CrossingFrame< T > Class Template Reference

CrossingFrame is the result of the Sim Mixing Module. More...

#include <SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/CrossingFrame.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void addPileups (const int bcr, const std::vector< edm::HepMCProduct > *mcps, unsigned int evtNr, int vertexoffset, bool checkTof, bool high)
void addPileups (const int bcr, const std::vector< PCaloHit > *calohits, unsigned int evtNr, int vertexoffset, bool checkTof, bool high)
void addPileups (const int bcr, const std::vector< SimVertex > *simvertices, unsigned int evtNr, int vertexoffset, bool checkTof, bool high)
void addPileups (const int bcr, const std::vector< SimTrack > *simtracks, unsigned int evtNr, int vertexoffset, bool checkTof, bool high)
void addPileups (const int bcr, const std::vector< T > *vec, unsigned int evtId, int vertexoffset=0, bool checkTof=false, bool high=false)
void addSignals (const std::vector< T > *vec, edm::EventID id)
 CrossingFrame (int minb, int maxb, int bunchsp, std::string subdet, unsigned int maxNbSources)
 CrossingFrame ()
int getBunchCrossing (unsigned int ip) const
std::pair< int, intgetBunchRange () const
int getBunchSpace () const
edm::EventID getEventID () const
unsigned int getNrPileups (int bcr) const
unsigned int getNrPileups () const
unsigned int getNrSignals () const
const T & getObject (unsigned int ip) const
void getPileups (typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &first, typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &last) const
void getSignal (typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &first, typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &last) const
int getSourceType (unsigned int ip) const
CrossingFrameoperator= (CrossingFrame const &rhs)
void print (int level=0) const
void setBcrOffset ()
void setSourceOffset (const unsigned int s)
void swap (CrossingFrame &other)
 ~CrossingFrame ()

Static Public Attributes

static const int highTrackTof
static const int limHighLowTof
static const int lowTrackTof
static const int minLowTof

Private Attributes

int bunchSpace_
int firstCrossing_
edm::EventID id_
edm::EventID idFirstPileup_
int lastCrossing_
unsigned int maxNbSources_
unsigned int pileupFileNr_
std::vector< unsigned intpileupOffsetsBcr_
std::vector< std::vector
< unsigned int > > 
std::vector< T > pileups_
std::vector< T > signals_
std::string subdet_

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class CrossingFrame< T >

CrossingFrame is the result of the Sim Mixing Module.

Ursula Berthon, Claude Charlot, LLR Palaiseau
1st Version July 2005

2nd Version Sep 2005

3rd Version Nov 2007

Definition at line 26 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
CrossingFrame< T >::CrossingFrame (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 32 of file CrossingFrame.h.

template<class T>
CrossingFrame< T >::CrossingFrame ( int  minb,
int  maxb,
int  bunchsp,
std::string  subdet,
unsigned int  maxNbSources 
) [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file CrossingFrame.h.

References CrossingFrame< T >::firstCrossing_, i, CrossingFrame< T >::lastCrossing_, CrossingFrame< T >::maxNbSources_, CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsBcr_, and CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsSource_.

00117                                                                                                            :firstCrossing_(minb), lastCrossing_(maxb), bunchSpace_(bunchsp),subdet_(subdet),maxNbSources_(maxNbSources) {
00118  pileupOffsetsSource_.resize(maxNbSources_);
00119  for (unsigned int i=0;i<maxNbSources_;++i)
00120    pileupOffsetsSource_[i].reserve(-firstCrossing_+lastCrossing_+1);
00122 //FIXME: should we force around 0 or so??
00123   pileupOffsetsBcr_.reserve(-firstCrossing_+lastCrossing_+1);
00124 }

template<class T>
CrossingFrame< T >::~CrossingFrame (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 35 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00035 {;}

Member Function Documentation

void CrossingFrame< edm::HepMCProduct >::addPileups ( const int  bcr,
const std::vector< edm::HepMCProduct > *  mcps,
unsigned int  evtNr,
int  vertexoffset,
bool  checkTof,
bool  high 
) [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file

References i, and CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_.

00091                                                                                                                                                                    { 
00092   for (unsigned int i=0;i<mcps->size();++i) {
00093     pileups_.push_back((*mcps)[i]);
00094   }
00095 }

void CrossingFrame< PCaloHit >::addPileups ( const int  bcr,
const std::vector< PCaloHit > *  calohits,
unsigned int  evtNr,
int  vertexoffset,
bool  checkTof,
bool  high 
) [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file

References CrossingFrame< T >::bunchSpace_, i, id, CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_, and PCaloHit::setEventId().

00080                                                                                                                                                          { 
00082   EncodedEventId id(bcr,evtNr);
00083   for (unsigned int i=0;i<calohits->size();++i) {
00084     PCaloHit hit((*calohits)[i].id(),(*calohits)[i].energyEM(),(*calohits)[i].energyHad(),(*calohits)[i].time()+bcr*bunchSpace_,(*calohits)[i].geantTrackId());
00085     hit.setEventId(id);
00086     pileups_.push_back(hit);
00087   }
00088 }

void CrossingFrame< SimVertex >::addPileups ( const int  bcr,
const std::vector< SimVertex > *  simvertices,
unsigned int  evtNr,
int  vertexoffset,
bool  checkTof,
bool  high 
) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file

References CrossingFrame< T >::bunchSpace_, i, id, CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_, CoreSimVertex::setEventId(), t, x, y, and z.

00037                                                                                                                                                               { 
00039   EncodedEventId id(bcr,evtNr);
00040   for (unsigned int i=0;i<simvertices->size();++i) {
00041     SimVertex vertex(math::XYZVectorD( (*simvertices)[i].position().x(),
00042                                        (*simvertices)[i].position().y(),
00043                                        (*simvertices)[i].position().z() ),
00044                      ((*simvertices)[i].position()).t()+bcr*bunchSpace_,
00045                      (*simvertices)[i].parentIndex());
00047     //    SimVertex vertex((*simvertices)[i].position(),((*simvertices)[i].position())[3]+bcr*bunchSpace_,(*simvertices)[i].parentIndex());
00048     vertex.setEventId(EncodedEventId(bcr,evtNr));
00049     pileups_.push_back(vertex);
00050   }
00051 }

void CrossingFrame< SimTrack >::addPileups ( const int  bcr,
const std::vector< SimTrack > *  simtracks,
unsigned int  evtNr,
int  vertexoffset,
bool  checkTof,
bool  high 
) [inline]

Definition at line 19 of file

References i, id, CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_, CoreSimTrack::setEventId(), CoreSimTrack::setTrackId(), and track.

00019                                                                                                                                                           { 
00021   EncodedEventId id(bcr,evtNr);
00022   for (unsigned int i=0;i<simtracks->size();++i)
00023     if ((*simtracks)[i].noVertex()) {
00024       SimTrack track((*simtracks)[i]);
00025       track.setEventId(id);
00026       pileups_.push_back(track);
00027     }
00028     else {
00029       SimTrack track((*simtracks)[i].type(),(*simtracks)[i].momentum(),(*simtracks)[i].vertIndex()+vertexoffset, (*simtracks)[i].genpartIndex());
00030       track.setEventId(id);
00031       track.setTrackId((*simtracks)[i].trackId());
00032       pileups_.push_back(track);
00033     }
00034 }

template<class T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::addPileups ( const int  bcr,
const std::vector< T > *  vec,
unsigned int  evtId,
int  vertexoffset = 0,
bool  checkTof = false,
bool  high = false 

template<class T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::addSignals ( const std::vector< T > *  vec,
edm::EventID  id 
) [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file CrossingFrame.h.

References CrossingFrame< T >::id_, and CrossingFrame< T >::signals_.

00163                                                                        {
00164   id_=id;
00165   signals_=*vec;
00166 }

template<class T>
int CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchCrossing ( unsigned int  ip  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 190 of file CrossingFrame.h.

References CrossingFrame< T >::firstCrossing_, CrossingFrame< T >::lastCrossing_, CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsBcr_, and CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::getSourceType().

00190                                                             {
00191   // return the bcr for a certain position in the pileup vector
00192     for (unsigned int ii=1;ii<pileupOffsetsBcr_.size();ii++){
00193       if (ip>=pileupOffsetsBcr_[ii-1] && ip<pileupOffsetsBcr_[ii]) return ii+firstCrossing_-1;
00194     }
00195     if (ip<pileups_.size()) return lastCrossing_;
00196     else return 999;
00197 }

template<class T>
std::pair<int,int> CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchRange (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 55 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00055 {return std::pair<int,int>(firstCrossing_,lastCrossing_);}

template<class T>
int CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchSpace (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 56 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00056 {return bunchSpace_;}

template<class T>
edm::EventID CrossingFrame< T >::getEventID (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 54 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00054 {return id_;}

template<class T>
unsigned int CrossingFrame< T >::getNrPileups ( int  bcr  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 66 of file CrossingFrame.h.

template<class T>
unsigned int CrossingFrame< T >::getNrPileups (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getObject().

00065 {return pileups_.size();} 

template<class T>
unsigned int CrossingFrame< T >::getNrSignals (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 64 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getObject().

00064 {return signals_.size();} 

template<class T>
const T& CrossingFrame< T >::getObject ( unsigned int  ip  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 71 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00071                                              { 
00072     if (ip<0 || ip>getNrSignals()+getNrPileups()) throw cms::Exception("BadIndex")<<"CrossingFrame::getObject called with an invalid index!";
00073     if (ip<getNrSignals()) {
00074       return signals_[ip];
00075     }
00076     else  {
00077       return pileups_[ip-getNrSignals()];
00078     }
00079   }  

template<class T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::getPileups ( typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &  first,
typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &  last 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file CrossingFrame.h.

References CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_.

00169                                                                                                                              {
00170   first=pileups_.begin();
00171   last=pileups_.end();
00172 }

template<class T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::getSignal ( typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &  first,
typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator &  last 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 59 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00059                                                                                                              {
00060     first=signals_.begin();
00061     last=signals_.end();
00062   }

template<class T>
int CrossingFrame< T >::getSourceType ( unsigned int  ip  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file CrossingFrame.h.

References CrossingFrame< T >::firstCrossing_, CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchCrossing(), i, and CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsSource_.

00179                                                           {
00180   // decide to which source belongs object with index ip in the pileup vector
00181   // pileup=0, cosmics=1, beam halo+ =2, beam halo- =3 forward =4
00182   unsigned int bcr= getBunchCrossing(ip)-firstCrossing_; //starts at 0
00183   for (unsigned int i=0;i<pileupOffsetsSource_.size()-1;++i) {
00184     if (ip>=(pileupOffsetsSource_[i])[bcr] && ip <(pileupOffsetsSource_[i+1])[bcr]) return i;
00185   }
00186   return pileupOffsetsSource_.size()-1;
00187 }

template<typename T>
CrossingFrame< T > & CrossingFrame< T >::operator= ( CrossingFrame< T > const &  rhs  )  [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file CrossingFrame.h.

References CrossingFrame< T >::swap(), and pyDBSRunClass::temp.

00156                                                        {
00157   CrossingFrame<T> temp(rhs);
00158   this->swap(temp);
00159   return *this;
00160 }

template<class T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::print ( int  level = 0  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 175 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00175                                             {
00176 }

template<class T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::setBcrOffset (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00046                       {
00047     pileupOffsetsBcr_.push_back(pileups_.size());
00048   }

template<class T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::setSourceOffset ( const unsigned int  s  )  [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file CrossingFrame.h.

00049                                              {
00050     pileupOffsetsSource_[s].push_back(pileups_.size());
00051   }

template<typename T>
void CrossingFrame< T >::swap ( CrossingFrame< T > &  other  )  [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file CrossingFrame.h.

References CrossingFrame< T >::bunchSpace_, CrossingFrame< T >::firstCrossing_, i, CrossingFrame< T >::id_, CrossingFrame< T >::idFirstPileup_, CrossingFrame< T >::lastCrossing_, CrossingFrame< T >::maxNbSources_, CrossingFrame< T >::pileupFileNr_, CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsBcr_, CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsSource_, CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_, CrossingFrame< T >::signals_, CrossingFrame< T >::subdet_, and std::swap().

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::operator=(), and swap().

00129                                               {
00130   std::swap(firstCrossing_, other.firstCrossing_);
00131   std::swap(lastCrossing_, other.lastCrossing_);
00132   std::swap(bunchSpace_, other.bunchSpace_);
00133   subdet_.swap(other.subdet_);
00134   std::swap(id_, other.id_);
00135   std::swap(idFirstPileup_, other.idFirstPileup_);
00136   std::swap(pileupFileNr_, other.pileupFileNr_);
00137   std::swap(maxNbSources_, other.maxNbSources_);
00138   signals_.swap(other.signals_);
00139   pileups_.swap(other.pileups_);
00140   pileupOffsetsBcr_.swap(other.pileupOffsetsBcr_);
00141   /*   for (std::vector<unsigned int> *p = pileupOffsetsSource_, */
00142   /*                             *po = other.pileupOffsetsSource_; */
00143   /*                             p < pileupOffsetsSource_ + maxNbSources_; */
00144   /*                             ++p, ++po) { */
00145   /*     p->swap(*po); */
00146   /*   } */
00147   pileupOffsetsSource_.resize(maxNbSources_);
00148   for (unsigned int i=0;i<pileupOffsetsSource_.size();++i) { 
00149     pileupOffsetsSource_[i].swap(other.pileupOffsetsSource_[i]);
00150   }
00151 }

Member Data Documentation

template<class T>
int CrossingFrame< T >::bunchSpace_ [private]

Definition at line 93 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::addPileups(), CrossingFrame< T >::addPileups(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getBunchSpace(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
int CrossingFrame< T >::firstCrossing_ [private]

Definition at line 91 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::CrossingFrame(), CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchCrossing(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getBunchRange(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getNrPileups(), CrossingFrame< T >::getSourceType(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
const int CrossingFrame< T >::highTrackTof [static]

Definition at line 84 of file CrossingFrame.h.

template<class T>
edm::EventID CrossingFrame< T >::id_ [private]

Definition at line 95 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::addSignals(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getEventID(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
edm::EventID CrossingFrame< T >::idFirstPileup_ [private]

Definition at line 98 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
int CrossingFrame< T >::lastCrossing_ [private]

Definition at line 92 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::CrossingFrame(), CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchCrossing(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getBunchRange(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getNrPileups(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
const int CrossingFrame< T >::limHighLowTof [static]

Definition at line 86 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::addPileups().

template<class T>
const int CrossingFrame< T >::lowTrackTof [static]

Definition at line 83 of file CrossingFrame.h.

template<class T>
unsigned int CrossingFrame< T >::maxNbSources_ [private]

Definition at line 101 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::CrossingFrame(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
const int CrossingFrame< T >::minLowTof [static]

Definition at line 85 of file CrossingFrame.h.

template<class T>
unsigned int CrossingFrame< T >::pileupFileNr_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
std::vector<unsigned int> CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsBcr_ [private]

Definition at line 108 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::CrossingFrame(), CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchCrossing(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getNrPileups(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::setBcrOffset(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
std::vector< std::vector<unsigned int> > CrossingFrame< T >::pileupOffsetsSource_ [private]

Definition at line 109 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::CrossingFrame(), CrossingFrame< T >::getSourceType(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::setSourceOffset(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
std::vector<T> CrossingFrame< T >::pileups_ [private]

Definition at line 107 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::addPileups(), CrossingFrame< T >::addPileups(), CrossingFrame< T >::getBunchCrossing(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getNrPileups(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getObject(), CrossingFrame< T >::getPileups(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::setBcrOffset(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::setSourceOffset(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
std::vector<T> CrossingFrame< T >::signals_ [private]

Definition at line 104 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::addSignals(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getNrSignals(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getObject(), CrossingFrame< PSimHit >::getSignal(), and CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

template<class T>
std::string CrossingFrame< T >::subdet_ [private]

Definition at line 94 of file CrossingFrame.h.

Referenced by CrossingFrame< T >::swap().

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