EcalEleCalibLooper Class Reference

ECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique
2008/02/26 08:12:22
. More...

#include <Calibration/EcalCalibAlgos/interface/EcalEleCalibLooper.h>

Inheritance diagram for EcalEleCalibLooper:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void beginOfJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
Status duringLoop (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 duringLoop return the status Kcontinue, fills the calibBlock with the recHits
 EcalEleCalibLooper (const edm::ParameterSet &)
void endOfJob ()
 LP endOfJob writes the coefficients in the xml format and exits.
Status endOfLoop (const edm::EventSetup &, unsigned int iCounter)
 EndOfLoop Return kContinue if there's still another loop to be done; otherwise stops returnig kStop; Takes the coefficients solving the calibBlock;.
void startingNewLoop (unsigned int)
 startingNewLoop empties the map of the calibBlock so that it can be filled
 ~EcalEleCalibLooper ()

Private Types

typedef edm::Handle
< reco::BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection

Private Member Functions

int EBregionCheck (const int eta, const int phi) const
 Tells if you are in the region to be calibrated.
void EBRegionDefinition ()
 DS EB Region Definition.
int EBRegionId (const int, const int) const
 transfer from a CLHEP matrix to a C-like array
int EBregionsNum () const
 DS number of regions in EB.
int EEregionCheck (const int, const int) const
 returns zero if the coordinates are in the right place.
void EERegionDefinition ()
int EERegionId (const int, const int) const
 Gives the id of the region.
int EEregionsNum () const
 DS Number of regions in EE.
int etaShifter (const int) const
 LP Change the coordinate system.
int evalKaliX2Num ()
 give the number of chi2 matrices
void fillEBMap (EBDetId EBmax, const EcalRecHitCollection *barrelHitsCollection, std::map< int, double > &EBXtlMap, int EBNumberOfRegion, double &pSubtract)
 Fills the map to be sent to the IMACalibBlock.
void fillEEMap (EEDetId EEmax, const EcalRecHitCollection *endcapHitsCollection, std::map< int, double > &EExtlMap, int EENumberOfRegion, double &pSubtract)
 Fills the map to be sent to the calibBlock for the endcap.
DetId findMaxHit (const std::vector< DetId > &v1, const EBRecHitCollection *EBhits, const EERecHitCollection *EEhits)
 find the most energetic Xtal
int findVoidLine (const CLHEP::HepMatrix &suspect)
 get the index of the sub-matrix
DetId getMaxId (eleIterator EleIt, HandleBasicCSAC &barrelClShpHandle, HandleBasicCSAC &endcapClShpHandle)
double giveLimit (int)
 copes with the infinitives of the tangent
int makeReport (std::string baseName="output")
 write on plain text file the results

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag m_barrelAlCa
 EcalBarrel Input Collection name.
std::vector< DetIdm_barrelCells
int m_EBxtlNum [170][360]
int m_EBxtlReg [170][360]
std::vector< VEcalCalibBlock * > m_EcalCalibBlocks
 for statistical studies
int m_EExtlNum [100][100]
int m_EExtlReg [100][100]
edm::InputTag m_ElectronLabel
 To take the electrons.
edm::InputTag m_endcapAlCa
 EcalEndcap Input Collection name.
std::vector< DetIdm_endcapCells
int m_etaEnd
 eta end of the region of interest
int m_etaStart
 phi size of the additive border to the sub-matrix
int m_etaWidth
 eta size of the sub-matrix
unsigned int m_loops
 DS sets the number of loops to do.
double m_maxCoeff
 maximum coefficient accepted (RAW)
double m_maxEnergyPerCrystal
 maximum energy per crystal cut
int m_maxSelectedNumPerXtal
 half width on the front face of the crystal along x
double m_minCoeff
 minimum coefficient accepted (RAW)
double m_minEnergyPerCrystal
 minimum energy per crystal cut
int m_phiEndEB
 phi end of the region of interest
int m_phiEndEE
int m_phiStartEB
 phi start of the region of interest
int m_phiStartEE
int m_phiWidthEB
 eta size of the additive border to the sub-matrix
int m_phiWidthEE
int m_radEnd
int m_radStart
 DS For the EE.
int m_radWidth
std::map< int, double > m_recalibMap
 the map of recalib coeffs
int m_recoWindowSide
 reconstruction window size
std::vector< intm_regions
int m_usingBlockSolver
 to exclude the blocksolver
std::map< int, intm_xtalNumOfHits
std::map< int, intm_xtalPositionInRegion
std::map< int, intm_xtalRegionId

Detailed Description

ECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique
2008/02/26 08:12:22


Definition at line 36 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator EcalEleCalibLooper::eleIterator [private]

Definition at line 52 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

typedef edm::Handle<reco::BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection> EcalEleCalibLooper::HandleBasicCSAC [private]

Definition at line 53 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalEleCalibLooper::EcalEleCalibLooper ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig  )  [explicit]


LP ctor.

Graphs to ckeck the region definition

End of Graphs

Definition at line 37 of file

References a, ptdrElectronId_cfi::algorithm, b, EBRegionDefinition(), EBregionsNum(), EERegionDefinition(), EEregionsNum(), eta, cmsRelvalreport::exit, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, index, j, m_EcalCalibBlocks, m_etaEnd, m_etaStart, m_etaWidth, m_radEnd, m_radStart, m_radWidth, m_recalibMap, m_regions, m_xtalNumOfHits, m_xtalRegionId, out, phi, DetId::rawId(), EBDetId::unhashIndex(), EEDetId::validDetId(), x, and y.

00037                                                                       :
00038       m_barrelAlCa (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("alcaBarrelHitCollection")) ,
00039       m_endcapAlCa (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("alcaEndcapHitCollection")) ,
00040       m_recoWindowSide (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("recoWindowSide")) ,
00041       m_etaWidth (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("etaWidth")) ,
00042  //PG fin dove andare a cercare cristalli da aggiungere a pSubtract
00043  //PG fuori dalla regione da calibrare     
00044       //m_etaBorder (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("etaBorder")) ,
00045       m_phiWidthEB (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiWidthEB")) ,
00046  //PG fin dove andare a cercare cristalli da aggiungere a pSubtract
00047  //PG fuori dalla regione da calibrare (ci vuole anche per EE)    
00048       //m_phiBorderEB (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiBorderEB")) ,
00049       m_etaStart (etaShifter (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("etaStart"))) , 
00050       m_etaEnd (etaShifter (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("etaEnd"))) ,
00051       m_phiStartEB (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiStartEB")) , 
00052       m_phiEndEB (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiEndEB")),
00053       m_radStart (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("radStart")) , 
00054       m_radEnd (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("radEnd")) ,
00055       m_radWidth (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("radWidth")) ,
00056  //PG fin dove andare a cercare cristalli da aggiungere a pSubtract
00057  //PG fuori dalla regione da calibrare     
00058       //m_radBorder (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("radBorder")),
00059       m_phiStartEE (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiStartEE")) ,
00060       m_phiEndEE (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiEndEE")) ,
00061       m_phiWidthEE (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiWidthEE")) ,
00062 //PG per applicare tagli al punto di impatto
00063 //PG sulla faccia frontale del cristallo, importante per il testbeam      
00064 //FIXME      m_halfXBand (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("halfXBand")) ,
00065 //FIXME      m_halfYBand (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("halfYBand")) ,
00066       m_maxSelectedNumPerXtal (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("maxSelectedNumPerCrystal")) ,  
00067       m_minEnergyPerCrystal (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("minEnergyPerCrystal")),
00068       m_maxEnergyPerCrystal (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("maxEnergyPerCrystal")) ,
00069       m_minCoeff (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("minCoeff")) ,
00070       m_maxCoeff (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("maxCoeff")) ,
00071       m_usingBlockSolver (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("usingBlockSolver")) ,
00072       //m_minAccept (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("minAccept")) ,
00073       //m_maxAccept (iConfig.getParameter<double> ("maxAccept")) ,
00074       m_loops (iConfig.getParameter<int> ("loops")),
00075       m_ElectronLabel (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("electronLabel"))
00076   //Controls the parameters and their conversions
00077 {
00078    edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper][ctor] asserts" ;
00079    assert ( (m_radEnd - m_radStart)%m_radWidth == 0) ; 
00080    assert ( (m_etaEnd-m_etaStart)%m_etaWidth == 0) ; 
00081    assert (m_etaStart >=0 && m_etaStart < 170);
00082    assert (m_etaEnd >= m_etaStart && m_etaEnd <= 170);
00083 //        assert (m_phiStartEB >=0 && m_phiStartEB < 360);
00084 //        assert (m_phiEndEB >= m_phiStartEB && m_phiEndEB <= 360);
00085 //PG questi due si possono sostituire con 
00086 //PG m_phiStartEE %= 360 ;
00087 //PG if (m_phiStartEE < 0) m_phiStartEE += 360 ;
00088 //PG ed analogo per l'end, credo
00089 //        assert (m_phiStartEE >=0); // || m_phiStartEE < 360);
00090 //        assert (m_phiEndEE >=0); // m_phiStartEE || m_phiEndEE < 360);
00091    assert (m_radStart >=0 && m_radStart <= 50);
00092    assert (m_radEnd >= m_radStart && m_radEnd <= 50);
00093    edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper][ctor] entering " ;
00094    //PG FIXME questi posso farli direttamente con barrelcells
00095    int index;
00096    for (int a=0; a<170; ++a)
00097      for (int b=0; b<360; ++b)
00098        {
00099          index = EBDetId::unhashIndex (a*360+b).rawId ();
00100          m_recalibMap[index] = 1. ;
00101          m_xtalNumOfHits[index] = 0 ;
00102        }
00103    for (int i=0; i<100; ++i)
00104     for (int j=0; j<100; ++j)
00105       {
00106         if (EEDetId::validDetId (i+1, j+1, 1))
00107           {
00108             index = EEDetId (i+1, j+1, 1).rawId ();
00109             m_xtalNumOfHits[index]=0;          
00110             m_recalibMap[index] = 1. ;
00111           }
00112         if (EEDetId::validDetId (i+1, j+1, -1))
00113           {
00114             index = EEDetId (i+1, j+1, -1).rawId ();
00115             m_recalibMap[index]= 1. ;
00116             m_xtalNumOfHits[index]=0;
00117           }
00118       }
00119    edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper][ctor] region definition" ;
00120    EBRegionDefinition () ;
00121    EERegionDefinition () ;
00123    TH2F * EBRegion = new TH2F ("EBRegion","EBRegion",170,0,170,360,0,360) ;
00124    for (int eta = 0; eta<170; ++eta)
00125       for (int phi = 0; phi <360; ++phi){
00126         EBRegion->Fill (eta, phi,m_xtalRegionId[EBDetId::unhashIndex(eta*360+phi).rawId()] );
00127        }
00128    TH2F * EERegion = new TH2F ("EERegion", "EERegion",100,0,100,100,0,100);
00129    for (int x = 0; x<100; ++x)
00130       for (int y = 0; y<100;++y){
00131            if(EEDetId::validDetId(x+1,y+1,1))
00132              EERegion->Fill(x,y,m_xtalRegionId[EEDetId(x+1,y+1,-1).rawId()]);
00133       }
00135    TFile out ("EBZone.root", "recreate");
00136      EBRegion->Write ();
00137      EERegion->Write ();
00138      out.Close ();
00141   //PG build the calibration algorithms for the regions
00142   //PG ------------------------------------------------
00144   edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper][ctor] Calib Block" ;
00145   std::string algorithm = iConfig.getParameter<std::string> ("algorithm") ;
00146   int eventWeight = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("L3EventWeight",1) ;
00148   //PG loop over the regions set
00149   for (int region = 0 ; 
00150        region < EBregionsNum () + 2 * EEregionsNum () ; 
00151        ++region)
00152     {   
00153       if (algorithm == "IMA")
00154         m_EcalCalibBlocks.push_back (
00155             new IMACalibBlock ( (region))
00156           ) ; 
00157       else if (algorithm == "L3")
00158         m_EcalCalibBlocks.push_back (
00159             new L3CalibBlock ( (region), eventWeight)
00160           ) ; 
00161       else
00162         {
00163           edm::LogError ("building") << algorithm 
00164                           << " is not a valid calibration algorithm" ;
00165           exit (1) ;    
00166         }    
00167     } //PG loop over the regions set
00168  } //end ctor

EcalEleCalibLooper::~EcalEleCalibLooper (  ) 


LP destructor.

Definition at line 175 of file

References m_EcalCalibBlocks.

00176 {
00177   edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper][dtor]" ;
00178   for (std::vector<VEcalCalibBlock *>::iterator calibBlock = m_EcalCalibBlocks.begin () ;
00179        calibBlock != m_EcalCalibBlocks.end () ;
00180        ++calibBlock) 
00181     delete (*calibBlock) ;
00183 }

Member Function Documentation

void EcalEleCalibLooper::beginOfJob ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDLooper.

Definition at line 191 of file

References DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, edm::EventSetup::get(), CaloGeometry::getValidDetIds(), m_barrelCells, and m_endcapCells.

00192 {
00193   edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper][beginOfJob]" ;
00194   edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle;
00195   iSetup.get<CaloGeometryRecord> ().get (geoHandle);
00196   const CaloGeometry& geometry = *geoHandle;
00197   m_barrelCells = geometry.getValidDetIds (DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel);
00198   m_endcapCells = geometry.getValidDetIds (DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap);
00199 }

edm::EDLooper::Status EcalEleCalibLooper::duringLoop ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup  
) [virtual]

duringLoop return the status Kcontinue, fills the calibBlock with the recHits

Implements edm::EDLooper.

Definition at line 228 of file

References DetId::det(), EBregionCheck(), EcalBarrel, EEregionCheck(), etaShifter(), fillEBMap(), fillEEMap(), findMaxHit(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), edm::EDLooper::kContinue, m_barrelAlCa, m_EcalCalibBlocks, m_ElectronLabel, m_endcapAlCa, m_maxSelectedNumPerXtal, m_xtalNumOfHits, m_xtalRegionId, edm::Handle< T >::product(), DetId::rawId(), and DetId::subdetId().

00230 {
00231  const EBRecHitCollection* barrelHitsCollection = 0;
00232  edm::Handle<EBRecHitCollection> barrelRecHitsHandle ;
00233  iEvent.getByLabel (m_barrelAlCa, barrelRecHitsHandle) ;
00234  barrelHitsCollection = barrelRecHitsHandle.product () ;
00235  if (!barrelRecHitsHandle.isValid ()) {
00236      edm::LogError ("reading") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper] barrel rec hits not found" ;
00237      return  kContinue ;//maybe FIXME not with a kContinue but a skip only on the barrel part;
00238     }
00240  const EERecHitCollection * endcapHitsCollection = 0 ;
00241  edm::Handle<EERecHitCollection> endcapRecHitsHandle ;
00242  iEvent.getByLabel (m_endcapAlCa, endcapRecHitsHandle) ;
00243  endcapHitsCollection = endcapRecHitsHandle.product () ;
00244  if (!endcapRecHitsHandle.isValid ()) {  
00245      edm::LogError ("reading") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper] endcap rec hits not found" ; 
00246      return kContinue;
00247    }
00249  //Takes the electron collection of the pixel detector
00250  edm::Handle<reco::GsfElectronCollection> pElectrons;
00251  iEvent.getByLabel (m_ElectronLabel,pElectrons);
00252  if (!pElectrons.isValid ()) {
00253      edm::LogError ("reading")<< "[EcalEleCalibLooper] electrons not found" ;
00254      return kContinue;
00255    }
00257  //Start the loop over the electrons 
00258  for (eleIterator eleIt = pElectrons->begin ();
00259       eleIt != pElectrons->end ();
00260       ++eleIt )
00261    {
00262      double pSubtract = 0 ;
00263      double pTk = 0 ;
00264      DetId Max = findMaxHit (eleIt->superCluster ()->getHitsByDetId (), 
00265                              barrelHitsCollection,  endcapHitsCollection) ;
00266      // Continues if the findMaxHit doesn't find anything
00267      if (Max.det()==0) continue; 
00269      if (m_maxSelectedNumPerXtal > 0 && 
00270         m_xtalNumOfHits[Max.rawId ()] > m_maxSelectedNumPerXtal ) continue;
00271      ++m_xtalNumOfHits[Max.rawId()];
00272      std::map<int , double> xtlMap;
00273      int blockIndex =  m_xtalRegionId[Max.rawId ()] ;
00274      pTk = eleIt->trackMomentumAtVtx ().R ();
00275      if  ( Max.subdetId () == EcalBarrel  )
00276        {
00277          EBDetId EBmax = Max;
00278          if (EBregionCheck (etaShifter (EBmax.ieta ()), EBmax.iphi ()-1)) continue;//IN the future FIXME
00279          fillEBMap (EBmax, barrelHitsCollection, xtlMap,
00280                     blockIndex, pSubtract );
00281        }
00282      else 
00283        {
00284          EEDetId EEmax = Max;
00285                if (EEregionCheck (EEmax.ix ()-1, EEmax.iy ()-1)) continue ;
00286          fillEEMap (EEmax, endcapHitsCollection, xtlMap,
00287                     blockIndex, pSubtract ) ;
00288          pSubtract += eleIt->superCluster ()->preshowerEnergy () ;          
00289        }
00290 (blockIndex)->Fill (xtlMap.begin (), xtlMap.end (),pTk,pSubtract) ;
00291    } //End of the loop over the electron collection
00293   return  kContinue;
00294 } //end of duringLoop

int EcalEleCalibLooper::EBregionCheck ( const int  eta,
const int  phi 
) const [private]

Tells if you are in the region to be calibrated.

Definition at line 409 of file

References m_etaEnd, m_etaStart, m_phiEndEB, and m_phiStartEB.

Referenced by duringLoop(), and EBRegionId().

00410  {
00411    if (eta < m_etaStart) return 1 ;
00412    if (eta >= m_etaEnd)   return 2 ;
00413    if (phi < m_phiStartEB) return 3 ;
00414    if (phi >= m_phiEndEB)   return 4 ;
00415    return 0 ;
00416  }

void EcalEleCalibLooper::EBRegionDefinition (  )  [private]

DS EB Region Definition.

Definition at line 531 of file

References EBRegionId(), EBregionsNum(), eta, it, m_regions, m_xtalPositionInRegion, m_xtalRegionId, phi, DetId::rawId(), and EBDetId::unhashIndex().

Referenced by EcalEleCalibLooper().

00532 {
00533  int reg=-1;
00534  for (int it = 0 ; it < EBregionsNum () ; ++it) m_regions.push_back (0) ;   
00535  for (int eta = 0 ; eta < 170  ; ++eta)
00536    for (int phi = 0 ; phi < 360 ; ++phi)
00537       {
00538         reg = EBRegionId (eta,phi) ;
00539         m_xtalRegionId[EBDetId::unhashIndex (eta*360+phi).rawId ()] = reg ; 
00540         if (reg==-1) continue;
00541         m_xtalPositionInRegion[EBDetId::unhashIndex (eta*360+phi).rawId ()] = (reg) ;
00542 (reg);
00543       }
00544 }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::EBRegionId ( const   int,
const   int 
) const [private]

transfer from a CLHEP matrix to a C-like array

Reg Id generator EB ----- for the barrel.

Definition at line 467 of file

References EBregionCheck(), m_etaStart, m_etaWidth, m_phiEndEB, m_phiStartEB, and m_phiWidthEB.

Referenced by EBRegionDefinition().

00468 {
00469  if (EBregionCheck(etaXtl,phiXtl)) return -1;
00470  int phifake = m_phiStartEB;
00471  if (m_phiStartEB>m_phiEndEB) phifake = m_phiStartEB - 360;
00472  int Nphi = (m_phiEndEB-phifake)/m_phiWidthEB ;
00473  int etaI = (etaXtl-m_etaStart) / m_etaWidth ;  
00474  int phiI = (phiXtl-m_phiStartEB) / m_phiWidthEB ; 
00475  int regionNumEB = phiI + Nphi*etaI ;
00476  return (int) regionNumEB;
00477 }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::EBregionsNum (  )  const [inline, private]

DS number of regions in EB.

Definition at line 519 of file

References m_etaEnd, m_etaStart, m_etaWidth, m_phiEndEB, m_phiStartEB, m_phiWidthEB, and phi.

Referenced by EBRegionDefinition(), EcalEleCalibLooper(), and EERegionDefinition().

00520 {
00521   int phi = m_phiStartEB;
00522   if (m_phiStartEB>m_phiEndEB) phi = m_phiStartEB - 360;
00523   return ( (m_etaEnd - m_etaStart)/m_etaWidth) * ( (m_phiEndEB - phi)/m_phiWidthEB) ; 
00524 }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::EEregionCheck ( const   int,
const   int 
) const [private]

returns zero if the coordinates are in the right place.

Definition at line 588 of file

References degrees(), m_phiEndEE, m_phiStartEE, m_radEnd, m_radStart, phi, x, and y.

Referenced by duringLoop(), and EERegionId().

00589 {
00590   int x = ics-50;
00591   int y = ips-50;
00592   double radius2 = x*x + y*y ;
00593   if (radius2 < 10*10) return 1;  //center of the donut
00594   if (radius2 > 50*50) return 1;  //outer part of the donut
00595   if (radius2 < m_radStart * m_radStart) return 2 ;
00596   if (radius2 >= m_radEnd * m_radEnd) return 2 ;
00597   double phi = atan2 (static_cast<double> (y),static_cast<double> (x));
00598   phi = degrees (phi);
00599   if (phi < 0) phi += 360; 
00600   if (m_phiStartEE < m_phiEndEE 
00601      && phi > m_phiStartEE && phi < m_phiEndEE ) return 0; 
00602   if (m_phiStartEE > m_phiEndEE 
00603       && (phi > m_phiStartEE || phi < m_phiEndEE )) return 0; 
00604    return 3;
00605 }

void EcalEleCalibLooper::EERegionDefinition (  )  [private]

Definition at line 551 of file

References EBregionsNum(), EERegionId(), EEregionsNum(), python::h4_mapping_cfi::ics, it, m_regions, m_xtalPositionInRegion, m_xtalRegionId, and EEDetId::validDetId().

Referenced by EcalEleCalibLooper().

00552 {
00553  // reset
00554  int EBnum=EBregionsNum();
00555  int EEnum=EEregionsNum();
00556  for (int it = 0 ; it < 2* EEnum ; ++it) m_regions.push_back (0) ;   
00557  // loop sui xtl 
00558  int reg=-1;
00559  for (int ics = 0 ; ics < 100 ; ++ics)
00560   for (int ips = 0 ; ips < 100 ; ++ips)
00561     {
00562      int ireg = EERegionId(ics, ips);
00563      if (ireg==-1) reg =-1;
00564      else reg = EBnum + ireg;
00565      if (EEDetId::validDetId (ics+1, ips+1, 1))
00566       {
00567         m_xtalRegionId[EEDetId (ics+1, ips+1, 1).rawId ()] = reg ; 
00568         if (reg==-1) continue;
00569         m_xtalPositionInRegion[EEDetId (ics+1, ips+1, 1).rawId ()] = (reg) ;
00571       }
00572      if (reg!=-1) reg += EEnum; 
00573      if (EEDetId::validDetId (ics+1, ips+1, -1))
00574       {
00575         m_xtalRegionId[EEDetId (ics+1, ips+1, -1).rawId ()] = reg ; 
00576         if (reg==-1) continue;
00577         m_xtalPositionInRegion[EEDetId (ics+1, ips+1, -1).rawId ()] = (reg) ;
00578 (reg) ;
00579        }
00580     }
00581 }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::EERegionId ( const   int,
const   int 
) const [private]

Gives the id of the region.

Definition at line 484 of file

References degrees(), EEregionCheck(), m_phiEndEE, m_phiStartEE, m_phiWidthEE, m_radStart, m_radWidth, phi, radius(), and funct::sqrt().

Referenced by EERegionDefinition().

00485 {
00486  if (EEregionCheck(ics,ips)) return -1;
00487  int phifake = m_phiStartEE;
00488  if (m_phiStartEE>m_phiEndEE) phifake = m_phiStartEE - 360;
00489  double radius = (ics-50) * (ics-50) + (ips-50) * (ips-50) ;
00490  radius = sqrt (radius) ;
00491  int Nphi = (m_phiEndEE - phifake)/m_phiWidthEE ;
00492  double phi = atan2 (static_cast<double> (ips-50), 
00493                      static_cast<double> (ics-50)) ;
00494  phi = degrees (phi);
00495  if (phi < 0) phi += 360; 
00496  int radI = static_cast<int> ((radius-m_radStart) / m_radWidth) ;
00497  int phiI = static_cast<int> ((m_phiEndEE-phi) / m_phiWidthEE) ;
00498  int regionNumEE = phiI + Nphi*radI ;
00499  return  regionNumEE ;
00500 }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::EEregionsNum (  )  const [inline, private]

DS Number of regions in EE.

Definition at line 507 of file

References m_phiEndEE, m_phiStartEE, m_phiWidthEE, m_radEnd, m_radStart, and m_radWidth.

Referenced by EcalEleCalibLooper(), and EERegionDefinition().

00508 {
00509   int phifake = m_phiStartEE;
00510   if (m_phiStartEE>m_phiEndEE) phifake = m_phiStartEE - 360;
00511   return ( (m_radEnd - m_radStart)/m_radWidth) * ( (m_phiEndEE - phifake)/m_phiWidthEE) ;
00512 }

void EcalEleCalibLooper::endOfJob (  )  [virtual]

LP endOfJob writes the coefficients in the xml format and exits.

Reimplemented from edm::EDLooper.

Definition at line 376 of file

References EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, m_barrelCells, m_endcapCells, m_recalibMap, and calibXMLwriter::writeLine().

00377 {
00378  edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][endOfJob] saving calib coeffs" ;
00380 //Writes the coeffs 
00381  calibXMLwriter barrelWriter (EcalBarrel);
00382  calibXMLwriter endcapWriter (EcalEndcap);
00383  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator barrelIt = m_barrelCells.begin (); 
00384        barrelIt!=m_barrelCells.end (); 
00385        ++barrelIt) 
00386    {
00387      EBDetId eb (*barrelIt);
00388      barrelWriter.writeLine (eb,m_recalibMap[barrelIt->rawId()]);
00389    }
00390  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator endcapIt = m_endcapCells.begin ();
00391       endcapIt!=m_endcapCells.end ();
00392       ++endcapIt) 
00393    {
00394      EEDetId ee (*endcapIt);
00395      endcapWriter.writeLine (ee,m_recalibMap[endcapIt->rawId()]);
00396    }
00398  edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][endOfJob] Exiting" ;    
00399 }

edm::EDLooper::Status EcalEleCalibLooper::endOfLoop ( const edm::EventSetup dumb,
unsigned int  iCounter 
) [virtual]

EndOfLoop Return kContinue if there's still another loop to be done; otherwise stops returnig kStop; Takes the coefficients solving the calibBlock;.

Implements edm::EDLooper.

Definition at line 303 of file

References EgammaValidation_cff::filename, EBDetId::ieta(), index, EBDetId::iphi(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), edm::EDLooper::kContinue, edm::EDLooper::kStop, m_barrelCells, m_EcalCalibBlocks, m_endcapCells, m_loops, m_maxCoeff, m_minCoeff, m_recalibMap, m_usingBlockSolver, m_xtalPositionInRegion, m_xtalRegionId, and EEDetId::zside().

00304 {
00305  edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][endOfLoop] entering..." ;
00306  for (std::vector<VEcalCalibBlock *>::iterator calibBlock = m_EcalCalibBlocks.begin ();
00307        calibBlock!=m_EcalCalibBlocks.end ();
00308        ++calibBlock) 
00309    (*calibBlock)->solve (m_usingBlockSolver, m_minCoeff,m_maxCoeff);
00311   TH1F * EBcoeffEnd = new TH1F ("EBRegion","EBRegion",100,0.5,2.1) ;
00312   TH2F * EBcoeffMap = new TH2F ("EBcoeff","EBcoeff",171,-85,85,360,1,361);
00313   TH1F * EEPcoeffEnd = new TH1F ("EEPRegion", "EEPRegion",100,0.5,2.1);
00314   TH1F * EEMcoeffEnd = new TH1F ("EEMRegion", "EEMRegion",100,0.5,2.1);
00315   TH2F * EEPcoeffMap = new TH2F ("EEPcoeffMap","EEPcoeffMap",101,1,101,101,0,101);
00316   TH2F * EEMcoeffMap = new TH2F ("EEMcoeffMap","EEMcoeffMap",101,1,101,101,0,101);
00317  //loop over the barrel xtals to get the coeffs
00318  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator barrelIt=m_barrelCells.begin();
00319        barrelIt!=m_barrelCells.end();++barrelIt)
00320         {
00321           EBDetId ee (*barrelIt);
00322           int index= barrelIt->rawId();
00323           if(m_xtalRegionId[index]==-1)continue;
00324           m_recalibMap[index] *= 
00325     [index])->at(m_xtalPositionInRegion[index]);
00326           EBcoeffEnd->Fill(m_recalibMap[index]);
00327           EBcoeffMap->Fill(ee.ieta(),ee.iphi(),m_recalibMap[index]);
00328         } //PG loop over phi
00330   // loop over the EndCap to get the recalib coefficients
00331     for(std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator endcapIt=m_endcapCells.begin();
00332          endcapIt!=m_endcapCells.end();++endcapIt)
00333     {
00334      EEDetId ee (*endcapIt);
00335      int index =endcapIt->rawId(); 
00336      if (ee.zside()>0) 
00337         { 
00338           if (m_xtalRegionId[index]==-1) continue ;
00339           m_recalibMap[index] *= 
00340     (m_xtalRegionId[index])->at (m_xtalPositionInRegion[index]);
00341           EEPcoeffEnd->Fill (m_recalibMap[index]) ;
00342           EEPcoeffMap->Fill (ee.ix(),ee.iy(),m_recalibMap[index]) ;
00343         }
00344       else
00345         {
00346           m_recalibMap[index] *= 
00347    (m_xtalRegionId[index])->at (m_xtalPositionInRegion[index]);
00348           EEMcoeffEnd->Fill (m_recalibMap[index]) ;
00349           EEMcoeffMap->Fill (ee.ix(),ee.iy(),m_recalibMap[index]) ;
00350         }
00351     } // loop over the EndCap to get the recalib coefficients
00353   edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][endOfLoop] End of endOfLoop" ;
00355   char filename[80];
00356   sprintf(filename,"coeffs%d.root",iCounter);
00357   TFile zout (filename, "recreate");
00358   EBcoeffEnd->Write () ;
00359   EBcoeffMap->Write () ;
00360   EEPcoeffEnd->Write () ;
00361   EEPcoeffMap->Write () ;
00362   EEMcoeffEnd->Write () ;
00363   EEMcoeffMap->Write () ;
00364   zout.Close () ;
00365   if (iCounter < m_loops-1 ) return kContinue ;
00366   else return kStop; 
00367 }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::etaShifter ( const   int  )  const [inline, private]

LP Change the coordinate system.

Definition at line 612 of file

Referenced by duringLoop().

00613    {
00614      if (etaOld < 0) return etaOld + 85;
00615      else if (etaOld > 0) return etaOld + 84;
00616    }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::evalKaliX2Num (  )  [private]

give the number of chi2 matrices

void EcalEleCalibLooper::fillEBMap ( EBDetId  EBmax,
const EcalRecHitCollection barrelHitsCollection,
std::map< int, double > &  EBXtlMap,
int  EBNumberOfRegion,
double &  pSubtract 
) [private]

Fills the map to be sent to the IMACalibBlock.

Definition at line 672 of file

References funct::abs(), dummy, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::find(), EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), m_maxEnergyPerCrystal, m_minEnergyPerCrystal, m_recalibMap, m_recoWindowSide, m_xtalPositionInRegion, m_xtalRegionId, DetId::rawId(), and EBDetId::validDetId().

Referenced by duringLoop().

00676 {
00677  int curr_eta;
00678  int curr_phi;
00679  double dummy;
00680  pSubtract=0;
00681 //Maybe updated differently for eta and phi
00682  for (int ii = 0 ; ii < m_recoWindowSide ; ++ii)
00683   for (int ij = 0 ; ij < m_recoWindowSide ; ++ij)
00684     {
00685      //PG CMS official reference system
00686      curr_eta = EBmax.ieta () - m_recoWindowSide / 2 + ii ;
00687      curr_phi = EBmax.iphi () - m_recoWindowSide / 2 + ij ;
00688      if (abs (curr_eta) > 85) continue;
00689      //Skpis over the zero between EB+ and EB-
00690     if (curr_eta * EBmax.ieta () <= 0) 
00691        {
00692          if (EBmax.ieta () > 0) --curr_eta ; 
00693          else curr_eta++; 
00694        }
00695      if (curr_phi < 1) curr_phi += 360;
00696      if (curr_phi >= 360) curr_phi -= 360;
00697      if (EBDetId::validDetId (curr_eta,curr_phi))
00698       {
00699        EBDetId det = EBDetId (curr_eta,curr_phi,EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE);
00700        EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator curr_recHit = barrelHitsCollection->find (det) ;
00701        if (curr_recHit == barrelHitsCollection->end ()) continue;
00702        dummy = curr_recHit->energy () ;
00703        if ( dummy > m_minEnergyPerCrystal && dummy < m_maxEnergyPerCrystal)
00704             dummy *= m_recalibMap[det.rawId ()] ;     
00705        else continue;
00706        if (m_xtalRegionId[det.rawId ()] == EBNumberOfRegion)
00707             EBxtlMap[m_xtalPositionInRegion[det.rawId ()]] = dummy ;
00708        else pSubtract += dummy;
00709 //PG FIXME qui bisognera' inserire il ctrl per non essere troppo lontano, il bordo insomma
00710       }
00711     }
00712 }

void EcalEleCalibLooper::fillEEMap ( EEDetId  EEmax,
const EcalRecHitCollection endcapHitsCollection,
std::map< int, double > &  EExtlMap,
int  EENumberOfRegion,
double &  pSubtract 
) [private]

Fills the map to be sent to the calibBlock for the endcap.

Definition at line 718 of file

References dummy, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::find(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), m_maxEnergyPerCrystal, m_recalibMap, m_recoWindowSide, m_xtalPositionInRegion, m_xtalRegionId, DetId::rawId(), EEDetId::validDetId(), EEDetId::XYMODE, and EEDetId::zside().

Referenced by duringLoop().

00723 {
00724  int curr_x=0;
00725  int curr_y=0;
00726  double dummy=0.;
00727  pSubtract=0;
00728  int ecalZone=EEmax.zside();
00729  //Loop on the energy reconstruction window
00730  for (int ii=0;ii<m_recoWindowSide;++ii)
00731  for (int ij=0;ij<m_recoWindowSide;++ij)
00732   {
00733      curr_x=EEmax.ix ()-m_recoWindowSide/2+ii;
00734      curr_y=EEmax.iy ()-m_recoWindowSide/2+ij;
00735      if (EEDetId::validDetId (curr_x,curr_y,EEmax.zside ()))
00736      {
00737       EEDetId det = EEDetId (curr_x,curr_y,ecalZone,EEDetId::XYMODE);
00738       EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator curr_recHit = endcapHitsCollection->find (det) ;
00739       if (curr_recHit == endcapHitsCollection->end ()) continue;
00740       dummy = curr_recHit->energy () ;
00741       if ( dummy < m_minEnergyPerCrystal || dummy > m_maxEnergyPerCrystal ) continue ; 
00742       dummy *= m_recalibMap[det.rawId ()] ;     
00743        if (m_xtalRegionId[det.rawId ()] == EENumberOfRegion)
00744             EExtlMap[m_xtalPositionInRegion[det.rawId ()]] = dummy ;
00745       else pSubtract += dummy;
00746       //PG FIXME qui bisognera' inserire il ctrl per non essere troppo lontano, il bordo insomma
00747      } 
00748    } //PG loop on the energy reconstruction window
00749  } 

DetId EcalEleCalibLooper::findMaxHit ( const std::vector< DetId > &  v1,
const EBRecHitCollection EBhits,
const EERecHitCollection EEhits 
) [private]

find the most energetic Xtal

Definition at line 623 of file

References EcalBarrel, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::find().

Referenced by duringLoop().

00626 {
00627  double currEnergy = 0.;
00628  DetId maxHit;
00629  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator idsIt = v1.begin () ; 
00630       idsIt != v1.end () ; ++idsIt)
00631    {
00632     if (idsIt->subdetId () == EcalBarrel) 
00633        {              
00634          EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator itrechit;
00635          itrechit = EBhits->find (*idsIt) ;
00636          if (itrechit == EBhits->end () )
00637            {
00638             edm::LogWarning("IML") <<"max hit not found";
00639             continue;
00640            }
00641          if (itrechit->energy () > currEnergy)
00642            {
00643              currEnergy = itrechit->energy () ;
00644              maxHit= *idsIt ;
00645            }
00646        } //barrel part ends
00647     else 
00648        {     
00649          EERecHitCollection::const_iterator itrechit;
00650          itrechit = EEhits->find (*idsIt) ;
00651          if (itrechit == EEhits->end () )
00652            {
00653              edm::LogWarning("IML") <<"max hit not found";
00654              continue;
00655            }
00657          if (itrechit->energy () > currEnergy)
00658            {
00659             currEnergy=itrechit->energy ();
00660             maxHit= *idsIt;
00661            }
00662        } //ends the barrel part
00663     } //end of the loop over the detId
00664  return maxHit;
00665 }

int EcalEleCalibLooper::findVoidLine ( const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  suspect  )  [private]

get the index of the sub-matrix

fill a TH12F from a vector look for void lines in the matrix

DetId EcalEleCalibLooper::getMaxId ( eleIterator  EleIt,
HandleBasicCSAC barrelClShpHandle,
HandleBasicCSAC endcapClShpHandle 
) [private]

double EcalEleCalibLooper::giveLimit ( int  degrees  )  [private]

copes with the infinitives of the tangent

Definition at line 443 of file

References radiants(), and funct::tan().

00444   {
00445     //PG 200 > atan (50/0.5)
00446     if (degrees == 90) return 90 ; 
00447     return tan (radiants (degrees)) ;      
00448   } 

int EcalEleCalibLooper::makeReport ( std::string  baseName = "output"  )  [private]

write on plain text file the results

void EcalEleCalibLooper::startingNewLoop ( unsigned int  ciclo  )  [virtual]

startingNewLoop empties the map of the calibBlock so that it can be filled

Implements edm::EDLooper.

Definition at line 207 of file

References it, m_EcalCalibBlocks, and m_xtalNumOfHits.

00208 {
00209   edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][Start] entering loop " << ciclo;
00210   for (std::vector<VEcalCalibBlock *>::iterator calibBlock = m_EcalCalibBlocks.begin () ;
00211        calibBlock != m_EcalCalibBlocks.end () ;
00212        ++calibBlock) 
00213     (*calibBlock)->reset () ;
00214   for (std::map<int,int>::iterator it= m_xtalNumOfHits.begin();
00215        it!=m_xtalNumOfHits.end();
00216        ++it)
00217     it->second = 0 ;
00218  return ;
00219 }

Member Data Documentation

edm::InputTag EcalEleCalibLooper::m_barrelAlCa [private]

EcalBarrel Input Collection name.

Definition at line 107 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

std::vector<DetId> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_barrelCells [private]

Definition at line 190 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by beginOfJob(), endOfJob(), and endOfLoop().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_EBxtlNum[170][360] [private]

Definition at line 139 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_EBxtlReg[170][360] [private]

Definition at line 140 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

std::vector<VEcalCalibBlock *> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_EcalCalibBlocks [private]

for statistical studies

for statistical studies for statistical studies for statistical studies for statistical studies single blocks calibrators

Definition at line 162 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EcalEleCalibLooper(), endOfLoop(), startingNewLoop(), and ~EcalEleCalibLooper().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_EExtlNum[100][100] [private]

Definition at line 141 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_EExtlReg[100][100] [private]

Definition at line 142 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

edm::InputTag EcalEleCalibLooper::m_ElectronLabel [private]

To take the electrons.

Definition at line 180 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

edm::InputTag EcalEleCalibLooper::m_endcapAlCa [private]

EcalEndcap Input Collection name.

Definition at line 109 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

std::vector<DetId> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_endcapCells [private]

Definition at line 191 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by beginOfJob(), endOfJob(), and endOfLoop().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_etaEnd [private]

eta end of the region of interest

Definition at line 126 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBregionCheck(), EBregionsNum(), and EcalEleCalibLooper().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_etaStart [private]

phi size of the additive border to the sub-matrix

eta start of the region of interest

Definition at line 124 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBregionCheck(), EBRegionId(), EBregionsNum(), and EcalEleCalibLooper().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_etaWidth [private]

eta size of the sub-matrix

Definition at line 115 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBRegionId(), EBregionsNum(), and EcalEleCalibLooper().

unsigned int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_loops [private]

DS sets the number of loops to do.

Definition at line 178 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop().

double EcalEleCalibLooper::m_maxCoeff [private]

maximum coefficient accepted (RAW)

Definition at line 170 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop().

double EcalEleCalibLooper::m_maxEnergyPerCrystal [private]

maximum energy per crystal cut

Definition at line 166 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by fillEBMap(), and fillEEMap().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_maxSelectedNumPerXtal [private]

half width on the front face of the crystal along x

half width on the front face of the crystal along y maximum number of events per crystal

Definition at line 149 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

double EcalEleCalibLooper::m_minCoeff [private]

minimum coefficient accepted (RAW)

Definition at line 168 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop().

double EcalEleCalibLooper::m_minEnergyPerCrystal [private]

minimum energy per crystal cut

Definition at line 164 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by fillEBMap().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_phiEndEB [private]

phi end of the region of interest

Definition at line 130 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBregionCheck(), EBRegionId(), and EBregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_phiEndEE [private]

Definition at line 137 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EEregionCheck(), EERegionId(), and EEregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_phiStartEB [private]

phi start of the region of interest

Definition at line 128 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBregionCheck(), EBRegionId(), and EBregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_phiStartEE [private]

Definition at line 136 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EEregionCheck(), EERegionId(), and EEregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_phiWidthEB [private]

eta size of the additive border to the sub-matrix

phi size of the sub-matrix

Definition at line 119 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBRegionId(), and EBregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_phiWidthEE [private]

Definition at line 138 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EERegionId(), and EEregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_radEnd [private]

Definition at line 133 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EcalEleCalibLooper(), EEregionCheck(), and EEregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_radStart [private]

DS For the EE.

Definition at line 132 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EcalEleCalibLooper(), EEregionCheck(), EERegionId(), and EEregionsNum().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_radWidth [private]

Definition at line 134 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EcalEleCalibLooper(), EERegionId(), and EEregionsNum().

std::map<int,double> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_recalibMap [private]

the map of recalib coeffs

Definition at line 175 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EcalEleCalibLooper(), endOfJob(), endOfLoop(), fillEBMap(), and fillEEMap().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_recoWindowSide [private]

reconstruction window size

Definition at line 112 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by fillEBMap(), and fillEEMap().

std::vector<int> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_regions [private]

Definition at line 188 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBRegionDefinition(), EcalEleCalibLooper(), and EERegionDefinition().

int EcalEleCalibLooper::m_usingBlockSolver [private]

to exclude the blocksolver

Definition at line 172 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop().

std::map<int,int> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_xtalNumOfHits [private]

Definition at line 196 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EcalEleCalibLooper(), and startingNewLoop().

std::map<int,int> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_xtalPositionInRegion [private]

Definition at line 194 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by EBRegionDefinition(), EERegionDefinition(), endOfLoop(), fillEBMap(), and fillEEMap().

std::map<int,int> EcalEleCalibLooper::m_xtalRegionId [private]

Definition at line 193 of file EcalEleCalibLooper.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EBRegionDefinition(), EcalEleCalibLooper(), EERegionDefinition(), endOfLoop(), fillEBMap(), and fillEEMap().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:19:29 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4