MadGraphProducer Class Reference

A modified version of the PythiaProducer that generates events by reading in a file produced with MadGraph/MadEvent and shower them with Pythia. More...

#include <GeneratorInterface/MadGraphInterface/interface/MadGraphProducer.h>

Detailed Description

A modified version of the PythiaProducer that generates events by reading in a file produced with MadGraph/MadEvent and shower them with Pythia.

Includes Matrix Element - Parton Shower matching

July 2006 Maria Hansen, University of Bristol Hector Naves : added the MCDB Interface (25/10/06) Dorian Kcira : change to new Les Houches format. Dorian Kcira : add automatic end of event processing when hitting the end of the lhe file (29/01/07) Dorian Kcira : added ME-PS matching (22/05/2007) Carsten Hof : add saving of flavours and fractional momenta of ingoing partons in pdfinfo (06/02/2008)

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