SiStripCommissioningSource Class Reference

#include <DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/interface/SiStripCommissioningSource.h>

Inheritance diagram for SiStripCommissioningSource:


List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::map< unsigned int,
CommissioningTask * > 
 Map of task objects, identified through FedChanelId.
typedef std::vector
< CommissioningTask * > 
typedef std::vector< VecOfTasksVecOfVecOfTasks

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
void beginJob (edm::EventSetup const &)
void endJob ()
 SiStripCommissioningSource (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~SiStripCommissioningSource ()

Private Member Functions

void clearCablingTasks ()
void clearTasks ()
void createCablingTasks ()
void createRunNumber ()
void createTask (const SiStripEventSummary *const, const edm::EventSetup &)
void createTasks (sistrip::RunType, const edm::EventSetup &)
void directory (std::stringstream &, uint32_t run_number=0)
DQMStore *const dqm (std::string method="") const
void fillCablingHistos (const SiStripEventSummary *const, const edm::DetSetVector< SiStripRawDigi > &)
void fillHistos (const SiStripEventSummary *const, const edm::DetSetVector< SiStripRawDigi > &)
void remove ()
 SiStripCommissioningSource ()
 Private default constructor.

Private Attributes

std::string base_
bool cablingTask_
 Flag to indicate whether task is FED cabling or not.
TaskMap cablingTasks_
 Map of cabling task objects (indexed using FEC key).
 Interface to Data Quality Monitoring framework.
std::string filename_
 Filename of output root file containing source histos.
std::string inputModuleLabel_
 Name of digi input module.
std::string inputModuleLabelSummary_
uint32_t run_
 Run number used for naming of root file.
sistrip::RunType task_
 Identifies commissioning task.
std::string taskConfigurable_
 Identifies commissioning task read from cfg file.
VecOfVecOfTasks tasks_
 Vector of vector of task objects (indexed using FED
bool tasksExist_
 Flag to indicate whether histo objects exist or not.
int32_t time_
 Record of time used to calculate event rate.
int updateFreq_
 Update frequency for histograms (ignored for cabling).

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<unsigned int, CommissioningTask*> SiStripCommissioningSource::TaskMap

Map of task objects, identified through FedChanelId.

Definition at line 30 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

typedef std::vector<CommissioningTask*> SiStripCommissioningSource::VecOfTasks

Definition at line 31 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

typedef std::vector<VecOfTasks> SiStripCommissioningSource::VecOfVecOfTasks

Definition at line 32 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiStripCommissioningSource::SiStripCommissioningSource ( const edm::ParameterSet pset  ) 

Definition at line 56 of file

References LogTrace, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, and tasks_.

00056                                                                                     :
00057   dqm_(0),
00058   fedCabling_(0),
00059   fecCabling_(0),
00060   inputModuleLabel_( pset.getParameter<std::string>( "InputModuleLabel" ) ),
00061   inputModuleLabelSummary_( pset.getParameter<std::string>( "SummaryInputModuleLabel" ) ),
00062   filename_( pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("RootFileName",sistrip::dqmSourceFileName_) ),
00063   run_(0),
00064   time_(0),
00065   taskConfigurable_( pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("CommissioningTask","UNDEFINED") ),
00066   task_(sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE),
00067   tasks_(),
00068   cablingTasks_(),
00069   tasksExist_(false),
00070   cablingTask_(false),
00071   updateFreq_( pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("HistoUpdateFreq",1) ),
00072   base_("")
00073 {
00074   LogTrace(mlDqmSource_)
00075     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00076     << " Constructing object...";
00077   tasks_.clear();
00078   tasks_.resize( 1024, VecOfTasks(96,static_cast<CommissioningTask*>(0)) ); 
00079 }

SiStripCommissioningSource::~SiStripCommissioningSource (  ) 

Definition at line 83 of file

References LogTrace, and sistrip::mlDqmSource_.

00083                                                         {
00084   LogTrace(mlDqmSource_)
00085     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00086     << " Destructing object...";
00087 }

SiStripCommissioningSource::SiStripCommissioningSource (  )  [private]

Private default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

void SiStripCommissioningSource::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 252 of file

References sistrip::APV_LATENCY, sistrip::APV_TIMING, cablingTask_, sistrip::CALIBRATION, sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO, sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN, sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO, createRunNumber(), createTask(), sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE, lat::endl(), sistrip::FAST_CABLING, sistrip::FED_CABLING, sistrip::FED_SCOPE_MODE, sistrip::FED_TIMING, sistrip::FED_VIRGIN_RAW, SiStripEnumsAndStrings::fedReadoutMode(), fillCablingHistos(), fillHistos(), sistrip::FINE_DELAY, edm::Event::id(), inputModuleLabel_, inputModuleLabelSummary_, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, sistrip::NOISE, NULL, sistrip::OPTO_SCAN, sistrip::PEDESTALS, sistrip::PEDS_ONLY, edm::Handle< T >::product(), run_, SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType(), ss, summary, task_, tasksExist_, time_, sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE, sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE, updateFreq_, and sistrip::VPSP_SCAN.

00253                                                                        {
00254   // Retrieve commissioning information from "event summary" 
00255   edm::Handle<SiStripEventSummary> summary;
00256   event.getByLabel( inputModuleLabelSummary_, summary );
00258   // Check if EventSummary has info attached
00259   if ( ( summary->runType() == sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE ||
00260          summary->runType() == sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE ) &&
00261        summary->nullParams() ) {
00262     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00263       << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00264       << " Unknown/undefined RunType and NULL parameter values!"
00265       << " It may be that the 'trigger FED' object was not found!"; 
00266   }
00268   // Check if need to rebuild FED/FEC cabling objects for connection run
00269   //cablingForConnectionRun( summary->runType() ); //@@ do not use!
00271   // Extract run number and forward to client
00272   if ( != run_ ) { 
00273     run_ =; 
00274     createRunNumber();
00275   }
00277   // Coarse event rate counter
00278   if ( !( ) {
00279     std::stringstream ss;
00280     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00281        << " The last " << updateFreq_ 
00282        << " events were processed at a rate of ";
00283     if ( time(NULL) == time_ ) { ss << ">" << updateFreq_ << " Hz"; }
00284     else { ss << (updateFreq_/(time(NULL)-time_)) << " Hz"; }
00285     edm::LogVerbatim(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00286     time_ = time(NULL);
00287   }
00289   // Create commissioning task objects 
00290   if ( !tasksExist_ ) { createTask( summary.product(), setup ); }
00292   // Retrieve raw digis with mode appropriate to task 
00293   edm::Handle< edm::DetSetVector<SiStripRawDigi> > raw;
00294   if ( task_ == sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE ) { 
00295     if ( summary->fedReadoutMode() == FED_VIRGIN_RAW ) {
00296       event.getByLabel( inputModuleLabel_, "VirginRaw", raw );
00297     } else if ( summary->fedReadoutMode() == FED_SCOPE_MODE ) {
00298       event.getByLabel( inputModuleLabel_, "ScopeMode", raw );
00299     } else {
00300       std::stringstream ss;
00301       ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00302          << " Requested DAQ_SCOPE_MODE but unknown FED"
00303          << " readout mode retrieved from SiStripEventSummary: " 
00304          << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::fedReadoutMode( summary->fedReadoutMode() );
00305       edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00306     }
00307   } else if ( task_ == sistrip::FAST_CABLING ||
00308               task_ == sistrip::FED_CABLING ||
00309               task_ == sistrip::APV_TIMING ||
00310               task_ == sistrip::FED_TIMING ||
00311               task_ == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN ) { 
00312     event.getByLabel( inputModuleLabel_, "ScopeMode", raw );
00313   } else if ( task_ == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN ||
00314               task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION ||
00315               task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO ||
00316               task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN ||
00317               task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO ||
00318               task_ == sistrip::PEDESTALS ||
00319               task_ == sistrip::PEDS_ONLY ||
00320               task_ == sistrip::NOISE ) {
00321     event.getByLabel( inputModuleLabel_, "VirginRaw", raw );
00322   } else if ( task_ == sistrip::APV_LATENCY ||
00323               task_ == sistrip::FINE_DELAY ) {
00324     event.getByLabel( inputModuleLabel_, "FineDelaySelection", raw );
00325   } else {
00326     std::stringstream ss;
00327     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00328        << " Unknown CommissioningTask: " 
00329        << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( task_ )
00330        << " Unable to establish FED readout mode and retrieve digi container!"
00331        << " Check if SiStripEventSummary object is found/present in Event";
00332     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00333     return;
00334   }
00336   // Check for NULL pointer to digi container
00337   if ( &(*raw) == 0 ) {
00338     std::stringstream ss;
00339     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]" << std::endl
00340        << " NULL pointer to DetSetVector!" << std::endl
00341        << " Unable to fill histograms!";
00342     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00343     return;
00344   }
00346   if ( !cablingTask_ ) { fillHistos( summary.product(), *raw );  }
00347   else { fillCablingHistos( summary.product(), *raw ); }
00349 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::beginJob ( edm::EventSetup const &  setup  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 106 of file

References base_, cablingTask_, clearCablingTasks(), clearTasks(), SiStripFecCabling::crates(), dir, directory(), dqm(), dqm_, lat::endl(), fecCabling_, fedCabling_, edm::EventSetup::get(), LogTrace, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), ss, task_, tasksExist_, and sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE.

00106                                                                       {
00107   LogTrace(mlDqmSource_)
00108     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00109     << " Configuring..." << std::endl;
00111   // ---------- DQM back-end interface ----------
00113   dqm_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00114   edm::LogInfo(mlDqmSource_)
00115     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00116     << " DQMStore service: " 
00117     << dqm_;
00118   dqm(__func__);
00119   dqm()->setVerbose(0);
00121   // ---------- Base directory ----------
00123   std::stringstream dir(""); 
00125 #ifndef USING_NEW_COLLATE_METHODS        
00126   dir << "FU_";          
00127   directory(dir);        
00128   dir << "/";    
00129 #endif   
00131   base_ = dir.str();
00133   // ---------- FED and FEC cabling ----------
00135   edm::ESHandle<SiStripFedCabling> fed_cabling;
00136   setup.get<SiStripFedCablingRcd>().get( fed_cabling ); 
00137   fedCabling_ = const_cast<SiStripFedCabling*>( fed_cabling.product() ); 
00138   fecCabling_ = new SiStripFecCabling( *fed_cabling );
00139   if ( fecCabling_->crates().empty() ) {
00140     std::stringstream ss;
00141     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00142        << " Empty std::vector returned by FEC cabling object!" 
00143        << " Check if database connection failed...";
00144     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00145   }
00147   // ---------- Reset ---------- 
00149   tasksExist_ = false;
00150   task_ = sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE;
00151   cablingTask_ = false;
00153   remove();
00155   clearCablingTasks();
00156   clearTasks();
00158 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::clearCablingTasks (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1023 of file

References cablingTasks_.

Referenced by beginJob().

01023                                                    {
01024   if ( cablingTasks_.empty() ) { return; }
01025   for ( TaskMap::iterator itask = cablingTasks_.begin(); itask != cablingTasks_.end(); itask++ ) { 
01026     if ( itask->second ) { delete itask->second; }
01027   }
01028   cablingTasks_.clear();
01029 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::clearTasks (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1033 of file

References tasks_.

Referenced by beginJob().

01033                                             {
01034   if ( tasks_.empty() ) { return; }
01035   VecOfVecOfTasks::iterator ifed = tasks_.begin();
01036   for ( ; ifed !=  tasks_.end(); ifed++ ) { 
01037     VecOfTasks::iterator ichan = ifed->begin();
01038     for ( ; ichan != ifed->end(); ichan++ ) { 
01039       if ( *ichan ) { delete *ichan; *ichan = 0; }
01040     }
01041     ifed->resize(96,0);
01042   }
01043   tasks_.resize(1024);
01044 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::createCablingTasks (  )  [private]

Definition at line 757 of file

References base_, cablingTasks_, SiStripFecCabling::crates(), dir, dqm(), fecCabling_, sistrip::FED_CABLING, getDQMSummary::key, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, path(), SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), ss, task_, sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE, and sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE.

Referenced by createTask().

00757                                                     {
00759   // Iterate through FEC cabling and create commissioning task objects
00760   uint16_t booked = 0;
00761   for ( std::vector<SiStripFecCrate>::const_iterator icrate = fecCabling_->crates().begin(); icrate != fecCabling_->crates().end(); icrate++ ) {
00762     for ( std::vector<SiStripFec>::const_iterator ifec = icrate->fecs().begin(); ifec != icrate->fecs().end(); ifec++ ) {
00763       for ( std::vector<SiStripRing>::const_iterator iring = ifec->rings().begin(); iring != ifec->rings().end(); iring++ ) {
00764         for ( std::vector<SiStripCcu>::const_iterator iccu = iring->ccus().begin(); iccu != iring->ccus().end(); iccu++ ) {
00765           for ( std::vector<SiStripModule>::const_iterator imodule = iccu->modules().begin(); imodule != iccu->modules().end(); imodule++ ) {
00767             // Build FEC key
00768             SiStripFecKey path( icrate->fecCrate(), 
00769                                 ifec->fecSlot(), 
00770                                 iring->fecRing(), 
00771                                 iccu->ccuAddr(), 
00772                                 imodule->ccuChan() );
00774             // Check if FEC key is invalid
00775             if ( !path.isValid() ) { continue; }
00777             // Set working directory prior to booking histograms
00778             std::string dir = base_ + path.path();
00779             dqm()->setCurrentFolder( dir );
00781             // Iterate through all APV pairs for this module
00782             for ( uint16_t ipair = 0; ipair < imodule->nApvPairs(); ipair++ ) {
00784               // Retrieve active APV devices
00785               SiStripModule::PairOfU16 apvs = imodule->activeApvPair( imodule->lldChannel(ipair) );
00787               // Create connection object to hold all relevant info
00788               FedChannelConnection conn( icrate->fecCrate(), 
00789                                          ifec->fecSlot(), 
00790                                          iring->fecRing(), 
00791                                          iccu->ccuAddr(), 
00792                                          imodule->ccuChan(),
00793                                          apvs.first,
00794                                          apvs.second,
00795                                          imodule->dcuId(),
00796                                          imodule->detId(),
00797                                          imodule->nApvPairs() );
00799               // Define key encoding control path 
00800               uint32_t key = SiStripFecKey( icrate->fecCrate(), 
00801                                             ifec->fecSlot(), 
00802                                             iring->fecRing(), 
00803                                             iccu->ccuAddr(), 
00804                                             imodule->ccuChan(),
00805                                             imodule->lldChannel(ipair) ).key();
00807               // Check key is non zero
00808               if ( !key ) { 
00809                 edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00810                   << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00811                   << " Unexpected NULL value for FEC key!";
00812                 continue; 
00813               }
00815               // Create cabling task objects if not already existing
00816               if ( cablingTasks_.find( key ) == cablingTasks_.end() ) {
00818                 if ( task_ == sistrip::FED_CABLING ) { 
00819                   cablingTasks_[key] = new FedCablingTask( dqm(), conn ); 
00820                 } else if ( task_ == sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE ) { 
00821                   edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00822                     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00823                     << " Undefined CommissioningTask" 
00824                     << " Unable to create FedCablingTask object!";
00825                 } else if ( task_ == sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE ) { 
00826                   edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00827                     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00828                     << " Unknown CommissioningTask" 
00829                     << " Unable to create FedCablingTask object!";
00830                 } else { 
00831                   edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00832                     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00833                     << " Unexpected CommissioningTask: " 
00834                     << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( task_ )
00835                     << " Unable to create FedCablingTask object!";
00836                 }
00838                 // Check if key is found and, if so, book histos and set update freq
00839                 if ( cablingTasks_.find( key ) != cablingTasks_.end() ) {
00840                   if ( cablingTasks_[key] ) {
00841                     cablingTasks_[key]->bookHistograms(); 
00842                     cablingTasks_[key]->updateFreq(1); //@@ hardwired to update every event!!! 
00843                     booked++;
00844                     //std::stringstream ss;
00845                     //ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00846                     //<< " Booking histograms for '" << cablingTasks_[key]->myName()
00847                     //<< "' object with key 0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << key << std::dec
00848                     //<< " in directory \"" << dir << "\"";
00849                     //LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00850                   } else {
00851                     std::stringstream ss;
00852                     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00853                        << " NULL pointer to CommissioningTask for key 0x"
00854                        << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << key << std::dec
00855                        << " in directory " << dir 
00856                        << " Unable to book histograms!";
00857                     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00858                   }
00859                 } else {
00860                   std::stringstream ss;
00861                   ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00862                      << " Unable to find CommissioningTask for key 0x"
00863                      << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << key << std::dec
00864                      << " in directory " << dir
00865                      << " Unable to book histograms!";
00866                   edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00867                 }
00869               } else {
00870                 std::stringstream ss;
00871                 ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00872                    << " CommissioningTask object already exists for key 0x"
00873                    << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << key << std::dec
00874                    << " in directory " << dir 
00875                    << " Unable to create FedCablingTask object!";
00876                 edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00877               }
00879             } // loop through apv pairs
00880           } // loop through modules
00881         } // loop through ccus
00882       } // loop through rings
00883     } // loop through fecs
00884   } // loop through crates
00886   edm::LogVerbatim(mlDqmSource_)
00887     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00888     << " Created " << booked 
00889     << " CommissioningTask objects and booked histograms";
00891 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::createRunNumber (  )  [private]

Definition at line 648 of file

References base_, DQMStore::bookString(), dqm(), sistrip::mlDqmSource_, sistrip::root_, mergeAndRegister_online::run, run_, sistrip::runNumber_, sistrip::sep_, and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

Referenced by analyze().

00648                                                  {
00650   // Set commissioning task to default ("undefined") value
00651   if ( !run_ ) {
00652     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) 
00653       << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00654       << " NULL run number!";
00655     return;
00656   }
00658   // Create MonitorElement that identifies run number
00659   dqm()->setCurrentFolder( base_ + sistrip::root_ );
00660   std::stringstream run;
00661   run << run_;
00662   dqm()->bookString( sistrip::runNumber_ + sistrip::sep_ + run.str(), run.str() ); 
00664 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::createTask ( const SiStripEventSummary * const  summary,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [private]

Definition at line 668 of file

References base_, DQMStore::bookString(), cablingTask_, createCablingTasks(), createTasks(), dqm(), sistrip::FED_CABLING, LogTrace, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, sistrip::root_, SiStripEventSummary::runType(), SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType(), sistrip::sep_, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), ss, task_, taskConfigurable_, sistrip::taskId_, tasksExist_, sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE, and sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE.

Referenced by analyze().

00668                                                                                                                   {
00670   // Set commissioning task to default ("undefined") value
00671   task_ = sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE;
00673   // Retrieve commissioning task from EventSummary
00674   if ( summary ) { 
00675     task_ = summary->runType(); 
00676     std::stringstream ss;
00677     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00678        << " Identified CommissioningTask from EventSummary to be \"" 
00679        << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( task_ )
00680        << "\"";
00681     LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00682   } else { 
00683     task_ = sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE; 
00684     std::stringstream ss;
00685     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00686        << " NULL pointer to SiStripEventSummary!" 
00687        << " Check SiStripEventSummary is found/present in Event";
00688     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00689   } 
00691   // Override task with ParameterSet configurable (if defined)
00692   sistrip::RunType configurable = SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( taskConfigurable_ );
00693   if ( configurable != sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE &&
00694        configurable != sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE ) { 
00695     std::stringstream ss;
00696     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00697        << " Overriding CommissioningTask from EventSummary (\"" 
00698        << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( task_ )
00699        << "\") with value retrieved from .cfg file (\""
00700        << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( configurable )
00701        << "\")!";
00702     LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00703     task_ = configurable; 
00704   }
00706   // Create ME (std::string) that identifies commissioning task
00707   dqm()->setCurrentFolder( base_ + sistrip::root_ );
00708   std::string task_str = SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( task_ );
00709   dqm()->bookString( sistrip::taskId_ + sistrip::sep_ + task_str, task_str ); 
00711   // Check commissioning task is known / defined
00712   if ( task_ == sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE ||
00713        task_ == sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE ) {
00714     std::stringstream ss;
00715     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00716        << " Unexpected CommissioningTask found (" 
00717        << static_cast<uint16_t>(task_) << ") \""
00718        << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( task_ ) << "\""
00719        << " Unexpected value found in SiStripEventSummary and/or cfg file"
00720        << " If SiStripEventSummary is not present in Event,"
00721        << " check 'CommissioningTask' configurable in cfg file";
00722     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00723     return; 
00724   } else {
00725     std::stringstream ss;
00726     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00727        << " Identified CommissioningTask to be \"" 
00728        << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( task_ )
00729        << "\"";
00730     LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00731   }
00733   // Check if commissioning task is FED cabling 
00734   if ( task_ == sistrip::FED_CABLING ) { cablingTask_ = true; }
00735   else { cablingTask_ = false; }
00737   std::stringstream ss;
00738   ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00739      << " CommissioningTask: "
00740      << SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( summary->runType() );
00741   LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00743   edm::LogVerbatim(mlDqmSource_)
00744     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00745     << " Creating CommissioningTask objects and booking histograms...";
00746   if ( cablingTask_ ) { createCablingTasks(); }
00747   else { createTasks( task_ , setup ); }
00748   edm::LogVerbatim(mlDqmSource_)
00749     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00750     << " Finished booking histograms!";
00751   tasksExist_ = true;
00753 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::createTasks ( sistrip::RunType  run_type,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [private]

Definition at line 895 of file

References sistrip::APV_LATENCY, sistrip::APV_TIMING, base_, sistrip::CALIBRATION, sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO, sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN, sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO, SiStripFedCabling::connections(), sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE, dir, dqm(), sistrip::FAST_CABLING, SiStripFedKey::feChan(), sistrip::FED_TIMING, fedCabling_, SiStripFedCabling::feds(), SiStripFedKey::feUnit(), filename_, sistrip::FINE_DELAY, SiStripKey::key(), sistrip::mlDqmSource_, sistrip::NOISE, sistrip::OPTO_SCAN, SiStripKey::path(), sistrip::PEDESTALS, sistrip::PEDS_ONLY, run_, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), ss, task_, tasks_, sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE, updateFreq_, and sistrip::VPSP_SCAN.

Referenced by createTask().

00895                                                                                                   {
00897   // Iterate through FED ids and channels 
00898   uint16_t booked = 0;
00899   std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator ifed = fedCabling_->feds().begin();
00900   for ( ; ifed != fedCabling_->feds().end(); ifed++ ) {
00902     // Iterate through connected FED channels
00903     const std::vector<FedChannelConnection>& conns = fedCabling_->connections(*ifed);
00904     std::vector<FedChannelConnection>::const_iterator iconn = conns.begin();
00905     for ( ; iconn != conns.end(); iconn++ ) {
00907       // Create FED key and check if non-zero
00908       SiStripFedKey fed_key( iconn->fedId(), 
00909                              SiStripFedKey::feUnit(iconn->fedCh()),
00910                              SiStripFedKey::feChan(iconn->fedCh()) );
00911       if ( !iconn->isConnected() ) { continue; }
00913       // Create FEC key
00914       SiStripFecKey fec_key( iconn->fecCrate(), 
00915                              iconn->fecSlot(), 
00916                              iconn->fecRing(), 
00917                              iconn->ccuAddr(), 
00918                              iconn->ccuChan() );
00920       // Set working directory prior to booking histograms 
00921       std::stringstream dir;
00922       dir << base_;
00923       if ( run_type == sistrip::FAST_CABLING ) { dir << fed_key.path(); }
00924       else { dir << fec_key.path(); }
00925       dqm()->setCurrentFolder( dir.str() );
00927       // Create commissioning task objects
00928       if ( !tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] ) { 
00929         if ( task_ == sistrip::FAST_CABLING ) { 
00930           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new FastFedCablingTask( dqm(), *iconn ); 
00931         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::APV_TIMING ) { 
00932           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new ApvTimingTask( dqm(), *iconn ); 
00933         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::FED_TIMING ) { 
00934           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new FedTimingTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00935         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN ) { 
00936           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new OptoScanTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00937         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN ) { 
00938           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new VpspScanTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00939         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::PEDESTALS ) { 
00940           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new PedestalsTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00941         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::PEDS_ONLY ) { 
00942           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new PedsOnlyTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00943         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::NOISE ) { 
00944           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new NoiseTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00945         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE ) { 
00946           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new DaqScopeModeTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00947         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::APV_LATENCY ) { 
00948           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new LatencyTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00949         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::FINE_DELAY ) { 
00950           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new FineDelayTask( dqm(), *iconn );
00951         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN || 
00952                     task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO ) { 
00953           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new CalibrationScanTask( dqm(), 
00954                                                                             *iconn, 
00955                                                                             task_, 
00956                                                                             filename_.c_str(), 
00957                                                                             run_, 
00958                                                                             setup );
00959         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION || 
00960                     task_ == sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO ) { 
00961           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] = new CalibrationTask( dqm(), 
00962                                                                         *iconn, 
00963                                                                         task_, 
00964                                                                         filename_.c_str(), 
00965                                                                         run_, 
00966                                                                         setup );
00967         } else if ( task_ == sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE ) { 
00968           edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)  
00969             << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00970             << " Undefined CommissioningTask" 
00971             << " Unable to create CommissioningTask object!";
00972         } else { 
00973           edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00974             << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00975             << " Unknown CommissioningTask" 
00976             << " Unable to create CommissioningTask object!";
00977         }
00979         // Check if fed_key is found and, if so, book histos and set update freq
00980         if ( tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] ) {
00981           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()]->eventSetup( &setup );
00982           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()]->bookHistograms(); 
00983           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()]->updateFreq( updateFreq_ ); 
00984           booked++;
00985           //std::stringstream ss;
00986           //ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00987           //<< " Booking histograms for '" << tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()]->myName()
00988           //<< "' object with key 0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << fed_key.key() << std::dec
00989           //<< " in directory " << dir.str();
00990           //LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00991         } else {
00992           std::stringstream ss;
00993           ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00994              << " NULL pointer to CommissioningTask for key 0x"
00995              << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << fed_key.key() << std::dec
00996              << " in directory " << dir.str() 
00997              << " Unable to book histograms!";
00998           edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00999         }
01001       } else {
01002         std::stringstream ss;
01003         ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
01004            << " CommissioningTask object already exists for key 0x"
01005            << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << fed_key.key() << std::dec
01006            << " in directory " << dir.str() 
01007            << " Unable to create CommissioningTask object!";
01008         edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
01009       }
01011     }
01012   }
01014   edm::LogVerbatim(mlDqmSource_)
01015     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
01016     << " Created " << booked 
01017     << " CommissioningTask objects and booked histograms";
01019 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::directory ( std::stringstream &  dir,
uint32_t  run_number = 0 
) [private]

Definition at line 1059 of file

References gethostname(), and tmp.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

01060                                                                   {
01062   // Get details about host
01063   char hn[256];
01064   gethostname( hn, sizeof(hn) );
01065   struct hostent* he;
01066   he = gethostbyname(hn);
01068   // Extract host name and ip
01069   std::string host_name;
01070   std::string host_ip;
01071   if ( he ) { 
01072     host_name = std::string(he->h_name);
01073     host_ip = std::string( inet_ntoa( *(struct in_addr*)(he->h_addr) ) );
01074   } else {
01075     host_name = "";
01076     host_ip = "";
01077   }
01079   // Reformat IP address
01080   std::string::size_type pos = 0;
01081   std::stringstream ip;
01082   //for ( uint16_t ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii ) {
01083   while ( pos != std::string::npos ) {
01084     std::string::size_type tmp = host_ip.find(".",pos);
01085     if ( tmp != std::string::npos ) {
01086       ip << std::setw(3)
01087          << std::setfill('0')
01088          << host_ip.substr( pos, tmp-pos ) 
01089          << ".";
01090       pos = tmp+1; // skip the delimiter "."
01091     } else {
01092       ip << std::setw(3)
01093          << std::setfill('0')
01094          << host_ip.substr( pos );
01095       pos = std::string::npos;
01096     }
01097   }
01099   // Get pid
01100   pid_t pid = getpid();
01102   // Construct string
01103   if ( run_number ) {
01104     dir << std::setw(8) 
01105         << std::setfill('0') 
01106         << run_number
01107         << "_";
01108   }
01109   dir << ip.str()
01110       << "_"
01111       << std::setw(5) 
01112       << std::setfill('0') 
01113       << pid;
01115 }

DQMStore *const SiStripCommissioningSource::dqm ( std::string  method = ""  )  const [private]

Definition at line 91 of file

References dqm_, lat::endl(), sistrip::mlDqmSource_, and ss.

Referenced by beginJob(), createCablingTasks(), createRunNumber(), createTask(), createTasks(), endJob(), and remove().

00091                                                                         {
00092   if ( !dqm_ ) { 
00093     std::stringstream ss;
00094     if ( method != "" ) { ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << method << "]" << std::endl; }
00095     else { ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource]" << std::endl; }
00096     ss << " NULL pointer to DQMStore";
00097     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00098     return 0;
00099   } else { return dqm_; }
00100 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::endJob ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 162 of file

References cablingTasks_, SiStripFedCabling::connections(), dir, directory(), dqm(), lat::endl(), fecCabling_, fedCabling_, SiStripFedCabling::feds(), filename_, LogTrace, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, name, NULL, run_, DQMStore::save(), ss, and tasks_.

00162                                         {
00163   LogTrace(mlDqmSource_)
00164     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00165     << " Halting..." << std::endl;
00167   // ---------- Update histograms ----------
00169   // Cabling task
00170   for ( TaskMap::iterator itask = cablingTasks_.begin(); itask != cablingTasks_.end(); itask++ ) { 
00171     if ( itask->second ) { itask->second->updateHistograms(); }
00172   }
00174   // All tasks except cabling 
00175   uint16_t fed_id = 0;
00176   uint16_t fed_ch = 0;
00177   std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator ifed = fedCabling_->feds().begin(); 
00178   for ( ; ifed != fedCabling_->feds().end(); ifed++ ) { 
00179     const std::vector<FedChannelConnection>& conns = fedCabling_->connections(*ifed);
00180     std::vector<FedChannelConnection>::const_iterator iconn = conns.begin();
00181     for ( ; iconn != conns.end(); iconn++ ) {
00182       if ( !iconn->isConnected() ) { continue; }
00183       fed_id = iconn->fedId();
00184       fed_ch = iconn->fedCh();
00185       if ( tasks_[fed_id][fed_ch] ) { 
00186         tasks_[fed_id][fed_ch]->updateHistograms();
00187       }
00188     }
00189   }
00191   // ---------- Save histos to root file ----------
00193   // Strip filename of ".root" extension
00194   std::string name;
00195   if ( filename_.find(".root",0) == std::string::npos ) { name = filename_; }
00196   else { name = filename_.substr( 0, filename_.find(".root",0) ); }
00198   // Retrieve SCRATCH directory
00199   std::string scratch = "SCRATCH"; //@@ remove trailing slash!!!
00200   std::string dir = "";
00201   if ( getenv(scratch.c_str()) != NULL ) { 
00202     dir = getenv(scratch.c_str()); 
00203   }
00205   // Add directory path 
00206   std::stringstream ss; 
00207   if ( !dir.empty() ) { ss << dir << "/"; }
00208   else { ss << "/tmp/"; }
00210   // Add filename with run number, host ip, pid and .root extension
00211   ss << name << "_";
00212   directory(ss,run_);
00213   ss << ".root";
00215   // Save file with appropriate filename (if run number is known)
00216   if ( !filename_.empty() ) { 
00217     if ( run_ != 0 ) { dqm()->save( ss.str() ); }
00218     else {
00219       edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00220         << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00221         << " NULL value for RunNumber! No root file saved!";
00222     }
00223   } else {
00224     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_)
00225       << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00226       << " NULL value for filename! No root file saved!";
00227   }
00229   LogTrace(mlDqmSource_)
00230     << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00231     << " Saved all histograms to file \""
00232     << ss.str() << "\"";
00234   // ---------- Delete histograms ----------
00236   // Remove all MonitorElements in "SiStrip" dir and below
00237   // remove();
00239   // Delete histogram objects
00240   // clearCablingTasks();
00241   // clearTasks();
00243   // ---------- Delete cabling ----------
00245   if ( fedCabling_ ) { fedCabling_ = 0; }
00246   if ( fecCabling_ ) { delete fecCabling_; fecCabling_ = 0; }
00248 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::fillCablingHistos ( const SiStripEventSummary * const  summary,
const edm::DetSetVector< SiStripRawDigi > &  raw 
) [private]

Definition at line 353 of file

References Averages::add(), average(), cablingTasks_, Averages::calc(), sistrip::CCU_CHAN, SiStripFecKey::ccuAddr(), SiStripFecKey::ccuChan(), SiStripKey::channel(), SiStripEventSummary::dcuId(), SiStripEventSummary::deviceId(), edm::DetSetVector< T >::end(), lat::endl(), fecCabling_, SiStripFecKey::fecCrate(), SiStripFecKey::fecRing(), SiStripFecKey::fecSlot(), fedCabling_, SiStripFedCabling::feds(), edm::DetSetVector< T >::find(), sistrip::invalid_, SiStripModule::key(), LogTrace, Averages::Params::median_, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, sistrip::mlTest_, SiStripFecCabling::module(), params, path(), Averages::Params::rms_, ss, and tmp.

Referenced by analyze().

00354                                                                                                  {
00356   // Create FEC key using DCU id and LLD channel from SiStripEventSummary
00357   const SiStripModule& module = fecCabling_->module( summary->dcuId() );
00358   uint16_t lld_channel = ( summary->deviceId() & 0x3 ) + 1;
00359   SiStripFecKey key_object( module.key().fecCrate(),
00360                             module.key().fecSlot(),
00361                             module.key().fecRing(),
00362                             module.key().ccuAddr(),
00363                             module.key().ccuChan(),
00364                             lld_channel );
00365   uint32_t fec_key = key_object.key();
00366   std::stringstream sss;
00367   sss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]" 
00368       << " Found DcuId 0x"
00369       << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << summary->dcuId() << std::dec 
00370       << " with Crate/FEC/Ring/CCU/Module/LLD: "
00371       << module.key().fecCrate() << "/"
00372       << module.key().fecSlot() << "/"
00373       << module.key().fecRing() << "/"
00374       << module.key().ccuAddr() << "/"
00375       << module.key().ccuChan() << "/"
00376       << lld_channel;
00377   edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << sss.str();
00379   //LogTrace(mlTest_) << "TEST : " << key_object;
00381   // Check on whether DCU id is found
00382   if ( key_object.isInvalid( sistrip::CCU_CHAN ) ) {
00383     std::stringstream ss;
00384     ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]" 
00385        << " DcuId 0x"
00386        << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << summary->dcuId() << std::dec 
00387        << " in 'DAQ register' field not found in cabling map!"
00388        << " (NULL values returned for FEC path)";
00389     edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00390     return;
00391   }
00393   // Iterate through FED ids
00394   std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator ifed = fedCabling_->feds().begin(); 
00395   for ( ; ifed != fedCabling_->feds().end(); ifed++ ) {
00397     // Check if FedId is non-zero
00398     if ( *ifed == sistrip::invalid_ ) { continue; }
00400     // Container to hold median signal level for FED cabling task
00401     std::map<uint16_t,float> medians; medians.clear(); 
00402     std::map<uint16_t,float> medians1; medians1.clear(); 
00404     // Iterate through FED channels
00405     for ( uint16_t ichan = 0; ichan < 96; ichan++ ) {
00407       //       // Retrieve digis for given FED key
00408       //       uint32_t fed_key = SiStripFedKey( *ifed, 
00409       //                                        SiStripFedKey::feUnit(ichan),
00410       //                                        SiStripFedKey::feChan(ichan) ).key();
00412       // Retrieve digis for given FED key
00413       uint32_t fed_key = ( ( *ifed & sistrip::invalid_ ) << 16 ) | ( ichan & sistrip::invalid_ );
00415       std::vector< edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi> >::const_iterator digis = raw.find( fed_key );
00416       if ( digis != raw.end() ) { 
00417         if ( digis->data.empty() ) { continue; }
00419         //      if ( digis->data[0].adc() > 500 ) {
00420         //        std::stringstream ss;
00421         //        ss << " HIGH SIGNAL " << digis->data[0].adc() << " FOR"
00422         //           << " FedKey: 0x" << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << fed_key << std::dec
00423         //           << " FedId/Ch: " << *ifed << "/" << ichan;
00424         //        LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00425         //      }
00427         Averages ave;
00428         for ( uint16_t idigi = 0; idigi < digis->data.size(); idigi++ ) { 
00429           ave.add( static_cast<uint32_t>(digis->data[idigi].adc()) ); 
00430         }
00431         Averages::Params params;
00432         ave.calc(params);
00433         medians[ichan] = params.median_; // Store median signal level
00434         medians1[ichan] = digis->data[0].adc(); 
00436         //      if ( !digis->data.empty() ) { medians[ichan] = digis->data[0].adc(); }
00437         //      else { 
00438         //        edm::LogWarning(mlTest_) << "TEST : NO DIGIS!";
00439         //      }
00441         //              std::stringstream ss;
00442         //              ss << "Channel Averages:" << std::endl
00443         //                 << "  nDigis: " << digis->data.size() << std::endl
00444         //                 << "  num/mean/MEDIAN/rms/max/min: "
00445         //                 << params.num_ << "/"
00446         //                 << params.mean_ << "/"
00447         //                 << params.median_ << "/"
00448         //                 << params.rms_ << "/"
00449         //                 << params.max_ << "/"
00450         //                 << params.min_ << std::endl;
00451         //              LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00453       }
00455     } // fed channel loop
00457     // Calculate mean and spread on all (median) signal levels
00458     Averages average;
00459     std::map<uint16_t,float>::const_iterator ii = medians.begin();
00460     for ( ; ii != medians.end(); ii++ ) { average.add( ii->second ); }
00461     Averages::Params tmp;
00462     average.calc(tmp);
00464     //     std::stringstream ss;
00465     //     ss << "FED Averages:" << std::endl
00466     //        << "  nChans: " << medians.size() << std::endl
00467     //        << "  num/mean/median/rms/max/min: "
00468     //        << tmp.num_ << "/"
00469     //        << tmp.mean_ << "/"
00470     //        << tmp.median_ << "/"
00471     //        << tmp.rms_ << "/"
00472     //        << tmp.max_ << "/"
00473     //        << tmp.min_ << std::endl;
00474     //     LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00476     // Calculate mean and spread on "filtered" data
00477     Averages truncated;
00478     std::map<uint16_t,float>::const_iterator jj = medians.begin();
00479     for ( ; jj != medians.end(); jj++ ) { 
00480       if ( jj->second < tmp.median_+tmp.rms_ ) { 
00481         truncated.add( jj->second ); 
00482       }
00483     }
00484     Averages::Params params;
00485     truncated.calc(params);
00487     //     std::stringstream ss1;
00488     //     ss1 << "Truncated Averages:" << std::endl
00489     //  << "  nChans: " << medians.size() << std::endl
00490     //  << "  num/mean/median/rms/max/min: "
00491     //  << params.num_ << "/"
00492     //  << params.mean_ << "/"
00493     //  << params.median_ << "/"
00494     //  << params.rms_ << "/"
00495     //  << params.max_ << "/"
00496     //  << params.min_ << std::endl;
00497     //     LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss1.str();
00499     // Identify channels with signal
00500     std::stringstream ss2;
00501     std::stringstream ss3;
00502     //     ss2 << "Number of possible connections: " << medians.size()
00503     //  << " channel/signal: ";
00504     std::map<uint16_t,float> channels;
00505     std::map<uint16_t,float>::const_iterator ichan = medians.begin();
00506     for ( ; ichan != medians.end(); ichan++ ) { 
00507       //             cout << " mean: " << params.mean_
00508       //           << " rms: " << params.rms_
00509       //           << " thresh: " << params.mean_ + 5.*params.rms_
00510       //           << " value: " << ichan->second
00511       //           << " strip: " << ichan->first << std::endl;
00512       //if ( ichan->second > params.mean_ + 5.*params.rms_ ) { 
00513       if ( ichan->second > 200. ) { 
00514         LogTrace(mlTest_) << "TEST FOUND SIGNAL HIGH: " << *ifed << " " << ichan->first << " " << ichan->second;
00515         channels[ichan->first] = ichan->second;
00516       }
00517       ss2 //<< ichan->first << "/" 
00518         << ichan->second << " ";
00519       ss3 //<< ichan->first << "/" 
00520         << medians1[ichan->first] << " ";
00521     }
00523     ss2 << std::endl;
00524     ss3 << std::endl;
00525     LogTrace(mlTest_) << "DUMP for FED  " << *ifed << ": " << ss2.str();
00526     LogTrace(mlTest_) << "FIRST ADC VAL " << *ifed << ": " << ss3.str();
00528     //     LogTrace(mlDqmSource_)
00529     //       << "[FedCablingTask::" << __func__ << "]"
00530     //       << " Found candidate connection between device: 0x"
00531     //       << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << std::hex << summary.deviceId() << std::dec
00532     //       << " with Crate/FEC/Ring/CCU/Module/LLDchannel: " 
00533     //       << connection().fecCrate() << "/"
00534     //       << connection().fecSlot() << "/"
00535     //       << connection().fecRing() << "/"
00536     //       << connection().ccuAddr() << "/"
00537     //       << connection().ccuChan() << "/"
00538     //       << connection().lldChannel()
00539     //       << " and FedId/Ch: "
00540     //       << fed_id << "/" << ichan->first
00541     //       << " with signal " << ichan->second 
00542     //       << " [adc] over background " << "XXX +/- YYY [adc]" 
00543     //       << " (S/N = " << "ZZZ" << ")";
00546     // Fill cabling histograms
00547     if ( cablingTasks_.find(fec_key) != cablingTasks_.end() ) {
00548       if ( !channels.empty() ) { 
00549         cablingTasks_[fec_key]->fillHistograms( *summary, *ifed, channels );
00550         SiStripFecKey path( fec_key );
00551         std::stringstream ss;
00552         ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00553            << " Filled histogram for '" << cablingTasks_[fec_key]->myName()
00554            << "' object with FecKey: 0x" 
00555            << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << fec_key << std::dec
00556            << " and Crate/FEC/ring/CCU/module/LLDchan: " 
00557            << path.fecCrate() << "/"
00558            << path.fecSlot() << "/"
00559            << path.fecRing() << "/"
00560            << path.ccuAddr() << "/"
00561            << path.ccuChan() << "/"
00562            <<;
00563         LogTrace(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00564       }
00565     } else {
00566       SiStripFecKey path( fec_key );
00567       std::stringstream ss;
00568       ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00569          << " Unable to find CommissioningTask object with FecKey: 0x" 
00570          << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << fec_key << std::dec
00571          << " and Crate/FEC/ring/CCU/module/LLDchan: " 
00572          << path.fecCrate() << "/"
00573          << path.fecSlot() << "/"
00574          << path.fecRing() << "/"
00575          << path.ccuAddr() << "/"
00576          << path.ccuChan() << "/"
00577          <<;
00578       edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00579     }
00581   } // fed id loop
00583 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::fillHistos ( const SiStripEventSummary * const  summary,
const edm::DetSetVector< SiStripRawDigi > &  raw 
) [private]

Definition at line 587 of file

References sistrip::APV_LATENCY, SiStripFedCabling::connections(), edm::DetSetVector< T >::end(), fedCabling_, SiStripFedCabling::feds(), edm::DetSetVector< T >::find(), sistrip::FINE_DELAY, sistrip::invalid_, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, ss, task_, tasks_, and sistrip::valid_.

Referenced by analyze().

00588                                                                                           {
00590   // Iterate through FED ids and channels
00591   std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator ifed = fedCabling_->feds().begin();
00592   for ( ; ifed != fedCabling_->feds().end(); ifed++ ) {
00594     // Iterate through connected FED channels
00595     const std::vector<FedChannelConnection>& conns = fedCabling_->connections(*ifed);
00596     std::vector<FedChannelConnection>::const_iterator iconn = conns.begin();
00597     for ( ; iconn != conns.end(); iconn++ ) {
00599       if ( !(iconn->fedId()) || iconn->fedId() > sistrip::valid_ ) { continue; }
00601       //       // Create FED key and check if non-zero
00602       //       uint32_t fed_key = SiStripFedKey( iconn->fedId(), 
00603       //                                        SiStripFedKey::feUnit(iconn->fedCh()),
00604       //                                        SiStripFedKey::feChan(iconn->fedCh()) ).key();
00606       // Create FED key and check if non-zero
00607       // note: the key is not computed using the same formula as in commissioning histograms.
00608       // beware that changes here must match changes in raw2digi and in SiStripFineDelayHit
00609       uint32_t fed_key = ( ( iconn->fedId() & sistrip::invalid_ ) << 16 ) | ( iconn->fedCh() & sistrip::invalid_ );
00611       // Retrieve digis for given FED key and check if found
00612       std::vector< edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi> >::const_iterator digis = raw.find( fed_key ); 
00613       if ( digis != raw.end() ) { 
00614         if ( tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()] ) {
00615           tasks_[iconn->fedId()][iconn->fedCh()]->fillHistograms( *summary, *digis );
00616         } else {
00617           std::stringstream ss;
00618           ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00619              << " Unable to find CommissioningTask object with FED key " 
00620              << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << fed_key << std::dec
00621              << " and FED id/ch " 
00622              << iconn->fedId() << "/"
00623              << iconn->fedCh()
00624              << " Unable to fill histograms!";
00625           edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00626         }
00627       } else {
00628         // issue a warning only for standard runs, as latency and fine delay only deliver 
00629         // pseudo zero-suppressed data
00630         if ( task_ != sistrip::APV_LATENCY &&
00631              task_ != sistrip::FINE_DELAY )   { 
00632           std::stringstream ss;
00633           ss << "[SiStripCommissioningSource::" << __func__ << "]"
00634              << " Unable to find any DetSet containing digis for FED key " 
00635              << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << fed_key << std::dec
00636              << " and FED id/ch " 
00637              << iconn->fedId() << "/"
00638              << iconn->fedCh();
00639           edm::LogWarning(mlDqmSource_) << ss.str();
00640         }
00641       }
00642     } // fed channel loop
00643   } // fed id loop
00644 }

void SiStripCommissioningSource::remove (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1048 of file

References DQMStore::cd(), dqm(), DQMStore::removeContents(), DQMStore::rmdir(), and sistrip::root_.

01048                                         {
01049   dqm()->cd();
01050   dqm()->removeContents(); 
01052   if( dqm()->dirExists(sistrip::root_) ) {
01053     dqm()->rmdir(sistrip::root_);
01054   }
01055 }

Member Data Documentation

std::string SiStripCommissioningSource::base_ [private]

Definition at line 136 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), createCablingTasks(), createRunNumber(), createTask(), and createTasks().

bool SiStripCommissioningSource::cablingTask_ [private]

Flag to indicate whether task is FED cabling or not.

Definition at line 130 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and createTask().

TaskMap SiStripCommissioningSource::cablingTasks_ [private]

Map of cabling task objects (indexed using FEC key).

Definition at line 124 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by clearCablingTasks(), createCablingTasks(), endJob(), and fillCablingHistos().

DQMStore* SiStripCommissioningSource::dqm_ [private]

Interface to Data Quality Monitoring framework.

Definition at line 89 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and dqm().

SiStripFecCabling* SiStripCommissioningSource::fecCabling_ [private]

Definition at line 95 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), createCablingTasks(), endJob(), and fillCablingHistos().

SiStripFedCabling* SiStripCommissioningSource::fedCabling_ [private]

Definition at line 92 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), createTasks(), endJob(), fillCablingHistos(), and fillHistos().

std::string SiStripCommissioningSource::filename_ [private]

Filename of output root file containing source histos.

Definition at line 104 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by createTasks(), and endJob().

std::string SiStripCommissioningSource::inputModuleLabel_ [private]

Name of digi input module.

Definition at line 100 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::string SiStripCommissioningSource::inputModuleLabelSummary_ [private]

Definition at line 101 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze().

uint32_t SiStripCommissioningSource::run_ [private]

Run number used for naming of root file.

Definition at line 107 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), createRunNumber(), createTasks(), and endJob().

sistrip::RunType SiStripCommissioningSource::task_ [private]

Identifies commissioning task.

Definition at line 118 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), createCablingTasks(), createTask(), createTasks(), and fillHistos().

std::string SiStripCommissioningSource::taskConfigurable_ [private]

Identifies commissioning task read from cfg file.

Definition at line 115 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by createTask().

VecOfVecOfTasks SiStripCommissioningSource::tasks_ [private]

Vector of vector of task objects (indexed using FED

Definition at line 121 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by clearTasks(), createTasks(), endJob(), fillHistos(), and SiStripCommissioningSource().

bool SiStripCommissioningSource::tasksExist_ [private]

Flag to indicate whether histo objects exist or not.

Definition at line 127 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and createTask().

int32_t SiStripCommissioningSource::time_ [private]

Record of time used to calculate event rate.

Definition at line 110 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int SiStripCommissioningSource::updateFreq_ [private]

Update frequency for histograms (ignored for cabling).

Definition at line 133 of file SiStripCommissioningSource.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and createTasks().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:32:14 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4