lat::IOSelector Class Reference

Multi-strategy I/O channel listener. More...

#include <Iguana/Utilities/classlib/iobase/IOSelector.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Strategy {
 Selector strategies. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void andMask (IOChannel *channel, unsigned value)
virtual void attach (IOChannel *channel, unsigned mask, IOSelectCB c=IOSelectCB())
virtual void clear (void)
virtual void detach (IOChannel *channel)
virtual unsigned dispatch (long msecs=-1)
 IOSelector (const Strategy *strategy=SV_DEFAULT)
virtual bool nextReady (IOSelectEvent &event, IOSelectCB &c)
virtual void orMask (IOChannel *channel, unsigned value)
virtual unsigned pump (long msecs=-1)
virtual void setMask (IOChannel *channel, unsigned value)
virtual bool wait (long msecs=-1)
virtual ~IOSelector (void)

Static Public Attributes

static CLASSLIB_API const Strategy SV_DEFAULT []
 Default strategy vector.
static CLASSLIB_API const Strategy SV_HIGHPERF []
 Default high-load strategy vector.

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Multi-strategy I/O channel listener.

IOSelector is a class for listening changes in the status of multiple I/O channels simultaneously. It is intended to be used when an application has multiple I/O channels whose activity it wants to monitor and to whose states it wants to respond to. Typical uses include server applications that want to wait and respond to client activity, or clients that have more than one server to talk to.

IOSelector defines a basic platform-specific strategy for listening activity on the channels (S_DEFAULT), sufficient for most basic needs. Applications with more specific demands, such as very large number of clients or high performance requirements can customise the selector to particular platform-specific system calls.

The general usage model of this class is to first attach one or more IOChannel objects, perform a wait, respond to the updated channel states, perform further waits, and finally deregister the channels. Channels can be added or removed at any time (FIXME: will changes erase current wait update status?).

It is more efficient to register channels once and do multiple waits on them than to register them all, do one wait and then register all again. While channels can be added and removed at any time that suits the application, changing the list as rarely as possible enables significant optimisation with some strategies (e.g. S_DEVPOLL). Clients that can sustain descriptor interest for a long time should use dispatch(). Since pump() always removes the descriptor before invoking the handler, it is by definition not able to sustain high performance, but may still suit certain I/O processing models.

If the application needs to maintain connection to more than just a handful of clients, it is in general better to use this class than to use several threads with blocking I/O. (FIXME: explain why or at least link to the documentation.)


Definition at line 109 of file IOSelector.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum lat::IOSelector::Strategy

Selector strategies.

S_DEFAULT  Default selector strategy, should always be included as a last-resort fallback if other methods are unavailable.

On unix: select() with automatic switch to poll() if there are too many file descriptors (FIXME not yet, sometimes poll() is just a wrapper for select()). On windows a multi-threaded custom poller; the only alternative on this platform.

S_SELECT  Use select().

S_RTSIGIO  Use real-time signals (real-time version of SIGIO) with POSIX signal queueing.

Automatically uses S_POLL as fallback for handling overflow.

S_RTSIGONE  S_RTSIGIO with only one signal queued per file descriptor which can significantly reduce overflow.

S_DEVPOLL  Use /dev/poll.

S_POLL  Use poll().

S_KQUEUE  Use kqueue().

Definition at line 113 of file IOSelector.h.

00113                   {
00120         S_DEFAULT,
00123         S_SELECT,
00128         S_RTSIGIO,
00132         S_RTSIGONE,
00135         S_DEVPOLL,
00138         S_POLL,
00141         S_KQUEUE
00142     };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lat::IOSelector::IOSelector ( const Strategy strategy = SV_DEFAULT  ) 

virtual lat::IOSelector::~IOSelector ( void   )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void lat::IOSelector::andMask ( IOChannel channel,
unsigned  value 
) [virtual]

virtual void lat::IOSelector::attach ( IOChannel channel,
unsigned  mask,
IOSelectCB  c = IOSelectCB() 
) [virtual]

Referenced by DQMNet::DQMNet(), IgNet::IgNet(), DQMNet::onPeerConnect(), IgNet::onPeerConnect(), VisNet::onPeerConnect(), VisNet::run(), IgNet::run(), DQMNet::run(), DQMNet::startLocalServer(), VisNet::startLocalServer(), IgNet::startLocalServer(), and VisNet::VisNet().

virtual void lat::IOSelector::clear ( void   )  [virtual]

virtual void lat::IOSelector::detach ( IOChannel channel  )  [virtual]

Referenced by IgNet::losePeer(), DQMNet::losePeer(), and VisNet::losePeer().

virtual unsigned lat::IOSelector::dispatch ( long  msecs = -1  )  [virtual]

Referenced by VisNet::run(), IgNet::run(), and DQMNet::run().

virtual bool lat::IOSelector::nextReady ( IOSelectEvent event,
IOSelectCB c 
) [virtual]

virtual void lat::IOSelector::orMask ( IOChannel channel,
unsigned  value 
) [virtual]

virtual unsigned lat::IOSelector::pump ( long  msecs = -1  )  [virtual]

virtual void lat::IOSelector::setMask ( IOChannel channel,
unsigned  value 
) [virtual]

Referenced by VisNet::onPeerData(), DQMNet::onPeerData(), IgNet::onPeerData(), IgNet::updateMask(), VisNet::updateMask(), and DQMNet::updateMask().

virtual bool lat::IOSelector::wait ( long  msecs = -1  )  [virtual]

Member Data Documentation

IOSelectMethod* lat::IOSelector::m_strategy [private]

Definition at line 204 of file IOSelector.h.

CLASSLIB_API const Strategy lat::IOSelector::SV_DEFAULT[] [static]

Default strategy vector.

Definition at line 145 of file IOSelector.h.

CLASSLIB_API const Strategy lat::IOSelector::SV_HIGHPERF[] [static]

Default high-load strategy vector.

Definition at line 148 of file IOSelector.h.

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