Ig3DViewpointsCategory Class Reference

#include <Iguana/GLBrowsers/interface/Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ig3DViewpointsCategory:

Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint > IgStateElement IgControlCategory IgControlItem

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void apply (void)
virtual void attach (void)
void browserChanged (Ig3DBaseBrowser *browser)
virtual void detach (void)
virtual void focusIn (void)
virtual void focusOut (void)
 Ig3DViewpointsCategory (IgState *state, Ig3DBaseBrowser *source)
virtual void newCamera (void)
void reconstruct (SoGroup *from)
virtual void registerBrowser (IgState *state, Ig3DBaseBrowser *browser)
virtual void show (void)
virtual void update (void)
 ~Ig3DViewpointsCategory ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void setCamera (Ig3DBaseBrowser *browser, IgSoViewpoint *view)
static void setViewpoint (Ig3DBaseBrowser *browser, IgSoViewpoint *view)

Protected Slots

virtual void autoClipping (void)
virtual void zoom (void)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void createNewItem (void)
virtual void deleteItem (void)
virtual void itemChanged (int index)
virtual void renameItem (const QString &newName)

Private Slots

virtual void alignToAxis (void)
virtual void deleteOne (void)
virtual void load (void)
virtual void makeOne (QString name="")
virtual void save (void)
virtual void updateCameraPosition (void)
virtual void updateCameraPosition (bool tracking)

Private Member Functions

void connectCameraFromViewpoint (IgSoViewpoint *obj)
void connectViewpointFromCamera (IgSoViewpoint *obj)
void disconnectCamera (void)
void disconnectViewpoint (IgSoViewpoint *obj)
 Ig3DViewpointsCategory (const Ig3DViewpointsCategory &)
 IG_DECLARE_STATE_ELEMENT (Ig3DViewpointsCategory)
Ig3DViewpointsCategoryoperator= (const Ig3DViewpointsCategory &)
bool save (QString file, bool binary)

Private Attributes

QCheckBox * m_autoClipping
std::vector< boolm_autoClippings
SoGroup * m_group
int m_previous

Detailed Description

Definition at line 32 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ig3DViewpointsCategory::Ig3DViewpointsCategory ( IgState state,
Ig3DBaseBrowser source 

Definition at line 59 of file

References reco::fitHelper::add(), alignToAxis(), ASSERT, autoClipping(), IgControlCategory::bodyArea(), IgControlCategory::bodyLayout(), IgControlCategory::bottomLayout(), IgControlItem::clean(), HLT_VtxMuL3::connect, Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::control(), IgControlItem::dirty(), IgControlItem::editable(), Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), load(), m_alignment, m_aspectRatio, m_autoClipping, m_farDistance, m_focalDistance, m_group, m_nearDistance, m_source, m_zoom, IgControlItem::makeBox(), IgControlCategory::makeIndentedLabel(), makeOne(), IgControlItem::makeSpacedBox(), IgControlCategory::panel(), IgState::put(), row, save(), IgControlItem::setClean(), IgQtRangeControlFloat::setLongStep(), IgQtAxisAlignment::setMaxAxisAlign(), IgQtAxisAlignment::setMinAxisAlign(), IgQtRangeValue< T >::setMinValue(), IgQtRangeControlFloat::setSmallStep(), Ig3DFloatControl::setValue(), IgControlCategory::tracking(), updateCameraPosition(), IgQtRangeControlCommon::widget(), IgQtAxisAlignment::widget(), and zoom().

00061     : Ig3DObjectCategory<IgSoViewpoint> (state, "Viewpoints"),
00062       m_source          (source),
00063       m_group           (new SoGroup),
00064       m_previous        (-1),
00065       m_orientation     (new Ig3DCameraRotControl (this, "Orientation")),
00066       m_alignment       (0),
00067       m_focalDistance   (new Ig3DFloatControl     (this, "Focal Distance", 
00068                                                    IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart
00069                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::ValuePart
00070                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::SliderPart)),
00071       m_aspectRatio     (new Ig3DFloatControl     (this, "Aspect Ratio", 
00072                                                    IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart
00073                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::ValuePart
00074                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::SliderPart)),
00075       m_nearDistance    (new Ig3DFloatControl     (this, "Near Clip Plane", 
00076                                                    IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart
00077                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::ValuePart
00078                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::SliderPart)),
00079       m_farDistance     (new Ig3DFloatControl     (this, "Far Clip Plane", 
00080                                                    IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart
00081                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::ValuePart
00082                                                    | IgQtRangeControl::SliderPart)),
00083       m_zoom            (new Ig3DFloatControl     (this, "Zoom", 
00084                                                    IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart)),
00085       m_autoClipping    (0),
00086       m_autoClippings   (0)
00087 {
00088     QWidget     *area = bodyArea ();
00089     int         row   = bodyLayout ()->numRows ();
00091     ASSERT (m_source);
00093     m_group->ref ();
00094     m_group->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default View Points"));
00096     makeOne ("Current Viewpoint");
00098     m_aspectRatio->control ()->setMinValue  (0.01);
00099     m_aspectRatio->control ()->setLongStep  (0.1);
00100     m_aspectRatio->control ()->setSmallStep (0.01);
00102     m_nearDistance->control ()->setMinValue  (0.);
00103     m_nearDistance->control ()->setLongStep  (1.0);
00104     m_nearDistance->control ()->setSmallStep (0.1);
00106     m_farDistance->control ()->setMinValue  (0.);
00107     m_farDistance->control ()->setLongStep  (1.0);
00108     m_farDistance->control ()->setSmallStep (0.1);
00110     m_focalDistance->control ()->setMinValue  (1.0);
00111     m_focalDistance->control ()->setLongStep  (1.0);
00112     m_focalDistance->control ()->setSmallStep (0.1);
00115     //alignment widget
00116     QWidget     *vlab = makeIndentedLabel ("Align Camera",
00117                                             area);
00118     bodyLayout ()->addWidget (vlab, row, 0);
00120     m_alignment = new IgQtAxisAlignment (area);
00121     m_alignment->setMaxAxisAlign (1.);
00122     m_alignment->setMinAxisAlign (0.);
00123     bodyLayout ()->addWidget (makeSpacedBox (area,m_alignment->widget ()),
00124                               row++, 1);
00126     //Zoom control
00127     m_zoom->control ()->setLongStep  (0.5);
00128     m_zoom->control ()->setSmallStep (0.01);
00129     m_zoom->setValue (0);
00130     m_zoom->setClean ();
00131     m_zoom->control ()->
00132       addRevWidget (makeIndentedLabel  ("In", m_zoom->control ()->widget ()));
00133     m_zoom->control ()->
00134       addFwdWidget (makeIndentedLabel ("Out", m_zoom->control ()->widget ()));
00136     //Auto clipping option
00137     m_autoClipping = new QCheckBox ("Auto Clipping", area);
00138     bodyLayout ()->addWidget (makeBox (area, m_autoClipping), row++, 0);
00140     QHBoxLayout *layout1 = new QHBoxLayout (bottomLayout ());
00142     layout1->addItem (new QSpacerItem (20, 20, 
00143         QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
00145     QPushButton *saveme = new QPushButton ("Export viewpoints", area);
00146     layout1->addWidget (saveme);
00148     layout1->addItem (new QSpacerItem (20, 20, 
00149         QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
00151     QPushButton *loadme = new QPushButton ("Import viewpoints", area);
00152     layout1->addWidget (loadme);
00154     layout1->addItem (new QSpacerItem (20, 20, 
00155         QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
00157     // Space it up 
00158     bottomLayout ()->addItem (new QSpacerItem (20, 20, 
00159         QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
00161     QWhatsThis::add (panel (), "3D Viewpoint Category");
00162     QWhatsThis::add (m_focalDistance->control ()->widget (), 
00163                    "Set distance from the view point to the point of focus");
00164     QWhatsThis::add (m_farDistance->control ()->widget (), 
00165                    "Set distance of the camera viewpoint to the far clipping plane");
00166     QWhatsThis::add (m_nearDistance->control ()->widget (), 
00167                    "Set distance of the camera viewpoint to the far clipping plane");
00168     QWhatsThis::add (m_aspectRatio->control ()->widget (), 
00169                    "Set the ratio of camera viewing width to height.\n"
00170                    "This must be greater than 0.0");
00171     QWhatsThis::add (m_zoom->control ()->widget (),
00172                    "Camera Zoom In/Out");
00173     QWhatsThis::add (m_autoClipping, "Turn on/off continuous automatic adjustments\n"
00174                                    "of the near and far clipping planes");
00175     QWhatsThis::add (vlab, "Align camera to x, y or z axis");
00176     QWhatsThis::add (m_alignment->widget (), "Align camera to x, y or z axis");
00178     connect (this,                      SIGNAL (editable    (bool)), 
00179              m_alignment->widget (),    SLOT   (setEnabled   (bool)));
00180     connect (this,                      SIGNAL (editable    (bool)), 
00181              saveme,                    SLOT   (setEnabled   (bool)));
00182     connect (this,                      SIGNAL (editable    (bool)), 
00183              loadme,                    SLOT   (setEnabled   (bool)));
00184     connect (m_alignment,               SIGNAL (dirty()),
00185              this,                      SLOT   (alignToAxis ()));
00186     connect (this,                      SIGNAL (clean()),
00187              m_alignment,               SLOT   (setClean ()));
00189     connect (saveme,            SIGNAL (clicked ()),
00190              this,              SLOT   (save ()));
00191     connect (loadme,            SIGNAL (clicked ()),
00192              this,              SLOT   (load ()));
00193     connect (m_zoom,            SIGNAL (dirty ()),
00194              this,              SLOT   (zoom ()));
00195     connect (this,              SIGNAL (tracking (bool)),
00196              this,              SLOT   (updateCameraPosition (bool)));
00197     connect (m_autoClipping,    SIGNAL (clicked ()),
00198              this,              SLOT   (autoClipping ()));
00200     connect (m_autoClipping,                     SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
00201              m_nearDistance->control()->widget(),SLOT(setDisabled(bool)));
00202     connect (m_autoClipping,                     SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
00203              m_farDistance->control()->widget(), SLOT(setDisabled(bool)));
00205     disconnect (m_nearDistance,                     SIGNAL (editable(bool)),
00206                 m_nearDistance->control()->widget(),SLOT (setEnabled(bool)));
00207     disconnect (m_farDistance,                      SIGNAL (editable(bool)),
00208                 m_farDistance->control()->widget(), SLOT (setEnabled(bool)));
00210     state->put (s_key, this);    
00211 }

Ig3DViewpointsCategory::~Ig3DViewpointsCategory ( void   ) 

Definition at line 213 of file

References IgState::detach(), m_group, and IgControlCategory::state().

00214 { 
00215     state ()->detach (s_key);    
00216     m_group->unref (); 
00217 }

Ig3DViewpointsCategory::Ig3DViewpointsCategory ( const Ig3DViewpointsCategory  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::alignToAxis ( void   )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 322 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), IgControlCategory::isTracking(), m_alignment, m_source, IgControlItem::setClean(), Ig3DBaseBrowser::viewPlaneX(), Ig3DBaseBrowser::viewPlaneY(), Ig3DBaseBrowser::viewPlaneZ(), IgQtAxisAlignment::xAlign(), and IgQtAxisAlignment::yAlign().

Referenced by Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

00323 {
00324     m_alignment->setClean ();
00325     if (isTracking () && currentItem () > -1)
00326     {
00327       if (m_alignment->xAlign ())
00328         m_source->viewPlaneX ();
00329       else if (m_alignment->yAlign ())
00330         m_source->viewPlaneY ();
00331       else
00332         m_source->viewPlaneZ ();
00333     }
00334 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::apply ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 232 of file

References IgControlBase::apply(), m_aspectRatio, m_farDistance, m_focalDistance, m_nearDistance, m_orientation, and updateCameraPosition().

00233 {
00234     m_aspectRatio->apply ();
00235     m_nearDistance->apply ();
00236     m_farDistance->apply ();
00237     m_focalDistance->apply ();
00238     updateCameraPosition ();
00239     m_orientation->apply ();
00240 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::attach ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 243 of file

References IgSoViewpoint::aspectRatio, autoClipping(), connectCameraFromViewpoint(), connectViewpointFromCamera(), IgControlCategory::currentItem(), IgSoViewpoint::farDistance, IgSoViewpoint::focalDistance, m_aspectRatio, m_autoClipping, m_autoClippings, m_farDistance, m_focalDistance, m_nearDistance, m_orientation, m_source, IgSoViewpoint::nearDistance, VarParsing::obj, Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >::object(), IgSoViewpoint::orientation, IgSoViewpoint::position, IgControlCategory::removeableItem(), Ig3DCameraUtils::setCamera(), Ig3DRotationControl::setField(), and Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::setField().

00244 {
00245     int           current = currentItem ();    
00246     IgSoViewpoint *obj    = object (current);
00248     if (current > 0)
00249     {
00250       if (m_source->isAnimating())
00251         m_source->stopAnimating ();
00252       connectCameraFromViewpoint (obj);
00253       connectViewpointFromCamera (obj);
00254     }
00255     else
00256     {
00257       connectViewpointFromCamera (obj);
00258       connectCameraFromViewpoint (obj);
00259       m_autoClippings [current] = m_source->isAutoClipping ();
00260     }
00262     m_orientation->setField (&obj->orientation);
00263     m_orientation->setCamera (&obj->orientation,
00264                               &obj->position,
00265                               &obj->focalDistance);
00266     m_focalDistance->setField (&obj->focalDistance);
00267     m_aspectRatio->setField (&obj->aspectRatio);
00268     m_nearDistance->setField (&obj->nearDistance);
00269     m_farDistance->setField (&obj->farDistance);    
00270     m_autoClipping->setChecked (m_autoClippings [current]);
00271     autoClipping ();
00273     removeableItem (current > 0);
00274 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::autoClipping ( void   )  [protected, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 313 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), m_autoClipping, m_autoClippings, m_source, and Ig3DBaseBrowser::setAutoClipping().

Referenced by attach(), and Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

00314 {
00315     bool clipping = m_autoClipping->isChecked ();
00316     m_autoClippings [currentItem ()] = clipping;
00317     if (m_source->isAutoClipping () != clipping)
00318       m_source->setAutoClipping (clipping);
00319 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::browserChanged ( Ig3DBaseBrowser browser  ) 

Definition at line 601 of file

References detach(), m_previous, and m_source.

Referenced by registerBrowser().

00602 {
00603     detach ();
00604     m_previous = -1;
00605     m_source = browser;
00606 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::connectCameraFromViewpoint ( IgSoViewpoint obj  )  [private]

Definition at line 416 of file

References IgSoViewpoint::aspectRatio, ASSERT, IgSoViewpoint::cameraType, IgSoViewpoint::farDistance, IgSoViewpoint::focalDistance, IgSoViewpoint::heightAngle, m_source, IgSoViewpoint::nearDistance, IgSoViewpoint::orientation, IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic, IgSoViewpoint::Perspective, IgSoViewpoint::position, and setCamera().

Referenced by attach(), and newCamera().

00417 {
00418     setCamera(m_source, obj);
00419     SoCamera *camera = m_source->getCamera ();
00420     camera->orientation.connectFrom (&obj->orientation);
00421     camera->position.connectFrom (&obj->position);
00422     camera->focalDistance.connectFrom (&obj->focalDistance);
00423     camera->aspectRatio.connectFrom (&obj->aspectRatio);
00424     camera->nearDistance.connectFrom (&obj->nearDistance);
00425     camera->farDistance.connectFrom (&obj->farDistance);
00426     int cameraType = obj->cameraType.getValue ();
00427     if (cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Perspective)
00428       ((SoPerspectiveCamera *)camera)->
00429         heightAngle.connectFrom (&obj->heightAngle);
00430     else if (cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic)
00431       ((SoOrthographicCamera *)camera)->
00432         height.connectFrom (&obj->heightAngle);
00433     else
00434       ASSERT (false);
00435 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::connectViewpointFromCamera ( IgSoViewpoint obj  )  [private]

Definition at line 384 of file

References IgSoViewpoint::aspectRatio, ASSERT, IgSoViewpoint::cameraType, IgSoViewpoint::farDistance, IgSoViewpoint::focalDistance, IgSoViewpoint::heightAngle, m_source, IgSoViewpoint::nearDistance, IgSoViewpoint::orientation, IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic, IgSoViewpoint::Perspective, IgSoViewpoint::position, and setViewpoint().

Referenced by attach(), and newCamera().

00385 {
00386     setViewpoint (m_source, obj);
00387     SoCamera *camera = m_source->getCamera ();
00388     obj->orientation.connectFrom (&camera->orientation);
00389     obj->position.connectFrom (&camera->position);
00390     obj->focalDistance.connectFrom (&camera->focalDistance);
00391     obj->aspectRatio.connectFrom (&camera->aspectRatio);
00392     obj->nearDistance.connectFrom (&camera->nearDistance);
00393     obj->farDistance.connectFrom (&camera->farDistance);
00394     int cameraType = obj->cameraType.getValue ();
00395     if (cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Perspective)
00396       obj->heightAngle.connectFrom (&((SoPerspectiveCamera *)camera)->heightAngle);
00397     else if (cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic)
00398       obj->heightAngle.connectFrom (&((SoOrthographicCamera *)camera)->height);
00399     else
00400       ASSERT (false);
00401 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::createNewItem ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 482 of file

References makeOne().

00483 { 
00484     makeOne ();
00485     //setCurrentItem (items ()-1);
00486     //itemChanged (items ()-1);
00487 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::deleteItem ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 490 of file

References deleteOne().

00491 { deleteOne (); }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::deleteOne ( void   )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 534 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), detach(), m_autoClippings, m_group, m_previous, VarParsing::obj, and Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >::object().

Referenced by deleteItem().

00535 {
00536     int         current = currentItem ();
00538     if (current > 0)
00539     {
00540       IgSoViewpoint     *obj    = object (current);
00541       detach ();
00542       m_autoClippings.erase (m_autoClippings.begin () + current);
00543       m_previous = -1 ;
00544       m_group->removeChild (obj);
00545       remove (current);
00546     }
00547 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::detach ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 277 of file

References disconnectCamera(), disconnectViewpoint(), m_aspectRatio, m_farDistance, m_focalDistance, m_nearDistance, m_orientation, m_previous, Ig3DCameraUtils::setCamera(), Ig3DRotationControl::setField(), and Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::setField().

Referenced by browserChanged(), deleteOne(), and focusOut().

00278 {
00279     if (m_previous == -1)
00280       return;
00282     disconnectCamera ();
00283     disconnectViewpoint (object (m_previous));
00285     m_orientation->setField (0);
00286     m_orientation->setCamera (0, 0, 0);
00287     m_focalDistance->setField (0);
00288     m_aspectRatio->setField (0);
00289     m_nearDistance->setField (0);
00290     m_farDistance->setField (0);
00291 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::disconnectCamera ( void   )  [private]

Definition at line 438 of file

References ASSERT, and m_source.

Referenced by detach().

00439 {
00440     SoCamera *camera = m_source->getCamera ();
00441     camera->orientation.disconnect ();
00442     camera->position.disconnect ();
00443     camera->focalDistance.disconnect ();
00444     camera->aspectRatio.disconnect ();
00445     camera->nearDistance.disconnect ();
00446     camera->farDistance.disconnect ();
00447     if (camera->isOfType (SoPerspectiveCamera::getClassTypeId ()))
00448       ((SoPerspectiveCamera *)camera)->heightAngle.disconnect ();
00449     else if (camera->isOfType (SoOrthographicCamera::getClassTypeId ()))
00450       ((SoOrthographicCamera *)camera)->height.disconnect ();
00451     else
00452       ASSERT (false);
00453 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::disconnectViewpoint ( IgSoViewpoint obj  )  [private]

Definition at line 404 of file

References IgSoViewpoint::aspectRatio, IgSoViewpoint::farDistance, IgSoViewpoint::focalDistance, IgSoViewpoint::heightAngle, IgSoViewpoint::nearDistance, IgSoViewpoint::orientation, and IgSoViewpoint::position.

Referenced by detach().

00405 {
00406     obj->orientation.disconnect ();
00407     obj->position.disconnect ();
00408     obj->focalDistance.disconnect ();
00409     obj->aspectRatio.disconnect ();
00410     obj->nearDistance.disconnect ();
00411     obj->farDistance.disconnect ();
00412     obj->heightAngle.disconnect ();
00413 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::focusIn ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 347 of file

References itemChanged(), m_previous, and IgControlCategory::setCurrentItem().

00348 {
00349     setCurrentItem (m_previous = 0);
00350     itemChanged (m_previous);
00351 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::focusOut ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 354 of file

References detach(), IgControlCategory::focusOut(), and m_previous.

00355 {
00356     detach ();
00357     m_previous = -1;
00358     IgControlCategory::focusOut ();
00359 }

Ig3DViewpointsCategory::IG_DECLARE_STATE_ELEMENT ( Ig3DViewpointsCategory   )  [private]

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::itemChanged ( int  index  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 362 of file

References IgControlCategory::itemChanged(), and m_previous.

Referenced by focusIn().

00363 {
00364     IgControlCategory::itemChanged (index);
00365     m_previous = index;
00366 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::load ( void   )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 616 of file

References ASSERT, Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), getString(), m_source, prof2calltree::node, Ig3DBaseBrowser::openNode(), IgControlCategory::panel(), and reconstruct().

Referenced by Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

00617 {
00618     ASSERT (m_source);
00619     SoNode * node = m_source->openNode (Ig3DBaseModel::encode
00620                                           ("Default View Points").getString (),
00621                                         "Select viewpoints to load", panel ());
00622     if (node) reconstruct (static_cast<SoGroup*>(node));
00623 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::makeOne ( QString  name = ""  )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 507 of file

References pyDBSguiBaseClass::base, Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), IgControlCategory::items(), m_autoClippings, m_group, m_source, edm::Normal, VarParsing::obj, IgControlCategory::panel(), and setViewpoint().

Referenced by createNewItem(), and Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

00508 {
00509     if (name.isEmpty ())
00510     {
00511       bool      ok = false;
00512       QString   base ("Viewpoint #%1");
00513       name = QInputDialog::getText (tr("Name"), QString::null,
00514                                     QLineEdit::Normal,
00515                                     base.arg (items () + 1),
00516                                     &ok, panel ());
00519       if (! ok || name.isEmpty ())
00520         return;
00521     }
00523     // FIXME: Remember camera type!
00524     IgSoViewpoint *obj = new IgSoViewpoint;
00525     obj->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode (name.utf8 ().data ()));
00526     setViewpoint(m_source, obj);
00528     m_group->addChild (obj);
00529     add (obj, true);
00530     m_autoClippings.push_back (m_source->isAutoClipping ());
00531 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::newCamera ( void   )  [virtual]

Definition at line 373 of file

References connectCameraFromViewpoint(), connectViewpointFromCamera(), IgControlCategory::currentItem(), VarParsing::obj, Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >::object(), and IgControlCategory::panel().

00374 {
00375     if (panel ()->isVisible ())
00376     {
00377         IgSoViewpoint *obj = object (currentItem ());
00378         connectViewpointFromCamera (obj);
00379         connectCameraFromViewpoint (obj);
00380     }
00381 }

Ig3DViewpointsCategory& Ig3DViewpointsCategory::operator= ( const Ig3DViewpointsCategory  )  [private]

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::reconstruct ( SoGroup *  from  ) 

Definition at line 459 of file

References ASSERT, i, j, m_group, n, prof2calltree::node, Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >::object(), Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >::objects(), and update().

Referenced by load(), and registerBrowser().

00460 {
00461     for (int i = 0, n = from->getNumChildren (); i < n; ++i)
00462     {
00463       ASSERT (from->getChild(i)->isOfType(IgSoViewpoint::getClassTypeId()));
00464       IgSoViewpoint *node = static_cast<IgSoViewpoint *>(from->getChild(i));
00465       bool already_exists = false;
00466       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < objects () && !already_exists; j++)
00467       {
00468         if (node->getName () == object (j)->getName ())
00469           already_exists = true;
00470       }
00471       if (!already_exists)
00472       {
00473         m_group->addChild (node);
00474         add (node, true);
00475       }
00476     }
00477     update ();
00478 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::registerBrowser ( IgState state,
Ig3DBaseBrowser browser 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >.

Definition at line 575 of file

References IgQtAppContextService::addOnFocusIn(), ASSERT, Ig3DBaseModel::attachPoint(), browserChanged(), lat::CreateCallback(), Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), Ig3DBaseRep::findMagic(), DBSPlugin::get(), group, m_group, m_source, Ig3DBaseRep::magic(), Ig3DBaseBrowser::model(), reconstruct(), and IgControlCategory::registerMe().

Referenced by Ig3DWindow::initCategories().

00576 {
00577     m_source = dynamic_cast <Ig3DBaseBrowser *>(browser);
00578     ASSERT (m_source);
00580     IgQtAppContextService *cs = IgQtAppContextService::get (state);
00581     ASSERT (cs); 
00582     cs->addOnFocusIn (lat::CreateCallback (this,
00583                                            &Ig3DViewpointsCategory::browserChanged,
00584                                            m_source));
00586     IgControlCategory::registerMe (state);
00587     SoGroup *group = dynamic_cast<SoGroup *>(
00588         m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->findMagic (
00589            Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default View Points")));
00590     if (group)
00591     {
00592       reconstruct (group);
00593       m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->magic ()->replaceChild (group, m_group);
00594     }
00595     else
00596       m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->magic ()->addChild (m_group);
00597 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::renameItem ( const QString &  newName  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 494 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), IgControlCategory::currentText(), Ig3DBaseModel::decode(), edm::getName(), Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >::rename(), and IgControlCategory::renameItem().

00495 {
00496     int current         = currentItem ();
00497     QString oldName (Ig3DBaseModel::decode(object (current)->getName ()).c_str ());
00498     if (!newName.isEmpty() && newName != oldName)
00499     {
00500       IgControlCategory:: renameItem(newName);
00501       rename (current, currentText ());
00502     }
00503 }

bool Ig3DViewpointsCategory::save ( QString  file,
bool  binary 
) [private]

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::save ( void   )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 609 of file

References ASSERT, m_group, m_source, IgControlCategory::panel(), and Ig3DBaseBrowser::saveNode().

Referenced by Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

00610 {
00611     ASSERT (m_source);
00612     m_source->saveNode (m_group, "Save Viewpoints As...", panel ());
00613 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::setCamera ( Ig3DBaseBrowser browser,
IgSoViewpoint view 
) [static]

Definition at line 651 of file

References IgSoViewpoint::aspectRatio, ASSERT, IgSoViewpoint::cameraType, IgSoViewpoint::farDistance, IgSoViewpoint::focalDistance, IgSoViewpoint::heightAngle, IgSoViewpoint::nearDistance, IgSoViewpoint::orientation, IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic, IgSoViewpoint::Perspective, IgSoViewpoint::position, and Ig3DBaseBrowser::toggleCameraType().

Referenced by connectCameraFromViewpoint(), and Ig3DWindow::printViews().

00652 {
00653     ASSERT (browser && view);
00654     SoCamera *camera = browser->getCamera ();
00656     int cameraType = view->cameraType.getValue ();
00657     bool toggle = false;
00658     if ((cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Perspective) &&
00659         (!camera->isOfType (SoPerspectiveCamera::getClassTypeId ())))
00660       toggle = true;
00661     else if ((cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic) &&
00662              (!camera->isOfType (SoOrthographicCamera::getClassTypeId ())))
00663       toggle = true;
00665     if (toggle)
00666     {
00667       browser->toggleCameraType ();
00668       camera = browser->getCamera ();
00669     }
00670     camera->orientation.connectFrom (&view->orientation);
00671     camera->position.connectFrom (&view->position);
00672     camera->focalDistance.connectFrom (&view->focalDistance);
00673     camera->aspectRatio.connectFrom (&view->aspectRatio);
00674     camera->nearDistance.connectFrom (&view->nearDistance);
00675     camera->farDistance.connectFrom (&view->farDistance);
00676     if (cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Perspective)
00677       ((SoPerspectiveCamera *)camera)->
00678         heightAngle.setValue (view->heightAngle.getValue ());
00679     else if (cameraType == IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic)
00680       ((SoOrthographicCamera *)camera)->
00681         height.setValue (view->heightAngle.getValue ());
00682     else
00683       ASSERT(false);
00684 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::setViewpoint ( Ig3DBaseBrowser browser,
IgSoViewpoint view 
) [static]

Definition at line 626 of file

References IgSoViewpoint::aspectRatio, ASSERT, IgSoViewpoint::cameraType, IgSoViewpoint::farDistance, IgSoViewpoint::focalDistance, IgSoViewpoint::heightAngle, IgSoViewpoint::nearDistance, IgSoViewpoint::orientation, IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic, IgSoViewpoint::Perspective, and IgSoViewpoint::position.

Referenced by connectViewpointFromCamera(), makeOne(), and Ig3DWindow::printViews().

00627 {
00628     ASSERT (browser && view);
00629     SoCamera *camera = browser->getCamera ();
00630     view->orientation.setValue (camera->orientation.getValue ());   
00631     view->position.setValue (camera->position.getValue ());
00632     view->focalDistance.setValue (camera->focalDistance.getValue ());
00633     view->aspectRatio.setValue (camera->aspectRatio.getValue ());
00634     view->nearDistance.setValue (camera->nearDistance.getValue ());
00635     view->farDistance.setValue (camera->farDistance.getValue ());
00636     if (camera->isOfType (SoPerspectiveCamera::getClassTypeId ()))
00637     {
00638       view->heightAngle.setValue (((SoPerspectiveCamera *)camera)->heightAngle.getValue ());
00639       view->cameraType.setValue(IgSoViewpoint::Perspective);
00640     }
00641     else if (camera->isOfType (SoOrthographicCamera::getClassTypeId ()))
00642     {
00643       view->heightAngle.setValue (((SoOrthographicCamera *)camera)->height.getValue ());
00644       view->cameraType.setValue(IgSoViewpoint::Orthographic);
00645     }
00646     else
00647       ASSERT (false);
00648 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::show ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 340 of file

References m_previous, IgControlCategory::setCurrentItem(), and IgControlCategory::show().

00341 {
00342     setCurrentItem (m_previous = 0);    
00343     IgControlCategory::show ();
00344 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::update ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 222 of file

References m_aspectRatio, m_farDistance, m_focalDistance, m_nearDistance, m_orientation, and IgControlBase::update().

Referenced by reconstruct().

00223 {
00224     m_aspectRatio->update ();
00225     m_nearDistance->update ();
00226     m_farDistance->update ();
00227     m_focalDistance->update ();
00228     m_orientation->update ();
00229 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::updateCameraPosition ( void   )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 565 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), m_focalDistance, VarParsing::obj, Ig3DObjectCategory< IgSoViewpoint >::object(), IgSoViewpoint::position, and Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::value().

Referenced by apply(), Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), and updateCameraPosition().

00566 {
00567     IgSoViewpoint *obj= object (currentItem ());
00568     obj->position = 
00569          obj->position.getValue ()  * 
00570          ( m_focalDistance->value () / obj->position.getValue ().length ());
00571 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::updateCameraPosition ( bool  tracking  )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 550 of file

References HLT_VtxMuL3::connect, IgControlItem::dirty(), m_focalDistance, and updateCameraPosition().

00551 {
00552     if (tracking)
00553     {
00554       connect    (m_focalDistance, SIGNAL (dirty ()),
00555                  this,             SLOT   (updateCameraPosition ()));
00556     }
00557     else
00558     {
00559       disconnect (m_focalDistance,      SIGNAL (dirty ()),
00560                   this,                 SLOT   (updateCameraPosition ()));
00561     }
00562 }

void Ig3DViewpointsCategory::zoom ( void   )  [protected, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 297 of file

References HLT_VtxMuL3::connect, IgControlCategory::currentItem(), IgControlItem::dirty(), IgControlCategory::isTracking(), m_source, m_zoom, IgControlItem::setClean(), Ig3DFloatControl::setValue(), value, Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::value(), and Ig3DBaseBrowser::zoom().

Referenced by Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

00298 {
00299     float value = m_zoom->value ();
00301     //move the Zoom value back to 0
00302     disconnect(m_zoom, SIGNAL (dirty ()), this, SLOT (zoom ()));
00303     m_zoom->setValue (0.);
00304     m_zoom->setClean ();
00305     connect(m_zoom, SIGNAL (dirty ()),this, SLOT (zoom ()));
00307     if (! isTracking () || currentItem () == -1)
00308         return;
00309     m_source->zoom (value);
00310 }

Member Data Documentation

IgQtAxisAlignment* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_alignment [private]

Definition at line 94 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by alignToAxis(), and Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

Ig3DFloatControl* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_aspectRatio [private]

Definition at line 96 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), and update().

QCheckBox* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_autoClipping [private]

Definition at line 100 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by attach(), autoClipping(), and Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

std::vector<bool> Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_autoClippings [private]

Definition at line 102 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by attach(), autoClipping(), deleteOne(), and makeOne().

Ig3DFloatControl* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_farDistance [private]

Definition at line 98 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), and update().

Ig3DFloatControl* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_focalDistance [private]

Definition at line 95 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), update(), and updateCameraPosition().

SoGroup* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_group [private]

Definition at line 90 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by deleteOne(), Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), makeOne(), reconstruct(), registerBrowser(), save(), and ~Ig3DViewpointsCategory().

Ig3DFloatControl* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_nearDistance [private]

Definition at line 97 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), and update().

Ig3DCameraRotControl* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_orientation [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), and update().

int Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_previous [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by browserChanged(), deleteOne(), detach(), focusIn(), focusOut(), itemChanged(), and show().

Ig3DBaseBrowser* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_source [private]

Definition at line 89 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by alignToAxis(), attach(), autoClipping(), browserChanged(), connectCameraFromViewpoint(), connectViewpointFromCamera(), disconnectCamera(), Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), load(), makeOne(), registerBrowser(), save(), and zoom().

Ig3DFloatControl* Ig3DViewpointsCategory::m_zoom [private]

Definition at line 99 of file Ig3DViewpointsCategory.h.

Referenced by Ig3DViewpointsCategory(), and zoom().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:25:00 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4