HcalSummaryClient Class Reference

#include <DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalSummaryClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for HcalSummaryClient:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (void)
void analyze_subtask (SubTaskSummaryStatus &s)
void beginJob (DQMStore *dqmStore)
void beginRun (void)
void cleanup (void)
void endJob (void)
void endRun (void)
int getEvtPerJob ()
int getEvtPerRun ()
 HcalSummaryClient ()
void htmlOutput (int &run, time_t &mytime, int &minlumi, int &maxlumi, std::string &htmlDir, std::string &htmlName)
void incrementCounters (void)
void init (const edm::ParameterSet &ps, DQMStore *dbe, string clientName)
void resetSummaryPlot (int Subdet)
void setup (void)
virtual ~HcalSummaryClient ()

Private Attributes

SubTaskSummaryStatus beamMon_
SubTaskSummaryStatus caloTowerMon_
bool cloneME_
SubTaskSummaryStatus dataFormatMon_
SubTaskSummaryStatus deadCellMon_
int debug_
SubTaskSummaryStatus digiMon_
bool enableCleanup_
int etaBins_
double etaMax_
double etaMin_
int HBpresent_
int HEpresent_
int HFpresent_
int HOpresent_
SubTaskSummaryStatus hotCellMon_
ofstream htmlFile
int ievt_
int jevt_
int lastupdate_
SubTaskSummaryStatus ledMon_
SubTaskSummaryStatus pedestalMon_
int phiBins_
double phiMax_
double phiMin_
std::string prefixME_
SubTaskSummaryStatus recHitMon_
double status_global_
double status_HB_
double status_HE_
double status_HF_
double status_HO_
double status_ZDC_
std::map< std::string, intsubdetCells_
int totalcells_
SubTaskSummaryStatus trigPrimMon_
int ZDCpresent_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 47 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HcalSummaryClient::HcalSummaryClient (  ) 

Definition at line 45 of file

00045 {} //constructor

HcalSummaryClient::~HcalSummaryClient (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 143 of file

00144 {
00145 } //destructor

Member Function Documentation

void HcalSummaryClient::analyze ( void   ) 

Definition at line 272 of file

References funct::abs(), analyze_subtask(), caloTowerMon_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dataFormatMon_, deadCellMon_, debug_, digiMon_, dqmStore_, lat::endl(), eta, etaBins_, etaMin_, MonitorElement::Fill(), HcalBaseClient::fillUnphysical_, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getBinContent(), MonitorElement::getIntValue(), HBpresent_, HEpresent_, HFpresent_, HOpresent_, hotCellMon_, ievt_, int, SubTaskSummaryStatus::IsOn(), it, jevt_, ledMon_, max, me, pedestalMon_, phi, phiBins_, phiMin_, prefixME_, recHitMon_, resetSummaryPlot(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), status_global_, status_HB_, status_HE_, status_HF_, status_HO_, status_ZDC_, subdetCells_, trigPrimMon_, and ZDCpresent_.

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::analyze(), endJob(), and endRun().

00273 {
00274   if (debug_>0)
00275     cout <<"<HcalSummaryClient::analyze>  Running analyze..."<<endl;
00276   if ( ievt_ % 10 == 0 ) 
00277     {
00278       if ( debug_>1 )
00279         cout << "<HcalSummaryClient::analyze> ievt/jevt = " << ievt_ << "/" << jevt_ << endl;
00280     }
00282   // Reset summary map to 'unknown' status 
00284   MonitorElement* simpleMap = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryMap");
00285   if (!simpleMap)
00286     {
00287       cout <<"<HcalSummaryClient::analyze> Could not get advancedReportSummaryMap!"<<endl;
00288       return;
00289     }
00290   for (int ix=1;ix<=5;++ix)
00291     simpleMap->setBinContent(ix,1,-1);
00293   MonitorElement* reportMap = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/advancedReportSummaryMap");
00294   // Set all bins to "unknown" to start
00295   for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etaBins_;++ieta)
00296     for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phiBins_;++iphi)
00297       reportMap->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,-1);
00300   // Set values to 'unknown' status; they'll be set by analyze_everything routines 
00303   status_global_=-1; 
00304   status_HB_=-1; 
00305   status_HE_=-1; 
00306   status_HO_=-1; 
00307   status_HF_=-1; 
00308   status_ZDC_=-1;
00310   // check to find which subdetectors are present
00311   MonitorElement* temp_present;
00312   if (HBpresent_==0)
00313     {
00314       temp_present = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/DQM Job Status/HBpresent");
00315       if (temp_present)
00316         HBpresent_=temp_present->getIntValue();
00317     }
00318   if (HEpresent_==0)
00319     {
00320       temp_present = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/DQM Job Status/HEpresent");
00321       if (temp_present)
00322         HEpresent_=temp_present->getIntValue();
00323     }
00324   if (HOpresent_==0)
00325     {
00326       temp_present = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/DQM Job Status/HOpresent");
00327       if (temp_present)
00328         HOpresent_=temp_present->getIntValue();
00329     }
00330   if (HFpresent_==0)
00331     {
00332       temp_present = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/DQM Job Status/HFpresent");
00333       if (temp_present)
00334         HFpresent_=temp_present->getIntValue();
00335     }
00336  /*
00337    // not yet ready for ZDC checking
00338  if (ZDCpresent_==0)
00339     {
00340       temp_present = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/DQM Job Status/ZDCpresent");
00341       if (temp_present)
00342         ZDCpresent_=temp_present->getIntValue();
00343     }
00344  */
00347  if (debug_>1) 
00348    cout <<"<HcalSummaryClient::analyze>  HB present = "<<HBpresent_<<" "<<"HE present = "<<HEpresent_<<" "<<"HO present = "<<HOpresent_<<" "<<"HF present = "<<HFpresent_<<" ZDC present = "<<ZDCpresent_<<endl;
00350  if (HBpresent_) status_HB_=0;
00351  if (HEpresent_) status_HE_=0;
00352  if (HOpresent_) status_HO_=0;
00353  if (HFpresent_) status_HF_=0;
00354  if (ZDCpresent_) status_ZDC_=0;
00355  if (HBpresent_ || HEpresent_ || HOpresent_ || HFpresent_ ) // don't include ZDC yet
00356    status_global_=0;
00358  // Set starting histogram values to 0
00359  if (HBpresent_) resetSummaryPlot(1); 
00360  if (HEpresent_) resetSummaryPlot(2);
00361  if (HOpresent_) resetSummaryPlot(3);
00362  if (HFpresent_) resetSummaryPlot(4);
00364  // Calculate status values for individual tasks
00365  if (dataFormatMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(dataFormatMon_);
00366  if (digiMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(digiMon_);
00367  if (recHitMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(recHitMon_);
00368  if (pedestalMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(pedestalMon_);
00369  if (ledMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(ledMon_);
00370  if (hotCellMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(hotCellMon_);
00371  if (deadCellMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(deadCellMon_);
00372  if (trigPrimMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(trigPrimMon_);
00373  if (caloTowerMon_.IsOn()) analyze_subtask(caloTowerMon_);
00375  // Okay, we've got the individual tasks; now form the combined value
00377   int totalcells=0;
00378   std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it;
00379   if (HBpresent_)
00380     {
00381       status_global_+=status_HB_;
00382       it=subdetCells_.find("HB");
00383       totalcells+=it->second;
00384       status_HB_/=it->second;
00385       status_HB_=max(0.,1-status_HB_); // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00386     }
00387   if (HEpresent_)
00388     {
00389       status_global_+=status_HE_;
00390       it=subdetCells_.find("HE");
00391       totalcells+=it->second;
00392       status_HE_/=it->second;
00393       status_HE_=max(0.,1-status_HE_); // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00394     }
00395   if (HOpresent_)
00396     {
00397       status_global_+=status_HO_;
00398       it=subdetCells_.find("HO");
00399       totalcells+=it->second;
00400       status_HO_/=it->second;
00401       status_HO_=max(0.,1-status_HO_); // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00402     }
00403   if (HFpresent_)
00404     {
00405       status_global_+=status_HF_;
00406       it=subdetCells_.find("HF");
00407       totalcells+=it->second;
00408       status_HF_/=it->second;
00409       status_HF_=max(0.,1-status_HF_); // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00410     }
00411   /*
00412  if (ZDCpresent_)
00413     {
00414     status_global_+=status_ZDC_;
00415       it=subdetCells_.find("ZDC");
00416       totalcells+=it->second;
00417       status_ZDC_/=it->second;
00418       status_ZDC_=max(0.,1-status_ZDC_); // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00420     }
00421   */
00423   if (totalcells==0)
00424     status_global_=-1;
00425   else
00426     {
00427       status_global_/=totalcells;
00428       status_global_=max(0.,1-status_global_); // convert to good fraction
00429       // Now loop over cells in reportsummarymap, changing from bad fraction to good
00431       int eta,phi;
00432       for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etaBins_;++ieta)
00433         {
00434           eta=ieta+int(etaMin_)-1;
00435           for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phiBins_;++iphi)
00436             {
00437               if (reportMap->getBinContent(ieta,iphi)>-1)
00438                 {
00439                   phi=iphi+int(phiMin_)-1;
00440                   if (abs(eta)>20 && phi%2!=1)
00441                     continue;
00442                   if (abs(eta)>39 &&phi%4!=3)
00443                     continue;
00444                   reportMap->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,max(0.,(double)(1-reportMap->getBinContent(ieta,iphi))));
00446                   if (fillUnphysical_)
00447                     {
00448                       // fill even phi cells in region where cells span 10 degrees in phi
00449                       // ("True" cell values are phi=1,3,5,7,...) 
00450                       if (abs(eta)>20 && abs(eta)<40 && phi%2==1 &&phi<73)
00451                         {
00452                           reportMap->setBinContent(ieta,iphi+1,reportMap->getBinContent(ieta,iphi));
00453                         }
00455                       // fill all cells in region where cells span 20 degrees in phi
00456                       // (actual cell phi values are 3,7,11,...)
00457                       if (abs(eta)>39 && phi%4==3 && phi<73)
00458                         {
00459                           reportMap->setBinContent(ieta,iphi+1,reportMap->getBinContent(ieta,iphi));
00460                           reportMap->setBinContent(ieta,iphi-1,reportMap->getBinContent(ieta,iphi));
00461                           reportMap->setBinContent(ieta,iphi-2,reportMap->getBinContent(ieta,iphi));
00462                         }
00463                     }
00464                 } //if (bincontent>-1)
00465             } // for (int iphi=1;...)
00466         } // for (int ieta=1;...)
00467     } // else (totalcells>0)
00469   // Now set the status words
00470   MonitorElement* me;
00471   dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_ + "/EventInfo" );
00473   me = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummary");
00474   if (me) 
00475     {
00476       me->Fill(status_global_);
00477       //simpleMap->setBinContent(5,1,status_global_);
00478     }
00480   dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents" );
00481   if ( me = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents/Hcal_HB") )
00482     {
00483       me->Fill(status_HB_);
00484       simpleMap->setBinContent(1,1,status_HB_);
00485     }
00486   if ( me = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents/Hcal_HE") )
00487     {
00488       me->Fill(status_HE_);
00489       simpleMap->setBinContent(2,1,status_HE_);
00490     }
00491   if ( me = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents/Hcal_HO") )
00492     {
00493       me->Fill(status_HO_);
00494       simpleMap->setBinContent(3,1,status_HO_);
00495     }
00496   if ( me = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents/Hcal_HF") )
00497     {
00498       me->Fill(status_HF_);
00499       simpleMap->setBinContent(4,1,status_HF_);
00500     }
00501   // test for ZDC info
00502   if ( me = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents/Hcal_ZDC") )
00503     {
00504       me->Fill(status_ZDC_);
00505       simpleMap->setBinContent(5,1,status_ZDC_);
00506     }
00508   dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_);
00510  return;
00511 } // void HcalSummaryClient::analyze(void)

void HcalSummaryClient::analyze_subtask ( SubTaskSummaryStatus s  ) 

Definition at line 514 of file

References funct::abs(), SubTaskSummaryStatus::ALLstatus, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, dqmStore_, lat::endl(), eta, MonitorElement::Fill(), DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), HBpresent_, HEpresent_, HFpresent_, HOpresent_, int, it, me, name, phi, prefixME_, SubTaskSummaryStatus::problemDir, SubTaskSummaryStatus::problemName, SubTaskSummaryStatus::status, status_HB_, status_HE_, status_HF_, status_HO_, subdetCells_, and ZDCpresent_.

Referenced by analyze().

00515 {
00516   double HBstatus=0;
00517   double HEstatus=0;
00518   double HOstatus=0;
00519   double HFstatus=0;
00520   double ZDCstatus=-1; // not yet implemented
00521   double ALLstatus=0;
00523   double etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax;
00524   int etabins, phibins;
00525   int eta, phi;
00526   double bincontent;
00528   ostringstream name;
00529   MonitorElement* me;
00530   TH2F* hist;
00531   MonitorElement* reportMap = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/advancedReportSummaryMap");
00533   // Layer 1 HB& HF
00534   if (HBpresent_ || HFpresent_)
00535     {
00536       name.str("");
00537       name <<prefixME_<<"/"<<s.problemDir<<"/"<<"HB HF Depth 1 "<<s.problemName;
00538       me=dqmStore_->get(name.str().c_str());
00540       if (me)
00541         {
00542           hist=me->getTH2F();
00543           etabins=hist->GetNbinsX();
00544           phibins=hist->GetNbinsY();
00545           etamin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00546           etamax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
00547           phimin=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
00548           phimax=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
00549           for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00550             {
00551               for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00552                 {
00553                   bincontent=hist->GetBinContent(ieta,iphi);
00554                   if (bincontent>0)
00555                     {
00556                       eta=ieta+int(etamin)-1;
00557                       phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00558                       reportMap->Fill(eta,phi,bincontent);
00559                       if (abs(eta)<17 && HBpresent_) // HB
00560                         {
00561                           HBstatus+=bincontent;
00562                         }
00563                       else if (HFpresent_)
00564                         {
00565                           if (phi%2==0) continue; // skip non-physical phi bins
00566                           if (abs(eta)>39 && phi%4!=3) continue; // skip non-physical phi bins
00567                           HFstatus+=bincontent;
00568                         }
00569                     } // if (bincontent>0)
00570                 } // for (int iphi=1;...)
00571             } // for (int ieta=1;...)
00572         } // if (me)
00573     } // if (HBpresent_ || HFpresent)
00575   // Layer 2 HB& HF
00576   if (HBpresent_ || HFpresent_)
00577     {
00578       name.str("");
00579       name <<prefixME_<<"/"<<s.problemDir<<"/"<<"HB HF Depth 2 "<<s.problemName;
00580       me=dqmStore_->get(name.str().c_str());
00582       if (me)
00583         {
00584           hist=me->getTH2F();
00585           etabins=hist->GetNbinsX();
00586           phibins=hist->GetNbinsY();
00587           etamin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00588           etamax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
00589           phimin=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
00590           phimax=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
00591           for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00592             {
00593               for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00594                 {
00595                   bincontent=hist->GetBinContent(ieta,iphi);
00596                   if (bincontent>0)
00597                     {
00598                       eta=ieta+int(etamin)-1;
00599                       phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00600                       reportMap->Fill(eta,phi,bincontent);
00601                       if (abs(eta)<17 && HBpresent_) // HB
00602                         {
00603                           HBstatus+=bincontent;
00604                         }
00605                       else if (HFpresent_)
00606                         {
00607                           if (phi%2==0) continue; // skip non-physical phi bins
00608                           if (abs(eta)>39 && phi%4!=3) continue; // skip non-physical phi bins
00609                           HFstatus+=bincontent;
00610                         }
00611                     } // if (bincontent>0)
00612                 } // for (int iphi=1;...)
00613             } // for (int ieta=1;...)
00614         } // if (me)
00615     } // if (HBpresent_ || HFpresent)
00617   // Layer 4 HO & ZDC
00618   if (HOpresent_ || ZDCpresent_)
00619     {
00620       name.str("");
00621       name <<prefixME_<<"/"<<s.problemDir<<"/"<<"HO ZDC "<<s.problemName;
00622       me=dqmStore_->get(name.str().c_str());
00624       if (me)
00625         {
00626           hist=me->getTH2F();
00627           etabins=hist->GetNbinsX();
00628           phibins=hist->GetNbinsY();
00629           etamin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00630           etamax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
00631           phimin=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
00632           phimax=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
00633           for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00634             {
00635               for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00636                 {
00637                   bincontent=hist->GetBinContent(ieta,iphi);
00638                   if (bincontent>0)
00639                     {
00640                       eta=ieta+int(etamin)-1;
00641                       phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00642                       reportMap->Fill(eta,phi,bincontent);
00643                       if (abs(eta)<42 && HOpresent_) // HO
00644                         {
00645                           HOstatus+=bincontent;
00646                         }
00647                       else if (ZDCpresent_)
00648                         {
00649                           ZDCstatus+=bincontent;
00650                         }
00651                     } // if (bincontent>0)
00652                 } // for (int iphi=1;...)
00653             } // for (int ieta=1;...)
00654         } // if (me)
00655     } // if (HOpresent_ || ZDCpresent)
00657   // Layer 1 HE
00658   if (HEpresent_) 
00659     {
00660       name.str("");
00661       name <<prefixME_<<"/"<<s.problemDir<<"/"<<"HE Depth 1 "<<s.problemName;
00662       me=dqmStore_->get(name.str().c_str());
00664       if (me)
00665         {
00666           hist=me->getTH2F();
00667           etabins=hist->GetNbinsX();
00668           phibins=hist->GetNbinsY();
00669           etamin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00670           etamax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
00671           phimin=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
00672           phimax=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
00673           for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00674             {
00675               for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00676                 {
00677                   phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00678                   if (phi%2==0) continue; // skip non-physical phi bins
00680                   bincontent=hist->GetBinContent(ieta,iphi);
00681                   if (bincontent>0)
00682                     {
00683                       eta=ieta+int(etamin)-1;
00684                       reportMap->Fill(eta,phi,bincontent);
00685                       HEstatus+=bincontent;
00686                     } // if (bincontent>0)
00687                 } // for (int iphi=1;...)
00688             } // for (int ieta=1;...)
00689         } // if (me)
00690     } // if (HEpresent_)
00692    // Layer 2 HE
00693   if (HEpresent_) 
00694     {
00695       name.str("");
00696       name <<prefixME_<<"/"<<s.problemDir<<"/"<<"HE Depth 2 "<<s.problemName;
00697       me=dqmStore_->get(name.str().c_str());
00699       if (me)
00700         {
00701           hist=me->getTH2F();
00702           etabins=hist->GetNbinsX();
00703           phibins=hist->GetNbinsY();
00704           etamin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00705           etamax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
00706           phimin=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
00707           phimax=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
00708           for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00709             {
00710               for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00711                 {
00712                   phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00713                   if (phi%2==0) continue; // skip non-physical phi bins
00714                   bincontent=hist->GetBinContent(ieta,iphi);
00715                   if (bincontent>0)
00716                     {
00717                       eta=ieta+int(etamin)-1;
00718                       reportMap->Fill(eta,phi,bincontent); 
00719                       HEstatus+=bincontent;
00720                     } // if (bincontent>0)
00721                 } // for (int iphi=1;...)
00722             } // for (int ieta=1;...)
00723         } // if (me)
00724     } // if (HEpresent_)
00726   // HE Depth 3
00727   if (HEpresent_) 
00728     {
00729       name.str("");
00730       name <<prefixME_<<"/"<<s.problemDir<<"/"<<"HE Depth 3 "<<s.problemName;
00731       me=dqmStore_->get(name.str().c_str());
00733       if (me)
00734         {
00735           hist=me->getTH2F();
00736           etabins=hist->GetNbinsX();
00737           phibins=hist->GetNbinsY();
00738           etamin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00739           etamax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
00740           phimin=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
00741           phimax=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
00742           for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00743             {
00744               for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00745                 {
00746                   phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00747                   if (phi%2==0) continue; // skip non-physical phi bins
00748                   bincontent=hist->GetBinContent(ieta,iphi);
00749                   if (bincontent>0)
00750                     {
00751                       eta=ieta+int(etamin)-1;
00752                       phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00753                       reportMap->Fill(eta,phi,bincontent);
00754                       HEstatus+=bincontent;
00755                     } // if (bincontent>0)
00756                 } // for (int iphi=1;...)
00757             } // for (int ieta=1;...)
00758         } // if (me)
00759     } // if (HEpresent_)
00761   ALLstatus=HBstatus+HEstatus+HOstatus+HFstatus;
00762   int totalcells=0;
00763   std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it;
00764   if (HBpresent_)
00765     {
00766       status_HB_+=HBstatus;
00767       it=subdetCells_.find("HB");
00768       totalcells+=it->second;
00769       HBstatus/=it->second;
00770       HBstatus=1-HBstatus; // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00771       if (HBstatus<0) HBstatus=0;
00772       s.status[0]=HBstatus;
00773     }
00774   if (HEpresent_)
00775     {
00776       status_HE_+=HEstatus;
00777       it=subdetCells_.find("HE");
00778       totalcells+=it->second;
00779       HEstatus/=it->second;
00780       HEstatus=1-HEstatus; // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00781       if (HEstatus<0)
00782         HEstatus=0;
00783       s.status[1]=HEstatus;
00784     }
00786   if (HOpresent_)
00787     {
00788       status_HO_+=HOstatus;
00789       it=subdetCells_.find("HO");
00790       totalcells+=it->second;
00791       HOstatus/=it->second;
00792       HOstatus=1-HOstatus; // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00793       if (HOstatus<0)
00794         HOstatus=0;
00795       s.status[2]=HOstatus;
00796     }
00797   if (HFpresent_)
00798     {
00799       status_HF_+=HFstatus;
00800       it=subdetCells_.find("HF");
00801       totalcells+=it->second;
00802       HFstatus/=it->second;
00803       HFstatus=1-HFstatus; // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00804       if (HFstatus<0)
00805         HFstatus=0;
00806       s.status[3]=HFstatus;
00807     }
00808   /*
00809  if (ZDCpresent_)
00810     {
00811       status_ZDC_+=ZDCstatus;
00812       it=subdetCells_.find("ZDC");
00813       totalcells+=it->second;
00814       ZDCstatus/=it->second;
00815       ZDCstatus=1-ZDCstatus; // converts fraction of bad channels to good fraction
00816       if (ZDCstatus<0)
00817         ZDCstatus=0;
00818       s.status[4]=ZDCStatus;
00819     }
00820   */
00821   if (totalcells>0)
00822     {
00823       ALLstatus/=totalcells;
00824       ALLstatus=1-ALLstatus;
00825       if (ALLstatus<0)
00826         ALLstatus=0;
00827       s.ALLstatus=ALLstatus;
00828     }
00830   if (debug_>0)
00831     {
00832       cout <<s.problemDir<<endl;
00833       cout <<"HB = "<<HBstatus<<endl;
00834       cout <<"HE = "<<HEstatus<<endl;
00835       cout <<"HO = "<<HOstatus<<endl;
00836       cout <<"HF = "<<HFstatus<<endl;
00837       cout <<"TOTAL = "<<s.ALLstatus<<endl;
00838       cout <<"sumHB = "<<status_HB_<<endl;
00839       cout <<"sumHE = "<<status_HE_<<endl;
00840       cout <<"sumHO = "<<status_HO_<<endl;
00841       cout <<"sumHF = "<<status_HF_<<endl;
00842       cout <<"________________"<<endl;
00844     }
00846   return;
00847 } //void HcalSummaryClient::analyze_subtask(SubTaskSummaryStatus &s)

void HcalSummaryClient::beginJob ( DQMStore dqmStore  ) 

Definition at line 147 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, dqmStore_, lat::endl(), ievt_, jevt_, and lastupdate_.

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::beginJob().

00148 {
00149   dqmStore_=dqmStore;
00150   if (debug_>0) 
00151     cout <<"<HcalSummaryClient: beginJob>"<<endl;
00152   ievt_ = 0; // keepts track of all events in job
00153   jevt_ = 0; // keeps track of all events in run
00154   lastupdate_=0; // keeps analyze from being called by both endRun and endJob
00155 } // void HcalSummaryClient::beginJob(DQMStore* dqmStore)

void HcalSummaryClient::beginRun ( void   ) 

Definition at line 157 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, lat::endl(), jevt_, and setup().

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::beginRun().

00158 {
00159   if ( debug_>0 ) cout << "<HcalSummaryClient: beginRun>" << endl;
00161   jevt_ = 0;
00162   this->setup();
00163 } //void HcalSummaryClient::beginRun(void)

void HcalSummaryClient::cleanup ( void   ) 

Definition at line 250 of file

References dqmStore_, enableCleanup_, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getName(), me, prefixME_, and DQMStore::removeElement().

Referenced by endJob(), and endRun().

00251 {
00253   if ( ! enableCleanup_ ) return;
00255   MonitorElement* me;
00257   if ( me = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummary") ) 
00258     {
00259       dqmStore_->removeElement(me->getName());
00260     }
00261 } // void HcalSummaryClient::cleanup(void)

void HcalSummaryClient::endJob ( void   ) 

Definition at line 165 of file

References analyze(), cleanup(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, lat::endl(), ievt_, and lastupdate_.

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::endJob().

00166 {
00167   if ( debug_>0 ) cout << "<HcalSummaryClient: endJob> ievt = " << ievt_ << endl;
00168   // When the job ends, we want to make a summary before exiting
00169   if (ievt_>lastupdate_)
00170     analyze();
00171   this->cleanup();
00172 } // void HcalSummaryClient::endJob(void)

void HcalSummaryClient::endRun ( void   ) 

Definition at line 174 of file

References analyze(), cleanup(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, debug_, lat::endl(), ievt_, jevt_, and lastupdate_.

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::endRun().

00175 {
00176   if ( debug_ ) cout << "<HcalSummaryClient: endRun> jevt = " << jevt_ << endl;
00177   // When the run ends, we want to make a summary before exiting
00178   analyze();
00179   lastupdate_=ievt_;
00180   this->cleanup();
00181 } // void HcalSummaryClient::endRun(void) 

int HcalSummaryClient::getEvtPerJob ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 89 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

References ievt_.

00089 { return ievt_; }

int HcalSummaryClient::getEvtPerRun ( void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 90 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

References jevt_.

00090 { return jevt_; }

void HcalSummaryClient::htmlOutput ( int run,
time_t &  mytime,
int minlumi,
int maxlumi,
std::string &  htmlDir,
std::string &  htmlName 

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::htmlOutput().

void HcalSummaryClient::incrementCounters ( void   ) 

Definition at line 264 of file

References ievt_, and jevt_.

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::analyze().

00265 {
00266   ++ievt_;
00267   ++jevt_;
00268   return;
00269 } // void HcalSummaryClient::incrementCounters()

void HcalSummaryClient::init ( const edm::ParameterSet ps,
DQMStore dbe,
string  clientName 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from HcalBaseClient.

Definition at line 47 of file

References caloTowerMon_, cloneME_, GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, dataFormatMon_, deadCellMon_, debug_, digiMon_, enableCleanup_, lat::endl(), etaBins_, ETAMAX, etaMax_, ETAMIN, etaMin_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), HBpresent_, HEpresent_, HFpresent_, HOpresent_, hotCellMon_, HcalBaseClient::init(), int, ledMon_, SubTaskSummaryStatus::onoff, pedestalMon_, phiBins_, PHIMAX, phiMax_, PHIMIN, phiMin_, prefixME_, SubTaskSummaryStatus::problemDir, SubTaskSummaryStatus::problemName, recHitMon_, status_global_, status_HB_, status_HE_, status_HF_, status_HO_, status_ZDC_, subdetCells_, trigPrimMon_, and ZDCpresent_.

Referenced by HcalMonitorClient::initialize().

00048 {
00049   //Call the base class first
00050   HcalBaseClient::init(ps,dbe,clientName);
00052   // cloneME switch
00053   cloneME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("cloneME", true);
00055   // debug switch
00056   debug_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("debug", 0);
00058   // prefixME path
00059   prefixME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("prefixME", "Hcal");
00061   // enableCleanup_ switch
00062   enableCleanup_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup", false);
00064   // Find out which subtasks are being run
00065   // At the moment, only hot/dead/pedestal comply with correct format of histograms; ignore all others
00066   //dataFormatMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DataFormatClient",false));
00067   digiMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DigiClient",false));
00068   recHitMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("RecHitClient",false));
00069   pedestalMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PedestalClient",false));
00070   pedestalMon_.onoff=false; // don't include pedestal monitoring in overall data quality?
00071   //ledMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("LEDClient",false));
00072   hotCellMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("HotCellClient",false));
00073   deadCellMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DeadCellClient",false));
00074   //trigPrimMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("TrigPrimClient",false));
00075   //caloTowerMon_.onoff=(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("CaloTowerClient",false));
00077   // Set histogram problem names & directories  for each subtask
00078   dataFormatMon_.problemName  = "";
00079   digiMon_.problemName        = "Problem Digi Rate";
00080   recHitMon_.problemName      = "Problem RecHit Rate";
00081   pedestalMon_.problemName    = " Problem Pedestal Rate";
00082   ledMon_.problemName         = "";
00083   hotCellMon_.problemName     = " Problem Hot Cell Rate";
00084   deadCellMon_.problemName    = " Problem Dead Cell Rate";
00085   trigPrimMon_.problemName    = "";
00086   caloTowerMon_.problemName   = "";
00088   dataFormatMon_.problemDir   = "";
00089   digiMon_.problemDir         = "DigiMonitor_Hcal/problem_digis";
00090   recHitMon_.problemDir       = "";
00091   pedestalMon_.problemDir     = "PedestalMonitor_Hcal/problem_pedestals";
00092   ledMon_.problemDir          = "";
00093   hotCellMon_.problemDir      = "HotCellMonitor_Hcal/problem_hotcells";
00094   deadCellMon_.problemDir     = "DeadCellMonitor_Hcal/problem_deadcells";
00095   trigPrimMon_.problemDir     = "";
00096   caloTowerMon_.problemDir    = "";
00098   // All initial status floats set to -1 (unknown)
00099   status_HB_=-1;
00100   status_HE_=-1;
00101   status_HO_=-1;
00102   status_HF_=-1;
00103   status_ZDC_=-1;
00104   status_global_=-1;
00106   // set total number of cells in each subdetector
00107   subdetCells_.insert(make_pair("HB",2592));
00108   subdetCells_.insert(make_pair("HE",2592));
00109   subdetCells_.insert(make_pair("HO",2160));
00110   subdetCells_.insert(make_pair("HF",1728));
00112   // Assume subdetectors absent at start
00113   HBpresent_=0;
00114   HEpresent_=0;
00115   HOpresent_=0;
00116   HFpresent_=0;
00117   ZDCpresent_=0;
00119   // Set eta, phi boundaries for overall report summary map
00120   etaMax_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaxEta", ETAMAX);
00121   etaMin_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MinEta", ETAMIN);
00122   if (etaMax_ > 44.5)
00123     {
00124       cout <<"<HcalBaseMonitor> WARNING:  etaMax_ value of "<<etaMax_<<" exceeds maximum allowed value of 44.5"<<endl;
00125       cout <<"                      Value being set back to 44.5."<<endl;
00126       cout <<"                      Additional code changes are necessary to allow value of "<<etaMax_<<endl;
00127       etaMax_ = 44.5;
00128     }
00129   if (etaMin_ < ETAMIN)
00130     {
00131       cout <<"<HcalBaseMonitor> WARNING:  etaMin_ value of "<<etaMin_<<" exceeds minimum allowed value of 44.5"<<endl;
00132       cout <<"                      Value being set back to -44.5."<<endl;
00133       cout <<"                      Additional code changes are necessary to allow value of "<<etaMin_<<endl;
00134       etaMin_ = -44.5;
00135     }
00136   etaBins_ = (int)(etaMax_ - etaMin_);
00137   phiMax_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaxPhi", PHIMAX);
00138   phiMin_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MinPhi", PHIMIN);
00139   phiBins_ = (int)(phiMax_ - phiMin_);
00141 } // HcalSummaryClient::HcalSummaryClient(const ParameterSet& ps)

void HcalSummaryClient::resetSummaryPlot ( int  Subdet  ) 

Definition at line 851 of file

References GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, d, dqmStore_, lat::endl(), eta, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), int, phi, prefixME_, and HcalBaseClient::validDetId().

Referenced by analyze().

00852 {
00853   MonitorElement* reportMap = dqmStore_->get(prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/advancedReportSummaryMap");
00854   if (!reportMap)
00855     {
00856       cout <<"<HcalSummaryClient::resetSummaryPlot> Could not get advancedReportSummaryMap!"<<endl;
00857       return;
00858     }
00859   TH2F* hist=reportMap->getTH2F();
00860   int etabins=hist->GetNbinsX();
00861   int phibins=hist->GetNbinsY();
00862   double etamin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00863   double phimin=hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
00864   int eta,phi;
00866   //  Loop over all bins for problem report; set their contents to 0 if 
00867   // they have valid cell ID
00868   for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00869     {
00870       for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00871         {
00872           for (int d=1;d<=4;++d)
00873             {
00874               eta=ieta+int(etamin)-1;
00875               phi=iphi+int(phimin)-1;
00876               if (validDetId((HcalSubdetector)Subdet,eta,phi,d))
00877                 hist->SetBinContent(ieta,iphi,0.);
00878             }
00880         } // for (int iphi=1;iphi<=phibins;++iphi)
00881     } // for (int ieta=1; ieta<=etabins;++ieta)
00882   return;
00883 } // void HcalSummaryClient::resetSummaryPlot(int Subdet)

void HcalSummaryClient::setup ( void   ) 

Definition at line 183 of file

References DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookFloat(), dqmStore_, etaBins_, etaMax_, etaMin_, MonitorElement::Fill(), DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getName(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), histo, i, me, phiBins_, phiMax_, phiMin_, prefixME_, DQMStore::removeElement(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

Referenced by beginRun().

00184 {
00185   MonitorElement* me;
00186   ostringstream histo;
00187   // set overall status
00188   dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_ + "/EventInfo");
00189   histo<<"reportSummary";
00190   me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/EventInfo/"+histo.str().c_str());
00191   if (me)
00192     dqmStore_->removeElement(me->getName());
00193   me = dqmStore_->bookFloat(histo.str().c_str());
00194   me->Fill(-1); // set status to unknown at startup
00195   histo.str("");
00197   std::string subdets[4] = {"HB","HE","HO","HF"};
00198   for (unsigned int i=0;i<4;++i)
00199     {
00200       // Create floats showing subtasks status
00201       dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_ + "/EventInfo/reportSummaryContents" );  histo<<"Hcal_"<<subdets[i].c_str();
00202       me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/EventInfo/"+histo.str().c_str());
00203       if (me)
00204         dqmStore_->removeElement(me->getName());
00205       me = dqmStore_->bookFloat(histo.str().c_str());
00206       me->Fill(-1); // set status to unknown at startup
00207       histo.str("");
00208     }
00210   // Make overall 2D histogram
00211   dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(prefixME_+"/EventInfo/");
00212   histo<<"advancedReportSummaryMap";
00213   me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/EventInfo/"+histo.str().c_str());
00214   if (me)
00215     dqmStore_->removeElement(me->getName());
00216   me = dqmStore_->book2D(histo.str().c_str(), histo.str().c_str(), 
00217                          etaBins_,etaMin_,etaMax_,
00218                          phiBins_,phiMin_,phiMax_);
00219   // Set histogram values to -1
00220   // Set all bins to "unknown" to start
00221   for (int ieta=1;ieta<=etaBins_;++ieta)
00222     for (int iphi=1; iphi<=phiBins_;++iphi)
00223       me->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,-1);
00225   // Make new simplified status histogram
00226   histo.str("");
00227   histo<<"reportSummaryMap";
00228   me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"/EventInfo/"+histo.str().c_str());
00229   if (me)
00230     dqmStore_->removeElement(me->getName());
00231   me = dqmStore_->book2D(histo.str().c_str(), histo.str().c_str(), 
00232                          5,0,5,1,0,1);
00233   TH2F* myhist=me->getTH2F();
00234   myhist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"HB");
00235   myhist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"HE");
00236   myhist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"HO");
00237   myhist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"HF");
00238   myhist->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"Status");
00239   // Add ZDC at some point
00240   myhist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,"ZDC");
00241   myhist->SetBinContent(5,1,-1); // no ZDC info known
00242   myhist->SetOption("textcolz");
00243   //myhist->SetOptStat(0);
00245   return;
00247 } // void HcalSummaryClient::setup(void)

Member Data Documentation

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::beamMon_ [private]

Definition at line 114 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::caloTowerMon_ [private]

Definition at line 113 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

bool HcalSummaryClient::cloneME_ [private]

Reimplemented from HcalBaseClient.

Definition at line 101 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by init().

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::dataFormatMon_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::deadCellMon_ [private]

Definition at line 113 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::debug_ [private]

Reimplemented from HcalBaseClient.

Definition at line 103 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), beginJob(), beginRun(), endJob(), endRun(), and init().

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::digiMon_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

DQMStore* HcalSummaryClient::dqmStore_ [private]

Definition at line 109 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), beginJob(), cleanup(), resetSummaryPlot(), and setup().

bool HcalSummaryClient::enableCleanup_ [private]

Definition at line 107 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by cleanup(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::etaBins_ [private]

Definition at line 130 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), init(), and setup().

double HcalSummaryClient::etaMax_ [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by init(), and setup().

double HcalSummaryClient::etaMin_ [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), init(), and setup().

int HcalSummaryClient::HBpresent_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::HEpresent_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::HFpresent_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::HOpresent_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::hotCellMon_ [private]

Definition at line 112 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

ofstream HcalSummaryClient::htmlFile [private]

Definition at line 127 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

int HcalSummaryClient::ievt_ [private]

Reimplemented from HcalBaseClient.

Definition at line 95 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), endJob(), endRun(), getEvtPerJob(), and incrementCounters().

int HcalSummaryClient::jevt_ [private]

Reimplemented from HcalBaseClient.

Definition at line 96 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), beginRun(), endRun(), getEvtPerRun(), and incrementCounters().

int HcalSummaryClient::lastupdate_ [private]

Definition at line 97 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and endRun().

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::ledMon_ [private]

Definition at line 112 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::pedestalMon_ [private]

Definition at line 112 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::phiBins_ [private]

Definition at line 130 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), init(), and setup().

double HcalSummaryClient::phiMax_ [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by init(), and setup().

double HcalSummaryClient::phiMin_ [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), init(), and setup().

std::string HcalSummaryClient::prefixME_ [private]

Definition at line 105 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), cleanup(), init(), resetSummaryPlot(), and setup().

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::recHitMon_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

double HcalSummaryClient::status_global_ [private]

Definition at line 125 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

double HcalSummaryClient::status_HB_ [private]

Definition at line 120 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

double HcalSummaryClient::status_HE_ [private]

Definition at line 121 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

double HcalSummaryClient::status_HF_ [private]

Definition at line 123 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

double HcalSummaryClient::status_HO_ [private]

Definition at line 122 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

double HcalSummaryClient::status_ZDC_ [private]

Definition at line 124 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

std::map<std::string, int> HcalSummaryClient::subdetCells_ [private]

Definition at line 116 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::totalcells_ [private]

Definition at line 117 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

SubTaskSummaryStatus HcalSummaryClient::trigPrimMon_ [private]

Definition at line 113 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

int HcalSummaryClient::ZDCpresent_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HcalSummaryClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), analyze_subtask(), and init().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:23:56 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4