HLTScalersClient Class Reference

#include <DQM/TrigXMonitorClient/interface/HLTScalersClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for HLTScalersClient:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void endLuminosityBlock (const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &c)
 End LumiBlock DQM Client Diagnostic should be performed here.
void endRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &c)
 HLTScalersClient (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~HLTScalersClient ()

Private Attributes

int currentLumiBlockNumber_
int currentRun_
bool first_
MonitorElementhltCurrentRate_ [MAX_PATHS]
int nev_
int nLumi_
MonitorElementrateHistories_ [MAX_PATHS]
unsigned long int scalerCounters_ [MAX_PATHS]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTScalersClient::HLTScalersClient ( const edm::ParameterSet ps  ) 


Definition at line 59 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), currentRate_, dbe_, hltCurrentRate_, i, k, kNumHistos, kPerHisto, LogDebug, MAX_LUMI_SEG, MAX_PATHS, name, rateHistories_, scalerCounters_, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), and UL.

00059                                                            :
00060   dbe_(0),
00061   nLumi_(0),
00062   currentRate_(0),
00063   currentLumiBlockNumber_(0),
00064   first_(true)
00065 {
00066   LogDebug("Status") << "constructor" ;
00067   // get back-end interface
00068   dbe_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00069   assert(dbe_ != 0); // blammo!
00070   dbe_->setCurrentFolder("HLT/HLTScalers_EvF");
00072   currentRate_ = dbe_->book1D("cur_rate", 
00073                               "current lumi section rate per path",
00074                               MAX_PATHS, -0.5, MAX_PATHS-0.5);
00076   for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PATHS; ++i ) {
00077     scalerCounters_[i] = 0UL;
00078     rateHistories_[i] = 0; // not really needed but ...
00079     char name[256]; snprintf(name, 256, "rate_p%03d", i);
00080     LogDebug("Parameter") << "name " << i << " is " << name ;
00081     rateHistories_[i] = dbe_->book1D(name, name, MAX_LUMI_SEG, 
00082                                      -0.5, MAX_LUMI_SEG-0.5);
00083   }
00085   // split hlt scalers up into groups of 20, assuming total of 200 paths
00086   char metitle[40]; //histo name
00087   char mename[40]; //ME name
00088   for( int k = 0; k < kNumHistos; k++ ) {
00089     int npath_low = kPerHisto*k;
00090     int npath_high = kPerHisto*(k+1)-1;
00091     snprintf(mename, 40, "hltScalers_%0d", k);
00092     snprintf(metitle, 40, "HLT scalers - Paths %d to %d", npath_low, 
00093              npath_high);
00094     hltCurrentRate_[k]= dbe_->book1D(mename, metitle, kPerHisto, 
00095                                      -0.5 + npath_low, npath_high+0.5);
00096   }
00097 }

virtual HLTScalersClient::~HLTScalersClient (  )  [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 45 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

00045                               {
00046   };

Member Function Documentation

void HLTScalersClient::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 202 of file

00203 {
00204 }

void HLTScalersClient::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup c  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 101 of file

References dbe_, LogDebug, and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

00102 {
00103   LogDebug("Status") << "beingJob" ;
00104   if (dbe_) {
00105     dbe_->setCurrentFolder("HLT/HLTScalers_EvF");
00106   }
00107 }

void HLTScalersClient::beginRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 111 of file

00112 {
00113 }

void HLTScalersClient::endLuminosityBlock ( const edm::LuminosityBlock lumiSeg,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]

End LumiBlock DQM Client Diagnostic should be performed here.

End LumiBlock DQM Client Diagnostic should be performed here.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 123 of file

References currentLumiBlockNumber_, currentRate_, dbe_, first_, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getBinContent(), MonitorElement::getIntValue(), MonitorElement::getNbinsX(), MonitorElement::getStringValue(), hltCurrentRate_, i, edm::LuminosityBlock::id(), kPerHisto, LogDebug, MAX_LUMI_SEG, MAX_PATHS, name, nLumi_, rateHistories_, scalerCounters_, SECS_PER_LUMI_SECTION, MonitorElement::setBinContent(), MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), and MonitorElement::setTitle().

00125 {
00126   nLumi_ =;
00128   MonitorElement *scalers = dbe_->get("HLT/HLTScalers_EvF/hltScalers");
00129   if ( scalers == 0 ) {
00130     LogInfo("Status") << "cannot get hlt scalers histogram, bailing out.";
00131     return;
00132   }
00135   int npaths = scalers->getNbinsX();
00136   if ( npaths > MAX_PATHS ) npaths = MAX_PATHS; // HARD CODE FOR NOW
00137   LogDebug("Status") << "I see " << npaths << " paths. ";
00139   // set the bin labels on the first go-through
00140   if ( first_) {
00141     for ( int i = 0; i < npaths; ++i ) {
00142       int whichHisto = i/kPerHisto;
00143       int whichBin = i%kPerHisto + 1;
00144       char pname[256];
00145       snprintf(pname, 256, "HLT/HLTScalers_EvF/path%03d", i);
00146       MonitorElement *name = dbe_->get(pname);
00147       std::string sname;
00148       if ( name ) {
00149         sname = std::string (name->getStringValue());
00150       }
00151       else {
00152         sname = std::string("unknown");
00153       }
00154       hltCurrentRate_[whichHisto]->setBinLabel(whichBin, sname.c_str());
00155       snprintf(pname, 256, "Rate - path %s (Path # %03d)", sname.c_str(), i);
00156       rateHistories_[i]->setTitle(pname);
00157     }
00158     first_ = false;
00159   }
00161   MonitorElement *nLumi = dbe_->get("HLT/HLTScalers_EvF/nLumiBlock");
00162   int testval = (nLumi!=0?nLumi->getIntValue():-1);
00163   LogDebug("Parameter") << "Lumi Block from DQM: "
00164                         << testval
00165                         << ", local is " << nLumi_;
00166   int nL = (nLumi!=0?nLumi->getIntValue():nLumi_);
00167   if ( nL > MAX_LUMI_SEG ) {
00168     LogDebug("Status") << "Too many Lumi segments, "
00169                       << nL << " is greater than MAX_LUMI_SEG,"
00170                       << " wrapping to " 
00171                       << (nL%MAX_LUMI_SEG);
00172     //nL = MAX_LUMI_SEG;
00173     nL = nL%MAX_LUMI_SEG;
00174   }
00175   float delta_t = (nL - currentLumiBlockNumber_)*SECS_PER_LUMI_SECTION;
00176   if ( delta_t < 0 ) {
00177     LogDebug("Status") << " time is negative ... " << delta_t;
00178     delta_t = -delta_t;
00179   }
00180   else if ( nL == currentLumiBlockNumber_ ) { // divide-by-zero
00181     LogInfo("Status") << "divide by zero: same lumi section 2x " << nL;
00182     return;
00183   }
00184   // fill in the rates
00185   for ( int i = 1; i <= npaths; ++i ) { // bins start at 1
00186     float current_count = scalers->getBinContent(i);
00187     float rate = (current_count-scalerCounters_[i-1])/delta_t;
00188     if ( rate > 1E-3 ) {
00189       LogDebug("Parameter") << "rate path " << i << " is " << rate;
00190     }
00191     currentRate_->setBinContent(i, rate);
00192     hltCurrentRate_[i/kPerHisto]->setBinContent(i%kPerHisto+1, rate);
00193     //currentRate_->setBinError(i, error);
00194     scalerCounters_[i-1] = ulong(current_count);
00195     rateHistories_[i-1]->setBinContent(nL, rate);
00196   }
00197   currentLumiBlockNumber_ = nL;
00199 }

void HLTScalersClient::endRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 116 of file

00117 {
00118 }

Member Data Documentation

int HLTScalersClient::currentLumiBlockNumber_ [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().

MonitorElement* HLTScalersClient::currentRate_ [private]

Definition at line 78 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and HLTScalersClient().

int HLTScalersClient::currentRun_ [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

DQMStore* HLTScalersClient::dbe_ [private]

Definition at line 71 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endLuminosityBlock(), and HLTScalersClient().

bool HLTScalersClient::first_ [private]

Definition at line 83 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().

MonitorElement* HLTScalersClient::hltCurrentRate_[MAX_PATHS] [private]

Definition at line 82 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and HLTScalersClient().

int HLTScalersClient::nev_ [private]

Definition at line 73 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

int HLTScalersClient::nLumi_ [private]

Definition at line 74 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock().

MonitorElement* HLTScalersClient::rateHistories_[MAX_PATHS] [private]

Definition at line 80 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and HLTScalersClient().

unsigned long int HLTScalersClient::scalerCounters_[MAX_PATHS] [private]

Definition at line 77 of file HLTScalersClient.h.

Referenced by endLuminosityBlock(), and HLTScalersClient().

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Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:24:41 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4