#include <CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisAlgos/interface/TCnaDialogEB.h>
Definition at line 35 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
TCnaDialogEB::TCnaDialogEB | ( | const TGWindow * | p, | |
UInt_t | w, | |||
UInt_t | h | |||
) |
Definition at line 691 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References DisplayInEntryField(), fAnaBut, fAnaButC, fAnaFrame, fAnaRunFrame, fAnaText, fButChNb, fButChNbC, fButExit, fButExitC, fButHelp, fButHelpC, fButLogx, fButLogxC, fButLogy, fButLogyC, fButRoot, fButRootC, fButSMNb, fButSMNbC, fCdelete, fCdeleteRoot, fChanBut, fChanButC, fChanFrame, fChanText, fChSpFrame, fChSubFrame, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnaH, fCnaP, fCnaW, fCnew, fCnewRoot, fEntryAnaNumber, fEntryChanNumber, fEntryFevNumber, fEntryNoeNumber, fEntryRulNumber, fEntryRunNumber, fEntrySampNumber, fEntrySuMoNumber, fEntryTowXNumber, fEntryTowYNumber, fEntryVmaxEvCorssNumber, fEntryVmaxEvCorttNumber, fEntryVmaxEvCovttNumber, fEntryVmaxEvEvNumber, fEntryVmaxEvSigNumber, fEntryVmaxFoundEvtsNumber, fEntryVmaxSigCorssNumber, fEntryVmaxSigEvNumber, fEntryVmaxSigSigNumber, fEntryVminEvCorssNumber, fEntryVminEvCorttNumber, fEntryVminEvCovttNumber, fEntryVminEvEvNumber, fEntryVminEvSigNumber, fEntryVminFoundEvtsNumber, fEntryVminSigCorssNumber, fEntryVminSigEvNumber, fEntryVminSigSigNumber, fFevBut, fFevFrame, fFevText, fgMaxCar, fKeyAnaType, fKeyChanNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySampNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyTowYNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVmaxEvCortt, fKeyVmaxEvCovtt, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVmaxFoundEvts, fKeyVmaxSigCorss, fKeyVmaxSigEv, fKeyVmaxSigSig, fKeyVminEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCortt, fKeyVminEvCovtt, fKeyVminEvEv, fKeyVminEvSig, fKeyVminFoundEvts, fKeyVminSigCorss, fKeyVminSigEv, fKeyVminSigSig, fLastFrame, fLayoutAnaBut, fLayoutAnaField, fLayoutAnaRunFrame, fLayoutBottLeft, fLayoutBottRight, fLayoutCenterYLeft, fLayoutCenterYRight, fLayoutChanBut, fLayoutChanField, fLayoutChNbBut, fLayoutChSpFrame, fLayoutChSubFrame, fLayoutExitBut, fLayoutFevBut, fLayoutFevFieldFrame, fLayoutFevFieldText, fLayoutGeneral, fLayoutHelpBut, fLayoutLogxBut, fLayoutLogyBut, fLayoutMenuBarCortt, fLayoutMenuBarCovtt, fLayoutMenuBarEvCorss, fLayoutMenuBarEvEv, fLayoutMenuBarEvSig, fLayoutMenuBarEvts, fLayoutMenuBarFoundEvts, fLayoutMenuBarSigCorss, fLayoutMenuBarSigEv, fLayoutMenuBarSigSig, fLayoutNoeBut, fLayoutNoeFieldFrame, fLayoutNoeFieldText, fLayoutRootBut, fLayoutRulBut, fLayoutRulFieldFrame, fLayoutRulFieldText, fLayoutRunBut, fLayoutRunField, fLayoutSampBut, fLayoutSampField, fLayoutSMNbBut, fLayoutSpSubFrame, fLayoutSuMoBut, fLayoutSuMoFieldFrame, fLayoutSuMoFieldText, fLayoutSuMoHozFrame, fLayoutSuMoHozSubEvFrame, fLayoutSuMoHozSubSigFrame, fLayoutSuMoUpFrame, fLayoutTopLeft, fLayoutTopRight, fLayoutTowSpFrame, fLayoutTowXBut, fLayoutTowXField, fLayoutTowYBut, fLayoutTowYField, fLayoutTxSubFrame, fLayoutTySubFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvCorssBut, fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFieldText, fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvCorttBut, fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFieldText, fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvCovttBut, fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFieldText, fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvEvBut, fLayoutVmaxEvEvFieldText, fLayoutVmaxEvEvFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvSigBut, fLayoutVmaxEvSigFieldText, fLayoutVmaxEvSigFrame, fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsBut, fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFieldText, fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFrame, fLayoutVmaxSigCorssBut, fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFieldText, fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFrame, fLayoutVmaxSigEvBut, fLayoutVmaxSigEvFieldText, fLayoutVmaxSigEvFrame, fLayoutVmaxSigSigBut, fLayoutVmaxSigSigFieldText, fLayoutVmaxSigSigFrame, fLayoutVminEvCorssBut, fLayoutVminEvCorssFieldText, fLayoutVminEvCorssFrame, fLayoutVminEvCorttBut, fLayoutVminEvCorttFieldText, fLayoutVminEvCorttFrame, fLayoutVminEvCovttBut, fLayoutVminEvCovttFieldText, fLayoutVminEvCovttFrame, fLayoutVminEvEvBut, fLayoutVminEvEvFieldText, fLayoutVminEvEvFrame, fLayoutVminEvSigBut, fLayoutVminEvSigFieldText, fLayoutVminEvSigFrame, fLayoutVminFoundEvtsBut, fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFieldText, fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFrame, fLayoutVminSigCorssBut, fLayoutVminSigCorssFieldText, fLayoutVminSigCorssFrame, fLayoutVminSigEvBut, fLayoutVminSigEvFieldText, fLayoutVminSigEvFrame, fLayoutVminSigSigBut, fLayoutVminSigSigFieldText, fLayoutVminSigSigFrame, fLayoutVmmEvCorssFrame, fLayoutVmmEvCorttFrame, fLayoutVmmEvCovttFrame, fLayoutVmmEvEvFrame, fLayoutVmmEvSigFrame, fLayoutVmmFoundEvtsFrame, fLayoutVmmSigCorssFrame, fLayoutVmmSigEvFrame, fLayoutVmmSigSigFrame, fLinLogFrame, fMemoScaleX, fMemoScaleY, fMenuBarCorcc, fMenuBarCorss, fMenuBarCorssAll, fMenuBarCortt, fMenuBarCovcc, fMenuBarCovss, fMenuBarCovssAll, fMenuBarCovtt, fMenuBarEv, fMenuBarEvCorss, fMenuBarEvEv, fMenuBarEvol, fMenuBarEvSig, fMenuBarEvts, fMenuBarFoundEvts, fMenuBarSigCorss, fMenuBarSigEv, fMenuBarSigSig, fMenuBarVar, fMenuCorcc, fMenuCorccColzC, fMenuCorccLegoC, fMenuCorss, fMenuCorssAll, fMenuCorssAllColzC, fMenuCorssColzC, fMenuCorssLegoC, fMenuCorssSurf1C, fMenuCorssSurf4C, fMenuCortt, fMenuCorttColzC, fMenuCorttLegoC, fMenuCovcc, fMenuCovccColzC, fMenuCovccLegoC, fMenuCovss, fMenuCovssAll, fMenuCovssAllColzC, fMenuCovssColzC, fMenuCovssLegoC, fMenuCovssSurf1C, fMenuCovssSurf4C, fMenuCovtt, fMenuCovttColzC, fMenuCovttLegoC, fMenuEv, fMenuEvCorss, fMenuEvCorssEtaPhiC, fMenuEvCorssGlobalFullC, fMenuEvCorssGlobalSameC, fMenuEvCorssProjFullC, fMenuEvCorssProjSameC, fMenuEvEv, fMenuEvEvEtaPhiC, fMenuEvEvGlobalFullC, fMenuEvEvGlobalSameC, fMenuEvEvProjFullC, fMenuEvEvProjSameC, fMenuEvLineFullC, fMenuEvLineSameC, fMenuEvol, fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmFullC, fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmSameC, fMenuEvolEvEvPolmFullC, fMenuEvolEvEvPolmSameC, fMenuEvolEvSigPolmFullC, fMenuEvolEvSigPolmSameC, fMenuEvolSampLineFullC, fMenuEvolSampLineSameC, fMenuEvSig, fMenuEvSigEtaPhiC, fMenuEvSigGlobalFullC, fMenuEvSigGlobalSameC, fMenuEvSigProjFullC, fMenuEvSigProjSameC, fMenuEvts, fMenuEvtsLineLinyFullC, fMenuEvtsLineLinySameC, fMenuFoundEvts, fMenuFoundEvtsEtaPhiC, fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalFullC, fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalSameC, fMenuFoundEvtsProjFullC, fMenuFoundEvtsProjSameC, fMenuSigCorss, fMenuSigCorssEtaPhiC, fMenuSigCorssGlobalFullC, fMenuSigCorssGlobalSameC, fMenuSigCorssProjFullC, fMenuSigCorssProjSameC, fMenuSigEv, fMenuSigEvEtaPhiC, fMenuSigEvGlobalFullC, fMenuSigEvGlobalSameC, fMenuSigEvProjFullC, fMenuSigEvProjSameC, fMenuSigSig, fMenuSigSigEtaPhiC, fMenuSigSigGlobalFullC, fMenuSigSigGlobalSameC, fMenuSigSigProjFullC, fMenuSigSigProjSameC, fMenuVar, fMenuVarLineFullC, fMenuVarLineSameC, fNoeBut, fNoeFrame, fNoeText, fOptPlotFull, fOptPlotSame, fParameters, fRulBut, fRulFrame, fRulText, fRunBut, fRunButC, fRunFrame, fRunText, fSampBut, fSampButC, fSampFrame, fSampText, fSpSubFrame, fSuMoBut, fSuMoFrame, fSuMoHozFrame, fSuMoHozSubEvFrame, fSuMoHozSubSigFrame, fSuMoText, fSuMoUpFrame, fTowSpFrame, fTowXBut, fTowXButC, fTowXFrame, fTowXText, fTowYBut, fTowYButC, fTowYFrame, fTowYText, fTTBELL, fTxSubFrame, fTySubFrame, fView, fVmaxEvCorssBut, fVmaxEvCorssFrame, fVmaxEvCorssText, fVmaxEvCorttBut, fVmaxEvCorttFrame, fVmaxEvCorttText, fVmaxEvCovttBut, fVmaxEvCovttFrame, fVmaxEvCovttText, fVmaxEvEvBut, fVmaxEvEvFrame, fVmaxEvEvText, fVmaxEvSigBut, fVmaxEvSigFrame, fVmaxEvSigText, fVmaxFoundEvtsBut, fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame, fVmaxFoundEvtsText, fVmaxSigCorssBut, fVmaxSigCorssFrame, fVmaxSigCorssText, fVmaxSigEvBut, fVmaxSigEvFrame, fVmaxSigEvText, fVmaxSigSigBut, fVmaxSigSigFrame, fVmaxSigSigText, fVminEvCorssBut, fVminEvCorssFrame, fVminEvCorssText, fVminEvCorttBut, fVminEvCorttFrame, fVminEvCorttText, fVminEvCovttBut, fVminEvCovttFrame, fVminEvCovttText, fVminEvEvBut, fVminEvEvFrame, fVminEvEvText, fVminEvSigBut, fVminEvSigFrame, fVminEvSigText, fVminFoundEvtsBut, fVminFoundEvtsFrame, fVminFoundEvtsText, fVminSigCorssBut, fVminSigCorssFrame, fVminSigCorssText, fVminSigEvBut, fVminSigEvFrame, fVminSigEvText, fVminSigSigBut, fVminSigSigFrame, fVminSigSigText, fVmmEvCorssFrame, fVmmEvCorttFrame, fVmmEvCovttFrame, fVmmEvEvFrame, fVmmEvSigFrame, fVmmFoundEvtsFrame, fVmmSigCorssFrame, fVmmSigEvFrame, fVmmSigSigFrame, fVoidFrame, GetPathForListOfRunFiles(), GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), InitKeys(), and TCnaParameters::SetPeriodTitles().
00691 : 00692 TGMainFrame(p, w, h) 00693 { 00694 //Constructor with arguments. Dialog box making 00695 00696 // cout << "TCnaDialogEB> Entering constructor with arguments" << endl; 00697 // cout << " fCnew = " << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << endl; 00698 00699 //========================= GENERAL INITIALISATION 00700 00701 fCnew = 0; 00702 fCdelete = 0; 00703 fCnewRoot = 0; 00704 fCdeleteRoot = 0; 00705 00706 fCnaP = (TGWindow *)p; 00707 fCnaW = w; 00708 fCnaH = h; 00709 00710 fgMaxCar = (Int_t)512; 00711 00712 //------------------------------ initialisations ---------------------- 00713 00714 fTTBELL = '\007'; 00715 00716 //........................ init CNA parameters 00717 00718 fParameters = new TCnaParameters(); fCnew++; 00719 fParameters->SetPeriodTitles(); // define the titles of the different periods of run 00720 00721 fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 00722 00723 //................ Init CNA Command and error numbering 00724 00725 fCnaCommand = 0; 00726 fCnaError = 0; 00727 00728 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Init GUI DIALOG BOX pointers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 00729 00730 fLayoutGeneral = 0; 00731 fLayoutBottLeft = 0; 00732 fLayoutBottRight = 0; 00733 fLayoutTopLeft = 0; 00734 fLayoutTopRight = 0; 00735 fLayoutCenterYLeft = 0; 00736 fLayoutCenterYRight = 0; 00737 00738 fVoidFrame = 0; 00739 00740 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame Ana + Run 00741 fAnaRunFrame = 0; 00742 fLayoutAnaRunFrame = 0; 00743 00744 //--------------------------------- Sub-Frame Analysis Name (Button+Entry Field) 00745 fAnaFrame = 0; 00746 fAnaBut = 0; 00747 fLayoutAnaBut = 0; 00748 fAnaText = 0; 00749 fEntryAnaNumber = 0; 00750 fLayoutAnaField = 0; 00751 00752 //-------------------------------- Sub-Frame Run number (Button+Entry Field) 00753 fRunFrame = 0; 00754 fRunBut = 0; 00755 fLayoutRunBut = 0; 00756 fRunText = 0; 00757 fEntryRunNumber = 0; 00758 fLayoutRunField = 0; 00759 00760 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Frames: first taken evt + nb of events + super-module 00761 fFevFrame = 0; 00762 fFevBut = 0; 00763 fLayoutFevBut = 0; 00764 fFevText = 0; 00765 fEntryFevNumber = 0; 00766 fLayoutFevFieldText = 0; 00767 fLayoutFevFieldFrame = 0; 00768 00769 fNoeFrame = 0; 00770 fNoeBut = 0; 00771 fLayoutNoeBut = 0; 00772 fNoeText = 0; 00773 fEntryNoeNumber = 0; 00774 fLayoutNoeFieldText = 0; 00775 fLayoutNoeFieldFrame = 0; 00776 00777 fSuMoFrame = 0; 00778 fSuMoBut = 0; 00779 fLayoutSuMoBut = 0; 00780 fSuMoText = 0; 00781 fEntrySuMoNumber = 0; 00782 fLayoutSuMoFieldText = 0; 00783 fLayoutSuMoFieldFrame = 0; 00784 00785 //............................ SuperModule Tower Numbering view (Button) 00786 fButSMNb = 0; 00787 fLayoutSMNbBut = 0; 00788 00789 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Frame for quantities relative to the Super-Module 00790 fSuMoUpFrame = 0; 00791 00792 //................................ Menus+Ymin+Ymax for the Super-Module ............................ 00793 00794 //...................................... Found evts in the data 00795 00796 fVmmFoundEvtsFrame = 0; 00797 00798 fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame = 0; 00799 fVmaxFoundEvtsBut = 0; 00800 fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsBut = 0; 00801 fVmaxFoundEvtsText = 0; 00802 fEntryVmaxFoundEvtsNumber = 0; 00803 fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFieldText = 0; 00804 fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFrame = 0; 00805 00806 fVminFoundEvtsFrame = 0; 00807 fVminFoundEvtsBut = 0; 00808 fLayoutVminFoundEvtsBut = 0; 00809 fVminFoundEvtsText = 0; 00810 fEntryVminFoundEvtsNumber = 0; 00811 fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFieldText = 0; 00812 fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFrame = 0; 00813 00814 fMenuFoundEvts = 0; 00815 fMenuBarFoundEvts = 0; 00816 fLayoutMenuBarFoundEvts = 0; 00817 00818 fLayoutVmmFoundEvtsFrame = 0; 00819 00820 //................................... Horizontal frame ev + sig 00821 fSuMoHozFrame = 0; 00822 fLayoutSuMoHozFrame = 0; 00823 00824 //............................................... Frame Ev + Menus Ev 00825 fSuMoHozSubEvFrame = 0; 00826 fLayoutSuMoHozSubEvFrame = 0; 00827 00828 //------------------------------------------------------------- 00829 fVmmEvEvFrame = 0; 00830 00831 fVmaxEvEvFrame = 0; 00832 fVmaxEvEvBut = 0; 00833 fLayoutVmaxEvEvBut = 0; 00834 fVmaxEvEvText = 0; 00835 fEntryVmaxEvEvNumber = 0; 00836 fLayoutVmaxEvEvFieldText = 0; 00837 fLayoutVmaxEvEvFrame = 0; 00838 00839 fVminEvEvFrame = 0; 00840 fVminEvEvBut = 0; 00841 fLayoutVminEvEvBut = 0; 00842 fVminEvEvText = 0; 00843 fEntryVminEvEvNumber = 0; 00844 fLayoutVminEvEvFieldText = 0; 00845 fLayoutVminEvEvFrame = 0; 00846 00847 fMenuEvEv = 0; 00848 fMenuBarEvEv = 0; 00849 fLayoutMenuBarEvEv = 0; 00850 00851 fLayoutVmmEvEvFrame = 0; 00852 00853 //------------------------------------------------------------- 00854 fVmmEvSigFrame = 0; 00855 00856 fVmaxEvSigFrame = 0; 00857 fVmaxEvSigBut = 0; 00858 fLayoutVmaxEvSigBut = 0; 00859 fVmaxEvSigText = 0; 00860 fEntryVmaxEvSigNumber = 0; 00861 fLayoutVmaxEvSigFieldText = 0; 00862 00863 fVminEvSigFrame = 0; 00864 fVminEvSigBut = 0; 00865 fLayoutVminEvSigBut = 0; 00866 fVminEvSigText = 0; 00867 fEntryVminEvSigNumber = 0; 00868 fLayoutVminEvSigFieldText = 0; 00869 fLayoutVminEvSigFrame = 0; 00870 00871 fMenuEvSig = 0; 00872 fMenuBarEvSig = 0; 00873 fLayoutMenuBarEvSig = 0; 00874 fLayoutVmaxEvSigFrame = 0; 00875 00876 fLayoutVmmEvSigFrame = 0; 00877 00878 //------------------------------------------------------------- 00879 fVmmEvCorssFrame = 0; 00880 00881 fVmaxEvCorssFrame = 0; 00882 fVmaxEvCorssBut = 0; 00883 fLayoutVmaxEvCorssBut = 0; 00884 fVmaxEvCorssText = 0; 00885 fEntryVmaxEvCorssNumber = 0; 00886 fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFieldText = 0; 00887 fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFrame = 0; 00888 00889 fVminEvCorssFrame = 0; 00890 fVminEvCorssBut = 0; 00891 fLayoutVminEvCorssBut = 0; 00892 fVminEvCorssText = 0; 00893 fEntryVminEvCorssNumber = 0; 00894 fLayoutVminEvCorssFieldText = 0; 00895 fLayoutVminEvCorssFrame = 0; 00896 00897 fMenuEvCorss = 0; 00898 fMenuBarEvCorss = 0; 00899 fLayoutMenuBarEvCorss = 0; 00900 fLayoutVmmEvCorssFrame = 0; 00901 00902 //............................................... Frame Sig + Menus Sig 00903 fSuMoHozSubSigFrame = 0; 00904 00905 //------------------------------------------------------------- 00906 fVmmSigEvFrame = 0; 00907 00908 fVmaxSigEvFrame = 0; 00909 fVmaxSigEvBut = 0; 00910 fLayoutVmaxSigEvBut = 0; 00911 fVmaxSigEvText = 0; 00912 fEntryVmaxSigEvNumber = 0; 00913 fLayoutVmaxSigEvFieldText = 0; 00914 fLayoutVmaxSigEvFrame = 0; 00915 00916 fVminSigEvFrame = 0; 00917 fVminSigEvBut = 0; 00918 fLayoutVminSigEvBut = 0; 00919 fVminSigEvText = 0; 00920 fEntryVminSigEvNumber = 0; 00921 fLayoutVminSigEvFieldText = 0; 00922 fLayoutVminSigEvFrame = 0; 00923 00924 fMenuSigEv = 0; 00925 fMenuBarSigEv = 0; 00926 fLayoutMenuBarSigEv = 0; 00927 00928 fLayoutVmmSigEvFrame = 0; 00929 00930 //------------------------------------------------------------- 00931 fVmmSigSigFrame = 0; 00932 00933 fVmaxSigSigFrame = 0; 00934 fVmaxSigSigBut = 0; 00935 fLayoutVmaxSigSigBut = 0; 00936 fVmaxSigSigText = 0; 00937 fEntryVmaxSigSigNumber = 0; 00938 fLayoutVmaxSigSigFieldText = 0; 00939 fLayoutVmaxSigSigFrame = 0; 00940 00941 fVminSigSigFrame = 0; 00942 fVminSigSigBut = 0; 00943 fLayoutVminSigSigBut = 0; 00944 fVminSigSigText = 0; 00945 fEntryVminSigSigNumber = 0; 00946 fLayoutVminSigSigFieldText = 0; 00947 fLayoutVminSigSigFrame = 0; 00948 00949 fMenuSigSig = 0; 00950 fMenuBarSigSig = 0; 00951 fLayoutMenuBarSigSig = 0; 00952 00953 fLayoutVmmSigSigFrame = 0; 00954 00955 //------------------------------------------------------------- 00956 fVmmSigCorssFrame = 0; 00957 00958 fVmaxSigCorssFrame = 0; 00959 fVmaxSigCorssBut = 0; 00960 fLayoutVmaxSigCorssBut = 0; 00961 fVmaxSigCorssText = 0; 00962 fEntryVmaxSigCorssNumber = 0; 00963 fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFieldText = 0; 00964 fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFrame = 0; 00965 00966 fVminSigCorssFrame = 0; 00967 fVminSigCorssBut = 0; 00968 fLayoutVminSigCorssBut = 0; 00969 fVminSigCorssText = 0; 00970 fEntryVminSigCorssNumber = 0; 00971 fLayoutVminSigCorssFieldText = 0; 00972 fLayoutVminSigCorssFrame = 0; 00973 00974 fMenuSigCorss = 0; 00975 fMenuBarSigCorss = 0; 00976 fLayoutMenuBarSigCorss = 0; 00977 00978 fLayoutVmmSigCorssFrame = 0; 00979 00980 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00981 00982 //...................................... Correlations between towers 00983 fVmmEvCorttFrame = 0; 00984 00985 fVmaxEvCorttFrame = 0; 00986 fVmaxEvCorttBut = 0; 00987 fLayoutVmaxEvCorttBut = 0; 00988 fVmaxEvCorttText = 0; 00989 fEntryVmaxEvCorttNumber = 0; 00990 fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFieldText = 0; 00991 fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFrame = 0; 00992 00993 fVminEvCorttFrame = 0; 00994 fVminEvCorttBut = 0; 00995 fLayoutVminEvCorttBut = 0; 00996 fVminEvCorttText = 0; 00997 fEntryVminEvCorttNumber = 0; 00998 fLayoutVminEvCorttFieldText = 0; 00999 fLayoutVminEvCorttFrame = 0; 01000 01001 fMenuCortt = 0; 01002 fMenuBarCortt = 0; 01003 fLayoutMenuBarCortt = 0; 01004 01005 fLayoutVmmEvCorttFrame = 0; 01006 01007 //...................................... Covariances between towers 01008 fVmmEvCovttFrame = 0; 01009 01010 fVmaxEvCovttFrame = 0; 01011 fVmaxEvCovttBut = 0; 01012 fLayoutVmaxEvCovttBut = 0; 01013 fVmaxEvCovttText = 0; 01014 fEntryVmaxEvCovttNumber = 0; 01015 fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFieldText = 0; 01016 fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFrame = 0; 01017 01018 fVminEvCovttFrame = 0; 01019 fVminEvCovttBut = 0; 01020 fLayoutVminEvCovttBut = 0; 01021 fVminEvCovttText = 0; 01022 fEntryVminEvCovttNumber = 0; 01023 fLayoutVminEvCovttFieldText = 0; 01024 fLayoutVminEvCovttFrame = 0; 01025 01026 fMenuCovtt = 0; 01027 fMenuBarCovtt = 0; 01028 fLayoutMenuBarCovtt = 0; 01029 01030 fLayoutVmmEvCovttFrame = 0; 01031 01032 fLayoutSuMoHozSubSigFrame = 0; 01033 01034 fLayoutSuMoUpFrame = 0; 01035 01036 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame Tower_X + Tower_Y 01037 fTowSpFrame = 0; 01038 fLayoutTowSpFrame = 0; 01039 01040 //----------------------------------- SubFrame Tower_X (Button + EntryField) 01041 01042 fTxSubFrame = 0; 01043 fLayoutTxSubFrame = 0; 01044 01045 fTowXFrame = 0; 01046 fTowXBut = 0; 01047 fLayoutTowXBut = 0; 01048 01049 fTowXText = 0; 01050 fEntryTowXNumber = 0; 01051 fLayoutTowXField = 0; 01052 01053 //............................ Tower Crystal Numbering view (Button) 01054 fButChNb = 0; 01055 fLayoutChNbBut = 0; 01056 01057 //............................ Menus Tower_X 01058 fMenuCorssAll = 0; 01059 fMenuBarCorssAll = 0; 01060 01061 fMenuCovssAll = 0; 01062 fMenuBarCovssAll = 0; 01063 01064 //----------------------------------- SubFrame Tower_Y (Button + EntryField) 01065 fTySubFrame = 0; 01066 fLayoutTySubFrame = 0; 01067 01068 fTowYFrame = 0; 01069 fTowYBut = 0; 01070 fLayoutTowYBut = 0; 01071 01072 fTowYText = 0; 01073 fEntryTowYNumber = 0; 01074 fLayoutTowYField = 0; 01075 01076 //.................................. Menus for Horizontal frame (Tower_X + Tower_Y) 01077 fMenuBarCorcc = 0; 01078 fMenuCorcc = 0; 01079 01080 fMenuBarCovcc = 0; 01081 fMenuCovcc = 0; 01082 01083 //++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame channel number (tower_X crystal number) + sample number 01084 fChSpFrame = 0; 01085 fLayoutChSpFrame = 0; 01086 01087 //------------------------------------- SubFrame Channel (Button + EntryField) 01088 fChanFrame = 0; 01089 fChanBut = 0; 01090 fChanText = 0; 01091 fEntryChanNumber = 0; 01092 fLayoutChanBut = 0; 01093 fLayoutChanField = 0; 01094 01095 fChSubFrame = 0; 01096 fLayoutChSubFrame = 0; 01097 01098 //................................ Menus Tower_X crystal number 01099 fMenuCorss = 0; 01100 fMenuBarCorss = 0; 01101 01102 fMenuCovss = 0; 01103 fMenuBarCovss = 0; 01104 01105 fMenuEv = 0; 01106 fMenuBarEv = 0; 01107 01108 fMenuVar = 0; 01109 fMenuBarVar = 0; 01110 01111 //------------------------------------ SubFrame Sample (Button + EntryField) 01112 fSampFrame = 0; 01113 fSampBut = 0; 01114 01115 fSampText = 0; 01116 fEntrySampNumber = 0; 01117 fLayoutSampBut = 0; 01118 fLayoutSampField = 0; 01119 01120 fSpSubFrame = 0; 01121 fLayoutSpSubFrame = 0; 01122 01123 //................................ Menus Sample number 01124 01125 // (no menu in this SubFrame) 01126 01127 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Frame: Run List (Rul) (Button + EntryField) 01128 01129 fRulFrame = 0; 01130 fRulBut = 0; 01131 fLayoutRulBut = 0; 01132 fRulText = 0; 01133 fEntryRulNumber = 0; 01134 fLayoutRulFieldText = 0; 01135 fLayoutRulFieldFrame = 0; 01136 01137 //................................ Menus for time evolution 01138 fMenuEvol = 0; 01139 fMenuBarEvol = 0; 01140 01141 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Menu Event Distribution 01142 fMenuEvts = 0; 01143 fMenuBarEvts = 0; 01144 fLayoutMenuBarEvts = 0; 01145 01146 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LinLog Frame 01147 fLinLogFrame = 0; 01148 01149 //---------------------------------- Lin/Log X 01150 fButLogx = 0; 01151 fLayoutLogxBut = 0; 01152 //---------------------------------- Lin/Log Y 01153 fButLogy = 0; 01154 fLayoutLogyBut = 0; 01155 01156 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXIT BUTTON 01157 fButExit = 0; 01158 fLayoutExitBut = 0; 01159 01160 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Last Frame 01161 fLastFrame = 0; 01162 01163 //--------------------------------- Root version (Button) 01164 fButRoot = 0; 01165 fLayoutRootBut = 0; 01166 01167 //--------------------------------- Help (Button) 01168 fButHelp = 0; 01169 fLayoutHelpBut = 0; 01170 01171 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of init GUI DIALOG BOX pointers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 01172 01173 //........ Init Buttons codes with input widgets: 01174 // run, channel, sample 01175 01176 fAnaButC = 1; 01177 fRunButC = 2; 01178 01179 //.................. Init codes Menu bars 01180 01181 fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalFullC = 600101; 01182 fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalSameC = 600102; 01183 01184 fMenuFoundEvtsProjFullC = 600111; 01185 fMenuFoundEvtsProjSameC = 600112; 01186 01187 fMenuEvEvGlobalFullC = 123051; 01188 fMenuEvEvGlobalSameC = 123052; 01189 01190 fMenuEvSigGlobalFullC = 123061; 01191 fMenuEvSigGlobalSameC = 123062; 01192 01193 fMenuEvCorssGlobalFullC = 123071; 01194 fMenuEvCorssGlobalSameC = 123072; 01195 01196 fMenuEvEvProjFullC = 124051; 01197 fMenuEvEvProjSameC = 124052; 01198 01199 fMenuEvSigProjFullC = 124061; 01200 fMenuEvSigProjSameC = 124062; 01201 01202 fMenuEvCorssProjFullC = 124071; 01203 fMenuEvCorssProjSameC = 124072; 01204 01205 fMenuSigEvGlobalFullC = 800051; 01206 fMenuSigEvGlobalSameC = 800052; 01207 01208 fMenuSigSigGlobalFullC = 800061; 01209 fMenuSigSigGlobalSameC = 800062; 01210 01211 fMenuSigCorssGlobalFullC = 800071; 01212 fMenuSigCorssGlobalSameC = 800072; 01213 01214 fMenuSigEvProjFullC = 810051; 01215 fMenuSigEvProjSameC = 810052; 01216 01217 fMenuSigSigProjFullC = 810061; 01218 fMenuSigSigProjSameC = 810062; 01219 01220 fMenuSigCorssProjFullC = 810071; 01221 fMenuSigCorssProjSameC = 810072; 01222 01223 fMenuCovttColzC = 70010; 01224 fMenuCovttLegoC = 70011; 01225 01226 fMenuCorttColzC = 70110; 01227 fMenuCorttLegoC = 70111; 01228 01229 fMenuFoundEvtsEtaPhiC = 524051; 01230 fMenuEvEvEtaPhiC = 524052; 01231 fMenuEvSigEtaPhiC = 524053; 01232 fMenuEvCorssEtaPhiC = 524054; 01233 fMenuSigEvEtaPhiC = 524055; 01234 fMenuSigSigEtaPhiC = 524056; 01235 fMenuSigCorssEtaPhiC = 524057; 01236 01237 fTowXButC = 90009; 01238 fTowYButC = 90010; 01239 01240 fChanButC = 6; 01241 fSampButC = 7; 01242 01243 fMenuCorssAllColzC = 10; 01244 fMenuCovssAllColzC = 11; 01245 01246 fMenuCorssColzC = 21; 01247 fMenuCorssLegoC = 22; 01248 fMenuCorssSurf1C = 23; 01249 fMenuCorssSurf4C = 24; 01250 01251 fMenuCovssColzC = 31; 01252 fMenuCovssLegoC = 32; 01253 fMenuCovssSurf1C = 33; 01254 fMenuCovssSurf4C = 34; 01255 01256 fMenuEvLineFullC = 411; 01257 fMenuEvLineSameC = 412; 01258 01259 fMenuVarLineFullC = 421; 01260 fMenuVarLineSameC = 422; 01261 01262 fMenuCorccColzC = 51; 01263 fMenuCorccLegoC = 52; 01264 01265 fMenuCovccColzC = 61; 01266 fMenuCovccLegoC = 62; 01267 01268 fMenuEvtsLineLinyFullC = 711; 01269 fMenuEvtsLineLinySameC = 712; 01270 01271 fMenuEvolEvEvPolmFullC = 811; 01272 fMenuEvolEvEvPolmSameC = 812; 01273 fMenuEvolEvSigPolmFullC = 821; 01274 fMenuEvolEvSigPolmSameC = 822; 01275 fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmFullC = 831; 01276 fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmSameC = 832; 01277 fMenuEvolSampLineFullC = 841; 01278 fMenuEvolSampLineSameC = 842; 01279 01280 //...................... Init Button codes: Root version, Help, Exit 01281 01282 fButSMNbC = 90; 01283 fButChNbC = 91; 01284 fButRootC = 92; 01285 fButHelpC = 93; 01286 fButExitC = 94; 01287 01288 //................. Init Keys 01289 01290 InitKeys(); 01291 01292 GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 01293 GetPathForListOfRunFiles(); 01294 01295 //=================================== LIN/LOG flags 01296 Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 01297 fMemoScaleX.Resize(MaxCar); 01298 fMemoScaleX = "LIN"; 01299 MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 01300 fMemoScaleY.Resize(MaxCar); 01301 fMemoScaleY = "LIN"; 01302 01303 //=================================== Init option codes ================================= 01304 01305 MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 01306 fOptPlotFull.Resize(MaxCar); 01307 fOptPlotFull = "ONLYONE"; 01308 01309 MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 01310 fOptPlotSame.Resize(MaxCar); 01311 fOptPlotSame = "SEVERAL"; 01312 01313 //================================================================================================ 01314 01315 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01316 // 01317 // 01318 // B O X M A K I N G 01319 // 01320 // 01321 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01322 01323 // enum ELayoutHints { 01324 // kLHintsNoHints = 0, 01325 // kLHintsLeft = BIT(0), 01326 // kLHintsCenterX = BIT(1), 01327 // kLHintsRight = BIT(2), 01328 // kLHintsTop = BIT(3), 01329 // kLHintsCenterY = BIT(4), 01330 // kLHintsBottom = BIT(5), 01331 // kLHintsExpandX = BIT(6), 01332 // kLHintsExpandY = BIT(7), 01333 // kLHintsNormal = (kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop) 01334 // bits 8-11 used by ETableLayoutHints 01335 // }; 01336 01337 fLayoutGeneral = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY); fCnew++; // 003 01338 // (after fParameters 01339 // and fCView) 01340 fLayoutBottLeft = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsLeft | kLHintsBottom); fCnew++; 01341 fLayoutTopLeft = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop); fCnew++; 01342 fLayoutBottRight = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsRight | kLHintsBottom); fCnew++; 01343 fLayoutTopRight = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsRight | kLHintsTop); fCnew++; 01344 fLayoutCenterYLeft = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsLeft | kLHintsCenterY); fCnew++; 01345 fLayoutCenterYRight = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsRight | kLHintsCenterY); fCnew++; 01346 01347 fVoidFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kVerticalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; // 010 01348 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 01349 01350 //......................... Pads border width 01351 01352 Int_t xB1 = 1; 01353 01354 //=============================================== Button Texts 01355 TString xAnaButText = " Analysis name-> "; 01356 TString xRunButText = " Run number -> "; 01357 01358 // TString xPathButText = " Path (optional) "; 01359 01360 //...................................... lenghts of the input widgets 01361 Int_t run_buf_lenght = 55; 01362 Int_t first_evt_buf_lenght = 60; 01363 Int_t nb_of_evts_buf_lenght = 60; 01364 Int_t typ_of_ana_buf_lenght = 120; 01365 01366 //==================== Ana + Run FRAME ==================================== 01367 01368 fAnaRunFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame, 01369 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 01370 01371 //=================================== ANALYSIS NAME (type of analysis) 01372 01373 fAnaFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(fAnaRunFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, 01374 kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01375 01376 //..................... Button 01377 fAnaBut = new TGTextButton(fAnaFrame, xAnaButText, fAnaButC); fCnew++; 01378 fAnaBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonAna()"); 01379 fAnaBut->Resize(typ_of_ana_buf_lenght, fAnaBut->GetDefaultHeight()); 01380 fAnaBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the analysis name written on the right"); 01381 fLayoutAnaBut = 01382 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01383 fAnaFrame->AddFrame(fAnaBut, fLayoutAnaBut); 01384 01385 //...................... Entry field 01386 fEntryAnaNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01387 fAnaText = new TGTextEntry(fAnaFrame, fEntryAnaNumber); fCnew++; 01388 fAnaText->SetToolTipText 01389 ("Click and enter the analysis name (code for type of analysis)"); 01390 fAnaText->Resize(typ_of_ana_buf_lenght, fAnaText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01391 01392 DisplayInEntryField(fAnaText,fKeyAnaType); 01393 01394 fAnaText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonAna()"); 01395 fLayoutAnaField = 01396 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01397 fAnaFrame->AddFrame(fAnaText, fLayoutAnaField); 01398 01399 //=================================== RUN 01400 01401 fRunFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(fAnaRunFrame,0,0, 01402 kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01403 fRunBut = new TGTextButton(fRunFrame, xRunButText, fRunButC); fCnew++; 01404 fRunBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonRun()"); 01405 fRunBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the run number"); 01406 fLayoutRunBut = 01407 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; // 020 01408 fRunFrame->AddFrame(fRunBut, fLayoutRunBut); 01409 fEntryRunNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01410 fRunText = new TGTextEntry(fRunFrame, fEntryRunNumber); fCnew++; 01411 fRunText->SetToolTipText 01412 ("Click and enter the run number of the name of the file containing the run list"); 01413 fRunText->Resize(run_buf_lenght, fRunText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01414 01415 DisplayInEntryField(fRunText,fKeyRunNumber); 01416 01417 fRunText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonRun()"); 01418 fLayoutRunField = 01419 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01420 fRunFrame->AddFrame(fRunText, fLayoutRunField); 01421 01422 //-------------------------- display frame Ana + Run 01423 fAnaRunFrame->AddFrame(fAnaFrame, fLayoutTopLeft); 01424 fAnaRunFrame->AddFrame(fRunFrame, fLayoutTopRight); 01425 01426 fLayoutAnaRunFrame = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 01427 xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 01428 01429 AddFrame(fAnaRunFrame, fLayoutAnaRunFrame); 01430 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 01431 01432 //=============================================== Button Texts 01433 TString xFirstEvtButText = " First taken event ( < 0 = 0 ) "; 01434 TString xNbOfEvtsButText = " Number of taken events ( <= 0 = all ) "; 01435 TString xSumoButText = " Super-Module number-> "; 01436 01437 //=================================== FIRST EVENT NUMBER 01438 01439 fFevFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01440 01441 fFevBut= new TGTextButton(fFevFrame, xFirstEvtButText); fCnew++; 01442 fFevBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonFev()"); 01443 fFevBut->SetToolTipText 01444 ("Click here to register the number of the first event to be analyzed (written on the right)"); 01445 fLayoutFevBut = 01446 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01447 fFevFrame->AddFrame(fFevBut, fLayoutFevBut); 01448 01449 fEntryFevNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01450 fFevText = new TGTextEntry(fFevFrame, fEntryFevNumber); fCnew++; 01451 fFevText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the first event number"); 01452 fFevText->Resize(first_evt_buf_lenght, fFevText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01453 DisplayInEntryField(fFevText,fKeyFirstEvt); 01454 fFevText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonFev()"); 01455 fLayoutFevFieldText = 01456 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; // 030 01457 fFevFrame->AddFrame(fFevText, fLayoutFevFieldText); 01458 01459 fLayoutFevFieldFrame = 01460 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01461 AddFrame(fFevFrame, fLayoutFevFieldFrame); 01462 01463 //=================================== NUMBER OF EVENTS 01464 fNoeFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01465 01466 fNoeBut = new TGTextButton(fNoeFrame, xNbOfEvtsButText); fCnew++; 01467 fNoeBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonNoe()"); 01468 fNoeBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the number of events written on the right"); 01469 fLayoutNoeBut = 01470 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01471 fNoeFrame->AddFrame(fNoeBut, fLayoutNoeBut); 01472 01473 fEntryNoeNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01474 fNoeText = new TGTextEntry(fNoeFrame, fEntryNoeNumber); fCnew++; 01475 fNoeText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the number of events"); 01476 fNoeText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fNoeText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01477 DisplayInEntryField(fNoeText,fKeyNbOfEvts); 01478 fNoeText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonNoe()"); 01479 fLayoutNoeFieldText = 01480 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01481 fNoeFrame->AddFrame(fNoeText, fLayoutNoeFieldText); 01482 01483 fLayoutNoeFieldFrame = 01484 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01485 AddFrame(fNoeFrame, fLayoutNoeFieldFrame); 01486 01487 //=================================== SUPER-MODULE 01488 01489 fSuMoFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01490 01491 fSuMoBut = new TGTextButton(fSuMoFrame, xSumoButText); fCnew++; // 040 01492 fSuMoBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonSuMo()"); 01493 fSuMoBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the Super-Module number written on the right"); 01494 fLayoutSuMoBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01495 fSuMoFrame->AddFrame(fSuMoBut, fLayoutSuMoBut); 01496 01497 fEntrySuMoNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01498 fSuMoText = new TGTextEntry(fSuMoFrame, fEntrySuMoNumber); fCnew++; 01499 fSuMoText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the Super-Module number"); 01500 fSuMoText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fSuMoText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01501 DisplayInEntryField(fSuMoText, fKeySuMoNumber); 01502 fSuMoText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonSuMo()"); 01503 01504 fLayoutSuMoFieldText = 01505 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01506 fSuMoFrame->AddFrame(fSuMoText, fLayoutSuMoFieldText); 01507 01508 fLayoutSuMoFieldFrame = 01509 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01510 AddFrame(fSuMoFrame, fLayoutSuMoFieldFrame); 01511 //========================== SUPER-MODULE TOWER NUMBERING VIEW BUTTON 01512 TString xSMNbButText = " Super-Module Tower Numbering "; 01513 fButSMNb = new TGTextButton(this, xSMNbButText, fButSMNbC); fCnew++; 01514 fButSMNb->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonSMNb()"); 01515 fLayoutSMNbBut = 01516 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); 01517 AddFrame(fButSMNb, fLayoutSMNbBut); fCnew++; 01518 01519 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 01520 01521 //=================================== QUANTITIES RELATIVES TO THE SUPER-MODULE 01522 fSuMoUpFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01523 (this,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 01524 01525 TString xYminButText = " Ymin "; 01526 TString xYmaxButText = " Ymax "; 01527 //########################################### Composite frame number of events found in the data 01528 fVmmFoundEvtsFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01529 (fSuMoUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01530 01531 //...................................... Menu number of events found in the data 01532 01533 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 01534 fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01535 (fVmmFoundEvtsFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; // 050 01536 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 01537 fVmaxFoundEvtsBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; 01538 fVmaxFoundEvtsBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxFoundEvts()"); 01539 fVmaxFoundEvtsBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 01540 fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsBut = 01541 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01542 fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxFoundEvtsBut, fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsBut); 01543 fEntryVmaxFoundEvtsNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01544 fVmaxFoundEvtsText = 01545 new TGTextEntry(fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame, fEntryVmaxFoundEvtsNumber); fCnew++; 01546 fVmaxFoundEvtsText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 01547 fVmaxFoundEvtsText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxFoundEvtsText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01548 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxFoundEvtsText, fKeyVmaxFoundEvts); 01549 fVmaxFoundEvtsText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxFoundEvts()"); 01550 01551 fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFieldText = 01552 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01553 fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxFoundEvtsText, fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFieldText); 01554 fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFrame = 01555 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01556 fVmmFoundEvtsFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame, fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFrame); 01557 01558 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 01559 fVminFoundEvtsFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01560 (fVmmFoundEvtsFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01561 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 01562 fVminFoundEvtsBut = new TGTextButton(fVminFoundEvtsFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 01563 fVminFoundEvtsBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminFoundEvts()"); 01564 fVminFoundEvtsBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 01565 fLayoutVminFoundEvtsBut = 01566 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01567 fVminFoundEvtsFrame->AddFrame(fVminFoundEvtsBut, fLayoutVminFoundEvtsBut); 01568 fEntryVminFoundEvtsNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; // 060 01569 fVminFoundEvtsText = 01570 new TGTextEntry(fVminFoundEvtsFrame, fEntryVminFoundEvtsNumber); fCnew++; 01571 fVminFoundEvtsText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 01572 fVminFoundEvtsText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminFoundEvtsText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01573 DisplayInEntryField(fVminFoundEvtsText,fKeyVminFoundEvts); 01574 fVminFoundEvtsText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminFoundEvts()"); 01575 fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFieldText = 01576 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01577 fVminFoundEvtsFrame->AddFrame(fVminFoundEvtsText, fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFieldText); 01578 fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFrame = 01579 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01580 fVmmFoundEvtsFrame->AddFrame(fVminFoundEvtsFrame, fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFrame); 01581 01582 //...................................... Frame for text 01583 TString xMenuFoundEvts = " Numbers of events "; 01584 fMenuFoundEvts = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 01585 fMenuFoundEvts->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels",fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalFullC); 01586 fMenuFoundEvts->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels SAME",fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalSameC); 01587 fMenuFoundEvts->AddSeparator(); 01588 fMenuFoundEvts->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection" ,fMenuFoundEvtsProjFullC); 01589 fMenuFoundEvts->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection SAME",fMenuFoundEvtsProjSameC); 01590 fMenuFoundEvts->AddSeparator(); 01591 fMenuFoundEvts->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuFoundEvtsEtaPhiC); 01592 fMenuFoundEvts->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 01593 fMenuBarFoundEvts = new TGMenuBar(fVmmFoundEvtsFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 01594 fMenuBarFoundEvts->AddPopup(xMenuFoundEvts, fMenuFoundEvts, fLayoutGeneral); 01595 fLayoutMenuBarFoundEvts = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01596 fVmmFoundEvtsFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarFoundEvts, fLayoutMenuBarFoundEvts); 01597 fLayoutVmmFoundEvtsFrame = 01598 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01599 fSuMoUpFrame->AddFrame(fVmmFoundEvtsFrame, fLayoutVmmFoundEvtsFrame); 01600 01601 //............................. Ev + Sig Vertical frame 01602 fSuMoHozFrame = 01603 new TGCompositeFrame(fSuMoUpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, 01604 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 01605 01606 //............................... Ev Vertical subframe 01607 fSuMoHozSubEvFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01608 (fSuMoHozFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 01609 01610 //########################################### Composite frame ev of ev (mean pedestals) 01611 fVmmEvEvFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01612 (fSuMoHozSubEvFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; // 070 01613 01614 //...................................... Menu ev of ev 01615 01616 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 01617 fVmaxEvEvFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01618 (fVmmEvEvFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01619 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 01620 fVmaxEvEvBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxEvEvFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; 01621 fVmaxEvEvBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvEv()"); 01622 fVmaxEvEvBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 01623 fLayoutVmaxEvEvBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01624 fVmaxEvEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvEvBut, fLayoutVmaxEvEvBut); 01625 fEntryVmaxEvEvNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01626 fVmaxEvEvText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxEvEvFrame, fEntryVmaxEvEvNumber); fCnew++; 01627 fVmaxEvEvText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 01628 fVmaxEvEvText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxEvEvText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01629 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxEvEvText,fKeyVmaxEvEv); 01630 fVmaxEvEvText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvEv()"); 01631 fLayoutVmaxEvEvFieldText = 01632 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01633 fVmaxEvEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvEvText, fLayoutVmaxEvEvFieldText); 01634 fLayoutVmaxEvEvFrame = 01635 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01636 fVmmEvEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvEvFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvEvFrame); 01637 01638 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 01639 fVminEvEvFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01640 (fVmmEvEvFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01641 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 01642 fVminEvEvBut = new TGTextButton(fVminEvEvFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 01643 fVminEvEvBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvEv()"); 01644 fVminEvEvBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 01645 fLayoutVminEvEvBut = 01646 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; // 080 01647 fVminEvEvFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvEvBut, fLayoutVminEvEvBut); 01648 01649 fEntryVminEvEvNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01650 fVminEvEvText = new TGTextEntry(fVminEvEvFrame, fEntryVminEvEvNumber); fCnew++; 01651 fVminEvEvText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 01652 fVminEvEvText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminEvEvText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01653 DisplayInEntryField(fVminEvEvText,fKeyVminEvEv); 01654 fVminEvEvText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvEv()"); 01655 fLayoutVminEvEvFieldText = 01656 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01657 fVminEvEvFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvEvText, fLayoutVminEvEvFieldText); 01658 fLayoutVminEvEvFrame = 01659 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01660 fVmmEvEvFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvEvFrame, fLayoutVminEvEvFrame); 01661 01662 //...................................... Frame for text 01663 TString xMenuEvEv = " Mean pedestals "; 01664 fMenuEvEv = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 01665 fMenuEvEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels",fMenuEvEvGlobalFullC); 01666 fMenuEvEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels SAME",fMenuEvEvGlobalSameC); 01667 fMenuEvEv->AddSeparator(); 01668 fMenuEvEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection" ,fMenuEvEvProjFullC); 01669 fMenuEvEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection SAME",fMenuEvEvProjSameC); 01670 fMenuEvEv->AddSeparator(); 01671 fMenuEvEv->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuEvEvEtaPhiC); 01672 fMenuEvEv->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 01673 fMenuBarEvEv = new TGMenuBar(fVmmEvEvFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 01674 fMenuBarEvEv->AddPopup(xMenuEvEv, fMenuEvEv, fLayoutGeneral); 01675 fLayoutMenuBarEvEv = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01676 fVmmEvEvFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarEvEv, fLayoutMenuBarEvEv); 01677 01678 fLayoutVmmEvEvFrame = 01679 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01680 fSuMoHozSubEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmmEvEvFrame, fLayoutVmmEvEvFrame); 01681 01682 //########################################### Composite frame ev of sig (noise) 01683 fVmmEvSigFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01684 (fSuMoHozSubEvFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01685 01686 //...................................... Menu ev of sig 01687 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 01688 fVmaxEvSigFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01689 (fVmmEvSigFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; // 090 01690 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 01691 fVmaxEvSigBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxEvSigFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; 01692 fVmaxEvSigBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvSig()"); 01693 fVmaxEvSigBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 01694 fLayoutVmaxEvSigBut = 01695 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01696 fVmaxEvSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvSigBut, fLayoutVmaxEvSigBut); 01697 fEntryVmaxEvSigNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01698 fVmaxEvSigText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxEvSigFrame, fEntryVmaxEvSigNumber); fCnew++; 01699 fVmaxEvSigText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 01700 fVmaxEvSigText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxEvSigText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01701 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxEvSigText,fKeyVmaxEvSig); 01702 fVmaxEvSigText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvSig()"); 01703 fLayoutVmaxEvSigFieldText = 01704 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01705 fVmaxEvSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvSigText, fLayoutVmaxEvSigFieldText); 01706 fLayoutVmaxEvSigFrame = 01707 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01708 fVmmEvSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvSigFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvSigFrame); 01709 01710 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 01711 fVminEvSigFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01712 (fVmmEvSigFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01713 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 01714 fVminEvSigBut = new TGTextButton(fVminEvSigFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 01715 fVminEvSigBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvSig()"); 01716 fVminEvSigBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 01717 fLayoutVminEvSigBut = 01718 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01719 fVminEvSigFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvSigBut, fLayoutVminEvSigBut); 01720 01721 fEntryVminEvSigNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; // 100 01722 fVminEvSigText = new TGTextEntry(fVminEvSigFrame, fEntryVminEvSigNumber); fCnew++; 01723 fVminEvSigText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 01724 fVminEvSigText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminEvSigText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01725 DisplayInEntryField(fVminEvSigText,fKeyVminEvSig); 01726 fVminEvSigText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvSig()"); 01727 fLayoutVminEvSigFieldText = 01728 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01729 fVminEvSigFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvSigText, fLayoutVminEvSigFieldText); 01730 fLayoutVminEvSigFrame = 01731 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01732 fVmmEvSigFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvSigFrame, fLayoutVminEvSigFrame); 01733 01734 //...................................... Frame for text 01735 TString xMenuEvSig = "Mean of sample sigmas"; 01736 fMenuEvSig = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 01737 fMenuEvSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels",fMenuEvSigGlobalFullC); 01738 fMenuEvSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels SAME",fMenuEvSigGlobalSameC); 01739 fMenuEvSig->AddSeparator(); 01740 fMenuEvSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection" ,fMenuEvSigProjFullC); 01741 fMenuEvSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection SAME",fMenuEvSigProjSameC); 01742 fMenuEvSig->AddSeparator(); 01743 fMenuEvSig->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuEvSigEtaPhiC); 01744 fMenuEvSig->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 01745 fMenuBarEvSig = new TGMenuBar(fVmmEvSigFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 01746 fMenuBarEvSig->AddPopup(xMenuEvSig, fMenuEvSig, fLayoutGeneral); 01747 fLayoutMenuBarEvSig = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01748 fVmmEvSigFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarEvSig, fLayoutMenuBarEvSig); 01749 01750 fLayoutVmmEvSigFrame = 01751 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01752 fSuMoHozSubEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmmEvSigFrame, fLayoutVmmEvSigFrame); 01753 01754 //########################################### Composite frame ev of corss 01755 fVmmEvCorssFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01756 (fSuMoHozSubEvFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01757 01758 //...................................... Menu ev of Corss 01759 01760 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 01761 fVmaxEvCorssFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01762 (fVmmEvCorssFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01763 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 01764 fVmaxEvCorssBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxEvCorssFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; // 110 01765 fVmaxEvCorssBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvCorss()"); 01766 fVmaxEvCorssBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 01767 fLayoutVmaxEvCorssBut = 01768 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01769 fVmaxEvCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCorssBut, fLayoutVmaxEvCorssBut); 01770 fEntryVmaxEvCorssNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01771 fVmaxEvCorssText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxEvCorssFrame, fEntryVmaxEvCorssNumber); fCnew++; 01772 fVmaxEvCorssText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 01773 fVmaxEvCorssText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxEvCorssText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01774 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxEvCorssText, fKeyVmaxEvCorss); 01775 fVmaxEvCorssText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvCorss()"); 01776 fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFieldText = 01777 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01778 fVmaxEvCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCorssText, fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFieldText); 01779 fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFrame = 01780 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01781 fVmmEvCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCorssFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFrame); 01782 01783 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 01784 fVminEvCorssFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01785 (fVmmEvCorssFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01786 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 01787 fVminEvCorssBut = new TGTextButton(fVminEvCorssFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 01788 fVminEvCorssBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvCorss()"); 01789 fVminEvCorssBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 01790 fLayoutVminEvCorssBut = 01791 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01792 fVminEvCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCorssBut, fLayoutVminEvCorssBut); 01793 fEntryVminEvCorssNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01794 fVminEvCorssText = new TGTextEntry(fVminEvCorssFrame, fEntryVminEvCorssNumber); fCnew++; // 120 01795 fVminEvCorssText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 01796 fVminEvCorssText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminEvCorssText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01797 DisplayInEntryField(fVminEvCorssText,fKeyVminEvCorss); 01798 fVminEvCorssText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvCorss()"); 01799 fLayoutVminEvCorssFieldText = 01800 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01801 fVminEvCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCorssText, fLayoutVminEvCorssFieldText); 01802 fLayoutVminEvCorssFrame = 01803 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01804 fVmmEvCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCorssFrame, fLayoutVminEvCorssFrame); 01805 01806 //...................................... Frame for text 01807 TString xMenuEvCorss = " Mean of cor(s,s) "; 01808 fMenuEvCorss = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 01809 fMenuEvCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels",fMenuEvCorssGlobalFullC); 01810 fMenuEvCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels SAME",fMenuEvCorssGlobalSameC); 01811 fMenuEvCorss->AddSeparator(); 01812 fMenuEvCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection" ,fMenuEvCorssProjFullC); 01813 fMenuEvCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection SAME",fMenuEvCorssProjSameC); 01814 fMenuEvCorss->AddSeparator(); 01815 fMenuEvCorss->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuEvCorssEtaPhiC); 01816 fMenuEvCorss->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 01817 fMenuBarEvCorss = new TGMenuBar(fVmmEvCorssFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 01818 fMenuBarEvCorss->AddPopup(xMenuEvCorss, fMenuEvCorss, fLayoutGeneral); 01819 fLayoutMenuBarEvCorss = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01820 fVmmEvCorssFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarEvCorss, fLayoutMenuBarEvCorss); 01821 01822 fLayoutVmmEvCorssFrame = 01823 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01824 fSuMoHozSubEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmmEvCorssFrame, fLayoutVmmEvCorssFrame); 01825 01826 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01827 01828 fLayoutSuMoHozSubEvFrame = 01829 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 01830 fSuMoHozFrame->AddFrame(fSuMoHozSubEvFrame, fLayoutSuMoHozSubEvFrame); 01831 01832 //............................... Sig Vertical subframe 01833 fSuMoHozSubSigFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01834 (fSuMoHozFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 01835 01836 //########################################### Composite frame sig of ev 01837 fVmmSigEvFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01838 (fSuMoHozSubSigFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01839 01840 //...................................... Menu sig of ev 01841 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 01842 fVmaxSigEvFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01843 (fVmmSigEvFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; // 130 01844 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 01845 fVmaxSigEvBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxSigEvFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; 01846 fVmaxSigEvBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxSigEv()"); 01847 fVmaxSigEvBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 01848 fLayoutVmaxSigEvBut = 01849 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01850 fVmaxSigEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigEvBut, fLayoutVmaxSigEvBut); 01851 fEntryVmaxSigEvNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01852 fVmaxSigEvText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxSigEvFrame, fEntryVmaxSigEvNumber); fCnew++; 01853 fVmaxSigEvText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 01854 fVmaxSigEvText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxSigEvText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01855 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxSigEvText,fKeyVmaxSigEv); 01856 fVmaxSigEvText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxSigEv()"); 01857 fLayoutVmaxSigEvFieldText = 01858 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01859 fVmaxSigEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigEvText, fLayoutVmaxSigEvFieldText); 01860 fLayoutVmaxSigEvFrame = 01861 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01862 fVmmSigEvFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigEvFrame, fLayoutVmaxSigEvFrame); 01863 01864 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 01865 fVminSigEvFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01866 (fVmmSigEvFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01867 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 01868 fVminSigEvBut = new TGTextButton(fVminSigEvFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 01869 fVminSigEvBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminSigEv()"); 01870 fVminSigEvBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 01871 fLayoutVminSigEvBut = 01872 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01873 fVminSigEvFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigEvBut, fLayoutVminSigEvBut); 01874 fEntryVminSigEvNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; // 140 01875 fVminSigEvText = new TGTextEntry(fVminSigEvFrame, fEntryVminSigEvNumber); fCnew++; 01876 fVminSigEvText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 01877 fVminSigEvText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminSigEvText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01878 DisplayInEntryField(fVminSigEvText,fKeyVminSigEv); 01879 fVminSigEvText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminSigEv()"); 01880 fLayoutVminSigEvFieldText = 01881 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01882 fVminSigEvFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigEvText, fLayoutVminSigEvFieldText); 01883 fLayoutVminSigEvFrame = 01884 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01885 fVmmSigEvFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigEvFrame, fLayoutVminSigEvFrame); 01886 01887 //...................................... Frame for text 01888 TString xMenuSigEv = " Sigma of sample means "; 01889 fMenuSigEv = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 01890 fMenuSigEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels",fMenuSigEvGlobalFullC); 01891 fMenuSigEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels SAME",fMenuSigEvGlobalSameC); 01892 fMenuSigEv->AddSeparator(); 01893 fMenuSigEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection" ,fMenuSigEvProjFullC); 01894 fMenuSigEv->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection SAME",fMenuSigEvProjSameC); 01895 fMenuSigEv->AddSeparator(); 01896 fMenuSigEv->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuSigEvEtaPhiC); 01897 fMenuSigEv->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 01898 fMenuBarSigEv = new TGMenuBar(fVmmSigEvFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 01899 fMenuBarSigEv->AddPopup(xMenuSigEv, fMenuSigEv, fLayoutGeneral); 01900 fLayoutMenuBarSigEv = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01901 fVmmSigEvFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarSigEv, fLayoutMenuBarSigEv); 01902 fLayoutVmmSigEvFrame = 01903 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01904 fSuMoHozSubSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmmSigEvFrame, fLayoutVmmSigEvFrame); 01905 01906 //########################################### Composite frame sig of sig 01907 fVmmSigSigFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01908 (fSuMoHozSubSigFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01909 01910 //...................................... Menu sig of sig 01911 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 01912 fVmaxSigSigFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01913 (fVmmSigSigFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01914 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 01915 fVmaxSigSigBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxSigSigFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; // 150 01916 fVmaxSigSigBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxSigSig()"); 01917 fVmaxSigSigBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 01918 fLayoutVmaxSigSigBut = 01919 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01920 fVmaxSigSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigSigBut, fLayoutVmaxSigSigBut); 01921 fEntryVmaxSigSigNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01922 fVmaxSigSigText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxSigSigFrame, fEntryVmaxSigSigNumber); fCnew++; 01923 fVmaxSigSigText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 01924 fVmaxSigSigText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxSigSigText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01925 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxSigSigText,fKeyVmaxSigSig); 01926 fVmaxSigSigText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxSigSig()"); 01927 fLayoutVmaxSigSigFieldText = 01928 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01929 fVmaxSigSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigSigText, fLayoutVmaxSigSigFieldText); 01930 fLayoutVmaxSigSigFrame = 01931 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01932 fVmmSigSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigSigFrame, fLayoutVmaxSigSigFrame); 01933 01934 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 01935 fVminSigSigFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01936 (fVmmSigSigFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01937 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 01938 fVminSigSigBut = new TGTextButton(fVminSigSigFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 01939 fVminSigSigBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminSigSig()"); 01940 fVminSigSigBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 01941 fLayoutVminSigSigBut = 01942 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01943 fVminSigSigFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigSigBut, fLayoutVminSigSigBut); 01944 fEntryVminSigSigNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01945 fVminSigSigText = new TGTextEntry(fVminSigSigFrame, fEntryVminSigSigNumber); fCnew++; // 160 01946 fVminSigSigText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 01947 fVminSigSigText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminSigSigText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01948 DisplayInEntryField(fVminSigSigText,fKeyVminSigSig); 01949 fVminSigSigText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminSigSig()"); 01950 fLayoutVminSigSigFieldText = 01951 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01952 fVminSigSigFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigSigText, fLayoutVminSigSigFieldText); 01953 fLayoutVminSigSigFrame = 01954 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01955 fVmmSigSigFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigSigFrame, fLayoutVminSigSigFrame); 01956 01957 //...................................... Frame for text 01958 TString xMenuSigSig = " Sigma of sample sigmas "; 01959 fMenuSigSig = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 01960 fMenuSigSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels",fMenuSigSigGlobalFullC); 01961 fMenuSigSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels SAME",fMenuSigSigGlobalSameC); 01962 fMenuSigSig->AddSeparator(); 01963 fMenuSigSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection" ,fMenuSigSigProjFullC); 01964 fMenuSigSig->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection SAME",fMenuSigSigProjSameC); 01965 fMenuSigSig->AddSeparator(); 01966 fMenuSigSig->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuSigSigEtaPhiC); 01967 fMenuSigSig->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 01968 fMenuBarSigSig = new TGMenuBar(fVmmSigSigFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 01969 fMenuBarSigSig->AddPopup(xMenuSigSig, fMenuSigSig, fLayoutGeneral); 01970 fLayoutMenuBarSigSig = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01971 fVmmSigSigFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarSigSig, fLayoutMenuBarSigSig); 01972 01973 fLayoutVmmSigSigFrame = 01974 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 01975 fSuMoHozSubSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmmSigSigFrame, fLayoutVmmSigSigFrame); 01976 01977 01978 //########################################### Composite frame sig of corss 01979 fVmmSigCorssFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01980 (fSuMoHozSubSigFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01981 01982 //...................................... Menu sig of Corss 01983 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 01984 fVmaxSigCorssFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 01985 (fVmmSigCorssFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 01986 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 01987 fVmaxSigCorssBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxSigCorssFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; 01988 fVmaxSigCorssBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxSigCorss()"); 01989 fVmaxSigCorssBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 01990 fLayoutVmaxSigCorssBut = 01991 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; // 170 01992 fVmaxSigCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigCorssBut, fLayoutVmaxSigCorssBut); 01993 fEntryVmaxSigCorssNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 01994 fVmaxSigCorssText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxSigCorssFrame, fEntryVmaxSigCorssNumber); fCnew++; 01995 fVmaxSigCorssText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 01996 fVmaxSigCorssText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxSigCorssText->GetDefaultHeight()); 01997 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxSigCorssText,fKeyVmaxSigCorss); 01998 fVmaxSigCorssText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxSigCorss()"); 01999 fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFieldText = 02000 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02001 fVmaxSigCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigCorssText, fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFieldText); 02002 fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFrame = 02003 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02004 fVmmSigCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxSigCorssFrame, fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFrame); 02005 02006 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 02007 fVminSigCorssFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02008 (fVmmSigCorssFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02009 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 02010 fVminSigCorssBut = new TGTextButton(fVminSigCorssFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 02011 fVminSigCorssBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminSigCorss()"); 02012 fVminSigCorssBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 02013 fLayoutVminSigCorssBut = 02014 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02015 fVminSigCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigCorssBut, fLayoutVminSigCorssBut); 02016 fEntryVminSigCorssNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02017 fVminSigCorssText = new TGTextEntry(fVminSigCorssFrame, fEntryVminSigCorssNumber); fCnew++; 02018 fVminSigCorssText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 02019 fVminSigCorssText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminSigCorssText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02020 DisplayInEntryField(fVminSigCorssText,fKeyVminSigCorss); 02021 fVminSigCorssText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminSigCorss()"); 02022 fLayoutVminSigCorssFieldText = 02023 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02024 fVminSigCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigCorssText, fLayoutVminSigCorssFieldText); 02025 fLayoutVminSigCorssFrame = 02026 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02027 fVmmSigCorssFrame->AddFrame(fVminSigCorssFrame, fLayoutVminSigCorssFrame); 02028 02029 //...................................... Frame for text 02030 TString xMenuSigCorss = " Sigma of cor(s,s) "; 02031 fMenuSigCorss = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02032 fMenuSigCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels",fMenuSigCorssGlobalFullC); 02033 fMenuSigCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo SM channels SAME",fMenuSigCorssGlobalSameC); 02034 fMenuSigCorss->AddSeparator(); 02035 fMenuSigCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection" ,fMenuSigCorssProjFullC); 02036 fMenuSigCorss->AddEntry("1D, Histo Projection SAME",fMenuSigCorssProjSameC); 02037 fMenuSigCorss->AddSeparator(); 02038 fMenuSigCorss->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuSigCorssEtaPhiC); 02039 fMenuSigCorss->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02040 fMenuBarSigCorss = new TGMenuBar(fVmmSigCorssFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02041 fMenuBarSigCorss->AddPopup(xMenuSigCorss, fMenuSigCorss, fLayoutGeneral); 02042 fLayoutMenuBarSigCorss = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02043 fVmmSigCorssFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarSigCorss, fLayoutMenuBarSigCorss); 02044 02045 fLayoutVmmSigCorssFrame = 02046 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; // 185 02047 fSuMoHozSubSigFrame->AddFrame(fVmmSigCorssFrame, fLayoutVmmSigCorssFrame); 02048 02049 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02050 02051 fLayoutSuMoHozSubSigFrame = 02052 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02053 fSuMoHozFrame->AddFrame(fSuMoHozSubSigFrame, fLayoutSuMoHozSubSigFrame); 02054 02055 //######################################################################################################" 02056 02057 //------------------------------------------- subframe 02058 fLayoutSuMoHozFrame = 02059 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02060 fSuMoUpFrame->AddFrame(fSuMoHozFrame, fLayoutSuMoHozFrame); 02061 02062 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02063 02064 //########################################### Composite frame corcc in towers 02065 fVmmEvCovttFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02066 (fSuMoUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02067 02068 //...................................... Menu covariances between towers 02069 02070 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 02071 fVmaxEvCovttFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02072 (fVmmEvCovttFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02073 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 02074 fVmaxEvCovttBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxEvCovttFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; 02075 fVmaxEvCovttBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvCovtt()"); 02076 fVmaxEvCovttBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 02077 fLayoutVmaxEvCovttBut = 02078 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02079 fVmaxEvCovttFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCovttBut, fLayoutVmaxEvCovttBut); 02080 fEntryVmaxEvCovttNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02081 fVmaxEvCovttText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxEvCovttFrame, fEntryVmaxEvCovttNumber); fCnew++; 02082 fVmaxEvCovttText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 02083 fVmaxEvCovttText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxEvCovttText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02084 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxEvCovttText, fKeyVmaxEvCovtt); 02085 fVmaxEvCovttText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvCovtt()"); 02086 02087 fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFieldText = 02088 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02089 fVmaxEvCovttFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCovttText, fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFieldText); 02090 fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFrame = 02091 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02092 fVmmEvCovttFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCovttFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFrame); 02093 02094 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 02095 fVminEvCovttFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02096 (fVmmEvCovttFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02097 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 02098 fVminEvCovttBut = new TGTextButton(fVminEvCovttFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 02099 fVminEvCovttBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvCovtt()"); 02100 fVminEvCovttBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 02101 fLayoutVminEvCovttBut = 02102 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02103 fVminEvCovttFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCovttBut, fLayoutVminEvCovttBut); 02104 fEntryVminEvCovttNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02105 fVminEvCovttText = new TGTextEntry(fVminEvCovttFrame, fEntryVminEvCovttNumber); fCnew++; // 200 02106 fVminEvCovttText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 02107 fVminEvCovttText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminEvCovttText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02108 DisplayInEntryField(fVminEvCovttText,fKeyVminEvCovtt); 02109 fVminEvCovttText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvCovtt()"); 02110 fLayoutVminEvCovttFieldText = 02111 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02112 fVminEvCovttFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCovttText, fLayoutVminEvCovttFieldText); 02113 fLayoutVminEvCovttFrame = 02114 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02115 fVmmEvCovttFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCovttFrame, fLayoutVminEvCovttFrame); 02116 02117 //........................................... Frame for text 02118 TString xMenuCovtt = "Cor(c,c) in towers (SM view)"; 02119 fMenuCovtt = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02120 fMenuCovtt->AddEntry("2D, (eta,phi) view SM ",fMenuCovttColzC); 02121 fMenuCovtt->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02122 fMenuBarCovtt = new TGMenuBar(fVmmEvCovttFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02123 fMenuBarCovtt->AddPopup(xMenuCovtt, fMenuCovtt, fLayoutGeneral); 02124 fLayoutMenuBarCovtt = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02125 fVmmEvCovttFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCovtt, fLayoutMenuBarCovtt); 02126 fLayoutVmmEvCovttFrame = 02127 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02128 fSuMoUpFrame->AddFrame(fVmmEvCovttFrame, fLayoutVmmEvCovttFrame); 02129 02130 //########################################### Composite frame ev of cortt 02131 fVmmEvCorttFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02132 (fSuMoUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02133 02134 //...................................... Menu correlations between towers 02135 //...................................... Frame for Ymax 02136 fVmaxEvCorttFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02137 (fVmmEvCorttFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02138 //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 02139 fVmaxEvCorttBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxEvCorttFrame, xYmaxButText); fCnew++; 02140 fVmaxEvCorttBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvCortt()"); 02141 fVmaxEvCorttBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity"); 02142 fLayoutVmaxEvCorttBut = 02143 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; // 210 02144 fVmaxEvCorttFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCorttBut, fLayoutVmaxEvCorttBut); 02145 fEntryVmaxEvCorttNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02146 fVmaxEvCorttText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxEvCorttFrame, fEntryVmaxEvCorttNumber); fCnew++; 02147 fVmaxEvCorttText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax"); 02148 fVmaxEvCorttText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVmaxEvCorttText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02149 DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxEvCorttText, fKeyVmaxEvCortt); 02150 fVmaxEvCorttText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVmaxEvCortt()"); 02151 02152 fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFieldText = 02153 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02154 fVmaxEvCorttFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCorttText, fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFieldText); 02155 fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFrame = 02156 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02157 fVmmEvCorttFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxEvCorttFrame, fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFrame); 02158 02159 //...................................... Frame for Ymin 02160 fVminEvCorttFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02161 (fVmmEvCorttFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02162 //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 02163 fVminEvCorttBut = new TGTextButton(fVminEvCorttFrame, xYminButText); fCnew++; 02164 fVminEvCorttBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvCortt()"); 02165 fVminEvCorttBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity"); 02166 fLayoutVminEvCorttBut = 02167 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02168 fVminEvCorttFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCorttBut, fLayoutVminEvCorttBut); 02169 fEntryVminEvCorttNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02170 fVminEvCorttText = new TGTextEntry(fVminEvCorttFrame, fEntryVminEvCorttNumber); fCnew++; 02171 fVminEvCorttText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin"); 02172 fVminEvCorttText->Resize(nb_of_evts_buf_lenght, fVminEvCorttText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02173 DisplayInEntryField(fVminEvCorttText,fKeyVminEvCortt); 02174 fVminEvCorttText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonVminEvCortt()"); 02175 fLayoutVminEvCorttFieldText = 02176 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; // 220 02177 fVminEvCorttFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCorttText, fLayoutVminEvCorttFieldText); 02178 fLayoutVminEvCorttFrame = 02179 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02180 fVmmEvCorttFrame->AddFrame(fVminEvCorttFrame, fLayoutVminEvCorttFrame); 02181 02182 //...................................... Frame for text 02183 TString xMenuCortt = " Correlations between towers"; 02184 fMenuCortt = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02185 fMenuCortt->AddEntry("2D, COLZ ",fMenuCorttColzC); 02186 fMenuCortt->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z" ,fMenuCorttLegoC); 02187 fMenuCortt->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02188 fMenuBarCortt = new TGMenuBar(fVmmEvCorttFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02189 fMenuBarCortt->AddPopup(xMenuCortt, fMenuCortt, fLayoutGeneral); 02190 fLayoutMenuBarCortt = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02191 fVmmEvCorttFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCortt, fLayoutMenuBarCortt); 02192 fLayoutVmmEvCorttFrame = 02193 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02194 fSuMoUpFrame->AddFrame(fVmmEvCorttFrame, fLayoutVmmEvCorttFrame); 02195 02196 02197 //=============================================== "SuMo" frame =============================================== 02198 fLayoutSuMoUpFrame = 02199 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02200 AddFrame(fSuMoUpFrame, fLayoutSuMoUpFrame); 02201 02202 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02203 02204 //======================================= Tower X & Tower Y FRAME ========================= 02205 fTowSpFrame = 02206 new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame, 02207 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 02208 02209 TString xTowXButText = " Tower X number-> "; 02210 TString xTowYButText = " Tower Y number-> "; 02211 02212 Int_t tower_buf_lenght = 65; 02213 02214 //============================= TOWER X ===================================== 02215 fTxSubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02216 (fTowSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 02217 02218 fTowXFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02219 (fTxSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02220 02221 fTowXBut = new TGTextButton(fTowXFrame, xTowXButText, fTowXButC); fCnew++; // 230 02222 fTowXBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonTowX()"); 02223 fTowXBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the tower X number written on the right"); 02224 fTowXBut->Resize(tower_buf_lenght, fTowXBut->GetDefaultHeight()); 02225 fLayoutTowXBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02226 fTowXFrame->AddFrame(fTowXBut, fLayoutTowXBut); 02227 02228 fEntryTowXNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02229 fTowXText = new TGTextEntry(fTowXFrame, fEntryTowXNumber); fCnew++; 02230 fTowXText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the Tower number"); 02231 fTowXText->Resize(tower_buf_lenght, fTowXText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02232 DisplayInEntryField(fTowXText,fKeyTowXNumber); 02233 fTowXText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB",this, "DoButtonTowX()"); 02234 fLayoutTowXField = 02235 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++; 02236 fTowXFrame->AddFrame(fTowXText, fLayoutTowXField); 02237 02238 fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fTowXFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02239 02240 //========================== TOWER X CRYSTAL NUMBERING VIEW 02241 TString xChNbButText = " Tower X Crystal Numbering "; 02242 fButChNb = new TGTextButton(fTxSubFrame, xChNbButText, fButChNbC); fCnew++; 02243 fButChNb->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonChNb()"); 02244 fLayoutChNbBut = 02245 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02246 fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fButChNb, fLayoutChNbBut); 02247 02248 //---------------- menus relative to the Tower X subframe 02249 02250 //===================== Menus relative to the tower X ====================== 02251 02252 TString xMenuBarCorGlob = " Cor(s,s) in crystals (Tower X view)"; 02253 TString xMenuBarCovGlob = " Cov(s,s) in crystals (Tower X view)"; 02254 02255 //................. Menu correlations between samples for all the channels. Global view 02256 02257 fMenuCorssAll = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02258 fMenuCorssAll->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCorssAllColzC); 02259 fMenuCorssAll->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02260 fMenuBarCorssAll = new TGMenuBar(fTxSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02261 fMenuBarCorssAll->AddPopup(xMenuBarCorGlob, fMenuCorssAll, fLayoutGeneral); 02262 fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCorssAll, fLayoutTopLeft); 02263 02264 //................. Menu covariances between samples for all the channels. Global view 02265 02266 fMenuCovssAll = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02267 fMenuCovssAll->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCovssAllColzC); 02268 fMenuCovssAll->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02269 fMenuBarCovssAll = new TGMenuBar(fTxSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; // 240 02270 fMenuBarCovssAll->AddPopup(xMenuBarCovGlob, fMenuCovssAll, fLayoutGeneral); 02271 fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCovssAll, fLayoutTopLeft); 02272 02273 //------------------ Add Tower X frame to the surframe 02274 fLayoutTxSubFrame = 02275 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02276 fTowSpFrame->AddFrame(fTxSubFrame, fLayoutTxSubFrame); 02277 02278 //============================= TOWER Y ===================================== 02279 02280 fTySubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02281 (fTowSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 02282 02283 fTowYFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02284 (fTySubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02285 02286 fTowYBut = 02287 new TGTextButton(fTowYFrame, xTowYButText, fTowYButC); fCnew++; 02288 fTowYBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonTowY()"); 02289 fTowYBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the tower Y number written on the right"); 02290 fTowYBut->Resize(tower_buf_lenght, fTowYBut->GetDefaultHeight()); 02291 fLayoutTowYBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02292 fTowYFrame->AddFrame(fTowYBut, fLayoutTowYBut); 02293 02294 fEntryTowYNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02295 fTowYText = new TGTextEntry(fTowYFrame, fEntryTowYNumber); fCnew++; 02296 fTowYText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the Tower number"); 02297 fTowYText->Resize(tower_buf_lenght, fTowYText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02298 DisplayInEntryField(fTowYText,fKeyTowYNumber); 02299 fTowYText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB",this, "DoButtonTowY()"); 02300 fLayoutTowYField = 02301 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++; 02302 fTowYFrame->AddFrame(fTowYText, fLayoutTowYField); 02303 02304 fTySubFrame->AddFrame(fTowYFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02305 02306 //---------------- menus relative to the Tower Y subframe 02307 02308 // (no such menus ) 02309 02310 //------------------ Add Tower Y subframe to the frame 02311 fLayoutTySubFrame = new TGLayoutHints 02312 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02313 02314 fTowSpFrame->AddFrame(fTySubFrame, fLayoutTySubFrame); 02315 02316 //---------------------- composite frame (tower X, tower Y) 02317 fLayoutTowSpFrame = new TGLayoutHints 02318 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; // 250 02319 02320 AddFrame(fTowSpFrame, fLayoutTowSpFrame); 02321 02322 //------------------ menus relatives to the Horizontal frame (Tower_X + Tower_Y) 02323 02324 TString xMenuBarCorcc = " Cor(Crystal Tower X, Crystal Tower Y). Mean over samples"; 02325 TString xMenuBarCovcc = " Cov(Crystal Tower X, Crystal Tower Y). Mean over samples"; 02326 02327 //...................... Menu correlations between channels 02328 02329 fMenuCorcc = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02330 fMenuCorcc->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCorccColzC); 02331 fMenuCorcc->AddSeparator(); 02332 fMenuCorcc->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuCorccLegoC); 02333 fMenuCorcc->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02334 fMenuBarCorcc = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02335 fMenuBarCorcc->AddPopup(xMenuBarCorcc, fMenuCorcc, fLayoutTopRight); 02336 AddFrame(fMenuBarCorcc, fLayoutGeneral); 02337 02338 //...................... Menu covariances between channels 02339 02340 fMenuCovcc = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02341 fMenuCovcc->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCovccColzC); 02342 fMenuCovcc->AddSeparator(); 02343 fMenuCovcc->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuCovccLegoC); 02344 fMenuCovcc->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this,"HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02345 fMenuBarCovcc = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02346 fMenuBarCovcc->AddPopup(xMenuBarCovcc, fMenuCovcc, fLayoutTopRight); 02347 AddFrame(fMenuBarCovcc, fLayoutGeneral); 02348 02349 //=================================== CHANNEL & SAMPLE FRAME ============== 02350 02351 fChSpFrame = 02352 new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame, 02353 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 02354 02355 TString xChanButText = " Tower X Channel number-> "; 02356 TString xSampButText = " Sample number-> "; 02357 02358 Int_t chan_buf_lenght = 50; 02359 Int_t samp_buf_lenght = 50; 02360 02361 TString xMenuBarCorss = " Correlations between samples"; 02362 TString xMenuBarCovss = " Covariances between samples"; 02363 TString xMenuBarEvs = " Expectation values of the samples"; 02364 TString xMenuBarSigs = " Sigmas of the samples"; 02365 02366 //=================================== CHANNEL (CRYSTAL) 02367 fChSubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02368 (fChSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 02369 02370 fChanFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02371 (fChSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02372 02373 fChanBut = 02374 new TGTextButton(fChanFrame, xChanButText, fChanButC); fCnew++; 02375 fChanBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonChan()"); 02376 fChanBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the crystal number written to the right"); 02377 fChanBut->Resize(chan_buf_lenght, fChanBut->GetDefaultHeight()); 02378 fLayoutChanBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02379 fChanFrame->AddFrame(fChanBut, fLayoutChanBut); 02380 02381 fEntryChanNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; // 260 02382 fChanText = new TGTextEntry(fChanFrame, fEntryChanNumber); fCnew++; 02383 fChanText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the crystal number"); 02384 fChanText->Resize(chan_buf_lenght, fChanText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02385 DisplayInEntryField(fChanText,fKeyChanNumber); 02386 fChanText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB",this, "DoButtonChan()"); 02387 fLayoutChanField = 02388 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++; 02389 fChanFrame->AddFrame(fChanText, fLayoutChanField); 02390 02391 fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fChanFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02392 02393 //--------------------- Menus relative to the channel SubFrame ------------- 02394 //...................... Menu correlations between samples 02395 02396 fMenuCorss = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02397 fMenuCorss->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCorssColzC); 02398 fMenuCorss->AddSeparator(); 02399 fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuCorssLegoC); 02400 fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, SURF1Z",fMenuCorssSurf1C); 02401 fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, SURF4",fMenuCorssSurf4C); 02402 fMenuCorss->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02403 fMenuBarCorss = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02404 fMenuBarCorss->AddPopup(xMenuBarCorss, fMenuCorss, fLayoutTopLeft); 02405 fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCorss, fLayoutTopLeft); 02406 02407 //...................... Menu covariances between samples 02408 02409 fMenuCovss = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02410 fMenuCovss->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCovssColzC); 02411 fMenuCovss->AddSeparator(); 02412 fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuCovssLegoC); 02413 fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, SURF1Z",fMenuCovssSurf1C); 02414 fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, SURF4",fMenuCovssSurf4C); 02415 fMenuCovss->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02416 fMenuBarCovss = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02417 fMenuBarCovss->AddPopup(xMenuBarCovss, fMenuCovss, fLayoutTopLeft); 02418 fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCovss, fLayoutTopLeft); 02419 02420 //...................... Menu expectation values of the samples 02421 02422 fMenuEv = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02423 fMenuEv->AddEntry("1D, HISTO ",fMenuEvLineFullC); 02424 fMenuEv->AddEntry("1D, HISTO SAME",fMenuEvLineSameC); 02425 fMenuEv->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02426 fMenuBarEv = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02427 fMenuBarEv->AddPopup(xMenuBarEvs, fMenuEv, fLayoutTopLeft); 02428 fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarEv, fLayoutTopLeft); 02429 02430 //...................... Menu sigmas/variances of the samples 02431 02432 fMenuVar = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02433 fMenuVar->AddEntry("1D, HISTO ",fMenuVarLineFullC); 02434 fMenuVar->AddEntry("1D, HISTO SAME",fMenuVarLineSameC); 02435 fMenuVar->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02436 fMenuBarVar = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; // 270 02437 fMenuBarVar->AddPopup(xMenuBarSigs, fMenuVar, fLayoutTopLeft); 02438 fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarVar, fLayoutTopLeft); 02439 02440 //------------------ Add Channel subframe to the frame 02441 fLayoutChSubFrame = new TGLayoutHints 02442 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02443 fChSpFrame->AddFrame(fChSubFrame, fLayoutChSubFrame); 02444 02445 //=================================== SAMPLE 02446 fSpSubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02447 (fChSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++; 02448 02449 fSampFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 02450 (fSpSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02451 02452 fSampBut = new TGTextButton(fSampFrame, xSampButText, fSampButC); fCnew++; 02453 fSampBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonSamp()"); 02454 fSampBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the sample number written to the right"); 02455 fSampBut->Resize(samp_buf_lenght, fSampBut->GetDefaultHeight()); 02456 fLayoutSampBut = 02457 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02458 fSampFrame->AddFrame(fSampBut, fLayoutSampBut); 02459 02460 fEntrySampNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02461 fSampText = new TGTextEntry(fSampFrame, fEntrySampNumber); fCnew++; 02462 fSampText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the sample number"); 02463 fSampText->Resize(samp_buf_lenght, fSampText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02464 DisplayInEntryField(fSampText,fKeySampNumber); 02465 fSampText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB",this, "DoButtonSamp()"); 02466 fLayoutSampField = 02467 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++; 02468 fSampFrame->AddFrame(fSampText, fLayoutSampField); 02469 02470 fSpSubFrame->AddFrame(fSampFrame,fLayoutGeneral); 02471 02472 fLayoutSpSubFrame = new TGLayoutHints 02473 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02474 fChSpFrame->AddFrame(fSpSubFrame, fLayoutSpSubFrame); 02475 02476 //---------------------- composite frame (channel/sample+menus) 02477 02478 fLayoutChSpFrame = new TGLayoutHints 02479 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; // 280 02480 AddFrame(fChSpFrame, fLayoutChSpFrame); 02481 02482 02483 //====================== Menu histogram of the distribution 02484 // for a given (channel, sample) 02485 02486 fMenuEvts = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02487 fMenuEvts->AddEntry("1D, HISTO",fMenuEvtsLineLinyFullC); 02488 fMenuEvts->AddEntry("1D, HISTO SAME",fMenuEvtsLineLinySameC); 02489 fMenuEvts->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, 02490 "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02491 02492 fMenuBarEvts = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02493 fMenuBarEvts->AddPopup("Event distribution for (Tower X Crystal, Sample)", 02494 fMenuEvts, fLayoutGeneral); 02495 02496 fLayoutMenuBarEvts = 02497 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02498 AddFrame(fMenuBarEvts, fLayoutMenuBarEvts); 02499 02500 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02501 02502 //======================================== RUN LIST FOR HISTORY EVOLUTION 02503 TString xRunListButText = " File name for TIME EVOLUTION plots -> "; 02504 TString xMenuBarEvol = " TIME EVOLUTION menu"; 02505 Int_t run_list_buf_lenght = 160; 02506 02507 fRulFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02508 02509 fRulBut= new TGTextButton(fRulFrame, xRunListButText); fCnew++; 02510 fRulBut->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonRul()"); 02511 fRulBut->SetToolTipText 02512 ("Click here to register the name of the file containing the run list (written on the right)"); 02513 fLayoutRulBut = 02514 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02515 fRulFrame->AddFrame(fRulBut, fLayoutRulBut); 02516 02517 fEntryRulNumber = new TGTextBuffer(); fCnew++; 02518 fRulText = new TGTextEntry(fRulFrame, fEntryRulNumber); fCnew++; 02519 fRulText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the name of the file containing the run list"); 02520 fRulText->Resize(run_list_buf_lenght, fRulText->GetDefaultHeight()); 02521 fRulText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonRul()"); 02522 fLayoutRulFieldText = 02523 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; 02524 fRulFrame->AddFrame(fRulText, fLayoutRulFieldText); 02525 02526 fLayoutRulFieldFrame = 02527 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++; // 290 02528 AddFrame(fRulFrame, fLayoutRulFieldFrame); 02529 02530 //...................... Menu evolution in time 02531 02532 fMenuEvol = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++; 02533 fMenuEvol->AddSeparator(); 02534 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Mean Pedestals ",fMenuEvolEvEvPolmFullC); 02535 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Mean Pedestals SAME",fMenuEvolEvEvPolmSameC); 02536 fMenuEvol->AddSeparator(); 02537 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Mean of Sigmas ",fMenuEvolEvSigPolmFullC); 02538 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Mean of Sigmas SAME",fMenuEvolEvSigPolmSameC); 02539 fMenuEvol->AddSeparator(); 02540 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Mean of cor(s,s) ",fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmFullC); 02541 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Mean of cor(s,s) SAME",fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmSameC); 02542 fMenuEvol->AddSeparator(); 02543 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Pedestal a.f.o. evt number ",fMenuEvolSampLineFullC); 02544 fMenuEvol->AddEntry("1D, Pedestal a.f.o. evt number SAME",fMenuEvolSampLineSameC); 02545 02546 fMenuEvol->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TCnaDialogEB", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)"); 02547 fMenuBarEvol = new TGMenuBar(this , 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++; 02548 fMenuBarEvol->AddPopup(xMenuBarEvol, fMenuEvol, fLayoutTopLeft); 02549 AddFrame(fMenuBarEvol, fLayoutTopLeft); 02550 02551 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02552 02553 //======================== Last Buttons ================================== 02554 02555 //========================== LinLog frame: buttons: LinX, LinY, LogX, LogY 02556 02557 fLinLogFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; 02558 02559 //-------------------------- Lin X <-> Log X 02560 TString xLogxButText = " LOG X "; 02561 fButLogx = new TGCheckButton(fLinLogFrame, xLogxButText, fButLogxC); fCnew++; 02562 fButLogx->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonLogx()"); 02563 fLayoutLogxBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02564 fLinLogFrame->AddFrame(fButLogx, fLayoutLogxBut); 02565 //-------------------------- Lin Y <-> Log Y 02566 TString xLogyButText = " LOG Y "; 02567 fButLogy = new TGCheckButton(fLinLogFrame, xLogyButText, fButLogyC); fCnew++; 02568 fButLogy->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonLogy()"); 02569 fLayoutLogyBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02570 fLinLogFrame->AddFrame(fButLogy, fLayoutLogyBut); 02571 02572 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutBottRight); 02573 AddFrame(fLinLogFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02574 02575 //========================== EXIT 02576 TString xExitButText = " Exit "; 02577 fButExit = new TGTextButton(this, xExitButText, fButExitC); fCnew++; 02578 fButExit->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonExit()"); 02579 //fButExit->SetCommand(".q"); 02580 fLayoutExitBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02581 AddFrame(fButExit, fLayoutExitBut); 02582 02583 //========================== Last frame: buttons: ROOT version, Help 02584 02585 fLastFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++; // 300 02586 02587 //-------------------------- ROOT version 02588 TString xRootButText = " ROOT Version "; 02589 fButRoot = new TGTextButton(fLastFrame, xRootButText, fButRootC); fCnew++; 02590 fButRoot->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonRoot()"); 02591 fLayoutRootBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; 02592 fLastFrame->AddFrame(fButRoot, fLayoutRootBut); 02593 02594 //-------------------------- HELP 02595 TString xHelpButText = " Help "; 02596 fButHelp = new TGTextButton(fLastFrame, xHelpButText, fButHelpC); fCnew++; 02597 fButHelp->Connect("Clicked()","TCnaDialogEB", this, "DoButtonHelp()"); 02598 fLayoutHelpBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++; // 304 02599 fLastFrame->AddFrame(fButHelp, fLayoutHelpBut); 02600 02601 AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutBottRight); 02602 AddFrame(fLastFrame, fLayoutGeneral); 02603 02604 //................................. Window 02605 02606 MapSubwindows(); 02607 Layout(); 02608 02609 SetWindowName("Correlated Noises Analysis (CNA) , ECAL Barrel"); 02610 SetIconName("CNA"); 02611 MapWindow(); 02612 02613 // cout << "TCnaDialogEB> Leaving constructor with arguments:" << endl; 02614 // cout << " fCnew = " << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << endl; 02615 02616 } // end of constructor with arguments
virtual TCnaDialogEB::~TCnaDialogEB | ( | ) | [virtual] |
void TCnaDialogEB::DisplayInEntryField | ( | TGTextEntry * | StringOfField, | |
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4353 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
04354 { 04355 StringOfField->Insert(value); 04356 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DisplayInEntryField | ( | TGTextEntry * | StringOfField, | |
Double_t & | value | |||
) |
void TCnaDialogEB::DisplayInEntryField | ( | TGTextEntry * | StringOfField, | |
Int_t & | value | |||
) |
Definition at line 4338 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References fCdelete, and fCnew.
Referenced by TCnaDialogEB().
04339 { 04340 char* f_in = new char[20]; fCnew++; 04341 sprintf( f_in, "%d", value ); 04342 StringOfField->Insert(f_in); 04343 delete [] f_in; fCdelete++; 04344 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonAna | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2630 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fAnaText, fCnaCommand, and fKeyAnaType.
02631 { 02632 //Registration of the type of the analysis 02633 02634 char* bufferchain; 02635 bufferchain = (char*)fAnaText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02636 02637 fKeyAnaType = bufferchain; 02638 02639 fCnaCommand++; 02640 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02641 << "]> Registration of analysis name ---> " 02642 << fKeyAnaType << endl; 02643 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonChan | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3058 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fChanText, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnew, fKeyChanNumber, fTTBELL, and TEBParameters::MaxCrysInTow().
03059 { 03060 //Registration of the channel number 03061 03062 char* bufferchain; 03063 bufferchain = (char*)fChanText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03064 fKeyChanNumber = atoi(bufferchain); 03065 03066 fCnaCommand++; 03067 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03068 << "]> Registration of channel number ---> " 03069 << fKeyChanNumber << endl; 03070 03071 TEBParameters* MyEcalParameters = new TEBParameters(); fCnew++; 03072 03073 if ( (fKeyChanNumber < 0) || (fKeyChanNumber > MyEcalParameters->MaxCrysInTow()-1 ) ) 03074 { 03075 fCnaError++; 03076 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> " 03077 << " Channel number in tower = " << fKeyChanNumber 03078 << ": out of range ( range = [ 0 ," << MyEcalParameters->MaxCrysInTow()-1 << " ] )" 03079 << fTTBELL << endl; 03080 } 03081 delete MyEcalParameters; fCdelete++; 03082 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonChNb | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3138 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References fKeyTowXNumber, and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
03139 { 03140 // fCnaCommand++; 03141 // cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03142 // << "]> Channel numbering global view for tower number " 03143 // << fKeyTowXNumber << endl; 03144 03145 ViewTowerCrystalNumbering(fKeyTowXNumber); 03146 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonExit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3434 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fButExit, and fCnaCommand.
03435 { 03436 fCnaCommand++; 03437 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03438 << "]> Exit CNA session." 03439 << endl; 03440 //............................ Quit the ROOT session 03441 fButExit->SetCommand(".q"); 03442 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonFev | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2678 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fFevText, fKeyFirstEvt, and fTTBELL.
02679 { 02680 //Registration of the first event number 02681 02682 char* bufferchain; 02683 bufferchain = (char*)fFevText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02684 fKeyFirstEvt = atoi(bufferchain); 02685 02686 if ( fKeyFirstEvt < 0) 02687 { 02688 fCnaError++; 02689 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *WARNING* ===> " 02690 << " First event number = " << fKeyFirstEvt 02691 << ": negative. " << endl 02692 << " Will be forced to zero." 02693 << fTTBELL << endl; 02694 } 02695 02696 fCnaCommand++; 02697 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02698 << "]> Registration of first taken event number -> " 02699 << fKeyFirstEvt << endl; 02700 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonHelp | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3425 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), and fCnaCommand.
03426 { 03427 fCnaCommand++; 03428 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03429 << "]> YOU NEED HELP. Please, have a look at the web page -> " 03430 << "https://www.cern.ch/cms-fabbro/cna" 03431 << endl; 03432 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonLogx | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3352 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyScaleX, and fMemoScaleX.
03353 { 03354 if( fMemoScaleX == "LOG") {fKeyScaleX = "LIN";} 03355 if( fMemoScaleX == "LIN") {fKeyScaleX = "LOG";} 03356 fMemoScaleX = fKeyScaleX; 03357 03358 fCnaCommand++; 03359 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03360 << "]> Set X axis on " << fKeyScaleX << " scale " << endl; 03361 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonLogy | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3362 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyScaleY, and fMemoScaleY.
03363 { 03364 if( fMemoScaleY == "LOG" ) {fKeyScaleY = "LIN";} 03365 if( fMemoScaleY == "LIN" ) {fKeyScaleY = "LOG";} 03366 fMemoScaleY = fKeyScaleY; 03367 03368 fCnaCommand++; 03369 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03370 << "]> Set Y axis on " << fKeyScaleY << " scale " << endl; 03371 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonNoe | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2702 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyNbOfEvts, fNoeText, and fTTBELL.
02703 { 02704 //Registration of the number of events 02705 02706 char* bufferchain; 02707 bufferchain = (char*)fNoeText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02708 fKeyNbOfEvts = atoi(bufferchain); 02709 02710 if ( fKeyNbOfEvts <= 0) 02711 { 02712 fCnaError++; 02713 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *WARNING* ===> " 02714 << " Number of events = " << fKeyNbOfEvts 02715 << ": null or negative." << endl 02716 << " Will be forced to the number of entries " 02717 << fTTBELL << endl; 02718 } 02719 02720 fCnaCommand++; 02721 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02722 << "]> Registration of number of taken events -> " 02723 << fKeyNbOfEvts << endl; 02724 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonRoot | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3376 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaCommand, fFcout_f, fKeyRunNumberTString, and fKeySuMoNumberTString.
03377 { 03378 fCnaCommand++; 03379 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03380 << "]> This is ROOT version " << gROOT->GetVersion() 03381 << endl; 03382 03383 #define JBAT 03384 #ifndef JBAT 03385 03386 //====================== prepa commande de soumission de job en batch 03387 //...... fabrication du script 03388 03389 TString submit_script_name = "b"; 03390 Text_t *t_run_number = (Text_t *)fKeyRunNumberTString.Data(); 03391 submit_script_name.Append(t_run_number); 03392 submit_script_name.Append('_'); 03393 Text_t *t_SM_number = (Text_t *)fKeySuMoNumberTString.Data(); 03394 submit_script_name.Append(t_SM_number); 03395 03396 cout << "TCnaDialogEB> CONTROLE 1. Open file " << submit_script_name.Data() << endl; 03397 03398 TString s_path_name = gSystem->Getenv("HOME"); 03399 TString s_cmssw_version = "/cmssw/ECALTBH4_0_4_0_pre1"; 03400 03401 fFcout_f.open(submit_script_name); 03402 fFcout_f << "cd " << s_path_name.Data() << s_cmssw_version.Data() << endl 03403 << "eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`" << endl 03404 << "cd " << fCfgResultsRootFilePath.Data() << endl 03405 << "cmsRun " << s_path_name.Data() << s_cmssw_version.Data() << "/src/CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/data/EcalPedestalRun"<< fKeyRunNumberTString << ".cfg" << endl; 03406 03407 //...... envoi de la commande 03408 fCnaCommand++; 03409 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03410 << "]> Submit job from script cna001 " 03411 << endl; 03412 03413 //system("qsub -q 1nh bsubmit"); 03414 //Int_t i_exec = gSystem->Exec("qsub -q 1nh cna001"); 03415 //cout << "TCnaDialogEB> CONTROLE 1. i_exec = " << i_exec << endl; 03416 03417 fFcout_f.close(); 03418 cout << "TCnaDialogEB> CONTROLE 2. Close file " << submit_script_name.Data() << endl; 03419 03420 #endif // JBAT 03421 03422 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonRul | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3176 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyFileNameRunList, fRulText, and fTTBELL.
03177 { 03178 //Register the name of the file containing the list of run parameters 03179 03180 //........................... get info from the entry field 03181 char* listchain = (char*)fRulText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03182 char tchiffr[10] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; 03183 03184 //............. test of the first character (figure => run number, letter => file name) 03185 if( listchain[0] == tchiffr [0] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [1] || 03186 listchain[0] == tchiffr [2] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [3] || 03187 listchain[0] == tchiffr [4] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [5] || 03188 listchain[0] == tchiffr [6] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [7] || 03189 listchain[0] == tchiffr [8] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [9] ) 03190 { 03191 fCnaError++; 03192 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *ERROR* ===> " 03193 << " Please, enter a file name." 03194 << fTTBELL << endl; 03195 } 03196 else 03197 { 03198 fKeyFileNameRunList = listchain; 03199 03200 fCnaCommand++; 03201 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03202 << "]> Registration of file name for list of run parameters -------> " 03203 << fKeyFileNameRunList.Data() << endl; 03204 } 03205 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonRun | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2646 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyRunNumberTString, fRunText, and fTTBELL.
02647 { 02648 //Register run number or name of the file containing the list of run parameters 02649 02650 //........................... get info from the entry field 02651 char* runchain = (char*)fRunText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02652 char tchiffr[10] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; 02653 02654 //............. test of the first character (figure => run number, letter => file name) 02655 if( runchain[0] == tchiffr [0] || runchain[0] == tchiffr [1] || 02656 runchain[0] == tchiffr [2] || runchain[0] == tchiffr [3] || 02657 runchain[0] == tchiffr [4] || runchain[0] == tchiffr [5] || 02658 runchain[0] == tchiffr [6] || runchain[0] == tchiffr [7] || 02659 runchain[0] == tchiffr [8] || runchain[0] == tchiffr [9] ) 02660 { 02661 fKeyRunNumberTString = (TString)runchain; 02662 fKeyRunNumber = atoi(runchain); 02663 fCnaCommand++; 02664 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02665 << "]> Registration of run number -------> " 02666 << fKeyRunNumber << endl; 02667 } 02668 else 02669 { 02670 fCnaError++; 02671 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *ERROR* ===> " 02672 << " Please, enter a number." 02673 << fTTBELL << endl; 02674 } 02675 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonSamp | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3084 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnew, fKeySampNumber, fSampText, fTTBELL, and TEBParameters::MaxSampADC().
03085 { 03086 //Registration of the sample number 03087 03088 char* bufferchain; 03089 bufferchain = (char*)fSampText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03090 fKeySampNumber = atoi(bufferchain); 03091 03092 fCnaCommand++; 03093 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03094 << "]> Registration of sample number ----> " 03095 << fKeySampNumber << endl; 03096 03097 TEBParameters* MyEcalParameters = new TEBParameters(); fCnew++; 03098 03099 if ( (fKeySampNumber < 0) || (fKeySampNumber > MyEcalParameters->MaxSampADC()-1 ) ) 03100 { 03101 fCnaError++; 03102 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> " 03103 << " Sample number = " << fKeySampNumber 03104 << ": out of range ( range = [ 0 ," << MyEcalParameters->MaxSampADC()-1 << " ] )" 03105 << fTTBELL << endl; 03106 } 03107 03108 delete MyEcalParameters; fCdelete++; 03109 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonSMNb | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3047 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References ViewSMTowerNumbering().
03048 { 03049 // fCnaCommand++; 03050 // cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03051 // << "]> Tower numbering global view for SuperModule number " 03052 // << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03053 03054 ViewSMTowerNumbering(); 03055 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonSuMo | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2727 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnew, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeySuMoNumberTString, fSuMoText, fTTBELL, and TEBParameters::MaxSMInBarrel().
02728 { 02729 //Registration of the Super-Module number 02730 02731 char* bufferchain; 02732 bufferchain = (char*)fSuMoText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02733 fKeySuMoNumberTString = (TString)bufferchain; 02734 fKeySuMoNumber = atoi(bufferchain); 02735 02736 fCnaCommand++; 02737 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02738 << "]> Registration of Super-Module number -> " 02739 << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 02740 02741 TEBParameters* MyEcalParameters = new TEBParameters(); fCnew++; 02742 02743 if ( (fKeySuMoNumber < 1) || (fKeySuMoNumber > MyEcalParameters->MaxSMInBarrel() ) ) 02744 { 02745 fCnaError++; 02746 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> " 02747 << " SuperModule number = " << fKeySuMoNumber 02748 << ": out of range ( range = [ 1 ," << MyEcalParameters->MaxSMInBarrel() << " ] )" 02749 << fTTBELL << endl; 02750 } 02751 02752 delete MyEcalParameters; fCdelete++; 02753 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonTowX | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3111 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnew, fKeyTowXNumber, fTowXText, fTTBELL, and TEBParameters::MaxTowInSM().
03112 { 03113 //Registration of the tower X number 03114 03115 char* bufferchain; 03116 bufferchain = (char*)fTowXText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03117 fKeyTowXNumber = atoi(bufferchain); 03118 fCnaCommand++; 03119 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03120 << "]> Registration of tower X number ---> " 03121 << fKeyTowXNumber << endl; 03122 03123 TEBParameters* MyEcalParameters = new TEBParameters(); fCnew++; 03124 03125 if ( (fKeyTowXNumber < 1) || (fKeyTowXNumber > MyEcalParameters->MaxTowInSM() ) ) 03126 { 03127 fCnaError++; 03128 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> " 03129 << " Tower number = " << fKeyTowXNumber 03130 << ": out of range ( range = [ 1 ," << MyEcalParameters->MaxTowInSM() << " ] ) " 03131 << fTTBELL << endl; 03132 } 03133 03134 delete MyEcalParameters; fCdelete++; 03135 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonTowY | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3149 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnew, fKeyTowYNumber, fTowYText, fTTBELL, and TEBParameters::MaxTowInSM().
03150 { 03151 //Registration of the tower Y number 03152 03153 char* bufferchain; 03154 bufferchain = (char*)fTowYText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03155 fKeyTowYNumber = atoi(bufferchain); 03156 fCnaCommand++; 03157 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03158 << "]> Registration of tower Y number ---> " 03159 << fKeyTowYNumber << endl; 03160 03161 TEBParameters* MyEcalParameters = new TEBParameters(); fCnew++; 03162 03163 if ( (fKeyTowYNumber < 1) || (fKeyTowYNumber > MyEcalParameters->MaxTowInSM() ) ) 03164 { 03165 fCnaError++; 03166 cout << " !CNA (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> " 03167 << " Tower number = " << fKeyTowYNumber 03168 << ": out of range ( range = [ 1 ," << MyEcalParameters->MaxTowInSM() << " ] )" 03169 << fTTBELL << endl; 03170 } 03171 03172 delete MyEcalParameters; fCdelete++; 03173 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxEvCorss | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2868 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, and fVmaxEvCorssText.
02869 { 02870 //Registration of Ymax for mean of cor(s,s) 02871 02872 char* bufferchain; 02873 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxEvCorssText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02874 02875 fKeyVmaxEvCorss = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02876 02877 fCnaCommand++; 02878 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02879 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of mean of cor(s,s) -> " 02880 << fKeyVmaxEvCorss << endl; 02881 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxEvCortt | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2997 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxEvCortt, and fVmaxEvCorttText.
02998 { 02999 //Registration of Ymax for cor(t,t) 03000 03001 char* bufferchain; 03002 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxEvCorttText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03003 03004 fKeyVmaxEvCortt = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 03005 03006 fCnaCommand++; 03007 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03008 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of cor(t,t) -> " 03009 << fKeyVmaxEvCortt << endl; 03010 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxEvCovtt | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3030 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxEvCovtt, and fVmaxEvCovttText.
03031 { 03032 //Registration of Ymax for cor(c,c) in towers 03033 03034 char* bufferchain; 03035 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxEvCovttText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03036 03037 fKeyVmaxEvCovtt = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 03038 03039 fCnaCommand++; 03040 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03041 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of cor(c,c) in towers -> " 03042 << fKeyVmaxEvCovtt << endl; 03043 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxEvEv | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2804 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxEvEv, and fVmaxEvEvText.
02805 { 02806 //Registration of Ymax for mean pedestals 02807 02808 char* bufferchain; 02809 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxEvEvText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02810 02811 fKeyVmaxEvEv = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02812 02813 fCnaCommand++; 02814 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02815 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of mean pedestals -> " 02816 << fKeyVmaxEvEv << endl; 02817 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxEvSig | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2836 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxEvSig, and fVmaxEvSigText.
02837 { 02838 //Registration of Ymax for mean of sample sigmas (noise) 02839 02840 char* bufferchain; 02841 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxEvSigText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02842 02843 fKeyVmaxEvSig = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02844 02845 fCnaCommand++; 02846 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02847 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of mean of sample sigmas (noise) -> " 02848 << fKeyVmaxEvSig << endl; 02849 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxFoundEvts | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2772 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxFoundEvts, and fVmaxFoundEvtsText.
02773 { 02774 //Registration of Ymax for number of found events 02775 02776 char* bufferchain; 02777 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxFoundEvtsText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02778 02779 fKeyVmaxFoundEvts = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02780 02781 fCnaCommand++; 02782 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02783 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of number of found events -> " 02784 << fKeyVmaxFoundEvts << endl; 02785 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxSigCorss | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2965 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxSigCorss, and fVmaxSigCorssText.
02966 { 02967 //Registration of Ymax for sigmas of cor(s,s) 02968 02969 char* bufferchain; 02970 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxSigCorssText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02971 02972 fKeyVmaxSigCorss = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02973 02974 fCnaCommand++; 02975 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02976 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of sigmas of cor(s,s) -> " 02977 << fKeyVmaxSigCorss << endl; 02978 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxSigEv | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2901 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxSigEv, and fVmaxSigEvText.
02902 { 02903 //Registration of Ymax for sigmas of sample means 02904 02905 char* bufferchain; 02906 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxSigEvText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02907 02908 fKeyVmaxSigEv = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02909 02910 fCnaCommand++; 02911 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02912 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of sigmas of sample means -> " 02913 << fKeyVmaxSigEv << endl; 02914 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVmaxSigSig | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2933 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxSigSig, and fVmaxSigSigText.
02934 { 02935 //Registration of Ymax for sigmas of sample sigmas 02936 02937 char* bufferchain; 02938 bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxSigSigText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02939 02940 fKeyVmaxSigSig = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02941 02942 fCnaCommand++; 02943 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02944 << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot of sigmas of sample sigmas -> " 02945 << fKeyVmaxSigSig << endl; 02946 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminEvCorss | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2852 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminEvCorss, and fVminEvCorssText.
02853 { 02854 //Registration of Ymin for mean of cor(s,s) 02855 02856 char* bufferchain; 02857 bufferchain = (char*)fVminEvCorssText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02858 02859 fKeyVminEvCorss = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02860 02861 fCnaCommand++; 02862 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02863 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of mean of cor(s,s) -> " 02864 << fKeyVminEvCorss << endl; 02865 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminEvCortt | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2981 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminEvCortt, and fVminEvCorttText.
02982 { 02983 //Registration of Ymin for cor(t,t) 02984 02985 char* bufferchain; 02986 bufferchain = (char*)fVminEvCorttText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02987 02988 fKeyVminEvCortt = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02989 02990 fCnaCommand++; 02991 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02992 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of cor(t,t) -> " 02993 << fKeyVminEvCortt << endl; 02994 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminEvCovtt | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3014 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminEvCovtt, and fVminEvCovttText.
03015 { 03016 //Registration of Ymin for cor(c,c) in towers 03017 03018 char* bufferchain; 03019 bufferchain = (char*)fVminEvCovttText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 03020 03021 fKeyVminEvCovtt = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 03022 03023 fCnaCommand++; 03024 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03025 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of cor(c,c) in towers -> " 03026 << fKeyVminEvCovtt << endl; 03027 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminEvEv | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2788 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminEvEv, and fVminEvEvText.
02789 { 02790 //Registration of Ymin for mean pedestals 02791 02792 char* bufferchain; 02793 bufferchain = (char*)fVminEvEvText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02794 02795 fKeyVminEvEv = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02796 02797 fCnaCommand++; 02798 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02799 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of mean pedestals -> " 02800 << fKeyVminEvEv << endl; 02801 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminEvSig | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2820 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminEvSig, and fVminEvSigText.
02821 { 02822 //Registration of Ymin for mean of sample sigmas (noise) 02823 02824 char* bufferchain; 02825 bufferchain = (char*)fVminEvSigText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02826 02827 fKeyVminEvSig = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02828 02829 fCnaCommand++; 02830 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02831 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of mean of sample sigmas (noise) -> " 02832 << fKeyVminEvSig << endl; 02833 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminFoundEvts | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2756 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminFoundEvts, and fVminFoundEvtsText.
02757 { 02758 //Registration of Ymin for number of found events 02759 02760 char* bufferchain; 02761 bufferchain = (char*)fVminFoundEvtsText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02762 02763 fKeyVminFoundEvts = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02764 02765 fCnaCommand++; 02766 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02767 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of number of found events -> " 02768 << fKeyVminFoundEvts << endl; 02769 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminSigCorss | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2949 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminSigCorss, and fVminSigCorssText.
02950 { 02951 //Registration of Ymin for sigmas of cor(s,s) 02952 02953 char* bufferchain; 02954 bufferchain = (char*)fVminSigCorssText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02955 02956 fKeyVminSigCorss = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02957 02958 fCnaCommand++; 02959 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02960 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of sigmas of cor(s,s) -> " 02961 << fKeyVminSigCorss << endl; 02962 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminSigEv | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2885 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminSigEv, and fVminSigEvText.
02886 { 02887 //Registration of Ymin for sigmas of sample means 02888 02889 char* bufferchain; 02890 bufferchain = (char*)fVminSigEvText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02891 02892 fKeyVminSigEv = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02893 02894 fCnaCommand++; 02895 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02896 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of sigmas of sample means -> " 02897 << fKeyVminSigEv << endl; 02898 }
void TCnaDialogEB::DoButtonVminSigSig | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2917 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fKeyVminSigSig, and fVminSigSigText.
02918 { 02919 //Registration of Ymin for sigmas of sample sigmas 02920 02921 char* bufferchain; 02922 bufferchain = (char*)fVminSigSigText->GetBuffer()->GetString(); 02923 02924 fKeyVminSigSig = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain); 02925 02926 fCnaCommand++; 02927 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 02928 << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot of sigmas of sample sigmas -> " 02929 << fKeyVminSigSig << endl; 02930 }
void TCnaDialogEB::GetPathForListOfRunFiles | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 4449 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCfgListOfRunsFilePath, fCnaError, fFcin_lor, fFileForListOfRunFilePath, fgMaxCar, and fTTBELL.
04450 { 04451 // Init fCfgListOfRunsFilePath and get it from the file named argFileName 04452 // argFileName = complete name of the file (/afs/cern.ch/...) 04453 // if string is empty, file name = "cna_results_root.cfg" and file located in $HOME user's directory (default) 04454 04455 Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 04456 fCfgListOfRunsFilePath.Resize(MaxCar); 04457 fCfgListOfRunsFilePath = "?"; 04458 04459 //..... put the name of the ascii file (containing the paths for CNA treatements) 04460 // in the string cFileNameForCnaPaths and in class attribute fFileForListOfRunFilePath 04461 04462 if ( argFileName == "" ) 04463 { 04464 string cFileNameForCnaPaths = "cna_stability.cfg"; // config file name 04465 TString s_file_name = cFileNameForCnaPaths.c_str(); 04466 Text_t *t_file_name = (Text_t *)s_file_name.Data(); 04467 04468 TString s_path_name = gSystem->Getenv("HOME"); // get user's home directory path 04469 04470 fFileForListOfRunFilePath = s_path_name; 04471 fFileForListOfRunFilePath.Append('/'); 04472 fFileForListOfRunFilePath.Append(t_file_name); 04473 } 04474 else 04475 { 04476 fFileForListOfRunFilePath = argFileName.Data(); 04477 } 04478 04479 //........ Reading of the paths in the file named fFileForListOfRunFilePath.Data() 04480 // 04481 04482 fFcin_lor.open(fFileForListOfRunFilePath.Data()); 04483 if(fFcin_lor.fail() == kFALSE) 04484 { 04485 fFcin_lor.clear(); 04486 string xListOfRunsP; 04487 fFcin_lor >> xListOfRunsP; 04488 fCfgListOfRunsFilePath = xListOfRunsP.c_str(); 04489 04490 //fCnaCommand++; 04491 //cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04492 // << "]> Automatic registration of cna paths -> " << endl 04493 // << " List-of-runs files: " << fCfgListOfRunsFilePath.Data() << endl; 04494 fFcin_lor.close(); 04495 } 04496 else 04497 { 04498 fFcin_lor.clear(); 04499 fCnaError++; 04500 cout << fTTBELL << endl 04501 << " ***************************************************************************** " << endl; 04502 cout << " !CNA(TCnaViewEB) (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** " << endl << endl 04503 << " " 04504 << fFileForListOfRunFilePath.Data() << " : file not found. " << endl 04505 << " " 04506 << " Please create this file in your HOME directory and then restart." 04507 << endl << endl 04508 << " " 04509 << " The file " << fFileForListOfRunFilePath.Data() 04510 << " is a configuration file for the CNA and" 04511 << " must contain one line with the following syntax:" << endl << endl 04512 << " " 04513 << " path of the list-of-runs files for time evolution plots ($HOME/etc...) " << endl 04514 << " " 04515 << " (without slash at the end of line)" << endl 04516 << endl << endl 04517 << " " 04518 << " EXAMPLE:" << endl << endl 04519 << " " 04520 << " $HOME/scratch0/cna/list_runs_time_evol" << endl << endl 04521 << " ***************************************************************************** " 04522 << fTTBELL << endl; 04523 04524 fFcin_lor.close(); 04525 } 04526 }
void TCnaDialogEB::GetPathForListOfRunFiles | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4365 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
Referenced by TCnaDialogEB().
04366 { 04367 GetPathForListOfRunFiles(""); 04368 }
void TCnaDialogEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 4370 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaError, fFcin_rr, fFileForResultsRootFilePath, fgMaxCar, and fTTBELL.
04371 { 04372 // Init fCfgResultsRootFilePath and get it from the file named argFileName 04373 // argFileName = complete name of the file (/afs/cern.ch/...) 04374 // if string is empty, file name = "cna_results_root.cfg" and file located in $HOME user's directory (default) 04375 04376 04377 Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 04378 fCfgResultsRootFilePath.Resize(MaxCar); 04379 fCfgResultsRootFilePath = "?"; 04380 04381 //..... put the name of the ascii file (containing the paths for CNA treatements) 04382 // in the string cFileNameForCnaPaths and in class attribute fFileForResultsRootFilePath 04383 04384 if ( argFileName == "" ) 04385 { 04386 string cFileNameForCnaPaths = "cna_results_root.cfg"; // config file name 04387 TString s_file_name = cFileNameForCnaPaths.c_str(); 04388 Text_t *t_file_name = (Text_t *)s_file_name.Data(); 04389 04390 TString s_path_name = gSystem->Getenv("HOME"); // get user's home directory path 04391 04392 fFileForResultsRootFilePath = s_path_name; 04393 fFileForResultsRootFilePath.Append('/'); 04394 fFileForResultsRootFilePath.Append(t_file_name); 04395 } 04396 else 04397 { 04398 fFileForResultsRootFilePath = argFileName.Data(); 04399 } 04400 04401 //........ Reading of the paths in the file named fFileForResultsRootFilePath.Data() 04402 // 04403 04404 fFcin_rr.open(fFileForResultsRootFilePath.Data()); 04405 if(fFcin_rr.fail() == kFALSE) 04406 { 04407 fFcin_rr.clear(); 04408 string xResultsFileP; 04409 fFcin_rr >> xResultsFileP; 04410 fCfgResultsRootFilePath = xResultsFileP.c_str(); 04411 04412 //fCnaCommand++; 04413 //cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04414 // << "]> Automatic registration of cna paths -> " << endl 04415 // << " Results files : " << fCfgResultsRootFilePath.Data() << endl; 04416 fFcin_rr.close(); 04417 } 04418 else 04419 { 04420 fFcin_rr.clear(); 04421 fCnaError++; 04422 cout << fTTBELL << endl 04423 << " ***************************************************************************** " << endl; 04424 cout << " !CNA(TCnaDialogEB) (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** " << endl << endl 04425 << " " 04426 << fFileForResultsRootFilePath.Data() << ": file not found. " << endl 04427 << " " 04428 << endl << endl 04429 << " " 04430 << " The file " << fFileForResultsRootFilePath.Data() 04431 << " is a configuration file for the CNA and" 04432 << " must contain one line with the following syntax:" << endl << endl 04433 << " " 04434 << " path of the results .root files ($HOME/etc...) " << endl 04435 << " " 04436 << " (without slash at the end of line)" << endl 04437 << endl << endl 04438 << " " 04439 << " EXAMPLE:" << endl << endl 04440 << " " 04441 << " $HOME/scratch0/cna/results_files" << endl << endl 04442 << " ***************************************************************************** " 04443 << fTTBELL << endl; 04444 04445 fFcin_rr.close(); 04446 } 04447 }
void TCnaDialogEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4360 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
Referenced by TCnaDialogEB().
04361 { 04362 GetPathForResultsRootFiles(""); 04363 }
void TCnaDialogEB::HandleMenu | ( | Int_t | id | ) |
Definition at line 3212 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References fKeyChanNumber, fKeyFileNameRunList, fKeySampNumber, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyTowYNumber, fMenuCorccColzC, fMenuCorccLegoC, fMenuCorssAllColzC, fMenuCorssColzC, fMenuCorssLegoC, fMenuCorssSurf1C, fMenuCorssSurf4C, fMenuCorttColzC, fMenuCorttLegoC, fMenuCovccColzC, fMenuCovccLegoC, fMenuCovssAllColzC, fMenuCovssColzC, fMenuCovssLegoC, fMenuCovssSurf1C, fMenuCovssSurf4C, fMenuCovttColzC, fMenuEvCorssEtaPhiC, fMenuEvCorssGlobalFullC, fMenuEvCorssGlobalSameC, fMenuEvCorssProjFullC, fMenuEvCorssProjSameC, fMenuEvEvEtaPhiC, fMenuEvEvGlobalFullC, fMenuEvEvGlobalSameC, fMenuEvEvProjFullC, fMenuEvEvProjSameC, fMenuEvLineFullC, fMenuEvLineSameC, fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmFullC, fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmSameC, fMenuEvolEvEvPolmFullC, fMenuEvolEvEvPolmSameC, fMenuEvolEvSigPolmFullC, fMenuEvolEvSigPolmSameC, fMenuEvolSampLineFullC, fMenuEvolSampLineSameC, fMenuEvSigEtaPhiC, fMenuEvSigGlobalFullC, fMenuEvSigGlobalSameC, fMenuEvSigProjFullC, fMenuEvSigProjSameC, fMenuEvtsLineLinyFullC, fMenuEvtsLineLinySameC, fMenuFoundEvtsEtaPhiC, fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalFullC, fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalSameC, fMenuFoundEvtsProjFullC, fMenuFoundEvtsProjSameC, fMenuSigCorssEtaPhiC, fMenuSigCorssGlobalFullC, fMenuSigCorssGlobalSameC, fMenuSigCorssProjFullC, fMenuSigCorssProjSameC, fMenuSigEvEtaPhiC, fMenuSigEvGlobalFullC, fMenuSigEvGlobalSameC, fMenuSigEvProjFullC, fMenuSigEvProjSameC, fMenuSigSigEtaPhiC, fMenuSigSigGlobalFullC, fMenuSigSigGlobalSameC, fMenuSigSigProjFullC, fMenuSigSigProjSameC, fMenuVarLineFullC, fMenuVarLineSameC, fOptPlotFull, fOptPlotSame, ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), and ViewTowerCovarianceSamples().
03213 { 03214 //HandleMenu 03215 03216 //.................... Found events in the Super-Module 03217 if( id == fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);} 03218 if( id == fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);} 03219 if( id == fMenuFoundEvtsProjFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(fOptPlotFull);} 03220 if( id == fMenuFoundEvtsProjSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(fOptPlotSame);} 03221 03222 //.................... Ev of Ev in the Super-Module 03223 if( id == fMenuEvEvGlobalFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);} 03224 if( id == fMenuEvEvGlobalSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);} 03225 if( id == fMenuEvEvProjFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(fOptPlotFull);} 03226 if( id == fMenuEvEvProjSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(fOptPlotSame);} 03227 03228 //.................... Ev of Sig in the Super-Module 03229 if( id == fMenuEvSigGlobalFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);} 03230 if( id == fMenuEvSigGlobalSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);} 03231 if( id == fMenuEvSigProjFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(fOptPlotFull);} 03232 if( id == fMenuEvSigProjSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(fOptPlotSame);} 03233 03234 //.................... Ev of Corss in the Super-Module 03235 if( id == fMenuEvCorssGlobalFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);} 03236 if( id == fMenuEvCorssGlobalSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);} 03237 if( id == fMenuEvCorssProjFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotFull);} 03238 if( id == fMenuEvCorssProjSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotSame);} 03239 03240 //.................... Sig of Ev in the Super-Module 03241 if( id == fMenuSigEvGlobalFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);} 03242 if( id == fMenuSigEvGlobalSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);} 03243 if( id == fMenuSigEvProjFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(fOptPlotFull);} 03244 if( id == fMenuSigEvProjSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(fOptPlotSame);} 03245 03246 //.................... Sig of Sig in the Super-Module 03247 if( id == fMenuSigSigGlobalFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);} 03248 if( id == fMenuSigSigGlobalSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);} 03249 if( id == fMenuSigSigProjFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(fOptPlotFull);} 03250 if( id == fMenuSigSigProjSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(fOptPlotSame);} 03251 03252 //.................... Sig of Corss in the Super-Module 03253 if( id == fMenuSigCorssGlobalFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);} 03254 if( id == fMenuSigCorssGlobalSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);} 03255 if( id == fMenuSigCorssProjFullC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotFull);} 03256 if( id == fMenuSigCorssProjSameC ){ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotSame);} 03257 03258 //....................... (eta,phi) super-module viewing 03259 if( id == fMenuFoundEvtsEtaPhiC){ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents();} 03260 if( id == fMenuEvEvEtaPhiC ){ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals();} 03261 if( id == fMenuEvSigEtaPhiC ){ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas();} 03262 if( id == fMenuEvCorssEtaPhiC ){ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss();} 03263 if( id == fMenuSigEvEtaPhiC ){ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals();} 03264 if( id == fMenuSigSigEtaPhiC ){ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas();} 03265 if( id == fMenuSigCorssEtaPhiC ){ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss();} 03266 03267 //............................... Correlations and covariances between towers 03268 if( id == fMenuCorttColzC ){ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers("COLZ");} 03269 if( id == fMenuCorttLegoC ){ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers("LEGO2Z");} 03270 03271 if( id == fMenuCovttColzC ){ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples();} // noms a reprendre Covtt-> Corcc ? 03272 //if( id == fMenuCovttColzC ){ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers("COLZ");} 03273 //if( id == fMenuCovttLegoC ){ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers("LEGO2Z");} 03274 03275 //............................... Correlations and covariances between channels 03276 if( id == fMenuCorccColzC ){ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyTowYNumber, "COLZ");} 03277 if( id == fMenuCorccLegoC ){ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyTowYNumber, "LEGO2Z");} 03278 03279 if( id == fMenuCovccColzC ){ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyTowYNumber, "COLZ");} 03280 if( id == fMenuCovccLegoC ){ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyTowYNumber, "LEGO2Z");} 03281 03282 //.................................... Correlations and covariances between samples 03283 03284 if( id == fMenuCorssColzC ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "COLZ");} 03285 if( id == fMenuCorssLegoC ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "LEGO2Z");} 03286 if( id == fMenuCorssSurf1C ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF1Z");} 03287 if( id == fMenuCorssSurf4C ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF4");} 03288 03289 if( id == fMenuCovssColzC ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "COLZ");} 03290 if( id == fMenuCovssLegoC ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "LEGO2Z");} 03291 if( id == fMenuCovssSurf1C ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF1Z");} 03292 if( id == fMenuCovssSurf4C ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF4");} 03293 03294 //.................... Correlations and covariances between samples for all channels of a tower 03295 if( id == fMenuCorssAllColzC ){ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(fKeyTowXNumber);} 03296 if( id == fMenuCovssAllColzC ){ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(fKeyTowXNumber);} 03297 03298 //..................................... Expectation values of the samples (mean pedestals) 03299 if( id == fMenuEvLineFullC ) 03300 {ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);} 03301 if( id == fMenuEvLineSameC ) 03302 {ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);} 03303 03304 //..................................... Sigmas of the samples 03305 if( id == fMenuVarLineFullC ) 03306 {ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);} 03307 if( id == fMenuVarLineSameC ) 03308 {ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);} 03309 03310 //..................................... Evolution in time (ViewHistime, except EvolSamp -> Viewhisto) 03311 03312 if( id == fMenuEvolEvEvPolmFullC ) 03313 {TString run_par_file_name = fKeyFileNameRunList.Data(); 03314 ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(run_par_file_name, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);} 03315 if( id == fMenuEvolEvEvPolmSameC ) 03316 {TString run_par_file_name = fKeyFileNameRunList.Data(); 03317 ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(run_par_file_name, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);} 03318 03319 if( id == fMenuEvolEvSigPolmFullC ) 03320 {TString run_par_file_name = fKeyFileNameRunList.Data(); 03321 ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(run_par_file_name, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);} 03322 if( id == fMenuEvolEvSigPolmSameC ) 03323 {TString run_par_file_name = fKeyFileNameRunList.Data(); 03324 ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(run_par_file_name, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);} 03325 03326 if( id == fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmFullC ) 03327 {TString run_par_file_name = fKeyFileNameRunList.Data(); 03328 ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(run_par_file_name, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);} 03329 if( id == fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmSameC ) 03330 {TString run_par_file_name = fKeyFileNameRunList.Data(); 03331 ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(run_par_file_name, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);} 03332 03333 if( id == fMenuEvolSampLineFullC ) 03334 {ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);} 03335 if( id == fMenuEvolSampLineSameC ) 03336 {ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);} 03337 03338 //..................................... Event distribution 03339 if( id == fMenuEvtsLineLinyFullC ) 03340 {ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fKeySampNumber, fOptPlotFull);} 03341 if( id == fMenuEvtsLineLinySameC ) 03342 {ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyChanNumber, fKeySampNumber, fOptPlotSame);} 03343 }
void TCnaDialogEB::InitKeys | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4280 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References fgMaxCar, fKeyAnaType, fKeyChanNumber, fKeyFileNameRunList, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySampNumber, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyTowXNumber, fKeyTowYNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVmaxEvCortt, fKeyVmaxEvCovtt, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVmaxFoundEvts, fKeyVmaxSigCorss, fKeyVmaxSigEv, fKeyVmaxSigSig, fKeyVminEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCortt, fKeyVminEvCovtt, fKeyVminEvEv, fKeyVminEvSig, fKeyVminFoundEvts, fKeyVminSigCorss, fKeyVminSigEv, and fKeyVminSigSig.
Referenced by TCnaDialogEB().
04281 { 04282 //.....Input widgets for: run, channel, sample, 04283 // number of events, first event number 04284 04285 fKeyAnaType = "CnP"; 04286 Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 04287 fKeyFileNameRunList.Resize(MaxCar); 04288 fKeyFileNameRunList = "(no file name run list info)"; 04289 fKeyRunNumber = 0; 04290 04291 fKeyNbOfEvts = 150; 04292 04293 fKeyFirstEvt = 0; 04294 fKeySuMoNumber = 1; 04295 04296 fKeyChanNumber = 0; 04297 fKeySampNumber = 0; 04298 fKeyTowXNumber = 1; 04299 fKeyTowYNumber = 1; 04300 04301 MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 04302 fKeyScaleX.Resize(MaxCar); 04303 fKeyScaleX = "LIN"; 04304 MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 04305 fKeyScaleY.Resize(MaxCar); 04306 fKeyScaleY = "LIN"; 04307 04308 //.... ymin and ymax values => values which are displayed on the dialog box 04309 04310 fKeyVminFoundEvts = (Double_t)0.; 04311 fKeyVmaxFoundEvts = (Double_t)250.; 04312 04313 fKeyVminEvEv = (Double_t)150.; 04314 fKeyVmaxEvEv = (Double_t)250.; 04315 04316 fKeyVminEvSig = (Double_t)0.; 04317 fKeyVmaxEvSig = (Double_t)1.5; 04318 04319 fKeyVminEvCorss = (Double_t)(-1.); 04320 fKeyVmaxEvCorss = (Double_t)1.; 04321 04322 fKeyVminSigEv = (Double_t)0.; 04323 fKeyVmaxSigEv = (Double_t)0.5; 04324 04325 fKeyVminSigSig = (Double_t)0.; 04326 fKeyVmaxSigSig = (Double_t)0.1; 04327 04328 fKeyVminSigCorss = (Double_t)0.; 04329 fKeyVmaxSigCorss = (Double_t)0.2; 04330 04331 fKeyVminEvCortt = (Double_t)(-1.); 04332 fKeyVmaxEvCortt = (Double_t)1.; 04333 04334 fKeyVminEvCovtt = (Double_t)(-1.); 04335 fKeyVmaxEvCovtt = (Double_t)1.; 04336 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss | ( | const | TString, | |
const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |||
const Int_t & | towEcha, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4253 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyScaleY, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCorss, fView, TCnaViewEB::HistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04256 { 04257 // Plot the 2D (1D-like) histogram of Mean Corss evolution for a given towEcha 04258 04259 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04260 04261 fCnaCommand++; 04262 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04263 << "]> Mean corss evolution" 04264 << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name 04265 << ", tower: " << SMtower_X << ", towEcha: " << towEcha 04266 << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04267 04268 fView->PutYmin("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVminEvCorss); 04269 fView->PutYmax("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvCorss); 04270 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04271 fView->HistimeCrystalMeanCorss(run_par_file_name, SMtower_X, towEcha, first_same_plot); 04272 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals | ( | const | TString, | |
const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |||
const Int_t & | towEcha, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4211 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyScaleY, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVminEvEv, fView, TCnaViewEB::HistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04214 { 04215 // Plot the 2D (1D-like) histogram of Mean Pedestals evolution for a given towEcha 04216 04217 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04218 04219 fCnaCommand++; 04220 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04221 << "]> Mean pedestals evolution" 04222 << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name 04223 << ", tower: " << SMtower_X << ", towEcha: " << towEcha 04224 << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04225 04226 fView->PutYmin("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVminEvEv); 04227 fView->PutYmax("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvEv); 04228 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04229 fView->HistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(run_par_file_name, SMtower_X, towEcha, first_same_plot); 04230 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas | ( | const | TString, | |
const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |||
const Int_t & | towEcha, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4232 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyScaleY, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVminEvSig, fView, TCnaViewEB::HistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04235 { 04236 // Plot the 2D (1D-like) histogram of Mean Sigmas evolution for a given towEcha 04237 04238 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04239 04240 fCnaCommand++; 04241 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04242 << "]> Mean sigmas evolution" 04243 << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name 04244 << ", tower: " << SMtower_X << ", towEcha: " << towEcha 04245 << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04246 04247 fView->PutYmin("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVminEvSig); 04248 fView->PutYmax("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvSig); 04249 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04250 fView->HistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(run_par_file_name, SMtower_X, towEcha, first_same_plot); 04251 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | crystal, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4117 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVminEvEv, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04119 { 04120 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of the sample ADC for a crystal 04121 04122 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04123 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04124 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04125 04126 fCnaCommand++; 04127 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04128 << "]> Expectation values of the samples" 04129 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04130 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04131 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", Tower: " << SMtower_X << ", crystal" << crystal 04132 << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04133 04134 fView->PutYmin("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVminEvEv); 04135 fView->PutYmax("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvEv); 04136 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04137 fView->HistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(SMtower_X, crystal, first_same_plot); 04138 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | crystal, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4186 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVminEvEv, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04188 { 04189 // Plot the 1D histogram of the pedestals as a function of the event number for a crystal 04190 04191 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04192 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04193 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04194 04195 fCnaCommand++; 04196 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04197 << "]> Pedestals as a function of the event number" 04198 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04199 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04200 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", Tower: " << SMtower_X << ", crystal" << crystal 04201 << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04202 04203 fView->PutYmin("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVminEvEv); 04204 fView->PutYmax("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvEv); 04205 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04206 fView->HistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(SMtower_X, crystal, first_same_plot); 04207 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | crystal, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4140 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVminEvSig, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04142 { 04143 // Plot the 1D histogram of the sigmas of the sample ADC for a crystal 04144 04145 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04146 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04147 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04148 04149 fCnaCommand++; 04150 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04151 << "]> Sigmas of the samples" 04152 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04153 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04154 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", Tower: " << SMtower_X << ", crystal" << crystal 04155 << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04156 04157 fView->PutYmin("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVminEvSig); 04158 fView->PutYmax("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvSig); 04159 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04160 fView->HistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(SMtower_X, crystal, first_same_plot); 04161 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | crystal, | |||
const Int_t & | sample, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4163 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSampleEventDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04165 { 04166 // Plot the 1D histogram of the ADC event distribution for a sample 04167 04168 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04169 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04170 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04171 04172 fCnaCommand++; 04173 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04174 << "]> ADC event distribution" 04175 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04176 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04177 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", Tower: " << SMtower_X << ", crystal: " << crystal 04178 << " Sample " << sample << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04179 04180 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04181 fView->HistoSampleEventDistribution(SMtower_X, crystal, sample, first_same_plot); 04182 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3839 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxFoundEvts, fKeyVminFoundEvts, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03840 { 03841 // Plot the 1D histogram of the found events distribution for a supermodule 03842 03843 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03844 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03845 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03846 03847 fCnaCommand++; 03848 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03849 << "]> Found Events distribution" 03850 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03851 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03852 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03853 03854 fView->PutYmin("SMFoundEvtsGlobal",fKeyVminFoundEvts); 03855 fView->PutYmax("SMFoundEvtsGlobal",fKeyVmaxFoundEvts); 03856 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03857 fView->HistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(first_same_plot); 03858 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3818 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxFoundEvts, fKeyVminFoundEvts, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03819 { 03820 // Plot the 1D histogram of the found events as a function of crystals (grouped by towers) 03821 03822 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03823 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03824 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03825 03826 fCnaCommand++; 03827 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03828 << "]> Found Events for crystals" 03829 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03830 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03831 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03832 03833 fView->PutYmin("SMFoundEvtsGlobal",fKeyVminFoundEvts); 03834 fView->PutYmax("SMFoundEvtsGlobal",fKeyVmaxFoundEvts); 03835 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03836 fView->HistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(first_same_plot); 03837 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3967 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCorss, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03968 { 03969 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of cor(s,s) sigmas distribution for a supermodule 03970 03971 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03972 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03973 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03974 03975 fCnaCommand++; 03976 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03977 << "]> Mean of cor(s,s) distribution" 03978 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03979 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03980 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03981 03982 fView->PutYmin("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVminEvCorss); 03983 fView->PutYmax("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvCorss); 03984 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03985 fView->HistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(first_same_plot); 03986 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3946 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCorss, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03947 { 03948 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of cor(s,s) as a function of crystals (grouped by towers) 03949 03950 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03951 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03952 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03953 03954 fCnaCommand++; 03955 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03956 << "]> Mean of cor(s,s) of crystals" 03957 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03958 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03959 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03960 03961 fView->PutYmin("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVminEvCorss); 03962 fView->PutYmax("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvCorss); 03963 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03964 fView->HistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(first_same_plot); 03965 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3925 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVminEvSig, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03926 { 03927 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of sample sigmas distribution for a supermodule 03928 03929 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03930 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03931 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03932 03933 fCnaCommand++; 03934 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03935 << "]> Mean of sample sigmas distribution" 03936 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03937 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03938 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03939 03940 fView->PutYmin("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVminEvSig); 03941 fView->PutYmax("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvSig); 03942 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03943 fView->HistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(first_same_plot); 03944 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3904 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVminEvSig, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03905 { 03906 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of sample sigmas as a function of crystals (grouped by towers) 03907 03908 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03909 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03910 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03911 03912 fCnaCommand++; 03913 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03914 << "]> Mean of sample sigmas for crystals" 03915 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03916 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03917 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03918 03919 fView->PutYmin("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVminEvSig); 03920 fView->PutYmax("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvSig); 03921 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03922 fView->HistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(first_same_plot); 03923 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3883 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVminEvEv, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03884 { 03885 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean pedestals distribution for a supermodule 03886 03887 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03888 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03889 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03890 03891 fCnaCommand++; 03892 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03893 << "]> Mean pedestals distribution" 03894 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03895 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03896 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03897 03898 fView->PutYmin("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVminEvEv); 03899 fView->PutYmax("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvEv); 03900 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03901 fView->HistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(first_same_plot); 03902 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3862 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVminEvEv, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03863 { 03864 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean pedestals as a function of crystals (grouped by towers) 03865 03866 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03867 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03868 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03869 03870 fCnaCommand++; 03871 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03872 << "]> Mean pedestals for crystals" 03873 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 03874 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 03875 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 03876 03877 fView->PutYmin("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVminEvEv); 03878 fView->PutYmax("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvEv); 03879 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 03880 fView->HistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(first_same_plot); 03881 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 4095 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigCorss, fKeyVminSigCorss, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04096 { 04097 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of cor(s,s) sigmas distribution for a supermodule 04098 04099 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04100 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04101 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04102 04103 fCnaCommand++; 04104 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04105 << "]> Sigma of cor(s,s) distribution" 04106 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04107 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04108 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04109 04110 fView->PutYmin("SMSigCorssGlobal",fKeyVminSigCorss); 04111 fView->PutYmax("SMSigCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigCorss); 04112 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04113 fView->HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(first_same_plot); 04114 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 4074 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigCorss, fKeyVminSigCorss, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04075 { 04076 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of cor(s,s) as a function of crystals (grouped by towers) 04077 04078 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04079 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04080 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04081 04082 fCnaCommand++; 04083 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04084 << "]> Sigma of cor(s,s) for crystals" 04085 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04086 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04087 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04088 04089 fView->PutYmin("SMSigCorssGlobal",fKeyVminSigCorss); 04090 fView->PutYmax("SMSigCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigCorss); 04091 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04092 fView->HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(first_same_plot); 04093 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 4053 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigSig, fKeyVminSigSig, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04054 { 04055 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of sample sigmas distribution for a supermodule 04056 04057 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04058 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04059 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04060 04061 fCnaCommand++; 04062 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04063 << "]> Sigma of sample sigmas distribution" 04064 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04065 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04066 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04067 04068 fView->PutYmin("SMSigSigGlobal",fKeyVminSigSig); 04069 fView->PutYmax("SMSigSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigSig); 04070 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04071 fView->HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(first_same_plot); 04072 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 4032 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigSig, fKeyVminSigSig, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04033 { 04034 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean of sample sigmas as a function of crystals (grouped by towers) 04035 04036 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04037 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04038 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04039 04040 fCnaCommand++; 04041 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04042 << "]> Sigma of sample sigmas for crystals" 04043 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04044 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04045 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04046 04047 fView->PutYmin("SMSigSigGlobal",fKeyVminSigSig); 04048 fView->PutYmax("SMSigSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigSig); 04049 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04050 fView->HistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(first_same_plot); 04051 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 4011 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigEv, fKeyVminSigEv, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
04012 { 04013 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean pedestals distribution for a supermodule 04014 04015 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 04016 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 04017 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 04018 04019 fCnaCommand++; 04020 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04021 << "]> Sigma pedestals distribution" 04022 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04023 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04024 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04025 04026 fView->PutYmin("SMSigEvGlobal",fKeyVminSigEv); 04027 fView->PutYmax("SMSigEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigEv); 04028 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04029 fView->HistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(first_same_plot); 04030 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3990 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyScaleY, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigEv, fKeyVminSigEv, fView, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::HistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SetHistoScaleY().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03991 { 03992 // Plot the 1D histogram of the mean pedestals as a function of crystals (grouped by towers) 03993 03994 if ( fView == 0 ){fView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++;} 03995 fView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03996 fView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03997 03998 fCnaCommand++; 03999 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 04000 << "]> Sigma pedestals of crystals" 04001 << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber 04002 << ", 1st evt: " << fKeyFirstEvt << ", Nb of evts: " << fKeyNbOfEvts 04003 << ", SM: " << fKeySuMoNumber << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl; 04004 04005 fView->PutYmin("SMSigEvGlobal",fKeyVminSigEv); 04006 fView->PutYmax("SMSigEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigEv); 04007 fView->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY); 04008 fView->HistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(first_same_plot); 04009 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | SMtower_Y, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 3489 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References TCnaViewEB::CorrelationsBetweenCrystals(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCortt, fKeyVminEvCortt, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03491 { 03492 // Plot of correlation matrix (crystal of tower X, crystal of tower Y) (mean over samples) 03493 03494 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03495 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03496 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03497 03498 fCnaCommand++; 03499 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03500 << "]> Plot of correlation matrix between crystals (mean over samples). Tower X: " 03501 << SMtower_X << ", Tower Y: " << SMtower_Y << ", option: " << option_plot << endl; 03502 03503 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvCorttMatrix",fKeyVminEvCortt); 03504 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvCorttMatrix",fKeyVmaxEvCortt); 03505 MyView->CorrelationsBetweenCrystals( SMtower_X, SMtower_Y, option_plot); 03506 03507 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03508 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | crystal, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 3531 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References TCnaViewEB::CorrelationsBetweenSamples(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCorss, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03533 { 03534 // Plot of correlation matrix between samples for a given crystal 03535 03536 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03537 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03538 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03539 03540 fCnaCommand++; 03541 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03542 << "]> Plot of correlation matrix between samples. Tower " 03543 << SMtower_X << ", crystal " << crystal << ", option: " << option_plot << endl; 03544 03545 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVminEvCorss); 03546 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvCorss); 03547 MyView->CorrelationsBetweenSamples(SMtower_X, crystal, option_plot); 03548 03549 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03550 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3449 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References TCnaViewEB::CorrelationsBetweenTowers(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCortt, fKeyVminEvCortt, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03450 { 03451 // Plot of correlation matrix between towers (mean over crystals and samples) 03452 03453 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03454 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03455 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03456 03457 fCnaCommand++; 03458 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03459 << "]> Plot of correlation matrix between towers (mean over crystals and samples). Option: " 03460 << option_plot << endl; 03461 03462 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvCorttMatrix",fKeyVminEvCortt); 03463 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvCorttMatrix",fKeyVmaxEvCortt); 03464 MyView->CorrelationsBetweenTowers(option_plot); 03465 03466 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03467 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | SMtower_Y, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 3510 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, TCnaViewEB::CovariancesBetweenCrystals(), lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCovtt, fKeyVminEvCovtt, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03512 { 03513 // Plot of covariance matrix (crystal of tower X, crystal of tower Y) (mean over samples) 03514 03515 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03516 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03517 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03518 03519 fCnaCommand++; 03520 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03521 << "]> Plot of covariance matrix between crystals (mean over samples). Tower X: " 03522 << SMtower_X << ", Tower Y: " << SMtower_Y << ", option: " << option_plot << endl; 03523 03524 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvCovttMatrix",fKeyVminEvCovtt); 03525 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvCovttMatrix",fKeyVmaxEvCovtt); 03526 MyView->CovariancesBetweenCrystals( SMtower_X, SMtower_Y, option_plot); 03527 03528 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03529 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower_X, | |
const Int_t & | crystal, | |||
const | TString | |||
) |
Definition at line 3552 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, TCnaViewEB::CovariancesBetweenSamples(), lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVminEvSig, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03554 { 03555 // Plot of covariance matrix between samples for a given crystal 03556 03557 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03558 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03559 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03560 03561 fCnaCommand++; 03562 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03563 << "]> Plot of covariance matrix between samples. Tower " 03564 << SMtower_X << ", crystal " << crystal << ", option: " << option_plot << endl; 03565 03566 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVminEvSig); // same as mean of sample sigmas 03567 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvSig); 03568 MyView->CovariancesBetweenSamples( SMtower_X, crystal, option_plot); 03569 03570 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03571 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers | ( | const | TString | ) |
Definition at line 3469 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, TCnaViewEB::CovariancesBetweenTowers(), lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCovtt, fKeyVminEvCovtt, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
03470 { 03471 // Plot of covariance matrix between towers (mean over crystals and samples) 03472 03473 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03474 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03475 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03476 03477 fCnaCommand++; 03478 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03479 << "]> Plot of covariance matrix between towers (mean over crystals and samples). Option: " 03480 << option_plot << endl; 03481 03482 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvCovttMatrix",fKeyVminEvCovtt); 03483 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvCovttMatrix",fKeyVmaxEvCovtt); 03484 MyView->CovariancesBetweenTowers(option_plot); 03485 03486 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03487 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSMTowerNumbering | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3791 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::SuperModuleTowerNumbering().
Referenced by DoButtonSMNb().
03792 { 03793 // Plot the tower numbering of one supermodule. 03794 // No argument here since the SM number is a part of the ROOT file name 03795 // and is in the entry field of the SuperModule button (fKeySuMoNumber) 03796 03797 fCnaCommand++; 03798 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03799 << "]> Plot of 2D matrix. ViewSMTowerNumbering. SuperModule " 03800 << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03801 03802 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03803 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03804 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03805 03806 MyView->SuperModuleTowerNumbering(fKeySuMoNumber); 03807 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03808 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3742 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCovtt, fKeyVminEvCovtt, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03743 { 03744 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03745 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03746 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03747 03748 fCnaCommand++; 03749 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03750 << "]> 2D plot of cor(c,c), mean over samples. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03751 03752 MyView->PutYmin("SMCorccInTowers",fKeyVminEvCovtt); 03753 MyView->PutYmax("SMCorccInTowers",fKeyVmaxEvCovtt); 03754 03755 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(); 03756 03757 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03758 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3622 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleFoundEvents(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxFoundEvts, fKeyVminFoundEvts, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03623 { 03624 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03625 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03626 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03627 03628 fCnaCommand++; 03629 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03630 << "]> 2D plot of Found Events. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03631 03632 MyView->PutYmin("SMFoundEvtsGlobal",fKeyVminFoundEvts); 03633 MyView->PutYmax("SMFoundEvtsGlobal",fKeyVmaxFoundEvts); 03634 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleFoundEvents(); 03635 03636 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03637 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3673 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCorss, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03674 { 03675 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03676 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03677 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03678 03679 fCnaCommand++; 03680 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03681 << "]> 2D plot of Mean of Corss. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03682 03683 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVminEvCorss); 03684 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvCorss); 03685 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(); 03686 03687 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03688 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3656 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVminEvSig, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03657 { 03658 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03659 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03660 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03661 03662 fCnaCommand++; 03663 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03664 << "]> 2D plot of Mean of Sample Sigmas. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03665 03666 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVminEvSig); 03667 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvSig); 03668 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(); 03669 03670 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03671 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3639 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvEv, fKeyVminEvEv, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03640 { 03641 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03642 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03643 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03644 03645 fCnaCommand++; 03646 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03647 << "]> 2D plot of Mean Pedestals. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03648 03649 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVminEvEv); 03650 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvEv); 03651 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleMeanPedestals(); 03652 03653 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03654 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3724 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigCorss, fKeyVminSigCorss, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03725 { 03726 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03727 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03728 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03729 03730 fCnaCommand++; 03731 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03732 << "]> 2D plot of Sigma of Corss. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03733 03734 MyView->PutYmin("SMSigCorssGlobal",fKeyVminSigCorss); 03735 MyView->PutYmax("SMSigCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigCorss); 03736 03737 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(); 03738 03739 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03740 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3707 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigSig, fKeyVminSigSig, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03708 { 03709 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03710 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03711 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03712 03713 fCnaCommand++; 03714 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03715 << "]> 2D plot of Sigma of Sample Sigmas. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03716 03717 MyView->PutYmin("SMSigSigGlobal",fKeyVminSigSig); 03718 MyView->PutYmax("SMSigSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigSig); 03719 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(); 03720 03721 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03722 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3690 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), TCnaViewEB::EtaPhiSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxSigEv, fKeyVminSigEv, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03691 { 03692 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03693 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03694 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03695 03696 fCnaCommand++; 03697 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03698 << "]> 2D plot of Sigma Pedestals. Supermodule: " << fKeySuMoNumber << endl; 03699 03700 MyView->PutYmin("SMSigEvGlobal",fKeyVminSigEv); 03701 MyView->PutYmax("SMSigEvGlobal",fKeyVmaxSigEv); 03702 MyView->EtaPhiSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(); 03703 03704 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03705 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewTowerCorrelationSamples | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower | ) |
Definition at line 3580 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References TCnaViewEB::CorrelationsBetweenSamples(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvCorss, fKeyVminEvCorss, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03581 { 03582 // Plot of (sample,sample) correlation matrices for all the crystal of a given tower 03583 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03584 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03585 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03586 03587 fCnaCommand++; 03588 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03589 << "]> Plot of correlation matrices between samples for each crystal of tower " << SMtower << endl; 03590 03591 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVminEvCorss); 03592 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvCorssGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvCorss); 03593 MyView->CorrelationsBetweenSamples(SMtower); 03594 03595 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03596 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewTowerCovarianceSamples | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower | ) |
Definition at line 3598 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, TCnaViewEB::CovariancesBetweenSamples(), lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, fKeyVmaxEvSig, fKeyVminEvSig, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmax(), TCnaViewEB::PutYmin(), and TCnaViewEB::SetFile().
Referenced by HandleMenu().
03599 { 03600 // Plot of (sample,sample) covariance matrices for all the crystal of a given tower 03601 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03602 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03603 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03604 03605 fCnaCommand++; 03606 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03607 << "]> Plot of covariance matrices between samples for each crystal of tower " 03608 << SMtower << endl; 03609 03610 MyView->PutYmin("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVminEvSig); // same as mean of sample sigmas 03611 MyView->PutYmax("SMEvSigGlobal",fKeyVmaxEvSig); 03612 MyView->CovariancesBetweenSamples(SMtower); 03613 03614 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03615 }
void TCnaDialogEB::ViewTowerCrystalNumbering | ( | const Int_t & | SMtower | ) |
Definition at line 3767 of file TCnaDialogEB.cc.
References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, lat::endl(), fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySuMoNumber, TCnaViewEB::GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), TCnaViewEB::SetFile(), and TCnaViewEB::TowerCrystalNumbering().
Referenced by DoButtonChNb().
03768 { 03769 // Plot the crystal numbering of one tower 03770 03771 fCnaCommand++; 03772 cout << " *CNA [" << fCnaCommand 03773 << "]> Plot of 2D matrix. ViewTowerCrystalNumbering. SuperModule " 03774 << fKeySuMoNumber << ", tower " << SMtower << endl; 03775 03776 TCnaViewEB* MyView = new TCnaViewEB(); fCnew++; 03777 MyView->GetPathForResultsRootFiles(); 03778 MyView->SetFile(fKeyAnaType, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyFirstEvt, fKeyNbOfEvts, fKeySuMoNumber); 03779 03780 MyView->TowerCrystalNumbering(fKeySuMoNumber, SMtower); 03781 delete MyView; fCdelete++; 03782 }
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fAnaBut [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fAnaButC [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fAnaFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fAnaRunFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fAnaText [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fButChNb [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fButChNbC [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fButExit [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fButExitC [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fButHelp [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fButHelpC [private] |
TGCheckButton* TCnaDialogEB::fButLogx [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fButLogxC [private] |
TGCheckButton* TCnaDialogEB::fButLogy [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fButLogyC [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fButRoot [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fButRootC [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fButSMNb [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fButSMNbC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fCdelete [private] |
Definition at line 43 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DisplayInEntryField(), DoButtonChan(), DoButtonSamp(), DoButtonSuMo(), DoButtonTowX(), DoButtonTowY(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fCdeleteRoot [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fCfgListOfRunsFilePath [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fCfgResultsRootFilePath [private] |
Definition at line 567 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonRoot(), and GetPathForResultsRootFiles().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fChanBut [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fChanButC [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fChanFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fChanText [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fChSpFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fChSubFrame [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fCnaCommand [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonAna(), DoButtonChan(), DoButtonExit(), DoButtonFev(), DoButtonHelp(), DoButtonLogx(), DoButtonLogy(), DoButtonNoe(), DoButtonRoot(), DoButtonRul(), DoButtonRun(), DoButtonSamp(), DoButtonSuMo(), DoButtonTowX(), DoButtonTowY(), DoButtonVmaxEvCorss(), DoButtonVmaxEvCortt(), DoButtonVmaxEvCovtt(), DoButtonVmaxEvEv(), DoButtonVmaxEvSig(), DoButtonVmaxFoundEvts(), DoButtonVmaxSigCorss(), DoButtonVmaxSigEv(), DoButtonVmaxSigSig(), DoButtonVminEvCorss(), DoButtonVminEvCortt(), DoButtonVminEvCovtt(), DoButtonVminEvEv(), DoButtonVminEvSig(), DoButtonVminFoundEvts(), DoButtonVminSigCorss(), DoButtonVminSigEv(), DoButtonVminSigSig(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fCnaError [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonChan(), DoButtonFev(), DoButtonNoe(), DoButtonRul(), DoButtonRun(), DoButtonSamp(), DoButtonSuMo(), DoButtonTowX(), DoButtonTowY(), GetPathForListOfRunFiles(), GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), and TCnaDialogEB().
UInt_t TCnaDialogEB::fCnaH [private] |
TGWindow* TCnaDialogEB::fCnaP [private] |
UInt_t TCnaDialogEB::fCnaW [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fCnew [private] |
Definition at line 43 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DisplayInEntryField(), DoButtonChan(), DoButtonSamp(), DoButtonSuMo(), DoButtonTowX(), DoButtonTowY(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fCnewRoot [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryAnaNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryChanNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryFevNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryNoeNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryRulNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryRunNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntrySampNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntrySuMoNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryTowXNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryTowYNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxEvCorssNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxEvCorttNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxEvCovttNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxEvEvNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxEvSigNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxFoundEvtsNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxSigCorssNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxSigEvNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVmaxSigSigNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminEvCorssNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminEvCorttNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminEvCovttNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminEvEvNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminEvSigNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminFoundEvtsNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminSigCorssNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminSigEvNumber [private] |
TGTextBuffer* TCnaDialogEB::fEntryVminSigSigNumber [private] |
ifstream TCnaDialogEB::fFcin_lor [private] |
ifstream TCnaDialogEB::fFcin_rr [private] |
ofstream TCnaDialogEB::fFcout_f [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fFevBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fFevFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fFevText [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fFileForListOfRunFilePath [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fFileForResultsRootFilePath [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fgMaxCar [private] |
Definition at line 41 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by GetPathForListOfRunFiles(), GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), InitKeys(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TString TCnaDialogEB::fKeyAnaType [private] |
Definition at line 572 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonAna(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyChanNumber [private] |
Definition at line 584 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonChan(), HandleMenu(), InitKeys(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TString TCnaDialogEB::fKeyFileNameRunList [private] |
Definition at line 573 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonRul(), HandleMenu(), and InitKeys().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyFirstEvt [private] |
Definition at line 575 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonFev(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyNbOfEvts [private] |
Definition at line 576 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonNoe(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyRunNumber [private] |
Definition at line 574 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonRun(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
TString TCnaDialogEB::fKeyRunNumberTString [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeySampNumber [private] |
Definition at line 585 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonSamp(), HandleMenu(), InitKeys(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TString TCnaDialogEB::fKeyScaleX [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fKeyScaleY [private] |
Definition at line 578 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonLogy(), InitKeys(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), and ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeySuMoNumber [private] |
Definition at line 581 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonSuMo(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), ViewSMTowerNumbering(), ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples(), ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas(), ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals(), ViewTowerCorrelationSamples(), ViewTowerCovarianceSamples(), and ViewTowerCrystalNumbering().
TString TCnaDialogEB::fKeySuMoNumberTString [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyTowXNumber [private] |
Definition at line 582 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonChNb(), DoButtonTowX(), HandleMenu(), InitKeys(), and TCnaDialogEB().
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyTowYNumber [private] |
Definition at line 583 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonTowY(), HandleMenu(), InitKeys(), and TCnaDialogEB().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxEvCorss [private] |
Definition at line 603 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvCorss(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), and ViewTowerCorrelationSamples().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxEvCortt [private] |
Definition at line 615 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvCortt(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), and ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxEvCovtt [private] |
Definition at line 618 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvCovtt(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), and ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxEvEv [private] |
Definition at line 597 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvEv(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxEvSig [private] |
Definition at line 600 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvSig(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), and ViewTowerCovarianceSamples().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxFoundEvts [private] |
Definition at line 594 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxFoundEvts(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxSigCorss [private] |
Definition at line 612 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxSigCorss(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxSigEv [private] |
Definition at line 606 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxSigEv(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVmaxSigSig [private] |
Definition at line 609 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxSigSig(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminEvCorss [private] |
Definition at line 602 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvCorss(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfCorss(), and ViewTowerCorrelationSamples().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminEvCortt [private] |
Definition at line 614 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvCortt(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewMatrixCorrelationCrystals(), and ViewMatrixCorrelationTowers().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminEvCovtt [private] |
Definition at line 617 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvCovtt(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewMatrixCovarianceCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceTowers(), and ViewSuperModuleCorccMeanOverSamples().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminEvEv [private] |
Definition at line 596 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvEv(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleMeanPedestals().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminEvSig [private] |
Definition at line 599 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvSig(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmas(), and ViewTowerCovarianceSamples().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminFoundEvts [private] |
Definition at line 593 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminFoundEvts(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleFoundEvents().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminSigCorss [private] |
Definition at line 611 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminSigCorss(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfCorss().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminSigEv [private] |
Definition at line 605 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminSigEv(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleSigmaPedestals().
Double_t TCnaDialogEB::fKeyVminSigSig [private] |
Definition at line 608 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminSigSig(), InitKeys(), TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), and ViewSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmas().
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fLastFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutAnaBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutAnaField [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutAnaRunFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints * TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutBottLeft [private] |
TGLayoutHints * TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutBottRight [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutCenterYLeft [private] |
TGLayoutHints * TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutCenterYRight [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutChanBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutChanField [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutChNbBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutChSpFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutChSubFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutExitBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutFevBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutFevFieldFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutFevFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutGeneral [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutHelpBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutLogxBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutLogyBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarCortt [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarCovtt [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarEvCorss [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarEvEv [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarEvSig [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarEvts [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarFoundEvts [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarSigCorss [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarSigEv [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutMenuBarSigSig [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutNoeBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutNoeFieldFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutNoeFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutRootBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutRulBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutRulFieldFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutRulFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutRunBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutRunField [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSampBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSampField [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSMNbBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSpSubFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSuMoBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSuMoFieldFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSuMoFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSuMoHozFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSuMoHozSubEvFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSuMoHozSubSigFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutSuMoUpFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTopLeft [private] |
TGLayoutHints * TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTopRight [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTowSpFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTowXBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTowXField [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTowYBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTowYField [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTxSubFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutTySubFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCorssBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCorssFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCorttBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCorttFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCovttBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvCovttFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvEvBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvEvFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvEvFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvSigBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvSigFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxEvSigFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxFoundEvtsFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigCorssBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigCorssFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigEvBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigEvFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigEvFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigSigBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigSigFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmaxSigSigFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCorssBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCorssFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCorssFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCorttBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCorttFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCorttFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCovttBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCovttFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvCovttFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvEvBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvEvFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvEvFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvSigBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvSigFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminEvSigFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminFoundEvtsBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminFoundEvtsFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigCorssBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigCorssFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigCorssFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigEvBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigEvFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigEvFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigSigBut [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigSigFieldText [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVminSigSigFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmEvCorssFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmEvCorttFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmEvCovttFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmEvEvFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmEvSigFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmFoundEvtsFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmSigCorssFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmSigEvFrame [private] |
TGLayoutHints* TCnaDialogEB::fLayoutVmmSigSigFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fLinLogFrame [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fMemoScaleX [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fMemoScaleY [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCorcc [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCorss [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCorssAll [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCortt [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCovcc [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCovss [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCovssAll [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarCovtt [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarEv [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarEvCorss [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarEvEv [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarEvol [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarEvSig [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarEvts [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarFoundEvts [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarSigCorss [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarSigEv [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarSigSig [private] |
TGMenuBar* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuBarVar [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorcc [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorccColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorccLegoC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorss [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorssAll [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorssAllColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorssColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorssLegoC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorssSurf1C [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorssSurf4C [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCortt [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorttColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCorttLegoC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovcc [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovccColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovccLegoC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovss [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovssAll [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovssAllColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovssColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovssLegoC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovssSurf1C [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovssSurf4C [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovtt [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovttColzC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuCovttLegoC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEv [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvCorss [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvCorssEtaPhiC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvCorssGlobalFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvCorssGlobalSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvCorssProjFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvCorssProjSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvEv [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvEvEtaPhiC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvEvGlobalFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvEvGlobalSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvEvProjFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvEvProjSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvLineFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvLineSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvol [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolEvCorssPolmSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolEvEvPolmFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolEvEvPolmSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolEvSigPolmFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolEvSigPolmSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolSampLineFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvolSampLineSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvSig [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvSigEtaPhiC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvSigGlobalFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvSigGlobalSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvSigProjFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvSigProjSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvts [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvtsLineLinyFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuEvtsLineLinySameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuFoundEvts [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuFoundEvtsEtaPhiC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuFoundEvtsGlobalSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuFoundEvtsProjFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuFoundEvtsProjSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigCorss [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigCorssEtaPhiC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigCorssGlobalFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigCorssGlobalSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigCorssProjFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigCorssProjSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigEv [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigEvEtaPhiC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigEvGlobalFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigEvGlobalSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigEvProjFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigEvProjSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigSig [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigSigEtaPhiC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigSigGlobalFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigSigGlobalSameC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigSigProjFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuSigSigProjSameC [private] |
TGPopupMenu* TCnaDialogEB::fMenuVar [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuVarLineFullC [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fMenuVarLineSameC [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fNoeBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fNoeFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fNoeText [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fOptPlotFull [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fOptPlotSame [private] |
TCnaParameters* TCnaDialogEB::fParameters [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fRulBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fRulFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fRulText [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fRunBut [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fRunButC [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fRunFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fRunText [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fSampBut [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fSampButC [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fSampFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fSampText [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fSpSubFrame [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fSuMoBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fSuMoFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fSuMoHozFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fSuMoHozSubEvFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fSuMoHozSubSigFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fSuMoText [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fSuMoUpFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fTowSpFrame [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fTowXBut [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fTowXButC [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fTowXFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fTowXText [private] |
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fTowYBut [private] |
Int_t TCnaDialogEB::fTowYButC [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fTowYFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fTowYText [private] |
TString TCnaDialogEB::fTTBELL [private] |
Definition at line 46 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonChan(), DoButtonFev(), DoButtonNoe(), DoButtonRul(), DoButtonRun(), DoButtonSamp(), DoButtonSuMo(), DoButtonTowX(), DoButtonTowY(), GetPathForListOfRunFiles(), GetPathForResultsRootFiles(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fTxSubFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fTySubFrame [private] |
TCnaViewEB* TCnaDialogEB::fView [private] |
Definition at line 58 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by TCnaDialogEB(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanPedestals(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanSigmas(), ViewHistoCrystalExpectationValuesOfSamples(), ViewHistoCrystalPedestalEventNumber(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleFoundEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleMeanPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasDistribution(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaOfSampleSigmasOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsDistribution(), and ViewHistoSuperModuleSigmaPedestalsOfCrystals().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCorssBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCorssFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCorssText [private] |
Definition at line 223 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvCorss(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCorttBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCorttFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCorttText [private] |
Definition at line 372 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvCortt(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCovttBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCovttFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvCovttText [private] |
Definition at line 346 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvCovtt(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvEvBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvEvFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvEvText [private] |
Definition at line 167 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvEv(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvSigBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvSigFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxEvSigText [private] |
Definition at line 196 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxEvSig(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxFoundEvtsBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxFoundEvtsFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxFoundEvtsText [private] |
Definition at line 134 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxFoundEvts(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigCorssBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigCorssFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigCorssText [private] |
Definition at line 312 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxSigCorss(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigEvBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigEvFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigEvText [private] |
Definition at line 256 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxSigEv(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigSigBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigSigFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVmaxSigSigText [private] |
Definition at line 284 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVmaxSigSig(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCorssBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCorssFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCorssText [private] |
Definition at line 232 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvCorss(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCorttBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCorttFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCorttText [private] |
Definition at line 380 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvCortt(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCovttBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCovttFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvCovttText [private] |
Definition at line 355 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvCovtt(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvEvBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvEvFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvEvText [private] |
Definition at line 175 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvEv(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvSigBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvSigFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminEvSigText [private] |
Definition at line 204 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminEvSig(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminFoundEvtsBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminFoundEvtsFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminFoundEvtsText [private] |
Definition at line 142 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminFoundEvts(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigCorssBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigCorssFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigCorssText [private] |
Definition at line 320 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminSigCorss(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigEvBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigEvFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigEvText [private] |
Definition at line 265 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminSigEv(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGTextButton* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigSigBut [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigSigFrame [private] |
TGTextEntry* TCnaDialogEB::fVminSigSigText [private] |
Definition at line 293 of file TCnaDialogEB.h.
Referenced by DoButtonVminSigSig(), and TCnaDialogEB().
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmEvCorssFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmEvCorttFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmEvCovttFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmEvEvFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmEvSigFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmFoundEvtsFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmSigCorssFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmSigEvFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVmmSigSigFrame [private] |
TGCompositeFrame* TCnaDialogEB::fVoidFrame [private] |