VisCuTrackerCluster Class Reference

#include <VisReco/VisCustomTracker/interface/VisCuTrackerCluster.h>

Inheritance diagram for VisCuTrackerCluster:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void drawcluster (VisCuTkModule *mod, int nlay, QPainter *p)
void setEvent (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
void setMap (VisCuTkMap2D *m)
void setTracker (VisCuCmsTracker *tr)
SoSeparator * update (VisTrackingGeometry::DetectorRep type)
std::string updatetext (VisCuTkModule *mod)
 VisCuTrackerCluster ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< SiStripClustercdigi
double clusterPointSize
std::vector< SiPixelClustercpdigi
bool firsteventloaded
bool horizontal_view
edm::ESHandle< TrackerGeometrym_pDD
std::string pixelclusterLabelName
std::string pixelclusterProducerName
std::string siStripClusterRepresentation
std::string stripclusterLabelName
std::string stripclusterProducerName

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VisCuTrackerCluster::VisCuTrackerCluster (  ) 

Definition at line 51 of file

References clusterPointSize, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), firsteventloaded, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), horizontal_view, p, pixelclusterLabelName, pixelclusterProducerName, VisConfigurationService::pSet(), python::EventAnalyzer_cfg::pset, siStripClusterRepresentation, stripclusterLabelName, stripclusterProducerName, and VisConfigurationService_cff::VisConfigurationService.

00052 {
00053   horizontal_view = true; 
00054   firsteventloaded=false;
00055   const edm::ParameterSet *pset=VisConfigurationService::pSet();
00056   if(!pset)
00057     {
00058       edm::ParameterSet p;
00059       VisConfigurationService *visService = new VisConfigurationService(p);
00060       pset = visService->pSet();
00061       delete visService;
00062     }
00063   clusterPointSize = pset->getUntrackedParameter<double> ("clusterPointSize", 4.0);
00064   stripclusterProducerName = pset->getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("stripclusterProducer", "siStripClusters");
00065   stripclusterLabelName = pset->getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("stripclusterLabel","");
00066   cout <<"stripclusterProducer="<< stripclusterProducerName << " stripclusterLabel=" << stripclusterLabelName << endl;
00067   pixelclusterProducerName = pset->getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("pixelclusterProducer", "siPixelClusters");
00068   pixelclusterLabelName = pset->getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("pixelclusterLabel","");
00069   cout <<"pixelclusterProducer="<< pixelclusterProducerName << " pixelclusterLabel=" << pixelclusterLabelName << endl;
00070   siStripClusterRepresentation = pset->getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("siStripClusterRepresentation", "point");
00071 }

Member Function Documentation

void VisCuTrackerCluster::drawcluster ( VisCuTkModule mod,
int  nlay,
QPainter *  p 

Definition at line 266 of file

References a, funct::abs(), VisCuTkModule::bufvalue, cdigi, VisCuTkModule::cluster_size, VisCuTkModule::cluster_start, parsecf::pyparsing::col(), funct::cos(), cpdigi, VisCuTkModule::detUnit, firsteventloaded, GeomDet::geographicalId(), VisCuTkSubLayer::getId(), VisCuTkModule::getId(), VisCuTkModule::getOwner(), cmsRelvalreport::green(), horizontal_view, VisCuTkSubLayer::isStereo(), j, VisCuTkModule::length, RectangularPixelTopology::localPosition(), StripTopology::localPosition(), lp1, phi, VisCuTkMap2D::phival(), VisCuTkModule::posx, VisCuTkModule::posy, VisCuTkModule::posz, pv1, r, row, funct::sin(), siStripClusterRepresentation, sl, StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), funct::sqrt(), strip(), DetId::subdetId(), GeomDet::surface(), Surface::toGlobal(), VisCuTkModule::value, VisCuTkModule::width, VisCuTkModule::widthAtHalfLength, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), x, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), y, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and z.

Referenced by VisCuTkMap2D::paintEvent(), and VisCuTkMap2D::print().

00267 {
00268   int x,y;
00269   int xc1=0,xc2=0,yc1=0,yc2=0;
00270   double phi,r,dx,dy,dy1;
00271   double xp[4],yp[4],xp1,yp1;
00272   double vhbot,vhtop,vhapo;
00273   double rmedio[]={0.041,0.0701,0.0988,0.255,0.340,0.430,0.520,0.610,0.696,0.782,0.868,0.965,1.080};
00274   double xt1,yt1,xs1=0.,ys1=0.,xt2,yt2,xs2,ys2,pv1,pv2;
00275   unsigned int numberOfDigis = 0;
00276   unsigned int detType = mod->detUnit->geographicalId().subdetId(); 
00277   const RectangularPixelTopology * theTopol = 0;
00278   const StripTopology * theStripTopol = 0;
00279   const PixelGeomDetUnit* theDet;
00280   const StripGeomDetUnit* theStripDet;
00282   if(detType<3) {//pixel
00283     theDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(mod->detUnit);
00284     theTopol = dynamic_cast<const RectangularPixelTopology *>( &(theDet->specificTopology ()));
00285   } else { //SiStrip
00286     theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(mod->detUnit);
00287     theStripTopol = dynamic_cast<const StripTopology *>( &(theStripDet->specificTopology ()));
00288   }
00290   if(firsteventloaded){
00291     QPointArray a =  QPointArray(4);
00292     phi = VisCuTkMap2D::phival(mod->posx,mod->posy);
00293     r = sqrt(mod->posx*mod->posx+mod->posy*mod->posy);
00294     vhbot = mod->width;           
00295     vhtop=mod->width;     
00296     vhapo=mod->length;
00297     if(nlay < 31){ //endcap
00298       vhbot = mod->widthAtHalfLength/2.-(mod->width/2.-mod->widthAtHalfLength/2.);        
00299       vhtop=mod->width/2.;        
00300       vhapo=mod->length/2.;
00301       if(nlay >12 && nlay <19){
00302         if(map->separated)r = r+r;
00303         xp[0]=r-vhtop;yp[0]=-vhapo;
00304         xp[1]=r+vhtop;yp[1]=-vhapo;
00305         xp[2]=r+vhtop;yp[2]=vhapo;
00306         xp[3]=r-vhtop;yp[3]=vhapo;
00307       }else{
00308         if(map->separated)r = r + r/3.;
00309         xp[0]=r-vhapo;yp[0]=-vhbot;
00310         xp[1]=r+vhapo;yp[1]=-vhtop;
00311         xp[2]=r+vhapo;yp[2]=vhtop;
00312         xp[3]=r-vhapo;yp[3]=vhbot;
00313       }
00314       for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
00315         xp1 = xp[j]*cos(phi)-yp[j]*sin(phi);
00316         yp1 = xp[j]*sin(phi)+yp[j]*cos(phi);
00317         xp[j] = xp1;yp[j]=yp1;
00318       }
00319       if(detType<3) { //Pixel
00320         for(int idigi=mod->cluster_start;idigi!=(mod->cluster_start+mod->cluster_size);idigi++){ 
00321           if(!map->separated){
00322             int row = cpdigi[idigi].minPixelRow();  
00323             int col =cpdigi[idigi].minPixelCol();  
00324             GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theTopol->localPosition(MeasurementPoint(row,col)));
00325             float x = pos.x () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00326             float y = pos.y () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00327             int xc = map->xpixel(x);
00328             int yc = map->ypixel(y);
00329             if(!map->acc){
00330               p->setPen(QColor(0,0,255));    
00331               p->setBrush(QColor(0,0,255));
00332               if(!horizontal_view)p->drawRect(xc,yc,3,3);else p->drawRect(yc,map->x_win-xc,3,3);
00333             } else {
00334               if(!horizontal_view){
00335               if(xc > (map->ximg -1)) xc =  (map->ximg -1);
00336               if(yc > (map->yimg -1)) yc =(map->yimg-1);
00337                 } else {
00338               if(yc > (map->ximg -1)) yc =  (map->ximg -1);
00339               if(xc > (map->yimg -1)) xc =(map->yimg-1);
00340                 }
00341               QRgb pixel;
00342               if(!horizontal_view){
00343                 pixel = map->image->pixel(xc,yc);
00344               }else pixel = map->image->pixel(yc,map->x_win-xc);
00345               int green = qGreen(pixel);
00346               if(green > 1) green = green -20;
00347               if(green < 0) green = 0;
00348               if(!horizontal_view)map->image->setPixel(xc,yc,green); else map->image->setPixel(yc,map->x_win-xc,green);
00349             }
00350           } 
00351           numberOfDigis++;
00352         } // for digis 
00353       } else { //SiStrip
00354         for(int idigi=mod->cluster_start;idigi!=(mod->cluster_start+mod->cluster_size);idigi++){ 
00355           if(!map->separated){
00356             short strip =cdigi[idigi].firstStrip();  
00357             GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theStripTopol->localPosition(strip));
00358           if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip"){
00359             MeasurementPoint mp1((float)strip,(float)-0.5);LocalPoint lp1=theStripTopol->localPosition(mp1);
00360             MeasurementPoint mp2((float)strip,(float)+0.5);LocalPoint lp2=theStripTopol->localPosition(mp2);
00361             GlobalPoint pos1 =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(lp1);
00362              xc1 = map->xpixel(pos1.x()/100.);  yc1 = map->ypixel(pos1.y()/100.);
00363             GlobalPoint pos2 =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(lp2);
00364              xc2 = map->xpixel(pos2.x()/100.);  yc2 = map->ypixel(pos2.y()/100.);
00365             }
00366             float x = pos.x () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00367             float y = pos.y () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00368             int xc = map->xpixel(x);
00369             int yc = map->ypixel(y);
00370             if(!map->acc){
00371               p->setPen(QColor(0,0,255));    
00372               p->setBrush(QColor(0,0,255));
00373               if(!horizontal_view){p->drawRect(xc,yc,3,3);
00374                          if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip")
00375                               p->drawLine(xc1,yc1,xc2,yc2);
00376                            }
00377                    else {p->drawRect(yc,map->x_win-xc,3,3);
00378                          if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip")
00379                               p->drawLine(yc1,map->x_win-xc1,yc2,map->x_win-xc2);
00380                            }
00382             } else {
00383               if(!horizontal_view){
00384               if(xc > (map->ximg -1)) xc =  (map->ximg -1);
00385               if(yc > (map->yimg -1)) yc =(map->yimg-1);
00386                 } else {
00387               if(yc > (map->ximg -1)) yc =  (map->ximg -1);
00388               if(xc > (map->yimg -1)) xc =(map->yimg-1);
00389                 }
00390                 QRgb pixel;
00391                 if(!horizontal_view){
00392                   pixel = map->image->pixel(xc,yc);
00393                 }else pixel = map->image->pixel(yc,map->x_win-xc);
00394                 int green = qGreen(pixel);
00395                 if(green > 1) green = green -20;
00396                 if(green < 0) green = 0;
00397                 if(!horizontal_view)map->image->setPixel(xc,yc,green);else map->image->setPixel(yc,map->x_win-xc,green);
00398               }
00399           } 
00400           numberOfDigis++;
00401         } //for digis 
00402       }
00403     } else { //barrel
00404       int numod;
00405       numod=mod->getId();if(numod>100)numod=numod-100;
00406       int vane = mod->getOwner()->getId();
00407       if(map->separated){
00408         dx = vhapo;
00409         phi=M_PI;
00410         xt1=rmedio[nlay-31]; yt1=-vhtop/2.;
00411         xs1 = xt1*cos(phi)-yt1*sin(phi);
00412         ys1 = xt1*sin(phi)+yt1*cos(phi);
00413         xt2=rmedio[nlay-31]; yt2=vhtop/2.;
00414         xs2 = xt2*cos(phi)-yt2*sin(phi);
00415         ys2 = xt2*sin(phi)+yt2*cos(phi);
00416         dy=VisCuTkMap2D::phival(xs2,ys2)-VisCuTkMap2D::phival(xs1,ys1);
00417         dy1 = dy;
00418         if(nlay==31)dy1=0.39;
00419         if(nlay==32)dy1=0.23;
00420         if(nlay==33)dy1=0.16;
00421         xp[0]=vane*(dx+dx/8.);yp[0]=numod*(dy1);
00422         xp[1]=vane*(dx+dx/8.)+dx;yp[1]=numod*(dy1);
00423         xp[2]=vane*(dx+dx/8.)+dx;yp[2]=numod*(dy1)+dy;
00424         xp[3]=vane*(dx+dx/8.);yp[3]=numod*(dy1)+dy;
00425       }else{
00426         xt1=r; yt1=-vhtop/2.;
00427         xs1 = xt1*cos(phi)-yt1*sin(phi);
00428         ys1 = xt1*sin(phi)+yt1*cos(phi);
00429         xt2=r; yt2=vhtop/2.;
00430         xs2 = xt2*cos(phi)-yt2*sin(phi);
00431         ys2 = xt2*sin(phi)+yt2*cos(phi);
00432         pv1=VisCuTkMap2D::phival(xs1,ys1);
00433         pv2=VisCuTkMap2D::phival(xs2,ys2);
00434         if(fabs(pv1-pv2)>M_PI && numod==1)pv1=pv1-2.*M_PI;
00435         if(fabs(pv1-pv2)>M_PI && numod!=1)pv2=pv2+2.*M_PI;
00436         xp[0]=mod->posz-vhapo/2.;yp[0]=4.2*pv1;
00437         xp[1]=mod->posz+vhapo/2.;yp[1]=4.2*pv1;
00438         xp[2]=mod->posz+vhapo/2. ;yp[2]=4.2*pv2;
00439         xp[3]=mod->posz-vhapo/2.;yp[3]=4.2*pv2;
00440       }
00441       if(detType<3) {//pixel
00442         for(int idigi=mod->cluster_start;idigi!=(mod->cluster_start+mod->cluster_size);idigi++){ 
00443           if(!map->separated){
00444             int row = cpdigi[idigi].minPixelRow();  
00445             int col =cpdigi[idigi].minPixelCol();  
00446             GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theTopol->localPosition(MeasurementPoint(row,col)));
00447             float x = pos.x () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00448             float y = pos.y () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00449             float z = pos.z () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00450             int xc = map->xpixel(z);
00451             int yc = map->ypixel(4.2*VisCuTkMap2D::phival(x,y));
00452             if(!map->acc){
00453               p->setPen(QColor(0,0,255));    
00454               p->setBrush(QColor(0,0,255));
00455               if(!horizontal_view)p->drawRect(xc,yc,3,3);else p->drawRect(yc,map->x_win-xc,3,3);
00456             } else {
00457               if(!horizontal_view){
00458               if(xc > (map->ximg -1)) xc =  (map->ximg -1);
00459               if(yc > (map->yimg -1)) yc =(map->yimg-1);
00460                 } else {
00461               if(yc > (map->ximg -1)) yc =  (map->ximg -1);
00462               if(xc > (map->yimg -1)) xc =(map->yimg-1);
00463                 }
00464               QRgb pixel;
00465               if(!horizontal_view){
00466                 pixel = map->image->pixel(map->x_win-xc,yc);
00467               }else pixel = map->image->pixel(yc,xc);
00468               int green = qGreen(pixel);
00469               if(green > 1) green = green -20;
00470               if(green < 0) green = 0;
00471               if(!horizontal_view)map->image->setPixel(xc,yc,green);else map->image->setPixel(yc,map->x_win-xc,green);
00472             }
00473           }//not separated
00474           numberOfDigis++;
00475         }//digis
00476       } else { //SiStrip
00477           for(int idigi=mod->cluster_start;idigi!=(mod->cluster_start+mod->cluster_size);idigi++){ 
00478             if(!map->separated){
00479               short strip =cdigi[idigi].firstStrip();
00480               GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theStripTopol->localPosition(strip));
00481               float x = pos.x () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00482               float y = pos.y () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00483               float z = pos.z () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00484               int xc = map->xpixel(z);
00485               int yc = map->ypixel(4.2*VisCuTkMap2D::phival(x,y));
00486           if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip"){
00487             MeasurementPoint mp1((float)strip,(float)-0.5);LocalPoint lp1=theStripTopol->localPosition(mp1);
00488             MeasurementPoint mp2((float)strip,(float)+0.5);LocalPoint lp2=theStripTopol->localPosition(mp2);
00489             GlobalPoint pos1 =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(lp1);
00490              xc1 = map->xpixel(pos1.z()/100.);  yc1 = map->ypixel(4.2*VisCuTkMap2D::phival(pos1.x()/100.,pos1.y()/100.));
00491             GlobalPoint pos2 =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(lp2);
00492              xc2 = map->xpixel(pos2.z()/100.);  yc2 = map->ypixel(4.2*VisCuTkMap2D::phival(pos2.x()/100.,pos2.y()/100.)); if(mod->getId() > 100 && (abs(abs(yc2-yc)-abs(yc1-yc))) > 20) {if(abs(yc1-yc)>abs(yc2-yc)) {yc1=yc; xc1=xc;yc2=yc;xc2=xc;}else{yc1=yc; xc1=xc; yc2=yc;xc2=xc;}}; 
00493             }
00494               if(!map->acc){
00495                 p->setPen(QColor(0,0,255));    
00496                 p->setBrush(QColor(0,0,255));
00497                 if(!horizontal_view){
00498                    if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip")
00499                        p->drawLine(xc1,yc1,xc2,yc2);
00500                     p->drawRect(xc,yc,3,3);}else{
00501                    if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip")
00502                        p->drawLine(yc1,map->x_win-xc1,yc2,map->x_win-xc2);
00503                     p->drawRect(yc,map->x_win-xc,3,3);}
00504               } else {
00505               if(!horizontal_view){
00506               if(xc > (map->ximg -1)) xc =  (map->ximg -1);
00507               if(yc > (map->yimg -1)) yc =(map->yimg-1);
00508                 } else {
00509               if(yc > (map->ximg -1)) yc =  (map->ximg -1);
00510               if(xc > (map->yimg -1)) xc =(map->yimg-1);
00511                 }
00512                   QRgb pixel;
00513                   if(!horizontal_view){
00514                     pixel = map->image->pixel(xc,yc);
00515                   }else pixel = map->image->pixel(yc,map->x_win-xc);
00516                   int green = qGreen(pixel);
00517                   if(green > 1) green = green -20;
00518                   if(green < 0) green = 0;
00519                   if(!horizontal_view)map->image->setPixel(xc,yc,green);else map->image->setPixel(yc,map->x_win-xc,green);
00520               }
00521             }//not separated
00522             numberOfDigis++;
00523           }//digis
00524         }
00525     }//endcap
00526     VisCuTkSubLayer* sl = mod->getOwner();
00528     if(sl->isStereo()&& map->separated)
00529       {
00530         if(mod->getId()>100 ){
00531           for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
00532             x=map->xpixel(xp[j]);y=map->ypixel(yp[j]);
00533             if(!horizontal_view)a.setPoint(j,x,y);else a.setPoint(j,y,map->x_win-x);
00534           }
00535           if(!horizontal_view)a.setPoint(3,x,y);else a.setPoint(3,y,map->x_win-x);
00536         }else {
00537           x=map->xpixel(xp[2]);y=map->ypixel(yp[2]);
00538           if(!horizontal_view)a.setPoint(0,x,y);else a.setPoint(0,y,map->x_win-x);
00539           x=map->xpixel(xp[3]);y=map->ypixel(yp[3]);
00540           if(!horizontal_view)a.setPoint(1,x,y);else a.setPoint(1,y,map->x_win-x);
00541           x=map->xpixel(xp[0]);y=map->ypixel(yp[0]);
00542           if(!horizontal_view)a.setPoint(2,x,y);else a.setPoint(2,y,map->x_win-x);
00543           if(!horizontal_view)a.setPoint(3,x,y);else a.setPoint(3,y,map->x_win-x);
00544         }
00545       } else {
00546         for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
00547           x=map->xpixel(xp[j]);y=map->ypixel(yp[j]);
00548           if(!horizontal_view)a.setPoint(j,x,y);else a.setPoint(j,y,map->x_win-x);
00549         }
00550       }                 
00551     if(map->acc){mod->value = mod->value + mod->cluster_size;mod->bufvalue = mod->bufvalue + mod->cluster_size;}
00552     else mod->value = mod->cluster_size; 
00553     if(map->separated){
00554       p->setPen(QColor( 158, 185, 225));
00555       int green = 255-mod->value; if (green < 0)green = 0;if(green > 255)green=255;
00556       p->setBrush(QColor(255,green,0));
00557       if(mod->value==0)p->setBrush(QColor(255,255,255));
00558       p->drawPolygon(a);
00559     }
00560     p->setPen(QColor(0,0,0));    
00561     p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); 
00562   }//firsteventloaded
00563 }

void VisCuTrackerCluster::setEvent ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup eventSetup 

Definition at line 74 of file

References edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::begin(), cdigi, VisCuTkModule::cluster_size, VisCuTkModule::cluster_start, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, cpdigi, edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::end(), lat::endl(), firsteventloaded, edm::EventSetup::get(), i, m_pDD, mod(), VisCuTkModuleMap::moduleMap, pixelclusterLabelName, pixelclusterProducerName, EgammaValidation_Zee_cff::sel, edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::size(), stripclusterLabelName, and stripclusterProducerName.

Referenced by VisCuTkGeometryTwig::onNewEvent().

00076 {
00077   eventSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord> ().get (m_pDD);
00079   cdigi.clear();
00080   cpdigi.clear();
00081   firsteventloaded=true;
00082   bool nocluster=true;
00083   int cd_pointer=0;
00085 if(stripclusterProducerName!="ignore"){
00086  std::vector< edm::Handle<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > > s_cluster_collections;
00087     Selector sel(ProductInstanceNameSelector(stripclusterLabelName) &&
00088                 ModuleLabelSelector(stripclusterProducerName));
00089     event.getMany (sel, s_cluster_collections);
00090       if (! s_cluster_collections.empty ())nocluster=false;
00091       if(nocluster) cout << "no stripclusters type "<<stripclusterProducerName<<"/"<<stripclusterLabelName<< " in event" << endl;
00092       if(!nocluster){
00093             std::vector< edm::Handle<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > >::iterator i;
00094             i = s_cluster_collections.begin ();
00095             const edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> &cinput = *(*i);
00096       if (cinput.size())
00097     { 
00098       edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator DSViter=cinput.begin();
00099       for (; DSViter!=cinput.end();DSViter++){
00100             const uint32_t detID = DSViter->detId();
00101             DetId detIdObject(detID);
00102             const GeomDetUnit  * geoUnit = m_pDD->idToDetUnit( detIdObject );
00103             VisCuTkModule * mod = VisCuTkModuleMap::moduleMap[geoUnit];
00104             if(mod){
00105               mod->cluster_start=cd_pointer;
00106               mod->cluster_size=DSViter->size();
00107             } else cout << "module not found " << endl; 
00108             edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator clustIt = DSViter->begin(), clustEnd = DSViter->end();
00109             for ( ; clustIt != clustEnd; clustIt++) 
00110                 {
00111               cdigi.push_back(*clustIt);
00113             }  
00114             cd_pointer=cd_pointer+DSViter->size();
00115           }
00116       }
00117     }
00118     }
00120   cd_pointer=0;
00121   nocluster=true;
00122 if(pixelclusterProducerName!="ignore"){
00123  std::vector< edm::Handle<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> > > p_cluster_collections;
00124     Selector sel(ProductInstanceNameSelector(pixelclusterLabelName) &&
00125                 ModuleLabelSelector(pixelclusterProducerName));
00126     event.getMany (sel, p_cluster_collections);
00127       if (! p_cluster_collections.empty ())nocluster=false;
00128       if(nocluster) cout << "no pixelcluster type "<<pixelclusterProducerName<<"/"<<pixelclusterLabelName<< " in event" << endl;
00129       if(!nocluster){
00130             std::vector< edm::Handle<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> > >::iterator i;
00131             i = p_cluster_collections.begin ();
00132             const edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> &cpinput = *(*i);
00133       if (cpinput.size())
00134     { 
00135       edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster>::const_iterator DSViter=cpinput.begin();
00136       for (; DSViter!=cpinput.end();DSViter++){
00137             const uint32_t detID = DSViter->detId();
00138             DetId detIdObject(detID);
00139             const GeomDetUnit  * geoUnit = m_pDD->idToDetUnit( detIdObject );
00140             VisCuTkModule * mod = VisCuTkModuleMap::moduleMap[geoUnit];
00141             if(mod){
00142               mod->cluster_start=cd_pointer;
00143               mod->cluster_size=DSViter->size();
00144             } else cout << "module not found " << endl; 
00145             edmNew::DetSet<SiPixelCluster>::const_iterator clustIt = DSViter->begin(), clustEnd = DSViter->end();
00146             for ( ; clustIt != clustEnd; clustIt++) 
00147                { 
00148               cpdigi.push_back(*clustIt);
00149             } // for digis 
00150             cd_pointer=cd_pointer+DSViter->size();
00151           }
00152     }
00153     }
00154     }
00155 }

void VisCuTrackerCluster::setMap ( VisCuTkMap2D m  )  [inline]

Definition at line 33 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

00033 {map=m;};

void VisCuTrackerCluster::setTracker ( VisCuCmsTracker tr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 31 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

References tracker.

Referenced by VisCuTkGeometryTwig::onNewEvent().

00031 {tracker=tr;};

SoSeparator * VisCuTrackerCluster::update ( VisTrackingGeometry::DetectorRep  type  ) 

Definition at line 157 of file

References begin, cdigi, VisCuTkModule::cluster_size, VisCuTkModule::cluster_start, clusterPointSize, parsecf::pyparsing::col(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, cpdigi, d, VisCuTkModule::detUnit, lat::endl(), SiStripCluster::firstStrip(), GeomDet::geographicalId(), VisCuTkModule::isVisible(), RectangularPixelTopology::localPosition(), StripTopology::localPosition(), lp1, SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), mod(), VisCuTkModuleMap::moduleMap, n, row, VisTrackingGeometry::RZDet, siStripClusterRepresentation, StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), funct::sqrt(), strip(), DetId::subdetId(), GeomDet::surface(), Surface::toGlobal(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), x, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), y, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and z.

Referenced by VisCuTkGeometryTwig::update().

00158 { 
00159    SoSeparator *sep = new SoSeparator; // global
00160   if (! cdigi.empty ())
00161     {
00162       SoMaterial *mat = new SoMaterial;
00163       mat->diffuseColor.setValue (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);//blue
00164       mat->emissiveColor.setValue(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
00166       SoDrawStyle *drawStyle = new SoDrawStyle;
00167       drawStyle->pointSize = clusterPointSize;
00169       sep->addChild (mat);
00170       sep->addChild (drawStyle);
00172       try 
00173         {
00174           SoVertexProperty *vertices = new SoVertexProperty;
00175           SoVertexProperty *vtx = 0;
00176           SoIndexedLineSet *strips=0 ;
00177           int nVrtx = 0;
00178           int n = 0;
00179           int coord=0;
00180           SoMFInt32 coords;
00181           if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip"){
00182             vtx = new SoVertexProperty;
00183             strips = new SoIndexedLineSet;
00184              }
00186           std::map<const GeomDetUnit * , VisCuTkModule *>::iterator imod;
00187           for (imod=VisCuTkModuleMap::moduleMap.begin();imod != VisCuTkModuleMap::moduleMap.end(); imod++){
00188             VisCuTkModule* mod = imod->second;
00189             unsigned int detType = mod->detUnit->geographicalId().subdetId();
00190             if(mod->isVisible()){
00191               if(detType < 3) //pixel
00192                 {
00193                   const PixelGeomDetUnit* theDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(mod->detUnit);
00194                   const RectangularPixelTopology *theTopol = dynamic_cast<const RectangularPixelTopology *>( &(theDet->specificTopology ()));
00195                   for(int idigi=mod->cluster_start;idigi!=(mod->cluster_start+mod->cluster_size);idigi++){ 
00196                     SiPixelCluster d = cpdigi[idigi];
00197                     int row = d.minPixelRow(); 
00198                     int col = d.minPixelCol(); 
00199                     GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theTopol->localPosition(MeasurementPoint(row,col)));
00200                     float x = pos.x () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00201                     float y;
00202                   if(type==RZDet){
00203                    x=0.0; 
00204                    y = sqrt(pos.x ()*pos.x()+pos.y()*pos.y()) / 100.0; if(pos.y()< 0. )y = - y;} else  y = pos.y () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00205                     float z = pos.z () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00207                     vertices->vertex.set1Value (nVrtx++, SbVec3f (x, y, z));
00208                   }
00209                 } else {
00210                   const StripGeomDetUnit*  theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(mod->detUnit);
00211                   const StripTopology * theStripTopol = dynamic_cast<const StripTopology *>( &(theStripDet->specificTopology ()));
00212                   for(int idigi=mod->cluster_start;idigi!=(mod->cluster_start+mod->cluster_size);idigi++){ 
00213                     SiStripCluster d = cdigi[idigi];
00214                     short strip = d.firstStrip(); 
00215                     GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theStripTopol->localPosition(strip));
00216                     float x = pos.x () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00217                     float y;
00218                   if(type==RZDet){
00219                      x=0.0;
00220                    y = sqrt(pos.x ()*pos.x()+pos.y()*pos.y()) / 100.0; if(pos.y()< 0. )y = - y;} else  y = pos.y () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00222                     float z = pos.z () / 100.0;  // cm -> m
00223                     vertices->vertex.set1Value (nVrtx++, SbVec3f (x, y, z));
00224                    if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip"){
00225                     //Compute strip 
00226                     MeasurementPoint mp1((float)strip,(float)-0.5);LocalPoint lp1=theStripTopol->localPosition(mp1);
00227                     MeasurementPoint mp2((float)strip,(float)+0.5);LocalPoint lp2=theStripTopol->localPosition(mp2);
00228                     GlobalPoint pos1 =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(lp1);
00229                     GlobalPoint pos2 =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(lp2);
00230                     vtx->vertex.set1Value(n,SbVec3f(pos1.x()/100.0,pos1.y()/100.0,pos1.z()/100.0));
00231                      coords.set1Value (coord, n);
00232                      coord++;n++;
00233                      vtx->vertex.set1Value(n,SbVec3f(pos2.x()/100.0,pos2.y()/100.0,pos2.z()/100.0));
00234                      coords.set1Value (coord, n);
00235                      coord++;n++;
00236                      coords.set1Value (coord, SO_END_LINE_INDEX);
00237                      coord++;
00238                      }//end compute strip
00240                   }
00241                 }//end of else if detType
00242             }//mod is visible
00243           }//module loop
00244           vertices->vertex.setNum (nVrtx);
00245           SoPointSet *points = new SoPointSet;
00246           points->vertexProperty.setValue (vertices);
00247           points->numPoints.setValue (nVrtx);
00248           sep->addChild (points);
00250           if(siStripClusterRepresentation=="strip"){
00251             strips->vertexProperty = vtx;
00252             strips->coordIndex = coords;
00253             sep->addChild (strips);
00254             }
00257         }
00258       catch (...) 
00259         {
00260           std::cout << "No Clusters." << std::endl;
00261         }
00262     }
00263       return sep;
00264 }

std::string VisCuTrackerCluster::updatetext ( VisCuTkModule mod  ) 

Definition at line 564 of file

References cdigi, VisCuTkModule::cluster_size, VisCuTkModule::cluster_start, parsecf::pyparsing::col(), cpdigi, VisCuTkModule::detUnit, GeomDet::geographicalId(), RectangularPixelTopology::localPosition(), StripTopology::localPosition(), row, StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), strip(), DetId::subdetId(), GeomDet::surface(), Surface::toGlobal(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by VisCuTkGeometryTwig::update().

00565 {
00566   const RectangularPixelTopology * theTopol = 0;
00567   const StripTopology * theStripTopol = 0;
00568   const PixelGeomDetUnit* theDet;
00569   const StripGeomDetUnit* theStripDet;
00570   std::ostringstream  text;
00572   if(mod->cluster_size>0){
00573     unsigned int detType = mod->detUnit->geographicalId().subdetId();
00574     if(detType<3) {//pixel
00575       theDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(mod->detUnit);
00576       theTopol = dynamic_cast<const RectangularPixelTopology *>( &(theDet->specificTopology ()));
00577       text << mod->cluster_size << " pixel clusters : ---------------------------------------------------- <p>" ;
00578     } else { //SiStrip
00579       theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>(mod->detUnit);
00580       theStripTopol = dynamic_cast<const StripTopology *>( &(theStripDet->specificTopology ()));
00581       text << mod->cluster_size << " strip clusters : --------------------------------------- <p>" ;
00582     }
00583     int ncluster=0;
00584     for(int idigi=mod->cluster_start;idigi!=(mod->cluster_start+mod->cluster_size);idigi++){ 
00585       text << " Number=" << ncluster++ ;
00586       if(detType<3) {//pixel
00587         int row = cpdigi[idigi].minPixelRow();  
00588         int col =cpdigi[idigi].minPixelCol();  
00589         GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theTopol->localPosition(MeasurementPoint(row,col)));
00590         text << " Position=" << pos.x () << ", " << pos.y () << ", " << pos.z () 
00591              << " Row=" << row
00592              << " Column=" << col <<"<p>"  ;
00593       } else { //SiStrip
00594         short strip =cdigi[idigi].firstStrip();
00595         GlobalPoint pos =  mod->detUnit->surface().toGlobal(theStripTopol->localPosition(strip));
00596         text << " Position=" << pos.x () << ", " << pos.y () << ", " << pos.z ()  
00597              << " ClusterSize=" << cdigi[idigi].amplitudes().size()
00598              << " Barycenter=" << std::setprecision (5) << cdigi[idigi].barycenter() << "<p>";
00599       }
00600     }
00601     text <<  " -----------------------------" ;
00602   }
00603   return text.str();
00604 }

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<SiStripCluster> VisCuTrackerCluster::cdigi [private]

Definition at line 42 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by drawcluster(), setEvent(), update(), and updatetext().

double VisCuTrackerCluster::clusterPointSize [private]

Definition at line 41 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by update(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

std::vector<SiPixelCluster> VisCuTrackerCluster::cpdigi [private]

Definition at line 43 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by drawcluster(), setEvent(), update(), and updatetext().

bool VisCuTrackerCluster::firsteventloaded [private]

Definition at line 37 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by drawcluster(), setEvent(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

bool VisCuTrackerCluster::horizontal_view [private]

Definition at line 37 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by drawcluster(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> VisCuTrackerCluster::m_pDD [private]

Definition at line 40 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by setEvent().

VisCuTkMap2D* VisCuTrackerCluster::map [private]

Definition at line 39 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

std::string VisCuTrackerCluster::pixelclusterLabelName [private]

Definition at line 45 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by setEvent(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

std::string VisCuTrackerCluster::pixelclusterProducerName [private]

Definition at line 45 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by setEvent(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

std::string VisCuTrackerCluster::siStripClusterRepresentation [private]

Definition at line 46 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by drawcluster(), update(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

std::string VisCuTrackerCluster::stripclusterLabelName [private]

Definition at line 44 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by setEvent(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

std::string VisCuTrackerCluster::stripclusterProducerName [private]

Definition at line 44 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by setEvent(), and VisCuTrackerCluster().

VisCuCmsTracker* VisCuTrackerCluster::tracker [private]

Definition at line 38 of file VisCuTrackerCluster.h.

Referenced by setTracker().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:35:15 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4