GenericBenchmark Class Reference

#include <RecoParticleFlow/Benchmark/interface/GenericBenchmark.h>

Inheritance diagram for GenericBenchmark:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void fill (const edm::View< reco::Candidate > *RecoCollection, const edm::View< reco::Candidate > *GenCollection, bool PlotAgainstReco=true, bool onlyTwoJets=false, double recPt_cut=-1., double maxEta_cut=-1., double deltaR_cut=-1.)
 GenericBenchmark ()
void setup (DQMStore *DQM=NULL, bool PlotAgainstReco_=true)
void write (std::string Filename)
virtual ~GenericBenchmark ()

Protected Attributes


Private Attributes

TFile * file_
TH1F * hDeltaEt
TH1F * hDeltaEta
TH2F * hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEt
TH2F * hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEta
TH2F * hDeltaEtaOverEtavsPhi
TH2F * hDeltaEtavsEt
TH2F * hDeltaEtavsEta
TH2F * hDeltaEtavsPhi
TH2F * hDeltaEtOverEtvsDeltaR
TH2F * hDeltaEtOverEtvsEt
TH2F * hDeltaEtOverEtvsEta
TH2F * hDeltaEtOverEtvsPhi
TH2F * hDeltaEtvsDeltaR
TH2F * hDeltaEtvsEt
TH2F * hDeltaEtvsEta
TH2F * hDeltaEtvsPhi
TH1F * hDeltaPhi
TH2F * hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEt
TH2F * hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEta
TH2F * hDeltaPhiOverPhivsPhi
TH2F * hDeltaPhivsEt
TH2F * hDeltaPhivsEta
TH2F * hDeltaPhivsPhi
TH1F * hDeltaR
TH2F * hDeltaRvsEt
TH2F * hDeltaRvsEta
TH2F * hDeltaRvsPhi

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GenericBenchmark::GenericBenchmark (  ) 

Definition at line 34 of file

00034 {}

GenericBenchmark::~GenericBenchmark (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 36 of file

00036 {}

Member Function Documentation

void GenericBenchmark::fill ( const edm::View< reco::Candidate > *  RecoCollection,
const edm::View< reco::Candidate > *  GenCollection,
bool  PlotAgainstReco = true,
bool  onlyTwoJets = false,
double  recPt_cut = -1.,
double  maxEta_cut = -1.,
double  deltaR_cut = -1. 

Definition at line 124 of file

References algo_, and, PFBenchmarkAlgo::deltaEt(), PFBenchmarkAlgo::deltaEta(), PFBenchmarkAlgo::deltaPhi(), deltaPhi(), deltaR(), PFBenchmarkAlgo::deltaR(), reco::Particle::et(), reco::Particle::eta(), eta, hDeltaEt, hDeltaEta, hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEt, hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEta, hDeltaEtaOverEtavsPhi, hDeltaEtavsEt, hDeltaEtavsEta, hDeltaEtavsPhi, hDeltaEtOverEtvsDeltaR, hDeltaEtOverEtvsEt, hDeltaEtOverEtvsEta, hDeltaEtOverEtvsPhi, hDeltaEtvsDeltaR, hDeltaEtvsEt, hDeltaEtvsEta, hDeltaEtvsPhi, hDeltaPhi, hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEt, hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEta, hDeltaPhiOverPhivsPhi, hDeltaPhivsEt, hDeltaPhivsEta, hDeltaPhivsPhi, hDeltaR, hDeltaRvsEt, hDeltaRvsEta, i, j, PFBenchmarkAlgo::matchByDeltaR(), NULL, phi, reco::Particle::phi(), reco::Particle::pt(), and edm::View< T >::size().

Referenced by GenericBenchmarkAnalyzer::analyze().

00124                                                                                                                                                                                                                      {
00126   // loop over reco particles
00127   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < RecoCollection->size(); i++) {
00129     // generate histograms comparing the reco and truth candidate (truth = closest in delta-R)
00130     const reco::Candidate *particle = &(*RecoCollection)[i];
00131     const reco::Candidate *gen_particle = algo_->matchByDeltaR(particle,GenCollection);
00133    if  ((particle!=NULL) &&  (gen_particle!=NULL)){
00134       //   std::cout << RecoCollection->size() << " " << GenCollection->size() <<particle  <<gen_particle << std::endl;   
00136     // Count the number of jets with a larger energy
00137     unsigned highJets = 0;
00138     for(unsigned j=0; j<RecoCollection->size(); j++) { 
00139       const reco::Candidate *otherParticle = &(*RecoCollection)[j];
00140       if ( j != i && otherParticle->pt() > particle->pt() ) highJets++;
00141     }
00142     if ( onlyTwoJets && highJets > 1 ) continue;
00144     //skip reconstructed PFJets with p_t < recPt_cut
00145     if (particle->pt() < recPt_cut and recPt_cut != -1.)
00146       continue;
00147     //skip if PFJet within eta>maxEta_cut
00148     if (fabs(particle->eta())>maxEta_cut and maxEta_cut != -1.)
00149       continue;
00151     // get the quantities to place on the denominator and/or divide by
00152     double et, eta, phi;
00153     if (PlotAgainstReco) { et = particle->et(); eta = particle->eta(); phi = particle->phi(); }
00154     else { et = gen_particle->et(); eta = gen_particle->eta(); phi = gen_particle->phi(); }
00156     // get the delta quantities
00157     double deltaEt = algo_->deltaEt(particle,gen_particle);
00158     double deltaR = algo_->deltaR(particle,gen_particle);
00159     double deltaEta = algo_->deltaEta(particle,gen_particle);
00160     double deltaPhi = algo_->deltaPhi(particle,gen_particle);
00162     //TODO implement variable Cut:
00163      if (fabs(deltaR)>deltaR_cut and deltaR_cut != -1.)
00164        continue;
00166     // fill histograms
00167     hDeltaEt->Fill(deltaEt);
00168     hDeltaEtvsEt->Fill(et,deltaEt);
00169     hDeltaEtOverEtvsEt->Fill(et,deltaEt/et);
00170     hDeltaEtvsEta->Fill(eta,deltaEt);
00171     hDeltaEtOverEtvsEta->Fill(eta,deltaEt/et);
00172     hDeltaEtvsPhi->Fill(phi,deltaEt);
00173     hDeltaEtOverEtvsPhi->Fill(phi,deltaEt/et);
00174     hDeltaEtvsDeltaR->Fill(deltaR,deltaEt);
00175     hDeltaEtOverEtvsDeltaR->Fill(deltaR,deltaEt/et);
00177     hDeltaEta->Fill(deltaEta);
00178     hDeltaEtavsEt->Fill(et,deltaEta/eta);
00179     hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEt->Fill(et,deltaEta/eta);
00180     hDeltaEtavsEta->Fill(eta,deltaEta);
00181     hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEta->Fill(eta,deltaEta/eta);
00182     hDeltaEtavsPhi->Fill(phi,deltaEta);
00183     hDeltaEtaOverEtavsPhi->Fill(phi,deltaEta/eta);
00185     hDeltaPhi->Fill(deltaPhi);
00186     hDeltaPhivsEt->Fill(et,deltaPhi);
00187     hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEt->Fill(et,deltaPhi/phi);
00188     hDeltaPhivsEta->Fill(eta,deltaPhi);
00189     hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEta->Fill(eta,deltaPhi/phi);
00190     hDeltaPhivsPhi->Fill(phi,deltaPhi);
00191     hDeltaPhiOverPhivsPhi->Fill(phi,deltaPhi/phi);
00193     hDeltaR->Fill(deltaR);
00194     hDeltaRvsEt->Fill(et,deltaR);
00195     hDeltaRvsEta->Fill(eta,deltaR);
00196    }
00197   }
00199 }

void GenericBenchmark::setup ( DQMStore DQM = NULL,
bool  PlotAgainstReco_ = true 

Definition at line 38 of file

References BOOK1D, BOOK2D, ET, ETA, file_, M_PI_2, PHI, and SETAXES.

Referenced by GenericBenchmarkAnalyzer::beginJob().

00038                                                                  { 
00040   // CMSSW_2_X_X
00041   // use bare Root if no DQM (FWLite applications)
00042   if (!DQM) file_ = new TFile();
00044   // Book Histograms
00046   // delta et quantities
00047   BOOK1D(DeltaEt,"#DeltaE_{T}",1000,-60,40);
00048   BOOK2D(DeltaEtvsEt,"#DeltaE_{T} vs E_{T}",1000,0,1000,1000,-100,100);
00049   BOOK2D(DeltaEtOverEtvsEt,"#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T} vsE_{T}",1000,0,1000,100,-1,1);
00050   BOOK2D(DeltaEtvsEta,"#DeltaE_{T} vs #eta",200,-5,5,1000,-100,100);
00051   BOOK2D(DeltaEtOverEtvsEta,"#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T} vs #eta",200,-5,5,100,-1,1);
00052   BOOK2D(DeltaEtvsPhi,"#DeltaE_{T} vs #phi",200,-M_PI,M_PI,1000,-100,100);
00053   BOOK2D(DeltaEtOverEtvsPhi,"#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T} vs #Phi",200,-M_PI,M_PI,100,-1,1);
00054   BOOK2D(DeltaEtvsDeltaR,"#DeltaE_{T} vs #DeltaR",100,0,1,1000,-100,100);
00055   BOOK2D(DeltaEtOverEtvsDeltaR,"#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T} vs #DeltaR",100,0,1,100,-1,1);
00057   // delta eta quantities
00058   BOOK1D(DeltaEta,"#Delta#eta",100,-0.2,0.2);
00059   BOOK2D(DeltaEtavsEt,"#Delta#eta vs E_{T}",1000,0,1000,100,-3,3);
00060   BOOK2D(DeltaEtaOverEtavsEt,"#Delta#eta/#eta vs E_(T}",1000,0,1000,100,-1,1); // ms: propose remove
00061   BOOK2D(DeltaEtavsEta,"#Delta#eta vs #eta",200,-5,5,100,-3,3);
00062   BOOK2D(DeltaEtaOverEtavsEta,"EDelta#eta/#eta vs #eta",200,-5,5,100,-1,1); // ms: propose remove
00063   BOOK2D(DeltaEtavsPhi,"#Delta#eta vs #phi",200,-M_PI,M_PI,200,-M_PI,M_PI); // ms: propose remove
00064   BOOK2D(DeltaEtaOverEtavsPhi,"#Delta#eta/#eta vs #phi",200,-M_PI,M_PI,100,-1,1); // ms: propose remove
00066   // delta phi quantities
00067   BOOK1D(DeltaPhi,"#Delta#phi",100,-0.2,0.2);
00068   BOOK2D(DeltaPhivsEt,"#Delta#phi vs E_{T}",1000,0,1000,100,-M_PI_2,M_PI_2);
00069   BOOK2D(DeltaPhiOverPhivsEt,"#Delta#phi/#phi vs E_{T}",1000,0,1000,100,-1,1); // ms: propose remove
00070   BOOK2D(DeltaPhivsEta,"#Delta#phi vs #eta",200,-5,5,100,-M_PI_2,M_PI_2);
00071   BOOK2D(DeltaPhiOverPhivsEta,"#Delta#phi/#phi vs #eta",200,-5,5,100,-1,1); // ms: propose remove
00072   BOOK2D(DeltaPhivsPhi,"#Delta#phi vs #phi",200,-M_PI,M_PI,200,-M_PI,M_PI); // ms: propose remove
00073   BOOK2D(DeltaPhiOverPhivsPhi,"#Delta#phi/#phi vs #phi",200,-M_PI,M_PI,100,-1,1); // ms: propose remove
00075   // delta R quantities
00076   BOOK1D(DeltaR,"#DeltaR",100,0,1);
00077   BOOK2D(DeltaRvsEt,"#DeltaR vs E_{T}",1000,0,1000,100,0,1);
00078   BOOK2D(DeltaRvsEta,"#DeltaR vs #eta",200,-5,5,100,0,1);
00079   BOOK2D(DeltaRvsPhi,"#DeltaR vs #phi",200,-M_PI,M_PI,100,0,1); // ms: propose remove
00081   // number of truth particles found within given cone radius of reco
00082   //BOOK2D(NumInConeVsConeSize,NumInConeVsConeSize,100,0,1,25,0,25);
00084   // Set Axis Titles
00086   // delta et quantities
00087   SETAXES(DeltaEt,"#DeltaE_{T}","Events");
00088   SETAXES(DeltaEtvsEt,ET,"#DeltaE_{T}");
00089   SETAXES(DeltaEtOverEtvsEt,ET,"#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T}");
00090   SETAXES(DeltaEtvsEta,ETA,"#DeltaE_{T}");
00091   SETAXES(DeltaEtOverEtvsEta,ETA,"#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T}");
00092   SETAXES(DeltaEtvsPhi,PHI,"#DeltaE_{T}");
00093   SETAXES(DeltaEtOverEtvsPhi,PHI,"#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T}");
00094   SETAXES(DeltaEtvsDeltaR,"#DeltaR","#DeltaE_{T}");
00095   SETAXES(DeltaEtOverEtvsDeltaR,"#DeltaR","#DeltaE_{T}/E_{T}");
00097   // delta eta quantities
00098   SETAXES(DeltaEta,"#Delta#eta","Events");
00099   SETAXES(DeltaEtavsEt,ET,"#Delta#eta");
00100   SETAXES(DeltaEtavsEta,ETA,"#Delta#eta");
00101   SETAXES(DeltaEtaOverEtavsEt,ET,"#Delta#eta/#eta");
00102   SETAXES(DeltaEtaOverEtavsEta,ETA,"#Delta#eta/#eta");
00103   SETAXES(DeltaEtavsPhi,PHI,"#Delta#eta");
00104   SETAXES(DeltaEtaOverEtavsPhi,PHI,"#Delta#eta/#eta");
00106   // delta phi quantities
00107   SETAXES(DeltaPhi,"#Delta#phi","Events");
00108   SETAXES(DeltaPhivsEt,ET,"#Delta#phi");
00109   SETAXES(DeltaPhivsEta,ETA,"#Delta#phi");
00110   SETAXES(DeltaPhiOverPhivsEt,ET,"#Delta#phi/#phi");
00111   SETAXES(DeltaPhiOverPhivsEta,ETA,"#Delta#phi/#phi");
00112   SETAXES(DeltaPhivsPhi,PHI,"#Delta#phi");
00113   SETAXES(DeltaPhiOverPhivsPhi,PHI,"#Delta#phi/#phi");
00115   // delta R quantities
00116   SETAXES(DeltaR,"#DeltaR","Events");
00117   SETAXES(DeltaRvsEt,ET,"#DeltaR");
00118   SETAXES(DeltaRvsEta,ETA,"#DeltaR");
00119   SETAXES(DeltaRvsPhi,PHI,"#DeltaR");
00121 }

void GenericBenchmark::write ( std::string  Filename  ) 

Definition at line 201 of file

References file_.

00201                                                {
00203   if (Filename.size() != 0 && file_)
00204     file_->Write(Filename.c_str());
00206 }

Member Data Documentation

PFBenchmarkAlgo* GenericBenchmark::algo_ [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

DQMStore* GenericBenchmark::dbe_ [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by GenericBenchmarkAnalyzer::beginJob(), and GenericBenchmarkAnalyzer::endJob().

TFile* GenericBenchmark::file_ [private]

Definition at line 31 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by setup(), and write().

TH1F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEt [private]

Definition at line 33 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH1F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEta [private]

Definition at line 43 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEt [private]

Definition at line 45 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtaOverEtavsEta [private]

Definition at line 47 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtaOverEtavsPhi [private]

Definition at line 49 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtavsEt [private]

Definition at line 44 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtavsEta [private]

Definition at line 46 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtavsPhi [private]

Definition at line 48 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtOverEtvsDeltaR [private]

Definition at line 41 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtOverEtvsEt [private]

Definition at line 35 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtOverEtvsEta [private]

Definition at line 37 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtOverEtvsPhi [private]

Definition at line 39 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtvsDeltaR [private]

Definition at line 40 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtvsEt [private]

Definition at line 34 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtvsEta [private]

Definition at line 36 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaEtvsPhi [private]

Definition at line 38 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH1F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaPhi [private]

Definition at line 51 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEt [private]

Definition at line 53 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaPhiOverPhivsEta [private]

Definition at line 55 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaPhiOverPhivsPhi [private]

Definition at line 57 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaPhivsEt [private]

Definition at line 52 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaPhivsEta [private]

Definition at line 54 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaPhivsPhi [private]

Definition at line 56 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH1F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaR [private]

Definition at line 59 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaRvsEt [private]

Definition at line 60 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaRvsEta [private]

Definition at line 61 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

Referenced by fill().

TH2F* GenericBenchmark::hDeltaRvsPhi [private]

Definition at line 62 of file GenericBenchmark.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:21:11 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4