RPCDetInfo Class Reference

Class describing connections of RPC chamber to trigger system. More...

#include <L1Trigger/RPCTrigger/interface/RPCDetInfo.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::map< int, float > RPCStripPhiMap

Public Member Functions

int etaToTower (float eta)
 Converts eta to coresponding m_tower number.
float getEtaCentre ()
int getGlobRollNo ()
 Calculates globall iroll no.
int getHwPlane ()
 Gets hwplane.
float getMaxPhi ()
 Gets maxPhi of this detid.
int getMaxTower ()
 Gives the highest m_tower number.
float getMinPhi ()
 Gets minPhi of this detid.
int getMinTower ()
 Gives the lowest m_tower number.
float getPhi ()
 Gets phi of this detid.
int getRegion ()
 Gets region.
int getRing ()
 Gets ring.
int getRingFromRollsId ()
 gets coresponding curlid.
int getRoll ()
 Gets roll.
RPCStripPhiMap getRPCStripPhiMap ()
 Gets stripMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
int giveStripOfPhi (float)
void printContents ()
 prints the contents of a RpcDetInfo.
uint32_t rawId ()
 RPCDetInfo (RPCRoll *roll)
 Construct from roll.
 RPCDetInfo ()

Private Member Functions

int etaToSign (float eta)
 Gives sign of eta (+) -> 1; (-) -> 0.
void makeStripPhiMap (RPCRoll *roll)
void setHwPlane ()
 Returns hardware plane number (mHwPlane).
float transformPhi (float phi)
 Transforms phi.

Private Attributes

uint32_t m_detId
 DetId number.
float m_etaCentre
 eta of centre of this detId
float m_etaMax
 etaMin and etaMax define to which m_tower(s) chamber contributes
float m_etaMin
 etaMin and etaMax define to which m_tower(s) chamber contributes
int m_globRoll
int m_hwPlane
 1...6 for barell and 1...4 for endcaps
int m_layer
 Inner or outer layer.
float m_phi
 Phi of center of this detId (different than globalPoint.phi() - [0...2PI[).
float m_phiMax
 The highest phi of strips.
float m_phiMin
 The lowest phi of strips.
int m_region
 (+-)1 for endcaps, 0 for barrell
int m_ring
 Wheel number for barrell, Ring number for endcap (RE*/1 - RE*/3 -> 1...3 ).
int m_roll
 Roll number.
int m_sector
 Sector number.
int m_station
 Muon station number (RB1...RB4; RE1...RE4).
RPCStripPhiMap m_stripPhiMap
int m_subsector
 Subsector number.
int m_towerMax
 Highest tower number to which chamber contributes.
int m_towerMin
 Lowest tower number to which chamber contributes.

Static Private Attributes

static const float m_towerBounds []
 Defines m_tower bounds.

Detailed Description

Class describing connections of RPC chamber to trigger system.

Tomasz Fruboes
check if defualt constructor must be somewhow special to be used with map

Definition at line 26 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<int, float> RPCDetInfo::RPCStripPhiMap

Definition at line 29 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RPCDetInfo::RPCDetInfo (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 33 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

00033 { }; // To be able to use map

RPCDetInfo::RPCDetInfo ( RPCRoll roll  ) 

Construct from roll.

To determine m_towerMin and m_towerMax we should use predefined table. Solution with minEta and maxEta is evil :)

Definition at line 22 of file

References RPCRoll::centreOfStrip(), detId, prof2calltree::edges, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), RPCGeomServ::eta_partition(), etaToTower(), i, RPCRoll::id(), RPCDetId::layer(), StripTopology::localStripLength(), m_detId, m_etaCentre, m_etaMax, m_etaMin, m_globRoll, m_layer, m_phi, m_phiMax, m_phiMin, m_region, m_ring, m_roll, m_sector, m_station, m_stripPhiMap, m_subsector, m_towerMax, m_towerMin, max, min, RPCRoll::nstrips(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), phi, DetId::rawId(), RPCDetId::region(), RPCDetId::ring(), RPCDetId::roll(), RPCDetId::sector(), setHwPlane(), RPCDetId::station(), RPCDetId::subsector(), pyDBSRunClass::temp, GeomDet::toGlobal(), RPCRoll::topology(), and transformPhi().

00022                                    {
00024   RPCDetId detId = roll->id();
00026   RPCGeomServ grs(detId);
00027   m_globRoll = grs.eta_partition();
00029   m_detId = detId.rawId();
00030   m_region = detId.region(); 
00032   // Hand;le endcaps.  Needed to verify that etaPartition works ok in barrel
00033   //if (m_region==1 || m_region == -1){
00034   //    m_globRoll = 12;
00035   //}
00037   m_ring = detId.ring();
00038   m_station = detId.station();
00039   m_layer = detId.layer();
00040   m_roll = detId.roll();
00041   m_sector = detId.sector();
00042   m_subsector = detId.subsector();
00044   setHwPlane();
00048   // Determine min and max \eta values
00049   const StripTopology* topology = dynamic_cast<const StripTopology*>
00050                                   (&(roll->topology()));
00052   float stripLength = topology->localStripLength(LocalPoint( 0., 0., 0. ));    
00054   // The list of chamber local positions used to find etaMin and etaMax
00055   // of a chamber. You can add as many points as desire, but make sure
00056   // the point lays _inside_ the chamber.
00058   std::vector<LocalPoint> edges;
00059   edges.push_back(LocalPoint(0., stripLength/2., 0.)); // Add (?) correction for
00060   edges.push_back(LocalPoint(0.,-stripLength/2., 0.)); // nonzero chamber height
00062   std::vector<float> m_etas;
00063   for (unsigned int i=0; i < edges.size(); i++){
00064     GlobalPoint gp = roll->toGlobal( edges[i] );
00065     m_etas.push_back( gp.eta() );
00066   }
00068   m_etaMin = *(min_element(m_etas.begin(), m_etas.end()));
00069   m_etaMax = *(max_element(m_etas.begin(), m_etas.end()));
00070   m_etaCentre =   roll->toGlobal(LocalPoint( 0., 0., 0. )).eta();
00072   m_towerMin = etaToTower(m_etaMin);
00073   m_towerMax = etaToTower(m_etaMax);
00075   m_phi = transformPhi( (float)(roll->toGlobal(LocalPoint(0., 0., 0.)).phi()) );
00078   // add strips to the map
00079   for (int i=1; i<=roll->nstrips(); i++ ) { // note: the strip numbering convention is likely to chnage in future
00081     LocalPoint lStripCentre = roll->centreOfStrip(i);
00082     GlobalPoint gStripCentre = roll->toGlobal(lStripCentre);
00083     float phiRaw = gStripCentre.phi();
00084     float phi = transformPhi( phiRaw );
00086     m_stripPhiMap[i]=phi;
00088   }
00090   // Fill m_phiMin and m_phiMax values
00091   LocalPoint lStripCentre = roll->centreOfStrip(1); // XXX - strip numbering convention(!)
00092   GlobalPoint gStripCentre = roll->toGlobal(lStripCentre);
00093   float phi1 = transformPhi(gStripCentre.phi());
00095   LocalPoint lStripCentre2 = roll->centreOfStrip(roll->nstrips());// XXX - strip numbering convention(!)
00096   GlobalPoint gStripCentre2 = roll->toGlobal(lStripCentre2);
00097   float phi2 =  transformPhi(gStripCentre2.phi());
00099  /* std::cout << "Roll: " <<m_globRoll 
00100             << " plane: "<< m_hwPlane 
00101             << " z: " << gStripCentre2.z() 
00102             << " r: " << gStripCentre2.perp() 
00103             <<std::endl;
00104 */
00105   m_phiMin = std::min(phi1,phi2);
00106   m_phiMax = std::max(phi1,phi2);
00108   // fix the problem around phi=0: (2pi - epsilon) < (0+epsilon)
00109   if ( (m_phiMin<1)&&(m_phiMax>5) ){ 
00110     float temp = m_phiMin;
00111     m_phiMin = m_phiMax;
00112     m_phiMax = temp;
00113   }
00115 }

Member Function Documentation

int RPCDetInfo::etaToSign ( float  eta  )  [private]

Gives sign of eta (+) -> 1; (-) -> 0.

Definition at line 282 of file

Referenced by etaToTower(), and getRingFromRollsId().

00282                                   {
00284   if (eta < 0) return 0;
00285   return 1;
00287 }

int RPCDetInfo::etaToTower ( float  eta  ) 

Converts eta to coresponding m_tower number.

store somewhere MAXTOWER no.
store somewhere the max eta value (it will tell us if we properly used geometry)

Definition at line 220 of file

References etaToSign(), and m_towerBounds.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo().

00220                                    {
00222   int sign = etaToSign(eta);
00223   eta = std::fabs(eta);
00225   int m_tower = 0;
00226   // The highest m_tower no is 16
00227   while ( (eta > m_towerBounds[m_tower]) && (m_tower!=16) ){
00228     m_tower++;
00229   }
00231   if (sign == 0)
00232     return -m_tower;
00233   else
00234     return m_tower;
00236 }

float RPCDetInfo::getEtaCentre (  ) 

Definition at line 297 of file

References m_etaCentre.

00297 { return m_etaCentre;}

int RPCDetInfo::getGlobRollNo (  ) 

Calculates globall iroll no.

Definition at line 143 of file

References m_globRoll.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId(), and getRingFromRollsId().

00143                              {
00146    return m_globRoll;
00147 /*
00148   int globRoll=20;
00150   if (m_region==0){ //barell
00152     int hr = 0;
00153     switch (m_roll) {
00154       case 1:
00155         hr=1;
00156         break;
00157       case 2:
00158         hr=0;
00159         break;
00160       case 3:
00161         hr=-1;
00162         break;
00163     }
00164     if (m_ring==0) { // Temp fix for eta problem in barell ring0
00166                 // std::cout << m_sector << " " << m_subsector << std::endl;
00167       if(m_sector ==  1 ||
00168          m_sector ==  4 || m_sector ==  5 ||
00169          m_sector ==  8 || m_sector ==  9 ||
00170          m_sector == 12)
00171       {
00172           if (hr==-1)
00173               hr=1;
00174           else if (hr==1)
00175               hr=-1;
00176       }
00177     }
00180     if (m_ring >= 0)
00181       globRoll = m_ring*3-hr;
00182     else
00183       globRoll = m_ring*3+hr;
00184   } 
00185   else {
00187     int mr = 0;
00188     switch (m_ring) {
00189       case 1:
00190         mr=3;
00191         break;
00192       case 2:
00193         mr=2;
00194         break;
00195       case 3:
00196         mr=1;
00197         break;
00198     }
00199     globRoll=((mr-1)*3+m_roll+7);
00200   }
00202   if (m_region==-1)
00203     globRoll= -globRoll;
00205   if ( (globRoll==20) || (globRoll==-20))
00206     edm::LogError("RPCTrigger") << "Problem with RPCDetInfo::getGlobRollNo function. GlobRoll=" << globRoll;
00208   return globRoll;*/
00210 }

int RPCDetInfo::getHwPlane (  ) 

Gets hwplane.

Definition at line 300 of file

References m_hwPlane.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId().

float RPCDetInfo::getMaxPhi (  ) 

Gets maxPhi of this detid.

Definition at line 296 of file

References m_phiMax.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::doVirtualStrips().

int RPCDetInfo::getMaxTower (  ) 

Gives the highest m_tower number.

Definition at line 293 of file

References m_towerMax.

float RPCDetInfo::getMinPhi (  ) 

Gets minPhi of this detid.

Definition at line 295 of file

References m_phiMin.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::doVirtualStrips().

int RPCDetInfo::getMinTower (  ) 

Gives the lowest m_tower number.

Definition at line 292 of file

References m_towerMin.

float RPCDetInfo::getPhi (  ) 

Gets phi of this detid.

Definition at line 294 of file

References m_phi.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId(), and printContents().

int RPCDetInfo::getRegion (  ) 

Gets region.

Definition at line 298 of file

References m_region.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId().

int RPCDetInfo::getRing (  ) 

Gets ring.

Definition at line 299 of file

References m_ring.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId().

int RPCDetInfo::getRingFromRollsId (  ) 

gets coresponding curlid.

the ring is numbered in special way:
  • for -endcap ring no 1 is closest to the beam
  • for +endcap ring no 1 is farest to the beam
  • for barrel ring equals wheel no

Definition at line 127 of file

References funct::abs(), etaToSign(), getGlobRollNo(), and m_hwPlane.

Referenced by RPCTriggerGeo::addDet(), and RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId().

00127                                   {
00129   int gr = getGlobRollNo();
00130   int curlId = 1000*(m_hwPlane) +     //1...6
00131                 100*(etaToSign(gr) ) + //
00132                   1*( std::abs(getGlobRollNo()) );     //-17...17
00134   return curlId;
00135 }

int RPCDetInfo::getRoll (  ) 

Gets roll.

Definition at line 301 of file

References m_roll.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId().

RPCDetInfo::RPCStripPhiMap RPCDetInfo::getRPCStripPhiMap (  ) 

Gets stripMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.

Definition at line 302 of file

References m_stripPhiMap.

Referenced by RPCRingFromRolls::updatePhiStripsMap().

int RPCDetInfo::giveStripOfPhi ( float   ) 

void RPCDetInfo::makeStripPhiMap ( RPCRoll roll  )  [private]

void RPCDetInfo::printContents (  ) 

prints the contents of a RpcDetInfo.

Definition at line 334 of file

References lat::endl(), getPhi(), LogDebug, m_towerMax, m_towerMin, and rawId().

00334                                {
00336   //*
00337   LogDebug("RPCTrigger")<<"####"<<std::endl;
00338   LogDebug("RPCTrigger")<< "DetId "<< rawId() << " Centre Phi " << getPhi();
00339   LogDebug("RPCTrigger")<< " m_Tower min" << m_towerMin << " m_tower max " << m_towerMax;
00341   /*
00342   RPCStripPhiMap::const_iterator it;
00343   for (it = m_stripPhiMap.begin(); it != m_stripPhiMap.end(); it++){
00345   LogDebug("RPCTrigger")
00346         << "Strip: " << it->first << " "
00347         << "Phi: " << it->second << " "
00350   }
00351   //*/
00352 }

uint32_t RPCDetInfo::rawId (  ) 

Definition at line 288 of file

References m_detId.

Referenced by RPCTriggerGeo::addDet(), RPCRingFromRolls::addDetId(), printContents(), and RPCRingFromRolls::updatePhiStripsMap().

00288                           {
00289   return m_detId;
00290 }

void RPCDetInfo::setHwPlane (  )  [private]

Returns hardware plane number (mHwPlane).

Layer convention seems to be ok.

Definition at line 245 of file

References m_hwPlane, m_layer, m_region, and m_station.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo().

00246 {    
00247   int region = m_region;
00248   int station = m_station;
00249   int layer = m_layer;
00251   int hwPlane = 0;
00252   if (region != 0){ // endcaps
00253     hwPlane = station;
00254   }
00255   // Now comes the barell
00256   else if ( station > 2 ){
00257     hwPlane = station;
00258   } 
00259   else if ( station == 1 && layer == 1) {
00260     hwPlane = 1;
00261   }
00262   else if ( station == 1 && layer == 2) {
00263     hwPlane = 5;
00264   }
00265   else if ( station == 2 && layer == 1) {
00266     hwPlane = 2;
00267   }
00268   else if ( station == 2 && layer == 2) {
00269     hwPlane = 6;
00270   }
00272   m_hwPlane = hwPlane;
00274 }

float RPCDetInfo::transformPhi ( float  phi  )  [private]

Transforms phi.

Definition at line 310 of file

References pi.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo().

00310                                        {
00313   float pi = 3.141592654;
00315   if (phi < 0)
00316     return phi+2*pi;
00317   else
00318     return phi;
00320 }

Member Data Documentation

uint32_t RPCDetInfo::m_detId [private]

DetId number.

Definition at line 71 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by rawId(), and RPCDetInfo().

float RPCDetInfo::m_etaCentre [private]

eta of centre of this detId

Definition at line 82 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getEtaCentre(), and RPCDetInfo().

float RPCDetInfo::m_etaMax [private]

etaMin and etaMax define to which m_tower(s) chamber contributes

Definition at line 81 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo().

float RPCDetInfo::m_etaMin [private]

etaMin and etaMax define to which m_tower(s) chamber contributes

Definition at line 80 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_globRoll [private]

Definition at line 88 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getGlobRollNo(), and RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_hwPlane [private]

1...6 for barell and 1...4 for endcaps

Definition at line 79 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getHwPlane(), getRingFromRollsId(), and setHwPlane().

int RPCDetInfo::m_layer [private]

Inner or outer layer.

Definition at line 75 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo(), and setHwPlane().

float RPCDetInfo::m_phi [private]

Phi of center of this detId (different than globalPoint.phi() - [0...2PI[).

Definition at line 83 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getPhi(), and RPCDetInfo().

float RPCDetInfo::m_phiMax [private]

The highest phi of strips.

Definition at line 85 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getMaxPhi(), and RPCDetInfo().

float RPCDetInfo::m_phiMin [private]

The lowest phi of strips.

Definition at line 84 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getMinPhi(), and RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_region [private]

(+-)1 for endcaps, 0 for barrell

Definition at line 72 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRegion(), RPCDetInfo(), and setHwPlane().

int RPCDetInfo::m_ring [private]

Wheel number for barrell, Ring number for endcap (RE*/1 - RE*/3 -> 1...3 ).

Definition at line 73 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRing(), and RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_roll [private]

Roll number.

Definition at line 76 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRoll(), and RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_sector [private]

Sector number.

Definition at line 77 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_station [private]

Muon station number (RB1...RB4; RE1...RE4).

Definition at line 74 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo(), and setHwPlane().

RPCStripPhiMap RPCDetInfo::m_stripPhiMap [private]

Definition at line 92 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRPCStripPhiMap(), and RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_subsector [private]

Subsector number.

Definition at line 78 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by RPCDetInfo().

const float RPCDetInfo::m_towerBounds [static, private]

Initial value:

 {0.07, 0.27, 0.44, 0.58, 0.72, 0.83, 0.93, 1.04, 1.14,
                            1.24, 1.36, 1.48, 1.61, 1.73, 1.85, 1.97, 2.10 }
Defines m_tower bounds.

Definition at line 89 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by etaToTower().

int RPCDetInfo::m_towerMax [private]

Highest tower number to which chamber contributes.

Definition at line 87 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getMaxTower(), printContents(), and RPCDetInfo().

int RPCDetInfo::m_towerMin [private]

Lowest tower number to which chamber contributes.

Definition at line 86 of file RPCDetInfo.h.

Referenced by getMinTower(), printContents(), and RPCDetInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:30:55 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4