MuIsoDepositProducer Class Reference

#include <RecoMuon/MuonIsolationProducers/plugins/MuIsoDepositProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuIsoDepositProducer:

edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MuIsoDepositProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 data making method
virtual ~MuIsoDepositProducer ()

Private Attributes

edm::ParameterSet theConfig
 module configuration
std::vector< std::string > theDepositNames
bool theExtractForCandidate
std::string theInputType
 input type.
bool theMultipleDepositsFlag
edm::InputTag theMuonCollectionTag
std::string theMuonTrackRefType

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuIsoDepositProducer::MuIsoDepositProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet par  ) 


constructor with config

Definition at line 35 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), i, LogDebug, theConfig, theDepositNames, theExtractForCandidate, theInputType, theMultipleDepositsFlag, theMuonCollectionTag, and theMuonTrackRefType.

00035                                                                   :
00036   theConfig(par),
00037   theDepositNames(std::vector<std::string>(1,std::string())),
00038   theExtractor(0)
00039 {
00040   LogDebug("RecoMuon|MuonIsolation")<<" MuIsoDepositProducer CTOR";
00042   edm::ParameterSet ioPSet = par.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("IOPSet");
00044   theInputType = ioPSet.getParameter<std::string>("InputType");
00045   theExtractForCandidate = ioPSet.getParameter<bool>("ExtractForCandidate");
00046   theMuonTrackRefType = ioPSet.getParameter<std::string>("MuonTrackRefType");
00047   theMuonCollectionTag = ioPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputMuonCollection");
00048   theMultipleDepositsFlag = ioPSet.getParameter<bool>("MultipleDepositsFlag");
00052   if (theMultipleDepositsFlag){
00053     theDepositNames = par.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ExtractorPSet")
00054       .getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("DepositInstanceLabels");
00055   }
00057   for (uint i = 0; i < theDepositNames.size(); ++i){
00058     std::string alias = theConfig.getParameter<std::string>("@module_label");
00059     if (theDepositNames[i] != "") alias += "_" + theDepositNames[i];
00060     produces<reco::IsoDepositMap>(theDepositNames[i]).setBranchAlias(alias);
00061   }
00062 }

MuIsoDepositProducer::~MuIsoDepositProducer (  )  [virtual]


Definition at line 65 of file

References LogDebug, and theExtractor.

00065                                            {
00066   LogDebug("RecoMuon/MuIsoDepositProducer")<<" MuIsoDepositProducer DTOR";
00067   delete theExtractor;
00068 }

Member Function Documentation

void MuIsoDepositProducer::produce ( edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup eventSetup 
) [virtual]

data making method

build deposits

read them as RecoCandidates: need to have track() standAloneMuon() etc in the interface

get rid of this at some point and use the cands

expect nMuons set already

OK, now we know how many deps for how many muons each we will create might linearize this at some point (lazy) do it in case some muons are there only

end for (nMuons)

now fill in selectively

some debugging stuff

fill the maps here

now figure out the source handle (see getByLabel above)

now actually fill

end if (nMuons>0)

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 71 of file

References begin, reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor::deposit(), reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor::deposits(), end, edm::helper::Filler< Map >::fill(), DBSPlugin::get(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), i, edm::helper::Filler< Map >::insert(), LogDebug, LogTrace, muons_cfi::muons, theConfig, theDepositNames, theExtractForCandidate, theExtractor, theInputType, theMultipleDepositsFlag, theMuonCollectionTag, theMuonTrackRefType, track, and tracks.

00071                                                                             {
00072   std::string metname = "RecoMuon|MuonIsolationProducers|MuIsoDepositProducer";
00074   LogDebug(metname)<<" Muon Deposit producing..."
00075                    <<" BEGINING OF EVENT " <<"================================";
00077   if (!theExtractor) {
00078     edm::ParameterSet extractorPSet = theConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ExtractorPSet");
00079     std::string extractorName = extractorPSet.getParameter<std::string>("ComponentName");
00080     theExtractor = IsoDepositExtractorFactory::get()->create( extractorName, extractorPSet);
00081     LogDebug(metname)<<" Load extractor..."<<extractorName;
00082   }
00085   uint nDeps = theMultipleDepositsFlag ? theDepositNames.size() : 1;
00089   // Take the muon container
00090   LogTrace(metname)<<" Taking the muons: "<<theMuonCollectionTag;
00091   Handle<View<Track> > tracks;
00093   Handle<View<RecoCandidate> > muons;
00094   Handle<View<Candidate> > cands;
00096   uint nMuons = 0;
00098   bool readFromRecoTrack = theInputType == "TrackCollection";
00099   bool readFromRecoMuon = theInputType == "MuonCollection";
00100   bool readFromCandidateView = theInputType == "CandidateView";
00102   if (readFromRecoMuon){
00103     event.getByLabel(theMuonCollectionTag,muons);
00104     nMuons = muons->size();
00105     LogDebug(metname) <<"Got Muons of size "<<nMuons;
00107   } 
00108   if (readFromRecoTrack){
00109     event.getByLabel(theMuonCollectionTag,tracks);
00110     nMuons = tracks->size();
00111     LogDebug(metname) <<"Got MuonTracks of size "<<nMuons;
00112   }
00113   if (readFromCandidateView || theExtractForCandidate){
00114     event.getByLabel(theMuonCollectionTag,cands);
00115     uint nCands = cands->size();
00116     if (readFromRecoMuon && theExtractForCandidate){
00118       if (nMuons != nCands) edm::LogError(metname)<<"Inconsistent configuration or failure to read Candidate-muon view";
00119     }
00120     LogDebug(metname)<< "Got candidate view with size "<<nMuons;
00121   }
00123   static const uint MAX_DEPS=10;
00124   std::auto_ptr<reco::IsoDepositMap> depMaps[MAX_DEPS];
00126   if (nDeps >10 ) LogError(metname)<<"Unable to handle more than 10 input deposits";
00127   for (uint i =0;i<nDeps; ++i){
00128     depMaps[i] =  std::auto_ptr<reco::IsoDepositMap>(new reco::IsoDepositMap());
00129   }
00134   if (nMuons > 0){
00136     std::vector<std::vector<IsoDeposit> > deps2D(nDeps, std::vector<IsoDeposit>(nMuons));
00138     for (uint i=0; i<  nMuons; ++i) {
00139       TrackBaseRef muRef;
00140       if (readFromRecoMuon){
00141         if (theMuonTrackRefType == "track"){
00142           muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].track());
00143         } else if (theMuonTrackRefType == "standAloneMuon"){
00144           muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].standAloneMuon());
00145         } else if (theMuonTrackRefType == "combinedMuon"){
00146           muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].combinedMuon());
00147         } else if (theMuonTrackRefType == "bestGlbTrkSta"){
00148           if (!(*muons)[i].combinedMuon().isNull()){
00149             muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].combinedMuon());
00150           } else if (!(*muons)[i].track().isNull()){
00151             muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].track());
00152           } else {
00153             muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].standAloneMuon());
00154           }
00155         } else if (theMuonTrackRefType == "bestTrkSta"){
00156           if (!(*muons)[i].track().isNull()){
00157             muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].track());
00158           } else {
00159             muRef = TrackBaseRef((*muons)[i].standAloneMuon());
00160           }
00161         }else {
00162           edm::LogWarning(metname)<<"Wrong track type is supplied: breaking";
00163           break;
00164         }
00165       } else if (readFromRecoTrack){
00166         muRef = TrackBaseRef(tracks, i);
00167       }
00169       if (! theMultipleDepositsFlag){
00170         if (theExtractForCandidate) deps2D[0][i] = theExtractor->deposit(event, eventSetup, (*cands)[i]);
00171         else deps2D[0][i] = theExtractor->deposit(event, eventSetup, muRef);
00173       } else {
00174         std::vector<IsoDeposit> deps(nDeps);
00175         if (theExtractForCandidate) deps = theExtractor->deposits(event, eventSetup, (*cands)[i]);
00176         else deps = theExtractor->deposits(event, eventSetup, muRef);
00177         for (uint iDep =0; iDep<nDeps; ++iDep) {
00178           deps2D[iDep][i] = deps[iDep];
00179         }
00180       }
00181     }
00184     for (uint iDep=0; iDep < nDeps; ++iDep){
00186       for (uint iMu = 0; iMu< nMuons; ++iMu){
00187         LogTrace(metname)<<"Contents of "<<theDepositNames[iDep]
00188                          <<" for a muon at index "<<iMu;
00189         LogTrace(metname)<<deps2D[iDep][iMu].print();
00190       }
00193       reco::IsoDepositMap::Filler filler(*depMaps[iDep]);     
00196       if (readFromRecoMuon){
00197         filler.insert(muons, deps2D[iDep].begin(), deps2D[iDep].end());
00198       } else if (readFromRecoTrack){
00199         filler.insert(tracks, deps2D[iDep].begin(), deps2D[iDep].end());
00200       } else if (readFromCandidateView){
00201         filler.insert(cands, deps2D[iDep].begin(), deps2D[iDep].end());
00202       } else {
00203         edm::LogError(metname)<<"Inconsistent configuration: unknown type requested";
00204       }
00207       filler.fill();
00208     }
00209   }
00212   for (uint iMap = 0; iMap < nDeps; ++iMap){
00213     LogTrace(metname)<<"About to put a deposit named "<<theDepositNames[iMap]
00214                      <<" of size "<<depMaps[iMap]->size()
00215                      <<" into edm::Event";
00216     event.put(depMaps[iMap], theDepositNames[iMap]);
00217   }
00219   LogTrace(metname) <<" END OF EVENT " <<"================================";
00220 }

Member Data Documentation

edm::ParameterSet MuIsoDepositProducer::theConfig [private]

module configuration

Definition at line 28 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by MuIsoDepositProducer(), and produce().

std::vector<std::string> MuIsoDepositProducer::theDepositNames [private]

Definition at line 38 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by MuIsoDepositProducer(), and produce().

bool MuIsoDepositProducer::theExtractForCandidate [private]

Definition at line 34 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by MuIsoDepositProducer(), and produce().

reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor* MuIsoDepositProducer::theExtractor [private]

Definition at line 40 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), and ~MuIsoDepositProducer().

std::string MuIsoDepositProducer::theInputType [private]

input type.

Choose from:

Definition at line 32 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by MuIsoDepositProducer(), and produce().

bool MuIsoDepositProducer::theMultipleDepositsFlag [private]

Definition at line 39 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by MuIsoDepositProducer(), and produce().

edm::InputTag MuIsoDepositProducer::theMuonCollectionTag [private]

Definition at line 37 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by MuIsoDepositProducer(), and produce().

std::string MuIsoDepositProducer::theMuonTrackRefType [private]

Definition at line 36 of file MuIsoDepositProducer.h.

Referenced by MuIsoDepositProducer(), and produce().

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