IgSoIdealTrack Class Reference

Represents an ideal track (i.e., a perfect helix) as a NURB. More...

#include <Ig_Extensions/IgOpenInventor/interface/IgSoIdealTrack.h>

Inheritance diagram for IgSoIdealTrack:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IgSoIdealTrack (void)
void initialise (double vx, double vy, double vz, double px, double py, double pz, float t0, int pid)
void initialise (double vx, double vy, double vz, double px, double py, double pz, float t0, IgParticleChar *pc)
void initialise (double *vx, double *vy, double *vz, double *px, double *py, double *pz, float *t0, IgParticleChar *pc)
 initialize the track using one of the initTrack methods vx vertex location in the x dimension vy vertex location in the y dimension vz vertex location in the z dimension px momentum (at the vertex) in the x direction py momentum (at the vertex) in the y direction pz momentum (at the vertex) in the z direction t0 time of the creation of the vertex pc the type of particle
float pt (void) const
float ptot (void) const

Static Public Member Functions

static float getBField (void)
static float getRMax (void)
static float getZMax (void)
static void initClass (void)
static void setBField (float val)
static void setRMax (float val)
static void setZMax (float val)

Public Attributes

SoSFFloat dt
SoSFString particleType
SoSFFloat phi
SoSFFloat radius
SoSFFloat t0
SoSFFloat tend
SoSFFloat tstart
SoSFVec3f vertex
SoSFFloat zeta

Protected Member Functions

float angleToTime (float angle)
void initEndPts (void)
virtual void refresh (void)
float timeToAngle (float time)
SbVec2f timeToXY (float time)
float timeToZ (float time)
float zToTime (float z)
virtual ~IgSoIdealTrack (void)

Protected Attributes

float m_charge
float m_pt
float m_ptot

Private Member Functions

 SO_KIT_HEADER (IgSoIdealTrack)

Static Private Attributes

static float bfield = 4.0F
static float rmax = 1.4F
static float zmax = 3.2F

Detailed Description

Represents an ideal track (i.e., a perfect helix) as a NURB.

G. Alverson
IgSoIdealTrack is a dynamic kit in that it checks against a global time to determine how it represents a track. As the time changes, the track grows to match.

Times are measured in 0.01 nanosecond ticks, magnetic fields in Tesla, and distances in meters.

Definition at line 36 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IgSoIdealTrack::IgSoIdealTrack ( void   ) 

Definition at line 65 of file

References dt, FALSE, particleType, phi, radius, IgSoShapeKit::setUpConnections(), t0, tend, TRUE, tstart, vertex, and zeta.

00066 : m_particleChar (IgParticleChar::getByName("muon")),
00067 m_ptot (1.F),
00068 m_pt (0.5F),
00069 m_charge (-1.F)
00070 {
00071         SO_KIT_CONSTRUCTOR (IgSoIdealTrack);
00072         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (phi,          (0.0F));
00073         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (radius,               (1.0F));
00074         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (zeta,         (0.01F));
00075         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (vertex,               (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F));
00076         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (t0,           (0.0F));
00077         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (dt,           (1.0F));
00078         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (tstart,               (0.0F));
00079         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (tend,         (500.F));
00080         SO_KIT_ADD_FIELD (particleType, ("unknown"));
00081         SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (material, SoMaterial, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00082         SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (style, SoDrawStyle, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00083         SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (complexity, SoComplexity, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00084         SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (points, SoCoordinate4, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00085         SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (curve, SoNurbsCurve, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00086 #ifdef IG_DEBUG_PTS
00087         SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (debugStyle, SoDrawStyle, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00088         SO_KIT_ADD_CATALOG_ENTRY (debugPoints, SoPointSet, FALSE, separator,\x0, TRUE);
00089 #endif // IG_DEBUG_PTS
00090         SO_KIT_INIT_INSTANCE ();
00091         setUpConnections (true, true);
00092 }

IgSoIdealTrack::~IgSoIdealTrack ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 94 of file

References dt.

00095 {
00096     if (dt.isConnected ())
00097       dt.disconnect ();
00098 }

Member Function Documentation

float IgSoIdealTrack::angleToTime ( float  angle  )  [protected]

Definition at line 354 of file

References IgParticleChar::getMass(), m_particleChar, m_pt, m_ptot, phi, radius, funct::sqrt(), and tstart.

Referenced by initEndPts(), and refresh().

00355 {
00356         float phi = this->phi.getValue ();
00357         float radius = this->radius.getValue ();
00358         float tstart = this->tstart.getValue ();
00359         float mass = m_particleChar->getMass ();
00360         float betat = m_pt / sqrt (mass * mass + m_ptot * m_ptot);
00361         return tstart - (radius * (angle - phi)) / (betat * SPEEDOLIGHT);
00362 }

float IgSoIdealTrack::getBField ( void   )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 118 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References bfield.

00118 { return bfield; }

float IgSoIdealTrack::getRMax ( void   )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 119 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References rmax.

00119 { return rmax; }

float IgSoIdealTrack::getZMax ( void   )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 120 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References zmax.

00120 { return zmax; }

void IgSoIdealTrack::initClass ( void   )  [static]

Reimplemented from IgSoShapeKit.

Definition at line 59 of file

References IgParticleChar::initParticles().

Referenced by initNodes(), and initShapes().

00060 {
00061         SO_KIT_INIT_CLASS (IgSoIdealTrack, IgSoShapeKit, "IgSoShapeKit");
00062         IgParticleChar::initParticles ();
00063 }

void IgSoIdealTrack::initEndPts ( void   )  [protected]

Definition at line 494 of file

References funct::abs(), angleToTime(), bfield, funct::cos(), dt, f, IgParticleChar::getMass(), infinity, m_charge, m_particleChar, m_pt, m_ptot, phi, funct::pow(), radius, rmax, s, funct::sin(), funct::sqrt(), tend, timeToAngle(), timeToZ(), tstart, vertex, zeta, zmax, and zToTime().

Referenced by initialise().

00495 {
00496         float   radius = this->radius.getValue ();
00497         float   zeta = this->zeta.getValue ();
00498         SbVec3f vertex = this->vertex.getValue ();
00499         float   phi = this->phi.getValue ();
00500         double  xc = vertex [0] + radius * sin (phi);
00501         double  yc = vertex [1] - radius * cos (phi);
00502         double  delPhi;  // end pt of track & total arc length in x-y plane
00503         double  x1;
00504         double  y1;
00505         double  z1;
00506         if ( radius == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
00507         {
00508                 // find intersection with cylinder: straight line case
00509                 if (zeta==0)
00510                 {
00511                         // no z momentum, must intersect side
00512                         double s = -cos(phi)*vertex[0] - sin(phi)*vertex[1]+ sqrt( pow(rmax,2) - pow(vertex[0],2)
00513                                 - pow(vertex[1],2)+ pow( cos(phi)*vertex[0]+sin(phi)*vertex[1], 2));
00514                         x1 = vertex[0] + s * cos(phi);
00515                         y1 = vertex[1] + s * sin(phi);
00516                         z1 = vertex[3];
00517                         float mass = m_particleChar->getMass ();
00518                         tend = s / ( sqrt(1.F - pow(zeta,2) ) * m_ptot / sqrt ( m_ptot*m_ptot + mass*mass) * SPEEDOLIGHT ); 
00519                 }
00520                 else if (m_pt ==0)
00521                 {
00522                         // no pt, must be parallel to z axis
00523                         x1 = vertex[0]; y1 = vertex[1];
00524                         z1 = zeta>0 ? zmax : -zmax;
00525                         tend = zToTime (z1);
00526                 }
00527                 else
00528                 {
00529                         double s = -cos(phi)*vertex[0] - sin(phi)*vertex[1] + sqrt( pow(rmax,2) - pow(vertex[0],2)
00530                                 - pow(vertex[1],2) + pow( cos(phi)*vertex[0]+sin(phi)*vertex[1], 2));
00532                         double zint =  s * zeta/sqrt( 1.f - pow(zeta,2)  ) + vertex[2];
00533                         if ( abs(zint) > zmax )
00534                         {
00535                                 zint = zint > 0.F ? zmax : -zmax;
00536                                 s = (zint - vertex[2]) * sqrt( 1 - pow(zeta,2) ) / zeta;
00537                         }
00538                         x1 = s * cos(phi) + vertex[0]; y1 = s * sin(phi) + vertex[1]; z1 = zint;
00539                         tend = zToTime (z1);
00540                 }
00541                 dt = tend.getValue () - tstart.getValue ();
00542         }
00543         else
00544         {
00546                 // See if there is an intersection between our helix and the
00547                 // visible edge boundary cylinder
00548                 if (xc == 0 && yc == 0)
00549                 {
00550                         // concentric with z-axis
00551                         if (fabs (radius) >= rmax)
00552                                 // outside max radius
00553                                 return;
00555                         x1 = vertex [0];
00556                         y1 = vertex [1];
00557                         delPhi = - 2. * copysign (1.0, m_charge * bfield) * M_PI * 2;
00559                         if (m_pt == 0.0)
00560                         {
00561                                 // z1 = pz
00562                                 z1 = copysign (zmax, zeta * m_charge * bfield);
00563                                 delPhi = 0.0;
00564                         }
00565                         else
00566                         {
00567                                 z1 = vertex [2] - delPhi * zeta;
00568                                 if (fabs (z1) > zmax)
00569                                         delPhi = -(copysign (zmax, z1) - vertex [2]) / zeta;
00570                         }
00571                 }
00572                 else
00573                 {
00574                         double x2, y2, delPhi1, delPhi2;
00575                         double gamma = yc ? -xc / yc : FLT_MAX;
00576                         double delta = (rmax * rmax - radius * radius - xc * xc - yc * yc) / (2 * yc);
00577                         double det = 4 * gamma * gamma * delta * delta
00578                                 - 4 * (1 + gamma * gamma) * (delta * delta - radius * radius);
00580                         if (det >= 0)
00581                         {
00582                                 // have intersection
00583                                 det = sqrt (det);
00584                                 x1 = (-2 * gamma * delta + det) / (2 * (1 + gamma * gamma));
00585                                 x2 = (-2 * gamma * delta - det) / (2 * (1 + gamma * gamma));
00586                                 y1 = gamma * x1 + delta;
00587                                 y2 = gamma * x2 + delta;
00588                                 x1 = xc + x1;
00589                                 x2 = xc + x2;
00590                                 y1 = yc + y1;
00591                                 y2 = yc + y2;
00593                                 // Determine which intersection it is... : pos for neg charge.
00594                                 delPhi1 = atan2 (-(x1 - xc) / radius, (y1 - yc) / radius) - phi;
00595                                 delPhi2 = atan2 (-(x2 - xc) / radius, (y2 - yc) / radius) - phi;
00597                                 if (m_charge * bfield < 0)
00598                                 {
00599                                         // arc increases wrt time for negative charge
00600                                         if (delPhi1 < 0)
00601                                                 delPhi1 += M_PI*2;
00602                                         if (delPhi2 < 0)
00603                                                 delPhi2 += M_PI*2;
00604                                 }
00605                                 else
00606                                 {
00607                                         // arc decreases wrt time for positive charge
00608                                         if (delPhi1 > 0)
00609                                                 delPhi1 -= M_PI*2;
00610                                         if (delPhi2 > 0)
00611                                                 delPhi2 -= M_PI*2;
00612                                 }
00614                                 if ((m_charge * bfield < 0 && delPhi1 < delPhi2)
00615                                         || (m_charge * bfield > 0 && delPhi1 > delPhi2))
00616                                         delPhi = delPhi1;
00617                                 else
00618                                 {
00619                                         x1 = x2;
00620                                         y1 = y2;
00621                                         delPhi = delPhi2;
00622                                 }
00623                         }
00624                         else
00625                         {
00626                                 // just put in two loops or z intersection
00627                                 delPhi = -2.0 * copysign (1.0, m_charge * bfield) * M_PI*2;
00628                                 x1 = vertex [0];
00629                                 y1 = vertex [1];
00630                                 z1 = timeToZ (angleToTime (delPhi + phi));
00632                                 if (fabs (z1) > zmax)
00633                                 {
00634                                         z1 = copysign (zmax, z1);
00635                                         delPhi = timeToAngle (zToTime (z1 - vertex [2])) - phi;
00636                                 }
00637                         }
00638                 }
00640                 if (delPhi)
00641                         tend = angleToTime (delPhi + phi);
00642                 else
00643                         tend = zToTime (z1);
00645                 dt = tend.getValue () - tstart.getValue ();
00646         }
00647 }

void IgSoIdealTrack::initialise ( double  vx,
double  vy,
double  vz,
double  px,
double  py,
double  pz,
float  t0,
int  pid 

Definition at line 449 of file

References IgParticleChar::getByGeantID(), and initialise().

00452 { initialise (vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, t0, IgParticleChar::getByGeantID (pid)); }

void IgSoIdealTrack::initialise ( double  vx,
double  vy,
double  vz,
double  px,
double  py,
double  pz,
float  t0,
IgParticleChar pc 

Definition at line 455 of file

References bfield, IgParticleChar::getCharge(), IgParticleChar::getName(), infinity, initEndPts(), m_charge, m_particleChar, m_pt, m_ptot, particleType, phi, radius, tstart, vertex, and zeta.

00458 {
00459         m_particleChar = pc;
00460         m_charge = pc->getCharge ();
00461         particleType = pc->getName ();
00463         SbVec3f vec3 = SbVec3f (px, py, pz);
00464         SbVec2f vec2 = SbVec2f (px, py);
00465         m_ptot = vec3.length ();
00466         m_pt = vec2.length ();
00468         double radius, zeta;
00469         // 100*SPEEDOFLIGHT gives right factor for p [GeV/c], B[Tesla], R[m], q[electron charges] (about 0.3)
00470         double qB = SPEEDOLIGHT * 100 * bfield * m_charge;  
00471         if (qB != 0)
00472         {
00473                 radius = m_pt / qB;
00474                 zeta = pz / qB;
00475         }
00476         else
00477         {
00478                 radius = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
00479                 zeta = pz / m_ptot;
00480         }
00483         this->vertex = SbVec3f (vx, vy, vz);
00484         this->radius = static_cast<float>(radius);
00485         this->zeta = static_cast<float>(zeta);
00486         this->phi = static_cast<float>( px == 0.0 && px == 0.0 ? 0.0 : atan2(py, px) );
00487         this->t0 = t0;
00488         this->tstart = t0;
00490         initEndPts ();
00491 }

void IgSoIdealTrack::initialise ( double *  vx,
double *  vy,
double *  vz,
double *  px,
double *  py,
double *  pz,
float *  t0,
IgParticleChar pc 

initialize the track using one of the initTrack methods vx vertex location in the x dimension vy vertex location in the y dimension vz vertex location in the z dimension px momentum (at the vertex) in the x direction py momentum (at the vertex) in the y direction pz momentum (at the vertex) in the z direction t0 time of the creation of the vertex pc the type of particle

Definition at line 443 of file

Referenced by initialise(), VisTrackTwig::update(), VisTkIdealHelixTracksTwig::update(), VisTrackingParticleTwig::update(), VisMuonTwig::update(), and VisSimTrackTwig::update().

00446 { initialise (*vx, *vy, *vz, *px, *py, *pz, *t0, pc); }

float IgSoIdealTrack::pt ( void   )  const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References m_pt.

Referenced by refresh().

00117 { return m_pt; }

float IgSoIdealTrack::ptot ( void   )  const [inline]

Definition at line 116 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References m_ptot.

00116 { return m_ptot; }

void IgSoIdealTrack::refresh ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from IgSoShapeKit.

Definition at line 101 of file

References angle(), angleToTime(), bfield, funct::cos(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dt, lat::endl(), IgParticleChar::getMaterial(), IgParticleChar::getStyle(), i, int, m_charge, m_particleChar, m_pt, m_ptot, particleType, phi, pt(), radius, funct::sin(), funct::sqrt(), t0, tend, timeToAngle(), timeToXY(), timeToZ(), tstart, vertex, and zeta.

00102 {
00103         // Initialise local variables (and members for the converters)
00104         float   radius  = this->radius.getValue ();
00105         float   zeta    = this->zeta.getValue ();
00106         SbVec3f vertex  = this->vertex.getValue ();
00107         float   phi     = this->phi.getValue ();
00108         float   tstart  = this->tstart.getValue ();
00109         float   tend    = this->tend.getValue ();
00111         float   t0      = this->t0.getValue ();
00112         float   dt      = this->dt.getValue ();
00114 //      if (t0 < tstart)
00115 //              t0 = tstart;
00116         if (t0 > tend)
00117                 t0 = tend;
00119         float t1 = dt+t0;
00120         if (t1 > tend)
00121                 t1 = tend;
00122 //      if (t1 < tstart)
00123 //              t1 = tstart;
00125         if (!fabs (tend - tstart) || !fabs (t1 - t0))
00126         {
00127                 setPart ("material",    m_particleChar->getMaterial ());
00128                 setPart ("style",       m_particleChar->getStyle ());
00129                 setPart ("complexity",  0);
00130                 setPart ("points",      0);
00131                 setPart ("curve",       0);
00132 #ifdef IG_DEBUG_PTS
00133                 setPart ("debugStyle",  0);
00134                 setPart ("debugPoints", 0);
00135 #endif // IG_DEBUG_PTS
00136                 return;
00137         }
00139 #ifdef IG_DEBUG_PTS
00140         SoDrawStyle     *debugStyle = new SoDrawStyle;
00141         SoPointSet      *debugPoints = new SoPointSet;
00142         SoVertexProperty        *debugVtx = new SoVertexProperty;
00143 #endif // IG_DEBUG_PTS
00145         SoComplexity    *complexity = new SoComplexity;
00146         SoCoordinate4   *points = new SoCoordinate4;
00147         SoNurbsCurve    *curve = new  SoNurbsCurve;
00148         complexity->value = 0.6F;
00149         int             npoints = 0;
00150         int             nknots = 0;
00151         int             nknot = 0;
00152         std::vector<SbVec4f> ctlPoints;
00153         std::vector<float>      knots;
00155         if ( bfield == 0 || m_charge == 0 )
00156         {
00157                 // Calculate the start & end points
00158                 float z0, z1, x0, y0, x1, y1;
00159                 z0 = timeToZ (t0);
00160                 z1 = timeToZ (t1);
00161                 SbVec2f xy0( timeToXY(t0) );
00162                 SbVec2f xy1( timeToXY( t1 ) );
00163                 xy0.getValue( x0, y0 );
00164                 xy1.getValue( x1, y1 );
00166                 // Calculate the control points & knot vector
00167                 npoints = 2;
00168                 nknots = 4;
00169                 ctlPoints.resize(static_cast<int>(npoints));
00170                 knots.resize(static_cast<int>(nknots)); // #ctlPoints + NORDER
00171                 knots[0] = 0; knots[1] = 0; knots[2] = 1; knots[3] = 1;
00172                 ctlPoints[0].setValue( x0, y0, z0, 1.F  );
00173                 ctlPoints[1].setValue( x1, y1, z1, 1.F );
00175                 // Set the coordinates
00176                 points->point.setValues (0, npoints, &ctlPoints[0]);
00178                 // Rebuild the curve
00179                 curve->numControlPoints = npoints;
00180                 curve->knotVector.setValues (0, nknots, &knots[0]);
00182         }
00183         else
00184         {
00185                 // invert r=p/qB
00186                 m_pt =  SPEEDOLIGHT * 100.F * bfield * m_charge * radius;
00187                 float pz = SPEEDOLIGHT * 100.F * bfield * m_charge * zeta;
00188                 m_ptot = sqrt (m_pt * m_pt + pz * pz);
00190                 // Calculate the start & end points
00191                 float x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1;
00192                 float phi0 = timeToAngle (t0);
00193                 float phi1 = timeToAngle (t1);
00194                 float delPhi = phi1 - phi0;
00196                 // Until we implement adjustable vector for control points,
00197                 // truncate curve at 2 loops
00198                 if (fabs (delPhi) > maxAngle)
00199                 {
00200                         delPhi = static_cast<float>(copysign (maxAngle, delPhi));
00201                         phi1 = delPhi + phi0;
00202                         t1 = angleToTime (phi1);
00203                 }
00205                 if (delPhi == 0)
00206                 {
00207                         z0 = timeToZ (t0);
00208                         z1 = timeToZ (t1);
00209                 }
00210                 else
00211                 {
00212                         z0 = vertex [2] - (phi0 - phi) * zeta;
00213                         z1 = vertex [2] - (phi1 - phi) * zeta;
00214                 }
00216                 float xc = vertex [0] + radius * sin (phi);
00217                 float yc = vertex [1] - radius * cos (phi);
00218                 x0 = xc - radius * sin (phi0);
00219                 y0 = yc + radius * cos (phi0);
00220                 x1 = xc - radius * sin (phi1);
00221                 y1 = yc + radius * cos (phi1);
00223                 // Calculate the control points & knot vector
00224                 // actually 2*(maxAngle/maxNurbAngle + 1), but avoid rounding prob
00225                 ctlPoints.resize (static_cast<int>(2*(maxAngle/maxNurbAngle +2)));
00226                 // #ctlPoints + NORDER
00227                 knots.resize (static_cast<int>(2*(maxAngle/maxNurbAngle +2)+NORDER)); 
00229                 // the first knot value has multiplicity NORDER (=3), put one in
00230                 // now, and let the normal routine put in the additional NORDER-1.
00231                 knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot);
00233                 if (fabs (delPhi) < maxNurbAngle)
00234                 {
00235                         // if less than the max arc covered in one nurb segment, just use the points.
00236                         ctlPoints [npoints++] = SbVec4f (x0, y0, z0, 1.0);
00238                         // knot values for this point: nknots for NORDER-1 terms
00239                         knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot);
00240                         knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot++);
00242                         ctlPoints [npoints++] =
00243                                 SbVec4f (xc - sin (delPhi/2.F + phi0) * radius / fabs (cos (delPhi/2.F)),
00244                                 yc + cos (delPhi/2.F + phi0) * radius / fabs (cos (delPhi/2.F)),
00245                                 (z0 + z1) / 2.F,
00246                                 1.F)
00247                                 * fabs (cos (delPhi / 2.F));
00248                 }
00249                 else
00250                 {
00251                         // Must generate some filler points
00252                         //
00253                         //   x--------------------------------x
00254                         //               ||
00255                         //               \/
00256                         //   x-----o-----x------o----x---o----x
00257                         //
00258                         //   (one segment becomes three in this example.
00259                         //    nfill=1 => nfill=3, w/ 2 x points (normal weight)
00260                         //    and  3 o points to insert
00262                         int nfill = 1 + (int) (fabs (delPhi) / maxNurbAngle ); // ensure at least one fill division
00263                         if (nfill == 1)
00264                                 // ensure at least 5 points
00265                                 nfill = 2;
00266                         double delAngle = delPhi / nfill;
00267                         double delZ = (z1 - z0) / delPhi; // change in z wrt angle
00269                         for (int i = 0; i < nfill; ++i)
00270                         {
00271                                 double angle = phi0 + i * delAngle;
00273                                 if (i == 0)
00274                                         // put the first point at exactly the right point
00275                                         ctlPoints [npoints++] = SbVec4f (x0, y0, z0, 1.0F);
00276                                 else
00277                                         ctlPoints [npoints++] = SbVec4f (xc - radius * sin (angle),
00278                                         yc + radius * cos (angle),
00279                                         z0 + delZ * (angle - phi0),
00280                                         1.0F);
00282                                 // put in the knot values for this point: nknots for NORDER-1 terms
00283                                 knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot);
00284                                 knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot++);
00286                                 ctlPoints [npoints++] =
00287                                         SbVec4f (xc - radius * sin (angle + delAngle/2.F) / fabs (cos (delAngle/2.F)),
00288                                         yc + radius * cos (angle + delAngle/2.F) / fabs (cos (delAngle/2.F)),
00289                                         z0 + delZ * (angle + delAngle/2.F - phi0),
00290                                         1.0F)
00291                                         * fabs (cos (delAngle/2.F));
00292                         }
00293                 }
00295                 // The end point
00296                 ctlPoints [npoints++] = SbVec4f (x1, y1, z1, 1.0F);
00297                 knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot);
00298                 knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot);
00299                 knots [nknots++] = static_cast<float>(nknot);
00300                 // Set the coordinates
00301                 points->point.setValues (0, npoints, &ctlPoints[0]);
00303                 // Rebuild the curve
00304                 curve->numControlPoints = npoints;
00305                 curve->knotVector.setValues (0, nknots, &knots[0]);
00306         }
00307 #ifdef IG_DEBUG_PTS
00308         //          Add debugging polymarkers for control points
00309         for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
00310         {
00311                 SbVec3f pt;
00312                 ctlPoints [i].getReal (pt);
00313                 debugVtx->vertex.set1Value (i, pt);
00314         }
00316         debugStyle->pointSize = 4;
00317         debugStyle->style = SoDrawStyle::LINES;
00318         debugPoints->vertexProperty = debugVtx;
00319         setPart ("debugStyle",  debugStyle);
00320         setPart ("debugPoints", debugPoints);
00321 #endif // IG_DEBUG_PTS
00325         setPart ("material",    m_particleChar->getMaterial ());
00326         setPart ("style",               m_particleChar->getStyle ());
00327         setPart ("complexity",  complexity);
00328         setPart ("points",              points);
00329         setPart ("curve",               curve);
00332 #if 0 //DEBUG
00333         std::cout << "IgSoIdealTrack particle name: " << particleType.getValue ().getString ()
00334                 << " material: " << m_particleChar->getMaterial()
00335                 << std::endl;
00336 #endif //DEBUG
00337 }

void IgSoIdealTrack::setBField ( float  val  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 113 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References bfield.

Referenced by VisTrackTwig::update(), VisTkIdealHelixTracksTwig::update(), and VisMuonTwig::update().

00113 { bfield = val; }

void IgSoIdealTrack::setRMax ( float  val  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 114 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References rmax.

Referenced by VisTrackTwig::update(), VisTkIdealHelixTracksTwig::update(), and VisMuonTwig::update().

00114 { rmax = val; }

void IgSoIdealTrack::setZMax ( float  val  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 115 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

References zmax.

Referenced by VisTrackTwig::update(), VisTkIdealHelixTracksTwig::update(), and VisMuonTwig::update().

00115 { zmax = val; }

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( debugPoints   )  [private]

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( debugStyle   )  [private]

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( curve   )  [private]

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( points   )  [private]

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( complexity   )  [private]

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( style   )  [private]

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_CATALOG_ENTRY_HEADER ( material   )  [private]

IgSoIdealTrack::SO_KIT_HEADER ( IgSoIdealTrack   )  [private]

float IgSoIdealTrack::timeToAngle ( float  time  )  [protected]

Definition at line 340 of file

References IgParticleChar::getMass(), m_particleChar, m_pt, m_ptot, phi, radius, funct::sqrt(), and tstart.

Referenced by initEndPts(), refresh(), and timeToXY().

00341 {
00342         float phi = this->phi.getValue ();
00343         float radius = this->radius.getValue ();
00344         float tstart = this->tstart.getValue ();
00345         float mass = m_particleChar->getMass ();
00346         float betat = m_pt / sqrt (mass * mass + m_ptot * m_ptot);
00347         if (fabs (radius))
00348                 return phi - betat * SPEEDOLIGHT * (time - tstart) / radius;
00349         else
00350                 return phi;
00351 }

SbVec2f IgSoIdealTrack::timeToXY ( float  time  )  [protected]

Definition at line 410 of file

References angle(), bfield, funct::cos(), IgParticleChar::getMass(), m_charge, m_particleChar, m_pt, m_ptot, phi, radius, funct::sin(), funct::sqrt(), timeToAngle(), tstart, vertex, x, and y.

Referenced by refresh().

00411 {
00412         if ( bfield ==0 || m_charge == 0 )
00413         {
00414                 float mass = m_particleChar->getMass ();
00415                 float betat = m_pt / sqrt ( mass*mass + m_ptot * m_ptot );
00416                 float deltaT = time - tstart.getValue();
00417                 float x = vertex.getValue() [0] + cos(phi.getValue()) * betat * deltaT * SPEEDOLIGHT;
00418                 float y = vertex.getValue() [1] + sin(phi.getValue()) * betat * deltaT * SPEEDOLIGHT;
00419                 return SbVec2f ( x, y );
00420         }
00421         else
00422         {
00423                 float angle = timeToAngle (time);
00424                 SbVec3f vertex = this->vertex.getValue ();
00425                 double radius = this->radius.getValue ();
00426                 double phi = this->phi.getValue ();
00427                 double xc = vertex [0] + radius * sin (phi);
00428                 double yc = vertex [1] - radius * cos (phi);
00429                 return SbVec2f (xc - radius * sin (angle), yc + radius * cos (angle));
00430         }
00431 }

float IgSoIdealTrack::timeToZ ( float  time  )  [protected]

Definition at line 389 of file

References bfield, IgParticleChar::getMass(), m_charge, m_particleChar, m_ptot, funct::sqrt(), tstart, vertex, and zeta.

Referenced by initEndPts(), and refresh().

00390 {
00391         SbVec3f vertex = this->vertex.getValue ();
00392         float zeta = this->zeta.getValue ();
00393         float tstart = this->tstart.getValue ();
00394         float mass = m_particleChar->getMass ();
00395         float betaz;
00396         if ( bfield != 0 && m_charge != 0 )
00397         {
00398                 betaz = (zeta * SPEEDOLIGHT * 100 * bfield * m_charge)
00399                         / sqrt (mass * mass + m_ptot * m_ptot); // = pz/E = z component of v
00400         }
00401         else
00402         {
00403                 betaz = zeta * m_ptot / sqrt (mass * mass + m_ptot * m_ptot);
00404         }
00406         return (time - tstart) * betaz * SPEEDOLIGHT + vertex [2];
00407 }

float IgSoIdealTrack::zToTime ( float  z  )  [protected]

Definition at line 365 of file

References bfield, IgParticleChar::getMass(), m_charge, m_particleChar, m_ptot, funct::sqrt(), tstart, vertex, and zeta.

Referenced by initEndPts().

00366 {
00367         SbVec3f vertex = this->vertex.getValue ();
00368         float zeta = this->zeta.getValue ();
00369         float tstart = this->tstart.getValue ();
00370         float mass = m_particleChar->getMass ();
00372         float betaz;
00373         if (bfield != 0 && m_charge != 0)
00374         {
00375                 betaz = (zeta * SPEEDOLIGHT * 100 * bfield * m_charge)
00376                         / sqrt (mass * mass + m_ptot * m_ptot); // = pz/E = z component of v
00377         }
00378         else
00379         {
00380                 betaz = zeta * m_ptot / sqrt( m_ptot*m_ptot + mass * mass );
00381         }
00382         if (fabs (betaz))
00383                 return tstart + (z - vertex [2]) / (betaz * SPEEDOLIGHT);
00384         else
00385                 return tstart;
00386 }

Member Data Documentation

float IgSoIdealTrack::bfield = 4.0F [static, private]

Definition at line 106 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by getBField(), initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), setBField(), timeToXY(), timeToZ(), and zToTime().

SoSFFloat IgSoIdealTrack::dt

Definition at line 62 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by IgSoIdealTrack(), initEndPts(), refresh(), VisTrackTwig::update(), VisTkIdealHelixTracksTwig::update(), VisMuonTwig::update(), and ~IgSoIdealTrack().

float IgSoIdealTrack::m_charge [protected]

Definition at line 103 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), timeToXY(), timeToZ(), and zToTime().

IgParticleChar* IgSoIdealTrack::m_particleChar [protected]

Definition at line 100 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by angleToTime(), initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), timeToAngle(), timeToXY(), timeToZ(), and zToTime().

float IgSoIdealTrack::m_pt [protected]

Definition at line 102 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by angleToTime(), initEndPts(), initialise(), pt(), refresh(), timeToAngle(), and timeToXY().

float IgSoIdealTrack::m_ptot [protected]

Definition at line 101 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by angleToTime(), initEndPts(), initialise(), ptot(), refresh(), timeToAngle(), timeToXY(), timeToZ(), and zToTime().

SoSFString IgSoIdealTrack::particleType

Definition at line 58 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by IgSoIdealTrack(), initialise(), and refresh().

SoSFFloat IgSoIdealTrack::phi

Definition at line 52 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by angleToTime(), IgSoIdealTrack(), initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), timeToAngle(), and timeToXY().

SoSFFloat IgSoIdealTrack::radius

Definition at line 53 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by angleToTime(), IgSoIdealTrack(), initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), timeToAngle(), timeToXY(), and VisSimTrackTwig::update().

float IgSoIdealTrack::rmax = 1.4F [static, private]

Definition at line 107 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by getRMax(), initEndPts(), and setRMax().

SoSFFloat IgSoIdealTrack::t0

Definition at line 61 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by IgSoIdealTrack(), refresh(), VisTrackTwig::update(), VisTkIdealHelixTracksTwig::update(), and VisMuonTwig::update().

SoSFFloat IgSoIdealTrack::tend

Definition at line 57 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by IgSoIdealTrack(), initEndPts(), and refresh().

SoSFFloat IgSoIdealTrack::tstart

Definition at line 56 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by angleToTime(), IgSoIdealTrack(), initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), timeToAngle(), timeToXY(), timeToZ(), and zToTime().

SoSFVec3f IgSoIdealTrack::vertex

Definition at line 55 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by IgSoIdealTrack(), initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), timeToXY(), timeToZ(), and zToTime().

SoSFFloat IgSoIdealTrack::zeta

Definition at line 54 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by IgSoIdealTrack(), initEndPts(), initialise(), refresh(), timeToZ(), and zToTime().

float IgSoIdealTrack::zmax = 3.2F [static, private]

Definition at line 108 of file IgSoIdealTrack.h.

Referenced by getZMax(), initEndPts(), and setZMax().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:25:43 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4