Ig3DLightsCategory Class Reference

#include <Iguana/GLBrowsers/interface/Ig3DLightsCategory.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ig3DLightsCategory:

Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight > IgStateElement IgControlCategory IgControlItem

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { SpotLight = 0, PointLight, DirectionalLight }

Public Slots

virtual void manipulators (bool on)

Public Member Functions

virtual void addExtraLights (SoGroup *group)
void addOne (SoLight *object)
virtual void apply (void)
virtual void attach (void)
void browserChanged (Ig3DBaseBrowser *browser)
virtual void buildDefaults (void)
virtual void detach (void)
 Ig3DLightsCategory (IgState *state)
void reconstruct (void)
virtual void registerBrowser (IgState *state, Ig3DBaseBrowser *browser)
virtual void update (void)
 ~Ig3DLightsCategory (void)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void createNewItem (void)
virtual void deleteItem (void)
virtual void renameItem (const QString &newName)

Private Slots

virtual void deleteOne (void)
virtual void lightTypeChanged (int index)
virtual void makeOne (void)
virtual void trackingChanged (bool mode)

Private Member Functions

SoDirectionalLight * asDirectionalLight (SoLight *object)
SoPointLight * asPointLight (SoLight *object)
SoSpotLight * asSpotLight (SoLight *object)
 Ig3DLightsCategory (const Ig3DLightsCategory &)
bool isManipulatorType (SoLight *object)
Ig3DLightsCategoryoperator= (const Ig3DLightsCategory &)
void reconstruct (SoGroup *from)
void toggleOne (bool show, SoLight *object)

Private Attributes

QComboBox * m_lightsType
QCheckBox * m_manip
int m_nrlights

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 46 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

00047     {
00048         //index of different types of SoLight
00049         SpotLight = 0,
00050         PointLight,
00051         DirectionalLight
00052     };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ig3DLightsCategory::Ig3DLightsCategory ( IgState state  ) 

Definition at line 45 of file

References reco::fitHelper::add(), ASSERT, IgControlCategory::bodyArea(), IgControlCategory::bodyLayout(), IgControlCategory::bottomLayout(), HLT_VtxMuL3::connect, Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::control(), DirectionalLight, lightTypeChanged(), m_color, m_cutOffAngle, m_direction, m_dropOffRate, m_intensity, m_lightsType, m_location, m_manip, m_on, IgControlItem::makeBox(), IgControlCategory::panel(), PointLight, IgState::put(), row, IgControlItem::setDirty(), IgQtRangeControlFloat::setLongStep(), Ig3DVectorBaseControl::setMaxAxisAlign(), Ig3DVectorBaseControl::setMinAxisAlign(), IgQtRangeControlFloat::setRange(), IgQtRangeControlFloat::setSmallStep(), SpotLight, IgControlCategory::topArea(), IgControlCategory::topLayout(), IgControlCategory::tracking(), trackingChanged(), Ig3DColorControl::widget(), IgQtRangeControlCommon::widget(), and Ig3DBoolControl::widget().

00046     : Ig3DObjectCategory<SoLight> (state, "Lights"),
00047       m_source (0),
00048       m_lightsType  (0),
00049       m_location    (new Ig3DVec3fControl     (this, "Location")),
00050       m_direction   (new Ig3DUnitVec3fControl (this, "Direction")),
00051       m_dropOffRate (new Ig3DFloatControl     (this, "Drop-off Rate",
00052                                                IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart
00053                                                | IgQtRangeControl::ValuePart
00054                                                | IgQtRangeControl::SliderPart)),
00055       m_cutOffAngle (new Ig3DAngleControl     (this, "Cut-off Angle",
00056                                                IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart
00057                                                | IgQtRangeControl::ValuePart
00058                                                | IgQtRangeControl::SliderPart)),
00059       m_intensity   (new Ig3DFloatControl     (this, "Intensity",
00060                                                IgQtRangeControl::StepperPart
00061                                                | IgQtRangeControl::ValuePart
00062                                                | IgQtRangeControl::SliderPart)),
00063       m_color       (new Ig3DColorControl     (this, "Color")),
00064       m_on          (new Ig3DBoolControl      (this, "On")),
00065       m_manip (0),
00066       m_nrlights (0)
00067 {
00068     QWidget     *area = bodyArea ();
00069     int         row   = bodyLayout ()->numRows ();
00070     ASSERT (row >= 0);
00072     // Space it up 
00073     bottomLayout ()->addItem (new QSpacerItem (20, 20, 
00074                                                QSizePolicy::Minimum, 
00075                                                QSizePolicy::Expanding));
00077     //Add ComboBox to change the type of selected light
00078     QHBoxLayout *topRow = new QHBoxLayout (topLayout ());
00079     topRow->add (m_lightsType = new QComboBox (topArea ()));
00080     topRow->addItem (new QSpacerItem (20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
00081     m_lightsType->insertItem ("Spot Light", SpotLight);
00082     m_lightsType->insertItem ("Point Light", PointLight);
00083     m_lightsType->insertItem ("Directional Light", DirectionalLight);
00085     // Add a new row to the grid, value on the left and the label on the right
00086     m_manip = new QCheckBox ("Manipulator", area);
00087     bodyLayout ()->addWidget (makeBox (area, m_manip), row, 0);
00089     m_direction->setMaxAxisAlign (-1.0);
00090     m_direction->setMinAxisAlign (0.0);
00092     m_intensity->control ()->setRange (0, 1);
00093     m_intensity->control ()->setSmallStep (0.01);
00094     m_intensity->control ()->setLongStep (0.1);
00096     m_dropOffRate->control ()->setRange (0, 1);
00097     m_dropOffRate->control ()->setSmallStep (0.01);
00098     m_dropOffRate->control ()->setLongStep (0.1);
00100     m_cutOffAngle->control ()->setRange (0, 360);
00101     m_cutOffAngle->control ()->setSmallStep (1);
00102     m_cutOffAngle->control ()->setLongStep (15);
00104     QWhatsThis::add (panel (), "3D Light Category");
00105     QWhatsThis::add (m_location-> xControl ()->widget (),
00106                      "X-axis of 3D Light location.");
00107     QWhatsThis::add (m_location-> yControl ()->widget (),
00108                      "Y-axis of 3D Light location.");
00109     QWhatsThis::add (m_location-> zControl ()->widget (),
00110                      "Z-axis of 3D Light location.");
00111     QWhatsThis::add (m_direction-> xControl ()->widget (),
00112                      "X-axis of 3D Light direction.");
00113     QWhatsThis::add (m_direction-> yControl ()->widget (),
00114                      "Y-axis of 3D Light direction.");
00115     QWhatsThis::add (m_direction-> zControl ()->widget (),
00116                      "Z-axis of 3D Light direction.");
00117     QWhatsThis::add (m_dropOffRate->control ()->widget (),
00118                      "Drop off Rate of 3D Spot Light");
00119     QWhatsThis::add (m_cutOffAngle->control ()->widget (),
00120                      "Cut off Angle of 3D Spot Light");
00121     QWhatsThis::add (m_intensity->control ()->widget (),
00122                      "Intensity of 3D Light");
00123     QWhatsThis::add (m_manip, "Trun on/off the 3D Light manipulator");
00124     QWhatsThis::add (m_color->widget (), "Color of 3D Light");
00125     QWhatsThis::add (m_on->widget (), "Turn on/off 3D Light");
00126     QWhatsThis::add (m_lightsType, "Select type of 3D light");
00128     connect (m_manip, SIGNAL (clicked ()),
00129              this,    SLOT   (setDirty ()));
00130     connect (this, SIGNAL (tracking (bool)),
00131              this, SLOT   (trackingChanged (bool)));
00132     connect (m_lightsType, SIGNAL (activated (int)),
00133              this,         SLOT   (lightTypeChanged (int)));
00134     state->put (s_key, this);
00135 }

Ig3DLightsCategory::~Ig3DLightsCategory ( void   ) 

Definition at line 137 of file

References IgState::detach(), and IgControlCategory::state().

00138 { 
00139     state ()->detach (s_key);    
00140 }

Ig3DLightsCategory::Ig3DLightsCategory ( const Ig3DLightsCategory  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void Ig3DLightsCategory::addExtraLights ( SoGroup *  group  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 628 of file

References Ig3DBaseModel::encode().

00629 {   
00630     SoDirectionalLight *flood = new SoDirectionalLight;
00631     flood->direction.setValue (-1, 0, -1);
00632     flood->intensity.setValue (0.8);
00633     flood->color.setValue (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
00634     flood->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Top Left Flood"));
00635     group->addChild (flood);
00636     add (flood, true);
00638     flood = new SoDirectionalLight;
00639     flood->direction.setValue (1, 0, -1);
00640     flood->intensity.setValue (0.8);
00641     flood->color.setValue (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
00642     flood->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Top Right Flood"));
00643     group->addChild (flood);
00644     add (flood, true);
00646     flood = new SoDirectionalLight;
00647     flood->direction.setValue (-1, 0, 1);
00648     flood->intensity.setValue (0.8);
00649     flood->color.setValue (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
00650     flood->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Bottom Left Flood"));
00651     group->addChild (flood);
00652     add (flood, true);
00654     flood = new SoDirectionalLight;
00655     flood->direction.setValue (1, 0, 1);
00656     flood->intensity.setValue (0.8);
00657     flood->color.setValue (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
00658     flood->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Bottom Right Flood"));
00659     group->addChild (flood);
00660     add (flood, true);
00662     SoPointLight *point = new SoPointLight;
00663     point->location.setValue (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00664     point->intensity.setValue (0.8);
00665     point->color.setValue (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
00666     point->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Point"));
00667     group->addChild (point);
00668     add (point, true);
00669 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::addOne ( SoLight *  object  ) 

void Ig3DLightsCategory::apply ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 258 of file

References IgControlBase::apply(), IgControlBase::isShown(), m_color, m_cutOffAngle, m_direction, m_dropOffRate, m_intensity, m_location, m_manip, m_on, and manipulators().

00259 {
00260     m_intensity->apply ();
00261     m_color->apply ();
00262     m_on->apply ();
00264     if (m_location->isShown ())
00265         m_location->apply ();
00267     if (m_direction->isShown ())
00268         m_direction->apply ();
00270     if (m_cutOffAngle->isShown ())
00271         m_cutOffAngle->apply ();
00273     if (m_dropOffRate->isShown ())
00274         m_dropOffRate->apply ();
00276     manipulators (m_manip->isChecked ());
00277 }

SoDirectionalLight * Ig3DLightsCategory::asDirectionalLight ( SoLight *  object  )  [private]

Definition at line 147 of file

Referenced by attach(), lightTypeChanged(), and toggleOne().

00148 {
00149     return object->isOfType (SoDirectionalLight::getClassTypeId ())
00150         ? static_cast<SoDirectionalLight *> (object) : 0;
00151 }

SoPointLight * Ig3DLightsCategory::asPointLight ( SoLight *  object  )  [private]

Definition at line 154 of file

Referenced by attach(), lightTypeChanged(), and toggleOne().

00155 {
00156     return object->isOfType (SoPointLight::getClassTypeId ())
00157         ? static_cast<SoPointLight *> (object) : 0;
00158 }

SoSpotLight * Ig3DLightsCategory::asSpotLight ( SoLight *  object  )  [private]

Definition at line 161 of file

Referenced by attach(), lightTypeChanged(), and toggleOne().

00162 {
00163     return object->isOfType (SoSpotLight::getClassTypeId ())
00164         ? static_cast<SoSpotLight *> (object) : 0;
00165 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::attach ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 179 of file

References asDirectionalLight(), asPointLight(), asSpotLight(), IgControlCategory::currentItem(), d, DirectionalLight, m_color, m_cutOffAngle, m_direction, m_dropOffRate, m_intensity, m_lightsType, m_location, m_manip, m_on, VarParsing::obj, Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::object(), p, PointLight, IgControlCategory::removeableItem(), s, Ig3DBoolControl::setField(), Ig3DVec3fControl::setField(), Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::setField(), Ig3DColorControl::setField(), IgControlBase::setShown(), and SpotLight.

Referenced by lightTypeChanged(), reconstruct(), and toggleOne().

00180 {
00181     // From base light
00182     int                 current = currentItem (); 
00183     SoLight             *obj = object (current);
00184     SoDirectionalLight  *d = asDirectionalLight (obj);
00185     SoPointLight        *p = asPointLight (obj);
00186     SoSpotLight         *s = asSpotLight (obj);
00188     m_intensity->setField (&obj->intensity);
00189     m_color->setField (&obj->color);
00190     m_on->setField (&obj->on);
00192     if (d)
00193     {
00194         m_direction->setField (&d->direction);
00195         m_lightsType->setCurrentItem (DirectionalLight);
00196     }
00198     else if (p)
00199     {
00200         m_location->setField (&p->location);
00201         m_lightsType->setCurrentItem (PointLight);
00202     }
00204     else if (s)
00205     {
00206         m_location->setField (&s->location);
00207         m_direction->setField (&s->direction);
00208         m_cutOffAngle->setField (&s->cutOffAngle);
00209         m_dropOffRate->setField (&s->dropOffRate);
00210         m_lightsType->setCurrentItem (SpotLight);
00211     }
00213     m_location->setShown (p || s);
00214     m_direction->setShown (d || s);
00215     m_cutOffAngle->setShown (s);
00216     m_dropOffRate->setShown (s);
00218     m_manip->setEnabled (current > 0);
00219     removeableItem (current > 0);
00220     m_lightsType->setEnabled (current > 0);
00221 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::browserChanged ( Ig3DBaseBrowser browser  ) 

Definition at line 613 of file

References m_source, and reconstruct().

Referenced by registerBrowser().

00614 {
00615     m_source = browser;
00616     reconstruct ();
00617 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::buildDefaults ( void   )  [virtual]

Definition at line 620 of file

References Ig3DBaseModel::attachPoint(), Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), group, m_source, Ig3DBaseRep::magic(), and Ig3DBaseBrowser::model().

Referenced by reconstruct().

00621 {
00622     SoGroup *group = new SoGroup;
00623     group->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default Light Group"));
00624     m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->magic ()->addChild (group);     
00625 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::createNewItem ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 421 of file

References IgControlCategory::itemChanged(), IgControlCategory::items(), m_nrlights, makeOne(), IgControlCategory::setCurrentItem(), StDecayID::status, and warning.

00422 { 
00423     m_nrlights = SoGLLightIdElement::getMaxGLSources ();
00424     int numLights = items () + 1;
00426     QString status = QString ("Create a new %1th light?\n"
00427                               "Number of concurrent light sources\n"
00428                               "in the scene will exceed maximum %2.\n"
00429                               "Some of the lights will be ignored.\n")
00430                      .arg (numLights)    // current number of lights
00431                      .arg (m_nrlights);  // maximun number of lights
00433     switch ((numLights > m_nrlights) ? (QMessageBox::warning (0, "Ig3DLightsCategory", 
00434                                                               status,
00435                                                               "&Create", "Cancel",
00436                                                               0, 1)) : 0)
00437     {
00438     case 0:
00439         makeOne ();
00440         setCurrentItem (items () - 1);
00441         itemChanged (items () - 1);
00442         break;
00443     case 1:
00444         break;
00445     }
00446 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::deleteItem ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 449 of file

References deleteOne().

00450 { deleteOne (); }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::deleteOne ( void   )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 498 of file

References ASSERT, Ig3DBaseModel::attachPoint(), IgControlCategory::currentItem(), detach(), Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), Ig3DBaseRep::findMagic(), group, m_source, Ig3DBaseBrowser::model(), VarParsing::obj, and Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::object().

Referenced by deleteItem().

00499 {
00500     int         current = currentItem ();
00502     if (current > 0)
00503     {
00504         SoLight *obj = object (current);
00505         detach ();
00506         SoGroup * group = dynamic_cast<SoGroup *>(
00507             m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->findMagic (
00508                 Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default Light Group")));
00509         ASSERT (group);
00510         group->removeChild (obj);
00511         remove (current);
00512     }
00513 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::detach ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 224 of file

References m_color, m_cutOffAngle, m_direction, m_dropOffRate, m_intensity, m_location, m_on, Ig3DBoolControl::setField(), Ig3DVec3fControl::setField(), Ig3DRangeControl< C1, C2, C3 >::setField(), and Ig3DColorControl::setField().

Referenced by deleteOne(), lightTypeChanged(), reconstruct(), and toggleOne().

00225 {
00226     m_intensity->setField (0);
00227     m_color->setField (0);
00228     m_on->setField (0);
00229     m_location->setField (0);
00230     m_direction->setField (0);
00231     m_cutOffAngle->setField (0);
00232     m_dropOffRate->setField (0);
00233 }

Ig3DLightsCategory::IG_DECLARE_STATE_ELEMENT ( Ig3DLightsCategory   )  [private]

bool Ig3DLightsCategory::isManipulatorType ( SoLight *  object  )  [private]

Definition at line 168 of file

Referenced by manipulators(), toggleOne(), and update().

00169 {
00170   return (object->isOfType (SoSpotLightManip::getClassTypeId        ()) ||
00171           object->isOfType (SoPointLightManip::getClassTypeId       ()) ||
00172           object->isOfType (SoDirectionalLightManip::getClassTypeId ()));        
00173 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::lightTypeChanged ( int  index  )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 300 of file

References asDirectionalLight(), asPointLight(), ASSERT, asSpotLight(), attach(), Ig3DBaseModel::attachPoint(), IgControlCategory::currentItem(), d, detach(), DirectionalLight, Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), Ig3DBaseRep::findMagic(), group, m_manip, m_source, Ig3DBaseBrowser::model(), Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::object(), p, PointLight, Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::replace(), s, and SpotLight.

Referenced by Ig3DLightsCategory().

00301 {
00302     int current = currentItem ();
00303     if (current != -1)
00304     {      
00305         SoLight                 *oldLight = object (current);
00306         SoLight                 *newLight = 0;
00307         SoDirectionalLight      *d        = asDirectionalLight (oldLight);
00308         SoPointLight            *p        = asPointLight (oldLight);
00309         SoSpotLight             *s        = asSpotLight (oldLight);
00311         switch (index)
00312         {
00313         case SpotLight:
00314             if (!s)
00315             {
00316                 SoSpotLight *light = m_manip->isChecked () ? 
00317                                      new SoSpotLightManip :
00318                                      new SoSpotLight;
00319                 newLight = light;
00320                 if (p)
00321                 {
00322                     light->location    = p->location;
00323                     light->direction.setValue (0, 0, -1);
00324                 }
00325                 else if (d)
00326                 {
00327                     light->direction   = d->direction;
00328                     light->location.setValue (0, 0, 0);      
00329                 }
00330                 else
00331                     ASSERT (false);
00332             }
00333             break;      
00334         case PointLight:
00335             if (!p)
00336             {
00337                 SoPointLight *light = m_manip->isChecked () ? 
00338                                       new SoPointLightManip :
00339                                       new SoPointLight;
00340                 newLight = light;
00341                 if (s)
00342                     light->location = s->location;
00343                 else if (d)
00344                     light->location.setValue (0, 0, 0);
00345                 else
00346                     ASSERT (false);
00347             }
00348             break;
00349         case DirectionalLight:    
00350             if (!d)
00351             {
00352                 SoDirectionalLight *light = m_manip->isChecked () ? 
00353                                             new SoDirectionalLightManip :
00354                                             new SoDirectionalLight;
00355                 newLight = light;
00356                 if (s)
00357                     light->direction = s->direction;
00358                 else if (p)
00359                     light->direction.setValue (0, 0, -1);
00360                 else
00361                     ASSERT (false);
00362             }
00363             break;
00364         default:
00365             ASSERT (false);
00366         }
00367         if (newLight)
00368         {
00369             newLight->intensity = oldLight->intensity;
00370             newLight->color     = oldLight->color;
00371             newLight->on        = oldLight->on;
00372             newLight->setName (oldLight->getName ());
00373             detach ();
00374             SoGroup * group = dynamic_cast<SoGroup *>(
00375                 m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->findMagic (
00376                     Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default Light Group")));
00377             ASSERT (group);
00378             group->removeChild (oldLight);
00379             group->addChild (newLight);
00380             replace (current, newLight);
00381             attach ();
00382         }
00383     }
00384 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::makeOne ( void   )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 466 of file

References ASSERT, Ig3DBaseModel::attachPoint(), pyDBSguiBaseClass::base, DirectionalLight, Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), Ig3DBaseRep::findMagic(), group, index, IgControlCategory::items(), m_lightsType, m_source, Ig3DBaseBrowser::model(), name, edm::Normal, IgControlCategory::panel(), PointLight, and SpotLight.

Referenced by createNewItem().

00467 {
00468     bool        ok = false;
00470     QString     base (m_lightsType->currentText () + " #%1");
00471     QString     name (QInputDialog::getText (tr("Name"), QString::null,
00472                                              QLineEdit::Normal,
00473                                              base.arg (items () + 1),
00474                                              &ok, panel ()));
00476     if (! ok || name.isEmpty ())
00477         return;
00479     int         index = m_lightsType->currentItem ();
00480     SoLight     *light = (index == SpotLight)        ? new SoSpotLight        :
00481                          (index == PointLight)       ? new SoPointLight       :
00482                          (index == DirectionalLight) ? new SoDirectionalLight :
00483                          (SoLight*)(0);
00485     ASSERT (light);
00486     light->on = true;
00487     light->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode (name.utf8 ().data ()));
00489     SoGroup * group = dynamic_cast<SoGroup *>(
00490         m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->findMagic (
00491             Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default Light Group")));
00492     ASSERT (group);
00493     group->addChild (light);
00494     add (light, true);
00495 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::manipulators ( bool  on  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 281 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), isManipulatorType(), m_source, VarParsing::obj, Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::object(), and toggleOne().

Referenced by apply(), and trackingChanged().

00282 {
00283     SoLight *obj = object (currentItem ());
00284     if ((m_source->getHeadlight () != obj) && (isManipulatorType (obj) != on))
00285       toggleOne (on, obj);
00286 }

Ig3DLightsCategory& Ig3DLightsCategory::operator= ( const Ig3DLightsCategory  )  [private]

void Ig3DLightsCategory::reconstruct ( SoGroup *  from  )  [private]

Definition at line 403 of file

References ASSERT, attach(), IgControlCategory::currentItem(), detach(), i, n, prof2calltree::node, and update().

00404 {
00405     for (int i = 0, n = from->getNumChildren (); i < n; ++i)
00406     {
00407         ASSERT (from->getChild (i)->isOfType (SoLight::getClassTypeId ()));
00408         SoLight *node = static_cast<SoLight *> (from->getChild (i));
00409         add (node, true);
00410     }
00411     detach ();
00412     if (object (currentItem ()))
00413     {
00414         attach ();
00415         update ();
00416     }
00417 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::reconstruct ( void   ) 

Definition at line 388 of file

References ASSERT, Ig3DBaseModel::attachPoint(), buildDefaults(), Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::clear(), Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), Ig3DBaseRep::findMagic(), group, m_source, and Ig3DBaseBrowser::model().

Referenced by browserChanged().

00389 {
00390     ASSERT (m_source);
00391     SoGroup * group = dynamic_cast<SoGroup *>(
00392         m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->findMagic (
00393             Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default Light Group")));
00394     clear ();
00395     add (m_source->getHeadlight (), true);
00396     if (group)
00397         reconstruct (group);
00398     else
00399         buildDefaults ();
00400 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::registerBrowser ( IgState state,
Ig3DBaseBrowser browser 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >.

Definition at line 601 of file

References IgQtAppContextService::addOnFocusIn(), ASSERT, browserChanged(), lat::CreateCallback(), Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), DBSPlugin::get(), and Ig3DObjectCategory< T >::registerBrowser().

Referenced by IgSpareWindow::initCategories(), Ig3DWindow::initCategories(), IgRZWindow::initCategories(), IgLegoWindow::initCategories(), and IgRPhiWindow::initCategories().

00602 {
00603     IgQtAppContextService *cs = IgQtAppContextService::get (state);
00604     ASSERT (cs);    
00605     cs->addOnFocusIn (lat::CreateCallback (this,
00606                                            &Ig3DLightsCategory::browserChanged,
00607                                            browser));    
00608     Ig3DObjectCategory<SoLight>::registerBrowser (state, browser);
00609     browser->getHeadlight ()->setName (Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Head Light"));
00610 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::renameItem ( const QString &  newName  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 453 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), IgControlCategory::currentText(), Ig3DBaseModel::decode(), edm::getName(), Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::rename(), and IgControlCategory::renameItem().

00454 {
00455     int current = currentItem ();
00456     QString oldName (Ig3DBaseModel::decode(object (current)->getName ()).c_str ());
00457     if (!newName.isEmpty () && newName != oldName)
00458     {
00459         IgControlCategory::renameItem (newName);
00460         rename (current, currentText ());
00461     }
00462 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::toggleOne ( bool  show,
SoLight *  object 
) [private]

Definition at line 517 of file

References asDirectionalLight(), asPointLight(), ASSERT, asSpotLight(), attach(), Ig3DBaseModel::attachPoint(), detach(), Ig3DBaseModel::encode(), Ig3DBaseRep::findMagic(), group, isManipulatorType(), m, m_source, Ig3DBaseBrowser::model(), name, and Ig3DObjectCategory< SoLight >::replace().

Referenced by manipulators().

00518 {
00519     // Hide or show the light manipulator: (hide) replace the
00520     // manipulator with the light; (show) replace the light
00521     // with manipulator.  
00523     SoPath              *location;
00524     SoSearchAction      searcher;
00526     SoGroup * group = dynamic_cast<SoGroup *>(
00527         m_source->model ()->attachPoint ()->findMagic (
00528             Ig3DBaseModel::encode ("Default Light Group")));
00529     ASSERT (group);
00530     searcher.setNode (obj);
00531     searcher.apply (group);
00532     location = searcher.getPath ();
00533     ASSERT (location);
00535     SoLight *newLight = 0;
00536     QString name (obj->getName ().getString ());
00537     if (show && ! isManipulatorType (obj))
00538     {      
00539         if (asSpotLight (obj))
00540         {
00541             SoSpotLightManip *replacement = new SoSpotLightManip;
00542             newLight = replacement;
00543             replacement->replaceNode (location);
00544         }
00545         else if (asPointLight (obj))
00546         {
00547             SoPointLightManip *replacement = new SoPointLightManip;
00548             newLight = replacement;
00549             replacement->replaceNode (location);
00550         }
00551         else if (asDirectionalLight (obj))
00552         {
00553             SoDirectionalLightManip *replacement = new SoDirectionalLightManip;
00554             newLight = replacement;
00555             replacement->replaceNode (location);
00556         }
00557         else
00558             ASSERT (false);
00559     }
00560     else if(! show && isManipulatorType (obj))
00561     {
00562         if (asSpotLight (obj))
00563         {
00564             SoSpotLightManip *m
00565                 = static_cast<SoSpotLightManip *> (obj);
00566             SoSpotLight *light = new SoSpotLight;
00567             newLight = light;
00568             m->replaceManip (location, light);
00569         }
00570         else if (asPointLight (obj))
00571         {
00572             SoPointLightManip *m
00573                 = static_cast<SoPointLightManip *> (obj);
00574             SoPointLight *light = new SoPointLight;
00575             newLight = light;
00576             m->replaceManip (location, light);
00577         }
00578         else if (asDirectionalLight (obj))
00579         {
00580             SoDirectionalLightManip *m
00581                 = static_cast<SoDirectionalLightManip *> (obj);
00582             SoDirectionalLight *light = new SoDirectionalLight;
00583             newLight = light;   
00584             m->replaceManip (location, light);
00585         }
00586         else
00587             ASSERT (false);
00588     }
00589     if (newLight)
00590     {
00591         newLight->setName (name.latin1 ());
00592         detach ();
00593         replace (obj, newLight);
00594         attach ();
00595     }
00596 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::trackingChanged ( bool  mode  )  [private, virtual, slot]

Definition at line 289 of file

References HLT_VtxMuL3::connect, m_manip, and manipulators().

Referenced by Ig3DLightsCategory().

00290 {
00291     if (mode)
00292         connect (m_manip, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
00293                  this,    SLOT   (manipulators (bool)));
00294     else
00295         disconnect (m_manip, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
00296                     this,    SLOT   (manipulators (bool)));      
00297 }

void Ig3DLightsCategory::update ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgControlCategory.

Definition at line 236 of file

References IgControlCategory::currentItem(), isManipulatorType(), IgControlBase::isShown(), m_color, m_cutOffAngle, m_direction, m_dropOffRate, m_intensity, m_location, m_manip, m_on, and IgControlBase::update().

Referenced by reconstruct().

00237 {
00238     m_intensity->update ();
00239     m_color->update ();
00240     m_on->update ();
00242     if (m_location->isShown ())
00243         m_location->update ();
00245     if (m_direction->isShown ())
00246         m_direction->update ();
00248     if (m_cutOffAngle->isShown ())
00249         m_cutOffAngle->update ();
00251     if (m_dropOffRate->isShown ())
00252         m_dropOffRate->update ();
00254     m_manip->setChecked (isManipulatorType (object (currentItem ())));
00255 }

Member Data Documentation

Ig3DColorControl* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_color [private]

Definition at line 100 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and update().

Ig3DAngleControl* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_cutOffAngle [private]

Definition at line 98 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and update().

Ig3DUnitVec3fControl* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_direction [private]

Definition at line 96 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and update().

Ig3DFloatControl* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_dropOffRate [private]

Definition at line 97 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and update().

Ig3DFloatControl* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_intensity [private]

Definition at line 99 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and update().

QComboBox* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_lightsType [private]

Definition at line 94 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by attach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and makeOne().

Ig3DVec3fControl* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_location [private]

Definition at line 95 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and update().

QCheckBox* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_manip [private]

Definition at line 102 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), lightTypeChanged(), trackingChanged(), and update().

int Ig3DLightsCategory::m_nrlights [private]

Definition at line 107 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by createNewItem().

Ig3DBoolControl* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_on [private]

Definition at line 101 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by apply(), attach(), detach(), Ig3DLightsCategory(), and update().

Ig3DBaseBrowser* Ig3DLightsCategory::m_source [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Ig3DLightsCategory.h.

Referenced by browserChanged(), buildDefaults(), deleteOne(), lightTypeChanged(), makeOne(), manipulators(), reconstruct(), and toggleOne().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:24:58 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4