MuonMETAlgo Class Reference

Correct MET for muons in the events. More...

#include <JetMETCorrections/Type1MET/interface/MuonMETAlgo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

reco::MET makeMET (const reco::MET &, double fSumEt, const std::vector< CorrMETData > &fCorrections, const MET::LorentzVector &fP4)
reco::CaloMET makeMET (const reco::CaloMET &fMet, double fSumEt, const std::vector< CorrMETData > &fCorrections, const reco::MET::LorentzVector &)
 MuonMETAlgo ()
template<class T>
void MuonMETAlgo_run (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::View< T > &v_uncorMET, const edm::View< Muon > &inputMuons, TrackDetectorAssociator &trackAssociator, TrackAssociatorParameters &trackAssociatorParameters, vector< T > *v_corMET, bool useTrackAssociatorPositions, bool useRecHits, bool useHO, double towerEtThreshold)
template<class T>
void MuonMETAlgo_run (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::View< T > &v_uncorMET, const edm::View< reco::Muon > &inputMuons, TrackDetectorAssociator &trackAssociator, TrackAssociatorParameters &trackAssociatorParameters, std::vector< T > *v_corMET, bool useTrackAssociatorPositions, bool useRecHits, bool useHO, double towerEtThreshold)
virtual void run (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::View< reco::CaloMET > &uncorMET, const edm::View< reco::Muon > &Muons, TrackDetectorAssociator &trackAssociator, TrackAssociatorParameters &trackAssociatorParameters, reco::CaloMETCollection *corMET, bool useTrackAssociatorPositions, bool useRecHits, bool useHO, double towerEtThreshold)
virtual void run (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::View< reco::MET > &uncorMET, const edm::View< reco::Muon > &Muons, TrackDetectorAssociator &trackAssociator, TrackAssociatorParameters &trackAssociatorParameters, reco::METCollection *corMET, bool useTrackAssociatorPositions, bool useRecHits, bool useHO, double towerEtThreshold)
virtual ~MuonMETAlgo ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void correctMETforMuon (double &metx, double &mety, double bfield, int muonCharge, const math::XYZTLorentzVector muonP4, const math::XYZPoint muonVertex, MuonMETInfo &)

Detailed Description

Correct MET for muons in the events.

1st Version August 30, 2007

Definition at line 30 of file MuonMETAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonMETAlgo::MuonMETAlgo (  ) 

Definition at line 438 of file

00438 {}

MuonMETAlgo::~MuonMETAlgo (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 442 of file

00442 {}

Member Function Documentation

void MuonMETAlgo::correctMETforMuon ( double &  metx,
double &  mety,
double  bfield,
int  muonCharge,
const math::XYZTLorentzVector  muonP4,
const math::XYZPoint  muonVertex,
MuonMETInfo muonMETInfo 
) [static]

Definition at line 172 of file

References funct::abs(), funct::cos(), e, MuonMETInfo::ecalE, MuonMETInfo::ecalPos, MuonMETInfo::hcalE, MuonMETInfo::hcalPos, MuonMETInfo::hoE, MuonMETInfo::hoPos, funct::log(), Pi, funct::pow(), funct::sin(), funct::sqrt(), pyDBSRunClass::temp, MuonMETInfo::useAverage, MuonMETInfo::useHO, and MuonMETInfo::useTkAssociatorPositions.

Referenced by MuonMETAlgo_run().

00174                                                               {
00176   double mu_p     = muonP4.P();
00177   double mu_pt    = muonP4.Pt();
00178   double mu_phi   = muonP4.Phi();
00179   double mu_eta   = muonP4.Eta();
00180   double mu_vz    = muonVertex.z()/100.;
00181   double mu_pz    = muonP4.Pz();
00185   //add in the muon's pt
00186   metx -= mu_pt*cos(mu_phi);
00187   mety -= mu_pt*sin(mu_phi);
00189   double ecalPhi, ecalTheta;
00190   double hcalPhi, hcalTheta;
00191   double hoPhi, hoTheta;
00194   //should always be false for FWLite
00195   //unless you want to supply co-ordinates at 
00196   //the calorimeter sub-detectors yourself
00197   if(muonMETInfo.useTkAssociatorPositions) {
00198     ecalPhi   = muonMETInfo.ecalPos.Phi();
00199     ecalTheta = muonMETInfo.ecalPos.Theta();
00200     hcalPhi   = muonMETInfo.hcalPos.Phi();
00201     hcalTheta = muonMETInfo.hcalPos.Theta();
00202     hoPhi     = muonMETInfo.hoPos.Phi();
00203     hoTheta   = muonMETInfo.hoPos.Theta();
00204   } else {
00206     /*
00207       use the analytical solution for the
00208       intersection of a helix with a cylinder
00209       to find the positions of the muon
00210       at the various calo surfaces
00211     */
00213     //radii of subdetectors in meters
00214     double rEcal = 1.290;
00215     double rHcal = 1.9;
00216     double rHo   = 3.82;
00217     if(abs(mu_eta) > 0.3) rHo = 4.07;
00218     //distance from the center of detector to face of Ecal
00219     double zFaceEcal = 3.209;
00220     if(mu_eta < 0 ) zFaceEcal = -1*zFaceEcal;
00221     //distance from the center of detector to face of Hcal
00222     double zFaceHcal = 3.88;
00223     if(mu_eta < 0 ) zFaceHcal = -1*zFaceHcal;    
00225     //now we have to get Phi
00226     //bending radius of the muon (units are meters)
00227     double bendr = mu_pt*1000/(300*bfield);
00229     double tb_ecal = TMath::ACos(1-rEcal*rEcal/(2*bendr*bendr)); //helix time interval parameter
00230     double tb_hcal = TMath::ACos(1-rHcal*rHcal/(2*bendr*bendr)); //helix time interval parameter
00231     double tb_ho   = TMath::ACos(1-rHo*rHo/(2*bendr*bendr));     //helix time interval parameter
00232     double xEcal,yEcal,zEcal;
00233     double xHcal,yHcal,zHcal; 
00234     double xHo, yHo,zHo;
00235     //Ecal
00236     //in the barrel and if not a looper
00237     if(fabs(mu_pz*bendr*tb_ecal/mu_pt+mu_vz) < fabs(zFaceEcal) && rEcal < 2*bendr) { 
00238       xEcal = bendr*(TMath::Sin(tb_ecal+mu_phi)-TMath::Sin(mu_phi));
00239       yEcal = bendr*(-TMath::Cos(tb_ecal+mu_phi)+TMath::Cos(mu_phi));
00240       zEcal = bendr*tb_ecal*mu_pz/mu_pt + mu_vz;
00241     } else { //endcap 
00242       if(mu_pz > 0) {
00243         double te_ecal = (fabs(zFaceEcal) - mu_vz)*mu_pt/(bendr*mu_pz);
00244         xEcal = bendr*(TMath::Sin(te_ecal+mu_phi) - TMath::Sin(mu_phi));
00245         yEcal = bendr*(-TMath::Cos(te_ecal+mu_phi) + TMath::Cos(mu_phi));
00246         zEcal = fabs(zFaceEcal);
00247       } else {
00248         double te_ecal = -(fabs(zFaceEcal) + mu_vz)*mu_pt/(bendr*mu_pz);
00249         xEcal = bendr*(TMath::Sin(te_ecal+mu_phi) - TMath::Sin(mu_phi));
00250         yEcal = bendr*(-TMath::Cos(te_ecal+mu_phi) + TMath::Cos(mu_phi));
00251         zEcal = -fabs(zFaceEcal);
00252       }
00253     }
00255     //Hcal
00256     if(fabs(mu_pz*bendr*tb_hcal/mu_pt+mu_vz) < fabs(zFaceHcal) && rEcal < 2*bendr) { //in the barrel
00257       xHcal = bendr*(TMath::Sin(tb_hcal+mu_phi)-TMath::Sin(mu_phi));
00258       yHcal = bendr*(-TMath::Cos(tb_hcal+mu_phi)+TMath::Cos(mu_phi));
00259       zHcal = bendr*tb_hcal*mu_pz/mu_pt + mu_vz;
00260     } else { //endcap 
00261       if(mu_pz > 0) {
00262         double te_hcal = (fabs(zFaceHcal) - mu_vz)*mu_pt/(bendr*mu_pz);
00263         xHcal = bendr*(TMath::Sin(te_hcal+mu_phi) - TMath::Sin(mu_phi));
00264         yHcal = bendr*(-TMath::Cos(te_hcal+mu_phi) + TMath::Cos(mu_phi));
00265         zHcal = fabs(zFaceHcal);
00266       } else {
00267         double te_hcal = -(fabs(zFaceHcal) + mu_vz)*mu_pt/(bendr*mu_pz);
00268         xHcal = bendr*(TMath::Sin(te_hcal+mu_phi) - TMath::Sin(mu_phi));
00269         yHcal = bendr*(-TMath::Cos(te_hcal+mu_phi) + TMath::Cos(mu_phi));
00270         zHcal = -fabs(zFaceHcal);
00271       }
00272     }
00274     //Ho - just the barrel
00275     xHo = bendr*(TMath::Sin(tb_ho+mu_phi)-TMath::Sin(mu_phi));
00276     yHo = bendr*(-TMath::Cos(tb_ho+mu_phi)+TMath::Cos(mu_phi));
00277     zHo = bendr*tb_ho*mu_pz/mu_pt + mu_vz;  
00279     ecalTheta = TMath::ACos(zEcal/sqrt(pow(xEcal,2) + pow(yEcal,2)+pow(zEcal,2)));
00280     ecalPhi   = atan2(yEcal,xEcal);
00281     hcalTheta = TMath::ACos(zHcal/sqrt(pow(xHcal,2) + pow(yHcal,2)+pow(zHcal,2)));
00282     hcalPhi   = atan2(yHcal,xHcal);
00283     hoTheta   = TMath::ACos(zHo/sqrt(pow(xHo,2) + pow(yHo,2)+pow(zHo,2)));
00284     hoPhi     = atan2(yHo,xHo);
00286     //2d radius in x-y plane
00287     double r2dEcal = sqrt(pow(xEcal,2)+pow(yEcal,2));
00288     double r2dHcal = sqrt(pow(xHcal,2)+pow(yHcal,2));
00289     double r2dHo   = sqrt(pow(xHo,2)  +pow(yHo,2));
00291     /*
00292       the above prescription is for right handed helicies only
00293       Positively charged muons trace a left handed helix
00294       so we correct for that 
00295     */
00296     if(muonCharge > 0) {
00298       //Ecal
00299       double dphi = mu_phi - ecalPhi;
00300       if(fabs(dphi) > TMath::Pi()) 
00301         dphi = 2*TMath::Pi() - fabs(dphi);
00302       ecalPhi = mu_phi - fabs(dphi);
00303       if(fabs(ecalPhi) > TMath::Pi()) {
00304         double temp = 2*TMath::Pi() - fabs(ecalPhi);
00305         ecalPhi = -1*temp*ecalPhi/fabs(ecalPhi);
00306       }
00307       xEcal = r2dEcal*TMath::Cos(ecalPhi);
00308       yEcal = r2dEcal*TMath::Sin(ecalPhi);
00310       //Hcal
00311       dphi = mu_phi - hcalPhi;
00312       if(fabs(dphi) > TMath::Pi()) 
00313         dphi = 2*TMath::Pi() - fabs(dphi);
00314       hcalPhi = mu_phi - fabs(dphi);
00315       if(fabs(hcalPhi) > TMath::Pi()) {
00316         double temp = 2*TMath::Pi() - fabs(hcalPhi);
00317         hcalPhi = -1*temp*hcalPhi/fabs(hcalPhi);
00318       }
00319       xHcal = r2dHcal*TMath::Cos(hcalPhi);
00320       yHcal = r2dHcal*TMath::Sin(hcalPhi);
00322       //Ho
00323       dphi = mu_phi - hoPhi;
00324       if(fabs(dphi) > TMath::Pi())
00325         dphi = 2*TMath::Pi() - fabs(dphi);
00326       hoPhi = mu_phi - fabs(dphi);
00327       if(fabs(hoPhi) > TMath::Pi()) {
00328         double temp = 2*TMath::Pi() - fabs(hoPhi);
00329         hoPhi = -1*temp*hoPhi/fabs(hoPhi);
00330       }
00331       xHo = r2dHo*TMath::Cos(hoPhi);
00332       yHo = r2dHo*TMath::Sin(hoPhi);
00334     }
00335   }
00337   //for isolated muons
00338   if(!muonMETInfo.useAverage) {
00340     double mu_Ex =  muonMETInfo.ecalE*sin(ecalTheta)*cos(ecalPhi)
00341       + muonMETInfo.hcalE*sin(hcalTheta)*cos(hcalPhi)
00342       + muonMETInfo.hoE*sin(hoTheta)*cos(hoPhi);
00343     double mu_Ey =  muonMETInfo.ecalE*sin(ecalTheta)*sin(ecalPhi)
00344       + muonMETInfo.hcalE*sin(hcalTheta)*sin(hcalPhi)
00345       + muonMETInfo.hoE*sin(hoTheta)*sin(hoPhi);
00347     metx += mu_Ex;
00348     mety += mu_Ey;
00350   } else { //non-isolated muons - derive the correction
00352     //dE/dx in matter for iron:
00353     //-(11.4 + 0.96*fabs(log(p0*2.8)) + 0.033*p0*(1.0 - pow(p0, -0.33)) )*1e-3
00354     //from,
00355     //line ~1100
00356     //normalisation is at 50 GeV
00357     double dEdx_normalization = -(11.4 + 0.96*fabs(log(50*2.8)) + 0.033*50*(1.0 - pow(50, -0.33)) )*1e-3;
00358     double dEdx_numerator     = -(11.4 + 0.96*fabs(log(mu_p*2.8)) + 0.033*mu_p*(1.0 - pow(mu_p, -0.33)) )*1e-3;
00360     double temp = 0.0;
00362     if(muonMETInfo.useHO) {
00363       //for the Towers, with HO
00364       if(fabs(mu_eta) < 0.2)
00365         temp = 2.75*(1-0.00003*mu_p);
00366       if(fabs(mu_eta) > 0.2 && fabs(mu_eta) < 1.0)
00367         temp = (2.38+0.0144*fabs(mu_eta))*(1-0.0003*mu_p);
00368       if(fabs(mu_eta) > 1.0 && fabs(mu_eta) < 1.3)
00369         temp = 7.413-5.12*fabs(mu_eta);
00370       if(fabs(mu_eta) > 1.3)
00371         temp = 2.084-0.743*fabs(mu_eta);
00372     } else {
00373       if(fabs(mu_eta) < 1.0)
00374         temp = 2.33*(1-0.0004*mu_p);
00375       if(fabs(mu_eta) > 1.0 && fabs(mu_eta) < 1.3)
00376         temp = (7.413-5.12*fabs(mu_eta))*(1-0.0003*mu_p);
00377       if(fabs(mu_eta) > 1.3)
00378         temp = 2.084-0.743*fabs(mu_eta);
00379     }
00381     double dep = temp*dEdx_normalization/dEdx_numerator;
00382     if(dep < 0.5) dep = 0;
00383     //use the average phi of the 3 subdetectors
00384     if(fabs(mu_eta) < 1.3) {
00385       metx += dep*cos((ecalPhi+hcalPhi+hoPhi)/3);
00386       mety += dep*sin((ecalPhi+hcalPhi+hoPhi)/3);
00387     } else {
00388       metx += dep*cos( (ecalPhi+hcalPhi)/2);
00389       mety += dep*cos( (ecalPhi+hcalPhi)/2);
00390     }
00391   }
00394 }

reco::MET MuonMETAlgo::makeMET ( const reco::MET ,
double  fSumEt,
const std::vector< CorrMETData > &  fCorrections,
const MET::LorentzVector fP4 

reco::CaloMET MuonMETAlgo::makeMET ( const reco::CaloMET fMet,
double  fSumEt,
const std::vector< CorrMETData > &  fCorrections,
const reco::MET::LorentzVector  

Referenced by MuonMETAlgo_run().

template<class T>
void MuonMETAlgo::MuonMETAlgo_run ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const edm::View< T > &  v_uncorMET,
const edm::View< Muon > &  inputMuons,
TrackDetectorAssociator trackAssociator,
TrackAssociatorParameters trackAssociatorParameters,
vector< T > *  v_corMET,
bool  useTrackAssociatorPositions,
bool  useRecHits,
bool  useHO,
double  towerEtThreshold 
) [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file

References TrackDetectorAssociator::associate(), edm::View< T >::begin(), correctMETforMuon(), TrackDetMatchInfo::crossedTowers, MuonMETInfo::ecalE, MuonMETInfo::ecalPos, edm::View< T >::end(), edm::View< T >::front(), edm::EventSetup::get(), TrackDetectorAssociator::getFreeTrajectoryState(), MuonMETInfo::hcalE, MuonMETInfo::hcalPos, MuonMETInfo::hoE, MuonMETInfo::hoPos, info, it, makeMET(), CorrMETData::mex, CorrMETData::mey, funct::pow(), HLT_VtxMuL3::result, funct::sqrt(), CorrMETData::sumet, TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtEcal, TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtHcal, TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtHO, MuonMETInfo::useAverage, MuonMETInfo::useHO, and MuonMETInfo::useTkAssociatorPositions.

00056                                                                               {
00059   edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> magneticField;
00060   iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(magneticField);
00062 //get the B-field at the origin
00063   double Bfield = magneticField->inTesla(GlobalPoint(0.,0.,0.)).z();
00064   T uncorMETObj = v_uncorMET.front();
00066   double uncorMETX = uncorMETObj.px();
00067   double uncorMETY =;
00069   double corMETX = uncorMETX;
00070   double corMETY = uncorMETY;
00072   CorrMETData delta;
00073   double sumMuEt=0;
00074   double sumMuDepEt = 0;
00075   for(edm::View<Muon>::const_iterator mus_it = inputMuons.begin();
00076       mus_it != inputMuons.end(); mus_it++) {
00078     bool useAverage = false;
00079     //decide whether or not we want to correct on average based 
00080     //on isolation information from the muon
00081     double sumPt   = mus_it->isIsolationValid()? mus_it->isolationR03().sumPt       : 0.0;
00082     double sumEtEcal = mus_it->isIsolationValid() ? mus_it->isolationR03().emEt     : 0.0;
00083     double sumEtHcal    = mus_it->isIsolationValid() ? mus_it->isolationR03().hadEt : 0.0;
00085     if(sumPt > 3 || sumEtEcal + sumEtHcal > 5) useAverage = true;
00087     //get the energy using TrackAssociator if
00088     //the muon turns out to be isolated
00089     MuonMETInfo muMETInfo;
00090     muMETInfo.useAverage = useAverage;
00091     muMETInfo.useTkAssociatorPositions = useTrackAssociatorPositions;
00092     muMETInfo.useHO = useHO;
00094     TrackRef mu_track = mus_it->globalTrack();
00095     TrackDetMatchInfo info = 
00096       trackAssociator.associate(iEvent, iSetup,
00097                                 trackAssociator.getFreeTrajectoryState(iSetup, *mu_track),
00098                                 trackAssociatorParameters);
00099     if(useTrackAssociatorPositions) {
00100       muMETInfo.ecalPos  = info.trkGlobPosAtEcal;
00101       muMETInfo.hcalPos  = info.trkGlobPosAtHcal;
00102       muMETInfo.hoPos    = info.trkGlobPosAtHO;
00103     }
00105     if(!useAverage) {
00107       if(useRecHits) {
00108         muMETInfo.ecalE = mus_it->calEnergy().emS9;
00109         muMETInfo.hcalE = mus_it->calEnergy().hadS9;
00110         if(useHO) //muMETInfo.hoE is 0 by default
00111           muMETInfo.hoE   = mus_it->calEnergy().hoS9;
00112       } else {// use Towers (this is the default)
00113         //only include towers whose Et > 0.5 since 
00114         //by default the MET only includes towers with Et > 0.5
00115         vector<const CaloTower*> towers = info.crossedTowers;
00116         for(vector<const CaloTower*>::const_iterator it = towers.begin();
00117             it != towers.end(); it++) {
00118           if( (*it)->et() <  towerEtThreshold) continue;
00119           muMETInfo.ecalE =+ (*it)->emEt();
00120           muMETInfo.hcalE =+ (*it)->hadEt();
00121           if(useHO)
00122             muMETInfo.hoE =+ (*it)->outerEt();
00123         }
00124       }//use Towers
00125     }
00128     sumMuEt += mus_it->et();
00129     double metxBeforeCorr = corMETX;
00130     double metyBeforeCorr = corMETY;
00133     //The tracker has better resolution for pt < 200 GeV
00134     math::XYZTLorentzVector mup4;
00135     if(mus_it->globalTrack()->pt() < 200) {
00136       mup4 = LorentzVector(mus_it->innerTrack()->px(), mus_it->innerTrack()->py(),
00137                            mus_it->innerTrack()->pz(), mus_it->innerTrack()->p());
00138     } else {
00139       mup4 = LorentzVector(mus_it->globalTrack()->px(), mus_it->globalTrack()->py(),
00140                            mus_it->globalTrack()->pz(), mus_it->globalTrack()->p());
00141     }   
00143     //call function that does the work 
00144     correctMETforMuon(corMETX, corMETY, Bfield, mus_it->charge(),
00145                       mup4, mus_it->vertex(),
00146                       muMETInfo);
00147     double sumMuDepEx = corMETX - metxBeforeCorr + mus_it->px();
00148     double sumMuDepEy = corMETY - metyBeforeCorr + mus_it->py();
00149     sumMuDepEt += sqrt(pow(sumMuDepEx,2)+pow(sumMuDepEy,2));
00151   }
00153   double corMET   = sqrt(corMETX*corMETX   +   corMETY*corMETY    );
00154   delta.mex   = corMETX - uncorMETX;
00155   delta.mey   = corMETY - uncorMETY;
00156   //remove muon's contribution to sumEt and add in the 
00157   //muon Et from track
00158   delta.sumet = sumMuEt - sumMuDepEt;
00160   MET::LorentzVector correctedMET4vector( corMETX, corMETY, 0., corMET);
00161   //----------------- get previous corrections and push into new corrections
00162   std::vector<CorrMETData> corrections = uncorMETObj.mEtCorr();
00163   corrections.push_back( delta );
00165   T result = makeMET(uncorMETObj, uncorMETObj.sumEt()+delta.sumet, corrections, correctedMET4vector);
00166   v_corMET->push_back(result);
00168 }

template<class T>
void MuonMETAlgo::MuonMETAlgo_run ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const edm::View< T > &  v_uncorMET,
const edm::View< reco::Muon > &  inputMuons,
TrackDetectorAssociator trackAssociator,
TrackAssociatorParameters trackAssociatorParameters,
std::vector< T > *  v_corMET,
bool  useTrackAssociatorPositions,
bool  useRecHits,
bool  useHO,
double  towerEtThreshold 
) [inline]

virtual void MuonMETAlgo::run ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const edm::View< reco::CaloMET > &  uncorMET,
const edm::View< reco::Muon > &  Muons,
TrackDetectorAssociator trackAssociator,
TrackAssociatorParameters trackAssociatorParameters,
reco::CaloMETCollection corMET,
bool  useTrackAssociatorPositions,
bool  useRecHits,
bool  useHO,
double  towerEtThreshold 
) [virtual]

virtual void MuonMETAlgo::run ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const edm::View< reco::MET > &  uncorMET,
const edm::View< reco::Muon > &  Muons,
TrackDetectorAssociator trackAssociator,
TrackAssociatorParameters trackAssociatorParameters,
reco::METCollection corMET,
bool  useTrackAssociatorPositions,
bool  useRecHits,
bool  useHO,
double  towerEtThreshold 
) [virtual]

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