SeedComparitor Class Reference

Base class for comparing a set of tracking seeds for compatibility. More...

#include <RecoTracker/TkSeedingLayers/interface/SeedComparitor.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool compatible (const SeedingHitSet &hits, const edm::EventSetup &es)=0
virtual ~SeedComparitor ()

Detailed Description

Base class for comparing a set of tracking seeds for compatibility.

This can then be used to cleanup bad seeds. Currently forseen are child classes that use PixelStubs and Ferenc Sikler's similar objects for low Pt tracks.

Aaron Dominguez (UNL)

Definition at line 13 of file SeedComparitor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual SeedComparitor::~SeedComparitor (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 15 of file SeedComparitor.h.

00015 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool SeedComparitor::compatible ( const SeedingHitSet hits,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [pure virtual]

Referenced by SeedGeneratorFromRegionHits::run().

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