MuonAlignment Class Reference

The MuonAlignment helper class for alignment jobs. More...

#include <Alignment/MuonAlignment/interface/MuonAlignment.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void copyAlignmentToSurvey (double shiftErr, double angleErr)
void copySurveyToAlignment ()
void fillGapsInSurvey (double shiftErr, double angleErr)
AlignableMuongetAlignableMuon ()
AlignableNavigatorgetAlignableNavigator ()
void moveAlignableGlobalCoord (DetId &, std::vector< float > &, std::vector< float > &)
void moveAlignableLocalCoord (DetId &, std::vector< float > &, std::vector< float > &)
 MuonAlignment (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const MuonAlignmentInputMethod &input)
 MuonAlignment (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void recursiveList (std::vector< Alignable * > alignables, std::vector< Alignable * > &theList)
void recursiveMap (std::vector< Alignable * > alignables, std::map< align::ID, Alignable * > &theMap)
void recursiveStructureMap (std::vector< Alignable * > alignables, std::map< std::pair< align::StructureType, align::ID >, Alignable * > &theMap)
void saveCSCSurveyToDB ()
void saveCSCtoDB ()
void saveDTSurveyToDB ()
void saveDTtoDB ()
void saveSurveyToDB ()
void saveToDB ()
void writeXML (const edm::ParameterSet iConfig, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
 ~MuonAlignment ()

Private Member Functions

void init ()
void recursiveCopySurveyToAlignment (Alignable *alignable)

Private Attributes

std::vector< float > displacements
std::vector< float > rotations
std::string theCSCAlignRecordName
std::string theCSCErrorRecordName
std::string theCSCSurveyErrorRecordName
std::string theCSCSurveyRecordName
std::string theDTAlignRecordName
std::string theDTErrorRecordName
std::string theDTSurveyErrorRecordName
std::string theDTSurveyRecordName

Detailed Description

The MuonAlignment helper class for alignment jobs.

2008/03/26 22:02:51
Andre Sznajder - UERJ(Brazil)

Definition at line 21 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonAlignment::MuonAlignment ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup  ) 

Definition at line 45 of file

References align::AlignableMuon, edm::EventSetup::get(), init(), theAlignableMuon, and theAlignableNavigator.

00046 {
00047    init();
00049    edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeometry;
00050    edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> cscGeometry;
00051    iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get( dtGeometry );     
00052    iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get( cscGeometry );
00054    theAlignableMuon = new AlignableMuon( &(*dtGeometry) , &(*cscGeometry) );
00055    theAlignableNavigator = new AlignableNavigator( theAlignableMuon );
00056 }

MuonAlignment::MuonAlignment ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const MuonAlignmentInputMethod input 

Definition at line 58 of file

References init(), MuonAlignmentInputMethod::newAlignableMuon(), theAlignableMuon, and theAlignableNavigator.

00059 {
00060    init();
00062    theAlignableMuon = input.newAlignableMuon( iSetup );
00063    theAlignableNavigator = new AlignableNavigator( theAlignableMuon );
00064 }

MuonAlignment::~MuonAlignment (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 29 of file MuonAlignment.h.

References theAlignableMuon, and theAlignableNavigator.

00029 { delete theAlignableMuon; delete theAlignableNavigator; }

Member Function Documentation

void MuonAlignment::copyAlignmentToSurvey ( double  shiftErr,
double  angleErr 

Definition at line 139 of file

References edmNew::copy(), AlignableMuon::cscAlignmentErrors(), AlignableMuon::CSCEndcaps(), AlignableMuon::dtAlignmentErrors(), AlignableMuon::DTBarrel(), fillGapsInSurvey(), i, j, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, recursiveMap(), Alignable::setSurvey(), Alignable::surface(), and theAlignableMuon.

Referenced by MuonGeometryDBConverter::analyze().

00139                                                                           {
00140    std::map<align::ID, Alignable*> alignableMap;
00141    recursiveMap(theAlignableMuon->DTBarrel(), alignableMap);
00142    recursiveMap(theAlignableMuon->CSCEndcaps(), alignableMap);
00144    // Set the survey error to the alignable error, expanding the matrix as needed
00145    AlignmentErrors* dtAlignmentErrors = theAlignableMuon->dtAlignmentErrors();
00146    AlignmentErrors* cscAlignmentErrors = theAlignableMuon->cscAlignmentErrors();
00147    std::vector<AlignTransformError> alignmentErrors;
00148    std::copy(dtAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin(), dtAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.end(), std::back_inserter(alignmentErrors));
00149    std::copy(cscAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin(), cscAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.end(), std::back_inserter(alignmentErrors));
00151    for (std::vector<AlignTransformError>::const_iterator alignmentError = alignmentErrors.begin();
00152         alignmentError != alignmentErrors.end();
00153         ++alignmentError) {
00154       align::ErrorMatrix matrix6x6 = ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity();
00155       CLHEP::HepSymMatrix matrix3x3 = alignmentError->matrix();
00157       for (int i = 0;  i < 3;  i++) {
00158          for (int j = 0;  j < 3;  j++) {
00159             matrix6x6(i, j) = matrix3x3(i+1, j+1);
00160          }
00161       }
00162       matrix6x6(3,3) = angleErr;
00163       matrix6x6(4,4) = angleErr;
00164       matrix6x6(5,5) = angleErr;
00166       Alignable *alignable = alignableMap[alignmentError->rawId()];
00167       alignable->setSurvey(new SurveyDet(alignable->surface(), matrix6x6));
00168    }
00170    fillGapsInSurvey(shiftErr, angleErr);
00171 }

void MuonAlignment::copySurveyToAlignment (  ) 

Definition at line 233 of file

References recursiveCopySurveyToAlignment(), and theAlignableMuon.

Referenced by MuonGeometryDBConverter::analyze().

void MuonAlignment::fillGapsInSurvey ( double  shiftErr,
double  angleErr 

Definition at line 176 of file

References AlignableMuon::CSCEndcaps(), AlignableMuon::DTBarrel(), iter, python::multivaluedict::map(), NULL, recursiveStructureMap(), and theAlignableMuon.

Referenced by MuonGeometryDBConverter::analyze(), and copyAlignmentToSurvey().

00176                                                                      {
00177    // get all the ones we missed
00178    std::map<std::pair<align::StructureType, align::ID>, Alignable*> alignableStructureMap;
00179    recursiveStructureMap(theAlignableMuon->DTBarrel(), alignableStructureMap);
00180    recursiveStructureMap(theAlignableMuon->CSCEndcaps(), alignableStructureMap);
00182    for (std::map<std::pair<align::StructureType, align::ID>, Alignable*>::const_iterator iter = alignableStructureMap.begin();
00183         iter != alignableStructureMap.end();
00184         ++iter) {
00185       if (iter->second->survey() == NULL) {
00186          align::ErrorMatrix matrix6x6 = ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity();
00187          matrix6x6(0,0) = shiftErr;
00188          matrix6x6(1,1) = shiftErr;
00189          matrix6x6(2,2) = shiftErr;
00190          matrix6x6(3,3) = angleErr;
00191          matrix6x6(4,4) = angleErr;
00192          matrix6x6(5,5) = angleErr;
00193          iter->second->setSurvey(new SurveyDet(iter->second->surface(), matrix6x6));
00194       }
00195    }
00196 }

AlignableMuon* MuonAlignment::getAlignableMuon (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 31 of file MuonAlignment.h.

References theAlignableMuon.

Referenced by MuonGeometryDBConverter::analyze().

00031 { return theAlignableMuon; }

AlignableNavigator* MuonAlignment::getAlignableNavigator (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 33 of file MuonAlignment.h.

References theAlignableNavigator.

00033 { return theAlignableNavigator; }

void MuonAlignment::init (  )  [private]

Definition at line 31 of file

References NULL, theAlignableMuon, theAlignableNavigator, theCSCAlignRecordName, theCSCErrorRecordName, theCSCSurveyErrorRecordName, theCSCSurveyRecordName, theDTAlignRecordName, theDTErrorRecordName, theDTSurveyErrorRecordName, and theDTSurveyRecordName.

Referenced by MuonAlignment().

00032 {
00033    theDTAlignRecordName = "DTAlignmentRcd";
00034    theDTErrorRecordName = "DTAlignmentErrorRcd";
00035    theCSCAlignRecordName = "CSCAlignmentRcd";
00036    theCSCErrorRecordName = "CSCAlignmentErrorRcd";
00037    theDTSurveyRecordName = "DTSurveyRcd";
00038    theDTSurveyErrorRecordName = "DTSurveyErrorRcd";
00039    theCSCSurveyRecordName = "CSCSurveyRcd";
00040    theCSCSurveyErrorRecordName = "CSCSurveyErrorRcd";
00041    theAlignableMuon = NULL;
00042    theAlignableNavigator = NULL;
00043 }

void MuonAlignment::moveAlignableGlobalCoord ( DetId detid,
std::vector< float > &  displacements,
std::vector< float > &  rotations 

Definition at line 89 of file

References AlignableNavigator::alignableFromDetId(), Alignable::move(), Alignable::rotateAroundGlobalX(), Alignable::rotateAroundGlobalY(), Alignable::rotateAroundGlobalZ(), and theAlignableNavigator.

00089                                                                                                                         {
00091   // Displace and rotate DT an Alignable associated to a GeomDet or GeomDetUnit
00092   Alignable* theAlignable = theAlignableNavigator->alignableFromDetId( detid );
00094   // Convert std::vector to GlobalVector
00095   GlobalVector gvector(,,; 
00097   // global displacement of the chamber
00098   theAlignable->move( gvector );
00100   // local rotation of the chamber
00101   theAlignable->rotateAroundGlobalX( ); // Global X axis rotation
00102   theAlignable->rotateAroundGlobalY( ); // Global Y axis rotation
00103   theAlignable->rotateAroundGlobalZ( ); // Global Z axis rotation
00105 }

void MuonAlignment::moveAlignableLocalCoord ( DetId detid,
std::vector< float > &  displacements,
std::vector< float > &  rotations 

Definition at line 68 of file

References AlignableNavigator::alignableFromDetId(), Alignable::move(), Alignable::rotateAroundLocalX(), Alignable::rotateAroundLocalY(), Alignable::rotateAroundLocalZ(), Alignable::surface(), and theAlignableNavigator.

00068                                                                                                                        {
00070   // Displace and rotate DT an Alignable associated to a GeomDet or GeomDetUnit
00071   Alignable* theAlignable = theAlignableNavigator->alignableFromDetId( detid );
00073   // Convert local to global diplacements
00074   LocalVector lvector(,,; 
00075   GlobalVector gvector = ( theAlignable->surface()).toGlobal( lvector );
00077   // global displacement of the chamber
00078   theAlignable->move( gvector );
00080   // local rotation of the chamber
00081   theAlignable->rotateAroundLocalX( ); // Local X axis rotation
00082   theAlignable->rotateAroundLocalY( ); // Local Y axis rotation
00083   theAlignable->rotateAroundLocalZ( ); // Local Z axis rotation
00085 }

void MuonAlignment::recursiveCopySurveyToAlignment ( Alignable alignable  )  [private]

Definition at line 200 of file

References Alignable::components(), SurveyDet::errors(), Alignable::globalPosition(), Alignable::globalRotation(), i, j, Alignable::move(), NULL, SurveyDet::position(), rot, Alignable::rotateInGlobalFrame(), SurveyDet::rotation(), Alignable::setAlignmentPositionError(), Alignable::survey(), TkRotation< T >::transposed(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by copySurveyToAlignment().

00200                                                                        {
00201    if (alignable->survey() != NULL) {
00202       const SurveyDet *survey = alignable->survey();
00204       align::PositionType pos = survey->position();
00205       align::RotationType rot = survey->rotation();
00207       align::PositionType oldpos = alignable->globalPosition();
00208       align::RotationType oldrot = alignable->globalRotation();
00209       alignable->move(GlobalVector(-oldpos.x(), -oldpos.y(), -oldpos.z()));
00210       alignable->rotateInGlobalFrame(oldrot.transposed());
00211       alignable->rotateInGlobalFrame(rot);
00212       alignable->move(GlobalVector(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()));
00214       align::ErrorMatrix matrix6x6 = survey->errors();  // start from 0,0
00215       CLHEP::HepSymMatrix matrix3x3(3);                 // start from 1,1
00216       for (int i = 0;  i < 3;  i++) {
00217          for (int j = 0;  j < 3;  j++) {
00218             matrix3x3(i+1, j+1) = matrix6x6(i, j);
00219          }
00220       }
00222       // this sets APEs at this level and all lower levels
00223       alignable->setAlignmentPositionError(AlignmentPositionError(GlobalError(matrix3x3)));
00224    }
00226    // do lower levels afterward to thwart the cumulative setting of APEs
00227    std::vector<Alignable*> components = alignable->components();
00228    for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator comp = components.begin();  comp != components.end();  ++comp) {
00229       recursiveCopySurveyToAlignment(*comp);
00230    }
00231 }

void MuonAlignment::recursiveList ( std::vector< Alignable * >  alignables,
std::vector< Alignable * > &  theList 

Definition at line 109 of file

Referenced by saveCSCSurveyToDB(), and saveDTSurveyToDB().

00109                                                                                                   {
00110    for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator alignable = alignables.begin();  alignable != alignables.end();  ++alignable) {
00111       recursiveList((*alignable)->components(), theList);
00112       theList.push_back(*alignable);
00113    }
00114 }

void MuonAlignment::recursiveMap ( std::vector< Alignable * >  alignables,
std::map< align::ID, Alignable * > &  theMap 

Definition at line 118 of file

Referenced by copyAlignmentToSurvey().

00118                                                                                                       {
00119    for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator alignable = alignables.begin();  alignable != alignables.end();  ++alignable) {
00120       unsigned int rawId = (*alignable)->geomDetId().rawId();
00121       if (rawId != 0) {
00122          theMap[rawId] = *alignable;
00123       }
00124       recursiveMap((*alignable)->components(), theMap);
00125    }
00126 }

void MuonAlignment::recursiveStructureMap ( std::vector< Alignable * >  alignables,
std::map< std::pair< align::StructureType, align::ID >, Alignable * > &  theMap 

Definition at line 130 of file

Referenced by fillGapsInSurvey().

00130                                                                                                                                             {
00131    for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator alignable = alignables.begin();  alignable != alignables.end();  ++alignable) {
00132       theMap[std::pair<align::StructureType, align::ID>((*alignable)->alignableObjectId(), (*alignable)->id())] = *alignable;
00133       recursiveStructureMap((*alignable)->components(), theMap);
00134    }
00135 }

void MuonAlignment::saveCSCSurveyToDB ( void   ) 

Definition at line 277 of file

References AlignableMuon::CSCEndcaps(), error, edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), Alignments::m_align, SurveyErrors::m_surveyErrors, recursiveList(), rot, theAlignableMuon, theCSCSurveyErrorRecordName, theCSCSurveyRecordName, value, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), TkRotation< T >::xx(), TkRotation< T >::xy(), TkRotation< T >::xz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), TkRotation< T >::yx(), TkRotation< T >::yy(), TkRotation< T >::yz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), TkRotation< T >::zx(), TkRotation< T >::zy(), and TkRotation< T >::zz().

Referenced by saveSurveyToDB().

00277                                           {
00278    // Call service
00279   edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> poolDbService;
00280   if( !poolDbService.isAvailable() ) // Die if not available
00281      throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
00283   // Get alignments and errors
00284   Alignments *cscAlignments = new Alignments();
00285   SurveyErrors *cscSurveyErrors = new SurveyErrors();
00287   std::vector<Alignable*> alignableList;
00288   recursiveList(theAlignableMuon->CSCEndcaps(), alignableList);
00290   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator alignable = alignableList.begin();  alignable != alignableList.end();  ++alignable) {
00291      const align::PositionType &pos = (*alignable)->survey()->position();
00292      const align::RotationType &rot = (*alignable)->survey()->rotation();
00294      AlignTransform value(CLHEP::Hep3Vector(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()),
00295                             CLHEP::HepRotation(CLHEP::HepRep3x3(rot.xx(), rot.xy(), rot.xz(),
00296                                                                       rot.yx(), rot.yy(), rot.yz(),
00297                                                                       rot.zx(), rot.zy(), rot.zz())),
00298                             (*alignable)->id());
00299      SurveyError error((*alignable)->alignableObjectId(), (*alignable)->id(), (*alignable)->survey()->errors());
00301      cscAlignments->m_align.push_back(value);
00302      cscSurveyErrors->m_surveyErrors.push_back(error);
00303   }
00305   // Store CSC alignments and errors
00306   poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>( &(*cscAlignments), poolDbService->currentTime(), theCSCSurveyRecordName);
00307   poolDbService->writeOne<SurveyErrors>( &(*cscSurveyErrors), poolDbService->currentTime(), theCSCSurveyErrorRecordName);
00308 }

void MuonAlignment::saveCSCtoDB ( void   ) 

Definition at line 330 of file

References AlignableMuon::cscAlignmentErrors(), AlignableMuon::cscAlignments(), edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), theAlignableMuon, theCSCAlignRecordName, and theCSCErrorRecordName.

Referenced by saveToDB().

00330                                     {
00331    // Call service
00332   edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> poolDbService;
00333   if( !poolDbService.isAvailable() ) // Die if not available
00334         throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
00336   // Get alignments and errors
00337   Alignments*      csc_Alignments      = theAlignableMuon->cscAlignments();
00338   AlignmentErrors* csc_AlignmentErrors = theAlignableMuon->cscAlignmentErrors();
00340   // Store CSC alignments and errors
00341   poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>( &(*csc_Alignments), poolDbService->currentTime(), theCSCAlignRecordName);
00342   poolDbService->writeOne<AlignmentErrors>( &(*csc_AlignmentErrors), poolDbService->currentTime(), theCSCErrorRecordName);
00343 }

void MuonAlignment::saveDTSurveyToDB ( void   ) 

Definition at line 244 of file

References AlignableMuon::DTBarrel(), error, edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), Alignments::m_align, SurveyErrors::m_surveyErrors, recursiveList(), rot, theAlignableMuon, theDTSurveyErrorRecordName, theDTSurveyRecordName, value, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), TkRotation< T >::xx(), TkRotation< T >::xy(), TkRotation< T >::xz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), TkRotation< T >::yx(), TkRotation< T >::yy(), TkRotation< T >::yz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), TkRotation< T >::zx(), TkRotation< T >::zy(), and TkRotation< T >::zz().

Referenced by saveSurveyToDB().

00244                                          {
00245    // Call service
00246   edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> poolDbService;
00247   if( !poolDbService.isAvailable() ) // Die if not available
00248      throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
00250   // Get alignments and errors
00251   Alignments *dtAlignments = new Alignments();
00252   SurveyErrors *dtSurveyErrors = new SurveyErrors();
00254   std::vector<Alignable*> alignableList;
00255   recursiveList(theAlignableMuon->DTBarrel(), alignableList);
00257   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator alignable = alignableList.begin();  alignable != alignableList.end();  ++alignable) {
00258      const align::PositionType &pos = (*alignable)->survey()->position();
00259      const align::RotationType &rot = (*alignable)->survey()->rotation();
00261      AlignTransform value(CLHEP::Hep3Vector(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()),
00262                             CLHEP::HepRotation(CLHEP::HepRep3x3(rot.xx(), rot.xy(), rot.xz(),
00263                                                                       rot.yx(), rot.yy(), rot.yz(),
00264                                                                       rot.zx(), rot.zy(), rot.zz())),
00265                             (*alignable)->id());
00266      SurveyError error((*alignable)->alignableObjectId(), (*alignable)->id(), (*alignable)->survey()->errors());
00268      dtAlignments->m_align.push_back(value);
00269      dtSurveyErrors->m_surveyErrors.push_back(error);
00270   }
00272   // Store DT alignments and errors
00273   poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>( &(*dtAlignments), poolDbService->currentTime(), theDTSurveyRecordName);
00274   poolDbService->writeOne<SurveyErrors>( &(*dtSurveyErrors), poolDbService->currentTime(), theDTSurveyErrorRecordName);
00275 }

void MuonAlignment::saveDTtoDB ( void   ) 

Definition at line 315 of file

References AlignableMuon::dtAlignmentErrors(), AlignableMuon::dtAlignments(), edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), theAlignableMuon, theDTAlignRecordName, and theDTErrorRecordName.

Referenced by saveToDB().

00315                                    {
00316    // Call service
00317   edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> poolDbService;
00318   if( !poolDbService.isAvailable() ) // Die if not available
00319         throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
00321   // Get alignments and errors
00322   Alignments*      dt_Alignments       = theAlignableMuon->dtAlignments() ;
00323   AlignmentErrors* dt_AlignmentErrors  = theAlignableMuon->dtAlignmentErrors();
00325   // Store DT alignments and errors
00326   poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>( &(*dt_Alignments), poolDbService->currentTime(), theDTAlignRecordName);
00327   poolDbService->writeOne<AlignmentErrors>( &(*dt_AlignmentErrors), poolDbService->currentTime(), theDTErrorRecordName);
00328 }

void MuonAlignment::saveSurveyToDB ( void   ) 

Definition at line 310 of file

References saveCSCSurveyToDB(), and saveDTSurveyToDB().

Referenced by MuonGeometryDBConverter::analyze().

00310                                        {
00311    saveDTSurveyToDB();
00312    saveCSCSurveyToDB();
00313 }

void MuonAlignment::saveToDB ( void   ) 

Definition at line 345 of file

References saveCSCtoDB(), and saveDTtoDB().

Referenced by MuonGeometryDBConverter::analyze(), and DTSurveyConvert::endJob().

00345                                  {
00346    saveDTtoDB();
00347    saveCSCtoDB();
00348 }

void MuonAlignment::writeXML ( const edm::ParameterSet  iConfig,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 

Definition at line 240 of file

References theAlignableMuon.

Referenced by MuonGeometryDBConverter::analyze().

00240                                                                                        {
00241    MuonAlignmentOutputXML(iConfig).write(theAlignableMuon, iSetup);
00242 }

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<float> MuonAlignment::displacements [private]

Definition at line 67 of file MuonAlignment.h.

std::vector<float> MuonAlignment::rotations [private]

Definition at line 69 of file MuonAlignment.h.

AlignableMuon* MuonAlignment::theAlignableMuon [private]

Definition at line 71 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by copyAlignmentToSurvey(), copySurveyToAlignment(), fillGapsInSurvey(), getAlignableMuon(), init(), MuonAlignment(), saveCSCSurveyToDB(), saveCSCtoDB(), saveDTSurveyToDB(), saveDTtoDB(), writeXML(), and ~MuonAlignment().

AlignableNavigator* MuonAlignment::theAlignableNavigator [private]

Definition at line 73 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by getAlignableNavigator(), init(), moveAlignableGlobalCoord(), moveAlignableLocalCoord(), MuonAlignment(), and ~MuonAlignment().

std::string MuonAlignment::theCSCAlignRecordName [private]

Definition at line 63 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveCSCtoDB().

std::string MuonAlignment::theCSCErrorRecordName [private]

Definition at line 63 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveCSCtoDB().

std::string MuonAlignment::theCSCSurveyErrorRecordName [private]

Definition at line 65 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveCSCSurveyToDB().

std::string MuonAlignment::theCSCSurveyRecordName [private]

Definition at line 65 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveCSCSurveyToDB().

std::string MuonAlignment::theDTAlignRecordName [private]

Definition at line 62 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveDTtoDB().

std::string MuonAlignment::theDTErrorRecordName [private]

Definition at line 62 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveDTtoDB().

std::string MuonAlignment::theDTSurveyErrorRecordName [private]

Definition at line 64 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveDTSurveyToDB().

std::string MuonAlignment::theDTSurveyRecordName [private]

Definition at line 64 of file MuonAlignment.h.

Referenced by init(), and saveDTSurveyToDB().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:28:37 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4