RPCTBGhostBuster Class Reference

Peformes the Trigger Board Ghost Buster and sorter algorithms. More...

#include <L1Trigger/RPCTrigger/interface/RPCTBGhostBuster.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

L1RpcTBMuonsVec gBEta (L1RpcTBMuonsVec2 &gbPhiMuonsVec2) const
gbPhiMuonsVec2 size() should be equal to 4 (max number of m_tower in TB).

L1RpcTBMuonsVec gBPhi (L1RpcTBMuonsVec &pacMuonsVec) const
pacMuonsVec pacMuonsVec.size() should be equal to 12 (Segment in given TB count) or 0, Performs Phi Goustbuster - between muons in one sector of the same m_tower.

L1RpcTBMuonsVec run (L1RpcTBMuonsVec2 &pacMuonsVec2) const
 Calls gBPhi and gBEta.

Detailed Description

Peformes the Trigger Board Ghost Buster and sorter algorithms.

Because the class does not keep any data and GB is the same for every TB, there might be one and the same object of this class for all TBs.

Karol Bunkowski (Warsaw)

Definition at line 13 of file RPCTBGhostBuster.h.

Member Function Documentation

L1RpcTBMuonsVec RPCTBGhostBuster::gBEta ( L1RpcTBMuonsVec2 gbPhiMuonsVec2  )  const

gbPhiMuonsVec2 size() should be equal to 4 (max number of m_tower in TB).

Performs the Eta Goustbuster - between muons from diferent towers. Calls RPCTBMuon::setPhiAddr() for each alive muon.

always 4 muons.

Definition at line 126 of file

References funct::abs(), RPCConst::m_GBETA_OUT_MUONS_CNT, and python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by run().

00126                                                                               {
00127 //-----  killing ghosts ---------------------------------------
00128   for(unsigned int iMuVec = 0; iMuVec < gbPhiMuonsVec2.size() -1; iMuVec++) {
00129     for(unsigned int iMu = 0; iMu < gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec].size(); iMu++) {
00130       if(gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].getCode() == 0)
00131         break; //because muons are sorted
00133       for(unsigned int iMuNext = 0; iMuNext < gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec+1].size(); iMuNext++)
00134         if(abs(gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].getPhiAddr()-gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec+1][iMuNext].getPhiAddr())<=1)
00136           //comparing with next:
00137           if(gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].getCode() < gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec+1][iMuNext].getCode())  
00138             gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].kill();
00139           else
00140             gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec+1][iMuNext].kill();
00141     }
00142   }
00144 //---------sorting-----------------------------------------
00145 /*  multiset<RPCTBMuon, RPCTBMuon::TMuonMore> liveMuonsSet;
00146   for(unsigned int iMuVec = 0; iMuVec < gbPhiMuonsVec2.size(); iMuVec++)
00147   for(unsigned int iMu = 0; iMu < gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec].size(); iMu++)
00148       if(gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].isLive()) {
00149         gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].setEtaAddr(iMuVec);
00150         liveMuonsSet.insert(gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu]);
00151       }
00152   L1RpcTBMuonsVec outputMuons(liveMuonsSet.begin(), liveMuonsSet.end()); */
00154   L1RpcTBMuonsVec outputMuons;
00155   for(unsigned int iMuVec = 0; iMuVec < gbPhiMuonsVec2.size(); iMuVec++)
00156     for(unsigned int iMu = 0; iMu < gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec].size(); iMu++)
00157       if(gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].isLive()) {
00158         gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu].setEtaAddr(iMuVec);
00159         outputMuons.push_back(gbPhiMuonsVec2[iMuVec][iMu]);
00160       }
00161   sort(outputMuons.begin(), outputMuons.end(), RPCTBMuon::TMuonMore());
00163 //-------setting size to m_GBETA_OUT_MUONS_CNT----------------
00164   while(outputMuons.size() < RPCConst::m_GBETA_OUT_MUONS_CNT)
00165     outputMuons.push_back(RPCTBMuon());
00166   while(outputMuons.size() > RPCConst::m_GBETA_OUT_MUONS_CNT)
00167     outputMuons.pop_back();
00169   return outputMuons;
00170 }

L1RpcTBMuonsVec RPCTBGhostBuster::gBPhi ( L1RpcTBMuonsVec pacMuonsVec  )  const

pacMuonsVec pacMuonsVec.size() should be equal to 12 (Segment in given TB count) or 0, Performs Phi Goustbuster - between muons in one sector of the same m_tower.

if pacMuonsVec has size = 0, returns L1RpcTBMuonsVec with size 0, otherwise returns vector of size = 4. Calls RPCTBMuon::setPhiAddr() for each alive muon.

Definition at line 52 of file

References RPCConst::m_GBPHI_OUT_MUONS_CNT, RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT, and python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by run().

00052                                                                           {
00053   if(pacMuonsVec.size() == 0)
00054     return L1RpcTBMuonsVec(); //empty vector;
00055 //--------- killing ghosts ---------------------------------------
00056   pacMuonsVec.push_back(RPCTBMuon()); //adding  empty muon to the end,
00058   for(unsigned int iMu = 0; iMu < RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT; iMu++) {
00059     if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].getCode() == 0)
00060       ;
00061     else if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].getCode() < pacMuonsVec[iMu + 1].getCode())
00062       pacMuonsVec[iMu].kill();
00063     else if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].getCode() == pacMuonsVec[iMu + 1].getCode()) {
00064       if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].wasKilled())
00065         pacMuonsVec[iMu+1].kill();
00066       else
00067         pacMuonsVec[iMu].kill();
00068     }
00069     else  //>
00070       pacMuonsVec[iMu+1].kill();
00071   }
00073   pacMuonsVec.pop_back();  //removing empty muon from the end,
00075 //-------setting the m_GBData ----------------------------------
00076   if(pacMuonsVec[0].isLive())
00077     pacMuonsVec[0].setGBDataKilledFirst();
00078   else if(pacMuonsVec[0].wasKilled())
00079     for(unsigned int iMu = 0; iMu < RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT; iMu++) {
00080       if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].isLive()) {
00081         pacMuonsVec[iMu].setGBDataKilledFirst();
00082         break;
00083       }
00084     }
00086     if(pacMuonsVec[RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT-1].isLive()) 
00087       pacMuonsVec[RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT-1].setGBDataKilledLast();
00088     else if(pacMuonsVec[RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT-1].wasKilled())
00089       for(int iMu = RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT -1; iMu >= 0 ; iMu--) {
00090         if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].isLive()) {
00091           pacMuonsVec[iMu].setGBDataKilledLast();
00092           break;
00093       }
00094     }
00095 //-------------sorting ------------------------------------------
00096   /*
00097   multiset<RPCTBMuon, RPCTBMuon::TMuonMore> liveMuonsSet;
00098   for(int iMu = 0; iMu < m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT; iMu++) {
00099     if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].isLive()) {
00100       pacMuonsVec[iMu].setPhiAddr(iMu);
00101       liveMuonsSet.insert(pacMuonsVec[iMu]);
00102     }
00103   }
00104   L1RpcTBMuonsVec outputMuons(liveMuonsSet.begin(), liveMuonsSet.end());*/
00106   L1RpcTBMuonsVec outputMuons;
00107   for(unsigned int iMu = 0; iMu < RPCConst::m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT; iMu++) {
00108     if(pacMuonsVec[iMu].isLive()) {
00109       pacMuonsVec[iMu].setPhiAddr(iMu);
00110       outputMuons.push_back(pacMuonsVec[iMu]);
00111     }
00112   }
00113   sort(outputMuons.begin(), outputMuons.end(), RPCTBMuon::TMuonMore());
00115 //-------setting size to m_GBPHI_OUT_MUONS_CNT----------------
00116   while (outputMuons.size() < RPCConst::m_GBPHI_OUT_MUONS_CNT)
00117     outputMuons.push_back(RPCTBMuon());
00118   while(outputMuons.size() > RPCConst::m_GBPHI_OUT_MUONS_CNT)
00119     outputMuons.pop_back();
00121   return outputMuons;
00122 }

L1RpcTBMuonsVec RPCTBGhostBuster::run ( L1RpcTBMuonsVec2 pacMuonsVec2  )  const

Calls gBPhi and gBEta.

pacMuonsVec2 pacMuonsVec2[0..3][0..11] (4 Towers x 12 Segments (PACs) ), if pacMuonsVec2[i].size() == 0, means no nonempty muon.
always 4 muons.

Definition at line 15 of file

References gBEta(), and gBPhi().

Referenced by RPCTriggerBoard::runTBGB().

00015                                                                           {
00016   L1RpcTBMuonsVec2 gbPhiMuonsVec2;
00017   for(unsigned int iTow = 0; iTow < pacMuonsVec2.size(); iTow++) {
00018     gbPhiMuonsVec2.push_back(gBPhi(pacMuonsVec2[iTow]));
00019   }
00021   return gBEta(gbPhiMuonsVec2);
00022 }

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