SimpleVertexTree Class Reference

#include <RecoVertex/KalmanVertexFit/interface/SimpleVertexTree.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void fill ()
 To be used if one wants to record "Failed Fits", e.g.
void fill (const TrackingVertex *simv)
 Entry for a TkSimVertex, without RecVertex.
void fill (const TransientVertex &recv, const float &time=0.)
 Entry for a RecVertex, without associated vertex.
void fill (const TransientVertex &recv, const TrackingVertex *simv=0, const float &time=0.)
void fill (const TransientVertex &recv, const TrackingVertex *simv=0, reco::RecoToSimCollection *recSimColl=0, const float &time=0.)
 Entry for a RecVertex.
 SimpleVertexTree (const char *fitterName="VertexFitter", TrackAssociatorByChi2 *associator=0)
 The constructor
virtual ~SimpleVertexTree ()

Private Member Functions

void defineTrackBranch (const TString &prefix, const TString &type, const float *(VertexFitterResult::*pfunc)(const int) const, const TString &index)

Private Attributes

float chiProb
float chiTot
int maxTrack
float ndf
int numberOfVertices
TString * parameterNames [5]
float recErr [3]
float recPos [3]
float simPos [3]
TString theFitterName
bool trackTest
TTree * vertexTree

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SimpleVertexTree::SimpleVertexTree ( const char *  fitterName = "VertexFitter",
TrackAssociatorByChi2 associator = 0 

The constructor

fitterName The name of the TTree, and of the associated histograms.

Definition at line 10 of file

References VertexFitterResult::chi2Information(), defineTrackBranch(), maxTrack, numberOfVertices, VertexFitterResult::numberRecTracks(), VertexFitterResult::numberSimTracks(), parameterNames, VertexFitterResult::recErrors(), VertexFitterResult::recParameters(), VertexFitterResult::recTrack_simIndex(), VertexFitterResult::recTrackWeight(), VertexFitterResult::recVertexErr(), VertexFitterResult::recVertexPos(), VertexFitterResult::refErrors(), VertexFitterResult::refParameters(), result, VertexFitterResult::simParameters(), VertexFitterResult::simTrack_recIndex(), VertexFitterResult::simVertexPos(), VertexFitterResult::time(), VertexFitterResult::trackInformation(), VertexFitterResult::vertexPresent(), and vertexTree.

00011                                             :
00012         theFitterName(filterName), associatorForParamAtPca(associator)
00013 {
00015   vertexTree = new TTree(filterName, "Vertex fit results");
00016 //   trackTest 
00017 //     = SimpleConfigurable<bool> (false, "SimpleVertexTree:trackTest").value();
00018 //   if (trackTest) {
00019 //     maxTrack = SimpleConfigurable<int> (100, "SimpleVertexTree:maximumTracksToStore").value();
00020 //   } else 
00021   maxTrack = 0;
00022   result = new VertexFitterResult(maxTrack, associator);
00024   vertexTree->Branch("vertex",(void *)result->vertexPresent(),"vertex/I");
00025   vertexTree->Branch("simPos",(void *)result->simVertexPos(),"X/F:Y/F:Z/F");
00026   vertexTree->Branch("recPos",(void *)result->recVertexPos(),"X/F:Y/F:Z/F");
00027   vertexTree->Branch("recErr",(void *)result->recVertexErr(),"X/F:Y/F:Z/F");
00028   vertexTree->Branch("nbrTrk",(void *)result->trackInformation(),"Sim/I:Rec/I:Shared/I");
00029   vertexTree->Branch("chiTot",(void *)result->chi2Information (),"chiTot/F");
00030   vertexTree->Branch("ndf",(void *)(result->chi2Information ()+1),"ndf/F");
00031   vertexTree->Branch("chiProb",(void *)(result->chi2Information ()+2),"chiProb/F");
00032   vertexTree->Branch("time",(void *)result->time(),"time/F");
00035   parameterNames[0] = new TString("ptinv");
00036   parameterNames[1] = new TString("theta");
00037   parameterNames[2] = new TString("phi");
00038   parameterNames[3] = new TString("timp");
00039   parameterNames[4] = new TString("limp");
00041   vertexTree->Branch("simTracks",(void *)result->numberSimTracks(),"simTracks/I");
00042   vertexTree->Branch("simTrack_recIndex",(void *)result->simTrack_recIndex(),"simTrack_recIndex[simTracks]/I");
00043   defineTrackBranch("sim", "Par", &VertexFitterResult::simParameters, "simTracks");
00045   vertexTree->Branch("recTracks",(void *)result->numberRecTracks(),"recTracks/I");
00046   vertexTree->Branch("recTrack_simIndex",(void *)result->recTrack_simIndex(),"recTrack_simIndex[recTracks]/I");
00047   vertexTree->Branch("recTrack_weight",(void *)result->recTrackWeight(),"recTrack_weight[recTracks]/F");
00048   defineTrackBranch("rec", "Par", &VertexFitterResult::recParameters, "recTracks");
00049   defineTrackBranch("ref", "Par", &VertexFitterResult::refParameters, "recTracks");
00050   defineTrackBranch("rec", "Err", &VertexFitterResult::recErrors, "recTracks");
00051   defineTrackBranch("ref", "Err", &VertexFitterResult::refErrors, "recTracks");
00053   numberOfVertices = 0;
00054 }

SimpleVertexTree::~SimpleVertexTree (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 70 of file

References chiProb, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), numberOfVertices, theFitterName, and vertexTree.

00071 {
00072   cout << endl<< "End of SimpleVertexTree for "<< theFitterName << endl;
00073   cout << endl<< "Number of vertices fit: "<< numberOfVertices<<endl;
00075   //
00076   // save current root directory
00077   //
00078   TDirectory* rootDir = gDirectory;
00079   //
00080   // close files
00081   //
00082   vertexTree->GetDirectory()->cd();
00083   vertexTree->Write();
00084   if (numberOfVertices>0) {
00085     TH1F *resX = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_ResX","Residual x coordinate: "+theFitterName, 100, -0.03, 0.03);
00086     TH1F *resY = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_ResY","Residual y coordinate: "+theFitterName, 100, -0.03, 0.03);
00087     TH1F *resZ = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_ResZ","Residual z coordinate: "+theFitterName, 100, -0.03, 0.03);
00088     TH1F *pullX = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_PullX","Pull x coordinate: "+theFitterName, 100, -10., 10.);
00089     TH1F *pullY = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_PullY","Pull y coordinate: "+theFitterName, 100, -10., 10.);
00090     TH1F *pullZ = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_PullZ","Pull z coordinate: "+theFitterName, 100, -10., 10.);
00091     TH1F *chiNorm = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_ChiNorm","Normalized chi-square: " +theFitterName, 100, 0., 10.);
00092     TH1F *chiProb = new TH1F(theFitterName + "_ChiProb","Chi-square probability: "+theFitterName, 100, 0., 1.);
00093     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_ResX", "(simPos.X-recPos.X)");
00094     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_ResY", "(simPos.Y-recPos.Y)");
00095     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_ResZ", "(simPos.Z-recPos.Z)");
00096     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_PullX", "(simPos.X-recPos.X)/recErr.X");
00097     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_PullY", "(simPos.Y-recPos.Y)/recErr.Y");
00098     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_PullZ", "(simPos.Z-recPos.Z)/recErr.Z");
00099     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_ChiNorm", "chiTot/ndf");
00100     vertexTree->Project(theFitterName + "_ChiProb", "chiProb");
00101     cout << "Mean of Residual distribution X: "<< resX->GetMean()<<endl;
00102     cout << "Mean of Residual distribution Y: "<< resY->GetMean()<<endl;
00103     cout << "Mean of Residual distribution Z: "<< resZ->GetMean()<<endl;
00104     cout << "RMS of Residual distribution X:  "<< resX->GetRMS()<<endl;
00105     cout << "RMS of Residual distribution Y:  "<< resY->GetRMS()<<endl;
00106     cout << "RMS of Residual distribution Z:  "<< resZ->GetRMS()<<endl;
00107     cout << "Mean of Pull distribution X: "<< pullX->GetMean()<<endl;
00108     cout << "Mean of Pull distribution Y: "<< pullY->GetMean()<<endl;
00109     cout << "Mean of Pull distribution Z: "<< pullZ->GetMean()<<endl;
00110     cout << "RMS of Pull distribution X:  "<< pullX->GetRMS()<<endl;
00111     cout << "RMS of Pull distribution Y:  "<< pullY->GetRMS()<<endl;
00112     cout << "RMS of Pull distribution Z:  "<< pullZ->GetRMS()<<endl;
00113     cout << "Average chi-square probability: "<< chiProb->GetMean()<<endl;
00114     cout << "Average normalized chi-square : "<< chiNorm->GetMean()<<endl;
00115     resX->Write();
00116     resY->Write();
00117     resZ->Write();
00118     pullX->Write();
00119     pullY->Write();
00120     pullZ->Write();
00121     chiNorm->Write();
00122     chiProb->Write();
00123   }
00124   delete vertexTree;
00125   //
00126   // restore directory
00127   //
00128   rootDir->cd();
00129   cout << endl;
00131 }

Member Function Documentation

void SimpleVertexTree::defineTrackBranch ( const TString &  prefix,
const TString &  type,
const float *(VertexFitterResult::*)(const int) const   pfunc,
const TString &  index 
) [private]

Definition at line 57 of file

References i, parameterNames, result, and vertexTree.

Referenced by SimpleVertexTree().

00060 {
00061     TString branchName, branchVariables;
00062     for ( int i=0; i<5; i++ ) {
00063       branchName = prefix + type + '_' + *parameterNames[i];
00064       branchVariables = branchName + '[' + index + "]/F";
00065       vertexTree->Branch(branchName,(void *)(result->*pfunc)(i),branchVariables);
00066     }
00067 }

void SimpleVertexTree::fill ( void   ) 

To be used if one wants to record "Failed Fits", e.g.

to synchronise two Trees

Definition at line 167 of file

References numberOfVertices, VertexFitterResult::reset(), result, and vertexTree.

Referenced by fill().

00168 {
00169   ++numberOfVertices;
00171   TDirectory* rootDir = gDirectory;
00172   //
00173   // fill entry
00174   //
00175   static int nFill(0);
00176   vertexTree->GetDirectory()->cd();
00177   vertexTree->Fill();
00178   if ( (++nFill)%1000==0 )  vertexTree->AutoSave();
00179   //
00180   // restore directory
00181   //
00182   rootDir->cd();
00183   result->reset();
00186 }

void SimpleVertexTree::fill ( const TrackingVertex simv  ) 

Entry for a TkSimVertex, without RecVertex.

Definition at line 146 of file

References VertexFitterResult::fill(), fill(), and result.

00147 {
00148   result->fill(TransientVertex(), simv, 0);
00149   fill();
00150 }

void SimpleVertexTree::fill ( const TransientVertex recv,
const float &  time = 0. 

Entry for a RecVertex, without associated vertex.

Timing information for the fit can also be provided.

Definition at line 140 of file

References VertexFitterResult::fill(), fill(), and result.

00141 {
00142   result->fill(recv, 0, 0, time);
00143   fill();
00144 }

void SimpleVertexTree::fill ( const TransientVertex recv,
const TrackingVertex simv = 0,
const float &  time = 0. 

void SimpleVertexTree::fill ( const TransientVertex recv,
const TrackingVertex simv = 0,
reco::RecoToSimCollection recSimColl = 0,
const float &  time = 0. 

Entry for a RecVertex.

If the vertex was not associated to a TkSimVertex, an empty pointer can be given (would be identical to the next method). Timing information for the fit can also be provided.

Definition at line 133 of file

References VertexFitterResult::fill(), fill(), and result.

Referenced by KVFTest::analyze().

00135 {
00136   result->fill(recv, simv, recSimColl, time);
00137   fill();
00138 }

Member Data Documentation

TrackAssociatorByChi2* SimpleVertexTree::associatorForParamAtPca [private]

Definition at line 108 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

float SimpleVertexTree::chiProb [private]

Definition at line 99 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Referenced by ~SimpleVertexTree().

float SimpleVertexTree::chiTot [private]

Definition at line 99 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

int SimpleVertexTree::maxTrack [private]

Definition at line 106 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Referenced by SimpleVertexTree().

float SimpleVertexTree::ndf [private]

Definition at line 99 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

int SimpleVertexTree::numberOfVertices [private]

Definition at line 100 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Referenced by fill(), SimpleVertexTree(), and ~SimpleVertexTree().

TString* SimpleVertexTree::parameterNames[5] [private]

Definition at line 107 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Referenced by defineTrackBranch(), and SimpleVertexTree().

float SimpleVertexTree::recErr[3] [private]

Definition at line 98 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

float SimpleVertexTree::recPos[3] [private]

Definition at line 97 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

VertexFitterResult* SimpleVertexTree::result [private]

Definition at line 102 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Referenced by defineTrackBranch(), fill(), and SimpleVertexTree().

float SimpleVertexTree::simPos[3] [private]

Definition at line 96 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

TString SimpleVertexTree::theFitterName [private]

Definition at line 103 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Referenced by ~SimpleVertexTree().

bool SimpleVertexTree::trackTest [private]

Definition at line 105 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

TTree* SimpleVertexTree::vertexTree [private]

Definition at line 101 of file SimpleVertexTree.h.

Referenced by defineTrackBranch(), fill(), SimpleVertexTree(), and ~SimpleVertexTree().

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