TrackerGeometryCompare Class Reference

Module that reads survey info from DB and prints them out. More...

#include <Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/TrackerGeometryCompare.h>

Inheritance diagram for TrackerGeometryCompare:


List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< Alignable * > Alignables
typedef AlignTransform SurveyValue
typedef Alignments SurveyValues

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob (const edm::EventSetup &)
 Read from DB and print survey info.
 TrackerGeometryCompare (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 Do nothing. Required by framework.

Private Member Functions

void addSurveyInfo (Alignable *ali)
void compareGeometries (Alignable *refAli, Alignable *curAli)
void createROOTGeometry (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void diffCommonTrackerSystem (Alignable *refAli, Alignable *curAli)
void fillIdentifiers (int subdetlevel, int rawid)
void fillTree (Alignable *refAli, AlgebraicVector diff)
bool passIdCut (uint32_t)
void setCommonTrackerSystem ()
void surveyToTracker (AlignableTracker *ali, Alignments *alignVals, AlignmentErrors *alignErrors)

Private Attributes

TTree * _alignTree
float _alphaVal
float _betaVal
align::StructureType _commonTrackerLevel
float _dalphaVal
float _dbetaVal
int _detDim
bool _detIdFlag
std::string _detIdFlagFile
std::vector< uint32_t > _detIdFlagVector
float _dgammaVal
float _dphiVal
float _drVal
float _dxVal
float _dyVal
float _dzVal
float _etaVal
std::string _filename
float _gammaVal
int _id
uint32_t _identifiers [6]
std::string _inputFilename1
std::string _inputFilename2
TFile * _inputRootFile1
TFile * _inputRootFile2
TTree * _inputTree1
TTree * _inputTree2
std::string _inputTreename
int _level
int _mid
int _mlevel
float _phiVal
float _rVal
std::string _setCommonTrackerSystem
int _sublevel
float _surLength
double _surRot [9]
float _surWidth
TFile * _theFile
align::PositionType _TrackerCommonCM
align::EulerAngles _TrackerCommonR
align::GlobalVector _TrackerCommonT
int _useDetId
std::string _weightBy
bool _weightById
std::string _weightByIdFile
std::vector< unsigned int_weightByIdVector
bool _writeToDB
float _xVal
float _yVal
float _zVal
edm::ParameterSet m_params
std::vector< align::StructureTypetheLevels
const SurveyErrorstheSurveyErrors
unsigned int theSurveyIndex
const AlignmentstheSurveyValues

Detailed Description

Module that reads survey info from DB and prints them out.

Usage: module comparator = TrackerGeometryCompare {

lots of stuff

} path p = { comparator }

2008/06/17 15:35:14
Nhan Tran

Definition at line 35 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<Alignable*> TrackerGeometryCompare::Alignables

Definition at line 41 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

typedef AlignTransform TrackerGeometryCompare::SurveyValue

Definition at line 39 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

typedef Alignments TrackerGeometryCompare::SurveyValues

Definition at line 40 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TrackerGeometryCompare::TrackerGeometryCompare ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg  ) 

Do nothing. Required by framework.

Definition at line 51 of file

References _alignTree, _alphaVal, _betaVal, _dalphaVal, _dbetaVal, _detDim, _detIdFlag, _detIdFlagFile, _detIdFlagVector, _dgammaVal, _dphiVal, _drVal, _dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal, _etaVal, _filename, _gammaVal, _id, _identifiers, _inputFilename1, _inputFilename2, _inputTreename, _level, _mid, _mlevel, _phiVal, _rVal, _setCommonTrackerSystem, _sublevel, _surLength, _surRot, _surWidth, _theFile, _useDetId, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdFile, _weightByIdVector, _writeToDB, _xVal, _yVal, _zVal, dummy, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), id, edm::es::l(), and theLevels.

00052 {
00054         //input is ROOT
00055         _inputFilename1 = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("inputROOTFile1");
00056         _inputFilename2 = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("inputROOTFile2");
00057         _inputTreename = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("treeName");
00059         //output file
00060         _filename = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("outputFile");
00062         _writeToDB = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("writeToDB" );
00064         const std::vector<std::string>& levels = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<std::string> > ("levels");
00066         _weightBy = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("weightBy");
00067         _setCommonTrackerSystem = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("setCommonTrackerSystem");
00068         _detIdFlag = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("detIdFlag");
00069         _detIdFlagFile = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("detIdFlagFile");
00070         _weightById  = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< bool > ("weightById");
00071         _weightByIdFile = cfg.getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ("weightByIdFile");
00073         //setting the levels being used in the geometry comparator
00074         AlignableObjectId dummy;
00075         edm::LogInfo("TrakcerGeomertyCompare") << "levels: " << levels.size();
00076         for (unsigned int l = 0; l < levels.size(); ++l){
00077                 theLevels.push_back( dummy.nameToType(levels[l]));
00078                 edm::LogInfo("TrakcerGeomertyCompare") << "level: " << levels[l];
00079         }
00082         // if want to use, make id cut list
00083         if (_detIdFlag){
00084         ifstream fin;
00085 _detIdFlagFile.c_str() );
00087         while (!fin.eof() && fin.good() ){
00089                         uint32_t id;
00090                         fin >> id;
00091                         _detIdFlagVector.push_back(id);
00092         }
00093         fin.close();
00094         }               
00096         // turn weightByIdFile into weightByIdVector
00097         if (_weightById){
00098                 std::ifstream inFile;
00099        _weightByIdFile.c_str() );
00100                 int ctr = 0;
00101                 while ( !inFile.eof() ){
00102                         ctr++;
00103                         unsigned int listId;
00104                         inFile >> listId;
00105                         inFile.ignore(256, '\n');
00107                         _weightByIdVector.push_back( listId );
00108                 }
00109                 inFile.close();
00110         }
00113         //root configuration
00114         _theFile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(),"RECREATE");
00115         _alignTree = new TTree("alignTree","alignTree");//,"id:level:mid:mlevel:sublevel:x:y:z:r:phi:a:b:c:dx:dy:dz:dr:dphi:da:db:dc");
00116         _alignTree->Branch("id", &_id, "id/I");
00117         _alignTree->Branch("level", &_level, "level/I");
00118         _alignTree->Branch("mid", &_mid, "mid/I");
00119         _alignTree->Branch("mlevel", &_mlevel, "mlevel/I");
00120         _alignTree->Branch("sublevel", &_sublevel, "sublevel/I");
00121         _alignTree->Branch("x", &_xVal, "x/F");
00122         _alignTree->Branch("y", &_yVal, "y/F");
00123         _alignTree->Branch("z", &_zVal, "z/F");
00124         _alignTree->Branch("r", &_rVal, "r/F");
00125         _alignTree->Branch("phi", &_phiVal, "phi/F");
00126         _alignTree->Branch("eta", &_etaVal, "eta/F");
00127         _alignTree->Branch("alpha", &_alphaVal, "alpha/F");
00128         _alignTree->Branch("beta", &_betaVal, "beta/F");
00129         _alignTree->Branch("gamma", &_gammaVal, "gamma/F");
00130         _alignTree->Branch("dx", &_dxVal, "dx/F");
00131         _alignTree->Branch("dy", &_dyVal, "dy/F");
00132         _alignTree->Branch("dz", &_dzVal, "dz/F");
00133         _alignTree->Branch("dr", &_drVal, "dr/F");
00134         _alignTree->Branch("dphi", &_dphiVal, "dphi/F");
00135         _alignTree->Branch("dalpha", &_dalphaVal, "dalpha/F");
00136         _alignTree->Branch("dbeta", &_dbetaVal, "dbeta/F");
00137         _alignTree->Branch("dgamma", &_dgammaVal, "dgamma/F");
00138         _alignTree->Branch("useDetId", &_useDetId, "useDetId/I");
00139         _alignTree->Branch("detDim", &_detDim, "detDim/I");     
00140         _alignTree->Branch("surW", &_surWidth, "surW/F");
00141         _alignTree->Branch("surL", &_surLength, "surL/F");
00142         _alignTree->Branch("surRot", &_surRot, "surRot[9]/D");
00143         _alignTree->Branch("identifiers", &_identifiers, "identifiers[6]/I");
00146 }

Member Function Documentation

void TrackerGeometryCompare::addSurveyInfo ( Alignable ali  )  [private]

Definition at line 580 of file

References Alignable::alignableObjectId(), Alignable::components(), error, Exception, Alignable::geomDetId(), i, AlignableSurface::length(), Alignments::m_align, SurveyErrors::m_surveyErrors, SurveyError::matrix(), DetId::rawId(), SurveyError::rawId(), rot, AlignableSurface::setLength(), Alignable::setSurvey(), AlignableSurface::setWidth(), SurveyError::structureType(), Alignable::surface(), theSurveyErrors, theSurveyIndex, theSurveyValues, and AlignableSurface::width().

00580                                                         {
00582         const std::vector<Alignable*>& comp = ali->components();
00584         unsigned int nComp = comp.size();
00586         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) addSurveyInfo(comp[i]);
00588         const SurveyError& error = theSurveyErrors->m_surveyErrors[theSurveyIndex];
00590         if ( ali->geomDetId().rawId() != error.rawId() ||
00591                 ali->alignableObjectId() != error.structureType() )
00592         {
00593                 throw cms::Exception("DatabaseError")
00594                 << "Error reading survey info from DB. Mismatched id!";
00595         }
00597         const CLHEP::Hep3Vector&  pos = theSurveyValues->m_align[theSurveyIndex].translation();
00598         const CLHEP::HepRotation& rot = theSurveyValues->m_align[theSurveyIndex].rotation();
00600         AlignableSurface surf( align::PositionType( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() ),
00601                                                   align::RotationType( rot.xx(), rot.xy(), rot.xz(),
00602                                                                                           rot.yx(), rot.yy(), rot.yz(),
00603                                                                                           rot.zx(), rot.zy(), rot.zz() ) );
00605         surf.setWidth( ali->surface().width() );
00606         surf.setLength( ali->surface().length() );
00608         ali->setSurvey( new SurveyDet( surf, error.matrix() ) );
00610         ++theSurveyIndex;
00612 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::analyze ( const edm::Event ,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 296 of file

00296                                                                                 {
00298 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::beginJob ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup  )  [virtual]

Read from DB and print survey info.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 148 of file

References _alignTree, _setCommonTrackerSystem, _theFile, _writeToDB, AlignableTracker::alignmentErrors(), AlignableTracker::alignments(), compareGeometries(), createROOTGeometry(), currentTracker, edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), referenceTracker, and setCommonTrackerSystem().

00148                                                                 {
00150         //upload the ROOT geometries
00151         createROOTGeometry(iSetup);
00153         //set common tracker system first
00154         // if setting the tracker common system
00155         if (_setCommonTrackerSystem != "NONE"){
00156                 setCommonTrackerSystem();
00157         }
00160         //compare the goemetries
00161         compareGeometries(referenceTracker,currentTracker);
00163         //write out ntuple
00164         //might be better to do within output module
00165         _theFile->cd();
00166         _alignTree->Write();
00167         _theFile->Close();
00170         if (_writeToDB){
00171                 Alignments* myAlignments = currentTracker->alignments();
00172                 AlignmentErrors* myAlignmentErrors = currentTracker->alignmentErrors();
00174                 // 2. Store alignment[Error]s to DB
00175                 edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> poolDbService;
00176                 // Call service
00177                 if( !poolDbService.isAvailable() ) // Die if not available
00178                         throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
00180                 poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>(&(*myAlignments), poolDbService->beginOfTime(), "TrackerAlignmentRcd");
00181                 poolDbService->writeOne<AlignmentErrors>(&(*myAlignmentErrors), poolDbService->beginOfTime(), "TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd");
00183         }               
00185 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::compareGeometries ( Alignable refAli,
Alignable curAli 
) [private]

Definition at line 300 of file

References _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector, Alignable::alignableObjectId(), HcalDataFrameFilter_impl::check(), Alignable::components(), diff, align::diffAlignables(), e, fillTree(), Alignable::geomDetId(), i, Alignable::id(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), align::moveAlignable(), DetId::rawId(), rot, and theLevels.

Referenced by beginJob(), and diffCommonTrackerSystem().

00300                                                                                   {
00302         const std::vector<Alignable*>& refComp = refAli->components();
00303         const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp = curAli->components();
00305         unsigned int nComp = refComp.size();
00306         //only perform for designate levels
00307         bool useLevel = false;
00308         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theLevels.size(); ++i){
00309                 if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == theLevels[i]) useLevel = true;
00310         }
00312         //another added level for difference between det and detunit
00313         //if ((refAli->alignableObjectId()==2)&&(nComp == 1)) useLevel = false;
00315         //coordinate matching, etc etc
00316         if (useLevel){
00317                 //std::cout << "ali identifiers: " << refAli->id() << ", " << refAli->alignableObjectId() << std::endl;
00318                 //std::cout << "diff pos" << (refAli->globalPosition() - curAli->globalPosition()) << std::endl;
00319                 //std::cout <<"z";
00320                 Hep3Vector Rtotal, Wtotal;
00321                 Rtotal.set(0.,0.,0.); Wtotal.set(0.,0.,0.);
00323                 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
00324                         AlgebraicVector diff = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
00325                         Hep3Vector dR(diff[0],diff[1],diff[2]);
00326                         Rtotal+=dR;
00327                         Hep3Vector dW(diff[3],diff[4],diff[5]);
00328                         HepRotation rot(Wtotal.unit(),Wtotal.mag());
00329                         HepRotation drot(dW.unit(),dW.mag());
00330                         rot*=drot;
00331                         Wtotal.set(rot.axis().x()*, rot.axis().y()*, rot.axis().z()*;
00332                         //std::cout << "a";
00333                         //if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == 1) std::cout << "DIFF: " << diff << std::endl;
00334                         align::moveAlignable(curAli, diff);
00335                         float tolerance = 1e-7;
00336                         AlgebraicVector check = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
00337                         align::GlobalVector checkR(check[0],check[1],check[2]);
00338                         align::GlobalVector checkW(check[3],check[4],check[5]);
00339                         DetId detid(refAli->id());
00340                         if ((checkR.mag() > tolerance)||(checkW.mag() > tolerance)){
00341                                 edm::LogInfo("CopareGeoms") << "Tolerance Exceeded!(alObjId: " << refAli->alignableObjectId()
00342                                 << ", rawId: " << refAli->geomDetId().rawId()
00343                                 << ", subdetId: "<< detid.subdetId() << "): " << diff;
00344                         }
00345                         else{
00346                                 break;
00347                         }
00348                 }
00350                 AlgebraicVector TRtot(6);
00351                 TRtot(1) = Rtotal.x(); TRtot(2) = Rtotal.y(); TRtot(3) = Rtotal.z();
00352                 TRtot(4) = Wtotal.x(); TRtot(5) = Wtotal.y(); TRtot(6) = Wtotal.z();
00353                 fillTree(refAli, TRtot);
00356         }
00358         //another added level for difference between det and detunit
00359         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) compareGeometries(refComp[i],curComp[i]);
00362 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::createROOTGeometry ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup  )  [private]

Definition at line 188 of file

References _inputFilename1, _inputFilename2, _inputRootFile1, _inputRootFile2, _inputTree1, _inputTree2, _inputTreename, GeometryAligner::applyAlignments(), TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet::build(), currentTracker, align::DetectorGlobalPosition(), edm::EventSetup::get(), i, Alignments::m_align, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, referenceTracker, python::multivaluedict::sort(), and DetId::Tracker.

Referenced by beginJob().

00188                                                                           {
00190         int inputRawId1, inputRawId2;
00191         double inputX1, inputY1, inputZ1, inputX2, inputY2, inputZ2;
00192         double inputAlpha1, inputBeta1, inputGamma1, inputAlpha2, inputBeta2, inputGamma2;
00194         //declare alignments
00195         Alignments* alignments1 = new Alignments();
00196         AlignmentErrors* alignmentErrors1 = new AlignmentErrors();      
00197         if (_inputFilename1 != "IDEAL"){
00198                 _inputRootFile1 = new TFile(_inputFilename1.c_str());
00199                 TTree* _inputTree1 = (TTree*) _inputRootFile1->Get(_inputTreename.c_str());
00200                 _inputTree1->SetBranchAddress("rawid", &inputRawId1);
00201                 _inputTree1->SetBranchAddress("x", &inputX1);
00202                 _inputTree1->SetBranchAddress("y", &inputY1);
00203                 _inputTree1->SetBranchAddress("z", &inputZ1);
00204                 _inputTree1->SetBranchAddress("alpha", &inputAlpha1);
00205                 _inputTree1->SetBranchAddress("beta", &inputBeta1);
00206                 _inputTree1->SetBranchAddress("gamma", &inputGamma1);
00208                 int nEntries1 = _inputTree1->GetEntries();
00209                 //fill alignments
00210                 for (int i = 0; i < nEntries1; ++i){
00212                         _inputTree1->GetEntry(i);
00213                         Hep3Vector translation1(inputX1, inputY1, inputZ1);
00214                         HepEulerAngles eulerangles1(inputAlpha1,inputBeta1,inputGamma1);
00215                         uint32_t detid1 = inputRawId1;
00216                         AlignTransform transform1(translation1, eulerangles1, detid1);
00217                         alignments1->m_align.push_back(transform1);
00219                         //dummy errors
00220                         HepSymMatrix clhepSymMatrix(3,0);
00221                         AlignTransformError transformError(clhepSymMatrix, detid1);
00222                         alignmentErrors1->m_alignError.push_back(transformError);
00223                 }               
00225                 // to get the right order
00226                 std::sort( alignments1->m_align.begin(), alignments1->m_align.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransform>() );
00227                 std::sort( alignmentErrors1->m_alignError.begin(), alignmentErrors1->m_alignError.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransformError>() );
00228         }
00229         //------------------
00230         Alignments* alignments2 = new Alignments();
00231         AlignmentErrors* alignmentErrors2 = new AlignmentErrors();
00232         if (_inputFilename2 != "IDEAL"){        
00233                 _inputRootFile2 = new TFile(_inputFilename2.c_str());
00234                 TTree* _inputTree2 = (TTree*) _inputRootFile2->Get(_inputTreename.c_str());
00235                 _inputTree2->SetBranchAddress("rawid", &inputRawId2);
00236                 _inputTree2->SetBranchAddress("x", &inputX2);
00237                 _inputTree2->SetBranchAddress("y", &inputY2);
00238                 _inputTree2->SetBranchAddress("z", &inputZ2);
00239                 _inputTree2->SetBranchAddress("alpha", &inputAlpha2);
00240                 _inputTree2->SetBranchAddress("beta", &inputBeta2);
00241                 _inputTree2->SetBranchAddress("gamma", &inputGamma2);
00243                 int nEntries2 = _inputTree2->GetEntries();
00244                 //fill alignments
00245                 for (int i = 0; i < nEntries2; ++i){
00247                         _inputTree2->GetEntry(i);
00248                         Hep3Vector translation2(inputX2, inputY2, inputZ2);
00249                         HepEulerAngles eulerangles2(inputAlpha2,inputBeta2,inputGamma2);
00250                         uint32_t detid2 = inputRawId2;
00251                         AlignTransform transform2(translation2, eulerangles2, detid2);
00252                         alignments2->m_align.push_back(transform2);
00254                         //dummy errors
00255                         HepSymMatrix clhepSymMatrix(3,0);
00256                         AlignTransformError transformError(clhepSymMatrix, detid2);
00257                         alignmentErrors2->m_alignError.push_back(transformError);
00258                 }                       
00260                 //to get the right order
00261                 std::sort( alignments2->m_align.begin(), alignments2->m_align.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransform>() );
00262                 std::sort( alignmentErrors2->m_alignError.begin(), alignmentErrors2->m_alignError.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransformError>() );
00263         }
00265         //accessing the initial geometry
00266         edm::ESHandle<DDCompactView> cpv;
00267         iSetup.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get(cpv);
00268         edm::ESHandle<GeometricDet> theGeometricDet;
00269         iSetup.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get(theGeometricDet);
00270         TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet trackerBuilder;
00272         edm::ESHandle<Alignments> globalPositionRcd;
00273         iSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().getRecord<GlobalPositionRcd>().get(globalPositionRcd);
00275         //reference tracker
00276         TrackerGeometry* theRefTracker =*theGeometricDet); 
00277         if (_inputFilename1 != "IDEAL"){
00278                 GeometryAligner aligner1;
00279                 aligner1.applyAlignments<TrackerGeometry>( &(*theRefTracker), &(*alignments1), &(*alignmentErrors1),
00280                                                                                                   align::DetectorGlobalPosition(*globalPositionRcd, DetId(DetId::Tracker)));
00281         }
00282         referenceTracker = new AlignableTracker(&(*theRefTracker));
00284         //currernt tracker
00285         TrackerGeometry* theCurTracker =*theGeometricDet); 
00286         if (_inputFilename2 != "IDEAL"){
00287                 GeometryAligner aligner2;
00288                 aligner2.applyAlignments<TrackerGeometry>( &(*theCurTracker), &(*alignments2), &(*alignmentErrors2),
00289                                                                                                   align::DetectorGlobalPosition(*globalPositionRcd, DetId(DetId::Tracker)));
00290         }
00291         currentTracker = new AlignableTracker(&(*theCurTracker));
00294 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::diffCommonTrackerSystem ( Alignable refAli,
Alignable curAli 
) [private]

Definition at line 394 of file

References _commonTrackerLevel, _TrackerCommonCM, _TrackerCommonR, _TrackerCommonT, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector, Alignable::alignableObjectId(), HcalDataFrameFilter_impl::check(), compareGeometries(), Alignable::components(), diff, align::diffAlignables(), e, Alignable::geomDetId(), Alignable::globalPosition(), i, Alignable::id(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), align::moveAlignable(), DetId::rawId(), rot, and theLevels.

Referenced by setCommonTrackerSystem().

00394                                                                                         {
00396         const std::vector<Alignable*>& refComp = refAli->components();
00397         const std::vector<Alignable*>& curComp = curAli->components();
00399         unsigned int nComp = refComp.size();
00400         //only perform for designate levels
00401         bool useLevel = false;
00402         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theLevels.size(); ++i){
00403                 if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == _commonTrackerLevel) useLevel = true;
00404         }
00406         if (useLevel){
00407                 Hep3Vector Rtotal, Wtotal;
00408                 Rtotal.set(0.,0.,0.); Wtotal.set(0.,0.,0.);
00410                 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
00411                         AlgebraicVector diff = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
00412                         Hep3Vector dR(diff[0],diff[1],diff[2]);
00413                         Rtotal+=dR;
00414                         Hep3Vector dW(diff[3],diff[4],diff[5]);
00415                         HepRotation rot(Wtotal.unit(),Wtotal.mag());
00416                         HepRotation drot(dW.unit(),dW.mag());
00417                         rot*=drot;
00418                         Wtotal.set(rot.axis().x()*, rot.axis().y()*, rot.axis().z()*;
00419                         //std::cout << "a";
00420                         //if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == 1) std::cout << "DIFF: " << diff << std::endl;
00421                         align::moveAlignable(curAli, diff);
00422                         float tolerance = 1e-7;
00423                         AlgebraicVector check = align::diffAlignables(refAli,curAli, _weightBy, _weightById, _weightByIdVector);
00424                         align::GlobalVector checkR(check[0],check[1],check[2]);
00425                         align::GlobalVector checkW(check[3],check[4],check[5]);
00426                         DetId detid(refAli->id());
00427                         if ((checkR.mag() > tolerance)||(checkW.mag() > tolerance)){
00428                                 edm::LogInfo("CopareGeoms") << "Tolerance Exceeded!(alObjId: " << refAli->alignableObjectId()
00429                                 << ", rawId: " << refAli->geomDetId().rawId()
00430                                 << ", subdetId: "<< detid.subdetId() << "): " << diff;
00431                         }
00432                         else{
00433                                 break;
00434                         }
00435                 }
00437                 //_TrackerCommonT.set(Rtotal.x(), Rtotal.y(), Rtotal.z());
00438                 _TrackerCommonT = align::GlobalVector(Rtotal.x(), Rtotal.y(), Rtotal.z());
00439                 _TrackerCommonR(1) = Wtotal.x(); _TrackerCommonR(2) = Wtotal.y(); _TrackerCommonR(3) = Wtotal.z();
00440                 _TrackerCommonCM = curAli->globalPosition();
00441                 //_TrackerCommonTR(1) = Rtotal.x(); _TrackerCommonTR(2) = Rtotal.y(); _TrackerCommonTR(3) = Rtotal.z();
00442                 //_TrackerCommonTR(4) = Wtotal.x(); _TrackerCommonTR(5) = Wtotal.y(); _TrackerCommonTR(6) = Wtotal.z();
00445         }
00446         else{
00447                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) compareGeometries(refComp[i],curComp[i]);
00448         }
00451 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::fillIdentifiers ( int  subdetlevel,
int  rawid 
) [private]

Definition at line 627 of file

References _identifiers, PXFDetId::blade(), GenMuonPlsPt100GeV_cfg::cout, PXFDetId::disk(), lat::endl(), PXBDetId::ladder(), TIBDetId::layer(), TOBDetId::layer(), PXBDetId::layer(), PXFDetId::module(), TOBDetId::module(), PXBDetId::module(), TIDDetId::module(), TECDetId::module(), TIBDetId::module(), PXFDetId::panel(), TECDetId::petal(), TIDDetId::ring(), TECDetId::ring(), TOBDetId::rod(), PXFDetId::side(), TIDDetId::side(), TECDetId::side(), TIBDetId::string(), TIDDetId::wheel(), and TECDetId::wheel().

Referenced by fillTree().

00627                                                                         {
00630         switch( subdetlevel ){
00632                 case 1:
00633                 {
00634                         PXBDetId pxbid( rawid );
00635                         _identifiers[0] = pxbid.module();
00636                         _identifiers[1] = pxbid.ladder();
00637                         _identifiers[2] = pxbid.layer();
00638                         _identifiers[3] = 999;
00639                         _identifiers[4] = 999;
00640                         _identifiers[5] = 999;
00641                         break;
00642                 }
00643                 case 2:
00644                 {
00645                         PXFDetId pxfid( rawid );
00646                         _identifiers[0] = pxfid.module();
00647                         _identifiers[1] = pxfid.panel();
00648                         _identifiers[2] = pxfid.blade();
00649                         _identifiers[3] = pxfid.disk();
00650                         _identifiers[4] = pxfid.side();
00651                         _identifiers[5] = 999;
00652                         break;
00653                 }
00654                 case 3:
00655                 {
00656                         TIBDetId tibid( rawid );
00657                         _identifiers[0] = tibid.module();
00658                         _identifiers[1] = tibid.string()[0];
00659                         _identifiers[2] = tibid.string()[1];
00660                         _identifiers[3] = tibid.string()[2];
00661                         _identifiers[4] = tibid.layer();
00662                         _identifiers[5] = 999;
00663                         break;
00664                 }
00665                 case 4: 
00666                 {
00667                         TIDDetId tidid( rawid );
00668                         _identifiers[0] = tidid.module()[0];
00669                         _identifiers[1] = tidid.module()[1];
00670                         _identifiers[2] = tidid.ring();
00671                         _identifiers[3] = tidid.wheel();
00672                         _identifiers[4] = tidid.side();
00673                         _identifiers[5] = 999;
00674                         break;
00675                 }
00676                 case 5: 
00677                 {
00678                         TOBDetId tobid( rawid );
00679                         _identifiers[0] = tobid.module();
00680                         _identifiers[1] = tobid.rod()[0];
00681                         _identifiers[2] = tobid.rod()[1];
00682                         _identifiers[3] = tobid.layer();
00683                         _identifiers[4] = 999;
00684                         _identifiers[5] = 999;
00685                         break;
00686                 }
00687                 case 6: 
00688                 {
00689                         TECDetId tecid( rawid );
00690                         _identifiers[0] = tecid.module();
00691                         _identifiers[1] = tecid.ring();
00692                         _identifiers[2] = tecid.petal()[0];
00693                         _identifiers[3] = tecid.petal()[1];
00694                         _identifiers[4] = tecid.wheel();
00695                         _identifiers[5] = tecid.side();
00696                         break;
00697                 }
00698                 default:
00699                 {
00700                         std::cout << "Error: bad subdetid!!" << std::endl;
00701                         break;
00702                 }
00704         }
00705 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::fillTree ( Alignable refAli,
AlgebraicVector  diff 
) [private]

Definition at line 453 of file

References _alignTree, _alphaVal, _betaVal, _dalphaVal, _dbetaVal, _detDim, _detIdFlag, _dgammaVal, _dphiVal, _drVal, _dxVal, _dyVal, _dzVal, _etaVal, _gammaVal, _id, _level, _mid, _mlevel, _phiVal, _rVal, _sublevel, _surLength, _surRot, _surWidth, _useDetId, _xVal, _yVal, _zVal, align::AlignableDet, align::AlignableDetUnit, Alignable::alignableObjectId(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), fillIdentifiers(), Alignable::geomDetId(), Alignable::globalPosition(), Alignable::globalRotation(), Alignable::id(), AlignableSurface::length(), Alignable::mother(), passIdCut(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), DetId::rawId(), rot, DetId::subdetId(), Alignable::surface(), align::toAngles(), AlignableSurface::width(), TkRotation< T >::xx(), TkRotation< T >::xy(), TkRotation< T >::xz(), TkRotation< T >::yx(), TkRotation< T >::yy(), TkRotation< T >::yz(), TkRotation< T >::zx(), TkRotation< T >::zy(), and TkRotation< T >::zz().

Referenced by compareGeometries().

00453                                                                             {
00456         _id = refAli->id();
00457         _level = refAli->alignableObjectId();
00458         //need if ali has no mother
00459         if (refAli->mother()){
00460                 _mid = refAli->mother()->geomDetId().rawId();
00461                 _mlevel = refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId();
00462         }
00463         else{
00464                 _mid = -1;
00465                 _mlevel = -1;
00466         }
00467         DetId detid(_id);
00468         _sublevel = detid.subdetId();
00469         fillIdentifiers( _sublevel, _id );
00470         _xVal = refAli->globalPosition().x();
00471         _yVal = refAli->globalPosition().y();
00472         _zVal = refAli->globalPosition().z();
00473         align::GlobalVector vec(_xVal,_yVal,_zVal);
00474         _rVal = vec.perp();
00475         _phiVal = vec.phi();
00476         _etaVal = vec.eta();
00477         align::RotationType rot = refAli->globalRotation();
00478         align::EulerAngles eulerAngles = align::toAngles(rot);
00479         _alphaVal = eulerAngles[0];
00480         _betaVal = eulerAngles[1];
00481         _gammaVal = eulerAngles[2];
00482         _dxVal = diff[0];
00483         _dyVal = diff[1];
00484         _dzVal = diff[2];
00485         //getting dR and dPhi
00486         align::GlobalVector vRef(_xVal,_yVal,_zVal);
00487         align::GlobalVector vCur(_xVal - _dxVal, _yVal - _dyVal, _zVal - _dzVal);
00488         _drVal = vCur.perp() - vRef.perp();
00489         _dphiVal = vCur.phi() - vRef.phi();
00490         _dalphaVal = diff[3];
00491         _dbetaVal = diff[4];
00492         _dgammaVal = diff[5];
00494         //detIdFlag
00495         if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit){
00496                 if (_detIdFlag){
00497                         if ((passIdCut(refAli->id()))||(passIdCut(refAli->mother()->id()))){
00498                                 _useDetId = 1;
00499                         }
00500                         else{
00501                                 _useDetId = 0;
00502                         }
00503                 }
00504         }
00505         // det module dimension
00506         if (refAli->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit){
00507                 if (refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId() != align::AlignableDet) _detDim = 1;
00508                 else if (refAli->mother()->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDet) _detDim = 2;
00509         }
00510         else _detDim = 0;
00515         _surWidth = refAli->surface().width();
00516         _surLength = refAli->surface().length();
00517         align::RotationType rt = refAli->globalRotation();
00518         _surRot[0] = rt.xx(); _surRot[1] = rt.xy(); _surRot[2] = rt.xz();
00519         _surRot[3] = rt.yx(); _surRot[4] = rt.yy(); _surRot[5] = rt.yz();
00520         _surRot[6] = rt.zx(); _surRot[7] = rt.zy(); _surRot[8] = rt.zz();
00523         //Fill
00524         _alignTree->Fill();
00526 }

bool TrackerGeometryCompare::passIdCut ( uint32_t  id  )  [private]

Definition at line 614 of file

References _detIdFlagVector, and i.

Referenced by fillTree().

00614                                                    {
00616         bool pass = false;
00617         int nEntries = _detIdFlagVector.size();
00619         for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; i++){
00620                 if (_detIdFlagVector[i] == id) pass = true;
00621         }
00623         return pass;
00625 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::setCommonTrackerSystem (  )  [private]

Definition at line 364 of file

References _commonTrackerLevel, _setCommonTrackerSystem, _TrackerCommonCM, _TrackerCommonR, _TrackerCommonT, currentTracker, diffCommonTrackerSystem(), dummy, Alignable::globalPosition(), align::moveAlignable(), TkRotation< T >::multiplyInverse(), AlignableObjectId::nameToType(), referenceTracker, rot, align::toMatrix(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by beginJob().

00364                                                    {
00366         edm::LogInfo("TrackerGeometryCompare") << "Setting Common Tracker System....";
00368         AlignableObjectId dummy;
00369         _commonTrackerLevel = dummy.nameToType(_setCommonTrackerSystem);
00371         diffCommonTrackerSystem(referenceTracker, currentTracker);
00373         align::RotationType rot = align::toMatrix( _TrackerCommonR );
00374         align::GlobalVector theR = _TrackerCommonT;
00376         //transform to the Tracker System
00377         align::PositionType trackerCM = currentTracker->globalPosition();
00378         align::GlobalVector cmDiff( trackerCM.x()-_TrackerCommonCM.x(), trackerCM.y()-_TrackerCommonCM.y(), trackerCM.z()-_TrackerCommonCM.z() );
00380         //adjust translational difference factoring in different rotational CM
00381         //needed because rotateInGlobalFrame is about CM of alignable, not Tracker
00382         align::GlobalVector::BasicVectorType lpvgf = cmDiff.basicVector();
00383         align::GlobalVector moveV( rot.multiplyInverse(lpvgf) - lpvgf);
00384         align::GlobalVector theRprime(theR + moveV);
00386         AlgebraicVector TrackerCommonTR(6);
00387         TrackerCommonTR(1) = theRprime.x(); TrackerCommonTR(2) = theRprime.y(); TrackerCommonTR(3) = theRprime.z();
00388         TrackerCommonTR(4) = _TrackerCommonR(1); TrackerCommonTR(5) = _TrackerCommonR(2); TrackerCommonTR(6) = _TrackerCommonR(3);
00390         align::moveAlignable(currentTracker, TrackerCommonTR );
00392 }

void TrackerGeometryCompare::surveyToTracker ( AlignableTracker ali,
Alignments alignVals,
AlignmentErrors alignErrors 
) [private]

Definition at line 528 of file

References edmNew::copy(), AlignableTracker::endcapGeomDets(), i, AlignableTracker::innerBarrelGeomDets(), j, k, Alignments::m_align, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, AlignableTracker::outerBarrelGeomDets(), AlignableTracker::pixelEndcapGeomDets(), AlignableTracker::pixelHalfBarrelGeomDets(), SurveyDet::position(), rot, SurveyDet::rotation(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), and AlignableTracker::TIDGeomDets().

00528                                                                                                                       {
00530         //getting the right alignables for the alignment record
00531         std::vector<Alignable*> detPB = ali->pixelHalfBarrelGeomDets();
00532         std::vector<Alignable*> detPEC = ali->pixelEndcapGeomDets();
00533         std::vector<Alignable*> detTIB = ali->innerBarrelGeomDets();
00534         std::vector<Alignable*> detTID = ali->TIDGeomDets();
00535         std::vector<Alignable*> detTOB = ali->outerBarrelGeomDets();
00536         std::vector<Alignable*> detTEC = ali->endcapGeomDets();
00538         std::vector<Alignable*> allGeomDets;
00539         std::copy(detPB.begin(), detPB.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
00540         std::copy(detPEC.begin(), detPEC.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
00541         std::copy(detTIB.begin(), detTIB.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
00542         std::copy(detTID.begin(), detTID.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
00543         std::copy(detTOB.begin(), detTOB.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
00544         std::copy(detTEC.begin(), detTEC.end(), std::back_inserter(allGeomDets));
00546         std::vector<Alignable*> rcdAlis;
00547         for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator i = allGeomDets.begin(); i!= allGeomDets.end(); i++){
00548                 if ((*i)->components().size() == 1){
00549                         rcdAlis.push_back((*i));
00550                 }
00551                 else if ((*i)->components().size() > 1){
00552                         rcdAlis.push_back((*i));
00553                         std::vector<Alignable*> comp = (*i)->components();
00554                         for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator j = comp.begin(); j != comp.end(); j++){
00555                                 rcdAlis.push_back((*j));
00556                         }
00557                 }
00558         }
00560         //turning them into alignments
00561         for(std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator k = rcdAlis.begin(); k != rcdAlis.end(); k++){
00563                 const SurveyDet* surveyInfo = (*k)->survey();
00564                 align::PositionType pos(surveyInfo->position());
00565                 align::RotationType rot(surveyInfo->rotation());
00566                 Hep3Vector clhepVector(pos.x(),pos.y(),pos.z());
00567                 HepRotation clhepRotation( HepRep3x3(rot.xx(),rot.xy(),rot.xz(),rot.yx(),rot.yy(),rot.yz(),rot.zx(),rot.zy(),rot.zz()));
00568                 AlignTransform transform(clhepVector, clhepRotation, (*k)->id());
00569                 AlignTransformError transformError(HepSymMatrix(3,1), (*k)->id());
00570                 alignVals->m_align.push_back(transform);
00571                 alignErrors->m_alignError.push_back(transformError);
00572         }
00574         //to get the right order
00575         std::sort( alignVals->m_align.begin(), alignVals->m_align.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransform>() );
00576         std::sort( alignErrors->m_alignError.begin(), alignErrors->m_alignError.end(), lessAlignmentDetId<AlignTransformError>() );
00578 }

Member Data Documentation

TTree* TrackerGeometryCompare::_alignTree [private]

Definition at line 114 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_alphaVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_betaVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

align::StructureType TrackerGeometryCompare::_commonTrackerLevel [private]

Definition at line 106 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_dalphaVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_dbetaVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

int TrackerGeometryCompare::_detDim [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

bool TrackerGeometryCompare::_detIdFlag [private]

Definition at line 99 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_detIdFlagFile [private]

Definition at line 100 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::vector< uint32_t > TrackerGeometryCompare::_detIdFlagVector [private]

Definition at line 105 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by passIdCut(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_dgammaVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_dphiVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_drVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_dxVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_dyVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_dzVal [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_etaVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_filename [private]

Definition at line 112 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_gammaVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

int TrackerGeometryCompare::_id [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

uint32_t TrackerGeometryCompare::_identifiers[6] [private]

Definition at line 124 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillIdentifiers(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_inputFilename1 [private]

Definition at line 93 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_inputFilename2 [private]

Definition at line 94 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

TFile* TrackerGeometryCompare::_inputRootFile1 [private]

Definition at line 115 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry().

TFile* TrackerGeometryCompare::_inputRootFile2 [private]

Definition at line 116 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry().

TTree* TrackerGeometryCompare::_inputTree1 [private]

Definition at line 117 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry().

TTree* TrackerGeometryCompare::_inputTree2 [private]

Definition at line 118 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_inputTreename [private]

Definition at line 95 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by createROOTGeometry(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

int TrackerGeometryCompare::_level [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

int TrackerGeometryCompare::_mid [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

int TrackerGeometryCompare::_mlevel [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_phiVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_rVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_setCommonTrackerSystem [private]

Definition at line 98 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), setCommonTrackerSystem(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

int TrackerGeometryCompare::_sublevel [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_surLength [private]

Definition at line 123 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

double TrackerGeometryCompare::_surRot[9] [private]

Definition at line 125 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_surWidth [private]

Definition at line 123 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

TFile* TrackerGeometryCompare::_theFile [private]

Definition at line 113 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

align::PositionType TrackerGeometryCompare::_TrackerCommonCM [private]

Definition at line 109 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

align::EulerAngles TrackerGeometryCompare::_TrackerCommonR [private]

Definition at line 108 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

align::GlobalVector TrackerGeometryCompare::_TrackerCommonT [private]

Definition at line 107 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

int TrackerGeometryCompare::_useDetId [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_weightBy [private]

Definition at line 97 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

bool TrackerGeometryCompare::_weightById [private]

Definition at line 101 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::string TrackerGeometryCompare::_weightByIdFile [private]

Definition at line 102 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by TrackerGeometryCompare().

std::vector< unsigned int > TrackerGeometryCompare::_weightByIdVector [private]

Definition at line 103 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

bool TrackerGeometryCompare::_writeToDB [private]

Definition at line 96 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_xVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_yVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

float TrackerGeometryCompare::_zVal [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by fillTree(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

AlignableTracker* TrackerGeometryCompare::currentTracker [private]

Definition at line 86 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), createROOTGeometry(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

AlignableTracker* TrackerGeometryCompare::dummyTracker [private]

Definition at line 85 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

edm::ParameterSet TrackerGeometryCompare::m_params [private]

Definition at line 62 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

AlignableTracker* TrackerGeometryCompare::referenceTracker [private]

Definition at line 84 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), createROOTGeometry(), and setCommonTrackerSystem().

std::vector<align::StructureType> TrackerGeometryCompare::theLevels [private]

Definition at line 63 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by compareGeometries(), diffCommonTrackerSystem(), and TrackerGeometryCompare().

const SurveyErrors* TrackerGeometryCompare::theSurveyErrors [private]

Definition at line 90 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by addSurveyInfo().

unsigned int TrackerGeometryCompare::theSurveyIndex [private]

Definition at line 88 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by addSurveyInfo().

const Alignments* TrackerGeometryCompare::theSurveyValues [private]

Definition at line 89 of file TrackerGeometryCompare.h.

Referenced by addSurveyInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:34:04 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4