GenParticleProducer Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for GenParticleProducer:

edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GenParticleProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~GenParticleProducer ()

Private Member Functions

void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
 module init at begin of job
int chargeTimesThree (int) const
void produce (edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &)
 process one event

Private Attributes

bool abortOnUnknownPDGCode_
 unknown code treatment flag
std::vector< intchargeM_
std::map< int, intchargeMap_
std::vector< intchargeP_
 charge indices
bool saveBarCodes_
 save bar-codes
edm::InputTag src_
 source collection name

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GenParticleProducer::GenParticleProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg  ) 


Definition at line 65 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and saveBarCodes_.

00065                                                                    :
00066   src_( cfg.getParameter<InputTag>( "src" ) ),
00067   abortOnUnknownPDGCode_( cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>( "abortOnUnknownPDGCode", true ) ),
00068   saveBarCodes_( cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>( "saveBarCodes", false ) ),
00069   chargeP_( PDGCacheMax, 0 ), chargeM_( PDGCacheMax, 0 ) {
00070   produces<GenParticleCollection>();
00071   if( saveBarCodes_ ) {
00072     std::string alias( cfg.getParameter<std::string>( "@module_label" ) );
00073     produces<vector<int> >().setBranchAlias( alias + "BarCodes" );
00074   }                               
00075 }

GenParticleProducer::~GenParticleProducer (  ) 


Definition at line 77 of file

00077                                           { 
00078 }

Member Function Documentation

void GenParticleProducer::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup es  )  [private, virtual]

module init at begin of job

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 94 of file

References funct::abs(), chargeM_, chargeMap_, chargeP_, edm::EventSetup::getData(), p, gen_jpsi2muons_cfg::ParticleID, and PDGCacheMax.

00094                                                           {
00095   ESHandle<HepPDT::ParticleDataTable> pdt;
00096   es.getData( pdt );
00097   for( HepPDT::ParticleDataTable::const_iterator p = pdt->begin(); p != pdt->end(); ++ p ) {
00098     const HepPDT::ParticleID & id = p->first;
00099     int pdgId =, apdgId = abs( pdgId );
00100     int q3 = id.threeCharge();
00101     if ( apdgId < PDGCacheMax && pdgId > 0 ) {
00102       chargeP_[ apdgId ] = q3;
00103       chargeM_[ apdgId ] = -q3;
00104     } else if ( apdgId < PDGCacheMax ) {
00105       chargeP_[ apdgId ] = -q3;
00106       chargeM_[ apdgId ] = q3;
00107     } else {
00108       chargeMap_[ pdgId ] = q3; 
00109       chargeMap_[ -pdgId ] = -q3;
00110     } 
00111   }
00112 }

int GenParticleProducer::chargeTimesThree ( int  id  )  const [private]

Definition at line 80 of file

References abortOnUnknownPDGCode_, funct::abs(), chargeM_, chargeMap_, chargeP_, lat::endl(), f, edm::errors::LogicError, gen_jpsi2muons_cfg::ParticleID, and PDGCacheMax.

Referenced by produce().

00080                                                         {
00081   if( abs( id ) < PDGCacheMax ) 
00082     return id > 0 ? chargeP_[ id ] : chargeM_[ - id ];
00083   map<int, int>::const_iterator f = chargeMap_.find( id );
00084   if ( f == chargeMap_.end() ) 
00085     if ( abortOnUnknownPDGCode_ )
00086       throw edm::Exception( edm::errors::LogicError ) 
00087         << "invalid PDG id: " << id << endl;
00088     else {
00089       return HepPDT::ParticleID(id).threeCharge();
00090     }
00091   return f->second;
00092 }

void GenParticleProducer::produce ( edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [private, virtual]

process one event

fill indices

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 114 of file

References begin, chargeTimesThree(), d, end, lat::endl(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getRefBeforePut(), i, edm::RefProd< C >::id(), edm::errors::InvalidReference, m, mmToCm, p, p4, edm::Event::put(), reco::CompositeRefCandidateT< D >::resetDaughters(), saveBarCodes_, edm::second(), reco::Particle::setP4(), reco::Particle::setPdgId(), reco::Particle::setStatus(), reco::Particle::setThreeCharge(), reco::Particle::setVertex(), size, src_, and v.

00114                                                                     {
00115   Handle<HepMCProduct> mcp;
00116   evt.getByLabel( src_, mcp );
00117   const GenEvent * mc = mcp->GetEvent();
00118   if( mc == 0 ) 
00119     throw edm::Exception( edm::errors::InvalidReference ) 
00120       << "HepMC has null pointer to GenEvent" << endl;
00121   const size_t size = mc->particles_size();
00123   vector<const HepMC::GenParticle *> particles( size );
00124   map<int, size_t> barcodes;
00126   auto_ptr<GenParticleCollection> candsPtr( new GenParticleCollection( size ) );
00127   auto_ptr<vector<int> > barCodeVector( new vector<int>( size ) );
00128   const GenParticleRefProd ref = evt.getRefBeforePut<GenParticleCollection>();
00129   GenParticleCollection & cands = * candsPtr;
00132   GenEvent::particle_const_iterator begin = mc->particles_begin(), end = mc->particles_end();
00133   size_t idx = 0;
00134   for( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = begin; p != end; ++ p ) {
00135     const HepMC::GenParticle * particle = * p;
00136     size_t barCode = particle->barcode();
00137     if( barcodes.find(barCode) != barcodes.end() )
00138       throw cms::Exception( "WrongReference" )
00139         << "barcodes are duplicated! " << endl;
00140     particles[idx] = particle;
00141     (*barCodeVector)[idx] = barCode;
00142     barcodes.insert( make_pair(barCode, idx ++) );
00143   }
00145   // fill output collection and save association
00146   for( size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); ++ i ) {
00147     const HepMC::GenParticle * part = particles[ i ];
00148     Candidate::LorentzVector p4( part->momentum() );
00149     int pdgId = part->pdg_id();
00150     reco::GenParticle & cand = cands[ i ];
00151     cand.setThreeCharge( chargeTimesThree( pdgId ) );
00152     cand.setPdgId( pdgId );
00153     cand.setStatus( part->status() );
00154     cand.setP4( p4 );
00155     const GenVertex * v = part->production_vertex();
00156     if ( v != 0 ) {
00157       ThreeVector vtx = v->point3d();
00158       Candidate::Point vertex( vtx.x() * mmToCm, vtx.y() * mmToCm, vtx.z() * mmToCm );
00159       cand.setVertex( vertex );
00160     } else {
00161       cand.setVertex( Candidate::Point( 0, 0, 0 ) );
00162     }
00163     cand.resetDaughters( );
00164   }
00166   // fill references to daughters
00167   for( size_t d = 0; d < cands.size(); ++ d ) {
00168     const HepMC::GenParticle * part = particles[ d ];
00169     const GenVertex * productionVertex = part->production_vertex();
00170     if ( productionVertex != 0 ) {
00171       size_t numberOfMothers = productionVertex->particles_in_size();
00172       if ( numberOfMothers > 0 ) {
00173         GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator motherIt = productionVertex->particles_in_const_begin();
00174         for( ; motherIt != productionVertex->particles_in_const_end(); motherIt++) {
00175           const HepMC::GenParticle * mother = * motherIt;
00176           size_t m = barcodes.find( mother->barcode() )->second;
00177           cands[ m ].addDaughter( GenParticleRef( ref, d ) );  
00178           cands[ d ].addMother( GenParticleRef( ref, m ) );  
00179         }
00180       }
00181     }
00182   }
00184   evt.put( candsPtr );
00185   if(saveBarCodes_) evt.put( barCodeVector );
00186 }

Member Data Documentation

bool GenParticleProducer::abortOnUnknownPDGCode_ [private]

unknown code treatment flag

Definition at line 37 of file

Referenced by chargeTimesThree().

std::vector<int> GenParticleProducer::chargeM_ [private]

Definition at line 41 of file

Referenced by beginJob(), and chargeTimesThree().

std::map<int, int> GenParticleProducer::chargeMap_ [private]

Definition at line 42 of file

Referenced by beginJob(), and chargeTimesThree().

std::vector<int> GenParticleProducer::chargeP_ [private]

charge indices

Definition at line 41 of file

Referenced by beginJob(), and chargeTimesThree().

bool GenParticleProducer::saveBarCodes_ [private]

save bar-codes

Definition at line 39 of file

Referenced by GenParticleProducer(), and produce().

edm::InputTag GenParticleProducer::src_ [private]

source collection name

Definition at line 35 of file

Referenced by produce().

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Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:21:22 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4