PhysicsHistograms Class Reference

Object to manage and fill various physics histograms. More...

#include <Demo/TempAnaToolkit/src/>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void addElectronHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addElectronHistoGroup (pat::HistoElectron *hgr)
void addHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addJetHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addJetHistoGroup (pat::HistoJet *hgr)
void addMetHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addMetHistoGroup (pat::HistoMET *hgr)
void addMuonHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addMuonHistoGroup (pat::HistoMuon *hgr)
void addPhotonHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addPhotonHistoGroup (pat::HistoPhoton *hgr)
void addTauHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addTauHistoGroup (pat::HistoTau *hgr)
void addTrackHisto (pat::PhysVarHisto *h)
void addTrackHistoGroup (pat::HistoTrack *hgr)
virtual void beginJob ()
 initialize before seeing any events
virtual void clearVec ()
virtual void configure (std::string &histos_to_disable, std::string &histos_to_enable)
 Methods to configure (enable or disable) various PhysVarHistos one at the time, or in whole groups.
virtual void endJob ()
 do whatever is needed after seeing all events
void fillCollection (const std::vector< reco::RecoChargedCandidate > &coll, double w=1.0)
void fillCollection (const std::vector< pat::Photon > &coll, double w=1.0)
void fillCollection (const std::vector< pat::MET > &coll, double w=1.0)
void fillCollection (const std::vector< pat::Jet > &coll, double w=1.0)
void fillCollection (const std::vector< pat::Tau > &coll, double w=1.0)
void fillCollection (const std::vector< pat::Electron > &coll, double w=1.0)
void fillCollection (const std::vector< pat::Muon > &coll, double w=1.0)
 PhysicsHistograms (KinAxisLimits const &muonAxis, KinAxisLimits const &electronAxis, KinAxisLimits const &tauAxis, KinAxisLimits const &jetAxis, KinAxisLimits const &METAxis, KinAxisLimits const &photonAxis, KinAxisLimits const &trackAxis)
 Create the objects that manage the histogram groups.
virtual void select (std::string vars_to_select, std::vector< pat::PhysVarHisto * > &selectedHistos)
 Selection of a subset of PhysVarHistos.
virtual ~PhysicsHistograms ()
 Destroy the objects that manage the histogram groups.

Private Attributes

std::vector< pat::PhysVarHisto * > allVarHistos_
std::vector< pat::PhysVarHisto * > enabledVarHistos_
edm::Service< TFileServicefs
ofstream outputFile_
std::string outputTextName_


struct  KinAxisLimits

Detailed Description

Object to manage and fill various physics histograms.

Description: Demonstration of a simple analysis toolkit for starter analyses.

The order how the operations must be executed.

1. we first build our own default histogram groups (electrons, muons, etc)

2. the user-defined histogram groups are added by add*HistoGroup() methods.

3. configure starts: all PhysVarHisto pointers are collected in one big flat array for easy access and speedy processing.

4. various histograms are disabled.

5. various histograms are enabled. configure ends.

At this point we're good to go and ready to see the events.

Definition at line 57 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PhysicsHistograms::PhysicsHistograms ( KinAxisLimits const &  muonAxis,
KinAxisLimits const &  electronAxis,
KinAxisLimits const &  tauAxis,
KinAxisLimits const &  jetAxis,
KinAxisLimits const &  METAxis,
KinAxisLimits const &  photonAxis,
KinAxisLimits const &  trackAxis 
) [explicit]

Create the objects that manage the histogram groups.

Definition at line 25 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, electronHistograms_, lat::endl(), jetHistograms_, PhysicsHistograms::KinAxisLimits::m1, PhysicsHistograms::KinAxisLimits::m2, metHistograms_, muonHistograms_, photonHistograms_, PhysicsHistograms::KinAxisLimits::pt1, PhysicsHistograms::KinAxisLimits::pt2, tauHistograms_, and trackHistograms_.

00033 {
00034   //--- Initialize histogram objects
00035   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms: Creating muon histograms" << std::endl;
00036   muonHistograms_     = 
00037     new pat::HistoMuon    ( "muon", "Muon", "mu", muonAxis.pt1, muonAxis.pt2, muonAxis.m1, muonAxis.m2 );
00038   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms: Creating electron histograms" << std::endl;
00039   electronHistograms_ = 
00040     new pat::HistoElectron( "electron", "Electron", "e", electronAxis.pt1, electronAxis.pt2, electronAxis.m1, electronAxis.m2 );
00041   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms: Creating tau histograms" << std::endl;
00042   tauHistograms_      = 
00043     new pat::HistoTau     ( "tau", "Tau", "tau", tauAxis.pt1, tauAxis.pt2, tauAxis.m1, tauAxis.m2 );
00044   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms: Creating jet histograms" << std::endl;
00045   jetHistograms_      =
00046     new pat::HistoJet     ( "jet", "Jet", "jet", jetAxis.pt1, jetAxis.pt2, jetAxis.m1, jetAxis.m2 );
00047   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms: Creating met histograms" << std::endl;
00048   metHistograms_      = 
00049     new pat::HistoMET     ( "met", "MET", "met", METAxis.pt1, METAxis.pt2, METAxis.m1, METAxis.m2 );
00050   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms: Creating photon histograms" << std::endl;
00051   photonHistograms_   = 
00052     new pat::HistoPhoton  ( "photon", "Photon", "photon", photonAxis.pt1, photonAxis.pt2, photonAxis.m1, photonAxis.m2 );
00053   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms: Creating track histograms" << std::endl;
00054   trackHistograms_    = 
00055     new pat::HistoTrack   ( "track", "Track", "track", trackAxis.pt1, trackAxis.pt2, trackAxis.m1, trackAxis.m2 );
00056 }

PhysicsHistograms::~PhysicsHistograms (  )  [virtual]

Destroy the objects that manage the histogram groups.

Note that the TH1's used by PhysVarHistos managed by these histo groups will *not* be deleted in the PhysVarHisto's destructor. So it's safe to delete both HistoGroups and PhysVarHistos.

Definition at line 66 of file

References allVarHistos_, electronHistograms_, i, jetHistograms_, metHistograms_, muonHistograms_, outputFile_, photonHistograms_, tauHistograms_, and trackHistograms_.

00067 {
00068   delete muonHistograms_     ;
00069   delete electronHistograms_ ;
00070   delete tauHistograms_      ;
00071   delete jetHistograms_      ;
00072   delete metHistograms_      ;
00073   delete photonHistograms_   ;
00074   delete trackHistograms_    ;
00076   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < allVarHistos_.size(); ++i ) {
00077     if ( allVarHistos_[i] ) delete allVarHistos_[i];
00078   }
00080   outputFile_.close();
00081 }

Member Function Documentation

void PhysicsHistograms::addElectronHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 158 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHisto(), and electronHistograms_.

void PhysicsHistograms::addElectronHistoGroup ( pat::HistoElectron hgr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHistoGroup(), and electronHistograms_.

void PhysicsHistograms::addHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References allVarHistos_.

00201     { allVarHistos_.push_back( h ); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addJetHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHisto(), and jetHistograms_.

00173     { jetHistograms_->addHisto(h); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addJetHistoGroup ( pat::HistoJet hgr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHistoGroup(), and jetHistograms_.

00175     { jetHistograms_->addHistoGroup(hgr); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addMetHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHisto(), and metHistograms_.

00180     { metHistograms_->addHisto(h); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addMetHistoGroup ( pat::HistoMET hgr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHistoGroup(), and metHistograms_.

00182     { metHistograms_->addHistoGroup(hgr); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addMuonHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHisto(), and muonHistograms_.

00152     { muonHistograms_->addHisto(h); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addMuonHistoGroup ( pat::HistoMuon hgr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHistoGroup(), and muonHistograms_.

00154     { muonHistograms_->addHistoGroup(hgr); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addPhotonHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHisto(), and photonHistograms_.

00187     { photonHistograms_->addHisto(h); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addPhotonHistoGroup ( pat::HistoPhoton hgr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHistoGroup(), and photonHistograms_.

void PhysicsHistograms::addTauHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHisto(), and tauHistograms_.

00166     { tauHistograms_->addHisto(h); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addTauHistoGroup ( pat::HistoTau hgr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHistoGroup(), and tauHistograms_.

00168     { tauHistograms_->addHistoGroup(hgr); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addTrackHisto ( pat::PhysVarHisto h  )  [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHisto(), and trackHistograms_.

00195     { trackHistograms_->addHisto(h); }

void PhysicsHistograms::addTrackHistoGroup ( pat::HistoTrack hgr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 196 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::addHistoGroup(), and trackHistograms_.

void PhysicsHistograms::beginJob ( void   )  [virtual]

initialize before seeing any events

Method called before seeing all events (in CMSSW) or before the event loop in FWLite.

Definition at line 167 of file

00168 {
00169   // Dummy for now
00170 }

void PhysicsHistograms::clearVec (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 148 of file

References allVarHistos_, pat::HistoMET::clearVec(), pat::HistoPhoton::clearVec(), pat::HistoTrack::clearVec(), pat::HistoJet::clearVec(), pat::HistoTau::clearVec(), pat::HistoElectron::clearVec(), pat::HistoMuon::clearVec(), electronHistograms_, i, jetHistograms_, metHistograms_, muonHistograms_, photonHistograms_, tauHistograms_, and trackHistograms_.

Referenced by pat::PatKitHelper::fillHistograms().

00149 {
00150   muonHistograms_    ->clearVec() ;
00151   electronHistograms_->clearVec() ;
00152   tauHistograms_     ->clearVec() ;
00153   metHistograms_     ->clearVec() ;
00154   jetHistograms_     ->clearVec() ;
00155   photonHistograms_  ->clearVec() ;
00156   trackHistograms_   ->clearVec() ;
00157   for ( uint i = 0; i < allVarHistos_.size(); i++ ) {
00158     allVarHistos_[i]->clearVec();
00159   }
00160 }

void PhysicsHistograms::configure ( std::string &  histos_to_disable,
std::string &  histos_to_enable 
) [virtual]

Methods to configure (enable or disable) various PhysVarHistos one at the time, or in whole groups.

Definition at line 90 of file

References pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::configure(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, electronHistograms_, lat::endl(), jetHistograms_, metHistograms_, muonHistograms_, photonHistograms_, tauHistograms_, and trackHistograms_.

00092 {
00093   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms:: configuring..."
00094             << "\n   First disabling: " << histos_to_disable
00095             << "\n   Then  enabling : " << histos_to_enable
00096             << std::endl;
00099   //--- Pass this information to histogramGroups
00100   muonHistograms_    ->configure( histos_to_disable, histos_to_enable ) ;
00101   electronHistograms_->configure( histos_to_disable, histos_to_enable ) ;
00102   tauHistograms_     ->configure( histos_to_disable, histos_to_enable ) ;
00103   metHistograms_     ->configure( histos_to_disable, histos_to_enable ) ;
00104   jetHistograms_     ->configure( histos_to_disable, histos_to_enable ) ;
00105   photonHistograms_  ->configure( histos_to_disable, histos_to_enable ) ;
00106   trackHistograms_   ->configure( histos_to_disable, histos_to_enable ) ;
00108 }

void PhysicsHistograms::endJob ( void   )  [virtual]

do whatever is needed after seeing all events

Method called after seeing all events (in CMSSW) or after the event loop in FWLite.

Definition at line 178 of file

00179 {
00180   // Dummy for now
00181 }

void PhysicsHistograms::fillCollection ( const std::vector< reco::RecoChargedCandidate > &  coll,
double  w = 1.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoTrack::fillCollection(), trackHistograms_, and w.

void PhysicsHistograms::fillCollection ( const std::vector< pat::Photon > &  coll,
double  w = 1.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 133 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoPhoton::fillCollection(), photonHistograms_, and w.

void PhysicsHistograms::fillCollection ( const std::vector< pat::MET > &  coll,
double  w = 1.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 128 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoMET::fillCollection(), metHistograms_, and w.

void PhysicsHistograms::fillCollection ( const std::vector< pat::Jet > &  coll,
double  w = 1.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoJet::fillCollection(), jetHistograms_, and w.

void PhysicsHistograms::fillCollection ( const std::vector< pat::Tau > &  coll,
double  w = 1.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 118 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoTau::fillCollection(), tauHistograms_, and w.

void PhysicsHistograms::fillCollection ( const std::vector< pat::Electron > &  coll,
double  w = 1.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 113 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References electronHistograms_, pat::HistoElectron::fillCollection(), and w.

void PhysicsHistograms::fillCollection ( const std::vector< pat::Muon > &  coll,
double  w = 1.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 108 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

References pat::HistoMuon::fillCollection(), muonHistograms_, and w.

Referenced by pat::PatKitHelper::fillHistograms().

void PhysicsHistograms::select ( std::string  vars_to_select,
std::vector< pat::PhysVarHisto * > &  selectedHistos 
) [virtual]

Selection of a subset of PhysVarHistos.

Definition at line 115 of file

References allVarHistos_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, electronHistograms_, end, lat::endl(), i, jetHistograms_, metHistograms_, muonHistograms_, photonHistograms_, pat::HistoGroup< PHYS_OBJECT >::select(), tauHistograms_, pyDBSRunClass::temp, parsecf::pyparsing::test(), and trackHistograms_.

00117 {
00118   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms:: selecting the following variables:\n\t"
00119             << vars_to_select
00120             << std::endl;
00123   //--- Pass this information to histogramGroups
00124   muonHistograms_    ->select( vars_to_select, selectedVars ) ;
00125   electronHistograms_->select( vars_to_select, selectedVars ) ;
00126   tauHistograms_     ->select( vars_to_select, selectedVars ) ;
00127   metHistograms_     ->select( vars_to_select, selectedVars ) ;
00128   jetHistograms_     ->select( vars_to_select, selectedVars ) ;
00129   photonHistograms_  ->select( vars_to_select, selectedVars ) ;
00130   trackHistograms_   ->select( vars_to_select, selectedVars ) ;
00132   std::vector<pat::PhysVarHisto*>::iterator i = allVarHistos_.begin();
00133   std::vector<pat::PhysVarHisto*>::iterator end = allVarHistos_.end();
00134   std::string temp = "," + vars_to_select + ",";
00135   for ( ; i != end; ++i  ) {
00136     std::string test = "," + (*i)->name() + ",";
00137     std::cout << "testing " << test << std::endl;
00138     if ( temp.find( test ) != std::string::npos || temp == ",all," ) {
00139       std::cout << "FOUND!" << std::endl;
00140       selectedVars.push_back ( *i );
00141     }
00142   }
00144   std::cout << "PhysicsHistograms:: selected " << selectedVars.size()
00145             << " variables." << std::endl;
00146 }

Member Data Documentation

std::vector< pat::PhysVarHisto* > PhysicsHistograms::allVarHistos_ [private]

Definition at line 224 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addHisto(), clearVec(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

pat::HistoElectron* PhysicsHistograms::electronHistograms_ [private]

Definition at line 215 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addElectronHisto(), addElectronHistoGroup(), clearVec(), configure(), fillCollection(), PhysicsHistograms(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

std::vector< pat::PhysVarHisto* > PhysicsHistograms::enabledVarHistos_ [private]

Definition at line 225 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

edm::Service<TFileService> PhysicsHistograms::fs [private]

Definition at line 211 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

pat::HistoJet* PhysicsHistograms::jetHistograms_ [private]

Definition at line 218 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addJetHisto(), addJetHistoGroup(), clearVec(), configure(), fillCollection(), PhysicsHistograms(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

pat::HistoMET* PhysicsHistograms::metHistograms_ [private]

Definition at line 217 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addMetHisto(), addMetHistoGroup(), clearVec(), configure(), fillCollection(), PhysicsHistograms(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

pat::HistoMuon* PhysicsHistograms::muonHistograms_ [private]

Definition at line 214 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addMuonHisto(), addMuonHistoGroup(), clearVec(), configure(), fillCollection(), PhysicsHistograms(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

ofstream PhysicsHistograms::outputFile_ [private]

Definition at line 228 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by ~PhysicsHistograms().

std::string PhysicsHistograms::outputTextName_ [private]

Definition at line 208 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

pat::HistoPhoton* PhysicsHistograms::photonHistograms_ [private]

Definition at line 219 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addPhotonHisto(), addPhotonHistoGroup(), clearVec(), configure(), fillCollection(), PhysicsHistograms(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

pat::HistoTau* PhysicsHistograms::tauHistograms_ [private]

Definition at line 216 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addTauHisto(), addTauHistoGroup(), clearVec(), configure(), fillCollection(), PhysicsHistograms(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

pat::HistoTrack* PhysicsHistograms::trackHistograms_ [private]

Definition at line 220 of file PhysicsHistograms.h.

Referenced by addTrackHisto(), addTrackHistoGroup(), clearVec(), configure(), fillCollection(), PhysicsHistograms(), select(), and ~PhysicsHistograms().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:29:56 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4