L1GctPrintLuts Class Reference

Description: print Gct lookup table contents to a file. More...

#include <L1Trigger/L1GlobalCaloTrigger/plugins/>

Inheritance diagram for L1GctPrintLuts:


List of all members.

Public Types

typedef L1GlobalCaloTrigger::lutPtr lutPtr

Public Member Functions

 L1GctPrintLuts (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~L1GctPrintLuts ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
int configureGct (const edm::EventSetup &c)
virtual void endJob ()

Private Attributes

std::string m_hfSumLutOutFileName
std::string m_jetCountOutFileName
lutPtrVector m_jetEtCalibLuts
std::string m_jetRanksOutFileName

Detailed Description

Description: print Gct lookup table contents to a file.

Definition at line 39 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef L1GlobalCaloTrigger::lutPtr L1GctPrintLuts::lutPtr


Definition at line 43 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

typedef L1GlobalCaloTrigger::lutPtrVector L1GctPrintLuts::lutPtrVector

Definition at line 44 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1GctPrintLuts::L1GctPrintLuts ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig  )  [explicit]

Definition at line 37 of file

References L1GctJetFinderBase::COL_OFFSET, and m_jetEtCalibLuts.

00037                                                              :
00038   m_jetRanksOutFileName(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("jetRanksFilename","gctJetRanksContents.txt")),
00039   m_jetCountOutFileName(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("jetCountFilename","gctJetCountContents.txt")),
00040   m_hfSumLutOutFileName(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("hfSumLutFilename","gctHfSumLutContents.txt")),
00041   m_gct(new L1GlobalCaloTrigger(L1GctJetLeafCard::hardwareJetFinder)),
00042   m_jetEtCalibLuts()
00043 {
00044   // Fill the jetEtCalibLuts vector
00045   lutPtr nextLut( new L1GctJetEtCalibrationLut() );
00047   for (unsigned ieta=0; ieta<L1GctJetFinderBase::COL_OFFSET; ieta++) {
00048     nextLut->setEtaBin(ieta);
00049     m_jetEtCalibLuts.push_back(nextLut);
00050     nextLut.reset ( new L1GctJetEtCalibrationLut() );
00051   }
00053 }

L1GctPrintLuts::~L1GctPrintLuts (  ) 

Definition at line 55 of file

00056 {
00058    // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
00059    // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
00061 }

Member Function Documentation

void L1GctPrintLuts::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 70 of file

00071 {
00072 }

void L1GctPrintLuts::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup c  )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 77 of file

References L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountNegEtaRing1, L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountNegEtaRing2, L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountPosEtaRing1, L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountPosEtaRing2, configureGct(), lat::endl(), L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumNegEtaRing1, L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumNegEtaRing2, L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumPosEtaRing1, L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumPosEtaRing2, file, L1GctGlobalHfSumAlgos::getBCLut(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::getEnergyFinalStage(), L1GctGlobalHfSumAlgos::getESLut(), L1GctGlobalEnergyAlgos::getHfSumProcessor(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::getWheelJetFpgas(), m_gct, m_hfSumLutOutFileName, m_jetCountOutFileName, m_jetEtCalibLuts, m_jetRanksOutFileName, L1GlobalCaloTrigger::N_WHEEL_CARDS, and muonGeometry::wheel.

00078 {
00079   // get config data from EventSetup
00080   // check this has been done successfully before proceeding
00081   if (configureGct(c) == 0) {
00083     // Write to a new file
00084     struct stat buffer ;
00085     if ( !stat(  m_jetRanksOutFileName.c_str(), &buffer ) ) {
00086       edm::LogWarning("LutFileExists") << "File " << m_jetRanksOutFileName << " already exists. It will not be overwritten." << std::endl; 
00087     } else {
00089       std::ofstream file;
00090  m_jetRanksOutFileName.c_str() );
00092       if (file.good()) {
00093         // Print the calibration lut contents
00094         file << " Gct lookup table printout \n"
00095              << "===========================\n\n"
00096              << "Jet Et Calibration lut contents\n" << std::endl;
00097         for (unsigned ieta=0; ieta<m_jetEtCalibLuts.size(); ieta++) {
00098           file << * << std::endl;
00099         }
00100       } else {
00101         edm::LogWarning("LutFileError") << "Error opening file " << m_jetRanksOutFileName << ". No lookup tables written." << std::endl;
00102       }
00103       file.close();
00104     }
00106     if ( !stat(  m_jetCountOutFileName.c_str(), &buffer ) ) {
00107       edm::LogWarning("LutFileExists") << "File " << m_jetCountOutFileName << " already exists. It will not be overwritten." << std::endl; 
00108     } else {
00110       std::ofstream file;
00111  m_jetCountOutFileName.c_str() );
00113       if (file.good()) {
00114         // Print the jet counter luts
00115         for (int wheel=0; wheel<m_gct->N_WHEEL_CARDS; wheel++) {
00116           // Could get the actual number of filled counters from the
00117           // L1GctJetCounterSetup records.
00118           // Just a constant for now though.
00119           int nCounters =  m_gct->getWheelJetFpgas().at(wheel)->N_JET_COUNTERS;
00120           file << "\n\n" << (wheel==0 ? "Positive " : "Negative ") << "wheel has "
00121                << nCounters << " jet counters" << std::endl;
00122           for (int ctr=0; ctr<nCounters; ctr++) {
00123             file << "\nJet counter number " << ctr << " lookup table contents \n" << std::endl;
00124             file << *m_gct->getWheelJetFpgas().at(wheel)->getJetCounter(ctr)->getJetCounterLut() << std::endl;
00125           }
00126         }
00127       } else {
00128         edm::LogWarning("LutFileError") << "Error opening file " << m_jetCountOutFileName << ". No lookup tables written." << std::endl;
00129       }
00130       file.close();
00131     }
00133     if ( !stat(  m_hfSumLutOutFileName.c_str(), &buffer ) ) {
00134       edm::LogWarning("LutFileExists") << "File " << m_hfSumLutOutFileName << " already exists. It will not be overwritten." << std::endl; 
00135     } else {
00137       std::ofstream file;
00138  m_hfSumLutOutFileName.c_str() );
00140       if (file.good()) {
00141         // Print the Hf luts
00142         file << "\n\n Hf ring jet bit count luts:" << std::endl;
00143         file << "\n Positive eta, ring1" << std::endl;
00144         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getBCLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountPosEtaRing1) << std::endl;
00145         file << "\n Positive eta, ring2" << std::endl;
00146         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getBCLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountPosEtaRing2) << std::endl;
00147         file << "\n Negative eta, ring1" << std::endl;
00148         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getBCLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountNegEtaRing1) << std::endl;
00149         file << "\n Negative eta, ring2" << std::endl;
00150         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getBCLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::bitCountNegEtaRing2) << std::endl;
00151         file << "\n\n Hf Et sum luts:" << std::endl;
00152         file << "\n Positive eta, ring1" << std::endl;
00153         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getESLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumPosEtaRing1) << std::endl;
00154         file << "\n Positive eta, ring2" << std::endl;
00155         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getESLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumPosEtaRing2) << std::endl;
00156         file << "\n Negative eta, ring1" << std::endl;
00157         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getESLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumNegEtaRing1) << std::endl;
00158         file << "\n Negative eta, ring2" << std::endl;
00159         file << *m_gct->getEnergyFinalStage()->getHfSumProcessor()->getESLut(L1GctHfLutSetup::etSumNegEtaRing2) << std::endl;
00160       } else {
00161         edm::LogWarning("LutFileError") << "Error opening file " << m_hfSumLutOutFileName << ". No lookup tables written." << std::endl;
00162       }
00163       file.close();
00164     }
00165   }
00166 }

int L1GctPrintLuts::configureGct ( const edm::EventSetup c  )  [private]

Definition at line 169 of file

References lat::endl(), edm::EventSetup::get(), m_gct, m_jetEtCalibLuts, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::setChannelMask(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::setJetEtCalibrationLuts(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::setJetFinderParams(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::setupHfSumLuts(), and L1GlobalCaloTrigger::setupJetCounterLuts().

Referenced by beginJob().

00170 {
00171   int success = 0;
00172   if (&c==0) {
00173     success = -1;
00174     edm::LogWarning("L1GctConfigFailure") << "Cannot find EventSetup information." << std::endl;
00175   }
00177   if (success == 0) {
00178     // get data from EventSetup
00179     edm::ESHandle< L1GctJetFinderParams > jfPars ;
00180     c.get< L1GctJetFinderParamsRcd >().get( jfPars ) ; // which record?
00181     edm::ESHandle< L1GctJetCounterSetup > jcPosPars ;
00182     c.get< L1GctJetCounterPositiveEtaRcd >().get( jcPosPars ) ; // which record?
00183     edm::ESHandle< L1GctJetCounterSetup > jcNegPars ;
00184     c.get< L1GctJetCounterNegativeEtaRcd >().get( jcNegPars ) ; // which record?
00185     edm::ESHandle< L1GctJetEtCalibrationFunction > calibFun ;
00186     c.get< L1GctJetCalibFunRcd >().get( calibFun ) ; // which record?
00187     edm::ESHandle< L1GctHfLutSetup > hfLSetup ;
00188     c.get< L1GctHfLutSetupRcd >().get( hfLSetup ) ; // which record?
00189     edm::ESHandle< L1GctChannelMask > chanMask ;
00190     c.get< L1GctChannelMaskRcd >().get( chanMask ) ; // which record?
00191     edm::ESHandle< L1CaloEtScale > etScale ;
00192     c.get< L1JetEtScaleRcd >().get( etScale ) ; // which record?
00194     if (jfPars.product() == 0) {
00195       success = -1;
00196       edm::LogWarning("L1GctConfigFailure")
00197         << "Failed to find a L1GctJetFinderParamsRcd:L1GctJetFinderParams in EventSetup!" << std::endl;
00198     }
00200     if (calibFun.product() == 0) {
00201       success = -1;
00202       edm::LogWarning("L1GctConfigFailure")
00203         << "Failed to find a L1GctJetCalibFunRcd:L1GctJetEtCalibrationFunction in EventSetup!" << std::endl;
00204     }
00206     if (hfLSetup.product() == 0) {
00207       success = -1;
00208       edm::LogWarning("L1GctConfigFailure")
00209         << "Failed to find a L1GctHfLutSetupRcd:L1GctHfLutSetup in EventSetup!" << std::endl;
00210     }
00212     if (chanMask.product() == 0) {
00213       success = -1;
00214       edm::LogWarning("L1GctConfigFailure")
00215         << "Failed to find a L1GctChannelMaskRcd:L1GctChannelMask in EventSetup!" << std::endl;
00216     }
00218     if (success==0) {
00219       // tell the jet Et Luts about the scales
00220       for (unsigned ieta=0; ieta<m_jetEtCalibLuts.size(); ieta++) {
00223       }
00226       // pass all the setup info to the gct
00227       m_gct->setJetEtCalibrationLuts(m_jetEtCalibLuts);
00228       m_gct->setJetFinderParams(jfPars.product());
00229       m_gct->setupJetCounterLuts(jcPosPars.product(), jcNegPars.product());
00230       m_gct->setupHfSumLuts(hfLSetup.product());
00231       m_gct->setChannelMask(chanMask.product());
00233     }
00234   }
00236   if (success != 0) {
00237     edm::LogError("L1GctConfigError")
00238       << "Configuration failed - GCT emulator will not be run" << std::endl;
00239   }
00240   return success;
00241 }

void L1GctPrintLuts::endJob ( void   )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 245 of file

00245                        {
00246 }

Member Data Documentation

L1GlobalCaloTrigger* L1GctPrintLuts::m_gct [private]

Definition at line 65 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and configureGct().

std::string L1GctPrintLuts::m_hfSumLutOutFileName [private]

Definition at line 62 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

std::string L1GctPrintLuts::m_jetCountOutFileName [private]

Definition at line 61 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

lutPtrVector L1GctPrintLuts::m_jetEtCalibLuts [private]

Definition at line 68 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), configureGct(), and L1GctPrintLuts().

std::string L1GctPrintLuts::m_jetRanksOutFileName [private]

Definition at line 60 of file L1GctPrintLuts.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

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