DDTIBLayerAlgo Class Reference

#include <Geometry/TrackerCommonData/interface/DDTIBLayerAlgo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DDTIBLayerAlgo ()
void execute ()
void initialize (const DDNumericArguments &nArgs, const DDVectorArguments &vArgs, const DDMapArguments &mArgs, const DDStringArguments &sArgs, const DDStringVectorArguments &vsArgs)
virtual ~DDTIBLayerAlgo ()

Private Attributes

double bwExtPillarDPhi
double bwExtPillarDz
std::vector< double > bwExtPillarPhi
std::vector< double > bwExtPillarZ
double bwIntPillarDPhi
double bwIntPillarDz
std::vector< double > bwIntPillarPhi
std::vector< double > bwIntPillarZ
std::string centMat
std::vector< double > centRing1par
std::vector< double > centRing2par
double cylinderInR
std::string cylinderMat
double cylinderT
std::string detectorLo
double detectorTilt
std::string detectorUp
double dohmAuxL
std::string dohmAuxMaterial
std::string dohmAuxName
std::string dohmCableMaterial
std::string dohmCarrierMaterial
double dohmCarrierPhiOff
std::vector< double > dohmListBW
std::vector< double > dohmListFW
double dohmPrimL
std::string dohmPrimMaterial
std::string dohmPrimName
double dohmtoMF
double fillerDz
std::string fillerMat
double fwExtPillarDPhi
double fwExtPillarDz
std::vector< double > fwExtPillarPhi
std::vector< double > fwExtPillarZ
double fwIntPillarDPhi
double fwIntPillarDz
std::vector< double > fwIntPillarPhi
std::vector< double > fwIntPillarZ
std::string genMat
std::string idNameSpace
double layerL
std::string MFExtRingMat
std::string MFIntRingMat
double MFRingDz
double MFRingInR
double MFRingOutR
double MFRingT
double phioffLo
double phioffUp
std::string pillarMaterial
double radiusLo
double radiusUp
std::string ribMat
std::vector< double > ribPhi
std::vector< double > ribW
int stringsLo
int stringsUp
double supportT

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDTIBLayerAlgo::DDTIBLayerAlgo (  ) 

Definition at line 22 of file

References LogDebug.

00022                               : ribW(0),ribPhi(0) {
00023   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo info: Creating an instance";
00024 }

DDTIBLayerAlgo::~DDTIBLayerAlgo (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 26 of file

00026 {}

Member Function Documentation

void DDTIBLayerAlgo::execute (  ) 

Definition at line 177 of file

References funct::abs(), bwExtPillarDPhi, bwExtPillarDz, bwExtPillarPhi, bwExtPillarZ, bwIntPillarDPhi, bwIntPillarDz, bwIntPillarPhi, bwIntPillarZ, centMat, centRing1par, centRing2par, funct::cos(), cylinderInR, cylinderMat, cylinderT, dbl_to_string(), DDanonymousRot(), DDcreateRotationMatrix(), DDBase< N, C >::ddname(), DDpos(), DDrot(), DDSplit(), detectorLo, detectorTilt, detectorUp, dohmAuxL, dohmAuxName, dohmCarrierMaterial, dohmCarrierPhiOff, dohmListBW, dohmListFW, dohmPrimL, dohmPrimName, dohmtoMF, fillerDz, fillerMat, first, fwExtPillarDPhi, fwExtPillarDz, fwExtPillarPhi, fwExtPillarZ, fwIntPillarDPhi, fwIntPillarDz, fwIntPillarPhi, fwIntPillarZ, genMat, i, idNameSpace, int, j, layerL, LogDebug, MFExtRingMat, MFIntRingMat, MFRingDz, MFRingInR, MFRingOutR, MFRingT, n, name, DDName::name(), DDBase< N, C >::name(), dbtoconf::parent, phi, pillarMaterial, radiusLo, radiusUp, ribMat, ribPhi, ribW, edm::second(), funct::sin(), stringsLo, stringsUp, supportT, theta, DDSolidFactory::tubs(), and width.

00177                              {
00179   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "==>> Constructing DDTIBLayerAlgo...";
00181   DDName  parentName = parent().name(); 
00182   std::string idName = DDSplit(parentName).first;
00184   double rmin = MFRingInR;
00185   double rmax = MFRingOutR;
00187   DDSolid solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(idName, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00188                                        rmin, rmax, 0, twopi);
00190   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: "  
00191                       << DDName(idName,idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00192                       << genMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00193                       << " with Rin " << rmin << " Rout " << rmax 
00194                       << " ZHalf " << 0.5*layerL;
00196   DDName matname(DDSplit(genMat).first, DDSplit(genMat).second);
00197   DDMaterial matter(matname);
00198   DDLogicalPart layer(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00200   //Internal layer first
00201   double rin  = rmin+MFRingT;
00202   //  double rout = 0.5*(radiusLo+radiusUp-cylinderT);
00203   double rout = cylinderInR;
00204   std::string name = idName + "Down";
00205   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00206                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00207   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00208                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00209                       << genMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00210                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout 
00211                       << " ZHalf " << 0.5*layerL;
00212   DDLogicalPart layerIn(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00213   DDpos (layerIn, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
00214   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " <<
00215                       << " number 1 positioned in " <<
00216                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00218   double rposdet = radiusLo;
00219   double dphi    = twopi/stringsLo;
00220   DDName detIn(DDSplit(detectorLo).first, DDSplit(detectorLo).second);
00221   for (int n = 0; n < stringsLo; n++) {
00222     double phi    = (n+0.5)*dphi;
00223     double phix   = phi - detectorTilt + 90*deg;
00224     double phideg = phix/deg;
00225     DDRotation rotation;
00226     if (phideg != 0) {
00227       double theta  = 90*deg;
00228       double phiy   = phix + 90.*deg;
00229       std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
00230       rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00231       if (!rotation) {
00232         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
00233                             << "rotation: "     << rotstr << "\t90., " 
00234                             << phix/deg << ", 90.,"     << phiy/deg <<", 0, 0";
00235         rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta, phix, theta, phiy,
00236                          0., 0.);
00237       }
00238     }
00239     DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
00240     DDpos (detIn, layerIn, n+1, trdet, rotation);
00241     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test " << 
00242                         << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00243                         << << " at " << trdet << " with "
00244                         << rotation;
00245   }
00247   //Now the external layer
00248   rin  = cylinderInR + cylinderT;
00249   rout = rmax-MFRingT;
00250   name = idName + "Up";
00251   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00252                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00253   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00254                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00255                       << genMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00256                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout
00257                       << " ZHalf " << 0.5*layerL;
00258   DDLogicalPart layerOut(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00259   DDpos (layerOut, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
00260   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " << 
00261                       << " number 1 positioned in " << 
00262                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00264   rposdet = radiusUp;
00265   dphi    = twopi/stringsUp;
00266   DDName detOut(DDSplit(detectorUp).first, DDSplit(detectorUp).second);
00267   for (int n = 0; n < stringsUp; n++) {
00268     double phi    = (n+0.5)*dphi;
00269     double phix   = phi - detectorTilt - 90*deg;
00270     double phideg = phix/deg;
00271     DDRotation rotation;
00272     if (phideg != 0) {
00273       double theta  = 90*deg;
00274       double phiy   = phix + 90.*deg;
00275       std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
00276       rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00277       if (!rotation) {
00278         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
00279                             << "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t90., " 
00280                             << phix/deg << ", 90.,"     << phiy/deg <<", 0, 0";
00281         rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta, phix, theta, phiy,
00282                          0., 0.);
00283       }
00284     }
00285     DDTranslation trdet(rposdet*cos(phi), rposdet*sin(phi), 0);
00286     DDpos (detOut, layerOut, n+1, trdet, rotation);
00287     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test " << 
00288                         << " number " << n+1 << " positioned in " 
00289                         << << " at " << trdet << " with "
00290                         << rotation;
00291   }
00293   //
00294   // Inner cylinder, support wall and ribs
00295   //
00296   // External skins
00297   rin  = cylinderInR;
00298   rout = cylinderInR+cylinderT;
00299   name = idName + "Cylinder";
00300   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00301                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00302   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00303                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00304                       << cylinderMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00305                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout 
00306                       << " ZHalf " << 0.5*layerL;
00307   matname = DDName(DDSplit(cylinderMat).first, DDSplit(cylinderMat).second);
00308   DDMaterial matcyl(matname);
00309   DDLogicalPart cylinder(solid.ddname(), matcyl, solid);
00310   DDpos (cylinder, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
00311   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " << 
00312                       << " number 1 positioned in " <<
00313                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00314   //
00315   // inner part of the cylinder
00316   //
00317   rin  += supportT;
00318   rout -= supportT;
00319   name  = idName + "CylinderIn";
00320   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerL,
00321                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00322   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: "
00323                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of "
00324                       << genMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00325                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout 
00326                       << " ZHalf " << 0.5*layerL;
00327   DDLogicalPart cylinderIn(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
00328   DDpos (cylinderIn, cylinder, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
00329   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " << 
00330                       << " number 1 positioned in " << 
00331                       << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";
00332   //
00333   // Filler Rings
00334   //
00335   matname = DDName(DDSplit(fillerMat).first, DDSplit(fillerMat).second);
00336   DDMaterial matfiller(matname);
00337   name = idName + "Filler";
00338   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), fillerDz, rin, rout, 
00339                                0., twopi);
00340   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00341                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00342                       << fillerMat << " from " << 0. << " to "
00343                       << twopi/deg << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout "
00344                       << rout << " ZHalf "  << fillerDz;
00345   DDLogicalPart cylinderFiller(solid.ddname(), matfiller, solid);
00346   DDpos (cylinderFiller, cylinderIn, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.5*layerL-fillerDz), DDRotation());
00347   DDpos (cylinderFiller, cylinderIn, 2, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0,-0.5*layerL+fillerDz), DDRotation());
00348   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test " <<
00349                       << " number 1" << " positioned in " 
00350                       << << " at " << DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.5*layerL-fillerDz)
00351                       << " number 2" << " positioned in " 
00352                       << << " at " << DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0,-0.5*layerL+fillerDz);
00354   //
00355   // Ribs
00356   //
00357   matname = DDName(DDSplit(ribMat).first, DDSplit(ribMat).second);
00358   DDMaterial matrib(matname);
00359   for (int i = 0; i < (int)(ribW.size()); i++) {
00360     name = idName + "Rib" + dbl_to_string(i);
00361     double width = 2.*ribW[i]/(rin+rout);
00362     double dz    = 0.5*layerL-2.*fillerDz;
00363     solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dz, rin+0.5*mm, rout-0.5*mm, 
00364                                  -0.5*width, width);
00365     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00366                         << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00367                         << ribMat << " from " << -0.5*width/deg << " to "
00368                         << 0.5*width/deg << " with Rin " << rin+0.5*mm << " Rout "
00369                         << rout-0.5*mm << " ZHalf "  << dz;
00370     DDLogicalPart cylinderRib(solid.ddname(), matrib, solid);
00371     double phix   = ribPhi[i];
00372     double phideg = phix/deg;
00373     DDRotation rotation;
00374     if (phideg != 0) {
00375       double theta  = 90*deg;
00376       double phiy   = phix + 90.*deg;
00377       std::string rotstr = idName + dbl_to_string(phideg*10.);
00378       rotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00379       if (!rotation) {
00380         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
00381                             << "rotation: "     << rotstr << "\t90., " 
00382                             << phix/deg << ", 90.," << phiy/deg <<", 0, 0";
00383         rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta, phix, theta, phiy,
00384                          0., 0.);
00385       }
00386     }
00387     DDTranslation tran(0, 0, 0);
00388     DDpos (cylinderRib, cylinderIn, 1, tran, rotation);
00389     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test " <<
00390                         << " number 1" << " positioned in " 
00391                         << << " at " << tran << " with " 
00392                         << rotation;
00393   }
00395   //Manifold rings
00396   //
00397   // Inner ones first
00398   matname = DDName(DDSplit(MFIntRingMat).first, DDSplit(MFIntRingMat).second);
00399   DDMaterial matintmfr(matname);
00400   rin  = MFRingInR;
00401   rout = rin + MFRingT;
00402   name = idName + "InnerMFRing";
00403   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), MFRingDz,
00404                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00406   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00407                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00408                       << MFIntRingMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00409                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout 
00410                       << " ZHalf " << MFRingDz;
00412   DDLogicalPart inmfr(solid.ddname(), matintmfr, solid);
00413   DDpos (inmfr, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*layerL+MFRingDz), DDRotation());
00414   DDpos (inmfr, layer, 2, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, +0.5*layerL-MFRingDz), DDRotation());
00415   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " << 
00416                       << " number 1 and 2 positioned in " <<
00417                       << " at (0,0,+-" << 0.5*layerL-MFRingDz << ") with no rotation";
00418   // Outer ones
00419   matname = DDName(DDSplit(MFExtRingMat).first, DDSplit(MFExtRingMat).second);
00420   DDMaterial matextmfr(matname);
00421   rout  = MFRingOutR;
00422   rin   = rout - MFRingT;
00423   name = idName + "OuterMFRing";
00424   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), MFRingDz,
00425                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00427   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00428                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00429                       << MFExtRingMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00430                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout 
00431                       << " ZHalf " << MFRingDz;
00433   DDLogicalPart outmfr(solid.ddname(), matextmfr, solid);
00434   DDpos (outmfr, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*layerL+MFRingDz), DDRotation());
00435   DDpos (outmfr, layer, 2, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, +0.5*layerL-MFRingDz), DDRotation());
00436   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " << 
00437                       << " number 1 and 2 positioned in " <<
00438                       << " at (0,0,+-" << 0.5*layerL-MFRingDz << ") with no rotation";
00440   //Central Support rings
00441   //
00442   matname = DDName(DDSplit(centMat).first, DDSplit(centMat).second);
00443   DDMaterial matcent(matname);
00444   // Ring 1
00445   double centZ  = centRing1par[0];
00446   double centDz = 0.5*centRing1par[1];
00447   rin  = centRing1par[2];
00448   rout = centRing1par[3];
00449   name = idName + "CentRing1";
00450   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), centDz,
00451                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00453   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00454                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00455                       << centMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00456                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout 
00457                       << " ZHalf " << centDz;
00459   DDLogicalPart cent1(solid.ddname(), matcent, solid);
00460   DDpos (cent1, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, centZ), DDRotation());
00461   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " << 
00462                       << " positioned in " <<
00463                       << " at (0,0," << centZ << ") with no rotation";
00464   // Ring 2
00465   centZ  = centRing2par[0];
00466   centDz = 0.5*centRing2par[1];
00467   rin  = centRing2par[2];
00468   rout = centRing2par[3];
00469   name = idName + "CentRing2";
00470   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), centDz,
00471                                rin, rout, 0, twopi);
00473   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00474                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
00475                       << centMat << " from 0 to " << twopi/deg 
00476                       << " with Rin " << rin << " Rout " << rout 
00477                       << " ZHalf " << centDz;
00479   DDLogicalPart cent2(solid.ddname(), matcent, solid);
00480   DDpos (cent2, layer, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, centZ), DDRotation());
00481   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " << 
00482                       << " positioned in " <<
00483                       << " at (0,0," << centZ << ") with no rotation";
00486   //
00487   // Preparing DOHM Carrier solid
00489   name = idName + "DOHMCarrier";
00491   double dohmCarrierRin   = MFRingOutR - MFRingT;
00492   double dohmCarrierRout  = MFRingOutR;
00493   double dohmCarrierDz    = 0.5*(dohmPrimL+dohmtoMF);
00494   double dohmCarrierZ     = 0.5*layerL-2.*MFRingDz-dohmCarrierDz;
00496   solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), dohmCarrierDz, 
00497                                dohmCarrierRin, dohmCarrierRout, 
00498                                dohmCarrierPhiOff, 180.*deg-2.*dohmCarrierPhiOff);
00499   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00500                       << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of "
00501                       << dohmCarrierMaterial << " from "
00502                       << dohmCarrierPhiOff << " to " 
00503                       << 180.*deg-dohmCarrierPhiOff << " with Rin "
00504                       << dohmCarrierRin << " Rout " << MFRingOutR << " ZHalf "  
00505                       << dohmCarrierDz;
00508   // Define FW and BW carrier logical volume and
00509   // place DOHM Primary and auxiliary modules inside it
00511   dphi = twopi/stringsUp;
00513   DDRotation dohmRotation;
00515   double dohmR = 0.5*(dohmCarrierRin+dohmCarrierRout);
00518   for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) {
00520     std::vector<double> dohmList;
00521     DDTranslation tran;
00522     std::string rotstr;
00523     DDRotation rotation;
00524     int dohmCarrierReplica=0;
00525     int placeDohm = 0;
00527     switch (j){
00528     case 0:
00529       name = idName + "DOHMCarrierFW";
00530       dohmList = dohmListFW;
00531       tran = DDTranslation(0., 0., dohmCarrierZ);
00532       rotstr = idName + "FwUp";
00533       rotation = DDRotation();
00534       dohmCarrierReplica = 1;
00535       placeDohm=1;
00536       break;
00537     case 1:
00538       name = idName + "DOHMCarrierFW";
00539       dohmList = dohmListFW;
00540       tran = DDTranslation(0., 0., dohmCarrierZ);
00541       rotstr = idName + "FwDown";
00542       rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), 90.*deg, 180.*deg, 
00543                        90.*deg, 270.*deg, 0.*deg, 0.*deg);
00544       dohmCarrierReplica = 2;
00545       placeDohm=0;
00546       break;
00547     case 2:
00548       name = idName + "DOHMCarrierBW";
00549       dohmList = dohmListBW;
00550       tran = DDTranslation(0., 0., -dohmCarrierZ);
00551       rotstr = idName + "BwUp";
00552       rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), 90.*deg, 180.*deg, 
00553                        90.*deg, 90.*deg, 180.*deg, 0.*deg);
00554       dohmCarrierReplica = 1;
00555       placeDohm=1;
00556       break;
00557     case 3:
00558       name = idName + "DOHMCarrierBW";
00559       dohmList = dohmListBW;
00560       tran = DDTranslation(0., 0., -dohmCarrierZ);
00561       rotstr = idName + "BwDown";
00562       rotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), 90.*deg, 0.*deg, 
00563                        90.*deg, 270.*deg, 180.*deg, 0.*deg);
00564       dohmCarrierReplica = 2;
00565       placeDohm=0;
00566       break;
00567     }
00569     DDLogicalPart dohmCarrier(name,DDMaterial(dohmCarrierMaterial),solid);
00571     int primReplica = 0;
00572     int auxReplica = 0;
00574     for (int i = 0; i < placeDohm*((int)(dohmList.size())); i++) {
00576       double phi    = (std::abs(dohmList[i])+0.5-1.)*dphi;
00577       double phix   = phi + 90*deg;
00578       double phideg = phix/deg;
00579       if (phideg != 0) {
00580         double theta  = 90*deg;
00581         double phiy   = phix + 90.*deg;
00582         std::string   rotstr = idName+dbl_to_string(std::abs(dohmList[i])-1.);
00583         dohmRotation = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace));
00584         if (!dohmRotation) {
00585           LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
00586                               << "rotation: "   << rotstr << "\t" << theta 
00587                               << ", "  << phix/deg << ", " << theta << ", "
00588                               << phiy/deg <<", 0, 0";
00589           dohmRotation = DDrot(DDName(rotstr, idNameSpace), theta, phix, theta,
00590                                phiy, 0., 0.);
00591         }
00592       }
00594       std::string dohmName;
00595       int dohmReplica = 0;
00596       double dohmZ = 0.;
00598       if(dohmList[i]<0.) {
00599         // Place a Auxiliary DOHM
00600         dohmName = dohmAuxName;
00601         dohmZ = dohmCarrierDz - 0.5*dohmAuxL - dohmtoMF;
00602         primReplica++;
00603         dohmReplica = primReplica;
00605       } else {
00606         // Place a Primary DOHM
00607         dohmName = dohmPrimName;
00608         dohmZ = dohmCarrierDz - 0.5*dohmPrimL - dohmtoMF;
00609         auxReplica++;
00610         dohmReplica = auxReplica;
00611       }
00613       DDName dohm(DDSplit(dohmName).first, DDSplit(dohmName).second);
00614       DDTranslation dohmTrasl(dohmR*cos(phi), dohmR*sin(phi), dohmZ);
00615       DDpos (dohm, dohmCarrier, dohmReplica, dohmTrasl, dohmRotation);
00616       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test " << 
00617                           << " replica " << dohmReplica << " positioned in " 
00618                           << << " at " << dohmTrasl << " with "
00619                           << dohmRotation;
00621     }
00624     DDpos (dohmCarrier, parent(), dohmCarrierReplica, tran, rotation );
00625     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test "
00626                         << << " positioned in " << parent().name() << " at "
00627                         << tran << " with " << rotation;
00629   }
00633   for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) {
00635     matname = DDName(DDSplit(pillarMaterial).first, DDSplit(pillarMaterial).second);
00636     DDMaterial pillarMat(matname);
00637     std::vector<double> pillarZ;
00638     std::vector<double> pillarPhi;
00639     double pillarDz; 
00640     double pillarDPhi; 
00641     double pillarRin;
00642     double pillarRout;
00644     switch (j){
00645     case 0:
00646       name = idName + "FWIntPillar";
00647       pillarZ    = fwIntPillarZ;
00648       pillarPhi  = fwIntPillarPhi;
00649       pillarRin  = MFRingInR;
00650       pillarRout = MFRingInR + MFRingT;
00651       pillarDz   = fwIntPillarDz;
00652       pillarDPhi = fwIntPillarDPhi;
00653       break;
00654     case 1:
00655       name = idName + "BWIntPillar";
00656       pillarZ    = bwIntPillarZ;
00657       pillarPhi  = bwIntPillarPhi;
00658       pillarRin  = MFRingInR;
00659       pillarRout = MFRingInR + MFRingT;
00660       pillarDz   = bwIntPillarDz;
00661       pillarDPhi = bwIntPillarDPhi;
00662       break;
00663     case 2:
00664       name = idName + "FWExtPillar";
00665       pillarZ    = fwExtPillarZ;
00666       pillarPhi  = fwExtPillarPhi;
00667       pillarRin  = MFRingOutR - MFRingT;
00668       pillarRout = MFRingOutR;
00669       pillarDz   = fwExtPillarDz;
00670       pillarDPhi = fwExtPillarDPhi;
00671       break;
00672     case 3:
00673       name = idName + "BWExtPillar";
00674       pillarZ    = bwExtPillarZ;
00675       pillarPhi  = bwExtPillarPhi;
00676       pillarRin  = MFRingOutR - MFRingT;
00677       pillarRout = MFRingOutR;
00678       pillarDz   = bwExtPillarDz;
00679       pillarDPhi = bwExtPillarDPhi;
00680       break;
00681     }
00684     solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(name, idNameSpace), pillarDz, 
00685                                  pillarRin, pillarRout, 
00686                                  -pillarDPhi, 2.*pillarDPhi);
00688     DDLogicalPart Pillar(name,DDMaterial(pillarMat),solid);
00690     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test: " 
00691                         << DDName(name, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of "
00692                         << pillarMat << " from "
00693                         << -pillarDPhi << " to " 
00694                         << pillarDPhi << " with Rin "
00695                         << pillarRin << " Rout " << pillarRout << " ZHalf "  
00696                         << pillarDz;
00698     DDTranslation pillarTran;
00699     DDRotation pillarRota;
00700     int pillarReplica = 0;
00701     for (unsigned int i=0; i<pillarZ.size(); i++) {
00702       if( pillarPhi[i]>0. ) {
00704         pillarTran = DDTranslation(0., 0., pillarZ[i]);
00705         pillarRota = DDanonymousRot(DDcreateRotationMatrix(90.*deg, pillarPhi[i], 90.*deg, 90.*deg+pillarPhi[i], 0., 0.));
00707         DDpos (Pillar, parent(), i, pillarTran, pillarRota);
00708         LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo test "
00709                             << << " positioned in " << parent().name() << " at "
00710                             << pillarTran << " with " << pillarRota << " copy number " << pillarReplica;
00712         pillarReplica++;
00713       }
00715     }
00717   }
00719 }

void DDTIBLayerAlgo::initialize ( const DDNumericArguments nArgs,
const DDVectorArguments vArgs,
const DDMapArguments mArgs,
const DDStringArguments sArgs,
const DDStringVectorArguments vsArgs 

Definition at line 28 of file

References bwExtPillarDPhi, bwExtPillarDz, bwExtPillarPhi, bwExtPillarZ, bwIntPillarDPhi, bwIntPillarDz, bwIntPillarPhi, bwIntPillarZ, centMat, centRing1par, centRing2par, cylinderInR, cylinderMat, cylinderT, detectorLo, detectorTilt, detectorUp, dohmAuxL, dohmAuxMaterial, dohmAuxName, dohmCableMaterial, dohmCarrierMaterial, dohmCarrierPhiOff, dohmListBW, dohmListFW, dohmPrimL, dohmPrimMaterial, dohmPrimName, dohmtoMF, fillerDz, fillerMat, fwExtPillarDPhi, fwExtPillarDz, fwExtPillarPhi, fwExtPillarZ, fwIntPillarDPhi, fwIntPillarDz, fwIntPillarPhi, fwIntPillarZ, genMat, i, idNameSpace, int, layerL, LogDebug, MFExtRingMat, MFIntRingMat, MFRingDz, MFRingInR, MFRingOutR, MFRingT, DDCurrentNamespace::ns(), dbtoconf::parent, pillarMaterial, radiusLo, radiusUp, ribMat, ribPhi, ribW, stringsLo, stringsUp, and supportT.

00032                                                                   {
00034   idNameSpace  = DDCurrentNamespace::ns();
00035   genMat       = sArgs["GeneralMaterial"];
00036   DDName parentName = parent().name(); 
00037   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo debug: Parent " << parentName 
00038                       << " NameSpace " << idNameSpace 
00039                       << " General Material " << genMat;
00041   detectorTilt = nArgs["DetectorTilt"];
00042   layerL       = nArgs["LayerL"];
00044   radiusLo     = nArgs["RadiusLo"];
00045   stringsLo    = int(nArgs["StringsLo"]);
00046   detectorLo   = sArgs["StringDetLoName"];
00047   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo debug: Lower layer Radius " 
00048                       << radiusLo << " Number " << stringsLo << " String "
00049                       << detectorLo;
00051   radiusUp     = nArgs["RadiusUp"];
00052   stringsUp    = int(nArgs["StringsUp"]);
00053   detectorUp   = sArgs["StringDetUpName"];
00054   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo debug: Upper layer Radius "
00055                       << radiusUp << " Number " << stringsUp << " String "
00056                       << detectorUp;
00058   cylinderT    = nArgs["CylinderThickness"];
00059   cylinderInR  = nArgs["CylinderInnerRadius"];
00060   cylinderMat  = sArgs["CylinderMaterial"];
00061   MFRingInR    = nArgs["MFRingInnerRadius"]; 
00062   MFRingOutR   = nArgs["MFRingOuterRadius"]; 
00063   MFRingT      = nArgs["MFRingThickness"];   
00064   MFRingDz     = nArgs["MFRingDeltaz"];      
00065   MFIntRingMat = sArgs["MFIntRingMaterial"];      
00066   MFExtRingMat = sArgs["MFExtRingMaterial"];      
00068   supportT     = nArgs["SupportThickness"];
00070   centMat      = sArgs["CentRingMaterial"];
00071   centRing1par = vArgs["CentRing1"];
00072   centRing2par = vArgs["CentRing2"];
00074   fillerMat    = sArgs["FillerMaterial"];
00075   fillerDz     = nArgs["FillerDeltaz"];
00077   ribMat       = sArgs["RibMaterial"];
00078   ribW         = vArgs["RibWidth"];
00079   ribPhi       = vArgs["RibPhi"];
00080   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo debug: Cylinder Material/"
00081                       << "thickness " << cylinderMat << " " << cylinderT 
00082                       << " Rib Material " << ribMat << " at "
00083                       << ribW.size() << " positions with width/phi";
00085   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ribW.size(); i++)
00086     LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "\tribW[" << i << "] = " <<  ribW[i] 
00087                         << "\tribPhi[" << i << "] = " << ribPhi[i]/deg;
00089   dohmCarrierPhiOff   = nArgs["DOHMCarrierPhiOffset"];
00091   dohmtoMF            = nArgs["DOHMtoMFDist"];
00093   dohmPrimName         = sArgs["StringDOHMPrimName"];
00094   dohmAuxName          = sArgs["StringDOHMAuxName"];
00096   dohmCarrierMaterial = sArgs["DOHMCarrierMaterial"];
00097   dohmCableMaterial   = sArgs["DOHMCableMaterial"];
00098   dohmPrimL           = nArgs["DOHMPRIMLength"];
00099   dohmPrimMaterial    = sArgs["DOHMPRIMMaterial"];
00100   dohmAuxL            = nArgs["DOHMAUXLength"];
00101   dohmAuxMaterial     = sArgs["DOHMAUXMaterial"];
00102   dohmListFW          = vArgs["DOHMListFW"];
00103   dohmListBW          = vArgs["DOHMListBW"];
00104   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo debug: DOHM Primary "
00105                       << " Material " << dohmPrimMaterial << " Length " << dohmPrimL;
00106   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DDTIBLayerAlgo debug: DOHM Aux     "
00107                       << " Material " << dohmAuxMaterial << " Length " << dohmAuxL;
00108   for (unsigned int i=0; i<dohmListFW.size(); i++) {
00109     if (dohmListFW[i]>0.) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DOHM Primary at FW Position " << dohmListFW[i];
00110     if (dohmListFW[i]<0.) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DOHM Aux     at FW Position " << -dohmListFW[i];
00111   }
00112   for (unsigned int i=0; i<dohmListBW.size(); i++) {
00113     if (dohmListBW[i]>0.) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DOHM Primary at BW Position " << dohmListBW[i];
00114     if (dohmListBW[i]<0.) LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "DOHM Aux     at BW Position " << -dohmListBW[i];
00115   }
00117   //Pillar Material
00118   pillarMaterial        = sArgs["PillarMaterial"];
00120   // Internal Pillar Parameters
00121   fwIntPillarDz         = nArgs["FWIntPillarDz"];
00122   fwIntPillarDPhi       = nArgs["FWIntPillarDPhi"];
00123   fwIntPillarZ          = vArgs["FWIntPillarZ"];
00124   fwIntPillarPhi        = vArgs["FWIntPillarPhi"];
00125   bwIntPillarDz         = nArgs["BWIntPillarDz"];
00126   bwIntPillarDPhi       = nArgs["BWIntPillarDPhi"];
00127   bwIntPillarZ          = vArgs["BWIntPillarZ"];
00128   bwIntPillarPhi        = vArgs["BWIntPillarPhi"];
00129   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "FW Internal Pillar [Dz, DPhi] " 
00130                       << fwIntPillarDz << ", " 
00131                       << fwIntPillarDPhi; 
00132   for (unsigned int i=0; i<fwIntPillarZ.size(); i++) {
00133     if( fwIntPillarPhi[i]>0. ) { 
00134       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " at positions [z, phi] " 
00135                           << fwIntPillarZ[i] << " " << fwIntPillarPhi[i];
00136     }
00137   }
00138   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "BW Internal Pillar [Dz, DPhi] " 
00139                       << bwIntPillarDz << ", " 
00140                       << bwIntPillarDPhi; 
00141   for (unsigned int i=0; i<bwIntPillarZ.size(); i++) {
00142     if( bwIntPillarPhi[i]>0. ) { 
00143       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " at positions [z, phi] " 
00144                           << bwIntPillarZ[i] << " " << bwIntPillarPhi[i];
00145     }
00146   }
00148   // External Pillar Parameters
00149   fwExtPillarDz         = nArgs["FWExtPillarDz"];
00150   fwExtPillarDPhi       = nArgs["FWExtPillarDPhi"];
00151   fwExtPillarZ          = vArgs["FWExtPillarZ"];
00152   fwExtPillarPhi        = vArgs["FWExtPillarPhi"];
00153   bwExtPillarDz         = nArgs["BWExtPillarDz"];
00154   bwExtPillarDPhi       = nArgs["BWExtPillarDPhi"];
00155   bwExtPillarZ          = vArgs["BWExtPillarZ"];
00156   bwExtPillarPhi        = vArgs["BWExtPillarPhi"];
00157   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "FW External Pillar [Dz, DPhi] " 
00158                       << fwExtPillarDz << ", " 
00159                       << fwExtPillarDPhi; 
00160   for (unsigned int i=0; i<fwExtPillarZ.size(); i++) {
00161     if( fwExtPillarPhi[i]>0. ) { 
00162       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " at positions [z, phi] " 
00163                           << fwExtPillarZ[i] << " " << fwExtPillarPhi[i];
00164     }
00165   }
00166   LogDebug("TIBGeom") << "BW External Pillar [Dz, DPhi] " 
00167                       << bwExtPillarDz << ", " 
00168                       << bwExtPillarDPhi; 
00169   for (unsigned int i=0; i<bwExtPillarZ.size(); i++) {
00170     if( bwExtPillarPhi[i]>0. ) { 
00171       LogDebug("TIBGeom") << " at positions [z, phi] " 
00172                           << bwExtPillarZ[i] << " " << bwExtPillarPhi[i];
00173     }
00174   }
00175 }

Member Data Documentation

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwExtPillarDPhi [private]

Definition at line 95 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwExtPillarDz [private]

Definition at line 94 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwExtPillarPhi [private]

Definition at line 97 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwExtPillarZ [private]

Definition at line 96 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwIntPillarDPhi [private]

Definition at line 86 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwIntPillarDz [private]

Definition at line 85 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwIntPillarPhi [private]

Definition at line 88 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::bwIntPillarZ [private]

Definition at line 87 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::centMat [private]

Definition at line 53 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::centRing1par [private]

Definition at line 54 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::centRing2par [private]

Definition at line 55 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::cylinderInR [private]

Definition at line 42 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::cylinderMat [private]

Definition at line 43 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::cylinderT [private]

Definition at line 41 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::detectorLo [private]

Definition at line 34 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::detectorTilt [private]

Definition at line 28 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::detectorUp [private]

Definition at line 39 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmAuxL [private]

Definition at line 76 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmAuxMaterial [private]

Definition at line 77 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmAuxName [private]

Definition at line 70 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmCableMaterial [private]

Definition at line 73 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmCarrierMaterial [private]

Definition at line 72 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmCarrierPhiOff [private]

Definition at line 68 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmListBW [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmListFW [private]

Definition at line 64 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmPrimL [private]

Definition at line 74 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmPrimMaterial [private]

Definition at line 75 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmPrimName [private]

Definition at line 69 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::dohmtoMF [private]

Definition at line 67 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::fillerDz [private]

Definition at line 58 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::fillerMat [private]

Definition at line 57 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwExtPillarDPhi [private]

Definition at line 91 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwExtPillarDz [private]

Definition at line 90 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwExtPillarPhi [private]

Definition at line 93 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwExtPillarZ [private]

Definition at line 92 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwIntPillarDPhi [private]

Definition at line 82 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwIntPillarDz [private]

Definition at line 81 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwIntPillarPhi [private]

Definition at line 84 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::fwIntPillarZ [private]

Definition at line 83 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::genMat [private]

Definition at line 27 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::idNameSpace [private]

Definition at line 26 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::layerL [private]

Definition at line 29 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::MFExtRingMat [private]

Definition at line 49 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::MFIntRingMat [private]

Definition at line 48 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::MFRingDz [private]

Definition at line 47 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::MFRingInR [private]

Definition at line 44 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::MFRingOutR [private]

Definition at line 45 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::MFRingT [private]

Definition at line 46 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::phioffLo [private]

Definition at line 32 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::phioffUp [private]

Definition at line 37 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::pillarMaterial [private]

Definition at line 79 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::radiusLo [private]

Definition at line 31 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::radiusUp [private]

Definition at line 36 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDTIBLayerAlgo::ribMat [private]

Definition at line 60 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::ribPhi [private]

Definition at line 62 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDTIBLayerAlgo::ribW [private]

Definition at line 61 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

int DDTIBLayerAlgo::stringsLo [private]

Definition at line 33 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

int DDTIBLayerAlgo::stringsUp [private]

Definition at line 38 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDTIBLayerAlgo::supportT [private]

Definition at line 51 of file DDTIBLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:18:17 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4