0EM     = theParam->ecalProperties()->radLenIncm();
00191   } 
00192   else {
00193     lambdaEM = 0.;
00194     x0EM     = 0.;
00195   }
00196   lambdaHD = theParam->hcalProperties()->interactionLength();
00197   x0HD     = theParam->hcalProperties()->radLenIncm();
00199   if(debug == 2)
00200     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " HFShower e " << e        << std::endl
00201          << "          x0EM = " << x0EM     << std::endl 
00202          << "          x0HD = " << x0HD     << std::endl 
00203          << "         lamEM = " << lambdaEM << std::endl
00204          << "         lamHD = " << lambdaHD << std::endl;
00207   // Starting point of the shower
00208   // try first with ECAL lambda  
00210   double sum1   = 0.;  // lambda path from the ECAL/HF entrance;  
00211   double sum2   = 0.;  // lambda path from the interaction point;
00212   double sum3   = 0.;  // x0     path from the interaction point;
00213   int  nsteps   = 0;   // full number of longitudinal steps (counter);
00215   int nmoresteps;      // how many longitudinal steps in addition to 
00216                        // one (if interaction happens there) in ECAL
00219   if(e < criticalEnergy ) nmoresteps = 1;  
00220   else                    nmoresteps = nDepthSteps;
00222   double depthECAL  = 0.;
00223   double depthGAP   = 0.;
00224   double depthGAPx0 = 0.; 
00225   if(onECAL ) {
00226     depthECAL  = theGrid->ecalTotalL0();         // ECAL depth segment
00227     depthGAP   = theGrid->ecalHcalGapTotalL0();  // GAP  depth segment
00228     depthGAPx0 = theGrid->ecalHcalGapTotalX0();  // GAP  depth x0
00229   }
00231   double depthHCAL   = theGrid->hcalTotalL0();    // HCAL depth segment
00232   double depthToHCAL = depthECAL + depthGAP;    
00234   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00235   // Depth simulation & various protections, among them
00236   // if too deep - get flat random in the allowed region
00237   // if no HCAL material behind - force to deposit in ECAL
00238   double maxDepth    = depthToHCAL + depthHCAL - 1.1 * depthStep;
00240   // PV : increase by 0.8lambda (i.e. 12 cm)
00241   // Tuning
00242   double depthStart  = 0.8 + std::log(1./random->flatShoot()); // starting point lambda unts
00244   if(e < emin) {
00245     if(debug)
00246       LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : e <emin ->  depthStart = 0" << std::endl; 
00247     depthStart = 0.;
00248   }
00250   if(depthStart > maxDepth) {
00251     if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : depthStart too big ...   = " 
00252                    << depthStart << std::endl; 
00254     depthStart = maxDepth *  random->flatShoot();
00255     if( depthStart < 0.) depthStart = 0.;
00256     if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : depthStart re-calculated = " 
00257                    << depthStart << std::endl; 
00258   }
00260   if( onECAL && e < emid ) {
00261     if((depthECAL - depthStart)/depthECAL > 0.2 && depthECAL > depthStep ) {
00263       depthStart = 0.5 * depthECAL * random->flatShoot();
00264       if(debug) 
00265         LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : small energy, "
00266              << " depthStart reduced to = " << depthStart << std::endl; 
00268     }
00269   }
00271   if( depthHCAL < depthStep) {
00272     if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : depthHCAL  too small ... = " 
00273                    << depthHCAL << " depthStart -> forced to 0 !!!" 
00274                    << std::endl;
00275     depthStart = 0.;    
00276     nmoresteps = 0;
00278     if(depthECAL < depthStep) {
00279       nsteps = -1;
00280       LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : too small ECAL and HCAL depths - " 
00281            << " particle is lost !!! " << std::endl; 
00282     }
00283   }
00285   if(debug)
00286     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower  depths(lam) - "  << std::endl 
00287          << "          ECAL = " << depthECAL  << std::endl
00288          << "           GAP = " << depthGAP   << std::endl
00289          << "          HCAL = " << depthHCAL  << std::endl
00290          << "  starting point = " << depthStart << std::endl; 
00292   // PV
00293   //  std::cout << " FamosHFShower  depths(lam) - "  << std::endl 
00294   //        << "          ECAL = " << depthECAL  << std::endl
00295   //        << "           GAP = " << depthGAP   << std::endl
00296   //        << "          HCAL = " << depthHCAL  << std::endl
00297   //        << "  starting point = " << depthStart << std::endl; 
00299   if( onEcal ) {
00300     if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : onECAL" << std::endl;
00301     if(depthStart < depthECAL) {
00302       if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : depthStart < depthECAL" << std::endl;
00303       if((depthECAL - depthStart)/depthECAL > 0.25 && depthECAL > depthStep) {
00304         if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : enough space to make ECAL step"
00305                        << std::endl;
00306         //  ECAL - one step
00307         nsteps++; 
00308         sum1   += depthECAL;             // at the end of step
00309         sum2   += depthECAL-depthStart; 
00310         sum3   += sum2 * lambdaEM / x0EM;
00311         lamtotal.push_back(sum1);
00312         lamdepth.push_back(sum2);
00313         lamcurr.push_back(lambdaEM);
00314         lamstep.push_back(depthECAL-depthStart);
00315         x0depth.push_back(sum3);
00316         x0curr.push_back(x0EM);
00317         detector.push_back(1);
00319         if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : " << " in ECAL sum1, sum2 "
00320                        << sum1 << " " << sum2 << std::endl;
00322         //                           // Gap - no additional step after ECAL
00323         //                           // just move further to HCAL over the gap
00324         sum1   += depthGAP;          
00325         sum2   += depthGAP; 
00326         sum3   += depthGAPx0;
00327       }
00328       // Just shift starting point to HCAL
00329       else { 
00330         //      cout << " FamosHFShower : not enough space to make ECAL step" << std::endl;
00331         if(debug)  LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : goto HCAL" << std::endl;
00333         depthStart = depthToHCAL;
00334         sum1 += depthStart;     
00335       }
00336     }
00337     else { // GAP or HCAL   
00339       if(depthStart >= depthECAL &&  depthStart < depthToHCAL ) {
00340       depthStart = depthToHCAL; // just a shift to HCAL for simplicity
00341       }
00342       sum1 += depthStart;
00344       if(debug) LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : goto HCAL" << std::endl;
00345     }
00346   }
00347   else {   // Forward 
00348     if(debug)  LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower : forward" << std::endl;
00349     sum1 += depthStart;
00350     // PV : 1.0 instead of 0.5
00351     transFactor = 1.0;   // makes narower tresverse size of shower     
00352   }
00354   for (int i = 0; i < nmoresteps ; i++) {
00355     sum1 += depthStep;
00356     if (sum1 > (depthECAL + depthGAP + depthHCAL)) break; 
00357     sum2 += depthStep;
00358     sum3 += sum2 * lambdaHD / x0HD;
00359     lamtotal.push_back(sum1);
00360     lamdepth.push_back(sum2);
00361     lamcurr.push_back(lambdaHD);
00362     lamstep.push_back(depthStep);
00363     x0depth.push_back(sum3);
00364     x0curr.push_back(x0HD);
00365     detector.push_back(3);
00366     nsteps++;
00367   }
00370   // Make fractions of energy and transverse radii at each step 
00372   // PV
00373   //  std::cout << "HFShower::HFShower() : Nsteps = " << nsteps << std::endl;
00375   if(nsteps > 0) { makeSteps(nsteps); }
00377 }

HFShower::~HFShower (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 41 of file HFShower.h.

00041 {;}

HFShower::HFShower ( std::string &  name,
const DDCompactView cpv,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p 

Definition at line 20 of file

References DDFilteredView::addFilter(), cherenkov, clearHits(), DDSplit(), DDSpecificsFilter::equals, fibre, fibreDz2, filter, first, DDFilteredView::firstChild(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), i, DDFilteredView::logicalPart(), DDBase< N, C >::name(), DDFilteredView::next(), nHit, DDSolid::parameters(), probMax, DDSpecificsFilter::setCriteria(), DDSolid::shape(), DDLogicalPart::solid(), tmp, and value.

00021                                               : cherenkov(0), fibre(0) {
00023   edm::ParameterSet m_HF = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HFShower");
00024   //static SimpleConfigurable<double> cf1(0.5, "HFShower:CFibre");
00025   //static SimpleConfigurable<float>  pPr(0.7268,"VCalShowerLibrary:ProbMax");
00026   probMax          = m_HF.getParameter<double>("ProbMax");
00028   edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShower:: Maximum probability cut off " 
00029                            << probMax;
00031   G4String attribute = "Volume";
00032   G4String value     = "HFFibre";
00033   DDSpecificsFilter filter;
00034   DDValue           ddv(attribute,value,0);
00035   filter.setCriteria(ddv,DDSpecificsFilter::equals);
00036   DDFilteredView fv(cpv);
00037   fv.addFilter(filter);
00039   bool dodet = fv.firstChild();
00040   std::vector<G4String> tmp;
00041   while (dodet) {
00042     const DDSolid & sol  = fv.logicalPart().solid();
00043     const std::vector<double> & paras = sol.parameters();
00044     G4String name = DDSplit(;
00045     bool ok = true;
00046     for (unsigned int i=0; i<tmp.size(); i++)
00047       if (name == tmp[i]) ok = false;
00048     if (ok) { 
00049       tmp.push_back(name);
00050       fibreDz2.insert(std::pair<G4String,double>(name,paras[0]));
00051       edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShower::initMap (for " << value 
00052                                << "): Solid " << name << " Shape " 
00053                                << sol.shape() << " Parameter 0 = " << paras[0];
00054     }
00055     dodet =;
00056   }
00058   cherenkov = new HFCherenkov(p);
00059   fibre     = new HFFibre(name, cpv, p);
00061   nHit      = 0;
00062   clearHits();
00063 }

virtual HFShower::~HFShower (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void HFShower::clearHits (  )  [private]

Definition at line 166 of file

References timHit, and wlHit.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShower().

00166                          {
00168   wlHit.clear();
00169   timHit.clear();
00170 }

bool HFShower::compute (  ) 

Compute the shower longitudinal and lateral development.

Definition at line 493 of file

References EcalHitMaker::addHit(), HcalHitMaker::addHit(), count, debug, detector, ReconstructionGR_cff::ecal, lat::endl(), eStep, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), RandomEngine::gaussShoot(), EcalHitMaker::getPads(), hcalDepthFactor, i, index, indexFinder(), infinity, j, lamstep, lamtotal, LogDebug, lossesOpt, maxTRfactor, nspots, nTRsteps, phi, radius(), random, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, rlamStep, HcalHitMaker::setDepth(), HcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), EcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), StDecayID::status, theGrid, theHcalHitMaker, and transProb().

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().

00493                        {
00495   //  TimeMe theT("FamosHFShower::compute");
00497   bool status = false;
00498   int numLongit = eStep.size();
00499   if(debug)
00500     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - " 
00501             << " N_long.steps required : " << numLongit << std::endl;
00503   if(numLongit > 0) {
00505     status = true;    
00506     // Prepare the trsanverse probability function
00507     std::vector<double> Fhist;
00508     std::vector<double> rhist; 
00509     for (int j = 0; j < nTRsteps + 1; j++) {
00510       rhist.push_back(maxTRfactor * j / nTRsteps );  
00511       Fhist.push_back(transProb(maxTRfactor,1.,rhist[j]));
00512       if(debug == 3) 
00513         LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << "indexFinder - i, Fhist[i] = " << j << " " << Fhist[j] << std::endl;
00514     }
00516     //====================================================================================
00517     // Longitudinal steps
00518     //====================================================================================
00519     for (int i = 0; i < numLongit ; i++) {
00521       double currentDepthL0 = lamtotal[i] - 0.5 * lamstep[i];
00522       // vary the longitudinal profile if needed
00523       if(detector[i] != 1) currentDepthL0 *= hcalDepthFactor;                     
00524       if(debug)
00525         LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - detector = "
00526                                     << detector[i]
00527                                     << "  currentDepthL0 = " 
00528                                     << currentDepthL0 << std::endl;
00530       double maxTRsize   = maxTRfactor * rlamStep[i];     // in lambda units
00531       double rbinsize    = maxTRsize / nTRsteps; 
00532       double espot       = eStep[i] / (double)nspots[i];  // re-adjust espot
00534       // PV changed
00535       //      if(espot > 2. || espot < 0. ) 
00536       if( espot < 0. ) 
00537         LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - unphysical espot = " 
00538              << espot << std::endl;
00540       int ecal = 0;
00541       if(detector[i] != 1) { 
00542         bool setHDdepth = theHcalHitMaker->setDepth(currentDepthL0);
00544         if(debug)
00545           LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - status of " 
00546                << " theHcalHitMaker->setDepth(currentDepthL0) is " 
00547                << setHDdepth << std::endl;
00549         if(!setHDdepth) 
00550           {
00551             currentDepthL0 -= lamstep[i];
00552             setHDdepth =  theHcalHitMaker->setDepth(currentDepthL0);
00553           }
00554         if(!setHDdepth) continue;
00556         theHcalHitMaker->setSpotEnergy(espot);        
00557       }
00558       else {
00559         ecal = 1;
00560         bool status = theGrid->getPads(currentDepthL0);   
00562         if(debug)
00563           LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - status of Grid = " 
00564                << status << std::endl;
00566         if(!status) continue; 
00568         theGrid->setSpotEnergy(espot);
00569       }  
00571       // PV : 
00572       //      std::cout << "Longitudinal layer " << i << " : "
00573       //                << "E layer = " << eStep[i] << " "
00574       //                << "N spot  = " << nspots[i] << " "
00575       //                << "E spot  = " << espot  << " "
00576       //                << "Depth   = " << currentDepthL0
00577       //                << std::endl;
00579       //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
00580       // Transverse distribution
00581       //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00582       int nok   = 0;                          // counter of OK  
00583       int count = 0;
00584       int inf   = infinity;
00585       if(lossesOpt) inf = nspots[i];          // losses are enabled, otherwise
00586       // only OK points are counted ...
00588       // Total energy in this layer
00589       double eremaining = eStep[i];
00590       bool converged    = false;
00592       while (eremaining > 0. && !converged && count<infinity ) {
00594         ++count;
00596         // Generate Energy per PE for long fibers
00598         double GeVperPE      = 1./0.25;
00599         double GeVperPEwidth = 0.3 * GeVperPE;
00601         // PV
00602         // We need to know a priori if this energy spot if for a long (1) or short (2) fiber
00603         // because resolutions/GeV per PE  are not the same
00605         unsigned layer = random->flatShoot() < 0.66 ? 1 : 2;
00606         if ( layer == 2 ) {
00607           GeVperPE      = 1./0.125;
00608           GeVperPEwidth = 0.3 * GeVperPE;
00609         }
00611         double newespot = random->gaussShoot(GeVperPE,GeVperPEwidth);
00612         if ( newespot < 0. ) newespot = GeVperPE;
00614         if ( eremaining - newespot < 0. ) newespot = eremaining;
00616         // process transverse distribution
00618         double prob   = random->flatShoot();
00619         int index     = indexFinder(prob,Fhist);
00620         double radius = rlamStep[i] * rhist[index] +
00621           random->flatShoot() * rbinsize; // in-bin  
00622         double phi = 2.*M_PI*random->flatShoot();
00624         if(debug == 2)
00625           LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << std::endl << " FamosHFShower::compute " << " r = " << radius 
00626                << "    phi = " << phi << std::endl;
00628         // add hit
00630         theHcalHitMaker->setSpotEnergy(newespot);
00631         theGrid->setSpotEnergy(newespot);
00633         bool result;
00634         if(ecal) {
00635           result = theGrid->addHit(radius,phi,0);
00637           if(debug == 2)
00638             LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - " 
00639                  << " theGrid->addHit result = " 
00640                  << result << std::endl;
00641         }
00642         else {
00643           // PV assign espot to lon/short fibers
00644           result = theHcalHitMaker->addHit(radius,phi,layer);
00646           //      std::cout << "Transverse : " << nok << " "
00647           //                << " , E= "        << newespot
00648           //                << " , Layer = "   << layer
00649           //                << " , Erem = "    << eremaining- newespot
00650           //                << std::endl;
00652           if(debug == 2)
00653             LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - " 
00654                  << " theHcalHitMaker->addHit result = " 
00655                  << result << std::endl;
00656         }    
00658         if (result) {
00659           ++nok;
00660           eremaining -= newespot;
00661           if ( eremaining <= 0. ) converged = true;
00662           //      std::cout << "Transverse : " << nok << " "
00663           //                << " , E= "     << newespot
00664           //                << " , Erem = " << eremaining 
00665           //                << std::endl;
00666         } else {
00667           //      std::cout << "WARNING : hit not added" << std::endl;
00668         }
00669       }
00671       // PV : old code
00672 //       for (int j = 0; j < inf; j++) {
00673 //      if(nok == nspots[i]) break;
00674 //      count ++;
00676 //      double prob   = random->flatShoot();
00677 //      int index     = indexFinder(prob,Fhist);
00678 //      double radius = rlamStep[i] * rhist[index] +
00679 //        random->flatShoot() * rbinsize; // in-bin  
00680 //      double phi = 2.*M_PI*random->flatShoot();
00682 //      if(debug == 2)
00683 //        LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << std::endl << " FamosHFShower::compute " << " r = " << radius 
00684 //             << "    phi = " << phi << std::endl;
00686 //      bool result;
00687 //      if(ecal) {
00688 //        result = theGrid->addHit(radius,phi,0);
00690 //        if(debug == 2)
00691 //          LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - " 
00692 //               << " theGrid->addHit result = " 
00693 //               << result << std::endl;
00694 //      }
00695 //      else {
00696 //        result = theHcalHitMaker->addHit(radius,phi,0); 
00698 //        if(debug == 2)
00699 //          LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute - " 
00700 //               << " theHcalHitMaker->addHit result = " 
00701 //               << result << std::endl;
00702 //      }    
00703 //      if(result) nok ++; 
00704 //    } 
00705     // end of tranverse simulation
00706     //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00708       if(count == infinity) { 
00709         status = false; 
00710         if(debug)
00711           LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << "*** FamosHFShower::compute " << " maximum number of" 
00712                << " transverse points " << count << " is used !!!" << std::endl; 
00713         break;
00714       }
00716       if(debug)
00717         LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::compute " << " long.step No." << i 
00718              << "   Ntry, Nok = " << count
00719              << " " << nok << std::endl; 
00721     } // end of longitudinal steps
00722   } // end of no steps
00723   return status;
00725 }

double HFShower::fibreLength ( G4String  name  )  [private]

Definition at line 158 of file

References fibreDz2, and it.

Referenced by getHits().

00158                                           {
00160   double length = 825.;
00161   std::map<G4String,double>::const_iterator it = fibreDz2.find(name);
00162   if (it != fibreDz2.end()) length = it->second;
00163   return length;
00164 }

double HFShower::gam ( double  x,
double  a 
) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 49 of file HFShower.h.

References funct::exp(), and funct::pow().

Referenced by makeSteps().

00049 { return pow(x,a-1.)*exp(-x); }

int HFShower::getHits ( G4Step *  aStep  ) 

Definition at line 70 of file

References HFFibre::attLength(), cherenkov, clearHits(), HFCherenkov::computeNPE(), relval_parameters_module::energy, funct::exp(), fibre, fibreLength(), HFCherenkov::getWL(), i, LogDebug, name, nHit, p, probMax, r1, r2, timHit, HFFibre::tShift(), v, w, and wlHit.

Referenced by HCalSD::hitForFibre().

00070                                     {
00072   clearHits();
00073   int    nHit    = 0;
00075   double edep    = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
00076   double stepl   = 0.;
00078   if (aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() != 0.)
00079     stepl = aStep->GetStepLength();
00080   if ((edep == 0.) || (stepl == 0.)) {
00081     LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShower::getHits: Number of Hits " << nHit;
00082     return nHit;
00083   }
00085   G4Track *aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
00086   const G4DynamicParticle *aParticle = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle();
00088   double energy   = aParticle->GetTotalEnergy();
00089   double momentum = aParticle->GetTotalMomentum();
00090   double pBeta    = momentum / energy;
00091   double dose     = 0.;
00092   int    npeDose  = 0;
00094   G4ThreeVector momentumDir = aParticle->GetMomentumDirection();
00095   G4ParticleDefinition *particleDef = aTrack->GetDefinition();
00097   G4StepPoint *     preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
00098   G4ThreeVector     globalPos    = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00099   G4String          name         = 
00100     preStepPoint->GetTouchable()->GetSolid(0)->GetName();
00101   G4ThreeVector     localPos     = preStepPoint->GetTouchable()->GetHistory()->
00102     GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(globalPos);
00103   G4ThreeVector     localMom     = preStepPoint->GetTouchable()->GetHistory()->
00104     GetTopTransform().TransformAxis(momentumDir);
00105   int               depth    = 
00106     (preStepPoint->GetTouchable()->GetReplicaNumber(0))%10;
00108   double u        = localMom.x();
00109   double v        = localMom.y();
00110   double w        = localMom.z();
00111   double zCoor    = localPos.z();
00112   double zFibre   = (fibreLength(name)-zCoor);
00113   double tSlice   = (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime());
00114   double time     = fibre->tShift(globalPos, depth, false);
00116   LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShower::getHits: in " << name << " Z " << zCoor 
00117                        << " " << fibreLength(name) << " " << zFibre << " Time "
00118                        << tSlice  << " " << time 
00119                        << "\n                  Direction " << momentumDir 
00120                        << " Local " << localMom;
00122   int npe = cherenkov->computeNPE(particleDef, pBeta, u, v, w, stepl, zFibre, 
00123                                   dose, npeDose);
00124   std::vector<double> wavelength = cherenkov->getWL();
00126   for (int i = 0; i<npe; ++i) {
00127     double p   = fibre->attLength(wavelength[i]);
00128     double r1  = G4UniformRand();
00129     double r2  = G4UniformRand();
00130     LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShower::getHits: " << i << " attenuation " << r1
00131                          <<":" << exp(-p*zFibre) << " r2 " << r2 << ":" 
00132                          << probMax << " Survive: " 
00133                          << (r1 <= exp(-p*zFibre) && r2 <= probMax);
00134     if (r1 <= exp(-p*zFibre) && r2 <= probMax) {
00135       nHit++;
00136       wlHit.push_back(wavelength[i]);
00137       timHit.push_back(tSlice+time);
00138     }
00139   }
00141   LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShower::getHits: Number of Hits " << nHit;
00142   for (int i=0; i<nHit; i++)
00143     LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShower::Hit " << i << " WaveLength " << wlHit[i]
00144                          << " Time " << timHit[i];
00146   return nHit;
00148 } 

double HFShower::getTSlice ( int  i  ) 

Definition at line 150 of file

References LogDebug, nHit, and timHit.

Referenced by HCalSD::hitForFibre().

00150                                 {
00152   double tim = 0.;
00153   if (i < nHit) tim = timHit[i];
00154   LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShower: Time (" << i << "/" << nHit << ") " <<tim;
00155   return tim;
00156 }

int HFShower::indexFinder ( double  x,
const std::vector< double > &  Fhist 
) [private]

Definition at line 727 of file

References debug, lat::endl(), iter, LogDebug, size, and cmsRelvalreportInput::step.

Referenced by compute().

00727                                                                    {
00728   // binary search in the vector of doubles
00729   int size = Fhist.size();
00731   int curr = size / 2;
00732   int step = size / 4;
00733   int iter;
00734   int prevdir = 0; 
00735   int actudir = 0; 
00737   for (iter = 0; iter < size ; iter++) {
00739     if( curr >= size || curr < 1 )
00740       LogError("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::indexFinder - wrong current index = " 
00741            << curr << " !!!" << std::endl;
00743     if ((x <= Fhist[curr]) && (x > Fhist[curr-1])) break;
00744     prevdir = actudir;
00745     if(x > Fhist[curr]) {actudir =  1;}
00746     else                {actudir = -1;}
00747     if(prevdir * actudir < 0) { if(step > 1) step /= 2;}
00748     curr += actudir * step;
00749     if(curr > size) curr = size;
00750     else { if(curr < 1) {curr = 1;}}
00752     if(debug == 3)
00753       LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " indexFinder - end of iter." << iter 
00754            << " curr, F[curr-1], F[curr] = "
00755            << curr << " " << Fhist[curr-1] << " " << Fhist[curr] << std::endl;
00757   }
00759   if(debug == 3)
00760     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " indexFinder x = " << x << "  found index = " << curr-1
00761          << std::endl;
00764   return curr-1;
00765 }

void HFShower::makeSteps ( int  nsteps  )  [private]

Definition at line 379 of file

References aloge, alpEM, alpHD, and, balanceEH, betEM, betHD, count, debug, detector, e, lat::endl(), eSpotSize, eStep, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), gam(), i, infinity, int, lamcurr, lamdepth, lamstep, LogDebug, nspots, random, rlamStep, sum(), pyDBSRunClass::temp, tgamEM, tgamHD, theR1, theR2, theR3, transFactor, transParam, x, x0curr, x0depth, and y.

Referenced by HFShower().

00379                                    {
00381   double sumes = 0.;
00382   double sum   = 0.;
00383   std::vector<double> temp;
00386   if(debug)
00387     LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::makeSteps - " 
00388        << " nsteps required : " << nsteps << std::endl;
00390   int count = 0;
00391   for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; i++) {    
00393     double deplam = lamdepth[i] - 0.5 * lamstep[i];
00394     double depx0  = x0depth[i]  - 0.5 * lamstep[i] / x0curr[i]; 
00395     double     x = betEM * depx0;
00396     double     y = betHD * deplam;
00398     if(debug == 2)
00399       LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::makeSteps " 
00400                                   << " - step " << i
00401                                   << "   depx0, x = " << depx0 << ", " << x 
00402                                   << "   deplam, y = " << deplam << ", "
00403                                   << y << std::endl;
00405     double est = (part * betEM * gam(x,alpEM) * lamcurr[i] /
00406                   (x0curr[i] * tgamEM) + 
00407                   (1.-part) * betHD * gam(y,alpHD) / tgamHD) * lamstep[i];
00409     // protection ...
00410     if(est < 0.) {
00411       LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << "*** FamosHFShower::makeSteps " << " - negative step energy !!!" 
00412            << std::endl;
00413       est = 0.;
00414       break ; 
00415     }
00417     // for estimates only
00418     sum += est;
00419     int nPest = (int) (est * e / sum / eSpotSize) ;
00421     if(debug == 2)
00422       LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::makeSteps - nPoints estimate = " 
00423            <<  nPest << std::endl;
00425     if(nPest <= 1 && count !=0 ) break;
00427     // good step - to proceed
00429     temp.push_back(est);
00430     sumes += est;
00432     rlamStep.push_back(transParam * (theR1 + (theR2 - theR3 * aloge))
00433                        * deplam * transFactor); 
00434     count ++;
00435   }
00437   // fluctuations in ECAL and re-distribution of remaining energy in HCAL
00438   if(detector[0] == 1 && count > 1) {
00439     double oldECALenergy = temp[0];
00440     double oldHCALenergy = sumes - oldECALenergy ;
00441     double newECALenergy = 2. * sumes;
00442     for (int i = 0; newECALenergy > sumes && i < infinity; i++)
00443       newECALenergy = 2.* balanceEH * random->flatShoot() * oldECALenergy; 
00445     if(debug == 2)
00446       LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << "*** FamosHFShower::makeSteps " << " ECAL fraction : old/new - "
00447            << oldECALenergy/sumes << "/" << newECALenergy/sumes << std::endl;
00449     temp[0] = newECALenergy;
00450     double newHCALenergy = sumes - newECALenergy;
00451     double newHCALreweight =  newHCALenergy / oldHCALenergy;
00453     for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
00454       temp[i] *= newHCALreweight;
00455     }
00457   }
00460   // final re-normalization of the energy fractions  
00461   double etot = 0.;
00462   for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++) {
00463     eStep.push_back(temp[i] * e / sumes );
00464     nspots.push_back((int)(eStep[i]/eSpotSize)+1);
00465     etot += eStep[i];
00467    if(debug)
00468      LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << i << "  xO and lamdepth at the end of step = " 
00469           << x0depth[i] << " " 
00470           << lamdepth[i] << "   Estep func = " <<  eStep[i] 
00471           << "   Rstep = " << rlamStep[i] << "  Nspots = " <<  nspots[i]
00472           << std::endl; 
00474   }
00475   // PV
00476   //  std::cout << "Initial/Total energy = "
00477   //        << e << " "
00478   //        << etot
00479   //        << std::endl;
00481   // The only step is in ECAL - let's make the size bigger ...  
00482   if(count == 1 and detector[0] == 1) rlamStep[0] *= 2.;
00485   if(debug) {
00486     if(eStep[0] > 0.95 * e && detector[0] == 1) 
00487       LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHFShower::makeSteps - " << "ECAL energy = " << eStep[0]
00488            << " out of total = " << e << std::endl;  
00489   }
00491 }

double HFShower::transProb ( double  factor,
double  R,
double  r 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 54 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute().

00054                                                       {
00055     double fsq = factor * factor; 
00056     return ((fsq + 1.)/fsq) * r * r / (r*r + R*R) ; 
00057   }

Member Data Documentation

double HFShower::aloge [private]

Definition at line 77 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::alpEM [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::alpHD [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::balanceEH [private]

Definition at line 117 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::betEM [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::betHD [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

HFCherenkov* HFShower::cherenkov [private]

Definition at line 38 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShower().

double HFShower::criticalEnergy [private]

Definition at line 113 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

double HFShower::depthStart [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

double HFShower::depthStep [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

std::vector<int> HFShower::detector [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::e [private]

Definition at line 96 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::eSpotSize [private]

Definition at line 109 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::eStep [private]

Definition at line 80 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

HFFibre* HFShower::fibre [private]

Definition at line 39 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShower().

std::map<G4String,double> HFShower::fibreDz2 [private]

Definition at line 42 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by fibreLength(), and HFShower().

double HFShower::hcalDepthFactor [private]

Definition at line 119 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HFShower().

int HFShower::infinity [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::lambdaEM [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

double HFShower::lambdaHD [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

std::vector<double> HFShower::lamcurr [private]

Definition at line 82 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::lamdepth [private]

Definition at line 82 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::lamstep [private]

Definition at line 82 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::lamtotal [private]

Definition at line 82 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HFShower().

int HFShower::lossesOpt [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HFShower().

double HFShower::maxTRfactor [private]

Definition at line 115 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HFShower().

int HFShower::nDepthSteps [private]

Definition at line 101 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

int HFShower::nHit [private]

Definition at line 44 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by getHits(), getTSlice(), and HFShower().

std::vector<int> HFShower::nspots [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

int HFShower::nTRsteps [private]

Definition at line 103 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HFShower().

int HFShower::onEcal [private]

Definition at line 93 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

double HFShower::part [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HFShower.h.

double HFShower::probMax [private]

Definition at line 41 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShower().

const RandomEngine* HFShower::random [private]

Definition at line 122 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::rlamStep [private]

Definition at line 80 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::tgamEM [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::tgamHD [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

const ECALProperties* HFShower::theECALproperties [private]

Definition at line 67 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

EcalHitMaker* HFShower::theGrid [private]

Definition at line 87 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HFShower().

HcalHitMaker* HFShower::theHcalHitMaker [private]

Definition at line 90 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by compute().

const HCALProperties* HFShower::theHCALproperties [private]

Definition at line 68 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

HDShowerParametrization* HFShower::theParam [private]

Definition at line 64 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

double HFShower::theR1 [private]

Definition at line 71 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::theR2 [private]

Definition at line 71 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::theR3 [private]

Definition at line 71 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::timHit [private]

Definition at line 46 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by clearHits(), getHits(), and getTSlice().

double HFShower::transFactor [private]

Definition at line 107 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::transParam [private]

Definition at line 105 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::wlHit [private]

Definition at line 45 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by clearHits(), and getHits().

std::vector<double> HFShower::x0curr [private]

Definition at line 81 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HFShower::x0depth [private]

Definition at line 81 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower(), and makeSteps().

double HFShower::x0EM [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

double HFShower::x0HD [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HFShower.h.

Referenced by HFShower().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:24:12 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4