GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer Class Reference

#include <Validation/GlobalRecHits/interface/GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h>

Inheritance diagram for GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer:


List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::map< uint32_t,
float, std::less< uint32_t > > 

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void endJob ()
 GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual ~GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer ()

Private Attributes

unsigned int count
bool doOutput
std::string fName
int frequency
bool getAllProvenances
edm::InputTag GlobalRecHitSrc_
std::string label
MonitorElementmehEcaln [3]
MonitorElementmehEcalRes [3]
MonitorElementmehHcaln [4]
MonitorElementmehHcalRes [4]
MonitorElementmehSiPixeln [7]
MonitorElementmehSiPixelResX [7]
MonitorElementmehSiPixelResY [7]
MonitorElementmehSiStripn [19]
MonitorElementmehSiStripResX [19]
MonitorElementmehSiStripResY [19]
std::string outputfile
bool printProvenanceInfo
int verbosity

Detailed Description

Definition at line 54 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<uint32_t,float,std::less<uint32_t> > GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::MapType

Definition at line 62 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer ( const edm::ParameterSet iPSet  )  [explicit]

Definition at line 15 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), dbe, doOutput, fName, frequency, getAllProvenances, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), GlobalRecHitSrc_, i, j, mehCSCn, mehCSCResRDPhi, mehDtMuonn, mehDtMuonRes, mehEcaln, mehEcalRes, mehHcaln, mehHcalRes, mehRPCn, mehRPCResX, mehSiPixeln, mehSiPixelResX, mehSiPixelResY, mehSiStripn, mehSiStripResX, mehSiStripResY, outputfile, printProvenanceInfo, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), DQMStore::showDirStructure(), and verbosity.

00015                                                                                  :
00016   fName(""), verbosity(0), frequency(0), label(""), getAllProvenances(false),
00017   printProvenanceInfo(false), count(0)
00018 {
00019   std::string MsgLoggerCat = "GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer_GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer";
00021   // get information from parameter set
00022   fName = iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("Name");
00023   verbosity = iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<int>("Verbosity");
00024   frequency = iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<int>("Frequency");
00025   outputfile = iPSet.getParameter<std::string>("outputFile");
00026   doOutput = iPSet.getParameter<bool>("DoOutput");
00027   edm::ParameterSet m_Prov =
00028     iPSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ProvenanceLookup");
00029   getAllProvenances = 
00030     m_Prov.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("GetAllProvenances");
00031   printProvenanceInfo = 
00032     m_Prov.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PrintProvenanceInfo");
00034   //get Labels to use to extract information
00035   GlobalRecHitSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("GlobalRecHitSrc");
00036   // ECalEBSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ECalEBSrc");
00037   //ECalUncalEBSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ECalUncalEBSrc");
00038   //ECalEESrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ECalEESrc");
00039   //ECalUncalEESrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ECalUncalEESrc");
00040   //ECalESSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ECalESSrc");
00041   //HCalSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("HCalSrc");
00042   //SiStripSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("SiStripSrc"); 
00043   //SiPxlSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("SiPxlSrc");
00044   //MuDTSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuDTSrc");
00045   //MuDTSimSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuDTSimSrc");
00046   //MuCSCSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuCSCSrc");
00047   //MuRPCSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuRPCSrc");
00048   //MuRPCSimSrc_ = iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuRPCSimSrc");
00050   //conf_ = iPSet;
00052   // use value of first digit to determine default output level (inclusive)
00053   // 0 is none, 1 is basic, 2 is fill output, 3 is gather output
00054   verbosity %= 10;
00056   // create persistent object
00057   // produces<PGlobalRecHit>(label);
00059   // print out Parameter Set information being used
00060   if (verbosity >= 0) {
00061     edm::LogInfo(MsgLoggerCat) 
00062       << "\n===============================\n"
00063       << "Initialized as EDProducer with parameter values:\n"
00064       << "    Name           = " << fName << "\n"
00065       << "    Verbosity      = " << verbosity << "\n"
00066       << "    Frequency      = " << frequency << "\n"
00067       << "    OutputFile     = " << outputfile << "\n"
00068       << "    DoOutput      = " << doOutput << "\n"
00069       << "    GetProv        = " << getAllProvenances << "\n"
00070       << "    PrintProv      = " << printProvenanceInfo << "\n"
00071       << "    Global Src     = " << GlobalRecHitSrc_ << "\n"
00072       << "===============================\n";
00074   }
00075   //Put in analyzer stuff here....
00077   dbe = 0;
00078 dbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00079 if (dbe) {
00080     if (verbosity > 0 ) {
00081       dbe->setVerbose(1);
00082     } else {
00083       dbe->setVerbose(0);
00084     }
00085 }
00086 if (dbe) {
00087     if (verbosity > 0 ) dbe->showDirStructure();
00088   }
00090  Char_t hname[100];
00091  Char_t htitle[100];
00093 //monitor elements 
00095 //Si Strip
00096  if(dbe)
00097    {
00098 string SiStripString[19] = {"TECW1", "TECW2", "TECW3", "TECW4", "TECW5", "TECW6", "TECW7", "TECW8", "TIBL1", "TIBL2", "TIBL3", "TIBL4", "TIDW1", "TIDW2", "TIDW3", "TOBL1", "TOBL2", "TOBL3", "TOBL4"};
00099 for(int i = 0; i<19; ++i)
00100 {
00101   mehSiStripn[i]=0;
00102   mehSiStripResX[i]=0;
00103   mehSiStripResY[i]=0;
00104 }
00105  string hcharname, hchartitle;
00106 dbe->setCurrentFolder("GlobalRecHitsV/SiStrips");
00107 for(int amend = 0; amend < 19; ++amend)
00108 { 
00109   hcharname = "hSiStripn_"+SiStripString[amend];
00110   hchartitle= SiStripString[amend]+"  rechits";
00111   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00112   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00113   mehSiStripn[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,20,0.,20.);
00114   mehSiStripn[amend]->setAxisTitle("Number of hits in "+SiStripString[amend],1);
00115   mehSiStripn[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00116   hcharname = "hSiStripResX_"+SiStripString[amend];
00117   hchartitle= SiStripString[amend]+" rechit x resolution";
00118   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00119   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00120   mehSiStripResX[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,200,-0.02,.02);
00121   mehSiStripResX[amend]->setAxisTitle("X-resolution in "+SiStripString[amend],1);
00122   mehSiStripResX[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00123   hcharname = "hSiStripResY_"+SiStripString[amend];
00124   hchartitle= SiStripString[amend]+" rechit y resolution";
00125   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00126   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00127   mehSiStripResY[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,200,-0.02,.02);
00128   mehSiStripResY[amend]->setAxisTitle("Y-resolution in "+SiStripString[amend],1);
00129   mehSiStripResY[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00130 }
00133 //HCal
00134 //string hcharname, hchartitle;
00135 string HCalString[4]={"HB", "HE", "HF", "HO"};
00136 float HCalnUpper[4]={3000.,3000.,3000.,2000.}; float HCalnLower[4]={2000.,2000.,2000.,1000.};
00137 for(int j =0; j <4; ++j)
00138 {
00139   mehHcaln[j]=0;
00140   mehHcalRes[j]=0;
00141 }
00143 dbe->setCurrentFolder("GlobalRecHitsV/HCals");
00144 for(int amend = 0; amend < 4; ++amend)
00145 {
00146   hcharname = "hHcaln_"+HCalString[amend];
00147   hchartitle= HCalString[amend]+"  rechits";
00148   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00149   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00150   mehHcaln[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle, 500, HCalnLower[amend], HCalnUpper[amend]);
00151   mehHcaln[amend]->setAxisTitle("Number of RecHits",1);
00152   mehHcaln[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00153   hcharname = "hHcalRes_"+HCalString[amend];
00154   hchartitle= HCalString[amend]+"  rechit resolution";
00155   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00156   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00157   mehHcalRes[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle, 25, -2., 2.);
00158   mehHcalRes[amend]->setAxisTitle("RecHit E - SimHit E",1);
00159   mehHcalRes[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00160 }
00163 //Ecal
00164 string ECalString[3] = {"EB","EE", "ES"}; 
00165 int ECalnBins[3] = {700,100,50};
00166 float ECalnUpper[3] = {20000., 62000., 300.};
00167 float ECalnLower[3] = {6000., 60000., 100.};
00168 int ECalResBins[3] = {200,200,200};
00169 float ECalResUpper[3] = {1., 0.3, .0002};
00170 float ECalResLower[3] = {-1., -0.3, -.0002};
00171 for(int i =0; i<3; ++i)
00172 {
00173   mehEcaln[i]=0;
00174   mehEcalRes[i]=0;
00175 }
00176 dbe->setCurrentFolder("GlobalRecHitsV/ECals");
00178 for(int amend = 0; amend < 3; ++amend)
00179 {
00180   hcharname = "hEcaln_"+ECalString[amend];
00181   hchartitle= ECalString[amend]+"  rechits";
00182   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00183   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00184   mehEcaln[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle, ECalnBins[amend], ECalnLower[amend], ECalnUpper[amend]);
00185   mehEcaln[amend]->setAxisTitle("Number of RecHits",1);
00186   mehEcaln[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00187   hcharname = "hEcalRes_"+ECalString[amend];
00188   hchartitle= ECalString[amend]+"  rechit resolution";
00189   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00190   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00191   mehEcalRes[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,ECalResBins[amend], ECalResLower[amend], ECalResUpper[amend]);
00192   mehEcalRes[amend]->setAxisTitle("RecHit E - SimHit E",1);
00193   mehEcalRes[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00194 }
00197 //Si Pixels
00198 string SiPixelString[7] = {"BRL1", "BRL2", "BRL3", "FWD1n", "FWD1p", "FWD2n", "FWD2p"};
00199 for(int j =0; j<7; ++j)
00200 {
00201   mehSiPixeln[j]=0;
00202   mehSiPixelResX[j]=0;
00203   mehSiPixelResY[j]=0;
00204 }
00206 dbe->setCurrentFolder("GlobalRecHitsV/SiPixels");
00207 for(int amend = 0; amend < 7; ++amend)
00208 {
00209   hcharname = "hSiPixeln_"+SiPixelString[amend];
00210   hchartitle= SiPixelString[amend]+" rechits";
00211   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00212   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00213   mehSiPixeln[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,20,0.,20.);
00214   mehSiPixeln[amend]->setAxisTitle("Number of hits in "+SiPixelString[amend],1);
00215   mehSiPixeln[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00216   hcharname = "hSiPixelResX_"+SiPixelString[amend];
00217   hchartitle= SiPixelString[amend]+" rechit x resolution";
00218   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00219   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00220   mehSiPixelResX[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,200,-0.02,.02);
00221   mehSiPixelResX[amend]->setAxisTitle("X-resolution in "+SiPixelString[amend],1);
00222   mehSiPixelResX[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00223   hcharname = "hSiPixelResY_"+SiPixelString[amend];
00224   hchartitle= SiPixelString[amend]+" rechit y resolution";
00226   sprintf(hname, hcharname.c_str());
00227   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00228   mehSiPixelResY[amend] = dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,200,-0.02,.02);
00229   mehSiPixelResY[amend]->setAxisTitle("Y-resolution in "+SiPixelString[amend],1);
00230   mehSiPixelResY[amend]->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00231 }
00232 //Muons 
00233 dbe->setCurrentFolder("GlobalRecHitsV/Muons");
00235 mehDtMuonn = 0;
00236 mehCSCn = 0;
00237 mehRPCn = 0;
00239 //std::vector<MonitorElement *> me_List = {mehDtMuonn, mehCSCn, mehRPCn};
00240 string n_List[3] = {"hDtMuonn", "hCSCn", "hRPCn"};
00241 //float hist_prop[3] = [25., 0., 50.];
00242 string hist_string[3] = {"Dt", "CSC", "RPC"};
00244 for(int amend=0; amend<3; ++amend)
00245 {
00246   hchartitle = hist_string[amend]+" rechits";
00247   sprintf(hname, n_List[amend].c_str());
00248   sprintf(htitle, hchartitle.c_str());
00249   if(amend==0)
00250     {
00251   mehDtMuonn=dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,25, 0., 50.);
00252   mehDtMuonn->setAxisTitle("Number of Rechits",1);
00253   mehDtMuonn->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00254     }
00255 if(amend==1)
00256     {
00257   mehCSCn=dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,25, 0., 50.);
00258   mehCSCn->setAxisTitle("Number of Rechits",1);
00259   mehCSCn->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00260     }
00261 if(amend==2)
00262     {
00263   mehRPCn=dbe->book1D(hname,htitle,25, 0., 50.);
00264   mehRPCn->setAxisTitle("Number of Rechits",1);
00265   mehRPCn->setAxisTitle("Count",2);
00266     }
00267 }
00269 mehDtMuonRes=0;
00270 mehCSCResRDPhi=0;
00271 mehRPCResX=0;
00273 sprintf(hname, "hDtMuonRes");
00274 sprintf(htitle, "DT wire distance resolution");
00275 mehDtMuonRes = dbe->book1D(hname, htitle, 200, -0.2, 0.2);
00276 sprintf(hname, "CSCResRDPhi");
00277 sprintf(htitle, "CSC perp*dphi resolution");
00278 mehCSCResRDPhi = dbe->book1D(hname, htitle, 200, -0.2, 0.2);
00279 sprintf(hname,"hRPCResX");
00280 sprintf(htitle, "RPC rechits x resolution");
00281 mehRPCResX = dbe->book1D(hname, htitle, 50, -5., 5.);
00282 }
00284 }

GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::~GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 287 of file

References dbe, doOutput, outputfile, and DQMStore::save().

00288 {
00289   if (doOutput)
00290     if (outputfile.size() != 0 && dbe) dbe->save(outputfile);
00291 }

Member Function Documentation

void GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 307 of file

References count, MonitorElement::Fill(), frequency, edm::Event::getAllProvenance(), getAllProvenances, edm::Event::getByLabel(), GlobalRecHitSrc_, i, edm::Event::id(), edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), mehCSCn, mehCSCResRDPhi, mehDtMuonn, mehDtMuonRes, mehEcaln, mehEcalRes, mehHcaln, mehHcalRes, mehRPCn, mehRPCResX, mehSiPixeln, mehSiPixelResX, mehSiPixelResY, mehSiStripn, mehSiStripResX, mehSiStripResY, printProvenanceInfo, and verbosity.

00309 {
00310   std::string MsgLoggerCat = "GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer_analyze";
00312   // keep track of number of events processed
00313   ++count;
00315   // get event id information
00316   int nrun =;
00317   int nevt =;
00319   if (verbosity > 0) {
00320     edm::LogInfo(MsgLoggerCat)
00321       << "Processing run " << nrun << ", event " << nevt
00322       << " (" << count << " events total)";
00323   } else if (verbosity == 0) {
00324     if (nevt%frequency == 0 || nevt == 1) {
00325       edm::LogInfo(MsgLoggerCat)
00326         << "Processing run " << nrun << ", event " << nevt
00327         << " (" << count << " events total)";
00328     }
00329   }
00331   // clear event holders
00332   //clear();  Not in example I'm using, thus I comment it out.
00334   // look at information available in the event
00335   if (getAllProvenances) {
00337     std::vector<const edm::Provenance*> AllProv;
00338     iEvent.getAllProvenance(AllProv);
00340     if (verbosity >= 0)
00341       edm::LogInfo(MsgLoggerCat)
00342         << "Number of Provenances = " << AllProv.size();
00344     if (printProvenanceInfo && (verbosity >= 0)) {
00345       TString eventout("\nProvenance info:\n");      
00347       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < AllProv.size(); ++i) {
00348         eventout += "\n       ******************************";
00349         eventout += "\n       Module       : ";
00350         //eventout += (AllProv[i]->product).moduleLabel();
00351         eventout += AllProv[i]->moduleLabel();
00352         eventout += "\n       ProductID    : ";
00353         //eventout += (AllProv[i]->product).productID_.id_;
00354         eventout += AllProv[i]->productID().id();
00355         eventout += "\n       ClassName    : ";
00356         //eventout += (AllProv[i]->product).fullClassName_;
00357         eventout += AllProv[i]->className();
00358         eventout += "\n       InstanceName : ";
00359         //eventout += (AllProv[i]->product).productInstanceName_;
00360         eventout += AllProv[i]->productInstanceName();
00361         eventout += "\n       BranchName   : ";
00362         //eventout += (AllProv[i]->product).branchName_;
00363         eventout += AllProv[i]->branchName();
00364       }
00365       eventout += "\n       ******************************\n";
00366       edm::LogInfo(MsgLoggerCat) << eventout << "\n";
00367       printProvenanceInfo = false;
00368     }
00369     getAllProvenances = false;
00370   }
00372 edm::Handle<PGlobalRecHit> srcGlobalRecHits;
00373   iEvent.getByLabel(GlobalRecHitSrc_,srcGlobalRecHits);
00374   if (!srcGlobalRecHits.isValid()) {
00375     edm::LogWarning(MsgLoggerCat)
00376       << "Unable to find PGlobalRecHit in event!";
00377     return;
00378   }
00380     int nEBCalRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnEBCalRecHits();
00381     int nEECalRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnEECalRecHits();
00382     int nESCalRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnESCalRecHits();
00384     int nHBCalRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnHBCalRecHits();
00385     int nHECalRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnHECalRecHits();
00386     int nHOCalRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnHOCalRecHits();
00387     int nHFCalRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnHFCalRecHits();        
00389     int nTIBL1RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTIBL1RecHits();    
00390     int nTIBL2RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTIBL2RecHits();    
00391     int nTIBL3RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTIBL3RecHits();    
00392     int nTIBL4RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTIBL4RecHits();    
00393     int nTOBL1RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTOBL1RecHits();    
00394     int nTOBL2RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTOBL2RecHits();    
00395     int nTOBL3RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTOBL3RecHits();    
00396     int nTOBL4RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTOBL4RecHits();    
00397     int nTIDW1RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTIDW1RecHits();    
00398     int nTIDW2RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTIDW2RecHits();    
00399     int nTIDW3RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTIDW3RecHits();    
00400     int nTECW1RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW1RecHits();    
00401     int nTECW2RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW2RecHits();    
00402     int nTECW3RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW3RecHits();  
00403     int nTECW4RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW4RecHits();    
00404     int nTECW5RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW5RecHits();    
00405     int nTECW6RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW6RecHits();  
00406     int nTECW7RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW7RecHits();    
00407     int nTECW8RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnTECW8RecHits();
00409     int nBRL1RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnBRL1RecHits();    
00410     int nBRL2RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnBRL2RecHits();    
00411     int nBRL3RecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnBRL3RecHits();       
00412     int nFWD1nRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnFWD1nRecHits();
00413     int nFWD1pRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnFWD1pRecHits();    
00414     int nFWD2nRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnFWD2nRecHits();    
00415     int nFWD2pRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnFWD2pRecHits(); 
00417     int nDTRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnDTRecHits();  
00419     int nCSCRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnCSCRecHits();
00421     int nRPCRecHits = srcGlobalRecHits->getnRPCRecHits();
00423     // get Ecal info
00424     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::ECalRecHit> EECalRecHits = 
00425       srcGlobalRecHits->getEECalRecHits();
00426     mehEcaln[0]->Fill((float)nEECalRecHits);
00427     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < EECalRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00428       mehEcalRes[0]->Fill(EECalRecHits[i].RE - EECalRecHits[i].SHE);
00429     }
00431     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::ECalRecHit> EBCalRecHits = 
00432       srcGlobalRecHits->getEBCalRecHits();
00433     mehEcaln[1]->Fill((float)nEBCalRecHits);
00434     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < EBCalRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00435       mehEcalRes[1]->Fill(EBCalRecHits[i].RE - EBCalRecHits[i].SHE);
00436     }
00438     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::ECalRecHit> ESCalRecHits = 
00439       srcGlobalRecHits->getESCalRecHits();
00440     mehEcaln[2]->Fill((float)nESCalRecHits);
00441     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ESCalRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00442       mehEcalRes[2]->Fill(ESCalRecHits[i].RE - ESCalRecHits[i].SHE);
00443     }
00445     // Get HCal info
00446     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::HCalRecHit> HBCalRecHits = 
00447       srcGlobalRecHits->getHBCalRecHits();
00448     mehHcaln[0]->Fill((float)nHBCalRecHits);
00449     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < HBCalRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00450       mehHcalRes[0]->Fill(HBCalRecHits[i].REC - HBCalRecHits[i].SHE); 
00451     }
00453     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::HCalRecHit> HECalRecHits = 
00454       srcGlobalRecHits->getHECalRecHits();
00455     mehHcaln[1]->Fill((float)nHECalRecHits);
00456     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < HECalRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00457       mehHcalRes[1]->Fill(HECalRecHits[i].REC - HECalRecHits[i].SHE); 
00458     }
00460     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::HCalRecHit> HOCalRecHits = 
00461       srcGlobalRecHits->getHOCalRecHits();
00462     mehHcaln[2]->Fill((float)nHOCalRecHits);
00463     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < HOCalRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00464       mehHcalRes[2]->Fill(HOCalRecHits[i].REC - HOCalRecHits[i].SHE); 
00465     }
00467     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::HCalRecHit> HFCalRecHits = 
00468       srcGlobalRecHits->getHFCalRecHits();
00469     mehHcaln[3]->Fill((float)nHFCalRecHits);
00470     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < HFCalRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00471       mehHcalRes[3]->Fill(HFCalRecHits[i].REC - HFCalRecHits[i].SHE); 
00472     }
00474     // get SiStrip info
00475     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TIBL1RecHits =
00476       srcGlobalRecHits->getTIBL1RecHits();      
00477     mehSiStripn[0]->Fill((float)nTIBL1RecHits);
00478     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TIBL1RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00479       mehSiStripResX[0]->Fill(TIBL1RecHits[i].RX - TIBL1RecHits[i].SX);
00480       mehSiStripResY[0]->Fill(TIBL1RecHits[i].RY - TIBL1RecHits[i].SY);
00481     }
00483     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TIBL2RecHits =
00484       srcGlobalRecHits->getTIBL2RecHits();      
00485     mehSiStripn[1]->Fill((float)nTIBL2RecHits);
00486     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TIBL2RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00487       mehSiStripResX[1]->Fill(TIBL2RecHits[i].RX - TIBL2RecHits[i].SX);
00488       mehSiStripResY[1]->Fill(TIBL2RecHits[i].RY - TIBL2RecHits[i].SY);
00489     }
00491     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TIBL3RecHits =
00492       srcGlobalRecHits->getTIBL3RecHits();      
00493     mehSiStripn[2]->Fill((float)nTIBL3RecHits);
00494     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TIBL3RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00495       mehSiStripResX[2]->Fill(TIBL3RecHits[i].RX - TIBL3RecHits[i].SX);
00496       mehSiStripResY[2]->Fill(TIBL3RecHits[i].RY - TIBL3RecHits[i].SY);
00497     }
00499     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TIBL4RecHits =
00500       srcGlobalRecHits->getTIBL4RecHits();      
00501     mehSiStripn[3]->Fill((float)nTIBL4RecHits);
00502     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TIBL4RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00503       mehSiStripResX[3]->Fill(TIBL4RecHits[i].RX - TIBL4RecHits[i].SX);
00504       mehSiStripResY[3]->Fill(TIBL4RecHits[i].RY - TIBL4RecHits[i].SY);
00505     }
00507     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TOBL1RecHits =
00508       srcGlobalRecHits->getTOBL1RecHits();      
00509     mehSiStripn[4]->Fill((float)nTOBL1RecHits);
00510     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOBL1RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00511       mehSiStripResX[4]->Fill(TOBL1RecHits[i].RX - TOBL1RecHits[i].SX);
00512       mehSiStripResY[4]->Fill(TOBL1RecHits[i].RY - TOBL1RecHits[i].SY);
00513     }
00515     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TOBL2RecHits =
00516       srcGlobalRecHits->getTOBL2RecHits();      
00517     mehSiStripn[5]->Fill((float)nTOBL2RecHits);
00518     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOBL2RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00519       mehSiStripResX[5]->Fill(TOBL2RecHits[i].RX - TOBL2RecHits[i].SX);
00520       mehSiStripResY[5]->Fill(TOBL2RecHits[i].RY - TOBL2RecHits[i].SY);
00521     }
00523     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TOBL3RecHits =
00524       srcGlobalRecHits->getTOBL3RecHits();      
00525     mehSiStripn[6]->Fill((float)nTOBL3RecHits);
00526     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOBL3RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00527       mehSiStripResX[6]->Fill(TOBL3RecHits[i].RX - TOBL3RecHits[i].SX);
00528       mehSiStripResY[6]->Fill(TOBL3RecHits[i].RY - TOBL3RecHits[i].SY);
00529     }
00531     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TOBL4RecHits =
00532       srcGlobalRecHits->getTOBL4RecHits();      
00533     mehSiStripn[7]->Fill((float)nTOBL4RecHits);
00534     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOBL4RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00535       mehSiStripResX[7]->Fill(TOBL4RecHits[i].RX - TOBL4RecHits[i].SX);
00536       mehSiStripResY[7]->Fill(TOBL4RecHits[i].RY - TOBL4RecHits[i].SY);
00537     }
00539     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TIDW1RecHits =
00540       srcGlobalRecHits->getTIDW1RecHits();      
00541     mehSiStripn[8]->Fill((float)nTIDW1RecHits);
00542     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TIDW1RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00543       mehSiStripResX[8]->Fill(TIDW1RecHits[i].RX - TIDW1RecHits[i].SX);
00544       mehSiStripResY[8]->Fill(TIDW1RecHits[i].RY - TIDW1RecHits[i].SY);
00545     }
00547     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TIDW2RecHits =
00548       srcGlobalRecHits->getTIDW2RecHits();      
00549     mehSiStripn[9]->Fill((float)nTIDW2RecHits);
00550     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TIDW2RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00551       mehSiStripResX[9]->Fill(TIDW2RecHits[i].RX - TIDW2RecHits[i].SX);
00552       mehSiStripResY[9]->Fill(TIDW2RecHits[i].RY - TIDW2RecHits[i].SY);
00553     }
00555     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TIDW3RecHits =
00556       srcGlobalRecHits->getTIDW3RecHits();      
00557     mehSiStripn[10]->Fill((float)nTIDW3RecHits);
00558     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TIDW3RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00559       mehSiStripResX[10]->Fill(TIDW3RecHits[i].RX - TIDW3RecHits[i].SX);
00560       mehSiStripResY[10]->Fill(TIDW3RecHits[i].RY - TIDW3RecHits[i].SY);
00561     }
00563     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW1RecHits =
00564       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW1RecHits();      
00565     mehSiStripn[11]->Fill((float)nTECW1RecHits);
00566     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW1RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00567       mehSiStripResX[11]->Fill(TECW1RecHits[i].RX - TECW1RecHits[i].SX);
00568       mehSiStripResY[11]->Fill(TECW1RecHits[i].RY - TECW1RecHits[i].SY);
00569     }
00571     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW2RecHits =
00572       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW2RecHits();      
00573     mehSiStripn[12]->Fill((float)nTECW2RecHits);
00574     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW2RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00575       mehSiStripResX[12]->Fill(TECW2RecHits[i].RX - TECW2RecHits[i].SX);
00576       mehSiStripResY[12]->Fill(TECW2RecHits[i].RY - TECW2RecHits[i].SY);
00577     }
00579     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW3RecHits =
00580       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW3RecHits();      
00581     mehSiStripn[13]->Fill((float)nTECW3RecHits);
00582     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW3RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00583       mehSiStripResX[13]->Fill(TECW3RecHits[i].RX - TECW3RecHits[i].SX);
00584       mehSiStripResY[13]->Fill(TECW3RecHits[i].RY - TECW3RecHits[i].SY);
00585     }
00587     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW4RecHits =
00588       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW4RecHits();      
00589     mehSiStripn[14]->Fill((float)nTECW4RecHits);
00590     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW4RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00591       mehSiStripResX[14]->Fill(TECW4RecHits[i].RX - TECW4RecHits[i].SX);
00592       mehSiStripResY[14]->Fill(TECW4RecHits[i].RY - TECW4RecHits[i].SY);
00593     }
00595     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW5RecHits =
00596       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW5RecHits();      
00597     mehSiStripn[15]->Fill((float)nTECW5RecHits);
00598     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW5RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00599       mehSiStripResX[15]->Fill(TECW5RecHits[i].RX - TECW5RecHits[i].SX);
00600       mehSiStripResY[15]->Fill(TECW5RecHits[i].RY - TECW5RecHits[i].SY);
00601     }
00603     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW6RecHits =
00604       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW6RecHits();      
00605     mehSiStripn[16]->Fill((float)nTECW6RecHits);
00606     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW6RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00607       mehSiStripResX[16]->Fill(TECW6RecHits[i].RX - TECW6RecHits[i].SX);
00608       mehSiStripResY[16]->Fill(TECW6RecHits[i].RY - TECW6RecHits[i].SY);
00609     }
00611     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW7RecHits =
00612       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW7RecHits();      
00613     mehSiStripn[17]->Fill((float)nTECW7RecHits);
00614     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW7RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00615       mehSiStripResX[17]->Fill(TECW7RecHits[i].RX - TECW7RecHits[i].SX);
00616       mehSiStripResY[17]->Fill(TECW7RecHits[i].RY - TECW7RecHits[i].SY);
00617     }
00619     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit> TECW8RecHits =
00620       srcGlobalRecHits->getTECW8RecHits();      
00621     mehSiStripn[18]->Fill((float)nTECW8RecHits);
00622     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TECW8RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00623       mehSiStripResX[18]->Fill(TECW8RecHits[i].RX - TECW8RecHits[i].SX);
00624       mehSiStripResY[18]->Fill(TECW8RecHits[i].RY - TECW8RecHits[i].SY);
00625     }
00627     // get SiPixel info
00628     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit> BRL1RecHits =
00629       srcGlobalRecHits->getBRL1RecHits();      
00630     mehSiPixeln[0]->Fill((float)nBRL1RecHits);
00631     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BRL1RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00632       mehSiPixelResX[0]->Fill(BRL1RecHits[i].RX - BRL1RecHits[i].SX);
00633       mehSiPixelResY[0]->Fill(BRL1RecHits[i].RY - BRL1RecHits[i].SY);
00634     }
00636     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit> BRL2RecHits =
00637       srcGlobalRecHits->getBRL2RecHits();      
00638     mehSiPixeln[1]->Fill((float)nBRL2RecHits);
00639     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BRL2RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00640       mehSiPixelResX[1]->Fill(BRL2RecHits[i].RX - BRL2RecHits[i].SX);
00641       mehSiPixelResY[1]->Fill(BRL2RecHits[i].RY - BRL2RecHits[i].SY);
00642     }
00644     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit> BRL3RecHits =
00645       srcGlobalRecHits->getBRL3RecHits();      
00646     mehSiPixeln[2]->Fill((float)nBRL3RecHits);
00647     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BRL3RecHits.size(); ++i) {
00648       mehSiPixelResX[2]->Fill(BRL3RecHits[i].RX - BRL3RecHits[i].SX);
00649       mehSiPixelResY[2]->Fill(BRL3RecHits[i].RY - BRL3RecHits[i].SY);
00650    }
00652     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit> FWD1pRecHits =
00653       srcGlobalRecHits->getFWD1pRecHits();      
00654     mehSiPixeln[3]->Fill((float)nFWD1pRecHits);
00655     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FWD1pRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00656       mehSiPixelResX[3]->Fill(FWD1pRecHits[i].RX - FWD1pRecHits[i].SX);
00657       mehSiPixelResY[3]->Fill(FWD1pRecHits[i].RY - FWD1pRecHits[i].SY);
00658     }
00660     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit> FWD1nRecHits =
00661       srcGlobalRecHits->getFWD1nRecHits();      
00662     mehSiPixeln[4]->Fill((float)nFWD1nRecHits);
00663     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FWD1nRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00664       mehSiPixelResX[4]->Fill(FWD1nRecHits[i].RX - FWD1nRecHits[i].SX);
00665       mehSiPixelResY[4]->Fill(FWD1nRecHits[i].RY - FWD1nRecHits[i].SY);
00666     }
00668     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit> FWD2pRecHits =
00669       srcGlobalRecHits->getFWD2pRecHits();      
00670     mehSiPixeln[5]->Fill((float)nFWD2pRecHits);
00671     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FWD2pRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00672       mehSiPixelResX[5]->Fill(FWD2pRecHits[i].RX - FWD2pRecHits[i].SX);
00673       mehSiPixelResY[5]->Fill(FWD2pRecHits[i].RY - FWD2pRecHits[i].SY);
00674     }
00676     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit> FWD2nRecHits =
00677       srcGlobalRecHits->getFWD2nRecHits();      
00678     mehSiPixeln[6]->Fill((float)nFWD2nRecHits);
00679     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FWD2nRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00680       mehSiPixelResX[6]->Fill(FWD2nRecHits[i].RX - FWD2nRecHits[i].SX);
00681       mehSiPixelResY[6]->Fill(FWD2nRecHits[i].RY - FWD2nRecHits[i].SY);
00682     }
00684     // get DtMuon info
00685     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::DTRecHit> DTRecHits =
00686       srcGlobalRecHits->getDTRecHits();      
00687     mehDtMuonn->Fill((float)nDTRecHits);
00688     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DTRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00689       mehDtMuonRes->Fill(DTRecHits[i].RHD - DTRecHits[i].SHD);
00690     }
00692     // get CSC info
00693     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::CSCRecHit> CSCRecHits =
00694       srcGlobalRecHits->getCSCRecHits();      
00695     mehCSCn->Fill((float)nCSCRecHits);
00696     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < CSCRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00697       mehCSCResRDPhi->Fill(CSCRecHits[i].RHPERP * 
00698                          (CSCRecHits[i].RHPHI - CSCRecHits[i].SHPHI));
00699     }
00701     // get RPC info
00702     std::vector<PGlobalRecHit::RPCRecHit> RPCRecHits =
00703       srcGlobalRecHits->getRPCRecHits();      
00704     mehRPCn->Fill((float)nRPCRecHits);
00705     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < RPCRecHits.size(); ++i) {
00706       mehRPCResX->Fill(RPCRecHits[i].RHX - RPCRecHits[i].SHX);
00707     }
00709   if (verbosity > 0)
00710     edm::LogInfo (MsgLoggerCat)
00711       << "Done gathering data from event.";
00713 }

void GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 293 of file

00294 {
00295   return;
00296 }

void GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::endJob ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 298 of file

References count, and verbosity.

00299 {
00300   std::string MsgLoggerCat = "GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer_endJob";
00301   if (verbosity >= 0)
00302     edm::LogInfo(MsgLoggerCat) 
00303       << "Terminating having processed " << count << " events.";
00304   return;
00305 }

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::count [private]

Definition at line 128 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

DQMStore* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::dbe [private]

Definition at line 81 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer(), and ~GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

bool GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::doOutput [private]

Definition at line 83 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer(), and ~GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

std::string GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::fName [private]

Definition at line 74 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

int GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::frequency [private]

Definition at line 76 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

bool GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::getAllProvenances [private]

Definition at line 78 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

edm::InputTag GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::GlobalRecHitSrc_ [private]

Definition at line 85 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

std::string GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::label [private]

Definition at line 77 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehCSCn [private]

Definition at line 120 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehCSCResRDPhi [private]

Definition at line 123 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehDtMuonn [private]

Definition at line 119 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehDtMuonRes [private]

Definition at line 122 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehEcaln[3] [private]

Definition at line 91 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehEcalRes[3] [private]

Definition at line 92 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehHcaln[4] [private]

Definition at line 98 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehHcalRes[4] [private]

Definition at line 99 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehRPCn [private]

Definition at line 121 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehRPCResX [private]

Definition at line 124 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehSiPixeln[7] [private]

Definition at line 112 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehSiPixelResX[7] [private]

Definition at line 113 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehSiPixelResY[7] [private]

Definition at line 114 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehSiStripn[19] [private]

Definition at line 105 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehSiStripResX[19] [private]

Definition at line 106 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

MonitorElement* GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::mehSiStripResY[19] [private]

Definition at line 107 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

std::string GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::outputfile [private]

Definition at line 82 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer(), and ~GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

bool GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::printProvenanceInfo [private]

Definition at line 79 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

int GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer::verbosity [private]

Definition at line 75 of file GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and GlobalRecHitsHistogrammer().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:21:48 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4