cms::Analyzer_minbias Class Reference

#include <Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/interface/Analyzer_minbias.h>

Inheritance diagram for cms::Analyzer_minbias:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 Analyzer_minbias (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void endJob ()
 ~Analyzer_minbias ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< DetIdalldid
int depth
float eta
string fOutputFileName
double hbhecut
edm::InputTag hbhereco
std::string hcalfile_
double hfcut
edm::InputTag hfreco
TH1D * hHBHEEt_eta_1
TH1D * hHBHEEt_eta_25
TH1D * hHFEt
TH1D * hHFEt_eta_33
TH1D * hHFEta
TH1D * hHFPhi
TH1D * hHOEt
TH1D * hHOEt_eta_5
TH1D * hHOEta
TH1D * hHOPhi
double hocut
edm::InputTag horeco
TFile * hOutputFile
int ieta
int iphi
float mom0
float mom0_cut
float mom1
float mom1_cut
float mom2
float mom2_cut
float mom3
float mom3_cut
float mom4
float mom4_cut
int mydet
std::ofstream * myout_hcal
int mystart
int mysubd
TTree * myTree
std::string nameprod
float occup
float phi
int start
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap0
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap1
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap2
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap3
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap4
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap_cut0
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap_cut1
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap_cut2
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap_cut3
map< DetId, double > theFillDetMap_cut4
std::vector< HcalDetIdtheHcalId
bool theRecalib
bool useMCInfo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 54 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cms::Analyzer_minbias::Analyzer_minbias ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig  )  [explicit]

Definition at line 34 of file

References fOutputFileName, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hbhecut, hbhereco, hfcut, hfreco, hocut, horeco, nameprod, theRecalib, and useMCInfo.

00035 {
00036   // get name of output file with histogramms
00037   fOutputFileName = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("HistOutFile"); 
00038   // get names of modules, producing object collections
00039   nameprod = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("nameProd");
00040   hbhereco = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hbheInput");
00041   horeco   = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hoInput");
00042   hfreco   = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hfInput");
00043   hbhecut  = iConfig.getParameter<double>("hbheCut");
00044   hocut  = iConfig.getParameter<double>("hoCut");
00045   hfcut  = iConfig.getParameter<double>("hfCut");
00046   useMCInfo = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useMC");
00047   theRecalib = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("Recalib");  
00048 }

cms::Analyzer_minbias::~Analyzer_minbias (  ) 

Definition at line 50 of file

00051 {
00053    // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
00054    // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
00056 }

Member Function Documentation

void cms::Analyzer_minbias::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 184 of file

References alldid, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, e, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), lat::endl(), eta, exception, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getByType(), CaloGeometry::getPosition(), CaloGeometry::getValidDetIds(), HcalCondObjectContainer< Item >::getValues(), hbhereco, DetId::Hcal, hfreco, hHBHEEt_eta_1, hHBHEEt_eta_25, hHBHEEta, hHBHEPhi, hHFEt, hHFEt_eta_33, hHFEta, hHFPhi, hHOEt, hHOEt_eta_5, hHOEta, hHOPhi, horeco, edm::Event::id(), HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::iphi(), edm::Handle< T >::isValid(), LogDebug, myout_hcal, muonGeometry::perp(), phi, funct::pow(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size(), start, theFillDetMap0, theFillDetMap1, theFillDetMap2, theFillDetMap3, theFillDetMap4, theFillDetMap_cut0, theFillDetMap_cut1, theFillDetMap_cut2, theFillDetMap_cut3, theFillDetMap_cut4, theRecalib, and useMCInfo.

00185 {
00187   std::cout<<" Start Analyzer_minbias::analyze "<<std::endl;
00189   using namespace edm;
00190 /*
00191   std::vector<Provenance const*> theProvenance;
00192   iEvent.getAllProvenance(theProvenance);
00194   for( std::vector<Provenance const*>::const_iterator ip = theProvenance.begin();
00195                                                       ip != theProvenance.end(); ip++)
00196   {
00197      cout<<" Print all module/label names "<<(**ip).moduleName()<<" "<<(**ip).moduleLabel()<<
00198      " "<<(**ip).productInstanceName()<<endl;
00199   }
00200 */
00202    edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> pG;
00203    iSetup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(pG);
00204    const CaloGeometry* geo = pG.product();
00206   if( start == 0 ) {
00209    alldid =  geo->getValidDetIds();
00211    for(std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator id=alldid.begin(); id != alldid.end(); id++)
00212    {
00213       if( (*id).det() == DetId::Hcal ) {
00214       HcalDetId hid = HcalDetId(*id);
00215       theFillDetMap0[hid] = 0.;
00216       theFillDetMap1[hid] = 0.;
00217       theFillDetMap2[hid] = 0.;
00218       theFillDetMap3[hid] = 0.;
00219       theFillDetMap4[hid] = 0.;
00220       theFillDetMap_cut0[hid] = 0.;
00221       theFillDetMap_cut1[hid] = 0.;
00222       theFillDetMap_cut2[hid] = 0.;
00223       theFillDetMap_cut3[hid] = 0.;
00224       theFillDetMap_cut4[hid] = 0.;
00225    }
00226    }
00228   }
00231   const HcalRespCorrs* myRecalib;
00232   if( theRecalib ) {
00233 // Radek:   
00234   edm::ESHandle <HcalRespCorrs> recalibCorrs;
00235   iSetup.get<HcalRespCorrsRcd>().get("recalibrate",recalibCorrs);
00236   myRecalib = recalibCorrs.product();
00237 // end
00238   } // theRecalib
00240   float pt,eta,phi;
00241 //  useMCInfo = true;
00242       bool allowMissingInputs_ = true;  
00243    if(useMCInfo)
00244    {
00245   try {
00246     cout<<" Try to take HepMCProduct "<<endl;
00247     edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct >  EvtHandles ;
00248     iEvent.getByType( EvtHandles ) ;
00249     const HepMC::GenEvent* Evt = EvtHandles->GetEvent();
00250     for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator
00251             Part = Evt->particles_begin() ; Part!=Evt->particles_end(); Part++ )
00252     {
00253        cout<<" pion "<<(*Part)->pdg_id()<<" "<<((*Part)->momentum()).perp()<<" "<<((*Part)->momentum()).eta()<<
00254        " "<<((*Part)->momentum()).phi()<<endl;
00255     }
00256   } catch (std::exception& e) { // can't find it!
00257     if (!allowMissingInputs_) {cout<<" GenParticles are missed "<<endl; throw e;}
00258   }
00260    }
00262     std::cout<<" Analyzer_minbias::analyze::before HBHE "<<std::endl;
00264    edm::Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hbhe;
00265    iEvent.getByLabel(hbhereco, hbhe);
00267    if(!hbhe.isValid()){
00268      LogDebug("") << "HcalCalibAlgos: Error! can't get hbhe product!" << std::endl;
00269      cout<<" No HBHE "<<endl;
00270      return ;
00271    }
00273   const HBHERecHitCollection Hithbhe = *(hbhe.product());
00274   cout<<" HBHE size of collection "<<Hithbhe.size()<<endl;
00276   for(HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator hbheItr=Hithbhe.begin(); hbheItr!=Hithbhe.end(); hbheItr++)
00277         {
00278 // Recalibration of energy
00279          float icalconst=1.;     
00280          DetId mydetid = hbheItr->id().rawId();
00281          if( theRecalib ) icalconst=myRecalib->getValues(mydetid)->getValue();
00282     //     cout<<" icalconst "<<icalconst<<endl;
00283          HBHERecHit aHit(hbheItr->id(),hbheItr->energy()*icalconst,hbheItr->time());
00285 //         hHBHEEt->Fill((*hbheItr).energy());
00286          double energyhit =;
00288          hHBHEEta->Fill(geo->getPosition((*hbheItr).detid()).eta());
00289          hHBHEPhi->Fill(geo->getPosition((*hbheItr).detid()).phi());
00290          DetId id = (*hbheItr).detid(); 
00291          HcalDetId hid=HcalDetId(id);
00292 //       if(mystart == 0) theHcalId.push_back(hid);
00293 //     Get gains and setup threshold proportional to gains
00294 //
00295 //          HcalGenericDetId hcalGenDetId(hbheItr->id());
00296 //          const HcalGain*  gain = conditions->getGain(hcalGenDetId);
00297 //        const HcalPedestal* pedestal = conditions->getPedestal(hcalGenDetId);
00299          if(hid.ieta() == 1 ) (*myout_hcal)<<<<" "<<<<" "<<hid.iphi()<<" "<<energyhit<<endl; 
00301          theFillDetMap0[hid] = theFillDetMap0[hid]+ 1.;
00302          theFillDetMap1[hid] = theFillDetMap1[hid]+energyhit;
00303          theFillDetMap2[hid] = theFillDetMap2[hid]+pow(energyhit,2);
00304          theFillDetMap3[hid] = theFillDetMap3[hid]+pow(energyhit,3);
00305          theFillDetMap4[hid] = theFillDetMap4[hid]+pow(energyhit,4);
00307 //         if((hid).depth() == 1&&abs((hid).ieta()) == 1 ) {
00308 //          cout<<"Pedestal,Gain"<<(hid).ieta()<<" "<<(hid).iphi()<< " Gain "<<gain->getValue(0)<<endl;
00309 //            cout<<" Energy per bin "<<energyhit<<endl;
00310 //         }
00312 //       if((*hbheItr).energy()>0.5*(gain->getValue(0))/0.12)
00313          if((*hbheItr).energy()>0.)
00314          { 
00315          theFillDetMap_cut0[hid] = theFillDetMap_cut0[hid]+ 1.;
00316          theFillDetMap_cut1[hid] = theFillDetMap_cut1[hid]+energyhit;
00317          theFillDetMap_cut2[hid] = theFillDetMap_cut2[hid]+pow(energyhit,2);
00318          theFillDetMap_cut3[hid] = theFillDetMap_cut3[hid]+pow(energyhit,3);
00319          theFillDetMap_cut4[hid] = theFillDetMap_cut4[hid]+pow(energyhit,4);
00320          }
00322          if( hid.ieta() == 1 ) hHBHEEt_eta_1->Fill(energyhit);
00323          if( hid.ieta() == 25 ) hHBHEEt_eta_25->Fill(energyhit);
00325 //       cout<<" "<<geo->getPosition((*hbheItr).detid()).eta()<<" Eta= "<<hid.ieta()<<" "<<hid.depth()<<
00326 //       "energy "<<(*hbheItr).energy()<<endl;
00328         }
00331    edm::Handle<HORecHitCollection> ho;
00332    iEvent.getByLabel(horeco, ho);
00334     if(!ho.isValid()) {
00335       LogDebug("") << "HcalCalibAlgos: Error! can't get ho product!" << std::endl;
00336       cout<<" No HO "<<endl;
00337     }
00340   const HORecHitCollection Hitho = *(ho.product());
00341   cout<<" HO size of collection "<<Hitho.size()<<endl;
00342   for(HORecHitCollection::const_iterator hoItr=Hitho.begin(); hoItr!=Hitho.end(); hoItr++)
00343         {
00344          float icalconst=1.;
00345          DetId mydetid = hoItr->id().rawId();
00346          if( theRecalib ) icalconst=myRecalib->getValues(mydetid)->getValue();
00347          HORecHit aHit(hoItr->id(),hoItr->energy()*icalconst,hoItr->time());
00348          double energyhit =;
00351          hHOEt->Fill(energyhit);
00352          hHOEta->Fill(geo->getPosition((*hoItr).detid()).eta());
00353          hHOPhi->Fill(geo->getPosition((*hoItr).detid()).phi());
00354          HcalDetId hid=HcalDetId((*hoItr).detid());
00355 //       if(mystart == 0) theHcalId.push_back(hid);
00357          theFillDetMap0[hid] = theFillDetMap0[hid]+ 1.;
00358          theFillDetMap1[hid] = theFillDetMap1[hid]+energyhit;
00359          theFillDetMap2[hid] = theFillDetMap2[hid]+pow(energyhit,2);
00360          theFillDetMap3[hid] = theFillDetMap3[hid]+pow(energyhit,3);
00361          theFillDetMap4[hid] = theFillDetMap4[hid]+pow(energyhit,4);
00364          if( hid.ieta() == 5 ) hHOEt_eta_5->Fill((*hoItr).energy());
00365 //       cout<<" "<<geo->getPosition((*hoItr).detid()).eta()<<" Eta= "<<hid.ieta()<<" "<<hid.depth()<<endl;
00367         }
00369    edm::Handle<HFRecHitCollection> hf;
00370    iEvent.getByLabel(hfreco, hf);
00371     if(!hf.isValid()) {
00372       LogDebug("") << "HcalCalibAlgos: Error! can't get hf product!" << std::endl;
00373       cout<<"No HF "<<endl; 
00374     }
00376   const HFRecHitCollection Hithf = *(hf.product());
00377   for(HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator hfItr=Hithf.begin(); hfItr!=Hithf.end(); hfItr++)
00378       { 
00379          float icalconst=1.; 
00380          DetId mydetid = hfItr->id().rawId();
00381          if( theRecalib ) icalconst=myRecalib->getValues(mydetid)->getValue();
00382          HFRecHit aHit(hfItr->id(),hfItr->energy()*icalconst,hfItr->time());
00383          double energyhit =;
00385          hHFEt->Fill(energyhit);
00386          hHFEta->Fill(geo->getPosition((*hfItr).detid()).eta());
00387          hHFPhi->Fill(geo->getPosition((*hfItr).detid()).phi());
00388          HcalDetId hid=HcalDetId((*hfItr).detid());
00389 //       if(mystart == 0) theHcalId.push_back(hid);
00391          theFillDetMap0[hid] = theFillDetMap0[hid]+ 1.;
00392          theFillDetMap1[hid] = theFillDetMap1[hid]+energyhit;
00393          theFillDetMap2[hid] = theFillDetMap2[hid]+pow(energyhit,2);
00394          theFillDetMap3[hid] = theFillDetMap3[hid]+pow(energyhit,3);
00395          theFillDetMap4[hid] = theFillDetMap4[hid]+pow(energyhit,4);
00398          if( hid.ieta() == 33 ) hHFEt_eta_33->Fill(energyhit);   
00399 //       cout<<" "<<geo->getPosition((*hfItr).detid()).eta()<<" Eta= "<<hid.ieta()<<" "<<hid.depth()<<
00400 //         " "<<energyhit<<endl;
00402       }
00403    std::cout<<" Event is finished "<<std::endl;
00404 }

void cms::Analyzer_minbias::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 58 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, depth, lat::endl(), eta, fOutputFileName, hHBHEEt, hHBHEEt_eta_1, hHBHEEt_eta_25, hHBHEEta, hHBHEPhi, hHFEt, hHFEt_eta_33, hHFEta, hHFPhi, hHOEt, hHOEt_eta_5, hHOEta, hHOPhi, hOutputFile, ieta, iphi, mom0, mom0_cut, mom1, mom1_cut, mom2, mom2_cut, mom3, mom3_cut, mom4, mom4_cut, mydet, myout_hcal, mystart, mysubd, myTree, occup, phi, and start.

00059 {
00060    double phibound = 4.*atan(1.);
00061    hOutputFile   = new TFile( fOutputFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE" ) ;
00062    mystart = 0;
00064    myTree = new TTree("RecJet","RecJet Tree");
00065    myTree->Branch("mydet",  &mydet, "mydet/I");
00066    myTree->Branch("mysubd",  &mysubd, "mysubd/I");
00067    myTree->Branch("depth",  &depth, "depth/I");
00068    myTree->Branch("ieta",  &ieta, "ieta/I");
00069    myTree->Branch("iphi",  &iphi, "iphi/I");
00070    myTree->Branch("eta",  &eta, "eta/F");
00071    myTree->Branch("phi",  &phi, "phi/F");
00073    myTree->Branch("mom0",  &mom0, "mom0/F");
00074    myTree->Branch("mom1",  &mom1, "mom1/F");
00075    myTree->Branch("mom2",  &mom2, "mom2/F");
00076    myTree->Branch("mom3",  &mom3, "mom3/F");
00077    myTree->Branch("mom4",  &mom4, "mom4/F");
00079    myTree->Branch("mom0_cut",  &mom0_cut, "mom0_cut/F");
00080    myTree->Branch("mom1_cut",  &mom1_cut, "mom1_cut/F");
00081    myTree->Branch("mom2_cut",  &mom2_cut, "mom2_cut/F");
00082    myTree->Branch("mom3_cut",  &mom3_cut, "mom3_cut/F");
00083    myTree->Branch("mom4_cut",  &mom4_cut, "mom4_cut/F");
00084    myTree->Branch("occup",  &occup, "occup/F");
00086    hHBHEEt    = new TH1D( "hHBHEEt", "HBHEEt", 100,  -1., 10. );
00087    hHBHEEt_eta_1    = new TH1D( "hHBHEEt_eta_1", "HBHEEt_eta_1", 100,  -1., 10. );
00088    hHBHEEt_eta_25    = new TH1D( "hHBHEEt_eta_25", "HBHEEt_eta_25", 100,  -1., 10. );
00090    hHBHEEta    = new TH1D( "hHBHEEta", "HBHEEta", 100,  -3., 3. );
00091    hHBHEPhi    = new TH1D( "hHBHEPhi", "HBHEPhi", 100,  -1.*phibound, phibound );
00093    hHFEt    = new TH1D( "hHFEt", "HFEt", 100,  -1., 10. );
00094    hHFEt_eta_33    = new TH1D( "hHFEt_eta_33", "HFEt_eta_33", 100,  -1., 10. );
00096    hHFEta    = new TH1D( "hHFEta", "HFEta", 100,  -3., 3. );
00097    hHFPhi    = new TH1D( "hHFPhi", "HFPhi", 100,  -1.*phibound, phibound );
00099    hHOEt    = new TH1D( "hHOEt", "HOEt", 100,  -1., 10. );
00100    hHOEt_eta_5    = new TH1D( "hHOEt_eta_5", "HOEt_eta_5", 100,  -1., 10. );
00102    hHOEta    = new TH1D( "hHOEta", "HOEta", 100,  -3., 3. );
00103    hHOPhi    = new TH1D( "hHOPhi", "HOPhi", 100,  -1.*phibound, phibound );
00105 // Start the job   
00106    start = 0;
00109   std::string ccc = "hcal.dat";
00111   myout_hcal = new ofstream(ccc.c_str());
00112   if(!myout_hcal) cout << " Output file not open!!! "<<endl;
00114    return ;
00115 }

void cms::Analyzer_minbias::endJob ( void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 117 of file

References alldid, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), DetId::Hcal, hOutputFile, i, mom0, mom0_cut, mom1, mom1_cut, mom2, mom2_cut, mom3, mom3_cut, mom4, mom4_cut, myTree, occup, theFillDetMap0, theFillDetMap1, theFillDetMap2, theFillDetMap3, theFillDetMap4, theFillDetMap_cut0, theFillDetMap_cut1, theFillDetMap_cut2, theFillDetMap_cut3, and theFillDetMap_cut4.

00118 {
00119    int i=0;
00121    for(std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator did=alldid.begin(); did != alldid.end(); did++)
00122    {      
00123       if( (*did).det() == DetId::Hcal ) 
00124       {
00125        HcalDetId hid = HcalDetId(*did);
00127 //       GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(hid);
00128 //       mydet = ((hid).rawId()>>28)&0xF;
00129 //       mysubd = ((hid).rawId()>>25)&0x7;
00130 //       depth =(hid).depth();
00131 //       ieta = (hid).ieta();
00132 //       iphi = (hid).iphi();
00133 //       phi = pos.phi();
00134 //       eta = pos.eta();
00136        mom0 = theFillDetMap0[hid];
00137        mom1 = theFillDetMap1[hid];
00138        mom2 = theFillDetMap2[hid];
00139        mom3 = theFillDetMap3[hid];
00140        mom4 = theFillDetMap4[hid];
00143        if(theFillDetMap_cut0[hid]>0.){
00145        mom0_cut = theFillDetMap_cut0[hid];
00146        mom1_cut = theFillDetMap_cut1[hid];
00147        mom2_cut = theFillDetMap_cut2[hid];
00148        mom3_cut = theFillDetMap_cut3[hid];
00149        mom4_cut = theFillDetMap_cut4[hid];
00151        occup = theFillDetMap_cut0[hid]/theFillDetMap0[hid];
00153        } else
00154        {  
00155           mom0_cut = -10000.;
00156           mom1_cut = -10000.;
00157           mom2_cut = -10000.;
00158           mom3_cut = -10000.;
00159           mom4_cut = -10000.;
00160        }
00162   //     cout<<" Result= "<<mydet<<" "<<mysubd<<" "<<ieta<<" "<<iphi<<" mom0  "<<mom0<<" mom1 "<<mom1<<" mom2 "<<mom2<<
00163   //     " mom0_cut "<<mom0_cut<<" mom1_cut "<<mom1_cut<<endl;
00164        myTree->Fill();
00165        i++;
00166       } 
00167    }
00168    cout<<" Number of cells "<<i<<endl;    
00169    hOutputFile->Write() ;   
00170    hOutputFile->cd();
00171    myTree->Write();
00172    hOutputFile->Close() ;
00174    return ;
00175 }

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<DetId> cms::Analyzer_minbias::alldid [private]

Definition at line 124 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

int cms::Analyzer_minbias::depth [private]

Definition at line 90 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::eta [private]

Definition at line 91 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

string cms::Analyzer_minbias::fOutputFileName [private]

Definition at line 65 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by Analyzer_minbias(), and beginJob().

double cms::Analyzer_minbias::hbhecut [private]

Definition at line 116 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by Analyzer_minbias().

edm::InputTag cms::Analyzer_minbias::hbhereco [private]

Definition at line 111 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and Analyzer_minbias().

std::string cms::Analyzer_minbias::hcalfile_ [private]

Definition at line 121 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

double cms::Analyzer_minbias::hfcut [private]

Definition at line 118 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by Analyzer_minbias().

edm::InputTag cms::Analyzer_minbias::hfreco [private]

Definition at line 113 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and Analyzer_minbias().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHBHEEt [private]

Definition at line 72 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHBHEEt_eta_1 [private]

Definition at line 73 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHBHEEt_eta_25 [private]

Definition at line 74 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHBHEEta [private]

Definition at line 75 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHBHEPhi [private]

Definition at line 76 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHFEt [private]

Definition at line 78 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHFEt_eta_33 [private]

Definition at line 79 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHFEta [private]

Definition at line 80 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHFPhi [private]

Definition at line 81 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHOEt [private]

Definition at line 83 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHOEt_eta_5 [private]

Definition at line 84 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHOEta [private]

Definition at line 85 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

TH1D* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hHOPhi [private]

Definition at line 86 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

double cms::Analyzer_minbias::hocut [private]

Definition at line 117 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by Analyzer_minbias().

edm::InputTag cms::Analyzer_minbias::horeco [private]

Definition at line 112 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and Analyzer_minbias().

TFile* cms::Analyzer_minbias::hOutputFile [private]

Definition at line 71 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

int cms::Analyzer_minbias::ieta [private]

Definition at line 90 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

int cms::Analyzer_minbias::iphi [private]

Definition at line 90 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom0 [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom0_cut [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom1 [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom1_cut [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom2 [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom2_cut [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom3 [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom3_cut [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom4 [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::mom4_cut [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

int cms::Analyzer_minbias::mydet [private]

Definition at line 90 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

std::ofstream* cms::Analyzer_minbias::myout_hcal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

int cms::Analyzer_minbias::mystart [private]

Definition at line 88 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

int cms::Analyzer_minbias::mysubd [private]

Definition at line 90 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

TTree* cms::Analyzer_minbias::myTree [private]

Definition at line 87 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

std::string cms::Analyzer_minbias::nameprod [private]

Definition at line 110 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by Analyzer_minbias().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::occup [private]

Definition at line 92 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

float cms::Analyzer_minbias::phi [private]

Definition at line 91 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

int cms::Analyzer_minbias::start [private]

Definition at line 123 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap0 [private]

Definition at line 95 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap1 [private]

Definition at line 96 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap2 [private]

Definition at line 97 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap3 [private]

Definition at line 98 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap4 [private]

Definition at line 99 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap_cut0 [private]

Definition at line 101 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap_cut1 [private]

Definition at line 102 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap_cut2 [private]

Definition at line 103 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap_cut3 [private]

Definition at line 104 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

map<DetId,double> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theFillDetMap_cut4 [private]

Definition at line 105 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

std::vector<HcalDetId> cms::Analyzer_minbias::theHcalId [private]

Definition at line 119 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

bool cms::Analyzer_minbias::theRecalib [private]

Definition at line 115 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and Analyzer_minbias().

bool cms::Analyzer_minbias::useMCInfo [private]

Definition at line 114 of file Analyzer_minbias.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and Analyzer_minbias().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:36:23 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4