AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector Class Reference

#include <Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/interface/AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< const
reco::Track * > 

Public Member Functions

 AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector (const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
Tracks select (const Tracks &tracks, const edm::Event &iEvent)
 select tracks
bool useThisFilter ()
 returns if any of the Filters is used.
 ~AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector ()

Private Member Functions

Tracks checkAcoplanarity (const Tracks &cands) const
 checks if the [cands] are acoplanar (returns empty set if not)
Tracks checkCharge (const Tracks &cands) const
 checks if the mother has charge = [theCharge]
Tracks checkMass (const Tracks &cands) const
 checks if the mass of the mother is in the mass region
Tracks checkMETAcoplanarity (const Tracks &cands, const edm::Event &iEvent) const
 checks if [cands] contains a acoplanar track w.r.t missing ET (returns empty set if not)
Tracks checkMETMass (const Tracks &cands, const edm::Event &iEvent) const
 checks if the mass of the mother is in the mass region adding missing E_T
void printTracks (const Tracks &col) const
 print Information on Track-Collection

Private Attributes

double theAcoplanarDistance
bool theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch
int theCharge
bool theChargeSwitch
double theDaughterMass
bool theMassrangeSwitch
 private data members
double theMaxMass
double theMinMass
edm::InputTag theMissingETSource
bool theMissingETSwitch
bool theUnsignedSwitch

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<const reco::Track*> AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::Tracks

Definition at line 18 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg  ) 


Definition at line 24 of file

References funct::abs(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), LogDebug, theAcoplanarDistance, theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch, theCharge, theChargeSwitch, theDaughterMass, theMassrangeSwitch, theMaxMass, theMinMass, theMissingETSource, theMissingETSwitch, and theUnsignedSwitch.

00024                                                                                                   :
00025   theMissingETSource("met")
00026 {
00027  LogDebug("Alignment")   << "> applying two body decay Trackfilter ...";
00028   theMassrangeSwitch = cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyMassrangeFilter" );
00029   if (theMassrangeSwitch){
00030     theMinMass = cfg.getParameter<double>( "minXMass" );
00031     theMaxMass = cfg.getParameter<double>( "maxXMass" );
00032     theDaughterMass = cfg.getParameter<double>( "daughterMass" );
00033     LogDebug("Alignment") << ">  Massrange min,max         :   " << theMinMass   << "," << theMaxMass 
00034                          << "\n>  Mass of daughter Particle :   " << theDaughterMass;
00036   }else{
00037     theMinMass = 0;
00038     theMaxMass = 0;
00039     theDaughterMass = 0;
00040   }
00041   theChargeSwitch = cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyChargeFilter" );
00042   if(theChargeSwitch){
00043     theCharge = cfg.getParameter<int>( "charge" );
00044     theUnsignedSwitch = cfg.getParameter<bool>( "useUnsignedCharge" );
00045     if(theUnsignedSwitch) 
00046       theCharge=abs(theCharge);
00047     LogDebug("Alignment") << ">  Desired Charge, unsigned: "<<theCharge<<" , "<<theUnsignedSwitch;
00048   }else{
00049     theCharge =0;
00050     theUnsignedSwitch = true;
00051   }
00052   theMissingETSwitch = cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyMissingETFilter" );
00053   if(theMissingETSwitch){
00054     theMissingETSource = cfg.getParameter<InputTag>( "missingETSource" );
00055     LogDebug("Alignment") << ">  missing Et Source: "<< theMissingETSource;
00056   }
00057   theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch = cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyAcoplanarityFilter" );
00058   if(theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch){
00059     theAcoplanarDistance = cfg.getParameter<double>( "acoplanarDistance" );
00060     LogDebug("Alignment") << ">  Acoplanar Distance: "<<theAcoplanarDistance;
00061   }
00063 }

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::~AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector (  ) 


Definition at line 67 of file

00068 {}

Member Function Documentation

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::Tracks AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkAcoplanarity ( const Tracks cands  )  const [private]

checks if the [cands] are acoplanar (returns empty set if not)

Definition at line 171 of file

References deltaPhi(), lat::endl(), LogDebug, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, and theAcoplanarDistance.

Referenced by select().

00172 {
00173   Tracks result;  result.clear();  
00174   //TODO return the biggest set of acoplanar tracks or two tracks with smallest distance?
00175   if(cands.size() == 2){
00176     LogDebug("Alignment") <<">  Acoplanarity: "<<fabs(fabs(deltaPhi(>phi(),>phi()))-M_PI)<<endl;
00177     if(fabs(fabs(deltaPhi(>phi(),>phi()))-M_PI)<theAcoplanarDistance) 
00178       result = cands;
00179   }  
00180   return result;
00181 }

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::Tracks AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkCharge ( const Tracks cands  )  const [private]

checks if the mother has charge = [theCharge]

Definition at line 155 of file

References funct::abs(), it, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, theCharge, and theUnsignedSwitch.

Referenced by select().

00156 {
00157   Tracks result;  result.clear();
00158   int sumCharge = 0;
00159   for(Tracks::const_iterator it = cands.begin();it < cands.end();++it)
00160         sumCharge += (*it)->charge();
00161   if(theUnsignedSwitch)
00162     sumCharge = abs(sumCharge);
00163   if(sumCharge == theCharge)
00164     result = cands;
00166   return result;
00167 }

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::Tracks AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkMass ( const Tracks cands  )  const [private]

checks if the mass of the mother is in the mass region

checks if the mass of the X is in the mass region

Definition at line 107 of file

References LogDebug, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, funct::sqrt(), theDaughterMass, theMaxMass, and theMinMass.

Referenced by select().

00108 {
00109   Tracks result;  result.clear();
00110   //TODO perhaps try combinations if there are more than 2 tracks ....
00111   if(cands.size() == 2){
00112     //TODO use other vectors here
00113     TLorentzVector track0(>px(),>py(),>pz(),
00114                           sqrt((>p()*>p())+theDaughterMass*theDaughterMass));
00115     TLorentzVector track1(>px(),>py(),>pz(),
00116                           sqrt((>p()*>p())+theDaughterMass*theDaughterMass));
00117     TLorentzVector mother = track0+track1;
00118     if(mother.M() > theMinMass && mother.M() < theMaxMass)
00119       result = cands;
00120     LogDebug("Alignment") <<">  mass of mother: "<<mother.M()<<"GeV";
00121   }
00122   return result;
00123 }

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::Tracks AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkMETAcoplanarity ( const Tracks cands,
const edm::Event iEvent 
) const [private]

checks if [cands] contains a acoplanar track w.r.t missing ET (returns empty set if not)

Definition at line 184 of file

References deltaPhi(), lat::endl(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), LogDebug, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, theAcoplanarDistance, and theMissingETSource.

Referenced by select().

00185 {
00186   Tracks result;  result.clear();  
00187   if(cands.size() == 1){
00188     Handle<reco::CaloMETCollection> missingET;
00189     iEvent.getByLabel(theMissingETSource ,missingET);
00190     if(missingET.isValid()){     
00191       //TODO return the biggest set of acoplanar tracks or the one with smallest distance?
00192       LogDebug("Alignment") <<">  METAcoplanarity: "<<fabs(fabs(deltaPhi(>phi(),(*missingET).at(0).phi()))-M_PI)<<endl;
00193       if(fabs(fabs(deltaPhi(>phi(),(*missingET).at(0).phi()))-M_PI)<theAcoplanarDistance)
00194         result = cands;
00196      }else  
00197       LogError("Alignment")<<"@SUB=AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkMETAcoplanarity"
00198                            <<">  could not optain missingET Collection!";
00199   }
00200   return result;
00201 }

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::Tracks AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkMETMass ( const Tracks cands,
const edm::Event iEvent 
) const [private]

checks if the mass of the mother is in the mass region adding missing E_T

checks if the mass of the X is in the mass region adding missing E_T

Definition at line 127 of file

References edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), LogDebug, CaloMET_cfi::met, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, funct::sqrt(), theDaughterMass, theMaxMass, theMinMass, theMissingETSource, and track.

Referenced by select().

00128 {
00129   Tracks result;  result.clear();
00130   if(cands.size() == 1){
00131     Handle<reco::CaloMETCollection> missingET;
00132     iEvent.getByLabel(theMissingETSource ,missingET);
00133     if(missingET.isValid()){
00134       //TODO use the one with highest pt instead of the first one?
00135       //      for(reco::CaloMETCollection::const_iterator itMET = missingET->begin(); itMET != missingET->end() ; ++itMET){
00136       //      cout <<"missingET p = ("<<(*itMET).px()<<","<<(*itMET).py()<<","<<(*itMET).pz()<<")"<<endl;
00137       //}
00138       TLorentzVector track(>px(),>py(),>pz(),
00139                             sqrt((>p()*>p())+theDaughterMass*theDaughterMass));
00140       TLorentzVector met((*missingET).at(0).px(),(*missingET).at(0).py(),(*missingET).at(0).pz(),
00141                          (*missingET).at(0).p());//ignoring nuetralino masses for now ;)
00142       TLorentzVector motherSystem = track + met;
00143       if(motherSystem.M() > theMinMass && motherSystem.M() < theMaxMass)
00144         result = cands;
00145       LogDebug("Alignment") <<">  mass of motherSystem: "<<motherSystem.M()<<"GeV";
00146      }else  
00147       LogError("Alignment")<<"@SUB=AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkMETMass"
00148                            <<">  could not optain missingET Collection!";
00149   }
00150   return cands;
00151 }

void AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::printTracks ( const Tracks col  )  const [private]

print Information on Track-Collection

Definition at line 206 of file

References count, it, and LogDebug.

00207 {
00208   int count = 0;
00209   LogDebug("Alignment") << ">......................................";
00210   for(Tracks::const_iterator it = col.begin();it < col.end();++it,++count){
00211     LogDebug("Alignment") 
00212       <<">  Track No. "<< count <<": p = ("<<(*it)->px()<<","<<(*it)->py()<<","<<(*it)->pz()<<")\n"
00213       <<">                        pT = "<<(*it)->pt()<<" eta = "<<(*it)->eta()<<" charge = "<<(*it)->charge();    
00214   }
00215   LogDebug("Alignment") << ">......................................";
00216 }

AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::Tracks AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::select ( const Tracks tracks,
const edm::Event iEvent 

select tracks

Definition at line 80 of file

References checkAcoplanarity(), checkCharge(), checkMass(), checkMETAcoplanarity(), checkMETMass(), LogDebug, HLT_VtxMuL3::result, theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch, theChargeSwitch, theMassrangeSwitch, and theMissingETSwitch.

Referenced by TrackConfigSelector::select().

00081 {
00082   Tracks result=tracks;
00084   if(theMassrangeSwitch){  
00085     if(theMissingETSwitch)
00086       result = checkMETMass(result,iEvent); 
00087     else
00088       result = checkMass(result); 
00089   }
00090   if(theChargeSwitch)
00091     result = checkCharge(result);
00092   if(theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch){
00093     if(theMissingETSwitch)
00094       result = checkMETAcoplanarity(result,iEvent);
00095     else
00096       result = checkAcoplanarity(result);
00097   }
00098   LogDebug("Alignment") << ">  TwoBodyDecay tracks all,kept: " << tracks.size() << "," << result.size();
00099   //  LogDebug("AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector")<<">  o kept:";
00100   //printTracks(result);
00101   return result;
00103 }

bool AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::useThisFilter (  ) 

returns if any of the Filters is used.

Definition at line 72 of file

References theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch, theChargeSwitch, and theMassrangeSwitch.

Referenced by TrackConfigSelector::TrackConfigSelector().

Member Data Documentation

double AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theAcoplanarDistance [private]

Definition at line 58 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), checkAcoplanarity(), and checkMETAcoplanarity().

bool AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theAcoplanarityFilterSwitch [private]

Definition at line 47 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), select(), and useThisFilter().

int AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theCharge [private]

Definition at line 53 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), and checkCharge().

bool AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theChargeSwitch [private]

Definition at line 45 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), select(), and useThisFilter().

double AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theDaughterMass [private]

Definition at line 51 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), checkMass(), and checkMETMass().

bool AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theMassrangeSwitch [private]

private data members

Definition at line 44 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), select(), and useThisFilter().

double AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theMaxMass [private]

Definition at line 50 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), checkMass(), and checkMETMass().

double AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theMinMass [private]

Definition at line 49 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), checkMass(), and checkMETMass().

edm::InputTag AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theMissingETSource [private]

Definition at line 56 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), checkMETAcoplanarity(), and checkMETMass().

bool AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theMissingETSwitch [private]

Definition at line 46 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), and select().

bool AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::theUnsignedSwitch [private]

Definition at line 54 of file AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector(), and checkCharge().

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Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:14:38 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4