Propagator Class Reference

Basic tool for "propagation" of trajectory states to surfaces. More...

#include <TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/Propagator.h>

Inheritance diagram for Propagator:

AnalyticalPropagator BeamHaloPropagator cms::FastMuPropagator cms::HICMuonPropagator GsfPropagatorAdapter GsfPropagatorWithMaterial NavPropagator PropagatorWithMaterial RKPropagatorInR RKPropagatorInS RKPropagatorInZ RKTestPropagator SmartPropagator SteppingHelixPropagator StraightLinePropagator

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual Propagatorclone () const =0
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const =0
virtual FreeTrajectoryState propagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const reco::BeamSpot &) const
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Cylinder &) const
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Plane &) const
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Surface &) const
 The following three methods are equivalent to the corresponding methods above, but if the starting state is a TrajectoryStateOnSurface, it's better to use it as such rather than use just the FreeTrajectoryState part.
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Cylinder &) const =0
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const =0
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Surface &) const
 Propagate from a free state (e.g.
virtual std::pair
< FreeTrajectoryState, double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const GlobalPoint &, const GlobalPoint &) const
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Cylinder &) const
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Plane &) const
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Surface &) const
 The following three methods are equivalent to the corresponding methods above, but if the starting state is a TrajectoryStateOnSurface, it's better to use it as such rather than use just the FreeTrajectoryState part.
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Cylinder &) const =0
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const =0
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Surface &) const
 The methods propagateWithPath() are identical to the corresponding methods propagate() in what concerns the resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface, but they provide in addition the exact path length along the trajectory.
virtual PropagationDirection propagationDirection () const
 Returns the current value of the propagation direction.
 Propagator (PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
virtual bool setMaxDirectionChange (float phiMax)
 Set the maximal change of direction (integrated along the path) for any single propagation.
virtual void setPropagationDirection (PropagationDirection dir)
 The propagation direction can now be set for every propagator.
virtual ~Propagator ()

Private Attributes

PropagationDirection theDir

Detailed Description

Basic tool for "propagation" of trajectory states to surfaces.

If the starting state has an error matrix the errors will be also propagated. If you want to propagate just the parameters, construct a starting state that does not have errors. In case of propagation failure (e.g. when the trajectory does not cross the destination surface) and invalid state is returned. Always check the returned state with isValid() before using it!

The propagation can be "alongMomentum" or "oppositeToMomentum" (see setPropagationDirection() below). The difference between the two is the sign of energy loss: the trajectory momentum decreases "alongMomentum" and increases "oppositeToMomentum". In both directions extrapolation errors and multiple scattering errors increase. Propagation "oppositeToMomentum" is convenient for fitting a track "backwards", sterting from the last measurement.

The propagator interface promises to take you to "any surface" but you should check the concrete propagator you are using for additional limitations.

Definition at line 38 of file Propagator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Propagator::Propagator ( PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum  )  [inline]

Definition at line 41 of file Propagator.h.

00041                                                         :
00042     theDir(dir) {}
  virtual ~Propagator() {}

virtual Propagator::~Propagator (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 43 of file Propagator.h.

00043 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual Propagator* Propagator::clone (  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in cms::FastMuPropagator, cms::HICMuonPropagator, AnalyticalPropagator, BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, NavPropagator, RKPropagatorInR, RKPropagatorInS, RKPropagatorInZ, RKTestPropagator, and SteppingHelixPropagator.

Referenced by BeamHaloPropagator::BeamHaloPropagator(), MuonSimHitProducer::beginRun(), TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator::extrapolate(), SmartPropagator::SmartPropagator(), KinematicRefittedTrackState::trajectoryStateOnSurface(), and PerigeeRefittedTrackState::trajectoryStateOnSurface().

virtual const MagneticField* Propagator::magneticField (  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in cms::FastMuPropagator, cms::HICMuonPropagator, AnalyticalPropagator, BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, NavPropagator, RKPropagatorInR, RKPropagatorInS, RKPropagatorInZ, RKTestPropagator, and SteppingHelixPropagator.

Referenced by TrackLocalAngle::buildTrajectory(), MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder::findCompatibleMeasurements(), BaseCkfTrajectoryBuilder::findStateAndLayers(), TrackAssociatorByPosition::getState(), TrackProducerWithSCAssociation::getTransient(), TrackProducer::getTransient(), KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm::initializeAlignmentSetups(), SimpleTrackRefitter::refitTrack(), BaseCkfTrajectoryBuilder::seedMeasurements(), and StartingLayerFinder::startingLayers().

FreeTrajectoryState Propagator::propagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart,
const reco::BeamSpot beamSpot 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in SteppingHelixPropagator.

Definition at line 67 of file

References Exception.

00068                                        {
00069   throw cms::Exception("Propagator::propagate(FTS,beamSpot) not implemented");
00070 }

TrajectoryStateOnSurface Propagator::propagate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Cylinder sur 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, and PropagatorWithMaterial.

Definition at line 60 of file

References TrajectoryStateOnSurface::freeState(), and propagate().

00062 {
00063   return propagate( *tsos.freeState(), sur);
00064 }

TrajectoryStateOnSurface Propagator::propagate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Plane sur 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, NavPropagator, RKPropagatorInS, and RKTestPropagator.

Definition at line 46 of file

References e, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::freeState(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalPosition(), propagate(), GloballyPositioned< T >::toLocal(), and z.

00048 {
00049   // Protect against null propagations
00050   if (fabs(sur.toLocal(tsos.globalPosition()).z())<1e-5) {
00051     // Still have to tarnsform the r.f.!
00052     return TrajectoryStateOnSurface(*tsos.freeState(), sur);
00053   }
00054   return propagate( *tsos.freeState(), sur);
00055 }

TrajectoryStateOnSurface Propagator::propagate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface state,
const Surface sur 
) const [virtual]

The following three methods are equivalent to the corresponding methods above, but if the starting state is a TrajectoryStateOnSurface, it's better to use it as such rather than use just the FreeTrajectoryState part.

It may help some concrete propagators. Only use the generic method if the surface type (plane or cylinder) is not known at the calling point.

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, and GsfPropagatorWithMaterial.

Definition at line 25 of file

References propagate().

00027 {
00028   // exactly same code as for FreeTrajectoryState
00030   // try plane first, most probable case (disk "is a" plane too) 
00031   const Plane* bp = dynamic_cast<const Plane*>(&sur);
00032   if (bp != 0) return propagate( state, *bp);
00034   // if not plane try cylinder
00035   const Cylinder* bc = dynamic_cast<const Cylinder*>(&sur);
00036   if (bc != 0) return propagate( state, *bc);
00038   // unknown surface - can't do it!
00039   throw PropagationException("The surface is neither Cylinder nor Plane");
00040 }

virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface Propagator::propagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Cylinder  
) const [pure virtual]

Implemented in cms::FastMuPropagator, cms::HICMuonPropagator, AnalyticalPropagator, BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, NavPropagator, RKPropagatorInR, RKPropagatorInS, RKPropagatorInZ, RKTestPropagator, and SteppingHelixPropagator.

virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface Propagator::propagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Plane  
) const [pure virtual]

Implemented in cms::FastMuPropagator, cms::HICMuonPropagator, AnalyticalPropagator, BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, NavPropagator, RKPropagatorInR, RKPropagatorInS, RKPropagatorInZ, RKTestPropagator, and SteppingHelixPropagator.

TrajectoryStateOnSurface Propagator::propagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState state,
const Surface sur 
) const [virtual]

Propagate from a free state (e.g.

position and momentum in in global cartesian coordinates) to a surface. Only use the generic method if the surface type (plane or cylinder) is not known at the calling point.

Reimplemented in cms::FastMuPropagator, cms::HICMuonPropagator, BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, and GsfPropagatorWithMaterial.

Definition at line 9 of file

Referenced by LayerCollector::allLayers(), CkfDebugger::analyseCompatibleMeasurements(), CkfDebugger::analyseRecHitExistance(), TestTrackHits::analyze(), RPCEfficiencyFromTrack::analyze(), MuonAlignmentAnalyzer::analyze(), TrackAssociatorByPosition::associateRecoToSim(), TrackAssociatorByPosition::associateSimToReco(), CosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder::build(), SeedFromGenericPairOrTriplet::buildSeed(), TrackLocalAngle::buildTrajectory(), MuRingForwardDoubleLayer::compatible(), ForwardDetLayer::compatible(), MuDetRod::compatible(), MuDetRing::compatible(), BarrelDetLayer::compatible(), PixelRod::compatibleDetsV(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::compatibleLayers(), CkfDebugger::computePulls(), SeedFromNuclearInteraction::construct(), SeedFromConsecutiveHits::construct(), MuonStandaloneAlgorithm::Derivative(), TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator::doExtrapolation(), InOutConversionSeedFinder::fillClusterSeeds(), GsfTrackProducerBase::fillMode(), HLTMuonPointingFilter::filter(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::findNextLayer(), KFTrajectoryFitter::fit(), CosmicMuonSmoother::fit(), GsfTrajectoryFitter::fit(), MuonRoadTrajectoryBuilder::GatherHits(), HDetIdAssociator::getTrajectory(), SeedFromProtoTrack::init(), CosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder::intermediateState(), GeomDetCompatibilityChecker::isCompatible(), MuonBestMeasurementFinder::lookAtSubRecHits(), MuonRoadTrajectoryBuilder::makeTrajectories_0(), StateOnTrackerBound::operator()(), MuonStandaloneAlgorithm::produce(), NavCylinder::propagate(), CachedTrajectory::propagate(), NavCone::propagate(), cms::HICMuonPropagator::propagate(), BeamHaloPropagator::propagate(), cms::FastMuPropagator::propagate(), GsfPropagatorAdapter::propagate(), GsfPropagatorWithMaterial::propagate(), propagate(), SmartPropagator::propagate(), StraightLinePropagator::propagate(), NavPlane::propagate(), CachedTrajectory::propagateForward(), MuonTrajectoryUpdator::propagateState(), propagateTrackToCalo(), SimpleTrackRefitter::refitTrack(), SeedFromConsecutiveHits::SeedFromConsecutiveHits(), BaseCkfTrajectoryBuilder::seedMeasurements(), SimpleCosmicBONSeeder::seeds(), CosmicMuonSmoother::smooth(), StartingLayerFinder::startingLayers(), CosmicMuonUtilities::stepPropagate(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::trackerAcceptance(), KFTrajectorySmoother::trajectories(), GsfTrajectorySmoother::trajectories(), and SimpleNavigableLayer::wellInside().

00011 {
00012   // try plane first, most probable case (disk "is a" plane too) 
00013   const Plane* bp = dynamic_cast<const Plane*>(&sur);
00014   if (bp != 0) return propagate( state, *bp);
00016   // if not plane try cylinder
00017   const Cylinder* bc = dynamic_cast<const Cylinder*>(&sur);
00018   if (bc != 0) return propagate( state, *bc);
00020   // unknown surface - can't do it!
00021   throw PropagationException("The surface is neither Cylinder nor Plane");
00022 }

std::pair< FreeTrajectoryState, double > Propagator::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart,
const GlobalPoint pDest1,
const GlobalPoint pDest2 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in SteppingHelixPropagator.

Definition at line 128 of file

References Exception.

00129                                                                                          {
00130   throw cms::Exception("Propagator::propagate(FTS,GlobalPoint,GlobalPoint) not implemented");
00131 }

std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > Propagator::propagateWithPath ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Cylinder sur 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, and PropagatorWithMaterial.

Definition at line 121 of file

References TrajectoryStateOnSurface::freeState(), and propagateWithPath().

00123 {
00124   return propagateWithPath( *tsos.freeState(), sur);
00125 }

std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > Propagator::propagateWithPath ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Plane sur 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, and NavPropagator.

Definition at line 112 of file

References TrajectoryStateOnSurface::freeState(), and propagateWithPath().

00114 {
00115   return propagateWithPath( *tsos.freeState(), sur);
00116 }

std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > Propagator::propagateWithPath ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface state,
const Surface sur 
) const [virtual]

The following three methods are equivalent to the corresponding methods above, but if the starting state is a TrajectoryStateOnSurface, it's better to use it as such rather than use just the FreeTrajectoryState part.

It may help some concrete propagators. Only use the generic method if the surface type (plane or cylinder) is not known at the calling point.

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, and GsfPropagatorWithMaterial.

Definition at line 92 of file

References propagateWithPath().

00094 {
00095   // same code as above, only method name changes
00097   // try plane first, most probable case (disk "is a" plane too) 
00098   const Plane* bp = dynamic_cast<const Plane*>(&sur);
00099   if (bp != 0) return propagateWithPath( state, *bp);
00101   // if not plane try cylinder
00102   const Cylinder* bc = dynamic_cast<const Cylinder*>(&sur);
00103   if (bc != 0) return propagateWithPath( state, *bc);
00105   // unknown surface - can't do it!
00106   throw PropagationException("The surface is neither Cylinder nor Plane");
00107 }

virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> Propagator::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Cylinder  
) const [pure virtual]

Implemented in cms::FastMuPropagator, cms::HICMuonPropagator, AnalyticalPropagator, BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, NavPropagator, RKPropagatorInR, RKPropagatorInS, RKPropagatorInZ, RKTestPropagator, and SteppingHelixPropagator.

virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> Propagator::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Plane  
) const [pure virtual]

Implemented in cms::FastMuPropagator, cms::HICMuonPropagator, AnalyticalPropagator, BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, NavPropagator, RKPropagatorInR, RKPropagatorInS, RKPropagatorInZ, RKTestPropagator, and SteppingHelixPropagator.

std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > Propagator::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState state,
const Surface sur 
) const [virtual]

The methods propagateWithPath() are identical to the corresponding methods propagate() in what concerns the resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface, but they provide in addition the exact path length along the trajectory.

Only use the generic method if the surface type (plane or cylinder) is not known at the calling point.

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, StraightLinePropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, and GsfPropagatorWithMaterial.

Definition at line 74 of file

Referenced by MuonTimingExtractor::fillTiming(), MuonSimHitProducer::produce(), CosmicGenFilterHelix::propagateToCutCylinder(), SmartPropagator::propagateWithPath(), BeamHaloPropagator::propagateWithPath(), GsfPropagatorAdapter::propagateWithPath(), NavPlane::propagateWithPath(), NavCone::propagateWithPath(), StraightLinePropagator::propagateWithPath(), propagateWithPath(), GsfPropagatorWithMaterial::propagateWithPath(), and NavCylinder::propagateWithPath().

00076 {
00077   // same code as above, only method name changes
00079   // try plane first, most probable case (disk "is a" plane too) 
00080   const Plane* bp = dynamic_cast<const Plane*>(&sur);
00081   if (bp != 0) return propagateWithPath( state, *bp);
00083   // if not plane try cylinder
00084   const Cylinder* bc = dynamic_cast<const Cylinder*>(&sur);
00085   if (bc != 0) return propagateWithPath( state, *bc);
00087   // unknown surface - can't do it!
00088   throw PropagationException("The surface is neither Cylinder nor Plane");
00089 }

virtual PropagationDirection Propagator::propagationDirection ( void   )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns the current value of the propagation direction.

If you need to know the actual direction used for a given propagation in case "propagationDirection() == anyDirection", you should use propagateWithPath. A positive sign of path lengt means "alongMomentum", an egeative sign means "oppositeToMomentum".

Reimplemented in RKTestPropagator.

Definition at line 143 of file Propagator.h.

References theDir.

Referenced by LayerCollector::allLayers(), LayerCrossingSide::barrelSide(), BeamHaloPropagator::clone(), InOutConversionSeedFinder::completeSeed(), OutInConversionSeedFinder::completeSeed(), GsfPropagatorWithMaterial::convoluteWithMaterial(), RoadSearchTrackCandidateMakerAlgorithm::createSeedTrajectory(), BeamHaloPropagator::directionCheck(), LayerCrossingSide::endcapSide(), InOutConversionSeedFinder::fillClusterSeeds(), InOutConversionSeedFinder::findSeeds(), KFTrajectoryFitter::fit(), TIDRing::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), TIBLayer::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), TOBRod::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), PixelForwardLayer::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), TOBLayer::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), TECLayer::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), PixelBlade::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), CompositeTECPetal::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), CompositeTECWedge::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), PixelBarrelLayer::groupedCompatibleDetsV(), StraightLinePropagator::jacobian(), PropagatorWithMaterial::materialAtSource(), GsfPropagatorWithMaterial::materialAtSource(), SteppingHelixPropagator::propagate(), AnalyticalPropagator::propagatedStateWithPath(), StraightLinePropagator::propagateParametersOnCylinder(), AnalyticalPropagator::propagateParametersOnCylinder(), RKPropagatorInS::propagateParametersOnCylinder(), RKPropagatorInS::propagateParametersOnPlane(), AnalyticalPropagator::propagateParametersOnPlane(), AnalyticalPropagator::propagateWithLineCrossing(), RKPropagatorInS::propagateWithPath(), PropagatorWithMaterial::propagateWithPath(), GsfPropagatorWithMaterial::propagateWithPath(), KalmanAlignmentTrackRefitter::refitSingleTracklet(), TIDLayer::ringIndicesByCrossingProximity(), TrajectorySegmentBuilder::segments(), SteppingHelixPropagator::setIState(), OutInConversionSeedFinder::startSeed(), KFTrajectorySmoother::trajectories(), and GsfTrajectorySmoother::trajectories().

00143                                                             {
00144     return theDir;
00145   }

virtual bool Propagator::setMaxDirectionChange ( float  phiMax  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the maximal change of direction (integrated along the path) for any single propagation.

If reaching of the destination surface requires change of direction that exceeds this value the Propagator returns an invalid state. For example, a track may reach a forward plane after many spirals, which may be undesirable for a track reconstructor. Setting this value to pi will force the propagation to fail. The default value is "no limit". The method returnd true if the concrete propagator respects the limit, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in AnalyticalPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, and PropagatorWithMaterial.

Definition at line 157 of file Propagator.h.

00157 { return false;}

virtual void Propagator::setPropagationDirection ( PropagationDirection  dir  )  [inline, virtual]

The propagation direction can now be set for every propagator.

There is no more distinction between unidirectional and bidirectional at class level. The value "anyDiriction" for PropagationDirection provides the functionality of the ex-BidirectionalPropagator. The values "alongMomentum" and "oppositeToMomentum" provide the functionality of the ex-UnidirectionalPropagator.

Reimplemented in BeamHaloPropagator, SmartPropagator, GsfPropagatorAdapter, GsfPropagatorWithMaterial, PropagatorWithMaterial, and RKTestPropagator.

Definition at line 132 of file Propagator.h.

References theDir.

Referenced by RPCEfficiencyFromTrack::analyze(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::compatibleLayers(), BeamHaloPropagator::directionCheck(), HLTMuonPointingFilter::filter(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::findNextLayer(), KFTrajectoryFitter::fit(), SimpleNavigableLayer::propagator(), GsfPropagatorAdapter::setPropagationDirection(), BeamHaloPropagator::setPropagationDirection(), SmartPropagator::setPropagationDirection(), PropagatorWithMaterial::setPropagationDirection(), GsfPropagatorWithMaterial::setPropagationDirection(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::trackerAcceptance(), and KFTrajectorySmoother::trajectories().

00132                                                                  {
00133     theDir = dir;
00134   }

Member Data Documentation

PropagationDirection Propagator::theDir [private]

Definition at line 165 of file Propagator.h.

Referenced by propagationDirection(), and setPropagationDirection().

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Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:30:19 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4