MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector Class Reference

A sector of volumes in a barrel layer (i.e. More...

#include <MagneticField/GeomBuilder/src/bSector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 bSector (handles::const_iterator begin, handles::const_iterator end)
 Constructor from list of volumes.
 bSector ()
 Default ctor is needed to have arrays.
MagBSectorbuildMagBSector () const
 Construct the MagBSector upon request.
const handlesgetVolumes () const
 Return all volumes in this sector.
const float RN () const
 Distance from center along normal of sectors.
 ~bSector ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< bRodrods
handles volumes

Detailed Description

A sector of volumes in a barrel layer (i.e.

only 1 element in R) One sector is composed of 1 or more rods.

2005/09/27 15:15:52
N. Amapane - INFN Torino

Definition at line 19 of file bSector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::bSector (  ) 

Default ctor is needed to have arrays.

Definition at line 25 of file

00025 {}

MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::bSector ( handles::const_iterator  begin,
handles::const_iterator  end 

Constructor from list of volumes.

FIXME: (float) resolution; ??

Definition at line 30 of file

References ClusterizingHistogram::clusterize(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug, lat::endl(), f, ClusterizingHistogram::fill(), first, i, prof2calltree::last, MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::maxZ(), precomputed_value_sort(), MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::volumeHandle::printUniqueNames(), rods, and volumes.

00031                                                                    :
00032   volumes(begin,end),
00033   msector(0)
00034 {
00035   if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) cout << "   Sector at Phi  " <<  volumes.front()->center().phi() << " " 
00036                   << volumes.back()->center().phi() <<  endl;
00038   if (volumes.size() == 1) {
00039     if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) { 
00040       cout << "   Rod at: 0 elements: " << end-begin
00041            << " unique volumes: ";
00042       volumeHandle::printUniqueNames(begin,end);
00043     }
00044     rods.push_back(bRod(begin,end));
00045   } else {
00046     // Clusterize in phi. Use bin edge so that complete clusters can be 
00047     // easily found (not trivial using bin centers!)
00048     // Unfortunately this makes the result more sensitive to the 
00049     // "resolution" parameter...
00050     // To avoid +-pi boundary problems, take phi distance from min phi.
00051     // Caveat of implicit conversions of Geom::Phi!!!
00053     // Sort volumes in DELTA phi - i.e. phi(j)-phi(i) > 0 if j>1.
00054     precomputed_value_sort(volumes.begin(), volumes.end(),
00055                            ExtractPhiMax(), LessDPhi());
00057     const Geom::Phi<float> resolution(0.01); // rad
00058     Geom::Phi<float> phi0 = volumes.front()->maxPhi();
00059     float phiMin = -(float) resolution;
00060     float phiMax = volumes.back()->maxPhi() - phi0 + resolution; 
00062     ClusterizingHistogram hisPhi( int((phiMax-phiMin)/resolution) + 1,
00063                                   phiMin, phiMax);
00065     handles::const_iterator first = volumes.begin();
00066     handles::const_iterator last = volumes.end();  
00068     for (handles::const_iterator i=first; i!=last; ++i){
00069       hisPhi.fill((*i)->maxPhi()-phi0);
00070     }
00071     vector<float> phiClust = hisPhi.clusterize(resolution);
00073     if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) cout << "     Found " << phiClust.size() << " clusters in Phi, "
00074                     << " rods: " << endl;
00076     handles::const_iterator rodStart = first;
00077     handles::const_iterator separ = first;
00079     float DZ = (*max_element(first,last,LessZ()))->maxZ() -
00080       (*min_element(first,last,LessZ()))->minZ();    
00082     float DZ1 = 0.;
00083     for (unsigned int i=0; i<phiClust.size(); ++i) {
00084       float phiSepar;
00085       if (i<phiClust.size()-1) {
00086         phiSepar = (phiClust[i] + phiClust[i+1])/2.f;
00087       } else {
00088         phiSepar = phiMax;
00089       }
00090       if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) cout << "       cluster " << i
00091                       << " phisepar " << phiSepar <<endl;
00092       while (separ < last && (*separ)->maxPhi()-phi0 < phiSepar ) {
00093         DZ1 += ((*separ)->maxZ() - (*separ)->minZ());
00094         if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) cout << "         " << (*separ)->name << " "
00095                         << (*separ)->maxPhi()-phi0  << " "
00096                         << (*separ)->maxZ() << " " << (*separ)->minZ() << " "
00097                         << DZ1 << endl;
00098         ++separ;
00099       }
00101       // FIXME: print warning for small discrepancies. Tolerance (below)
00102       // had to be increased since discrepancies sum to up to ~ 2 mm.
00103       if (fabs(DZ-DZ1) > 0.001 && fabs(DZ-DZ1) < 0.5) {
00104         if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) cout << "*** WARNING: Z lenght mismatch by " << DZ-DZ1
00105                         << " " << DZ << " " << DZ1 << endl;
00107       }
00108       if (fabs(DZ-DZ1) > 0.25 ) { // FIXME hardcoded tolerance
00109         if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) cout << "       Incomplete, use also next cluster: " 
00110                         << DZ << " " << DZ1 << " " << DZ-DZ1 << endl;
00111         DZ1 = 0.;
00112         continue;
00113       } else if (DZ1>DZ+0.05) { // Wrong: went past max lenght // FIXME hardcoded tolerance
00114         cout << " *** ERROR: bSector finding messed up." << endl;
00115         volumeHandle::printUniqueNames(rodStart, separ);
00116         DZ1 = 0.;
00117       } else {
00118         if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) {
00119           cout << "       Rod at: " << phiClust[i] <<" elements: "
00120                << separ-rodStart << " unique volumes: ";
00121           volumeHandle::printUniqueNames(rodStart, separ);
00122         }
00124         rods.push_back(bRod(rodStart, separ));
00125         rodStart = separ;
00126         DZ1 = 0.;
00127       }
00128     }
00130     if (MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::debug) cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
00132   }
00133 }

MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::~bSector (  ) 


Definition at line 27 of file

00027 {}

Member Function Documentation

MagBSector * MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::buildMagBSector (  )  const

Construct the MagBSector upon request.

Definition at line 136 of file

References msector, rods, and volumes.

00136                                                               {
00137   if (msector==0) {
00138     vector<MagBRod*> mRods;
00139     for (vector<bRod>::const_iterator rod = rods.begin();
00140          rod!=rods.end(); ++rod) {
00141       mRods.push_back((*rod).buildMagBRod());
00142     }
00143     msector = new MagBSector(mRods, volumes.front()->minPhi()); //FIXME
00144   }
00145   return msector;
00146 }

const handles& MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::getVolumes (  )  const [inline]

Return all volumes in this sector.

Definition at line 36 of file bSector.h.

References volumes.

00036 {return volumes;}

const float MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::RN (  )  const [inline]

Distance from center along normal of sectors.

Definition at line 31 of file bSector.h.

References volumes.

00031                          {
00032     return volumes.front()->RN();
00033   }

Member Data Documentation

MagBSector* MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::msector [mutable, private]

Definition at line 44 of file bSector.h.

Referenced by buildMagBSector().

std::vector<bRod> MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::rods [private]

Definition at line 42 of file bSector.h.

Referenced by bSector(), and buildMagBSector().

handles MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bSector::volumes [private]

Definition at line 43 of file bSector.h.

Referenced by bSector(), buildMagBSector(), getVolumes(), and RN().

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