DTSegment4DQuality Class Reference

Basic analyzer class which accesses 4D DTSegments and plot resolution comparing reconstructed and simulated quantities. More...

#include <Validation/DTRecHits/plugins/DTSegment4DQuality.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTSegment4DQuality:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
 Perform the real analysis.
 DTSegment4DQuality (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
void endJob ()
virtual ~DTSegment4DQuality ()

Private Attributes

bool debug
std::string rootFileName
std::string segment4DLabel
double sigmaResAlpha
double sigmaResBeta
double sigmaResX
double sigmaResY
std::string simHitLabel
TFile * theFile

Detailed Description

Basic analyzer class which accesses 4D DTSegments and plot resolution comparing reconstructed and simulated quantities.

2007/10/25 11:58:37
S. Bolognesi and G. Cerminara - INFN Torino

Definition at line 28 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTSegment4DQuality::DTSegment4DQuality ( const edm::ParameterSet pset  ) 


Definition at line 40 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug, DTHitQualityUtils::debug, lat::endl(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), h4DHit, h4DHit_W0, h4DHit_W1, h4DHit_W2, hEff_All, hEff_W0, hEff_W1, hEff_W2, rootFileName, segment4DLabel, sigmaResAlpha, sigmaResBeta, sigmaResX, sigmaResY, simHitLabel, and theFile.

00040                                                                 {
00041   // Get the debug parameter for verbose output
00042   debug = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug");
00043   DTHitQualityUtils::debug = debug;
00045   rootFileName = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFileName");
00046   // the name of the simhit collection
00047   simHitLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("simHitLabel", "SimG4Object");
00048   // the name of the 4D rec hit collection
00049   segment4DLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("segment4DLabel");
00051   //sigma resolution on position
00052   sigmaResX = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResX");
00053   sigmaResY = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResY");
00054   //sigma resolution on angle
00055   sigmaResAlpha = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResAlpha");
00056   sigmaResBeta = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResBeta");
00058   // Create the root file
00059   theFile = new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
00060   theFile->cd();
00062   if(debug)
00063     cout << "[DTSegment4DQuality] Constructor called" << endl;
00064   h4DHit= new HRes4DHit ("All");
00065   h4DHit_W0= new HRes4DHit ("W0");
00066   h4DHit_W1= new HRes4DHit ("W1");
00067   h4DHit_W2= new HRes4DHit ("W2");
00069   hEff_All= new HEff4DHit ("All");
00070   hEff_W0= new HEff4DHit ("W0");
00071   hEff_W1= new HEff4DHit ("W1");
00072   hEff_W2= new HEff4DHit ("W2");
00073 }

DTSegment4DQuality::~DTSegment4DQuality (  )  [virtual]


Definition at line 76 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug, and lat::endl().

00076                                        {
00078   if(debug)
00079     cout << "[DTSegment4DQuality] Destructor called" << endl;
00080 }

Member Function Documentation

void DTSegment4DQuality::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup eventSetup 
) [virtual]

Perform the real analysis.

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 105 of file

References funct::abs(), funct::cos(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug, lat::endl(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), HEff4DHit::Fill(), HRes4DHit::Fill(), DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegment(), DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegmentDirAndPos(), DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(), edm::EventSetup::get(), h4DHit, h4DHit_W0, h4DHit_W1, h4DHit_W2, hEff_All, hEff_W0, hEff_W1, hEff_W2, histo, DTRecSegment2D::localDirection(), DTRecSegment4D::localDirection(), DTRecSegment2D::localDirectionError(), DTRecSegment4D::localDirectionError(), DTRecSegment4D::localPosition(), DTRecSegment2D::localPosition(), DTRecSegment4D::localPositionError(), DTRecSegment2D::localPositionError(), DTHitQualityUtils::mapMuSimHitsPerWire(), DTHitQualityUtils::mapSimHitsPerWire(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), range, segment4DLabel, sigmaResAlpha, sigmaResBeta, sigmaResX, sigmaResY, simHitLabel, trackerHits::simHits, sl, funct::sqrt(), DTSLRecSegment2D::superLayerId(), theFile, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::theta(), GeomDet::toGlobal(), GeomDet::toLocal(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), LocalError::xx(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), LocalError::yy(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and DTRecSegment4D::zSegment().

00105                                                                                    {
00106     if(debug)
00107       cout << "--- [DTSegment4DQuality] Analysing Event: #Run: " <<
00108         << " #Event: " << << endl;
00109     theFile->cd();
00111     // Get the DT Geometry
00112     ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeom;
00113     eventSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeom);
00115     // Get the SimHit collection from the event
00116     edm::Handle<PSimHitContainer> simHits;
00117     event.getByLabel(simHitLabel, "MuonDTHits", simHits); //FIXME: second string to be removed
00119     //Map simHits by chamber
00120     map<DTChamberId, PSimHitContainer > simHitsPerCh;
00121     for(PSimHitContainer::const_iterator simHit = simHits->begin();
00122         simHit != simHits->end(); simHit++){
00123       // Create the id of the chamber (the simHits in the DT known their wireId)
00124       DTChamberId chamberId = (((DTWireId(simHit->detUnitId())).layerId()).superlayerId()).chamberId();
00125       // Fill the map
00126       simHitsPerCh[chamberId].push_back(*simHit);
00127     }
00129     // Get the 4D rechits from the event
00130     Handle<DTRecSegment4DCollection> segment4Ds;
00131     event.getByLabel(segment4DLabel, segment4Ds);
00133     // Loop over all chambers containing a segment
00134     DTRecSegment4DCollection::id_iterator chamberId;
00135     for (chamberId = segment4Ds->id_begin();
00136          chamberId != segment4Ds->id_end();
00137          ++chamberId){
00139       if((*chamberId).station() == 4)
00140         continue; //use DTSegment2DQuality to analyze MB4 performaces
00142       //------------------------- simHits ---------------------------//
00143       //Get simHits of each chamber
00144       PSimHitContainer simHits =  simHitsPerCh[(*chamberId)];
00146       // Map simhits per wire
00147       map<DTWireId, PSimHitContainer > simHitsPerWire = DTHitQualityUtils::mapSimHitsPerWire(simHits);
00148       map<DTWireId, const PSimHit*> muSimHitPerWire = DTHitQualityUtils::mapMuSimHitsPerWire(simHitsPerWire);
00149       int nMuSimHit = muSimHitPerWire.size();
00150       if(nMuSimHit == 0 || nMuSimHit == 1) {
00151         if(debug && nMuSimHit == 1)
00152           cout << "[DTSegment4DQuality] Only " << nMuSimHit << " mu SimHit in this chamber, skipping!" << endl;
00153         continue; // If no or only one mu SimHit is found skip this chamber
00154       } 
00155       if(debug)
00156         cout << "=== Chamber " << (*chamberId) << " has " << nMuSimHit << " SimHits" << endl;
00158       //Find outer and inner mu SimHit to build a segment
00159       pair<const PSimHit*, const PSimHit*> inAndOutSimHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegment(muSimHitPerWire); 
00161       //Find direction and position of the sim Segment in Chamber RF
00162       pair<LocalVector, LocalPoint> dirAndPosSimSegm = DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegmentDirAndPos(inAndOutSimHit,
00163                                                                                                     (*chamberId),&(*dtGeom));
00165       LocalVector simSegmLocalDir = dirAndPosSimSegm.first;
00166       LocalPoint simSegmLocalPos = dirAndPosSimSegm.second;
00167       const DTChamber* chamber = dtGeom->chamber(*chamberId);
00168       GlobalPoint simSegmGlobalPos = chamber->toGlobal(simSegmLocalPos);
00169       GlobalVector simSegmGlobalDir = chamber->toGlobal(simSegmLocalDir);
00171       //phi and theta angle of simulated segment in Chamber RF
00172       float alphaSimSeg = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(simSegmLocalDir).first;
00173       float betaSimSeg = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(simSegmLocalDir).second;
00174       //x,y position of simulated segment in Chamber RF
00175       float xSimSeg = simSegmLocalPos.x(); 
00176       float ySimSeg = simSegmLocalPos.y(); 
00177       //Position (in eta,phi coordinates) in lobal RF
00178       float etaSimSeg = simSegmGlobalPos.eta(); 
00179       float phiSimSeg = simSegmGlobalPos.phi();
00181       if(debug)
00182         cout<<"  Simulated segment:  local direction "<<simSegmLocalDir<<endl
00183           <<"                      local position  "<<simSegmLocalPos<<endl
00184           <<"                      alpha           "<<alphaSimSeg<<endl
00185           <<"                      beta            "<<betaSimSeg<<endl;
00187       //---------------------------- recHits --------------------------//
00188       // Get the range of rechit for the corresponding chamberId
00189       bool recHitFound = false;
00190       DTRecSegment4DCollection::range range = segment4Ds->get(*chamberId);
00191       int nsegm = distance(range.first, range.second);
00192       if(debug)
00193         cout << "   Chamber: " << *chamberId << " has " << nsegm
00194           << " 4D segments" << endl;
00196       if (nsegm!=0) {
00197         // Find the best RecHit: look for the 4D RecHit with the phi angle closest
00198         // to that of segment made of SimHits. 
00199         // RecHits must have delta alpha and delta position within 5 sigma of
00200         // the residual distribution (we are looking for residuals of segments
00201         // usefull to the track fit) for efficency purpose
00202         const DTRecSegment4D* bestRecHit = 0;
00203         bool bestRecHitFound = false;
00204         double deltaAlpha = 99999;
00206         // Loop over the recHits of this chamberId
00207         for (DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator segment4D = range.first;
00208              segment4D!=range.second;
00209              ++segment4D){
00210           // Check the dimension
00211           if((*segment4D).dimension() != 4) {
00212             if(debug)cout << "[DTSegment4DQuality]***Error: This is not 4D segment!!!" << endl;
00213             continue;
00214           }
00215           // Segment Local Direction and position (in Chamber RF)
00216           LocalVector recSegDirection = (*segment4D).localDirection();
00217           //LocalPoint recSegPosition = (*segment4D).localPosition();
00219           float recSegAlpha = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(recSegDirection).first;
00220           if(debug)
00221             cout << "  RecSegment direction: " << recSegDirection << endl
00222               << "             position : " <<  (*segment4D).localPosition() << endl
00223               << "             alpha    : " << recSegAlpha << endl
00224               << "             beta     : " <<  DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(recSegDirection).second << endl;
00226           if(fabs(recSegAlpha - alphaSimSeg) < deltaAlpha) {
00227             deltaAlpha = fabs(recSegAlpha - alphaSimSeg);
00228             bestRecHit = &(*segment4D);
00229             bestRecHitFound = true;
00230           }
00231         }  // End of Loop over all 4D RecHits
00233         if(bestRecHitFound) {
00234           // Best rechit direction and position in Chamber RF
00235           LocalPoint bestRecHitLocalPos = bestRecHit->localPosition();
00236           LocalVector bestRecHitLocalDir = bestRecHit->localDirection();
00237           // Errors on x and y
00238           LocalError bestRecHitLocalPosErr = bestRecHit->localPositionError();
00239           LocalError bestRecHitLocalDirErr = bestRecHit->localDirectionError();
00241           float alphaBestRHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(bestRecHitLocalDir).first;
00242           float betaBestRHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(bestRecHitLocalDir).second;
00243           // Errors on alpha and beta
00245           // Get position and direction using the rx projection (so in SL
00246           // reference frame). Note that x (and y) are swapped wrt to Chamber
00247           // frame
00248           //if (bestRecHit->hasZed() ) {
00249           const DTSLRecSegment2D * zedRecSeg = bestRecHit->zSegment();
00250           LocalPoint bestRecHitLocalPosRZ = zedRecSeg->localPosition();
00251           LocalVector bestRecHitLocalDirRZ = zedRecSeg->localDirection();
00252           // Errors on x and y
00253           LocalError bestRecHitLocalPosErrRZ = zedRecSeg->localPositionError();
00254           LocalError bestRecHitLocalDirErrRZ = zedRecSeg->localDirectionError();
00256           float alphaBestRHitRZ = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(bestRecHitLocalDirRZ).first;
00258           // Get SimSeg position and Direction in rZ SL frame 
00259           const DTSuperLayer* sl = dtGeom->superLayer(zedRecSeg->superLayerId());
00260           LocalPoint simSegLocalPosRZTmp = sl->toLocal(simSegmGlobalPos);
00261           LocalVector simSegLocalDirRZ = sl->toLocal(simSegmGlobalDir);
00262           LocalPoint simSegLocalPosRZ =
00263             simSegLocalPosRZTmp + simSegLocalDirRZ*(-simSegLocalPosRZTmp.z()/(cos(simSegLocalDirRZ.theta())));
00264           float alphaSimSegRZ = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(simSegLocalDirRZ).first;
00266           if (debug) cout <<
00267             "RZ SL: recPos " << bestRecHitLocalPosRZ <<
00268               "recDir " << bestRecHitLocalDirRZ <<
00269               "recAlpha " << alphaBestRHitRZ << endl <<
00270               "RZ SL: simPos " << simSegLocalPosRZ <<
00271               "simDir " << simSegLocalDirRZ <<
00272               "simAlpha " << alphaSimSegRZ << endl ;
00273           //}
00276           if(fabs(alphaBestRHit - alphaSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResAlpha &&
00277              fabs(betaBestRHit - betaSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResBeta &&
00278              fabs(bestRecHitLocalPos.x() - xSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResX &&
00279              fabs(bestRecHitLocalPos.y() - ySimSeg) < 5*sigmaResY) {
00280             recHitFound = true;
00281           }
00283           // Fill Residual histos
00284           HRes4DHit *histo=0;
00286           if((*chamberId).wheel() == 0)
00287             histo = h4DHit_W0;
00288           else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 1)
00289             histo = h4DHit_W1;
00290           else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 2)
00291             histo = h4DHit_W2;
00293           histo->Fill(alphaSimSeg,
00294                       alphaBestRHit,
00295                       betaSimSeg,
00296                       betaBestRHit,
00297                       xSimSeg, 
00298                       bestRecHitLocalPos.x(),
00299                       ySimSeg,
00300                       bestRecHitLocalPos.y(),
00301                       etaSimSeg, 
00302                       phiSimSeg,
00303                       bestRecHitLocalPosRZ.x(),
00304                       simSegLocalPosRZ.x(),
00305                       alphaBestRHitRZ,
00306                       alphaSimSegRZ,
00307                       sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.xx()),
00308                       sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.yy()),
00309                       sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.xx()),
00310                       sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.yy()),
00311                       sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErrRZ.xx()),
00312                       sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErrRZ.xx())
00313                      );
00315           h4DHit->Fill(alphaSimSeg,
00316                        alphaBestRHit,
00317                        betaSimSeg,
00318                        betaBestRHit,
00319                        xSimSeg, 
00320                        bestRecHitLocalPos.x(),
00321                        ySimSeg,
00322                        bestRecHitLocalPos.y(),
00323                        etaSimSeg, 
00324                        phiSimSeg,
00325                        bestRecHitLocalPosRZ.x(),
00326                        simSegLocalPosRZ.x(),
00327                        alphaBestRHitRZ,
00328                        alphaSimSegRZ,
00329                        sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.xx()),
00330                        sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.yy()),
00331                        sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.xx()),
00332                        sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.yy()),
00333                        sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErrRZ.xx()),
00334                        sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErrRZ.xx())
00335                       );
00336         }
00337       } //end of if(nsegm!=0)
00339       // Fill Efficiency plot
00340       HEff4DHit *heff = 0;
00342       if((*chamberId).wheel() == 0)
00343         heff = hEff_W0;
00344       else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 1)
00345         heff = hEff_W1;
00346       else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 2)
00347         heff = hEff_W2;
00348       heff->Fill(etaSimSeg, phiSimSeg, xSimSeg, ySimSeg, alphaSimSeg, betaSimSeg, recHitFound);
00349       hEff_All->Fill(etaSimSeg, phiSimSeg, xSimSeg, ySimSeg, alphaSimSeg, betaSimSeg, recHitFound);
00350     } // End of loop over chambers
00351   }

void DTSegment4DQuality::endJob ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 82 of file

References HEff4DHit::ComputeEfficiency(), h4DHit, h4DHit_W0, h4DHit_W1, h4DHit_W2, hEff_All, hEff_W0, hEff_W1, hEff_W2, theFile, HRes4DHit::Write(), and HEff4DHit::Write().

00082                                 {
00083   // Write the histos to file
00084   theFile->cd();
00086   h4DHit->Write();
00087   h4DHit_W0->Write();
00088   h4DHit_W1->Write();
00089   h4DHit_W2->Write();
00091   hEff_All->ComputeEfficiency();
00092   hEff_W0->ComputeEfficiency();
00093   hEff_W1->ComputeEfficiency();
00094   hEff_W2->ComputeEfficiency();
00096   hEff_All->Write();
00097   hEff_W0->Write();
00098   hEff_W1->Write();
00099   hEff_W2->Write();
00101   theFile->Close();
00102 } 

Member Data Documentation

bool DTSegment4DQuality::debug [private]

Definition at line 50 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and ~DTSegment4DQuality().

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit [private]

Definition at line 63 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit_W0 [private]

Definition at line 64 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit_W1 [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit_W2 [private]

Definition at line 66 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_All [private]

Definition at line 68 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_W0 [private]

Definition at line 69 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_W1 [private]

Definition at line 70 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_W2 [private]

Definition at line 71 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

std::string DTSegment4DQuality::rootFileName [private]

Definition at line 52 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by DTSegment4DQuality().

std::string DTSegment4DQuality::segment4DLabel [private]

Definition at line 55 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and DTSegment4DQuality().

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResAlpha [private]

Definition at line 60 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and DTSegment4DQuality().

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResBeta [private]

Definition at line 61 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and DTSegment4DQuality().

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResX [private]

Definition at line 57 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and DTSegment4DQuality().

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResY [private]

Definition at line 58 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and DTSegment4DQuality().

std::string DTSegment4DQuality::simHitLabel [private]

Definition at line 54 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and DTSegment4DQuality().

TFile* DTSegment4DQuality::theFile [private]

Definition at line 48 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Referenced by analyze(), DTSegment4DQuality(), and endJob().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:19:05 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4