PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer Class Reference

#include <EgammaAnalysis/PhotonIDProducers/interface/PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer:

edm::EDProducer edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef math::XYZPoint Point

Public Member Functions

 PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
 PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &es)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &es)
 ~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ()
 ~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ()

Private Attributes

std::string barrelClusterShapeMapCollection_
std::string barrelClusterShapeMapProducer_
edm::InputTag barrelRecHitCollection_
std::string correctedPhotonCollection_
EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::DebugLevel_pi0 debugL_pi0
std::string endcapClusterShapeMapCollection_
std::string endcapClusterShapeMapProducer_
edm::InputTag endcapRecHitCollection_
int nEvt_
std::string photonCorrCollectionProducer_
std::string PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_
std::string preshClusterShapeCollectionX_
std::string preshClusterShapeCollectionY_
std::string preshClusterShapeProducer_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef math::XYZPoint PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::Point

Definition at line 31 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps  )  [explicit]


Definition at line 36 of file

References barrelRecHitCollection_, correctedPhotonCollection_, debugL_pi0, endcapRecHitCollection_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), nEvt_, EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG, EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pERROR, photonCorrCollectionProducer_, PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_, EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pINFO, presh_pi0_algo, preshClusterShapeCollectionX_, preshClusterShapeCollectionY_, and preshClusterShapeProducer_.

00036                                                                                {
00037   // use configuration file to setup input/output collection names
00039   preshClusterShapeCollectionX_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeCollectionX");
00040   preshClusterShapeCollectionY_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeCollectionY");
00041   preshClusterShapeProducer_   = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterShapeProducer");
00043   photonCorrCollectionProducer_ = ps.getParameter<string>("corrPhoProducer");
00044   correctedPhotonCollection_ = ps.getParameter<string>("correctedPhotonCollection");
00046   barrelRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("barrelRecHitCollection");
00047   endcapRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("endcapRecHitCollection");
00049   float preshStripECut = ps.getParameter<double>("preshStripEnergyCut");
00050   int preshNst = ps.getParameter<int>("preshPi0Nstrip");
00052   PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_ = ps.getParameter<string>("Pi0Association");
00054   string debugString = ps.getParameter<string>("debugLevel");
00056   if      (debugString == "DEBUG")   debugL_pi0 = EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG;
00057   else if (debugString == "INFO")    debugL_pi0 = EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pINFO;
00058   else                               debugL_pi0 = EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pERROR;
00060   string tmpPath = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("pathToWeightFiles","RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/data/");
00062   presh_pi0_algo = new EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo(preshStripECut, preshNst, tmpPath.c_str(), debugL_pi0); 
00064   produces< PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap >(PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_);
00066   nEvt_ = 0;
00068 }

PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer (  ) 

Definition at line 71 of file

References presh_pi0_algo.

00071                                                           {
00072    delete presh_pi0_algo;
00073 }

PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps  )  [explicit]

PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

virtual void PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

void PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 76 of file

References barrelRecHitCollection_, EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::calculateBarrelNNInputVariables(), EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::calculateNNInputVariables(), correctedPhotonCollection_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, EcalClusterLazyTools::covariances(), debugL_pi0, EcalClusterLazyTools::e2nd(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e2x2(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e2x5Bottom(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e2x5Left(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e2x5Right(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e2x5Top(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e3x2(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e3x3(), EcalClusterLazyTools::e5x5(), EcalClusterLazyTools::eMax(), endcapRecHitCollection_, lat::endl(), funct::exp(), EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::get_input_vector(), EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetBarrelNNOutput(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetNNOutput(), edm::Event::id(), LogDebug, nEvt_, EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG, photonCorrCollectionProducer_, PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_, presh_pi0_algo, preshClusterShapeCollectionX_, preshClusterShapeCollectionY_, preshClusterShapeProducer_, edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::Event::put(), funct::sin(), and funct::sqrt().

00076                                                                           {
00078   ostringstream ostr; // use this stream for all messages in produce
00080   if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG )
00081        cout << "\n .......  Event " << << " with Number = " <<  nEvt_+1
00082             << " is analyzing ....... " << endl << endl;
00084   // Get ES clusters in X plane
00085   Handle<reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection> pPreshowerShapeClustersX;
00086   evt.getByLabel(preshClusterShapeProducer_, preshClusterShapeCollectionX_, pPreshowerShapeClustersX);
00087   const reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection *clustersX = pPreshowerShapeClustersX.product();
00088   cout << "\n pPreshowerShapeClustersX->size() = " << clustersX->size() << endl;
00090   // Get ES clusters in Y plane
00091   Handle<reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection> pPreshowerShapeClustersY;
00092   evt.getByLabel(preshClusterShapeProducer_, preshClusterShapeCollectionY_, pPreshowerShapeClustersY);
00093   const reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection *clustersY = pPreshowerShapeClustersY.product();
00094   cout << "\n pPreshowerShapeClustersY->size() = " << clustersY->size() << endl;
00096   auto_ptr<PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap> Pi0Assocs_p(new PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap);
00098   //make cycle over Photon Collection
00099   int Photon_index  = 0;
00100   Handle<PhotonCollection> correctedPhotonHandle; 
00101   evt.getByLabel(photonCorrCollectionProducer_, correctedPhotonCollection_ , correctedPhotonHandle);
00102   const PhotonCollection corrPhoCollection = *(correctedPhotonHandle.product());
00103   cout << " Photon Collection size : " << corrPhoCollection.size() << endl;
00104   for( PhotonCollection::const_iterator  iPho = corrPhoCollection.begin(); iPho != corrPhoCollection.end(); iPho++) {
00105       //float Phot_R9 = iPho->r9();
00106       if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00107          cout << " Photon index : " << Photon_index 
00108                            << " with Energy = " <<  iPho->energy()
00109                            << " Et = " << iPho->energy()*sin(2*atan(exp(-iPho->eta())))
00110                            << " ETA = " << iPho->eta()
00111                            << " PHI = " << iPho->phi() << endl;
00112       }
00113       SuperClusterRef it_super = iPho->superCluster();
00115       float SC_Et   = it_super->energy()*sin(2*atan(exp(-it_super->eta())));
00116       float SC_eta  = it_super->eta();
00117       float SC_phi  = it_super->phi();
00119       if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00120         cout << " superE = " << it_super->energy()
00121                   << "  superEt = " << it_super->energy()*sin(2*atan(exp(-it_super->eta()))) 
00122                   << " superETA = " << it_super->eta()
00123                   << " superPHI = " << it_super->phi() << endl;
00124       }                    
00126       //  New way to get ClusterShape info
00127       //BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection::const_iterator seedShpItr;
00128       // Find the entry in the map corresponding to the seed BasicCluster of the SuperCluster
00129       DetId id = it_super->seed()->getHitsByDetId()[0];
00131       // get on-the-fly the cluster shapes
00132       EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTool( evt, es, barrelRecHitCollection_, endcapRecHitCollection_ );
00134       float nnoutput = -1.;
00135       if(fabs(SC_eta) >= 1.65 && fabs(SC_eta) <= 2.5) {  //  Use Preshower region only
00136           const GlobalPoint pointSC(it_super->x(),it_super->y(),it_super->z()); // get the centroid of the SC
00137           if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) cout << "SC centroind = " << pointSC << endl;
00138           double SC_seed_energy = it_super->seed()->energy();
00140           const BasicClusterRef seed = it_super->seed();
00141           double SC_seed_Shape_E1 = lazyTool.eMax( *seed );
00142           double SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 = lazyTool.e3x3( *seed );
00143           double SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 = lazyTool.e5x5( *seed );
00144           if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00145             cout << "BC energy_max = " <<  SC_seed_energy << endl;
00146             cout << "ClusterShape  E1_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E1 << endl;
00147             cout << "ClusterShape  E3x3_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 <<  endl;
00148             cout << "ClusterShape  E5x5_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 << endl;
00149           }           
00150 // Get the Preshower 2-planes energy vectors associated with the given SC
00151           vector<float> vout_stripE1;
00152           vector<float> vout_stripE2;
00153           for(reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection::const_iterator esClus = clustersX->begin();
00154                                                        esClus !=clustersX->end(); esClus++) {
00155              SuperClusterRef sc_ref = esClus->superCluster();
00156              float dR = sqrt((SC_eta-sc_ref->eta())*(SC_eta-sc_ref->eta()) + 
00157                              (SC_phi-sc_ref->phi())*(SC_phi-sc_ref->phi()));
00158 //             if( it_super == esClus->superCluster()) {
00159              if(dR < 0.01 ) {
00161                vout_stripE1 = esClus->getStripEnergies();
00163              }
00164           }
00165           for(reco::PreshowerClusterShapeCollection::const_iterator esClus = clustersY->begin();
00166                                                        esClus !=clustersY->end(); esClus++) {
00167             SuperClusterRef sc_ref = esClus->superCluster();
00168             float dR = sqrt((SC_eta-sc_ref->eta())*(SC_eta-sc_ref->eta()) + 
00169                              (SC_phi-sc_ref->phi())*(SC_phi-sc_ref->phi()));
00170 //            if( it_super == esClus->superCluster()) {                                
00171              if(dR < 0.01 ) {
00173                vout_stripE2 = esClus->getStripEnergies();
00175             }  
00176           }
00177           if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00178             cout  << "PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer : ES_input_vector = " ;
00179             for(int k1=0;k1<11;k1++) {
00180               cout  << vout_stripE1[k1] << " " ;
00181             }
00182             for(int k1=0;k1<11;k1++) {
00183               cout  << vout_stripE2[k1] << " " ;
00184             }
00185             cout  << endl;
00186           }
00188           bool valid_NNinput = presh_pi0_algo->calculateNNInputVariables(vout_stripE1, vout_stripE2,
00189                                                  SC_seed_Shape_E1, SC_seed_Shape_E3x3, SC_seed_Shape_E5x5);
00191           if(!valid_NNinput) {
00192             cout  << " PiZeroDiscProducer: Attention!!!!!  Not Valid NN input Variables Return " << endl;
00193             continue;
00194           }
00196           float* nn_input_var = presh_pi0_algo->get_input_vector();
00198           if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00199             cout  << " PiZeroDiscProducer: NN_input_vector = " ;
00200             for(int k1=0;k1<25;k1++) {
00201               cout  << nn_input_var[k1] << " " ;
00202             }
00203             cout  << endl;
00204           }  
00206           nnoutput = presh_pi0_algo->GetNNOutput(SC_Et);
00208           if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00209                cout << "PreshowerPi0NNProducer:Event : " <<
00210                     << " SC id = " << Photon_index
00211                     << " with Pt = " << SC_Et
00212                     << " eta = " << SC_eta
00213                     << " phi = " << SC_phi
00214                     << " contains: " << it_super->clustersSize() << " BCs "
00215                 //    << " R9 = " << Phot_R9
00216                     << " has NNout = " <<  nnoutput << endl;
00217          }
00218          Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,Photon_index), nnoutput); 
00220       } else if((fabs(SC_eta) <= 1.4442) || (fabs(SC_eta) < 1.65 && fabs(SC_eta) >= 1.566) || fabs(SC_eta) >= 2.5) {
00222          const BasicClusterRef seed = it_super->seed();
00224          double SC_seed_Shape_E1 = lazyTool.eMax( *seed );
00225          double SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 = lazyTool.e3x3( *seed );
00226          double SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 = lazyTool.e5x5( *seed );
00227          double SC_seed_Shape_E2 = lazyTool.e2nd( *seed );
00228          double SC_seed_Shape_cEE = lazyTool.covariances( *seed )[0];
00229          double SC_seed_Shape_cEP = lazyTool.covariances( *seed )[1];
00230          double SC_seed_Shape_cPP = lazyTool.covariances( *seed )[2];
00231          double SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 = lazyTool.e2x2( *seed );
00232          double SC_seed_Shape_E3x2 = lazyTool.e3x2( *seed );
00233          // double SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = lazyTool.e3x2Ratio( *seed ); // FIXME temporarily unavailable
00234                                                                       // waiting for explanations
00235          double SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r = 0;
00237          double SC_seed_Shape_xcog = lazyTool.e2x5Right( *seed ) - lazyTool.e2x5Left( *seed );
00238          double SC_seed_Shape_ycog = lazyTool.e2x5Bottom( *seed ) - lazyTool.e2x5Top( *seed );
00239          if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00240             cout << "ClusterShape  E1_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E1 << endl;
00241             cout << "ClusterShape  E3x3_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E3x3 <<  endl;
00242             cout << "ClusterShape  E5x5_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E5x5 << endl;
00243             cout << "ClusterShape  E2_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E2 << endl;
00244             cout << "ClusterShape  EE_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_cEE <<  endl;
00245             cout << "ClusterShape  EP_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_cEP << endl;           
00246             cout << "ClusterShape  PP_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_cPP << endl;
00247             cout << "ClusterShape  E2x2_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E2x2 <<  endl;
00248             cout << "ClusterShape  E3x2_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E3x2 << endl;
00249             cout << "ClusterShape  E3x2r_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r << endl;
00250             cout << "ClusterShape  xcog_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_xcog << endl;
00251             cout << "ClusterShape  ycog_max_New = " <<   SC_seed_Shape_ycog << endl;                
00252          }    
00254          float SC_et = it_super->energy()*sin(2*atan(exp(-it_super->eta())));
00256          presh_pi0_algo->calculateBarrelNNInputVariables(SC_et, SC_seed_Shape_E1, SC_seed_Shape_E3x3,
00257                                               SC_seed_Shape_E5x5, SC_seed_Shape_E2,
00258                                               SC_seed_Shape_cEE, SC_seed_Shape_cEP,
00259                                               SC_seed_Shape_cPP, SC_seed_Shape_E2x2,
00260                                               SC_seed_Shape_E3x2, SC_seed_Shape_E3x2r,
00261                                               SC_seed_Shape_xcog, SC_seed_Shape_ycog);
00263          float* nn_input_var = presh_pi0_algo->get_input_vector();
00265          nnoutput = presh_pi0_algo->GetBarrelNNOutput(SC_et);
00267          if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) {
00268            cout  << " PiZeroDiscProducer: NN_barrel_Endcap_variables = " ;
00269            for(int k3=0;k3<12;k3++) {
00270              cout  << nn_input_var[k3] << " " ;
00271            }
00272            cout  << endl;
00274            cout << "EndcapPi0NNProducer:Event : " <<
00275                     << " SC id = " << Photon_index
00276                     << " with Pt = " << SC_Et
00277                     << " eta = " << SC_eta
00278                     << " phi = " << SC_phi
00279                     << " contains: " << it_super->clustersSize() << " BCs "
00280                     //<< " R9 = " << Phot_R9
00281                     << " has NNout = " <<  nnoutput
00282                     << endl;
00283          }
00284          Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,Photon_index), nnoutput);
00285       } else { Pi0Assocs_p->insert(Ref<PhotonCollection>(correctedPhotonHandle,Photon_index), -1.);}
00286       Photon_index++;
00287   } // end of cycle over Photons
00289   evt.put(Pi0Assocs_p,PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_);
00290   if ( debugL_pi0 <= EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::pDEBUG ) cout << "PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap added to the event" << endl;
00292   nEvt_++;
00294   LogDebug("PiZeroDiscriminatorDebug") << ostr.str();
00297 }

Member Data Documentation

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::barrelClusterShapeMapCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 49 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::barrelClusterShapeMapProducer_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

edm::InputTag PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::barrelRecHitCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 50 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::correctedPhotonCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 47 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::DebugLevel_pi0 PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::debugL_pi0 [private]

Definition at line 55 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::endcapClusterShapeMapCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 51 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::endcapClusterShapeMapProducer_ [private]

Definition at line 50 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

edm::InputTag PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::endcapRecHitCollection_ [private]

Definition at line 51 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

int PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::nEvt_ [private]

Definition at line 39 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::photonCorrCollectionProducer_ [private]

Definition at line 46 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociationMap_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo* PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::presh_pi0_algo [private]

Definition at line 57 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo* PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::presh_pi0_algo [private]

Definition at line 53 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), produce(), and ~PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer().

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshClusterShapeCollectionX_ [private]

Definition at line 42 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshClusterShapeCollectionY_ [private]

Definition at line 43 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

std::string PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer::preshClusterShapeProducer_ [private]

Definition at line 44 of file PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer.h.

Referenced by PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer(), and produce().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:30:09 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4