EBSelectiveReadoutTask Class Reference

#include <DQM/EcalBarrelMonitorTasks/interface/EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for EBSelectiveReadoutTask:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EBSelectiveReadoutTask (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~EBSelectiveReadoutTask ()

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void cleanup (void)
void endJob (void)
void endRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void reset (void)
void setup (void)

Static Protected Attributes

static const int bytesPerCrystal = 24
 Number of bytes per crystal.
static const int ebTtEdge = 5
 Number of crystals along an EB TT.
static const int kByte = 1024
static const int nEBDcc = 36
static const int nEbEta = 170
 number of crystals along Eta in EB
static const int nEbPhi = 360
 number of crystals along Phi in EB
static const int nEbRus = 36*68
 number of RUs for EB
static const int nECALDcc = 54
static const int nTtEta = 56
 Number of Trigger Towers along Eta.
static const int nTTEta = 34
static const int nTtPhi = 72
 Number of Trigger Towers along Phi.
static const int nTTPhi = 72
static const int scEdge = 5
 Number of crystals along a supercrystal edge.

Private Types

enum  subdet_t { EB, EE }
 distinguishes barral and endcap of ECAL. More...

Private Member Functions

void anaDigi (const EBDataFrame &frame, const EBSrFlagCollection &srFlagColl)
 Accumulates statitics for data volume analysis.
void anaDigiInit ()
 Initializes statistics accumalator for data volume analysis.
int cIndex2iEta (int i) const
 converse of iEta2cIndex() method.
int cIndex2iPhi (int i) const
 converse of iPhi2cIndex() method.
int cIndex2iXY (int iX0) const
 converse of iXY2cIndex() method.
int dccIndex (int i, int j) const
 Gets the index of the DCC reading a crystal.
unsigned dccNum (const DetId &xtalId) const
 Retrieve the logical number of the DCC reading a given crystal channel.
int dccPhiIndex (int i, int j) const
 Gets the phi index of the DCC reading a crystal.
int dccPhiIndexOfRU (int i, int j) const
 Gets the phi index of the DCC reading a RU (SC or TT).
double getDccEventSize (int iDcc0, double nReadXtals) const
 Gets the size of an DCC event fragment.
double getDccOverhead (subdet_t subdet) const
 Gets the size in bytes fixed-size part of a DCC event fragment.
double getEbEventSize (double nReadXtals) const
 Computes the size of an ECAL barrel event fragment.
int iEta2cIndex (int iEta) const
 Converts a std CMSSW crystal eta index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).
int iPhi2cIndex (int iPhi) const
 Converts a std CMSSW crystal phi index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).
int iXY2cIndex (int iX) const
 Converts a std CMSSW crystal x or y index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).
EcalTrigTowerDetId readOutUnitOf (const EBDetId &xtalId) const
 Retrives the readout unit, a trigger tower in the barrel case, and a supercrystal in the endcap case, a given crystal belongs to.

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag EBDigiCollection_
bool ebRuActive_ [nEbEta/ebTtEdge][nEbPhi/ebTtEdge]
 For book keeping of RU actually read out (not fully zero suppressed).
edm::InputTag EBSRFlagCollection_
edm::InputTag EBUnsuppressedDigiCollection_
edm::InputTag EcalRecHitCollection_
edm::InputTag EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection_
bool enableCleanup_
edm::InputTag FEDRawDataCollection_
int ievt_
bool init_
bool mergeRuns_
int nEb_
 ECAL barrel read channel count.
int nEbHI_
 ECAL barrel high interest read channel count.
int nEbLI_
 ECAL barrel low interest read channel count.
int nPerDcc_ [nECALDcc]
 ECAL read channel count for each DCC:.
int nRuPerDcc_ [nECALDcc]
 Count for each DCC of RUs with at leat one channel read out:.
std::string prefixME_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum EBSelectiveReadoutTask::subdet_t [private]

distinguishes barral and endcap of ECAL.


Definition at line 91 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

00091 {EB, EE};

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBSelectiveReadoutTask ( const edm::ParameterSet ps  ) 


Definition at line 38 of file

References dqmStore_, EBDccEventSize_, EBDigiCollection_, EBEventSize_, EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_, EBHighInterestPayload_, EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBLowInterestPayload_, EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_, EBSRFlagCollection_, EBUnsuppressedDigiCollection_, EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection_, enableCleanup_, FEDRawDataCollection_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), init_, mergeRuns_, and prefixME_.

00038                                                                     {
00040   init_ = false;
00042   dqmStore_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00044   prefixME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("prefixME", "");
00046   enableCleanup_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup", false);
00048   mergeRuns_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("mergeRuns", false);
00050   // parameters...
00051   EBDigiCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EBDigiCollection");
00052   EBUnsuppressedDigiCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EBUsuppressedDigiCollection");
00053   EBSRFlagCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EBSRFlagCollection");
00054   EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection");
00055   FEDRawDataCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("FEDRawDataCollection");
00057   // histograms...
00058   EBDccEventSize_ = 0;
00059   EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_ = 0;
00060   EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_ = 0;
00061   EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ = 0;
00062   EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ = 0;
00063   EBEventSize_ = 0;
00064   EBHighInterestPayload_ = 0;
00065   EBLowInterestPayload_ = 0;
00067 }

EBSelectiveReadoutTask::~EBSelectiveReadoutTask (  )  [virtual]


Definition at line 69 of file

00069                                                 {
00071 }

Member Function Documentation

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::anaDigi ( const EBDataFrame frame,
const EBSrFlagCollection srFlagColl 
) [private]

Accumulates statitics for data volume analysis.

To be called for each ECAL digi. See anaDigiInit().

Definition at line 355 of file

References GeomDetEnumerators::barrel, dccNum(), ebRuActive_, ebTtEdge, EcalBarrel, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::find(), EBDataFrame::id(), iEta2cIndex(), iPhi2cIndex(), nEb_, nEbHI_, nEbLI_, nPerDcc_, nRuPerDcc_, readOutUnitOf(), and EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL.

Referenced by analyze().

00355                                                                                                   {
00357   EBDetId id =;
00358   EBSrFlagCollection::const_iterator srf = srFlagColl.find(readOutUnitOf(id));
00360   if(srf == srFlagColl.end()){
00361     // LogWarning("EBSelectiveReadoutTask") << "SR flag not found";
00362     return;
00363   }
00365   bool highInterest = ((srf->value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK)
00366                        == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL);
00368   bool barrel = (id.subdetId()==EcalBarrel);
00370   if(barrel){
00371     ++nEb_;
00372     if(highInterest){
00373       ++nEbHI_;
00374     } else{//low interest
00375       ++nEbLI_;
00376     }
00377     int iEta0 = iEta2cIndex(id.ieta());
00378     int iPhi0 = iPhi2cIndex(id.iphi());
00379     if(!ebRuActive_[iEta0/ebTtEdge][iPhi0/ebTtEdge]){
00380       ++nRuPerDcc_[dccNum(id)-1];
00381       ebRuActive_[iEta0/ebTtEdge][iPhi0/ebTtEdge] = true;
00382     }
00383   }
00385   ++nPerDcc_[dccNum(id)-1];
00386 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::anaDigiInit (  )  [private]

Initializes statistics accumalator for data volume analysis.

To be call at start of each event analysis.

Definition at line 388 of file

References ebRuActive_, nEb_, nEbHI_, nEbLI_, nPerDcc_, and nRuPerDcc_.

Referenced by analyze().

00388                                         {
00389   nEb_ = 0;
00390   nEbLI_ = 0;
00391   nEbHI_ = 0;
00392   bzero(nPerDcc_, sizeof(nPerDcc_));
00393   bzero(nRuPerDcc_, sizeof(nRuPerDcc_));
00394   bzero(ebRuActive_, sizeof(ebRuActive_));
00395 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 212 of file

References anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), bytesPerCrystal, EBDccEventSize_, EBDigiCollection_, EBEventSize_, EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_, EBHighInterestPayload_, EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBLowInterestPayload_, EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_, EBSRFlagCollection_, EcalBarrel, EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection_, FEDRawDataCollection_, MonitorElement::Fill(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), getEbEventSize(), ievt_, init_, edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), it, kByte, nEb_, nEBDcc, nEbHI_, nEbLI_, setup(), EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK, EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL, and Numbers::subDet().

00212                                                                        {
00214   if ( ! init_ ) this->setup();
00216   ievt_++;
00218   Handle<FEDRawDataCollection> raw;
00219   if ( e.getByLabel(FEDRawDataCollection_, raw) ) {
00221     for ( int iDcc = 0; iDcc < nEBDcc; ++iDcc ) {
00223       EBDccEventSize_->Fill(iDcc+1, ((double)raw->FEDData(610+iDcc).size())/kByte );
00225     }
00227   } else {
00228     LogWarning("EBSelectiveReadoutTask") << FEDRawDataCollection_ << " not available";
00229   }
00231   TH2F *h01 = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_ );
00232   float integral01 = h01->GetEntries();
00233   if( integral01 != 0 ) h01->Scale( integral01 );
00235   TH2F *h02 = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_ );
00236   float integral02 = h02->GetEntries();
00237   if( integral02 != 0 ) h02->Scale( integral02 );
00239   // Selective Readout Flags
00240   Handle<EBSrFlagCollection> ebSrFlags;
00241   if ( e.getByLabel(EBSRFlagCollection_,ebSrFlags) ) {
00243     for ( EBSrFlagCollection::const_iterator it = ebSrFlags->begin(); it != ebSrFlags->end(); ++it ) {
00245       int iet = it->id().ieta();
00246       int ipt = it->id().iphi();
00248       float xiet = (iet>0) ? iet-0.5 : iet+0.5 ;
00249       float xipt = ipt-0.5;
00251       int flag = it->value() & ~EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK;
00253       if(flag == EcalSrFlag::SRF_FULL){
00254         EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_->Fill(xipt,xiet);
00255       } else {
00256         EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_->Fill(-1,-18);
00257       }
00259       if(it->value() & EcalSrFlag::SRF_FORCED_MASK){
00260         EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_->Fill(xipt,xiet);
00261       } else {
00262         EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_->Fill(-1,-18);
00263       }
00265     }
00266   } else {
00267     LogWarning("EBSelectiveReadoutTask") << EBSRFlagCollection_ << " not available";
00268   }
00270   integral01 = h01->GetEntries();
00271   if( integral01 != 0 ) h01->Scale( 1.0/integral01 );
00272   integral02 = h02->GetEntries();
00273   if( integral02 != 0 ) h02->Scale( 1.0/integral02 );
00275   TH2F *h03 = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ );
00276   float integral03 = h03->GetEntries();
00277   if( integral03 != 0 ) h03->Scale( integral03 );
00279   TH2F *h04 = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ );
00280   float integral04 = h04->GetEntries();
00281   if( integral04 != 0 ) h04->Scale( integral04 );
00283   Handle<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection> TPCollection;
00284   if ( e.getByLabel(EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection_, TPCollection) ) {
00286     // Trigger Primitives
00287     EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection::const_iterator TPdigi;
00288     for (TPdigi = TPCollection->begin(); TPdigi != TPCollection->end(); ++TPdigi ) {
00290       if ( Numbers::subDet( TPdigi->id() ) != EcalBarrel ) continue;
00292       int iet = TPdigi->id().ieta();
00293       int ipt = TPdigi->id().iphi();
00295       float xiet = (iet>0) ? iet-0.5 : iet+0.5 ;
00296       float xipt = ipt-0.5;
00298       if ( (TPdigi->ttFlag() & 0x3) == 0 ) {
00299         EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->Fill(xipt,xiet);
00300       } else {
00301         EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->Fill(-1,-18);
00302       }
00304       if ( (TPdigi->ttFlag() & 0x3) == 3 ) {
00305         EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->Fill(xipt,xiet);
00306       } else {
00307         EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->Fill(-1,-18);
00308       }
00310     }
00311   } else {
00312     LogWarning("EBSelectiveReadoutTask") << EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection_ << " not available";
00313   }
00315   integral03 = h03->GetEntries();
00316   if( integral03 != 0 ) h03->Scale( 1.0/integral03 );
00317   integral04 = h04->GetEntries();
00318   if( integral04 != 0 ) h04->Scale( 1.0/integral04 );
00320   if (!ebSrFlags.isValid()) return;
00322   // Data Volume
00323   double aLowInterest=0;
00324   double aHighInterest=0;
00325   double aAnyInterest=0;
00327   Handle<EBDigiCollection> ebDigis;
00328   if ( e.getByLabel(EBDigiCollection_ , ebDigis) ) {
00330     anaDigiInit();
00332     for (unsigned int digis=0; digis<ebDigis->size(); ++digis){
00333       EBDataFrame ebdf = (*ebDigis)[digis];
00334       anaDigi(ebdf, *ebSrFlags);
00335     }
00337     //low interest channels:
00338     aLowInterest = nEbLI_*bytesPerCrystal/kByte;
00339     EBLowInterestPayload_->Fill(aLowInterest);
00341     //low interest channels:
00342     aHighInterest = nEbHI_*bytesPerCrystal/kByte;
00343     EBHighInterestPayload_->Fill(aHighInterest);
00345     //any-interest channels:
00346     aAnyInterest = getEbEventSize(nEb_)/kByte;
00347     EBEventSize_->Fill(aAnyInterest);
00349   } else {
00350     LogWarning("EBSelectiveReadoutTask") << EBDigiCollection_ << " not available";
00351   }
00353 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup c  )  [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 73 of file

References dqmStore_, ievt_, Numbers::initGeometry(), prefixME_, DQMStore::rmdir(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

00073                                                          {
00075   ievt_ = 0;
00077   if ( dqmStore_ ) {
00078     dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(prefixME_ + "/EBSelectiveReadoutTask");
00079     dqmStore_->rmdir(prefixME_ + "/EBSelectiveReadoutTask");
00080   }
00082   Numbers::initGeometry(c, false);
00084 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::beginRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 182 of file

References mergeRuns_, and reset().

00182                                                                        {
00184   if ( ! mergeRuns_ ) this->reset();
00186 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::cIndex2iEta ( int  i  )  const [inline, private]

converse of iEta2cIndex() method.

Definition at line 145 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

00145                             {
00146   return (i<85)?i-85:i-84;
00147 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::cIndex2iPhi ( int  i  )  const [inline, private]

converse of iPhi2cIndex() method.

Definition at line 151 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

00151                              {
00152   return i+1;
00153 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::cIndex2iXY ( int  iX0  )  const [inline, private]

converse of iXY2cIndex() method.

Definition at line 139 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

00139                              {
00140   return iX0+1;
00141 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::cleanup ( void   )  [protected]


Definition at line 137 of file

References dqmStore_, EBDccEventSize_, EBEventSize_, EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_, EBHighInterestPayload_, EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBLowInterestPayload_, EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_, MonitorElement::getName(), init_, prefixME_, DQMStore::removeElement(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

Referenced by endJob().

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::dccIndex ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [private]

Gets the index of the DCC reading a crystal.

i iEta
j iPhi
DCC index between 0 and 17

Definition at line 440 of file

Referenced by dccNum().

00440                                                        {
00441     //a SM is 85 crystal long:
00442     int iEtaSM = i/85;
00443     //a SM is 20 crystal wide:
00444     int iPhiSM = j/20;
00445     //DCC numbers start at 9 in the barrel and there 18 DCC/SM
00446     return 9+18*iEtaSM+iPhiSM;
00447 }

unsigned EBSelectiveReadoutTask::dccNum ( const DetId xtalId  )  const [private]

Retrieve the logical number of the DCC reading a given crystal channel.

xtarId crystal channel identifier
the DCC logical number starting from 1.

Definition at line 402 of file

References dccIndex(), DetId::det(), DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, Exception, EBDetId::ieta(), iEta2cIndex(), EBDetId::iphi(), iPhi2cIndex(), j, k, nECALDcc, and DetId::subdetId().

Referenced by anaDigi().

00402                                                                 {
00403   int j;
00404   int k;
00406   if ( xtalId.det()!=DetId::Ecal ) {
00407     throw cms::Exception("EBSelectiveReadoutTask") << "Crystal does not belong to ECAL";
00408   }
00410   if(xtalId.subdetId()==EcalBarrel){
00411     EBDetId ebDetId(xtalId);
00412     j = iEta2cIndex(ebDetId.ieta());
00413     k = iPhi2cIndex(ebDetId.iphi());
00414   } else {
00415     throw cms::Exception("EBSelectiveReadoutTask")
00416       <<"Not ECAL barrel.";
00417   }
00418   int iDcc0 = dccIndex(j,k);
00419   assert(iDcc0>=0 && iDcc0<nECALDcc);
00420   return iDcc0+1;
00421 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::dccPhiIndex ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inline, private]

Gets the phi index of the DCC reading a crystal.

i iEta
j iPhi
DCC phi index between 0 and 17 for EB

Definition at line 196 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

References dccPhiIndexOfRU().

00196                                     {
00197   return dccPhiIndexOfRU(i/5, j/5);
00198 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::dccPhiIndexOfRU ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [private]

Gets the phi index of the DCC reading a RU (SC or TT).

i iEta
j iPhi
DCC phi index between 0 and 17 for EB

Definition at line 434 of file

Referenced by dccPhiIndex().

00434                                                               {
00435   //iEta=i, iPhi=j
00436   //phi edge of a SM is 4 TT
00437   return j/4;
00438 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::endJob ( void   )  [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 174 of file

References cleanup(), enableCleanup_, and ievt_.

00174                                        {
00176   LogInfo("EBSelectiveReadoutTask") << "analyzed " << ievt_ << " events";
00178   if ( enableCleanup_ ) this->cleanup();
00180 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::endRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 188 of file

00188                                                                      {
00190 }

double EBSelectiveReadoutTask::getDccEventSize ( int  iDcc0,
double  nReadXtals 
) const [inline, private]

Gets the size of an DCC event fragment.

iDcc0 the DCC logical number starting from 0.
nReadXtals number of read crystal channels.
the DCC event fragment size in bytes.

Definition at line 174 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

References bytesPerCrystal, EB, EE, getDccOverhead(), and nRuPerDcc_.

00174                                                           {
00175   subdet_t subdet;
00176   if(iDcc0<9 || iDcc0>=45){
00177     subdet = EE;
00178   } else{
00179     subdet = EB;
00180   }
00181   return getDccOverhead(subdet)+nReadXtals*bytesPerCrystal+nRuPerDcc_[iDcc0]*8;
00182 }

double EBSelectiveReadoutTask::getDccOverhead ( subdet_t  subdet  )  const [inline, private]

Gets the size in bytes fixed-size part of a DCC event fragment.

the fixed size in bytes.

Definition at line 164 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

References EB.

Referenced by getDccEventSize(), and getEbEventSize().

00164                                             {
00165   //  return (subdet==EB?34:25)*8;
00166   return (subdet==EB?34:52)*8;
00167 }

double EBSelectiveReadoutTask::getEbEventSize ( double  nReadXtals  )  const [private]

Computes the size of an ECAL barrel event fragment.

nReadXtals number of read crystal channels
the event fragment size in bytes

Definition at line 423 of file

References bytesPerCrystal, EB, getDccOverhead(), nEBDcc, and nRuPerDcc_.

Referenced by analyze().

00423                                                                     {
00424   double ruHeaderPayload = 0.;
00425   const int nEEDcc = 18;
00426   const int firstEbDcc0 = nEEDcc/2;
00427   for (int iDcc0 = firstEbDcc0; iDcc0 < firstEbDcc0 + nEBDcc; ++iDcc0 ) {
00428     ruHeaderPayload += nRuPerDcc_[iDcc0]*8.;
00429   }
00430   return getDccOverhead(EB)*nEBDcc + nReadXtals*bytesPerCrystal
00431     + ruHeaderPayload;
00432 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::iEta2cIndex ( int  iEta  )  const [inline, private]

Converts a std CMSSW crystal eta index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).

Definition at line 112 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), and dccNum().

00112                                {
00113   return (iEta<0)?iEta+85:iEta+84;
00114 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::iPhi2cIndex ( int  iPhi  )  const [inline, private]

Converts a std CMSSW crystal phi index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).

Definition at line 119 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), and dccNum().

00119                                {
00120   return iPhi-1;
00121 }

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::iXY2cIndex ( int  iX  )  const [inline, private]

Converts a std CMSSW crystal x or y index to a c-array index (starting from zero and without hole).

Definition at line 133 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

00133                             {
00134   return iX-1;
00135 }

EcalTrigTowerDetId EBSelectiveReadoutTask::readOutUnitOf ( const EBDetId xtalId  )  const [private]

Retrives the readout unit, a trigger tower in the barrel case, and a supercrystal in the endcap case, a given crystal belongs to.

xtalId identifier of the crystal
identifer of the supercrystal or of the trigger tower.

Definition at line 398 of file

References EBDetId::tower().

Referenced by anaDigi().

00398                                                                 {
00399   return xtalId.tower();
00400 }

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::reset ( void   )  [protected]


Definition at line 192 of file

References EBDccEventSize_, EBEventSize_, EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_, EBHighInterestPayload_, EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBLowInterestPayload_, EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_, and MonitorElement::Reset().

Referenced by beginRun().

void EBSelectiveReadoutTask::setup ( void   )  [protected]


Definition at line 86 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), dqmStore_, EBDccEventSize_, EBEventSize_, EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_, EBHighInterestPayload_, EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBLowInterestPayload_, EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_, EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_, histo, i, init_, prefixME_, Numbers::sEB(), MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

Referenced by analyze().

00086                                        {
00088   init_ = true;
00090   char histo[200];
00092   if ( dqmStore_ ) {
00093     dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(prefixME_ + "/EBSelectiveReadoutTask");
00095     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT DCC event size");
00096     EBDccEventSize_ = dqmStore_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 36, 1, 37, 100, 0., 200., "s");
00097     for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
00098       EBDccEventSize_->setBinLabel(i+1, Numbers::sEB(i+1).c_str(), 1);
00099     }
00101     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT readout unit with SR forced");
00102     EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_ = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 72, 0, 72, 34, -17, 17);
00103     EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_->setAxisTitle("jphi", 1);
00104     EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_->setAxisTitle("jeta", 2);
00106     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT full readout SR flags");
00107     EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_ = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 72, 0, 72, 34, -17, 17);
00108     EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_->setAxisTitle("jphi", 1);
00109     EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_->setAxisTitle("jeta", 2);
00111     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT high interest TT Flags");
00112     EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 72, 0, 72, 34, -17, 17);
00113     EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->setAxisTitle("jphi", 1);
00114     EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->setAxisTitle("jeta", 2);
00116     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT low interest TT Flags");
00117     EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 72, 0, 72, 34, -17, 17);
00118     EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->setAxisTitle("jphi", 1);
00119     EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_->setAxisTitle("jeta", 2);
00121     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT event size");
00122     EBEventSize_ = dqmStore_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0, 200);
00123     EBEventSize_->setAxisTitle("event size (kB)",1);
00125     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT high interest payload");
00126     EBHighInterestPayload_ =  dqmStore_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0, 200);
00127     EBHighInterestPayload_->setAxisTitle("event size (kB)",1);
00129     sprintf(histo, "EBSRT low interest payload");
00130     EBLowInterestPayload_ =  dqmStore_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0, 200);
00131     EBLowInterestPayload_->setAxisTitle("event size (kB)",1);
00133   }
00135 }

Member Data Documentation

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::bytesPerCrystal = 24 [static, protected]

Number of bytes per crystal.

Definition at line 86 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), getDccEventSize(), and getEbEventSize().

DQMStore* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::dqmStore_ [private]

Definition at line 233 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), and setup().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBDccEventSize_ [private]

Definition at line 248 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

edm::InputTag EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBDigiCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 241 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EBSelectiveReadoutTask().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBEventSize_ [private]

Definition at line 253 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBFullReadoutSRFlagMap_ [private]

Definition at line 250 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBHighInterestPayload_ [private]

Definition at line 254 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBHighInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ [private]

Definition at line 251 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBLowInterestPayload_ [private]

Definition at line 255 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBLowInterestTriggerTowerFlagMap_ [private]

Definition at line 252 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

MonitorElement* EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBReadoutUnitForcedBitMap_ [private]

Definition at line 249 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), reset(), and setup().

bool EBSelectiveReadoutTask::ebRuActive_[nEbEta/ebTtEdge][nEbPhi/ebTtEdge] [private]

For book keeping of RU actually read out (not fully zero suppressed).

Definition at line 229 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), and anaDigiInit().

edm::InputTag EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBSRFlagCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 244 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EBSelectiveReadoutTask().

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::ebTtEdge = 5 [static, protected]

Number of crystals along an EB TT.

Definition at line 74 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi().

edm::InputTag EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EBUnsuppressedDigiCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 242 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by EBSelectiveReadoutTask().

edm::InputTag EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EcalRecHitCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 243 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

edm::InputTag EBSelectiveReadoutTask::EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 245 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EBSelectiveReadoutTask().

bool EBSelectiveReadoutTask::enableCleanup_ [private]

Definition at line 237 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), and endJob().

edm::InputTag EBSelectiveReadoutTask::FEDRawDataCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 246 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EBSelectiveReadoutTask().

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::ievt_ [private]

Definition at line 231 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

bool EBSelectiveReadoutTask::init_ [private]

Definition at line 257 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), and setup().

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::kByte = 1024 [static, protected]

Definition at line 62 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EBSelectiveReadoutTask::mergeRuns_ [private]

Definition at line 239 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and EBSelectiveReadoutTask().

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nEb_ [private]

ECAL barrel read channel count.

Definition at line 209 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyze().

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nEBDcc = 36 [static, protected]

Definition at line 61 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and getEbEventSize().

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nEbEta = 170 [static, protected]

number of crystals along Eta in EB

Definition at line 68 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nEbHI_ [private]

ECAL barrel high interest read channel count.

Definition at line 217 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyze().

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nEbLI_ [private]

ECAL barrel low interest read channel count.

Definition at line 213 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), and analyze().

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nEbPhi = 360 [static, protected]

number of crystals along Phi in EB

Definition at line 71 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nEbRus = 36*68 [static, protected]

number of RUs for EB

Definition at line 65 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nECALDcc = 54 [static, protected]

Definition at line 60 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by dccNum().

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nPerDcc_[nECALDcc] [private]

ECAL read channel count for each DCC:.

Definition at line 221 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), and anaDigiInit().

int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nRuPerDcc_[nECALDcc] [private]

Count for each DCC of RUs with at leat one channel read out:.

Definition at line 225 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by anaDigi(), anaDigiInit(), getDccEventSize(), and getEbEventSize().

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nTtEta = 56 [static, protected]

Number of Trigger Towers along Eta.

Definition at line 80 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nTTEta = 34 [static, protected]


Definition at line 58 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nTtPhi = 72 [static, protected]

Number of Trigger Towers along Phi.

Definition at line 83 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::nTTPhi = 72 [static, protected]

Definition at line 59 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

std::string EBSelectiveReadoutTask::prefixME_ [private]

Definition at line 235 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), cleanup(), EBSelectiveReadoutTask(), and setup().

const int EBSelectiveReadoutTask::scEdge = 5 [static, protected]

Number of crystals along a supercrystal edge.

Definition at line 77 of file EBSelectiveReadoutTask.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:19:21 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4