L1MuTriggerScales Class Reference

Description: Class that creates all scales used to pass data from the regional muon triggers to the Global Muon Trigger and from the latter to the Global Trigger. More...

#include <CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1MuTriggerScales.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const L1MuScalegetGMTEtaScale () const
 get the GMT eta scale
const L1MuScalegetPhiScale () const
 get the phi scale
const L1MuScalegetRegionalEtaScale (int isys) const
 get the regioanl muon trigger eta scale, isys = 0(DT), 1(bRPC), 2(CSC), 3(fwdRPC)
 L1MuTriggerScales (int nbitPackingDTEta, bool signedPackingDTEta, int nbinsDTEta, float minDTEta, float maxDTEta, int offsetDTEta, int nbitPackingCSCEta, int nbinsCSCEta, float minCSCEta, float maxCSCEta, const std::vector< double > &scaleRPCEta, int nbitPackingBrlRPCEta, bool signedPackingBrlRPCEta, int nbinsBrlRPCEta, int offsetBrlRPCEta, int nbitPackingFwdRPCEta, bool signedPackingFwdRPCEta, int nbinsFwdRPCEta, int offsetFwdRPCEta, int nbitPackingGMTEta, int nbinsGMTEta, const std::vector< double > &scaleGMTEta, int nbitPackingPhi, bool signedPackingPhi, int nbinsPhi, float minPhi, float maxPhi)
 L1MuTriggerScales ()
virtual ~L1MuTriggerScales ()

Private Attributes

L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale m_GMTEtaScale
L1MuBinnedScale m_PhiScale
L1MuBinnedScale m_RegionalEtaScale [4]
L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale m_RegionalEtaScaleCSC

Detailed Description

Description: Class that creates all scales used to pass data from the regional muon triggers to the Global Muon Trigger and from the latter to the Global Trigger.

Definition at line 31 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1MuTriggerScales::L1MuTriggerScales (  )  [inline]


Definition at line 35 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

00035 {}

L1MuTriggerScales::L1MuTriggerScales ( int  nbitPackingDTEta,
bool  signedPackingDTEta,
int  nbinsDTEta,
float  minDTEta,
float  maxDTEta,
int  offsetDTEta,
int  nbitPackingCSCEta,
int  nbinsCSCEta,
float  minCSCEta,
float  maxCSCEta,
const std::vector< double > &  scaleRPCEta,
int  nbitPackingBrlRPCEta,
bool  signedPackingBrlRPCEta,
int  nbinsBrlRPCEta,
int  offsetBrlRPCEta,
int  nbitPackingFwdRPCEta,
bool  signedPackingFwdRPCEta,
int  nbinsFwdRPCEta,
int  offsetFwdRPCEta,
int  nbitPackingGMTEta,
int  nbinsGMTEta,
const std::vector< double > &  scaleGMTEta,
int  nbitPackingPhi,
bool  signedPackingPhi,
int  nbinsPhi,
float  minPhi,
float  maxPhi 
) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

References m_GMTEtaScale, m_PhiScale, m_RegionalEtaScale, and m_RegionalEtaScaleCSC.

00074                         {
00076     //
00077     // Regional Muon Trigger Eta Scales
00078     //
00079 /*     const float rpcetabins[34]= { */
00080 /*       -2.10, -1.97, -1.85, -1.73, -1.61, -1.48, */
00081 /*       -1.36, -1.24, -1.14, -1.04, -0.93, -0.83,  */
00082 /*       -0.72, -0.58, -0.44, -0.27, -0.07,      */
00083 /*               0.07,  0.27,  0.44,  0.58,  0.72, */
00084 /*        0.83,  0.93,  1.04,  1.14,  1.24,  1.36, */
00085 /*        1.48,  1.61,  1.73,  1.85,  1.97,  2.10}; */
00087     // DT
00088     //m_RegionalEtaScale[0] = L1MuBinnedScale( 6, true, 64, -1.2, 1.2, 32);
00089     m_RegionalEtaScale[0] = L1MuBinnedScale( nbitPackingDTEta,
00090                                              signedPackingDTEta,
00091                                              nbinsDTEta,
00092                                              minDTEta,
00093                                              maxDTEta,
00094                                              offsetDTEta );
00096     // RPC index -16 .. 16, brl RPC
00097     // m_RegionalEtaScale[1] = L1MuBinnedScale (6, true, 33, rpcetabins, 16);
00098     m_RegionalEtaScale[1] = L1MuBinnedScale (nbitPackingBrlRPCEta,
00099                                              signedPackingBrlRPCEta,
00100                                              nbinsBrlRPCEta,
00101                                              scaleRPCEta,
00102                                              offsetBrlRPCEta ) ;
00104     // CSC
00105     // // m_RegionalEtaScale[2] = L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale ( 6, 32, 0.9, 2.5);
00106     //    m_RegionalEtaScaleCSC = L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale ( 6, 32, 0.9, 2.5);
00107     m_RegionalEtaScaleCSC = L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale ( nbitPackingCSCEta,
00108                                                        nbinsCSCEta,
00109                                                        minCSCEta,
00110                                                        maxCSCEta );
00112     // RPC index -16 .. 16, fwd RPC
00113     // m_RegionalEtaScale[3] = L1MuBinnedScale (6, true, 33, rpcetabins, 16);
00114     m_RegionalEtaScale[3] = L1MuBinnedScale (nbitPackingFwdRPCEta,
00115                                              signedPackingFwdRPCEta,
00116                                              nbinsFwdRPCEta,
00117                                              scaleRPCEta,
00118                                              offsetFwdRPCEta );
00120     //
00121     // Eta scale at GMT output
00122     //
00124 /*     const float gmt_outputetascale[32] = {  0.00, */
00125 /*             0.10,  0.20,  0.30,  0.40,  0.50,  0.60,  0.70,  0.80,  */
00126 /*             0.90,  1.00,  1.10,  1.20,  1.30,  1.40,  1.50,  1.60, */
00127 /*             1.70,  1.75,  1.80,  1.85,  1.90,  1.95,  2.00,  2.05, */
00128 /*             2.10,  2.15,  2.20,  2.25,  2.30,  2.35,  2.40 }; */
00130     // m_GMTEtaScale = L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale (6, 31, gmt_outputetascale);
00131     m_GMTEtaScale = L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale (nbitPackingGMTEta,
00132                                               nbinsGMTEta,
00133                                               scaleGMTEta );
00135     //
00136     // Phi Scale. Common to all Regioanl Muon Triggers and GMT
00137     // 
00139     // m_PhiScale = L1MuBinnedScale (8, false, 144, 0., 2. * M_PI);
00140     m_PhiScale = L1MuBinnedScale (nbitPackingPhi,
00141                                   signedPackingPhi,
00142                                   nbinsPhi,
00143                                   minPhi,
00144                                   maxPhi );
00146     //
00147     // Pt Scale. Common to all Regioanl Muon Triggers and GMT
00148     // 
00150     // pt scale in GeV
00151     // low edges of pt bins
00152 /*     const float ptscale[33] = {  */
00153 /*       -1.,   0.0,   1.5,   2.0,   2.5,   3.0,   3.5,   4.0, */
00154 /*       4.5,   5.0,   6.0,   7.0,   8.0,  10.0,  12.0,  14.0,   */
00155 /*       16.0,  18.0,  20.0,  25.0,  30.0,  35.0,  40.0,  45.0,  */
00156 /*       50.0,  60.0,  70.0,  80.0,  90.0, 100.0, 120.0, 140.0, 1.E6 }; */
00158     // m_PtScale = L1MuBinnedScale ( 5, false, 32, ptscale) ;
00159 /*     m_PtScale = L1MuBinnedScale ( nbitPackingPt, */
00160 /*                                signedPackingPt, */
00161 /*                                nbinsPt, */
00162 /*                                scalePt ) ; */
00164   };

virtual L1MuTriggerScales::~L1MuTriggerScales (  )  [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 168 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

00168                                {
00169 //     for (int i=0; i<4; i++) 
00170 //       delete m_RegionalEtaScale[i];
00172 //     delete m_GMTEtaScale;
00173 //     delete m_PhiScale;
00174 //     delete m_PtScale; 
00175   };

Member Function Documentation

const L1MuScale* L1MuTriggerScales::getGMTEtaScale (  )  const [inline]

get the GMT eta scale

Definition at line 191 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

References m_GMTEtaScale.

Referenced by L1TGMT::beginJob(), L1MuGMTMerger::merge(), FastL1MuonProducer::produce(), L1MuGMTLFEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::unpackGMT().

00191 { return &m_GMTEtaScale ; };

const L1MuScale* L1MuTriggerScales::getPhiScale (  )  const [inline]

get the phi scale

Definition at line 194 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

Referenced by L1GtEtaPhiConversions::convert(), L1MuGMTMerger::merge(), FastL1MuonProducer::produce(), L1MuGMTPSB::receiveData(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::unpackGMT().

00194 { return &m_PhiScale;};

const L1MuScale* L1MuTriggerScales::getRegionalEtaScale ( int  isys  )  const [inline]

get the regioanl muon trigger eta scale, isys = 0(DT), 1(bRPC), 2(CSC), 3(fwdRPC)

Definition at line 178 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

References m_RegionalEtaScale, and m_RegionalEtaScaleCSC.

Referenced by L1TGMT::beginJob(), CSCTFPtLUT::calcPt(), FastL1MuonProducer::loadL1Muons(), L1MuGMTPSB::receiveData(), L1MuGMTLFPhiProEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFMergeRankEtaQLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFDeltaEtaLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFSortRankEtaQLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFOvlEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaProLUT::TheLookupFunction(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::unpackGMT().

00178                                                        { 
00179     if (isys<0 || isys>3) edm::LogWarning("ScaleRangeViolation") << "Error in L1MuTriggerScales:: isys out of range: " << isys;
00180     if( isys == 2 )
00181     {
00182        return &m_RegionalEtaScaleCSC ;
00183     }
00184     else
00185     {
00186        return &( m_RegionalEtaScale[isys] ); 
00187     }
00188   };

Member Data Documentation

L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale L1MuTriggerScales::m_GMTEtaScale [private]

Definition at line 203 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

Referenced by getGMTEtaScale(), and L1MuTriggerScales().

L1MuBinnedScale L1MuTriggerScales::m_PhiScale [private]

Definition at line 204 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

Referenced by L1MuTriggerScales().

L1MuBinnedScale L1MuTriggerScales::m_RegionalEtaScale[4] [private]

Definition at line 194 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

Referenced by getRegionalEtaScale(), and L1MuTriggerScales().

L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale L1MuTriggerScales::m_RegionalEtaScaleCSC [private]

Definition at line 202 of file L1MuTriggerScales.h.

Referenced by getRegionalEtaScale(), and L1MuTriggerScales().

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