IgSoCircularHist Class Reference

Creates an OpenInventor representation for a circular histogram, histogram values are supposed to be positiv. More...

#include <Iguana/Inventor/interface/IgSoCircularHist.h>

Inheritance diagram for IgSoCircularHist:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IgSoCircularHist (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static void initClass (void)

Public Attributes

SoMFFloat energies
SoSFFloat layer
SoSFBool logScale
SoSFFloat maxRadius
SoSFFloat minRadius
SoSFInt32 numberOfBins
SoSFFloat scaleFactor
SoSFBool showAnnotations

Protected Member Functions

virtual void refresh (void)

Private Member Functions

 SO_KIT_HEADER (IgSoCircularHist)

Detailed Description

Creates an OpenInventor representation for a circular histogram, histogram values are supposed to be positiv.

Alexandra Junghans, CMS, CERN Summerstudent Program
25 Jul - 22 Aug 2005

Definition at line 32 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IgSoCircularHist::IgSoCircularHist ( void   ) 

Definition at line 51 of file

References energies, FALSE, layer, logScale, maxRadius, minRadius, numberOfBins, scaleFactor, IgSoShapeKit::setUpConnections(), showAnnotations, and TRUE.

00052 {
00053     SO_KIT_CONSTRUCTOR (IgSoCircularHist);
00054     // parameters of the constructor
00055     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (minRadius,                (1.3));
00056     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (maxRadius,                (1.5));
00057     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (numberOfBins,             (180));    
00058     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (energies,                 (0.0)); // vector of positive energies in GeV
00059     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (logScale,                 (false));
00060     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (layer,                    (0.0)); // determines the z position of the histogram
00061     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (scaleFactor,              (0.1)); // for unconstrained linear and log scale the histograms can be scaled with this factor
00062     SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (showAnnotations,          (false));
00063     SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (shapeHints, SoShapeHints, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00064     SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (faceSet, SoIndexedFaceSet, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00065     SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (lines, SoIndexedLineSet, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);    
00066     SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (ruler, SoSeparator, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00068     SO_KIT_INIT_INSTANCE ();
00069     setUpConnections (true, true);
00070 }

Member Function Documentation

void IgSoCircularHist::initClass ( void   )  [static]

Reimplemented from IgSoShapeKit.

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by initNodes(), and initShapes().

00049 { SO_KIT_INIT_CLASS (IgSoCircularHist, IgSoShapeKit, "IgSoShapeKit"); }

void IgSoCircularHist::refresh ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

buiding the scene graph including faces and lines of bins ///////////////////

Reimplemented from IgSoShapeKit.

Definition at line 73 of file

References convertCoordinates(), energies, i, label, layer, funct::log(), logScale, maxRadius, minRadius, NULL, numberOfBins, offset, phi, scaleFactor, showAnnotations, and w.

00074 {
00075     if (energies.getNum () == 0)
00076     {
00077         setPart ("shapeHints", NULL);
00078         setPart ("faceSet",    NULL);
00079         setPart ("lines",      NULL);
00080         setPart ("ruler",      NULL);
00081         return;
00082     }
00084     // ingredients for the circular histogram
00085     SoIndexedFaceSet* faceSet = new SoIndexedFaceSet;
00086     SoIndexedLineSet* lineSet = new SoIndexedLineSet;
00087     SoShapeHints* shapeHints = new SoShapeHints;    
00088     SoVertexProperty* vtx = new SoVertexProperty;   
00090     // make a local copy of SO_KIT fields
00091     float               rMin = minRadius.getValue ();
00092     float               rMax = maxRadius.getValue ();
00093     int                 nbrOfBins =  numberOfBins.getValue ();    
00094     float               zLayer = layer.getValue ();
00095     float               factor = scaleFactor.getValue ();
00096     bool                annotations = showAnnotations.getValue ();
00097     bool                logarithmic = logScale.getValue ();
00099     // enabling rendering of front and back faces   
00100     shapeHints->vertexOrdering = SoShapeHints::COUNTERCLOCKWISE;
00101     shapeHints->faceType = SoShapeHints::CONVEX;
00103     // prepare space for  a local copy of the energy vector
00104     std::vector<float> energies2 (nbrOfBins);
00106     // look for bin with maximum energy sum
00107     float               maxEn  = 0.0;
00108     int                 maxEnIndex = 0;
00109     for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfBins; i++)
00110     {
00111         if (energies [i] > maxEn)
00112         {
00113             maxEn = energies [i];
00114             maxEnIndex = i;             
00115         }
00116     }
00118     // if constrained linear scale is used find the maximum energy value
00119     // for logscale  apply  log to contents of the energy vector
00120     if (logarithmic)
00121     {
00122         for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfBins; i++)
00123         {
00124             energies2 [i] = factor  * log (energies [i] + 1.0);   
00125         }                   
00126     }
00128     /* building  vector containing the vertices for the faces of the shape*/
00129     std::vector<SbVec3f> vertexData (3 * nbrOfBins + 1);        
00131     vertexData [0] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin, 0.0, zLayer));
00132     for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfBins ; i++)
00133     {
00134         float phi = 2.0 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * (i + 1);
00135         // for liner scale
00136         if (! logarithmic)
00137         {
00138             // if rMax == -1, print energy towers according to energy amount in bin
00139             if (rMax == -1) 
00140             {
00141                 vertexData [i * 3 + 1] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin, phi, zLayer));
00142                 vertexData [i * 3 + 2] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + factor * energies [i], phi, zLayer));
00143                 vertexData [i * 3 + 3] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + factor * energies [i], 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * i, zLayer));         
00144             }
00145             // otherwise scale the towers to [rMin, rMax] such that the maximum energy results in a tower of height rMax
00146             else
00147             {
00148                 vertexData [i * 3 + 1] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin, phi, zLayer));
00149                 vertexData [i * 3 + 2] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + energies [i] / maxEn * (rMax - rMin), phi, zLayer));
00150                 vertexData [i * 3 + 3] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + energies [i] / maxEn * (rMax - rMin), 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * i, zLayer)); 
00151             }
00152         }
00153         // if logScale == true, use energies2 = log(energies)
00154         else
00155         {
00156             if ((rMax >= rMin) || (rMax == -1))
00157             {
00158                 vertexData [i * 3 + 1] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin, phi, zLayer));
00159                 vertexData [i * 3 + 2] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + energies2 [i], phi, zLayer));
00160                 vertexData [i * 3 + 3] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + energies2 [i], 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * i, zLayer));      
00161             }
00162             else
00163             {
00164                 vertexData [i * 3 + 1] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin, phi, zLayer));
00165                 vertexData [i * 3 + 2] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin - energies2 [i], phi, zLayer));
00166                 vertexData [i * 3 + 3] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin - energies2 [i], 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * i, zLayer));  
00167             }
00168         }
00169     }
00171     /* building  vector indicating the vertices belonging to each face*/
00172     std::vector<int> faceIndices (nbrOfBins * 5);
00173     faceIndices [0] = 0;
00174     faceIndices [1] = 1;
00175     faceIndices [2] = 2;
00176     faceIndices [3] = 3;
00177     faceIndices [4] = SO_END_FACE_INDEX;
00179     for (int i = 1; i < nbrOfBins; i++)
00180     { 
00181         faceIndices [i * 5] = (i - 1) * 3 + 1;
00182         faceIndices [i * 5 + 1] = (i - 1) * 3 + 4;
00183         faceIndices [i * 5 + 2] = (i - 1) * 3 + 5;
00184         faceIndices [i * 5 + 3] = (i - 1) * 3 + 6;
00185         faceIndices [i * 5 + 4] = SO_END_FACE_INDEX; 
00186     }
00188     vtx->vertex.setValues (0, nbrOfBins * 3 + 1 ,&vertexData [0]);
00189     vtx->materialBinding = SoMaterialBinding::PER_FACE_INDEXED;
00191     faceSet->coordIndex.setValues (0, nbrOfBins * 5, &faceIndices [0]);
00192     faceSet->vertexProperty = vtx;
00194     // building  vector indication the vertices belonging to each line
00195     std::vector<int>  lineIndices (2 * nbrOfBins + 1);
00197     for (int i = 0; i < nbrOfBins; i++)
00198     {
00199         lineIndices [2 * i] = 3 * i + 3;
00200         lineIndices [2 * i + 1] = 3 * i + 2;      
00201     }
00202     lineIndices [2 * nbrOfBins] = 3;
00204     SoVertexProperty* lineVtx = new SoVertexProperty;
00205     lineVtx->vertex.setValues (0, nbrOfBins * 3 + 1, &vertexData [0]);
00207     lineSet->coordIndex.setValues (0, 2 * nbrOfBins + 1, &lineIndices [0]);
00208     lineSet->vertexProperty = lineVtx;
00212     setPart ("shapeHints", shapeHints);
00213     setPart ("faceSet", faceSet);
00214     setPart ("lines", lineSet);             
00219     // compute all the stuff only if annotations are requested ///////////////////////////////
00220     if (annotations)
00221     {   
00222         float offset; // fraction or ruler length equivalent to remainder of (maximum energy div 10 GeV)
00223         int nbrOfDivisions;   
00224         float divisionLength; 
00225         float rulerLength; //ruler length =  nbrOfDivisions*divisionLength + offset 
00227         // find the appropriate length for the scale axis
00228         // in case of negativ energies the ruler length is negative
00229         if (! logarithmic)
00230         {
00231             // if unconstrained linear scale is used, the length equals the maximum found energy sum otherwise the rMax - rMin     
00232             rulerLength = (rMax == -1 ) ? factor  *  maxEn : rMax - rMin;
00233         }               
00234         // for log scale the length equals log( maxEn)
00235         else
00236         {
00237             rulerLength = ((rMax >= rMin) || (rMax == -1)) ? energies2 [maxEnIndex] : (-energies2 [maxEnIndex]);
00238         }       
00240         // if the axis is not too small, prepare drawing
00241         if ((rulerLength > 0.1) || (rulerLength < -0.1))
00242         {
00243             // ingredients for the ruler
00244             SoSeparator* ruler = new  SoSeparator;
00245             SoMaterial* axisMaterial = new SoMaterial;            
00246             SoRotation* zrot = new SoRotation;
00247             //SoTranslation* ytrans = new SoTranslation;
00249             // define the material for the axis
00250             axisMaterial->diffuseColor.setValue(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // orange          
00252             // the offset has to be computed in order to compute the correct division length
00253             offset = (rulerLength >= 0) ? (rulerLength * (1.0 -  floor (0.1 * maxEn) / (maxEn * 0.1))) : (-rulerLength * (1.0 -  floor (0.1 * maxEn) / (maxEn * 0.1)));
00255             if (! logarithmic)
00256             {
00257                 nbrOfDivisions = static_cast<int>(floor (maxEn * 0.1));
00259                 if (nbrOfDivisions == 0)
00260                 {
00261                     nbrOfDivisions = 1;
00262                     divisionLength = rulerLength;
00263                 }
00264                 else
00265                 {
00266                     divisionLength = (rulerLength - offset) / nbrOfDivisions;
00267                     // if (offset - divisionLength) is larger then the arrowhead draw one marker more
00268                     if (! (offset == 0) && ((offset - divisionLength) > 0.1  * rulerLength))
00269                     {
00270                         nbrOfDivisions += 1;
00271                     }
00272                 }               
00273             }
00274             //our axis is not able to display logarithmic scale, so in logScale case we do not draw division markers
00275             else 
00276             {
00277                 nbrOfDivisions = 1;
00278                 divisionLength = rulerLength;
00279             }
00281             float w = 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins; // bin width in rad 
00282             float rulerAngle =  2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * (float (maxEnIndex) + 0.5) ; // angle of the bin with highest energy
00283             float zDist = 0.001; // put the ruler slightly above the Histogram by adding zDist to z coordinate to make it visible
00285             // construct the ruler vertices, first a quad and an triangle for the arrow, than the devision markers
00286             std::vector<SbVec3f>  rulerVtx (7 + 4 * nbrOfDivisions);         
00288             rulerVtx [0] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin,                           rulerAngle - w / 4.0,   zLayer + zDist));           
00289             rulerVtx [1] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + 9.0/10.0*rulerLength,    rulerAngle - w / 8.0,   zLayer + zDist));           
00290             rulerVtx [2] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + 9.0/10.0*rulerLength,    rulerAngle + w / 8.0,   zLayer + zDist));           
00291             rulerVtx [3] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin,                           rulerAngle + w / 4.0,   zLayer + zDist));           
00292             rulerVtx [4] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + 9.0/10.0*rulerLength,    rulerAngle - w / 4.0,   zLayer + zDist));           
00293             rulerVtx [5] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + rulerLength,             rulerAngle,             zLayer + zDist));           
00294             rulerVtx [6] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + 9.0/10.0*rulerLength,    rulerAngle + w / 4.0,   zLayer + zDist));    
00296             for (int i = 1; i < nbrOfDivisions; i++)
00297             {
00298                 rulerVtx [3+ i * 4]     = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + divisionLength * i - 0.01, rulerAngle - w / 3.0,  zLayer + zDist));  
00299                 rulerVtx [3+ i * 4 + 1] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + divisionLength * i + 0.01, rulerAngle - w / 3.0,  zLayer + zDist));
00300                 rulerVtx [3+ i * 4 + 2] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + divisionLength * i + 0.01, rulerAngle + w / 3.0,  zLayer + zDist));
00301                 rulerVtx [3+ i * 4 + 3] = convertCoordinates (SbVec3f (rMin + divisionLength * i - 0.01, rulerAngle + w / 3.0,  zLayer + zDist));
00302             }
00304             SoCoordinate3* rulerCoords = new SoCoordinate3;
00305             rulerCoords->point.setValues (0, 7 + 4 * (nbrOfDivisions - 1), &rulerVtx [0]);
00307             std::vector<int> numVtx (1 + nbrOfDivisions);
00308             numVtx [0] = 4;
00309             numVtx [1] = 3;
00310             for (int i = 0; i < (nbrOfDivisions - 1); i++)
00311             {
00312                 numVtx [2 + i] = 4;
00313             }
00315             SoFaceSet* rulerFaceSet = new SoFaceSet;
00316             rulerFaceSet->numVertices.setValues (0, 2 + nbrOfDivisions - 1 , &numVtx [0]);
00318             // prepare the label of the ruler and translate it to the proper place on the arrowhead
00319             // label the axis with appropriate unit, if maxEn > 100 GeV, change to TeV
00320             char label [50];
00321             if (maxEn >= 100.0)
00322             {
00323                 sprintf (label, "Emax = %.1f TeV", maxEn / 1000.0);
00324             }
00325             else
00326             {
00327                 sprintf (label, "Emax = %.1f GeV", maxEn);
00328             }
00330             SoFont* labelFont = new SoFont;
00331             labelFont->size.setValue (16.0);
00332             labelFont->name.setValue ("Times-Roman");
00334             SoText2* labelText = new SoText2;
00335             labelText->string = label;
00336             labelText->justification = SoText2::CENTER;
00338             SoTranslation* labelTrans = new SoTranslation;
00340             // compute the rotation and translation to align the label with the bin with the maximum energy sum
00341             // if unconstrained linear scale or linear / logarithmic scale for positive energies  is used , axis has always to point outside
00342             // rotate to middle of wanted bin which has  phi = 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins *( float(maxEnIndex) + 0.5)
00343             if ((rMax == -1) || (rMax >= rMin))
00344             {
00345                 zrot->rotation.setValue (SbVec3f (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), - (M_PI / 2 - 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * (float (maxEnIndex) + 0.5)));
00346                 labelTrans->translation.setValue (0.0, 1.1 * (rMin + rulerLength), zLayer + zDist);
00347             }
00348             // else hawe have constrained linear for negative energies or logarithmic scale for negative energies, hence ruler  points inwards
00349             else
00350             {
00351                 zrot->rotation.setValue (SbVec3f (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), - (M_PI / 2 - 2 * M_PI / nbrOfBins * (float (maxEnIndex) + 0.5)) + M_PI);
00352                 labelTrans->translation.setValue (0.0, -0.9 * (rMin + rulerLength), zLayer + zDist);
00353             }
00355             // now construct the ruler and add it to the scene graph
00356             ruler->addChild (axisMaterial);
00357             ruler->addChild (rulerCoords);
00358             ruler->addChild (rulerFaceSet);
00359             ruler->addChild (labelFont);
00360             ruler->addChild (zrot);
00361             ruler->addChild (labelTrans);
00362             ruler->addChild (labelText);
00364             setPart ("ruler",   ruler);
00365         }
00366     }
00367 }

IgSoCircularHist::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( ruler   )  [private]

IgSoCircularHist::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( lines   )  [private]

IgSoCircularHist::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( faceSet   )  [private]

IgSoCircularHist::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( shapeHints   )  [private]

IgSoCircularHist::SO_KIT_HEADER ( IgSoCircularHist   )  [private]

Member Data Documentation

SoMFFloat IgSoCircularHist::energies

Definition at line 52 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFClusterTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

SoSFFloat IgSoCircularHist::layer

Definition at line 54 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFClusterTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

SoSFBool IgSoCircularHist::logScale

Definition at line 53 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFClusterTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

SoSFFloat IgSoCircularHist::maxRadius

Definition at line 50 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisPFRecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisPFClusterTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

SoSFFloat IgSoCircularHist::minRadius

Definition at line 49 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisPFRecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisPFClusterTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

SoSFInt32 IgSoCircularHist::numberOfBins

Definition at line 51 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFRecHitTwig::update(), VisPFClusterTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

SoSFFloat IgSoCircularHist::scaleFactor

Definition at line 55 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisPFRecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisPFClusterTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

SoSFBool IgSoCircularHist::showAnnotations

Definition at line 56 of file IgSoCircularHist.h.

Referenced by IgSoCircularHist(), refresh(), VisHORecHitTwig::update(), VisEcalRecHitTwig::update(), VisPCaloHitTwig::update(), VisEcalUncalibratedRecHitTwig::update(), VisHBHERecHitTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterTwig::update(), VisCaloTowerTwig::update(), VisCaloJetTwig::update(), VisSuperClusterCollectionTwig::update(), VisBasicClusterCollectionTwig::update(), and VisSuperClusterTwig::update().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:25:41 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4