IgPluginFactory< I > Class Template Reference

#include <Iguana/Framework/interface/IgPluginFactory.h>

Inheritance diagram for IgPluginFactory< I >:


List of all members.

Public Types

typedef I::Factory Factory
typedef I Info
typedef IgMapUniqueIterator< MapIterator
typedef std::multimap
< std::string, Info * > 
typedef Map::value_type MapValue

Public Member Functions

virtual void addInfo (IgPluginInfo *info)
Iterator begin (void) const
virtual void declare (IgModuleDef *def, std::string name)
Iterator end (void) const
 IgPluginFactory (const std::string &tag)
Infoinfo (const std::string &name) const
virtual void installFactory (IgModuleDef *def, std::string name, Factory *factory)
Iterator locate (const std::string &name) const
virtual void rebuild (void)
virtual void removeInfo (IgPluginInfo *info)
virtual void restore (IgModule *module, IgModuleDescriptor *info)
 ~IgPluginFactory (void)

Private Attributes

Map m_map

Detailed Description

template<class I>
class IgPluginFactory< I >

Definition at line 449 of file IgPluginFactory.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class I>
typedef I::Factory IgPluginFactory< I >::Factory

Definition at line 454 of file IgPluginFactory.h.

template<class I>
typedef I IgPluginFactory< I >::Info

Definition at line 452 of file IgPluginFactory.h.

template<class I>
typedef IgMapUniqueIterator<Map> IgPluginFactory< I >::Iterator

Definition at line 460 of file IgPluginFactory.h.

template<class I>
typedef std::multimap<std::string, Info *> IgPluginFactory< I >::Map

Definition at line 456 of file IgPluginFactory.h.

template<class I>
typedef Map::value_type IgPluginFactory< I >::MapValue

Definition at line 458 of file IgPluginFactory.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class I>
IgPluginFactory< I >::IgPluginFactory ( const std::string &  tag  ) 

template<class I>
IgPluginFactory< I >::~IgPluginFactory ( void   ) 

Member Function Documentation

template<class I>
virtual void IgPluginFactory< I >::addInfo ( IgPluginInfo info  )  [virtual]

Implements IgPluginFactoryBase.

template<class I>
Iterator IgPluginFactory< I >::begin ( void   )  const

Referenced by IgPage::IgPage(), IgWebServiceRegistry::IgWebServiceRegistry(), IgStudioWebService::initSession(), IgPluginLoader::load(), and IgStudioDriver::setupSession().

template<class I>
virtual void IgPluginFactory< I >::declare ( IgModuleDef def,
std::string  name 
) [virtual]

template<class I>
Iterator IgPluginFactory< I >::end ( void   )  const

Referenced by IgPluginFactory< R *(T1)>::create(), IgPluginFactory< R *(T1, T2)>::create(), IgPluginFactory< R *(void)>::create(), IgPluginFactory< R *(T1, T2, T3)>::create(), IgPluginFactory< R *(T1, T2, T3, T4)>::create(), IgPage::IgPage(), IgWebServiceRegistry::IgWebServiceRegistry(), IgStudioWebService::initSession(), IgPluginLoader::load(), and IgStudioDriver::setupSession().

template<class I>
Info* IgPluginFactory< I >::info ( const std::string &  name  )  const

Referenced by IgPluginFactory< R *(void)>::create().

template<class I>
virtual void IgPluginFactory< I >::installFactory ( IgModuleDef def,
std::string  name,
Factory factory 
) [virtual]

template<class I>
Iterator IgPluginFactory< I >::locate ( const std::string &  name  )  const

Referenced by IgQtAppDebug::showProfiler().

template<class I>
virtual void IgPluginFactory< I >::rebuild ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from IgPluginFactoryBase.

template<class I>
virtual void IgPluginFactory< I >::removeInfo ( IgPluginInfo info  )  [virtual]

Implements IgPluginFactoryBase.

template<class I>
virtual void IgPluginFactory< I >::restore ( IgModule module,
IgModuleDescriptor info 
) [virtual]

Implements IgPluginFactoryBase.

Member Data Documentation

template<class I>
Map IgPluginFactory< I >::m_map [private]

Definition at line 481 of file IgPluginFactory.h.

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