L1TCompare Class Reference

#include <DQM/L1TMonitor/interface/L1TCompare.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1TCompare:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 L1TCompare (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~L1TCompare ()

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &c)
void endJob (void)

Private Types

typedef std::vector
< L1TCompare::RctObject

Private Member Functions

bool verbose () const

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag ecalTpgSource_
edm::InputTag gctSource_
ofstream logFile_
bool monitorDaemon_
int nev_
std::string outputFile_
edm::InputTag rctSource_
bool verbose_


class  RctObject
class  RctObjectComp

Detailed Description

Definition at line 61 of file L1TCompare.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<L1TCompare::RctObject> L1TCompare::RctObjectCollection [private]

Definition at line 124 of file L1TCompare.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1TCompare::L1TCompare ( const edm::ParameterSet ps  ) 

Definition at line 115 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dbe, lat::endl(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), NULL, outputFile_, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), verbose(), and verbose_.

00115                                               :
00116   rctSource_( ps.getParameter< InputTag >("rctSource") )
00117   ,gctSource_( ps.getParameter< InputTag >("gctSource") )
00118   ,ecalTpgSource_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ecalTpgSource"))
00120 {
00122   // verbosity switch
00123   verbose_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter < bool > ("verbose", false);
00125   if (verbose())
00126     std::cout << "L1TCompare: constructor...." << std::endl;
00129   dbe = NULL;
00130   if (ps.getUntrackedParameter < bool > ("DQMStore", false)) {
00131     dbe = Service < DQMStore > ().operator->();
00132     dbe->setVerbose(0);
00133   }
00135   outputFile_ =
00136       ps.getUntrackedParameter < std::string > ("outputFile", "");
00137   if (outputFile_.size() != 0) {
00138     std::
00139 	cout << "L1T Monitoring histograms will be saved to " <<
00140         outputFile_.c_str() << std::endl;
00141   }
00143   bool disable =
00144       ps.getUntrackedParameter < bool > ("disableROOToutput", false);
00145   if (disable) {
00146     outputFile_ = "";
00147   }
00150   if (dbe != NULL) {
00151     dbe->setCurrentFolder("L1T/Compare");
00152   }
00155 }

L1TCompare::~L1TCompare (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 157 of file

00158 {
00159 }

Member Function Documentation

void L1TCompare::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 262 of file

References TestMuL1L2Filter_cff::cerr, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, e2, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2_, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta_, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi_, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank_, ecalTpgSource_, em, lat::endl(), MonitorElement::Fill(), gctSource_, edm::Event::getByLabel(), h, id, edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), edm::InputTag::label(), nev_, rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta_, rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi_, rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank_, rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta_, rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi_, rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank_, rctSource_, python::multivaluedict::sort(), UL, and verbose().

00263 {
00264   ++nev_;
00265   if (verbose()) {
00266     std::cout << "L1TCompare: analyze...." << std::endl;
00267   }
00269   // L1E 
00270   edm::Handle < L1EmParticleCollection > l1eIsoEm;
00271   edm::Handle < L1EmParticleCollection > l1eNonIsoEm;
00272   edm::Handle < L1JetParticleCollection > l1eCenJets;
00273   edm::Handle < L1JetParticleCollection > l1eForJets;
00274   edm::Handle < L1JetParticleCollection > l1eTauJets;
00275   //  edm::Handle < L1EtMissParticle > l1eEtMiss;
00276   edm::Handle < L1EtMissParticleCollection > l1eEtMiss;
00277   // RCT
00278   edm::Handle < L1CaloEmCollection > em; // collection of L1CaloEmCands
00279   edm::Handle < L1CaloRegionCollection > rctEmRgn;
00281   // GCT
00282   edm::Handle <L1GctJetCandCollection> gctCenJets;
00283   edm::Handle <L1GctEmCandCollection> gctIsoEmCands;
00284   edm::Handle <L1GctEmCandCollection> gctNonIsoEmCands;
00287   e.getByLabel(rctSource_,em);
00289   if (!em.isValid()) {
00290     edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "can't find L1CaloEmCollection with label "
00291                                << rctSource_.label() ;
00292     return;
00293   }
00296   e.getByLabel(rctSource_,rctEmRgn);
00298   if (!rctEmRgn.isValid()) {
00299     edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "can't find "
00300                                << "L1CaloRegionCollection with label "
00301                                << rctSource_.label() ;
00302     return;
00303   }
00306   e.getByLabel(gctSource_.label(),"cenJets", gctCenJets);
00307   e.getByLabel(gctSource_.label(), "isoEm", gctIsoEmCands);
00308   e.getByLabel(gctSource_.label(), "nonIsoEm", gctNonIsoEmCands);
00310   if (!gctCenJets.isValid()) {
00311     std::cerr << "L1TGCT: could not find one of the classes?" << std::endl;
00312     return;
00313   }
00314  if (!gctIsoEmCands.isValid()) {
00315     std::cerr << "L1TGCT: could not find one of the classes?" << std::endl;
00316     return;
00317   }
00318  if (!gctNonIsoEmCands.isValid()) {
00319     std::cerr << "L1TGCT: could not find one of the classes?" << std::endl;
00320     return;
00321   }
00324   // GCT
00325   if ( verbose() ) {
00326     for ( L1GctEmCandCollection::const_iterator iem = gctIsoEmCands->begin();
00327           iem != gctIsoEmCands->end(); ++iem) {
00328       if ( !iem->empty() ) 
00329         std::cout << "GCT EM: " << iem->rank() 
00330                   << ", " 
00331                   << iem->etaIndex() << "("
00332           //<< int(iem->etaIndex()&0x3)*((iem->etaIndex()&0x4)?1:-1)
00333                   << "), " 
00334                   << iem->phiIndex()
00335                   << std::endl;
00336     }
00337   }
00338   // rct phi: 0-17
00339   // rct eta: 0-21
00342   // Fill the RCT histograms
00344   // Regions
00345   RctObjectCollection rcj, rcj_iso, rcj_non_iso;
00346   for (L1CaloEmCollection::const_iterator iem = em->begin();
00347        iem != em->end(); ++iem) { 
00348     //   L1CaloRegionDetId id(false, iem->rctCrate(), iem->rctCard(), 
00349     //                   iem->rctRegion());
00350        L1CaloRegionDetId id(iem->rctCrate(), iem->rctCard(), 
00351                          iem->rctRegion());
00353        // RctObject h(id.gctEta(), id.gctPhi(), iem->rank());
00354     RctObject h(id.rctEta(), id.rctPhi(), iem->rank());
00355     if ( !iem->isolated() ) 
00356       rcj_non_iso.push_back(h);
00357     else 
00358       rcj_iso.push_back(h);
00359     rcj.push_back(h);
00360   }
00361   // not so smart but ...
00362   std::sort(rcj.begin(), rcj.end(), RctObjectComp());
00363   std::sort(rcj_non_iso.begin(), rcj_non_iso.end(), RctObjectComp());
00364   std::sort(rcj_iso.begin(), rcj_iso.end(), RctObjectComp());
00365   if ( verbose() ) {
00366     for (RctObjectCollection::reverse_iterator ij = rcj_iso.rbegin();
00367          ij != rcj_iso.rend() && ij != rcj_iso.rbegin()+8; ++ij) {
00368       std::cout << "RCT cj: " 
00369                 << ij->rank_ << ", " << ij->eta_ << ", " << ij->phi_
00370                 << std::endl;
00371     }
00372   }
00373   L1GctEmCandCollection::const_iterator lead_em = gctIsoEmCands->begin();
00374   if ( !lead_em->empty() ) { // equivalent to rank == 0
00375     rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta_->Fill(lead_em->etaIndex(), rcj_iso.rbegin()->eta_);
00376     rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi_->Fill(lead_em->phiIndex(), rcj_iso.rbegin()->phi_);
00377     rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank_->Fill(lead_em->rank(), rcj_iso.rbegin()->rank_);
00378   }
00380   // non-isolated
00381   if ( verbose() ) {
00382     for ( L1GctEmCandCollection::const_iterator iem 
00383             = gctNonIsoEmCands->begin(); iem != gctNonIsoEmCands->end(); 
00384           ++iem) {
00385       if ( ! iem->empty() ) 
00386         std::cout << "GCT EM non: " << iem->rank() 
00387                   << ", " 
00388                   << iem->etaIndex() //<< "("
00389           //<< int(iem->etaIndex()&0x3)*((iem->etaIndex()&0x4)?1:-1)
00390                   //<< ")" 
00391                   << ", " 
00392                   << iem->phiIndex()
00393                   << std::endl;
00394     }
00395   }
00396   if ( verbose() ) {
00397     for (RctObjectCollection::reverse_iterator ij = rcj_non_iso.rbegin();
00398          ij != rcj_non_iso.rend() && ij != rcj_non_iso.rbegin()+8; ++ij) {
00399       std::cout << "RCT cj non: " 
00400                 << ij->rank_ << ", " << ij->eta_ << ", " << ij->phi_
00401                 << std::endl;
00402     }
00403   }
00404   lead_em = gctNonIsoEmCands->begin();
00405   if ( !lead_em->empty() ) { // equivalent to rank != 0
00406     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta_->Fill(lead_em->etaIndex(), 
00407                                     rcj_non_iso.rbegin()->eta_);
00408     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi_->Fill(lead_em->phiIndex(), 
00409                                     rcj_non_iso.rbegin()->phi_);
00410     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank_->Fill(lead_em->rank(), 
00411                                      rcj_non_iso.rbegin()->rank_);
00412   }
00414   // ECAL TPG's to RCT EM 
00415   edm::Handle < EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection > eTP;
00416   e.getByLabel(ecalTpgSource_,eTP);
00418   if (!eTP.isValid()) {
00419     edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") 
00420       << "can't find EcalTrigPrimCollection with label "
00421       << ecalTpgSource_.label() ;
00422     return;
00423   }
00424   RctObjectCollection ecalobs;
00425   for (EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection::const_iterator ieTP = eTP->begin();
00426        ieTP != eTP->end(); ieTP++) {
00427     ecalobs.push_back(RctObject(ieTP->id().ieta(),
00428                                  ieTP->id().iphi(), 
00429                                  ieTP->compressedEt()));
00430   }
00431   std::sort(ecalobs.begin(), ecalobs.end(), RctObjectComp());
00432   if ( verbose() ) {
00433     for (RctObjectCollection::reverse_iterator ij = ecalobs.rbegin();
00434          ij != ecalobs.rend() && ij != ecalobs.rbegin()+8; ++ij) {
00435       std::cout << "ECAL cj : " 
00436                 << ij->rank_ << ", " << ij->eta_ << ", " << ij->phi_
00437                 << std::endl;
00438     }
00439   }
00440   // abritrary cut
00441   if ( rcj.rbegin()->rank_ > 4 ) {
00442     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta_->Fill(rcj.rbegin()->eta_,
00443                                   ecalobs.rbegin()->eta_);
00444     int e2 = (rcj.rbegin()->eta_&0x7UL)* ((rcj.rbegin()->eta_&0x8UL)?1:-1);
00445     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2_->Fill(e2, ecalobs.rbegin()->eta_);
00446     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi_->Fill(rcj.rbegin()->phi_, ecalobs.rbegin()->phi_);
00447     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank_->Fill(rcj.rbegin()->rank_,
00448                                    ecalobs.rbegin()->rank_);
00449   }
00450   if ( verbose() ) {
00451     int seta = rcj.rbegin()->eta_;
00452     seta = (seta&0x7UL)*(seta&0x8?-1:1);
00453     std::cout << "ZZ: " 
00454               << rcj.rbegin()->eta_ << " "
00455               << rcj.rbegin()->phi_ << " "
00456               << rcj.rbegin()->rank_ << " "
00457               << (++rcj.rbegin())->rank_<< " "
00458               << ecalobs.rbegin()->eta_ << " "
00459               << ecalobs.rbegin()->phi_ << " "
00460               << ecalobs.rbegin()->rank_ << " "
00461               << (++ecalobs.rbegin())->rank_<< " "
00462               << seta << " "
00463               << std::endl;
00464   }
00468 }

void L1TCompare::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup c  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 161 of file

References DQMStore::book2D(), dbe, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2_, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta_, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi_, ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank_, ETABINS, ETAMAX, ETAMIN, nev_, PHIBINS, PHIMAX, PHIMIN, R6BINS, R6MAX, R6MIN, rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta_, rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi_, rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank_, rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta_, rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi_, rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank_, DQMStore::rmdir(), MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), TPETABINS, TPETAMAX, TPETAMIN, TPPHIBINS, TPPHIMAX, and TPPHIMIN.

00162 {
00164   nev_ = 0;
00166   // get hold of back-end interface
00167   DQMStore *dbe = 0;
00168   dbe = Service < DQMStore > ().operator->();
00170   if (dbe) {
00171     dbe->setCurrentFolder("L1T/Compare");
00172     dbe->rmdir("L1T/Compare");
00173   }
00176   if (dbe) {
00177     dbe->setCurrentFolder("L1T/Compare");
00179     // -------------------------------------------
00180     // RCT-GCT
00181     // -------------------------------------------
00182     // Isolated
00183     rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank_ = dbe->book2D("rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank",
00184                                        "RCT-GCT: rank", R6BINS, R6MIN, R6MAX,
00185                                        R6BINS, R6MIN, R6MAX);
00186     rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank_->setAxisTitle(std::string("gct"), 1);
00187     rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 2);
00188     rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta_ = dbe->book2D("rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta",
00189                                       "RCT-GCT: #eta", ETABINS, ETAMIN, ETAMAX,
00190                                        ETABINS, ETAMIN, ETAMAX);
00191     rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta_->setAxisTitle(std::string("gct"), 1);
00192     rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 2);
00194     rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi_ = dbe->book2D("rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi",
00195                                       "RCT-GCT: #phi", PHIBINS, PHIMIN, PHIMAX,
00196                                        PHIBINS, PHIMIN, PHIMAX);
00197     rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi_->setAxisTitle(std::string("gct"), 1);
00198     rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 2);
00199     // non-Isolated
00200     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank_ = dbe->book2D("rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank",
00201                                        "RCT-GCT: rank", R6BINS, R6MIN, R6MAX,
00202                                        R6BINS, R6MIN, R6MAX);
00203     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank_->setAxisTitle(std::string("gct"), 1);
00204     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 2);
00206     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta_ = dbe->book2D("rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta",
00207                                       "RCT-GCT: #eta", ETABINS, ETAMIN, ETAMAX,
00208                                        ETABINS, ETAMIN, ETAMAX);
00209     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta_->setAxisTitle(std::string("gct"), 1);
00210     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 2);
00212     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi_ = dbe->book2D("rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi",
00213                                       "RCT-GCT: #phi", PHIBINS, PHIMIN, PHIMAX,
00214                                        PHIBINS, PHIMIN, PHIMAX);
00215     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi_->setAxisTitle(std::string("gct"), 1);
00216     rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 2);
00217     // -------------------------------------------
00218     // ECAL TPG - RCT
00219     // -------------------------------------------
00220     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank_ = dbe->book2D("ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank",
00221                                            "ECAL TPG-RCT: rank", 
00222                                            R6BINS, R6MIN, R6MAX,
00223                                            R6BINS, R6MIN, R6MAX);
00224     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 1);
00225     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank_->setAxisTitle(std::string("ecal tp"), 2);
00227     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta_ = dbe->book2D("ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta",
00228                                           "ECAL TPG-RCT: #eta", 
00229                                           15, -0.5, 14.5,
00230                                           TPETABINS, TPETAMIN, TPETAMAX);
00231     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 1);
00232     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta_->setAxisTitle(std::string("ecal tp"), 2);
00233     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2_ = dbe->book2D("ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2",
00234                                            "ECAL TPG-RCT: #eta (2)", 
00235                                            13, -6.5, 6.5,
00236                                            TPETABINS, TPETAMIN, TPETAMAX);
00237     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 1);
00238     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2_->setAxisTitle(std::string("ecal tp"), 2);
00239     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi_ = dbe->book2D("ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi",
00240                                           "ECAL TPG-RCT: #phi", 
00241                                           PHIBINS, PHIMIN, PHIMAX,
00242                                           TPPHIBINS, TPPHIMIN, TPPHIMAX);
00243     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi_->setAxisTitle(std::string("rct"), 1);
00244     ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi_->setAxisTitle(std::string("ecal tp"), 2);
00245   }
00247 }

void L1TCompare::endJob ( void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 250 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dbe, lat::endl(), nev_, outputFile_, DQMStore::save(), and verbose().

00251 {
00252   if (verbose())
00253     std::cout << "L1TCompare: end job...." << std::endl;
00254   LogInfo("EndJob") << "analyzed " << nev_ << " events";
00256   if (outputFile_.size() != 0 && dbe)
00257     dbe->save(outputFile_);
00259   return;
00260 }

bool L1TCompare::verbose (  )  const [inline, private]

Definition at line 106 of file L1TCompare.h.

References verbose_.

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and L1TCompare().

00106 { return verbose_; };

Member Data Documentation

DQMStore* L1TCompare::dbe [private]

Definition at line 83 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and L1TCompare().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta2_ [private]

Definition at line 97 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::ecalTpgRctLeadingEmEta_ [private]

Definition at line 96 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::ecalTpgRctLeadingEmPhi_ [private]

Definition at line 98 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::ecalTpgRctLeadingEmRank_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

edm::InputTag L1TCompare::ecalTpgSource_ [private]

Definition at line 112 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::InputTag L1TCompare::gctSource_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze().

ofstream L1TCompare::logFile_ [private]

Definition at line 108 of file L1TCompare.h.

bool L1TCompare::monitorDaemon_ [private]

Definition at line 106 of file L1TCompare.h.

int L1TCompare::nev_ [private]

Definition at line 103 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

std::string L1TCompare::outputFile_ [private]

Definition at line 104 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by endJob(), and L1TCompare().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::rctGctLeadingIsoEmEta_ [private]

Definition at line 87 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::rctGctLeadingIsoEmPhi_ [private]

Definition at line 88 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::rctGctLeadingIsoEmRank_ [private]

Definition at line 89 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmEta_ [private]

Definition at line 91 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmPhi_ [private]

Definition at line 92 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

MonitorElement* L1TCompare::rctGctLeadingNonIsoEmRank_ [private]

Definition at line 93 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

edm::InputTag L1TCompare::rctSource_ [private]

Definition at line 110 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool L1TCompare::verbose_ [private]

Definition at line 105 of file L1TCompare.h.

Referenced by L1TCompare(), and verbose().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:27:00 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4