L1MuPacking Class Reference

Abstract Packing of an int in a bit-field. More...

#include <CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1MuPacking.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1MuPacking:

L1MuPseudoSignedPacking L1MuSignedPacking< Bits > L1MuSignedPackingGeneric L1MuUnsignedPacking< Bits > L1MuUnsignedPackingGeneric

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual int idxFromPacked (unsigned packed) const =0
 get the value from the packed notation
virtual unsigned packedFromIdx (int idx) const =0
 get the packed notation of a value
virtual int signFromPacked (unsigned packed) const =0
 get the sign from the packed notation (0=positive, 1=negative)

Detailed Description

Abstract Packing of an int in a bit-field.

Definition at line 32 of file L1MuPacking.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual int L1MuPacking::idxFromPacked ( unsigned  packed  )  const [pure virtual]

get the value from the packed notation

Implemented in L1MuUnsignedPacking< Bits >, L1MuSignedPacking< Bits >, and L1MuPseudoSignedPacking.

virtual unsigned L1MuPacking::packedFromIdx ( int  idx  )  const [pure virtual]

get the packed notation of a value

Implemented in L1MuUnsignedPacking< Bits >, L1MuSignedPacking< Bits >, and L1MuPseudoSignedPacking.

virtual int L1MuPacking::signFromPacked ( unsigned  packed  )  const [pure virtual]

get the sign from the packed notation (0=positive, 1=negative)

Implemented in L1MuUnsignedPacking< Bits >, L1MuSignedPacking< Bits >, and L1MuPseudoSignedPacking.

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