MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster Class Reference

EDProducer which duplicatesa collection of track, adjusting their error matrix. More...

#include <RecoMuon/TrackingTools/plugins/MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster:

edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster ()

Private Member Functions

bool attachRecHits (const reco::Track &recotrack_orig, reco::Track &recotrack, reco::TrackExtra &trackextra, TrackingRecHitCollection &RHcol)
 attached rechits to the newly created reco::Track and reco::TrackExtra
virtual void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
 framework method
bool divide (reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &num_matrix, const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &denom_matrix)
 divide the num_matrix (first argument) by second matrix, TERM by TERM
virtual void endJob ()
reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix fix_cov_matrix (const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &error_matrix, const GlobalVector &momentum)
 return a corrected error matrix
reco::Track makeTrack (const reco::Track &recotrack_orig, const FreeTrajectoryState &PCAstate)
 create a corrected reco::Track from itself and trajectory state (redundant information)
reco::TrackExtramakeTrackExtra (const reco::Track &recotrack_orig, reco::Track &recotrack, reco::TrackExtraCollection &TEcol)
 create a track extra for the newly created recotrack, scaling the outer/inner measurment error matrix by the scale matrix recotrack/recotrack_orig
void multiply (reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &revised_matrix, const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &scale_matrix)
 mutliply revised_matrix (first argument) by second matrix TERM by TERM
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
bool selectTrack (const reco::Track &recotrack_orig)
 make a selection on the reco:Track. (dummy for the moment)

Private Attributes

std::string theCategory
 log category: MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster
edm::ESHandle< MagneticFieldtheField
 hold on to the magnetic field
std::string theInstanceName
 instrance name of the created track collecion. rechit and trackextra have no instance name
edm::ParameterSet theMatrixProvider_pset
 holds the error matrix parametrization
< TrackingRecHitCollection
 get reference before put rechit to the event, in order to create edm::Ref
< reco::TrackExtraCollection
 get reference before put track extra to the event, in order to create edm::Ref
bool theRescale
 select the rescaling or replacing method to correct the error matrix
< TrackingRecHitCollection >
< reco::TrackExtraCollection >
edm::InputTag theTrackLabel
 input tag of the reco::Track collection to be corrected

Detailed Description

EDProducer which duplicatesa collection of track, adjusting their error matrix.

track collection is retrieve from the event, duplicated, while the error matrix is corrected rechit are copied into a new collection track extra is also copied and error matrix are corrected by the same scale factors

2007/09/04 13:28

Jean-Roch Vlimant UCSB

Finn Rebassoo UCSB

Definition at line 47 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig  )  [explicit]


Definition at line 16 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), theCategory, theInstanceName, theMatrixProvider_pset, theRescale, and theTrackLabel.

00017 {
00018   theCategory="MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster";
00019   theInstanceName = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("instanceName");
00020   //register your products
00021   produces<reco::TrackCollection>( theInstanceName);
00022   produces<TrackingRecHitCollection>(); 
00023   produces<reco::TrackExtraCollection>();
00025   theTrackLabel = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("trackLabel");
00026   theRescale = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("rescale");
00028   theMatrixProvider_pset = iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("errorMatrix_pset");
00029 }

MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::~MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster (  ) 


Definition at line 32 of file

00033 {
00035   // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
00036   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
00038 }

Member Function Documentation

bool MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::attachRecHits ( const reco::Track recotrack_orig,
reco::Track recotrack,
reco::TrackExtra trackextra,
TrackingRecHitCollection RHcol 
) [private]

attached rechits to the newly created reco::Track and reco::TrackExtra

Definition at line 136 of file

References reco::TrackExtraBase::add(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), reco::Track::recHitsBegin(), reco::Track::recHitsEnd(), reco::TrackBase::setHitPattern(), theRefprodRH, and theRHi.

Referenced by produce().

00139                                                                        {
00140   //loop over the hits of the original track
00141   trackingRecHit_iterator recHit = recotrack_orig.recHitsBegin();
00142   uint irh=0;
00143   for (; recHit!=recotrack_orig.recHitsEnd();++recHit){
00144     //clone it. this is meandatory
00145     TrackingRecHit * hit = (*recHit)->clone();
00147     //put it on the new track
00148     recotrack.setHitPattern(*hit,irh++);
00149     //copy them in the new collection
00150     RHcol.push_back(hit);
00151     //do something with the trackextra 
00152     trackextra.add(TrackingRecHitRef( theRefprodRH, theRHi++));
00154   }//loop over original rechits
00156   return true; //if nothing fails
00157 }

void MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup  )  [private, virtual]

framework method

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 232 of file

References theMatrixProvider, and theMatrixProvider_pset.

bool MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::divide ( reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix num_matrix,
const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix denom_matrix 
) [private]

divide the num_matrix (first argument) by second matrix, TERM by TERM

Definition at line 66 of file

References i, and j.

Referenced by makeTrackExtra().

00066                                                                                                                                   {
00067   //divide term by term the matrix
00068   // the true type of the matrix is such that [i][j] is the same memory object as [j][i]: looping i:0-5, j:0-5 double multiply the terms
00069   // need to loop only on i:0-5, j:i-5
00070   for(int i = 0;i!=5;i++){for(int j = i;j!=5;j++){
00071       if (denom_matrix(i,j)==0) return false;
00072       num_matrix(i,j)/=denom_matrix(i,j);
00073    }}
00074   return true;
00075 }

void MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::endJob ( void   )  [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 239 of file

References theMatrixProvider.

00239                                 {
00240   if ( theMatrixProvider) delete theMatrixProvider;
00241 }

reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::fix_cov_matrix ( const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix error_matrix,
const GlobalVector momentum 
) [private]

return a corrected error matrix

Definition at line 46 of file

References MuonErrorMatrix::get(), multiply(), theMatrixProvider, and theRescale.

Referenced by makeTrack().

00047 {   
00048   //CovarianceMatrix is template for SMatrix
00049   reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix revised_matrix( theMatrixProvider->get(momentum));
00051   if( theRescale){
00052     //rescale old error matrix up by a factor
00053     multiply(revised_matrix,error_matrix); 
00054   }
00055   return revised_matrix;
00056 }

reco::Track MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::makeTrack ( const reco::Track recotrack_orig,
const FreeTrajectoryState PCAstate 
) [private]

create a corrected reco::Track from itself and trajectory state (redundant information)

Definition at line 77 of file

References reco::TrackBase::charge(), reco::TrackBase::chi2(), reco::TrackBase::covariance(), fix_cov_matrix(), LogDebug, reco::TrackBase::momentum(), FreeTrajectoryState::momentum(), reco::TrackBase::ndof(), reco::TrackBase::referencePoint(), and theCategory.

Referenced by produce().

00078                                                                                {
00079   //get the parameters of the track so I can reconstruct it
00080   double chi2 = recotrack_orig.chi2();
00081   double ndof = recotrack_orig.ndof();
00082   math::XYZPoint refpos = recotrack_orig.referencePoint();
00083   math::XYZVector mom = recotrack_orig.momentum();
00084   int charge = recotrack_orig.charge();
00086   reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix covariance_matrix = fix_cov_matrix(recotrack_orig.covariance(),PCAstate.momentum());
00088   LogDebug(theCategory)<<"chi2: "<<chi2
00089                        <<"\n ndof: "<<ndof
00090                        <<"\n refpos: "<<refpos
00091                        <<"\n mom: "<<mom
00092                        <<"\n charge: "<<charge
00093                        <<"\n covariance:\n"<<recotrack_orig.covariance()
00094                        <<"\n replaced by:\n"<<covariance_matrix;
00096   return reco::Track(chi2,ndof,refpos,mom,charge,covariance_matrix);
00097 }

reco::TrackExtra * MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::makeTrackExtra ( const reco::Track recotrack_orig,
reco::Track recotrack,
reco::TrackExtraCollection TEcol 
) [private]

create a track extra for the newly created recotrack, scaling the outer/inner measurment error matrix by the scale matrix recotrack/recotrack_orig

Definition at line 99 of file

References reco::TrackBase::covariance(), divide(), reco::Track::extra(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), multiply(), reco::Track::setExtra(), theCategory, theRefprodTE, and theTEi.

Referenced by produce().

00101                                                                                       { 
00102   //get the 5x5 matrix of recotrack/recotrack_orig
00103   reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix scale_matrix(recotrack.covariance());
00104   if (!divide(scale_matrix,recotrack_orig.covariance())){
00105     edm::LogError( theCategory)<<"original track error matrix has term ==0... skipping.";
00106     return 0; }
00108   const reco::TrackExtraRef & trackExtra_orig = recotrack_orig.extra();
00109   if (trackExtra_orig.isNull()) {
00110     edm::LogError( theCategory)<<"original track has no track extra... skipping.";
00111     return 0;}
00113   //copy the outer state. rescaling the error matrix
00114   reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix outerCov(trackExtra_orig->outerStateCovariance());
00115   multiply(outerCov,scale_matrix);
00117   //copy the inner state, rescaling the error matrix
00118   reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix innerCov(trackExtra_orig->innerStateCovariance());
00119   multiply(innerCov,scale_matrix);
00121   //put the trackExtra
00122   TEcol.push_back(reco::TrackExtra (trackExtra_orig->outerPosition(), trackExtra_orig->outerMomentum(), true,
00123                                     trackExtra_orig->innerPosition(), trackExtra_orig->innerMomentum(), true,
00124                                     outerCov, trackExtra_orig->outerDetId(),
00125                                     innerCov, trackExtra_orig->innerDetId(),
00126                                     trackExtra_orig->seedDirection()));
00128   //add a reference to the trackextra on the track
00129   recotrack.setExtra(edm::Ref<reco::TrackExtraCollection>( theRefprodTE, theTEi++));
00131   //return the reference to the last inserted then
00132   return &(TEcol.back());
00133 }

void MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::multiply ( reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix revised_matrix,
const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix scale_matrix 
) [private]

mutliply revised_matrix (first argument) by second matrix TERM by TERM

Definition at line 58 of file

References i, and j.

Referenced by fix_cov_matrix(), and makeTrackExtra().

00058                                                                                                                                         {
00059   //scale term by term the matrix
00060   // the true type of the matrix is such that [i][j] is the same memory object as [j][i]: looping i:0-5, j:0-5 double multiply the terms
00061   // need to loop only on i:0-5, j:i-5
00062   for(int i = 0;i!=5;i++){for(int j = i;j!=5;j++){
00063       revised_matrix(i,j)*=scale_matrix(i,j);
00064     }}
00065 }

void MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 163 of file

References attachRecHits(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getRefBeforePut(), TrajectoryStateTransform::initialFreeState(), it, LogDebug, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), makeTrack(), makeTrackExtra(), FreeTrajectoryState::position(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Event::put(), selectTrack(), theCategory, theField, theInstanceName, theRefprodRH, theRefprodTE, theRHi, theTEi, theTrackLabel, and tracks.

00164 {
00165   using namespace edm;
00167   //open a collection of track
00168   edm::Handle<reco::TrackCollection> tracks;
00169   iEvent.getByLabel( theTrackLabel,tracks);
00170   LogDebug( theCategory)<<"considering: "<<tracks->size()<<" uncorrected reco::Track from the event.("<< theTrackLabel<<")";
00172   //get the mag field
00173   iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get( theField);
00175   //prepare the output collection
00176   std::auto_ptr<reco::TrackCollection> Toutput(new reco::TrackCollection());
00177   std::auto_ptr<TrackingRecHitCollection> TRHoutput(new TrackingRecHitCollection());
00178   std::auto_ptr<reco::TrackExtraCollection> TEoutput(new reco::TrackExtraCollection());
00179   theRefprodTE = iEvent.getRefBeforePut<reco::TrackExtraCollection>();
00180   theTEi=0;
00181   theRefprodRH =iEvent.getRefBeforePut<TrackingRecHitCollection>();
00182   theRHi=0;
00184   TrajectoryStateTransform transformer;
00186   for(uint it=0;it!=tracks->size();it++)
00187     {
00188       const reco::Track & recotrack_orig = (*tracks)[it];
00189       FreeTrajectoryState PCAstate = transformer.initialFreeState(recotrack_orig, theField.product());
00190       if (PCAstate.position().mag()==0)
00191         {edm::LogError( theCategory)<<"invalid state from track initial state in "<< theTrackLabel <<". skipping.";continue;}
00193       //create a reco::Track
00194       reco::Track recotrack = makeTrack(recotrack_orig,PCAstate);
00196       //make a selection on the create reco::Track
00197       if (!selectTrack(recotrack)) continue;
00199       Toutput->push_back(recotrack);
00200       reco::Track & recotrackref = Toutput->back();
00202       //build the track extra
00203       reco::TrackExtra * extra = makeTrackExtra(recotrack_orig,recotrackref,*TEoutput);
00204       if (!extra){
00205         edm::LogError( theCategory)<<"cannot create the track extra for this track.";
00206         //pop the inserted track
00207         Toutput->pop_back();
00208         continue;}
00210       //attach the collection of rechits
00211       if (!attachRecHits(recotrack_orig,recotrackref,*extra,*TRHoutput)){
00212         edm::LogError( theCategory)<<"cannot attach any rechits on this track";
00213         //pop the inserted track
00214         Toutput->pop_back();
00215         //pop the track extra
00216         TEoutput->pop_back();
00217         theTEi--;
00218         continue;}
00220     }//loop over the original reco tracks
00222   LogDebug( theCategory)<<"writing: "<<Toutput->size()<<" corrected reco::Track to the event.";
00224   iEvent.put(Toutput, theInstanceName);
00225   iEvent.put(TEoutput);
00226   iEvent.put(TRHoutput);
00228 }

bool MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::selectTrack ( const reco::Track recotrack_orig  )  [private]

make a selection on the reco:Track. (dummy for the moment)

Definition at line 159 of file

Referenced by produce().

00159 {return true;}

Member Data Documentation

std::string MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theCategory [private]

log category: MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster

Definition at line 87 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by makeTrack(), makeTrackExtra(), MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster(), and produce().

edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theField [private]

hold on to the magnetic field

Definition at line 104 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by produce().

std::string MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theInstanceName [private]

instrance name of the created track collecion. rechit and trackextra have no instance name

Definition at line 93 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster(), and produce().

MuonErrorMatrix* MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theMatrixProvider [private]

Definition at line 100 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and fix_cov_matrix().

edm::ParameterSet MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theMatrixProvider_pset [private]

holds the error matrix parametrization

Definition at line 99 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster().

edm::RefProd<TrackingRecHitCollection> MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theRefprodRH [private]

get reference before put rechit to the event, in order to create edm::Ref

Definition at line 111 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by attachRecHits(), and produce().

edm::RefProd<reco::TrackExtraCollection> MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theRefprodTE [private]

get reference before put track extra to the event, in order to create edm::Ref

Definition at line 107 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by makeTrackExtra(), and produce().

bool MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theRescale [private]

select the rescaling or replacing method to correct the error matrix

Definition at line 96 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by fix_cov_matrix(), and MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster().

edm::Ref<TrackingRecHitCollection>::key_type MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theRHi [private]

Definition at line 112 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by attachRecHits(), and produce().

edm::Ref<reco::TrackExtraCollection>::key_type MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theTEi [private]

Definition at line 108 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by makeTrackExtra(), and produce().

edm::InputTag MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::theTrackLabel [private]

input tag of the reco::Track collection to be corrected

Definition at line 90 of file MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster.h.

Referenced by MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster(), and produce().

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