ConstrainedTreeBuilder Class Reference

Class constructing te final output tree for the constrained vertex fitter. More...

#include <RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/ConstrainedTreeBuilder.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

RefCountedKinematicTree buildTree (vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle > prt, RefCountedKinematicVertex vtx, const AlgebraicMatrix &fCov) const
 Method constructing tree out of set of refitted particles, vertex, and full vertex - all tracks covariance matrix.
 ConstrainedTreeBuilder ()
 ~ConstrainedTreeBuilder ()

Private Member Functions

AlgebraicMatrix momentumPart (vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle > rPart, const AlgebraicVector &newPar, const AlgebraicMatrix &fitCov) const

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Class constructing te final output tree for the constrained vertex fitter.

To be used by corresponding fitter only. Tree builders are scheduled for generalization: They should be inherited from the single generic class in the next version of the library.

Definition at line 15 of file ConstrainedTreeBuilder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConstrainedTreeBuilder::ConstrainedTreeBuilder (  ) 

Definition at line 5 of file

References pFactory, and vFactory.

00006 {
00007  pFactory = new VirtualKinematicParticleFactory();
00008  vFactory = new KinematicVertexFactory();
00009 }

ConstrainedTreeBuilder::~ConstrainedTreeBuilder (  ) 

Definition at line 11 of file

References pFactory, and vFactory.

00012 {
00013  delete pFactory;
00014  delete vFactory;
00015 }

Member Function Documentation

RefCountedKinematicTree ConstrainedTreeBuilder::buildTree ( vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle prt,
RefCountedKinematicVertex  vtx,
const AlgebraicMatrix fCov 
) const

Method constructing tree out of set of refitted particles, vertex, and full vertex - all tracks covariance matrix.

Particles (not states!) are passed since only particle "knows" how to construct itself out of refitted state (which factory/propagator should be used).

Definition at line 17 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), i, j, momentumPart(), KinematicTree::movePointerToTheTop(), VirtualKinematicParticleFactory::particle(), pFactory, KinematicTree::replaceCurrentParticle(), funct::sqrt(), tree, KinematicVertexFactory::vertex(), vFactory, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by KinematicConstrainedVertexFitter::fit().

00019 {
00021 //now making a new virtual particle out of refitted states
00022  AlgebraicVector par(7,0);
00023  par(1) = vtx->position().x();
00024  par(2) = vtx->position().y();
00025  par(3) = vtx->position().z();
00026  double ent = 0.;
00027  int charge = 0;
00028  const MagneticField* field=prt.front()->magneticField();
00029  for(vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle>::iterator i = prt.begin(); i != prt.end(); i++)
00030  {
00031   charge += (*i)->currentState().particleCharge();
00032 //  GlobalVector rMom = (*i)->currentState().globalMomentum();
00033 //  ParticleMass mm = (*i)->currentState().mass();
00034 //temporary hack
00036   GlobalVector rMom = (*i)->stateAtPoint(vtx->position()).globalMomentum();
00037   ParticleMass mm = (*i)->stateAtPoint(vtx->position()).mass();
00038   par(4) += rMom.x();
00039   par(5) += rMom.y();
00040   par(6) += rMom.z();
00041   ent += sqrt(mm*mm +rMom.x()*rMom.x() + rMom.y()*rMom.y() + rMom.z()*rMom.z());
00042  }
00044 //total reconstructed mass
00045  double differ = ent*ent - (par(6)*par(6) + par(5)*par(5) + par(4)*par(4));
00046  if(differ>0.)
00047  {
00048   par(7) = sqrt(differ);
00049  }else{
00050   cout<<"warning! current precision does not allow to calculate the mass"<<endl;
00051   par(7) = 0.;
00052   throw VertexException("warning! current precision does not allow to calculate the mass");
00054  }
00056 //now making covariance matrix: 
00058 // cout<<"fCov"<<fCov<<endl;
00059  AlgebraicMatrix cov = momentumPart(prt,par,fCov);
00060 // cout<<"Momentum part"<<cov<<endl;
00062 //covariance sym matrix 
00063  AlgebraicSymMatrix sCov(7,0);
00064  for(int i = 1; i<8; i++)
00065  {
00066   for(int j = 1; j<8; j++)
00067   {if(i<=j) sCov(i,j) = cov(i,j);}
00068  }  
00069  KinematicParameters nP(asSVector<7>(par));
00070  KinematicParametersError nE(asSMatrix<7>(sCov));
00072  KinematicState nState(nP,nE,charge, field);
00074 //new born kinematic particle 
00075  float chi2 = vtx->chiSquared();
00076  float ndf = vtx->degreesOfFreedom();
00077  KinematicParticle * zp = 0;
00078  RefCountedKinematicParticle pPart = ReferenceCountingPointer<KinematicParticle>(zp);
00079  RefCountedKinematicParticle nPart = pFactory->particle(nState,chi2,ndf,zp);
00081 //making a resulting tree: 
00082  RefCountedKinematicTree resTree = ReferenceCountingPointer<KinematicTree>(new KinematicTree());
00084 //fake production vertex: 
00085  RefCountedKinematicVertex fVertex = vFactory->vertex();
00086  resTree->addParticle(fVertex,vtx,nPart);
00088 //adding final state 
00089  for(vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle>::const_iterator il = prt.begin(); il != prt.end(); il++)
00090  {
00091   if((*il)->previousParticle()->correspondingTree() != 0)
00092   {
00093    KinematicTree * tree = (*il)->previousParticle()->correspondingTree();
00094    tree->movePointerToTheTop();
00095    tree->replaceCurrentParticle(*il);
00096    RefCountedKinematicVertex cdVertex = resTree->currentDecayVertex();
00097    resTree->addTree(cdVertex, tree);
00098   }else{
00099    RefCountedKinematicVertex ffVertex = vFactory->vertex();
00100    resTree->addParticle(vtx,ffVertex,*il);
00101   }
00102  }
00103  return resTree;
00104 } 

AlgebraicMatrix ConstrainedTreeBuilder::momentumPart ( vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle rPart,
const AlgebraicVector newPar,
const AlgebraicMatrix fitCov 
) const [private]

Definition at line 106 of file

References i, j, l1, l2, size, funct::sqrt(), and z.

Referenced by buildTree().

00108 {
00109 //constructing the full matrix using the simple fact
00110 //that we have never broken the order of tracks
00111 // during our fit.  
00113  int size = rPart.size();
00114 //global propagation to the vertex position 
00115 //Jacobian is done for all the parameters together
00116  AlgebraicMatrix jac(3+7*size,3+7*size,0);
00117  jac(1,1) = 1;
00118  jac(2,2) = 1;
00119  jac(3,3) = 1;
00120  int i_int=0;
00121  for(vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle>::iterator i = rPart.begin(); i != rPart.end(); i++)
00122  {
00124 //vertex position related components of the matrix 
00125   TrackCharge ch = (*i)->currentState().particleCharge();
00126   double field = (*i)->magneticField()->inInverseGeV((*i)->currentState().globalPosition()).z();
00127   double a_i = -0.29979246*ch*field;
00128   AlgebraicMatrix upper(3,7,0);
00129   AlgebraicMatrix diagonal(7,7,0);
00130   upper(1,1) = 1;
00131   upper(2,2) = 1;
00132   upper(3,3) = 1;
00133   upper(2,4) = -a_i;
00134   upper(1,5) = a_i;
00135   jac.sub(1,4+i_int*7,upper);
00137   diagonal(4,4) = 1;
00138   diagonal(5,5) = 1;
00139   diagonal(6,6) = 1;
00140   diagonal(7,7) = 1;
00141   diagonal(2,4) = a_i;
00142   diagonal(1,5) = -a_i;
00143   jac.sub(4+i_int*7,4+i_int*7,diagonal);
00144   i_int++;
00145  }
00147 // jacobian is constructed in such a way, that
00148 // right operation for transformation will be
00149 // fitCov.similarityT(jac)
00150 // WARNING: normal similarity operation is
00151 // not valid in this case
00152 //now making reduced matrix:
00153  int vSize = rPart.size();
00154  AlgebraicSymMatrix fit_cov_sym(7*vSize+3,0);
00155  for(int i = 1; i<7*vSize+4; ++i)
00156  {
00157   for(int j = 1; j<7*vSize+4; ++j)
00158   {if(i<=j) fit_cov_sym(i,j) = fitCov(i,j);}
00159  }
00162  AlgebraicMatrix reduced(3+4*size,3+4*size,0);
00163  AlgebraicMatrix transform = fit_cov_sym.similarityT(jac);
00165 //jacobian to add matrix components 
00166  AlgebraicMatrix jac_t(7,7+4*(size-1));
00167  jac_t(1,1) = 1.;
00168  jac_t(2,2) = 1.;
00169  jac_t(3,3) = 1.;
00171 //debug code:
00172 //CLHEP bugs: avoiding the
00173 // HepMatrix::sub method use 
00174  AlgebraicMatrix reduced_tm(7,7,0);
00175  for(int i = 1; i<8;++i)
00176  {
00177   for(int j =1; j<8; ++j)
00178   {reduced_tm(i,j)  = transform(i+3, j+3);}
00179  }
00181 //left top corner  
00182 // reduced.sub(1,1,transform.sub(4,10,4,10));
00184 //debug code:
00185 //CLHEP bugs: avoiding the
00186 // HepMatrix::sub method use  
00187  reduced.sub(1,1,reduced_tm);
00189 // cout<<"reduced matrix"<<reduced<<endl;
00190  int il_int = 0;
00191  for(vector<RefCountedKinematicParticle>::const_iterator rs = rPart.begin();
00192                                                        rs!=rPart.end();rs++)
00193  {
00194 //jacobian components: 
00195   AlgebraicMatrix jc_el(4,4,0);
00196   jc_el(1,1) = 1.;
00197   jc_el(2,2) = 1.;
00198   jc_el(3,3) = 1.;
00200 //non-trival elements: mass correlations: 
00201   AlgebraicVector7 l_Par = (*rs)->currentState().kinematicParameters().vector();
00202   double energy_local  = sqrt(l_Par(6)*l_Par(6) + l_Par(3)*l_Par(3) + l_Par(4)*l_Par(4) + l_Par(5)*l_Par(5));
00204   double energy_global = sqrt(newPar(7)*newPar(7)+newPar(6)*newPar(6) + newPar(5)*newPar(5)+newPar(4)*newPar(4));
00206   jc_el(4,4) = energy_global*l_Par(6)/(newPar(7)*energy_local);
00207   jc_el(4,1) = ((energy_global*l_Par(3)/energy_local) - newPar(4))/newPar(7);
00208   jc_el(4,2) = ((energy_global*l_Par(4)/energy_local) - newPar(5))/newPar(7);
00209   jc_el(4,3) = ((energy_global*l_Par(5)/energy_local) - newPar(6))/newPar(7);
00211   jac_t.sub(4,il_int*4+4,jc_el);
00212   il_int++;
00213  } 
00214 // cout<<"jac_t"<<jac_t<<endl;
00215 //debug code
00216 //CLHEP bugs workaround  
00217 // cout<<"Transform matrix"<< transform<<endl;
00219  for(int i = 1; i<size; i++)
00220  { 
00222 //non-trival elements: mass correlations: 
00223 //upper row and right column 
00224   AlgebraicMatrix transform_sub1(3,4,0);
00225   AlgebraicMatrix transform_sub2(4,3,0);
00226   for(int l1 = 1; l1<4;++l1)
00227   {
00228    for(int l2 = 1; l2<5;++l2)
00229    {transform_sub1(l1,l2) = transform(3+l1,6+7*i +l2);}
00230   }
00232   for(int l1 = 1; l1<5;++l1)
00233   { 
00234    for(int l2 = 1; l2<4;++l2)
00235    {transform_sub2(l1,l2) = transform(6+7*i+l1,3+l2);}
00236   }
00238   AlgebraicMatrix transform_sub3(4,4,0);
00239   for(int l1 = 1; l1<5;++l1)
00240   {
00241    for(int l2 = 1; l2<5;++l2)
00242    {transform_sub3(l1,l2) = transform(6+7*i+l1, 6+7*i+l2); }
00243   }
00245   reduced.sub(1,4+4*i,transform_sub1);
00246   reduced.sub(4+4*i,1,transform_sub2);
00248 //diagonal elements   
00249    reduced.sub(4+4*i,4+4*i,transform_sub3);
00251 //off diagonal elements  
00252   for(int j = 1; j<size; j++)
00253   {
00254    AlgebraicMatrix transform_sub4(4,4,0);
00255    AlgebraicMatrix transform_sub5(4,4,0);
00256   for(int l1 = 1; l1<5;++l1)
00257   { 
00258    for(int l2 = 1; l2<5;++l2)
00259    {
00260     transform_sub4(l1,l2) = transform(6+7*(i-1)+l1,6+7*j+l2);
00261     transform_sub5(l1,l2) = transform(6+7*j+l1, 6+7*(i-1)+l2);
00262    }
00263   }
00264    reduced.sub(4+4*(i-1),4+4*j,transform_sub4);
00265    reduced.sub(4+4*j,4+4*(i-1),transform_sub5);
00266   }
00267  }
00269  return jac_t*reduced*jac_t.T();
00270 }

Member Data Documentation

VirtualKinematicParticleFactory* ConstrainedTreeBuilder::pFactory [private]

Definition at line 42 of file ConstrainedTreeBuilder.h.

Referenced by buildTree(), ConstrainedTreeBuilder(), and ~ConstrainedTreeBuilder().

KinematicVertexFactory* ConstrainedTreeBuilder::vFactory [private]

Definition at line 43 of file ConstrainedTreeBuilder.h.

Referenced by buildTree(), ConstrainedTreeBuilder(), and ~ConstrainedTreeBuilder().

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