GsfElectronAlgo Class Reference

Class to reconstruct electron tracks from electron pixel seeds keep track of information about the initiating supercluster. More...

#include <RecoEgamma/EgammaElectronAlgos/interface/GsfElectronAlgo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GsfElectronAlgo (const edm::ParameterSet &conf, double maxEOverPBarrel, double maxEOverPEndcaps, double minEOverPBarrel, double minEOverPEndcaps, double maxDeltaEta, double maxDeltaPhi, bool highPtPresel, double highPtMin, bool applyEtaCorrection, bool applyAmbResolution)
void run (edm::Event &, reco::GsfElectronCollection &)
void setupES (const edm::EventSetup &setup)
 ~GsfElectronAlgo ()

Private Member Functions

bool calculateTSOS (const reco::GsfTrack &t, const reco::SuperCluster &theClus, const math::XYZPoint &bs)
GlobalVector computeMode (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos)
void createElectron (const reco::SuperClusterRef &scRef, const reco::GsfTrackRef &trackRef, reco::GsfElectronCollection &outEle)
const reco::SuperClusterRef getTrSuperCluster (const reco::GsfTrackRef &trackRef)
bool preSelection (const reco::SuperCluster &clus)
void process (edm::Handle< reco::GsfTrackCollection > tracksH, const math::XYZPoint &bs, reco::GsfElectronCollection &outEle)
void resolveElectrons (std::vector< reco::GsfElectron > &, reco::GsfElectronCollection &outEle)

Private Attributes

bool applyAmbResolution_
bool applyEtaCorrection_
edm::InputTag barrelSuperClusters_
unsigned long long cacheIDGeom_
unsigned long long cacheIDMagField_
unsigned long long cacheIDTDGeom_
edm::InputTag endcapSuperClusters_
const GsfPropagatorAdaptergeomPropBw_
const GsfPropagatorAdaptergeomPropFw_
edm::InputTag hcalRecHits_
double highPtMin_
bool highPtPreselection_
TrajectoryStateOnSurface innTSOS_
double maxDeltaEta_
double maxDeltaPhi_
double maxEOverPBarrel_
double maxEOverPEndcaps_
double minEOverPBarrel_
double minEOverPEndcaps_
TrajectoryStateOnSurface outTSOS_
GlobalPoint sclPos_
TrajectoryStateOnSurface sclTSOS_
TrajectoryStateOnSurface seedTSOS_
int subdet_
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometrytheCaloGeom
edm::ESHandle< MagneticFieldtheMagField
edm::ESHandle< TrackerGeometrytrackerHandle_
edm::InputTag tracks_
GlobalVector vtxMom_
TrajectoryStateOnSurface vtxTSOS_

Detailed Description

Class to reconstruct electron tracks from electron pixel seeds keep track of information about the initiating supercluster.

Description: top algorithm producing TrackCandidate and Electron objects from supercluster driven pixel seeded Ckf tracking.

U.Berthon, C.Charlot, LLR Palaiseau
2nd Version Oct 10, 2006

Definition at line 35 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GsfElectronAlgo::GsfElectronAlgo ( const edm::ParameterSet conf,
double  maxEOverPBarrel,
double  maxEOverPEndcaps,
double  minEOverPBarrel,
double  minEOverPEndcaps,
double  maxDeltaEta,
double  maxDeltaPhi,
bool  highPtPresel,
double  highPtMin,
bool  applyEtaCorrection,
bool  applyAmbResolution 

Definition at line 84 of file

References geomPropBw_, geomPropFw_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), hcalRecHits_, mtsTransform_, and tracks_.

00089                                                                                                 :  
00090   maxEOverPBarrel_(maxEOverPBarrel), maxEOverPEndcaps_(maxEOverPEndcaps), 
00091   minEOverPBarrel_(minEOverPBarrel), minEOverPEndcaps_(minEOverPEndcaps), 
00092   maxDeltaEta_(maxDeltaEta), maxDeltaPhi_(maxDeltaPhi),
00093   highPtPreselection_(highPtPresel), highPtMin_(highPtMin),
00094   applyEtaCorrection_(applyEtaCorrection), applyAmbResolution_(applyAmbResolution),
00095   cacheIDGeom_(0),cacheIDTDGeom_(0),cacheIDMagField_(0)
00096 {   
00097  // this is the new version allowing to configurate the algo
00098   // interfaces still need improvement!!
00099   mtsTransform_ = new MultiTrajectoryStateTransform;
00100   geomPropBw_=0;        
00101   geomPropFw_=0;        
00103   // get nested parameter set for the TransientInitialStateEstimator
00104   ParameterSet tise_params = conf.getParameter<ParameterSet>("TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters") ;
00106   // get input collections
00107   hcalRecHits_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hcalRecHits");
00108   tracks_ = conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tracks");  
00110 }

GsfElectronAlgo::~GsfElectronAlgo (  ) 

Definition at line 112 of file

References geomPropBw_, geomPropFw_, and mtsTransform_.

00112                                   {
00113   delete geomPropBw_;
00114   delete geomPropFw_;
00115   delete mtsTransform_;
00116 }

Member Function Documentation

bool GsfElectronAlgo::calculateTSOS ( const reco::GsfTrack t,
const reco::SuperCluster theClus,
const math::XYZPoint bs 
) [private]

Definition at line 372 of file

References MultiTrajectoryStateTransform::innerStateOnSurface(), innTSOS_, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), mtsTransform_, MultiTrajectoryStateTransform::outerStateOnSurface(), outTSOS_, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), sclTSOS_, reco::SuperCluster::seed(), seedTSOS_, theMagField, trackerHandle_, vtxTSOS_, reco::CaloCluster::x(), reco::CaloCluster::y(), and reco::CaloCluster::z().

Referenced by process().

00373            {
00375     //at innermost point
00376     innTSOS_ = mtsTransform_->innerStateOnSurface(t, *(trackerHandle_.product()), theMagField.product());
00377     if (!innTSOS_.isValid()) return false;
00379     //at vertex
00380     // innermost state propagation to the beam spot position
00381     vtxTSOS_ 
00382       = TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator(*geomPropBw_).extrapolate(innTSOS_,GlobalPoint(bsPosition.x(),bsPosition.y(),bsPosition.z()));
00383     if (!vtxTSOS_.isValid()) vtxTSOS_=innTSOS_;
00385     //at seed
00386     outTSOS_ 
00387       = mtsTransform_->outerStateOnSurface(t, *(trackerHandle_.product()), theMagField.product());
00388     if (!outTSOS_.isValid()) return false;
00390     //    TrajectoryStateOnSurface seedTSOS 
00391     seedTSOS_ 
00392      = TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator(*geomPropFw_).extrapolate(outTSOS_,GlobalPoint(theClus.seed()->position().x(),theClus.seed()->position().y(),theClus.seed()->position().z()));
00393     if (!seedTSOS_.isValid()) seedTSOS_=outTSOS_;
00395     //at scl
00396    sclTSOS_ 
00397     = TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator(*geomPropFw_).extrapolate(innTSOS_,GlobalPoint(theClus.x(),theClus.y(),theClus.z()));
00398     if (!sclTSOS_.isValid()) sclTSOS_=outTSOS_;
00399     return true;
00400 }

GlobalVector GsfElectronAlgo::computeMode ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos  )  [private]

Definition at line 286 of file

References TrajectoryStateOnSurface::components(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), SingleGaussianState1D::mean(), and GaussianSumUtilities1D::mode().

Referenced by createElectron(), and process().

00286                                                                               {
00288   // mode computation for momentum cartesian co-ordinates
00289   // change to 5D in local parameters??
00290   float mode_Px = 0.;
00291   float mode_Py = 0.;
00292   float mode_Pz = 0.;
00293   if ( tsos.isValid() ){
00294     std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface> components(tsos.components());
00295     unsigned int numb = components.size();
00296     std::vector<SingleGaussianState1D> pxStates; pxStates.reserve(numb);
00297     std::vector<SingleGaussianState1D> pyStates; pyStates.reserve(numb);
00298     std::vector<SingleGaussianState1D> pzStates; pzStates.reserve(numb);
00299     for ( std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface>::const_iterator ic=components.begin();
00300           ic!=components.end(); ++ic ) {
00301       GlobalVector momentum(ic->globalMomentum());
00302       AlgebraicSymMatrix66 cov(ic->cartesianError().matrix());
00303       pxStates.push_back(SingleGaussianState1D(momentum.x(),cov(3,3),ic->weight()));
00304       pyStates.push_back(SingleGaussianState1D(momentum.y(),cov(4,4),ic->weight()));
00305       pzStates.push_back(SingleGaussianState1D(momentum.z(),cov(5,5),ic->weight()));
00306     }
00307     MultiGaussianState1D pxState(pxStates);
00308     MultiGaussianState1D pyState(pyStates);
00309     MultiGaussianState1D pzState(pzStates);
00310     GaussianSumUtilities1D pxUtils(pxState);
00311     GaussianSumUtilities1D pyUtils(pyState);
00312     GaussianSumUtilities1D pzUtils(pzState);
00313     mode_Px = pxUtils.mode().mean();
00314     mode_Py = pyUtils.mode().mean();
00315     mode_Pz = pzUtils.mode().mean();
00316   } else edm::LogInfo("") << "tsos not valid!!";
00317   return GlobalVector(mode_Px,mode_Py,mode_Pz); 
00319 }

void GsfElectronAlgo::createElectron ( const reco::SuperClusterRef scRef,
const reco::GsfTrackRef trackRef,
reco::GsfElectronCollection outEle 
) [private]

Definition at line 322 of file

References applyEtaCorrection_, computeMode(), ElectronEnergyCorrector::correct(), ElectronMomentumCorrector::correct(), ElectronClassification::correct(), ECALPositionCalculator::ecalEta(), ECALPositionCalculator::ecalPhi(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalPosition(), innTSOS_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), mhbhe_, outTSOS_, pi, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), scale, sclPos_, sclTSOS_, seedTSOS_, reco::GsfElectron::setDeltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx(), reco::GsfElectron::setDeltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx(), theCaloGeom, theMagField, reco::btau::trackEta, reco::btau::trackPhi, vtxMom_, vtxTSOS_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by process().

00322                                                                                                                                {
00323       GlobalVector innMom=computeMode(innTSOS_);
00324       GlobalPoint innPos=innTSOS_.globalPosition();
00325       GlobalVector seedMom=computeMode(seedTSOS_);
00326       GlobalPoint  seedPos=seedTSOS_.globalPosition();
00327       GlobalVector sclMom=computeMode(sclTSOS_);    
00329       GlobalPoint  vtxPos=vtxTSOS_.globalPosition();
00330       GlobalVector outMom=computeMode(outTSOS_);
00331       GlobalPoint  outPos=outTSOS_.globalPosition();
00333       //create electron
00334       double scale = (*scRef).energy()/vtxMom_.mag();    
00335       math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum= math::XYZTLorentzVector(vtxMom_.x()*scale,
00336                                                                  vtxMom_.y()*scale,
00337                                                                  vtxMom_.z()*scale,
00338                                                                  (*scRef).energy());
00339       // should be coming from supercluster!
00340      HoECalculator calc(theCaloGeom);
00341      double HoE=calc(&(*scRef),mhbhe_);
00342      GsfElectron ele(momentum,scRef,trackRef,sclPos_,sclMom,seedPos,seedMom,innPos,innMom,vtxPos,vtxMom_,outPos,outMom,HoE);
00344       //and set various properties
00345       ECALPositionCalculator ecpc;
00346       float trackEta=ecpc.ecalEta(trackRef->innerMomentum(),trackRef->innerPosition());
00347       float trackPhi=ecpc.ecalPhi(theMagField.product(),trackRef->innerMomentum(),trackRef->innerPosition(),trackRef->charge());
00349       ele.setDeltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx((*scRef).position().eta() - trackEta);
00350       float dphi = (*scRef).position().phi() - trackPhi;
00351       if (fabs(dphi)>CLHEP::pi)
00352         dphi = dphi < 0? CLHEP::twopi + dphi : dphi - CLHEP::twopi;
00353       ele.setDeltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx(dphi);
00355       // set corrections + classification
00356       ElectronClassification theClassifier;
00357       theClassifier.correct(ele);
00358       ElectronEnergyCorrector theEnCorrector;
00359       theEnCorrector.correct(ele, applyEtaCorrection_);
00360       ElectronMomentumCorrector theMomCorrector;
00361       theMomCorrector.correct(ele,vtxTSOS_);
00363       outEle.push_back(ele);
00364 }

const SuperClusterRef GsfElectronAlgo::getTrSuperCluster ( const reco::GsfTrackRef trackRef  )  [private]

Definition at line 366 of file

References edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo().

Referenced by process().

00366                                                                                      {
00367     edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed> seed = trackRef->extra()->seedRef();
00368     ElectronPixelSeedRef elseed=seed.castTo<ElectronPixelSeedRef>();
00369     return elseed->superCluster();
00370 }

bool GsfElectronAlgo::preSelection ( const reco::SuperCluster clus  )  [private]

Definition at line 238 of file

References EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, reco::CaloCluster::energy(), reco::CaloCluster::eta(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), highPtMin_, highPtPreselection_, LogDebug, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), maxDeltaEta_, maxDeltaPhi_, maxEOverPBarrel_, maxEOverPEndcaps_, minEOverPBarrel_, minEOverPEndcaps_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), reco::CaloCluster::phi(), pi, r2, sclPos_, funct::sqrt(), subdet_, vtxMom_, reco::CaloCluster::x(), reco::CaloCluster::y(), and reco::CaloCluster::z().

Referenced by process().

00239 {
00241   LogDebug("")<< "========== preSelection ==========";
00243   double rt2 = clus.x()*clus.x() + clus.y()*clus.y();
00244   double r2 = rt2 + clus.z()*clus.z();
00245   double Et*sqrt(rt2/r2);
00247   // pt min
00248   LogDebug("") << "pT : " << vtxMom_.perp();
00250   // E/p cut
00251   LogDebug("") << "E/p : " <<;
00253   // no E/p preselection for high pT electrons
00254   if (!highPtPreselection_ || Et <= highPtMin_) {
00255     if ((subdet_==EcalBarrel) && ( > maxEOverPBarrel_)) return false;
00256     if ((subdet_==EcalEndcap) && ( > maxEOverPEndcaps_)) return false;
00257     if ((subdet_==EcalBarrel) && ( < minEOverPBarrel_)) return false;
00258     if ((subdet_==EcalEndcap) && ( < minEOverPEndcaps_)) return false;
00259   }
00260   LogDebug("") << "E/p criteria is satisfied ";
00262   // delta eta criteria
00263   double etaclu = clus.eta();
00264   double etatrk = sclPos_.eta();
00265   double deta = etaclu-etatrk;
00266   LogDebug("") << "delta eta : " << deta;
00267   if (fabs(deta) > maxDeltaEta_) return false;
00268   LogDebug("") << "Delta eta criteria is satisfied ";
00270   // delta phi criteria
00271   double phiclu = clus.phi();
00272   double phitrk = sclPos_.phi();
00273   double dphi = phiclu-phitrk;
00274   if (fabs(dphi)>CLHEP::pi)
00275     dphi = dphi < 0? (CLHEP::twopi) + dphi : dphi - CLHEP::twopi;
00276   LogDebug("") << "delta phi : " << dphi;
00277   if (fabs(dphi) > maxDeltaPhi_) return false;
00278   LogDebug("") << "Delta phi criteria is satisfied ";
00280   LogDebug("") << "electron has passed preselection criteria ";
00281   LogDebug("") << "=================================================";
00282   return true;  
00284 }  

void GsfElectronAlgo::process ( edm::Handle< reco::GsfTrackCollection tracksH,
const math::XYZPoint bs,
reco::GsfElectronCollection outEle 
) [private]

Definition at line 207 of file

References calculateTSOS(), computeMode(), createElectron(), getTrSuperCluster(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalPosition(), i, preSelection(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), sclPos_, sclTSOS_, reco::SuperCluster::seed(), subdet_, t, tracks, vtxMom_, and vtxTSOS_.

Referenced by run().

00209                                                         {
00212   const GsfTrackCollection *tracks=tracksH.product();
00213   for (unsigned int i=0;i<tracks->size();++i) {
00215     // track -scl association
00217     const GsfTrack & t=(*tracks)[i];
00218     const GsfTrackRef trackRef = edm::Ref<GsfTrackCollection>(tracksH,i);
00219     const SuperClusterRef & scRef=getTrSuperCluster(trackRef);
00220     const SuperCluster theClus=*scRef;
00221     std::vector<DetId> vecId=theClus.seed()->getHitsByDetId();
00222     subdet_ =vecId[0].subdetId();  
00224     // calculate Trajectory StatesOnSurface....
00225     if (!calculateTSOS(t,theClus, bsPosition)) continue;
00226     vtxMom_=computeMode(vtxTSOS_);
00227     sclPos_=sclTSOS_.globalPosition();
00228     if (preSelection(theClus)) {
00230       // interface to be improved...
00231       createElectron(scRef,trackRef,outEle);
00233       LogInfo("")<<"Constructed new electron with energy  "<< scRef->energy();
00234     }
00235   } // loop over tracks
00236 }

void GsfElectronAlgo::resolveElectrons ( std::vector< reco::GsfElectron > &  ,
reco::GsfElectronCollection outEle 
) [private]

Referenced by run().

void GsfElectronAlgo::run ( edm::Event e,
reco::GsfElectronCollection outEle 

Definition at line 142 of file

References applyAmbResolution_, edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getByType(), hcalRecHits_, edm::Event::id(), it, LogDebug, mhbhe_, process(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), resolveElectrons(), and tracks_.

Referenced by GsfElectronProducer::produce().

00142                                                                    {
00144   // get the input 
00145   edm::Handle<GsfTrackCollection> tracksH;
00146   e.getByLabel(tracks_,tracksH);
00148   // for HoE calculation
00149   edm::Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hbhe;
00150   mhbhe_=0;
00151   bool got = e.getByLabel(hcalRecHits_,hbhe);  
00152   if (got) mhbhe_=  new HBHERecHitMetaCollection(*hbhe);
00154   // get the beamspot from the Event:
00155   edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> recoBeamSpotHandle;
00156   e.getByType(recoBeamSpotHandle);
00157   const math::XYZPoint bsPosition = recoBeamSpotHandle->position();
00159   // temporay array for electron before amb. solving
00160   std::vector<GsfElectron> tempEle;
00162   // create electrons 
00163   process(tracksH,bsPosition,tempEle);
00165   std::ostringstream str;
00167   str << "\n========== GsfElectronAlgo Info (before amb. solving) ==========";
00168   str << "\nEvent " <<;
00169   str << "\nNumber of final electron tracks: " << tracksH.product()->size();
00170   str << "\nNumber of final electrons: " << tempEle.size();
00171   for (vector<GsfElectron>::const_iterator it = tempEle.begin(); it != tempEle.end(); it++) {
00172     str << "\nNew electron with charge, pt, eta, phi : "  << it->charge() << " , " 
00173         << it->pt() << " , " << it->eta() << " , " << it->phi();
00174   }
00176   str << "\n=================================================";
00177   LogDebug("GsfElectronAlgo") << str.str();
00179   std::ostringstream str2;
00181   if (applyAmbResolution_) {
00183     resolveElectrons(tempEle, outEle);
00185     str2 << "\n========== GsfElectronAlgo Info (after amb. solving) ==========";
00186     str2 << "\nEvent " <<;
00187     str2 << "\nNumber of final electron tracks: " << tracksH.product()->size();
00188     str2 << "\nNumber of final electrons: " << outEle.size();
00189     for (vector<GsfElectron>::const_iterator it = outEle.begin(); it != outEle.end(); it++) {
00190       str2 << "\nNew electron with charge, pt, eta, phi : "  << it->charge() << " , " 
00191           << it->pt() << " , " << it->eta() << " , " << it->phi();
00192     }
00194     str2 << "\n=================================================";
00195     LogDebug("GsfElectronAlgo") << str2.str();
00197   } else {
00199     outEle = tempEle;
00201   }
00203   delete mhbhe_;
00204   return;
00205 }

void GsfElectronAlgo::setupES ( const edm::EventSetup setup  ) 

Definition at line 118 of file

References alongMomentum, AnalyticalPropagator_cfi::AnalyticalPropagator, cacheIDGeom_, cacheIDMagField_, cacheIDTDGeom_, geomPropBw_, geomPropFw_, edm::EventSetup::get(), oppositeToMomentum, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), theCaloGeom, theMagField, and trackerHandle_.

Referenced by GsfElectronProducer::produce().

00118                                                      {
00120   // get EventSetupRecords if needed
00121   if (cacheIDMagField_!=es.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().cacheIdentifier()){
00122     cacheIDMagField_=es.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().cacheIdentifier();
00123     es.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(theMagField);
00124     if (geomPropBw_) delete geomPropBw_;
00125     geomPropBw_ = new GsfPropagatorAdapter(AnalyticalPropagator(theMagField.product(), oppositeToMomentum));
00126     if (geomPropFw_) delete geomPropFw_;
00127     geomPropFw_ = new GsfPropagatorAdapter(AnalyticalPropagator(theMagField.product(), alongMomentum));
00128   }
00129   if (cacheIDTDGeom_!=es.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().cacheIdentifier()){
00130     cacheIDTDGeom_=es.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().cacheIdentifier();
00131     es.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().get(trackerHandle_);
00132   }
00134   if (cacheIDGeom_!=es.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().cacheIdentifier()){
00135     cacheIDGeom_=es.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().cacheIdentifier();
00136     es.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(theCaloGeom);
00137   }
00140 }

Member Data Documentation

bool GsfElectronAlgo::applyAmbResolution_ [private]

Definition at line 97 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by run().

bool GsfElectronAlgo::applyEtaCorrection_ [private]

Definition at line 94 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by createElectron().

edm::InputTag GsfElectronAlgo::barrelSuperClusters_ [private]

Definition at line 100 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

unsigned long long GsfElectronAlgo::cacheIDGeom_ [private]

Definition at line 125 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by setupES().

unsigned long long GsfElectronAlgo::cacheIDMagField_ [private]

Definition at line 127 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by setupES().

unsigned long long GsfElectronAlgo::cacheIDTDGeom_ [private]

Definition at line 126 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by setupES().

edm::InputTag GsfElectronAlgo::endcapSuperClusters_ [private]

Definition at line 101 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

const GsfPropagatorAdapter* GsfElectronAlgo::geomPropBw_ [private]

Definition at line 110 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo(), setupES(), and ~GsfElectronAlgo().

const GsfPropagatorAdapter* GsfElectronAlgo::geomPropFw_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo(), setupES(), and ~GsfElectronAlgo().

edm::InputTag GsfElectronAlgo::hcalRecHits_ [private]

Definition at line 103 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo(), and run().

double GsfElectronAlgo::highPtMin_ [private]

Definition at line 91 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

bool GsfElectronAlgo::highPtPreselection_ [private]

Definition at line 90 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

TrajectoryStateOnSurface GsfElectronAlgo::innTSOS_ [private]

Definition at line 117 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), and createElectron().

double GsfElectronAlgo::maxDeltaEta_ [private]

Definition at line 84 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

double GsfElectronAlgo::maxDeltaPhi_ [private]

Definition at line 87 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

double GsfElectronAlgo::maxEOverPBarrel_ [private]

Definition at line 78 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

double GsfElectronAlgo::maxEOverPEndcaps_ [private]

Definition at line 79 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

HBHERecHitMetaCollection* GsfElectronAlgo::mhbhe_ [private]

Definition at line 123 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by createElectron(), and run().

double GsfElectronAlgo::minEOverPBarrel_ [private]

Definition at line 81 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

double GsfElectronAlgo::minEOverPEndcaps_ [private]

Definition at line 82 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection().

const MultiTrajectoryStateTransform* GsfElectronAlgo::mtsTransform_ [private]

Definition at line 109 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), GsfElectronAlgo(), and ~GsfElectronAlgo().

TrajectoryStateOnSurface GsfElectronAlgo::outTSOS_ [private]

Definition at line 118 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), and createElectron().

GlobalPoint GsfElectronAlgo::sclPos_ [private]

Definition at line 115 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by createElectron(), preSelection(), and process().

TrajectoryStateOnSurface GsfElectronAlgo::sclTSOS_ [private]

Definition at line 120 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), createElectron(), and process().

TrajectoryStateOnSurface GsfElectronAlgo::seedTSOS_ [private]

Definition at line 121 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), and createElectron().

int GsfElectronAlgo::subdet_ [private]

Definition at line 114 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by preSelection(), and process().

edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> GsfElectronAlgo::theCaloGeom [private]

Definition at line 106 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by createElectron(), and setupES().

edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> GsfElectronAlgo::theMagField [private]

Definition at line 105 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), createElectron(), and setupES().

edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> GsfElectronAlgo::trackerHandle_ [private]

Definition at line 107 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), and setupES().

edm::InputTag GsfElectronAlgo::tracks_ [private]

Definition at line 102 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo(), and run().

GlobalVector GsfElectronAlgo::vtxMom_ [private]

Definition at line 116 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by createElectron(), preSelection(), and process().

TrajectoryStateOnSurface GsfElectronAlgo::vtxTSOS_ [private]

Definition at line 119 of file GsfElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by calculateTSOS(), createElectron(), and process().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:23:16 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4